Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 27, 1865, Image 3

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I 0 1 U MATTERS. ——~ ■ ~ -t 'u l |>artuv« •*• !»• •*»••* •<*»*»«**• rOB NEW YOB*. -. caul 3iuj) Idaho, Wednesday, Septemtai 2T, at 1 r -lock P- tn itcanuhtp Ailaone Wedne*ia7, September 27, at l c ioei: p- th Steamship Chase. Thursday, September 2s, al 2 o'clock p* m. VOK ACOU9TA. Steamer Falcon, Thursday, September 28, at 12 o’clock ul FOR FLORIDA. * Steanur Fountain, every Saturday morning, a» 9 „ clock. ■ Fkom Ateim-'The Steamer Helen, Cspt Kt-llly, , ca here from Augusta yesterday afternoon, with her usual freight and passengers. The following is >mr report i t.ft Augusta Sept. 2lth, at 2, p. m. River low and ftmn „ steamers May and Berry stuck tost on Oard net's Bar. naif past 4, p. m„ passed Steamer Oak wlow Erigg's Bar. At a. p. m„ Steamer Laura, near -' v , g B:u , noth for Augusta. On the 26th, Bp, nr, Lwd Steamer Petit, aground near Hlrshman’s J'" w 0 n me 26th, 12, m., near rarachncla, passed Steamer Enos, for Angusta. At 3, p. m.. passed steamer Savannah near I'urysburg. ,Ve are indebted to the Purser for late Augusta pa pa* i,fY S L.vai's Boo*.—Tho October number of this favorite ladles’ magazine ha3 been received. It contain' a' usual, a brilliant colored fashion-plate, and embroidery patterns, together with some excel lent engravings, and a pleasing variety of light readme. Ksull. stationer, corter of Ball street and Bar Lane, lias it, and the Waverly Mogaziuc, Street snd Smith’s yew York Weekly, Frank Leslie’s, etc. Best Groceiues.—Attention in invited to ihecard oi v. H. Sherwood 4 Cos., In another column. Sher wood 4 Cos. have recently opened under St. Andrew’s Hall, in one of the liandsomest stores, and with one of the Sees; stocks of best groceries, wines, etc., in the city. ‘ THE COIRTS. pzFOPt Lira. col. *. n holbuook, photos. mar ;HAt DrTBfCT or 9AYANNAH. • ! SaTa::::aH, Sept. 28, 1965, George Caily, agent for Edward Lovell, vs. Henry, Shi, Ecu and" Robert, (colored)—Unlawful holding possession ofa brick yard, containing ten acres, and refusing to pay rent, or to remove therefrom. After examination of the evidence in the above stated case, on motion of Levi S. Russell, Esq., plalnthTs attorney, It Is'ordered that the defendant be allowed i;n tii the 10th day of Oct. next to vacate the premi ses, and upon failure to do so, that they be forcibly ejected therefrom ; and it to further ordered that die defendants pay the costs of suit. Counsel for plaintiff Levi S. Bussell, Esq. •Simon Z. Murphy vs. Betsey and Robert, (colored) —Violation of central*. On- motion of plaintiff’s counsel, It Is ordered that the above ease be dismissed upon payment of three dollars costs of suit. Coun sel for plaintiff, J. R. Saussy. The United States by A. Jones, Orderly Sergeant Cos I„ U. S. Colored Troops vs. 0. M. Townsley— Can j lug concealed weapons and riotous conduct, tending towards disturbing the peace. It appear ing from the evidence adduced that the defendant was guilty of the oflbncc wlt'ir which he is charged, it was ordered that he lie fined iu the sum of two hundred dollars and costs, and in default of pay ment lie be confined In the Chatham County Jail for t ie space of six months. OFFICE TROVOST marshal. SCB-MVIMON OP THE fl iKECHKE—BEFORE (HPT. SAM. COWUREV, PROVOST Marshal. .Savannah, 9cpt. 26, 1805. United States vs. Nancy Durkins—Theft; plea gulitv. The prisoner tvSs sent to the contraband camp. United States va Oeorge Mitchell—stealing cotton -discharged. United States vs. Geo. F. Rodgers, U. S. Police— Neglect of duty ; fined $5, to be deducted from monthly pay. United States vs. P. Connelly, U- s Police—Disobe dience and neglect or duty ; discharged from the police with loss of all pay: Uaited States va J. ifcGee, U S police—Dlsobe, dience and neglect of duty ; discharged from Police with less of all pay. United States vs. Sam Bulord (colored)—Sleeping on the streets ; sent to contraband camp. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Augusts Msikrt Augusta, Sept. 23, iB6O. rrtANCiAi. ‘ti Gold. —Quiet; the brokers are buying at 40 aud selling at 43. Silver.— Buying 37 to 38, selling 40 t 042. Cuecks.—On Kesv Yerk selling at Ito 2 per cent. discount. City Bills, selling at 85 cents ; Georgia State Bonds (old), 65c.; State orTemiess»e, cos.; Georgia Railroad Stock, toe.; Georgia Railroad Notes, 85 to 905.; Cen tral Railroad Kotes, “5 to tOc- COMMERBIAI. Cottoit.—Tiiere was a fair Inquiry at from 31 to f.4 cents, but little offering. Domestics.—Sheeting, 80 to 31 cents; Shirting, 26 to 27 ; Osuabnrgs, 23 to 24 ; Yarns, $2 60 to $2 75 ; Bagging, Kentucky, 33 to 35 ; Rope, 23 25. Oroceiiies— Reported bv Fleming A Robinson.— Flour, per bbl. sl3 00 to 15 00 ; Corn per bushel, $1 to 110 ; Bacon, hog round. 23 to 25c.: Lard very scarce, 30 to 82c. ; Cow Teas, 90 to 95c. gjyrap, Sor ghum, 40 to 45c. ; Coffee, Rio, 35 to 40c.; Java, 43c. ; Sugar, brown, 20 to 25c. ; Salt, coast, Zii to 4?4c. : Liverpool, 4,Hi to 4,\e. Iron, Bto 9c. ; Nails, 4dA6d, per keg, $lB to 20 ; S’s 10-s A 12V, S2O to 21 ; Soaps, Colgates, 20 to 22c.; Candles, Spearm, 45 to 50c.; Ad amantine, 32 to Ssc.; Mackerel, No. 1 bills., $32 ; No. 2, S3O : No. 3, $23 ; No. 1 half bbls., $lB to 17 ; No. 2, sl6 to 18 ; No. 3, sl4 to 15 ; Kits, No. 1, sl>A to 4Mi do. No. 2, $4 to 485 ; do. No. 3, $4 ; Cheese, 30 to 31c. Liquors—WhLskv, Rye, per cage sl4 to 18;pcr bar rel, $3 50 to 6 00. Corn, $2 60 to 3 00,-Brandy, French, sls 00 to 20 00 per gallon; per case, 25 00; Apple, $3 00 to 3 50. Wine, Claret, $8 00 to 16 per ease. Dry Goods.— Repotted by H. F. Russell, Prints. 36 to 53: Delaines. 45 to 75; Merinos, $125 to 150; Poplins, $1 25 to 200 ; White Flannels, 50 to St 25 ; French Prints, 75 to $1 00; Caslmeres, $1 50 to $3 50. Business reported uot very brisk. The prices of ali articles in the grocery line have a downward ten dency. Tills market Is flooded with goods of all kinds. MADAME C. GRADOfT Hating returned to Savannah, informs the Ladies and all her customers that she has resumed her MILLINERY BUSINESS* And solicits the continuance of thoir liberal patronage. She has also a variety of ladies- walking jackets. SILK DRESSES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS. ALL DIRECT FROM PARIS. BARNARD STREET, Between Congress street Lane and Broughton st. XOTICE TO GENTLEMEN. FGRADOT hn?! a Ist or £ne French Boots and q Gaiters for Gentlemen, which he offers for sale cheap to close that importation Barnard street, between Congress street Lane and Broughton street. gep26-POd3 Boar < Wanted. X>ERMANENT BOARD wanted by a gentleman for Jl himself, wife and infant In a private family where there aro no other Boarders. Would prefer unfurnished apartments. Please state locality and terms. Address E P TUNISON. acp2f>-3 Agent Adams* Kxpress. House Wanted. ASM .LL HOUSE pleasantly located, and In good repair, wanted for a first rate leuent. Rent not over S6OO. Address Kry Box 18, Savannah. sep264S F. M. MYRELU STEAMBOAT AGENT and General Shipping Agent Hurls’ Buildings, id door west of Low * Co.-*) Bav street. Refer* to Messrs. Hnnter ft Gammell, Crane, John son ft Graybill ■ Bell, Wylly A Christian; Bothwell * Whitehead; Miller, Thomas A Cos. sep!o-tf Information Wanted. ■INFORMATION WANTED of Msry Ann Lawson.— A When last heard from, July 14 1842. was In Knoxville, Tenn. Any information of her will be gladly her No. 122 West lDth street. aep»6-2 New York City. rtrarehtAr. iVViTAttloy. the IrWidi and arqaltiUnM of Jußtf K KUfc- BINB aud wtfc lie invited to attend the funeral of the f< -finer, from hm Into residence on PrenldeDt Street, between Hnbenhnm and Plica. Thla Morn lug at 10 o'clock. Shipping Imolligonco. Miniature Almnnnr—Thla Day ■. San rise. s 50 Moon rues io u Sun sets 5 631 High water 11 M PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived- Tt’EShAT, Sept. 20 188.5. Steamer Helen, Reilly, Augusta, to Kein 4 Cos. U 8 Steamer Hafodll, Acting Fnsign F Fnfer Hil tou Head. Brady, Smith A Co’s fiat, from Augusts, with 209 tales Upland Cotton, to Brady, Smith 4 Cos. Strobhar's fiat, from Augusta, with 4;u tales Up. land cotton, to L F Metcalfe 4 Cos, and F \V 81ms 4 U S fiat No *, from Augusta, with 159 bales Upland cotton, to Kein 4 Cos. Cleared. T S Hospital Steamship Oen. Barnes, Morton, Hil ton Head. Steamer Resolute, Spregg, Htlion Head. Steamer Win Cl Gibbons, Pliilpot, Doetortown—Er win 4 Hardee. Steamer Savannah. Eldridge, Paraehuela. Tug Starlight, Anderson, Fort Pulaski. K Loyalist, Hoffman, Jacksonville, Fla—Jno Br llrig Regatta, Stanley, Ganlncr, Me—Jos Llpp man. Imports. Per Steamer Helen, from Angusta—l92 bales Up land cotton, 23 do domestics, 2 bbl» beeswax, 3 bexes merchandize, and 4 boxes. Consignees. Per Steamer Helen, bom Augusta—F W Sims, Jno R Wilder, Kein A Cos, J Russall, Dzyallnskl 4 iftiiJ.J' Hunter 4 Gammell, W U Stark, Crane 4 UreyMll. Passenger*. Per Steamer Helen, from Augusta—J H Smith, J Russell Mis ltu3sel and 3 children J M Cleary, 51 H Church, 11 W Osborn, Charles Farnsworth and ser vant, P J rrgto, T T Scrlven, L Urgls, s M Coldtng, J 0 Richards, Jos DetvlUe. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Sept 28,1666. STEAMSHIPS. Idaho, Crowell—discharging—foot of Abercom st— Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos.. Ariadne, Creary—— at Central Cotton Whart—John H Wilder. SHIPS. New England, Hodges—loading for Liverpool—at Lower Hydraulic Press—Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos. BHIQS. Brig Aurora, (Br.) , from Halifax, N S. 316 toa« —discharging loot of Drayton a tree—F L Cue 4 Cos. Imogeuc, Saunders, 450, loading, Philadelphia, Union Ferry Wharf—L J Guilmartin 4 Cos. Burchard A Torrey. Haskill, disc*, iron Steamboat Co’s wharf—Oheeseman 4 Marshall. Regetta, Staulev—loading—Dry Dock wharf. Hut chison's island—Jos Lippnuin. SCHOONERS. Lottie Kotts, (3 masted) Endlcott, disc'g., Machine Shop, Eastern Wharves. B L Sherman, (3 masted) In distress—repairing. Scltr Win E Stevenson, Threaderafr, 45, waiting, at dock foot of Barnard street—Master. Mary Ann Emma. Cousins, 165, vv’tlng, Iron Steam boat Co's wharf—Haywood, Gage 4 Cos. SLOOPS. Br Sloop Sylvia, Brown, St Georges, Bermuda— loading at wharf foot of Barnard street. NOTICE. The undersigned have fotmed a Co-partnership un der the name and style of F. -W. SIMS & CO., For the purpose of transacting In Savannah a general FORWARDING AMD COMMISSION BUSINESS All kinds of produce will be bomrht and sold on Commission, and particular attention given to the forwarding, sale, or purchase of COTTON, TIMBER, and LUMBER. Bnslness is respeetftilly solicited, and the utmost efforts will be made to give our patrons entire satis faction. F W. SfMS. sep2C 0 ,T. F. WHEATON. THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS Can be had at ES TILL’S Hews Depot and Cheap Period!* cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF IHE POST OFFICE. scp2f» BOARDING. SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS are offered to two gentlemen In a private family. Address “W„" Herald office. sep26-l w FOR SALE. o/u 1 SHARES Savannah and Ogeechee Ceaal aUv Stock. Apply to sep26-9 T. J. WALBH. ‘ J. SHAFFER, Oommlaalon Dealer In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AMD PRODUCE, Wist Washington Market, Opposite 143 West st„ Bulkhead between Barclay and Vessy sts., NEW YORK Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, ana put up for the Southern market All consignments promptly attenked to. Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H. Parsons. jyl2 eodly BHY YOUR COOL TAYLOR’S ALE —AT—• TONICING’S, IN REAR OP POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. aug«4 GUNNY BAGGING AND ROPE FOR SALE BY sep2s 3 EDWARD PADELFtIitD. HARRISON & CO., BANKERS, No, 19 New Street, Near Wall, KTBW YORK. COLLECTIONS made onall parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies and Europe. Colo, Government Securities, State, City and Rail road Bonds, Gpupons, Stocks and Southern Bank Notes bought and sold oh commission. Deposits received, to be drawn at win, and 4 peg cent Interest per annum, allowed thereon, Sterling and French Bills of Exchange negotiated. HARRISON-* 00., No. 19 New street, opposite the Gold Room.N. Y. HARRISON, GODDIN ft AFPEHSON, Richmond. Va. Reference—Measm. Duncan * Jobnstqn, Savannah; Barber * Sen, Angaria. sep6-lm Cheap Cottage Houses. F\-CpiMINGS- Carpenter and Builder, State of • Maine, will put nn Cottage Houses In tbts city onriag the coming Winter cheap, provided he can get purchasers to advance tor ten or fifteen, so as to make it an object. For plan* and partfenlars Inquire at _ . HORATIO f ITCiIER-S Harris- Wharf, foot of Lincoln street, »#pSC-tf HKi Under the Blaff. •*■*■*» SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IN PUBLISHED Every Morning and Evening rSUNDAYS EXCEPTED] AT No. 11l BAT STATIST, BT , j S. W. MASON & CO. THE AIH OF THE PUBLISHERS 18 TO ISSUE A Live Daily Newspaper! Which shall also be Reliable, regarding Accuracy as being of as great importance aa enterprise in procuring Information. The Hamam> Staff embraces a LARGE OORTS OF EMTORB ASD REPORTERS, -mffadhig several writers long and popularly known as connected with tbr Southern Frets, It alto baa Special Correapandentß at AU Prominent Points, j Who are instructed to spare no expense In procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT HAS THE REBT Maily Express, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that all News of Importance will be heralded at the earliet t possible moment Especial attention to paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS, AND TO . Shipping Intel]igraee, Hotel #*tl the Court fUcffrd. - - :t --„_ m • -——--V- rt-- v- -1 ? ~f | • f.k-T. % AVOIDING POLITJCN, Aa oat of Its province at present, the Hxxaud strives to be. Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to support the true Interests of. the re-united na tion. It will be constantly the effbrt of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA, * And to discuss a 11 vital questions with the dignity they deserve, and without which Its opinions corn'd have but little weight. THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity of Miscellaneous Heading Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter ary, Scientifilc and Commercial snh jecta, so that in till respects it is a desirable journal for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. . RELIABLE CARRIERS AVO Exyorlonoed Mall aud L'ellvery Clerks Are Employed, and cither Edition of the Hebalo will be delivered promptly In Sav \nnab, or for warded to any part of the* world, on the following TERMS : SINGLE COPY 6C. ONE WEEK Me. ONE MONTH ?. 1 00 oneVkah - WOO PER HUNDRED 3 60 EXTRAS Are issued whenever Intelligence Is rccojmd of suffi cient Importance to warrant ft ADVERTISING TERMS r Two Dollars per eqnare, (occupying a apace of ten lines nonpareil, for the first Insertion, and $1 per square for each subsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT will be made on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, or those INSERTED FOR A LONG TIME. The Hxbald la UNRIVALLED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM I Having a large circulation to the city, and throughout the State, to Florida, South Carolina, the South Atlantic Squadron shd the North, circulating more or leas * IN EVERY STATE OP THE UNION. Subscriptions or Advertisements may be .sent by mail or express to 8. W. MASON & 00., PUBLISHERS. No. 11l Bay Street, Savannah, ga »FECIAL IfOtltAl r _ t _ ELECTION NOTICE. An election win he held at the Court H.oae in the City of Savannah. ou Wedn slay, the fouith day of Octotai next, for three TV-lrgatr. to represent Chan ham Conmy in the Convention of the People of Geor gia, wkoee Delegatus arc required to mo t at Mill edguviHe at if o'riock, meridian, on the 4th Wednes day of October, A. D., 1865. To entitle a cittoen to Tote he must be qualified a* prescribed by the OoaetitnUon aud Laws of the Suit or Georgia, in fame immediately before the 19th ol January. A. D., 1961, (the date of the Ordinance of Swesrion.j and also he must have takeu and sub scribed the Osth of Amnesty, as set forth In the Pres ident's Proclamation of May 29th, A. D., 1965. The election will be held in obedience to th.- Proc lamation of theTrovlsienil Governor of Georgla,puh- Itohed on the 13th dry of July. 1963. Polls will be opened at aeven o’clock a. m., and lie closed at six o’clock p. m. The Sheriff of Ihe County, or his Deputy, with the Constables thereof, who have complied with the Proclamation of the President aforesaid, are required to attend said election and preserve order. WM. H. CUYLKR, J. 1. «. c. o. GEO, P. HARRISON. J. 1. c. o. e. JOHN WILLIAMSON, t. 1. u o. o. srpUl-ll BATCBSXiO&’B SL&XK DVXI ! The Original arid Beat in the World 1 The only true and perfect Hair bye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces immediate }- a splendid Black or natural Brown, without Injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the in effects of bad dyes. Hold by all Drug gists. The genutns la signed William A. Batchelor. Alto, i . REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLBFLECRS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair aal4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. N r.w York. fUMMTES FOR THE COSVESTIOS. Hon. EDWARD C. ANDERSON. Hon. sotOMON COHEN. ** Hon. THOMAS E. LLOYD aept2l-tde _________ WAITED. Wanted, K A DAV! Agent3 wanted to anew and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW & CLARK. Bld deford, Maine. Bepl4-ds^w?.ia Wanted Immediately, FOR CASH, all the Rags, Old Bagging, and Waste Paper in the city. WARREN & PLATNER, septlS ts 210 Bay-st. Wanted, d(Ql| A MONTH! Agents wanted wanted for nix •P if If entirely one nr Helm, fust out. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building, Blddeford, Maine. aepls dAwSm TO-RENT. • Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. anl2-tf Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE Apply at the HERALD OFFICE. au!2-tf , ROOMS TO LET, At Hilton Head, 8. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offer* large and airj’ rooms, snita ble for Sleeping Apartments or business purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., on the prom ises, corner of Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avcnoe, from 4 o’clock to 6 o'clock p. m jn22 LINVILLE l GLEASON. SAVANNAH. AGSKrTS F O il MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 CoartMt Street, New York. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS, Bridge, Car, Ship or Band Hook, AND— BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COACH OB LAC SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUHB AND SQUARE WASHERS, Tumbucklea, Bolt Binds, Taps and Dies, Ate. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. locomotives, cars, rails, chairs, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. .STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, IIEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING ; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, *O.; ENGINEERS- TOOLS, of. every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHE9.FILES. CHISELS, *O, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS. BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Mannfactnreis of the BEST OIK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY. LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MULLS, SAWS. Ac. sept? >{ Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. XtTIL H. SHERWOOD ft CO., Savannah, Georgia, W sont’iYweat comer at Broughton and Jefferson *W?arere^elring»y«re?r steamer fresh articles oi Groceries of . ***?description _Llqaor* and direct from nwinufactnrez are offered at prices to suit the trade. **P t2O ' lln Brown’s Standard Scales. USED by the United States and Foreign Govern ments for more than THJBTY YEARS. Adapted to any brand! of bnatoam for foreign or homo markets. Warranted accurst* end durable. Sals* rooms Mo. 3 BsrsUy-st., near Broadway. £pl9 1 j It **OWN. Manufacturer. ” - ' -jL ’■ - V5-IB- 5- _s_ BTswC *<ily t Qttffli- THIS DAY, .a trout of Stun, at tl ..’dock, the ttafiri mnanmm 01 Grorodee Frortatooa, Famlturv. Fancy Article* *c. “u iiblsA F.uai r -P box» So»n, A«eoi u.* 1 wks ]Jv«TT>OUI Tublo li«* nn> Fnncy Wirt Soap* bhln Brown Bn^»r ‘.'o hoxet iMeol* and I>urvea’» search ‘JVDoxe* Rtianp SB lira* Adn»ili»ftnnCana!«B t V 0 ha M cbwti T »j* >" 1“ Iwxes AfcsorLvi Cordial* Jh»xc* Lemons fvery flue,'. «ep2T “Tmiekwiuters’ SALE. OCTAVUS COHEN Will Bell THIS DAY, Sept, tffth. at 10 o’Jock, in front of Mesara. Erwin A Hardee’a Store, 7 BALES YARNS, ♦ BALES DOMESTICS, Damaged on board of Steamer Lama and targe on her voyage from AngU'ta. Sold for arconnt of Un derwrite. and ail coneeraed. Terms cash. aep27l A.dministra tor’s Sale. BY T. •!• WALSH. On TUESDAY. October 10th. will be Bold at corner Hast Broad and President ntic*to, at 11 o’clock All the iicri.'.hable property of Mrs. Jane Barnett, deceased, sold by leave of the Ordinary of Chatham pounty, and by order of the Administrator. rcpSfi 10 Bell, Wylly &. Christian Will sell at Private Sale. 25 sharer O. R. R. Btoc,k :» shares S. W. R. R. Stock 50 shares A. A G. R. R. stock 5 shares E itonton Branch R. R. Stock 19 shares Marine Bonk Stock 2 shares Back Savannah Stock. wpt234te Roar. P. Totft, \ fJ. R.Motim**. M. E Wn.MA.aa, / \ P. H Wus. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO, AUCT LON AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. GONBIRRRIEMTB OF BBTTOR ARP iIIMRER 80U8ITED. Referencea tn Savannah—Brigham. Baldwin 4 Cos.; Erwin A Hardee, <laden AUnrkles, Isaac D. La- Roche, Esq ; Hiram Roberts} E-u.; W.vlly Wood References in New York—Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp 4 Bro.; D. H, Baldwin A Cos, an26-eodlm YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & Cos. AUCTION SALE OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY will be sold at the C ORR EL, -O N - STREET, Od Monday, the 2d Day of October Next, All the surplus SERVICEABLE PROPERTY, At this Post, consisting of Horses, In nit . Wagons, and Harneus. Sale to continue from day to day, until all are aolp. Terms, Cosh, iu Government Fund. JOHN S. BERGEN. sep23-td Ltent. and A. A. A. <{ M. COTTON, AC. TO OWNERS OF COT TO N . In answer to numerous inquiries from abroad, we would say that we are prepared to take charge of, put in order and ship any lot of Cotton in the States of Georgia, South Carolina or Alabama, as we have local agents at almost every town, and a corps of most efficient men, selected'for integrity, ca pacity, and experince, to take charge of every lot. We will also pay all taxes and charges of every description, and make liberal advances on flic Cotton. In short, we will take charge of the Cotton on receipts or or-iera and give the owners no trouble whatever, from the time we receive it until sold and returns are made by our houses. WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York, or W. O. WATTS * CO., Liverpool, England. We invite the especial attention of non residents to our facilities. E. M. BRUCE & CO. Augusta; August 23, 1865. sep4-ltn STATIONERY, <fcC. ESTILL’S Newspaper Depot, Alt I) STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street, Corner of Bay Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. NEW JNTO Ju»t Received at the above Depot a farther supply of DENIS DONNE, a Novel, by Annie Thomas. Price 60 cents. BELIAL, a Novel. Price 60 cent*. CHRISTIAN'S MISTAKE by the author of John nalifax, Gentleman. Price 75 cents. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 35 cents. > atAo - ■ HARPER’S MONTHLY, QODEV-3 LADY'S BOOK ATLANTIC MONTHLY, 4c., for OCTOBER. The usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, aug3o To Bent, fTIHk eastern part of bit Store. Also, four Rooms 1. in name bonding, suitable tat offices or sleeping sjHirtmentß. Apply to » „ T. HOLCOMBE sep2C-3 At the Exahange. Alexander Hardee, Storage and General Commission Merchant CORNER BAY AND JEFFERSON STS. Savannah, Georgia, Dealer In— BAY. FODDER. GRAIN, FLOUR, WOOL HIDES, BRAN, SHORTS. Ac. aapTMm F of Augusta. LOW RATES ON FLATS I F*it. * to Kfcip Aofxfeto Aagus-ta obtain rodd rated and quick do*p&tch on tb* Merchants’ Line of Hat Goats, Which wi q be towed by the LIGHT DRAUGHT AND POWERFUL TUG STEAMER O. F. POTTER. Apply to CHA9. L UOLBY * CO . KptT-ll' *- cor Bay and AUercorn ats. FOR AUGUSTA. THE Steamer J^alcon Will start from her dock* foot oi Abrrcaru street, on THURSDAY, SEPT. 28th, Af' l£ 6’CXOCK, m. For Freight or PaMage apply to OH AS L COLBY 4 CO ., V _ 2 # cor. Bay and Abercom2ts. FOH AffeffSTA, The new and fight dranght Steamer R. IT. ]VTay, JONES, COMMANDER, Will have Immediate despatch. For Freight eu|.;age menta apply to WM. H. STARK, Agent, «ep2C-2 comer Lincoln and Bay streets. star Tine. . FOR NEW YORK. THE new and etegantarat claw U 8. Mail Steam. ship IDAHO, Capt. Crowell, will positively sail for the above port on Wrdandsy, Sept. Sfth, at 1 o'clock p. ni. For freight or pasaage, haring splendid accommo datioms apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, »ep2s Stoddard's Building, opp. Port Oflice. A.tlantio Ooajrit Mail Steam ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, xfc-rofriven The Firot Cloaa Steamship ARIAD 'Jt'tuSJ 1 Tli NE, Caaav. Commander, will °, n he^th n iSt r o d t’ y i o’clock p. m. For Freight or Passage, having very superior accora modations, apply to m ; , H q JOHN R. WILDER fihlp’s Bills of Lading lurnKhcd and signed at the office of Consignee. sep26 PIONEER LINE. FOE NEW YORK. Tbol s Mail s,enmshi P CHASE Rooms, commander, will leave ——C. for the above port on her regular day THT JMDAY., SEPTESIUBR a9,AT 4P »I. For freight or passage, haring aaperior accommoda tions, apply to 89p26 HUNTER 4 GAMMELL. FOR NEW YORK STAB mt LINE. SEMX-WBBTTXf’y, The first class 0. B. Mail Steamships - ' . S Hill coNSTmmoN, '. ‘ . y.. r ? a^ n £:“ rT - The above shipa compose the Line, and will sail from New Vork and Savannah every Wednesday an-1 Saturday. , BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO. Agonts, * Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOOKINA DICKINSON, Agents, ~ , 11 Brogdway, New York. For Liverpool. TnE At American Ship Itftm CNGL ANfl, MartPr - having a large portion of cargo engaged wiU be ready to receive ‘torero at Ixiwer Hydratttlc Press on the 18th inst. For freight or passage apply to Bopl4-tf BRIGHAM. BALDWIN 4 CO FOR PAIATKA. JACKSONVILLE, AND IMMEDIATE POETS. Steamer OeYi. Shepley, Capt. C. S MILLTKEN, will start on Wednesday, Sept, fifth, at 10 o’elk a. in For freight or passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO.. •*P“® cor. Bay and Abercorn eta. MERCHANTS’ LINE Vessels. THE undersigned intend te keep up a regular week ly line of first class Sailing Vessels plying be tween Savannah and the above port, with enperior accommodations for passengers and the very best fa cilities for delivering freight in good order,at low rates, with promptness and despatch. Particular attention iiven to forwarding goods from New York. CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., eepl9 cor. Bay and Abercorn streets. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. THE fast sailing brig MARY COBB. 296 tons bur then, 2600 bbl«. capacity, will receive freight or char ter on reasonable terms, for particulars," enquire of WM. CANTWELL Agent, sep!9 */ Box T 9, Hilton Head. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, mHE undemigued are prepared to receive goods at A their Warehouse# for shii.ment to Angara and points beyond by their regular line of light draught boats. Apply to CHAB. L COLBY, *ept2i— ts cor. Bay and Abercom at*. For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN. CONNECTING WITH ATLANTIC AND GULF R. R. FOR THOMASVILLE. T'HE Light Draught Steamer WJI. G. GIBBONS A Capt. Philpot. will leave Dillon-a Wharf, on .Tuesday morning, 22d Inst., at 9 o'clock, and will ply regularly hetween Savannah and Doctortown. to connnefloff with the Road, leaving as follow* SAVANNAH EVERY TUESDAY. DOCTORTOWN EVERY THURSDAY Freight receipted for through to any point on Rail road between Doctortown and Thomenvllie Freights payable here. t „„ERWIN * HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT, aag2l-lm Agent on Whnrf. Height for Iffiir RECEIVED .DAILY, And Forwarded emi-Weekly. R JOHWSON. i Per STEAMER LAURA, Capt. Edward IXiixtb. Having a commodious Warehouse on Dillon's Wharf, we are prepared to receive freight a* above. Due node# will be grron of the days of departure of each steamer. ERWIN * HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. sepl» la Agent Wharf, A. & G. R, R. I <Jee ; Agents f n steamer Gibbons. a*d tbto Coapeny uitinAv 1 th**‘ 1,6 d “ conti,,n,d «> Mdafti, WM. DUNCAN. Act. Prest. A. A <*. R. H. OO KKWIN A HARDER. Agents for Steamer. NOTICE. On sod after Priday, the Mth inst, the Steamer WM. Cl. GIBBONS Fulght lh , c ATOetortown Rome - btot «nd .t nif^'‘ V *" I1 ‘‘ h ,nd before the 25th will tan™™, °v before the 28th tnef . will ta promptly removed, as heretofore scnl9 ERWIN 4 HARDEE w > 2w Agents tor Steamer. Central Railroad SU Sfv^Th N i >KNT ’ S OFFICE, l Augusta and Sevarnah Railroad. yae,boro «t the Passengers by this ime will arrive in Amrasta the S^,V£ 0 F n, . nS s* ner lcavto C Savannah lo S t * By opaer of QBO. W ADAMS, G. m P‘ As.-lstapt Superintenden Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT* OFFICE, > , Frelgh. for A^t^.n^Xc 1 tow 4X Central Kali road, and between Wavnesboro and Angnsta, Augusta and Savannah Railroad will ta v «o on iand after Saturday, the 26th inst All way freight to be prepaid. By orde» of GEO. W. ADAMa General Superintendent G. W SCiTTERGoOD, sn K BS Assistant Superintendent hotels. ; Sea Island Hotel. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, •Tuesday, June 20th, 1865.' THIS new HoM. situated on th* most desirahii spot on the eßStei n laud; of nilUxfi Head Island, af- Pier, BsygOeean*, aud sur romuimp Is RDdn. Tho eceuery U*. qult« as I'ieagiu.’ and in every renpect, as the famous Yin terimvulace of Newport, K. I„ and to altogether as healthful a place to *peud the summer months. >lt n i ß ir ne ,<ni,>ottl beach, seventeen miles loner ufmfOtag a Tnort? chururing drive thah the celebratKl Beach at Nahant, Maes., and oefluo sea bathing as at that plac* or Cape May. ’ The Uoiue has over seventy large, airy rooms, and verandahs on three sides of all the stories; the furni lure is entirety new, and the tables will be famished mth the best that can bo procured here and in the Northern markets, fiveiy effort will be made to r«u 0 ® o,el that the most fastidious oan.deeire Biliinni Rooms nnd Sew Bathing houses w til soon be iu readiness for guests. |u2g ts Port Roval House, HILTON HEAD, S C. DELL A RUO Ci , Peotp. iitObs s airrziL g. p. rcto^v ju3>tf NORTH 111! i;i( MHILTIRAL WORKS. GRIITING, BHOTHER A CO., Peopbixtobs, 55 *t.ii 60 Coujrn.A2vn SiEEirr. NEW YORK. Mauulactarers of Plows, narrows, Cultivators, Cot ton Sweeps, Corn Mills, Cotton Gins, Ac. Every implement wanted by the Planter, Also dealers m Field and Garden Seeds Also, Agents for Bruce'. Concentrated Manure, Bone, Ac. Send for ctrenlur irx2o 3 m ifflueiiß’sleid m, JSTo. (id Duane St., snow YOKE. HAVE constantly on hand, their well known brands of Drop Shot, Lead Pipe*, Back Shot, Sheet Lead and Bar Lead, Which they offer for sale at the lowest market prices Orders solicited, and shipments promptly attended to. JAMES MoCULLOT T GH, President sep 12-lmo WESLEYAN Female College. T H £ Twenty-eighth Annual Session opens OCTO BER 2d. 180f». The Faculty is complete. The rates for the First Term, which ends December 31st, arc as follow* : Regular Tuition In College Classes S3O 00 Regular Tuition In Preparatory Class 22 00 French, (optional; 16 60 Music, (optional), with use of instrument. ’.!.... 33 CO Board, including Washing, Lights, and Fuel ... 90 00 To be paid in advance, in currency ocjts equivalent. „ „ J. M. B JNNEu!; President. Macon, Oa. au23-lawt6oct "land agency^ FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. ffIHE subscriber, formerly of Savannah, and resident A at Blackehear, Pierce county, Ga.. on the Atlan tic & Gulf Railroad, will give his personal and undi vided attention to the sale and purchase of Lands contiguous to the said railroad, on commission, ana solicits the patronage of all needing an agent there. A a experience In the land, lumber and timber busi ness of nventv years in Georgia and So otto Carolina, guarantees ample qualification. He will be repre rented in Savannah By Mr. Henry Bryan, ard in New York By the Great Southern Land Agency, 71 Broad way JOHN D. DELANNOX- Refer* to anv old resident in Savannah. scplS 3m “UDOX.PHO woim, Beaver Street, New York. Offers for sale of his own importations, in bond and duty paid, the largest stock of Wine*, Liquors, *c.. of any other house in this country, comprising in part of Otord, Hennesy, Ptaet Castillon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in half, quarter, and eights casks; also Otord and Ronyer, Laferrelere and Fils Brandy, in cases of one dozen each “Chin.” Udoipho Wolfe’s Schiedam in pipes. Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, in bond and duty paid, in cases of one dozen quarts and two doaen pints “Whiskey and Ram.” Scotch and Irish Whiskey, in hhda and cases of on* dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey to barrels and cases of one dozen each. runvr. “Jamaica” and ”St. Croix Rum” in hhds. and cases of one dozen each,. Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines. More than twanty different grades, in halves, qnar ters anti eighth casks, also in cases of one dozen each! , ‘ * “Hoeh, Champagne, Moselle and Clare* Wines.” From Peter Arnold Muram in Cologne, proprietor of Joannisbnrgestate; J. H.D. Becker ft Fils; Escho nancer, Benecke 4 Cos., Bordeaux Barton A Guestiu, Bordeaux, and from other well known houses in Ger. many and France. Ona, Cor.mzi.B, Sazdines, Bitteks, MußTinn, Olives, Bsasut, Fuesezvis, fta , Twenty-five years’ bittiness transactions with the Southern States, with some of the largest and most respectable dealers-should be sufficient guarantee that every article offered by the advertiser for Mle la pure j and genuine. Sample* can be seen, and catalogue of pries* ob tained. bv»dd rearing the above. angS-.lm mackerel: rti >0 KITS n9W Mackerel, tost received an* for OUU *al« by RICHARDSON 4 BARNARD, « pt2l-tf Baj street, opj>, M*tte*r-e Cbgr eb,