Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
BY S. W. MASON &. Cft).
U. T. THOMPSON A»wi»te >-■! *
SETT EM BEK 16, 1866.
FYsrare KDiTiM -OF the hehald.
E Hv an accident to our press we weve obliged to sus
t>eml our Evening Edition temporarily. and various
now lead us to announce its discon
tinuance for a few day* longer. I*e shall resume its
publication very soon.
Our advertising patrons are reminded that adver-
Tisementa inaerted in the Morning edition of the
Hamau. will appear in the Evening v»hont extra
, narge Advertisements should be handed in as early
as possible, but will be received an late as 12 o’cock
at night We adhere to our advertlaed except
for long advertisements, or those inserted for a long
time, on which a reasonable disconnt will be made
t> e often have complainta from residents of Savan-
E ah and Hilton Head that they are not able always*
ontain the Fekai.d. Tne demand is sometimes so
great as to exhaust an Edition very soon apor its isaue,
and those who wish to have the Hebalp regularly,
should subscribe for it. We harp faithful cnrrlera in
Pat r.nnah ana at Hilton Head, and through them wc
.evays serve regular anbscriber^drsn^^^^^^^^
Two articles. ‘ The State of Affairs in Mis
sissippi,” and “The Fenians ” became jum
bled together in the making up of our forms
for yesterday s issue. All will discover
the “mix,” and most readers will be able to
put the disjointed parts together so as to get
at the sense of the' articles. Such accidents
will sometimes occur in the best regulated
offices, but we are promised more care in
such matters in future.
Herring Ron Sabdinks —The subject of
Sardines being under discussion a few days
since, a connoisseur iu that delicacy, a Mary
lander, informed the party that there is a
great imposition practised on the public by
dealers in this kind of preserved fish. He
says there is a place iu Maryland called Her
ring Run where dudgeons nic caught by the
wagon load in nets some two miles long-These*
fish he says areimmedately decapitated and
packed with oil in boxes, and in a few weeks
areeqtml to the best imported Sardines. He
did not inform his hearers whether they were
put up in petroleum or whale oil. Can this
be so? We have heard that the Eastern
Shore of “My Maryland” is a great place for
Herring, but never hoard before that Sardines
came from that region.
Public Meeting in Tlimnat founty. '
In accordance with previous understand
ing, the citizens of Thomas county met at
the Court House on Saturday the 2d inst..,
for the purpose of selecting delegates to at
tend the State Convention at Millcdgcvillcj
in October next.
On motion of Col. Seward,’ James H.
Hayes was called to the Chair, and F. ,T.
Crowning requested to act as Secretary.
By request of the Chairman, Col. Seward
ia & briet manner, explained the object of
the meeting. After which the following
resolutions were offered and adopted •
Whereas, Georgia, on the 19th January,
l&tjl, by her Convention, declared her rela
tUns with the Federal Government, dissolv
ed, which resulted in the late war and the
subjugation of the State with die abolition
of slavery by the United States Government;
and whereas, also a Convention lias been
called to meet in October next, with a view
to reorganize the State and return her to her
former relations with the United States
Government; and wherfeas, it is of the great
est importance to the people of the State that
her restoration to Mr former relations with
the United State? Government should occur
at the earliest possible moment. Be it there
fore • ■
Retailed, Ist. That as a subjugated peopie,
it is our duty to accept of our condition as
we now find it, leaving the responsibilities
. thereof, to rest where they appropriately be
2d. That good faith, public policy and the
true interest of the State, requires that the
public and private indebtedness of the coun
try, sHbujd be met and fully discharged, in
such a manner however, as to work as little
injury to the people as possible, consistent
with good faith.
"4. That all laws and other acts of the Stale
and of its. judicial and ministerial officers,
except those relating fcp and haring refer
ence to the late Confederate Gomnment as
well as all acts, deeds, and transactions,
contracts, verbal or written or other obliga
tions of whatsoever character by'individuals,
should be declared valid and binding ; that
all violations of the criminal law should-be
declared open and subject to indictment and
punishment-subject however, to such de
fence, .and open to such investigations as
might or could have been made or had, if no.
revolution had occured—except as to the
plea of the statute ot limitations. This statute
should be declared to have been suspended
during the revolution—that is, from the dis
solution to the restoration of the Union.
4tb That we will give a hearty support
to the adufinistration of Andrew Johnson,
m his efforts to restore the Union of these
States upon the principles of equality among
the several States
The meeting then proceeded by ballot to
select delegates. After the fifst ballot. Col.
Seward. Mclntyer and Alexander, were de
clared duly nominated. - .
Jas. H. Hates, Chairman.
F. J. Browning, Secretary.
Sept. 2, 1865. *
eittxras Meeting in Pierce County.
Pursuant to previous notice, the citizens of
Pierce County assembled in the academy' at"
Biackshear, on the 2d mat., for the purpose
ot selecting and recommending suitable per
sons as oandelates to represent tfte County
in the State Convention io be held in MU
ledgeville on the 25th of October next
On motion, T. H.Herrioi was railed'tollhe
Chair, and L. H. Greenieaf appointed Setro
tary. James A. Harper, Oherrv Rev
D.R. Milton, Hon. John Donaldson, and
the Hon. B Henderson, were appointed to
select candidates for the Convention
While the Committee were absent i n ro „ ’
suUation, the meeting was addressed by riol
C.H. Hopkins. In his happy and felicitous
style, he reviewed the mournful past, pointed
out the-eourse lor the people to pursue a.
the present posture of affairs, and sketchy
with the skill of an artist the bright future of
our noble tjfate, if t nle t 0 herself and the
flag of the i uion. Prolonged cheers testi
fied the unanimity of feeling and sentiment
pervading the assembly.
. After the close of the Colonel's remarks,
the Committee returned and reported the
tollowing resolution—
Retolved, That in the opinion of this Com
mittee, Col. C. H. Hopkins and G* M T
Ware, Esqr., are in every respect worthy of
the support of the citizens ot' the Couhtv
find we cheerfully recommend their nominal
lion by the meeting.
On motion, the resolution was unanimously
adopted, and the proceeding* of the meeting
ordered to be signed by the Chairrpan, coun
tersigned by the Secretary and sent to the
Thomasville and Savannah papers for publi
cation. The meeting then adjourned tine
T. H. Her riot, Ch’m.
I- H. Gkievi.eaf, Secretary.
September 2, 1865, * ' , .
There are five or six low halls in Rich
mond, where every night white and black all
* .r', 1 t< ®; t k er > and all go in for fun and devil-
Y3- The guard house is full every night.
The son of a Bavarian butcher has lately
been doping the frequenters of the hushitm-
Ablc German watering-places by assuming
crinoline and an estire femsle toilet. He
professed to be a Polish lieanty of ancient
family, and in this character succeeded in
obtaining from admiring dupes.
From 1823 to the end of 1804, no lees than
12,910 miles of railway were built in France.
The pipe which Blncher smoked at the
battle of Jena is in possession of Dr. Geist of
Dresden, to whose unclq it was given by
Biucher on the battle-field. It is a small
meerschaum, well-browned, with a very
short stem. A silver chain which attached
the bowl to the tube has been lost.
A single grain of barley was planted by an
agriculturist in the Isle of Man in and
the same rear produced three hundred grains..
These were sown, and the second year
duce was about half a pm*.. These were
again sown, and the third year *
was fourteen pounds, which being aga n
sown have realized this year about seven
bushels, covering a space of one hundred
vards bv five. Thus there have been pro
duced in four years seven bushels of barley
from a single grain.
A widow named Goggin, living near CorK, |
was strangled lately in a very peculiar man- j
ner. She had gathered a quantity of weeds
lo make manure and, after filing her ba
ket, rested it on the ditch, putting the strap
of it round her neck, preparatory to carrying
it on her back. The basket overturned sud
denly, the snap twisting round her neck, and
she was almost immediately choked.
Mr Herbert Francis Hoare, a magistrate
for the county of Wexford, Ireland, lias com
mitted suicide. He took advantage oj Ins
wife's absence, and deliberately shot himself
with a pistol. The ball entered the forehead,,
and completely carried away the upper por
tion ot the skull. He is said to have been in
rather embarrassed circumstances.
Madame Cpunty de la Pommera is (widow
of the doctor executed tor poisoniug) and
her son, still under age, have been author
ized to substitute for the family name that of
fle'Nual, and they call themselves in future
De Noal instead of County de la Pomme
The Courier de l’Ain vouches for the truth
of the following incident as having occuned
during the recent municipal slecttons in
France. The commune of Bergeres elected
nine women for its municipal councillors,
with the Major at the head of them. The
Mayor apparently 1 understood vvhat this
meant, for he at once gave iu his resigna
The Manchester Prince Albiit Memorial
Committee went .£3,000 more to complete
the memorial satisfactorily-
A society of Paris booksellers is shortly to
be formed for the purpose of establishing a
book fair similar to that of Leipsic in the
French capital.
In Glasgow, last month, a boy who was
carrying a large jug accidentally slipped and
fell. The jug was broken into a dozen sharp
pieces, on which unfortunately the boy fell,
with all bis unchecked weight. Onp of the
sharp-pointed fragments entered the little
fellow’s throat, rutting and lacerating it so
dreadfully that ho died in less than half an
hour after the occurrence of the acci
It. is expected that there will be the largest
crop of blackberries, nuts and elderbeiics
this season in the south of England that lias
been known for several years past.
It appears from an official document that
the excise duties on licenses in England, in
cluding licenses to kill and deal in game,
amounting in the year ending March 31 to
£2,160,809 18s. fid.
Four convicts lately escaped from the
bagne at Toulon.
A singular anniversary lias lately’ been cele
brated at Aix-la-Chapelle. A woman ser
vant has completed the fiftieth year of her
service in one family, and was presented on
the occasion with a’ handsome gift from the
magistrates of the town, in addition to many
substantial murks of esteem which she re
ceived from her employers:*
A cook recently iathe service of Prince Al
fred, at Bonn, got into a dispute in a wine
shop with Count Eulenberg, nephew* of tbe
Prussian Minister of the Interior, and a
volunteer iu the Royal Hussars. In the
course of tbe altercatiou the Count drew his
sabre and wounded the cook so severely that
he diad soon after.
A return ha? been published of the whole
of the steam vessels registered in tho United
Kingdom on or before the Ist January, 18C5.
of vessels is 2,401, the amount
of registered tonnage 076,247, and the amount,
of gross tonnage 992,650.
An address oLcondolence has been present
ed to Mrs. CiiliWn by the inhabilahts of her
native town, Machalleth, in North Wales, on
the occasion of the death of her husband.
The Emperor of Russia has issued a ukase
granting to Jewish merchants, distillers,
brewers and other operatives, permission to
pass freely through tire empire, and to estab
lish themselves at any point they think pro
A commercial traveller named Henry Falls,
abont fifty-six years of age, was found dead
in his bedroom in Dublin one morning last,
month, after taking a_ dose of muriate of
morphia. village in the Delta ot tiie Nile,
celebrated for the cultivation of watermelons,
the whole of the inhabitants died during the
recent prevalence of cholera. Being unable
to sell their friuit, they ate it themselves and
died to the last man. It, was necessary to
employ forced labor to bury the last. In all
it is said that eighty-two thousand victims of
the contagion and bad living were buried in
Egypt within six weeks.
A wagon which was passing through the
Rue de Rivoli, Pari9, one day last month,
was seen to be suddenly enveloped iu ghastly
blue flames'. It was loaded with phosphorus,
Which had caught tire from the friction oc
casioned \v jolting over a rough piece of new
macadamization. One of the passers-by,
who hastened to render assistance, was him
self covered with the half-melted substance
and severely burned.
Prince Roman Czartoryski, who had been
sentenced to a year’s honorable imprison
ment for his share in the Polish movement
of 1863, has had iris sentence commuted to
one of six weeks.
A “sorceress” is in custody at Limerick,
Ireland, charged with having obtained-mo
ney from a woman on pretence that she
could restore to life the dead sister of her
Upwarda/rf two hundred silver coins were
•recently discovered in digging the founda
tions of a house, in Marseilles.
A regular line of sailing vessels has been
established between Lisbon and Mozam
There are in Beylin twelve thoueand cel
lars inhabited, iu six tbonsaud three hundred
of which different trades ate carried on.
The thirteenth part of the population, or
tony-six thousand persons, inhabit those
The master and fellows of Baliol College,
Oxford, have decided on the admission of
It man Catholic undergraduates, who will
he exempted from attending service in the
college chapel and other religious exercises
required >n the case of Protestant students.
The old house at Laleham where Dr. Ar
nold lived with his pupils before his election
to head-mastership of Rugby, and which is
mentioned by him with such a miction in the
letters published in Dean Stanley's life, has
.pist been pulled down, and a parsonage will
be erected on the site.
A malady has broken out among the'lemon
trees of Sicily, A black spot first forms on
the bark and then extends until the whole
trunk is covered, when tha tree dies. If the
spot is removed with a knife a sort cf ex
crescence is formed, from which escape* a
black and purulent gum, of a nature quite
different from that which issues from a
healthy plant. AH the means hitherto em
ployed, such as lime or charcoal, to combat
the evil, have been without effect, and ibould
no remedy be discovered the consequences
will lie H national catastrophe, us bu lly ex
ports annually ltesh lemons to tbe amount of
twenty millions of francs, and lemon -juice
for half that sum.
lu Rirlinioilil.
From a correspondence of the New York
> Herald we extract the follovviug resolutions
adopted by a mass raccttng*of the citizens
of Richmond.
Mr. HowisoD, in a few* remarks, nomina
ted Judge Lyons as chairman, and that gen
tleman addressed the meeting in a loyal and
dignified manner. He was succeeded by
Sir. R. T. Daniel, Commonwealth Attorney,
who read the resolutions, a-copy of which I
inclose, and spoke at some length. Mr. \V.
H. McFarland, late President of the Farm
ers’Bank, followed in an altogether unex
ceptionable speech. It was dignified, can
did" and unreserved. Hon. James Lyons,
iate member of the Confederate Congress,
followed. Mr. Lyons is an orator of very’
considerable power, but some portions ot his
speech (I send a copy’ of all of them) are
open to criticism, and the manner in which
he alluded to sectional differences aud the
negro, were neither in uni-on with the spirit
of the meeting nor the purpose for which it
was convened, the resolutions being carried
uuanimonsiy. _ '
At the close of the meeting, which passed
off in perfect order, the chuirman nominated
the three following gentleman to convey to
president Johnson a copy of the resolutions,
and an invitation that he would be pleased
to pay a visit to Richmond: Robert Ridgway,
Charles Palmer and W. H. McFarland.
R D. F.
We, the 'people city of Richmond,
in mass meeting assembled to express our
opinions in the present exigency of public
affairs, do
Resolved, That we have witnessed with just
indignation the persistent and wicked efforts
of a portion of the press and people ol the
Northern States to brand the people of the
South with perfidy and insincerity in the
honest attempts they have made, and are
making, to resume their former relations
with the Union, by questioning their fidelity
and truth iu the oaths of aliigiaDce which
they have taken, and by* vague and unsup
ported charges, that they desire, if they do
not contemplate, further risistancc to its
authority. Such imputations are not only
false, but mischivious, being calculated to re
tard, *ll they be not desigued to defeat, that
perfect and constitutional restoration*)!' the
Union which the war was professedlv waged
against thcv.seceeding States to effect, and
which good’men and patriots in all sections
of the country earnestly’ desire to accom
plish. And it being ot' the last importance
Unit the minds of the whole people be dis
abused of the errofs. and particularly that
the authorities at Washington be truly in
tormed of the temper, and disposition of the
Southern people, wc do solemnly prououuce
these and all other imputations npon them of
a kindred character, no matter from what
source the come, to be utterly ungrounded
and false.
Resolved, That the general temper and dis
position of the Southern people, including
our own, are to accept and acquiesce iu the
results of the late sanguinary struggle, aud
to resume the duties of citizenship in the
Union. That the men of character and abili
ty who have hitherto influenced public senti
ment neither advise nor intend anything dif
ferent from tlic discharge of their duties as
citizens of the United States, and are setting
an example of full and ready submission to
the authority of its government, and counsel
a full recognition of the facts of the actual
situation, including the accepted and irre
versible abolition of slavery.
Resolved, That we, the people of Richmond,
fully and thoroughly comprehending and ac
cepting the results ofthat struggle in all their
force and significencc, and as one of the
most important, the abolition- of slavery, al
ready effected by the restored constitution of
the State under which we live and which
we are sworn to support, do pledge ourselves
to suppoit the jeeonsirnction policy oi the
President, which purposes a restored equali
ty of rights and privileges to all the States,
including the power in each to regulate the
right of suffrage lor itself, as distinguished
from the l*eckleS3 and pernicious theories <tf
the so-called radical party, which propose
to the Southern States the alternative of ne
gro suffrage or an indefinite exclusion from
the benefits of a coiijmqn and equal Union :
and that we will support the national au
thority’ and the supreme rule ot law and
order everywhere as the only’ sure guarantee
for the ve-establishmeut ot the rights and
privileges of our own and of the other South
ern States, under the constitution, in the
Resolved, That we earnestly recommend to
our fellow citizens throughout tbe State to
gold meetings as soon as practicable in their
rospee.tive counties and towns, ahd adopt
suitable resolutions expressive (ns we do not
doubt they will be) of their entire sympathy
in the motives, purposes and objects herein
declared; that no cloud of doubt, no shadow
of -suspicion may rest on the integrity, honor
and good faith of their expressifLdesire and
honest attempts to resume the curties and al
legiance to tiie United States.
Resolved, That it is no less a pleasure than
a duty on onfi part to give public expression
to the esteem nnd respect which we feel for
the present Chief Magistrate of our State
whose conciliatory bearing, frank nnd man
ly manners, and firm and well considered
statesmanship, have enabled him to grapple
successfully With the unusual difficulties ot
his position. With t lie opportunity to see us
face to face as we are, be has the wisdom to
appreciate the true character of our people.
He has thrown himself without reserve on
their'eandor, truthfulness and conscientious
ness, and they have met, and will continue
to meet, him in a like spirit of cordial confi
Tin: Politicians and President Joiejson’s
Coat Tail.— The politicians in the various
States have for some time past been trying
to catch bold of President Johnson's coat
(ail. They see him standing forth in bold
relief, enjoyiqg the confidence of the public,
and everywhere endorsed by the masses.—
Each side has been trying to get bold of liim
in order that it may receive tlie benefit of
some of his popularity. The Ne.w Jersey
republicans tried it, but failed. The.derao
craey made a grab, but took a look back
wards and came short of their coveted prize.
The republicans of Pennsylvania made a des
perate effort to accomplish this point, but
had to spend so much time over the schemes
of Cameron ami Forney that they, too, failed
to get hold’of the President's coat tail. Tlye
democracy ached to capture the prize,
but sat down talking over the “cardinal
principles” until the coat tail of Mr. Johnson
was far out of their reach, and we dare say
will be rewarded with defeat iff the polls.—
The Ohio and the Western party managers
all made a strong effort, but they, too, have
missed their mark. The Maine democracy
came the nearest to accomplishing the feat;
hut it was finally left to the democrats in
convention in this State to win the prize.—
They have takeu a full and strong hold of
the lail of President Johnson's coat, and are
now marching under his guidance and pro
tection, much to the grief ot the republicans,
Who are mourning over the skilful flunk
movement upon them, which has, in effect,
finished them in this State. Tbelr organs
are already weepiDg ana mourning over their
lost opportunities. — New York Herald.
Quite a sensation was created on Chestnut
street Philadelphia, a day or two ago, by the
appearance of a glentleman who was followed
by a diminutive pig, which trotted close to
his master’s heels, through the crowd, an
swering readily to his name when called, and
apparently as docile as a dog. The porcine
pet was brought from South Caroline.
An Interesting trial took place iD Ravenna
last week under the Ohio liquor law. A re
turned soldier named Greer, while in a state
of intoxication, was robbed of $lO2, by some
unknown persons. Hi 9 wife brought suit
for damages against the saloon-keeper who
sold him the liquor,- and obtained a verdict
in her favor of *l4O. . /
Governor Brown and Brnator Foot*.
Alluding to the‘do.l ot Joeeplr E.
Brown by the President, the New. Vork
Commercial remarks :
The leniency previously shown toward him
prepared us toy this announcement. Prior
to tli« secession movement Governor Brown
was known ns one of the most extreme State
rights men in the Sou'h, aud exercised a
powerful influence in carrying Georgia out of
the Union, of which Slate he was at the lime
open issue with Davis, and alt
through the war persistently opposed lnm m
public aud private. Tbe rebel President, he
affirmed, was steadily* encroaching upon the
rights of the States, thereby bringing upon
them the very evils to escape which they had
withdrawn from the old Union. In his last
inaugural, soon after* Shermans march
through the State, he denounced both the
rebel President and Government in the very
strongest terms for their unconstitutional,
illegal and arbitrary’ acts, and plainly Inti
mated that Georgia would, in the future,
take care of herself, and, it so disposed, re
turn to the Union It was doubtless this
inaugural which led to the treatment which
he has since recc'vcdat the hands of the
President. Immediately after Wilson s cap
ture of Macon and Johnston s surrender of
ail the territory add forces to the Chattahoo
chee, Brown was arrested and brought by a
guard through Nashville to Washington
confined in the Old Capitol. He was soon,
however, released on parole, and lias since
held many interviews with the President.
He has expressed himself satisfied with the
overthrow of slavery, and wifi doubtless now
return home a wiser and belter man, to aid
in the work ol reorganization.
We learn that tbo President has also per
mitted Henry S Foote to return to Tennes
see, and he pasjpd through Cincinnati a
few nights since en route to his home at Nash
ville. This permit from the President was
doubtless given in response to Foote’s letter
written to Governor Brownlow a few weeks
since, wherein he took strong ground in fa
vor of negro suffrage, expressed repentence
for his past errors, and promised it allowed
to return home, that he would be a. dutiful,
law-abiding citizen, and aid all in liis power
to bring about peace and union. Some
mouths since, Foote took up his temporary’
residence at Flushing, Loug Island, where
he received a peremptory notice from the
Secretary of War to leave the country
within twenty-four hours. He thereupon
betook himself to Montreal, but, so far we
can learn, kept entirely aloof from San
ders, Tucker and Company.
It is understood that Foote i* allowed to
return to the United States on condition that
he will not interfere in polities ; in other
words, neither speak nor write. The Con
stitution forbids “cruel aud unusual punish
ments,” and why should this old man be
singled out for a penalty so severe as this,
especially since Henry A Wise is “at large”
with an ink horn and a box of dquble-bar
reled pens ?
Remarkable Incident of the Gale Torrent
111 Philadelphia—Two Babies Floating
on the Water-.
[Prom the Philadelphia Press, Sept. 8.)
Iu the southwestern part of the city there
areloeated twelve houses, with basement
kitchens, into which the water flowed during
the recent inundation w ith impetuosity and,
so fast that familes in the upper parts of
houses did not know their collars were full
until going down stairs. In one .of the base
ment kitchens a conple ot twin children, lit
tle hoys, were asleep in a cradle. The moth
er, Mrs. Sarah Johnson, was upstairs attend
ing to some household duties, not being
aware of the innundition that find taken
place. Her surprise.may be imagined upon
descending to find the water even with, the
top step of the stairway leading into the
basement. Terror of the most thrilling kind
seized upon her mind, when she thought of
her innocent babes. In vain did sire attempt
to go down stairs, but the water reached her
neck as her feet touched the lower steps. It
was a time of horror for her. She hastily
ran to the street, screaming at the top of her
lungs for help. “Help! help! help!” she
cried, and her shrill voice was heard above
the peltings of the pitiless storm. Two
police officers went to her aid, by wading
through the overflowed street. “What is
the matter, what is the matter?” they hur
riedly asked. The poor woman presented
tbe picture of despair. “Save my babes,”
was all that she ejaculated, as she swooned
and fell. The officers rescued her, or she
would have been drowned the next moment
in two feet ot water. “Where madam, are
your babies?” hurriedly inquired the officers,
as the poor woman partly recovered from
the mental shock that she had received.
“There pointing to the overflowed base
ment “Good heavens!" exclaimed the offi
cers j “they are drowned.” As the word
drowned fell upon the ear of the despairing
mother she again tainted, she was carried
into a neighboring house.
The officers entered the dwelling where
the twin children were, and presently the
little ones began to cry*. It sounded like the
voice of a -spirit coming from the water.—
Other people arrived for by this time the
rain had ceased to fall. It was ascertained
the twins were in a cradle, and that it must
be floating with them. The'force of the wa
ter had buoyed it up against the ceiling, but
where could not. be exactly told. The moth
er had by this time become, more reconciled
to the situation. Her neighbors cheered her;
tiie men already at hand spoke words of en
couragement. “The children still live,” said
they, “for we heard them cry, and they are
floating in the cradle.” The anxious mater
nal told the men that she had left the cradle
near the center of the basement. Ears were
strained to their utmost power to catch _the
sound of the voice of the seemingly doomed
babes: but not a breath nor a sound could
'be beard save the dripping nr the gurglmg of
the water. It was now a time of despair and
terror to all. The men present, however, pre
served their presence of mind, and did not
relate their doubts and misgivings, although
they believed tiien that the stillness of the
babes—for the crying bad ceased—was that
of death- The carpet on the first floor was
removed, and one of the police officers, be
ing a house chrpenter, procured a hatchet,
chisel, saw, and augur, and in five minutes
had n portion of the floor torn up. The pre
cise position of tiie cradle was ascertained,
and it, was drawn beneath a hole that was
cut through the_ttoor and ceiling between the
joist. This was’a momentous, period. The
’babes were still in the repose of slumber,
and sucking each other's thumbs. A smile
played upon tneii* chubby faces, os though
the little innocents were enjoying the dreams
of angels. The mother’s >,* may be im
agined an he restoration, bat it cannot be
described. /
Civilization;— Hebert Spencer, in liis
“Origin and Function of Music,” says:
“The tendency of civilization is more and
more to repress* the antagonistic elements of
our characters and to develop the social ones;
to curb our purely selfish desires and exer
cise our unselfish ones ; to replace private
gratifications by gratification* resulting from
or Involving the happiness of others.” But
do we not curb oar selfish desires and seek
social gratification simply because the latter
are found to contribute more to our happi
ness than the former! And does not this
show that it is our self-interest
which,, after all, controls us under all cir
cumstances !
Radical Rkpublican “Principles" in a
NirrsHELL.-r-The New York Tribune, ot a re
cent date, laid down the whole Republican
platform In the following significant manner;
. “When the colored people of the South are
enfranchised there will be eight hundred
thousand votes given for the Republican
Union Ticket os not one black in a hundred
could be coaxed or coerced into voting the
Copperhead ticket.”
This, remarks the Btanton_(Pa.) Register,
is the whole secret of the Republican clamor
for negro suffrage.
Remarkable Earthquake In the West-*
Rciuarkablc Phenomena.
'Hie earthquake iu the Mississippi valley
on the Kill agitated Ihe rivei violently in the
vicinity of New Madrid. The .water seemeu
to rise in a body several feel high, and was
forced backward up stream. The current
was actually stopped during the few seconds
the earthquake continued. The shock oc
curred a little before nine o’clock in the
aiorniug, udU was also perceptible in the
cityot Memphis, but only to those m the
houses, while those in the street scaiceiy
noticed it. The occupants of the upper sto
ries hastened down to terra- Jirma with
frightened alacrity. A writer in tho Mem
phis Commercial ot the following day
W Many personal incidents are related, all of
interest, yet of great similarity, with the sin
gle exception of the impressions derived as
to the direction of the “wave. In one office
a framed show card, leaning against a south
ern wall, was thrown northward, and a gen
tleman sitting at a northern window felt him
self involuntarily inclined, to pitch out on
th<i sidewalk. In anotlur offlre on Sec
ond street, apiece ot paper tacked over an
opening on the west filled and re-filled, like
a sail, as if the atmosphere was affected by
a force moving for west to east. In other
places gas burners vibrated and loose parti
tions swayed rapidly backward and forward,
but usually in the direction which they
would most readily take upon any unusual
convulsion of the earth.
It is theorized by some that the mterna
expansion or explosion of gases, or com
bustion of igneous materials, supposed to oc
casion earthquakes, assumes a “waivy” mo
tion and straightforward direction ; by oth
ers, that the oscillations are equal in force
and irregular in dilection, giving to the shell
of the earth, and sublunary things in gener
al a rotarv as well as vibratory motion. But,
without attempting to dip into the science
of these wonderful and fearful phenomena,
we wifi simply add that on this occasion, the
ciij’ of Memphis got a pretty effectual shak
ing up, though ccitainly not one at all equal
to our deserts. We have heard of no seri
ous damage being done, with the exception
of several chimneys indifferent parts of the
city, which lost, their centre of gravity, and
fell with a crash; while several walls were
cracked, aud a considerable amount of plas
ter dislodged from ceilings.
This portion of the Mississippi valley lias
experienced similar shocks on several occa
sions before, the last occuring about twe
years aud a half ago; but this exceeds all
others in severity, uuless, as some old citi
zens relate, we should except the earthquake
of 1843, aud, of course; the frightful convul
sion of 1811, so calamitous in its effects fur
ther up the river, in the vicinity ot New
Madrid. As to the duration of the shocks
experienced yesterday, reports do not en
tirely concur, but it was probably not less
than two minutes and a half from first to
Tile Approaching Comet.
Biela’s double comet, which once excited
apprehensions of a collision with the earth—
a panic wlfich was allayed by the publication
of Arago’s treatise—is again approaching. A
western writer says :
“The comet is not yet sufficiently near us
to be discerned with the telescope, its present
distance being about one hundred millions
of miles, and its position near the left arm of
Andremeda. It is slowly moving into the
adjoining constellation, Pegasus, and on the
first day of November next it will be close
to the bright star (Alpha Pegasi) Markab,
one of the four bright luminaries which form
the well-known square of Pegasus. It will
then pursue a southerly course, crossing the
celestial square about the middle of Decem
ber. Singularly enough, it then crosses the
old path followed in .1840, and near a point
where it was then observed to separate into
two comets. It will continue to approach
the earth till the end of February, when its
distance from us will be only about eighteen
millions of miles. At that time it will, how
ever, have advanced far into- the southern
heavens and di appeared from view here and
in higher latitudes.”
Fossil Remains Found in Vermont. —The
tusk of a fossil elephant was found in a muck
bed about five feet below the surface, on the
farm of D. S. Pratt, Brattleboro’, Vt., on
Saturday, September 2, by a workman who
was digging muck. The tusk is forty four
inches in length and eighteen inches in cir
cumference at the largest end, and eleven
Inches at the-smallest. It is in a fair state of
preservation, although some parts of it crum
bled after being exposed to the air. The
Brattleboro’ Record says: “The workman
on discovering it took a piece to Mr. Pratt,
remarking as he handed it to,him, that he
had found a curious piece of wood. Mr.
Pratt on looking at it discovered itsjrue na
ture. This tusk belonged to a species of ele
phant long since extinct, supposed to he the
Elephas Primqgenius (dr mammoth) Blvmen
bach that inhabited the northern parts of
North America, having wondered across the
Siberian plains to the Arctic Ocean and Beh
ring Straits aud beyond to this country south
to about the parallel of forty degrees. Their
bones show them to have been about twice
the weight and one-third taller than our
modern species. The remains (tusks, teeth
and several hones) of one of these elephants
were found at the summit of the Green
Mountains, at Mount Holly, in 1848, by
workmen engaged in building railroad
from Bellows Falls to Rutland.”
Greeley don’t like the ideaot the Sonthern
people getting paid for their cotton. He
says: “Though the South is all but destitute
of horses, cattle, implements, fabrics, gro
ceries—everything she most urgently needs,
and has been accustomed to buy— her people
are hoarding gold! The very planters who
say they cannot pay wages for labor are sel
ling cotton for twenty cents per pound in
gold rather than thirty-two in greenbacks;
and this gold they are of course putting
aside. It is an ominous tact that, while the
Sout h urgently needs almost everything else,
gold by the half million is moving hence
Southward to be exchanged for cotlon.”
RevknVks op Cuba. —The revenues for
the Cuba, fiscal years ending -June 30th,
1864-65, amount to $29,1)21,588,45 3-4 100,
while the annual ordinary expenditures have
been reduced ; public indebtedness was re :
duced to the amount of $24,822,470 81-100,
against $27,906 490,76-100 for the year
ending June 30, 1863 04, less by $3,084,019,
65-100. For extraordinary expenditures
$4,254,859 43-100, against for previous year
$2,561,030 76-100, more by $1,693,828 07-100,
allowing the progress in the right way, in
creasing industrial aitd commercial resource*
With diminished administrative expenses.
The Louisiana State Seminary of Learning
in the parish ot Rapides will tie opened tbis
fall. The buildings cost $120,000.
funeral invitation.
The friends and 'acquaintance of Capt. L. Christie
and family, are Invited to attend the funeral of Mrs
CHRISTIE, at ten o'clock, Tun Mobnino, from their
residence, 144 State street, three doors west of Bar
nard. _ * septl*
Headq'rs Seb-District op Oqf.echee,)
• Savannah, Ga., fiept. 14, 1865. j
General Ordkrs,\
- No. 30. J
On and after this date any person found
EXPOSING for sale Ales, Winea, or
Liquors without License, as prescribed in
General Order No. 13, from these Headquar
ters, will be arrested and fined or imprison
ed. t
The Provost Marshal is charged with the
execution of this order.
By command of
Bvt MaJ. Gen. J. M. BRANNAN.
Wm. H. Folk, Ist Lieut, and A. A. A. G.
.seplo 5 '
A Labor Fa milt.— A paper published In
Monroe county, Missouri, says: “Mr. John
B. Smith, of this county, is, wc believe, the
lather of more children rtbap any other man
iu the county. He has been married twice—,
had five children by bis fijst and fifteed by
hi? present wife—making a total of twenty
children, nine of whom are dead; three mar
ried daughters and the oldest son in Califor
nia j oue married daughter resides near
Paris, aud seven remain at the old home.
Mr. Smith is by ho means an old man yet,
and hi*a •better half’ is a? bale and hearty
as most women at the age of thirty.”
Savannah, Sept. 16, lys,
Triadness, Powers, illsc’g, New York, J R Wilder.
Brig Aurora, (Br.) , from Halifax, N S. 318 tons
—discharging loot of iiiirnanl stree—-F L One A Cos.
Fannie, Crooter, Philadelphia—Toot of Gas Rouse
Hill—Hunter A Gammell.
Sarah Mills, 153 tqns, from New York—discharging
foot of Barnard street.
Lottielkoits, (3 masted) F.ndicott, dise'g.
B I, Shertnan, (3 masted) In distress.
Schr Wm E Stevenson, Threadcraft, 45, from Ma
tanzas—discharging at dock foot of Barnard street—
Master. •
Alice Fiora, (Br) Knowles, from Nassau—waiting
at Lower Rice Mill—Bell, Wyiiy tt Christian.
spoors. '
Br.g Regatta, ‘ t ,nlrj—waiting—Jos Lippman.
l!r Sloop Sylvia, Brown, from Bermuda—discharg
ing at wharf foot of "Barnard street.
We, the undersigned, desire to fcxpress onr regret
that onr temporary agent, Amos Woodrnff, Junior,
should have loterfcrsd In any manner whatever with
Col. J. B. Pvesdee, in reference to the steamer Oak,
as nothing but the utmost confidence has ever ex
isted between Col. Presdee and us In all our business
transactions, and any reflections made hy our tempo
rary egent, In regard-to the Col., was. wholly unau
thorised by us and evidently prompted by ill-feeling.
It affords ns pleasure to state to the business com
munity of Savannah that the same connection still
exists between Col. Presdee and our house that has
The steamer Oak is now iu Col. Presdee's hands, to
whom all applications for freight, Jtc., la to be made.
aeptlfi 1 New York City.
Comer Broughtou and Jefferson Streets.
Wiil appear this
The rKolian Minstrels, under the management of
0. n. Brown, will give one of their attractive enter
tainments at|St. Andrew’s Hall this evening, #
A Hniorons Stmp Speech.
The whole to conclude with the laughable (arce of
Barnum in Trouble.
See small hills.
Tickets of Amission, 50 cents. Doors open at seven
o'clock. seplG
For Augusta.
fltllb; Steamer OEN. BEm.**.d start for Augusta
* This Day at 10, A. M.
First Class Passage *. sls
Second “ 7
High stage of water reported. Apply to
septic C, L. COLBY * CO,
EITHER Transient or Permanent, to be obtained
in a pleasant situation, and very accessible to
business, in Broushton street. No. 18i,
septlG Sim
THE discharged Union Soldier who put a notio at
the Post Office yesterday, can have a altuatlon
by applying at once to
aeptl6 C. L. COLBT * CO.
. Notice.
ALL parties having claims against the ateamer Oak,
for stores or repairs, contracted since the Ist Sep
tember, 18G5. will present the same with proper vouch
ers, on or before Tuesday, the 19th Inst., to
JOHN N. HEIN, Receiver,
septic 3 At Kein A CO., 114 Bay-et.
'PHE undersigned will resume business on the 18th
A inst., at his old stand in the market, and will be
prepared to furnish shipping, steamboats, hotels and
citizens with fresh meats and vegetables; and will be
thankful for the patronage of his friends.
septlS £ WM. H. DAVIS.
U.JS. Internal HkEfiNrE, Collsotob’s Omo’,l
Ist Distbiot, Qa. (
A GENTS of vessels shipping lrom the port of 9a
-'•-vannab, will receive no ggnds for shipment sub
ject to internal Duties, without receipts from Collec
tors that aucb tax has been paid.
A. N. WILSON, Collector.
•eptlG-eod Office over Adam’s JUxprcss.
Select School !
TAUGHT by Mrs. S. S. FUDGE, on the Northeast
corner of Jones .and Barnard streets, will he re
opened on '
Friday, September 29th.
The coarse for the Senior Department, embraces
all the English branches, together with French and
In the Junior Department are taught Reading, Wri
ting, Orthography, and Elementary Georgraphy.
Arithmetic, nnd NfttionalPhilosophy.
The Infant Department, is taaeht Orally, on the Eu
ropean System, a method pccnllarlv adapted to the
rapid improvement of children from three to seven
years of age.
Senior Department.. SSO
Junior “ go.
Infant “ 35.
French and Drawing, each 25.
Fuel 2.
Terms strictly cash, payable quarterly in advance. *
THE unriersigDwl- having RMOchitod tlvnmelvos
with W H. Quincy, of New York, under the
style and title of “ Southern Real Estate and Emi
gration Company.” for the purpose* of selling
‘Heal Estate
and aiding Emigration, < ffer their service*. Vo *ll in
Georgia and Florida who may desire to sell this kind
of property. We flatter ourselves that weoccnpya
position and enjoy advantages which enable ns to sell
Real Hstpte. Let all who wl.h to sell give us a call.
Full and fair discretions of land mn»t he* given. We
can be found, for the preaent, at the store of J. N.
McKinnon & Cos., or at the realdence of C. P. Jones.
Those who wish to purchase will do well to give ns
a call as we have several cotton farms and large bodies
of turpentine and timber lands now entrusted to onr
care. C. P. JONES,
Thomasville, Sept 0,15«5. septKMawSw
4 KE now prepared ti> make and repair small Ma.
a*- chlnery of all kinds, such ns Locks, Keys, Brass
Models, Sewing Machines, Ac. Safes and Plat-form
Scales repairedcarcfhlly. Also, Fire-arms, when ac
companied by an order from the Provost Marshal.
At S. 1). nice A Cos.,
West side Market Square, cor. Barnard and 8£ Ju
lian streets, Savannah Ga. septic lw
bland Hotel the finder will & rewarded!
Groceries and. Provisions,
Tin, Crockery, Glassware
And Hardware,
Tslw,~^\T^,^ hPrIC " P tt d totß^
Gas Consumers.
Who have not paid their bilis for
Dne on the Ist lnet, nre notified that the bills must h.
Said on or before Prld .y the 16th Inst. After this
ate the Sow pf Gas will be stopped on all defar.hH™
without further notice. amten
gp Pl3*3 W. F. HOLLAND, Acc't
Pfi'DiisiM EYery lorning and EYenrng.
FIIHE old “Journal A Messenger," first established
A in 1809, and regnlarly published ever since, has
tqe Largest Circulation of any paper In this section.
tVe are offering liberal terms to advertisers, and
merchants, and others, desirous of having their busi
ness generally known, will do well to advertise
in onr columns.
Contains the legal advertising of some eight or ten
counties aud is circulated tbioughout the Sonthern
and Northern States generally.
Parties sending their advertisements wtth the
money will be insured satlsttctlou
Address . v * S. ROSE A CO.
h^Kc-faßtTEn,} Proprietors. seplt
For sale by
No. ill Bay Street,
Wc respectfully call the attention of tbe public to
the facilities which we hive for doing all kind* of
We have
For doing all kinds of work, and we keep the® ia
good repair. We employ-only
We have
New Printing Materials
From the Best Northern Foundries, to which we ars
constanrly making additions.
We are prepared to execute orders for
Or any other kind of PRINTING—In *jtr stti,’.
We have a
Fine Assortment of Inks
Will receive prompt and careftil attention, and the
work will be forwarded
We endeavor to do all on* work well, and to give
complete satisfaction to onr customers.
otm pfuozw
Are ns low as the present high cost of stock, mate
rial, labor and living will admit of, and are below the
Increased rates which role la other lines of business.
. S. W. MASON & CO..
11l Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia-
Sign of the Golden Saddle,
And all ktnda of
Stretched Leather Beltinf.
. ■ .
A complete assortment of WILLOW. WARE, rach_*£ ’
large and small i with or without Rocket A DRUMS.
er with a full and complete .election of every article
known In this line of business.
Thankful for past flavors, the advertiser would re
spectfully solicit a continuance of the same
anfM , tit