Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 11, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DA ILY HERALD. VOL. I—NO. 228. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) « PUIiLIBHEI' BY a w. MASON A CO., \T 111 lUI bXUUCX, tiAVAiiliAa, GEOBAsIA. TBBU8: _ a * Five Cent®. Per Copy. • -4 - so. per Hundred Per Year • * invrßTiein#: i Two Dollare per Square ot Ten Lines for first in - I .n Dollar for each subsequent one Ad- TCrt“ffle*» taserted in the morning, will, if desired, loMwTntbe evening withont extra charge. P ,J Olt PHINTING, m every style, neatly and promptly done. BY TELEGRAPH. Six Days Later from Europe. am tv All OF TBS CHINA. AtJv«M.o© In Cotton. Sanguinary Designs of the Fenians. The English Nobility to be Exterminated, Money Received from America. Destructive Fire at Pit Hole, Pa. Halifax, X. S., Oct. 9. The steamer China has arrived with Liver pool dates to the Ist inst. The Bank of England had advanced the lates of discount to four and a halt per rent. Friday evening, Sept. 99.—United States live-twenties were quoted at 70 1-2 ; Consols at 89a88 1-4. A number of Feniaus were brought before the Police Magistrates of Dublin on Saturday. Tqe government council stated that large sum* of money had been received by some of the prisoners from America. An inter cepted letter states that the designs ot the Fenians are of the most sanguinary charac ter, being the extermination of the nobility on the opening of the rebellion Livkhpool, Oct. 29, P. M. The sales ot cotton for the week reached so,ooo bales. The" market was excited and buoyant and closed with an advance of two and a balf(2 1 -2d) pence on American and one (Id) a two (2d) pence on other de scriptions. Saturday Sept. 30.—The sales of cotton to day reached 40,000 bales. Brbadstuffs. —The market closed Arm with an upward tendency. Cotton. —Middling Orleans 24 l-2d., Mid dling Upland and Mobile 24d. The market closing with an advancing tendency, Manchester advices say that manufacturers are offered immense orders for goods, but that the rise in cotton has checked busi ness. ADDITIONAL. BY THE CHINA. The total advance in cotton in the Liver pool market since the sailing ot the Persia, was from four (4) to five and a half (5 1-2) cents per pound for the week. It advanced from two to three cents on Tuesday, and from a half to one cent on Friday. 4 DESTRUCTIVE ITRK AT PIT HOLE. PA. Loss Fifty Thousand Dollars. Pit Hole, Pa., Oct. 9th. At five o'clock this morning a fire occurred at the United States Petroleum Company’s wortts, at this place, by which 4,000 barrels of Oil were destroyed, together with the Derricks and engine house of thirteen wells. The loss is estimated at over $50,000. MEXICO. General Grant and the Monroe Doctrine. Philadelphia, October 4. It is established beyond a doubt that, in conversation with a distinguished Illipoisan, a few days since, Lient. Gen. Grant so far varied from his customary reticence on pub lic topics as to unreservedly express himself on the Mexican question. He declares that the Government will vindicate the Monroe doctrine at an early day, and that Maximil ian must leave Mexico. It wiff be, lie says, less expensive to rid Mexico of the presence of an enemy than to guard our borders against him. It is his opinion that it will re quire no call for troops, but that with our present army we can spare enough to give effectiveness to the forces Mexico will be ready to put in the field, if onr Government aids them in tbe matter of supplies. GeD. Grant is of the opinion that the President and the authorities at Washington hold this as a settled purpose, and only await the meeting of Congress to take open ground in the matter. It is not believed that France will be able to disregard European compli cation, present and prospective, so as to make the cause of Maximilian her own.— This solution of the Mexican question mnst be accepted as one of the forthcoming sen sations for Ihe close of the year. It is understood that after the trial of Cap tain Wirz is ended, and alt the facts con nected with the Andersonville prison ascer tained, there will be an investigation of the conduct of the Salisbury and other prisons of the South in which Union prisoners were confined and maltreated. Over 300 bales of cotton, valued at $300,- 000, were burned at Memphis on Sunday.— They were owned by Hun & Clarkson, Harris & Wormley, and the United States Government. The private cotton was insur ed. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. —A. Canadian paper says the stagnation and despondency lately prevailing in busi ness circles have given place to great activity and high prices. The country is blessed with the best harvest for many years. t Taste for Tarts.— A conscript being told that it was sweet to die for hiß country, tried to excuse himself on the ground that he nev er did like sweet things. Thr Horss of the Alta*.—We hear that Ms Holiness the Pope b«a given positive orders that all his Bulls shall be kept within the precincts of the Yatican while the cattle disease is rife.— Pvmch. Typographical. —What type will most accurately describe the new style of bonnets ? “Small,cam,” of course. GEN. SLOCUM S SPEECH. The President’s Restoration Policy Supported. A SOLDIER’S PLATFORM. Mo Interference with the Donies tir Affairs of States. Gen. Slocum, the Democratic nominee for Secretary of State ot New York, made a speech at a mass meeting of the party in Syracuse, on Monday night of last week, trom which we take the following extract: The great question which for years has agitated our country—whicu has influenced all our legislation—which has created sec tional parties, and at last has culminated in civil war, has finally and lorever been put at rest. The operations ot the war having de moralized and rendered the slaves valueless ; the Stales are now voluntarily moving to the entire extinction of the system. Most de voutly do I thank God for this result. lam confident the abolition of slavery will prove a greater blessing to the slaveholder than to the enslaved. With a soil of surpassing richness—with a climate equal to that of Italy—with a monopoly in the culture of the greatest of all staples, the removal of that instituiion which has checked the develop ment of her resources, and has driven ener gy, enterprise and capital from her borders, opens to her a career of prosperity, which in a few years will do much to make her chil dren forget the loss of life and property she has recently suffered. The only impediment has now been removed which has heretotore prevented us from having a true Union—one of interest arid feeling, as weU as of law. I believe the Union is now permanently estab lished, aud that, as a people, we are soon to enter upon a brilliant career. Whether this career is to commence at once, or be deferred twenty or thirty years, depends very much upon' the course pursueu by the General Government toward the Southern States.— If the General Government is to assume powers which it has never before claimed to possess, and is to attempt to decide who shall be entitled to tbe elective franchise in certain States ; if it is to continue to inter fere in tbe domestic affairs of the Southern States, keeping military officers in the midst of their people, to act as judges in all cases of dispute between different classes of citi zens—tiien the dawn of peace and prosperity is yet far in the distance. The issue in the recent war was on the right of secession— the Southern States contending tor that right, and declaring coercion on trie part of the General Government to be a violation of their legal and constitutional rights. The General Government, on the oilier hand, assumed that no such right existed, and treated the pretended secession as a re volt of a portion of the citizens of those States. The triumph of the government has decided the question, and it will never again be made an issue unless we now vol untarily reverse the to the seceding States, you have been out of the Union, and thereby lost your constitu tional rights as States, we certainly recog nize the very principle for which trie South has been contending. But lam opposed to all these measures lor interference in the do mestic affairs of those States, not only be cause I believe we uave no constitutional right to interfere, but because I believe it will be unwise, impolitic aud unjust to do so leading to far greater evils than we would correct. One of the results of the recent war has been the sudden emancipation of tour millions of slaves. Os these, at least one and a half millions are either children without parents upou whom they can depend for sup port, or old and infirm people, having no children upon whom they can lean. Os the remaining two and a half millions, not oue in a thousand can read—none of them possess land. All have heretofore labored only by compulsion, and of course have not acquired babiis of industry or economy. They are in a laud which has just been desolated by civil war. Tbe policy lo be adopted toward them is a qdestion which should engage the best minds in oui country. In the solution of the question differences of opinion must of course be anticipated. The plan ot colonization has been proposed, and as many advocates, I believe it to be impracticable as well as un wise. In their present state of ignorance and indolence their condition as a colony would be infinitely worse than that from which they have just been removed. They need tbe example and aid of the white race, and the States where they now are need their labor. The two races will remain associated and the great mass of tbe negroes will re main in the Southern States. These States now come forward and accept the total abo lition of slavery as one of tbe results of the war. In their State constitutions, which are now being remodeled, every State will acknowledge this fact, and will in sert an article prohibiting slavery henceforth and forever. Having done this, they claim all the rights guaranteed to them by the Con stitution. The right of deciding who among their own citizens shall be entitled to the elective franchise, aud the right of control ling their own domestic affairs. Shall they be allowed these privileges, or shall the gen eral government, in violation of the Constitu tion, and in violation of repeated declarations as to its purposes in prosecutiug tbe war, assume control of these matters f This is now almost the only living issue between the great political parties of the day. The Demo cratic party, with entire unanimity, declares ip favor ot allowing to every Slate the exer cise of all powers not delegated by it to the general government. Now that the freedom of the slave is universally acknowledged, ibis pariy is williug that the States, where the freedmen reside, shall pass such laws as they may deem proper for their education and support. A large portion of the opposi tion party favors having the general govern ment assume control ot these matters, bur dening our people with the support of a mil- Hod*paupers, and Complicating us in tbe set tlement ot questions with which we have no constitutional right to meddle. The argu ments used to convince northern p#>ple that it is the duty of the general government to assume this great responsibility, while the States are williug and desirous of relieving the government from it are based, first, upon the assumption that as soon as the gov ernment withdraws its protection,great cruel ties will be inflicted upon the blacks, and se condly, that tbe States will at once pass laws reducing the race again to a condition but little better than a state of slavery. I have never believed that all tjie humane and kind ly impulses implanted by nature fa the heart of man were confined to a particular section pf country- I firmly believe that the sight of human suffering calls forth as much sym pathy in one section of our country as in another, and Ido not fear that a course of systematic cruelty will ever be practiced in any section of this country toward any of God’s creatures. That it wUI be fouud necessary to pass laws for the government of the blacks, Ido not doubt, Laws must be passed to provide for the maintenenceref tbe old and infirm and for the support and education of the young. That isolated cases of injustice in the treatment of the blacks will occur, Ido not doubt; that some nn w4m Jaws may be passed, is not improba ble ; but lam confident less injustice will be done tbe black! as well as the whites, if tbe matter is left in tbe hands of those most deeply interested. The labor'of the black man i» an absolute necessity in every South ern State. Now that he is free, self-interest SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1865. will prompt the men of the South to en deavor to make him a cheerful aud willing laborer. Having acknowledged his freedom, humanity, patriotism, aud self-interest, will combine to.. induce the statesmen of the South to adopt such laws with reference to tbe negroes as will be best calculated to pro mote bis interest and the Interests of society. But suppose that, distrusting the Southern people, we lake into our owu hands ilie ap palling task of regulaiiug the relations be tween employer and employe—the task of providing for the indigent, educating the young, aud compelling all to labor who are able but indisposed to do so ? Aside from the heavy burdens it will impose upon us, aside from the contentions and bitterness to which it will give rise in Congress and among our people, shall we not be likely to commit as many errors—to perpetrate as many acts of injustice as would be perpe trated under tbe Slate authorities ? Look at the working of the institution now in opera tion for regulating the affairs of the freed men. You often read accounts in the news papers as to the condition of affairs in cer tain localities. You are informed about the prosperous condition of a lew schools es tablished for the benefit of negro children— of the readiness with which they learn their letters, and of the ardor with which they sing patriotic airs? According to some ot tuese ac counts the negro children are far supe rior to your own; they mutter the alphabet in their sleep aud spend most of their waking hours in invoking blessings on the head of General Saxton aud other distinguished pub lic men. To many I presume this is pleasant reading matter, and it may serve to conviuce some people that the great problem is already solved. That through the efforts oi Saxton aud his colaborera, lour millions of ignorant and degraded beings are to be suddenly ele vated, aud to become educated, refined, and putrotic members ot society. You seldom hear of tbe numerous cases where the treed raau have laid cluims to tbe lands of their former masters, and have quietly informed them that they held title under the United States government, anti have persistently re fused to do anything but eat, loiter aud sleep. They fail to tell you of the cases where just as the harvest was to commence, every band has suddenly disappeared from the place, leaving 'he labors of a year to decay in the field. They fail to tell you of great bands of colored people wbo leave their lormer homes aud congregate in the cities and villages, or settle oii a plantation without permissiom from the owner, seeking only food and utterly careless of the future. On the very day that I left Vicksburg, a poor woman came to me with a complaint that at least fifty negroes, not one of whom she had ever before seen, had settled on her larm aDd were eating the few stores she had laid aside lor winter use. Our sympathies are due to the white as well as to ihe black race, though we have uo con stitutional right to control either. The diffi culties surrounding this question can only be met and overcome by practical men. It is an easv matter to theorize on the subject; to point out the evils likely to result trom the policy adopted by the President, but it will be found far more difficult to suggest any other method not likely to result in still greater evils. Genera! Howard, who stands at the head of the Freedman’s Bureau, is a man of great purity of character, and will never sustain a system which he does not think productive of good, and yet after care tullv observing the operations of that bureau, I alia convinced that more evil than good will result from perpetuating it after the stales bave adopted constitutions prohibiting slavery. Each state is placed in cliaige of an assistant commissioner. It is made tbe duty of ibe department commander to detail such officers and soldiers as these assistant commissioners may require in the discharge of their duties All questions between whites and blacks are to be adjudicated by an officer or agent of tbe bureau. This, of course,requires that one officer or agent shall be stationed in each county, or at least that they shall be so distributed as lo be acces sible to ail the inhabitants. These gentle men, who are to act as judges in matters of difference between the races, are usually lieuteuants selected from the regiments on duty in the State. Each judge, lieutenant, or agent, as you may please to term him, has his guard, and each guard its commis sary establishment. The news of his arrival in any section of the country spreads with wonderful rapidity. A negro has a griev ance against his employer or some other white person—he enters his complaint, and the judge or lieutenant orders the white man or white lady to appear before him and confront his or her accuser. The usual forms adopted in our courts of justice, to as certain the facts in the case, are discarded. In some cases tbe accused is at once released; in others he is fined twenty, fifty, or a hun dred dollars. The judge collects the fine and usually forwards it to his superior, to be used in detraymg tbe expenses Os the insti tution. The negro goes home, stopping at each plantation, and detailing the particu lars of the ease to tbe other Ireedmen. Half the negroes in that section are at once seized with a desire tq see the Yankee military judge, and to see how their old masters or mistresses would . act on being before him. are made againt the kindest and* best people in the country. The immediate re sult }S, despondency and anger on the part of the whites, discontent aud insolence on the part of the blacks. Here is a young man, from a Northern State not educated as a judicial officer, aud often not possessing a single qualification for the discharge of such duties, upon whom devolve greater responsi bilities than devolve upon the justices ot our supreme courts; for he not only acts as judge, but aiao as sheriff and clerk; and from bis decision it is seldom an appeal can be made. In my remarks upon this bureau, I do not wish to reflect upon any of the officers con nected with it. Generally they are earnest and sincere men, and are doing all in their power to make it successful. It is of the system I speak; I contend that it i9 so utter ly foreign to the principles by which our people bave been governed that it cannot continue. And yet it appears to be the only method that can be devised for regulating these matters, providing the task of regula ting them is to devolve upon tbe general gov ernment. During the past tew months I have ehjoyed good opportunities for studying the character und disposiiion ot the treed men aud ot ttie workings of the organization designed to protect them. I have become fully*convinced that the policy adopted by tbe President of leaving to the respective Slates the entire control of their local affairs is the only safe policy that can be adopted. * * * * » * * The general was repeatedly cheered during his speech, even the ladies iu the gallery de monstrating their highest approval, and when he concluded, a oeautiiul bouquet was thrown from the gallery at his feet, which token .ot respect was followed by a shower ot plaudits. Two Indian chiels named Sbakopee and Medicine Bottle, wbo participated in several barbarous massacres of white people, are to be executed shortly, in ntcoi dance with wdefc received at Foit Snelling, Minnesota, from Gen. Pope. A. writer iu the St. Paul Pioneer describes these Sioux savages as follows t 19 Liltle Six, or Shakopee, was ieauing down whittling a stick, and seemed lo pay no at tention to anything around him. He is an elderly mao (if We should use such a term to speak of a fiend who murdered thirty six men, women and children.) and slightly bald on the top of bis bead. “His hair is long, but not so coarse and raven black as is usual with his tribe. He has a somewhat mild ex- pression. and is bleached so that he might nearly pass tor a white man. Medicine Bot tle is a regular black, “big ingen.” lie has Coarse features, coarse hair and a bad expres sion. Both the prisoners are clothed in army uuitorms, and both have heavy chains on their ankles aud aronnd their waists. They are fat, and seemed to have lived well. Col. McLaren, accompanied by an interpreter tan Indian named “Ozhee”) having called Little Six and Mr. Bottle’s attention, proceeded to read them the order for their execution.— When Oz.liee had signified to the murderers their Lite, both grunted “Ugh !” aud appear ed to receive the news without tbe change of a single muscle, or any apparent sign of feel ing. Mr. Shakopce dramatically drew him self up to his full height, and slapping the region where (m the white man) tile heart is located, said :“I am no squaw'; I can die whenever the white wishes.” M. Bottle, Esq., also put on some tragical airs, seeing it was the fashion. Raising bis big, black, dirty paw towards tbe zenith, he mumbled out that “ibe Great Spirit had placed him on the earth a man, not a squaw', and he was not afraid to die,” Ac. It was a very impressive scene. A Rascally St lieme Frustrated—Arrest of the Couspirators, A Washington letter says :—About the middle of lasi month General Baker received information of a plot at Lynchburg, Va., to rob tbe Post Quartermaster's safe of a large ainouut of money it was known to coutain. The case worked up has resulted in tbe ar rest and incarceration in the Old Capitol Prison last night of Brevet Brigadier General J. C. Briscoe, of the One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania Volunteers, commanding post at Lynchburg, and A. W. Lackey, of Wor cester, Massachusetts, formerly a sutler at that post. General Briscoe is an Irishman by birth, and has been in command of the post at Lynchburg since Lee’s surrender. Captain W. A. Alberger, son of Canal Com missioner Alberger, of New York, has been Quartermaster at Lynchburg, and had in bis charge on the 21st of September one hundred and twenty thousand dollars in greenbacks, besides a large amount of captured gold coin and bullion, which had been placed in bis charge for safe-keeping. Briscoe approached Alberger through Lackey, and proposed to him as the war was about to close and none ot them had made money out of it, they should make a grand haul in concert and pocket fifty thousand dollars a piece in a flash. Alberger kept tbe funds in a safe, which formerly belonged to a rebel officer, and this fact was to give color to the charge which was to be made that the ex-rebel hav ! ing a duplicate key to the safe had robbed it. Briscoe was to arrest the Quartermaster, his clerks and half the people of Lynchburg to avert suspicion. The General took an im pression of the safe key in wax and sent Lacky to Philadelphia to get the keys made. Alberger, ostensibly in the plot, informed the Secretary of War and two or three of General Baker’s officers were sent down to Lynch burg to arrest the guilty parties. These offi cers saw through holes in the ceiling of the office General Briscoe come in while the Quartermaster and his clerks were gone to dinner; saw him unlock the safe with the false key, take out three packages of green backs of forty thousand dollars each and load himself dow’n with coin and bullion to the amount of near fifteen thousand dollars, hav ing previously ignated saturated paper and cloth with a view to burning the building— They followed him across the hail ot his own office and burst in upon him counting j and arranging the money behind his bolted j door. Tbe wax moulds and false keys were j lound upon him, aud the proof was iudis | putable. These proofs are now in General Baker's possession. Briscoe and Lacky are in the Old Capitol awaiting trial, aud Alber ger, the honest Quartermaster, is on duty at bis old post. it la estimated that the tobacco crop m the valley ot the Connecticut this year will be equal to tbe value of six millions of dollars ! Large quantifies of Connecticut seed are ex ported to Cuba, to be returned in the shape ot fine fresh Havanas, and the export to Germany is also very large. HEAD RS SUB-DIS. OF OUEECHEE, ( Savannah, Ga., Oct. 9, 18(55. j General Oboer, I No. 35. ) Pursuant to Special Order No. 7, Part 1 Headquarters District of Savannah, Ist Divi sion Department of Georgia, dated Savannah Georgia, October 9tb, 1865, I hereby relin quish command of the Sub-District oi Ogeechee, and Post of Savannah. EDWIN P. DAVIS, Brevet Brig. Gen. Official Wm. H. Folk, Ist. Lieut, and A. A- A. G. oct 11 at HEADQ’RS DEPT OF GEORGIA, Office of the Provost Marshal) General, Augusta, Ga., Oct. Ist, 1865.) Pro. Mar. Gesl’s) Orders No. 4. j Information having reached these Head quarters, that private arms bave iu some In stances been seized by the Military au thorities in this Department, it is therefore ordered : . I. Tlint private arras, such as snorting guns, pistols, <£c., (othfer than Colt’s* Navy revolvers,) will in no cases be taken from peaceable persons making no improper use thereol 1 11. The side-arms of paroled officers of tbe late so-called Confederate army, will not be taken from their owners so long as their pa roles are observed. 111. All other Confederate or United States arms of any description, such as muskets, carbines, swords, Colt's Navy re volvers, &c., will at once be seized, together with the ammunition therefor, and all per sons having and concealing the same, upon discovery, will be promptly arrested and summarily punished. IV• Assistant Provost Marshals through out this Department are charged with the ex ecution of this order. By command of Major Gen. STEEDMAN. H. W. Snow, Lieut. Col. and Act'g Pro. Mar. Gen., D. G. Odicial : M. T. HOLBROOK. Lieut. Col and Pro. Mar. Hist, of Saviih. octlO —tw HEADQ R3 SUB-Dl3. OF OGEECHEE,) Savannah, Ga., Oct., 7th ltjtis. / General Order, > No. 34. i All dealers in Gun Powder, Shot, &c., will, before selling the same, be required to pro cure from these Head Quarters a License. By Command of Bt. Brig. Gt*n. E. P DAVIS. Wm. 11. Fopu, Ist Lieut. & A. A- A. G. oct9-st. • 1 HEADQ’RS DIST. OF SAVANNAH, , Ist Div. Dep’t of Georgia, Savannah, Ga., Sept. 20,18G5 1 General Orders, > No. 2?. ; All persons receiving permits to ship .am munition to this port, under the regulations promulgated in circular irorn the Secretsav of the Treasury, of September fat, ItJM, will ha permitted to sell ammunition to such persoua who have received permits from the proper headquarters to retain firearms for sporting purposes. By command of * Bvt. Maj. Gen. J M. BRANNAN. Witt A. Coulter, A. A. G. oct7—4, RAILROADS. Central Railroad supbrinteni > ents office, * O Snvarnish. «* , October i, ISCS f N Bnd after Monday, 2nd m*C., a daily train toun* day- excepted) will leave lor Augusta at 5 a. m., connecting with a line of Hacks running between Station 41 * tYotral Railroad, and Waynesboro on the Aug ism and Savannah Railroad. PMeeiigerti by tbi* hoe will arrive in Augusta the next morning after leaving Savannah in time to get breakfast and connect with the Georgia Railroad tram for Atlanta * Freight to go by Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before. By order of GEO W ADAMS, General Superintendent. STATIONKK Y 9 4LC. . ESTXLL’S Newspaper Depot, A*l* STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street, Corner if Bay Late. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. 3\T33’W' NOVEIiS, , T iwt Received si the above Depot a further supply of MAJOR JONES' COURTSHIP, Price XOO ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT, Price 50 Cts. Leslies’ Ladies Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mad, Deuiorests' Mirror of Fashions, Price 40 Cts. THE ROQUES AND ROGUERIES pF NEW YORK, Price 35 cents. ALSO HARPER S MONTHLY, GODBY’S LADY’S BOOK* ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Ac., for OCTOBER. The usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer. nog3o THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS Can be had at ESTILL’S News Depot and Cheap Periodi cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF THE TOST OFFICE. «ep2f> BOOKS & STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CALL AT SAVILLE & LEACH, sep4-tf cor. Bryan Ptroet and Market Square. SCHOOL BOOKS. Spellers, Readers. Grammars, Book-Keeping, Copy Books, Diction arte* Saville & Leach, p 4 -ts cor. Bryan street and Market Square. HOTELS. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTOX HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY & BANCROFT, Proprietor*. Edward L. Jones, Apent. ts octio GILMORE HOUSE, Monument Square: Baltimore, Maryland. THIS FIRST (’LASS HOTEL has heen newly far nished tnronphout, and i*» now ready for tne re ception of gUestn. octC-lm KIRKLAND & CO. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S C. DELL A RUG O, Proprietors *. *. immi. m. f. Rftoffo •*'~jn?-tf FINANCIAL. , EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For gale by aep!s BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. Manning & DcForest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 19 Wall Street, IVew York, Dealers in Gold, Silver, Foreign Exchange and Government Securities. GlV'g special attention to the purchase and «ale o Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Qeor gla Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notes Southern states Honda and Coupons, Railroad Bond, and Conpona. Interest allowed on deposits. jy!s-3m Sight Exchange ON TSTEW YORK, In Bums to unit purchasers, by *ep2S-tS £. F. METCALFE <fe CO. THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, SW Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDBR3 gent by Man promptly at* tooled to. jy3i-t| ITCH I ITCH ! ITChT SCRATCH! SCRATCH'! SCRATCH!!! Wlieatou’K Ointment. WiU CURE THE ITCH IN tflUft-HOHi HOUR!, Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilbiaisi ana al) KrupUons of the Skin. Price SO cents. For sale by all Dniwlßts. By sending SO colts to Weeks i Potter, Sole Agents, fTO Washington street, Boston, Mass., it WW be forwarded by mull, free of postage, to any part of the United States. *ept2l-3m ENTABLI»HEBTIBojr ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, <fec.* No. 211 Washington-St., *epl» NFW YORK. PROFESSIONAL CAROS. Woodford k Riteli, iTTOENEYB AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No, 111 Broadway, Trinity Buildmi, NEW YORK CITY. THE undersigned having resumed the practice of the Law, is prepared to take charge of canes be fore the several Conrta iu New York and at Wash ington. Bep3o S*Wlm STEWART L. WOODFORD. THOS CORWIN, WM. H. OWEN, or onto. LATX col. o.a.n. or xpwa. CORWIN, OWEN A WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin A Fmnelij ATTORNEYB AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, 222 F STREET, «ut TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL. WASHIN GTO N , X> . C . Will practice to Ihe Supreme Court oi the United Stales, the Conn of Ctaltna, and the Conns ot the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims aiufcDcpsrt ment business. Officers Accounts sdjustrd. auso Zip C. S. BUNDY, O onoral JVeezxt and ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Stoxft. Btimn 13ca oj>d 14th Subs, (Near Pay Department^ WasMlucton, S. O. lu3o tl R. MOLINA, Corner Ball and Cengrta Street*, endcr Screven Home, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Havana Se vern Leaf and Smoking Tobacco, Also, all kinds of VirgwlH Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Mer schaum. Brier Root, and all other kinda of Fancy- Pipes. sepSO 8m The Partnership lately existing under the name of Macky, Hogg & Cos., HAVING been dissolved by the death of Alexander Hogg, the subscriber.- bag to announce that they will continue the Sltlpplntr and General Commission Business IN s x\. v, a. nNA H . AT No. 203 AND 208 BAY SS., under the name of Macky, Beattie <fc Cos. SAMUEL MACKY. '* sept2l Itn ROBERT H. BEATTIE. DURYEAS MAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. *“ ™ mvMmii* ™ That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the rompetlou of all prom inent manufacture!* of "Coin Starch" and "Prepared Corn Flour" of this and other countries notwithstand ing. M A I Z B N A, The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the moa! skeptical Makes Pnddtog*, Cakes, CnstardS, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake It Ib also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, grsvias for fish and meats, soups, Ac. Far Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little bqilf din milk will produce rich cream for coffee, chdtolatc. tea, Ac. Pnt up to one pound packages, under the trade, mark Muizena, with directions for use. A most delieioaa article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 1«« Fulton Street. WILLIAM DURYEA, au2j-3m General Agent. USOIPHO WOLFE. »» Beaver Street, New York. Offers for sale of bis own impnrtntlotie, in tom I amt duty paid, the largest stock of Wines. Liquors, Am ot any other house in Ijiis country, comprising iu part oi Otard, Hennery, Pinct Caetßfen, JJartel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Bfandies in hall, quarter arid etrhlh carks also Otard and Rouyer, LaferrWere affd Fils Brandy, In coses of one dozen each * “GHu," Udolpho Wolfe's Schiedam in pipes. Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps. iu bond and duty paid. In catebof one dozen quartz and two down pints. "Whiikty and Rum." Scotch and Irish Whiskey, in hhda and of one dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey In barrel* and cooes of one dozen etch. xvcnvr. “Jamaica" and “St. Croix Sum" in hhds. and coses of one dozen each. Madeira, Sherry and Port YtTnei. More than twenty different grades, in halves, qnar ter* and eighth casks, also to cases of one dozen each. “Hoelt, Champagne, MoseUe and Claret Wines.” From Peter Arnold Hfumm In Cologne, proprietor of Joannlsburg estate; J. H. D. Becker A FUa.Eschc nancer, Benecke A Cos., Bordeaux Barton & Ouestln Bordeaux, and from other well known homes in Ger many and France. K , On*, Coriuals, Said nuts, B liras, Mcsiaed, Olitxs, Bbandt, Paxscavis, Ac. Twenty-five years' badness transactions with the Southern States, with some of the largest and most respectable dealersjihould be sufficient guarantee that every article offered by the advertiser tor sale is pure aud genuine. „ . , Men, and catalogue of price* eh tamed, by uddi the above. aasS-3m Illustrated Price Lists : ■ 1 OF FAIRBANKS SCALES AND .HERRIMG’S LFIRE -PROOF SAFES. Orders for all sikes received by 0ct6 ~ 15 BELL WtLLT ft CHRISTIAN NOT UK. and settletke same the old stand, F U octfrgni / VnA.iAVDON. I PRICE. 5 CENTS ' IVIfHAJK*. lisURANCE. Authorized Capital~slo,4e©,6M. CH ARIJS L VOLBY * CO. are prepared to Uko Murine to any domestic or foraien oort. and Fire Rioa* in thh. city iu the following named first class New York Companies AT THE LOWEST!' RATES. COLUMBIAN MARINE > IN’BURANCB COMPANY $5,000,000 MORRIS FIRE AND INLAND INSUR ANCE COMPANY 5,000,000 OMMERCK FIRE INSURANCE COKP'Y. 28tx00(i STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMFY 200,000 Office to loner Block, cor Bay and Abercorn sta Breech Office, corner Drayton and Bryan streets WANTED. r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Horse k Biiggv Wanted. AHORSE. BUGSY and HARNESS wonted. Viiuee sepal amly ur u-g. tber. A Horae that win earner under saddle and trot In carnage preferred A ppkr attfeirSavasKoS Haaatn Oaonflaa Boom. Sep—9 ts AGENTS WANTED LIVE Agents wanted every where. If you wool employment and a good cnance to makff mone;,. send yonr address and recciv* ray Circular froe by nffiih BENJAMIN W. HITCHCOCK. •ocUO-1 H Chambers Street, N. T .. WANtED A GOOD Cook, Washer ana Ironet fwhite.; Ap ply to Mrs. JOHN KENNY. Liberty street fonr doors town Abercoru er oetlfl 3t » BOY WAITED. A SMART industrioua Boy, none need apply but those having good city reference, at W H. H. TURNER, octfo-2 Paper Hnnging Store, 68 St. Julian st Wanted, A DAY! Agents wanted to .ell anew and wonderful SEWING a At HIKE, the onto cheap gne licenced. Addicw SHAW & CLARK. Bid deford. Maine. sepl4-aAw3ia Wanted Immediately, Tj'Oß CASH, nil the Rag,,Old Bagging, and Wast 1 Paper in the citv. .* W ARREN As PLATNER, septic U "iu Wanted ffW THOUSAND DOLLARS, MECHNIC BANK OP AUGUSTA ■ -7 ■ J. ANI) Eastern Bank of Alabama. * E.F. METCALFE*CO. Wanted, S9O A M°. NTH 1 Ag«nsi wanted wanted tor fittt out. Address O T. GAitEY. city BniUltufr, bid iciord, Maine aeplb d&wjm ■ ♦ HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE, ■§" No, 111 Bay Street, SA VAiVIVVH,-GEORGIA. We respectfully rjji the attention of tbe public to iho facilities which we have for doing all kind, ot JOB PRINTING. We hero THE BEST* PRESSES TRY ONE POUND. For doing all kinds oi work, afld we keep them in Rood r#pair % e employ only FIRST CLASS PRINTERS OF LONG EXPKIUKXCK AND*nUBD ARILITV, We.a . .. ¥, ’New Printing Materials Fkom the Beit Northern Foundries; thiVtSi wear sw>" coeatanrly making addition*, W« are prepared to execute orders for POSTERS, * *< PICARDS, HANDBILLS, * PROGRAMMES, PLAY BILLS. . » CIRCULARS, * - bills of fare, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, . ENVELOPES, BUSINESS CARDS, # ' nCKETS ' LETTER HEADS, BILL BEADS, DRAFTS. RECEIPTS, .. * checks, ' PASSES. „ LABELS. 1 “ CONSTITUTIONS , 0 • BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS, BALLADS, CALENDARS, LEGAL BLANKS, V> SBttKNG BIAflKe Or any other kind of PRTNtim-iu as- 3 ~, Welhayoa Fine Assortment of Inks ' fob PRINTING IN COLORS* ORDER#BY HUH. OR EXPRESS Will receive prompt and carefttl attention, and the work will be forwarded FREE OF CHARGE iOR TRANSPORTATION. We endeavor to do all onr work well, and to give complete satisfaction to onr customers. ptm pnicjs» • Are as low as the present high coat of stock, mate rikl.Wtbor anti living will admit of, and arc below the increased ratee which rule In other lines if bnsfnr.^ H s - W * MASON a c©., 11l BijfMw*. Sa-annah. C«o«b*