Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 20, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HER ALT). VOL. I—NO. 210. The Savannah Daily Herald fMORNING AND EVENING) IB PCBUSHKD l»T jjl. W. MASON «!fc CO.. Aj 1U Bit StXXXT, SiTAJtSAB, Gforou. VII Hi. per Copy- *3 60. Per Hundred 410 00. per Year irmtiai no: -Vo Dollar* per Square of Ten Line* for first ln- One Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad •ertlaeinent* inserted In the morning, will, II desired, Snthe evening without extra charge. V JOB PRINTING, in every Kyle, neatly and promptly done. Sooth Carotin* Coo-rention-Second Day’s Proceeding*. Mr Sullivan introduced tbe following resolutions, whicb[were ordered to be referred t.) tbe appropriate Standing Committee, when appointed ; 1 Resolved, That the Slate of South Caro lina will restore her political relations with the Government of tbe United States by re turning to tbe Union; and that tbi s Conven tion will adopt such measures as, in tlieir incitement, will accomplish that object. 1 2 Resolved , Tbat the Constitution of this State shall be so altered and amended as to require the election of Governor of the State to be made bv the people af tbe State en- titled to exercise tbe right of suffrage. 3 Resolved, Tbat it is the opinion of this Couveuliou, that tbe election of Electors of Piesident and Vice-President of tbe United States should be made by tbe people of the State entitled to exercise tbe right of suffrage; and that the Provisional Governor be re spect fully requested to communicate this resolution to the next Legislature, with an earnest rt quest that they pass tbe necessary enactment to carry into effect tbe object of this resolution. Mi. Conner introduced tbe following reso lution, which was referred to the Commit tee on the Legislative Department : Every free w hile man, of the age oftwenty oue years, (paupers, non-commissioned offi cers and privates in the Army and Navy of the United States excepted,) being a citizen of the Uniled States, or a foreigner, who bad declared his iutention of becoming a citizen of the United States, according to law, and having resided therein two years immediate ly previous io the day of election, and six months in the Election District where he offers to vote and has his home and residence, shall have a right to vote at elections in this States. Norjsball temporary absence, being less than six months, with intention to re turn, debar or luiptbr the right of a voter in this Slate. Mr. Orr introduced the following resolu tions, which were ordered to be referred to the appropriate Standing Committee when appointed. Resolved, That the Constitution of this State shall be so amended as that: 1. The election of Governor shall be made by the people. ***** ’3. That he shall be re-eligible. 3. That he shall be invested with a quali fied veto upon the legislation of the General Assembly. 4. That the basis of representation in the House of Representatives shall be the white population of the State. 5. That the number of members compos ing the House shall be fixed at one hun dred. 6. That the basis of representation in the Senate shall be based equally upon white population and taxation;Jprovided that each Judicial District shall be entitled to at least one Senator. - : - ■ • 7. That the number of Senators shall be fixed at iorty. 8. That the Lieutenant-Governor shall be ex-officio President of the Senate. 9. That the Judges and Chancellors shall be appointed by tue Governor, subject to tbe confirmation ot the Senate. 10. That the Secretary of State, Comp troller-General and Treasurer shall be elect ed by tbe people. 11. That the District officers to wit: Clerk, Sheriff, Ordinary, Commissioner in Equity and Tax Collector shall bo elected by the people in their respective Districts. 12. That slavery, except as a punishment for crime, alter due conviction, is forever prohibited iu this State. 13. That all ejections by the Legisture shall be made viva voce and the name ot the member and tbe person votedjfor recorded. The Convention adjourned until the next day. TUIBD DAY’S PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Beatty introduced the following res olution, which was referred to the Commit tee on the Executive Department : Resolved, That tbe Committee on the Ex ecutive Department be instructed to inquire and report on the propriety of making the Governor to be elected lor the term ot four years ; on ihe propriety of dispensing with office of Lieutenant-Governor ; also, iu case, of the death, &c, of the Governor, of making the President of tbe Senate Gov ernor ; and also, in case of the death, &c., of the President of the Senate whilst acting as Governor, of requiring the Speaker ot the House of Representatives to serve as Gov ernor for the remainder of the term. Al>o, introduced the following resolution, which was referred to the Committee on the Legislative Department: Resolved, That the Committe on the Legis lative Depart ment be instructed to require and report on the propeiety of requiring only beneficial meetings of the State Legis lature, unless for cause specially pre scribed. Also, introduced tbe following, resolution, which was referred to the Committee on the Judicairy Department: Resolved, That the Committee on the Ju diciury Department be instructed to require and report on the propriety of establishing iu the Constitution the following provisions ; Mr Boiling introduced the lollowiug reso lution, which was referred to the Committee on ihe Judiciary Department: Resolved, That it is the duty of all good Governments to make the acqusition ot jus tice ns cheap and convenient to the masses of the people as possible, and, therefore, that It be referred to the Committee on the Judi cial Department to inquire into and report a scheme for organizing a Court, of Inferior Jurisdiction, lor the trial of all petty misde meanors, ot all civil causes where the amount involved does not exceed one hundred doj lars iu value, and of all cases, whether civil or criminal, in which the parties litigant ore persons of color. Also, introduced the following resolution, which was leferred to the Committee on the Legislative Department: Resolved, That the Legislature should be prohibited, by a suitable provision in the Con stitution, troin appropriating money to works of internal improvements; and also from lending the faith and credit of the State to individuals, corporations or companies for that or any other purpose. Mr. Letesne introduced the following reso lution, which was adopted: Resolved, That Ordinances adopted by this Convention shall be engrossed, and then rati fied, by being signed by the President and Clerk. Also, introduced the following resolution, which was referred to the Committee on Amendments to tbe Constitution : Resolved, That to prevent or lessen the evils attendant on frequent elections, and to guard against the profanation ot the Sabbath, it is expedient to provide by the Constitution that all popular elections lor Federal, Stmt* or Muuic ipal officers shall be held on one and the same dayi and by the same Managers, and that In the middle of the week—say the second Wednesday of .October. Also introduced an Ordinance to declare slyaery abolished in South Carolina, and pro hibit its re-establishment; which was referred to tho Committee on Ordinances and Resolu tions. Mr. F. W. Pickens, from the Special Com mittee, made a report, and reported: An Ordinance to repeal tbe Ordinance of Seces sion, and tlie question being put, shall the Ordinance pass ? It passed in the affirma tive. Yeas 105, Nays 3. The yeas and nay's were requested, and are as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative are: Hon. D. L. Wardlaw,President; Messrs. An drews; Ball, Blair, Bolling, Boozer, Bratton, Boyce. Beatty, Boyd, Brailstord, Bryce, Bull, B irnett, Carlisle, Campbell, Cannou, Chis holm, Conuer, Cnegan, Dawkins, DeLettre, Dunovant, Dudley, DuPre. Dozier, Evins, Farrow, Fox, Frierson, Frost, Furman, Fish burn, A. D. Goodwyn, T. J Goodwyn, Gilli land, Gailiard, Gourdin, Hearsl, Hemphill, Hammond, Herndon, Henerey, Huger, In glis, James, Jones, Johnson, Keenan. Lee, Lake, Lesesne, McDuffie, McCouley, Mc- Gowan, Mclver, Marlin, Melton, Miles, Mil ling, Mobley, Morrisson, McMaster, McMi cbael, Moore, Morgan, Moses, Macbeth, Mod ellers, Muldrow, Norwood, Orr, Perry, F. W Pickens, W, S. Pickens, Porter, Rion, Richardson, Robertson, Reed, Reeves, Rose, Ross, Skipper, Sims, Sullivan, Summer, Stewart, Sheridan, Smart, Simonton, Schni erle, Thompsons, Tillman. Tay or, J. Wil son, W. T. Wilson, Wylie, Weatherly, W. Wallace, W. H. Wallace, Wagener, Wil liams, Winsmith, Youmans. Thoso who voted in the negative are : Messrs. Aldrich, Brabham, Whetstone. So tbe Ordinance was passed and referred to the Engrossing Committee. Mr. Wm. Wallace introduced the follow ing resolutions: Whereas, by the fortunes of war, our for mer noble and beloved Chief Magistrate, Jefferson Davis, is now languishing in pri son, awaiting his trial for treason; and, whereas, the fanatics of the North, not sat isfied with the wide-spread ruin and desola tion which they have caused, are shrieking for his blood : Resolved, Tbat it is the paramount duty of South Carolina, who led the way in our late struggle for independence, and for which struggle he is now suffering, to use every lawful means in her power to avert the doom which threatens him. /fcso/ued,Thnt to this end, a deputation of members of this body be sent to the city of Washington, in behalf of the people of South Carolina, to ask of his Excellency, the President of the United States, to extend to tbe Hon. Jefferson Davis, that clemency which he has shown to us, who are equally the sharers bt his guilt, if guilt there be, auci which is accomplishing so much towards re storing the peace and harmony of the Union. Mr. Conner offered tbe lollowing as an amendment, which was accepted by Mr. William Wallace. Resolved, That it be referred to a Com mittee of three, to draft memorials to be ad dressed, by this Convention, to his Excel lency the President of the Uniled States, re questing Executive clemency for Jefferson Davis, the late President, and A. H. Ste phens, the late Vice-President of the Con federate States; for A. G Magrath and Geo. A. Trenholm, citizens of this State, now pris oners of State. Whereupon the President appointed the following members of the Committee: Messrs. Conner, William Wallace and Rose. Mr. F. W. Pickens introduced the fol lowing resolution, which was refereed to the Committee on Ordinance and Resolu tions : Resolved, Tbat it be referred to the Com mittee on Ordinances and Resolutions to in- quire and report ou the propriety of sending a competent agent to Washington, to ascer tain from the President what is tho condition of the lands called “Abandoned Lands" in this State, and how long it will be before the owners of such lands will be restored lo the possession of their property. Mr. Winsmith introduced the following resolution, which was referred to the Com mittee on the Admeudmcnts to file Consti tution ; Whereas, Negro slavery has been abolished by the proclamations ot the Prcsideut of the United States and the military authorities of the same : Be it, therefore, Resolved, That neither negro slavery nor involuntary servitude shall hereafter exist in this State, except as a punishment for crime, of which the party shall have been duly con victed by law. And i’ shall be the duly of the Legislature to pass such laws aS will fin ally carry into effect tbe foregoing ordin ance. Mr. McGowan introduced the following resolution, which was referred to the Com mittee on tbe Legislative Department: QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS. In an election to be made by the people of the State, or of a District thereof, every voter shall have the following qualifications, viz : He shall be a free white roan, who has at tained totheageoftwenty-oneycars,andis not a pauper, a non-commissioned officer or pri vate soldier of the Army of the United States. He shall have been a citizen of the United States and of this State for at least two years next preceding the day of the election, and shall have resided during that time in this State, aixi duiing the last six months thereof in the District in which he offers to vote ; or in lieu ot the said six mouths' residence, shall have been legally seized and possessed for at least six months next preceding the day ot election, of a freehold in lands worth at least live hundred dollars. Every person shall be considered a white person’ who has of Caucassian blood seven eighths or more. The Legislature shall provide for the de cision of questions of caste, and of all ques tions concerning the right of suffrage ; and may guard against frauds and usurpations ot the right of suffrage, by requiring a registry of the voters and by other suitable means; and may impose disqualification to vote in punishment for crime or tor blatneable illit eracy. Also introduced the following resolution, which was referred to the Committee oti the Amendments to the Constitution. Tho « maocipstion ot slaves having actually taken place, slavery shall not hereafter be re-established in this State. Ist. One .Supreme Court, with appellate Jurisdiction throughout tbe State; the Judges thereof to be selected by the Governor, sub ject to the approval of a majority of the Senate. 2d. A Superior Court, the Judge thereof to be selected and approved in liko manner as the Judges of the Supreme Court; tbe duties of said Judges, among others, to con sist in administering the usual duties in each 'Judicial District twice in every year. , , 3d. A District or judicial Court, to consist of one Judgo. a resident of the Judicial Dis trict, to be elected lor the term of four years by the voters of the District, the duties of said Court-extending to the hearing and deteiming all small amt mean causes, and also all causes lately within the Jurisdic tion Ot the Court of Magistrates and Free holders, not, however, precluding the office of Magistrate. Said Committee will also inquire aod report on the propriety of giytng said Court nil jurisdiction now exercised by the Ordinary of the District. Hr. Conner introduced the following reso lution : Resolved, That this Convention will restrict Itself to snob action as is essential to restore tha Statrto her former position In the Fed eral Union ; to such remodelling of the State Constitution ns is necessary to adapt it to the changes growing out of the Emancipa tion Proclamation, and to restore it with SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1865. those modifications to its condition prior to the Act of Secession, and to such proceed ings as are necessary to call into existence the State Government, with the powers ex- | ercised by it prior to the Ordinance ot Seccs- ! •ion. Mr. Tilman moved to lay the resolution on the table. And the question being put, “\V T ill the Convention agree thereto?" it passed in the affirmative- Yeass3; nays 52. : The yeas and nays were requested, and j are as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative are:— : Hon. D. L. Wardlaw, President; Messrs. Ball, Booling, Boozer, Boyce, Beatty, Boyd, Bryce, Bull, Byrd, Baruett, Dudley, Evins, Farrow, Fox, Frierson, A. D Goodwyn, Hemphill, Hammond, HerndoD, Inglia,Jones, Johnson, Lee, Lake, Melton, Milling, Mob ley, McMaster, Moore, Moses, McSlichael, Muldrow, Norwood, Ore, Perry,F. W. Pick ens, W. S. Pickens, Robertson,Reed.Reaves, Ross, Skipper, Sims, Sullivan, Summer. Stewart,Thompson,Tilman,J. Wilson,Wylie, Weatherly, Winsmith. Those who voted in the negative, are : Messrs. Aldrich, Andrews, Blair, Bratton, Brabham, Carlisle, Campbell, Cannon, Cbiso'ui, Conner, Coogan, Dawkins, DeLet tre, Dunovant, DuPre, Dozier, Frost, Fur man, Fishbnrue, T. J. Goodwyn, Gilliland Gailiard, Gourdin, Hearst, Heuerey, Huger, James, Keenan, Lesesne, McCauley, Mc- Duffie, Mclver, Martin, Morrison, Morgan, Macbeth, Melchers, Porter, Richardson, Rion, Rose, Sheridan, Smart, Simouton, Schnierle, W. T. Wilson, W. Wallace, W. 11. Wallace, Wagener, Williams, Whetstone, Youmans. So the resolution was ordered to lie on the table. The convention then adjourned to next day. FOURTH DAT’s PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Macbeth offered a resolution giving to negroes the right to testify. Mr. Hammond offered a resolution accent ing, on the question of sovereignty, the ae cision of the sword, aud endorsing the policy of President Johnson. A resolution was also offered to apponion representation, and to limit to twelve as the maximum representa tion in the House of any District. Nothing else of importance done. Vicious Stories. [From the N. Y. Times.) It seems the report we had that a white man in Georgia had sawed off both the legs of a negro to prevent his running away, is not true. The person accused of the deed (who is a doctor) has [sent us a letter expo sing the falsity of the published statement. — The authorities iu North Carolina have also explicitly denied the innumerable reports which have been sent North that negroes were being hung and shot and stabbed whole sale in that State. In short, most of the tales which came for a while fast and num berless, from the South,- about unparalleled and fiendish cruelty to black men, have been proven false. The friends of the negro are doing him in finite harm by the circulation of such false hoods. Credulous people may believe them for a few days, but their contradiction de stroys faith, not only in the men who send them, but in the really truthful complaints concerning the treatment of the colored peo ple. The blacks are assuredly, in some places, suffering many wrougs at the hands of the superior race, but these will never be corrected by the publication of sensational falsehoods. A Snake Carried in a Lady’s Crino line.—One day last week a party of young folks, male and female, in the township of Frankliu, went to the huckelberry rack, a distance of about eight miles from this neigh borhood. After reaching the rock the day was spent in the usual way—by picking ber ries aud wandering over the vast plain of rock. Evening came, and the parties returned to their homos. One young lady after reaching her resi dence and performing her customary work about the house, repaired to her room to re tire for the night, aud, upon undressing, what did she discover, nicely entwined around her waist, between her crinoline and under gar ments, but a snake fully twenty inches in length. As might be expected, on making such a discover}-, the lady's feeliDgs can be better imagined than described. She gave the alarm, when other inmates of the house came to the room and dispatch ed his snakesliip. It turned out to be one of the spotted adder species, which is very nu merous on the rock. Now, how did the rep tile manage to get in that position ? The only way such can be accounted for is this: Sometime during the day the young wo man must have been sitting down on the rock, and the broad skirts now worn might possibly have covered the snake, which in its endeavors to escape, between the gar ment, aud so worked itself up to the waist unfelt by the party. She stales that several times during the day aud evening, she felt a sort of griping sensation about her body, hut delicacy in company constrained her to bear it rather than attempt to ascertained the cause. — Huntingdon Journal. (From the Courier des Etates Unis, Sept. 8.) We have received from Washington the following despatch : The Mexican question was discussed at the cabinet meeting held on Tuesday, and which was presided over by President John son All the members present expressed themselves favorable to the shtv y«o except Mr. HariaD, Secretary of the Interior, who desired that Juarez should nt least be ludi reetly supported. Quite a lively scene took place between Mr. Seward and Mr. Harlan, the premier telling Mr. Harlan that he sac rificed the true interests of tbe country to the love of vain popularity, that it was not dig nified for this government to aid .Tuarez in directly, and that it was not advantageous to support him openly. President Johnson fully agrees with the views of the Secretary of the State, and declared that ho regretted the speech of Mr. Harlan made some time since in public ; and that members of tbe cabinet ought uever to forget that their words are always construed as haring been inspired by the government. Ho would lo9e no oppor tunity to disavow any such ireonsidcrate speeches the same as he had disavowed Sher idan's views by reducing his army two thirds. Mr. Johnson, when the meeting was abon t breaking up, said that he would not deter mine upon a fixed policy toward Mexico be fore tbe meeting of Congress,when he would discuss in his message whatever might seem best foi the country. It is evident that the President U animated with the same pacific feelings as Mr. Seward and the majority of the cabinet. If it is true that Juarez has evacuated Chi huahua, and is obliged to take refuge in the United States, the resumption of official re lations with Mexico will be considerably fa cilitated. FOR RIO DE JANEIRO, CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia. THE United 9Ute» and Br»»B Mail Steamship Com pany will dispatch regularly, on tho 2Sth oil every month, a ‘-first class steamship," commencing with the fine steamship Costa Rica, , (2,800 tons,) to leave on tbe 28th of September, at 8 p m„ from Pier No. 48, North Hirer. All letters have to pass through tbe Past Office. An experienced surgeon will be In attendance on board. For freight or passage, having splendid accommodations, apply to | THOMAS ASKNCIOACO., aepl9 18 J No. IT Broadway, New Tort. DRUGS. Wholesale Druggists, AXn> SBALSRS m Perfuinepy, Patent Medicines, &c., &c. ORDERS WITH REMITTANCES PROMPTLY EXE CUTED AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. HARRAL, RISLEY & TOMPKINS, Wo. 141 Chamber. nod No. 1 Hudunn St*., NEW YORK. P- James formerly of Charleston S C. KL. W. Ridley, formerly of August*, Ga au*9-Sl3t Drugs, Medicines, and fhemicals. A choice selection of DRUGS*, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES and TRUSSES r.AHniCD rao« saw tork. Apothecaries, Planters, and tradi rs from the interi or, can be supplied at the shortest notice, I can warrant every article as being pure. A large qnantlty of European LEECHES, finest quality. All the Patent Medicines extant on hand. One bandied cases Jacobs' Dysenteric Cordial. ALL WILL BE SOLD LOW FO CASH, wnol. RSALI AND KET AH. ATAPOTHECARIES 1 HALL, Curner Broughton and Barnard streets. N, B.—Fresh Garden Seed*. W. M. WALSH, julfi-3m Proprietor. Helm Md’s Flnid Extract Bnctiii, For Weakness arising from Indiscretion. The ex hausted powers of N atnre which are accompanied by ao ninny alarming symptoms, among which will be , found, indisposition to Exertion, Lobs of Memory, Wakefulnw*, Horror of Disease, or Forcbodlugs of Evil: in fact, Universal Lassitude, Prostration, and inability to enter into the enjoyments of society. The ( unatitution, once affected with Organic Weak ness, requires the aid ot Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, wrich Hclmbold’s Extract Buchu invariably does. If no treatment is submitted t». Consumption or Insanity ensues. Helmliolfi’s Flnid Extract Buclm, In affections peculiar to •■Female*,'’ ie uneqaaled by any other preparation, as tn Chlorosis or Retention, P flnftilneßs or Suppression of Customary Evacuations Ulcerated or Schirrus State of the Uterus; and all complaint* Incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, Imprudence tn, or the decline or change in life. Helmtioltl’s Flnid Extract Bnctrn, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases arising from Habits of Dissipation at little expense, lit tle or no change in diet,no inconvenience or exposure, completely superseding those unpleaaant and danger ous remedies, Copaiva am Mercury in all these dis eases. USB BBZ.MBOZ.S’B wltjid extract btjchxt. In all Disease* of these organs, whether existing In "Male" or “Female,” from whatever canee originating and no matter liow long standing It Is pleasant, in taste and odor, • •immediate" In action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those suffering from Broken down or Delicate Constitutions, procure the remedy at once. The reader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above dhesses, it is certain to af fect his Bodily Healih, Mental Powers, aud Happi ness. All the above diseases repuire the aid of a diuretic. HELBIBOLD'N EXTRACT Ul'CHi' IS THE GREAT DIURETIC. Helmbold’s Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, For purifying lhe blood, removing all chronic consll tutional diseases, arising from an impure state of the blood, end the only reliable and effectual known rem edy for the enre of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rbenm, Pains and Swellings of the Bones, Ulceration oi the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tet ter, Ervslpclaa, and *ll scaly eruptions of the skin, AND BKsUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Not a few of the worst disorders that affect man kind arise from tbe corruption that accumulates in the blood. Os all the discoveries that have been made to ntirge it out, none can equal in effect HEL.MBOLP’S compound extract OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovate* the blood. Instils the vigor ol health into the system, aud purges out the humors w hich make disease. It stimulates tho healthy func tions ol the body, and expels the disorders that glow and rankle in the Wood. Such a remedy that could be relied on has long Iwon sought for. and now, for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here do'cs not admit of certificates to show its effects, but tbe trial of a single bottle will show tbe sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two tablespoonful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla added to a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle is lully equal to a gallon of the Syrup ot Sarsaparilla, or the decoction as usually made. These Extracts have been admitted to use In the United States Army, and are also In very general use In all the State Hospitals and Public Sanitary Institu tions throughout the land, as well as in prliatc prac tices, and are considered as invaluable remedies. See Medical Properties of Buchu. FROM DI9PENSATOH! OF THE UNITED STATES. See Professor Deweo's valuable works on the Prac tice of Tnyslc. Se“ remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Physic cf Philadelphia. Sec remarks made by Dr. Fphraim M’Powcll, a cel ebrated Physician and Member ot the Hoyal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published In the Tranuar tlons of the king and Queen's Journal. See Medico Cuirnrgict Review, published by Ben amln Travers, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard W orks of Medlrtno. EXTRACT BUCHU, ••SARSAPARILLA." Sold by all Druggists PRINCIPAL DEPOT— afltXBOLS'l DRCGAND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, sep7-lm C'Jd Broadway. N. Y. INK. OK GROSS INK, In stands, St *8 60 per gross. It a y doaen Arnold’s Writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per dozen. For sale by SAVILLE ft LEACH. aul2 ts cor. Bryan street and Murker square. BUY fOUE CIOL TiYLOfS ALE —AT— TONICING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON nEAP. aug24 Manning & DeForest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 10 Wall Street, New York, Dealers In Gold, Silver, Foreign Exchange and Government Securities. GIVE special attention to the purchase and sale o Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notea Southern States Bonds and Coupons, Railroad I Bond, and Coupons. I Interest allowed on deposits. )yl6-3m LUMBER. "IYTHITE PINE, rough snd dressed. Cherry tnd W White Wood. For sale by RICHARDSON A BARNARD, scp4-tf Bay street, opposite Mariner's Church. TARNS TARNS. TEN BALKS MOTION TARNS, In stow and for sile by , sepia 5 L, J. GUILMARTIN ft CO. PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. _____ HARTRIDCE & CHISHOLM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OFFICE CORNER BRYAN AND DRAYTON STS.. SAVANNAH, GA. sepll w HARDEN & LEVY, Attorneys at Law, OFFICE, 09 ' BAY STREF.T, Three doors East of Drayton. _*epl2 to THOS CORWIN, WM H. OWEN, THUS WILSON, OF OHIO. I.ATH OOL- G sa.T>. OF IOWA. (ORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin A Flnnell.j A. T TO Tt N R YS AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, *22 F STREET, sub TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL, WA 8 H INGTON, XJ.C . Will practice in the Supreme Court of the United Slates, the Conn, of Claims, and the Courts ol the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment bu.icesa. Officers Accounts ad,i usted. auto 3m Law Notice. IHAVfi rcsnmpd the practice of my profession in the city of Washington, and will also attend to business before the Department?. P PHILLIPS, W ashington, D. 0, August 26th. sepr.-eodlm W. W. PAINE, Attorney at Zjaw, SAVANNAH, GA. sops lm O. H. BROWNING,) (THOR EWING, Jr., OF II.LISOIS. f \ OF KAbSAS. BROWNING AND EWING, .Attorneys AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Office No. 19 North A Street, Capitol HIU, WASHINGTON, Di C. Practice In the Supreme Court, the Court of Claims, and in the Departments. ang24 ts WINTOfT & BANKSTON, Rrn.nos AND contractors. also give strict attention to Superintending » * Buildings, and to all work entrusted to their charge All kinds jobbing work done at the shortest notice. Shop on Broughton street lane, between Whitaker and Barnard street?, au2f>-lm M. P. MULLER, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT. Agent for the Sale of Land*. Will give strict atten tion to Surveying, furnishing Finns for and Superin tending Buildings, all kinds Machinery, 4c. Office, Sorrel's building, next to Gas Office. an2l lm I. C. FEATHER, M. D., “ Office, 18 1-2 Merchants’ Row, WINTON HI I.Ton HR AO. S. C. Ju29 2m C7S. BUNDY, G- o n e r n 1 A gout AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Stefst, Brrwrit* 13th awt> 14th Streets, (Near Pay Department,j W asliiligton, ID - O. ju3o ts COTTON, AC. TO OWNERS OF— COTTON. In answer to numerous inquiries from abroad, we would say that we are prepared to take charge of, put ih order and ship any lot of Cotton in the States of Georgia, South Carolina or Alabama, as we have local agents at almost every town, and a corps of most efficient men, selected for integrity, ca pacity, and cxperince, to take charge of every lot. We will also pay all taxes and charges of every description, and make liberal advances on the Cotton. In short, we will take charge of the Cotton on receipts or orders and give the owners no trouble whatever, from the time we receive it until sold and returns are made by our houses. WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York, or W. C. WATTS & CO., Liverpool, England. We invite the especial attention of non residents to our facilities. E. M. BRUCE & CO. Augusta; August 23, 1868; sept-lm TO COTTON SHIPPERS. A-loxaiicior Hardoo, COTTON SHIPPER, IS PREPARED to take Cotton on Storage, at the lowest rate*, and —BAS OPI-fTn, ON THE CORNER OF JEFFERSON ft BAY STS. For the purpose of WEIGHING, REPAIRING, REPACKING. SAMPLING. CLASSING, AXI) Skipping Cotton for tbe Public AT TBI X.OWEST HATES, Furnishing Ink, &c. vepT Im Tp. WHITE & MARIN, GUN MAKERS 4 MACHINISTS, ARK now prepared to make and repair email Ma chlnerv of all kinds, nnch aa Locke, Keys, Brae* Model., Sewing Machines, *c. Safes and Plat-form Seale, repatred carefully. Abo, Fire-arms, when ac companied by an order from the Provost Marshal. At 8. D. Rice ft Cos., West side Market Square, cor. Barnard and St. Ju lian streets. Savannah Ga. septic, lw ISTotice. THE discharged Union Soldier who put a notice at the Post Office yesterday, ean have a situation by applvlag at once to septic ; C. L. COLBY ft CO. FINANCIAL. QU OTATIONH For Southern Bank Notes. BANKING HOUSE -Of- MANNING & DE FOREST, 19 WALL STREET, NEW TORK. VIRGINIA. Bank of Berkeley .***7o Commerce, Fredericksburg . 2,1 “ Charleston, charleston 10 “ the Commonwealth “ Howardsville ~.7..71* “ Philippi ** Rockbridge...,. . go “ Rockingham ‘ on •* Scottaville ,0 “ Virginia ."I £ “ Winchester i 6 Central Bank of Virginia.... 10 Corporation of Alexandria.... 50 Danville Bank, Dauvllle on Exchange Bank of Va., Norfolk ! on Farmers’ Bank of Fincastle I'.'. 18 Merchants' Bank, Lynchburg on Northwestern Bank at Jeffersonville 90 Southwestern Bank, Wythesvllle 1* Traders' Bank, Richmond NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cape Fear. ’ 39 " Charlotte g 5 " Clarendon •• Commeice “ Fayetteville...., .77. its “ Lexington 26 " North Carolina .iso “ Wadeaborough 20 “ Washington j«j “ Wilmington '2O “ Yancevule 13 Commercial Bank, Wilmington. 211 Farmers’ Bank of North Carolina ” '25 Merchants’Bank. Ncwbern oa Bank of Roxboro’ '26 Miners and Planters' Bank ". 25 Bank of Thomasvllle 7.777! 'is SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden 10 " Charleston 16 “ Chester 29 “ Geoteetowu ic “ Hamburg 19 “ Netvbnry " 22 “ South Carolina !.!!7750 “ State of South Carolina 15 Commercial Bank. Columbia 15 Exchange •• “ "20 Fartneis’ and Exchange ’. 14 Merchants’, Cheraw 20 People’s Bank 30 Planters’ " j. Planters’ and Mechanics • Bank ' 20 south w.r.r 57 State Bank j u Union Bank ............M GEORGIA . Augusta Insurance and Banking Company. ... 13 Bank of Augusta 77; 16 “ Athens .2* “ Columbus '.. lo ‘ Commerce in “ Fulton "is “ Empire State io “ Middle Georgia 'to “ Savannah..: 32 Bank of Slate of Georgia Cen' ral Railroad Banking Company City Bank of Augusta 20 Farmers'and Mechanics .u Georgia Railroad and Banking Company.... 7n Marine Bank ,0 Mechanics’ Bank . in Merchants end Planters’ Bank in Planters'Bank Timber Cutters’ Bank Union •• ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile 95 ’* Montgomery f , a “ Selma 25 Commercial Bank 26 Centra' “ 2 6 Eastern Bank 4n Norihern “ -m Southern “ ’ TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga “ Middle Tennessee 60 “ Tennessee !!!!!.20 “ WestTenncsgec . is City Bank of Nashville " j. Merchants' “ ", 3 Ococc •’ 03 Planters' “ 40 Southern “ r .i, Shelbyvillc •' 20 Traders' “ .. ' union - LOUISIANA. Bank of America “ Louisiana 7 .Tit *• New 0r1ean5....... '45 Canal Bank 95 Citlxens' Bank !.... 95 Crescent City Jg) Louisiana State Bank w Mechanics'and Traders'Bank <lO Merchants' •> 59 Southern “ ' Dar Union •> 40 New Orleans City Scrip ..‘.’7.790 STATE BONDS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds Y.. N. Carolina '• S Carolina " | Georgia •» Tennessee _ MempldsClty “ 770 Augnata.Ua. “ fg, Savannah, Ga. “ fe The above Bonds are bongbt with Coupon* incladed from 1661 included. North Carolina Coupons 40 Memphis City •• 75 Tennessee “ SSdvto Georgia “ O^go Thbse Quotations are liable to fluetnate, and cannot be relied on for any length of time. au26 EINSTEIN ROSENFELD & Cos., Bankers, h T o. 8 Broad Street, N*w York. We draw at and at sixty days on London, Paris, Frankfort, and al other principal cities of Europe. Parties opening current accounts, may deposit and draw at their convenience, the same as with the City Banks, and will be allowed interest on all balances over One Thousand Dollars, at the tW of four per cent, pci annum. Orders for the purchfi.: e ot rale ot various issue; of Goveinmont and other Stocks, Bonds, and Gold, executed on Commlssicjh HARRISON & CO., BANKERS, No. 19 New Street, Near Wall, POBW YORK. COLLECTIONS made on all parte of the United KJ States, Canada; West Indies tnd Europe. Coin, Government Securities, State, City and Rail road Bonds, Coupon., Stocks and Southern Bank Note, bought and sold on commission. Deposits received, to he drawn at will, and 4 per cent Interest per annum, allowed thereon. Sterling and French Bills of Exchange negotiated. HARRISON ft CO., No. Il» New street, opposite the Oold Room.N. Y. HARRISON, QODDIN ft AFPERSON, Richmond, Vs. Reference—Messrs. Duncan ft Johnston. Savannah: Barber ft Sen, Augusta. seps lm PRICE. 5 CENTS INSURANCE. J. T. THOHAS £ CO., Insurance Agents, 117 BAY STREET. RKPBEBKHT TUP MARYLAND LIFE INSURANCE CO. BALTIMORF MARINE INSURANCE CO. MERCHANTS' AND MECHANICS’ FIRE INSU RANCE CO MARYLAND HRE INSURANCE CO. of Baltimore. *Nl> TBE GERMANIA CO. HANOVER CO. NIAGARA CO REPUBLIC CO. NORTH AMERICAN AND CROTON FIRE INSU RANCE Co'S, and the EQUITABLE LIFE AS6UBANCE SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. ANT> TDK SELMA INSURANCE AND TRUST CO. OF SELMA* ALABAMA. sep!9 Cash. ssets: $11,000,000 ! . FIRE, MARINE, LIFE AND TRAVELLER'S INSURANCE. HAVING been appointed Agonta for a number of the most wealthy nnd popular Companies of New York and Baltimore, we are prepared to Dane poli cies upon the most favorable terms and upon every class of risks. J. T. THOMA& A CD, sepia * 117 Bay-et. The Baltimore Marine Insurance Cos, ASSETS: $862,200 J. T. THOMAS & CO., Agents, sepl9 2 117 Bay-et The jVtaryland Life Insurance Company, OF BALTIMORE. J. T. THOMAS & CO., Agents, sepl9 117 Bay-et. THE Underwriters’ Agency Os New York, CASH ASSETS, Three Million Dollars, ISSUE POLICIES OF Fire & Marine Insurance Made payable in GOLD or CURRENCY. Negotiable and Bankable \ CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ASX ISSUED IF THIS ASSOCIATION. J. TANARUS, THOMAS* CO., scuin «Y ill Bay street. insurance: Authorized Capital—slo,4oo,ooo. CHARLES L. COLBY ft GO. are prepared to take Marine Risks to any domestic or foreign port, and Fire Risks In this city In the fullowlng named first class New York Companies AT THE LOWEST RATES, ir COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY $5,000,000 MORRIS EIRE AND INLAND insur ancM fcoMPANY 5,000,000 OMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE OOMPT.; 200,000 STANDARD FIHE INSURANCE COMP’Y.. 200,000 Office* in Jones' Block, cor. Bay and Abercora stflL Branch Office, corner Drayton and Bryan wtreete. iwplS ti IS YOUR LIFE INSURED ? THIS is an Important question tor every man and important also so every wife and mother, as It afreets their future- welfare. SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY. The “Knickerbocker Lite Insurance" of New York will Insnreyon at the usual rales In any sura from SIOO $lO eoo. They also issue the f vorite TEN YEAR NON-FORFEITURE Policies, and will alter twr w -urs payment give a full paid up 1 oUcy for Two Tenths tho whole snm, snd Three Years Three Tenths, and on. Thua a Policy <>! SIO, OOO. Two Premiums pai upon It will he entitled to a paid up Policy of $2,000. and five years five-tonths for every additional year. For further Information apply to A. WILBUR, Agent, At the office of the Home Inauranee Cos,, Ju27 Bay Bt., Savanuah, Ga. THE NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LITE INSURANCE COMPANY, o F U O S T O N . PURELY MUTUAL. THIS Is one of tbe oldest and beet Companies in America. Policies on Lives for up to $15,000 aru taken by them. InK The Pol idea of these Companies were not cancelled during the war unlit heard from—a fact which shews their dealing and determination to be Just and honor able in all caaca Apply to l n ‘/7 A. WILBUR, Agent THOS..W. BHOOKB MANUFACTURER OF fuhn, lS. r h e o^er < V e . ne,,al tlßft Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly at tended to. jySTui MIIIIIMV, HARK. &('. WM. H. MAY, Sign of the Golden Saddle, CORNER BRYAN AND WHITAKER STS. DEALER IN SADDLES, HARNESS, THUNKS And all kinds of SADDLERY WARE, _ , RUBBER BELTING, PACKING, AMD Stretched Leather Belting. ALSO, A complete assortment of WILLOW WARE, such aa MARKET BASKETS. CLOTHES BASKETtLCHAIRS large and small ; with or without Rockers. DRUMS, DcElm, MARBLES, CARRIAGES, *c. Ac., togeth er withs hill tnd complete selection of every article known in thia line of business:'. Thankful tor past favors, the advertiser would re spectfully solicit a continuance of tbe same. aug*2 «