Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, September 28, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. 1-NO. 217.
The Savannah Daily Herald
45. W. MASON & CO..
AI ill Bit Sir*lT, Savamxah. Georgia.
„ Five Cents.
Per I ear
nnilnra w r Square of Ten Lines for first in-
T A?,? one Dollar lor each subsequent one. Ad
,eS«ement* taerted in the morning, will. If desired,
V SSmn the evening without extra charge.
in every style, neatly and promptly done,
ThFtrTal of'wirz.
Exciting Scene in the Court,
At the Court Martial of Wirz ou the 22d
inst.. the testimony of Drs. F. a Hopkins
"and G L Bice, two Confederate Surgeons
who were on duty at the Anclersonville prison
hospital when it was taken. Dr. Hopkins
rend a report on the condition of the prison
and hospital which he had prepared and sub
mitted to G-n. Winder, after receiving In
structions, to make a complete inspection,
jje found the.causes of the great mortality
and thejilarining prevalence of disease to be
the crowded state of the prison, the absence
of proper or sufficient food and'medicine,
and all facilities for cleanliness, want of wood,
water and clothing, and of shelter from heat
and cold, and the filthy and poisonous condi
tion of the prison. Dr. Hopkins suggested
remedies for all these evils; but no attention
was ever given to his report. An order of
Gen. Winder to Dr. H. was submitted, show
ing that the Richmond authorities were cog
nizant of the evils, and that Winder had au
thority to abate them. The Doctor said it
was the implicit confidence Winder had in
Wirz which caused the horrible state of
things to exist. Dr. Rice gave evidence in
regard to the terrible condition of the prison,
and the dying of men from starvation, cold,
'hunger and other causes. The testimony of
other witnesses to the same effect was also
- taken.
The proceedings were closed amidst a
somewhat exciting scene. Wirz, who, ow
ing to bis weak condition, has for some days
past reclined on a couch while in the court
room, was requested to rise for the purpose
of bftng identified by a witness who had
been testifying to cases of murder and bru
tality on his part. Wheu the witness said,
■ That is the man,” Wirz glared at him fieice
]y and made efforts to contradict him, being
silenced with difficulty, and was so overcome
by his excitement and passion that he sank
exhau=ted and almost lifeless. Measures
were immediately taken to resuscitate him,
the court adjourned, and the room was
cleared of spectators. It is thought that the
accused cannot live to see the couclusiou of
the trial.
The Strength ot the Republic of Mexico.
The New York Herald has received from
Ur. J. N. Navarro, the Consul General of the
Republic of Mexico in the United States,
•ome important documents touching the
prospects of free government in his country,
including communications from President
Juarez and Mr. Romero, his Minister in
Washington, and circulars from his Secre
tary of State, Mr. Lerdo de Tejnda. Juarez
left Chihuahua on the sth of August, and arr’
rived on the 15th at El Paso, where he es
tablished his government, surrounded by his
Cabinet, as w ebavo heretofore announced.
But, notwithstanding that he has found it
expedient to thus temporarily change his
capital, he is not only hopeful, but confident,
of an ultimate complete triumph over the in
vaders. He has still large bodies of troops
at his disposal, who have commenced attack
ing the various detachments of the imperial
ists in detail, now that the latter have so
greatly weakened their lines by extending
them, and he anticipates decisive victories
for his soldiers very soon. Ho does not.
think that Maximilian’s forces will be likely
to attempt to drive liim from Et Passo ; but,
even should they succeed iu doing so, he has
no idea of abandoning bis country, but will
remove to some other point within its limits,
and there continue the struggle, sanguine of
ultimate success. _
Some officers of the Mexican Republic
who have arrived in New York, having left
Ei Paso about the Ist of September, slate
that Hie people of that town were unanimous
in arr enthusiastic reception of President
Juarez. General Negrete, with one hundred
officers, had gone to the interior to collect
and discipline recruits, and expected to be
able to raise a large force in a short time.
Napoleon. ZVlfiziraiHun nuu a European
.Paris Correspondence of the Liverpool Journal.
Sept. 9.)
The Emperor Napoleou, it is easy to see,
has been clever enough to perceive tlipt the
tall of secession can only bring the Mexican
empire to an end. He therefore only wanted
a pretext to get oflt. of the tix ; and the news
goes round Paris that President Johnson has
been his right hand in consenting to the meet
ing of a congress about American affairs.—
The American republic is of an easier dispo
sition than tire European monarchies, and
-mpoicon lias at last touud a corner ot the
world where diplomats will meet those
of a great nation. Everything, it is hoped
will be settled to the satisfaction of all par
ties, except of Maximilian, it is useless to
say. At the same time Napoleon, true to his
double game, is streugthening up the more
so his aluances. in Europe for the purpose of
bring quite ready,in case of uufoi'r seen event
uallities on the other side of the Atlantic;
and that one may, perhaps, find the explana
tion of the friendly meeting of the Euglish
and French fleets, and of the peaceful can
nonade so courteously exchanged. There no
doubt exists iu this the possibility of a com
bined actien. The success of the confer
ence at Gastrin might be a motive for utiliz
ing the good will recently consecrated bv
British guns and government.
Remains of the tower of Babel says Ga
liguani, still exist, and are visible from a
very great distance. Each side of the quad
rangular basis two hundred yards in length
and the bricks of which it is composed are
of the purest white day, with a very slight
brownish tint. The bricks before baking
were covered with characters traced in a
clear and regular style. The bitumen which
served for cement was derived from a foun
tain which still exists near the tower, and
which flows with such abundance that it
soon forms a stream, and would invade jbe
neighboring river did not the natives from
tune to time set fire to the stream of bitumen.
U. 11. Srwatd the Real Head Centre,
itud Canada the object nr the Move.
Dublin, Sept. C, 18C5.
To the Editor of the Dublin Freeman :
Sir—The country and most of the metro
politan Journals have raised a tremendous
cry about Fenianism iu Ireland and America.
They argue that Fenianism retards the pros
perity oi the country by keeping capital out,
and thereby preventing the development of
Ireland s great natural resources, while they
forget that it is the publicity which they give
the doings of a few crazy peasants that does
all the damage they allege to be the result
of Fenianism. As I am iu a position to know
the exact aims and objects ot the American
r eniaps, perhaps a short history of that
organization may help to allay the fears of
the Orange newspapers of Dublin and the
provinces For weeks I have been laughing
over the absurd stories told by several jour
nals of respectability, and the fears they
seem to entertain of the dreaded Fenians.
The Fenian is essentially an American organi
zation, commenced about seven years ago
for a very different object than the freeing
Ireland from the English yoke. It is not, as
has been alleeed, entirely composed of Irish
men. At the present moment it numbers
many thousand native Americans, and
Americanized Germans, and has a large trea
sury at its back. The exact number ot en
rolled members, at the beginning of last
August, was two hundred and seventy-three
thousand five hundred and eighty-one (273,-
581). Nstwithstanding the statements of
Fenian orators at picnic and other gatherings
in the United Stales that the object is to free
Ireland, I kuow that such Is not the ca9P.
Those statements are put forward to mis
lead the public and keep the British authori
ties off the scent. The real object is to at
tack and conquer Canada, and divide the
immense territory of Britain on the American
coniinent among the exiles of Erin. Nor let
the statements of Mr. McQee mislead the
public. He asserts that Irish Canadians are
true and loyal to the British crown. That
may be the case with Mr. McGee and others
who are well paid lor their loyalty ; but I
know that the great majority of the Catholic
Irish in Canada are Fenians, and stand ready
sworn to aid their brethren in the States to
oust British authority from the Western con
It may be supposed that an aggressive war
on Canada would not lie allowed by the
Uuitcd States government; but let me tell
you, sir, that ihe United States authorities
do not only wink at the Fenian movement,
but that movement is sanctioned by the gov
ernment and ruled by Mr. Seward, the wily
and the able Secretary of State. Mr. D’Arcy
McGee was right when he said that the next
great war for American ideas would be
fought on Canadian soil, though he little
knew Dow deeply his countrymen in the
Canadas were tinctured with disloyally then;
or, if be did, he must be a Fenian traitor
himself. When I joined the Fenian organ
ization I was led to believe that the freedom
of Ireland was the grand object of the so
ciety, and I believe that such was the inten
tion of the lenders then; but the United
States government saw the uses to which the
Fenians could be applied, and soon found a
channel to conduct the ardor of Irish patriots
to Y'ankee ends. Let me assure your read
ers that the laws and governing rules of the
society are framed at Washington, printed
in the government printing office, and sent
free through the mails to every Circle in the
Union and iu Canada. When the United
States notified Canada that the Reciproc
ity Treaty should terminate next July,
the President might as well have declared
war upon the two nations, except that he did
not wish to give Canada the advantage of a
knowledge so important, and time to profit
by it.
That a quarrel will he picked with England
before the 4th of next July is as certain as
that I live while I pen these lines. Every
nationality represented in American society
demand a war with England, and the au
thorities of tbe Slates, if they were even
averse to such a war, would have to yield to
popular clamor or vacate their places—a
thing an American staiesmnn never does.
John O’, the ostensible leader ot
Fenianism iu America, is but the lieutenant
of Wm. H. Seward. Mr. Stanton, the Sec
retary of War, during the rebellion and since
its close, has .been organizing tbe Irish ele
ment in tlie'army into regiments, brigades
aud divisions, for use early next year. The
officers arc kept under pay, and the men are
promised a large bounty when they finish
the work in Canada. The disbanding of
three quarters of a million soldiers is only to
allay the fears of the eueniy and ward off
suspicion ot evil designs. They can be call
ed into service in one week whenever tlie
plot is ripe, though I confess there will be
little use for them if the Fenians act as they
say. I was a member of the Fenian conven
tion a' Chicago and Cincinnati, and know
the designs of the brotherhood. Iu both in
stances addresses were put forth to the Irish
people calculated to impress people with the
notion that the Fenians intended coming to
Ireland to break the ebaius of centuries,
when the real effort was directed towards
Canada. At the Cincinnati convention sev
eral military chieftains from the different
armies were delegates, by authority of the
Secretary of War, and a letter was read from
Mr. Seward congratulating the Irish for their
patriotism and valor, and directing the con
vention the proper course to pursue iu refer
ence to the Canadian invasion. The letter
was loudly applauded, and resolves made to
abide the decision and action of the govern
Canada free, a nation of great power will
soon be the result, and, with the aid of the
United States, can, in less than five years,
wrest Ireland from Eugland. Such is the
Fenian theory in America, and sueh I think
is the Fenian theory in Ireland. Irishmen
are told to be ready to succor the Canadian
invaders when they come five years hence,
but if I mistake not they will tire of waiting,
or find State employment on Spike Island
long before the five years are out.
It may be considered cruel to spoil the
trade of the Orange press of the country,
though it must be consoling to the people
generally to know that they can in future
slumber without the nightmare or the fear of
Fenianism. If the War Office would send
Sir Hugh Rose and all flic troops under his
command to Canada, and the fleet that has
been striking such terror into the French,
into American waters, more might be done
for the safety of the country and the perpet
uation of tile Union Jack than by keeping
them idle in Irish barracks and in St. George’s
Channel and the Irish Sea. It, sir, you
deem liic information I give of suffleieieut
importance to lay it before your numerous
readers, much more can be given by your
obedient servant,
An American Fenian .
P 8.--I inclose my card.
The Cholera, on the Increase at Smyrna
—lt to advancing Eastward—lie Rav
ages at Barcelona.
Washington, Friday, Sept, 22, 18G5,
The Consul at Smyrna, in a letter to the
State Department, dated Aug. 19, says the
cholera mortality is steadily on the increase
I and its ravages alarming.
It is stated in another communication that
tlie cholera has appeared at Majorca, and our
Consul that the scourge is still advan
cing eastward. There is no doubt bnt that
a number of cases have occurred at PortMa
_ The Consul at Barcelona reports to the
Department that from the 24th to the 31st of
August the number of deaths from cholera
in that city baa averaged about 24 per day.
On the lstof September there were 4.° deaths
Irotn tail disease.
A Xrw Tork Herald Rrporter 51,1,1, Over
Six Tliouvaml Dollars’ Worth or Diu
uionds—He I, Atrt-vted Attempts to
Shoot Himself, eke,, &r,
[From the St. Louis Democrat, Sept. 19.)
On Friday last not a vety prepossessing
looking gentleman, though with a glib
longue, wont into the store of Mr C. D. Sul
livan, one of our most extensive jewelers,
doing business on Fourth street, opposite the
Planter's House, and desired to see some ol'
his finest diamonds He was a correspon
dent and reporter of the New York Herald,
he said, and that as it was fashionable to
wear diamonds, lie desired to possess some
of the glittering gems. Diamonds were shown
him, but he did not purchase—among so
many he was at a loss which to take. He
called on Saturday—was still in a quandary.
Last evening, about seven o'clock, lie again
visited the store apparently with the tirni re
solve awaiting upon the order of buying, but
to buy. Laying a large envelope. Which he
carefully carried in his hand, upon the show
case, bearing the inscription, “$5, 750—M0
ney Package—American Express Company—
For Colonel M. Parks, Southern Hotel, St
Louis—From Washington, D. C ,” with an
end torn off, and two or three bits of tissue
paper protruding therefrom, “on the corners
of which might have been seen the talismanic
figures, “1,000,” he proceeded to examine
the precious stones which were politely
shown him. The attendants having gone to
tea, Mr. Sullivan was alone in the store. The
gentleman seemed to be less particular in his
ideas than previously. He quickly selected
the gems, viz. :
One diamond pin, valued at $5,000.
One diamond brooch and ear-rings (lady’s),
valued at $1,200.
Shoving the package over to Mr. Sullivan
—at the same time casting his eyc.s into the
street, up which a carriage was passing—he
exclaimed, “There is the money all right
—you may count it. There goes Lieutenant
General Grant—l must go!” Before Mr.
Sullivan lmd time to remoustrate or “ count
his money ” his customer had disappeared
after the carriage. Hastily dissecting the
healthy-looking package, Mr. Sullivan dis
covered that its contents consisted of two or
three old Democrats, and the same number
of New Y'otk clothing store lithographed ad
vertising bills. lie lost no time in locking
up his store and acquainting Chief Laibold
with the facts. The chief promptly dis
patched Detectives Ebernich and Coring
after the thief. Accompanied by Mr. Sulli
van, they made good time—perhaps as good
time as has been made during the present
season—looking into this place and that, Mr.
Sullivan keeping a particularly sharp look
out after pedestrians in gray. On the corner
of Sixih street, and Washington avenue,
between 8 and !) o'clock, n person wearing
this color is observed crossing tbe street —
quick ns thought Mr. Sullivan grabs him and
demands his diamonds. “He will give them
up if he is released.” He produces them.
Mr. Sullivan complies with the promise
made, upon which the “ precious ” man
is seized by the officers above named and
started in the direction of the Central sta
tion. Unobservedly he draws a revol
ver, but the cocking of it betrays him
him and he is relieved of it—he says he will
kill himself, at anv rate, with or without a
pistol. On reaching the police station, he
was taken into the office of Col. Laibold
and searched. He gave his name as John
Henry, and said we was from Irelaud, though
he has very little, if any, of the “sweet Irish
brogue j" said he was a correspondent of the
New York Herald, and had in hi 9 possession
bits of paper, upon which were discovered
the peculiar hieroglyphics of the “short-hand
man,” as a proof of the assertion. He has
traveled from Uie East with Lieutenant Gen
eral Grant and suit as such. Tlie chief hav
ing been into the commissioners’ room after
the search had been made, passed through
the first mom into his private office, jtlic
prisoner following him. Col. L. had previ
ously taken off his uniform coat, laying it
upon the table, preparatory to donning a
citizen’s coat. On entering the room, the
prisoner must have seen a small revolver pro
truding from the breast pocket. Approach
ing the table with great rapidity of move
ment, be seized and cocked it, and, before ha
could be prevenied, he had placed it against
his greast and fired. The ball entered the
left breast just below the nipple, coming out
about six inches from the place where it en
tered, having glanced on a rib, and creating
but a flesh wound. A surgeon was immedi
ately called in who dressed the wound. It
bled profusely, but the prisoner did not seem
to mind it He begged for his pistol that he
might put an end to his existence. The
weapon was of course denied him, but he
says he will kill himself yet, a pin will do it
and he knows how it is done. His case is a
very clear ene, which ho* admits; but he says
Ills life is in his own hands, mid he shall take
it before lying long in a dungeon or going to
the penitentiary. All concerned deserve
great credit for tbe promptness which char
acterized the proceeding attending the ar
Fenianism from an Engiiiii Paint of
The London Economist, which represents
the solid men of England, looks with pro
found disgust upon the Fenian movement, as
witness tbe following:
Ireland is once more occupying the atten
tion of newspapers during the dull season,
and this, not so much because the season is
dull, as because Ireland is turbulent. How
is it thnt that singular people are so incura
bly unlucky in all their demonstrations—that
we never tiear of them doing anything credi
table! or being anything satisfactory. The
phenomenon called “Fenianism” is now up.
A certain portion of the population—proba
ably consisting of those ill-regulated and
childish natures that are fascinated by mys
tery, and iove to play at “sedition, privy
conspiracy, and rebellion,” »Dd find an irre
sistible attraction in whatever is lawless and
forbidder—has taken to marching in step and
drilling by moonlight.—A gunsmith of Ne
naugh announces that, in consequence of the
withdrawal of the proclamation by which
Tipperary was placed under the “Crime and
Outrage Act,” he has laid in a large stock of
guns, pistols, and ammunition, which he is
prepared to sell to the discontented lieges at
the lowest price. Wc regard this Fenianism
with no alarm whatever, but, we confess,
with very sincere regret. It probably means
nothing,'but it certainly indicates much. It
is silly and contemptible, and in no way for
midable as a manifestation against the public
peace. But it is very sad, not as proving dis
loyal and discontent, or as hinting at any
likelihood of action, but ns showing with what
puerile excitements the Irish people can
amuse themselves, iu wlmu irrational hopes
and teelings they can Indulge, how rooted is
still the uational propensity to grasp the
shadow andlet drop the substance. Fenian
ism i» a bad symptom, not as showing that
the Irish are as sediously inclined as ever,
but as showing that they are just as incuta
bly foolish.
Two years ago one Sir Robert Montgom
ery, the English governor of the Punjaub,
spoke to the Seikh and olher chieftains
about the importance of educating their
daughters. They immediately established
schools of their own, with sometimes a small
measure of government help, and now there
are no fewer than thirteen thousand girls
under regular instruction. .
Brig. Gen. Dickson was nearly killed at
Galenn, 111., the other day, by the brother of
1 a rebel spy who was sentenced to death by
a court martial over which the General pre
Thr Virginia Episcopal Convention
At the Lpiscopal Convention of Virginia,
held at Richmond, Bishop Meade made a
forcible address, strongly urging a re union
with the Norther n wing of the church. Rev.
Dr. Andrews, chairman of the special
committee, appointed to consider so much of
the Bishop's interesting and impressive ad
dress as refers to the future relations of the
diocese with the General Convention of the
Protestant Episcopal Church of the United
States, respectfully report that, having had
the documents referred to therein under their
most deliberate and prayerful consideration,
they iccomuiend the adoption of the follow
ing resolutions:—
That the Christian and conciliatory course
of our respected diocesan, in his correspon
dence with the Presiding Bishop and other
members of the Protestant Episcopal Church
of the United States, touching a re-uuion
with the general convention of said church,
meets our cordial approbation ; that this
Council appreciates and affectionately re
sponds to every sentiment ol fraternal regard
which has been manifested in the corres
pondence referred to ; that this Council is of
opinion that its objects, which all the par
ties interested may be presumed most to de
sire, will be best accomplished by referring
the subject to the next General Couucil.
Tlie report was adopted almost unani
The New York Herald’s Montgomery cor
respondence contains the following inter
esting description of the composition of the
State Convention:
For respectability and talent the present
Convention will compare favorably with any
hitherto held in the State. Many of the
members have held positions of trust in the
councils of the State and nation in days gone
by, and during the rebellion have represented
the conservative element of the State.
Among the most prominent members are
ex Governor and ex-Uuited States Senator
Benjamin Fitzpatrick, cx-Governor Winston,
Hon. Robert Patton, Col. John A. Elmore,
ex-speaker Crawford, Judge Mudd, Wm. P.
Webb, Gen Fair, ex-Minister to Belgium;
Judge Foster, James S. Clark, Judge Dox
aud C. C. Sheets. The last named, together
with Mr. J. S. Clark, were Union members
of tlie convention that passed the ordinance
of secession. Mr. Sheets refused to append
his name to the bill, in consequence of which
his life was threatened. He was afterwards
arrested and thrown into prison, where he
remained for fourteen months for his stub
bornness and open Union sentiments. Upon
his release his Union friends in Winston
county sent him to the Legislature, where he
did all in his power to oppose the Jeff. Davis
government and bring Ihe war to a close.
He is again a member of this Convention,
aiding by vote and voice in restoring the
State to her legitimate relations with the
general government. There arc but lew
such patriots to be found in the South as Mr.
Robert M. Patton, of Lauderdale county,
is also prominent for his conservative senti
ments during the war, and for the high posi
tion he occupied as a politician loug pre
vious. He was an old line Whig aud for
many years the presiding officer of tlie State
Semite. Asa presiding officer he has few
superiors. He worked and voted against
disunion to the last.
Judge Foster, of Calhoun, and Judge Dox,
of Madison county, were born in the State
of New York, aud are both men of promi
nence. They are from Northern Alabama,
where a majori’y of the inhabitants have re
mained loyal during the war. 1 kuow of no
violent original secessionists who are mem
bers of- the Convention and elected as such.
The ordinance abolishing slavery for ever in
the State will be passed without much oppo
sition, and the indications now are that a bill
admitting negro testimony in courts of justice
aud right to hold property will De also pass
ed. It is known that Governor Parsons is
strongly in favor of it.
The White House —The President is bur
dened with visitors, who whisper in his ears
their plaintive solicitations for pardon, and
their tender purposes of reconstruction. A
Washington paper of Thursday, says “the
hpat of the ante rooms and hall adjacent to
the President's apartment was suffocating,
nnd could not be endured without frequent
visits to tlie windows for fresh air. The
ushers are jaded almost to exhaustion, aud
Ihe secretaries, in sharing the labors of the
President, seldom find rest. The pardon
seekers throng the White House, if possible
iu greater humbers than any time before,
and spread themselves on the sofas of the
cast room with all the license accorded to a
Georgia bar-room. The ushers make their
grand rounds quite often, to awaken tho3e
who persist in sleeping in the arm chairs
and wherever a favorable seat is to be found,
and find no little difficulty in preserving the
decorum of the place.” We are glad to read
also, that the President continues in good
health, notwithstanding the incessant an
noyance anti tnx upon his physical energies
to which he is subjected, and that he dispos
es of the innumerable matters brought before
him with remarkable despatch.
It will take years to settle these applica
tions for pardon seriatim, and something like
a general amnesty will have to be granted.
Tlie work, however, moves on bravely, and
tbe President gains hosts of friends in the
South— -New JTork Express.
An Alarming Earthquake at Porto Rico
Tlie Fright of the People, etc.
Intelligence has been received from Porto
Rico, by way of Havana, to the Ist of Sep
On the 29th of August the people of Porto
Rieo were atarlled from sleep by an earth
quake more violent than any living citizen
of the place had ever experienced. It oc
curred at a quarter past two in the morning,
and consisted of terrific oscillations from
east to west, preceded by a fearful subterra
nean rumbling. The houses were violently
shaken, though none of them fell. Thcpeo
ple, in terror, rushed out into ttie streets in
their night clothes ; but the shock, which
only lasted forty-five seconds, was not re
The shock was felt all over the island, but
was most forcible at ibe capital city.
The government of Porto Rico has issued
a decree in favor of establishing agricui tural
schools for the youth of the country dis
An Unromantic Cocrtship.— Several years
ago a young married man lett Kilmarnock
with his wife and family, and settled in
America. He prospered in his new. home up
till a recent period, when his wife was taken
111 and died. His family being much in
creased, lie saw he could not get on well
without a wife. But he had neither time nor
inclination ior a regular rourtsliip. So he
wrote a letter to one of his youthful com
rades here, asking whether any of tlie lasses
who used to be in the “squad” were yet un
married. A reply to this querry was duly
forwarded which informed him that one
whom he had known of old was still a ser
vant-maid in the same house, a situation
which she had kept for some fifteen years.
The next mail brought a letter to this de
serving woman, who must long ago have
given up all hope of marriage, if old maids
have no such expectations. Iu the letter
was nu offer of marriage off-hand, which he
: begged of her to accept, and that so warmly,
! that refusal was found to be impossible. She
accordingly gave up her place, and has just,
as a matter of fact, sailed to meet her des
tined husband. —Ayrshire (Scotland) Express.
Washington, Friday, Sept. 22, 1865.
James W Duueau, wiio had ill treated
some of the prisoners at AnJersonville,
causing the death of one ot them, and who
was arrested in the court-room yesterday,
has becD committed to the Old C'apitol Pris
on. This man whs summoned hither as a
witness for Capt. Wirz.
Citizens of the United States, having claims
against foreign governments not founded on
contracts which mny have originated since
the Bth of February, ISIS, will, withoutjsny
delay whicli can lie avoided.forward to the
State Department statement of the same un
der oath, accompanied by tlie proper proof.
There is already some speculation on the
organization of the next House- Col. Ed.
McPherson (the present incumbent) is a
candidate for the clerkship. Ex-Cougrcss
man Train, of Massachusetts, is also said to
be an asp’rant for that position.
It may be safely asserted that nothing posi
tively definite has been determined relative to
the trial of Jeff. Davis. The new rumor that
it is to take place in Richmond about the
middle of October is merely gratuitous. The
President has only gone so far, it is believed,
as to declare that when it does come off ihat
it shall be before a civil tribunal. There is
very excellent authority for declaring that
two, if not three, members of the cabinet
are opposed to giving Jeff. Davis any trial
whatever. They prefer, it is intimated, that
he shoiild leave the country forever.
The celebrated Freed men’s Bureau order
Issued about the Ist of September, relative to
the seizure of abandoned, but unconfisticated
lauds, had the President's signature attached
to it by some mistake; hence the issue of the
supplementary order of the 12th of Septem
ber, giving a very different version of the
procedure to he taken in seizing lands for
tlie use of freedmen. It is hardly thought
that the mistake could hove been intentional,
though it was serious.
Governor Bramlelte’s visit to Washington
occasions many suimises among those who
attacli great significance to ummportmant
events. Believing his State to be misunder
stood and misrepresented, it is probably true
that he is here partly to contradict some of
the unfounded rumors in circulation nnd to
assure the authorities that no difficulties
need be apprehended concerning tlie negroes
within its limits. He thinks there are not
five thousand voters in Kentucky opposed to
emancipation. The apparent opposition he
asserts to be wholly due to extraneous caus
es. Neither is there any respectable number
of individuals in the State farrayed against
the President’s plan of reconstruction. Mr.
Harney, ot the Louisville Democrat, is al
most alone in his opposition ; but Kentuck
ians are divided as 10 methods of abolishing
slavery. When the present State constitu
tion was formed its framers intended to per
petuate the institution, nnd placed it out of
the power of any majority to legally abolish
slavery by amending tlie constitution in less
than six years, and by then guaranteeing
compensation to the owners. The present
Legislaiuro will probably execute a flank
movement on the institution, declare it
worthless or an incumbrance, and pass the
constitutional amendment. The families of
negio soldiers have been uniformly liberated
in obedience to law The general drift of
Kentucky politics is finally in the right direc
tion. and tbe indications are that Governor
Bramlette, General Rosseau. Green Clay
Smith and other opponents will become the
warmest of political bedfellows at no distant
The consolidated command knowtt as the
Second New York heavy artillery, Major (J.
F. Hulse commanding, which was ordered
to be mustered out of service some time ago,
is engaged dismantling the works which
they have been occupying, and probably
will not get away before the 27th iost. This
dismantling of forts, taken iu connection
with the mustering out of officers of General
Haskins' staff, indicates the intention of the
military authorities to soon abandon alto
gether the defence of Washington south of
the Potomac.
Mr3. Moore, Widow of tUc Paet.
A link between the literature of this
day and the Byron era was broken on the
4tti instant by' the death of the widow of
“ Tom Moore,” at the age of sixty six. She
died at Sloperton, Cottage, England, loug
the residence of the brilliant author of the
“Melodies.” Few are now left, says the
London Times, of the brilliant company
who adorned the early part of the nineteenth
century, aud whose names are famous in our
literature. Among these names none is or
will be held in more kfedly remembrance
than that of tiie lady to whom the poet
Moore gave his heart. Moore not only loved
her —he was proud of her, and it is delight
ful to see in his letters and in his diaries with
what eagerness he sounded her praises.
He writes to his mother in 1813:
You cannot imagine what a sensation
Bessey excited at the ball the other night.—
She was very prettily dressed, and certainly
looked very beautiful. I never saw so much
admiration excited. It strikes everybody
almost that sees her how like the form and
expression of her face are to Cntalnni’s!
And so through all his letters and journals,
he is never tired of referring to her, quoting
what she said, telling what she did, describ
ing how she looked and recording how she
was admired. He married her in 1811, and
her history is summed up in this one phrase
--that she was (he delight of his life. She
does not appear to occupy a grent place in
his poetry; but it is one of the curious traits
of many a poet that he is excited to sing less
by the real mistress of his heart than by some
imaginary heroine, or by some beauty that
kindles a passing name. Mrs Moore was
not a Losbia. nor a Beatrice, nor a Laura,
nor a Highland Mary, destined in song to
live forever; but as much as any of these,
if no more, she was a poet’s idol.
She died at three o'clock in the morning.
Stic was sensible to the end. She knew that
she was dying, and she said that she was
quite happy. She was the last that remained
to us of the Moore family, and now tiiat she
is departed we begin, to count with some
sadness how many links are there left to
connect the present generation of letters with
the past.
A Combustible Mud. —At a recent meet
ing of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Major
Risely describes a combustible mud, of which
he first heard last September. It exists in
large tracts, notably in the Pertabghur dis
tricts in Oude, where there is a jhecl ot
swamp of black mud, which looks likp ashes
and smoulders like wood. The mud, when
dried, blazes quite freely. It has been tried
at Cawupore by Mr Taylor, the locomotive
foreman, and was found to give very nearly
as much steam as wood. “It would do very
well for locomotives, and could be supplied
at six annas the maund. ’ When chaired it
can be used in a blacksmith's furnace. The
ash, of which it leaves a great deal, will,
they say, be very useful as a manure for
poor sandy soils. Bits of bone and frag
ments of decayed wood were found ln *it at
considerable depths. The Calcutta analyzers
call it impure peat, resulting from the'con
tinual decomporilion ot vegetable matter at
the bottom of a marsh. It is curious that
tlie natives, though well aware of its proper
ties, make no use of it, tbeir reason being
that it owes its origin to “enormous sacri
fices of ghee and grain burnt m situ by god
like people in the old time.”
professioval cards.
cr OHI O. I ATE OOL. O.M.D. «>* IOWA
<U to Johnston, Corwin A FinnelL)
And Solicitors of Ch'ms,
\v a. siii tv c ; r on, x> . c .
Will practice In the Supreme Court ol the United
Stalc->. the Coun of C.alma, and the Court* ol the
Diati-lct of Columbia.
Particular attention given to Claim* and Depart
ment buxinem. Officers Accounts adjusted.
Law Notice.
I HAVE resumed the practice of my profession in
the city of Washington, and will also attend to
business before the Department-*.
™ _ __ P PHILLIPS,
Washington, D. C, August 2Sth. aepG-eodlra
Attorney fit Law,
g p P3 lm _
Office, 18 1-2 Merchants’ Row,
11129 j m
Q-eueral A. gout
No. 247 F Strect, Bftwfen 13th and 14tu Streets,
, (Near Pay Department,;
Washington.D. O.
Juan ts
Ik. Cos.,
B a : j k. e r s,
K T o. 8 Broad Street,
Mew' You;.
We draw at \ r.r, i at six’" and.)
on London, Paris, p'ka.nxfost, ;...J
other principal ci.L. ot Europe.
Parties openin'* current ace .; its. in*
deposit and draw at ilieir c uveuien.:
the same as with the Cary 1
will he allowed interest or, u'l iri.i
over On? Thousand Doll ~ t * i
of four pet- rent, pat annum. Oi h>
for the purch* e or "aided unoi i.u
oi Govt nm tit anJ . riiei f'ocl.s. Rond:
and Gold executed on Cortmir.i.-n
Headquarters Scb-Di9trict of Ogeechit i
Savannah,Ga, Sept. 20, 1885. f
No. 22. f
On aud after this date articles iu the Public
Market of this city will be sold at the following
prices. Persons violat’ng this order, will lie
reported to this office and summarily dealt
By command of
Bvt. Major Gen. J. M. BRAN NAN.
Wm. H. Folk, Ist Lieut, and A. A. A. G.
Fresh Beef, Ist cut, peril) 20
Fresh Beet, 2d cut, per lb If,
Country Dried Beef in
Country Cured Beef. m
Jerked Beef. :... lotoin
Veal, per lb & 20
Mutton, per lb 20
Liver, per lb if,
Fresh Pork, per II) „ 2 5
Bass, per lb v if,
Drum per lb jr,
Fresh Water Trout jr,
Salt “ “ jis
Sheepkead 20
Mullet, large size, per bunch 40
Mullet, srnnli size, per bunch 25
Brim, per bunch of five 25
Perch, per bunch of five 40
Suckers 25
Whiting 40
Codfish, per lb | 0
Shrimp, per quart, 13
Crabs, each ; 7
Sturgeon, per ib 5
Sausages, Fresh pork 40
Bacon, per lb., from '..... 20 to 25
Butter, per lb 40 to 50
Clams per bushel... 2 00
Cabbages, each, trom 10 to 30
Turnips, per bunch 10
Tomatoes per quart 20
Okra, per quart jn
Sweet Potatoes, per bushel 3 00
Irish Potatoes, per bushel 1 50
Green Corn, each 2
Water Melons, from 15 to 50
Apples per bushel 00
Peaches per bushel 3 00
Honey, per lb jn
Ducks, per pair 2 00
Half G rnwn Fowls yn
Spring Chickens, per pair 50
Spring Chickens, 2d size 40
Eggs, per dozen 50
Turkeys, per lb is
Geese, per lb is
Fowl, ijrown, per lb is
Rice Birds, per doz 50
Rue, Whitney & Cos,,
Commission Merchants,
Savefnnah, - - - - Gra.
Particular Attention Paid to
Shipienls to our House in PtuMeipliia,
J. shafferT
Oommlraiozi Sealer
West WAsmsoTON Mahurr,
Oppoaite 143 West rt.. Bulkhead between Barclay and
Potatoes. Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and
pnt np for the Southern market ’
All consignment!* promptly attenked to.
L - ““hey* A. Haywood, T. J.
Walsh, and J. H. Pareona. ;
jyl® eodly
Authorized Capital—slo,4oo,ooo.
C ll Marin. ACT), are prepared to take
ar.ll p’irv ** J J r domestic or foreign port,
Smffi a hl , 9 - Clt * the roUovrtngui'mert
cwas iwk Companies
MARIN ’ E insurance
morris' STBp",™ $5,000,000
ANCE COMPANY “. 5,000,000
Office in Jones’ Mock, cor j, ’ ’
■gS* °!U —■*»■"»
affects thi ir future welfare. as u
The "Knickerbocker Liic Insurance’' of New York
NO\-FORFEITUnE Policies, and will after two years
payment give a full paid up Policy for Two Tenths th»
whole sum. and Tbree Years Three Tenths, and
on. Hina a Policy of SIO,OOO. Two Premiums par
upon it will be entitled to a paid up Policy of $2)000.
atm flvt* years fi’-e-tentha for every additional year
l t*r further luiormutiop apply to
A, WILBUR, Agent,
At the office of the Home lusuranceCo..
_ * u *‘ 80 Bay st. t Savannah, Ga
T n AmcHcr e 0f ’ the a,ld I* l * l Comp&nloe In
iaken C b“them' TOS f ° l “‘ y 11110,1111 n P to $15,000 are
The Policies of these Companies were not cancelled
during the war until heard fr *i_a fact which shews
the ir ilea mg aud determination to be Just and honor
able l n ail case*. Apply to
iu27 A. WILiiUR, Ageut.
manufacturer of
»** Dork Street, Pkilndclpltta, Pa.
ORDERS sent, by Mai; promptly at
tended to. Jy3t-tt
St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco
and Bahia.
THE United States aud Steamship Com
pany will dispatch regularly, on the 28th of every
month, n ‘ first clans steamehip,'* commencing with
the fine steamship
Costa Rica, •
(2,500 tons,) f
to leave on the Mth of September, at 3p m., ftom
Pier No. 48, North River. All lettere have to pasa
through the Post Office. Au experienced mirgoou will
be in attendance on board. For freight or passage
having splendid accommodations, apply to '
>C P* 9 10 No. 17 broad way, New York.
21® Broad Sraia*. AtiocetA, Ga.
jn'2o am
Manning & DeForest,
IVo. I'J Wall Street, New York,
Dealers iu
Lolti, Silver, Foreign Exchange
and fiovernnieut Securities.
fx 1 ! attention to the pmcbaae and sale o
V North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor
e*a Alabama, i*e\v Urlenna and Bank
notca Somhern Mama Bunds aud Coupon*, Railroad
Bomb and O, upon a. *
I Intercut allowed on deposits. Jyls-3m
The Great Invention cf the Age
Hpop Skirts,
J. W, BrntUev a Sew Patent Dnp«* EUj p .
tic (or Double) Spring Skirt. 1
THIS Invention consists of Duplex (or two) Ellntie
Pare Refined Steel Sprmg* WcniousT/teXd
I'giitly and firmly togelher. ed.-e to edge. making the
toughest, most flexible, clastic and- clurabiTsfrine
ever used. They seldom head or break like the sin
gle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect
lit'rt beautiful shape more than twice aa lung as anv
Single Spring Skirt ever has or can he made. X
The wonderful flexibility and grent comfort and
pleasure to any lady wearing Ihe Duplex Elliptic Kbii-t
w ill be experience and particularly in all crowded Assem
lilies. Operas, Carriages. Railroad Cars, Church Pen
Arm Chairs, for P omenade and House Dress,
Skirt ran he folded when in use to occuova
jdaee as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin
A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort arm
grest convenience of wearing the Dunier nu u
Steel Spring Skirt for a single -lay wilf ne T ef i^ Uc
wards willingly dispense »nh their use. ForchlldrT'
misses and jonng ladies they nr»superior toaUoth’
The Hoops are oovered with 2 dlv rionhn. .
thread and will wear twice us long iw the sln„ t | WlSted
covering which is used on all Singfe SteeflS 3 o^ arn
The three bottom rods on everySklrttreaM???
Steel, and twice or double covered to \P° nblß
ering from wearing off the rods when £l^ n th^ COT
stairs. atone steps. <fcc., which they S^ B SS, g . dowu
subject to when In nsc. y are con “hiutly
All are made of the new and elegant oma** j m
and are the best quality in even- p“u
wearer the most graceful a»d SmL-f.S!!?* to l he
and arc nnqpestion*bly tnc mows P9*«jh* e
comfortable and economical fellrt ev™“ide tabie '
WESTS', BRADLEY & CARY, fisted I * t «
West.; Proprietors of the Invention, «ifcuV °‘
New Chamb ' ,R ’ and 79 SI
Ararat the United Sutefaml Canldw C {&’ £s*
de Cub., Mexico, South America, and th“
»SwT irC sot th * Elii PUc for double)
Mporting and Importing
THIS association is prepared to make advances In
currency of Gold on consignments of Cotton,
rfi aval Stores, Lumber, Ac , to their agent in Liver
Orders solicited for goods from merchants and plan
ters. The strictest attention will be pard to all orders
however small, for goods ffom England, France or
Qermany. Our Savannah and Charleston Agents,
being salaried make no charge for forwarding either
way and will furnish circular of details.
R. F. FLO l b. President,
Jacksonville, Fla.
Aocsts —E. T. Paine, Liverpool, England, R. E.
Screven, Charleston. S. C.t Henry Bryan, Savannah,
Ga. urnos nep]B
o K GRCSS INK. in stands, at *8 SO per gross. 16
J clcxeu Arnold’* Writing Fluid, pints, at S* ®or
derail. For sale by
aal* ts c«r. Bryao street sad Market square,