Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 09, 1865, Image 3

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L o cTI'MATTERS. ouppottd Mnrderi of ■ Prlialr Umili jnnn at Unuuud'-. Prw. Yesterday morning the watchman employed In tire ilsv tune to guard tire premise* known a* Demand'-; j.,, situated at the foot of Weet Broad street, upon ~n »S at the gates on River strqpt round them close - it ngrred. Supposing tltat the night wateuman was sleep, or from some cause failed to heat his rapa on •agates, he proceeded to the Iron Steam Boat Yard mped a wooden fence and entered the enclosure po ming alarmed at the unaccountable absence cf the night watchman a thorough search was imme elleteiv made for him, but all efforts toward that end have ttus far proved fruitless. trout a lady residing opposite the Press, and who between four and live o’clock yesterday morning, was returning from sitting up as a watcher, onr re. porter learns that she heard loud calls, repeated fre quently. The calls, It Is supposed, were for assls. tauce, ana were made for parties living In the neigh borhood of the Press. The name of the night watchman, was James Mabony, aged 33 years, a na tive of county Cork, Ireland. The missing man was married, had two children, and resided at the north, west corner of South Broad and East Brpad streets. The overcoat of Mahoay was lound near an out building of the press, situated at Its western end and on the wharf, from which circumstance It Is sup posedithat the victim was overpowered by main force and thrown into the Savannah river. Upon the re. oovery of the body an Investigation will he Instituted by Coroner Eden, and every effort made to secure the perpetrators of the deed. Cpon investigation it was found that several bales cf cotton had disappeared from the press enclosure during tne night, without doubt seized as booty by the murderers of the night watchman. Aa affair which occurred recently at this place may be mentioned la this connection, as throwing some light upon the inode of operation and the boldness cl ihcoe river cotton thieves. A few days the negroes who arc employed upon flats transporting cotton from Augusta, were detected stealing from Deinuud’s Press a large amount of cotton. Orders wore immediately given prohibiting tiiem from re maining on board their flat-boats after six o'clock In me eieutng, With a view to prevent further rot>- li.rios. fpon its attempted emoreement, several negroes leaped the wooden fence at the east etui of the yard and assailed the watchman. Assistance be ing‘at uaud, the negroes were expelled, yet not be :Jre they seeuredmousiderable cotton. THE COURTS. BEFORE LIECT. COE. M. T. HOLBROOK, PROVOST MAR SHAL, DI3TRICT OF SAVANNAH. SAVANNAH, Oct. 7, 1863. rutted States by Mary Lamb, vs. Ellen Shaw—As sault and battery. Settled upon payment of the costs 01' stilt. United States by Ellen Shaw, vs. Mary Lamb—As autt and Battery. CaseseUled upon the payment of the costs of suit. United States sty Miss V. M. Doyle, vs. M. D. Os. teen. Settled by consent of parties upon the pay ’ meat of the costs of suit. Edward Carter (colored,) vs. A. C. Whittle—Re covery of money paid ou the stall lu Savannah mar net. Case dismissed for want of jurisdiction, and plaintiff ordered to pay costs of suit, dined States vs. Mis. Ellen Keiley—Violation of Circular No. 20. The defendant was found guilty of the charge and dismissed with a severe reprimand, and being in reduced circumstances the costs were remitted. United States by W. P. Maxwell vs. Patrick Smith —Larceny after a trust delegated. Dismissed for • ant of jurisdiction, plaintiff paying costs of suit. 7'ulted States by Policeman Green vs. Ann Gray— Prank and disorderly conduct. No disturbance of r!;o public peace having occurred, the defendant Was uisiuisMd, with a reprimand, without payment of . nsts. t aited States by Policeman' J. Rogers, vs. A. B. smith (colored,) Clark Smith (colored,) samuel Isham (colored)—Refusing to stop when so ordered to do by a Policeman. In the above eases It was ordered that the dependants lie lined in the stun of five dollars each, and cc3ts of court, and thereafter lie dis charged from custody. U. S. by Policeman Chisolm, vs. John Cary, U. S. A — Drunk and disorderly conduct, and resisting an officer in the discharge of his duty. It was ordered that the defendant be forwarded, under guard, to the Head Quarters of the 18JU Begiment New York Vol unteers of which he is a member. U. S. by Policeman Irlln, vs, Fredrick (colored)— Larceny. It was ordered that the accused be con fined ior two months in the common Jail of the coun ty of Ctsatnam. United btutes by Policeman Larcy, vs. Thomas Moore—Drunkenness and disorderly conduct. In the above case, it was ordered that the defendant be lined in the sum of ten dollars, and costs of suit, and in default of payment be confined in tUe common jeli of Chatham county for the space of teu days. A Noble Enterprise.—lt witPbe seen by a notice ll another comma, that a few yondg ladles of this city have undertaken to alleviate the wants of the soldiers of the late enfedcrate army in our midst, by means ofwfair for their benefit, to be held this even ing at the Savannah Free School. We are confident lhat this appeal to our humane and public spirited people will not be made in vain, and that the self- Impjsed labors of the nobie hearted young ladies who have long been engaged in their work of mercy will not go unappreciated nor unrewarded. Court of Ordinary, Chatham county.—On Mon day last, Hon. D. A. O’Byrne, Ordinary of Chatham county, conveued his regular court at the Court House, in this city. Ihe court is tlio first to assemble siuce the occupation of the city. Judge O'Byrne ad mitted to probate several wills, and also granted several letters of administration. Administrators, executors and guardians can now render, by author ity of law, a fair and honest account of their respec tive stewardships to the Ordinary, to be recorded and approved. Departure of Steamship* anil Steamer* FOR NEW YORK. Steamship Idaho, Wednesday, October llth, at o'clock. Steamship Leo, Thursday, October 12th, at o’clock. Steamship Raleigh, Saturday, October 14th, at 3 o’clock p. hi. FOR DOCXORTOW:.'. Steamer Scorpio, Thursday, October 12tb. at 8 at 8 o'clock a. in. TOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, every Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock. Personal.—Capt. John L. Kelly, A. Q. M., identi fied with the Department of the South, since its for mation, and for more than a year the efficient Chief of Marine transportation at Hilton Head, arrived here yesterday on a brief official visit. He has been relieved from his duties at Hilton Head, and Is soon going North. From Augusta.—The Steamer Union arrived here Friday night with full freight from Augusta to r. M. Myrtfil. The steamer R. H. May arrived In Augusta on Friday. The Union passed five steamers on Hershman Lake Bar awaiting a rise In the river. From New York.—The Star line Screw Steamship Idaho, Capt. N. S. Craw, arrived at this port yester day morning at an early hour. The Idaho arrived at Tybce at about half-past seven o'clock on Saturday evening. Weave Indebted to Mr. Wm. B. Hill, Pur oer; Mr. Brown, Chief Engineer, and Capt. Craw, lor late New York Papers. the Shekiffaltt of Chatham countv.-We learn that Charles J. White, Esq., the present City Sheriff of Savannah will be a candidate for Sheriff of Chat ham County, at the election to be held m January next. Personal.—Major Wm. R. Fleming, Paymaster U. 3. Army, returned to this city yesterday by the steamer O F Fotter, Capt. Cessar, from Doctor Town. Magnolia Lunch.—As usual, there will be a good lunch served at the Magnolia this morning, from 11 to 1 o’clock. VVEsLBYAN Female College. THE Twenty-eighth Annual Session opens OCTO BER 2d. ISCr.. The Faculty la complete. Tho rates for the First Term, w hich ends December Sltt, are as follow-: Hegular Tuition in College Classes S3O 00 Regular Tuition In Preparatory Class Hi 00 French, (optional; 16 60 Muolc, (optional;, with use or instrument 33 c# Board, including Washing, Lights, and Fuel— 90 00 To be paid in advance, in currency or its equivalent. ,T. M. B jN.NELL. President. Macon, Ga. a023-lawtfioct Hotel /vt'-iviilm. PULASKI HOUSE. OffOBER 7, 19*5. i E V Crandall, bail.unite |J (Partner and halt Ur Hordes! v, lady. 2 eliil- j Anilersou •Iren and 2 ser, Baltlm'ejj Mughtnn, Eufaula i ’’Brown. N York 3 iShomas. Burke<-o 1,0 | Wul Cox. do jillt U ol!c\ ilu OCTOBER L F Jackson, Bouton J M law. Beaufort U G D Olmstead, i W ctUln, Neiv York wtli Inf US A T llibon, do ?? £ or "‘ r ' Cav |J Moray, do MOaHaher, Uarrentou ,H Wtuvler, do ‘l° vv A prober, Florida Mis* M do 'J W ir&tts A a (j i# r MaJMannlup, Ft Pulaski j S P Ban mid wife, A W Leonard, do i Port Rovai !• ii,"!' ■ John Fran, Brooklyn r C H Smedes, *Jo Ij M Crver Port Rovai n a A Q H Hetdis M jiburg. do' KvS io f; J 0 Isaac! Kvan, do H F Purler, Maine, « PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTIN HEAD) OCT 6. i * 7 , l '““ |JCrojtjr, Westfield, N J ctiai leaf on J J hifiett, Beaulort a P I do Mrs J.t'lup, St Augustine K Barnett & sister, do fi Uayiolds, Mass w?: er *, u ‘ ece - do J R Dad*, Augusta Lt Jll Lemvham. Mass jCapt llAiton, 128 IT SCT Capt L \t Metoali 33 USCT s 3 Baler, s Carolina L Rich, St Helana j c tiduies US \ H VV 1 Taylor, New York f Doliii, t S mach shop JJ K ’ ,c ‘muan. do Dr li 3 Stuart and E. Davis, ThomaHvlhe, family. Beaufort J S Jones, Savannah |J c Bridley, DB, H Head L.i. 00 ??' „ 110 JnsJotusun, Philadelphia 0 A Martin. Georgia J p Desrbom, Maine OCTOBER 7, S L Hanis, P c, Beaufort |H W Thvlor, Savannali r, AS ' 1,0 IMS Jones, do O w Wfihiiui-, u o |j y .lonei <io JMCase, do [ABart, do £ „ do j Linooin, Hilton Head E T Davis, Georgia [ SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) OCT- 6. H Ruhpon, 163 NY V [E W MMackey, Charies’n Lt IV V\ Peake, do ;J H Ballwin, Mass p Clark. do j G W Hotter, Savannah Lt U A Foster, do A J Steadnan & wile, M Cody, do . Virginia W w Tiffany, Ogeechee O P Miller, at Augusmie Capt E H PaiAersou. Capt il siurp, do , „ 133 X Y V A Jones, N York JJI Anderson, Chaplain ,T Wlnue, do 133 K Y V w H Harrlion. H Head W T Bennett, U s V jDr Huber, do OCTOBER 7. Capt G T Bulch, USA (Capt J F Littles, 161N Y V J W Grace, Charleston ]E W Gombb, Florida C N Bellows, Brooklyn I Mrs J P Wiggins, do W D Mussey, Sur 161 NYV Mr Wiggins, do Shipping Intelligence. miniature Almanac—This Day, Sun rises 5 991 Moon rises 9 49 Sun sets 5 36|irigh water 10 48 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived. Saturday, Oct, 7.1865. Steamship Idaho. Crowell, New York—Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos. Br Bark Thos Whitney, Keily, St Georges, Bermu da—Beil, Wyliy A Christian. Schr Hattie M Mayo, Curtis, New York—general cargo to Brigham, Baldwlu 4 Cos, Schr Ovaca, Martin, New York—with coal and mer chandize to C L Colby A Cos. Schr DeSoto, Crook, Baltimore—general cargo to Gaden & Unckles. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer O F Potter, Cessar, Darien—to Charles L Colby A Cos. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Ttireadcrafe, Darien, Ga— Erwin 4 Hardee. Young’s flat, from Augusta, with 371 bales Upland cotton—W Anderson 4 Sons. J R Wilder Wm Getting’s flat, from Augusta, with 140 bates Up land cotton—to order. Williams’ flat No 7, from Angnsta, with 82 hales cotton—to Hunter 4 Gammell, K Habersham A Sons. Consuls’ flat, from Augusta, with 60 bales cotton— to John Anderson A Sons. Cleared. Steamship Cambria, French, Philadelphia—Hunter A Gammell. Steamship Perlt, Delanoy, New York—Hnnter A Gammell. Steamship Gen Sedgwick, I.yon, New York—J R Wider. Star Steamship Nevada. Carpenter, New York Brigham, Baldwin a go. Steamer Gen Sliepley, MlUikin, Doctortown—C L Colby A Cos. Schr John D Vance, Smith, Femandina, Fla. Steamer Emilie, Bender. Darien. Steamer Fountain, Castner, Palatka, Fla—M A Cohen. Imports. Per Br Bark Thos Whitney, from St Georges, Ber muda— 330 tons coal, and merchandize. Per Ste mer Wm G Gibbons, from Darien, Ga—4ll bales Upland cotton. Exports. Per Steamship Nevada, for New York—s 73 bales Upland cotton, 52 do Sea Island do, 22 do wool. 65 packages merchandize. Per steanisl l.) Peru, 687 bales Upland cotton, 91 do Sea Island do, 300 packages merchandize. Per Steamship Gen Sedgwick, for New York—93B bales Upland cotton, 38 do Sea Island cotton, 4 do wool, 17 do domestics, 28 boxes dried fruit, and sun dry packages. Per Steamship Cambria, for Philadelphia—ls 2 bales Upland cotton, 3 do wool, 144 do domestics, 72 bun dles paper, 1 cask rice, 25 empty barrels, and sundry packages merchandize. Consignees. Per Steamship Idaiio, uom New York—hi Fnrst 4 Cos W vv Diueoin, K O'Bvrne, 11 Mltldlenrook, South ern Express Cos, t J Ruc'kert, Bell, Wyliy 4 Christian, S tiooilall, F W Cooney, F W Cornwell, C White, M A coheu, uuckenhelmei'"* Sellg, C Orff, O Cohen, brig ham, Baldwin * Cos, C D Rodgers, J I. Vlllalonga, W D Stark, K Wright 4 Cos, C L Colbv 4 Cos, Eberuardt 4 Fisher, W H Wiltberger, Mrs M A Frederick, B G Xildeu, J Lama. C L Gilbert, Railroad Agent, John GUdlaud & Cos, Brady, Smith 4 Cos, A F Mira, G C Freeman, J c Bchretuer 4 Sou. S Farrelly, Hawkins 4 Cos, M H Williams 4 Cos, H G Ruwe 4 Cos, R Bal fore, Erwin 4 Hardee, F. Ehrlich, E D S.nyth, Haus iimn, II Idberg A Cos, Thos Pepper, N A Hardee 4 Cos, James Leavy, J H Demand, Rogers 4 Cann, John Kenny, A Leffler, Hunter 4 Gammell, Meinhard 4 Bros, J J Newton 4 Cos, Jacob Llppuian, Tl9on 4 Gordon, Latnrop 4 Cos, Wm Barker, Lillenthal 4 Kotin, E Malletie 4 Cos, Blau 4 Meyer, Adams Ex press Cos, M G Ehrlich, K Habersham, J C Maker 4 Cos, John R Norton, N A Hardee, J B HoweU, Mat thews 4 West, Joliu Hart, E Zacharius, E Muslin, Keln 4 Cos, Einstein 4 Eckrneu, Warren 4 Platner, H A Topharn, Ran 4 Bros, Van Horn, Holyke 4 Mur ray, J>liller, Per Br Bark Thos Whitney, from St George3, Ber muda—Bell, Wyliy 4 Christian, held 4 Stuart W Battersby 4 Co.' Passengers. Per Steamship Idaho, from New York—Col Peck, W A Shober F Holrnau, W Gritflu, Fred Jackson, Lt D R Porter, Isaac L Ryan, Samuel P. Thayer, James F Carver, s M Linberg, John F Lewis, B 1* Brantley, David Pevser, EC white, J 31 Owen and wife, Mrs Lavln, O S Stearns, Lt Jts Olmstead, Samuel Ryan and wife, Mictiael King, T Baltou, M Burnell, John Wrau, N Gallagher, Mary Gallagher, Mary and Mi chael Shedon, Aggie Dillon (colored.) Per Steamship Nevada, for New York—Mrs M P Stovall und child, Miss Stovall, Master Stovall, 11 A Topharn, Mrs J V Barne Hon Thos Holcombe, Col S 5 Tucker, W Syomins, 8 Howard, Mrs H Bird and child. M Kemhnes, Master 11 B Mungen, Mrs E Jack sou and child, .1 1 Bull, J M Cooney, Mrs H G Wolff, Mrs Dr Treanor, II B Neas, A H Autigna, W P Samp son, II H Lewis, E M Dunn, II Hope, H Hoffman, VV H Murdock, C Hagerman, 3 Weybans, W Summers, and steerage. Per steamship Gen Sedgwick, for New York-J B Shaw, E Dufifey, C Clark, W H McCardle, A M Galpin, James Warner, Sirs S E Headsman, II C L Heads man, C Washington, W J Horia, G W Hancock per steamship Peril, for New York-Mrs W R Flem ing, child ami nurse. Per Steamship Cambria, for Philadelphia—Miss F Y Cohen E C Kollock, John Siilels. Sire W P O'Hurra, Mrs P K Shiels and Sou, Mrs Cynthe aud son, J Haw erty, lady and 2 children, John Tuober, Miss Catha rine Tooker. Per Steamer Wm G Gibbons, from Darien, Ga—Mr Dorset, Mr Brantley, VV fJ Tinker, M B Milieu- L.IST OF VESSELS lit THE FORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 9,1865. ships. ’tew England, Hodges, 1,100, for Liverpooi-ioad ing at Lower Hydraulic press—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Wisconsin (Br) Arcus, 950-discharging ballast at Lower Hydraulic Press—John R Wilder. BRIGS. John R Plater, Post, 290, from Norwich, Conn.— discharging at Union Ferry Wharf—Hunter A Gam med. Mary Cobb, Duncan, 195,- waiting, wharf at foot of Whitaker street—€ L Ooiby A Cos. SCHOONERS. May, Kelly, 330, front New York—discharging at wharf foot of Habersham street—Hunter A Gammed. Julia A Crawford, Buckley, 181, from Jacksonville, Fla, lu ballast—lying at wharf foot of Bull Street- Master. Wide World, Hildreth. 214, from New York-dls chargtng at wharr foot of Bull street—Wm Starr. John Vance, Smith—waiting—E C Smith. Albert (Br) Riordan, ins, from Nassau—discharging at wharf foot of Barnard street—Bell, Wylly A CUrts tian. John G Whipple. Simpson, 80, tor New York-load- Ing at Iron Steamboat Wharf west or Barnard street —Rogers A Caun. GKtM KKIK". LIRtUIII. 4 C., Perkins, Stern & (Vs CALIFORNIA WINES. THK increpfiins popu!«rity of onr brntuls of ihes? fin* Wiutfl has induced tlieir erti*Osivr iuiiaticu. All desiring genuine MJ<l pure Wlhee »honM *(*• that our copy-righte'd Üb-1, liearinp onr same-, place of Lustm s and the Stitc benl of CHliforuia, m upon each bottle. The following Winea are now oftVred by us, with car puarantee of thvfr entire purity r WHITE, OR HOCK WINE, of a liprht straw color, very delicate, Aac flavored, and superior as a dinner wine to Hock or Rhine GELICA. A rich and naturally sweet wine, much admirc-.i by ladies, and % ala able iu the sick chamber, as it makes fine wheys and jellies. It is a fine densert wine and well adopted for Communion purposes. MUSCATEL. This "upt-rb wine is made from selected n r rtl>cs. I is /cry delicate, and will rank with the very highest sweet wines of Europe. PORT. This is a deep red color of good body and Hue flavor. It is becoming very popular where a at ghtly aatriugeut and delicate stimulant is desired. Being entirely a nat urai wine, i will agree with the most delicate organize turn. WINE BITTERS. The«c are made in our own cellars, from our own wiues, and wiil be found agreeable aud plet«3iZit GRAPE T3TIAJS TDY, Distilled from t e second pressing of the grapes, and is a pure aud desirable article. J. K Barnes, the Sargecn General of tue United States. Hssistedby Ass s ant Suig on Woodward, after a searching and careful analys.s < t cur .vima, pro* nounCtS them all pure, and admirably adapted for The use of the sick and debilitated. Dr. Jackson the well known Chemist of Boston, co incides with thl opinion. The Boston Journal, Transcript. Traveller, Saturday Gazette, N- Y. Evening Poet, Tribun*’, and a por tion of the preee throughout the Country, have, in lead ing artb les upon American Wines, extolled the supe rior merits of these wines. The Wine Convention, held at Cleveland, Ohio, w here our wines came in competition with all the leading brands of Western Wines, awarded five premiums, out of six, to our winea. Ihe Indiana State Fair, endorsing the opinion ex pressed at Cleveland, awarded ue a Diploma aud Silver Medal. LEI’ AMERICANS SUPPORT AMERI CAN INDUSTRY, A. KOHLER, cor. Broughton and .Te(lemon sts.. Savannah. Soia Agent lor the State of Georgia’ oct7-lw WHISKEY ! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, Jc. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C, W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, j Ui BA.Y STREET, (Herald Buildings, j also, Alsop’s Ale, Mars' Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. oct6 ts STUART A CO, Have Just Received a Stock of Genuine French Mustard, Genuine English Pickles and Sauces, Cox's Sparkling Gelatine, Guava Jelly, Raisins. Prunes, Arrow Root, Egg and Lemon Biscuit, Lemon Schnapps, Soda Crackers (In tin cans.) FRESII GOSHEN BUTTER ano CHEESE Agents for Redhead’s Celebrated Yeast Powders STUART & CO.. Family Grocers, octG-3 cor. Bui! and Broughton street. Gro. R Chump. Wm, A. Wright, Augusta, Gouigia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. (IRIIP & 111.. General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liquors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, Arc. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, Z3T Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tobacco, Paonocri and MEitonANnlsr of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusts, Ga., Richmond Va.. and -Inn. C. Ferrill, Eaq, De witt A Morgan, Gaden A Unckles, A. A. So'omou9 4 Cos., J. T. Paterson * Cos., R. Molina, Esq , Savannah. Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. octl Just Received, PER STEAMER CAMBRIA, English dairy cheese, O. H. Grant brand Candles, •‘Henry Clay” brand of Segats, In store and lor sele by RUE, WHITNEY & CO. octT-3 202 Bay street. "Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. WM. H SHERWOOD & CO., Savannah, Georgia, southwest corner of Bronghton and Jefferson etreets, under St. Andrew’s Hall. We are receiving by every steamer fresh articles of Groceries of every description. Llqnors Imported and direct from manniactures are offered at prices to suit the trade. septSO-lm Scotch Whiskey TWO Puncheons of Stewart's Paisley’s Malt Whis key. Just received per Steamer Cambria, and for sale by MACKY, BEATTIE A CO.. oct6-lw 203 and 2e5 Bay street. MACKEREL. lit > A KITS new Mackerel. Jnst received and for nUu sale by RICHARDSON * BARNARD, scpt2l-tf Bay street, opp. Mariner's Church. FLOUR. BBL.S. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, landing iilv pur Steamer Cambria, and for Bale by MACKY, BEATTIE <fc CO octC lw 203 and 205 iiay street. NOTICE. THE undersigned having returned to the city, begs leave to inform his lellow-citiiens of Savannah aud the public generally, that he will open in a few days, and will keep constantly on hand at SSo. 133 Congress Street, A Complete Assort ment of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing and Fancy Coods. Which will be offered at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. 0C45-3 S. M. COLDING. Bagging and Rope K BALES GUNNY BAGGING, Standard Weight ° 2 bale* Dundee Bagging. Extra Heavv 1 bale Dundee Bagging, Medium Weight 20 rolls T C. A Oo.v Bagging. Assorted Weight 60 coijs Richardson’s Hemp Rope. In store end for site by L. », QLTLMAiiTIN * CO.. octtt-3 No. 143 Bay street. AUCTION SALES. By Blun A Meyer. THIS DAY, 9m tu#t at 10 o’elooJt In front of *tr>r* frill be sold ft boxo* Tobacco ? Ili roe-; 1 Cult 2 Bogjfta*; 1 CarriAße 2 VV agon* oct'J By Bell, Wyliy <& Christian. FURNITURE AT AUCTION. On TUESDAY, the 10th inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M.. w ill be *H>Ui at the re*!ileuc*. No. 15$ Broughton b, next door can of McConaghy'a dry good* store, the Household Furniture, cocfistiug of— Garpt ta Bo£m Siac Boards Chairs Tables Oilcloths Bureaus Bedsteads Washatands, Ac., Ac 2 ccrt By Blun & Meyer. On MONDAY. 9th in-t . at 10 o’clock. ’.viU be sol i in fron t of afore. *JOO Bins Cloth .larkets vno Ribbed Cloth coats i!00 Il.iir Pillows 30 cns<*B L»di h Jr hoes 5 Cases Boots .did Children’s Shoes 10 die Hate and Cups ltO do* Gentlemen half Hose and Ladies Hose 1 Fir© Pcoof Safe ?0 b >xe-i Sparm and Adamantine Candles 5 half bbis Mackerel 5 packages Knitting Twine 12 box* s Family Soap 6 b tga Coff e Gold and Silver Watches and Je*vve«ry An assortment of Kitchen and Household Furniture. PC 17 2 By Beli, Wyliy & Christian. FURNITURE AT AUCTION, On MONDAY next 9th inst., at 11 o’clock a. m., will be sold, at the house southwest corner Barnard and Perrv streets, on Orleans Square, the Furniture of a family relinquishing housekeeping, consistin'/ of Mahogany Sideboard Mahogany Book <’has and Escrutoir Piano Forte and Stool Sofa 1 large Ottoman 2 email do 1 doe Fine Mahogany Chairs 10 Maple Chairs 2 Mahogany Dining Tables 1 do Breakfast Tables Mahogany Card Tables Mahogany Ice Chest 1 Gl;t China Dinner Set 1 do Tea Set Cut Glass Decanters, Wines, Ac Plated Cake Baskets, Branches. Ac. oct4 5 YORK, WILLIAMS. M’INTIRE & CO.. AUCTIONEERS Public Sale of Camp and Garrison Equipage AND QUARTERMASTER'S STORES. WILL be sold at Public Auction, at the Govern ment Storehouse, on Bay etreet at the foot ol Drayton street, at Savannah, Ga , TUESDAY, OCT. 10th, 1865, AT 10 O’CLOCK, A. M„ The following named Stores. Several lots of Tents, Tent Flies and Poles A quantity of Axes, Hatchets, Mosqnito Bare, Knapsacks, Camp Kettles, Mess Puns, Ac,. A lot of Stationery, Several Saddles, Bridles, and a variety cf other Quartermaster's Stores. To be sold witbont reserve. Terms cash in IT. S. Currency. E. F. GODDARD, sep?s Capt. and A. A. Q. M. Rout. P. York, \ fJ. R.Molntib*. M. E. Williams, ) X P. 11. Ward. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, <3- A.. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND lUMIIR SOLICITED. References in Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos,; Erwin 4 Hardee, Gaden & Unckles, Isaac D La- Rochp, Esq ; Iliram Roberts, Esq.; Wyliy Wood bridge, Esq.: Hunter* Gammell; L C. Norvell 4 Cos. References in Now York—Messrs, Samuel T. Knapp & Bro.: D. H, Baldwin A Cos. eep26-eodlm COMMISSION MERCHANTS. D. H. BALDWEV & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, New York D. H. Bum win, > J. F CUMMIKOB.j eW H. BnionsM, ) oct4-3m C. M Holst, f Savannah. MACKY, BEATTIE & CO. SHIPPING AND GENEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and SOS Bay Street, SAVANNAH. GA. OFFER FOR SALE the following Goods, on the most reasonable terms. 250 bbls Whiskey, Mountain Dew "i 100 “ ” Bucxeye Reserve J 75 ’• ” Stag Bourbon j ... . 20 “ “ 7 yearß old Stag Bourbon I 20 “ “ Pina Apple i 60 “ “ Burkam'B Bourbon i Di«tllat,on 13 ” “ Old Famfiy Rye I 15 ** •• Old Rectified J Together with a large assortment of Port, Sherry snd Madeira Wtnis, Heidsick 4 Cos., and Reymond’s Champaignes. Brandies, Gins. Hums, German 4 Ridgeway Bitters, Ac. In connection with the above, we offer for sale Choice Family Flonr, Bacon Sides, Shoulders, Lard, 4c. Liberal advances made on consignment to MACKY & BEATTIE, rep29-tf PHILADELPHIA, TA. N. A. HARDEE & CO., Shipping, Commission and For* warding Merchants, SAVANN AII , GEORGIA. Will make liberal Caeh Advance* on consignments to oar friends, Norton, Slaughter A Cos. 40 Broad street, New York. octC-lm Wm. H. Burroughs & Cos. Forwarding and commission merchants. No. 97 Biy fctreet. Savannah. Ga. For the sale of Cotton and other Produce, Lumber, Timber, Flan tatione and all kinds of Real Estate. We now offer several Rice Plantations near the city, a number of Cotton and Provision Plantations. Timber lands, City Property, and a few lot. in the Mineral or Northwest ern part of the State. aepCf-lm EL Gowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 193 BAY BTRBUT, ANDERSONS' WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. oct2-moa B, W. Tilton, Agt., BSAMUFAOTUBJBB. TT'ORMERLY Tilton, Werrall A Macy, Southern 1 Carriage Warerooma, No. 616 Broadway, Naw York. Manufactory—Mount Vernon, N. Y. octC-lm CORN AND HAY. Maryland white corn and hat. just r calved and for sale by ct*3 CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IS PTBLI9HRD Every Morning anti Evening r SUNDAYS EXCEPTED j AT Wo. 11l BAY STREET, - »I - W, MASON & CO. THK ,1111 OF THE PUBLISHERS IS TO ISSUE A Live Daily Newspaper ! Which shali also be Reliable, regarding Accuracy as being of as great importance as enterprise In procuring infoiruation. The Hzsalo Staff embraces a LARGE CORPS OF EDITORS AMD REPORTERS, Including several writers long and popularly known a« connected with the Sonthers Press, It also has Bpeolal Correspondents ut A.ll Prominent Points, Who are instructed to spurs no expense in procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT HAS THE BEST Mail, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that ail News of Importance will be heralded at the earliest possible moment. Especial attention Is paid Jo the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS, AND TO Shipping intelligence. Hotel Arrivals, and the C’onrt Reeord. AVOIDING POLITICS, As ont of Us province at present, the Heralo strives to he n Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to support the trnc interests of the rc-unitefl na tton. It will l>e constantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA, And to discuss all vital questions with the dignity they deserve, and without which its opinions could have bnt little weight. > [ THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity of Mlscellaneons Readinc Matter. Poetry and Articles on Liter ary, Seientifiic and Commercial snh Jects, so that in all respects it Is a desirable journal / for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS AND— Experienced Mall and Delivery Clerks Are employed, and cither Edition of the Heralp wil be delivered promptly In Savannah, or for warded to any part of the world, on the following TERMS: SINGLE COPY... sc. ONE WEEK 30c. ONE MONTH $ t 00 ONE YEAR 10 00 PER HUNDRED 3 50 EXTRAS Arc iwted whenever intelligence is received of sod dent Importance to warrant it. ADVERTISING TERMS : Two Dollars per square, (occupying a space of ten lines nonpareil; for the first insertion, and $1 per square for each subsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT will be made on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, or those INSERTED FOR A LONG TIME The Hzaam Is UNRIVALLED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM t Having a large circulation in the city, and throughout the State, in Florida, South Carolina, the South Atlantic Squadron and the .North, drcnlailag more or less IN EVERY STATE OF THE UNION. Subscriptions or Advertisements may be sent by mail or express to S. W. MASON & 0., PUBLISHERS, No, lit Bay Street, Savannah, aa | MIIfPPIBTO. FVeightn FOE AUGUSTA, TIHE ni%deigned are prepared to receive goods at their Warehouses—free of i-xpenec aud for ered bv Incur* cc—for to Augusta and points bej on<J*t>y their regular line of light draught boats. Ai.plyto # CIIAS. 1.. COLLY, •opt 29 —ts cor. Bey and Aherconi efe, FOiSNEW YORK STAB mt LIKE. SBMI-W33HKIjT-. The first class 17. 8. Mail Steamships _ • * • Capt Cauintct. UNITED STATES, .... Capt. SiiAKr. AMERICA, ..... Capt Cain. CONSTITUTION,' ... Capt übiuak. The above ahlps compose the Line, and will sail romNew Yarkand Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO, Agents, Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN. GOOKIN * DICKINSON, Agents, For Liverpool. rTIHR A 1 British ship WISCONSIN. Drews, master, A and the A l Am bark THOu. FLETCHER Pen dleton. musrer, having a larpo portion of their cariroes engaged will have immediate dispatch. For freight of 500 bales cotton, apply to oct9 6 JNO. R WILDER. I STAR LINE, FOR NEW .JffU YORK. THE new and elegant first class U. S. Mall Steam ship IDAHO, Captain Crowfu., wiii positively sail for the above port on Wednesday, Oct. llth, at o’clock . For frelgnt or paessge, having splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO, octil Stoddard's Building, opp. Post Office. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA t RE notified that they oan store their goods any day during the week, to be forwarded by the itbavc Boats, which are the lightest draught runulug to Augusta, free of extra charge. repgH HEIN * CO. PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK , The new and splendid U. S. Mail /SHraL Steamship LKO, F. A. Merrill, Commander, will sail for the above —S- port on her regular day, THURSDAY, October 12th, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations. apply to nUNTKR 4 GAMMELL. oct9 For Augusta. THE STEAMER JEi. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the abovo place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored In fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincolu street, free of cast. J M. KINCHI.EY, Agent. Office in Claghorn & Cunningham’s. The May arrived In Angnsta from Savannah on last Friday with her full freight. ts oct» Atlantic Coast M.a.11 hituam ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, if The new and elegant Side-Wheel .jZgJßi'fr SteamshipKALKloH. Q. M. Walker, -a.'.Ftl.WTv Commander, will positively sail on jBSB™?- her regular day, SATURDAY, llth Inst, at 3 o’clock, p. in. For Freight or Passiige, having veiy large and airy state-room accommodations, fitted up with all there cent improvements, apply to JOHN R. WILDER Chip's Bills of Lading furnished and signed In the office. nets For Doctortown VIA Darien . THE light draught Side-Wheel Steamer SCMRPIO. Capt. Rogers, will ply regularly between t-avau nab every Saturday and Doctortown every T nesduy, commencing her regularly trips on the *lst inst. Freight intended for this boat will be stored free of charge. For passage or freight (which will be taken at re duced ratesj apply to KKIN 4 CO., Agents, Savannah, or Doctortown. N. B.—The Scorpio will leave for Doctortown on her fir«t trip on THURSDAY, 12th in.t., at 8 o'clock, a m and return, leaving Doctortown Tuesday. 17th inst. oct9 4 FREIGHT FOR PALATKA And Intermediate Landings Will be received DAILY by Ibc undersign ed, FREE OF STORAGE, and forwarded by the first class Steamer Gen. Bhcplcy. All Goods in Warehouse covered by In surance. CIIA.S. L. COLBY & CO.. sep3o cor. Abercoru and Bay sts. COMPETITION DEFIED! FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant Very Fast Steamer SCORPIO. RODG-KRS, Master. Will commence receiving freight THIS MORNING, at Exchange Wharf, and be the flrst Boat for Augusta after the nelcn. For Freight Engagements or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, apply to KEIN A 00. sep29-td 114 Bay street. For Liverpool. TriE A1 American Ship NEW ENGLAND, Hodge, Master, having a large portion of -(JagSlAher curgo engaged will be ready to receive Lower Hydraulic Press on the 13th inst. For freight or passage apply to seDl4.ti BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CVh* GREAT REDUCTION -IN FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA. ON and after this date the rate of Freight bv our Line will be reduced 50 Per Cent ! Onr Line Is composed of the following Steamers, all adapted to the trade, viz: Iron Steamer AMAZON, Capt. Johnson. New Iron Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt Pbilpol Steamer LAURA. Capt.-Hillcr. The Steamer Gibbons la in every particular a flrat Boat. ratea SnrßnCe C * U effec,edb y onr r - lm ' *t lowest Freight received DAILY and forwarded TWICE A WEEK. sep2B-lm ERWIS 4k HARDPE- SHIPPING. FOR NIW YORK. JX The fine Brig MARY COBB, Dun -1-1 can. Master, having a large part of her ei cargo eng ged. win have quick despatch -rtjr— ’or the above port ES" F r Freight engagement* apply to uctT '- i ROGERS 4 CANN, Agents. For Doctortown, VTA DA.RIENT. we. kly tr/ps to Dxtonown tie f?:iC,rt3 « LEAVE SAVANNAH, Tuesdav JSf*’ S ct - l! ' « 6 o'clock dKi Morning. Oct. 24, at 6 o’clock. LEAVE DOCTORTOWN, Thursday Morning, Oct. r> Thursday , ip, jnurpdiy the week anTfnwsTdrt promnSv u IS 7 day <*nring Privuege of llghteiing on too Alu^^^ l^ OCt4-2w _ - ERMIN t HARDEE. FOR AUGUST^ STEAMER UKIIU, Cart MOODY, pj.! , , h 2 c rteap -tch a, -hove. JV Boat or r.XC EDINQUUHT DRAUGHT “ oC Draws Lti. Water than any Boat on tbc River, And is able to navigate It at its lowest stage. For freight apply to F. M. MTRELL, Agent; Harrl,’ Building. Bay street. u~ rr s : ’ ht dally and stored in Fire '■ fo ., >l of l in( ~ ol ° street. TO KENT. Offices to Let. TWO ROOMS TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. anl2tf* * hC HERALD OFFICE. To Rent 3 T r> ?r,/l Fp ,l c ', ab:c , f c ? a K m « a «» a procure a laree 11003 IS TO LET, At 3EXUto*i. Head, 0. 0., THE Palmetto Herald Building having been Newlv mi 1 ? d r m P ’ < noW t li: P u e nd airy® rooms b Pnr t»!™ plnK Apartmeut* or t usluees purposes. ■tom 4 o’clock to Go-clockp. m Js2* COTTON. 4C.' "southern " cotton murnr, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON & CO„ factors, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, T> ESPECTFULLY Invite attention to our facilities AG for the purchase or movement of Southern Rroducts, and wilt Klvo prompt attention to allbusi nees entrnsted to onr care. Intending to catahlleh perm inonlly a House in Savannah expect by strirt ’ the Trede rrln P e “ erit * lnd a portlonof Having a commodious Warehouse Hut Cotton, wo* K®PJ'? ar ® a to ''fly. or receive on consignment to our mends in New Y..rk or Europe, and will make ad rvfl, 68 K° n Ram ® : picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton beiore shipping, thereby saving the enormoka expense Incurred in Northern citlei by this process *SS^ffiSS^^SS. M,of ,Se OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, Jv Port Office Addrera. Lock Box 25. oct7-3m BUY YOUR COOL DRINKS * —AT— TONKINGS, IN REAR OF POST OFFICE, HILTON HEAD BURSA tl D B CAMP, ' T A. I X. O E . | IVOULD inform bis former patroua and the pnblie ; 1 ' ihat he has resumed Hu.iness at 118 Brought >a I ■treat, between Bull and Whitaker, where he la naw opening a Choice Stock, adapted to the present, and ! w ill be receiving weekly, to ,he coming eeaenna, eon slating in part Oi cloths. '.Vesimeres and Vestings, all of which will bo made to order at abort notfoe. trimmed and get up In his nenal style. FURNISHING GOODS Os every description, requisite to a Gentleman’* w ararobe, cousuntly on hand. <xt4-lw Wanted riW THOUSAND DOLLARS, MECHNIO BANK OF AUGUSTA AND Eastern Bank of Alabama, octß _ tf E. F. ME I CALEB A CO SOUTHERN Exporting and Importing COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. neiat j°“ •» prepared to make Udvarcee in v , of Gold on ernsignmenta of cotton, pool* St ° reS , Lamber ’ * e - to their agent In Livtr- Orders solicited for goods from merchants and plan ters. The strictest attention will be paid to all orders however small, for goods ffom Lngiand, France or Germany, onr Savannah and Charleston Agents, being salaried, make no charge for / awarding either way and will fnrnieh circular oi details. R. F. FLOrD. President. Jacksonville, Fla. AotNTsr—E. T. Psine, Liverpool, England; R. E. Screven, Charleston, S. C.; Henry Bryan, Savannah. Ga. 3mos aeplS FiIFIGHT FOR MACOX By Wagons, Wantel Apply t) _sep!?2 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. LUMBER. _ RICHARDcON t BARNARD, »ep4 ts Bay street, opposite Mamie; s Chu;