Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 13, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HEKALD. VOL. 1-NO. 230. !r 3 savannah Daily Herald' fMORNTNO AND EVENING) is prtiUSHKD Bt \V. MASON & CO.. . ;u AT Stbkbt, Sayasnah, Gcobsla. IBIPMS: „ . Five Cent*. ' " '.' * $3 SO. *lO Or A nvißtisi NO: ire per Square of Ten Lines for first tn- Dollar tor each subsequent one. Ad . i .. .inserted in the morning, will. If desired, u trie evening without extra charge. .1 OXS PRINTING. . cry sty.c, neatly and prompt .y done. 5Y teTegrapH. Tvv ice-blessed Deed of Mercy. neioaso of Alexander H. Stephens. Messrs. tErenholm, Campbell and Clark also liberated. Ihcy are Released oh Parole to Reuialu in their Respective States till Further Orders. paidoH of itlembers of the South Carolina Convention. The Steamship America Disabled and Returned to ZVew York. October 11.—Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia, Messrs. TrenUolra of South Carolina, Campbell of Alabama, and Cl rk of Mississippi, have been ordered to be released from imprisonment by President Johnson. Having applied to the President for pardon, they have been released on parole to appear at such time and place as tin President may direct, to aiisvver any charge he may direct to be preferred against them.* . They are to remain in their respective States until further orders. The pardons of the members of the South C loliua Convention have been signed by the iVsident and forwarded to Governor Perry tor distribution. Tii.- Steamship America— She is disabled, and puts hnck to New York. New York, October 10. ihe Savannah steamship America, which sailed on the 7th, has returned to New York, her machinery having been slightly disabled. Sue is to sail again to-morrow. interesting Concerning Pardons. The New Y T ork Times’ Washington despatch of October sth, says - » An erroneous impression prevails with the public as to the number of pardons thus far granted by the President, some estimates placing it as high as twenty-five thousand.— We ascertain, on official authority, that the number up to, and including the warrants signed this day, is butftwo thousand six hun dred and fifty-eight. More than three -filths ot'these have been granted wilbin the past ten days, and the business now averages from filly to one hundred and fifty per day. But as yet the number issued does not equal one-sixth of the applications on file. To-day there were fifty-eight pardons issued. Among those lately pardoned is L Pope Walker, the first rebel Secretary of War—the man who gave the older to open fire upon Fort •Sumter. He has haunted the Executive Mansion for a month, and forced himself be fore the President in advocacy of his own •lairas until he finally succeeded. It is pro per to state that the Cabinet have declined to recommend the pardon of any of the except ed classes save those coming under the thir teenth exception, known as the twenty thou sand-dollar class. The Attorney-General makes no indorsement upon the applications of the other twelve classes, and they are filed away separately for future consideration.— When a person included in any of these classes is pardoned, it is done by the Presi dent upon his own responsibility and in the exercise of that Executive ciemeucy for which lie is not obliged to give a reason.— Thus with Mr. L. P. Walker. Cien. Lee’s Views ol* National Affairs. The New York Herald has a two column accoum of the installation of General R. E. Lee as President of Washington College, Va., on ihe 2d instant. The correspondent, speaking of Geu. Lee's views on national af fairs, says: A gentleman with whom I have conversed and who saw Gen. Lee and heard him talk and express freely his, r pinions about ua !• twl affairs, nearly every da}’ of his sojourn at Roxbury Springs, spoke of him as the most modest and unassuming man he ever eucomittrod, and yet, while frank, most firm u giving his views. Ue counsels cheerful submission to the government and earnest striving to bring about the old state of peace, industry, thrift and content. He has the greatest confidence in President Johnson and the good and equitable wishes and intentions of the government and the Northern people in carrying ont the scheme of reconstruc tion. De Bow's Ri.tiew.—Mr. J. D. B. De Bow is about to resume tbe publication of this ably conducted and well known Review. — While he proposes to give it in the future a more national character than it used to pos sess, he intends that it shall be devoted in an especial manner to the re-establishment ot Southern prosperity. We quoie the eoaclfiding par agraphs of his prospectus: “The resioration of the South can b e e f‘ fected upou tbe basis proposed by the Presi dent, aud no greater field could ’be opened for the investment of capital now invited thither from every quarter. Its abundant and fertile lauds invite emigration, which it will be a prominent object to secure. Regarding the issueswf tire past as dead, about which a practical philosophy will not dispute, pud those of tbe present as livjng and potential, it is the part of the Review to accept in good faith the situation, and de duce from it all that can be promotive of the best interests of the whole country. Offices of tbe Review will be located at New York, Washington City, Charleston, Nashville and New Orleans.” Tut Kbxtcckv Imbbogwo —A Washing ton despatch of the 6tb says ; Senator Garrelt Davis, with a delegation from Kentucky, arrived this morning to urge the immediate supersedure of General Pal mer. The w hole case has beeu referred to General Thomas, Whose report will probably be acceptable to tbe President; meantime it is very doubtful if aDy new delegations are heard. . Colonel Clianer has beeu elected delegate to Congress from New Mexico by fifteen hun dred majority over Colonel Perea. THE POLITICAL CAMPAIGN The Great Speech of John Van Buren. A Loud Shout for Andy Johnson. He Proclaims Him a Sound Dem ocrat. He Declares that it Is Johnson against Sew ard, Johnson against Chase and Megrw Suffrage, State Rights against Con solidation, and Johnson for Another Term. The Republicans Called upon to Show their Hand. Perhaps no speech of the political cam paign ol this year has attracted more atten tion, for its boldness and significance, than the remarkable address of John Vsn Buren to the Democrats of Albany county, New York, delivered at Albany on the sth instant. The foUowing is a somewhat condensed re port, containing, however, all the points ■ SPEECH OF MR. JOHN VAN BUREN. John Van Buren was ‘.hen introduced, and said, substantially: . It gives me pleasure to speak to you to night. It is, as you may well suppose, nev er difficult or unpleasant to meet the peo ple of Albany. From this place I have so olten spoken, that I feel as if holding a fa milliar conversation with my friends and ac quaintances. We have passed through a fearful struggle. A rebellion has for some years existed, and I cougratnlate you that it has been put down. Tlie firgt hope of all good mou is to avoid an angry political con test. We passed through such a one last Autumn. We were defeated, and the De mocracy submitted to the result. Providence was pleased to remove the President, and the Vice-President succeeded him. The rebel lion was closed by tbe successful exertions of Grant and Sherman, and Sheridan and Slocum. [Cheers.] It was then our duty to reduce the burthens pf a war protracted un necessarily by the incompetency of our ru-. lers. A convention of Democrats met. here* and finding a President in office whom they respected, they sustained him. They nomi nated men here who are highly respected by the Republicans. The Evening Post, in speaking of our nominations, said, ou the 18th of September, that “Gen. Slocum is a Union man. yet we do not see that he i3 au enemy to President Johnsou, nor do we be believe the President will see it.'’ In the judgment, then, of the Republican party, Gen. Slocum was most acceptable so late as the 18th September. The Tribune of the Bth of September said that Mr. Robin son is to-day what he always was | Mr.Van Bureu read trom an article in tne Tribune predicting the nomination of Mr. Robinson at Syracuse. This was greeted with great laughter.] The Tribune was nearer the truth on this occasion than it usually is. We had also Judge Brown, and in regard to him Mr. Fullerton, one of the ablest lawyers on the Republican side, said, “he is a good Union man, and has been throughout the war, and has done great service to the families of sol diers. He is able and honest, and is sincere in his convictions.” Judge Grover was elect ed by the Republicans, and now holds Ihe office. Ido not allude to the individual who addresses you. I never heard that auy*Re publiean ever proposed to vote for me, and I trust never may. For twenty years I have held no office and never received a vote in any nominating convention. For one, I have never have been troubled with nominations. It was notorious to these Republicans that I did not want this office., Had they nomi nated Mr. Cochrane, I should have support ed him. Why were we called upou to go into this contest? Why were the friends of Johnson compelled to divide at this time?— It was said we had surrendered why didn’t they accept us? We knew they wouldn't let the South surrender, but they might have taken us. Why nominate anotner ticket ? Mr. Depew told me the Republicans intend ed to nominate a clean ticket, and have a square stand-up fight; Lepew, probably, not thinking he would be the first one killed.— He said they wouldn't nominate military men, because they had none of sufficient strength to oppose Gen. Slocum. I suggest ed Gen. Barlow, but he thought he was not sufficiently known. Their ticket was made— their convention was controlled by Weed, Raymond and Seward. They did’nt want to support Johnsou nor Johnson's platform.— They passed a resolution in regard to the re construction of the Southern States. It is evident they did not intend to permit the return of any State until it allowed all the colored people to vote Resolved, That we approve as eminently wise and just the sentiments of kindness and confidence which President Johnson has evinced toward those of tbe communities and individuals lately in rebellion, who ac cept the perpetuation of the Union and the perpetual prohibition of slavery as the legit imate and irrevokable results of the war; that we approve the initial steps which he has taken toward relaxing the bonds of mil itary authorities in the Southern States, and ip restoring to their people full and com plete control over their local affairs, just as soon as may be found compatible with tliff preservation of order, tfie maintenance of peace, the exclusion of slavery, and the ful fillment of tbe constitutional obligations of the national a.uthoiity to guarantee to every State a republican form of government; and that we confidently look forward under his wise and patriotic administration to the es tablishment of more cordial relations, of greater mutual respect, and of a stronger in terest in each other’s welfare between the Northern and Southern sections of the Union tfian have hitherto prevailed; and that in all the measures he may adopt tending to the attainment of these just and beneficent ends, we pledge him our cordjal and hearty sup port. Now, the theory of these people is that, unless the colored people can vote, they do ' not Wave a republican form of government. They tell us in the next resolution what a republican form of government is. They state that no State is republican unless all men have the rights of citizenship extended them. No man could have drawn that reso lution but the liftle gentleman of tbe times. He made this platform with this negro in it, hoping that the people ot tire State wouldD t see it, while thost: of the West would. It rras small, to be sure, but by Is6B, when Seward is to be trotted out, it would be quite considerably grown ; for, know that Mr. Seward has committed himself against the Monroe doctrine, and so it became necessary to get under or over it, and this was the way they did it: Rtmlved, That we have entire confidence In the direction, under President Johnsou, of onr intercourse with foreign nations, in his prompt enforcement against them of all just demands In securing redress for national in sults aud wrongs, and in maintaining tbe fixed policy of our government, by which the in terference of foreign Powers with the Insti tution* of this continent is regarded aa hos- SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBKIt 13, 1865. tile to our peace and menacing to onr inde pendence. They won t do anything about it under Seward When Congress attempted to inter fere with Maximilian, Seward wrote to the Emperor allaying his fears and modifying all that Congress has said or done. Then comes the only resolution which speaks of a tnau, and that man is W. H Seward, who is thus brought out in opposition to the Johnson resolution of the other platform. Xu matter what had been the declaration of a tew men in this State, the leaders are Chase and Beecher, and Greeley and Sumner, and no matter what others may say, the Republicans are committed to this policy. The ostrich . of Seward may hide its little bead, but the tail and feathers and legs of C'hase.and Sum ner, and Beecheer slick out, and disclose the nature of the animal. We have a race of 800,000 adults, ignorant, without marital re lations, and we have to take care of them. What do the Democrats and Johnson say ’ “You must take care of yonr children and support yourselves.” This, one would think, was sufficient for them to do all of a sudden. But no. This Seward party say, you must be taught to read and write, and study tbe constitution and vote. These meu are de termined to keep the Union divided. Con fusion and anarchy like this will require a standing army as large as that we have just disbanded. The Republicans propose to keep out the States until, the negroes can vote, and members from New York propose to go to Washington and compel these Stated to do what New York has refused to do.— Connecticut is in the same boat. This means civil war and nothing else. People assume to doubt whether we are sincere in our sup port of the President. They did not doubt us when in opposition, why now ? it’s the same old question —we have no right to in terfere wim other States. Seward and his party have always been interfering with tbe domestic institutions of the South. What caused the war but tbe interference with slavery ? Our members used to go to Wash ington and blackguard men because they owned slaves. Washington held slaves, and Jackson held slaves. President Johnson says this must be stopped ; you must mind your own business. Slavery is abolished, and under Johnson can’t be revived. Let the Southern people manage the question. They know the colored people, and we don’t. The President’s policy is sound, and humane, and one which the Democracy instautly seized. All over the country it was said; “This is right. 11l sustain it;” aud just so the Republicans, so soon as a Democratic and State Right proposition is announced they oppose it. The Seward party is organ* izing in the South. They can t have any white men in it. The mean whites are not men enough to join, and I doubt if eveu the negroes would. It the Southern negroes join the Republican party, it would consist ot the white men of the North and the black men of the South. The Democratic party or the South ceased to exist in 18*0. When Breckinridge was made the candidate of the i South, the party there was broken. The I name was never used at the South. The I leaders there have forfeited the confidence |of all, North and South. They were abomi nably stupid not to know that a contest such as they started could have but one re sult. Jeff. Davis, of all men, should have j known better. He was educated at West Point, and had had abundant opportunity to know that courage was an element of the ! American people. He was told by Dickin- I son, and Cushing, and Ben Butler, that tbe North would go with them ; but be should have known better. He should have known that a creature like Butler, who voted titty - two times lor Davis, would have been tbe first to jump upon them when they were down. Still there are Democrats at the South, aud they will soon be found at the head of their State and local governments. There are Gov. Perry and Mr. Orr, of South Carolina, for example. What can the Re publicans do in Congress ? They can ex clude the Southern Representatives- What's the consequence ? It san injury’to thoYe presentatives aud to the States. But if John son says to some Southern man, “I tender* you a place in my Cabinet!” Suppose he says to Gov. Aiken, “I will accept tne resignation j of Secretary Stanton, who is anxious to re j tire; I make you Secretary' of War.” | He has then a Southerner at the Capitol to represent the interests ot the South. At the next Presidential election the Southern Slates vote, and I rather suppose that Johnson would see that their votes wili be counted, and they won’t be likely to be cast for any leading Republican. Many are afraid, or averse to say anything mauy years in advaccv about the candidates before Presidential Con vention. It is said, in regard to Johnson, he mav die. I answer, ’ that if he is a Demo crat he won't die. It is remarkable, that all the Federalists who have been elected have died in office, and ihe Vice-Presidents who succeeded them have been good Democrats. Harrison, Taylor aud Lincoln died, and good Democrats succeeded them. Do you not see tbe finger of Providenfe? Who, then, shall we nominate ? If I should speak tije sentiments of many Democrats, I should say Gen. McClellan ; but it is to he remembered that we require the wisest aud most expe rienced of statesmen than of soldiers. There are other military chieftains. Grant has many supporters throughout the country. I have no idea he would care for the office, and I should not support him if he did. The President had to disavow Gen. Sheuuan’s ac tion, and Grant allowed Sherman to make the arrangement even after be bad been sent to correci him. We have, our own General Slocum, and many men in the navy—Farra gut and others. But I doubt if tbe people will call a soldier to this office. A different course is needed, aud a statesman must be selected. We have here in the State of New York a stalesmau whose ability aud courtesy might induce us to present his name. Bnt, in my judgment, pur next candidate must be a southern man. It has been our custom to alternate in this way with tbe North. In my humble judgment, Andrew Johnson ought to be elected President of the country at the close of his present term. lam often told I am inconsistent; well, Seward and weed are ppnsistent, and consistency is shown by al- I ways voting tbe same ticket, and I never in i all my life voted the same ticket with W. H Seward unless Thurlow Weed voled for Sey. j rnour in 1862, which he stoutly denies. I ] would like to know whether Seward will sup- I j port Johnson or chief justice Chase. Thelatter ! has been at work organizing a party in the ! | South, talking to blacks —a Chief-Justice of | the United States! I ihink it hard we poor whites cannot have a Chiet-Justice to speak j to us. I’m hopelessly white, and cim’t reach the Federal tint, and I object to this distinc- j lion of mere color. Will these people dare ! announce Iheir intention for 1868? I don’t i want Seward, or Chase, or the Times, or the 1 Tribune to say they will support him if he is j the Republican candidate, for they will see I that he is no such thing. Johnson* has al- ! ways been a Democrat, and he has risen ; from tbe humblest ranks to the highest posi- ! tion in the country. I resent the attacks npon his personal character as slander. I had an istpiVievy with the President some j four weeks since, and a full conversation upon his policy of restoring the country, and even Jackson himself could not havegivyn • a more satisfactory announcement of his de termination faithfully and honestly to serve the people or the country. The men who stood by Jefferson when Jay and Hamilton led the Republicans; the uren who stood by Jackson and Wgjigter, Calhoun and Ofhy op- I posed him, and have now to meet these Lu- , lipu'is must want to turn from these ~g|yr*~ as unwilling to -fight, unless they meet a fellow of their size, and hit will lie art easy contest, I say, l l don't know what Preaton King s course will be. Ib our last contest tbe Collector of New York was against us; I fifteen thousand officers were against us; contractors and the government were against us: and a couple of Democratic Major Gen- I erals sent soldiers from their ranks and ex -1 posing iheir flanks, and yet we gave 35,000 majority- for Geo. B. McCleilan. We can do it again, and I say to Mr. King that if we do do it, and his chiefs head rolls iu the basket, he niusn't complain if we ask him to keep couipauy. I want to speak to the black voters of New York. No one is less prejudiced than I. I do not wish to see them excluded from the cars. I Inve always emyloyed th?m as ser vants. because I think a white man can find something better to do. I have employed them as barbers. I think they ought to be 1 allowed to testify iu the Southern courts, and the State wnieb don't let them does not i abolish slavery nor sustain tbe policy of the [ President. But these RepubUcans don't care tor the blacks here, because here they can get along without their vote. They need their votes at the South, so they urge the suffrage question. The Seward inode of be ; friending a measure is its sure destruction. They are the friends of the anti-renters, and the canals and the temperance party, i The antt-renters are in jail, the canals j embarrassed, the famous law of the j temperance people is pronounced uu ■ constitutional. A war of races isinev itable between the whites and, blacks. A ! letter from a lady at the South, dated Sept. 16, says : “Everything is quiet here, owing to "the removal of the negro troops. None of the blacks will take a word of reproof from anybody without resenting. They are quiet now, but 1 fear we are sleeping over a vot . cano which must break forth before the Ist lof January.” Another letter says : “The | blacks are idle, lazy devils, defiant, doiog exactly as they choose, and assuming the airsof ladies aud gentlemen.” This shows j the feeling of the whites. Let this excite -1 ment go on ; let the blacks be told they must j vote, and vote, too, against those who fbrm jly owned them, and a war must come. If it ! comes it will be a war to the knife, and it's well enough for them to know that the white ; people of the North and East will stand by i the whites of the South, and the extermination of the blacks is as certain as fate. They will be j assisted by Gen. H. Ward Beecher, and by , Gen. Wendell Phillips, and by- Col. Henry | Wilson, and if these gentlemen are as slow in getting iuto that war as they were into the last, the poor blacks will be" killed before ! their reinforcements get up. If this govern ment is to be destroyed, it will be by corrup tion of those in offle. I look upon stealing in office a3 worse than steal ing ont of office. I thfok all the candi dates on our ticket are the best that could lie bad, and worthy of the confidence of the public. The time "of the administration of such men as Wright has returned If we elect our candidates. We have nothing to do but vote. If we vote our full vote, we shall have enough, and 50,000 to spare above the demands of tile ticket. Tbe last election we did not, owing to the insufficiency of the polling accommodations, get in anything like our full strength. In the cities of Brooklyn and New York we shall ire able to roll up tremendous majorities, and I consider the re sult safe, —the conclusion, a glorious victory for the Democracy of the State. Mr. Van Buren closed by exhorting the voters to staud by the ticket, and requested three hearty cheer's for the Democracy and Andrew Johnson. [circular.] War Di pt, Bureau of Refugees, j Frkkdmen and Abandoned Lands, V Washington, Oct. 4, 1865. ) State laws with regard to apprenticeship will be recognized by this bureau, provided they make no distinction ot color; or, id case they do so, the said laws applying to white children will be extended to the color ed. Officers of this bureau are regarded as guardians ot orphans, and minors of freed men within their respective districts. The principle to be adhered to with regard to paupers is that each county, palish, town ship or city shall care for aud provide for its own poor. Vagrant laws made for free people and now iu force on the statute books of the States embraced in the operations of this bureau, will be recognized and extended to the freed men- Assistant commissioners will draw up specific instructions applicable to their respective States, iu accordance with the foregoing principles. O. O. Howard, Maj. Gen. and Commissioner. oct. 13 5t Headquarters, ) Sun Disr. of Ogkechee, > Savannah, Ga., Oct. 9th, 1865.) CIRCULAR. To facilitate the collection of the tax enumerated iu [fewgraph 6, Special Orders No. '32, dated Headquarters, Sub-Distiict of Ogeechee, it is hereby ordered -. That officers of banks, insurance, express and other stock companies, manufactures, merchants, professional men, and all others who receive a salary or employ labor for wbich compensation is paid, amounting to or exceeding eighty-three and one-third dollars pef month, will render to Captain Wm- T. Easton, Tax Receivei, city of Savannah, Ga., prior to the 20th instant, a certified report for the months of September and Octobei, 1865, stating name, occupation and amount of compensation received or paid. By command of Bvt.T3rig. Gen: DAVIS: Signed: W. 11. Folk, Ist Lieut, and A. A. A- G. octlO-15 lIEADQR9 DEP’T OF GEORGIA, Oyricp of ikk Provost Marshal ) General, f Augnsts, Ga., Oct Ist, 1865.) Pko. Mar. Genl’s^ Orders No. 4. j Information haviug reached these Head quarters, that private arms have in some in stances been seized by the Military au -1 thoriiies in this Department, it is therefore f ordered .- 1 I. That private arms, such as sporting I guns, pistols, &c., (other than Colt’s Navy I revolvers,) will in no cases be taken from | peaceable persons making no improper use I thereof. 1 11. The side-arms of paroled offleersof the 1 late so-called Contederate army, will not be taken from their owners so long as their pa -1 roles are observed. 1 111. All other Confederate or United I States arms ot any description, such as i muskets, carbines, swords, Colt's Navy re volvers, &c., will at once be seized, together with the ammunition therefor, aad a|l per sons haviug and concealing the same, upon discovery, will be promptly arrested and summarily punished. IV. Assistant Provost Marshals through out this Department are charged with the ex ecution of this order. By command of Major Gen. STEEDMA.N. H. W. Snow, Lieut. Col. and Act’g Pro. Mar. Geu., D. G. ! Official : M. T. HOLBROOK. Lieut. Col. aud Pro. Mar. Dist. of Bav uh. | octlO—lw HEADQ’RS SUp-DIS. OF OGEECHEE, »„ Savannah, Ga., Oct., 7th 1865. > General Order,) j No. 34. > AJI dealers inGtin PowderfShut, &c., will, before selHafcthe same, be required to pro cure from these Head Quarters a License. l»~ZBy Command ttf Be Brig Gen. E. P DAVIS. j Wm. 11. Folk, Ist Lieut. &A.A A. U V oCttMlt. . railroads. Central* Rail road -firm -Jo** — SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, > O SavKiiiiiih. t.a, l»ctoUr 2, N ftp'iattei Monday, 2nd lust., m daily train Csjun excepted} will leave lor Augagta at, 6 a. m., emin<*etinp with a line of Hacks running between Station Central Kaiuoad, and Wajuesboro on tbe AngMstw and Savannah Railroad Pa»engeis by this hna will .arrive in Angina the next mnrmuir after ieavfnr Savann??h in timetoeet nreakbHt and connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlantic. Preicht to go by Paesenper Train mult be prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before By order of GEO YV ADAYiS. 12 General Su|»eitiitendeiit. Central Railroad nT*”* BUPS.RINTINDENT’S OFFICE. > Savannah, Oct, rath, 1565. j This Company is now. in connection with H. J. pick* raun Jh Co.'s Wagons, prepared to receive and rorwardto Augusta. Macon, Atlanta Ac., daily from twenty to thirty thousand pounds of Freieni, and go through in from three to six days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid Dy Shippers Railroad If light can be paid here or;at dtt tiuation. 1 Freight ou perishable goods must be prepaid OEO. W. ADAMS, uctil General Superintendent. STATION UR V, A.C. . ~ KSTI 1.1/s Newspaper Depot, AND— STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street, Corner of Bay Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. NEW ATOVELiS. Just Received at the above Depot a further supply of MAJOR JONES' COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT, Price 50 CIS. Leslies’ Ladies Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mad, Demon.:,te’ Mirror ol Fashions, Price <0 Cm. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 35 cents. ALSO HARPERS MONTHLY, GODEY’S LADY'S BOOK' ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for OCTOBER. The usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, augSo THE TH4BLESTOT¥iH NETS Can he had at ESTILL’B News Depot and Cheap Peciodi* cal Store. J BULL STREET, BACK OF 3HE POST OFFICE. eepi!() BOOKS & STATIONERY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CALL AT • SAVILLE & LEACH, "epd-tf cor. Bryan street and Market Square. SCHOOL BOOKS. Spoiler* Readers, Grammars, Book-Keeping, Copy Books, Dictionarief*. Saville & Leach, p 4 If cor. Bej >;n atreet and Market Square. HOTELS. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY A BANCROFT, Proprietors. Edward L. Jones, Agent. ts octlO GILMORE HOUSE, Monument Square; Baltimore, Maryland. THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL has been newly fur nished throughout, and Is now ready for the re ception of guests. octC-1 m KIRK LAND & CO. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RTJOO, PbopiutObs E. S. RIDDELL F. RU«-G J u3-tf FINANCIAL. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sale by eeplo BRIGHAM. BALDWIN & CO. Manning & De Forest, BANKERS AND BROKERS, No, 10 Wall Street, New York, Dealers in Gold, Silver, Foreign Exchange and hovernoient Securities* GIVE epedal attention to tin 1 purchase and aaie o Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia Alabama, New Orleans and Tennessee Bank notes. Southern states Bonds and Coupons, Kailroad Bond* and Coupons. Interest allowed on deposits. jyls-3m Sight Exchange ON YORK, In sums to suit purchasers, by sep2B-t( K. F. METCALFE & 00. Boker*s» Bitters, The o!dwt and N»at renowned. funks:, 66 Liberty Street, seplMmo NEW YORK. LUMBER. WHITE PINE, rough and dressed. Cherry and Whit* Wood. F„r sale by RICHARDSON * BARNARD. #rp4*tl Bay strset, opposite Mariner's Church. PROFKSSTON Ala CARDS. Woodford k Kitrli. ATTORN E Y.S AN* * COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. ill Broadway, Trinity BuiMin£. NEW YORK CITY. * TflE noderaignt and having resumed the pi Actio* Af, is prepat ed to take charge of fore the several Count ia New York and at Wish iiiglon Bertfo-S&Wlm STEWART L. WOO THOS CORWIN, WM H. OWEN, TilO< YVll.Stlfc. OF OHIO. LATH COL. W.M.I>. (0* IOWA, I'ORUIX, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin A Flnndilry ATTORNEYS AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE. 223 F STREET, near TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, X> . Ci Will pruclice iu the Supreme Court ol the United Stales, the Os'urt of Claim*, aud the Conrtoot tlu; District of C6lnmbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment budueas. Olllccra Accouuta aiblisted. au3o Mil ' C. S. BUNDY, Gonor al Agent AND J -j ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS/ No. 2 -ii F Sikevt, Between 13m andTJtu Si -:i ETsi ! ‘ (Near Pay Department,; Waalilußton, X». O. ,' loan tr J,i DRY GOODS XND CLOTHIIVO. ;j « • ———- .... A. ~,q« yt CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOOD’S • r ■ •* IL fli ? BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. , i THF 'Ubrcrlber having formed a Co-pat'tnef&ijt' with Mr. J. C. Ludlow, under the Arm name of Heidt A Ludlow, respectfully calls the tiueml -u,uf Ills friends and the pnonugeneratlyto their large sMwi - of Ciothlhg, Furnishing Goods, Boots, wid Hats, which thev are now opening; and'wifi self hi* Wltoleeale and Retail, at the old ctnrid of Heidi, fain, don A Cos., No, 101 Bryau and 08 Sc Jnjian uclo -' Mn u... . .tv.UKittftoo DRY GOODS. •G '- fU . CASES OF PRINTS, the heft gtylCß. Jnpt rer reived and will bf* fobbed low hy (*. <’/ . A. T. GRAY’, • . At the Store of Mra. Pease, under Screven H6i)pp,BiF!T street, corner Cougresa street lane. octO iu STEELE k BURBAN k, 11 Merchants R«nv, Hilton Heiul, So. Cm CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTIIINC, FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, nr,d Plated WareJJwords, Sashes, Belts. Embroideries, Ik ols. Cat* Field Glasses, Gauntlets Gloves, Ac., Ac., Ac. MISCELLANEOUS. LAND AGENCY TOIt SOUTHERN GEORGIA. (THE subscriber, formerly of Savannah, 'and residcbl A at Bbtckshear, Pierce county, Ga . on the Atlan tic A Gulf Railroad, will give |tis peisynal and undi tided attention to the sale and piuchane of 'Lauds cuutlguons to tbe naid railroad, on commission, and solicits the patronage of all needing an agufii there. A» experience in the land, lumber anti limber busi ness of twenty years in Georgia aud bonth Caroliga, guarantees ample qualification. lie will be repre sented in Savannah hy Mr. Henry Bryan, ard in New York by the Great Southern Land Agency, .1 Broad way. JOHbJ D. DELANNOY Refers to any old resident in Savannah, seplk 3m Warren’s Ofobratefi Needles and Fish Hooka. Ju ANDREW <?L,JCKK At C(,»., 4S MAIDEN LANK, I?EW YORK, SOLK AGENTS AMD IMPORTERS. OUR former customers will find a reduction in gold prices of the Needles, while the quality is aiwav keptnp to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. ..;o f A. O. A Cos., respectfully solicit • renewal of the mercsntlle relations so long and favorably esteemed by their house. ruu2s 3S‘ R« Ha ALLEN & (o«, ISO & I©l WATER NT., NEW YORK. . Ui. m»WR»LEU. AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, Stoutll Too\» for the Farm awl Garden, eiteh u» .spoiler, SheveU, Hues, f'orke, linker, dec., and fur Gruels lioukt, SCgthet. Styih-Stenrs, and Aijrlesd turut Hardware in general, We offer, also, a large assortment of our own maim facture of Hay Cutters, Coffee andOnrln Mils, S'ugar Mills for Grocers’ use, Store Trucks of various pi terns. Hoad Scrapers, Wheelbarrows, *c Fertiilizers of all kinds, such as tWa Superjilms phatool Lime, pure Ground Bone, Peruvian Guano, and Poudrelte, SEEDS, Every valuable’American snd Boreigu variety ol Vegetai.le, Flower and Grass Seed nnd Field Grain ihut has proved worthy of cultivation, grown arid selected expressly for our trade. 1 ■■ > -J Sales made in bulk, per pound or bushel, or in small packets.for retailing, by tpe huudred nr thousand. sepl2-2aw-3mo . Advances Made ON €OT T 0 X AND— OTHER PRODUCE. Tl»e ,J\ew If ojr4 _ Warehouse M Security .^Comiunty, No. 36 Pike Street, Hew York, With a Cash Capital of ONE MILLION DOLLARS, will receive consignments of ~; 1 ■ COTTON, &c„ and accept time orjsight drafts Sot two-thirdS market value, at .hipping port, when accompanied -hr hill of lading. Competent persona will receive the property on arrival. Any other iuiormatiou can be had try ad dressing the Company. 1 *■ Thb Institution is owned and managed by active business men. which, added to the capital Invested guarantee entire mltdy and experience in the disposal of ms’.' hainiisc consigned tothem. References in New York—National'Banff onke lie public. Bank Os Amedea. i,l PRICE. 5 CENTS INSURANCE. INSBEAH^ Authorized' 1 apit4l-$10,400,000. pOARus i bOLP.r A ro. are prepared to take -Ta „"J' h '■ Risks to »ny dome-til or foreign peri, and P!rt> tort, m this ciyin the ioUoning named UluLctaf* N, w iork Companies S&Y AT THE LOWEST BATES. OBifc'VJHN marine insurance lOBW JWflikOiW oMOJBiLS. riRE AND INLAND IN3UR i. 4pGIS4SOMPANY 5,000,000 OAfMERCK FIKcUNSURANCE COMP'V CiHt.fidO SJi'ANDARD FlitE INSURANCK t.OMP'i . 200.000 I tore in Jones' Block, cor. Bay and Abercorn stf Branch Office, comer Drayton and lirjan it mute. Its R. MOUNaT Corner Hull and Cong:eta Streets, tinder Mm.. . s W( V( . B Heeae, 'I%PORTER and "Wholesale Dealer In Havana Sc. ■Jr Kara I.ea* and Hmok ng Tobaceo. Also, alj kinds V Virginia Chewing ainUSmoking Tobacco. Mcr vhßan™, Brier. Run, aattall'kinds of Fancy .tVii. Bep3o-3m 'fli <3 Partnership j* lately tixiatingunder RJcißkiiyffisrc. 5 ■Macky, ttdgg Cos., T. f AYf>|G A*in)ved hy the of flpfK. Uh* auhscribfcfs be- to' announce that nicy wmJotSfmfo'fteF - *1.3 m i|tlii|r nud’Gi'iM-uI Commission BrtsfnPss | i V S.Y V* ,Y iV J jST gV II . J&T No. ao.VL£fD 30$ LAV ST., under the umne of. ' ' * V fl£ta,ekv, X»eattie & Cos. |» ! . - SAMUEL MACKY, I N'Pti’Mm ROBERT H. BEATPIH " ’ 9 fck : v._ v JKSIAHUSUJiU 1809. INOCH rMORGAIf S SON S . Soaps, <fec„ ■ No, 21 ! >Y ashington-Ht,, Wepli> NrtU TORE ' 2m DURYEAB HTAJZEHA TRY ONf F*&UND. w “ ™»"• "• That received a medal and honorable mention, from tc liojf ii Cu mmiMAouera* tbe competion of &U prom em of *• *rorn Starch” and •*srep*red Com Flour-of tliia and countries notwithstand ing. * ' * 'g* * " maiseka, Tho font! *i‘n<!'luxury of the ftve y wKhcnt a ningte Unit, oi e trja! will conyinjop, the inn/nt skeptical Make# PJiddinep, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., -wibkont Whfflui*, with few or uo at a coet «f umLhfpg the moat ecnomical. A alight addition to orohurry wfreat Flour greatly improves Bread and Caku It i.-* also oxcellcntfor tb ; -ck<mfe|g sweet aauces, gni vio.M i|>r dak and meats, eonp& *c For Ice Cream nothing cin t*omp?m? withir. A little boikd in mil); u iU produce rich cream lor cofl'ee, choculate. tea, Ac- Fnt in puc pound packmet*, finder the rrade airrj. >L»wj«huh, w itinljrectJoiiß Ibr use. •* A most delicto us article of food for children and in- VwtfdM of all ifgpr: i or Milo hy grocers and Druggists everywhere. \\ liolesali' Depot, lfftt Fulton Street. WXX.L.IJV-ax XJUP4VJEA, .■m2-.3m General Xgcnt, uiioLPH o wox. r a; r Ml Beaver 3tr<ct,hew York. Offers for sale of his own Importat ions, in bond aud ijutefcajd, llio Urgent track of Wines, X.iqoors, Ac., of :my*"thfer in this country, comprising in part of O'tarif. Hen'iicuy, Pinet Castillon, Mfrtel, Godard Brandy, Ith&f'Tlo Beandiep m half, quarter.and eighth Btneks : iffito Otard and RouySr, Lftferrriore find Fija Brandy, in cases pf ope dtmen entii. *vu, “CWaa.” L’dolplra WaUe'a ScUiedwv isl pipes. Schiedam Ai ouuitiq Schnapps, in bond and duty paid, in cases of oue dozen quarts and two doaen pints. “Whiskey and Rum.’’ Scotch and Irish Whiskey, in hhds. and cases of one dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey in barrels and rases of ono dozen each. HUM. “Jamaica" and "St. Ow Hum" in httds »nd case* of one dozen each. Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines. 1 More than rwonty different prases, fei halves qnar, tern and eltrhrh casks, also 'n rases ol ope dozen ouch. ~ ..... "Ileck, Champagne, *-i,.... and Claret UTiu ~ From Voter Arnold Mumra in Cologne, proptiutor of Joanuirburg estate! J. 11. D. Becker & Fits , fikehn nance 1. Hencilasd Oc, Bordeaux Barton A Guest in, BordeituX, and from other well known houses in Ger many aiul France. i'" ' Unn, CuiuuAi.a, Seahr.ES, Btttfefat, Mntm, (Jims, BrasOv Fitneravies, *O. -u 1 T.i ol:ly-Avo years’ business transactions With* the Soulbain Stalas with some of thq largest and most resjHjctable^Ui'igers,should bo euiffcieil gharanteethat evi l y art’ -Id offered by the advertiser fit* sate, is pure out! puiinlne. « 11l Samiiies.can he seen, and catalocne of prices oN talm-d, byndctiessing thy ajjujvp; . . .iimS Sm mm BAGGING. .. th>.- sale hy "• A - HARDE6 A CO. Bnw,V Slandaivf Scales. USED' by the Doited States iind Foreign Govern.' f mouta for more than - - . c ;p 7 t*Ffc T ST-’' Y 5E Jkftt S Adapted** any branch of bu*hieM for foreign of npm« markets. Wan anted aoMuate and durable. SaleH rooms No. 3 Barclaf-.«t.Vneaf Broad wn?. k ***'*' H. b ROW If. Manufacturei. mm Prift* Listo OB’ # FAIRBANK S SCALES , ' " i%i “ •> ! AND ’RERBIW FIRE TiiOOF SAFES. Orders for all sues received by , BELL, WYUY * CHRISTIAN. j ;NO r ncri 7 A 1 L person* indebted to the late firm of E. JteiiU M .fl.- cu.. and aeidt, Jaudoo & Cos., will please call and settle same at the old stand. up-*inire - ;;;^moF TRY ONE POUND,