Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 10, 1865, Image 3

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local Fitters. Departure of M»uubi|»i<Bd Slramtra. rOR KIT TORE ,:ram s t:ip Idaho, Wednesday, October 11th, at 2 {■•dock. Steamship Leo, Thursday. Octolaer 12th, at 2*4 (.•clock. -•eamship Raleigh, Saturday, October 14th, at 3 o'clock P- >u. for norroßTowK. steamer Scorpio, Thursday,. October 12th, at 8 8 , t o'clock a. m. FOR rtORIP*. Steamer Fountain, every Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock. Arrival of the lew Steamship Leo—Ac ronntorHer Trial Trip at New York. The new steamship Leo, of the Pioneer Line of Savannah and Sew York steamers, arrived at this port yesterday morning. She brought fifty cabin and twenty-four deck passengers, who speak in high terms of her superior qualltes, and from w hom we gather the following account of the new vessel and her trial trip at Sew York, on Friday the 30th ult. The day was one of the finest of the autumn, and upwards of two hundred Invited guests assembled tor the excursion. The steamer left her wharf iyali street Ferrv, (Brooklyn,) at noon, and pro ceed'd down the bay and through tlio narrows, turning about for Sew York a short distance out <ide of Sandy Hook. After reaching the city she ■teamed up the Hudson about four miles aud then eturued to Pier 11, where she landed her delighted passengers The aggregate distance run was about forty miles. Her performance was blgliiy satisfactory, her mo. tlon easy, her speed unexpectedly good for the first trial of the machinery. The Leo is, in all her ap. polntments, a first class vessel. She was built under the immediate personal supervision of her expe rienced commander, and every portion of hep ma. tered subjected to most careful Inspection. Her eu guje.s are from the DMeuiater works, her hull from the card of Messrs. C. A- R. Polllon. Her owners ar e the builders. Messrs. Murray A Nephew, aurt others. Hei length is 204 feet; breadth 33 feet 0 inches; depth of hold 13 feet; between decks, 7 feet. She is schooner rigged, with wire rigging,and sails sufficient to go from port to port without employing steam. Shelias three fire pumps ; and four spleridld Alex ander Life boats, ready for instant use. Two of these boats arc capable of lioldiug aiid 'safely carry ing eighty persons. she has cabin accommodations for fifty first class passengers. She isfinislied in oak and black walnut, and her state rooms and saloons are furnished with most excellent taste, having an air of beauty and t amfort we have rarely seen equalled iu the outfit or any steamer. During the return trip from Sandy Hook the guests partook of a sumptuous lunch furnished by Thomp son, of Brooklyn. The Leo will donbtlcr.B prove a favorite vessel of the Pioneer line, in connection with which she is to ruu. Capt. Merrill has had a varied and highly sue cessful experience of twenty-three years, and is fa miliar with most of our own and many foreign ports. He is characterized by energy, decision, intelligence end gentlemanly courtesy. We congratulate our citizens upon the addition Os this new and auspicious link, between our own city and the great commercial metropolis In this connection, we cheerfully make room for the following COMMUNICATION. (To the Editor of the savannah Herald : Savannah, Oct 9th, 1865. i- seems to me but just that a fair notice should be given of Messrs Murray A Nephew’s new steanger • i so.” which left New York on Thursday, the 6th, at •i.13 P. M. This vessel was built by C. AG. Poilton, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; i3 of 1,000 tons burthen; has one boiler 15J4X15X15 rectaugular shell return. She made a very successful trial trip on Saturday, v.jih Sept., uuder the management of Mr. W. H. Me g.e, sandy Hook, Pilot, who brought her from her moorings, on Thursday last, in admirable style. The • Leo” Is well officered, and well managed, and has made a most remarkable ruu, reaching Hatteras in 33 hours 30m. from New York. The following is rlist of her officers ; F A. Merrill, Captain ; Thos. L. Merrill, Ist officer; Theo. G. Halsey, 2nd officer; P. D. Sloe um, Purser ; Thos. Wagner, Ist Eng. ; Wm. Wagner, 2nd Eng. ; Capt. Macon, Sav. Pilot ; W. H. Megie, Sandy Hook pgOt. MERCANTILE Savannah, Ga., Oct. 9,1865. Samuel W. Mason, E3q., , Editor Savannah Herald 3ib—ln the columns of local matters of last Fri day’s Issue of the Savannah Hekalp appeared au article in regard to the acquittal of Mr. John J. Nea. son, of this city, who was tried before a military commission ou a charge of shooting a soldier on the night of September 11th, 1865. Mr. Ncasou, or his iriends, certainly have an undoubted light to let his or :helr friends know that he (Neasonl was acquitted from so serious a charge.; but, Sir, the writer of the article had no right to write aud circulate through yonr paper such false statements in regard to ill’. Morgan as it contained. The article states that an attempt was made by two soldiers (Pettit and Mor gan) to rob Mr. Xeason of Ills gold watch and chain, and that the soldiers knocked down Neason with the intent to rob him. Asa member of the Commission before which Season was tried, allow rue to say that this assertion ;3 false, and brands an honorable man as a felon, without cause or justlflcation. Mr. Wragg, a young gentleman of Savannah, and a witness for the defence, who happened to be In company with Season on the night of the aill-ay, swears, la his direct cross-examination, that no ut_ tempt was made by either of tho soldiers to rob Sea. son. Mr. Bash, witness for defence, swore that no robbery was attempted by the soldiers ; and, I be lieve, should the article alluded to meet the eye of .Mr. George \V. Mercer, the gentlemanly and able counsel who defended Neasou, ho would rronounce it as false. ? X have known William H. Pettit for more than three years, and, though but a private soldier, he Is a man of good character. Allow me to say that, as an officer, did 1 have any reason to. believe that Pet tit was In auy degree guilty of the accusation made against him through your paper, X would have him punished. 1 would not overlook an act which would m any way reflect disgrace upon the service, which has Horn lime immemorial been held as an honor able profession. The assertion that Morgan Is a no torious Boston rough is so absurd liiat It is hardly necessary for me to say anything In regard to It.— However, I will state that Morgan is a citizen of Brooklyn, JT. Y., the son of respectable parents, and never lived In Boston. As the article in your paper of last Friday had an extensive eirculalion, I ask, Hi justice, that you la sert this. Very respectfully, IXuWAHt) C. CONRADY, Capt. Cos. C, 178th’t N. Y. Vols. PROVOST COURT.—From the proceedings be fore Lieut. Col. Holbrook, Piovost Marshal, It will be noticed that lie Is determined to break up the cot ton stealing which lias been carried on in such a high-handed maimer of late In this city. Gambling and other crimes are also attracting his attention, and the otl'enders are summarily dealt with The case of one of our new city policemen, charged with stealing cotton, will come up before him tills moru ;ng. Tee Steamer Extuess. — We are pleased to notice that the work of getting this new steamer ready for the up-river trade Is rapidly progressing. About Tuesday next she will leave on her first trip for Au gusta. Capt. Garnett, well and favorably known as the former Captain of the steamere Eliza, Swan ami John G. Lawton, will be In command of the Express. Tixvovzv.— We are pleased to learn that Hon, Thos. E. Lloyd, member elect to the State Conven tion, has been pardoned by the President. The Late Murder at Demand's Press.—Up to last evening, the body of Mr. James Mahoney,watch man of Demund’s Press, had not been found. The investlgatlon|thas far made have given no clue as to who were the murderers. Tar Pair.—We are requested to state that the Young Ladies’ Fair, for the benefit of wounded and destitute Confederate soldiers, will be open to-night at T o’clock, for the purpose cf raffling off the arti cles remaining unsold. Illustrated and other periodicals.—We have been favored by Mr. Estill with the following : Frank Leslie; The Round Table; The Nation. The first named contains several picturesque Illustrations with diversified contents, and the two last several admirable dissertations, criticisms and various infor mation on subjects of note and literature. (iarrotlan la Broad Daylight. Yesterday afternoon ns a stranger in our city who had mure money than discretion was making, In a drinking saloon on Bay street, quite a display or h s funds, five Individuals who had armed in the city In the morning hy the Aeamship Leo, observing the ■nonet so freely displayed, and the inebriation of its owner, made his acquaintance, and one of them “stood treat” to an tuiUtuited extent. A friendship to a most agreeable nature was immediately formed, and the party left tlie bar-room to see the city— When near the corner of Houston and Bay streets, and but a short distance front the bar-room, one of the newly arrived New Yorkers thrust his ltands into the strangers pockets while he was tightly secured by others of the gang, aud his money in greenbacks aud specie taken from him. Lieut. Howard, of the Police, who was in the Eastern end of the city, near where the robbery was committed, learning or it and obtaining a description of the thieves, started in pursuit and was successful iu arresting them.— Tb«r examination will take place this morning be IbrtUeut. Col. M. T. Holbrook. A Case of Arson.—On Saturday last,the residence of Hon. D. A. O’Byrne, northwest corner of Drayton and Liberty streets, was set ou fire. The flames had made some progress when they were discovered by Owo ladies passing on the street at the time, who immediately alarmed the Inmates. The fire was promptly arrested. It proved to have been set In the basement while the two servants were up stairs attending to their work. A refugee negro, who Is believed to have set the fire, has been arrested by Mr. O'By rne, and Is now confined in the police oar racks awaiting examination. We invite attention to the auction sale of Camp and Garrison Equipage and Quartermaster’s Stores, by Messrs. York, Williams, Mclntlre A Cos. The sale will take place this morning on Bay street, foot of Drayton, at 10 o’clock. Stabbing affray at Lama's UaLL —Yesterday forenoon, while a number of negroes congregated at Lama’s Hall, on the north side of Liberty street, be tween Lincoln and Habersham streets, a fight arose between two of them, resulting in one stabbing the other with a knife. At this stage of the matter the other negroes Interfered, and a general low was soon In lively progress. Information of the affray having been conveyed to the Police Barracks, Lieut. Howard, of the Police, accompanied by one police man, hastened to the scene of conflict. Upon enter ing the building the police were compelled to draw their revolvers on the negroes, to induce them to de sist from their murderous attack upon the Individual who had committed the assault upon the other— They were not successful, however, until he had been knocked down senseless by a brick. Several arrests were made of these disorderly characters. The Repairs on the Schooner B. L. Sherman— The tern schooner B. L. Sherman, Capt. Willis, which put into this port on the 10th ulf. in distress, having sprung aleak aud bound from Jacksonville, Fla., to Mazaguez, Porto Rico, loaded with lumber, isb < 'g ns rapidly repaired as circumstances will permit. T:i 'irewbacks are a scarcity of material, ....... w ant of mee t mics, etc. The cargo which had to be dn>^.i-.. c ! dwi i this morning be put back into the vessel. SUuum not circumstances of an una voidable nature prevent, the B. L Sherman will b_' ready for sea in about ten days. Another Murder Brought to Light—Body of a Dead Man in the Savannah River— lnformation was received lu this city on yesterday that the body of a man, it was unknown whether white or black, was lying in the Savannah river near Fort Jackson, and that the body had marks of having been shot, the ball passing through and across the nreast. Measures, we learn, will be taken to-day to have the body brought to the city and an investigation made. New Firm.—We invite attention to the advertise ment of Messrs. La Roche, Gaden A Luckies, jn an other column. These gentlemen have formed a co partnership for the transaction of a General Grocery and Commercial business Their house is con veniently located on the corner of Bay and Barnard streets, where they are prepared to receive any aud all consignments that may be made to them. THE COURTS. BEFORE LIEUT. COL. M. T. HOLBROOK, PROVOST MAR SHAL, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH. SAVANNAH, Oct. 9, 1865. Cnited States vs. Patrick O'Cou-or—Drunkenness ami disorderly conduct in the streets. Fined $5 and costs, or be imprisoned in Chatham county Jail for five days. U. S. vs. John Kuhlman—Disturbance of the peace In Savannah Market. Pined *SO and $3 costs, and n default of payment to be confined in the jail oi Chat ham county for two months. Cnited States, by Venus Walker (colored) vs. Isaac Walker—Assault and Battery. The case was ordered to be dismissed. Cnited States, by Policemen Rogers and Haley, vs. Henry Tate, William Cowdell and James Wilson (ail colored)—Riotous conduct lu the street. It was or dered that the defendants be fined In the sum of *lO each, with costs of suit, and In default thereof, they be confined in Chatham county Jail ten days. Cnited States, by Policeman White, vs. £. Barrett, Moses Major, and L. Johnson (all colored)—Larceny. The offence having been proven, it was ordered that they be fined in the sum of SSO each, and costs of suit, and in default thereof, they be confined In the common Jail of Chatham con nty for the period of twenty days. Cnited States, by Policemen Doyle and Hagerty vs. John Stephens, Wm. Sheßall, Edward Bryan and Green Wilson (all colored)—Gambling ou Sunday, the Bth inst., between Ua. m. and 12 m. In this case, it was ordered that the defendants be fined in the sum of SSO each, with the costs of suit, and in default of payment, they be confined in the Chatham county jail for the term of two months. Iu consideration of extenuating circumstances introduced on behalf of Wm. Sheftall and Green Wilson, the defendants were allowed until to-day for Wilson, aud until Saturday for Sheftall to pay their fines and costs. The Cnited States by Policeman Lacey, vs. Mllly Sweet (colored)— Disorderly conduct in the streei/ I'iued in the sum of $5 and costs of suit, and he be confined in the County jail until the fine and costs be paid, not exceeding ten days. Cnited States by Policeman Savania vs. W. Clare* (colored) —Larceny .of cotton. Was ordered that the defendant be fined In the sum of *SO with costs of suit, in default of payment he confined In the com mon jail of Chatham County fortlie period of twenty"' five days. The United States by Policeman Breen vs. Green (colored)—Riding through the streets In violation of orders. Filled $6 and costs. The United states by Policeman Doyle, vs. John Jones (colored) —Vagrancy. Deteudant turned over to the Freedmen's Bureau, for employment, or be sent home. The United states by Thomas Feely, Prosecutor, vs. Dick Edwards (colored)— Larceny of cotton. The defendant In this case was found guilty of the charge. It was therefore ordered that he be remanded to Chatham County Jail to be kept In close custody un-. til he can be forwarded under a military guard to tile Penitentiary at Milledgeville, where he will be confined at hard labor for the term of six months. The United States vs. Americas, Joe and Oliver (colored)— Watering horses at pumps In tue streets contrary to orders issued and published. The de fendants pleading ignorance, being strangers in the city, were disabused with a.reprimaud, and payment of costs. The United States, by Mrs. D. O'Donnell, vs. Mi chael Cosgrove—Malicious mischief. The offence In the above case not having been proved, the case was dismissed upon the payment of costs by the prose cutrix. The Cottod States, by J. W. McAlpin, vs. Ferdinand Freny—Simple larceny. The charge of larceny against the defendant was not been made out. He was, therefore, discharged fro m arrest The United States, by Capt R. F. Atkin, vs. Chas Beaker (colored)—Assault, with Intent to murder— Upon the examination of witnesses lu the above ease, and upon a careful revison of the testimony adduced, the crime with which the prisoner was charged was sufficiently established. It was,* there fore, ordered that he be remanded to the common JalTof Chatham county, there to be Kept ia close cus, tody until he can be tried by a military commission, to be appointed by the Brevet Major General com manding. and to be convened at such time and place as may be deemed best In his Judgment. The United States, by Capt. R. F. Aikln, vs. John Harrison—Attempted assault on the Chief of Police and endeavoring to rescue a prisoner. It was order ed that he be fined In the sum of *6O and oosts, or In lieu thereof to be confined In Chatham county jail for the space of two months. The United States vs. M. Smith—Riotous and dis orderly conduct In resisting an officer in the dis charge of tils duties. Fined $26 and costs, or closely confined in Jail for two months. UntUND’s Hvnß Cotton pnnw— We were pleased to notice yesterday that this e.ui.iuhmeni, which has been closed since the war. went in opera- Lon. • The Strfets og New York.”—Owing to the un u u Uly crow »led slate of nor local columns this morning, we are obliged to defer a notice of the very successful performance of “The Streets of New York," at the Theatre last evening. MARRIED, On the 4th inst., by the Rev. 8. Landrum, at the reddc-nce of the bridt’a mther, Mr. EDWIN A CAf- TELLAWto Mi* MARY W. ROGERS, all oi this city. 1* octlO DIED, In the city of Angusta. on the evening of October 3d, of congestive fever, Mrs. UNITY E. HKRMS, the wife of Wm. B. Herms. 1* octlO Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE OCTOBER 9, 1865. Thos F.lllson and lailv, Ga Miss Wilson, Maine' Chas G Thomas. N V [A Reisch, N Y E J Charlton, Quebec N J Nichols, City A Levy aud wife, Phila delphia W 11 Simmerman and lady, Baltimore Wm H Fessendon, Boston J E Bostic, Macon, Ga 'Capt Alfred Grover, 68th New York Lieut Mutsqe, 68th N Y ■ Capt Sleuning, N Jersey H H Forward, Florida J J Van Nostrand, Fla |J Ryan, Fla jWm Pendarris, Ga I Win J Sted, Ga | A Eiclielberger, Ga 'S S Williams, Madl3on, Ga Mr and Mrs Vorliees, N Y A R Taylor Hawkins vine j Mrs H i’ Marston, Boston, A Bessie, New York [ C Lambert, do L D Cunningham, N Y J W Taylor, do E Remington and lady.NY D A Smith and lady, N Y Miss M T Speldon, X Y E Remington, N Y J W Collins, and wile, Beaufort, S C R E Darlington, Newark, Ohio D C Darlington, Newark, Ohio W G Smith, Conn J R Kendall, Boston Mrs H G Ward, New I'ork L M Wiilarel, do I J B Holland, do Fred A Morrell, do J J White, do Shipping Intelligence. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 o.Moon rotes 10 46 Sun sets 5 35|High water 11 45 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived, SATUP.DAV, Oct. 9. 1865. Steamship Leo, Merrill, From New York—to Hun ter A- Gsmmell. Hamms’ flat, from Augusta, with 282 bales Upland cotton—to Hunter A Gammell. Cleared. Steamer Standish, Moore, Hilton Head Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Fort Pulaski. Steamer Scorpio, Rogers, Doctortown—Keln <fc Cos. Imports. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, Fla—2oo bales Upland cotton, 4 tierces sugar, 3 barrels oranges, I box do, 21 barrels sweet potntoes, 2 casks oranges, 2 barrels oysters, 4 coops chickens, 9 cases mdze. Per steamer Union, From Augusta—2oß bales Up land cotton, no dc. domestics. Consignees. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, Fia— Duncan & Johnson, J R Wilder, Octavus Cohen, Schuster A Hinson, Miller, Thomas Ac Cos, J L Villa longa, Jones A Way, S N Wragg A Cos, Erwin A Har dee, Dzlauski A Slayer, FM Myrell, l’AEichel berger, H F Marstou, Brady, Smith A Cos, J G Watts, Stuart A Cos. M Lowenthall, Wm C Ingles, Capt Balkley. Per steamship Leo, from New York—Adams' Ex press Company, G W Allen, W B Adams, G H A1 ridge, J W Anderson A Cos, Brady, Smith A Cos, Brig ham, Baldwin A CO, Bell, WyUy A Christian, Blunn A Myer, N K Barnum, A L Brady, T Brown, Crane, Johnson A Graybill, S M Coining, M A Cohen, O Cohen, ,1 S Cohen, C L Colby A Cos, J A Deppish, Erwin A- Hardee, Einsteen A Kckinan, D Finnegan, M Ferst A Cos, Gaden A Unities, Hunter A Gamtnell, J McMahon, W H Starke, .1 R Laly A Cos, A M Scar boro, W H Wlllberger A Cos, Hilton A liaudell. Weed, Cornwell A Cos, W A Cos, .1 L Stuart, J W Taylor, Lovell A Lattimore, Horton A Watson, Hess A Guttman, II W A Cos, J C Turner A Cos, J G Watts A Cos, Holland, Paul A Pitts, Harudens Express Cos, T S, aud others. . Passengers, Per steamship Leo, Horn New York~L H Willard, J Holland, Mrs G H Ward, J J White, E Remington and wife, Master and Miss Remington, Miss Sheldon, D A Smith-and wife, -Mrs Stuart, Miss A Smyth, Mrs M itighter. Miss M tipper, Mrs A H Mulligan, Miss M Bosseu, A Levy and wile, D T Voorhees, wife aud child, D H Collins and wife, Mrs U P Mars.ou, Miss Wilson, Mrs E B Chlpman, T Ellison and wife, J W Taylor, L D Remington, A Resaher, D P Thomas, D McKewin, R Elliott, J R Sheldon, W H Tysan, D Montgomery, E J Charlton, P llershfleld, W U Fes senden, W<j Smith, T White, D R Kendall, D LMe lntosh, A Bessie, Mrs Lambert, H P Cassell, P Uapp, A Slteron, T Meyer, E R Wilber, J L Stuart, Thos l’epper, J L Johnson, E Remington, R A Crawford, M Hess, A K Taylor, K E Darlington, D C Darlington. Mrs J L Grant, and 18 steerage. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, Fla—A Twiname, 1* A Eiclielberger, Mrs A Halle, Mrs Chestnut and 3 children, Mrs McCea, Mrs O’Keefe, C E Halle, John H Lewis, Dr McCea, J Ranere, J Prescott, Wm Wallace, John H Minhart, JT Jolly, C D Jones, H H Forward, W G Steed, G M Galpm and lady, J J Wood, S Frlsb.v, Mrs Basdeu, Mrs Loddv, j G Vannostrand, .1 Ryan, Wm B Jackson, D C Scarlett and lady, T Bunkley, J E RChambon, H p Marston, Wm Pendarls, and 7 on deck. PORT OF FERNANDINA, FLA. Fernandina, Fla., Oct. 7. Cleared. Sailed Oct 4.—Sloop Thunder, Smith. Fernandina, for Savannah. Satffiorer M E Stevenson, J A Burton, Savannah, •for MtflEfeas, Cuba. LIST t#' VESSEL%jy THE PORT OF M savannaH. ' . sSAVANNAU, Oct. 9, 1865. snips. New England, Hodges, 1,100, for Liverpool—load ing at Lower Hydraulic press—Brigham, Baldwin * Cos. Wisconsin (Br) Arcus, 950—discharging ballast at Lower Hydraulic Press—John K Wilder. BRIGS. John E Plater, Post, 290, from Norwich, Conn discharging at Union Ferry Wharf—Hunter A Gam men. Mary Cobb, Duncan, 195,—waiting, wharf at foot of Whitaker street—C L Ooiby A Cos. SCHOONERS. May, Kelly, 330, from New York—discharging at ■wharf foot o'r Habersham street—Hunter A Gammell. Julia A Crawford, Buckley, 181, from Jacksonville, Fla, lu ballast—lying at wharf foot of Bull Street- Master. Wide World, Hildreth. 274, from New York—dis charging at wharf foot of Bull street—Win Starr. Albert (Br) Riordan, 105, from Nassau—discharging •at wharf foot of Barnard street—Bell, Wylly A Chris tian. John G Whipple. Simpson, 80, for New York—load ing at Iron Steamboat Wharf west of Barnard street —Rogers A Cann. WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDY, WINES, Sc. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C . W. THOMPSON, At. the Old Stand. 11l 33A.Y STREET, (Herald Building?^ al*o, Alpop’s Ale, Mars’ Ale. Apples, Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar octC If Just Received, PER STEAMER CAMBRIA, 100,000 "Henry Clay ; Segars. v Which will be sold low. HUE, WniTNEY & CO., I ocf-3 203 Bay street. PONY FOR SALE, A FINE MARE PONY, three years old, suitable for a boy. Apply at 44 Bryan street. oct9 3 Personal. r‘ Mr. William Trenholm will call or send his ad dress to the Herald Office, be w. I hear of some thing to his advantage. Any it form .tion concerning him will be gratefully received. A .dress oct9 ts H. K. S. Photographs, Ambrotypes, &c., .A_t "Wilson’s Corner WYiltnlcer ami Broughton Stu. oct9 6 1 mackerelT th |A KITS new Mackerel, Just received and for OUU sale by RICHARDSON A BARNARD! scptH-tf Bay street, opp. Mariner’s Church. AUCTION SALES. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. FURNITURE AT AUCTION. On Tl ESDAY- the 10th inM.. at in o’clock, A. M., will be t»oUi at the re.4dence. No. HS Broughton sL, next door rad of McConaghy’a dry good* store, the Hou-eh"!d Purnimret of— Carpet* hofa<* Swc Board** Chain Tables Oilcloths Bureaus Bedsteads Ac., Ac. 2 oct^ By Bell, Wylly l> Christian. BOOTS AND SHOES—AT AUCTION. TO MORROW (Wednesday* at 11 o'clock, In front of store, eighteen case** ot assorted Shoes and (latter*, consisting of: Congress Uniterm Men’s Calf Brogans Children and Missea* Lined Balmorals Men’s Bull' Buckle Cuba Ties Women’s Heeled Creole Cougres* Gaiters Boy’s Calf Balmorals New stock just received per Steamer L?o. Belt- poe itive Terms cash. Also by the same arrival M) qua iter boxes Laver Raisins 15 cases Tomatoes (•} tloas. each; 25 cases Adamantine Candles (t»lb Cartoons) 5 bbla Brown Sugar 4 bbls Coffee Spgar. octlO By Bell, Wylly & Christian, FURNITURE—AT AUCTION. TO-MORROW (Wednesday} at 11 o’clock, lit front of store, will lie sold, a large lot of Furniture, consist ing of— Parlor, Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. Sofas, Ta bles, chairs, Brussels Carpets, Bedsteads, Dining Ta bles, Wardrobes, Bedding. Moves, Crockery and Glass Ware. Terms cash. octlO YORK, WILLIAMS. M’INTIRE & CO,. AUCTIONEERS. Public Sale of Camp and - Garrison Equipage AND QI ! ARTERMASTER’S STORES. WII-L be sold at Public Auction, at the Govern ment Storehouse, on Bay street, at the foot of Drayton street, at Savannah, G.«, TUESDAY, OCT. 10th, 1865, AT 10 O’CLOCK, A- M- ; The following named Stores: Several lots of Tents, Tent Flies and Poles A quantity of Axes, Hatchets, Mosquito Bars, Knapsacks, Camp Kettles, Mess Pans, Ac., A lot of Stationery, Several Saddles, Bridles, and a variety of other Quartermaster’s Stores. To be sold without reserve. Terms cash in U. S. Currency. E. F. GODDARD, scp2° Capt, and A. A. Q. M 8m P. Toek, > fJ. It. Mclmij-.e. M. Li. Williams, ) ( P.H Wakd YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO,, A XT CTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, OA. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND LUMBER SOLICITED. References in Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos,; Erwiu <fc Hardee, Gaden AUnckles, Isaac D. La- Rochc, Esq ; Hiram Roberts, Esq.; Wylly Wood bridge, Esq.; Hunter A- Gammell; L. C. Norvell A Cos. References in New York—Messrs, Samuel T. Knapo A Bro.: D. H, Baldwin A Cos. ee|.26-eodlm ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MACKY, BEATTIE & CO. SHIPPING AM GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 aud 203 Bay Street, SAVANNAH. GA. OFFER FOR SALtI the following Goods, on the most reasonable terms. 250 bbls Whiskey, Mountain Dew 100 44 ‘ Buckeye Reserve 75 “ 44 Stag Bourbon _ f 20 44 44 7 vears old Stag Bourbon 20 “ •> Pine Apple Wertwn 50 “ “ Burkam’s Bourbon Distllation 15 44 44 Old Family Rye 15 44 44 Old Rectified Together with a large assortment of Port, Sherry and Madeira Wint-a, Heideick & Cos., and Reymond’s Champaigne*, Brandies, Gins. Rums, German & Ridgeway Bitter*, &c. In connection with the above, we offer for Pole Choice Family Floor, Bacon Sides, Shoulders Lard, Ac. Liberal advances made on consignment to MACKY & BEATTIE, repyi ts PHILADELPHIA. PA, N. A. HARDEE & CO., Shipping, Commission and For* warding Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will make liberal Cash Advances on to onr friends, Norton, Slaughter A Cos.. 40 Broad street, New oct6-lm Wm. HS Burroughs & Cos. FORWARDING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 97 Bay street. Savannah. Ga.' For the sale of Cotton and other Produce, Lumber, Timber, Plan tatlons and all kinds of Real Estate. We now offer several Rice Plantations near the city, a number of Cotton "Mil Provision Plantations. Timber lands. City Prope ty, and a few lots in the Mineral or Northwest ern plat o the State. sep26-lm H. Growdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, ISC BAY STREET ANDERSONS’ WHARF, SAVANNA ft, GA. oct2-mos B.W. Tilton, Agt., MAznnrAoxuasn. FORMERLY Tilton, Worrall A Macy, Southern Carriage Warerooms, No. 016 Broadway, New York. Manufactory—Mount Vernon, N. Y octC-lm FREIGHT FOR MACOX By Wagons, Wanted, Apply ty Fop 29 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO. S O U THERN Exporting and Importing COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. THIS association Is prepared to make advances in currency of Gold on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber, Ac., to their agent in Liver pool. Orders solicited for goods from merchants and plan ters. The strictest attention will be paid to all orders however small for goods (Tom England, France or Germany. Onr Savannah and Charleston Agents, being salaried, make no charge for forwarding either way and will furnish circular or details. K. F. FLOVD, President Jacksonville, Fla. Aoxirrs:—E. T. Paine, Liverpool, England; R. E. Screven, Charleston, S. C.: Henry Bryan, Savannah, Ga. Smoa replß Boarding, TJITHER Transient or permanent to be obtained l a XU a pleasant situation and very acoeselb.e to bust ness. In Broughton street No. 184. sepU6-81m TUB SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IS PIBMSHKD Every Morning and Evening f SUNDAYS EXCEPTED 1 AT No, 111 BAY STREET BY S. W. MASON & CO. THE AIM OF THE PUBLISHERS IS TO ISSUE A Live Dali)’ Newspaper ! Which shall also be Reliable, regarding Accuracy ai being of ae great Importance as enterprise in procuring Information. The Hnutn Staff embraces a large corps of editors ltd reporters, Including several writers long and popularly known aa connected with the Southern Prean, It also has Hpeolal Correapondenta at All Prominent Polnta, Who are instructed to spare no expense in procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT HAS THE BEST Mali, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that all News of Importance will be heralded at the earliest possible moment. Especial attention Is paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS, AND TO Shipping Intelligence, Hotel Arrivals, and the Court Record. AVOIDING POLITICS, A* out of it* province* at present, the Herat n utrive* to be a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to support the true interests of the, re-nnlted ra tion. It will be constantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA, And to discuss all vltsl questions with the dignity they deserve, and without which its opinions conld have but little weight THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity of Miscellaneous Resdlne Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter ary, Scientlfiic and Commercial sub jects, so that in all respects It is a desirable Journal for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. R E 'L l4 O •v’fTviTj Tvavarlsl ”Iw jpttyr ugsL Experienced Mail andDcnwr^NfliHi Are employed, and cither Edition of the Hcralp wll he delivered promptly in Savannah, or for warded to any part of the world, on the following TERMS : SINGLE COPY SC. ONE WEEK <-30c. ONEMONTH $ 1 00 ONE YEAR - 10 00 PER HUNDRED . 350 EXTRAS Are iwued whenever Intelligence in received of suflY dent importance to warrant It. ADVERTISING TERMS : Two Dollars per square, (occupying a spaec of ten lines nonpareil; for the first insertion, and $1 per square for each subsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT will be made on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, or those INSERTED FOR A LONG TIME. The Hzkai-d is CVRIYALLED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM l Having s large circulation In the city, and throughout the State, In Florida, South Carolina, the South Atlantic Squadron and the North, circulating more or less IN EVERY STATE OF THE UNION. Snbacriptiona or Advertisements may be sent by mall or express to S. W. MASON & 0., PUBLISHERS, No. 11l Bay Street, Savannah, Ga WHIPPING. | 3Vreigh.ts FOR AUGUSTA, fpfli: undersigned are prepared to receive goods at Ikdr Warehouse*—free of expenae and cov ered bv Ineurn re—for ehiiment to August* and potats beyond by their regular line of light draught boat*. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, *ept22—tf cor. Bay and Abercorn et*. FOR NEW YOEK STAR LINE. SEMI-WSEKXjT. The first rinse U. 8. Mail Steamships NEVADA, .... Cspt. Caspektxb UNITED STATES, - - Capt. Sum,, AMERICA, .... - - Capt Ci-irr CONSTITUTION, - . - Capi. uscxman. The above ships compose the Line, and will sal) from New York and B'ivannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CCk Agent*, Savannah, Ga. WAKEMAN, GOOKIN A DICKINSON, Agents, For Liverpool. (THE A1 British ship WISCONSIN, Drews, master, A and the A 1 Am bark THOS. FLETCHER Pen dleton. master, having « large i-ortion of their cargoes engaged will bare immediate dispatch. For Height of 500 bales cotton, apply to oct9 6 JNO, R WILDER. STAR LINE, FOR NEW .Mm YORK. THE new and elegant first class U. 8. Mall Steam ship IDAHO, Captain Obowhl, will positively sail for the above port on \Vednesday, Oct. Uth, at 3 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, ocl9 Stoddard's Building, opp. Post Office. FOR NEW YORK. The fine Brig MARY COBB, Dnn can, Master, having a large part of her atapad'K cargo engaged, will have quick despatch ■JjLjt+Tgjir tor the above port. dBBIIS* F-r Freight engagements apply to uctr-3 ROGERS A CANN. Agents. For New York. THE fine A 1 schooner OVOCA. Martin, master will have quick d : *patch. Fov freight eutjngemcnt* »PPly to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO.- octlO cor. Abercorn and Bay atn. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA ARK notified that they can store their good, any day during the week, to be forwarded by tlie abave Boats, which are the lightest draught running to Augusta, free of extra charge. s« P'.'» KFIN ,t 00. PIONEER LINE. FOR ISTEVV YORK The new aud splendid U. 8. Mail 1 , Steamship LEO, F. A. Mebhill, Commander, will sail for the above - -"nil —» port on her regular day, THURSDAY, October 12th, at 2t< o'clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to IIUNT&R A GAMMELL. oct9 For Augusta. THE STEAMER H/H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored In fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free ot Cost. J M. KINCHLEY, Agent. Office in Clsghorn A Cunningham's. The May arrived in Angusta from Savanuah-nn la*t Friday with her full freight. ts octt* Atlantic Coast Mail Ntcu m ship Compnnr. FOR NEW YORK, joyf-i-—,-.. The new and elegant Side-Wheel T7A j,. Steamship RAI.KIuII. G. M. Walker, , U Commander, will positively sail on > 'SIkJ JJm. her regular day, oATUHDAY, 14th Inst., st 3 o’clock, p. m. For Freight or Passage, having very larjre ar.d airy state-room accommodations, fitted up with all there cent improvements apply to JOHN R. WILDER Ship's Bills of Lading tarnished and signed in the office. octfi For Doctortown VIA Darien. THE light draught Side-Wheel Steamer SCORPIO. Capt. Rogers, will ply regularly betweeu Savan nah every Saturday and Doctortown every Tuesday, commencing her regularly trips on the 21-t Inst. Freight intended fur ibis boat will be atonal free of ForpMAmn£fesi;(lit ( which will betaken at ro- S exag in, asavannah • ’ ' * «ale ay i- .I-- . ' r -il l let'iru. ;■ ' <TTl!^MWioHvng»»aim, ilttrlsfpqf OCI9 4 COMPETITION DEFIEIJT FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant Very Fast Steamer SCORPIO, RODGERS, Mastoi'l Will commence receiving freight THIS MORNING, at Exchange Wharf, and be the first Boat for Augusta after the Helen. For Freight Engagement# or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, apply to KETN & CO. sep29td 114 Bay street. For Liverpool. TnEAI American Ship NEW ENGLAND, Hodge, Master, having a large portion of JlfijPlPsV her cargo engaged will tie ready to receive cargo ut Lower Hydraulic Press on the 18th Inst. For freight or passage apply to sepl4-tf BRIGHAM. BALDWIN & CO. GREAT REDUCTION -IN FREIGHT TO ADGDBTA. ON and after this date the rate of Freight bv our Line will be reduced 50 Per Cent ! Our Line Is composed of the following Steumers, all adapted to the trade, viz: Iron Steamer AMAZON, Capt. Johnson, New Iron Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt. Philpot Steamer LAURA, Capt. HUler, The Steamer Gibbons ia in every particular a first classPaasenger Boat. Inanrance can be effected by onr Line at lowest rates. tar Freight received DAILY and forwards ! TWICE A WEEK. ltpSß4n ERWIN * HARDFE •HIPPING. For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN. (THE Steamer WM. O. GIBBON?, haying a heavy engagement of Colton at Darien, will during the month ot October make the following weekly trip* to Doctortown: leave savannah. Tuesday Morntng, Oct 10. at 6 o’clock Tur-day .yiore'ng, Oct 17, at 6 o’clock Tuesday Morning Oct. 24. at 6 o'clock LEAVE DOCTORTOWN. TTtrjaday Morning, Oct. it, Thursday Morning, oct 1» Thundjy Mu.nirg.Oct. 26. th^mV J^/ Ved "L™/ Wnrel >oute any day daring tnf» week and forwarded promptly a« above, with th>* privilege of li*jtot*iin*on tuo Altamaha river if nece*. l,cH ~-' v ERWIN A HARDEE For Liverpool. r T, H Sj|f 3tcl ***, Ell ' bl > hark TH MAS WHITNEY tefisar Ms# ay-* octl ° EELL - WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. TO KENT. Offices to LetT TWO JtOOMo TO LET, SUITABLE FOR OFFICES. Apply at the HERALD OFFICE aul24f COTTON. JfcC. ~ SOUTHERN GOTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. ♦ O’FALLON & CO„ factors, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, T>KSPECTFULLY invite attstitpca to ear facilities Ak for tlie purchase or m wement of Southern Products, and will give jirompt attention to all onei ncs-i entrusted to rur care. Intending to establish perm inently a H.u-e tn Savannah expect by strict business principle* to morlt ahd receive a portion or the Trade. lining a commodions Warehouse for Cotton, we are pre.iutred tn buy, or receive on consignment to out frlrndaln New Y,,rk or Europe, and will make ad vances on same i picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby oivlng the enormous expense Incurred in Northern ciriea by thin oroceas They Rollcit a portion of the business of the people rs Georgia :uid of adjoining fctatea. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, tv Post Office Address, Lock Box 25. oct7-3m LINVILLE & GLEASON. SAVANNAH. AGESITS FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlanflt Street, New York. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Stiiji or Band M, * AHD BOILER BOLTS, sETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAO SCREWS, Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, Turnbucktes, Solt Hinds, Taps and Dies, See. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS,’ RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article u«ed in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CUIcKLS, Ac. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN* STRUMENTS,' ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS. PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES. STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWB,&c. repl* ts D. B. CAMP, T -A_ I L O R . TEfOUtD inform bis former patrons and the public ” that he has resumed business at 118 Broughton street, between Bu.l and Whitaker, where be is now opening a Choice Stock, adapted to the present, and will be receiving weekly, to ihe coming seasons, con slating in part of Cloths, 'J-ssimet es and Votings, all of which will be made to order at abort notice, trimmed and got up In bla usual style. FURNISHING COODS Os every description, requisite to a Gentleman' Wardrobe, constantly on hand. ©ct4-lw Wanted few THOSSANB OOUAM. MECHNIC BANK OF AUGUSTA AND Eastern Bank of Alabama. E. F. METCALFE 4 CO. oct.3-tf _ LUMBER. White PINE, rough and dressed. Cherry tnd White Wood. Tar sale by RICHARDoON & BARNARD, S’p4-tf Bay street, opposite Mariner’s Cluiqb.