Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 20, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON &. CO. SAMIKI. W. MASON Kditor. , i< t A»*o« iutc Kditor. SAVANNAH. WEDNESDAY. SKPTEMBKK i’O, 1865. rok I (Nil MITTEBS SEE THIRD PA^E.; i dxtiox of TIIB hi:k.\li>. Fv ;in accident to onr press wo were obliged tosus pen<t our Evening Edition temporarily, and varioua * ir( now lead us to armoune* ita discon tinuance for a few days lunger. We shall resume its publication very soon. TO ADVERTISERS. Out advertising patron* are reminded that adver 11sememe i neerted in the Morning Zdition of the J iisEAM) will appear in the Evening without extra inarge Advertisements shouid be handed in as early i as possible, but will be received as late *a 12 o'ciock at night We adhei eto our advertised except j lor long ad-ertisements, or those inserted f~r » long time, on which a reasonable discount will t>e mad*'. ! »iOi\ TO OBTAIN THE HERALD REG- ULARLY. W often have complaints from residents of Savan i ah and Hilton Ilead that they are not able always to • -"tain the Ferai p. The demand is sometimes so •Treat as to exhaust an Edition very soon after its issue, and those *ho wish to have the Herai.T) regularly, ►ho,ild sub«cribe for it. We have faithful carriers in Ma\unriftb and at Hilton Head, and through them we always serve regular subscribers first. THE REVIVAL OF BUSINESS ENERGY AT THE SOUTH. It is apparent to the most careless observer of passing events that much of the spirit and energy that characterized the commer cial and internal improvement classes of out . people anterior to the war, have reappeared Bince its termination. And perhaps no illus tration of the fact is more conspicuous than the celerity with which the Railroad system is being reorganized and resuscitated after the terrible shocks to which it was subjected during the war. If that deplorable contest effected no other good, it certainly conferred one advantage on us by the demonstrations it afforded of the value of Railroad systems in time of war, and of the length ot time for which Railroads could be kept safely running without repair or additions to tho rolling «tock, and of the extreme difficulty of per - manently interrupting a line of railroad com munication, even by inflicting upon it what might seem to be almost an irreparable in jury. Another benefit was, that it taugbt our people energy and promptitude in the repair and rc-construction of railways, and educated them up to a degree of proficiency in this valuable art which before was not only unknown, but quite inconceivable. Asa particular illustration of these facts, we may mention the railways of Virginia. The close of the war found them in a sad ■ ondition. They had been run literally to death. For four years they had been using ibe same iron, many times relaid alter hav ing been torn up, twisted, melted and broken. The cars were ricketty aud disjointed, the engines leaky and consumptive ; and finally, during the last eventful months ol'the war, what seemed the finishing stroke was in flicted on them by the withering hands of Sheridan and Grant and Stoneman. The tint bers were burned, the tracks torn up, the bridges destroyed. For some time after the capture of Richmond, not only was all rail way compulsorily suspended, but nothing could be done towards resumption, some weeks elapsed before the Government de cided to turn over the roads to the stock holders and directors. The money was to be raised and labor organized. Four months have elapsed and in spite, says an exchange, of the seemingly insuperable obstacles,in spite of the enormous difficulties to bo encounter ed, in spite of the inevitable delays in begin ning the work, the railways of Virginia are now in almost as high condition of efficiency as before the war. Not all of them, of course, but the main line3 leading northward and westward from Richmond are now running with very nearly their former regularity.— The Richmond and Petersburg, Ricbmon 1 and Danville, Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac, Virginia Central, the Orange and Alexandria and the Virginia and Ten nessee, are now in almost perfect running order—at least trains sre running on them with accustomed regularity. The Petersburg and Weldou, the South, and the Norfolk and Petersburg, are not yet so far advanced ; but on the two first named, trains are running iu connection with stages : and the reconstruc tion of the Norfolk and Petersburg is in rapid progress. One or two small and compara tively unimportant roads appear to have been lost during the war; but we presume that even these will come to light again when the full dawn of prosperity beams on the old State. ”* These facts prove anything else than a lack cf enterprise and energy in the South It shows the existence of an admirable spirit, and that the attention of the people is drawn closely to the consideration of those national needs which will leave them little time for the conspiracies and stratagems with which they are charged by some of the northern pres? « uA.iOH JOSES’ COCRTSHIP •detailed with other scenes, incidents and ad ventures, in a series of letters by himself, with additional letters and thirteen illustra tioos by Dailey—lias just been issued by T. B Peterson & Brother?. Philadelphia. The vein of humor is equally rich, origi nal and entertaining as in the original series and the illustrations irresistibly comic. From Mr. Estill. In the absence from the office of Mr. Thompson, the author of Major Jones' Court ship, and without bis knowledge, the Assis tant Editor has written the above compli mentary notice A letter from a gentleman who has recent ly been down the Mississippi river and tra veled through the cotton country quite ex tensively, says he found many Western and Northern men on board the steamboats who were negotiating for cotton lands They were sanguine of making their fortunes, ana nearly all proposed to try negro labor first, but it that did not pay, then they would dis card the negro and employ white men Loss of a Gulf Steamer. Cairo, 111., Sept. 14. New Orleans papers of the Bth have been received. Tney contain an account of the wreck of the steamer Shooting Star on the night ot the 6th inst., fifteen miles west o; Timbeltar lighthouse, while on her way from New Orleans to Galveston. The steamer and the greater part of her cargo are a total No lives were lost. It is feared that o"er tho r? was wrecked swep. amJu* °* CIIC0 ' no vessels had ° r,eanß far three dayspre- TIIK ADVASCF. IN TNK PRICK OK dry oooim. I We need not inform our reader* that there I has been a very great advance in the prices | of cotton cloths and other dry goods in this j maiket within the past few weeks. Con-sum era know that, as when Confederate money j began to depreciate, it is, now almost irnpos I sibie to ctaasi up the advancing prices to some i fixed figure of a tew days' duration. This is j bv some attributed to the depreciation of the currency This idea is not, however, con firmed by the ruling prices of gold, which has experienced but a very slight it auv ad vance during last month. We think the cause is more properly attributable to the over-reaching cupidity of the manufacturers on bmb sides of the water, who are too eager |to realize the immense business and pro fits, which they have counted on after the r e-establishment of peace. Neither the price of gold nor of cotton at the present time justifies the rapid appreciation in the prices of dry g. ods. The following para graphs from the New York World of the 14th iust., will throw some light on the sub ject. The editor say 6: •‘The largest months’ business of dry goods ever transacted in the metropolis was during the thirty days ending September 10, 1865. The city was swept clean of cotton goods, and so importunate and incessaut were the orders, that the manufacturers have been asking and getting from sixty to one hundred per cent, upon the cost value of the'r goods. But this was too good to last, and trade has come to a sudden and unex pected pause. Retailers have discovered that consumers won't stand the enormous ad vance in cotton goods, as compared with the early summer prices, and so they refuse to buy. Prices have receded already, and there may be, and ought to he, a tumble. With an abundance of raw cotton at a mod erate price, aud the mills all over the coun try in full blast, there will soon be goods enough and at fair rates, if consumers will bold up a little. “Manufacturers cannot expect to get thir ty-five cents per yard for prints which cost them only sixteen cents, for more than a month at a time. Consumers do right in “striking against so enormous a profit.” “The Nation,’’ This is a weekly periodical, (No. 2, Ist volume) of the same character, as the “Round Table" noticed yesterday, but of a rather earlier date. Some of the most distinguished American writers are among the contribu tors, such as: Longfellow, James Russell Lowell, Dr. Francis Lieber, Henry T. Tuck eriuan, Bayard Taylor, Rev. Dr. Bellows, Professor Goldwin Smith, Oxford, (England) Professor Child, (Harvard) Edmund Quincy, Judge Bond, (Baltimore,) &c., &c. The initial article is on the same subject that forms the theme of the leading article ol the “ Round Table " i. c. “ Will the Freed Negro Race Die Out,” the writer of which comes to the directly opposite conclusion to that at which the author of the other article arrives. The inference of the former is that t lie freed negro will not die out. This argu- ment is founded more on arithmetical data (the returns of the census) than on philoso phical principles. The author of the paper iu the “Round Table” basis his reasoning on the difference of race and the analogies of history wherever an inferior comes into contact with a superior race. There ism “The Nation," as in the “Round Table," a critique on the Philosophy ot Sir William Hamilton, or rather on a writer, Jesse H. Jones, new in this field of Philoso phy, who, from his obscure position in the scientific world, and his imperfect conception of Sir William Hamilton’s philosophy, did not merit the attention bestowed on him. A= an evidence of this last assertion, the critic con victs Mr. Jones of attributing to the Scotch philosopher the denial of intuitive perception, among others the iuference that there is no evidence of the existence of a Supreme Be ing, when Hamilton, in connection with Dr- Reid and his school of metaphysicians, sim ply denied from the finite nature of the hu mau faculties, that a knowledge of Deity can ba obtained by direct perception and by any exercise of the reason, but must be intuitive. The criticism i are iu general good and impar tial where the work criticised does not iu its character conflict with the peculiar political views of the conductors, which are decidedly Republican and seemingly opposed to the Reconstructive policy of President Johnson. The article on General Lee Is deeply tinctured with prejudice. That on “ Corporations and the People" contains suggestions on the in fluence of Corporations and the spirit of Mon opoly they engender and foster which are worthy of consideration. There is very little foreign correspondence. Tbe domestic correspondence called “spe cial," is filled, if not with slanders of the South, with misrepresentations and exag gerations that aro anything but concilia tory and tending to lessen exasperation. The literary intelligence is very ample. We are indebted to Mr. Estill for a copy who will receive subscriptions. [cOMMCSiiCATKO.] Me. Editor— ln view of the fact that the time at which the election of delegates to the State Convention is near at hand, and as there appeare to be an iudispoaition on die part of the citizens of Chatham to hold a public meeting to make nominations to that body, an inpromptu meeting of a portion of the citizens ot the county was held last evening, for the purpose of selecting suita ble candidates, and presenting their names torraally to the public. Feeling that we taiily represented all the different interests of the county, and having in view but the single purpose of selecting men of spotless character and tried integrity, who, in rep resenting our county, will act conscientious ly for the best interest of the whole c cunty. We met, and after free consultation, we se lected, bv ballot, the following named gen tie me u Edward C. Anderson, Thos M Norwood, Jso. M. Guerard. We assert, l a behalf of these gentlemen, that while carefully guarding the honor and welfare of the State, they will likewise give un earnest support to the upright and states manlike administration of President Johu '^ n . *f»?y accept, as an accomplished fact the abolition of slaveiy in the State, and, w. ith this exception, wIU use their best en o ‘T 0 !* Oeor « ia 10 ber former po sition in the Colon. 1 Citizens of Chatham. A lady informs the Maine Farmer that she saved her cherries from the birds by uiakinv o th Old & a perched "" ° f ,h - CBtB THE ILIIIIII CAVVEfTIOR. Alabama tho Second State to Wheel into Xiine. OKI.AUZATIONOK TIIK ItUt'OXSTRU. TIOS lOXVEVTION. Tin- Memlwi-H Claim to have lu-en Original Union Men, Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 12, 1865. The Alabama State Convention convened at twelve m. to-day and organized. Nintv two delegates were present. TEMPORARY OFFICERS. Robert M. Patten, of Louderdale, was elected temporary chairman, and A B. Chimera! secretary pro tem. THE MEMBERS SWOBS IN. Governor Parsons administered the oath proclaimed by President Johnson, and de clared the members of the convention dun authorized to make a permanent organiza tion PERMANENT OFFICERS Ex-Governor Benjamin Fitzpatrick, form erly a Senator in the United States Congress, and President pro tem. of the Senate of the Thirty-fifth Congress, was nominated for President of the convention and elected by acclamation. After several ballots Mr. Os bourne was elected clerk by one majority. W. W. Stevens was elected assistant Secre tary. THE POLITICAL COMPLEXTiON OF THE MEMBERS. No business was transacted to-day by the convention. It is comprised of some of the first men in the State, and all appear anxious to do everything possible to get back into the Union at the earliest moment practi cable. A majority of the convention claim to be original Union men and to have opposed secession from the first. SKETCH OF THF. PRESIDENT OF TIIE CONVENTION. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, the President of the Alabama Kecouslructionary Convention, will be reraf inhered as the successor in the United States Senate of Hon. W. R King, who was a Senator from Alabama from 1819 to 1814, and from 1846 to 1852. and Vice President of the United States iu 1852. Mr. Fitzpatrick was born in Greene county, Georgia, June I 30, 1802, but emigrated in 1815, in search ot employment, to Montgomery, Alabama. lit is self-educated. He studied for the bar, and was admitted to practice in 1821. He was soon after elected Solicitor of the Skate judi cial district in which he resided, was re elected in 1825 and held the position until 1820. His health at this time became pre carious, and he purchased a farm near We tumpkn, and settled upon it. He was a dem ocratic Presidential elector in 1840, voting in the college for Martin Van Buren. In 1841 he was elected Governor of Alabama, and re elected in 1843. He then retired from public life, aud though Alabama continued to be strongly democratic he was permitted to re main quiet in his seclusion until the death of Hon. W. R King, in 1852, when Gov. Henry W. Collier appointed Mr. Fitzpatrick to the vacaut seiiatorsilip. The appointment was confirmed, and on the conclusion of the term for which he had been appointed (1855) he was re-elected for the term ending in 1861. He was President pro tem. of the Thirty-fifth Senate. On the secession of Alabama. Feb ruary 11, 1861, Mr. Fitzpatrick withdrew from the Senate, and retired to his residence at Wetumpka. What his feelings have been on the subject of secession and the war we do not know, but it does not appear, as has been stated, that he has taken an active part in the rebellion. He appears, on the con trary, to have remained quietly secluded, leaving it to younger and weaker heads and hotter blood to attempt to carry out their bloody designs and purposes of a dissolution of the Union. Mataai-liu«etl< Convention. The Republican State Convention of Mas sachusetts met at Worcester on Thursday last, and was largely attended. Senator Sum ner was chosen presiding officer, and on tak ing the chair addressed the assemblage in a speech of considerable length, maintaining that the rebellion and slavery arc not yet ended, and will not be till the emancipated negroes of the South arc placed on an equal ity before the law r with those who were for merly their masters. Colonel Alexander H. Bullock and Hon. William Claflin were unan imously nomited for Governor and Lieutenant Govet nor respectively. The resolutions adopt ed express the utmost confidence in Presi dent Johnson, pledge him support in his ef forts to restore order in the South, and agree with his assertion that treason is the greatest of crimes, and must be punished; call tor vigor and vigilance in dealing with the States lately in rebellion and the extirpatian of every trace of slavery ; maintain that the Southern people cannot be safely entrusted with their civil government or allowed representation in Congress tdl by amendments to their State constitutions they shall hare prohibited slavery; assert that neither Southern men wo tried to destroy the nation by arms, nor Northern men who declared the war for its maintenance a failure aud called for its im mediate cessation, are the proper persons to be trusted with authority ; and, while avoid ing a declation in favor of extending the bal lot to the negroes of Ihe South, say that no test can be made which will deny it to those of them who have borne arms in defence of republic and grant it to rebel soldiers and traitorous politicians The Limerick (Ireland) Chronicle of the 28th ult., is evidently alarmed by the Fenian movements near that city : We have been informed by persons who would not exaggerate in tbe slightest degree, that drilling is going on in Clare, Crantloe. Woods, and the mountainous region at the opposite side of the Shan non, tbe movements of the Fenians in that quarter being exactlv like what tbe Cork Constitution describes iis being carried ep on iu the environs of that city. The mountainous districts of Tteland afford con siderable facilities for the drilling ot Fenians, and the well-disposed need not wonder, at reading in the papers of the doiugs of the lebcls in such places as the mountainous parts of Cork, Kerry, Clare, Cavan ami Fer manali, where they can carry on their drill exercises, and yet escape the’vigilance of the police, who may not lie stationed in these secluded quarters. Blildiso and Repairing in Charleston. — We observe with great pleasure, in Meeting, and other business streets, as well as upon the wharves, preparations making for putting up stores, while an immense deal of repair ing and improving is being carried on. The ravages of shells upon the private dwellings in the lower part of the city are fast disap pearing, and the houses are beginning to as sume the air of comfort and neatness they before possessed. Many of them will be be ready for occupation at an early date; and we have been informed that parties arc in treaty for some of them at high rates of rent. All this assures us that the approach ing winter will be a season of large boil ness. —Charleston News. Large Fire at Liverpool, .Vova Scotia, Halifax, Sept. 14, 1865. A large fire is now raging at Liverpool, N. S., the capital of Queens county. The whole town is in danger. The city, which }s one of the most Important in Nova Scotia, ts situated on the right bank of the river Mersey, seventy mites from this place. It contains about fifteen hundred inhabitants, several churches, a court honse and other public buildings. Au iMcrMilu* We are iM-rmitted to lay befoie our leaders the following letter, addressed to our fellow - citizen. Cd. R A. Alston, iu respouse to the one recently addresed by him to Mr. Grrcly of the New York Tribun- , and which war copied into this journal a ft-w days ago. The name of the writer we withhold. It is to bis experience in the South, the sentiments he utters, the conclusions at which he arrives— the justice that he dues our |>eople—we in vite the attention ol all conservative North ern men We also see much io this letter to encourage our own people : to satisfy- them that they have friends in the North ; and to subdue, as it should, that spirit of hostility I to Northern men—•’Yankees" —which long years of heated political controversy origi nated, and which war and its desolatious so- ! mented. Perhaps, in days past, wo have indulged in this lio a lile feeling as much as any one. In honest sincerity, we affirm that the time is past for its further indulgence. Honor, duty, interest, patriotism, alive for bid it. In the new era that has dawned, new responsibilities devolve upon us, anu upon each individual citizen of the South. Let ail meet and bear them as men, not as children! Then peace will come ; then law aud order will prevail—tliea the Federal bayonet will disappear from our view-then justice wid be done us by the North, and the South will once more be a land ot plenty-. There is strength enough in the North to save the South from the degraded condition to which radical fanaticism would reduce her. North ern men— •* Yankees’—w ho teel as the writer of the following letter does, need have no fears as to their reception in Georgia ; it will be one of such welcome, as they would give to us. Nay, we go father and say, notwith standing they m.iy slaader aud misrepresent; malign and persecute ; the most veuumous black republican in the North may pass from one end of our State to the other, and none will attempt to make him atraid, to molest bis person, or to interfere with bis constitu tional, political, or legal rights. Such is the spirit that now prevails among our masses— ninety-nine out ot every hundred —of our people. Below, the reader will find the letter to which we refer : Albany, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1865. 11. A. Alston, J\sq. ; Sir—l have read your letter in the N. Y. Tribune with tho most profound satisfaction. Two years in the South during the Avar con vinced me that, could it be rightly touched, there is a chord in the Southern heart which would render the people thoroughly, enthusi astically loyal to the Union and ihe new or | der ot things. Although Northern in my sentiments, with the Tribune for my organ, I aud Mr. Greeley for my friend, 1 became en amoured of Ibe Southern soil, climate, aud people. With small (arms and free labor, the South can be made to excel the North in everything that goes so make the wealth of a State; the soil and climate combine to this end. We have long believed what has proved to be a mistake, that Northern men could not go South without the almost certainty of losing their health. Statistics will show That Northern troops iu the extreme South have suffered less mortality from sickness than those serving in any'other section of the country. As to the people, I have never in my life met auy who aside from their politi cal notions, pleased me so much; my stay among them was the happiest portion of my life; I have no language to express my de light. As commanding officer of a District, I made myself personally acquainted with the people, and my inflexible rule was to treat them kindly, justly, generously, firmly, saying to them all—“I recognize y-uit as po litical enemies, Southern and secession iu sentiment, but I will persecute no one for mere opinion’s sake; no one shall be annoy ed lor bis thoughts or bis belief; so long as you are within my- lines I expect you to keep quiet, affording ncithei aid nor comfort to the enemies of the Union by word or deed ; go to work; cultivate your planta tions; I will aid aud protect y-ou.” They did go to work, and 1 protected them. To ine and my authority I believe they were in thought, word, and deed, loyal from the crown of their heads to tho sole of their teet. They said to me ottun—“lf this were the Union, we could be contented, happy, and loyal." I firmly believe tbeie is a way to win the heads aud hearts of the South so that they shall, if possible, be more loyal to the new order than the North itself. I read it in your letter, I kuow it from personal experience. Yet my faith has at limes almost forsook me turougU the reports of the newspapei'3, wuose informants and correspondents, I verily- believe, since leading your letter, are false aud base. While serving in the South, I resolved to locate '.here after the war, but have peeu atraid that “Yankees'’ and “Yan kee officers” would not be well received.— So I have been studying the newspapers, only to be more and more discouraged, and wailing replies t o letters asking for information Your letter to tho Tribune is iu the true, noble Southern spirit, as I experienced it.— You are most happy in your expressions, and your letter cannot tail to do good in tho rigid direction. And, radical as he is, Mr. Greely is the best friend the South has got at the North. He has the ability-, the power, aud the will, to do more tor the real, laatiug good of the South, than any other man at the North. You and he are both imbued with, the same spirit, and working to the same end. The final, successlul, aud happy paci fication of the South, will owe more to Mr- Greely and the Tribune than to all others. Id writing you, it was my- intention to have said more of a personal, aud less of a. general nature. Being out ot the service and out of business, lam looking anew home, with rav inclination all toward the South. Through the reported disturbances in nearly every Southern State, I was about to abandon my Southern preferences, when your letter met my eye in the Tribune, of which I am a. daily reader—though Ido not adopt all its. notions. Mr. G. is a great aud good man, as tlie Tribune is one of the best aud and ablest papers. Your letter sounded like a message from the friends I made in the South. So kind, noble, and patriotic, were its senti ments, I resolved at once to address y-ou. Fray pardon and indulge the freedom. "May I presume upon the spirit of your letter, as. it comes to ine, to seek information and ad vice from you ? I would be glad to know something of your section and its prospects. Whether purely agricultural or varied, in dustrial pursuits are open? For what price lands ran be purchased compared with 1860? Are there streams and wutcr power, finilier and farming lands for sale? are there min erals ? Os course a large capital has advan tages, but are there chances lor men ot mod erate means? and in what business? Can plantations be bad to work on shares ? Can partnerships lie formed in other kinds of business? Have you mannlacturing by water power? What is the soil, timber? Are., Ac. I might refer you to Gov. Fenton, of New York; Senator Harris, of New York, aud Mr. Ureely, of New York. If desirable can procure honorable testimonials. A reply will greatly oblige Your obedient servant, N. B.—l might mention numerous instan ces like the case of your nearest neighbor. In Louisiana I received calls from families who, before the war, had rolled in wealth and luxuries—having horses and carriages— coming to me now in a cart drawn by a mule, so poor as to be unfit to steal. Thus came refined and educated ladies, with the same ease and elegance of manners of their better days, saying to me “they might as well laugh as cry, though it was hard to bear." In both Louisiana and Virginia, I saw the same class of ladies without servants, doing their own work—many having learned to spin and weave, and make garments—ami actually spinning yarn, weaving cloth, aud making clothing for their families. Those who had never lilted a finger to labor, doing it now, however, with a grace and buoyan cy altogether indescribable. This is certain ly a noble spirit; a spirit to be admired and worshipped, however much we dislike the cause. Such heroic conduct deserves res pect ; and tnrned In the right channel by wise counsels will make a country richer, nobler, and more united than the world haa yet seen Bo mote It be.— Atlanta Intelli gence'. I The following little poem we flud In au ot ! seure corner of the Nashville Guzette. The author'* name is eot meutioned, but the del icate imaginative beauty of the verses re minds us forcibly of those charming lyrics which are encountered here and there in the Plays of Fletcher. Ooiiig to Sleep. I. The light l- fading down the sky. The sha«l«»ws grow an«l multiply, 1 hear flic thrushes* evening song ; Hut 1 have borne with toil aud wrong So lung, so long ' Dim dreams my drowsy souses drawn— So. darling, kiss my eyelids down * ii. My life’s brief song went wasted by— M i summer ended fruitlessly ; \ learned to hunger, strive and wait - 1 found yon, love —oh happy fate * So late, so late ! * Now all my fields are turning brown— So, darling, kias my eyelids down ill. uh ! blessed sleep f oh perfect rest iliu9 pillowed on your faithful breast, Nor life nor death is wholly drear, O tender heart, since you are here So dear, so dear 1 3we»t love my soul’s sufficient crown Now, darling* hiss my eyelids down JEFFERSUV DAVIS. Auolkfi- Appeal to lUe Presideut—Peti tion of the Ladlca of Abbeville, S. C. To His L'xcel/ency Andrew Johnson, /Vest. of the United Staits: We, the undersigned, ladies of Abbeville District, Soutb Carolina, respectfully exhibit to your excellency our desire to intercede in behalf of Mr. Jefferson Davis, the President of the late Confederate States. We have heard with much satisfaction that petitions of a like nature have been addressed to your Excellency from other portions of the coun | try, and we entertain the hope that these | united appeals for mercy will not fall unheed ed upon the ears of your Excellency. In any event, it will be grateful to us to have thus testified our feelings for one whose faults, in our judgment, at least, bavu not been past forgiveness. Called from the re tirement of his home to a position which he did not solicit, but wbiqh his manhood for bade him to decline, illustrating by bis con duct the highest devotion to principles, which were maintained with marked unanimity by his people, temperate in the hours ot triumph, dignified aud calm in the days of defeat, always just, always generous, always brave, we see in his conduct everything to evoke sympathy, aud nothing to rnarit the extreme punishment with which he is threatened.— The same firmness and calm views of policy which, on repeated occasions, he displayed in resisting the cries which, in his region, were raised for sanguinary retaliation, we hope will now be exhibited, in disregard of the unfeeling agitation which seeks his life. We hope there will be a merciful remem brance of his poor wife, plundered and in sulted after bieng tom away from his prison, and his young children, whose prospects in life have been so terribly blighted. Impelled by the feelings of our nature— which arc ever excited by tbe misfortunes of the brave and the good, which have in all ages, eharacterizied our sex, which moved the Marys to be the last at the Cross and the first at the grave—we earnestly beseech your Excellency to exercise, in behalf of Mr. Davis, all Executive clemency. Grant cur petition, and beside finding in your own breast tbe reward which attends every virtuous deed, we sincerely believe t hat you may expect increase of your re nown, and of the honorable character which forms the strength of your country. For ourselves we will hold in grateful remem brance this act of generosity to the unfor tunate, and will teach onr children to “rise up and call you blessed." Abbeville, August 23, 1865. A Curious Case. MUST A free NEGRO IN VIRGINIA RE TRIED ONLY BY A JCBY ? [From the Alexandria Gazette, Sept. 9.) In the county court, yesterday, a decision was rendered upon the subject of constitu tional law involving an entire change in the judicial proceedings-of the Commonwealth in the trial of negroes, charged with of fences less than homicide or other offences punishable with death The case came on in this wise. A negro known as “Sonny" Waters, was on Thursday convicted of steal ing $1,160 from another negro man, Clay borne Barks, and sentenced, to two years’ imprisonment in the penitentiary. Toe court tried him according to the provisions of the code of Virginia and of course with out a jury—Water's counsel, F. L. Smith and 8. F. Beach, Esqrs., reserving all pleas relative to the jurisdiction. The counsel im mediately upon the announcement of the sentence moved to arrest the judgment of the court and the motion came up yesterday for argument. Messrs. Beach and Smith contended that the accused being a free man was not subject to be deprived ot his liberty, but after having had a fair trial, being con fronted by witnesses, defended by counsel and tried by jury. This under the Bill of Rights of Viiginia. The counsel asserted that free negroes had been tried by jury from the origin of tbe Commonwealth, until in 1832 the law was changed, so as to place flee negroes and slaves upon the same tooting in in this respect. W. Willoughby, Esq., Commonwealth’s attorney, opposed the motion, urging that the question bad been adjudicated and that the same law which made the five genilemeD ou the bench a court, “at all” prescribed tbe method by which that court sbonld try free negroes. The right of the law of Virginia thus to create courts of oyer and terminer iiad been ackniwledged by tbe judicial tri bunals of the whole country, and never been questioned until now. Mr. F. L/ Smith urged, in reply, that whatever may have been tbe former practice or former decisions, tbe case befoie tbe court was this: the law of tbe legislature was iu contravention of a higher law, the Biii of Rights, which had been made part of tbe constitution. The court (Justices McKenzie, Daw, Harmon, Carlton and Taylor) decided that judgment should be arrested, in accordance with the motion of Waters’ counsel,—Justice Colton dissenting aud declaring he was opposed to the decision. The Commonwealth's attorney said the decision had placed him in a singu lar position. Under the decision of the court he was without tho means of bringing one class of offenders to justice. In response to questions of the presiding justice, many members of the lmr expressed tbe opinion, that under tbe ruling ot tho court no law ex isted by which negroes could be tried, at all, for offenses not homicide or punishable with death. Others expressed adverse views.— The presiding justice thought that, at least, they could keep the negroes in jail until a law was made to suit their case. The coun sel for Waters waived the right to demaud his discharge, at this time, with the under standing that if there was no further action before the court closed, he should be then discharged. Major Dick McCann has been arrested and carried to Knoxville, charged with the mur der of Union citizens in Tennessee The following despatch to the Philadelphia Ledger squelches a most absurd sensational Btory about President Johnson’s views : The despatch in a New York paper, on Saturday last, to the effect that President Johnson hnd virtually pledged himself to “a prominent New Orleans journalist” in favor of negro suffrage, and that he ought to ad vocate it in Louisiana is erroneous. The President, in the course of an hour’s conver sation, did indirectly make use of observa tions like the above, but It, was understood on both sides to be only a jest, and such it positively was. The President has not the remotest idea of advocating negro suffrage, and the “journalist” in question would not favor it upon any consideration whatever. Secretary HarlaD, in his recent letter, ex presses the President's views exactly, bnt yon will note that he is very careful not to say one word about the President himself being a {supporter of the dogma tUorganlKaUen. REPORT OF IIU COMMITTEE AI’POINTKU TO IM YITE rUKSIOENT JOHNSON TO VISIT Hi. HMO.ND To i hi Citizen* or Richmond: As one of a committe appointed by a mass meeting , held on the Capitol Square for the purpose 1 of invltiog the President of tbe United States aud his Cabinet to visit this city and par take ot its hospitalities, I proceeded to Washington on Saturday, the 2d instant, and on the Monday morning following called at the Department of State on that patriot and greatest of statesmen the Hon. William H. Seward, marred and scancd as he was by the assassin's knife. He received me in the mest cordial and flattering manner, and after reading his invitation, he desired me to ac company him the next day, at 12 o'clock, to be introduced to the President and Cabinet, To this I readily acceded. My reception by them was in the highest degree cordial and diguified. My interview with tbe Prerident was necessarily short, but highly gralitying, as he regarded me a9 coming to him with a heart true to the South and my whole coun try, representing those of similar feelings.— The invitation with which I was charged gave him manifest pleasure, and he express ed both the desire and intention to visit Vir ginia, as also bis native, good Old North State, when tbe season and his public duties will admit of it. These two States especial ly. he said, should have remained in the Union, and were not (I think he said) fairly carried out of it. He spoke with much feeling in relation to the unhappy situation of Richmond, and of the condition of the South generally, which I think he will help as much as circumstances will allow. Take him all in all, Ido not be lieve that any proud monatcb of Europe, whose race of kings by “divine right” has flourished a thousand years of time, has a clearer conception of his duties and knows better how to temper justice with mercy that, Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee. From my interview with the President I drew the most cheering auguries; it impressed me with tbe conviction that tbe South will find in him a friend and protector if she will come up to his requirements cheerfully and accept with true hearts the terms of reconstruction offered. With one voice and one heatt we will greet his coming to this old Common wealth with joyous welcome. Most respectfully; yuur fellow-citizen, Charles Palmer. FI AF.IIAL INVITATIONS. The friends and acquaintance of Isaac D. Lnßoache and family are respectfully invited to attend the fn neral of his eldest son, JOHN DAVID, from his resi dence, Harris street, Pulaski Bquare, This Afternoon at 4 o’clock. The friends and acquaintance of Mrs. ELIZA HENDERSON, George n. Ash, and 8. S. Miller and families, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of the former, from the residence of the latter, on York street, second door east of Barnard, at 3X o'clock. This Afternoon. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HEADQRS SUB-DIS. OF OGEECHEE, ( Savannah, Ga., Sept. If, 1865.) General Orders, I No. 31. I Hereafter, until further orders, the City Market will be open from 4 o'clock to 11 o'clock, a. in., Sundays excepted, and on Saturdays from 4 o’clock to 1 o’clock, p. m. By command of Brev. Maj. Gen. J. M BRANNAN. VVm. H. Fox, Ist Lieut, and A. A. A. G. sep2o 5 U. S. Internal Revenue, Collector’s Office. AFTF.R thi« date. I will weigh and brand all Cot ton paying Internal Duties in the Frsl District < t Georgia. All cotton must be reported to this office to be weighed for payment of Dnties on its arrival in the city. Cotton from other Districts, not weighed and branded, will he weighed and branded when reported with certificates from Collectors and Depatv Collect ors. A. N. WILSON, Col. sep2o G Wanted. A HOCRE AND HOUSE SERVANT-white or iv colored; most be competent and faithful GEO. C. FREEMAN, sepSO ts corner Bay and Drayton sts. Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. WM H SHERWOOD & CO., Savannah, Georgia, southwest corner of Broughton and Jefferson streets, under St. Andrew’s Hall. We are receiving by every steamer fresh articles of Groceries of every description. Liquors imported aud direct from mnnuiactures are offered at prices to suit the trade. septSO-lm Headquarters Sub-District of Ogeechee ) Savannah,Ga., Sept. 20, 1865. ) Circular,! No. 22. 1 On and after this date articles iu the Public Market of this city will be sold at the following prices. Persons violating this order, will be reported to this office and summarily dealt with. By command of Bvt. Major Gen. J. M. BRANNAN. Ws. H. Folk, Ist Lieut, and A. A. A- G. Fresh Beef, Ist cut, per ib 20 Fresh Beet, 2d cut, per lb 16 Country Dried Beef 15 Country Cured Beef 16 Jerked Beef. 10 to 16 Yeal, per lb 20 Mutton, per 1b......... 20 Liver, per ib., IS Fresh Pork, per lb 26 Bass, per lb 15 Drum per lb 15 Fresh Water Trout 16 Sait “ “ 16 Sheephead 20 Mullet, large size, per bunch 40 Mullet, smali size, per bunch 25 Brim, per bunch of five 26 Perch, per bunch of five... 40 Suckers 25 Whiting 40 Codfish, per 1b.., ip Shrimp, per quart, 13 Crabs, each 7 Sturgeon, per 1b..., 5 Sausages, Fresh pork 40 Bacon, per lb., from 20 to 25 Butter, per lb 40 to 50 Clams per bushel 2 00 Cabbages, each, trom 10 to 30 Turnips, per hunch 10 Tomatoes per quart 20 Okra, per quart 10 Sweet Potatoes, per bushel 3 00 Irish Potatoes, per bushel 1 60 Green Corn, each 2 Water Melons, from 15 to 60 Apples per bushel 3 00 Peaches per bushel 3 00 Hopey, per lb 15 Ducks, per pair 2 00 Turkeys, each, from $2 to 2 50 Geese, per pair 2 00 Fowls, grown slto 1 25 Half G rown Fowls 75 Spring Chickens, per pair 50 Spring Chickens, 2d size 40 Eggs, per dozen 60 Turkeys, per lb . 30 Geese, per lb 20 Fowl, grown, per lb 20 Rice Birds, per doz 26 sep2o-tf ESTABLISHED 1809. ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, No. 211 Washington-St., *epl» NEW YORK. 3m $5 REWARDT L 0» ITth - • scotch ter- HIER DOG, about three month* old. H. ha* hi* right tonuni foot. Any par ty finding the above dog trill receive the reward by returning h.m to eteamer Constitution. 7 Bepl» 2 ISrown’tt >«taniljir«i USED by the Usitcd Suicc and Foreim . menta for more than e 4 THIRTY YEA.RS, Adapted to any branch of buaiueaa for I >“■» markets Warranted ac urate and * for sale. K| | ENGLISH DAIRY CHEEsh •"J 100 Goshon do do 10 bblfl. Lard. 10 Irkins Lard. 10 tuba do. CHEAP, CHEAP F’ffisf“iisssvaf ZM\T’ ■■■' Regular Line forßosiit THE faat sailing schr. RED JACKET. Averin ter, having moat of her cargo encased p" dispatch for the above port. For or’2J“" apply to RICHARDSON ABVR\ aepl9_ ts Bay-st, opp. Mariners chord, FOR FREIGHfOHIi THE fast sailing brig MARY CORII . then, 2800 bblA capacity, will freight“*>■ ter on reasonable terms. Tor particular. e r r ! cll '' B< * l9 ts Box 79, Hhton SOUTHER |T~ Exporting and Importing company ’ OF FLORIDA, THIS association Is prepared to make advance* ir currency of Gold on consignments of s ‘ ore9 ’ Lumber, tc. to their agent in|££ Orders solicited for goods from merchants and ni ters. The etrlcteat attention will be Daid to „n however amall. for good, fto SJSjf Germany. Our Savannah and Charleston A°em, being salaried, make no charge for f .rwartUnc way and will famish circular of details £ lthe R. F. FLOvD. President, AaINTS:-—E. T. Paine, r“e Screven, Charleston, S. C. : Henry S.v.nnA 3moe aepis Garden Lot for Sale. ACRES first quality land, wooded, wifi 4/ building site, 4 « miles from to°m ffonS C on Wniteblnff Road, with lands of Hover on tk# north, Carrutherg east, and Stiles south. Price See plat at my office. * • ae P ls lw HENRY BRYAN. THE JONES' STREET' Select School! TAUGHT by Mrs. S. 8. FUDGE, on the Northern corner of Jones and Barnard streets, will be re opened on Friday, September 29th, The coarse for. the Senior Department embrace* all tbe English branches, together with French and Drawing. In the Junior Department are taught Reading Wii ting. Orthography, and Elementary Georgraph-, Arithmetic, and .N atloual Philosophy. The Infant Department, is taueht Orally, on the Eu ropean System, a method peculiarly adapted to the rapid improvement of children from three to seven years of age. TK" MS PKE SESSION OF NINE MONTIIS : Senior Department Junior “ 4p, Infant « .!...[ 85' French and Drawing, each ..." 25 Fuel 5' Terms strictly cash, payable quarterly in advance; septtG-2aw2w A COMPANV FOR THE SAU OF REAL ESTATE, THE undersigned, having assoc! >tcd themselve* with W H. Quincy, of New York, under the style and title of “ Southern Real Estato and Emi gration Company.” for the purposes of sailing Heal Estate and aiding Emigration, - ffer their services to ail m Georgia and Florida who may desire to aell this kind of property. Weflatter ourselves that we occupy« position and enjoy advantages which enable us to scii Ileal Estate. Let all who w!,h to sell give us a cal Full and fair discretions of land mud be given. We can be found, for the present, at the store of J. N McKinnon A Cos., or at the residence of C. P. Jo cs Those who wiah to purchase will do well to give tu .call aa we haw several cotton larma and large bodies of turpentine and timber lands now entrusted toou: C P. JONES, B. H. LEEKE. Thomasvllle, Sopt. 6,1865. septl6-!aws* NOTICE. THE steamer FOUNTAIN having returned, owing to an accident to her steam pipe, will leave for Pa latka and Intermediate places, on WEDNESDAY MORNING, Sept. 20th, at 10 o'clock, a. m. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to »ep!9 M. A. COHEN, 83 Bay-at A. & G. R. R. msbbbbbismmbjmbe -3B WC Mrt tnrTVK NOTICE la hereby given that the arrangement hitherto existing between Messrs. Erwin t Hat dee, Agents for Steamer Gibbons, and tbia Compan?, win, by mutual consent, be discontinued on ana ahei FRIDAY, the 29th inst, WM DUNCAN, Act. Prest. A.. * <». R It. CO ERWIN * HARDEE, Agents for Steame NOTICE. On and after Friday, tbt 29th Inst, the Steamer WM. <3. GIBBONS wlil be withdrawn from the Doctortown Kon’e - F. eight received at Savannah on and before the!ith Inst., and at Doctortown on or before the 28th inst - will be promptly removed, »« heretofore. ERWIN & HARDEE aepl9 2w Agents tor steamer. GEORGIA MON CLUB THE members of the Club are Invited to attend the regular weekly meeting, on WEDNESDAY EVEN ING,Sept. 2 jth, at S o'clock, ai business <>f the highest Importance wili be transacted. A full and pane ml attendance is urgemly requested. Let every uncondi tional Union man In Chatham county be present Pet order. E. D. DODGE, Sec'rv sepl9 2 DURYEAS MAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. "*• ™ Wn'wmi* m ,1M That received a modal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners the rompetion of all proO* lnent mannfaciurera of ‘Corn Starch" and •‘Ptepu* l Corn Flour'’ of this and other countries notwithataod injr. MAIZENA, The food and luxury of the age, without a elnf l ' fault. One trial will convince the most skeptic*! - Makei Pudding*, Cakes, Canards, Blanc Mange m - without Isinglass, with lew or no eggs, at a cost**; lonlshlng the moat economleal. A slight sddlil; n w ordinary Wheat Flour greatly Improve* Bread an» Cake It Is also excellent tor thickening sweet Mucej grsvlas tor fish and meats, soups. Ac. For les Cr«»® nothing can compar* with It A little boiled In mil* will produce rich cream tor coffee, chocolate, tes Put up In one pound packages, nnder tba trade mark Mulxena, with direction* for use. ~ A moat delicious article of food for children and u vattds of all ages. *For sale by Grocer* and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Felton Street. WILLIAM DXTRYEA. au2f-3m General Agest. TRY ONE POUND