Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 14, 1865, Image 3

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I, 0 ( 1 L ■ A I TBK S . , r |,iiilut> of Mrmiulii|»iiud Mrornrn. lOR St* TOItK. . . Iliac .* atlirdST. Oetola-r 14lh. S'. _. KiiUigb. Sauuday, o- toiler mli at# IOR Fl.OlllDi. . ev i nimiain, Wednesday morning. • •(•tuber i rSiutoF Bice. —It will be seen It.v au udver ivhicli appear-; thi* morning. that from . ‘-u-ta-is rice, more or leas, are ■-.11 ir sale to the best bidder. Tills rice la the i-,!ior tit freedmen upon abandoned ,-, 0 .> tlie Ogeechec, and is to be sold for : eiitbv the Bureau of Freedman, etc. Pro ' Zr purchasing are to be forwarded to the ‘ .‘ . ,-.f Freei’.men. for the Ogaaebec District, ' .'.ujjli me Bureau in this city.’ .u. Knoll I>oixoktown.—The suamer Win. :.. m s arrived Here yesterday from Doctor ! , ;;bi.ns report-’ haring passed the steam ’ -jliepb-i at Utiif Hill oh Ute Atumialta. Whe u ■ti i,.',v 11 from Doctortou u passed the Sliep- Biu-(!S Oiec-K. four miles above Little Hell, and ; Scorpio at kipcin sound, Pp.m. Tl.» ” was v.*iv iv.v. and still falling. A list of the ‘ n ,‘.‘ -jassciigcr- and consignees will be found ~set Shipping intelligence, IHi AarsiCA's Maim.—The U. $. Transport Em pi ty . Aievanaer, arrived at Hilton Head yester s Tire Empire City reports meeting off the Hlgb ■ p os tiie ?th, the steamer America. of the Savan -:i line and received her malic, sire putting back ;;r York, disabled. The Empire City brought tescftheStii lust, from New York. We are in •, :c i. s X. Tiros. McManus, purser, for favors. ;:rv.- TECTC.r ilAßSH.a.—lapt William -uc id- i: ;d N Y Yoic yesterday commenced is dr.'ies as Assistant Provost Marshal of the Sub >isti lot of the Ogecchee, in place of Capt. Samuel ’ov.-Jit, who has been mustered out of flic service. vrTorTloy is directed to the card of A. S Hart- Hdge. commission and Forwarding Merchant, in an* nthei column. THE COtRTS BfT. pr ukvt. col. vi. r. aomrooK, provost m WI SH AL, DISTRICT Of'Si.VANNAH. savannah, Oct, is, 1505. ■ United States, by Poll,:,-man Rogers, vs. Cyrus | ■"i lorc-ci)—Past driving through the streets, and i . i ting an ofllccr In the discharge of bis duty. Fined i,n ad costs of suit. V- IV-Ml State.-, by Policeman Fergerson, vs. i rofvis (colored)— Larceny. Fined $25, and ii . aof payment lie confined in Chatham coun y jnii for one month •The Faded States, by r.diciman Curtis, vs. J C. iliav,—A’tempting to take walking stick from. L. ion.- 0.-oiored.) It having been sultlciently proved ;Ua: tin- deiendimt ha. been guilty of disordt riv c0n ,.1,..'. and -AssauiUug prosecutor without causa, it was ordered that he lie lined In the sum of $25 and costs . .alt. or bo confined lu Chatham county jail until he same is paid. , Tue ended states, by Policeman Smith, vs. L. Ty jci, icciored)—Burglary, committed on the night oy TANARUS:; Aer i2ih, at the residence of Mr. O’llriscoll, in | -,tli Broad street. Mr O’Driscoll, Prosecutor.— f.-ilijient evidence having been adduced in this case Tat me prisoner was guilty oi the crime with which ' le v,s charged, it was ordered that the prisoner be e,:i„ .led to the cor.imoii jail of Chatham comity for ] ; , - adueiaeut until such lime as may be appoiht- | •• :i« Bvl. Maj. Gen. commanding, to appear be- j ore ■■ nmitary commission »nr a mu investigation of Tac Fuitcd States, by Policeman McDonald, vs. J. ! Ru.-gun—iiurglnrously entering tue premises of ! M. oi»rv M. Marshall,.ln West Broad street; David [0.:.;. on, Prosecutor; Plea, guilty, but unconscious j T 0.,; inf d..cation From evidence subunued and ; defendant, the prisoner was found guilty, inti sUrunkene-s is no excuse iu law, it was ordered fin. ,c be imed iu the sum of $25, and costs, and iu lebudt ol payment, be couiiuediu Ciiatham comity |ui ~e liiouCi,- until such fine and costs are paid. j Lulled Suites b; p. Yonng, vs. Thomas Mr. D. rinotl—Having stolen goods iu lus possession. [;a i a carclul examination of the evidence ad- B i and argument of counsel, the defendant was Ilf. ■ a.d guilty of the cliurge, and it wan therefore or |fd'. i that lie be n manded to the Common hail of LiC: >:;ui Comny until such time as may be deemed ißi, bv the Brevet Major Ueueral commanding to lac sc s Military commission lor tlie trial of the 3e:,:uuaitt. It was further ordered upon the reeoni* on . au a of she counsel lor the F. $. that the pris mer in- neid to bail iu the sum of two thousand Jo..a i- for lus appearance at such time and place as m be appointed for the convening of said Military Commission. It was further ordered that the pros sector enter into good and sufficient security for the forthcoming of the property in the hands of defen laat Hid afier giving the necessary bond, that he b. lu.owed to lake charge of the cotton at his risk kmd expense, unlit the claim of ownership may be Je'.ermhied. •TUSTICE COURT. Dr. ABF RON'. f-Hllir IT. r,I"iSEI.I, MAGISTRATE 2ND DISTRICT, CHATHAM COUNTY. V'ir. Law vs. Frederick Lapham—Writ of posses sion for a grey horse. It is ordered that the horse be lied', ered to the complainant, and that the defendant be up-m the payment of costs. And it is iu; a ordered that the complainant be required to enter into bond in double the value or the horse, .re four hundred dollars) to answer any action that may be brought against him by the defendant yviti. n the ensuing four years; Savannah, Oct. 13, liter j. M. B. Lovell, Tor plttintttr; A. W. Stone for (defendant. The State vs. John Murphy; John Galltgher, Jas. Morrison, H. Morani, and John Maloney—Charged with larceny from the person. Justice Russell com. muted to jail tlio aboyfi nanjed persons for examiua tlon. They »tll lie brought up on Monday afternoon bi-lore a Special Court of Magistrates for examina tion. tuese are the same persons who were tried belorc Col. M. T. Holbrook, Provost Marshal Court and sentenced to Uie penitentiary. FFHERAL invitation. The friends and acquaintance of Mrs. Mary Fleet weed and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services of her soil, JOHN WESLEY, from their residence, comer President and Habeisham streets. This Afternoon at 4 o’clock. f The Famous Spottsylvania Tree. —The stump of the famous tree cut. down by bul lets at Spottsylvunia Court House last May has beeu appropriately mounted audsplaced upon the pouch at the War Department, as indisputable evidence of the truth of a state ment which lias been generally discredited in reference to the incessant, storm oi lead on the Second corps’ front during the 2dof May. The stump measures nearly two feel in diameter, and is presented to the Depart ment by General Miles, who commanded a ; division of tlie Second corps during the I eveniiui Spottsylvania days. L Talcablf. Testimony.—procure at any | Druggist's one of Mrs. S. A. Allen’S circulars a of her World's Hair ltestorer and Hair Dres- K sing, and you will find in it much valuable i mformatloj concerning the human hair, also testimonials Irom well known and reliable parties that will satisfy you that her prepar ations have no equals-for -rentorißg, orating and beautifying the Hair. If your Hair is grey, if you have a bald spot, it you wish lo retain your hair through life, use these prepaiations. ocfl2-eodlw RiffiOVAL. DR. 2T. Ivl. SaSTEED, DENTIST, HAS removed hie Office end Residence to northwest corner of Bill) and Broughton streets (former n-siden-e of the late Mrs Beallej, and will be pleased to see his friends and patrons there. Can be found at home at all times day and night. octlg 3 Grits and Meal. GILLEM’S MILL RE-OPENED Having puwhas td the 1 entire interest from Mr H. Gillem iu hie urge and i xlen»ive Mills, on the coiner of Habersham street and Perry street lane, we nr*> now prepared to larnlah Grist and Meal at favorable rates. Com will be ground on toll. All orders promptly filled. octU-lm LUDINGTON « HARRISON, mmUL .AM) COMMERCIAL. Savannah. Oct. is, iss;.. Rneark. Tin- past week ha* been one of Intense excitement although it up.-lieu very qul'-i, and uur un-edunu were auU< ipatlng only a steady market aud a fair demauu for goods at rates of the previous week. The advice s received by telegram to the effect that cotton, sugars and groceries, generally, were ail vaucing, caused a panic iu our maikct. Goods of every description were withdrawn lion: the market to await further :id» ices. To-day the market is very quiet Cot ton is Iu demand. Holders are firm, anil buyers request concession, as it is thought the rates al present are too high and cannot hold. The ad vance, the week, in the cotton market is a most note-worthy one. For some time past the market has beeu giaduallv advancing at the rate of oue t o three cent- per pound; bttr since Wednesday last the advance oil Uplands lias been (nan ten to twelve and a half cents per pound, thus effecting an advance on all glades of Uplands or from sixteen to seventeen cents perlb. within the last thirty days. The Savannah river was not in a boaiabie condi tion, but during tlie week a largo number ol wagons arrived loaded with cotton, b was readtlv sold, and the greater iiortion of the greenbacks lain out for supp'ies. Gd 1 Is iu demand and the market is very ac tive. Rates are advanced, and the marker for" spe cie closes firm. AsMgnt uemaiid exists for Fncur reuf Funds, Coupons of the City of Savannah as also fortnose of tne railroads In wutch Savannah, is In terested We hare no change to notice in dry goods; the market is firm and with an upward tendency. Im ported goods, to a great extent, have been with drawn from the mar net. Saies In large quantities were declined, as holders are aware they canuot re plenish their stocks. A marked interest is manifested iu Life and Trav ellers Insurance. Cotton Narkct. Ur lands—Last week was one cf great quietude aud ihe receipts fair. An advance on previous rates having occurred, they were lully established, aud on Friday evuuing last the market was .-.ettk-d. This evening we have again a quiet market. The light receipis of the week, however, and a speculative de mand, caused by tne rise of prices In Europe and New York, caused somewhat of a Hurry on Tuesday, which continued until tins evening, when-the mar ket closed firm at rates as quoted- Wc annex the quotations of last week and the quotations of the present week, to show the great fluctuation* in the market for uplands ; I. AST WEEK. Ordinary 33 (?■ .16 Low Middling 37 @ 39 Middling 40 ft' 41 Strict Middling M 42 Good Middling.. <s> 4* THIS WEEK. Ordinary Nominal Low Middling 53 Middling 55 Strict Middling 56 Good Middling 57 Sea Islands. —During the past week the receipts of long cotton were chiefly by wagons. It was of superior quality and ready sales were made lu Ihe early part of the week at previous quotations. Lat terly aa the carte and wagons were besieged by spec ulators anxious to buy upon Hie reports by telegram, tlie market immediately advanced, and McArthy’s Clean Blight Roller Gins went a* high as $1 or, e lb. Otiiiii.uti grades, which wore previously ueglect c.i -kme suddenly into market ou Wednesday, and very heavy sales were made. As the market for long staple coguu i» very lunch unsettled we are without reliable quotations, many dealers in the staple are of opinion the advance in rates is from fifteen to twenty cents V ib, Freights.—'The very light receipt of cotton lias compelled Agents of steamers to ad vance their rates to New York, li.y sail vessels no change was made. To Liverpool we quote cotton at ?fd. cotton statement. Receipts Since Oct. eth, XBCS. Upland- Sea Island. Don. By River.. . .. 2 B*7 241 310 Bv Central Railroad IS By wagons 403 14 1 Total Receipts, 3,318 383 JZFOZTS TiMCr oCTOnEn L, 16L5 Obl«?;o. > ~c. i. Dotuesfs. Tills week 3.540 291 256 Previously 23.45 C 1,474 2,602 Total 27,026 1,765 2,858 STOCK ON SAND, 18G3. Cplar.a. see I. Domest'e. Stock, Sept. 1 3,694 94 236 Received this week 3,318 IS3 310 Previously ..22,499 1,410 2,472 Total. 29,511 1,867 3,018 Exports ...27,026 1,765 2,858 Stock on hand. Oct. 13. I*#* Rffcl 122 ls-0 Jlacon Cotton Market. The last Weekly Market Report of Oct. 8, the Ma con Telegraph says ; CorrsN.—The activity repotted in the cotton mar ket last week lias steadily increased since titat rime, and prices have advanced In proportion to the in creased demand for r;te staple. During the first three day., oi the week it changed hands quite rapid ly, as vie know more than oue lot to have been in the hands of two or three trailers within tile same day. Consist crib >le quantities have been brought in iroiu the country, nearly ail of which was sold by those bringing it, to the traders. The planter*, however, are advised of the upward tendency In the Northern markets ; ami we have heard them express a deter mination to hold what they have on hand still long er, only disposing of enough at present to supply money to meet their immediate wants. But as tlie want of money is pretty general, and prices begin to tempt them, there will doubtless be a change in their determination which will soon place all the cotton in the country immediately on the market. The shipments by railroad, have been somewhat heavier than lor the previous week ; but oa accouut of the continued shallowness of the river, that channel is still closed to shippers. About thirty boxes, most of which are complete, are making preparations to-pro ceed down with cargos as soon as the state of the river will permit, we quote as the ruling figures, at the close of the week, from thirty to thirty-fourceuts, and we are told that thirty-five could be obtained for extra lots of the higher grades. Tlie largest sales effected were middling iots at thirty-three cents. Financial. Exchange.—A very quiet market continues, and the rates remain without change. The Bank con tinues to sell sight drairs on New York and other Northern cities at par. Bank Rates fob Selling Exchange.—Foreign Exchange, Sterling, in currency, $l4B to $l4B 50; In gold, $lO6 to SIC 6 50 : Checks on New York, par ; checks ou Philadelphia, par; Checks on Baltimore, par ; Checks on Boston, par. Bank Rates fob Purchasing Exchange.—Foreign Exchange, Sterling, In currency, $l4B to $l4B 50 ; in gold, $lO6 to $lO6 50. Checks on Northern cities, 1 per cent, discount and interest. Speie.—A very active demand has prevailed dur ing the past week. Brokers’ rates for purchase of gold was 47M to 43 cents premium; selling, at 49 to 50 cents premium. Silver rates 5 cents less than gold In all transactions of purchase and sale. Cxcubrext Money,—Bank Notes, of ail Issues, meet with a ready sale when over the denomination of $5. Notes under this denomination are not In re quest. In some instances, for large amount* of se lected old Issues an advance of one per cent, was offered by brokers. The following quotations are correct for this date, yet the market is very fluc tuating : OEOBGTA. Augusta Ins. and Banking C 0.,.... lfl Bank of Augusta 19 do Athens —2() do Columbus 9 do Commerce do Fulton ; 16 do Empire State 9 Bank of Middle Georgia 55 do Savannah 40& do state of Georgia 21 Central Railroad and Banking Cos. 76 City Bank of Augusta 18 Farmers’and Mechanics’ ..13 Georgia Railroad aud Banking Cos ..78 Marine Bunk 5O Mechanic*'Bank .-r 8 Merchants' aud Planter*'Bank 9 Planters’ Bank. —.... . 15 Union do 8 Timber Cutters’ . 5 •■'-OfTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden 13 tlo Charleston ...15 do Chester is dO Georgetown 16 do Hamburg 16 Newberry 19 do south Carolina 17 do State of So. ca 16 Commercial Bank, Columbia 1? Exchange do do 10 Farmers’ and Exchange ll Merchants’ Cheraw.. 15 Peoples’Bank - ..33 .Haulers’ Bank. Fairfield 13 Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank .1? South XV. R R 20 Lulou Bank 46 State 8ank..,., 8 ALABAMA Bank of Mobile 60 Uo Montgomery 75 do Selma 22 Commercial Bank 18 Cental do 25 Eastern do ’ . 40 Northern do 30 Southern do eo Bonus. Old Gtorgla o’s 60065 do 7o'*s City of Savannah " 05 70 Augusta 70 75 Memphis and Charleston Railroad." 50 coupons. Generally leg* than Bonds by about 6 "* STOCKS. Central Railroad M Southwestern Railroad aaiato Atlantic and Gulf Railroad s* Georgia Railroad co Oomtsl Market*. Illbkv—The market is very active aiul has ad vanced t<> aii extent entirely ihjU-.k. t for. It i» somewhat more qah-t, am! tlie folio* mg quotation* w ill i»e found rehatile : Gr eu Hldi - 3>. b> 4C. n*r Ib. Sailed 4H t„A’. per lb. Dry S-do u at, lo :* . p, r ib. Dry Hint lflc. peril). Tka*.—a fair demand prevails for teas. in»' b i are very scarce. l>nt the market i* very Mt>iiinl:inil\ supplied with- either damue.-do: iuuiioi. \\ quote a* tollow- : Poucliohu. id 'r* IF ; Souchong. $1 40 lo 16) ; Imperial. slSotofi; loill.v Hi.ou, *1 4" t., Ihun 1 am, Sria:! The demand for Iron null steel continue* i err eMel the dt-nthtirl I. *n<r io ill; ol luis of country iiieicliaurealid larutent. Aim iv i*n iron 7r. per 11.* loe. ; P.ow-steel l-t; Cast teel Sbc. Th- !:i" .. lirm and v. - ven Ugh Cl/IH>N ANI) U.H.I I into.—The Irtafket I veil firm, «ud with an Ham nig tend no We qeui:. cotion cards per (toxett sit; wool, .ni~ • 9pc: dozen. Buvriß.—Tue mink: t t-outiu-ie- vei i nun, and ths deioand la piim i|.alh couitued io citv eousumers.- Western 111 fi.kins D ellliir a' 50 to ’>■■ ■. 'j* F Uo slicn, in mbs. 54 to •:• ■■■ lu. Lard— I> iu very gcaxl request. Leaf i* seiiii,. in firkins or tubs si 32 nans p Pi. i re-ed i aril -to 29 cent* lb. Ghresk.— i fair stock is otf.viiufi. \nriln-tu Dairy Is selling at 19 to 21 cents f» lb. flue Apple ' cents t>. lb. N.ut.-.—No change in tlie mmk'.'L Wc quote Luon ton, assorted sizes, 9c. lb. Oils.—Tt.e market is advancing. We ruvie Lb; seed at $1 71 pci- gallon ; Lard Oil, 5.) ; L rue, uc, 90 cent* per gatlon. Flour.—The market lir.- slighffv ndvanrej. Sn perflne, for bakers' oa-' $lO ft bid ; Extra lanillv, sl4 ¥ bbl; Fancy brands, lor lainilv us-, yb t.fl.-- Ne.v flour is being received, but in vet v small quan tities. Candles.—A good demand continues for all de scriptions of caudles. Eober's Georgia Talilow are lu great request by retail dealer*. We quote Adamau tiue 32 lo 33c. f lb.; Hull's Mould is now 25c. ?i lb.; ltober’s Georgia f allow 25c. V ib. Sugars —We uotice an advance of one cent ‘A ft. on most descriptions of Sugars, particularly ou Uie finer qualities. Ihe market is unsettled and holders are mx very desirous to operate. We therefore omit quotations .Vines and LiqroK'-.—Ti-.c market for Wi.t tkeya of selected brands, Is arm aud advancing imported liquors are in demand and holders very firm, de manding au advance corresponding with that oi the New York market. We continue quotations as follows- Gibson A Son'! Whiskeys—Choice old Monongaliela rye, X, at $3 io per gallon; do. XX, at £3 20 ’ per gallon; do- XXX, at $3 30 ; do. XXXX, at $3 45 ; do. old Bourbon, S3 20 old Nectar, 1340, $3 no ; old Faintly Nectar, $4 13 • pure old rye, S4 25 ; pure old wheat, Si 49 ; old cabi net, $ 105 ; Model- Swan gilt, $5 50 ; Xollct's Imperial do., $5 50 ; otard, Dupuv & Co.’s Cognac brandy, in quarter casks and half pipes, sll to sls per gaiiou. Sherry Wines, $2 so to $4 50 per gallon, according to quality; Imported Champagnes, lie St. Mareeaux k lo , Reims, $23 per cast of quarts ; line De Monte brella, S2B per case. Wallack’s Brandy as follows: Rectified $2 80 ; Mixed copper distilled at $1 00. imperial Nectar at slChicken Cock Bour bon $4 50 ; Columbia Gin at $1 (in ; M. I.eavy & Co’s genuine Kentucky Born-lion. In cases, sl2 ; Nicholas Schnapps ' sl2. Sherry Wine sl2 ; cognac Brandy S2O, Ale, per dozen, $3 ; Por ter, per do:;., $3 : Virginia Mountain Dew Whis key $2 70 per gallon ;01d Plantation Bourbon Whis key SS; Fuller’s Old Stet J! 5d 10 yr, ; Old Santa Cruz Bum, warranted genuine, $8 to $lO ; P. U. (Jodard’s Brandy sls per gallon ; Seignetle sls ; Otard, Dupuy {■ Cos., sls to sls ; Crown sherry, pet gallon 34 : St. Maltin', l'ott $4 per gallon ; Skehan’-s Golden Ale, per case of two dozen, *5 r.o ; Potter do $5 50 : Ale-., ill bbl 315 ; Champagne Cider per case cf one dcNon qis. $6, ptj. of two dozen $6 : Kentucky Bourbon Whi key $4 so per gaiiou ; Old Rye $5 per gallon : Old Bourbon to 34 5u per gallon 1m ported sherry i ‘25, aud Port at $4 25 per gaiiou.— Imported Champagne $25 to S3O per ca w : Pure Hol land Gin-M toper gallon; Cognac .Brandy s3to S2O per gallon, by case, f?o to $36, Egg Nog sls per case. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE, OCTOBER 13, 18C5. J G Pittmr.n, Ga j-t P Wilkes, Beaufort J A Pentcn. Ga It. Stuart, Savannah J Kubltshek, Thomasvllle Danl Look, Beaufort J Pitts, Hilton Head jDrWwC ten Lerrsace- C C Ravcley, uo • j ville D Mclntosh, Ga Mrs Williams, Ala J L Dunham, AiGRK G M Marshall, tv> j Dr P. (.' Knowles aud fam-l-i B S Davis, Ga iiy, Ga leapt H LStone, Snv I A Reppard Ga L T Conner, ji .'tiaeoii i O 1 Fulton, Argyle I S Cowies, do j .1 S Jones, l ,-'i A iCr .7 P. Stimc Sc riven ro !A G Browne, jr, Boston iE A Soullard, Sav | Rev R Smith Savannah Ii Henderson, Augnsta i S Pollock, do Ft C Kiltes, Striven co VvDT Landon, do jWjMortjn Lexington I.t C H Joitn*on v- a i ii Kenney. Augusta G Stearns, y H J S Lyns, S C PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) OCT 12. Maj W H Danielson, 128th Sur* D D Hanson, ’4lh V Cl ! SCT Lt X Rigid. Beaufort, : T Hattlehl. t'SH Mis* Brown, N V Is J Kennerly. Charleston Miss Armstrong, N Y ‘A Robbins, do J D Lorry, capt and A IbM 11 Padduck, Lemon Isl C, X V J E Mills, do Lt Carter, 104 tn x: SC T UR Redd, R I S G Miocer, Sub Dep, Sav j SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) OCT. 12. Mai H XV Smith. A A U Y Sindel, do Capt .7 Walker, Ist If Me,.l M Roe, Wilmington Vols IT Langdon, Manchester C Dewett, Charleston j Sliipjiiue; lntellia'once. Jliuintuic Alin anno—This Day. Sun rises tl 2 Moon rises 1 34 Sun set* 5 .".1 1 High water 3 37 PORT OP SAVANNAH. Arrived. Friday, Or 1? 1?65 Per steamer XV G Gibbous, from Dortorfovn. with 310 bales cotton and mdze. Steamer Emllle, Bender. Hilton Head Steamer Nantasket, Spregg. Hilton Head. Cleared. Steamer Rockland, Beaufort, Charleston—L S Ben nett. Steamer Laura, Hiller, Augusta—Erwin A Har dee. Steamer Rcsoiate, Cannon, Eilton Head. PORT OP PORT ROYAL. Poet Royal, Oct. 13. Arrived. U S steam transport Empire City, S. Alexander, commander, from New York to Port Royal, S. €., Oct. 9—to U S Quartebma uei. Pth Inst., off the Highlands, met th« steamship America, of Savannah line aud received her mails. She putting back disabled. Consignee*. Per steamer XV G Gibbons, from Doctortoxvn—Dun can & J ohnson, 1 R Sealy * Cos, Krwin & Hardee, Tison & Gordon, Miller, ThOmaa A- Cos, Ssheuba k Heimau, O Cohen. Meinhavd & Bro. R Habersham A- Son, Brady, -Sinith A Cos, J P. Bond, J Ryan. F Potter, J L Roumlllat, F Hertz, J Stephens, XV F Parker. Parse ngei-3. Per F. S. steam transport Hmpire City, from New York to Port Koval.—Maj s Pollock, -Xia, H XV Smilli. A A G. Maj R II vX'illougUtiv, Capt .1 D Terry, Capt A P Ketchain, Capt M XX - Saxton, Capt .1 U Jones, Chief Engineer xx T H Mapes, Capt J Walker, Sure J Y Shindel, Surg D D Hanson, Asst Stirg C Dewitt, Lieut J MrMiilen, Lieut lx K Lander, Lieut C H John son, Lieut E L Miller, -Miss M Schofield, L Judd, Jlrs F Scars, A Harris, Miss M A Sharp. A Bingham,: Mrs S C Vaughn, Miss Coir, Allvn, M t> Brown, E B Isham, F F Butts, E c Smith, E T Smith, A Heacogk, G Heacock, Mrs L Bryant, CB Houghton. Miss S Brown, M S Armstrong, C A Dam. fl A Swift, Mrs Dellatore, 3 children and svt, A G Brown, R XVarmly, J C Alexander D C Wilson, G Stearns. B So-,Tie, b Stnrgess, W Evans, E Baker, J Culbntt, J Ftgley, C B Stockton, XV M Worden. Per steamer XV G Gibbons, from Doctorfowu—B 0 Tiieus. J B Bond, T Dunham, A Barbee, Mrs xvithing tou and child, C Batlee, R M Hitch, Xlr Pittman, T £ Tebeau, H F .Xfabbit, R O Knowles, lady and child, Mrs J T Rowland and family, Wm Anderaon, Dr J Overstreet, Mrs Hendereon, child and svt, a smith, jQhn Bosidot, Mr Mclntosh, E Lang. XV A Smith. N XX’ Clark, A R Rolsron, J R Davis, J B Orach, Jits Godfrey, Miss Bown, Geo Cross. LIST OF VESSELS IX THE FORT OF SAVANNAH. S&VAid,AH, Oct. 9, 1865. . SHtrs. New England, Hodgea, 1,103, for Li-erpooi—load ing at Lower Hydraulic press—Brijrtiara, Baldwin & Cos. Wisconsin (Br) Arcus, 950—discharging ballast at Lower Hydraulic Press—John R Wilder. BRIGS. John E Plater, Post, 280, from Norwich. Conn— discharging at Union Feny Wharf—Hunter A Gam meiE Mary Cobb. Duncan, 125,—loading, v.-harfat foot of Whitaker street—Rogers A Canu. SCHOONERS. Mar, Kcllv. 33-3, from New York—discharging at wharf foot 01 Habersham street—Hunter A Gamineh. Julia A crawford, Buckley, i$L from Jacksonville, Fla. in ballast—lying at wharf foot of Bull rtreet— Masteit Wide XVorld, Hildreth, 274, from New York—dis charging at wharf foot of Buli street—Wm Starr. Albert (Bri Rioi.ian, V>s, from Nassau—discharging at wharf foot of Barnard street—Bell, WvUy A Cltrir tian. John G Whipple. Simpson, 80, for Now Y ork—load ing at Iron steamboat Wharf west of Hat ,iard street —Rogers k Cann. Schr Julia A Crawford, Bulkier, loading, at Iron Steamboat Co’s wharf, for New ’ York—L j Guilmar ton A- Cos. English Coal. SUITABLE for Parlor Grate*. Landing and for sale k 5 in lota to mit pureba-ere, by oCtl2-2w CLAGHOBN A CUNNINGHAM, GHIM KRlk*. kIHDUiM. * 4 WUKKE ABE YOU MR. liAKKR ! OiiiHe !o B. Baifore’s. 157 Brouglitou St. WHAT FOR? WHY, FOR FLOUR. *I4HI BBLS CHOICE FLOUR AW. hhhP<4 * tr bWt» Onums oo iu Bacou FreA (tiKlkn-s -0 bbl.« Btown Sugar • t ici* ;f* Eikgllsh I'roahed Sugar S* ii erlabd Choose. or* 11 -1 «r Gfo R Camp. Wm, A. Wiuour, Augusta, Georgia. L&te of Uichmoad, Va. GEO. R. CRIMP & fB.. General Commission Mer chants AND WHOLESALE DI ALERS IN Grocfirlcs, Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTKD FIHII, &<■. 209 Brunei M., Aagusia, G«, 33F" Will purchase aud sell ou CommlssTbn Cotto:.*, Tobacco, I'kodcce, und M Kuo man disk of ever)’ de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augustn, Ga . ilichmond Vu. nud Ji o. C Ferrlll, Esq., Be- Witt .t Mr';!nu, Gaaeii & Unckleß, AA. Solomon? Cos., J. T. Paterson &Cos.. R. Molina, Esq., riavannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. OCt4 WHISKEY! WHISKEY"! fine old brandy, wines, k. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia,. Spencer’s Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR BALE BY G, VV. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 B .A. "V STRES TC T , (Herald Building?j A 1,60, A loop’s Ale. Mars’ Ale. Apples, Potatoes, Onions, Pickle?, Mackerel, Cider and Cklcr Vinegar. oetO ts WM. I. DAVIDSON. WHOLESALE DEALER GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, |ALE and Cider. scp9 t{ t i osgoodT STORE 133 COSGRES3 AND 85 ST, JULIAN GTS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, i in, Crockery, Glassware Ana Hardware, ' Ts. D.— I The highest (’ash Prices paid for Beeswax, | Tallow, Wool, Hide?, Ac. ts ?eptlC 3500 TONS i: \ 1.1. is n rails, Os best quality, fiOxoS per lineal yard. For sale bv FOWLE & CO. i jnt.9 Cm No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. WM H. .SHERWOOD Sr CO., Savannah, Georgia, southwest corner of Broughton and Jefferson streets, under St. Andrew’s Hall. We are receiving by every steamer fresh articles of Groceries of every description. Liquors imported and direct from manufactures are offered at price? to Puit the trade. KIRUN,BBO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WM AND LipitS, CORKER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY DANE. G.TRERS PROfti-m FILLED & DELIVERED, ftll2l ts XEW _ BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. tjTHE nndcrsignevl (for eighteen years of the firm of Cromwell <& Birdsall Ms now prepared to receive order? for hi? well known brand of choice New Hulled Buckwheat Flour, neatly packed in barrels, haif barrels, quarter barrels and bags of 49 and 24J4 pounds. Have also on hand Fresh Ground, Stats and West ern Hour. Extra, Superfine, and No. 2 Superfine, in bbla. end hall bbl?., in lots to suit purchaser* BBWAHD CROMWELL. QCtl?»°w 12.1 ard LA Broad street. New York. ATTENTION IS CALLED to lht» very superior lot of Rutter. Cheew -;n 1 Lard, receli-ed per 6tcamer SEABORN GOODALU OCtTV Jvv . XVillUmsofi-s Jinllding. H. C. R(JW£ & CO WHOLESALE GKGGEBIES LIQUORS, WINES A]VI) SEGARft, Corner Sryan and St. Julian and uohnson Square, 'FRONTING PULASKI HOUSE,; ;ir~ Agents for ALE AND LAGER, Coastautly cn band, an aseortment of ja-Hiajjj wix*wEi- NEW GROCERY STORE- Van Newton & 'Ward. \S7"OULD reapectfally Inform their fHondn nnd the V v public that they neve opened at No. J6B Brough ton street, formerly oct upied 07 Blun and Meyer: and will keep constantly on hand a tvell selected Block to Family Groceries. Quick sales and email proflta is their motto, and a -Imp. of the public patronage la respectfully solicited, J. H. VAN NEXVTGN. H. G. XVARD. aep!2 0 EOR SALK- X* inon bui ltel* Liverpool Salt 2000 sacks Out., btuck and white 10 sacks best Rio Coffee To arrive, two Bales Hay. octio N. A. HARDEE A CO. A3 TEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 258 BOWERY, NEW YORK, A,MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builder,' and ill Locksmiths' Hardware. Naila, Pulliee, Cord. Rim Locks and Knobs, Dntt Hinges, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings, Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All orders, large or small, furnished promptly nt 10 per cent, less than market prices. erp!9 Urn ttUuVklllgS, Uqi utta, Ai. PIERCE SKEHAN^ n lielosilr and Retail Dealer In Wiir Orottriiv, nud Shorts ClotirfM and ffoon Ptic V\ a.t «. Liquor* mul Segnns Alto. SkchbU’D Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDBIf. in liottUs uml in wood. Lc*ndon wi.l Dnl»lin Drow a Stout. Scotdi and Kng lith Alins Ac. Literal deductions wade to the trade. UG BHOrGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH. LiVrtv street. New York T. J. DUNBAR & Coj IMPORTERS AND XX HOLE LALE DEALERS IN I LIQUORS, SEOARS, iC. 1 4r'i Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., {NEXT DuOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE ; We have the Largest Assortment of Wliiske3 r s, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &0., In tie Sonth. to which we Invite the attention of the Trade. Call and compare our goods and prices. tf 1 Mugilias 8 SECARS SOLE AGENTS AND UfIPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OP GEORGIA. HUSO THE i\E\i YORK OBSERVER. A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND SEftLAR Newspaper for the Family and the Fireside, will soon enter oa its FORTY - FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION True io ihe Chuich, the Con* 3titui.on c and the Union, It is calculated to edify and piease both OLD AND YOUNG. Ail new subscribers paying us in advance for 13CG shall have their names immediateiy entered, and the Observer will be sent to them Until January First. G-raiis! Subscribe soar, a? the free papers will commence when the names arrrntei cd. Sample copies to any address free Terms, $3.50 a Year in Advance. SIDNEY E, MORSE. Jr., k CO., S’? Park Row. TVeiv Vorlc. octl2-4 Joseph Smith, FIELD. GARDEN, GRASS AND FLOW ER SEEDS, No. G 5 Liberty Street, New Yovk City. ORDERS for Seed* by mail will be promptly even ted and forwarded by Express. C. O. 1). N. B.—The Trade supplied on tlie must libera! term*. Priced Catalogues will be aeiu upon applica tion by mall. octfi-codlt) Notice. THF Co-partnership heretofore existing between JACKSON A- XVARROCIC was, on tlie 30tu .Sep tember dissolved bv mutual consent, ihe business will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned who will be happy to receive a continuance of the pa tronage bestowed on the late firm of Jackson &• XVarrock. L. XVARROCIC. octll Paper and Rag Warehouse Warren & Platner, WHOLESALE dealers in all kinds of course and fine Paper, Envelops, Twines and Paper Boxes Sole Agents In this city for the Bath Paper Milla. Tue highest cash prices paid for Hags, Old Rope aud Bagging and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities octlO-tf 210 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. fO PARTXERSHIP \OTICE. TIHE undersigned h«viiig assoriatr-rl thomsclvcs f<r (ether under the firm name of LaROCHE, GADEN & CNCKLES, for the purpose of a Gene ral Grocery, atd Commiueion Business, aud having secured the large and commodious store, corner of Bay and Barnard streets, are now prepared to receive any and all consignments made to them. They also have extra rooms, suitable for Dry Good3 and Articles, which, If accompanied by owners or agents, an? the beet in the city; from a long experience and thorough acquaintance with the business, they hope to give entire satisfaction to all making consignments to them. Liberal advances made on Cotton Lumber, &c. con signed to them for sale in Savannah, or for shipment to their friends in New York, Boston or Baltimore LaROCHE, GADEN & t’NCKLKS. Isaac D Larochf, Br. Si. G. Oadet?, David B. Ukgklu. Ira octio TO TRAVELLERS. New and Clieap Publications. Artemas Ward; bis Travels, $1 50, The Loat Will* SSO cents. Gub Howard, T.'» cents Vemer’s Pilde, $1.50. The Curse of Clilton, $1.60. bvverd and Gown, aO cents. Great Expectations 75 cent*, The (’hMiinmgs, tl. The Castle’s Ileir, $1.50. Guy Livingstone, si.r*o. Major Jones* Oourtship, sl. Major Jones’ Chronicles of Pim ville, sl. Polly PenblosKom’s Wedding, sl. * And other Novels, at ESTILL’S NEWSPAPER -.nd PERIODICAL STORE, octV- Bull street, back ol Po3t Office. Photographs, A rob retypes, &c-, .A.t 'vv'iison’c Conner V/hitakcr and Broughton -Jts. oct? C Notice. FROXi oral after Saturday, the 14tit ins:., the fol ltiwing rates r>f rrriyhts will be charged by our reaper; ive Steamship Linen Irom this port to New York. via.: On Cotton, square bale, 1 rent per pound. On Wool and Round Bale 14* cents per pound. On Domestics, sl.Super bale. On Measurement Goods, 15 cent* per foot. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO„ ) HUNTER * GAMMSLL, Agents- JNO. It. WILDER, ) octl3-3 r _ . FREIGHT FOR MACO>7 Bj t Wagons, 'Wanted. Apply to eep29 BRIGHAAL BALDWIN A CO. I- ■HIPWWO, Freight h FOR AUGUSTA, THEnnder-ii-uediu-,- prepared to receive p.ods al (heir U ar<*hooses—free of expense And <ov ered by Inmira -cc—for shipment to Angmia aid points beyond by their resuUr fine of l*fit dntjtii Apply re. CHAS 1.. COLBY. 1 septS. if cor. Bhv and Aberrant st., FOB NEW YORK STAR LINE. SEMI-WEEaLUY. The first class U S. Mr.ll Steamships - ctiwimmi, ' * * X-kP* >-'mn CONbrm.lfoiM. . . . Cept. «bfxua«. The sbovc ships compose the Lhie. ttnd will sail iron, New York and Savonnr.h every Wednesday aud Sat nrday. BRIGHAXI, BALDWIN A CO, Agents. Savannah, Ga. WAKKMAN, GoOKIN * DICKINSON, Ag.nts, For Liverpool. T H ® A1 British ship XVISCONSIN, Drews, master. , and the A 1 Am bark TAOS. FLETCHER, Pen ateton. mosier, having n larpo portion of thdreargoer. engimcd will have immediate dispatch. For freight or roo bales cotton, apply io Qct9 ’J_ JNO. R WILDER. FOR NEW YORK. k The Schooner MATTIS M. MAYO will have quick despatch for tho aboTe port. For freight or passage apply jto octll BRIGH IM, BALDWIN ft CO. For Liverpool. THE first claes British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. C. Kelly, muster, being of small capacity, Mill have quick dispat ch. For freight, apply to octlO BRLL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. SfPFERSIO AUGUSTA AHE notified that they can store their goods any - * day during the week, to be forwarded by the shave Buats, which are the lightest drought running to Augusta, free of extra charge, rep. * KEIN 4 00. For Augusta, THE STEAMER B. 3rl. MAY, Wili have dispatch for the above place. Goods receiv ed nt all time and stored in tire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cost. *T. M. K7NCTILEY, Agent, Office in Clnghorn A Cunningham's. The May arrived in Augusta from Savannah on last Friday with her full freight. ts oct9 Atlantic? Coast MnilNtpom fillip Company. FOR NEW YORK, The now end elegant Side-XVheei C t l. Steamship HALEIGH. G. M. Walker Commnnder, will positively sail on .--'J- her regular day, bATURDAY, llth lust, nt 3 o’clock, p. tn. For Freight or Panpape, having very large and airy state room aeeommodntlonn, fitted up with all the re cent Improvements, apply to JOHN R. WILDER Ship’s Bills of Lading fnrnlshed and signed In the office nets TUB PALATKA. Vln Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary’s, Per nandina, .Tatkaonvilic anil Picolata. TnEnewnnd fast steamer fOUNTArN. OatiL G. XV.C*BTT,ER,wiI! leavers above on WEDNESDAY, the 18th lust., at 10 o’clock a.m. For Freight or Passage apply on board, nt Pndcl ford’s XVhart near XVhite’s Central Cr.tton Press or to M. A. COHEN, Agent, Frriglit payable on lVharf. Shippers will furnish weights and measurement of goods 0ct1.3 PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. - ThcU. S Mall Steamship CHASE, W ®- Koath, commander, will leave the above port on her regular day SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, AT 3 1-8 P. »,• For freight or passage, having superior aecomtuodo tions, apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL octG 84 Bay street. COMPETITION DEFIED ! FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant Very FgPt Steamer SCORPIO, RODGERS, Master. Will commence receiving freight THIS MORNING, at Exchange Wharf, and be the flrst Boat for Augusta after the Helen. For Freight Engagements or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, apply to KEIN * CO. eep23-td 114 Bay street. For Liverpool. K;£TN_ THE Al Ameriean Ship NEW ENGLAND, ■XyDjro Hodge. Master, having a large portion of . yffTVPher cargo engaged will be ready to receive cargo at Lower Hydraulic Press on the 18th Inst. For freight or passage apply to sepl4-tf BRIGHAM. BALDWIN * CO. GREAT REDUCTION E 7 FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA. ON and after thi* date tho ratf* of Freight by oar Line will Le reduced 50 Per Cent ! Our Liuc is composed of the following Steamers, all adapted to the trade, viz; Iren Steamer AM 5 ,~ON, Capt. Johnson. New Iron Steamer XVM. G. GIBBONS,Capt. Phiipot. Steamer LAURA, Hiller. The Steamer Gibbons is la every parUcnlar a first clA«*Pn**eng»r Boat. Insurance can bd* effected by oar Line at iow«*t rates. E3ff“ Freight received DAILY and forwarded TWICE A WEEK. *ep2--lm KRXVIN <fc HARDPK. Boots, Shoes, &c Cl F.NTS’ BOOTS, Gaiters and Balmorals; Ladies' a and Misses’Gaiters and Balmorals, Children's Balmoral* and Bootees. Just received and Tor sale by S. M. CODDING, octll No. 153 Congress street. Administrator’s Notice, TXVO months sifter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary 01 Chatham county for leave to sell all the real ostate of James Bilbo, de ceased, for the purpose of distribution. , JOHN O FERRILt, octt-law2m Administrator. AUCTION SALES. By Bell, f ylly i Mia. AT AUCTION. On SATURDAY, 14th laat., at 10 o’clock, wOl be (Old Id iront of store. The woodeu tenement adjoining the Marshall Uouseonih, ca.l 7 c .. ; cepttng , h« Bnckej. Jidteifo. within one week after the of a«te. By Bell. Wylly & Christian AT PRIVATE SALE. l3H£*s£3»sa ! Hß i 4, ISWrfTS I— 1 ocm y Bell, Wylly & Christian. AT AUCTION. THIS DAY. at luo’cloc.: in front of store. W UI be B 1 BELL, WYLLY ft CHBIBTIAJT. * nd Kitchen Furniture * Sofifo, Tables, Cliair., hrnssals Came la. m 5.,..., Dining Tables, XV-rdrobeq Betkto^ Crockery nod Glassware. oww “ gl storM ootl4 B««. B)Uy ft ChrlstUn. AT AUCTION. TH TS DA Y, «t 70 o’clock, in front of store, a General Assortment of Giuccrfc*. Provisions, Dry UuoS, ? n, t« r > Soots and Shoes, Sng-H. Rodgers' Pen Etffves, J lou . r > Bro. Flax Thread Candles, ■ shoe Thread, CMtiie Soap, Aft in Lotties. M. Wmskey, M Bottles, Overshirts, Blacking, Fancy Articles, .Terms cash. Glass and Woocftn Ware. (nderwriter’s Sale. OCTAVDS COHEN W»L«»»onSATOHDAYI BORNINO, October 14th, at in o cock, at Messrs. Brady, Smith k Co.’s Store, H B.VLE3 YARNS, Damaged on board of S earner Union, on her voyage ■aJl’conceded 8 SoW foV account 01 Underwriters and ' . oetl3-; Administrator’s Sale, ® Y T. J. WALSH. On TrESDAY. October 17th, will t>« sold la front ot store, at 11 o’clock, All the pcrlsl able property of Mre. Jane Barnett, deceased, .-0... by leave of the Ordinarv of Chatham countt ,mul by order of the Administrator. Ocll3-td U K } Hh M W^“ YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & 00., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAT STKEEi. Syv A. IST K- yv 31, O-a. COftSiBiiMiHTS OF eOTTttn 818 lumaret SliiliTil. Reference:; in Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos,; Erwin A Hardee, Gadcn * TJncklca, Isaac D. La Roche, Esq ; liiram Roberts, Eaq.; WvUy Wood bridge, E^q.; Hunter & Gammell; ]L C. Norveli Al. Cos w Re force ccs In Now York—Mcsm, Samuel T. Knapp i Bro.; D. Q, Baldwin A Cos. 86p26-€o<Um LINVILLE & GLEASON. BAY vYNTNTAIII. A-GENTS for MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO.. 64 ConrtlaiKit Street, Hew M. MANUFACTURERS of all kinds of BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Brito, Car, Skip or Band Boot, —■ A*'D BOILER BOLTS, HETT SCREWS) COiCB OR Lid SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nut*. ROUtfD AND SQUARE WASHERS. Tumbuoklos, Bolt Binds. Taps ami Dies, fte. /aSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM. MINGS of every description, and every art icle used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. KKniNEEKS' STORKS. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AMD RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNTSH, «o.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of ever- description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, *o, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE. ISOLATORS, BATTERIES. IH STRUM ENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of ths BEST OAK TANNED BELTING STEAM ENGINES, aRV AND PORTABIiI. SAW MILLS, .pt, SAWS^ Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 1803, Bfi- §g*S Light Blue Mate" French Blue jEroc- Claret Brown Oranr*- Dart Brown Tiak, Light Brown Purnle Sung Sown HoyYlßur?:* v aerry 3* soa Crimson Scarlet Dart Drat) 31ate Light Drah 'oiferino Fa wn Drah "ioIK Light Fawn Drab Vellow For Dueler Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel <ST A SAVING OP 80 PER CENT. « For 26 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost live times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple,and anyone can use Mm Dye with perfect success. Directions In English, r reuch and German, in s Woof each package. , HOWE <fc STEVENS, 200 Broadway, Boston For sale by druggisis and dealers generally. ectliuGm Boarding^ Either Traimleßt or permanent, to be obtained in a pleasant situation and very acceaelb.c tobn.i nets, In Broughton street, No. 184. bu *‘ septlWMm