Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 09, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. I—NO. 226. The savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) 18 PriiLlSHEl- B 7 H# XV. MAHON A CO., at 111 i*AY Stbkft, Savannah. Georg**, thus: i.« a '"'2™- ADVEKTISINO: Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in . One Dollar lor each subsequent one. Ad ,r>ei ; iciit« inserted in the morning, will, If desired, in u'm the evening without extra charge. JOB PBINTIN G, ill even' Style, neatly and promptly done. I'Hl FENIAN MOVEMENT. Numerous Additional Arrests in England and Ireland. The Fenians Undismayed and Still at Work. The London Times ‘Whistling, to Keek its Courage TJp. Britisli Gunboats latching for an Amer ican Arins-lafteu Vessel, &c., &c., &c. By the arrival of tho steamship Persia at \etv York we are in possession of Liverpool dales to the 241 h ult. TUt* Fenian Excitetiient«*Furth€r Arrests of Suspected Persons. Further arrests continued, not only in Ireland, but also in England. Another sol dier had been arrested in the garrison at Cork—a drum-major in the second regiment; nd the Cork Examiner says further arrests were expected to be made among the troops (mattered in that city. On the other haud, another p .per says that notwithstanding the arrests already made, there seems to be but little warrant for the story that tire troops are tainted with Fenianism, and there is rea son to believe that the troops as a body are perfectly loyal and quite ready to aid in the repression of any rebellious outbreak. On the 21st some detectives from Dublin arrested two men in Manchester —one a bookkeeper and the other a railroad porter. Anns and ammunition were found in their possession as well as criminatory papers. They were conveyed to Dublin. Efforts were being made to secure several other active Fenians in Manchester. At Sheffield a travelling agent of the I’eniaus was also arrested by Irish detectives < sind sent to Dublin. Documents were found upon him clearly connecting him with the conspiracy. Police officers trom Dublin were on the alert at several other places in England. Tlie Work of ttic Organization Still Going On. Fenian organizations in Liverpool and Glasgow were said to be still at work, not withstanding what has taken place. The members ol the society iu Liverpool were circulating reports of an armament on a large scale from America, and it was stated that a large number of American military officers had arrived in England, some of whom had made their appearance iu Liver pool. The Dublin Evening Mail of the 21st says “We are in a positiou to state that no ex amination of the cases against the prisoners will be proceeded with on Saturday (the 23d.) The evidence, both verbal aud docu mentary. is ot such an extensive and voluminous character, that it has been found impossible to so order it that it may at that time be brought before a legal tribunal. No additional arrests of consequence have been made.” The London Times editorially ridicules the movement as absurd, but siill sufficient to justity the steps taken to suppress it. The article says : It is something to be assured of the riditulouS character and utterly in significant proportions of this latest move ment, It is something abo to have it clear ly shown that the American government re jects all such participation in proceedings of this kind as Irishmen have tondly expected from it, and perhaps the exposuro of this lolly in all its incidents may bring Ireland a good step nearer that prosperity from which political agitation ha3 so long debarred her. The Dublin Dispatch of the evening of the 22U says : A gunboat continues to cruise off Cork, looking out for a vessel reported to have cleared ironi an American port with arms. All quiet throughout Ireland. The Army and Navy Gazette says the re ports ot the troops iu'lreland being infected with Fenianism are calculated to lead to a ygry erroneous and unjust impression. It is 'probable soldiers have listened to the ad vances of tho rowdies, -but an investigation will probably show thatthese flirtations have been brought about more with a view to pre sents of drinks and money than a betrayal of their positiou. The same paper says all the troops in Ire land ore stationed on sound military princi ples in relation to such an occasion as a gen eral rising. The present military force in Ireland amounts to 20,000 men, and there ’are 10,000 armed police. Critical State of Affairs in Cork. [From the Cork Constitution, Sept. 21.] The arrests continue in this city, aud, doubtless, Iroin the information of which the authorities are possessed, before they stop every person in the localily piominentlv con nected with the movement will be taken into custody. Notwithstanding the quiet way in which the proceedings are taken, each Fe nian being apprehended without any noise or commotion, the fact quickly gets currency, and at each arrest the excitement of the peo ple is increased. Yesterday the subject was uppermost in every person’s mind the pre vailing desire was io get news about the body, whose ramifications are now seen tube much more extensive than was previously thought, and each successive day’s arrests only con firm the fact. FURTHER ARRESTS. Since last report four persons have been arrested —two soldiers, one a drum major j and the other a sergeant, and the third and fourth civilians. The drum major is named Farrell, and belongs to the First battaliou of the Second regiment; the sergeant is named Butler, of the Ninety-ninth. Both were ap prehended lor having Fenian documents about them nnd were committed tu the mili tary cells. The civilians are John Hawkes and John Carmody, Hawkes is a man em ployed at Mr. Jonathan Russell’s establish ment, Prince's street. He was taken yester day by Head Constable Geale and Constable Carson and committed to prison. Carmody, who is a 6later and plasterer, was arrested in the evening by Head Constable O Neill. He met him casually in South Main street and took him to the Bridewell. A great crowd followed, but no opposition was ottered. FENIANISM IN THE AiMT. With regard to the military arrests it may be stated tnut an error occurred in mention ing yesterday that an acting sergeant major of the Secoud legiment, a sergeant musket ry instructor, nnd a company Bergeant had been taken, charged with tieasouable prac tices. The acting sergeant major is an old and respected nou-commissioned officer in the Queen’s regiment and quite free from any imputation ot disloyalty ; the sergeant musketry instructor is at Yonghal fulfilling his duties, and lias not been in Cork lor some time ; and as regards the company sergeant the statement was equally incor rect ; but it i6 no wonder that such state ments should gain publicity, because, though it is known that arrests were made in the barracks, it is uttetly impossible to get in formation, owing to the reticence of the mil itary authorities, the result of which is that inaccurate statements are circulated and in too many cases implicitly believed. There is no doubt, however, that Drum Major Far rell, of tlie Second regiment, and Sergeant Butler, of the Ninely-ninlh. have becu ar rested for Fenianism, and there is no doubt either that other men in the garrison, though not under arrest, are very sharply watched ; so" their complicity in the Fenian move ment is more than a suspicion. There is a large number of Englishmen and some Scotchmen in the barracks, and a good deal of bitterness exists among them that any' maL of their corps should be connected with the Fenians. WHAT WAS FOCNI> OX M’CAFFEBIV. From the person of the American Captain M’Cafferty were taken a waist belt with two six-barrelled revolvers, a rifle, and four works upon drill. One was Brigadier Gen. Silas Casey's infantry Tactics, three volumes; another Lieutenant Colonel Philip St. George Cook's work on military movements, with Illustrations by Lieutenant Colonel George Patten, lale United States Army ; the third the “A. B C.” of Skirmishing and Move ments forlnlantry, by Wm. Malton, late Sec ond Royal Middlesex Rifles ; and the fourth a School Manuel, by Stephen Pinckney, Col onel Ninety-filth New York National Guard. Each book is well got up, and appears to contain every information necessary for the management of troops. Panic at Queenstown—Searching a Mag- istrate’* House. Although everything is quiet at Queen stown, a great amount of timidity exists re garding the Fenian movement, and several English people staying there have within the last few days left the place, so fearful were they of a rising by the body. For the past week one ot the gunboats in the harbor, with a number ol mariueson board,proceeded daily to sea, returning eacli evening, in conse quence of information received that some time since a vessel cleared out of an Ameri can port with arms for this country, and on Tuesday evening her Majesty’s steam tender. Advice left this harbor, with Mr. Ryan, R. M., and a party of between thirty and forty constabulary on board. She returned in a few hours, but left again yesterday and re mained at sea until about seven o’clock in the evening, when she entered the bar Dor, and afterwards came to an anchor opposite Haul bowline. Mr. Ryan and the constabulary then left her. What her special mission was is not known : but iumor has it. that it was to intercept the vessel expected from America. While she was at sea yesterday a party of twenty of the constabulary, under the com mand of Mr. Carr, S. 1., Dublin, left this city for the residence of Mr. Luke Joseph Shea", J. P., the Rennies, for the purpose of search ing it. When-they made their appearauce there they stated their object. Mr. Shea de manded to see their warrant, which was at once shown by the officer in charge of the men. They then searched the house tho roughly, but nothing criminatory was found ih it, and they returned to Cork. IMPORTANT TREASURY CIRI'UB Proposal* for Funding Certificates of Indebtedness, Compound Interest and Treasury Notes. Secretary McCulloch has issued the fol lowing circular : Treasury Department, > Washington, D. C., Sept. 29, 1865. j’ By virtue of the authority contained in the first section of an act of Congress en jitlcd *’An Act to provide ways and means to support the Government,’’ approved March 3, 1865, which provides, among other things, that any Treasury notes, or other obligations bearing interest, issued under any act of Congress, may, at the discretion ol 'ihe Secretary of the Treasury, aud with the consent of the holder, be converted into any description of bonds authorized by said act, notice is hereby given to the holders of certificates of indebtedness which mature before the first day of January next, of com pound interest notes, and of one and two years Treasury notes, of the readiness of this Department to give in ex change for them, to the extent of fifty mil lions of dollars, six per cent, five-twenty year bonds at three per cent premium ; that is to say, one hundred dollars for bonds for each one hundred and three dollars in cer tificates and notes ; provided the conver sion is made prior to the first day of No vember next. The bonds issued in exchanje for such cer tificates and notes will bear an interest of six per cent per annum, payable semi-annu ally in coin, upon the first days of May and November, and will be redeemable at the pleasure of the government after five years, and payable in twenty ysars from the Ist day of November, 1865. The coupon and registered bonds issued under this proposal will be of the denomina tions of one bundled, five hundred and one thousand dollars. Registered bonds of five thousand and ten thousand dollars will be issued if desired. Holders of certifieatei, compound interest or Treasury notes, who desire to make such conversions, will daiver them to the Treasurer, the Assistait Treasurers or the designated depositaries of the l nited Sta tes, or to any national depositary bank which may consent to transact ■ the business with out charge. , . . Interest will he allowed »u certificates of indebtedness and one and wo years Ireasu ry notes matured or matuing prior to the Ist of November, 1865, up o the date of ma turity. and when maturinj; after the Ist of November interest will be allowed ot that day. , , . Upon the compound iiterest. notes the interest w ill be computed to November 1, 1865, upon the amount if principal and interest compounded on he back of said notes, from i lie period nst prior to that) principal and imeresiof such Treasu ry notes and obligations wtl be considered together as an offer for conversion ; but when, after deducting the principal of the bonds and three per cent pimium, there rc | mains a fractional part of he hundred dol | iars, this fractional part wiibe paid to the I JC ’ifie lt0 Secrefary reserves to himself the I right of withdrawing this proposal at any time prior to said first day of November, provided fifty millions of dohrs shall, prior to that date, be offered id conversion as af< Cßcu?ars of inatructiondwill be trans mitted to the various office) authorized to receive certificates and to which at tention is invited. 1 11. MCulloch, Secretary olhe Treasury. From Washington.— Waslngton, October 3.— The State Department I day received | voluminous despatches frorfour consuls in Turkey, showing that the chlera is rapidly j f The*President sent over tday to the State Department two hundred [felon warrants, which he nad previously sited. The per sons pardoned were mostljSeorgians, and of no prominence. Twelve hundred freedmemave been sent North within a few days. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1865. BY TELEGRAPH.! New York Markets. ADVANCE IN COTTON. aOIS ADVANCED TO 146 3-4 Flour Wheat and Corn Ad vanced. [Special Despatch to the Savannah Herald.] New York, Oct. 6, 1865. The New York Herald of this evening quotes cotton as advanced two cents per pound, with sales ot 8,500 bales at fifty-one (51) a fifty-two (52) cents. Gold was selling at one forty-six and three quarters (1 46 34.) Flour advanced thirty cents per bbl. Wheat had advanced- one cent and corn ! two cents. BRIQ. BIN. HUMPHREYS OF fiI&SjSSiPPi PAR DONED. Washinoton, Oct. 6, 1865. j Ex Confederate Brig. Gen. B. G. Hum- i pbreys has been pardoned by the President. j DESTRUCTIVE FIRES IN MOBILE. Five Thousand Eight Hundred Bales of Cotton Burned. LOSS UPWARDS 0E A MILLION OF DOLLARS. Mobile, Oct. 6, 1865. The Planters’ Warehouse in this city con taining four thousand hales of Cotton was consumed by fire last night involving a loss of eight hundred thousand dollars, mostly covered by insurance. This morning McGue & Smith’s Ware house containing eighteen hundred bales of cotton was also destroyed by fire. The above fires were iuscendiary. Episcopal Church Convention in Phila delphia. Philadelphia, Oct. 7th. In the Episcopal Convention to-day two deputies from Tennessee presented them selves, but owing to the absence of the Sec retary of that Diocese, they were unable to produce proper certificates. A resolution was, however, passed directing that the names of the Tennessee delegates be placed on the roll of the Convention. New York Markets. Advance in gold. New York, Oct. 7, 1860. Gold to-day ran up to one forty-nine (149,) but subsequently tell down to one forty-six and three-quarters (146 3-4.) Flour advanced 25 cents per bbl. Gen. Grant aud Staff in Washington. Washington, Oct. 7. Lieut. Gen. Grant with his personal Staff arrived here this morning from an extensive tour through the Northern and Western States. MESSAGE OF GO VEHSOK BROVVJV -1.0 vv. He Urge* Ten Years Disfranchisement for the Rebels and no Merry for the headers. A despatch from Nashville, dated Oct. 3, says ; Governor Browfilow delivered his annual message to the General Assembly to-day. He congratulates the Assembly on witnessing the termination of the rebellion and the sig nal triumph of our arms. In regard to new subjects of legislation the wishes ot the hon est and loyal people of the State should be consulted, for they are always right. He recommends amendments and’ additions to the tranchise law ; but says, “I am by no means an advocate of its repeal, nor do the loyal people of the State wish any sweeping change.” The restoration of civil law has worked well, and prosperity is promised in every section. Guilty rebels should be treated with severity in proportion to their offences, the mass of them with not less than ten years’disfianchisement, and the leaders with neither mercy nor forbearance. Immi gration should be fostered and encour aged, and a commissioner stationed at the East to secure a numerous foreign immigra tion of skilled labor. He says :—“I am con vinced that the white and colored people cannot live together politically or socially as equals.” He advocates the setting apart of some portion of the national territory best adapted for the purpose for a nation of freed raen. The testimony of negroes is recom mended to be taken in the .courts on the same basis as that of white persons. Pres ident Johnson’s reconstruction policy i9 en dorsed as the sole hope of the country. New and Formidable Fleet of War Ves sels. —The termination of the rebellion found our government in the preparation of a large fleet of new and imptoved naval ves sels to meet any exigency—whether by ior eign interference in our" national affairs or otherwise—that might arise. Among them were seventeen first class sloops-of-war, which will combine great speed and more than the usual invulnerability of wooden vessels. The building of so formidable a fleet of this class of vessels in preference to iron clads was forced upon the Navy De partment, based upon the opinions of skilled naval and nautical men, who unanimously declared that the former class (won-clads) could not he made serviceable for cruisers. The fleet above described and named below are ail contracted for, several are launched and the remainder aie on the stocks. Those that have been launched thus far are remark able for their fine lines and clean models, and they bear every characteristic of fast sailers. The following is the list of the new fleet•— 8 or;; screw sloops Tons. Arapaho 2,200 Keosanqua ..2,200 Moshola .2,200 ilaligayata ...2,200 Wanaloset 2.200 Watauga 2,200 Willamette 2,200 Wampanoag 2,200 20 gun screw sloops. | Tone. I Antietam 2.2001 Guerrlere 2,200 Illinois 2, 200 Jura 2,2001 Kewajda 2,200 Manttuu 2,200 Mtimetauka 2,200 Ontario 2,00(1 FHcalaquu 2,200: A Railroad Reoci ation against Colored Persons. —On the 22d ult., Mr. George E. Greene, a respectable colored man, public caterer at New Brighton, Staten Island, took passage in the cars of the Shore Line Rail road at Greenwich, Conn., lor New York, and wbile on his way was three times refused a glass of water by the water-bov who pass ed through the train. Appealing to the con ductor, he was iniormed that it was a rule of the railroad company that no water should be furnished to colored persons, and that there was “ no use in talking about it." AUSTRIA. Important Manifesto from the Emperor. The Emperor of Austria, on the 21st ult., issued an important manifesto to his people. In it his Majesty upholds, above all the fun damental ideas which found expression in the Diploma of October 20, 18C0, as hence forth (lie leading principle of the imperial government. The manifesto solemuly guarantees and ir revocably establishes the right of llie people of the empire to participate through their representatives in legislation and in the con duct of the finances. The manifesto refers to the unequivocal contents ot article 6 ot the fundamental law on the representation of the empire pro claimed in the imperial patent ot the 26iu of February, 1861, and renews the whole body of fundamental laws previously issued, re vived and recently promulgated, and de clares them to be the constitution of the empire. The manifesto recognizes the readiness with which, in reply to the appeal of the Emperor, a great part of the monarchy sent representatives to the capital for the purpose of solving certain highly important questions. It also points out that the constant wish of the Emperor, viz-, the formation of a dura ble and constitutional charter of rights for the empire, wh’Ch would receive strength and importance from the free participation of all the subjects ol the empire, Las,up to the present time, remained unfulfilled, aud can not be realized so loDg as the first condition of bringing all its component part 9 into clear and unmistakable harmouv remains unful filled. The manifesto goes on to state that, in or der to redeem his word, and not to sacrifice the seuse to the letter, the Emperor has de termined, first, to enter upon the way lead ing to au understanding with tho legal repre sentatives of his people in the eastern por tions of the monarchy, and to lay for accept ance before the Hungarian and Croatian Diets the October Diploma and Fundamental Law promulgated by the February patent concerning the representation of the em pire. As, however, it is legally impossible to make one and the same constitution the sub ject of negotiation in one part of the empire while it is simultaneously treated in another part as a fundamental law generally binding, the Emperor finds himselt compelled to sus pend the validity of the constitution and the actual representation, witli the express de claration and reserve that the result of the deliberations of the Diet in each eastern kingdom, in case they should comprehend a modification of the existing laws compatible with the unity of the empire and its position as a great Power, shall be laid for ultimate approval by the Emperor before the legal re presentatives of the other kingdoms and provinces, to receive and worthily estimate their expression of opinion. The Emperor regrets, the manifesto ob serves, that this imperatively required step also brings with it a suspension in the con stitutional working of ihe Lesser Reichsrath, and fiually declares that, so long as the rep resentatives of the empire shall not be assem bled, it will be the task of the government to forward all measures that cannot be post poned, and among these especially such as are required by the financial and commer cial interests of the empire. The Imperial manifesto concludes as fol lows:—'‘The course leading to an under standing, while taking into consideration le gitimate rights, is now open if—as I expect, with full assurance—a sacrificing and con ciliatory spirit and ripe inside guide the views of my faithful peoples, to whom this Impe rial word is addressed in thorough confi dence. ’’ The Neve Friendenbhtt states that a note has been despatched to the Austrian repre sentatives abroad, defending the policy pursued by Austria in the question of the Duchies. The statement of the correspondent of an English journal respecting negotiations for the cession of Veuetia to Italy i9 denied in official circles in Vienna. There were re ports of anew Austrian loan to be contracted through Messrs. Rothschild and some Eng lish capitalists. Thackera}', speaking about fame, would frequently tell the following anecdote : When at dinner, in St. Louis, one day, he heard one waiter say to another, “Do you know who that is?” “No,” was the answer. “That is the celebrated Mr. Thackeray.” “ What’s he done?” “Blessed if I know,” was the reply. HEADQ’RS SUB-DIS. OF OGEECHEE, > Savannah, Ga., Oct., 7th 1865. ) General Order,! No. 34. j AU dealeri in Guu Powder, Shot, &c., will, before selling the same, be required to pro cure from these Head Quarters a License. By Command of Bt. Brig. Gen. E. P. DAVIS. Wm. H. Folk, Ist Lieut. & A. A- A. G. oct9-st. Headquarters Sur-District of Ogf.eciieb Savannah, Ga., Sept. 20, 1805, Circular,! No. 22. > On aud after this date articles in the Public Market of this city will be sold at the following prices. Persons violating this order, will be reported to tills office and summarily dealt with. By command of Bvt. Major Gen. J. M. BRANNAN. Wm. H. Folk, Ist Lieut, and A. A. A. G. Fresh Beef, Ist cut, per lb 20 Fresh Beef, 2d cut, per lb 15 Country Dried Beef. 15 Country Cured Beef. 15 Jerked Beef. 10 to 15 Veal, per lb 20 Mutton, per lb 20 Liver, per lb if, Fresh Pork, per lb 25 Bass, per lb 15 Drum per lb 15 Fresh Water Trout 15 Salt “ “ 15 Sheepbead 20 Mullet, large size, per bunch 40 Mullet, smuli size, per bunch. 25 Brim, per bunch of five 25 Perch, per bunch of five 40 Suckers 25 Whiting 40 Codfish, per lb . lo Shrimp, per quart, 13 Crabs, each 7 Sturgeon, per lb 5 Sausages, Ficsh pork 40 Bacon, per lb., from 20 to 25 Butter, per lb 40 to 50 Clams per bushel 2 00 Cabbages, each, tr0m......r. 10 to 30 Turnips, per bunch............. 10 Tomatoes per quart 20 Okra, per quart 10 Sweet Potatoes, per bushel a 00 Irish Potatoes, per bushel 1 50 Green Com, each 2 Water Melons, from 15 to 50 Apples per bushel 3 00 Peaches per bushel 3 00 Honey, per lb 15 Ducks, per pair 2 00 Half G rown Fowls 75 Spring Chickens, per pair 50 Spring Chickens, 2d size..! 40 Eggs, per dozen 50 Turkeys, per lb . 18 Geese, per lb 18 Fowl, grown, per lb 18 Rice Birds, per doz 50 sep2o-tf RAIL, ROADS. Central Railroad rM'* l SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, > Savannah. Ga.. October 2, ISCS.f I and after Monday, 2nd but , a dally train faun ' ' days excepted) will leave for Anguata at sa. m . connecting with a line of Hacks running between Station 4 ‘j Central Railroad, and Waynesboro on the Augusta aud Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this itae will arrive in Austria the next morning aftei leaving Savannah in time to get hreaktast and connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Freight to go by Passenger Train must he prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before By order of GEO. W ADAMS. fie P- General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. \ _ ... , . Savannah, Ga , August ‘J4, 1805 f I reieht for Augusta and Intermediate Stations be low 4H Central Railroad, and between Waynesboro and Augusta, Augusta and Savannah Railroad will be received on aud after Saturday, the 2Gth Inst. All way lreipht to be prepaid. By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, General Superintendent. „ G. W. SCaTTJKRGOOD, Agpiatunt Superintendent. STATIONERY, AC ESTILL’S Newspaper Depot, AND— STATIONERY STORE, Bill Street, Corner of Bay Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. NEW NOVELS. Just Received at the above Depot a further supply of MAJOR JONES' COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT, Price 60 Cts. Leslies' Ladies Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mad, Demorests' Mirror of rashlons, Price 40 Cts. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 35 cents. also HARPER'S MONTHLY, GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK' ATLANTIC MONTHLY', tc., for OCTOBER. The usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, aog3o THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS Can be had at ESTILL’S News Depot and Cheap Periodi* cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. sep2C BOOKS & STATIONERY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CALL AT SAVILLE & LEACH, Bcp4-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square SCHOOLBOOKS. Spellers, Readers, Grqmmare, Book-Keeping, Copy B<»ok.>, Dictionaries Saville & Leach, p 4 ls cor. Bryan street and Market Square. HOTELS. GILMORE HOUSE, Monument square! Baltimore, Maryland. THISFIRSTCLAS3 lIOTKL has been newly fur nlshed throughout, and is now ready for the re ception of guests. oct6-lm KIRKLAND * CO. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S C. DELL * RUG H, Pbotrietobb E. B. RIDDELL. w. F. RUP& ju3-tf FINANCIAL. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sale by sepl6 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN*CO. Manning: & DeForest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 19 Wall Street, New York, Dealers In Gold, Silver, Foreign Exchange and Government Securities. GIVE special attention to the pnrehaso and sale o Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia Alabama, New Orlpana and Tennessee Bank notes Southern States Bonds and Coupons, Railroad Bonds and Coupons. Interest allowed on deposits. Jyls-3ra Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, In sums to suit purchasers, by se p9° ts K. F. METCALFE * CO. THOS. YV. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 234 Dock Street, Philadelphia. Pa. N* B.—Ail ORDERS sent by Mail promptly at tended to. jy3l-ti ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH!!! Wheaton’s Ointment. Will CURE THE ITCH IN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 60 conts For sale by all Druggists- By sending 60 cents to Weeks A Potter. Sole Agents 170 Washington street. Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. sept2l3m DESIRIBLE TwfSfr WE offer for salo,on reasonable terms,three quarter IT Lot No. 14 Berrien Ward, Corner Tattual and Berrien streets, with Improvements thereon, consist ingofa Store and two two-story wooden dwellings, with out-bunding, at nearly new and in good repair The store It an excellentstand lor a Retail business ’ For further partkulßs apply to . lj. guilmartin * CO.* Mp!9-tf No. 1.8 Bay street. PRO FESSIONAI. CARDS. Woodford k Ritdi. A. T T O n IS E Y 8 AMP OOUN'SELLORS AT LAW, No. ill Broadway, Trinity Building, NEW YORK CITY. THE undersigned having resumed the practice of tIK Law, is prepsred to take charge of cases be fore the several Courts in New York and at Wash ington. »cpSO-B<ftWlm STEWART L. WOODFORD. THOS CORWIN, WM. H. OWEN. THOS. WILSON, OF OHIO. I .ATS OOL. q.Jtf.D. Or IOWA. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, fLate Johnston, Corwin * Finnell.) ATTORNEYS AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, 222 F BTREET, nfau TREASURY BUILD -INO, IN REAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHING-TOM, D.C. Will practice In the Supreme Court of the United State*, the Court of Claims, and the Courts ol the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claima and Depart ment business. Officers Accounts adjusted. au3o Sm C. S. BUNDY, Gr ouoral A gout AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Strict, Bctwxkn 13m and 14to Streets, (Near Pay Department; wnsililiigton, D. O. Ju3« ts R. MOLINA, Corner Bull and Congreas Street*, under Screven Houae, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Havana Se cant. leaf and Srnok'ug Tobacco, Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Mcr sehaum. Brier Root, and all other kinds ot Fancy pl Pe«- sep3o-3m The Partnership lately existing under the name of Macky, Hogg & Cos., HAVING been dissolved by the death of Alexander Hopp. the subscribers beg to annoauco that they will contlnne the Shipping and General Commission Business I M SAVANNAH, AT No. 203 AND 208 BAY ST., under the name of Macky, Beattie & Cos. SAMUEL MACKY, sept2l.lm ROBERT If. BEATTIE. DURYEAS' HAIZENA try one pound. was m That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, theeoinpetion of alt prom inent manufacturers of “Corn Starch" and “Prepared Corn Flour" of this aud other countries notwithstand ing. MAXZSNA, The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the inoat skeptical— Makes Puddings Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without Isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a costas ton shing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary V, heat Flour greatly improves Bread nnd Cake It is also excellent for thickening nweet nance*, gravies for fish and ments, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Maieena, with directions for use. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of ail Hgep. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere Wholesale Depot, 168 Fulton Street. WILLIAM DUEYEA, au2B-3m General Agent. “TTBO&VBO WOLF B,” Beaver Street, New York. Offers for sale of hie own importations, in bond and duty paid, the largest stockof Wines Liquors, Ac., ot any other house in this country, comprising in part of Otard, Hennesy, Pinet Caatillon, Martel Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in half, quarter, and eighth casks: also Otard and Rouyer, Laferrelere nnd Fils Brandy, in cases of one dozen each Udolpho Wolfe'# Behiedam in pipes. Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, In bond and duty yaid, in cases of one dozen qnirtaand two doaen pints. ■'Whiskey anil Hum." Scotch and Irish Whiskey, in hbds. and cases of one dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey in barrels and eases ol one dozen each. nuM. “Jamaica" and “St. Croix Sum" in hhds. and cases of one dozen each. Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines. More lhan twenty different grades, In halves, qnar tersand eighth casks, also incases of one dozen each. “Hook, Champagne, Moselle and Clare, Wines,” From Peter Arnold Mnmm in Cologne, proprietor ol doannisbnrgestate; J. H. D. Becker * Fils; Esthe nancer, Beneckc t Cos., Bordeaux Barton A Guestin Bordeaux, and from other well known houses in Ger many and France. Ou-a, Coudialb, Saanrnia, Bittzrs, MusTsri), Orr-ie, Brandt, Preserves, *O. Twenty-five years’ business transactions with the Southern States, with some of the largest and most respectable dealers,should bo sufficient guarantee that every article offered by the advertiser for sale Is pare and genuine. Samples can be seen, and catalogue of prices 01. tamed, by nddi easing the above augS-Sm Illustrated Price Lists OF FAIRBANKS SCALES AND HERRING’S FIRE PROOF SAFES. Ordors for all sizes received by ocM-16 BELL WYLLY * CHRISTIAN. •NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the late firm of E. Heidt A Cos., and Ileldt, Jaudon A Cos., will ulea«e call I and settle the same at the old stand, up-stalr* j ’ E. HEIDT, j octe-am w. a. jaudon. ' PRICE, 5 CENTS ISStRAiIC*. INSURANCE. i Notkoriied fapltal~slo,4©o,o©o. C H >| nj'.w ’, Lß7 V 0 «P«K*r«d to UL-« AT THE LOWEST RATES. insurance M ance comp E anv ,n^d -$^ OMMERCB FI RE INSURANCE COMP Y . "OfwT ■ STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y.. 200 000 Office in Jonc«’ Block, cor Bay and SS”» w,. „„„ IS YOUR LIFE IXSURED~? TCIEKKr *«.«£ niiccts their future welfare. motacr, aa it SEE TO IT AT ONCE. DO NOT DELAY The "Kmrkt-rb. i ker Lite Insnr .•• ot *ffi msurejrou at the usual rare. , r r , , $lO not). They else issue tie f V—JraatvSip NON-FORFKITUi E Po idea and payment give a ful p,ud up , dhy ftp JwtSto whole smn, and Three Years Three Teuti iSd on Tm, a Pohcyo; SIO,OOO. Two PratmumTpai n|ion it will bn entith u to a paid up Policy of £l,oo' and five years five tenth# for every additional y«a l'i>r limber inlotinatiop apply to J A. WILBUR, Agent, At the office of the Home Insurance Cc - Savannah. G& THE XEW LMrLAXD MUTUAL LIFT INSURANCE COMPANY, o f Boston. PURELY MUTUAL. of the oldest and best Companies in taken b“them iVe,for “ W “T” 1 np t 0 Ws,ooo«re able" in aUcaw'af *° boC< *' Ju - 7 A. WILBUR, Agent. WANTED. House Wanted. ASM iLT. HOUSE, pleasantly located, nnd in good over :'f| pa ' r ’ wante ’ 1 for a firet rate tenant. Rent not Address H.. Herald office. sep29 Horse & Buggy. Wanted. * HORSE, BUGGY and HARNESS wanted. -n, Cl, . htr '-n-arateivor t grther. A Horse that will r inter under saddle and t rot tc carriage pr U rred Apply at the Savanna n Hxbalu Counting Ho< m. sepZO ts Wanted, cheap qne. licensed. Addicoa SHaW & CLARK. Bld deford, Maine. sepl4-d4w3m Wanted Immediately, FCH? CASH, all the Rags, Old Bagging, and Wast Paper In the dfv. eeptlS , f ~ Wanted, MONTH I Agents wanted wanted for Z" lN*€ntirely nev article* , just out. Add rows O T OAREY, City Building, Biddeiord, Maine. ' ' HERALD JOB PMTOG OFFJfE, No, IXI Bay Street, SA VAPTJVAH,-GEORGIA. TRY ONE POUND. We respectfully call the attention of the public to the facilities which we have for doing all ktndsof JOB PRINTING. We have THE BEST PRESSES For doing all kinds of work, and we keep them in good repair. We employ only FIRBT CLASS PRINTERS OF LONG EXPERIENCE AND TRIED ABILITY. We have Now Printing Material* From the Beat Northern Foundries, to which we ar? roustanriy making additions We are prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, PLACARDS, handbills, PROGRAMMES, PLAY BILLS. r TRCULARS, • BILLS OF FARE, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, ENVELOPES, BUSINESS CARDS, TICKETS. I F.TTER HEADS, RILL HEADS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, CHECKS, PASSES, . LABELS, CONSTITUTIONS BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS, BALLADS. CALENDARS, LEGAL BLANKS, SHIPPING BLANKS Or aty other kind of PRINTING—in art rm« We.'bave a Fine Assortment of Inks ro» PRINTING IN COLORS. ORDERS BY MIL OB EXPRESS Will receive prompt and earefhl attention and the wort will be forwarded r FREE OF CHARGE FOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all oar work well, and to give complete satisfaction to our customeza. oun rnioiUß Are as low as the present high cost of Mode, mate rial labor and living will admit ot, end are below the Increased rates which rule In other linee of bnelneH, S. W. MASON A CO., 11l Bay Street, Savannah. Georgia