Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 21, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. Thursday. mPTinci**• • *<*•■*• Ma.MU-bu.rll. Republican Convention. Tbi' MaisadnwelU Republican Cunveotiou nssemblcJ on Thursday last. Charles Sumuer waa elected President of the Convention, •with two Vice Presidents from each Con gressional l>istrict. Toe following are the nominations of the Convention For Governor —A. H. Bulloch For Lieutenant Governor—Win. C'laffiu. For Auditoi General-H S. Briggs, of Pittsfield „ T , r For State Treasurer—Jacob H. Loud, of Plymouth. For Attorney General—Chester J. Reed, cfTaunton. ForSectetary of State—Oliver Warner, of Northampton RFSOIUTIONS. The fust recognizes the Divine baud in leading our armies to victory ; the second j congratulates and thanks our brave soldiers ; and sailors : the third and tollowing resolu tions are appended entire : BKSOI.L'TIONS. Hesolved , That Massachusetts, which gave | to Abraham Lincoln a unanimous support in j Congress, extends a cordial welcome and j confidence to his successor and the represen- | tative of his ideas—Andrew Johnson —faith- j till found among the faithless, and pledges to him the unanimous goodwill aud support in his efforts to restore order among the com munities so lately in revolt, and re-establish government there on the basis oi good and exact justice to all. The late rebellion, now so successfully put down by the loyal masses of the country, was the most w icked ever known in the annals of history ; its motives being the extension of the most abominable system of bondage, and the immediate oc casion of the loss of a faiily conducted and constitutionally ordered election, and that we agree with our Chief Magistrate that treason is the greatest of crime, and those who are especially guilty of this great crime ought to suffer condign punishment. Upon the mass of rebels we would inflict no pun ishment, simply requiring that reformation of their laws and customs, which is indis pensable, that the country may be speedyly pacified and made united for all further time. Resolved, That Massachusetts went no further than polieal necessity aud national safety required, when in 1801, in common with the Republicans of all the States, she declared in National Convention that slavery was the cause and strength of the rebellion ; it must be, always and everywhere, hostile to the principles of republican government and justice, and the natioual safety demands ! its utter and complete extirpation from the j soil of the republic; anil now, in accord with | these declarations, she only asks that there shall be, on the part of Congress and the ad ministration. no relaxation whatever of vigor or vigilance in the government of the revolted I States, which put at hazard the rights of the people to whom the national laith is pledged, «.r which leaves in Southern society the seeds of the national crime which brought upon us ihe rebellion, which has involved us in a debt of $3,000,000,000, for the payment of which the honor and property of the' country is pledged, or which has slain, by the bullet aud by starvation and cruelty, 50,000 of the best men of the loyal States. Resolved. That the entire pacification of the country and the restoration of order is an ob ject of the first importance, and one which requires the exercise of the most deliberate ana cautious wisdom, in order that there may lie no necessity of retracing our steps ; and we agree with the Republicans of Pennsylvania, who in their recent State Convention, ex pressed the conviction that the people lately in rebellion, cannot be safely intrusted with the political rights, which they forfeited by their treason, until they have proved their ! acceptance ot the results of the war by in corporating into their constitutional provi sions, and securing to all men within their borders the iualienahle right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness ; and we call upon < Congress, before whom must speedily come t he whole questiou of reorganizing the Soulli urn community, to see to it that the loyal people, white and black, shall have the most perfect guarantees for their safety before any final steps are taken toward restoring the re united people ot the South to their forfeited rights. solved, That so long as any important political questions growing out of the war remain unadjusted, no part of the powers ot the government can be safely committed to any political party composed of the South ern men who were lately in rebellion and arms, or of the Northern men who, in a national convention only a year ago, declared that, after four years oi failure to restore the Union by the experiment of war, during which, under the pretence of military neces sity, the war power had been placed higher than the constitution, the constitution itself had been disregarded in every part, public and private rights alike trodden (lowa and the material prosperity of the country es sentially impaired, r.nd that justice, humani ty, liberty, and the public welfare demanded that immediate efforts be made for a cessa tion of hostilities ; and further, Resolved, Tiiat no confidence ought to be placed in the professions of an organization that declared the necessary protection of the polls from the assaults of ruffians and traitors to be a shameful violation of the constitu tion, which ought to be held as revolution ary and resisted ; aud that now seeks to re instate itself in power by the nomination of soldiers and provost marshals for office, aud by passing resolutions of confidence in a Re publican administration. Resolved, That we have no theories to pro mulgate in relation to the right of suffrage ; but as a practical question we declare that so iong as the grand issues of the day are the maintenance of the government, the complete integrity of the Union, the preserva tion of ihe national credit and national faith, and the extirpation of slavery, no test can be made or encouraged which will admit to the elective franchise rebel soldiers and traitor ous politicians, and at the same timeexcludc The loval men who have borne arms and shed their blood in the nation's defence, and whose votes may be indispensable In Tea Per, as President Lincoln said in his letter to Gov. Hahn, “to keep the jewel liberty in the iamily of trcedqm such test 9 cannot stand the scrutiny of the loyal American people incorporated into the new constitutions ot the Southern States ; ( on cress should recti ly the abuse, and maintain the public faith toward the ireedmen, while it provides fitr the peace, solvency aud security of the country. After addresses from General Butler and other prominent citizens, the convention dissolved. Personal Intelligence. —The following 1 is an old obituary notice of Jacob Johnson— the latter ot President Johnson—taken trom an old file of the Raleigh fN C ) Star, dated Jan. 10, 18U? : Died in this city, on Satur day last, Jacob Johnson, who had lor year s * occupied an humble hut useful station in so ciety. He was city constable, sexton, anti porter to the State bank. In his iaat illuess he was viaited by the principal inhabitants of the city, by all of whom he was esteemed for bia honesty, industry, nnd humane and friendly disposition. Among all to whom ho was known and esteemed none lament him more except, perhaps, his relatives, than the publisher of this paper; for he owes his life, on » particular occasion, to the boldness and humanity of Johnson. A Federal Caloitel Kndeuvoring to Inc ite a Negro Insurrection New Orleans, Sept, u The Montgomery special of the Mobile News says: Many influential citizens of Marengo, and the adjacent counties, have petitioned Governor' Parsons, asking inter position for the removal of Colonel Lynch, of the Fifth Wisconsin cavalry, as Lynch's open sentiments would lead to a negro rebelliou against the whites, and bloodshed. h.o.T'f Sam 8 Income —The receipts of the Fmw r f veDUe 81 lhe U 8. Treasury on ,aa y amounted to $1,563,852. tv*>hla|l«. -Reported Ckaaft I. the Carhiuet. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Ledgerl WAfUilsoTox, Sept. 14. I The time is not distant when there will be I an entire reconstruction of tbe Cabinet The members whose “time will have come." are 1 Messrs. Stanton, Harlan, Speed aud Judge Advocate Holt. Yon may rt-iy upon what i assert. It is tlic President's wish that his Cabinet shall be a perterllv harmouious one. | oras nearly so aa possible, aad when all is ready the change will be made, and the new 1 members duly announced , Os course, nothing is known as to when Ihe | portfolios will be tendered, nor is it likely the names will be divulged until made public by j tbe President himself. | Rev. Dr. Newman has had an interview , with the President with reference to securing ' If possible, one of tbe Methodist Churches at 1 New Orleans lor the use of those who have ! attended upon his preaching during the past two years in that city. The Doctor, I hear, represents the number of said attendants «t “one hundred,” and be thinks it no more than right (hat one of the ihree Methodist Episcopal Churches in that city should be set ’ apart tor their use ; in other words, that tbe edifice shall be known as the property of tbe Northern Church. But to this Mr. Joliuson ntoat decidedly ob jected. He considered the churches the rightful property of the trustees, and if tlic Methodists of the North wore anxious for “one Church” at the South, “the best way was for them to come together!” The proposition oi Bishop Ames to sub mit the question of “title” to the Chief Justice of the United States, is a ludicrous one, when it is considered that there is, by the decision of the President, restoring the churches, no such question at issue. Perhaps the Bishop bad not then beard ot tbe Restoraticn. Rumors of a probable general amnesty by proclamation of the President are still cur rent, nnd it would not surprise me if such a proclamation wero issued. As matters now progress, years must elapse before tbe docket of rebel applicants is cleared, and the best part of tbe President's time during the whole of that period must necessarily be occupied in hearing the individual cases. A Treaty of Peace Signed with the In dian.. Fort Smith, Ark., Sept. H. The following tribes to-day signed a treaty of permanent peace with tbe Lmited States, as represented by loyal delegates: The Sem inoles, Osages, Creeks, Chickasaws, Senecas, Cowskins, Shawnees, Choctaws and Qna paws. The treaty concludes as follows: The undersigned do hereby acknowledge them selves to be under the protection of tbe Uni ted States of America, and covenant and agree that hcrenftcr they will in all things recognize tho Government of the United States as exercising executive jurisdiction over them, and will hot enter into any alle giance or conventional agreement with any State, nation, power, or sovereign whatso ever, that any treaty of alliance for cession of lands, or any act heretofore done by them, or any of their people, by which they re nounced their allegiance to the United States, is hereby revoked, cancelled nnd repudiated, in consideration of the foregoing stipulations made by the members of tbe respective na tion* and tribes of Indians preaent, the Uni ted States, through its Commissioners, prom ises that it will re-establish peace and friend ship with all the. nations, and tribes of In dians, within tlie limits of the so-called In dian country ; that it will afford ample pro tection for the security of persons aud prop erty of tlic respective nations or tribes, nnd declares its willingness to enter into treaties, to arrange and settle all questions relating to, and growing out of, former treaties with such nations, as Rftected by any treaty made by said nations with the so-called Confederate States at this council now convened for that purpose, or at such time in tiie future as may ; tie appointed. St. Domingo. Terms on which the Spaniards Surrendeued the Island. (From the Kingston (Jamaica) Journal, Sept. 2 ] The following are the terms of the conveti tion concluded between tbe Spanish aud Dominican generals prior to the evacua tion of the country by the Spanish troops : First —The Dominican Government re cognizes that it is solely to an act ot mag nanimity on the part of the Spanish people that they will owe the independence they are about to enjoy. Second —The Dominicans, who, faithful to Spain, may wish to remain in Santo Do mingo, will live under the protection of the laws, iheir persons and interests befog re -pected ; and those who may leave the country will have the option of returning thereto when they wish, nnd will enjoy tbe same advauiages'during their absence. Third— The government of the republic w ill pay to Spain au indemnity for the ex penses of tbe war, tbe amount of which will bo subsequently determined by toaty. Fourth —The Dominican government solemnly engages not toalleuiate all or any of their territory w ithout the consent and authorization of Spain. Fifth— Upon the abandonment of the island by Spain, the sick of the Spanish array now in hospital will remain until their restora tion to health, being ended and assisted with care, their expense to be paid by an officer of the Spanish military administra tion, who will remain on the island tor that purpose. The Atlantic Cable. St PFOSEI. PISAFFKABANCE OF TIIE CABLE BUOYS. Halifax, Sept. 15, 1865. Lieutenant Gamble, R. N., of her Majes ty’s ship Ureent, says tbe Urgent passed the locality whcie the cable buoys' are re ported to have been placed, and with the best lookouts, officers and men, sow none of them. He concludes, If the Great Eastern’s reconings were correct, the buoys must have parted from the cable and be drifting about the ocean. From South America. Additional details of much interest re garding the war between the republic of Par aguay on the one hand and tbe empire of Brazil, the Argentine Confederation aud the republic of Uruguay on the other, were brought by the British bark Bt. Andrew, which arrived in New York on Friday, from Montevideo, Uruguay, on the 28th (>f July. President Lopez, had taken commaud of the Paraguayans in person, but was moving more cautiously than at first, owing to seve ral checks which his troopß had received.— The allies claim that the navy of the Para guayans was nearly annihilated in the battle of Hiachuelo, between Paraguay and Brazil, and that on land the Paraguayans had rlso experienced some material repulses. The armies of all the contending Powers vVere, however, in motion, aud recruiting and nil kinds of military preparations ware in pro gress in every direction • but tiltjthe rain and cold gave place to more favorable weather it was thought that no decisive campaign would be commenced. There w ere seven teen thousand Brazilians in the field. A Montevideo paper announces that a United States naval expedition of great strength would soon arrive on the South American coast, accompanied by a commissioner whose duty it would be to demand and enforce non iuterterencc with the free navigation of the Plate river by Brazil, aud the payment by the government of that country of four hun dred thousand dollars as indemnity for American vessels destroyed by rebel pirates in Brazilian waters. A Buenos Ayres jour nal, however, says that this atory has no foundation in fact. The cltv of Montevideo waa stud to be in a terrible rotidltloo, owing to political intrigues, political arrests, tnur ders in broad daylight, burglaries, robbery anu other lawlessness. J Hf.ntence OF A Dishonest Paymaster.— Paymaster M. F. Webb, convicted of the il legitimate purchase of soldiers'check books has been sentenced to dismissal from the service to pay & fine of one thousand dol tars and to suffer imprisonments in the Con cord penitentiary until the lattsr is paid. IBWIPAPKRK. DAILY JOURNAL & MESSENGER, PnMished Every Mornins awl Evening. MACON .GEORGIA, CORNER OF CHERRY ANO THIRD STREETS. LARGEST CIRC CL A TIOS IS MIDDLE AND SOUTH WESTERS GEORGIA rpHK old “Journal <t Messenger," 2r«t established A In 1809, nnd regularly published ever since, has tqe Largest Circulation of any paper in this section. We are ottering liberal terms to advertisers, and merchants, and others desirous of having their busi ness generally known, will do well to advertise In uitr columns. OUR WEEKLY Contains the legal advertising of some eight or ten counties and is ctrcnlaled thioughout the Southern an<l Northern States generally. Parties sending their advertisements with the inonev will be insured satisfaction Address S. HOSE A CO. THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES, The Leading Journal of Ihe South, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General News— I The Discus sion of State and National Topics—The Wei fare of the Planting luterest—The Progress of Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration of Prosperity in the Southern States. The Proprietors of the New Orleans Daily and Weekly Times. encouraged by the liberal support given to their journal, have made ample arrangements for its improvement, with a view to making it, in every respect, a FIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. Terms of the Daily, |IG per annum ; half yearly, ; Quarterly, $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES Id devoted to the discussion of topic* of yitul import ance to the interest* of the Gnlf Slates; contains a carefully prepared compendium of the news of each week, original and selected literary and miscellaneous matter, tslea, poetry, etc., correspondence from all part* of the country and abroad, letter* from the peo ple, a resume of the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $5 per annnm. TO ~OLtSbS. The Weekly will be famished as followß, wheu sent to one addi fc6B: 2 copies ..., $ 0 60 | C copies $25 00 3 “ 14 00 1 7 “ 29 00 4 “ is oo | s “ aa <*o 5 “ 22 50)9 “ 37 00 lo copiep S4O. An extra copy will be given to any one getting up a Club of Ten. Terms invariably hi advance. Address WM. H. V. KING A CO., anl4-tf Proprietor* N. O. Times. No. 70 Camp st THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. lias entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has n large and daily increasing circulation, and of feis to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none ADVKRTiSING RATES. ON* SQUARE. Two weeks .. $ f> 00 One month U 0o Two months ! 10 on Three months ) 15 00 Six Months 24 oO One Year 40 00 TWO BQUARF9. Two weeks $lO 00 One month 12 00 Two months 16 00 Three month® is 0o Six months 30 (hi One year 60 00 Persons desiring a greater quantity ot spnre than is above designated, will be acoommodated on liberal terms. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single Copy, (mailed;.. * 6 cts. Oue Month, do 75 “ Three Months, do $2 (0 Six Months do 3 50 j One Year do 600 Ad preps, A. F. CRUTC HFIELD CO., PETERSBURG, VA. Y>nOSr»I3OTTTS OF THK Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF 19,000 COPIES, FOR GRA TUITOPS CIRCULATION. To be Issued on or about the 15 th of July, ISGS, Bt J. W. BURKE & CO., - MACON, QA Thl* enterprise 1* undertaken at the suggestion of many of the loading merchants of the country, as a method of extensively advertising their business.— While we will publish the advertisements of all who may favor in with their patronage, the paper will also contain Price, Current ot the Market* in all the princi pal Cilice, Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, 4c., and Commercial News of every description that will be of .interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “ MIRROR " be exclusively filled with advertisements; but tbe paper will 0* sufficiently large to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence, Select Reading Matter, Ac. It wifi be a famii.y, as will as a nrsmess raerE, and we Intend that it shall visit every City, Town nnd Village in the Country. All can perceive the advantage of advertising in a paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. We are unable to publish them in this Circular, not knowing wtiat number of our friends will want their Business Cards, Notices, Ac., brought be fore Ihe Public through this medinm. We will only say to all, send your Advertisements lo na immedi ately: state, how mnch space you wish them to occu py, directions, Ac. Wc have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cats and material for displaying them, and feel confident of meriting the patronage and approval o( all Business Men. As soon as we arrive at the amount of nutter and aiac of paper required, we will make an estimate, and publish the rate* f r advertising, in the first number. Tory win. UK as utvv as posstm.s, to allow cs to rcui.uH Tin PAr*R- Deeming it superflu ous to argne the benefit of this enterprise to the adver tising world, we leave the subject with it, feeling as sured it will meet its cordial co-operation and sup port. Address J. W. BURKE & CO., Macon, Ga. _ Agent in Savannah: Geo. N. Nionoia, Bay Street. iylS-tf WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, and Cider. THE Subscriber announces to hid friends mmd pa tron* that be has lust returned Irom th* Hdrthern Cities, where he has made arrangements with the best Importing Houses, with whom he has dealt lor many years, ittrewppliesof every arMcte in w line and now offers for sale, on the most reasonable terms.— ills present Stock, selected by himself with great care, comprises; BRANDY. OTARI), DUFUY & CO., PINET, CASTH.LON & 00„ A. BEIGNETTE. PELLKVOISIN. GIN. MEDEB SWAN AND IMPERIAL EAGLE. COMET, tin caaesj WHISKIES. JOHN GIBSON, SONS A CO., MONONOAHBLA, X, XX, XXX, t'ABENET, NECTAR and PURE OLD RYE, O. K. BOURBON, Very Old HUM. JAMAICA AND St. CROIX. CHAMPAGNE, OP VARIOUS BRANDS, In Quart* and Pint*. T E A. S . IMPERIAL, YOUNG lIYBON, HYSON, OOLONG, POWCHONG, in Caddie* and Half Cheats. ••MB, (IfFK, tOAP, ST At Ml, At. Also, Agent for the sale of Massey, OolUu* A Cos. PHILADELPHIA ALE. sepAtf W. M. DAVIDSON. CtMIMUMW WKKt!H*»Ta,«a. B ARREN & PLATNER, Commi-Kion Mi*rc»hantH, Ani dealers in nil kiuds of •rurse aud fine paper* and etock. Al*o- a fine of tuvel ope* aud urines consiaufly on hand. Ca*h pt!d for mg*, baggiug and waste paper iu larg?* or email qaaii title**. . seplT ts 2W* Bay street, Savannah, Ga JAMES B. CAHILL, grnrhai. COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liquers, 171 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS ofMerchnmlire wishing to realize imme diately will constilt their interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the moat aeasonable rates. aep4-3m Leyi M. Churchill, *L K. W. Johnston. CHURCHILL & JOHNSTON, Dry Groods, AND— &ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS OF STEAMER UNION, 33 3 It II OA I) STR K E T ANARUS, Opposite Masomo Hall, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Will give prompt and personal attention to all CONSIGNMENTS THEY MAY BE FA VORED WITH. Consignments Solicited. References iu Savannah— Mepprs. DeWitt A Mor gan, Bell, Wylly & Christian; J, T. Pater-on A Cos. ; N Lyon, Esq. aug24-lm TO SHTPPEHS OF t OT I'ON AW OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successor* to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vrsr.v Stbkkt, ~f:w York. Aud Memphis, Tens. Tuomab Fanned, Henby Bcnkktt, D. W. Bowsvn. jyO « on* CIIAN. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission ami Forwimling MERCHANTS. JONFH BLOCK, COHN SR HAY AN It ABEKOORN STREET SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chah. L., of New York, or to our friend? in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agonta at Augusta, Oh. befiibniigb; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hoi.. J Wiley Ellwand?, Boston. Gardner Colby, K*q., Bolton. sop IS—it A. S. HART RIDGE, Factor anil Commission Merchant. BAY STREET, SAVANNAH.. To be found, at present, at ofllce of Messrs. J. T. Thomas A Cos,, next to Central Railroad Bank. ?epl4 2w Woodward, Baldwin k Cos., 110 Damn Street, New York, U and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignment?, Sheetings, Qanabnrge and Yarn?. jy!B JohmJonfk, ( ICuartonH.Wav, Late Treasurer State of Ga.) \ Savannah, Ga. ,Tones & Way, nave re-opened their office at No. US, Bay Street. fOppOhite theoid stand,) Savannah. Ga-, for the trans action of a General Commission and Factorage busi ness. Particular attention paid to forwarding Cotton and Merchandiße to and from the interior. Rffkkenoes— T. W. Chichester, K-q.. Augusta. G«., I. C. Plant. Esq., Macon, On., J. W: Warren, Esq.. Co lumbus, Ga., ai.d any Bank or Merchant of Savanuah, Ga ?epl3 eo(Mmo Tobias, Homliieks St Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 88 BEAYEII AND 13.'. PEARI. RTS., Yorlt. Refer to Octavus C*>heu. au23 lm EDWARD C. LMiltlEL & CO., Commission Merchants, BROKERS, ANDINSiUR ANCE AGENTS, Mnoon. Georgia. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. inw.iD e. itSEUi, I oxo. <t rcgrxAN. t ang22 lm HENRY BRYAN, Bryan Street, next to Mfrouanto’ and Planters' Bank Builpino, Broker and Commission Agent FOR SAL* ANI) PURCHASE OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And ft)r Forwarding Cotton. auls ' (firm . -*•' DDR YE AS’ HAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. wa# thi Wm imm* m rm That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the con)pet ion of nil prom ineut manufacturer* of ‘Corn Starch” and ■‘prepared Corn Flour” of this and other countries notwithstHnd- MAIZSNA, The fox! and luxury of the ore, without * single fault. Oi.e tilal will convince the most skeptical.— Makes Puddings, Cakes, Costards, Blanc Stance, &c„ ..ithour iduglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bn ad nnd Cake It is also excellent for thickening sweet saaccs, gravies for fish aud meats, soups, Ac. For Ice . 'ream nothing can compare with it A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream lor coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under lhe trade mark Muizena, with directions for use. A must delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale Igy Grocers and Druggist* everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 1G« Fulton Street. WILLIAM. XJU-B.VJCJA, UH3S-SP. _ General Agent. GUNNY BAGGING. For «nle by • N. A. HARDEE & CO. sepV-tr BRINCKERHOFF & MILLS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TEAS. Orders for *ll kind* of Tea*. In any steed packages de sired, HIM at the lowest market price*. Parties or dering will please send remittances. Terms cisb.— Order* solicited. , a . j Southern Produce received and sold on commis sion Will also receive deposit! of money for di>- buraement. No. 177 Pearl street, near Wail, New York, aepl lm UHOUtItUC*. LIgIUHI. AU'. C. K. OSGOOD, STOKE I*4) COIURESt AM) .1 »T. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries ami Provisions. Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Hardware, N. B.—The highest C’ash Prices paid for Beeawax. Tallow, Wool, Hides. Ac. ts, peptic S. E BOTUWEJ.!.. B. WniTXIIEAD. BOTHWELL & WHiTEHLAD Oncer?, Conissiou ail Porwaraiug MERCHANTS, NO. 101 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, CJA. sepS lm J*s. G. Watts. A. H. Champion. JAS. G. WATTS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Cirocories and Provisions. ALSO, IMPORTERS OF Foreign Liprs, Wines, -iJegars, &c M SS St. JULIAN and 146 BRYAN STREET. West ride Market hqnare, vY VANN AH* GEORGIA. WE would call the attention of our friend? and the public generally to onr new connection, and solicit a fhareof their pstrohaee Mr. A H. Champion, late of the firm of Champion A Freeman, thank? hia friends for their past favor? and requests tho bcatowalof the name on the new firm. feOpT- lm HILTON & RANDELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 103 Hay wt. Nrar Harnartl, SAVANNAH, GA., Are constantly receiving per Steamer? from New York the Largest and most Complete Assortment of Groceries iSr THE CITY. N. B,—Orders by Mail, accompanied with Remit tance, promptly Filled at Lowest Market Price?, attfl lmo f FOREIGN fcWf I DOMESTIC* 2 " 1 ALES WINES . MujliOfiS ASEGAAS SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS -—or Ch. Fa,rre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. au:»«i NEW GROCERY STORE. Van. Newton Ward. WOULD re?pectfuUy inform their frierd? and Hu* public that they have opened at No. 16a Brough ton street, formerly occupied bv Blun and Meyer; anfi will keep constantly on bund a well selected stock lo Family Groceries. Quick sales nnd small profits is their motto, nnd a share of tho public pat■«mage is respectfully solicited, J. 11. VAN NEWTON. H. G. WARD. sep!2 0 PIERCE SKEHAN Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boot? aud Shoe?, Clothing. Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquor? and Segura. Also, SUehau’a Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stont, Scotch and Eng lish Ale?, &c. Liberal deduction? made to the trade. 17C BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 02 Liberty street. New York GADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE akd COMS’N MERCHANT'S, AND— WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS, Corner or Bat and Babnasd Streets, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, &c„ nud liberal cash advances made on shipments to our New York House. seplS KIRLIN & KIENZLE, Wholosalo aud Flatail DEALERS IN ALES, M INES AND LAGER BIER. : . .i O U ]{ HOUSE, 105 BAV STREET, au2l ts 3500 TONS OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 60x58 per lineal yard. For sale by FOWLE «fe CO, KIRLIN,BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, I« AD LIQUORS, rORNF.It WHITAKER STREET AVI) BAY LANK. OH HERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. au‘2l if H- Gr. R.TJWE est? CO., Wholesile Dealeis in GROCERIES, I*IQ,rORS AND SEGARS, Corner Johnson .Square and St. Julian street, nnd k No. 17S Bay street, Hodgson's Building. Particular at tention paid to filling country orders. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF ALE LAGER BEER, sepll lm lIHtrIMA TOBlClli ALEACI George A. Crump & Cos., .209 Bltti in Stbvrt, Avoosta, Qa, Have on hand a large and well selected Mock of Manufactured anrt Smoking Tobacco. Samples gent by Express when desired. 3m Join TRY ONE POUND. DANIEL MANN, Y*rnoI.KSALE and Retail Dealer in Tinware, TV t loves Sud Stove Pipes. Also, Roofing, Gut tering and Repairing don.- at the shortest notice. Northwest corner of St. Julian street eepß-Tm and Market square. Boker’s letters, The Oldest and best renowned. Ia . FtiIVKE, 06 Liberty Street, eepl2-3mo NEW YORK. BUY YOUR COOL DRINKS AT TONKING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON BE AD *Ug?4 . if MAVANNAII BUSINESS DIRECTORY. (OMMDsSION MERCHANTS. FKot-thrrkr ek Cos. • SHIPPING and COMMLSMON MERCHANTS, Corner Biy and Whitaker streets. Savannah. Ga. Prompt attention given to consignment* of Mer chnndiee and Produce of all kinds purchased and sold. *ep-i lm Horatio Pi teller. COMMISSION MERCHANT. Dealer in Ship Stores and Chandlery. Harris' wharf, foot of Linculn street, under the blmf. sept Ttson & Gordon, COTTON FACTORS. Commission snd Forwarding Merchants, an3o DC Bay street, Rue Wliituey Cos., General Commission Merchants, No. 202 Bay street, above Barnard street au24 Drady, Smith & Cos., Commission and For Jj warding Merchants and Manufacturers Agents, Bay street, north side, between Whitaker and Bar nard street. aug2t James Leary, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Sole Agent for James Wallace'* Celebrated Whiskies, Gins, Alcohol, Cologne Spirits, and New England Rum. No. C Stod dard's Building. Bay street, Savannah. aul'J NA. Hardee 4 Cos., .COMMISSION A PORWAHDINQMERCHANTS Estaiu.ihhkd in IS3C. Office No. 9 Stoddard's Row, ante Savannah, Ga. Henry Bryan, BROKER AND COMMISSION AGENT. Bryan street, next to Merchants' and Planters' Bank. Building. aulC MA. Colo n, * FUR WARDING andCOMMISS’N MERCHANT, Office Home Ina. Cos., 89 Bay st. Bell, Wylly & Christian, AUCTION, GEN ERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING ■MERCHANTS. Bay street. Savannah. Ga. AM. Scarbrough & Cos., Gaocrav and Com • mission*nts. 140 Congress snd 67 St. .luiian sts Highest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advances on Cotton. Ac. Erwin & Harder, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street- Savannah. Ga. Wm. H. Stark, Wholesale Grocer and Com mission and Forwarding Merchant, corner Ltn coln and Bay street. aug22 WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. [KOHLER, NORTHEAST CORNER OF a Broughton and Jefferson streets. Hole Agent lor the State of Georgia, lor the sale ot Calitorula Wines and Brandy, tf_ E. Koethckc A Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS in Groceries, 'Vines, Liquors and Segars. Corner of Bay and Whitaker sts , Savannah, Ga. sep2-lm Israel R. Scnly & Cos., SOLE AOENTS AND IMPORTERS OP Ch. FARRK CHAMPAGNES, Iu the State of Georgia. 207 Pay st., between Barnard and Jefferson, au9 Savannah Ga, Israel R. Scaly & Cos., WHot.ESAI.E DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, IORDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEUAItS. and 207 Bay st., between Barnard and Jeff-rson JLu in a, Inqtorter and Wholesale Dealer in SraN • tan Hkoabs, Frfnou Bbandies. Wines, Whiskey and other Liquors. Tojsaooo of all kinds. 191 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. DKY GOODS. John C, Maker & Cos., Wuoj.esal* and Retail Dnei.Fß IN DRY GOODS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac. Ac. Cor. Congress and Whitaker sts. Thomas Pepper, Wholesale and Retail Dealfk in Staple and Fanct Dry Goods, at I’tiprcce uented Low Trices. ONE PRICE ONLY. 115 Congress street. Presdee A Orlf, DRY GOODS—^Wholesale and Retail. 11l and 113 Congress st. John McConagliy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. ainuel HI, Ltd, rrr. Jobber and Retailer of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, Ci.OTiiiNU, Hats, Ac. 146 Congress street. GROCERIES, &c. C. K. Osgood, Store ISC Congrese and 85 St- Julian streets, Savannah, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, Tin and Hardware. N. B.—The highest cash prices paid for Beeswax, Tallow, Wool, Hides, Ac. seplS S. ft. Gragg & C-0,, 102 Bryan street, Deal ers in Fine GROCER IKS and PROVISIONS— Agents for Allen’s WAIIOE BITTEKB. Licensed Dealer in WINES and UQUOK.S. aul9 SS. Miller, 157 Broughton street, has for sale, . cheap, Floor, Sug.»r, Syrup, Lemon?, Hay, Oats, Coin, low P- as, l'indors, Potatoes, Turnips, Onions and Cabbages. a«9 MFerst & Cos,, w J o>esale Dealer in Winfs, Li • QLORS, SXGAKH, <5 GROCERIFS, CANDIES, &C. a5 ,j ConjrresS street. AF. Mini, Wholesale and lirrAU* Dealer in • GnOCERIKs, FRUITS, Ac. Cor. Whitaker and Congress st. Lane Congdon & Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Comer Whitaker and St. Julian sts., Q!d Stand of W. R. Symons. Hilton iW liandell, WHOLESALE GROCERS, li>3 Bay Street, are constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the largest and most complete assortment of GROCERIES in thl? city. EP. l>c yo, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries, • Wines, Liquors, Ac. Robert JBalfore, W HOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 151 Broughton street. ~ &c. fl'he “Live Oak,” corner of Draytop street and 4 Bay Lane. CHOICE W INES, ALLS and SEGARS at Retail. DnnnA McMahon. Proprietors- aul9 / VToole and: Cos., KJ BILLIARDS, LIQUORS, WINES, Ao. Broughton st., third door from Bnll. Billiard Saloon. By WALTER O'MEARA, ALEJ, WINES, LIQIORS, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. Union Shades,* N Burnt, Proprietor. ALES. WINES, LIQUORS, sEGARS, 4c. St. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,) . by A. Stajum. Wholesale and Retail. None but CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. SCRIVEKEBY. John J. PnrtiHe, (late Recorder of The Second Provost Court ) will attend to nil Writing's and Business entrusted to. his care, at Saloon ot Terence Nugent, Jr., opposite Pulaski House. GAS FITTING, &c. plumbing nnd Gas Fitting, XT By JOHN H. CULLEN, Broughton »t„ one door Wc-t of Barnard. WU. Williams, Gas Fitter and Plumber, • and Dealer in Tin Ware, Hocbk Furnishing Gonna, ±c, • 145 Broughton street. Weed & Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Hardware and Tin W r are. No. 150 and 101 Broughton street. TT Cranston, U • PLUMBER / XD GAS FITTER, i»l Bryan at., next to cor. Whitaker. SEGARS, TOBACCO, &c, E. lA.oetl.eeke dl Cos., Importers of Genuine Havana Segars, Corner llay and Whitaker streets. Savannah, Ga sepc .lm , . . /J. i Jacob liangstlorf A Cos., Wholesale Dealers in fine Havana and Domestic Segars, Chewing aud Smoking Tobacco, Sunil, Ac. 171 bay street, be tween Whitaker and Barnard streets. an 24 Ffvolt). . SEGARS, TOHACOO, SNUFP, PIPES, *e. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. CP. Lapel, Stoats, Tobacco, Sitnrr, Pints, • Panov Asiiclkb, Stationzsv, Ac. cor. Ball and Broughton ate. F Constant, laroRTU ok Domistic and Havana • Sr.oaks, Mevsbchaum Piria, Ac. Aleo, WtNia, ciiAMPAONEa andothet Liquors. Zt£ Hull Street, oppoaite the Post Office. PRINTING, STATIONERY, Aq carille A Leach, O BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Bryan afreet aud Market Square. AT arking Ink, MautiranTCßio and for sale bv ivl ~ DAVID U. GALLOWAY, G*°" JOB PRINTER, Bay st., between Abe i corn and Drayton. P J. P««e, LITjfUGKAPiIEIt, STATION EH Uj. BINDER, 108 PRINTER, AeT * . No. 0 WMteker etreet, C W. Mainn ,v Go., aTb HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE . No. 11l Bay etreet. DIRECTORY -- CONTINUE? CLOTMINU~~ ' H. A. Tephaiu, 12* Cuagima 11 *h. and I Mere ham. 1 R,„* Port h,v * Dealer in Fine Ready .Made Clothing, Uentv p’ S 1 ■ ing Goods, Hat* auj Capa. Ac * U F,:rn '»h -- PHoynatapNAL. Dr. X. 31. Snml, ™ —. DENTIST. Successor to Dr p t> \nrk .treet, near Court House, Savannah,' WATCHES, JEWELRY,' FD. Jordan, Dealer in Watches — * Silver and Plated Ware Fancy nU "‘ Lli tr Watches and Jewelry Repaired 4c 129 Cougrem st ■ opposite the Pulasl., u, Jus HAIR DRESSING, &c. Pulaski House Barber Shop, (cnr Bryan sts.j Shaving, Hair Cutune qh.~ UU Whiskers Djea, Ac. Fancy Soaps, and other Rtncy Ai tides for sale. V ‘ ve -k Tci FURNITURE. F « 1, '«»'• FURMTCKJE WAREHor-Tn Nr» Mors Mad* to Oansa. HenuiTn , SE hanging, Ac., at short notice. 138Ifroa^; CHLNA WARE. «frr ~ E- jtreet, ad door from cor. 0 f R -- „ __ ARCHITECTURE, &c. Jume. C. lilnnce, Jlaster Cariiento. . 7. and Draughtsman, wltt attend to all «n Ar< * i,e<! mess In the above branches, iy Office No” vu o’ street, next to Stoddard'* Range * 1!4 & ; sub Druggists. M. Walsh, ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tlßrnrre _mlli Sonrheast cor, Barnard and Y< tv Drug House, ' Corner Congress snd Barnard sts. J ACOBUPPMAN, late Kino a Wasiko Thomas M. Turner, DRUGGIST, SonUtwe. cor, Barnard snd i A. Solomons Ac Cos,, * n WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTO _tr Orders executed accurately and with dcepucl^ BOOTS AND SHOE?! 1 A m<: ‘ i A ,^L^ c ,“ bo andJ r » Jobbera (n Men's, 4ud f hlldren’s Calf Serge and Kid 800 in SHOES, of all kinds and qualities oo.s nf 162 Congress st„ 4th door North of the Mart.. CJ co. T. Me hols, T RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE U» Broughton st„ 2d door irom 801 l CONFECTIONERY. J£- Hernanclez, . (’ONFEf'TIONKR—Wholesale and Retul EtANCTACTCRER OF SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FI.nKCONFECTIONEB' OF ALL KINDS. 146 Broughton street, tyyo doors from Barnard M Fitzgerald, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY and RASPBKRBY syrups, candies, jc„ *<, tw In any qunnuties, to salt Purchasers, .gj >VU!TAKr.R STKEtT. PHOTOGRAPHS. JT. Reading & Cos., • PHOTOGRAPHERS, Cor. Whitaker and St. Julian eu Wilson’s Photographic Gallery, SoCTII-EAST COaNKuBaijUGIITON AND Wuirrn St ALL KINDS OF PICTURIS KNOWN TO THE Af anlß Kve<*i-it) in tub V,*t (1 rail,« rE PAINTS, OILS, &c. John Oliver, Ilonse and Sign Painter Dealt in Paint 9, Oils. Olass, Ac. No. 11 WhitaKt strove aU g2-) Thomas W. Shea, 4 HOUSE ANDSIGN PAINTER: Dealer in Paints, Oils. Ac. St. Julian street, ot stand of Jim. C 4. Falligant. aulS frODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTi and ALE, CORDIAL* SYRUPS, Ac. Cor. Buy an t West Broad street* DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. Carliart, Whitford k Cos., Mannfactnm’3 and Wholesale Dealersii READY MADE CLOTHING, .381 and 3SB Broadway, ook. W orth Stmket, NEW YORK. T. F. Cariiart, J Henry Shafeb, Wm. H. W r HnToRP, | A. T. Hamilton. J. B. Van Waojunkn. Office of Payan k Carhart in liquidation. jyc nm_ STEELE & BURBANK. 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, So. ft CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail p« chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING. AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, aid Plat? Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belts Embroideries,BoolkG; Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves. Ac., Ac., Ac. THE NEW SKIRT FOR 1865 A WONDERFUL invention for ladies. Unqaestic: ably superior to all others. Don’t fail to read the advertisement In the Savant Herald containing lull particulars every Saturdi; morning, jyC 6taw3»> A. T. CUNNINGHAM. P. 0. PBSI CUNNINGHAM & PURSE Factors, forwarding ani> commip'ioi MERCHANTS. No. 4 Stoddard's Lower Store Bay sheet, Savannah. Qa. References—Roht. Habersham & Sons. Hunter. Gammell, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin AOt Etwin * Hardee, Claghom & Cunningham. Mp 4 3m _ COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE THE undersigned havo this day entered intoCoptfi nership to carry on Stevadoragc, Drayage,» age and Commission business, tinder the nauiuel" J. Dickerson A t o. Office, second door west of Messrs. Andrew Lo" Cos. 11. J. DICKERS® T. A. GOODWIN N. B. BROWN* Savannah, Ga.. August 21, lSfifi. auShW Warren’s Celebrated Needles and Fii Hooks. ATSTDRICAV CLERK & CO, 4S MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OCR former customers will find a reduction lap prices of the Needles, while the quality to kept up to the highest standard known to Eng; mnmuaetnrers. , . * A. C. A Cos., respectfnlly solicit n renewal op mercantile relations so long and favorably esteem by their house. flu2s-3o^ Real Estate for Sale BUILDING LOT suitable for ■Retail Stores or fIV house, corner Broughton and Montgoicc streets. Terms cash, , a . Eligible Lot, southeast corner of Whitak« r Gordon strolls. Te rm*, cash. Garden lM)t No. 8 Gtfton Ward, 100x60; bas small houses. Price low for caeth. .... aepl4-lw HENRY BRVAN EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK For sale by •scplS BRIGHAM. BALDWIN and R. H. ALLEN & to,, ISO At 101 WATER SI NEW YORK. MllllLTlißiL LWPLEMEW . AND MAOHINIRY Df AU RIND*. . Small Tools for lh * Farm and Cardtn, aucAM-F: Shovel*, Hon, Fork*, Raku, AC., and for Ota" Hook*, Scytfu*. Scyth-S awr, and Jyrlcin tural Hardware tn gtntral. ■We offer, «tao, • tore* eseortmeßtof onr fscuire of Hay Cutter*, toffee and Grain MWfc Mill* lor Grocers’ uae. Store Truck* of varivW terns. Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrowa, *c. Fertillirera ot all ktnds, inch »s Coe’s WK phate ot Lime, pure Uruond Bon*, Peru'isav and Poudrette. SEEDS. ha”proved worthy of cnltlvadon, grown ano w. exrtreaaly tor onr trad,. ., O aA Safes made In bulk, per pound or bnshel. or ln packets, for retailing, by the hundred or thousM «cpl2-2aw'Jmo