Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 03, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Dally Tl KSiVaY. I.cxim- U *• *”i_ ' 1 *»•*,? r "** tfV JF4X !N'#Ktu»» «, lien in .1 Msy-dar tul ‘>, I 'Au* TPfil ri||* |||4 Alllf-tii l t . an*w n if ii murmorouN TlielMIIT o’ »* *> MrT n ’" h : If robin rfftrtlit sing, uv Clililo (lie 8;n-lor. Anrtculvi-r . whcaUevooo.MfWvc'.. remembrjo ' errs. Cat fhon. in the tr«*nef oflight, stalest Hie feediug ui;;ht. All ,i Echo makes s*«' her lips with me utterance " ,M And east at our glad feet. In a wisp ol fancies sweet, If, -, fair, iitc's unfnlfl’.led Impr ioned prophecies. Her central though: tight well Thou Hast the wit to tell, TANARUS, take the o' the dark an-l to yelld it so. The metal of moonlight To set in a cadence bright. Mid tell our loftiest dream that we thought none did knew. I have no nest as thou, Bird on the blossoming bow. Yet over thy tongue ouhowetii the song o' my soul Chanting ‘ Forbear thy strife. The spirit out nos 'he lire. And much is seldom thelis who cau perceive the whole. “Thou lira west a perfect lot. All thine, butholden not. low at the feet oi beauty lha'. ever ; h ill hide ; There might be sorer snort han thine, far-see ng h *rt. Whose fate is still to yearn aud not he satisfied.” '* ' [G<*kl ll'orda. Hie Bank Bobbery in Concord. liitrirsting Pu rt ton In re—Cool no** of fhi* j Itobher— Directors la tlie Bull ling at tlir Time<—Ybr Uank (leaned Out. (From the Boston Journal, Tutelar.] The extraordinary robbery of the National Bank of Concord, Mass., yesterday after noon, an account of which was published this morning, continues to be the chief event id local interest and excitement. The bold ness and completeness of the transaction, the large amount stolen, aud the speedy es cape of the robber or robbers with their plunder, forms a combination of rare circum stances which is certainly without a parallel ,o this community. The robbery took place, as near as can be ascertained, at about one vo'clodk—certainly lietween half-past twelve and two o’clock, the period during which Mr. Cheney, the Cashier, was absent to his dinuer. That it was accomplished by some oue conversant with Mr. Cheney’s tnoveraeuts, and by one who had previously had access to the bank, there is not the least doubt. Oue circum stance which etreugthens the su.-piciou that the robbers had had pievious access to the bank is the fact that, a few days since, it was discovered that the lock to the outer door had been tampered with to such an ex lent as to prevent its working until repair' and. No serious attention was paid to this, how ever, and the matter would probably have been forever forgotten but for the unfortu nate event which lms jjst taken place. On this occasion, while the cashier was ab sent to dinner, the outer door o! the bank, which is up one flight ol stairs, was entered by means of a false key. Having thus got into the banking-room, the robber proceeded to the vault, which is fastened by a couple of large irou dbors. The first was unlocked, and the second Was locked, but the key re mained. By means of the key the robber unlocked the second door, secured anil packed up about three hundred thousand dollars iu money and bonds, and quietly aud lapidly departed. The lock to the inner door of the sale, which had to bo unlocked. 1 .was one ot the puzzling combination charac ter, and how the thief managed to unlock it | within so short a period, is a matter which i.s j ns mysterious to the bank officers as the I lock ordinarily would have been to one uu- ! ncquauited with it. The bank, now known as the “Concord National,” was formerly known as the “Old j Concord Bank,” and was organized under the National Banking Laws, with a capital of SKkI,OOO. The amount of loss which it i wifi sustain by the robbery will not be large, probably not more than s3C,oo<>, as most ot the funds were property of other parties de posited for safe keeping. Beside the bonds which the bank will lose is $2,760 in bids of the Concord National Bank; $1,581 in bills of the Concord Bank, old issue. It may be well, perhaps, to correct an erroneous im pression that the stability of tbo bank is in the least degree affected by the robbery. On tue contrary, its bills arc as gr.od as ever, and one or two dividends wifi make good the loss to tin institution. Among the securities token are the follow- I ing: One SSOO U. 8. 7 3-10, 2d issue; seven ?100 5-20s, Ist issue; one SSOO Kuoxville, Tenn., city bond, and SI,OOO U. S. 5-20; lour registered 0 per cent, bonds of $5,000 each, payable January 1, 1868; four regis tered 0 per cent, bonds of $5,000 each, paya ble July 1, 1868; ninety-one U. S. coupon bonds, Os, 1881, of SI,OOO each; fourteen Rhode Island State bonds, ol SI,OOO each; twelve Maine State bonds of SI,OOO each, and twelve of SSOO each; ten Vermont State bonds of SSOO each; twenty-seven SI,OOO 5-20 bonds; $10,200 compound interest notes, mostly 0f.5500, and mostly of date of June in, 1861 : one SIOO compound note, one $lO do.; and SSOO 5-20; eight SSOO 7 3-10 bond.-, 3d series; Nos. 260,711 to 260,748, inclusive, of SIOO i 3-10 bonds, and also ot the same denomination Nos. 353,045 to 353,018, inclu sive ; 353,057 to 353,059, inclusive; 353,065 to 353.120, inclusive, all of 3d series; also seven 7-30’s of SIOO each, and six of sr,o each; Nos. 266,821 to 266,396, iuelusive, of SSO 7-30 -bonds, 3d series ; ouo SI,OOO 7-30 bond of Ist series; two SSOO 7 8-10s; one SI,OOO bond of 1881; four SIOO 7 3-10 sot last issue; five 7 3-10 bonds of $5,000 each, Ist series, and five 10-40 bonds of SI,OOO each. There were probably other bonds be side tuese taken, the numbers of which will be printed in a circular and forwarded to all the hanks in the country, with the caution not to negotiate them, as payment has been s lopped. A small wooden trunk which was in the vault, but which contained nothing, was broken open, and a tin trunk containing bonds belonging to William Emerson was undisturbed, and also one containing bonds belonging to a Mr. Tuttle. .. While the process of plundering was go ing on, a little girl about leu years old, be longing m the tarnily of Mr. Cheney, the cashier, went up the stairs to go into the , ’ aul V "A lltel at the door by a man (probably the robber.) who told her that she could not cuter. She insisted, she says, upon gomg m, saying that she wished to see Mr Vnnp’P' v hen he lu * orme d her tlmt lie had eone to dir.ucr, and Would not be hack until two o clock. At this the girl went ho, ' and found Mr. Cheney there, but made m, menlton ot the stranger she saw in the bank ' ?“l!' art< l the f obbt , r - v lm d b ccn announced to her. hhe describes him as a dark plexioned man, with datk whiskers and i low-crowned black kat-probabiv fell. 1 At about this tune, while the robber was prosecuting h» work, undisturbed, there were several directors of the bank assembled sot a meeting in the insurance office of Mr Brooks on the floor below. The noise of the robber was heard quite distinctly, and one of the directors remarked that Mr Che ncy had returned Horn dinner, or else had not gone, and that they would hold the meet ing as soon as he came down. There is some little suspicion attached bv people outside of the bank officers to the presence of a silk peddler in town duriuu the day. At about the time the robberv took place he was in the parlor of the Miu dlesex House selling some goods, and it is said he appeared anxious to get away i u time to take the half-past one train ior Boston W hat detracts somewhat from the suspicion against him is the fact that lie has visited the town regularly for some years past in the capacity of a peddler, and his description is unlike that ot the man seen in the hank by .? gir !' There is a reward ol $20,000 . tor llic appreheusion of the robber will , < V Ct v V< v l 7 ol , llie stolen property, wuich ?, tlmulat , e ,he detectives to an . ana search for the rascal Helill's Flßii Eitrart Burinr IV**ikr.fc*» iri».i:ff UttO T .Chert' !cf. Tl«* >1 hfttMhht |p«w#r* m Noftfr* wIHiH *rr o frp«nWi by no many «!«nn!r- ptu>) toms ug nbt. li will Le ‘otind. lnd>;i HtkHi tn Nicitt«*<l. hid *4 Memory. WNfeisridjiu*. Honor of F-»re b<*llng# Kvli. iulift I‘iimMl rnj“4r*tk«, ii.t lunMlifr to enter into the • oirtyimnt# of #<vLm * The Ckrthubution nnre ..flect-n *ith Weak ncHM, require- th< atrt rw to and invigorate the $ rat-in, wckH ll<liuioldV Kxtra< t Bnci.u tnvariattl> d4 ♦•**. If no :ro tnient it mbm’tt and to, c - iiruuij tion or in*»Ltty cucuea. HelmtiolJ’s Fluid Extract Buclin, In /dToctiona u> Femnlca.” is UM«-nu»ikd b> *ny other preparatiofl, as in (Tilotom* cr ntion. Piinfnlnrri* or Sn; predion of CtatomiirT Evacustiors Ulcerated or Sehirrua State of the Utcrna; and all complaint-* t<i thy w»r. whetlicr ads f n' r fr .tn dabita of iiaj rudenct- iti* or the or change in life. Helmtiold’s Flniil Extract Buulm, AM. IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Will radically extermioate from lb* ►/•tern Diei-aecs brining irum Ilabiiß of Pbslpatioiiit little expeu.e, lit i le or no ebu-ge in iliet,no iiicomcnieuce cr expornrr, tOEip et- lv rapcrsertlng tbore uuplearaut and Uaiiger onr remedi'Ccpai-. v anJ Mere:!'/ In r.ll thaee Uts USB UZiIiSKBCXiB’S FLUID EXTRACT J3TJCXIXJ. tj ail Diseastdo those organs whether existing in •*M ilc*’ct ‘,”from whatever and no matter hotv long standing It N pleattant iu iisto aud odor, k *jminediate” la action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations ot B*»rk or Iron. _ • * Tnoae wifferlug from Broken domi or Dr’fcute Cor stitutionp, procure the remedy lFohee Tne reader roust be awaifi that hpwever tnav l>e the attack of the above di ea*»< s, ft is eertmn t<* *»t iect hia Bodily livalth. Mental I’oWrs, and Happi ueai*. . AH the al»ovc diseases repuire the aid of a diuretic. HELAfBOLD S EXTRAC T UK HI IS THE GREAT DIUHE IK’. Helmbold’s Highly Concentrated COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, For ptirhylilgUie.blood t removing all chronic counti tutionaJ blood, and the only reliable and idScotuai know i» icui .M»y for the core of Sr'rutnin, Hcnld Head. Salt ltiieum. Pains and Swellings of the Bones, UJeeralion o the Threat and Legs, It Jot flies, Pimples on ih'* Face, Tet ter, hirvsipelas, acid sli ecalv eruptioir* pi tip* skill, UK ITIEYINU THL COMPLEXION. K .ta few of the w«*rst oisorders that hffwt rasn kin 1 arise from the corruption that Hccumulatei* in the blood. OI ail the discovert* that have been made to purge it out, none o*n equal lu eflect HELMBOLDS COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. Itclcanseß ami renovates the blood, inAtiis the vigor of! i?alth into the system, and purges out th • humors which make disease It stimulates the healthy func tions ot tue body, and expels the disordere that grow and rankle in the blood. Huch a remedy that could be relied on has long been sought for. and now, Ibr the first lime, the public have one on which they can depend, unr space here does not admit ot eertittcates to rhow its effects, but the* trial asingV bottle will i sho v the idek Uirt it lias virtues surpassing anything j they have ever taken. | Two tahl.-spoonful of the Extract of Sarsapar 11a 1 added to a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Driuc. and one bottle is tnlly equal to a gallon of theSyrnp ol Sarsaparilla, or the decoction as usually uiaile. '1 hese Extracts have been admitted to use in the United States Army, and are also In very general nsc in nil the State ii'.Hj,itals and Public Sanitary liibl t«- tions throughout the land. n« well as in pvi-ate prac • tices. and ure considered as invaluable remedies. ifw Medirai Properties of liurhu. i FROM DISPEXSATOK i OF THE UNITED STATES. | See Pi oressorDewee’s valuable works on the Prac l lice of Puytic. f See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Physic ! of Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Fphralm M’Dowell, a cel ebrated physician and Member ot the hoyal follege of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in tlie Traiiouc- of th*- King and Queen's Journal. See Medico Cuirnrgical Itevlew, published by Iten aniin Travt rs, Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons. See moiil of the late Standard Works of Medicine. EXTRACT HUiilU, ’■SAKSA PAID LLA.” Sold !>y alt jjrufjdiitk PRINCIPAL DEPOT— H E £ 3V£ BOLD’S DRUGANt) CH4MICAL WAHKHO- SK. •ejiT-im v.-i Broadway. N. Y. ESTABLISHED ISOO. ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, &c., No. 211 Wasliington-St., it-p !i NEW TO UR. r,tn THE NEW YORK NEWS. DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. THK INTfCW YORK WKI KI.V GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPERS. BMJ.UIIV WOOD Editor And Proprietor* Journals of Polities, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, aud Nows from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! moveiotTintroduced IMMENSE CIRCULATIONS' DETERMINED ON. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST fiAPEKS PITBI.I3HED IN NEW VOIiK NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, .Published F.very Wednesday. Single Coplc, , Five Cents One Copy, one year S2OO Three Cop'e . one year 5 00 Five Copie?, on# ye ir g pj Ten Copies, .oneyenr 17 00 —And ar. ex; r» copy tn eny Club of Tea Twenty Copies, one year.., SO 00 Tire U cekly .Vc« jI, Sent to Clergymen at $1 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 4 Three Copies, one year 10 00 Five 1 opiea, one year 15 00 Ten Copies, one year SO 00 —And an extra copy to any Clnb of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year 00 To Clergymen a 00 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail Subscribers $lO per annum Six Months.. Fire pollan For sale by all Newsdealers. Specimen copies, of DAILY and WEEKLY NEWS foot froe. Addles* BENJ. WOOD, Daily News Building, No. 10 City Hall Square, * New York City. BUY YOUR COOL DRINKS —AT— TONKING’S, i ' N „ U R J. AR 0F POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. i ‘ ts : Dissolution of Copartner ship. T n Dewfr[ t StTrvvi 'X'.tlne between ntm. exist on Ist January ** »° •uptil-tawKw DeWrrr BRfYN. rs. ■ 11 ■ irctrar mM DATT^' JOURNAL & MESSENGER, Poblislißil Every Morning and Evening. MACON G EORGIA, CORNER OF CHERRY ANO THIRD STREETS. LARtiEST Cl UPC LA TIGS IS MIDDLE ASD SOUTUWESTERS GEOKIIIA. rpilK r»ld ’'Jonriiil A fird. ortablwhetl * in ind rpguiotly published < ver Pinc«». hat tqc Largest t irmianon t.i any paper in this ►ection. Up art- oflciiug hberiil terraa tn •dv'rrttoerw. and iner< hariU, and ftihvra deairouaof haviug their l»u«- ne»a generally known, will do welt to advertise in < ur coluTout*. OUU WEEKLY Contains Ibe legal advertising of some eight or ten counties and i-* cin mated thiojghout the Southern and Northern 'talpi* generally. Parties pending their advertisement* with the money will be insured * it Is faction A Id re“S S. ROSE & CO. } Pr<^ to "- H 1,1 ■ THK HEW ORLEANS TIMES, ilif Leading Journal of (he Soudi, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General New^—The Diacup sion of State and National Topio—Tlie Wel fare of the HiUiting lu:crest— I The Progress of Southern Coiuim rce, and the Regeneration of Prosperity in th»* South Statea. Tne Proprietors of the New Orleans Daily am> Weklly Timis. encouraged by the lltxrnl support given to then )4/U>iuiL buve n»a«ie arianccments foi itn improvcuumt, sitb h view to making It, in cvi*ry respect, a FIRST CLASS BOUTLKTfM FAMILY AND NEWS PAP KU. of the Daily. $lO per annum half yearly, $3; Qatrferfy. Si. THE WEEKLY TIMES Is devoted to the; disct\ssioii of topics of vital import ance to the interests of the Gulf S'afes . coalafps u carefully prepared compendium of the uewc of Crtch week, original and selected literary aud miscellaneous matter, t tlea. poetry, ere., cr*rrespondence from all parts of the country and abroad, letter* from the peo ple, a resume of the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $5 per annum. TO CT.ITB9. The Weekly will be furnished as follows when sent to one addi (90 r 2 eopien $ 9 £0 j 0 copies s2* «>•» • 14 oo j 7 2 »f«id 4 • ik(M)is »• uo s “ 22 501 9 “ r,7 05) 1»» copies. .. $44». An extra copy will be given to ahj* one prating up a Club of Ten. Tcims invariablv in advance. Address \VM. If. C. KI.VO A CO , mu 14 tt Proprietors N O. Times No. TO Gamp st THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. lias entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under «uspices highly flattering. It has a large and daily increasing circulation* and of feift to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Sou them public, advantages surpassed by upne ADVERTISING RATES. ONK Hqr.VKK. Two weeks $ 5 <*> One mouth (*» On Two months in 00 Three months ) 15 Mx Months, .. 7 2AG*') One Year. .... i. ... . 40 On TWO RQUAIUB. Two weeks sio o«» One month ....• 12 0o Two months .; 15 00 Threo months IS (hi »ix months on One year. oo oo Persons desiring a greater quantity oi space than is above designated, will be accommodated on liberal terms. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single Copy, (mailed) r> eta. ■Ouo Monsh, do. 75 “ Three Months, do $2 10 81 a Month* do. ». 3 DO One Year do G no, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD «fc CO., PETERSBURG, VA. OSPEOTUS <*F TBB Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF 10,000 COPIES, FOR GRA TUITOUS CIRCULATION- To be lahh&l uu or about the \»th of Jvly, ISGS, Bv W. BURKE & CO., MACON, GA Thia enterprise 1» undertaken at the suggestion of many of the lending merchants of the countiy, r.s a method of extensively advertising their business.— While yve will nubltsh the mcLts of all who may flavor u- with their patronage, the paper will also contain Price* Current of the Markets iu all the princi pal CHks, Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, Ac., and Commercial News of every deseri|>tiou that will lie of interest to the Meraintilc Community. Nor will the “ MIRROR ” be exclusively filled with advertisfments; hut the paper will be suilicicmly large to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence, Select Holding Matter, Ac. It will be a family, ah wm.i. as a Ht RiNFss I’ArKft, .and we Intend that it shall visit every City, Town and Village in the Country. All can perceive the advantage of advertising in a paper of this description. OUR TKRAIS WILL BE LIBKKAL. Wc are unable to publish them in this Circular, not knowing what number of our frfenuM will wart tbpir Batiness Chrdfi, Notices, <kc., brought be fore the'Pfthlic through this lucdinm. We will only say to all, send your Advertisenitnits to ns immedi ately ; state how much space you wish them to occti py, directions, Arc. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuts and m.iterial for displaying them, and feel confident of meriting the patronage and approval of all Business Men. A.- soon a-» we ar» ive at the amount of math r andsixe of paper required, we will make an estimate, and publish the rates f r advertising, in the first number. They v\ ill jirah low as fossihl* to allow u* to itmlish Tii* papkh. Deemiiigit superfiu oU9 to argne the liertefii ot this enterprise to the adrer tisii c world, we leave the subject with it. feeling as sure*! it will meet its cordial ro-operation and sup port Address <1 W id. ukU a i 0., Macon, Go. AgenUhi SavannaM: . > Giro. N. Ni.uioiji. Bay Street. jylS-tf tiIIILLOHirS LEAD CO., N o. f>4- llnano Bit., NSW YORK. HAVE oomtantly on hard, iheir well known brand* of Drop Shot, Lead Pipr, Buck Shot, Sheet htad ami Unr Luul, Which they offer for sale at the lowest market prices. Orders solicited, and shipments promptly attended to. JA3U ifS MuCTLLOI'GH, President, sep 14-1 mo SOUTHERN Exporting ami imparting COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. THIS association is prepaied to make advances in currency of Gold on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber, Ac., to their agent in Liver pool. Orders eollcited for goods from merchants and plan ters. The ttricieet attention will be paid to all orders however small, for goods ffom England, France or Gennady. Our Savannah and Charleston Agents, being salaried, make no charge for forwarding either way and will furnish circular of details. K. K. FLOYD, President, Jacksonville, Fla. Aoenth:—K. T. Paine, Liverpool, fcngland; K. E. Screven, Charleston, b. O.; Henry liryan. Savannah, Ga. Jmos aeplS THOS. W. HKOOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mall promptly at tended to. jy3l-tt THE NEW SKIRT FOR 1860. A WONDERFUL invention for ladies. Unqueetion ably superior to all others. Don't fail to read tire advertisement In the Savannah Herald containing full particulars every Saturday nc ruing. jyts -■ staw3m uiNNiuiox mkfHAiM,*. _ ! |{iii‘. Willtn \ (’ii.. GF.NI’.HAI. Commission Merchants, 202 BAY STREET, Savannah.. - - - - Ga; 1 Particular Attention Paid to Shipments to our House in Philadelphia, _sep22-lm G. B.&G. W. LAMAR General Cummin Merctaiils. FORWARDISG AKD SHIPPING AGEXTS r |' , llß Under igned have this day formed a Cos part- X nership under the name and st>!e of <). It. and G. W Lamar, tor The transaction of a General Com mission, Forwarding and Shipping Business and offer their services to their fiend.-, ad the public. liefer to t->eo. W. Anders >n E«V|, Savannah : John C. lerrUl. Esq., Sav nuah: G B. Lunar Ktq.. S:- vai.nah ; Win. K Jock-o**. fNq., Pn siilent Augusta Factory : M» ssrs. .It Fla!* Sibley & Sons A.iguata; J B. dr J. W . Walker, /.pgusta. G. B L\M\R .Ta. g. W. LAM AH Jh. F.M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GEVF.RAh (CM.MISSIb.I AXO FOll warling merchant, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Hatri.-’ Buildings, 2d door west of A. low A Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter & Gammell, Cr»rA John son A Graybill ? Bell, Wylly A Chiist;.u ; Bothwell & Whitehead; Miller, Thomas & Cos.; M A. Cohen, L q *ep‘29-tf WARREN & PLATNER, Ooinmi-siion JMerchatitts, And dealers in ail kind* of coarse and fine papers and paper ptock. Also a fine assortment of envel opes nud twines constantly on hand. Cash paid for ngs, bagging and waste paper in large or small quan tities. sepiß ts gin Bay street. Savannah, Ga .Alexander Liardee, Storage and (>eiu*ral IVmiuLsum Merchant CORKER BAY ANI) JEFFERSON STR, Savannail. C.porgia. Dealer in—nAY FODDER, fiRe.IN, FI.OUR, Wool.. Hi PER BRAN SHORTS, Ac, sep22-lm JAMES B. CAHILL, GEM KRAI, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Prov is ions. lVines and Liqners, 171 BROAD STRK KT , AUGUSTA, GEORGIA HOLDKRS ofMerchandize wbhmg to realize imme diately will consult th *ir interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the most e > son able rat >s. sep4-3m TO NHlrl'EltS OF ( OTIU.V AM) U l ilhlt SOCTJIERX PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Sulessors to Hotchkiss. Fenner A Bennett, c O M M ISaION MERC R A NTS, No. 4n Yi-sr.T Strfct, Yoirtk. And Memphhs Tenn. Thomas Fsnnfr. Hfnrt D \V. lU>waivn. __ ivtf on. uiiAs. l. Colby & co., Shipping C'oiuininsion and Forwarding 31 K n C HANTS. JONKS UI.OCX, COJtNFP. BAY AM> AUFP.COHN ETRKET SAVAN NA u , GA . I. I B R R A L CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chah. L. CoLur of New York, or to nu»- t riends in Boston. MAUDE & WRJGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. references; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarive Slade, Esq., New York. 1101. J Wiley K.lnlands, Boston. Gardner Colby. K-cj.. Boston. sen !**—tt Woodward, Baldwin & to., UU Duane Street, Nrw York, 9 un«l II lliinoY*er St., Baltimore. DRY OOOD.I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnaburgs and Varus. jyis Joii.i Jones I ICuarton H. Wav, Late Treasurer State of Gu. / ( &avannah, Ga. Jones tt Way, Ila\e re-ot>ened their office at No. 9H. Bay Street. (Opposite the old stand.) savannah. Ga-, for the trans action of a General Comnnssion and Factorage busi ness. Particular attention paid to forwarding Cotton and Merchandise to and from the interior. RnntKNCKh—T. W. Chichester, Esq.. Augusta. Ga., I. C. Plant Esq., Macon, Ga,, J. W. Warren. Esq.. Co lumbus, t»a., uIU any Bank or Merchant of Savann.ih, Ga eod lino HENRY BRYAN, ~ Bevan Sthfet, mvt to Mekhiiants’ and Fi.anteik' Bank Urii.MNU, Broker and Commission Agent FOR SALE AND PURCH ASE OK STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c. t Ami for Forwarding Cotton an 15 3:no JOHN x. s.nniis l 10.. Foiuanliii}? and Commission |H MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND IRTAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. S. HAM.VIIB. Kl>. O. SAMMIS. CUAB. 1.. M ATI IKK auli * ts A. T. CUNMNGIIAM. p. Q. TrRsF. CUNNINGHAM &. PURSE, rWCTORS, FORWARDING AbD CoMMLS.MON A MEKCIIANTB. No. 4 rtoddard'e Lower St„ree, Lay sneer. Savannah. Ga. Keferenccs—Robt. Habersham & Pons, Hunter A Gammcll, Octaves Goheii, Brigham, Daldwin A Go., Erwin A Ilardee, Claghorn A Cunning lihiu. scpl 3m E. F. METCALFE & CO., GF.R lIH VI. FOHIVAIUMN’G AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lower Sttxldnrd'tt Range between Abeicurn aud Lincoln Streets, Savannah, Ga. References—Hening, Flint A I'earce, New York; E. M. Bruce A Cos.. Augusta, Ga.; R. C. Robson, bfq.. Atlanta, Ga.; Knott & Howes, Macon, Ga.; E. M. Bruce, Morgan ft Cos.. Appalachians, Fls.; Watts, Crane & Cos, N. Y.; Geo. C. Pearce A Cos , Kt. Lonis, Mo.; n. C. Brice A Cos.. Cincinnati, O.; Mr 11. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; Juo. W. O'Connor. Macon, Ga. aepttt ’ im J. SHAFFER, Commission Xloalor In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRCITB xsdPRODUCE, West WasuiKorov Maukkt, Opposite 143 West st.. Bulkhead between Barclay and Vescy st#„ NEW YORK. Potatoes. Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put tip tor the .Southern market All consignments promptly atteuked to. tsr- Itei rs to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H. Parsons. tvl* eodlv INK. O K ORCSS INK, In stands, at $8 50 per gross. 15 Mil (loaen Arnold’s writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per dozen. For sale by SAVXLLE ft LEACH. auJ2 ts cor. Bryan street and Market square C. R. 086000. KIS>RI> co*grKs|| a K I) O KT. JVMAK m , UVMMIi, 6.1. W IIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries iiml Provisions.' Tin, Crockery, Glassware Hniflwnrc, N. B.—The highest Cash Tiices paid for Beeswax. I Tallow, Wool, Hides, £c. ts »ei>tlC I 8. E, Botu.wi l. B ,v iMTniFAi». j BOTHWELL & WHITEHEAD Grocery, Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. KO. 101 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. ,»p3 lm Jab. O. Watts. A. H. Champion. JAS. G. MATTS & CO., WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL DEALERS II OroeoTios mill Provisions. ALSO, IMPORTERS OF Foreign Liauors, Wines, -Segars, &c., 8S St. JULIAN and 145 BRYAN STREET, West ride Market Fqnare, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. \\TE would rail th<* attention of onr friends ami the * v public generally to onr new conn* :tion, and solicit a shire of their patronaer Mr. A IL Champion, late of the firm of Champion & Freeman, thanks his fiiends for their past favors and requests the be towaiofthe same on tne new firm. scpT- lin SOLE AGENTS'ftiID I.PONTENS !f /l —or % Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA., uu NEW GROCERY STORE. Von Nr*Wton A Wslrrl. WOULD respectfully Inform their frie ds nnd the public thit they have opened at No. |53 Brough ton street, formerly occuniedby Blun and Mevtr; and will keep eoustuntlv on hand a well scloctcd stock so Family Groceries. Quick sales and small pn'fits is their motto, afld a 6hni'o of the public pationoge is respect full v solicited, J. H. VAN NEWTON. H. G. WARD. •epl‘2 « PIERCE SKEHAN Wholesale and Retail Do ale r In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars. Also. Skehan's Celebrated GOLDEN ALU AND CHAMPAGNE CIL HR, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scoteh and Eng li.h Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 178 BROITGIITON STREET’, SAVANNAH, _________ and«2l.ibcrty street. New York GADEN & UNCKLES, GENERAL PRODUCE ami CO.NLS'N MERCHANTS, -- AND— wholesale dealers in groceries, pro MSIONS, &c., Coknrb or Bay ani» Barnard Strfptb, SAVANNAH, GA. Highest market rates paid for Cotton, Wool, Hides, Ar.. and lilwrul cash advuucc* made on shipments to our New York House. wptt> 3500 TONS OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 50x5S per liueal yard. For sale by FOWLK & CO. ju T 9 Cm No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. KIRLIN,BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ILIS. \VI» m Mounts. COUSER WHITAKER STREET A Nil BAY I.ANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. au2l ts XI. GV. riuWß * C 0.7 Wholesale Dealets in GROCERIES, LIQUORS AND SEGARS, Corner Johnson Square and St. Julian street, and.No. 178 Bay street, Hodgson's Building. Particular at tention paid to filling country orders. AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF ALE ft LAGER-BEER, sepll Im Liverpool Salt. 1A A SACKS, JUsT RECEIVED. For silo by lUU WM. H. STARK, wpW-3 corner Lincoln and bay sts. VfM) H. Siiiß.voJD. Geo A. Hudson, \ni. H. SIIHPOD & I0„ Cnclcr St. Andrew’s Hall, Corner of Broughton nnd Jcflenou Street*. VTR. SHERWOOD has just returned from the North JTI where he has made arramrements to be con- Kiant’y supplied wi*h a Select Stock of first class Family Groceries, Wine* Liquors, Ac. Mr. Sherwood, ti»c senior juirxner of the firm, re turn* his gratCni ihanka 10 hi* numerous friends and customers for thdr patronage to his business, corner Whitaker and Broughton streets, but would respect fully inform them that he has now no connection wiih that establishment aud that he has established himself as above, where he will be happy for u con tinuance of the libeial patronage heretofore ex tended to him. sep27-2w wm.m.da™on, WHOLESALE DEALER GROCERIES. WINES. LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and. Ciden. vep2 ts Buy Your Claret AND SHERRY WINES TONKING’S, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD. lUC?4 if Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. TS7M. H. SHERWOOD ft CO., Savannah, Ga,Praia, V » southwest aorner of Broughton and Jefferson streets, under St. Andrew’s Hall W* are receiving by every steamer fresh article, of GroCna, 61 every description Liquors Imported and direct from manufacture* are offered at pricer to suit the bade. ’ Vept2o-lm SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIREOTORY. ( i )MMISS!*>N MERCHANTS. L 1 huiihc. kr *V t•« r • SIUPPINii AM. COM MIS SION ME Rl HANTS, Corner B y aud Whiuker stri-cti*. Savannah, Oa. Prompt atleution given to cttnaigumi-nIH of Mer ckandiMi aud Produce of all kiuda uul sold. »epg lm Houttu Pi teller. COMMISSION MERCHANT. I'ealer m Ship Store* and Chandlt-ry. Harris’ uharf, foot of Lincoln aticet, under the bluff. ?*epl rrUou «v Gortluiu, 1 COTTON FACTORS. Comm.r-sion and Forwarding M. rrhanta. au3o rc Bay street, Rue Wliitney ik Cos., General f’otnmHsioiv Merchants, No. 802 Bay street, above Barnard htre-U. a n 24 JYrncly, Smith iV Cos., Commiaßion nnd For wa ding Merchants «nd Manufacturers Agents, Huy street, north side, between Whitaker and Bar nard street aug2* MA. Cohen, • FOR WARL ING and COiIMISS’N MERCHANT, Office Home Ins. Cos , 89 Bay st. Bell, Wylly i* Christian, AUCTION, OEN EKAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Bay street. Savannah, Gu. AM. Srarbrotijjh & Cos., Gr.oo p.y am* Com *» uißisiON Mncanta 140 CongreßS and 07 St. Juiian Btfi Highest market prices paid for Cotton, Wool, Beeswax etc. Liberal Advances on Cotton. Ac. T7rwin fliiulrr, Vj COMMDSION MERCIIAN'rS, Bay sti-eet. Savannah, Ga. WIN W, LIQU( >KS,_& c rl AKOIII.r.H, NORTHEAST CORNER OF « Broughton and Jeflerson streets. Agent f«*r the State of Georgia, l »r the pale of CaliumLa Wines and Brandy. ts E. Koeilirke dt Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS tn Groceries, ’Vines, Liquors and Negnr*. Corner of Bay and M hi taker sts Havaui.ah,^fa. sepj-lm Israel R. Sealy w Cos., aOI-K AGKNTS AN D IMPORTEKS OP Ch. FAR it K CHAMPAGNES, In the Stub* of Gt oigi i. « 207 Lay st., btw«n l ai rard and Jefferson, »u 9 Savannah, Ga. Isruel It. Sealy ek Cos., WHOI.ESAI.E DEALERS IN IMPORTED WINES, r ORDIALS, BRANDIES AND SEGARS. an 9 207 Bay st., b> Barnard «nd Jeff<*rson JLuinn, lir ix) iter and Wholesale Dealer in SrAN • 1811 SROARS FuENCiI BkANDIFA. WI.NKS, WlllbKKY and other Liquors. Totfxobri of all kinds. PJI Bay street, Savannah, Qo. I)UY GOODS. ’ John C. Maker & Cos., Whoudai.r and Hi-tail Dr,i.kk in DRY GOODS. HOSIERY, GLOVES. TRIMMINGS, MELONS, Ac. Ac. Cor. Congr. sS and Whitaker sts. Thomas Pepper, Whoi.faai.e and R.taii.Di ai.i r in Staple and Fancy Dky Goods, at ruprrrr urnted Low I'ricrx. ONE PRICE ONLY. 116 Congress street. John McC’onaghy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. lfiO Broughton street. Samuel M. hedcrer. Jobber aud Retailer of Fancy ani> Staple Dry Gooi*b Boots and Shops, Clotiunh, Hats, Ac. 140 Congress street. GHOCERIKS, &c. Stuai t Si Co.,Wholesale andßetail Dealers in Gro ceries and Piovisious. Teas, AKh, Wines aud Li quors. Corner Bull and Broughton streets. Special attention paid to ordere for the country trade. _ ' c . aepfcMf -, C. K. Osgood, Store ISC Congress and vßr» St. Julian stret tB, Savannah, (k W holesale and Retail Dealer in Gnxeiies and Provitions, Crockery, Ulassware, Tin aud Hardware. N. B. —The highest cash prices paid for Beeswax, Tallow, Wool, Hides, Ac. sep 15 MFi iat (i„ v\ i o.csai Dealer in Wines, Li • Ql'OKSv SXGAltts > < % GROCKJULB, CAN Hi Kb, &C. . ,* . Congress street. AF. Miia, WiioLEgLi.E and Ketau. Dealer in • Gi.UCERIE.S, FRUITS, Ac. lor. Whitakei mid f’ongress »t. Lane Congdiin Symons, WIIOLLLSALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Cormr WhilakLr ;nnl Si. Junaiists., Oltl Stamljit W . R. Bynums. Hilton A It tin del t, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 198 Bay Stiwi.t, are constantly receiving per steamers from N. York, the mrgCbt and most complete assortment ol GROCERIES in this city. P. Deyo, Dkai.kk in CmoiOwß Family Orocerub, Winks, Liquone, laa Broughton street. Robert Umfibre, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 151 Broughton street. IULI.IAHUS, ic. KJ 11ILLIAKDS, LIQUORS, WINES. gt.. third jagt from Bull. Billiard Saloon, "flv WALTER.O'MIiAKA. ALE , WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. Union Similes, Tebknor Nciiist, Proprietor. ALEB, WINILS LIQUOILS, BEOAhS, 4C. SI. Chui lc, Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,) by A. Stamm. Wholrxalr and lietail. None but CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS seived. Free Lunch. SCHIVENEItV. John J. Purtille, (late Recorder of the Second Provost Court) will attend to all Writings ami Business entrusted to his care, at Saloon oi Terence Nugent, Jr., opposite Pulaski House. Cor- Congi-' ss and W hltaker «ts. GAS FITTING, &c. Oluinbing unit Gas Fitting, X By JOUN U. CULLEN, Broughton si., quo and. ,or We-1 of Barnard. WH. Williams, Gab Fitter ani> Plumber, • and Dealer in Tin Ware, Horne Ftß Good*, Ac. 143 Broughton street. Weed & Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Hardware and Tin Ware. l*o. 169 and 161 Broughton at reel. U Cranston, • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 01 Bryan st., next 10 cor. Whitaker. SEGARS, TOBACCO'^c. _ Koctlkevke & Cos., Importers of Genuine Havana Segars, (Joiner Bay and Whitaker streets, .Suvanimh, (ia. sepi liu Kolb. T • TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac Barnard street, one door South of the Market C'l P. liopx‘7., Sr.iARS, Tobacco, Skcff, Pipes. J• Fa.ncv Act l ias, Stationery, ac. , Cor. Bull and Broughton sts. F Constant, Impohtfr of Domfstio and Havana Seoaus, Mr.FRBonACM Pii tB, 4»e. Also, Wines, (iiAMi'AGNEb and r-ther Liquors. Bull opposite the Post Office. "printing, .STATIONERY, &c. Suville & Leach, UOUK- ELLEKb AND STATIONERS, Cur. Bryan afreet ami Murker Square. Marking Ink,*<Tenmi and for sale by DAVID U. GALLOWAY', ."fco. N. Nichols, u book and job printer, _ Bay ft., between Abet com and Drayton, rj J. Pimr, L. fftJjTKAPii EItTbl’ATlONKit, Jii. LINDER. JOB PRINTER, ftc. No. ts Whitaker street. c VV. filuaon A Cos., HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. No. 111 Bay street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. ~~ Ijl D. Jordan, Dealer in Watches and Jkwklry, ' • Silver und Plated Ware Fancy Goods. Ac. BJf~ Wutchcsuinl Jewelry Repaired. 12'J Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. ~ HAJR DRESSING, &c. Pulnski Ilouae Uarber Shop, (cor. Bull and Bryan ate.) Shaving, llair Cutting, Shampooing, W Makers Dyers, Ac. Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Neck Ties and other Fancy A:titles for eaie. FUIWITUHii. Dennis Falv-ey, FURNITURE WAREHOUSE. New Work Msi>b to Oiuier. Repairing, Bell Uungiug, Ac., at abort notice. 138 Broughton at. • ~~ CTHNAWAReT&c. ED. Sinylh, QUEENSWAItE GLASS AND • CHINA, at Wholesale and Retail. 109 Bronghtun street, 2d door from cor. of Bull PHOTOGRAPHS. 1 JT. Rending ft Cos,, • PHOTOGH iPHEHS, Cor. Whitaker and St. Julian sts. Pm«CTOWV CONTI NU ID Vcw lira, linn,*, *’ (oruer l onirresa and Barnard sts Thom it. M. Turner, Sootfnw mr Barnard sod 1 A. 'iulouinns Cos., —■ ~.'* IJOI -*- s ALE AND BETAfL DRUQnisnv ,_tr- Orders »n n with dwpaiT BOOTS AND SHOBji ~ A me, A Prabudy, Jobber, in Men's. _ and Children's Call, berce aiid Eid ru a ’^ cnV ' SHOES, of all kinds anrimmlitiw IC2 Congress st., 4th door North of the Market / i eo. TANARUS« Mehcila, VT RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE •fi'firoogh'.on st., »and door irom Bnu '** " -- |- . _ CONFECTIONER Y. JE. IJernnudei, - CONFECTIONER—Woni.rsALt ani, R fia ., SSIIUPS, CORDIALS AND FINECONFECTIONEBy 1-1 C Bronghton street, tiro doors from Bm.H MFiliKmihl, ~ • WHOLESALE AND RTTAIL DFaF FR iw CIDKRS, LEMON, STnAWBEhRY a>dRA9PBFRRy SiKUPS, CANDIES, de , Ac , iRT tw 111 any quantities, to suit Purchasers wu IT AKER BTKF.ET. boda water" ' John It, an, Bottler of SODA WATER POnTm and ALE, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, Ao !U,i Bay an t West Broad elre. t,. ORY GOODS AND CLOTHINgT Carhart, WhitfS&Up Manufacturers aud Wholesale Dealer, in READY MADE CLOTHINC. 331 ani> 353 BaoAmi-AT. oou. Worm SThnr NEW YORK. V T Cauiiaet. I Heant Siiafeu, Wh. H. Wuhforii, | AT. Hamimon, J ' B ' Van "'sotXEN Office of Payan A Carhart In liquidation i 3m STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants Rnxr, Hilton Head, So. c* CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retai" n-r chasers to their superior atock of ' " r ' MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING AND „, , _ FTTRNISHINa GOODS. Watches, Clock** Fancy Goods, Jewelry, ai.d Plated DANIEL MANN, WHOLESALE nnd Retail Dealer in Tinware Jf Moves and Store Pipes. Also, Roofing, r f|U ’ tering and. Repairing done at the shortest notice Northwest corner of St Julian street * p P- r >-1m and Market Square. Boker’s Bitters, ‘The Oldest and best renowned. L. FTIiKE, 66 Liberty Street, >fpl?-3mo NEW YORK. Waireu’s Celebrated Keedies aud tish Hooks. ANDREW CLERK & CO., 48 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. OUR former customers will find a reduction in cold prices of the Needles, while the quality is abvnvt kept up to the highest standard known to EtHlah manufacturers. A. U. A Cos., respectfully solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so long at.d favorably esteemed by their honse. nuC5 3m R. H. ALLEN & CoT, 1«0 it 10l WATER RT., NEW YORK. AGKICIiLTURALWIPLBMEXTS, AND MACHINERY BF All KINDS, Small Tool* fur (hr Farm and Cm 4 m, mrjt a. Suadrf, Shovel*, Hoe*, Furl:*, Rakes, Ac., and/or Gnus Hooke, Scythes. Sculh-Storus, mul A alien I. turnl Hardware in general. We offer, also, a large assortment of onr own ntfitni* farm re of Hay Cutters, coffee and Grain MSlls, Snptr Mills lor Grocers’ use. Shore Trucks of various tut terns, Rond Scrapers, Wheelbarrows. *<;. Fenillixera ot all kinds, such »s Coe’.! Snperphos. phate ot Lime, pure Ground Bone, Peruvian Guano, and Poudreitc, SEEDS. Every valunble Ameticnu and Foreign varictv of Vi getable. Flower aud Gratis i-'ced imd Field Grain :hat has proved worthy of cultivation, g.own and pelectel expri #.‘ly for onr ti ado. Sales made in bulk, perpriind or bushel, orinsmali packets, lor retailing, by the hundred cr thousand. tepl2-‘Jaw Hmo Advances Made ON COT T 0 K AND OTHER PRODUCE, The New York Warehouse ami Security Company, No. 28 Pine Street, New York, With a Cash Capital of ONE MILLION DOLLARS, will receive consignments of COTTON, &c., and accept time orj6ight drafts for two-thirds mark* value, at shipping port, whi n accompanied by bill* lading. Competent persona will receive the rrcpeia on arrival. Any other lniorrm tion can be had by a! dressing the Company. This Institution D owned and managed by nctio business men. which, added to the capital lnvcstei guarantee entire saiety and experience in the dispoa of merchandise consigned to them. References In New York—National Bank of the Rt public; Bank of America. THEODORE CRANE, Pros'! F. J. OoDsn-, See'ry. sep22—Saw’"’ Brown’s Standard Scale®, USED by the United- States and Foreign Govcfi ments for more than THIRTY YEAIt S . Adapted to any branch of buelnesa for foreign ;< borne markets. Warranted nc,urate and dnraM Sales rooms No. 8 Barclay-tt, near Broadway seplß ly R. BROWN, Manufacturer. GUNNY BAGGING. Fop sale by ... N. A. HARDEE & CO. sep2-tf ITCH! ITCH! ITCH^ SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH■' Wheaton’s Ointment. Will CURE THE ITCH IN EORTY-EIBHT HOUR*- Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, chilblains, and « !l Eruptions of the Skin. Price 60 cents. For sale W' ail Druggists. By sending CO cents to Weeks 1 P i - l,K j' Sole Agents, 170 Washington street. Boston, Ms- 11, wi|| be forwarded by mail, free of postage, u> * r ? part ot the United Slates. scpt'-’l- M lumber! WHITE PINE, rough and dressed. Cherry«> White Wood. Ft sale by .. ,„ n RICHARDSON * BARNAIW, *cp4-tf Bay street, opposite Mariner's ASTEN & THROCKMORTOK, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW TORS. Manufacturers nnd Deakm Bui|d»'‘ , r B Locksmlibs' Hardware. Nslls Pullics, [1.71 Lorks and Knobs, Butt Ulngca, Brass and It 0“ ic ana Castings. Gong Bells, Wire, Silvsr-P'**. 1 !’ B ', jo Ail orders, large or small, fnniiskcd promr''? per rent, less than market price*. srplO ■ ■' l tfm