Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 13, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. 4■ * < } —.L. ‘L __ FRIDAY. OtTOBKK 13. 1.65 Steam Traction Knginrs Acro.s tire Plain, from the Mi.eourl River to the Rocky Mountain*. A company/ lias recently been organized by capi, a.lots ot Boston and XtW York with a capital stock ol six millions of dollars, for the purpose t placing steam traction en gines upon it." ordinary roads between tbe Missouri river and the Rocky Mountains, tbe distance being about 650 allies. The amount of transportation across these plains i« enor mous. The present season it is estimated that it will amount to two hundred millions of pounds, all of which is carried in ordinary wagons drawn by cattle or mules. It pays u freight ot 15 cents per pound, amounting to the enormous sum of tuirty millions of dol lars. , These traction engines are on the plan of Isaac Frye, of Brooklyn, and are to combine advantages ot power and adhesion which will make them successiui on long routes like the one in que6liou, where no fui 1 can be obtaiued, w heu engines of the ordi nary description, now so much used in Eng land and Australia, must necessarily be a lailuie from their inabiii.y to carry more thuu their own supply of mel. Coal is l6nud in abundance near Denver, and as the paying tieignt is westward the, trains cau bring back coat, di-irmuting it at ; stations along the route. The hi ding of coal , m the mountains has, it is beli ve ■. removed I the ouly uifficulty in the a.i pi on of steam J upon,the common roads for this immense j business. These tiffins will cross me plains j \a«ix days easi.y, while the mu.e and caule i T'-a'mSTtqup'e from fuikv to siXV days. An * engine of 32 lons weight is now under con struction, with a train of wag ms, which t is the intention of the company to put on the route this fall. During tue winier other trains are to be constructed for next year’s business. The entire route from .Nebraska City to* Denver has been surveyed This sum mer by A. P. Robinson, civil engineer. With the exception of a few special points requir ing a trivial amount of work, the road is re * ported to be one of the dnest in the world.— I’hare is no necessity lor any inclination in the entire distance exceeding 8 teet per 100. There is a held here tor one ot the most profitable operations in tbe country. The business is unlimited, and increased lacilities imperatively demanded by the enormous di vestments ot Eastern capital throughout the raining region, as well a> by the interests ot the population of 350,000 people in the terri of Montana, Idaho, New Mexico, Colo rado and Western Nebraska, ail tjf whom are now dependent lor their great supplies upon the slow aud expensive mode or haul ing by cattie and mraes. —Boston Traveller. Demands or the Hocr.—Tbe condition of the country is such just uow that the most thorough slatesmanship is Deeded lor its guidance. The.couise ol the President meets with the approval ituh receives the support ot all conservative then if all parties, and this is a hopeful sign. There is, how ever, danger that the same “disloyalty’ which led us into the war will lead us into new troubles. We do not use the Word dis loyalty in its modern Ameriean sense, but ii its proper sense, of enmity to the Consti tution of the United Stales. The men who have been most iree in casting the accusa tion of disloyalty at their opponents, have b eD, in poiut of lact, at at! limes the most dangerous enemies of government. We seem now to have arrived at a time when Oue may sustain the Administration and at the same time stand by the Constitution, and singularly enough, just at this moment we find these very men,, who were a little while ago loudest in professions ot loyalty, arrayed against the Administration and against the Constitution both. If we ask them now what they support, they do not pretend that they support the Presideut, nor even the government. But they will argue that the war is ended, and that the exigencies which evoked their loyalty are gone, and they are now privileged to be disloyal. This argument will not avail. Spasmodic loyalty ■ is worth nothing. The condition ol the Country is hazardoqs and uncertain. The haute prosperity aufl unity of the people, L tbe of the great national debt, afid the carrying forward ot the grand mission ot the American Republic, all depend on the wisdom and prudence of the statesniau at I fie helm, aud on the present course of the people. Piesideut J. husoua policy tends toward unity, and community of reelings, and of interests. The course of the opposi tion, headed by Stevens and Sumner, the Tribunes of New Yoik and Chicago, aud other like persons and papers, tends tow ard disunion and perpetual anarchy. The times I require every patriot to take his stand dis tinctly lor or against the policy of the Presi dent. We do not pretend to say that pa triotism requires a mau to approve his jxilicy, for patriotism is not a Christian vihue, and may often leaH men to oppose government But this is no day for uncer tain men,<or uncertain parties. Within the next few weeks, or months at the most,.it ♦should be decided wbat is to be the Course of the popular will. If to sustain iho wise measuresyt Mr. Johnson, gooti. It toes . lablish the reign of radical leaders, then - nothing but evil awaits us. i AStrasgk Story.— Tiie Western papers ,are publishing a statement that in 1862, Mrs Richardson, the wife oi Senator Richardson, ot Illinois, tvas in communication with prominent rebels, and went through the lines and had an interview with Gen. Price, and subsequently with Gen. Joe Johnston, in behalf of Western Congressmen it is as serted, she submitted two piopusitionsto the South,—lst, t'o come back to the Union, with all their old rights and additional guarantees for slavery ; and 2d, if the first was not accepted, that the western amt northwestern States should join the Con federacy, accepting their pro-slavery Con stitution and Jeff. Davis as President, pro vided they were not required to accept slavery in their own States, except attue will oi their people. The Knights of the (Jo,den Ciicle and other secret military or -ganizaturas of the West were pledged to bring into the field a sufficient force to make the scheme jjjucceeslut. The proposition was submitted to Jcfl, Davis, and the account says he cousideied n impracticable. . Sir*. Kicnardsoo is now dead, and the Iliiiiuif Senator is Indignant to wnat has been i*td about the mission. Arizona was the theatre of an ancient civ ilizauon, wnich has felt monuments, but not history. Well-constructed houses are exist ing mere, untenauteu, and evidence ot ex -1 tensive mining and agriculture- It was evi dently not Aztec, but Tolteeaa or ante Tol jecan 'Civilization. The Apaches, a species oi Igipiaiis analogous to.pje Jialays.of ludiu, •now ovcfiuu the territory,' aigi cannot be civpized. The JlokeS are a more interesting people. They live upon lae «iouutaias anel cultivate the land ia me valleys, tor which they pay a tribute ot l-ll) to tne Apaches.— They now number -about 1,2u0: are of lair « ; aaiplexiori and somewhat Duropeon teat ares, borne Welsh Colonists of Utah visited them and iouud remarkable similarities oi language—the same intricate system of con tort ap* ll * words and other dialectic peculiar ities .belonging to the Cymraeg. i here is a aneory that Prince iiadoc, who left North AV ales in tbe reign of Henry 11. of England; was the founder of an American colod.v, of •which the Mokes are the descendants. The Port isjion Ct*i. X.) limes says that! several person* near Auburn have recently been fatally stung by a large worm that in • tested tomato vines, death ensuing within a few hours. Tne worm is about three inches long, of a green color, and armed with claws and nippers, with a black born extending ia , front, three fourths ot an inch long. British Justick.— Tne English papers tell i tbe story of a young lady who jumped from Ia railroad train on me North Kent road on the lHh of last mouth. She was severely ®juied. She said she jumped out to save wjrselt fniin outrage by a fellow passenger, ohe was brought befoie a court and fined 2i. leaping boot a usiu iu Diction. Notice to the Public. IN the . >|§. he m*r t r embark «J ir ; $ p Busin -es in be rity ol Phi »§e hm. a* and rra iri i engag**' 1 . road- • ..tint: *in <1 ii rno«t "><*!•* of j ~ •*£ f'r' p\ effoits being ufal u-»ed by the M licai * cazy J w -;g. them before th pnb , . but h ,-u u and f. before cor:clou: gto f n r knowing prejudice rat x. *-1 ir • raanyag*i-ut v ; u V bot through th- ;tdv c- of :¥1 ?. id * « used thMn thir nbj* c io’i wa, ov rcotn Aft-»r j* ars’ %c* mu> tich.2’o a . .11 thepopu •» it, of niy jnt.c«- •,s ti- • if of the Unit-9 * t t s \vi 1 lv » countries— nd this iu th*- : o i m Every Sae r-o* • and to bv era since thrir inenl nudnucr ha> such as;td?a»it»ir.giArgi r b< ti --p-i ail ctii-r j r . m- uts—but Ihi . h ppv :o ft .i »t <• * ■»>' Who have reeoit.d to th v. non* have b m u*. MY OBJECT in this not! ?e i-to ml - . respectable be t vii i: *i m** *rs j croons, tn t h proceedings, and that t * h of m art may not be damaged b> the u.-cc; in v-riururepuiion.- ; oneN. Knowing that many may r* ml sh : - a'tide wh-. *. un irqti(tinted with m<\ i append a f» w m . iho—of my nai in all part? of th< w< -Bvin-| rt-ou ilv . i irntH with Mr. H T HMm- ! bold, it ass rd- me ( e m iu btuiiug I h . j post fbvorabl * . ■ ty, and e. -: : Vi! WEIGHTMAN, | Firm of Towers AV\ « igh!Dc:n. { Ninth diid Itmwn Streets, i'bn.ujciphia. (Evening Balien,., Phila leiphia ] When on a visit to the rirv nf \r\i York a fen days was iiirtuceilto call mi i.nrn!.! !'ri • 1 •"' -ni.:!l. Vr. 11 T Hell,.bold Drill ' I way. N. 1. ll,s Store la a Mintel -a wen o the bandsome-t of any kid V., have', v, rbw it pleasure of viewing, hi/, , v hem,-a., w, iront. five utorie- in height, and • , . It inoeed afford? in- much pleasun to has be<n so tocceeaful and ir - ample -• . mcrite of his article- —as in our nhnti r ence we have not known i.: ihct.,c>s i les without Merit—adveoieino , •••'.. name before the. people. ” j {Boston llerald.l * /••We do not like to advert-o worthless warn- n articles calculated to deceive our reader - ,n, v and, we-ee an advertiser tike Mr. tle.mMd, wl w have known ferjesrs. t-oduaiitextepr! nf-ir> from year to tear until hu beeomes th • are, . „i v ,, ttserin the United states, weaie sali-detl hi ii, sUtcmeutb in regard to hip aj Ucii-a imift bt* correct. The writer re’ucUntl) in-, its then ,ve. a.l vveu’ i not do so we, ehe not a-:, up,, to man. am, .on' eludes by sfatiUL ilm . n.-.m, e o lia at; .X and u Mn*f C *,fc r “' l “" h ' h "' '" W ' WtMu sands with complete succe? I AdVLII 11SJCM EN T. J llelmboid’B Extract of Euciiu will cure all diseases of the KiUneva and lfadder.- Corea Pain or Weakoe-e in the Badt. Strie-u , - , i Cures Weak Hervee, 1.0.-s or m,‘„ v. Ti, .;bl,r ' Dimness of Vision. HEi-MBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHI is a pore fluid extract, not n Weak tea or liTfn«tnn I the one tbiug needful for all cunplsiuts incident H, Females. For particulars send for Circular. HELMBOLD'SFLUID EXTRACT BtTOHU cures Gravel and Drnp-i,-*l Sw-llinp, cxistin-in Men. Women, or Children; in lact- ALC DtSEV'hCS requir mg the aid of a Diuretic. It Is the greate-t Truiic and Diuretic known—perfectly fife, pleasant in t.tsie and odor, and immediate iu iis action. HELMBOLD’S Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED. One bottle equivalent in strength to one gallon of the byrup of Decoction. it reaches the seat of the disease immedAtely, ex pelling ail Humors of the Blood, and BEAUTIFYING TIIE COMPLEXION. These articles, being of such strength, tl < and, • exceedingly small. From this fact, nis tt -Vd in lh Ar 't‘J' H'jfpltuls and public baiiituy in stMutioua throughout the land DF" Sold by all Druggists everywhere. ZT Ask for Heimbold 1 -. T dry no othei W-Cutout the ndvertiteinem aud seid for t, and by this means avoid Countrnci! oct9 lm THE NEW YORK NEWS. r> A J L Y, SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. the JVJdW VOIJTC WEEKLY HI) SEMI WEEKLY YEWS. GREAT FAMII-Y NEWBPAPBKS, BEYJAHIY WOOD I<l it or Ami Proprietor. Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, M&rket and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! lIfROVEINTSJNTRODUCED iMMINSE CIRCULATIONS DETERMINED DN. T»>: LARGEST, BEST AND CHE APEST , rxrEKS PUBLISHED IS XEW Y'WHL NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published Every Wednesday. Single Copies y„ e cents One Copy, one year $ 2 00 three Cop:e> one year. 5 qy Five Copies, one ye-r. 573 fen Copies, one year )7 po —And an extra copy to any Club of Tej) rwenty Copies, one year.. .!T ..7 ... hi 60 The WeeJUy New* fa Sent to Clergymen at $t 30. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday Single Copies, one year ..; j 4 i,o Three Copies, one year.. in no Five copies, one year iu 00 Ten Copies, one year So 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. , Twenty Copies, oue year. 66 50 To Clergymen ■■ n, NtW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail Subscribers $lO per annum Six Months .... Fire Dollars For sale by ell New*dealers. Specimen copiee i of DAILY and WEEKLY MEWS sent free Address BENJ. WOOD, nafiy Xnvf BntlAlhg, No 10 City H ill SfjOßfe «P'2l * New York f'. COMSTOCK & Kim. MACHINERY DEPOT, Office *«. 154 Bay Stmt,Swamli, 6a. \VE Leipon hsr.d and Turn >h to order at Maim pi ’ om r2r r. Pri :- s 'h'U.'ii.( .l oot Slid Hand Lai! e,, Phnes. llnlia Chuclss. Bolt t utters , ■ .. Wood* jUnn “Portable Engines!" UoiMii - , t. gnet, A oud Worktng Mv hitter* ..i every disertp Stationery steam Juwir.. • am] nmi,., ' c% apdFreejewSawMllle. Bii-aMili. Ml f. «W Rr and Min bswa Hnbber ami Leather sse-u-r ■■ v 1 Hose-Geaiing. ahafting. and Pn!:':t~, lii draulm Jack* »nd Punches, l'nron- of II kittr. an kind* of Wood and Iron Working MtUnety and •OMbea. » -v Agentsfor the West Point Foundry, E A Wood's Steam Omage aid Boiler Feedert, sar- SEND FOR t CIRCULAR. COMSTOCK A KINSEY, * No 164 Ilav street. ocU-Tu.Tb&Sim Ssvsauali, Gu, U:\VRPtPRR*B. VIJLY MESSENGER, P s.e ■ ? ;ei v Monmig and Ereninfi: [CON G£ ) R GIA, a ’MCK OF CHERRY fciiQ THIRD STREETS. JLAI. tiJ - y < TH< I ’LA TIOS IS MIDDLE GIT 111 WESTERN GEORGIA* J . - . - I TWE < 1 i first estabhahed ; J !•'• i .nir, ,i irly published u-ver ?i»ce, has I iu.’ U. j. -t <‘irt •: •. on of any paper in this section, i W< -. tgnnt toadwrtlwn.and d< rousof hivinL' tMr Lusi i •• ■ - t‘*i iy i.ii-iwu, will do well to jidvjrtise OtU WEEKLY ! ’fdng of pome c or ten - ni" ’f! the Southern ' A . n- te# > r " Lv. Jv. ptl.jements Mith the I liroLt •. v. ha batiaTaciion A (iresp S. ROSE & CO. -* i .15 r.i-BR, >■ I>r °prietore. »“plB THE \E\V ORLEANS TIMES, Tin- l.e.Tfling Journal of the South. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, i>« ,i t<*'l 1 tur<- fifßi Q(*riprfd Npwh —Tlhy Diwua if Tiid National Topics—Tho Wel " tl,«; Plamiiii Imerenf—The fir u-r- s or Oommurce, Mtd the of ProFpoiit> in the >OTithcm t Statee. T*-*' !’ o 'iftnip (»» tn- New Oai.EAKB D.\n.Y and W.’-Kii 'i i. i.x sit injured by the liberal support : •r! ir»4»nrriM iuiv»- m «»?«» nnipb- arruiiuernnus inproveiuent, \'itba view io uiaknig it, in every rwspeet, a J IKS' < LASS SOUTJ'ERN FAMILY AND NEWS - PAPER Term*-* tin' Daily. $lO per annum; half yearly, $8 ; Quarterly. $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES K- dc\ • ‘<l to the discn«sio»« of topics of vital import •■•uco to th ■ imor* -is of the Guif S ates; contaii's a < -urefu’iy j.r.jpan-d coniperdinm of the news of each wv» k. f- nalaad selected literary -tnd raised la neooc in i-L. . t-8. poetry, etc., correspondence from all part i*i 'he country and abroad, letter* from the peo y resume of tl New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms ol the W'oekiy; .$5 per annum. TO CLUBS. The \\ lm kh will be furnished ns follows, when sent to our address: <*•>l .. .. .f 4> 50 | 6 copies $25 <¥> ‘ 14 | T “ 29 00 4 ** . . 001 S *• 33 00 & “ - 22 801 9 “ 37 00 10 copies S4O. • '• 1 < Tt.ra c.opy will tie given to any one getting upn <3lnJf of Tun. i'eriDK invariably in advance. Address \VM. H. C. KING ,Sr CO., uuM-tfi Proprietor* N. O. Times, No. 70 Camp st THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Flu- entered npnn it* Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has n large and daily increasing circulation, and of fer* to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern pnhllr, advantages surpassed by none, ADVERTISING RATES. ONE SQUARE Two weeks $ r, 00 One month 6 00 Two months 10 00 Three months ... . 15 no Mx M*.the,. ... . „ .... 24 00 40 00 TV.O 6QUAKF-B. Two weeks. $lO 00 < »ne month 12 00 Two months 15 00 Thiee mouths. 18 0O MX months. .. 30 00 1 Q 0 00 Persons desiring a greater quantity of space than i* above ck.-'intuited, will be acooinmodated ou liberal terms. St BfctfRIFTION RATES. Singh* Cepy, fmailed; Sets. "i" .Moult), do 7o “ '\ ire* Moullis, d* $2 (j 0 b. -. >l-tnfh« do. 3 SO One 1 tar do G 00 Address, A. F. < RUTCUFIELD & CO., PETERSBURG, VA. I^TtOSX’ECTUS ol Mercantile Mirror A Wt—kly < oirmitT( i i] and Advertising Sheet, WITH V.N KIMTIoN OP Hr,one* CuPIES. FOKGRA- Tl ITOTTS CIR< CLATION. 7V> /*• Issue i on or about the lath 0/ Juh/, 1805, By -I. W. liI’KKE A Cos., MACON, GA Tius many of ttnuoadiiuj merchants of the country, as h ini'thod <ji‘. oxtepsiv lv ndvui :islng their business.— While w«- Will publish the advertisements of all who n.c y avoi u with their patronage, the paper will also r >nt ,1; Prices Current of the Markets in all the princi- P-l Cities Rates of Exchange. Brokerage, «jrc., and Commercial New*«>t every description tliut will be of inltnvs to the Mercantile Community. N('ft will the •• MI R I,'GK ”bo exclusively filled with advert igeinonts; but the paper will oe sufficiently largo r leuvo ample room lor Editorials, Correspondence, cr M . . . Ac. 1; will be a pamilt, as wki 1. as \ j;rs!.\Kfis pap,m;, and we intend that it shall City; T ■ 10frill ■ in tin* Country. . . l v!v.\ 1 ' .go of adv.-r Using in a i. , , .h * rq.tioig OUJLt TKKSIS WILL BE I.IBEKAL. \Vc are uyablv 1 to publish them in this iVmhir, u< t know in * what rumihor of our friend-* will want their Business cards -Notices, Ac., brought he lm ot ho Public through tlds medium. We will only - ■> to all, send your Advertisements to us immedi th !y : start how much space yon wish them to occu py, direct ons, Ac. Wc have a large Mock ol Fancy ! ype. Cuts and material Tor displaying them, and leej c>nfideM o. meriting the patronage and aj>proval of all iki-inrv- M«*n. A sopnas wo arrive at the amount ol matter midsize of paper required, we will make an t ‘ erd publish the rates f r advertising, in the hr t number. Tmpy mix nt as low as pohsiiilk, to 1.1 >w I’m 10 t't iu u-i UK v.vpf.b. Deeming it superflu ity to srgue tl»t* 1 u. lit 01 ibis enterprise to the adver tising wo. id, wo lea * o the subject with it. feeling as sured it will meet its cordial co-operation and sup port. Address .7. W. Dl ItkE A OU., Macon, Ga. Agent in s iv.tunnb • Urn. N. A loiun.H, Buy Street. jylß-tf THE il.ilLl El EMM VOICE. PUBLISHED AT BOSTON, MASS., is T/tr Oi FI( IAL ORGAN Ot THR W Eigm-Konr League of Mass., AND Vi TIIK WGfiKiNGWIHS ASSEMBLY Os BOSTON. IT i* independent in Polities, eschews Sectarian mat te-r-. (..i; uTI the "Lou a I ai.cV General Mews of t o r! -r. i' cspucmliY devoted to the interest* of Work Ingmeu, niid its m.-iungers J-pare no p.-uns to make it THE PEOPLE’S PAPER. a iiities for obtaining the latest ami most relia -1: Hitt■ il.. .ice <iii * \ cry subject of irterest are nnsur paper that will be wel tou.etl by every !*ou oi New England in any section of U. country, ft has a large circulation, and ns an ad i i medium is nnsurpassed by any newspaper in I Wostoa. e " s-dd jci iption Ptice, par year. miw Format RECEIVED DAILY, And Korn ai «ic«l < nti-Wt eklj. IvrSTKAMKK AMAZON, Capt «. .Johnson. I'c-r M'i l-.AMEK LAIHA, Capt. Edward Hiller. Havhig n "imm.odious Warehouse on Dillon's Wharf, we ire piepaifd to receive freight a* above. Duo not re will be given of the days of departure of c * It et dimi r * y ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. *cpia lm Agent on Wharf. « OMMIMIOH NKHCIIAIff. Ar. Eiif. MPfcitafy A: Cos.. GENERAL Conuitissi on )I erelia nt s, *’ 202 BAY STREET, SfeivannaL, - - - - Ga. particular Attention Paid to Sprats to our House in Pinladelpiiia. . * eep22-lm G. B.&G.W. LAMAR General Commission Merchants, forwarding and shipping , i AGENTS. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. 4 THE Undersigned have thi? day formed a Co-part nership under the name and Ptyle of G. B. and G. W Lamar, for the transaction of a General Com mkwnn. Forwarding and Shipping Business and offer thdlr services to their friend* and the public. Office in Jones’ buildings, Bay Street, few doors East of Ciaghorn £ Cunningham, tup stairs.; Refer to < eo. W. Anderson. Esq , Savannah; John C FerrUl, Esq., Shtvannah: G B. Lamar, Eaq., Sa vannah ; Wm. E. Jackson, Esq., President Augusta Factory; Messrs. Joeiah Sibley & Sons. Augusta; J B. A J. W. Walker, Augusta. G. B. LAMAR. Jb Bsp3Mm G. W. LAMAR Jb. F. M. M YRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GENERAL rOMSIISS/OX AND FOR * WARDING MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Harris’ Building-, 2d door west of A. Low A Co.’s. Refers tn Messrs. Hunter A Oammell, Crane, John son A (jravbill; Bell, Wylly & Christian ; Bothwell A Whitehead; Miller, Thomas & Cos.; M. A. Cohen, Esq. sep2ft-tf D. H. BALDWIN & CO., COMIVtISSIOINr MERCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, New York. P. H. BU-liWIN,) w- rL* J. F CCMMISGS, / I ' CW ' ° rk - H. Brigham, ) Qo „. M .k oct4-3m C. 51 Holst, f bavannah. Hardee, Storage and General Commission Merchant CORNER BAY AND JEFFERSON STS., Savannah, Georgia, Dealer in-HAY. FODDER, GRAIN, FLOOR, WOOL, HIDES, BRAN. SHOUTS, Ac. sep22-lm JAMESB.CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liquers, 171 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en tiustedto them, and prompt returns made at the most reasonable rates. sep4-3m TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vebf.y Street, ..KW Yoiih. And Memphis. Term. Thomas Fenner, Henke Bennett, D. W. Bowmvn. iyfi on. CILIS. L. COLBY & CO., s,tipping Commiasion and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JOr.ES BLOCK, COBNT.K DAI AND AEET.CoiIN 6TEEET SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chas. L. Colbt, of New York, or to our friends In Boston. MAUDE tfc WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. Messrs; Dabney, Morgan * Co’, New York. iTnrivs 61ade, Esq., New s'ork. Hon. J Wiley Eiimands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. sep IS—tt Woo(lward, Baldwin \ io., HO Duane Street, New York, 9 and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Lileral advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnitmrgs and Yarns. jyjs LatbTreasurer State of Ga. / ( savannah, Ga. J ones <fc Way, IIav( re-opened their office at No. 98, Bay Street. <Opp)Bite the old stand, ) Savannah, Ga-, for the traua -aetujiof » General Commission and Factorage busi ness, Particular attention paid to forwarding Colton and Merchandize to and from the interior. RfKUKNCHb—T. W. Chichester, Esq.. Augusta, Ga., I. C’.Plant Esq., Macon, Ga*, J. W. Warren, Esq.. Co lumns, Ga., and any Dank or Merchant of Savannah, septS eod lmo HENRY BRYAN~ Bran Street, next to Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank Building, Broker and Commission Agent FOB SALE AND PURCHASE OF STOCKS. BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Cotton. *Bmo N. WM k CO., Ftt'wardin? and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., JOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, K(i Street, Jacksonville, Florida. ISO. SAMMIS. KD. O. SAMMIS. CHAB. L. MATHEK A. T. TTNNINGHAAn I>. O. PCBSk! CIXJMNGHAM &. PURSE, F' ;,™ R r S ,; .PORIVARDINQ AND commission .p MERCHANTS, No. 4St Lower Stem. Bay met, Savannah. Ga. k< Jrenccs—Robt. Habersham <fc Hons, Hunter&. Gar null. Octavos Oohen, Brigham. Baldwin & Go., Lrv. i & Hardee, Claghoni & Cunuin-hHin. _ ‘l j4 ~^ m E. F. METCALFE & CO., GiRERAL forwarding AND OMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lo\ r Stoddard's Range between Abercorn and Lincoln Streets, Svanrtah, Ga. Ri rcnces—Honing, Flint * Pearce, New Tork • E. S 3ruce & Cos., Augusta, Ga.; R. c. Robson, Eso., Atla i, Ga.; Enott & Howes, Macon, Ga.- E M Bru< Morgan <t Cos.. Appalachicola. Fla.; Watts! Oral & Cu, N. V; Geo o. Pearce & Cos , St. Louis! Mo.; .C. Bruce & Cos.. Cincinnati, O.; Mr H J Cool Albany, Ga.; Jno. W. O'Connor- Macon, Ga i *2l _ Im J. SHAFFER, C jmmission Dealer ; In all kinds ot , For GNAND DOMESTIC FRUITS ANn PRODUCE, « rar W ASIIINOTON Mauket, Opp tc 143 West st„ Bulkhead between Barclay and r t e w ' escj st ®" puc M^utS D .m o^Lr*° Unll ” 0,1 h “ d * ■*> Al insignments promptly attenked to. tt Refers to A. L. Brsdley, A. Haywood, T. J Wall and J. H. Parsons i eodly COMMIMKIOS MKRCHAKTS. J. T. THOMAS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 11? Bay Strcf't. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at .is Low Rated as are accepted by any good Company. octll-lm SOUTHER X COTTON WAREHOUSE, ■ % CORXEP. OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH. GA. O’FALLON & CO., FACTORS, Forwarding 4 Commission MEBCHANTH RESPECTFULLY invite attention to onr facilities for the pnrchftHe or movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt att. ution to nil ouai nesi entrusted to our cart*. Intending to e*»tabli‘-h perm inontly a House in Savannah expect bv etrict principles to merit and receive a purtion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New Y.»rk or Europe, aud will make ad vancea ou eame; picking, re baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby s iving the enormuus expense incurred in Northern cities by this process— They solicit a portion of the business oX the people of Georgia and of adjoining .States. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY’ AND LINCOLN STREETS, XV~ Post Office Address, Lock Box 2’>. oct7-3m BACON, CLARDY &CO. Cotton auO Tobacco Factors; XEAV YORK, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY HENRY BRYAN. WE do entirely a Commission Business, exerting ourselves to get the outside market quotations for our patrons. Liberal advances made on Cotton at Savannah, and part a! advances on Colton ready for. shipment at Au gusta, Atlanta and .Macon. Planters’orders filled. octlS-lm Van Horn, Holyoke A Murray, General Commission amt Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. 9 Stoddard’s Block, BAY STREET, SAY'ANN AH, GEORGIA Chas. Van Horn, Holioke A Murray, Savannah, Ga. New Y ork. Engaged exclusively in a Commission Business.with ample and first class Storage Room, we most respect falte tender our services for the purchase aud sale of all kinds of merchandise. i»ctii-3m L. WAR HOCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, FLA, Consignments solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. octll-lm MAGKY, BEATTIE & GO, SHIPPING AM GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205 Bay* Street, SAVANNAH. O.A. OFFER FOR SALE the following Goods, on the most reasonable term?. 250 bbls Whiskey, Mountain Dew 'j *2® ** 1 Buckeye Reserve | !u I! “ . Sta « Bom bon J 20 “ 4 years old Stag Bourbon * r, A ‘* Gl 20 “ •• Pine Apple f ' v «7 t « rn CO “ *• Burkam’s Bourbon ) Di>tilation 16 4 ‘ ** Old Rectified Together with a large assortment of Port,, Sherry and Madeira Wim s, fieidsiek a Cos., And Revmond’s Champaignes, Brandies, Gins. Rums, German & Ridgeway Bitters, &c. In connection with the above, we offer for sale Choice Family Flour, Bacon Sides, Shoulder*, Lard, Liberal advances made on consignment to MACKY & BEATTIE, rf, P K -G PHILADELPHIA. PA. ’ N. A. HARDEE & CO., Shipping, Commission and For warding Merchants, SATAMAH, GEORGIA. Will make liberal, Cash Advances on consignme’ its to onr friends, Norton, Slaughter & Cos. 40 Broad street New Y T ork. ocLG-lm Wm. H. Burroughs & Co s and COMMISSION MF .RCIIANTS, No. 97 Buy street. Savannah. Ga. For the sale of Cotton and other Produce, Lumber, T imber, Plan tations and all kinds ot Real Estate \v r e now t ff«-r seveial Rice Plantations nyar the est a number of Cotton §nd Provision Piantntions. Tip lands. City Property, and a few lota in the Miner 4 1 or Northwest era purt of tbe State. *ep26-lm IT. Oowdy;, COMMISSION M.ERC-HANT, 196 DAY STREET, ANDERSON,’ WHARF, , SAVANNAH, QA. oct2-3nioa NOTICE. TIIE nu deisigned promisee to cure Se mina 1 Wea ki tess In allits worst forms without the use of medicine.— Please s .mil .for my Circular, enclosing 10 cents for postage . Address J. M. HtjSSEI.c, octiO* 3m % Boston, .Mass. INK. OK ( JRCSS INK, in stands, at 00 pc*’ gross. 15 GO dosen Arnold’s >Viiting Fluid, piuta, at $T per dozen- For sale- by BAYJLLE & LEACH aul2*ltf ror. Bry«n street and Market square ~~~ir —— W agon L reLght WANTED .. For » blaroit,, JUUledgeviUe, Albuy, Asuericiis, or Havrkinswllle, Appl;? to I , * GEO. G. FREEMAN. / OCt3 ts THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IS PrBLISHFI) Every -Horning and Evening rSUNDAYS EXCEPTED] AT No. 11l BAT STREET, BV S. W. MASON & CO. THE AIM OT THE PI RUSHERS IS TO ISSUE A Live Dpiily Newspaper ! Which shall also be Reliable, regarding Accnracy as being of as great importance aa enterprise in procuring information. The II zb a i.p Staff embraces a URGE ( OKPS OF EDITORS AID REPORTERS, Including several writers long and popularly known as connected with the Soulhefs Press, It also has Special Correspondents at A.ll Prominent Points, Who are instructed to spare no expense in procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT nAS THE BEST Hail, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that all New* of Importance will be heralded at the earliest possible moment. Especial attention is paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS, AND TO Shipping*lntelligence, Hotel Arrivals, aud the Court Record. AVOIDING POLITICS, As out of its province at present, the Hibald strives to he a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to support the true interests of the re united na tion. It will be constantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND TIIE STATE OF GEORGIA, And to discuss all vital questions with the dignity they deserve, and without which its opinions could have hut llttlu weights —* ' 4>. •THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE PAPER Make* room for a large quantity of Miscellaneous Reading Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter ary. Scientiflic and Commercial sub jects, so that in all respects it is a desirable journal for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS AND— Experienced Mall and Delivery Clerks Are employed, and either Edition of the Herald will be deliverer, promptly in Savannah, or for warded to any part of the world, on the following TERMS: SINGLE COPY 6C. ONE WEEK. . .. , 30c. ONE MONTH.. j $ 1 00 ONE YEAR 10 00 PER HU.NDREI I v J».W. . SiiiiiiJ ‘ -■ *.'j Wfit! .01 x.l f EXTRAS Are issued whenever intelligence is received of euffi ciont to warrant it. » ADVERTISING TERMS: Two Dollars pa /square, (occupying a space of ten nonpareil) : for the first insertion, and $1 per square for each si ibsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT’ will be mi ide on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, or those INSERT ED FOR A LONG TIME. The Herald is UNRIVALLED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM ! Haring a Urge circnU tio« in the city, and throughout the State, in Flo riria.feeutb Carolina, the booth AtU mtic Squadron and the NO rth, circulating nu 're or leas IN EVERY STA - . TE OF THE UNION. Subscriptions or Advertisements may be sent by mail i>r express to S. W. Mi (SON &CO., PUBLISHER^ No. 11l Bay Street, Savannah, Ga WAVANNAII BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UUMMIBBION MKRI HAN i 15 KuHhcikc ,v Cos. 1, SHIPPING A.M.COMMIS ION MERCHANTS Corner Biy and Whitaker Mr<-et.-. _ Savannnh, Oh. Prompt attention given to consignment- of Ali r chandis. and Produce of all kinds purchased and on!,I WP* lm Rue Wltiuit, it Cos., General Com Merchants, No 20* Bay street. < above Barnard street. au*4 MX. Cohen, • FORH ARLING and COMMISS'N MERCHANT Office Home Ins. Cos , S9 Bay st. Bell, Wylly ,v Christian. AUCTION. i,E'. ERAI, COMMISSION AND FORWARD! N,; MERCHANTS. Bay street. Savannah, Ga. AM. Srarbrongh o. Cos., Geoceev am Cok • Misstos Meecuists. 140 anil 67 m Julian Ms Highest market prices paid forColtoi . Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advaucceoii Conor., At. Erwin iK Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street. Savannah. Ga. WINESfUQUORS, &C. Akohleh, noktheast coknek of • Broughton and Jeffer-son etreet?. Agent for the Slate of Georgia, lor the sale ol Caliiormu Wines and Brandy, tl* E. Koethckc 4k Cos., WHOLESALE DEALERS in Groceries, ’Vines, Liquors aud Segara. Corner of Bay and Whitaker sts„ Savannah, Ga. Israel R. Sealy di Cos., SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF Ch. FARKE CHAMPAGNES, Iu the State of Georgia. au'J savannah, Gu, DRY GOODS. Jolm C. Maker tk Cos., Wholkbalk a.nd Rktaxl Dealer in DRY’ GOODS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, , Ac. Cor. Congrew and Whitaker sta. John McConaghy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, &o. Jtio Broughton street. Samuel M. Hetlcrer, Jobber and Retailer of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Ac. I4ti Congress sire -r GROCERIES, &c. MPerst A Cos.. Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Lr • quors, Seoars, Fancy Groceries, Candies, Ac. 15h Congrecs street. St nait di Co.,Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Gro ceries aud Provisions, Teas, Alts, Wines and Li quors. Corner Bull and Broughton streets. Special attention paid to orders for the country trade. sep-.-ti V/ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCE US, Corner v\ hi laker and St. Juuau Oid W. K. Symons. Ek*. t>eyo, Dealer in Choice Family Ueocebils, • Winks, Liquors. «kc. ia«t Broughton street. BILLIARDS,'~&c. _ Billiard Saloon. Bv WALTIiHCMLAIiA. ALEs, WINES, LiqilOKS, *o. Bay street, over Express Office. ni, Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,) hy |J A. Stamm. Wliotrmle ami lietatl. None but YHOICE WINKS and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. SCRJVENERY. Jo tin J, Purtillc, (Late Recorder of the Second Provost Court j will attend to all Writi< i*s and entrusted to his care, at Saloon o; Terence Nugent, Jr., opposite Pulaski House. GAS FITTING, &c. Wee<t di Corn Well, W holesale Dealers in Hardware and Tin Wixiie No. 159 and 101 Broughton street. T? Cranston, U • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan st, next to cor. Whitaker SEGARS, TOBACCO, .fc.. E. HLoetliecke di Cos., Importers ol Genuine' Havana Began, Corner Bay and Whitaker streets, Savaunab, Ga. sepz 1m FKolb. • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac Barnard street, one door South of Hie Market. F Constant, Ixiuorter of Do.mfutic and Havana SEG ARP, Me>.SBCIIAUM PIPJCS, dtC. Alt-O, WlNUfi, champagnes and other Liquors. Bull street, opposite the Post Office. PRINTING, STATIONERY, &c. Buville di Leuch, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor. llryau street and Market Square, arking Ink. Manufactured and for sale by isl DAVID U. G ALLOW AY, ____ 35 Drayton street. Geo. N. Nichols, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay st., between Abeicqrs and Drayton. EJ. Purse, LITHOGRAPHER, STATIONER, . BINDER, JOB PRINTER, «c No. 0 Whitaker street. r -W. Hlasoxi A Cos., i7. HERALD JOB PRINTINO OFFICE. No. 11l Bay street. WATCHES, JEVVELRyT&b ' , FD. aTordait. Dealer In Watches and Jewelry, • Silvfr and Plated W r are. Fancy Goods ac. . Watches and .Jewelry* Kepaiied. 129 Congress st., opposite she Pulaski llouss. ~ HAIR DRESSING, Ac. I)ula<*k.i House Barber Shop, (cor. Bull and Bryan sts.) Shading, Hair Cutting, Shampooing, Wh:skerfl Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Neck Ties and other fßpcy Ai tides for sale. DRUGGISTS. aos, VV. Clilt, M. D, Cor. South Broad and Bai uard-sts., OrncE Hocus—9 to 10 A. M., and 4to 6P. M., er* Residence—Mr. Wash’s, corner St. Julian and Lincoln Streets. WI»I. W alsh, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUCCIFT, auX4 Southeast cor. Barnard and Broughton sts. A A. Solomons 6i Cos., • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. gW~ Orders executed accurately and with despatch. BOOTS AND SHOES. A nits & Peabody, Jobbers in Men’s, Women’s. and Children s Calf, Serge and Kid 800 A Sand SHOES, of ail kinds and qualities. 152 Cdngresa st., 4tn door North of the Market. Geo. T. Nichols, RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE. 110 Broughton su, 2d door irom Bn". QUEENSWARE, £c. D. UmyiK, QUEENSWARE. GLASS AND • CHINA, at Wholesale aim Retail.’ 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of Bnll confectionery" JK. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—WhoIes ai.® and Rftah manufacttheb or SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FI M E CONFECTIONER * OP ALL KINDS. . . 14C Broughton street, two doors from Bnmftrn. M Fitzgerald, • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY a.m>RASPBERIU syrups, candies, &0., Q3T“ In any quantities, to suii Purchasers. WHITAKER STREET. SODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTO* and ALE, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, Aa Cor. Bay aim Wei>l Broad . ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! . SCRATCH ! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH . Wheaton’s Ointment- Will CURE THE ITCH IN WRTY-EIGHT HUUnS. Also cum Salt Rheum, Ulcers, CMlblains, end n Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents for shle ?? ail Druggists. By sending 00 cent* to Weeks 4 Putter. Sole Agents, ITO Washington street Boston. M«es Will l>e forwarded by mail, tree of postage. W * nl port of the United State*. *ept2l-3m