Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 03, 1865, Image 3

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L 0 CAL lAT TER S. KLUtTIUJI KETI RMK. m iirb mtereat will be felt by the public t.> learn , v r , -nit of the election, we will be under ol>lig»- " j to [ of our Mentis who will send us returns ■ a their re«|>cct!ve counties at the earliest possible Thf Election of Delegate* to the State Convtulltin. [Ve observe by our exchanges mat a livelj Interest nit throughout the State In the election of dele r n, to the State Convcutton which takes place to f o-row, nd that in many of the counties the ablest ■ m0 j| worthy citizens have been placed in nouit wc are pleased too to learn that In moat of the counties the people have been able to agree upon per persons to represent them In the Convention, nntt mat no opposition tickets are to be run. Iu vipw of the Importance of the Convention and the [ve questions of national and State Interest that a-o likely to enter into Its deliberations, it Is ex tremely desirable that only men in every respect eualliied for the intelligent and faithful discharge of tae ni-h trust reposed—men of talents, sound judg incur 'prudence and unquestioned Integrity—should he sent in Chatham county we have no lack ot cjnciid, tes, and It will be the fault of the voters ti are not worthily ably and faithfully represented t)ie (.onveution. w bile we feel a deep solicitude that the delegates chosen shall represent the true jeatiments and best interests of our section or the State, we have abstained from expressing a iy pre feren-e for candidates affording to each the same privilege uirough our columns. tVo trust that the election which takes place on tomorrow will be conducted in an orderly and de o irons manner, and that the result may be satlsfac torv to all parties. Thf Theatre.—lt is due to ourselves as well as to tl,i ia lies and gentlemen of the dramatic troupe who jji ,je their debut on our stage on Sal urday night t ~t we should make an explanation of the manifest omissions m our srticle of yesterday. By negligence n tae transmission of copy to our composing room the last s iee» of our article did not reach the fore nm, hud lienee were omitted. They are appended below: Miss M E. Gordon, as tady Gay Spanker, produced a very favorable Impression, possessing as she does very striking personal attractions, aud a fascinating vivacity of manner, well schooled and controlled, ia the description of the steeple-chase, however, the pa:k in mil cry, and those similar passages which are considered the " points ” of the character, her voice seemed not to lie backed by such lungs as the pay Spanker is supposed to have. Aud we thought Unit the seductive wiles with which Lady Gay lures Sn Harcourt ou to confusion, were entered iuto with a trnle too much of ardor and freedom to harmonize with the picture of elevated society which the play i- Intended tj give. Mr. Raymond is a commedlan of the order styled ‘ eccentric,'’ and in the role of Mark Meddle was ir resistibly comic. We have no hesitation In saying, and we say It boldly, that he will be hailed with a greeting whenever he shall make his entrance on the stage during the coming season. Want of .-pace prevents our speaking particularly cl lie other character], which however were sus. tai u'd, with average ability. We trust an apportu n ,y will present Itself when the several performers c n appear in more favorable circumstances, than fuse under which they evidently labored ou the opening uighr. We were pleased to notice that the arrangements of t..e management for the preservation of order In ail abont the theatre ere ettectunl, and that the m ist perfect decorum Is the result. life managers wtH consult their own interest and confer a favor Upon the public by continuing to *i.- l .i e their excellent regulations. lac performance of .Metamora last evening was on Hie v. aole very creditable. Mr. Hamilton as Meta moru wis excellent, surpassing all expectation. His re i-rnig of the famous savage was exceedingly 10 Veriul and e rectil e, and elicited ehthusla-tlc de m ustrations of approval from all parts of the house. Tue piece was admirably put upon the stage, aud dis played the abundant resources of the company to even better advantage than ou Saturday evening. To-night “The Serious Family” aud Solon Shingle.” THE COCKTS. BSroRE CAPT. -AML. COWDREY, rHOVOST MARSHAL, SUB-DISTRICT OF OOEECHEE. Savannah, Oct 2, iscb. United States vs. Rachael Ileplen;, (colored)—As -aunand Battery. Tile prisoner was ordered tone confined in the county jail lor one month. United States vs. Isaac Richardson—Charge Va grancy. The prisoner having proved his good char acter, aud that he desired employment, he was there- lore discharged. l imed Stines vs. Mary Dinkins—Creating a dis turbance in tlie streets. Fined $lO. United States vs. Stinire Block—Having good* in liis possession supposed to have been stolen. Case discharged. I’nited States vs. A. Carter, (colored)— Interfering with a policeman in the discharge of his duties. fined *5. United States vs. J. Gibbons—lnterferingdvlth a po liceman in the discharge of his duties. Plea, guilty : fcnjtl $5. • United States vs. R. Louis (colored)—Stealing. I ri- Eoner discharged. 'Uu.ted States, in behalf of Wm. Colson and Jftmcs Iteddy (colored)—lllegally taking possession of a horse a ad wagon, property of Wm. Colson in posses .on of James Buddy. In the above case it was or dered. that Inasmuch as an order was issued ftom the office of the Provost Marshal on the 14th of Sept.. 1165, for Janies Keddy to. remain In peaceable pos session of a certain wagon claimed by Mrs J. R. Tur ner, and valued at SSO ; and It appearing that Philip M. Russell, Esq., acting as a Justice of the Peace for the county of Chatham, had ordered the seizure of the said wagon until an examination can be held before mm, it was ordered that as the Commanding General Department of Georgia had given the ad.u dleaiion of all cases where freedmen are concerned, into the hands of the Provost Marshals of their re spective districts ; that the warrant Issued by Philip M. Russell, acting R 9 a Justice of the Peace, county <n Chatham, lie set aside ; and that Wm. Swoll, act ing as a Constable for the county of Chatham, de liver the said wagon into possession of James Reddy forthvrith. United* States vs. Abagail. '(colored)—Stealing. Case discharged. United Stares vs. Richard Brown—Fighting In the streets—plea guilty ; fined $lO. United States vs. T. M. Jlce—Fighting In the s'reets—plea guilty ; fined -$lO. United States vs. Toni Smiley, Cos K, lo3rd C. S. C. T Disorderly conduct. Ordered to be locked up In Jail. United States vs. Wiley Morton—Vagrancy. Case discharged. PCBao.VAt..— Aaiong the passengers by the Zodiac, for Sew York on Saturday, was Mr. J. R. Fay, Cashier of the Herald from an early day of Its ex istence. Ills to Mr. Fay’a ability, faithful attention t o business tufa devotion to the Interests of the en terprise, that the paper owes in great part its safe conduct through the trying period of its early career, and its final establishment upon an unquestioned fiuaueial basis. Tha gratitude and esteem of the managers of the IIerALD, and the respect of the business community in which Mr. Fay was known here, will follow him wherever he may go. Mr. l'uzgcrald, who succeeds Mr. Fay. will, we are sure, be found courteous, ramble, and In all respects ac ceptable to those of our patrons who have occasion io visit the Herald coaming room. A CARD. ~ The passengers on the steamer “ Hunter," Pioneer Une, from New York, take this method of express ing their thanks to Capt. M. L. Rogers and hts offi cers for their uniformly kind and courteous attention to their comfort, on this her maiden voyage, and we do heartily recommend her to our friends and the travelling public generally, feeling assured that they will have no cause to regret having entrusted them iclvo3 to the care of Capt. Rogers, who Is ever ready and willing to make a trip agreeable, as also the Purser and Steward j wltoae affability and marked < ourtesy will not fall to meet the approval of all who may avail themselves the pleasure of a trip on the Hunter.” The Hunter Is perfectly new and elegantly fitted up, possessing -every thing on board that can con nlbuteto the convenience and comfort of passen gers. And as to the fare, we do not think the most lastidlous epicure could object. Success to the Hun ter and her crew. Louis Amerbou, R. D. Mumford, -A. Honlg, Geo. A. Jeffers, J. P. McN’orrlll, J, H. Cavanagh, James A. Barron, E. 0. Murdock, E. R. Schneider, J. Monahan, B. F. McGuair, and others. F. C. Jeffreys. CBMBTEBV reports. Report of interment* in Imirml tirott temrteru nmu September Ut, Isos, to .September *HI, IMS. Sept. Ist— C Jordan. 31 years. Neuralgia Cos C load War York. Sept, 2d.—Joseph Kane, » years. Remittent fever, Peußjlvatila ; E. A. Jusvln, 20 years. Remittent fever Cos. C, *ith Mass. Sept. 3d.—Chas B. Williams; 28 years, Diarrhoea, Cos. F, 162d Xew York Regl ; John Lutherage, la years, Congestive fever, Cos. A, ISSd Xew York Regt. : Emily J.Carr, s years. 2 mouths, worm fever Geor gia. sept. «h-Thomas Unit, 2? years. Congestive fe ver, Cos G, 163d New York Regt., Nathaniel 11 Adams, 9 years, 3 months, 24 days. Congestion of the limn, Geoigia ; Wilson ltnreli, 45 yearn, injuries received by a fall, Georgia ; James M Jones, 69 years, enter itis, Maryland; Abraham Apple, 4 veals, ;i mouths li days, Typhoid Malarial feyer. Georgia. Sept, th—William II Clagltorn. 6 years, 6 months -6 days, Dysentery, Georgia ; Warren E Stores, Cos F. 14th Maine Regt. Sept. Bth—Samuel Jones.t years, Convulsions. Bridge, o.t, Conn. ; Jacob Masttcfc, 4 years. Convul sions, Georgia. Sept »th—Charles F. Putnam, 26 years, Typhoid fever, Major 153d New York_Volunteers. Sept 10—AIV Lunt, 23 years, chronic diarrhoea, Cos H. 14th Maine ; Sergeant J Jdnes, 46 years, chronic dlanhoea, 22d Geo Ball, Jas Marcellas, 21 years, re mittent fever, Cos. B, 175th New York Regiment ; Daniel Perkins, Cos. C, 173dNew York Regiment; In fant Lewis, still born, Savannah, Ga. Sept 11—Win H Nickerson, 20 years, typhoid fever, Massachusetts ; Chas Kimple, i)2 years, colic, Cos B, 76th N Y Regt; John Graham, debility and diarrhoea, Cos B, 90th N Y Regt. Sept 12—George Whitney, 4 months, inttamatlon of bowels, Georgia; Jas Goodrich, chronic diarrhoea, Cos K, 14th Maine Regt. Sept 14—J C White, 20 years, Cos B, 153d New- York Regt; Chas T Cushman, 18 years, chronic diarrhoea, CO H, 14th Maine Regt. Sept 15 —Samuel B Pease, 25 years, congestive fever Cos B, 175th N Y Regt. Uterus, Georgia. Sept 17—Peter Hermann, eo years and 27 days, apoplexy. Prussia ; David Paine, 25 years, typhoid fever, New York. Sept 18—Martin Nilan, continued fever Cos B 163d N Y Regt, Sept 19—Ida F Ferguson, still born, Georgia. Sept 20—Jeremiah Elsworth, 19 years, congestive fever, Cos A, 153d N Y Regt; A Marston, 17 years, chronic diarrhoea, Cos E, 14th Maine Regt; John I’ Rowe, 18 years, chronic diarrhoea, Cos H, I4(h Maine Regt; Walter Todd, 31 years, congestive fever, Cos K, 153d N Y Regt. Sept. 20th —Elijah Henderson, 60 years, 4 months congestive chills, Georgia ; John D Laßoclie, 8 years, congestive fever Georgia ; Henry Cloddy, 8 years, congestive fever, Georgia. Sept. 21st—Caroline Mastiek, 7 years, intermittent fever, Georgia. S;pt. 22d —W C Chandler, 25 years, chronic dlar rnoca, Cos. G. 9th Lou lslaua Regt.; Catherine Scliel deman, 6years, congestive fever, Georgia; Infant Mullryne, still born, Georgia. Sept 25tb—Christina Mentz. 61 years, dysentery, Bavaria. Sept. 27th—John M. Robbins, 34 years, congestive fever Georgia. Sept. 23th—John H Crofts, acute pleurisy, England. Scpt29th—EdwlnjHenry West 10years,bUllons con gestive fever, Florida ; Helen Mary Fox, 16 years, congestive fever, Georgia. Deaths In the City, 47. ! Stillborn Infants, 3. Brought dead to the City, 2. Total, 62. A. F. TORLAY, Keeper of L. G. Cemetry. auction Sale of government Stock.—At the sale of Covernmeat proporty yesterday there was a large attendance, and bidding was lively. Mnles brought good prices. The sale will continue to-day, when some line six mule teams will be sold, also 6ome horses. We understand this will be the 1 ist day of the sale. They will olter their best stock, and we would say to those who want tine animals they had better attend the sale. Tun Round Table, anew literary paper of a ldgh class, the Albion, Wilkes’ Spirit are received and lor sale by Estill, rear of the Post Office. Union Meeting.—The Union men of Savannah are requested to meet at the Hall over the Express office, corner of Bay and Drayton streets, to-night at eight o'clock. Let ali who respect the Government of the United States be present. Hotel Arrivals. PORT ROYAL HOUSE tHILTON HEAD) OCT. 1. A A Brown, Beaufort Beni Burns, Philadelphia E C Douglass, Maine .1 MoSaul, Mississippi J Williams. Charleston it F Smith. P S Posted, do SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HRTON HEAD) OCT. 1. W R Smith, Hilton Head |C W Northrop, Savannah W H Woodman, do A W Wilbur, do H A Tophatu. do .1 Mcßae, Wilmington Brig Gen E A Wild, U S V|Dr J Sparrow. Canada F G A Brown, Beaufort |0 N Goodall, Manchester J Magwood, Mt Pleasant |4 N Edwards, Templeton S B Blackwell, do_ )J Arthur, New York 8 O Howse, Florida j .Sliippinj; Intelligenee. miniature Almanac—This Day* Sun rises 5 55lMooir rises 4 19 Sunsets 0 43|Uigh water s. 5 45 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived. Monday, Oe . 2 18G5. Steamship Hunter, Rogers, New York—Hunter .t Gammed. Consignees. Per Steamslii i Hunter, from New York—Adams Ex press Cos, J Anderson A Son, W B Adams, G W Aden, W A Beard, J 1. Bromley, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Bed, Wylly A Christian, W 11 Burroughs, G Butler, Crane, Johnson A GrayblU, 0 Cohen, A M Cohen A- Bro, Dzyahnski A Slager, Einstein A Eckiuan, Erwin A Hardee, B F Einstein, J Gilliland A Cos, C L Gilbert, LJ Gadmartln, Hunter A Gammed, Hess A Gutt inan, N A Hardee, Hilton A Randall. Halsey, Watson A Cos, A B Ives A CO, N B Knapp, Lovell A Lattiinore, .M Lavin, Leeve A Leon, Laurent? A Cos, SM Lederer, L Ladeivr, Mather A West, L McLawcy, M S Meyer, J McMahon, C K Osgood, V Orff, Order, Pollard, Cox A Cos. H W Pierce, J J Rooertson A Cos, Rothschild A stern, T Richards A son, Rogers A Canu, W H Stark, Autotue Stamm, E Schuster, W H Sherwood. J II Seelv A Cos, Stuart A Cos, J T Thomas A Cos, J L Villa lunga, D K Wright. W M Walsh, John R Wilder, L L Willey, Weed A Cornwed, J Honlg, W U L, J II Sel long A Cos, P Hamberger, 3 M Oragg A Cos, H F, At lanta, E K Thompson, N R Enslghn A CO, PHopp, W, H In a diamond, SC, G ilelmbold, W A Cos, c LG, Bass A Johnson, single Star, W F L, D Peysey, DAL Goldberg, Phillips A Hunt, J Llppmanu, G O Marcey, W H McWhorter, WP, TPevy, T Laurantz A Cos, N lu a diamond, K P McWorrall, C Z u. V tn a diamond, J 11 DepUti, R Tamer, J Antony, H W A Cos. Passengers. Per Steamship Hunter, from New York—Mr and Mrs Hnuig Hint J children, Louts Aiuernoln, Miss L J Heed, J P McNorrill, J A Harrow, K R Schneider, H E McGraw, E C Jeffrey, M Mezex, R D Mumford, O A Jeffers, J H Cavanaugh. E O Murdock, Mrs Fowley and children, J Monahan. PdRC OP PORT ROYAL. Arrived. Sept 28— Sloop Star King, Bncklev, Savannah. Sept 29—Steamer Loulsburg, Dale, Jacksonville. Sept 30—Schr Orville, Murphy, Bath, Me. Cleared. Sept 23—Schr Nancy Mills. Small, New York. Sept 29— Sloops Star King, Buckley, Savannah; Eliza, Wiliams, do; steamship Empire City, Alexan der, New York. _ Sept so—Brigs Mary Cobb, Dundan, Savannah ; Ida M Comery, McLellau, do. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. SAVANNAH, Oct 3, 1865. SRirrt. New England, Hodges—loading for Liverpool—at Lower Hydraulic Press—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. BRI OS. Brig Aurora, (Br.) , from Hadfax, N S. 378 tons —discharging loot of Drayton strete—E L Gae A Cos. Imogens, Saunders, 4JO, loading, Philadelphia, Uuiou Ferry Wharf—L J Gullmartln A Cos. Burchard A Torrev, Hasklli, dlscg, Iron Steamboat Co’s wharf—Cheeseuian A Marshall. Regetta, Stanley—loading—Dry Dock wharf, Hut chison’s Island—Jos Ltppman. SCHOONERS. Lottie Kolta, (3 maatedj Endtcott, dlsc'g., Machine Shop, Eastern Wharves. B L Sherman, (3 masted) in distress—repairing. Schr Wm E steveuson, Threadcraft, 46, walling, at dock foot of Barnard street—Master. Mary Ann Emma, Cousins— l6s, w’tlng, Iron Steam boat Co’g wharf—Haywood, Gage A CoT NEW BOOK STORE, 147 CONGRESS STREET, •J Doorw W«»s( from WliltaU.**i*. THE tinderrigned has opened a New Boc k Store at 147 Couuresa ft root. The public are reepocfully invited to eall aud ex amine nil stock of Miscellaneous bo kK school book*, juvenile books, religious book*. Sunday School book*, blank books, stationery, card phtojpajfhs photo graph albums, fancy rubber hill#, foot balls, fancy paper boxes. 4c., Ac. The leading- newnapers and periodicals will l»c kept conutanrly on hard, and American and Foreign Monthly and Ouarterly Review* will be furnished to anberihers at the regular subscription rates Special attention will he given to Sunday School Literature ami Libraries will be promptly supplied to Sunday-£cho<»& iu the city and country. School Re quisite# of all kind* for teacher** and Scholars kept on lmnd. The undersigned is agent for the American School Aparatus Company, and is prepared to furnish School Furniture and School App iratna of all kinds, at the shortest notice, and «t ibe lowest rater. 11. Mallon. oct‘2-1 w FERGUSON & DIXON, UNDERTAKERS, Cabinet Mafcer. anti Upholterers. 121 Broughton Street, between Bull and Whitaker. HAVING this day associated ourselves togelhcr, we beg lo inform our liiends and the public,that we are now prepared to execute all orders entrusted to onr care in the above branches. Personal atten tion given to fnrnisning F merals. Bell Ilanging In all Its branches. Also prepared 10 renovate Feathers b steam. 0 t2-6t D FERGUSON, W. L) D XON. LAND AGENCY FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. THE subscriber, formerly of Savannah, and resident at Bhickshear, Pierce county, Ga.. on the Atlan tic A Gnlf Railroad, will give his personal and undi vided attention to the sole and purchase of Lauds contiguous to the said railroad, on commission, and solicits the patronage of all needing an agent there. Am experience in the land, lumber and timher hnsi ness of twenty years in Georgia and South Carolina, guarantees ample r- 'lficatlon. He will be repre sented In Savanna! by tt<-nry Bryan, srd in New York bv the Great Southern ’ Agency. 71 llroad way. JOHN " DELANNOY. Refers to any old resides in Savann h. septs 8m SWITZERLAND! THE SWISS CHEESE II A. S ARRIVED. litre las il Gone to’ WHY, TO R. BALFOUR’S STORE, No. 151 Broughton Street. sep27 7w NTIIW SKIRT POH’eB liPt FX E LLI ' The Great Invention of the Age IN Hoop Skirts, J. W. Bradloy’s lew Patent Dnpex Ellip tic (or Double) Spring' Skirt. rpHIS Invention consists of Duplex for two; Ellptic 4- Pure Refined Steel Springs, Ingeniously braided tightly aud firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable Spring everused. They seldom bend or break like the sin gle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and lieuntiful shape more than twice as long as any Single Spring Skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort nnd pleasure to any lady wealing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assem blies, Operas, Carriages. Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for lbomenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a smnl! place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never after wards willingly dispense w ith their use. For children, misses and young ladles they are snperlor to all oth ers. The noops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thruad and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the eov oring from wearing ofl' the rods when dragging down stabs. atom;steps, Ac., which they are constantly subject to when in use. All are made of the new and elegnntCo.ded Tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfoitable and economical Skirt ever made. WESTS’, BRADLEY A CARY, (late .1. I. A J. O. West,; Proprietors of the Invention, and Sole Manu facturers, <>T Chambers and "9 and SI Read, streets, New York. For pale in all first class stores in this city, and ttaroiighuut the United States and Canadas. Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West In dies. Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. JyS Sti The Steam Flour Mill TO REN TANARUS, THIS large Mill, adapted to Flour, Meal and Grits, will be rented to an approved tenant for one or more years. Also, The lands east of the Mill, dorm to Jones'Canal, well adapted to Gardening, Grass, Ac, Also, The Race Track, two miles from the city, on the Augusta Road, Including the Goodal land Also, A tract of land on the south side of the same road, opposite to the Race Track. For terms apply to G. B La-nar or George S- Owens, Esqrs. C. A. Lamar, Administratrix of C. A. L. Lamar’s Estate. sep3o 2arvlm BALTIffIOEE COLLEGET OF 1 DENTAL SURGERY. The regular Lectures of the Twenty-Sixth Annua Session will commence November Ist. The Infirmary will open October 16th. Faculty: THOMAS E. BOND, A. M., M. D. Pathology and Therapeutics. PHILIP H. AUSTIN, A. M., M. D., D. D. S., Dental Science and Mechanism. A. SNOWDEN PIGQOT, A. M., M. D., Anatomy and Physiology. F. J. S. QOHGAS, A. M., M. D, D. D S., Dental Surgery. RUSSELL MURDOCH, A. M., M. D., Chemistry. HENRY HOBART KEECH, D. D. 8., Demonstration of Operat ive Dentistry. THOMAS ROLLERS WATERS, D. D. 8., Demonstration of Mechanical Dentistry. For information address F. J. S. GORGAS. H. 0. 43 Hanover street, Baltimore, Md. Oct2 law-4 vr Legal Notices. STATE OF US ORiiIA?CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concrrn: Whereas M. A. Cohen will apply At th# Court of Ordinary for Letter** of Adminfctraii *ii on the tauuc of Miami ]> i.o!>ur;., .ii, clec«OM*l, T here nro, therefore, to cite ami ainiouir-li alt whom it may concern, tv> he and appear bef\»r«v aal<l « ourt to make objection (if any they feavej on or be firc i.e th a: Monday November m xt, other* isv eaid letter# will be granted. Wit tie# a ray hand rod official signature, thin ?sih day of September, 136.'. eep>* a A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. Stats of Georgia. Chatham county!—to all whom it may concern : Where Ferdinand Kolb will apply a, the Court of Ore.lnary ior Lettera of Admitiiptration on the es tate ot ffohn Uaim, deveuaed, Thes.‘ H re, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear beiorc paid Con it to make objection (If any they have; on or be fore the firat Monday in September next, otherwise said letter** will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this 29th day of September, iSAV gepflo D. A. O*BYRNE, Ordinary. State ofc.egrgia, Chatham county.-To ail whom it may concern : Whereas .loan R. Norton will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Admiuiatration on the es tate of T had Jens S. Norton, deceased. These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make obir cti'>u (if any th*> have; on or be ! fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letter? will be granted Witness my hano and official sign atnre, this 28ih day of September, 1305. sep3Q D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. S’TATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Caroline A Lamar Whl »pplv at the Court of Administration on the estate of Charles A. L. Lamar, deceased, These are, therefore, to ci*e and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they havej on or be fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this 2Gth day oi September, 1*65. D A. O’BYRNE. sepSO Ordinary Chatham county. OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— O To all whom it may concern • Whereas, Louis Grenrald w ill apply at the Court oi Ordinary lor Letters of Administration on the es tate oi Paul E. (Uatigtiy, deceased, These are, theretore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be aud appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the first Monday next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this 26th day of September, 1865. D. A. O’BYRNE. sep27 Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Eliz dufth Ddlon will apply at the Court of Ordinary for L itters of Administration on the es tate of James Carrol. These are, therefore, to Cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear liefore said Court to make objection (if any they have) on <*r be fore the first Monday in Novembet next, otherwise said letters will he granted. Witness my official signature this 13th of Septem ber, IBG,j. scp‘27 D. A. O’BY’RNE, Ordinary. STATU OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Andrew M Ross will apply at the Court of Ordinary lor Letters of Administration on the es tate of Isaac W. Morrell, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may couc -rn, lo be and appear before said Court to make objccsion (if any they have) on or be fore the Ist Monday iu Novemb r next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my tund and official signature this 20th day of September, k 65. sep27 D. A. ,O’BYRNE, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.- To all whom it may concern : Whereas, Andrew M. Jackson will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Bcrnadino S. Sanchez. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have; on or be fore the first Monday In November toext, otherwise said letters will Ik> rrnnted. Witness my hand and official signature this 27th day of heptember, 27, 1865. sep2B D. A. Q’BYHNB, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may toncern : Whcrcus, Annin Wilson will app l )' at the Court of Oralnary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Edward G. Wilson, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) ou or be fore thf first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this T2th day of September, 1865, tep3o D. A. O’BY’RNE, Ordinary. GTATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTV.-To nil whom it may concern : Whereas. Adam Uohenstein Mill apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the Es tate of Peter Ybusser, Deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all M’hora it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection, (if any they have; ou or be fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will he granted. Witness, my hand and official signature, this 2sth day oi September, 1865. oct 2 D. A. O’BY'RNE, Ordinary. TO RENT. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at th« HERALD OFFICE. anl2-tf Cellar to Let. TO LET, A LARGE CELLAR, SUITABLE FOR STORAGE. Apply at tlio HERALD OFFICE. aul2-tf ROOMS TO LET, Hilton Hoad, S. C„ THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newly Fitted Up, now offer* large and airy rooms, suita ble for Sleepiug Apartments or busiuess purposes. For terms apply to W. S. Sampson, Jr., on the prem ises, cornerol Merchants* Row and Palmetto Avenue, fi om 4 o’clock to 6 o clock p. m ju‘22 GROCERIES, I, taro Its, 3k C., CHOICE (GROCERIES Just Received by Stuart A Cos., Corner of Bull and Broughton Streetp. WE hare lust received from New York a choice as sortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ac., among which may be found— Cox'a Sparkling Gelatine, Pace, Preserved and Conserved Ginger Jelufs,Prunes, Raising, Currants. Saccss—Worcestershire, Cumberland, and Lon don Club. Pickles— English and American. Spices of all kinds, whole and ground. Teas— Black and Green, choice. Ex'ra and Family Flour. Crackers and Biscuit of all kinds. Also, a complete assortment of Foreign and Domestic Ale, Porter and Stont, Wines, Whiskey, Brandy, Gin. Rum, Ac. oct2-3t STUART A t O , Grocers. Agen s for Redheads' Celebrated Yeast Powders hT Ouwe & co., WHOLESALE GROCERIES 1 LIQUORS, W INKS AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTINO PULASKI HOUSE.) CT* Agents for ALE AND LAGER. Con.tintly on band, an assortment of RHEIN WINE. In addition to the above there lea Sample Room in the rear, where good Samples are always furnished. septs lw MACKEREL. /•, ,A KITS new Mackerel, fast received end for OUU sale by RICHARDSON * BARNARD, HAY. Q Art BALKS PRIME NORTH RIVER HAY— OUU For sale to arrive by tep2B HUNTER A OAMMELL. AUCTION SALES. ~CARGD SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. ™PAy. the 61 h of Ortiitar. lint, at M o’c toffc will lie snla, HI irnm of Mom. corner of Hay and It t*ll - akc-r Mrectf. the cargo of »he Br Bchr. Albeit. HUU Twosan, Y l- oonsteting oi GROCERIES, LIQUORS. CLOTHING, DRV GOODS, ROOTS, SHOES, STATIONERY, POCKET KNIVES, &c., Ac. Sa*c positive Itinl u ilhniit rcerve. f a'aliqpiee may bo had at Store on Wi.lncmiay <IOO ' ,S for im-peelu>n on Thursday. By Bell, Wylly & Cliristian, AT PRIVATE SALE. Just receiver) ppr recent arrivalj from New York, 50 cases Assorted Merchandise, Consisting of dry goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS, HANDKERCHIEFS, &c. Now opening in Salesroom and offered at Private Sale for a few days only at New \ ork price's, in lots to suit purchasers. B<-p29 5 YORK, WILLIAMS. M'INTIRE SCO' AUCTIONEERS. Public Sale of Camp and Garrison Equipage AND QUARTERMASTER’S STORES. \\ r ILI. be sold at Public Anction. at the Govern* VV inent Storehouse, on Bay street, at the foot of Dmyton street, at Savannah, 0 1., TUESDAY, OCT. 10th, 1865, AT IO O'CLOCK., A. M., The following naraad Stores: Several lots of Tents, Tent Flies and Foies A quantity ot Axes, Hatchets, Mosquito Bars, Knapsacks, (lamp Kettles, Mess Puns Ac . A lot ol Stationery. Several Saddles, Bridle*, and a variety of other Quartermaster’s Stores. To be sold without reserve. Terms caetfn U. S. Currency. E. F. GODDARD, Capt. and A. A. Q. M. -Administrator's Sale. BY T. ,T, WALSH. Du TUESDAY, October 10th. will be sold at comer East Broad and President streets, nt II o’clock, All the perishable property of Mrs. Jane Barnett, deceased. Sold by leave of the Ordinary of Chatham county, and by order of the Administrator. eepSC lo Bell, Wylly & Christian Will sell at Private Sale 25 shares R. R. Stoek ,;o shares S. W. R. R. stock 60 shares A. &(» R. R. stock r. shares Katonton Branch R. R. Stork 19 shares Marine Bank Stock ’* shares Bank Savannah Stock. *ept23-tlO FINANCIAL. HARRISON & CO., BANKERS, No. 19 New Street, Near Wall, NEW YOnK. COLLECTIONS ir ade on all parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies and Europe. Coin. Government Securities, State. City and Rail road Bonds, Coupons, Stocks and Sontnem Bank Notes bought and sold on commission. Deposits received, to be drawn at will, and 4 per cent Interest per annum, allowed thereon, Sterling and French Bills of Exchange negotiated. HARRISON ft CO., No. 19 New street, opposite the Gold Hoom.N. Y. HARRISON, GODDIN & AI'PERSON, Richmond. Va. Reference—Messrs. Duncan ft; Johnston, Savannah; Barber ft S.n, Augnsta. sepj-lm Manning & Du Forest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, Bio. 19 Wall Street, New York, Dealers in (■old, Silver, Foreign Exchange and (iiovernment Securities. GIVB special attention to the purchase and sale o Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notes. Southern Mates Bonds and Coupons, Railroad Bonds and Coupons. Interest allowed on deposits. fyls-3ra Sight Exchange ON YORK, In sums to suit purchasers, by sep2R-tf K. F. METCALFE A CO. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For pale by aepl6 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. Willow s Wooden Ware, AN INVOICE JTST RECEIVED, per Schooner Wide World. For attic by sep2J-r. BELI* WYLLY ACJJRISTUN. RMOLINA, Corner Bull and Congress Streets, under Screven House, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Havana Su gars. Leaf and Smoking Tobacco. Also, a I kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Mer schaura. Brier Root, and all other kinds of Pancy Pipes. sep3o-3tn HIDES, HIDES? tft AAA POUNDS OF PRY HIDES WANTED. OU.UIpU for which the highest Market Price will be paid by aep3n-r, L. J OPILMARTIX A 00. Cheap Cottage Honscs; FA. CUMMlNGS,.Carpenter and Itnllder, State of • Maine, trill put np Cottage Houses In this city during the commg Winter cheap, p-ovldcd be can get purchasers lu advance for ten or futwn. so as to make ft an object. For plansand particulars inquire at _ HORATIO PITCHER'S. Harris' Wharf, foot of Lincoln street, eep2C-tf Under the Hnff. FREIGHT FOR MACON By laps, fantei Apriyto • aepW BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. _ auu*pisro. Atluutio Count MnII Mtfrvni Hill p Company . for- new YORK, .fcctTmri The new Fast Sailing W-amfhm ' VAhUNA. WIIITEHI SHTCommau. CgyJi|LiUf> ‘ater. lor New York, will .tail 0 n AVfeDNBSDAY, the 4th tn*t. at “ o’clock, p. m., pt eelsely. For Freight or Passage, hjtingver v superior seeoin modallons, apply to JOHN R. WILDER Ship's Bllia of Lading furnished and signed at the (.flee of Consignee. oet-2 For Philadelphia c THE fib-amshlp •* Cambria,” Capt. -riwaw will leave for the above ,a>rt ou Friday, ftyTufthc ldth of October, at—A. M., lor freight pataage Apply to Hr.NTEB ft OAMMELL. oct3 FOR NEW YORK. -jp-v THE fast sailing Schooner J. G. Whiftli. will have diapaten for above port, Rbr , Freight or engagements a.. Apply to RODGBRS ft CANN, Agents. oct3 3t PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. -ftd—Jr.te \ The new and splendid U. S. Mall /aßLq'i, Steamship HUNTER, M l. ROGERS, Ooavmaraer, will Rail far the above -'-J* l ** ■ T- port on her regular day, THURSDAY’, October sth, at 5 o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to HUNTER ft GAMMELL. oet9 STAR LIKE. FOR NEW Mm YORK. TnE new and elegant filW elssa IL S. Mail Ptenm ship CONSITTU'I’ION, Capt. Grcennuui. will positively sail for tlie above port on lYcdiirulay, Oct, 4th, at 5 o’clock p. in. For freignt or passago, having splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft CO, oct2 Stoddard's Building, opp. Post Ofßoe. FOR NEW YORK STAB JBE LINE. SBMI-WBEKIjY. The first class U. 8. Mall Steamships NEVADA - - Capt CAKPKNTra UNITED STATES, - - - - Capt. Suaks AMERti’A Capt Curt. CONSTITUTION, - . . Capt. mb« The above ships compose the Line, and will «|U from New York and Savnnnah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM BALDWIN ft CO, Agents, Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOOKIN ft DICKINSON, ftgenta, 17 Broadway, New Y’ork. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA ARE notified that they can store their goods any day daring the week, lo be forwarded by tho abave floats, which are the lightest draught running to Augusta, Iree of extra charge. eepl» REIN * CO- For Liverpool. e-riv THE A1 American Ship .> EW ENGLAND, Hodge, Master, having a large portion oi JkyrA/her c .rgo engaged will be ready to receive cargo at Lower HydrauHc Press on the 13th Inst. * ’ For freight or passage apply to scpl4-tr BRIGHAM, BALI'WIN 4 CO. MIGHT FIT PALAIK* And Internu'diate Landings Will be received DAILY by the undersign ed, FREE OF STORAGE, and forwarded by the first daes Steamer Gen. All Goods in Warehouse covered by In surance. CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., sepSO cor. Abercorn and Bay sts. COMPETITION DEFIED! FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant Very Fast Steamer SCORPIO, RODG-KR9, Master, Wiil commence receiving freight Tills MORNING, at Exchange Wharf; and be the first Boat for Augusta after the Helen. For Freight Engagements or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, apply to KEIN ft CO. * sep29-td U-t flay street. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. Ptilln ß brig MARY COBB, 285 tons bur then, 28n0 bbl.,. capacity, will receive freight or char ter on reasonable terms. For particulars, enquirer.) „ WM. CANTWELL Agent., «>pl9 If Box 79, Hilton Hen<^ Freights FOR AUGUSTA, fltflE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at A their Warefaonses—free of expense and cov ered by Insure ce—for shipment to Anginta and Klnta beyond by their regular line of light draught at". Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept29—tf cor. Bay and Abereorn sts, GREAT REDUCTION -IN FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA. ON and after thin date the rate of Freight b? our Line will be redneed 50 Per Cent ! Onr Lir.e la composed of the following Steamers, all adapted to the trade, viz - Iron Steamer AMAZON, Capt. Johnson. New Iron Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS,Capt. Phllpot. Steamer LAURA, Capt niller. The Steamer Gibbons la In every particular a first clan Panenger Boat. can be effected by our Line at lowest BT Freight received DAILY and forwarded TWICE A WEEK. aep2Blm ERWIN <fc HARDFE. FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA, RECEIVED DAILY, And Forw artfed emi-Vleekly# AMAZON, Capt. R. Jonssos. Per STEAMER LAURA, Capt- Eduakd Hiuiz. Having a commodious Warehouse on Dillon’s Wharf, wv *re prepared to receive freight as above. Due notice will be given of tbit days of departure or wch swanifr, ERWIN A HARDEE. . JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. «cp!B Im Agent on Wharf. ! • hailkoadh . ; Central Railroad bUPKiIT.STKXDENT’S OFFICE, » ON and a to. J . n , LMh ’. October 2. 18*5 f t f.T l *L',r D , d)n "-’ a fU,, r oain term m ' r,l! leave for Angnsla at 5 a Ht Tine m n " lninfi *>«twecn Anpista sndSS’h'a^ 1 on ** next by J hi, ‘ '"“’rill arrive in Augnata thA * r °E°. W ADAkb, ae,, ~~~ Assistant Supcrintendvi. Central Railroad SUPEIUNTENDENT’S OFFICE. ) Freight for Ang^n™^’. o ,* ’ August 'M, 18*6 f "SnfcsSKKBjSjSSSSS*'""-’ By order of 1 GEO. W. ADAMS, agsassssr HOTELS. ~~ • •* Sea Isiand Hotel. OPE3V TO THE PUBLIC, Tuesday, June 20tli, 1865. THIS new Hob!, situated on the most desirahta JfoL 1 tho eastern bank of Hilton Head IslanA a? foida a fine view of the Bay Ores? ,!5 d, J ' .1. “ ■u. !l l^e h „r c\pe*M.y‘ nd “ “ Nor!hern p" der thrilotm aii'fKn, ,K Crr ‘’foo t ttm bo made to ren ifnf,~a fastidious nan desire, houses Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S C. dell ft HUGO, PiiirtitTOis '■ t rs. r. bcoo iu.3-tt UNVILLE & GLEASON. SA.VA.TST.IsrAIT. A-GrEN-TS FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., M Coßrtlanilt street. He? Tori. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHEBS; BrlSce, Car, Skip or Bart Hook, AND r- BOILER BOLTS, bETT SfREHS, COACH OH LAO SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, MUHO AND SQUARE WASHERS, Turnbuckles, Tlolt Ends, Taps nnd Dins, fto. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVKS, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM ‘ JUNGS of every description, and every article used in constructing nr operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. RNGINBERS’ stores. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTIhG, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING: LAMPS, PAINTS. VARNISH, Ac.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS. SCREW PUNCHERFILES, CHISELS, Ac, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATOE& BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of the 1 BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY. LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,&c. repti tt STATIONERY, AC. ~ ESTII^IvF^ Newspaper Depot, AND— STATIONERY STORE, BUI Street, Corner of Bar L-aae. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. NHW STOVBZiS. Jurt Received at the above Depot a farther supply of MAJOR JONES’ COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT, Price 50 ct-. Leslies’ Ladies Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mad, Demorests’ Mirror of Fashions, Price 40 Cts THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK. Price 36 cent*. also HARPER’S MONTHLY, GODEY’S LADY'S BOOK’ ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for OCTOBBR. The usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, augso THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEIS Can be had at ESTILL’S News Degot and Cheap Periodi cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF 3HE POST OFFICE. sep2C BOOKS & STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CALL AT SAVILLE & LEACH, •ep4-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square,