Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald, j
\V. T. THOMPSON. AiiMltlt Kditoi. ]
i LL
We often ha' e complaints irom residents of Sasan
rah and Hilton Head th»t they are not able always to
obtain the Faaai.n The demand if sometimes so
preat as to exhaust an Edition very eoon afer it* iaene,
acdtheeeaho wish to have the Hejialji regularly,
should anb«Tibe for it. We have faithful carrier* in
Savannah and at Hilton Head, and throutrb them vre
always serve regular subscribers first.
A few weeks since, in an article that we
prepared with some labor and care, we di
rected the attention of the people ot oar
State to the Importance of securing by some
kind of organized effort, foreign emigrant
labor, to maintain and preserve the agricul
tural interests of Georgia, so seriously jeopar
dized by the sudden emancipation ol the
negro, and still more imminently threatened
with complete destruction bv the apparently
obstinate determination of the freed opera
tive not to render bis services available iu his
new relations with the owners of the soil
It affords us much gratification to perceive,
from recent movements in this city with ref
erence to this vital subject, by prominent and
influential citizens, that our suggestions and
appeals were not made in vain.
We hope and trust that the public spirited
and patriotic gentlemen who constitute the
organization recently effected in this city for
the introduction of foreign emigrant labor
into the various departments of industry,
will persevere in their noble undertaking,
and despite all obstacles and difficulties that
may beset their line of duty, accomplish a
desideratum which will be as signally bene
ficial to the suffering interests ot their good
old Commonwealth, as its achievement will
be honorable to themselves ; and which will
prove to be of more significance in the his
tory of our country than any economic or
philanthropic measure ever conceived for the
advancement of the public weal. It cau be
made by judicious and energetic manage
ment a very extensive and satisfactory move
ment-one different in its nature and causes
from any that have preceded it in the world’s
history. The plan of operations sug
gested by us, and substantially adopt
ed by the newly organized Com
pany, contemplated as one of Its main
features, the representation of ail phas
es of society in its perfection, including the
mechanical, industrial and commercial in
terests of Georgia—interests that are actually
lo govern and control the State in tne tuture,
and are to represent an immense capital in
nearch of a safe aud lucrative investment.
This is the first step towards securing a
grand migration of capital and enterprise
from Europe to this State. Hitherto we have
had a small emigration of the mere humani
ty of the Eastern Hemisphere. Only a few
of its oppressed and impoverished children,
have come to the Southern States in the bare
wish to better their physical condition, aud
they have sought our shores, because iu the
human breast ibe hope of success is always
stronger than the fear of failure. But capi
tal is moie timid, upon industry moves more
slowly. They must weigh all the chances.
They have iu their eyes every possible
chance of failure. All may not be exactly
as it is painted—the government may break
down—the country may go to pieces. Capi
tal and industry must be assured, and such
points before they move ; and these assur
ances can be given. We have just shown
our government to be the strongest, on the
face of the earth. The intelligent masses of
Georgia know aud feel that not one ol its
Jialious could come sately through the strug
gle we have just experienced. No other
nation on earth could have survived a shock
of war, the intensity ot which was occasion
ed not more by the immense numbers and
courage of the North than the impetuous
gallantry and tenaciousoess ot purpose ot the
South. The war also iu the destruction of
slavery, we honestly believe, has severed the
only questiou that made the tuture of this
country doubtful; and capital and industry,
with their delicate instincts lor the safe side', -
recognize that our Government is the stable
one of the world.
We have in Georgia some of tha best
country in the world, lying waste for the
want of the means, the capita], the energy,
1.0 realize and utilize its wealth. We wel
come, therefore, this new industrial aud
financial movement in our midst—this in
ceptive migration of foreign people and capi
tal to our shores. There is much of promise
for the country in this movement, and tor
imported labor aud capital there is a certain
return beyond even the conception of the
moat vivid imagination.
This is a matter that will address itself
with singular force to the attention of the
State Convention shortly to assemble at
Milledgeville, and we shall take occasion at
the appropriate time to commend it in suita
ble terms to the consideration of that body,
•with the conddent expectation that it will
aid in gome form the efforts of the Company
in this city to attain the grand objects in
It bas been eloquently and truthfully said
by & Northern contemporary, that tbetnigra- !
tions of the industrial development of human !
energy—of that composite power made up j
of capital, skill, ingenuity and enterprise— !
furnish one of the most remaiiuble points iu I
the history of nations. Cartnage grew up |
tinder such a movement trmxi Sidon and j
Tyry, and her greatness was tne direct re- 1
suit of it, while as the purple robe ct the
older cities fell upon the younger one, their
vitality passed away.
The capital and labor of Greece went from
Corinth to Syracuse to settle and develope
Sicily and the Italian cities, and centuries of
European civilization felt the e&ct of it.
And in later times, the revocation of the
edict of Nantes drew out of France the
Huegenots—those industrious workers of
every class, who carried their ingenuity and
skill to adorn and enrich other countries.
Tm Brazillun Emigration ProJXCT
Arardoked.— The New York Times learns
bom a person who has been interested in the
i **®J**»* scheme of emigration from the
f Deuthero States to Brazil, that the whole
hat been given up.
* iRI.
It wan Ssrmniy said that in ever, tentti
year a commercial and financial ry He is sure
to occur. Events seem to confirm this con
clusion as regarde England and the Ur, t».i
States, at least. Tbe earliest financial cri
ui England of which history gives an ac
count, attended l>v thP destruction of a larg.
number ol private bunks and much cornin' i
cial bankruptcy, occurred iu 1792. Duiiug
the war of a quarter of a century that en
sued .there was no commercial or fimi 'O
crisis lor in that interval the susj • n <>•
specie payments (1797) bv the Bank of Lag
laud look place. There was o
■pecOlative excitement,but no .-eg ,a! collapse,
having its source in tin *wo great cx.ension
of credit.
fti 1815, during the transition from war to
peace, the fall iu the prices of agricultural
produce from the opening ol the British
purls, was attended by the destruction of
210 country banks and a wider range of bank
ruptcy than, according to McCulloch, had
previously taken place anywhere else, ex
cept, perhaps, in France at ihe bt caking up
of the Mississippi schemes.
There was the speculative and reactionary
vear of 1825, a decade beyond, iu which mil
lions of dollars were absorbed in losses on
cotton in the United Stales, by joint stock
speculations and advances by British capital
ists to the governments of South America,
occurring nearly simultaneously.
In the years 1845-47, tru years after, sim
ilar eventswere attended by similar results—
by speculation, reaction and immense losses.
In the years 1857-59, it will be recollected
by all our readers, nearly, the same series of
occurrences took place iu ttie United Stales,
which reacted iu England from the intimate
connection between the two countries, ihe
suspension of all our banks was the conse- j
queuce of the commercial excitement anti
financial collapue of that period.
The theory by which the nearly regular j
recurrence of these periods of commercial
and financial crises, have been explained i3 j
that it requires a petiod of ten years for J
countries to recuperate, which experience ,
great commercial losses, and become obli
vious of their disasters in tiade, which,
together with the accumulation of capital i
and the fall in the interest of money, render
the classes prone to speculation restless and j
prepared to enter into fresh specu.utions ,
This explanation may be admitted in the
absence of a better, but to found on it a pre- ;
diction that may be merely the effect
of accidental coiucideuceis certainly not
logical. Some of the papers finding,
we suppose, that there ate no signs of
a collapse are extending the period
to fifteen years—to 1880, and even to 1895,
on what grounds is not stated. The decen
nial period 1807 may not be passed. If we
deduct the feur yeats of war, and suppose
the ten years not to be continuous, we
would be carried as the year of collapse to
1880, but all such calculations are extremely
visionary aud unsubstantial.
Influence o: Mechanical DGeovei yon ttie
Abolition of Slavery.
There is said to be an expectation among
the planters of the island of Cuba that slave
ry will be gradually abolished in that island
from the progress made in mechanical dis
covery. The following statistics are offered
to show the rapid advance of mechanical as
compared with manual labour. Iu 1840, there
were iu the island (says the New York
Times,) 323,772 slaves, while the produc
tion of sugar was 17,729,589 arrobas. Iu
1862 the slaves numbered 388,550, and the
production of sugar reached 41,418,444 ar
robas. Thus, while the increase of slaves
was less than 14 per cent., the increase of
sugar production was more than 130 per
cent. The introduction of machinery, new
improved methods of culture, and immigra
tion from China, have been the cause of this
change, and they are considered certain to
continue in a still increasing ratio to replace
slave labor.”
The influence of machinery in agriculture
generally, has been almost beyond belief,
especially when directed by steam. “Tue
Annual of Scientific Discovery” says a
“General Steam Cultivation Company " has
been started in London, with a capital ot
over a million of dollars, whose object is an
nounced to be to purchase, keep yn hand,
and rent or let to farmers, at reasonable rates,
every kind of steam agricultural implement.
The prospectus suggests that many farmers
would gladly use steam iu ploughing aud
otherwise working their soil, but cauuot at
lord to iuvest several thousand dollars in the
needful machinery. To these this company
proposes to be helpful. It is asserted that
applications are already received for renting
machinery to the value of a quarter of a mil
lion of dollars. A Mr. Smith, ot Woolst m,
England, who has especially exerted him
self during the last four years to promote
•‘steam culture,” has recently published a
resume of his personal experience in the mat
ter. He states that the cost of preparing
land for roots was, with steam $2.88; with
hands $10.03 ; for barley, two years, $2.16
with steam against $5.05 by horse power :
lour years for wheat $50.20 by steam against
the same lor horse power, and foots up a
total for a number of other articles, which
shows a gain of two hundred ]<er cent, in favor
i of steam. The writer says, also, that besides
j the economy of the plan he had much better
A movement is on foot in New York for
tbe establishment of a second House of de
ception, in tbe midst of the city, for fallen
women who may desire to reform, the H jine
previously established for that purpose being
tilled to its utmost capacity. The gentlemen
iu their appeal to tbe public for funds, say it
is not deemed necessary to cct forth the
| enormity of tbe evil which so loudly calls
j for vigorous efforts at removal. It stares us
|>n the lace on every corner and in every
| street. It is one of the most melancholy
features of this social evil, and at the same
1 time a source of encouragement to labor tor
their reformation, that so many of the victims
of this vice are youug girl*.
A circular addressed by Earl Russell to tbe
various diplomatic agents of tbe British Gov
ernment says, alluding to tbe continuance of
tbe slave trade, “ Her Majesty's Government,
actuated by tbe horror to which so odious a
commerce bas given rise throughout tbe
world, has arrived at the conclusion that
nothing would be more efficacious for its re
pression than to visit those guilty of it with
punishment proportioned to the gravity of
the evil.”
| —The fir - n>w fed iu Philadelphia on
the evening ol Oct. sth.
! —Gen. Grant arrived in Washington on,
1 the nth
—A Nations*. Bank. Lav been chartered at
| Atsnta.
fli imoorts of foreign Pry Goods into
\,-w York last week, were valued at *2.-
i: . • against *738,179, same week last
! yea 1
<k-n. Humohrle . the Governor elect of
Miss., white c cadet at West Point in 1827,
Wio e urt-marliided and dismissed for some
j offence.
—The embassy frofn the Bey of Tunis
* have been seeing the sights ol New \ ork.
fbey appeared in ordinary B’tire, aud save
the scarlet turban, nothing denoted their
| Moorish origiu
—A wholesale decapitation fini.-hed the of
ficial life of twenty-five special aids at the
! New Y ork Custom House on the Cth inst.
; Twenty-three cx soldiers were appointed,
! three of whom were one-armed men.
—A man by the name of Harris, in New
Orleans, has wagered five thousand dollars
j that he will walk for four clays and four
' in.' t without rest, on a plank twenty-two
inches wide by twenty two feet long.
—The latest novelty in Boston is the ex
hibition on the Common of a pilgrim ship
which stranded on Cape Cod in 1626, and
which has lately been uncovered by the
shifting of the sands
—lu the Wire trial the prosecution ex
amined one hundred and twenty-five wit
nesses : the number ot days required for
which was twenty-three, the record making
two thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight
foolscap pages.
Gen. Lee arrived at Lexington to be in- j
stalled President of Washington College, 1
upon horseback, alone and unattended, aud
riding the dark gray horse he rode most of
the time during the war and at his surrender
—General Fisk states that during one week
six or seven hundred negroes have been sent
from Nashville to their former homes in dif
ferent parts of the State, and have contract
ed with their former owners to work for
—A trader from the country, a few days
since, while malting some purchases at a
store in town, was asked if he did not want
some half mourning prints. “Well, I guess
Ido ; the folks up our way ate just about
half dead these days.”
—A young man, respectably connected,
but who has an inordinate love for liquor,
was before the Hartford Police Court recent
ly, nearly in a state of delirium tremens. He
was sentenced to jail, a full length carte de
visite of him having first been taken, which
will be presented to him upon the expiration
of his sentence. '
—The venerable old frigate Constitution is
reported to have behaved w ith extraordinary
friskiness on her recent voyage from New
port to Annapolis. Discarding the tug sent
to “tow” her, she sailed off alone, making
thirteen and a half knots an hour, and pass
ing everything on the route.
—A young lady was accidentally locked
up in a church iu Brooklyn, New York, and
it was three days before it was discovered,
when she was fouud in an exhausted state.
On Sunday aftertjoon she took a seat in ihe
gallery. The sexton went in to prepare for
tbo usual prayer-meeting on Wednesday
afternoon and discovered her.
The testimony in the Harris divoice
case is published in full in the New York pa
pers. Mr. Harris does not swear to any pos
itive knowledge of criminal conduct an the
part of his wife. He admits having struck
her, or “boxed her jaws," and having choked
her on one occasion in an effort to “choke
the truth out of her.”
Private Letters from Lee aiui Davis.
The Troy (N. Y. ) Times says “A friend
from Washington lias exhumed the follow
ing letters from a mass of rebel correspon
dence captured and forwarded to the gov
ernment. The epistles now see the light for
the first lime.” General R. E. Lee writes to
a young woman under date of “Camp near
Petersburg, February 11, 1865,” thank
iug her tor a gift of warm knit jacket*, and
adding ;
“lam much distressed at the fall of Savan
nah —the city of my proudest recollections.
I hope no harm will befall those left within
omits. Mrs. Lee and my daughters are in
Richmond. They will be glad to hear of you.
The former is still a great sufferer from
rheumatism, and confined entirely to her
couch and chair. I send the autograph you
derive for your tricud, and also a late photo
graph for you, that von may see the grim
visage of tno man lor whom you take so
much trouble. With kind regard to all am
friends, I am most truly yours,
R. E. Lke.”
On the Ist of January, 1865, Jeff. Davis,
likewise writing to a spinster, said :
“Trusting that the year which
has just commenced may by God's blessing
bring peace lo our laud, aud that your fami
ly may be again assembled with their friends
iu security and contentment, I «ra very truly
your friend, “Jkff. Davis.
•‘.Miss Hell M. Cox, Louisville, Blount coun
ty, Tenn.”
How Ketciutm Spends his Time. —The
New York correspondent of the Cincinnati
Gazette says that Ectchnin, the torger, hears
his confinement iu the Toombs with remark
able resignation aud calmness. liis wife, it
is said, has not visited him; but two or three
of his fair friends make lreqnent calls at his
prison quarters. He passes much of his
time iu reading poetry and in inditing senti
mental epistles to the divinities alluded to,
while he is the frequent recipient of various
perfumed, rose lined billets. liis cell is lib
erally supplied with books, flowers and deli
The Health or flit. Sief uens Improved.
Hon. A 11. Stephens is now occupying the
room at Fort Warren known as “the head
quarters,” and, according to the Boston Tra
veller, seems to be enjoying better health
than heretofore. He takes his accustomed
afternoon walk, and seems to enjoy it. There
are no intimations from Washington that he
is to be speedily released.
A letter from Richmond, referring to the
great fire iu that city April 3d, says ;
The damage done on that occasion was
roughly estimated at the time at about eight
tnii.ions, but that suufe it is now understood,
docs not begin to cover the loss. *
Texas advices say that large quantities of
land have been purchased by a Polish agent,
iu order to introduce a colony of Polish emi
grants. The first colonization is expected to
take place iu December.
The mouth of tuc Tiber, it is said, bas
beeu surveyed, and the work of restoring
the harbor is to be, undertaken. Who can
tell ? Might not Rome become again tbe
capital of the Old World ?
1 m\m\l AUD fOWIERfIIIi.
Xrii York Murkcts.
\r t; \oux. Fiiilny. Oct 6. lit.
! Coßc* lias lieea ratuer more -uuittit Heady
’ flv rates. We quote Java at (Scatter Rio St l-.oa
Tic Maracaibo at tsevjac; Lagmvraai 2.ti22c: 9t.
Domingo at 17 per Hi. m gold,
i Cotton—ls active aud advancing. Middlings cioa-
Iny buoyantly at 51cit52; per ID. 9 lei and resale*
i since our lasi, vice Uaiv". The tccetpM at this port
tun > far ilia* sed, lure *wt ifred 4,0*1 Hal's a da f.
| mating 21.789V>JleS since the Isi lust., and 132,432
I bales Jnce the Ist September.
1 Fish—Have been in request and held rattier more
| Four and Meal—State and W estern Flour lias been
unusually active io-dav at a further average advance
jof 2 c per lb. file demand lias been mainly .-peeii
lafue. though partly to aiq ply the wants ot the rejt
; ular trade. The market closes quite excited, holders
j claiming even hnrhoi rat*-.*. Sales aiuce our iaai add
up u4,.,im tibls. Including interior to choice Supertine
State and Western at 1 1 loaß id; poor to choice
fcxti* -iate at $a >*tae 10. chiefly at $8 Was 75;
round-hoop extra Ohio, inferior to good shipping
brands, at is lias 60 per lb. We now iiuote :
Superior State and Western . . $3 10a 8 60
Extra State . . 8 80a 9 10
Extra Illinois, Indiana. Michigan, Ac a fcoal2 75
Extra Ohio, round-hoop, shipping brands it lfiu 9 Go
Extra Ohio, trade aud family brands 9 coal 2 75
Extia Genesee I . it I5al? 75
Poor to very c lotce extra Missouri 9 6oalC 5J
Southern Hour Is In active demand and buoyant.—
Sales since cur last 2,100 bbls, at $9 60 a 11 25 for
poor to good, and sll 30 to sl6 for good to very
choice extra brands, per bid. Canadian flour is
dearer. Sales 000 bbls: extra at $a to al2 75 per
Ibl. Eye flour Is In good demand and higher, In
cluding superfine at 25 it ?7 per bbh; sales 150
bbls. Com meal is finite active at 54 75 for Western,
$1 75 aSI 85 for Jersey, »3 1.5 for Caloric, and 46 25
lor llraudy wine, per bbl. Sale' $4,100 bbls, includ
ing 2,500 Lids. Mar hs Caloric lor export on private
Molasses—ls in more request, and on the ad
Naval Stokes—Are in request and firm, including
spirits of turpentine at $1 05 a $1 10 per gallon;
crude turpentine at $5 25 a $5 So ; and Rosin at 47 75
a $22.50 per 280 lbs.
ItidE—Has lieen in more demand and (tinier, in
cluding Carolina at sl2 25 a sl3, aud Rangoon at
#9 75 a 10 25 per 100 lbs.
Salt—ls in demand and held firmly.
soap—ls in good request and quite firm.
Sia.uis—Huvejseen in good request at buoyant
prices. Sales since our last, 1,100 lihds. Cuba. Ac.,
ar I jali'jC., and 1,050 boxes Havana, parr at 13L;a
16 He. i* ib. Refined Sugars am in good demand,
15a jic. y tb.
Tallow—Ha* been more active and linuer to-dav.
Sale* 155,10a tb*. at 15,Ha lfi.Mc., chiefly at tsvjalflc.,
including some extra city for export at I6>fc. v lb.,
the latter a fancy price.
Tear—Are in lair demand and on the advance.
JfcWm she y.—Sales .750 bbls., in lots, at $2 28a2 29
per gallon.
Freight*,—For Liverpool the engagements in
cluded 30u bales cotton at >Jd.a"-18<i. per lb.; 5,000
staves on private terms. For Pernambuco, a brig
on private terms.
Jacksonville Marker.
Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 7.
Flour, per bbl., $14a16; Hominy , per lb., loe. ; Com
Meal, per lb., salOc.; Fresh Beet, per lb., malic.;
Chickens. per piece, 40a:50c. j Fggs. per doz., 4»a60c.;
Butter, per lb., fiOaGJc.; Siveet Potatoes, per bushel,
$1 50a2 00; Irish Potatoes, per bbl., $5 suaC.
Cotton.— The following quotations lias heen the
ruling figures for the past week, ending l jtli Inst.;
pea island.
McCarthy Ginned <oa<6
Roller Ginned.. 6»a70
Saw Ginned 52aS8
Ordinary 2BaBl
Middling ,32a35
Middling Rilr.. 33*37
The SrECK or War is Kentucky.— A
Washington despatch says the troops sent
oat to Morgan County, Kentucky, have re
turned to Lexington, bringing with t(jem
Mr. Geardon, the United Slates Collector.
Capt. Johnson, who commanded the expe
dition, reports that on his approach the guer -
rillas disbanded and scattered in all direc
tions. Capt. Johnson was bushwhacked,
and his pickets fired on and driven in at
night. The country is full of robbers and
guerrillas, and the people are in terror. The
guerrilla Williams has forbiddeu the col
lection of any more United States taxes, and
Mr. Geardon says he cannot go back aud
collect the revenue without troops to pro
tect him. Gen. Brisbin has ordered the
United States forces to at ouco occupy and
garrison Bath, Floyd, Morgan and Wolfe
The National Banker’s Express Compa
ny — This new Express Company completed
its organization in New York on Thursday,
by the election ot Edward B- Judson, Presi
dent, and Alfred Wilkinson, Secretary. Both
gentlemen are of Syracuse, N. Y r . The
Times says the Company has a capital of
four million dollars, subscribed by the lead
ing Bankers, Railroad, and other substan
tial business men of the country. They pro
pose to make immediate arrangements for
the necessary facilities for carrying on a gen
eral Ex-press business, which will be begun
at an early day, and extended as rapidly as
circumstances will permit. There is, says
the times, a public necessity for some com
petition in this vast business, and the names
and character of the gentlemen engaged in
this company, are a sufficient guaranty for
the safe and honorable conduct of its af
'ihe Fneilttwn’s Bureau.
The following circular letter was promul
gated from the Freedmen’s Bureau to-day:
Wak Dep’t, Bureau of Refugees, )
Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, -
Washington, Oct, 4, 1865. )
State laws with regard to apprenticeship
will he recognized by this bureau, provided
they make no distinction ot color; or, in
case they do so, the said laws applying to
white children will be extended to the color
ed. Officers of this bureau are regarded as
guardians of orphans and minors of freed
meu within their respective districts. The
principle to be adhered to with regard to
paupers is that each county, parish, town
ship or city shall care for and provide for
its own poor. Vagrant laws made for free
people and now in force on the statute books
of the States embraced in the operations of
this bureau, will be recognized and extended
to the freedmen. Assistant commissioners
will draw up specific instructions applicable
to their respective States, in accordance with
the loregoing principles.
O. O. Howard,
Maj. Gen. and Commissioner.
It is evident from the tollowing order, is
sued from the Freedmen's Bureau on the
same day, that the restoration of property
now held as abandoned and confiscated, is
to lie entered into bv Commissioners of the
Bureau throughout the South with scrupu
lous exactness in regard to the title of the
same and the legal ownership thereof. The
circular subjoined corroborates this view
Assistant commissioners are directed in
their reports of abandoned or confis
cated lands to arrange the names of
former owners of such landj in each county,
district or parish in alphabetical order. The
number of acres herein required <o be stated
will always be giveu as nearly as the same
can be ascertained. Copies of all orders re
turning property to former owners will be
forwarded to this Bureau as soon as issued,
in compliance with special instructions from
the head of the Bureau, and the papers in
such cases will he returned with copies of
the orders.
Valuable Testimony.— Procure at any
Druggist's one of Mrs. S. A. Allen's circulars
of her World's Hair Restorer and Hair Dres
sing, and you will find in it much valuable
information concerning tbe human hair, also
testimonials from well known and reliable
parties that will satisfy you that her prepar
ations have no equals for restoring, invig
orating and beautifying the Hair. If your
Hair is grey, if you have a bald spot, it you
wish to retain your hair through life, use
these preparation?. octl2-eodlw
Opening of Railroads to Mobile and
Montgomery, Ala —The railroads are now
open to Mobil* and Montgomery, thus com
pleting connection with New York, via
Knoxville, Teem., and Lynchburg, V*.—
Adam*' Express has opened its office at tbeae
UVSCtfi \oi ICRs
He, 15 r. k. M.
A A M'-'tiar of the LoKill he
Awheld Till* Evening at the Hall, comer of Bn.*
Brtmghior. «rcet«, ar o’c’oek.
Member* of the Drier are respectfully Invited to
sttaud. By order
•I. HoufcTON, Secretary. octl2
The Original and Best in the World 1 The inly true
and jrerfect llair Dye. Harmless. Reliable and Instan
taneous. Produces immediute.y a splendid Black or
natural Brown, without injuring the hair or akin.
Remedies the- ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug
gists. The genuine iu signed William A. Batchelor.
For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair
Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates
and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or
gans In a state of Health and Disease, with a Trea
tise on Early Errors, Its Deplorable Consequences
upon the mind and Body, Willi the Author’s Plan of
Treatment—ihe only rational and successful mode of
cure, as shown by the report of cases treated A
truthful adviser to the married, and those contem
plating marriage who entertain doubts of their phys
ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address,
on receipt of 25 cent - in stamps or postage currency,
by 'addressing Dr LA CROIX, Xo. 31 Maiden Lane,
Albany, N. Y.
The author may lie consulted upon any of the dis
ease* upon which his bool; treats either personally or
by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world.
octlO 6m
An Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young
men, just published b> the Howard Association, and
sent in sealed letter envelopes free of charge.
Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard
Association, Philadelphia, Pa. octl2-r*m
Newspaper for the Family and the Fireside, will soon
enter on its
Truetn the Church, the Con=
3titution s and the Union,
It Is calculated to tdify and pienre both
All new subscribers paying us in advance for ISC6
shall have their names immediately entered, and the
Observer will be sent to them
Until January First. Gratis!
Subscribe soon, as the free papers will commence
when the name? are entered.
Sample copies to any address free.
Term«, $3.50 a Year in Advance.
37- Pax'U Row, New York.
Wilmiugtou, Delaware.
MANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats Steam Engines,
Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mills. &c. Having
had long experience in business and being piovid' and
with very extensive facilities for doing work of this
class, are prepared to execute orders with despatch,
oct!2 Cm
F CALLED to the very superior lot of Butter.
Cheese und Lard, received per steamer Raleigh,by
octl2-lw Williamson's Building.
lAOR SALE, if applied f.r immediately, the wood
. (uak, Hickory and Pine) as it stands, upon 250
or 30 1 acres oi land within two miles of this city.
Said wood can be conveyed to the city either by land
or water carriage.
Apply to
oct!2-eod3* 00 F.ay street. ■
CONSIGNEES per schooner Honest Abe, from New
York, are requested to attend to the reception
of their poods landing at Lamar’s Wharf, Exchange
Dock. AU remaining on wharf at sunset will be
stored at expense and risk of owners.
FOUR FINE MULES, Wagon and Harness. Also,
a fine bay .flare ; works well in harnes*.
Can be seen this morning at ten o’clock, at Messrs.
John McMahon & Co.’s Store, corner Brough on and
Jefferson streets, 0ct.12 J'
Stray Coiv.
ASTRAY COW has been on ms premise* for the
last three days. The owner can have her by
proving property aud paying for this advertisement,—
Apply at Herald office. octl2-l
A NO. 1 COOK. White preferred. Noue need
apply well recommended. For particu
lars inquire at this olfice. oct!2-lw
English Coal.
UITABLE lor Parlor Grate*. Landing aud for sale
in lota to suit purchasers, by
A LADY qualified to teach Music and French, as
well as English, desires n situation in a Semina
ry or private family Term*. tOOO per annum.
Address X. Y. Z., at this office. oct1?-2
1 A GOOD HANDS to cut Shingles on the river near
1 v Chur]*'.ion and Savnuuah Railroad Bridge—
Good wanes given. Apply iuimediaiely to
rrtHE schooner DeSoto, from Baltimore, will dis-
A Charge this duy, 12th lost.
No freight will be delivered until Consignees shall
have presented Bills Lading at our office, tbe vessel's
papers not having been received.
corner Bay and Barnard Sts.
HAS removed his Office and Residence to northwest
comer of Bull and Broughton street* (former
residence of the late Mrs Beallej, »nd will be pleased
to see his friends and patrons there.
Can be found at home at all times day and night,
octl* 3 - N 6
THAT Eligibly Situated Store and Dwelling on the
north side of Bryan street, third door east of
Barnard, at present occupied ts a Barber shop.
Apply to John hyan,
Northeitt comer of Bay and West Broad sti.
NK.W advkrtiskmknts.
For .Sale.
A SO. 1 MULE, f)rsv and Harness t r »ale on lea-*
► nahie term For lurther particulars apply t*»
Mm Patrick CaYa’iaapli'*. on Martraj** au'aat. around
•luoi from West Broad. oetlf-t
I ii s it red: 3
No man should be one dav without an In
surance on bis Life. You can get it done at
a low rate now and in Companies, and
In Companies that did not cancel their risks
during; tbe war All classes ot Policies is
sued at lowest rates
Apply to
octl2-3 A. WILBUR, Agent
Colton and Tobacco Factors,
do entirely n Commission Business, exerting
ff 4>ureives to get the outside market quotations
for our patrons.
Liberal advances marie oti Cotton atSAvannah, and
pjiit :il advances ou Cotton ready lor shipment at Au
gusta. Atlnnta arid Macon.
Planters orders filled. octiS-lm
fPHK undersigned Cfor eighteen years of the firm of
* Cromwell & Birdsall) is now prepared to receive
orders for his well known brand of choice
New Hulled Buckwheat Flour,'?
neatly packed in barrels, half barrels, quarter barrels
and bags of 49 and 24X pounds.
Havt also on hand Freeh Ground, State and West
ern Flour. Extra, Superfine, and No. 2 Superfine, in
bbls. and halt bbls., in lots to snit purchasers.
octl2-9w 12S and 125 Broad strict, New York.
For Sale.
A N Elegant Pleasure Wagon (dagger with springs)
*1 aud Single Harness, both nearly new.
Inquire of Col. PECK, VTSdN. Y. V., Oglethorpe
Square. 0i7t12 3*
TWO GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with a
pleasant Room und first class Board in a do*ire
ble locality.
Address X., Herald office. octli-2
Information Wanted
OF Mrs. Honors (Fiuoraurice) Riecli, who resided
iu Su vanuah before the war broke oitt. Is a na
tive of Ireland, and in Ameriea about 20 ve-irs. Bv
calling on the Editor of the Dally Herald, ahe will
hear something to iier advantage. 3 octli
IS hereby given that neither the owners or agents of
the Steamers AMAZON, GIBBONS and LAURA,
will be responsible for any debt, bill or contract made
by any of the officers or crew of said steamers unless
made by written permission oi
For Agents and Owners.
JNo. L. Rorwru.F i. Agent on Wharf.
octlO ts
or THE
SLAVERY, or involuntary servitude is practically
abolished in Georgia Tbe reclamation of the
President of the United States having given freedom
to every slave, and the oath of amnesty and the con
ditions of pardon, forbid any attempt at its revival in
any form cr condition.
ihe gieat mass of the Agricultural Population of
the State has been released horn their obligation to
cultivate the soil, except by their own volition, and
it must be apparent to the judicious observer, how
ever much o oe regretted, that the voluntary labor
of the newly freed population will not for the present
at least, supply the deficiency of labor.
The withdrawal of nearly three hundred thousand
able-bodied persons to u greater or less extent irom
their vocations has created a void which must
be filled or the landp of the State will remain uutiiied,
her great resources undeveloped and her future pros
perity sacrificed.
The remedy, and the only remedy for this condition
of affairs contista in the immigration of a hardy and
industrious white population, to supply the places of
those who cannot oe compelled to work and whose
and apositions do not incline them to greater labor than
is actually necessary to support life.
To such immigrants, no State offers greater induce*
meats than the Stale of Georgia. Extending from
the Atlantic Ocean to the Blue Kige, it embraces ove
ry variety of soil and climate. The savannahs oi the
coast, the rolling country of the interior, and the
mountains of the noithern part of the State afford
opportunities for the cultivation o<* almost ever/ pro
duct of tropical or temperate latitude.
The grape is grown with great .success in many
parts ol the State and its cultivation has only been
limited by the want of persons skilled In the knowl
edge of the vine and the mode of preparing its yield
The State is also rich in gold and other minerals, and
nothing but energy ana ihe application of proper ma
chinery is wanting to the development of those bid
den treasures.
The raising of sheep of the finest breeds has been
carried on with success, and the vast mns;ea of uncul
tivated land afford excellent pastures for cattle and
all kind? of stock—rice, cotton, tobacco, corn, wheat,
rye, oats, sugar cane, the grape and aU species of
iruitsfind then appropriate soil and climate within
our extended limits.
The numerous rivers and smaller streams taking
their rise in the mountains and running through the
State into the Atlantic and the Gulf in their gradual
descent furnish water power unfailing in any season
and capable of putting into operation any kind of
The area of the State con talus upwards of thirty
millions ot acres, o which not more than one-third
has been cultivated, and the virgin forest of the wild
lands afford an inexhaustible supply of lumber which
formed a heavy item of the exports of o' eorgia prior
to our late difficulties. These lands which maybe
bought at comparatively vow rates will give to the
new settler a homestead on which he mav erect Ills
rooftree and settle for life an inhabitant aiid in time a
citizen of the republ c.
In view of the foregoing facts the undersigned pro
pose to organize a Company to be ( allied the -Georgia
Land and Emigration Company,” the principle office
to be located in Savannah, with the intention of ap
plying for a charter at the next sescion of the Legisla
ture ; the capital of baid Company to be five hundred
thousand dollars, in twenty thousand of twenty-five
dollars each; said Company to be organized by the
choice of a President and Directors when all the
shares shall have been subscribed.
Tbe object of the Company is to induce and afford
aid to the immigration into the State of Georgia of
honest, sober aud reliable persons with their iamliies
to become purchasers of aud settlers on lands not now
in use, or to be laborers on farms or plantations ou
which the freediueu refuse to work, or 10 follow iheir
trades, or become house servants.
The advantages to be derived as this present junc
ture by the influx oi such a class of population, are
mauilest. To tne large landholder It offers the pros
pectof selling his laud or farming it out on advanta
geous term.". To the Planter ana Fanner It will sup
ply that labor, in tho absence of which, the owner
ship of the soli is a burthen, and to all persons In
those classes of life whose business requires or whose
position permits the n-eof toe labor of other*. itai
lords the opportnaity of obtaining such labor of
a reasonable rate, and of a reliable character. So
also to the State will great benefit accrue; many of
the immigrants may bring wealth with them, all will
bring skill or industry, which U> the source of wealth,
and this infusion of ue v life will, we trust, iu progress
of time, restore Georgia to her original state of pros
The Company we believe—will be, not only self-eus
turning, but a source of profit to the stockholders.—
Tbe fees paid by those emigrant* who can afford It,
for directions as to their settlement; the commissions
paid by the owners of lands lor the sale, or leasing of
their lands to the immigrants, and by persons to
whom laborers are furnished, the profits to be derived
from a Savings Institution to tabs care of the funds
and profits of the emigrants, which It is proposed to
connect with the Oomi>any. will, we expect, enable
the Company to declare such dividends as will make
it remunerative U> those who subscribe simply as an
investment. Biff independently of pecuniary con
sideration. as citizens of the State o. Georgia who
have an interest In its future weliare, we ask your as
sistance in this matter, in our opinion of vital impor
tance. We may not leave the lHnd of our birth, let
us make it ouce more a land of promise.
All communications should be addressed. Post paid,
t 0.700. W. MsgilL Box *33 Savannah Post Office,
Parties desiring printed copies of this Prospectus,
cau obtain them at the office oi R. T. Gibson, at the
J. WALDBURU ' rvmwjw—
R. T. GIBSON, f “■P*
M»■»*.#,»*. Ratiiond 4 Hamiito:.
IHlHllUl KYKMKG, (Ml'. w
Tbe first time of tbr Grand Romantic Play of tbe
With all the Company in cast
To conclude with
T H^SSS A V»f win be *
Mr. Lancaster has the pleasure of informing bia
trims and triends that he has secured as ossociaies in
iheinstraction and management of his School sever
al highly edneated and accomplished Ladies of
Besides the usual branches of an Englif h
tion. Instruction will be given in Latin Frew h
Music—Vocal and Instrumental—and Drawing
It is the purpose of the Principal to establish ,i first
c\a.s School for Young Ladies, in which „H ,1
branches of a complete education may be ninsnUs
under ihe most favorable circamstancea. a
The School will not be divided into Department*
bnt there will be division of classes, bo that each nr’
pil may derive all the advantages of Recitation to the
different Teachers.
The Scholastic Year will be divided Into Three
Terms of fourteen weeks each.
Senior Class, Ist and 2d Terms
senior Class 3d Terms .7' so ••
luniorClasß, Ist and 2d Terms.. ..
Junior Class, 3d Term " j, ..
Music, Vocal and Instrumental *27 n er term
Drawing... ..
Extra charges made for Music and Drawing onlv
Tuition billß payable during the term. ''
octT-lw Principal
C. O. D,
ISheblock's 010 Day Goons Stans.)
HAVING taken the nbore large and commodious
Store, aud made extensive addition, to o ir Stock,
we are prepared to supply our old customers aud new
with every variety of
We guarantee to sell for less than goods can b»
bought for in New York.
Call and see.
Just Received,
And m Store on Consignment,
Also, a lot of Fine Liquors, consisting of
Which we offer on the most liberal terms.
octll-tf No. 9 Stoddard's Block.
GENTS’ RESORTE, Felt, Derby and Fanst Hat*,
Army and Navy Caps, Boys Hats, Caps and Tut
bans. Just received and for sale by
No. 153 Congress street
Boots, Shoes, &c
GENTS’ BOOTS, Gaiters ar.d Balmorals ; Ladies'
and Misses'Gaiters and Balmorals; Children's
Balmorals aud Bootees Just received and lor sale
by S. M. COL DING,
octli No. 183 Congress street.
By Bell, Wylly & Christian
Southern half of Lot No. 4, Elbert Ward. Improve
ments consist of a Dwelling on Brick Basement fitted
up as a Store. Also, Lot No. 23, on corner of Price
and Charlton streets. The Improvements consist of
a Handsome Dwelling, known as Lewis’ Cottage
Also, Trust Lot No. 31, Troup Ward. Ail of the above
property will be sold at a bargain, if applied for this
week. 4 octU
Grits and Meal*
GILLEM’S MILL RE-OPENED. Having purciiafi
♦ and the entire interest from Mr H. Gill9m In his
large and txteaaive Mills, on the corner of Habersham
street and Perry street lane, tte am now prepared to
furnish Grist and Meal nt favorable rates. Corn will
be ground on toll. All orders promptly filled,
Dunn & Brown,
HAVING opened an office at No. 35 Bay street, be
tween Habersham and Price streets, we are pre
pared to furnish crews at the shortest notice.
THE public is cautioned against trading for three
bonds of the city of Augusta (past due} Nos. 171,
11S and 183. for two’huDdred aud fifty dollars each,
the name having been stolen, and payment stopped.
octlO-C 9. M. COLDING.
List of
Remaining in Adam’s Express Compa
ny’s OJBcc, Oct. 3d, 1865.
Budge, Gilbert. A Boyse, Ca pt Michael
Bussell, HA, 175th N Y Baker, Judge B
Berlin, Ralph Behn, R H
Balkam. Lieut □ G
Corley, Cha*
Davis, Amos care QJ DrafeeDavis, Mrs J H
Davis, C O Dasher. Israel
Dante, Wrn Dasher, Mrs W II
Draper. A G Dodd, Margaret
Davis, Mrs .7 D
E. m-
Estes, Albert
Flinn, Michael
" c*.
Grant, Lieut Mlilei B
Haley, Sergt Peter Hire, B
Hart, H L Heery, John
Harris <fe Miller Houston, Col E
.Toy, H M. ITth A C Iverson, Edward
Jordan, F J Janney, T B
Jones, J L
Kierann. Tko3 Kirkpatrick. J O
Ring. GF Kavaneugb, J F
Miller, RohL 17th A C Morriss, Mrs H
Modic. Mrs O .Mosher, A, 126th N Y
Muller, H H Moode, A
Niven. A. Cos E. 15th Me NorwoodgMrs Thos
Nugent, Wm
P /
Palletler, Madam C Powel, 8 ,
Perry, Col J S
Rilley, Michael Rutledge, Rev N H
Rolf, Dolf Richardson, J
Smith, Andrew stookes. Miss Mary
Snow, H C
Thornton, Mrs Hannah Trine, N, Cos A, 18tb I ni
Toole, J Regt
Vannaba, Beni C
Weslem. Capt C B Wade, X C
Western, Capt 0 B Whituer. Capt B F
Whelan, Thad. care DWUllamf.JH
Wood Wood, Lieut Henty
octfi-tr S. T. T7TNI9ON, Agent'