Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 16, 1865, Image 1
THE -SAVANNAH DAILY HERAI/D. VOL. I—NO. 207. ftojSavannahDaily Herald MORNING AND EVENING) IS PUBLISHED BY W. MASON ’& CO.. Al 111 BaJ Street, Savannah,. Gxobola. . issue: _ * Five Cento. per Copy.. ■••••> as 50. Fer Hundred _ ...aiono. Per Tear iCyERJJSISfii _ Tlnllars perSqhnre of Ten Lines for first ln -1 nie Dollartor each subsequent one. Ad ‘erT-1 inserted in the morning, wiU, if desired, f n e«rTn the evening without crua charge. P ‘ JOB PRINTING, in every style, neatly and promptly done. i plea for Coociliatrtn. Tc th* Editor of the New York Times: Will you allow a Southern man, one who served in its armies, and was devoted to a raise which most of your readers believe to he so wicked and atrocious, to approach you with a plea for conciliation. I do not intend to enter into any argument „ to the character of the revolution. Ido “ t oronose to refer to the past, except so far as it has reference to the future; but to “me to the pious, intelligent and conserva tive with your readers, and speaking with them as man to man, endeavor to say some thing to allay and sooth. Nor is it my design to enter any justifica- Yin ol the course of the South, nor to make anv confession of guilt. I approach men wto while they do not forget the past, are unwilling to ignore the future. It is a pitiable thing that a race in whose veins is the same blood, as people who pro icss the same. Christian faith, and a f people who admire the same republicanism, a peo ple w ho have so much in common should have waged with each other so fearful a strife, and should now be so apait. Is there no way to change this state of af fairs? Must we he fdes foreVer? There are those on both sides who say res—who would have no change in this re lation. They live in an element of strife; they must hate or they must die. Anything that savors of conciliation st inks in their nos trils Shall this be the ruling passion? Do a majority teet it ? Asa general thing, the tone of your paper indicates anything else. y ou recognize the value of peace, and you desire a peace which shall remain forever.— Will you be seconded in your efforts? Tue S uttaera people recognize themselves a conquered people. They claim nothing which a conquered people have no right to claim They ask nothing from the United States on the score of affection or citizen- shin. , , *. They ask only to lie placed upon the same fooiing that the Mexicans oi New Mexico, California and Arizona were-, when these States were incorporated into the United States government. The proposition of amnesty they are wil ling to accept. They accept the United States Constitution, with its Federal interpretation. They give up the doctrine of secession, and admit the government to be a consolidation. More than this, ns a price of citizenship they surrender their slaves. The demand is made, and they yield to it. They yield the doctrine that they have clung to as constitutional, that a state can judge of her reserved rights, and nullify acts she has deemed illegal. All these things she surrenders, not because she believes they were wrong, but because her conquerors re quire them at her bands. > - Is not this enough? She lays down her arms, she takes the oath to support the Con stitution, she surrenders her negroes, she ac cepts without complaint her position of infe riority in the Federal Union. She knows full well that she must depend not upon her strength in the halls of Congress, but upon the mercy of others, for justice or equity. Agaiu, the Soutli is Willing to avoid all those subjects which have a tendency to irrl tate; to avoid allusions to the cause of the quanel; to what she deems the injustice and cruelty of certain measures; in one word, to anything that has only the effect, of exciting angry feeling. , Now that the war is over, we are willing that it should end everywhere. To continue allusions to the past, which only keep alive the fire of hates is both un wise and unchristian. All this the South is willing to do for peace. Is anything more required? Is not this enough? Is not the sacrifice of property, political freedom, persona! feeling, enough to ask of her ? r And now we consider what she will not do- And first, she will not admit that she was wrong; she does not believe it; she will not say she does. Nothing but the conviction that her cause was .just sustained her in her fearful trials, and defeat has not changed her faith. She cannot to save herself from auy doom, declare, with, hypocritical profession, that she deems a cause unjust which, had she succeeded, she would have extolled for ever. .. 19 it just to require it? Is it just to os tracise meu who are to be trusted to-day, be cause of their opinions of yesterday ? She is willing to obey faithfully all the re quirements your laws make of her. As to her thoughts, she cannot admit the right of any mdn to govern them. Secondly, —She must be allowed, if she is allowed to vote at all, to elect such men as she deems proper. The right of suffrage may be withheld and she wilT not murmur, but if she votes at all, it must be as freemen vole—lor whom she pleases. If men are ex cluded from office by law, she does not strive to put them there ; if, however, they’ are otherwise eligible, the fact that they fought at her call must not be a bar to tlfeir election. Thirdly —She must, if allowed the right of State Government, enjoy it as other States do; she must regulate her own internal af fairs. Better military gavernment, with its despotic away ; better anarchy itself, than universal suffrage now. Not that the South cannot control her ne gro vote; lam from the South; I know her colored race far better than any one can know them who has not been raised among them, and I "know the South can control them against, not for, the North, and I know the demoralization that will ensue when the demagogue and fanatic rule affairs: Jxeep her whefe she is, if you choose, but you cannot force her by any suffering to give the right of suffrage to’four millions of peo ple who'are just emerging from barbarism. / The question you must propound to your selves now, for you have all power, is this : Whether it is better to keep the South In subjection by the sword, or to secure her at tachment to the govemmeht by moral means ? Asa Southern man, I may say they do not come to ask anything at your hauds. It is purely a matter of choice with yourselves. Personally, I»-4hank God for peace, in Church and State and society, aud to secure this ’end I present a few sugges tions. . First— Let us consider the barriers to this conciliation. They are found iu the tone with which the South is spoken of by a large part of the Nortern press, as a cruel, debauch ed and ignorant people, (.vide an article on our origin and destiny in the New York Tri bune, of a recent date.) It may be true that we are all you say, .but it will hardly attach us to a peoploto be told so continually of our degradation.. ■ > .. If this is to be tbe pervading tone what can be expected but ‘ alienation and bitterness. — These characters may not care for our enmity; it may not be worth avoiding, but it is but fair that good men should look It In the face and see whence it comes. - To Intimate that thg South is still disloyal, after taking the oath ol allegiance, has a ten dency to keep alive the spirit of bitterness. The other was but insult, this is Injury. If the government did not beliefe that we were to-be trusted why offer us the oath ? If we take it, why say that we are not to be trusted ? When we are guilty of peijurv, punish us i until then, if you distrust us,- watch us, but do not insult us. Allusion to those iiritating - subjects, which have a con stant tendency to embitter, should be avoid-, ed. Why call us “traitors,” “rebels,” “mis creants” when we can resent no insults ? Why denounce us for crimes of which we were never guilty, when we can have no op portunity to reply and vindicate ourselves. Is it the habit of the brave to insult the de fencelt ss ? There ,was much done on both sides that should maktt humanity blush, but allusions on either side to these things can do no good, but much evil. Let us eherish a conciliating spirit. Let us have that charity, that magnanimity which enables us to see how others may honestly differ from us. Let us believe that a cause which, on one side, were found such men as Prime, Tyng, McClintock, Vinton, Raymond, Grant ana Sherman, find on the otber Elliott. Pierce, Palmer, Thornhill, Lee, Jackson, Cobb and Johnston, must have per mitted a difference of views. They were not, oh the one hand, despotic aggressors, nor on the other ambitious dis organizes, but honest men, acting according to the convictions of true hearts. Let us bury the hatchet now and set to work to repair the ruin of war. Os the ambition of the South we may say— “ if it were so, it were a grievous fault, And grievously hath Ctesar answered it.” 1 entered into this revolution voluntarily; I voted for John Bell and Edward Everett; when Mr. Lincoln was elected I became a secessionist; I am disabled for life by a wound, but lam sick of strife; with the rest of my countrymen I desire a lasting peace, and the glory of the government under which we live. Let tne United States deal kindly nnd justly with us and it will find no truer friends than those who have fought her so fearlessly. Finally I add in the language of a vesee writer ot the South “We ask at your liauds but the meed of the brave, The meed that is due from a generous foe, Beware uow aud ever ye men or the North, How yon trample tlic foe who from weakness lies low- •, We are weary of strife, we are weary of war, God grant no more In the Tray to contend ; Deal justly, deal kindly ye men of the North, And the strife now just over forever shall end !” A Georgian. The Churches of the South. [From the New York Journal of Commerce.) *fbe separation of the great church bodies was one of the most important steps in the progress of sectionalism before the war, and was sincerely lamented by ail who looked - on the church as the place, of refuge from the strifes of men. It is .unnecessary just now to discuss who was to blame or what were the means of avoiding these melancholy divisions. They were accomplished,' and the bitter fruits of the division have been borne and eaten. Now, however, the lovers of the pure and undefiled religion of the Cross earnestly de sire to see the churches reunited. It is not for political purposes that they desire It. It is not with reference to the good of the country,’ except as a secondary purpose. Ttie Christian seeks the peace of the chuich for higher reasons than any which are earth ly. ft is true that the general subject of church unity has two sides to be viewed from, and it is by no means certain that the division of the body of Christians into va rious “churches,'' so called, is not for the best interests of religion. We are by no means sure that there was not a very great difference in some respects between the church at Smyrna-and the church at Perga ntos, and the church at Antioch and the va rious churches in Apostolic times. But we may well desire that churces should be re united which have been divided, especially when the divisions have proceeded from hu man passions and errors. It would certainly be better for the interests of the church and its peace if there were.but one-Methodist church - extending through all the country, and bnt one Presbyterian, and but one Epis copalian, and so on through the entire list of church bodies. But there does not seem any prospect of such reunion, and the question arises whether the members and managers of some of the churches at the North really desire it and are seeking it at all. Wts have great doubts on tbe subject. It seems, on the contrary, as if the leaders in these North ern churches are hankering after the same sort of victory which Grant won over Lee.— They want a surrender of the Southern churches. They insist upon a formal capitu lation. Now, this is worse than nonsence. It is a great and grave sin. We regret that it becomes necessary for a secular paper to administer the rebuke which the religious press ought to give to these church bodies.— Tbe Princeton Review has already express ed sound views on tbe subject, but reli gion! press has, singularly enough, failed to see the evil effect'which is produced in the church by this claim of the Northern sec tarians. In order that we may not be accused of misrepresentation, we quote from the Evan gelist a statement of the requirements of the Northern" Methodists. That paper says: “Nothing more was to be asked from their Southern brethren as the condition ot a cor dial union than that they should unequivo cally declare their loyalty to the General Government and accept in good faith tbe fact that the servitude of the colored race had forever ceased.” This would seem to be very easy indeed, but not so easy after all when we remember the high and .commanding position which the Church of Christ ought to take. The test of membership of that church Is not a test of human politics. Imagine the soul of a man dying to-day in Alabama, receiving at the bar iu Heaven the rewards ol its deeds. If we understand the faith of the church, Pro testant or Catholic, Methodist or Presbyte- # rian, there will be no such question put to the soul of the Southerner as this : “Do you unequivocally declare your loyalty to the General Government ot the United States?" If we have been coriectly taught the doc trine of salvation by faith and works, or any other method of salvation, as held by any Christian Church, Unitarian or Trinitarian, there will be no such test applied at the gate of heaven as this; “Do you accept in good faith the fact that the servitude of the colored man has forever ceased ?” What are these men, Methodists or Pres byterians, or what not, who dare attempt to. bind on earth what God has not bound and will not bind in heaven ? Is the Methodist Church North so much holier than heaven itself, are its robes so much purer than the robes of those who walk in white, are its feasts so much' better than the festal scenes at the Prince’s own table, that they may make rules for the exclusion of associates here which He will not make there ? These men are making a grave error. The truth is that none of us and none of them, not a man of them, from bishop to the last convert at the last meeting, is fit to sit down at the table of the Church on High. If we should undertake to compare the fitness of Northern Christians with tbe fitness of South ern Christians to be church members it would be found of both that the mercy ot God alone could save them. No Pharisaical self-right eousness would avail either in the sight of a' Just Judge. Humility becomes both classes. It Is just possible that both may be saved. One class is quite a* fit k>r .church mernber shtp us the other. - A comparison of Northern sms with Southern sins would show quite as much to be repented of by on? race at by the other. And thp body which excludes from Its terms of membership all political SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1865.' tests and relies only on the mercy of God for j salvation, teaching and preaching qnly the j doctrine" of the Crucified, will be tbe church ! nearest like the church above. We admonish the Northern men who demand a surrender of the Southern church and a formal <®ites sion of sin and profession of future political good conduct, that they are exceeding the commission of their master. And if they do not heed our warning, the day will come on them like a thief in the night, when they will stand before tbe Judge, among an assembly of the church called out of all nations and ages, which Judge and assembly will look on the affairs of the American Re public in this year, 1865, with no more inter est, no closer regard than on the affairs of men in the days of Noah, or the loyalty of Egyptians to thefiist Raineses. We beseech the Christian men of the North to ponder this subject. The relations of the church to our social and political life have been sadly perverted. If men will only look to the unity of the church, If they will seyk only for tests which will make it possible to be members of the same church with Noab, and Abraham, and Paul, and all the long line of patriarchs, saints, and martyrs in all the ages, the church which is one on earth and in heaven to-day, will see the folly, the sin of erecting these political tests of church membership. A Journal of Civilization.. The times, remarks the Augusta Constitu tionalist, are fruitful in the misapplication of terms, but one of its very vilest misnomers is the title assumed by Harpers Weekly. A Journal of Civilization this precious effusion is styled, but its ideas as to what constitutes civilization are, to say the least, very peculiar. Neither Buckle, we fancj', nor Guizot would be apt to recognize either name or thing as the Harper’s present them, and especially if a number issued not. so very long since, were taken as a specimen of the paper. -The New Orleans South, the Columbus En quirer, the Macon Telegraph, and others of our Southern exchanges, have lifted up their voices against this vile publication, and, fol-’ lowing that leadership, we add our testimo ny to theirs. And not in the South alone is the illustrated vice of this Harper quartette finding condemnation. The" New York Her ald cannot abide it, and in a style more vigo rous, perhaps, refined, tells some whole some truths in an article we subjoin, about a' Journal of Civilization that lays before men and women, young girls and stripling youths, accurate renditions of brothel and dance house, of “theft,” “n u der” and “outrage." [from.the N. Y. Herald.} The Harpers are very respectable printers, four of them in a row, and all very pious— so pious that when they go in at the gate Os Heaven, Mary Magdalene will fall down and worship them. Tuey have money, and can buy an indifferent kind of art and a species of milk and watery intellect, and these they use in the publication of a “journal of civili zation." By this tbe} r mean nigger civiliza tion. That they propose to uphold and de velop at any and every expense, to the coun try. Pretending to care for the national credit, they would double the national debt rather than not give evely nigger a vote: ridiculing the notion that they are Jacobins, they would carry the country to any extreme of political anarchy rathertttan give up their little idea. That is, they care not a pin for white civilization, for the tranquility or po litical welfare of the country, whenever the national tranquility and welfare are put in comparison with the all-iroportant topic of nigger suffrage. This journal of civilization declares that there are no fixed rules of political right and justice that we are bound to observe except 'hose that apply to the nigger. Nigger suf frage is definite; everything else “depends upon circumstances.’' It says that the Pre sident has no policy, and that therefore there is no party opposed to his policy- and no Ja cobinism, and in the next breath it indicates that it holds the very policy that wc have de nounced as Jacobinism, and intends to resist tbe settlement and pacification of the country by every factious means if that settlement does not crush the Southern white man out of existence and put the nigger in his plaee. We have not waged war to put down rebel lion and re-establish peace in the Southern States, but to put down, the white man and and set up tbe nigger; not to abolish slavery, but to abolish tbe slaveholder; not to wipe out the political errors of a people but to wipe • out the whole vast society that held those errors, unless that society will go down on its kuees and humble itself before the radicals in general, and these four pioua printers is particular. These are the views ol the Jour nal of Civilization. It is curious to observe the accompaniments that this kind of civil ization has on the other pages. One of the illustrations of this same issue includes a view in a Broadway concert saloon, and an other in an elegant brothel, in which the wo men rival one another in the display of their charms—the very class of pictures that is most demoralizing in the yellow covered lit erature—the very prints that in their yellow covers might move the lotty indignation of the four pious printers all in a row. Foreign Emigration to the South.—The people ofj'.he South are beginning to give due attention to the importance Ot developing the vast resources of their country, under the energetic influence of the present system of free labor. We are advised that in'South Carolina, particularly, the necessity of at tracting emigration from Europe and the North is gradually making itself apparent to the practical business men of the countiv aa a means of speedy recovery from the effects of the war. A land and emigration com pany has been formed In Charleston to in duce foreign emigration, nnd attract that steady adventurous class of labor which has already accomplished so much for tbe North and West in developing the wealth and build-, ing up the immense power of our country.—’ A prospectus of the company sets forth a sensible view of the situation, and prescribes free white labor as the true and only specific for the present diseased condition of tho body politic. The company proposes to es tablish agencies in all parts of Europe to in duce emigrants to settle yi South Carolina, and offers land and money upon easy terms to accomplish the object. A hearty support of this scheme is one of tbe best things that can be done for the State and the South gen erally, in Ks present desolation. —Baltimore Star. Novel Theft. —In tho Boston Police Court, a few days since, Henry Leeds was held for trial on a charge of larceny of 20,000 feet of gas, of the value of $65, from the Boston Gas Light Company, the pipes being connected tty some ingenious contrivance with the pipeS of the company, Without the use of the meter. It is stated that the affair “came out’ from a “ little difference” in the family. How to Fight a Dog.—A correspondent iay»: “When attacked by a bloodhound, or any other dog, raise your left arm and let him seize It; then instantly grasp his wind pipe with your right hand, and squeeze It with all your might; that will disable him In two seconds. He opens his- mouth to gasp, loses all power, and falls helpless. If you wish to kill him, keep your nold for a minute or two—he is done ! You are ready for another. One at a time ig e,U you need. I speak from experience with big dogs.” A Valuable bed of alum has been discov ered near Blairsville, Pennsyyania. * LEGAL NOTICES. STATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it mny COncern : Whereas. John O. Ferrill will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters < f Administration on the eetate of James Bilbo, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Conrt to make objection (if any they hare) on or beiore the first Monday In October next, otherwise said letters will be t-ranted. Witness my official signature, this 88th day of Au gust, 1805. D. A. O’BYRNE, au.ll Ordinary. legalnoticeT , OTATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.-To kJ oil whom it may concern : Whereas. Kudora M. Abrahams will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Jacob M. Abrahams, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection, (if any they'bavej on or be tore tile first Monday in October next, otherwise said letters wiil be granted. . Witdbsa my official signature this second day of September, 1865. D. A. O'BYRNE, sep4 Ordinary DRUGS. ~~ ! Wholesale Druggists, AMD 9SA&BIIS XZtf Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c,, &c. OSflifi* WITH REMITTANCES [PROMPTS.! EXE CUTED AT ECWEBT MARKET PRIGEB.' HARRAL, RISLEY & TOMPKINS, No. 141 Chambers and l¥o» 1 Hudson Sts., NEW YORK. I James Harral, formerly of Charleston, S. C. | H- W. RlcUey, formerly of Augusts, Ga. au29-Sl3t • Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals. A choice selection of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, ’ , PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES (.Annin nei hxw ton., Planters, and trad, re from the interi or, can be supplied at tbe shortest notice, I can warrant every article as being pure A large quantity of European LEECHES, finest All the Patent Medicines extant on hand One hundred cases Jacobs' Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD. LOW 'FO CASH, VnOLfSALE AND RETAIL. A T A FOT H K C A H i E S> HALL, Comer jjronghton and Barnard streets. N, B.—Fresh Garden Seeds. .. W. M. WALSH, jnlG-Sra Proprietor. HeliM’s Fluid Extract Buchu. For Weakness arising from Indiscretion. Tbe ex hausted powers of Nature which arc accompanied by so many alarming symptoms, among which will be found, Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Memory, Wakefulness, Horror of Disease, or Forebodings of Evil; iu fact, Universal Lassitude, Prostration, and inability to enter Into the enioyments of society. The Constitution, once affected with Organic Weak ness, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Helmbold's Extract Bucnn invariably docs. If no treatment is submitted ta, Consumption or insanity ensues. Heimtiold’s Fluid Extract Bucko, In affections peculiar to ••Females," is uneqnaied bv any other preparation,-as in Chlorosis or Retention, P iinfulness orSnppression of Customary Evacuations Ulcerated or Schirrus State ol' the Uterus; and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, imprudence in, or the decline or change in life. Hellions FiulTExtract Bocbn, AND ' IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases arising from Habits of Disslpattonat little expense lit tle or no change in dlet,no inconvenience or exposure, completely superseding those unpleasant and danger ous remedies, Copalva and Mercury in all these dis eases. HBLMBOLS S FLTTin EXTRACT BUCHU. In all Diseases of these organs, whether existing In “Male” or “Female,” from whatever cause originating , and no matter how long standing It Is pleasant In taste and odor, “immediate” in action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from Broken down or Delicate Constitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader must- he aware that however slight may oe the attack of the above di-eases, it is certain to af fect his Bodily Health, Mental Powers, and Happl ness. All the above diseases repnire the aid of a dinretlc HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. Heimbold’s Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARBAPARILLA, For purifyiug the blood, removing all chronic constl. tntional diseases, arising from an impure state of the blood, .and this only reliable ancfeffcctual known rem edy for the cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Sait Rheum, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration ot the Throat and I-egs, Blotches, Pimples oq the Face, Tet ter, Erysipelas, and all scaly eruptions of the skin. AND BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION Not a few of the worst disorders that affect man kind arise from the corruption that accumulates In the blood. Os all the discoveries that have been made to purge It out, none can equal In effect HELMBOLD’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates the blood, Instllß the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the hnmors which make disease. It stimulates the healthy func tions ol the body, and expels the disorders that grow and’rankle in the blood. Much a remedy that could be relied on, has long been sought for. and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit of certificatea to show its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will show the sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two talilespoonfnl of the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water Is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is lully eqnai to a gallon of the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, or the decoction as usually made. These Extracts have been admitted to use in the United States Army, and are also In very general use in all the State liosjjltals and Public Sanitary Institu tions throughout the land, as well as in private prac tices, and are considered aa invaluable reniediea. See Medical Properties of Buchu. FROM DISPENSATORY OF THEJjNITKD STATES. Sec Professor Dewee’a valuable works on the Prac tice of Fnysic . See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Physic of Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Ephraim M’Dowell, a cel ebrated Physician nnd Member of the Royal College of Surgeon*. Ireland? and published in the Transac tion* of ths King and Queen’s Jonmal. > See Medico Cnirnrgl&l Review, published by Beni amln Travers, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeon*. - See most of the lste Standard Works of Medicine. EXTRACT BUCHU, “SARSAPARILLA." . Sold by all Druggists PRINCIPAL DEPOT BB B OLD’ 8 DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, sepT-lm 694 Broadway, N. Y. INK. OK GROS9INK, In stands, at $& 60 per gross. IS *U dozen Arnold’s Writing Fluid, pints, at $T per dozen. For s»lc by ' SAVILLE A LEACH. onlS ts . cor. Bryan street and Market squire. BUI TOOR COOL TAYLOR’S ALE TONKINGs, IN HEAR of POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. angHt fc PROFESSIONAL cards, HARTRIDCE &CHISHOLM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE CORNER BRYAN AND-DRAYTON STS., savannah, ga. -gP |a lW_ HARDEN & LEVY, -A. ttorneys at Law , OFFICE, 99 BAY STREET, *epl > S"™ d °° ra ERBt 0f Dr *ri°'> THOS CORWIN, WM. H. OWEN, THOS WILSON OF OHIO. LATI COL. OF IOWA. * CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin ft FinnelLj •A. T TO RNEY 8 AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE J2?F|THB ETi neah TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL, "WASHINGTON, X-> . C . enlTii 1 ?[ ac !! c * ,n lh f Supreme Osurt of the United DislrictofCoCbia' CalaU ’ * Dd ** Coort *°' “>* rnont budue^. tC OfficerfAccounta"adJ^ted nd 81130 3m 'Law Notice. T ®!h. V £ re "‘ bc Practice of my profession In JL the city of W aßbington, and will also attend to business before the Departments. p PHILLIPS Washington, D. C, August 28th. seps-eodlm w. w. Paine, Attorney at Law, SAVANNAH, GA. *eps i m O. H. BROWNING,) ITHOS. EWING, Jr., OF ILLINOIS. J L OF KANSAS. BROWNING AND EWING, A-ttorneys AND • COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Office No. 19 North A Street, Capitol Hill, WASHINGTON, O. c. Practice in the Supreme Court, the Conrt of Claims, and in the Departments. H WINTON 4 BANKSTON, BUILDERS and contractors. TS7TLL also give strict attention to Superintending v t Buildings, and to all work entrusted to theft charge. All kinds jobbing work done at the shortest notice. Shop on Broughton street lane, between Whitaker and Barnard streets. au2s-lm M. P. MULLER, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT. Agent for the Sale of Lands. Will give strict atten tion to Surveying, furnishing Plans tor and Superin tending Buildings, all kinds Machinery, Ac. Office, Sorrel’s building, next to Gas Office, anil im I. C. FEATHER, M. D., Office, 18 1-2 Merchants’ Row, HILTON HEAD, S. C. Ju29 • , 2m C. S. BUNDY, G- e 21 oral Ag e a. t AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F .Street, Between 13tii and 14tii Streets, (Near Pay Department,; Waslxingtou.D. O. Ju3o ts COTTON, ftf. TO OWNERS -OF— . COTTON. In answer to numerous inquiries from abroad, we would say that we are prepared to. take charge of, put in order and ship any lot of Cotton in the States of Georgia, South Carolina or Alabama, as we have local agents at almost every town, and a corps of most efficient men, selected for integrity, ca pacity, and experince, to take charge of every lot. We will also pay all taxes and charges of every description, and make liberal advances on the Cotton. In short, we will take charge of the Cotton on receipts or orders and give the owners no trouble whatever,, from the time we receive it until sold and returns are made by our houses. WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York, or W. C. WATTS & CO.„ Liverpool, England. We Invite the especial attention of non-' residents to our facilities. E. M. BRUCE & CO. _ Augusta; August 23, 1865. sep4-lm TO COTTON SHIPPERS^ Alexander Hardoo, COTTON SHIPPER, 19 PREPARED to take Cotton on Storage, at the lowest rate*, and . —aaa optxzti, ON THE CORNER OF JEFFERSON A BAT STS. For the purpoae of WEIGHING, REPAIRING, • . RE PACKING, SAMPLING, CLASSING, AND— Shipping Cotton for the Public AT THI LOWEST RATES, Furnishing Ink, &c. anT la University of Virginia. THE next Session of this Institution (which waa never discontinued during ,-the warj wUI com mence, as usual, October L 16611, and end July 4 1866. The Institution Is organized Into eleven distinct Schools, with as many Professors. Six of the Schools are Academic (beside* that of Chemistry, which la also four belong to the Medical and one to the Law Department. The College expenses, for the session of- nine months, will be from $320 to $350, exclusive of text book*; of which sum about $316 wIH bereqelred on admission, and the balance between that time and the Ist of April. For Anther Information addresa the aubacriber. 0e post Office, “University of Virginia.” _ • ' S-Vcpns, angSS-aodJw Chairman of Faculty. . , FINANCIAL. QUOTATIONS For Southern Bank Notes. banking house -*QF MANNING & OE FOREST, 19 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. VIH6ISU. Bank of Berkeley “ Commerce, Fredericksburg::";.’; 20 . Charleston, Charleston. .7 ...' w the Commonwealth “ Howardxvlltc 72 Old Dominion •’ eZ “ the Valley sr? ,niß -' S Central Bank of Virginia. Corporation of Alexandria".’ ’ ii Danville Bank, Danville 5° Exchange Bank of Va„ Norfolk: S Fanners' Bank of Fin castle Merchants' Bank, Lynehbme. . sS Monti cello Bank 777TT* -•• •20 Northwestern Bank St Jeffersonvtlie' " 2a Southwestern Bank, Wvthesvtlle.. . ?? Traders'Bank, Richmond . . N O R.T H CARO I. IMA Bank of Cape Fear . _ “ Charlotte ; ■ 30 “ Clarendon “ Commeire “ Fayetteville f? “ Lexington “ YSr:::::: Commercial Bank, Wilmington .’’ Farmers' Bank of North Carolina.' 2= Merchants' Bank, Newbera™ . Bank of Roxboro'. . *" o Miners and Planters' Bank.':.'.’.'.'.' ”N f. BankorThomaevitle ' ' o? o . ®°F TH caholiwa Bank of Camden “ Charleston 7.7. }S • «»»ter “ SSS3T7: “ Newbnry J® „ “ t £ of South Caroltaa is Commercial Bank. Columbia « Exchange •• .. Farmers' and Exchange Merchants’, Cheraw J* Planters' “ .. Planters’ and Mcchanics'- Bank ifi State Bank Union Bank ' "" GEORGIA. Bank of "*»***»* C «“PT • •• J3 “ Athens - “ Columbns., : • Commerce “ Fu1t0n.....’ J® “ Middle Georgia •’ Bank of State of Georgia ti Central Railroad Bankmg Company ... City Bank of Angnsts...... T T & Farmers'and Mechanics ““'"K cotnpiny; Mechanics’ Bank Merchants and Planters’ Bank Planters’Bunk . Timber Cutters' Bunk ; -' u onlou •• ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile Commercial Bank Central •* “ Eastern Bank . ‘” Northern “ .’ southern “ 30 TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga “ Middle Tennessee - .... “ Tennessee 52 City Bank of Nashville 1° Merchants' «< Ocoee “ *? Planters’ •• •yj’ Southern •• ; fl ShelbyvHie “ "9 Traders' <• - :::::::: LOtISIAKA* Bank of America „„ “ Louisiana P'S Canal Bank 5® Citizens’Bank ”'"o? Crescent City j 5 Louisiana State Bank ' D. Mechanics’and Traders'Bank on Merchants' Southern • Union ' •• ..." New Orleans City Scrip ’. STATE BONDS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds N. Carolina “ 9 Carolina “ Georgia •• Tennessee ** MemphlsCity “ 7n Augusta,Ga. •* i” Savannah,Ga." ' sre bonght wlth CoDpoM loctad * d North Carolina Coupons an Memphis City >• ... isssf* .7 These Quotations are liable to fluctuate, and cannot be relied on for any length of time. nn 2s EINSTEIN ROSENFELD & Cos., Bankers, No. 8 Broad Street, New York. We draw at sigh;, and at sixty days on London. Paris, Frankfort,*and al. other principal cities of Europe- Parties opening current accounts, mat deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the City Banks, and will be aiiowed .interest on ail balance? over One Thousand Dollars, at the rat'- of four per cent, pet annum. Orders for the purchace or ralc of various issues of Government and other Stocks, Bonds, and Gold exdcutcd on Commt«4nn Maiming & DeForest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. tv Wall Street, Sew York, Dealers in Gold, Silrer Foreign Exchange and Government Securities# FilVg special attention to the purchase and sale o y Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia. Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notes, Southern State* Bonds and Coupons, Railroad Bonds and Coupons. Interest allowed op deposits. Jylf>-3m LUMBER. “ and sep4-tf Bay street, opposite Mmtm’sCMrch. ' J PRICE. 5 CENTS financial. HARRISON & CO., BANKERS, No. 19 New Street, Near Waif, NUw YOTiTr g, Notes bought and sold on commission. Deposits received, to be drawn“ will, and 4 per cent. Interest per annum, allowed thereon, q P Sterling Exchange negotiated. ’SB&* -..:oißoa<L Va, Refetench—Messrs. Duncan* Johnston. Savannah Barber ft Sen, Augusta. , * eepHm INSURANCE. ggßg . THE . SELMA INSURANCE —ayu— V. Trust Company, OF SELMA, ALABAMA, PROPOSE to resume their Agency at Savannafi X having ample naaets in COTTON. Their well known promptness and liberality in set tlements of losses in the past, Is a sufHclent gnarantes for the future. marine, RIVER, FIRE RISKS TAKEN ON AS REASONABLE TERMS AS ANY OTHER GOOD COMPANY, BY •Y. T. THOMAS ft, CO., Agents, ■ * ,cl>l4 ts No. 117 Bay street INSURANCE. Authorized Capital-$10,400,000. f . CHARLESL. CGt,BY r ft CO. are'prepared to take . Marine-Risks to any domestic or foreign port, and Fire Risks in this city in the following named firat class New York Companies AT THE LOWEST RATES. COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY .$5,000,000 MORRIS FIRE AND INLAND INSUR ANCE COMPANY 5,000,000 OMMERCE FIR E INSURANCE COMP 1 Y, , 200,000 STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMFY.. 200,000 Office in Jones’ Block, cor. Bay and Abcrcorn sts. Branch Office, corner Drayton and Bryan streets. aul3 ts THE 0 Underwriters’ Agency Os New York, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire & Marine Insurance Made payable in GOLD or CURRENCY. Negotiable and Bankable CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE Ate HSCSD IT THIS AHOCtATtON. J. T. THOMAS ft CO,. anlt-coißm 111 Bay strreet. IS YOUR LIFE INSURED ? THI3 Is an Important question for every man and Important also so- every wife and mother, as It affects their future welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO SO" DELAY The .“Knickerbocker Lite Insnranc: j New York wiil inenreyoq at the nsual rates in any .am from Slot) They also issue tbe favorite TEN YEAR NON -FORFEITURE Policies, and wIU after two years payment give a full paid up Policy for Two Tenths the whole snm, and Three Years Three Tenth* and on. Thus a Policy of SIO,OOO. Two Premiums pal upon It will be entitled to a paid up Policy of $2 000 and flTe yedrg Ere-tenths for every additional year For farther Information apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, At the. office of the Home Insnrance Cos. J°2T 89 Bay et„ Savannah, Ga. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LlFir INSURANCE COMPANY, O P B O 8 T OKT , PURELY MUTUAL.’ THIS is onb of the oldest and best Companies in America. Policies on Lives for any amount up to $15,000 are taken by them. The Policies of these Companies were not cancelled • daring the war until heard from—a fact whieh shows their dealing and determination to be jnst and honor able 1 n all cases. Apply to r ___ ' DURYEAS HAIZENA a z 3 O Q. LI Z o > tc >- *“ rm Wm 'iMPm* l, “ ™" honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competlon of all prom inent manufacturers of “Com Starch" and»Frepared Flour” of this and other countries notwltbstand- MAIZE XV A , Pf, * tanuy of the age, without a single taffib One trial will convince the most skeptical.— M i?hont l i a ta*? e8 ’ CaJ 1 ® 3 -Custards, Blanc MamS, Ac,, without isinglass, with Tew or no eges, at a cost at t^lalxixisr ttusmoat economical. Aelight-addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly Improves Bread and Cft *® It is also excellent for thickeniife sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meats, soups, For IceOtwn nothing can compare with It A little boiled izt milk , wUI produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Malzena, with direclions for use. A most delicious article of food for children and In- • vallda of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot* 166 Fnlton Street. . WILLIAM .DURYKA, au2S-3m General Agent. Buy Your Claret AND SHERRY WINES TON KI NG'S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. •ng*4 - >• : tr H 50 < O z m ■ m ■o o z o