Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 14, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 14. I*Bs. A part.tan Writer upon PwiiUa Wl^«»- The Palis correspondent of the Boston Gazette, translates the following interesting picture of the married woman of Parisian society, drawn by the sharp and fearless pen <sf sions. Edmond About: “She has already made her choice, or, to use her own expression, she lias already "aught her dupe. He is a well preserved man of lorty. He courted her just one month, aud it was she who insisted that the marriage should take place as soon as pos sibie. saying: “Bah ! we’ll have time enough and more than enough to become acquainted after we are married.’; He has led a very “fast” life and he marries to set tiedown. By a very natural iDStinct this bachelor's heart desired to cast its old skin ; respect, timidity, exquisite delicacy, all the symptoms of a moral renewal made their appearance. Good Heavens! didn’t she lau"h ’ She boldly dhcjucerted him by five°or six pleasantries, and they are hail fellow-well-met, He has not a flutter ot the heart when he rings the door-bell. He sends his nosegay, pays his daily visit, and thinks marriage is not'so bad a thing as it is said to be. They are left together. They make out lists, they add up figures. Tueir reckonings demonstrate they have enough to make a decent figure—the all important point.— They have found a moue.-i suit of rooms, a stable and coach-house in the same street. I need not say that sue, accustomed to ride in a carriage troui hei nurse s arms, don’t marry to go oh foot. She is going to live at home simply, or rattier she will never live there. Every day in win e' they will diue out (they have ahvu i> u-u their list) ; they win go ireque i will have one third ot a bev ■' v, Opera and at the falian Opera with fn -ids In summer they will go to gramme ,ui< i » cnateau anti live. He has already changed h.s tailor at her ex press command ; she said his pantaloons did not fit well. In the midst ot all these ar rangements the grandmother threw a bucket of cold water on them ; “But giddy crea tures that ye are,” said she, “all y’r future plans will fall to pieces the moment the first child appears." They looked at each other; they looked at the grandmother, and they burst into a roar of laughter which liked to have killed them. It was the first time this hypothesis presented itself to their minds.— She said : “Grandmother is right; there ii n i sayiug how soon misfortunes may come.” And again they roared with laughter. There upon she tuoß a packet of oblong form, which a servant had just Drought in, and she placed it in her grandmother’s lap, sayiug : ‘ ‘The problem is resolved. The baby is yours, grandmotner 1" The old lady answered : “And I shall nurse it, eh ?” “Fie, grand mother, what a horrible idea ! Weren t Bur gundian nurses invented to nurse such monsters ?” “But, my dear child, I nursed your mother, aud your mother uursed you.” “I don’t care if you did, graudtnotner, I don’t intend being sucked by an ugly frog,” What sort of a home will this girl uud man make ? 1 leave you to answer the question. What difference is there between mis young lady aud those creatures who earn their living around the Bois de Boulogne ? There is one very important, hut 0013’ juu difference be tween them—Virtue. 'There is common to both the same frivolity, the same selfishness, the same vanity, the same ignorauee, the same toilette, the same carriage, the same painting on the cheeks and tresses of hair from the same tradesman. But virtue! virtue ! isn’t that everything? No, by Heav en, it is not 1 if you mean by virtue one little especial merit, the sole merit the Turks ap preciate in Women. I admit, being in a very good-natured vein, this young girl will never betray one obligation ot marriage, fidelity to her husband. Is that all '! Will her husband be happy at that price ? A woman may live without a passion (especially now-a-days when passion is entirely out of fashion) aud yet advertise, post, ruin and kill by degree? the poor.wretch who gave her his name. Os a, truth it is fatiguing to see oneself pointed at in the streets, but if ridicule unjustly at taches to a poor man betrayed out and out, it does not spare the husband who looks on with folded arms at the noisy and minous spectacle presented by bis wile to the world. Which aftrout is most sensible ? A real adul tery which is carefully concealed, »r a daily scandal which makes the world believe the wife guilty of a hundred adulteries? The saddest of all this is not the enormous amount of money thrown away, although more than one hus band, nay, more than one lover, has had liis all, even his honor, devoureil by the little teeth of a pretty woman. When the sons who do nothing shall have dissipated, or al lowed others to dissipate, their father's sav ings, other arms will set to work and other for'unes will be made, and progress, some whit retarded, will catch again lost time. No, the subject to be deplored most is the decline of a sex which has given our country the most charming moiety of its glory. When one re-reads a letter by Mine, de Sevigue, or meiely talks fifteen niitrutes with one of the real women who remain among us, and then talk in the midst of five or six leaders of fe male fashion, one feds alarm. It seems that the language, the ideas, the sentiments of low company have been borne from one to another social circle by the young gentlemen who act as the shuttle between them. Crit ics have observed duriug ti.ese last few years, that our theatre was lusii-iblv abandoning wit and study to exnilm cgs, fine clothes, spangles and dance-. deplorable revo lution menaces in’" the great stage ot society.” Wuat think rou of . picture Mous. ’ draws i You rosy believe I would not have dared drawn one in such black co lors. A letter from the Florence correspondent ot the New York Herald gives an account o, some mysterious communications and inter views which have lately been passing be tween the Emperor Louis Napoleon and King Victor Emanuel, which are supposed to be the forerunners of the recognition of the kingdom of Italy by Austria, the settle ment of the Roman difficulty, and the sbear mg of the Pope of his temporial power. "Iye heard, Captain,’ said"an English traveler to the captaiuof a steamer ruuuing on the upper Mississippi, “mat your West ern steamboats can run in very shoal water where, in fact, the water is not more than two or tbree feet deep? ’ ‘ Two or thieefeet deep ! exclaimed me captain, in tones of withering contempt • “why, we wouldn't give a tor a boat out belt that couldn t run on tue sweat of a water pith r Sale of Railboad Maui;a.— Col. A. L Robinson, Superintendent ot Cuited States AeiUt&ry-Railroads, recently sold at auction at Macuester, Virginia, twenty-five locomo tives and 160 passenger cars. They were purchased principailj by roe Southern rail road companies, and brought $417,000 in cash, or about two-thirds of the original cost. Forty or fifty locomotives and five or six hundred cars are to be sold on the 17th ins; at Alexandria, Va. Much of this Bfock was taken South to be used tor the transporta tion ot Gen. Sherman o advancing army, but Lees capitulation rendered its employment unnecessary Hi.vrs on Etiquette. — The more distant your friends are the more you should call if 10 u,aße yourself heard, vnli f e °. yu, i lalie a lnen(i borne to dine with vouh, r w efirot v mecouutlUe P lale before“e*® “*• 11 £aVeS subsequent 'endfo'j aUls 10 b° rr °w an umbrella, u charge 41 once and give him ’ion ./the error. 111 gUard agai “ Bt a repeti you ln a discussion to find b-site view/ ku/roT tte . la “ , y lo la ke op k»r you should u . k / lm down at once for oum be led into a quarrel. A NOBLE PURPOSE AND A Glorious Result H. There are as many roads to fame and fortune a. there were gateways to ancient Thebes. Your am bitious warrior is for carrying his way with the sabre ; your aspiring politician for scheming liis way | by intrigue and consummate art. But there is one grand broad path to the goal, along which nothing base can travel. It is the path set apart (or tin march of talent, energy, and noble purpose and though full of obstacles, it contains none that a brave matt cannot surmount. Thia fact has been exemplified in innumerable instances, hut in few mare forcibly than in the rise and progress of bB. HOOFI.AMt s GERMAN BITTERS. Tor over fifteen years its course has been onward and upward, scattering blessings at every step, until it now stands on the topmost round, of the ladder of fame, as the ' OIIEAT T< > N IC. o Hoofland’s German Bi iters Is a positive remedy for - DYSPE PSIA, AND Hiseases Resulting fVoirt DISORDER Os THE LIVER »"’> DIGESTIVE ORGANS, And is the only certain and safe HE ST OK EH OF STRENGTH IN CASES OF DEBILITY. o By the nae of this Bitters Weakened and Debilitated Franses Be come Renewed with all the Vis*or of Health. Impaired constitutions are rebuilt, aud the patient in a short time regains Vigor, Health and Strength. F OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS, Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs! Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations. Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Ditllcult Breath ing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when in a Lying Pos t are, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain iu the Head, Deil- eiency of l’erepi atiou, YellowneSi of the .Skin and Eyes. Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Bun mg in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. Hem ember That these Bitters contain no Rum or Whiskey. And can’t make Drunkards. Is not a Bar Room Drink, But a Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract, Free from Alcoholic Stimulant or Injurious Diu^t*. It cannot insidiously introduce the vice of Drunk enness into the bosom of your families—to your wife, your children, or your friends. L SOLDIEriH Or others, whose system's have become impaired by hardships or disease, will film in this Bitters a tome l hat will restore them to all their original vigor. A These bittei-9 have performed more cares ! Oiven Better Satisfaction 1 Have more Testimony ; Have more respectable people to vouch for them 1 Than any other article in the Market We defy any one to contradict this assertion, AND WILT, PAY SI,OOO To any one that will produce a Cerlißcate published by ua that is not GENLINE. N READ WHO SAYS SO. FROM THE HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. „ Washington, January-1, 1864. ueutienien: - Having state a it verbailv to you, 1 have u©hesitation in w riting the fact, that I experi eiiced marked heneit from your Honflaini’f* German Bitters. During a long and tedious aestioi*«f Con gress, piengng and onerous duties nearly prostrated me. A kmd iriend suggested the use of *iha piepaia. uon I nave named. I took Uis advice, and the result was improvement of health, renewed energy, and that particular relief I so n.uch needed and ohiaine i. Others may be similarly advantaged, if they desire to be. Truly your iriend, THOMAS B. FLORENCE. o From Rev W. D Seigfried, Pastor of Twelfth Baptist . ohurch. Pldladelphia, December 26, lS6i. Mrsrßs. Jones & Evans, Gentlemen : —I have recently been laboring under the mslreesiug effects of indigestion, accompanied bv a prostration ol the nervous system. Numerous rem edies were recommended by ltieuds and some of them rested, but wi hout reliet. Tour Ilooffland’s Germ m Bmeis were recommended bv persons who hud tried ibem arid whose favorable mention ot tbe l.itrers in duced me also to try them. X musl confess that 1 had an aversion to patent medicines, from the ‘-tltonsand and one” a aack “Bitters whose only aim seems to be to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor npun Lhi m a sly way ; and the tendency ul I w.r ’ i 1 ' ls inat£e m;ll, y a continued drunkard. nrer»iit? r s’oars 5 ’ oars w ' 19 reaUv a medicinal preparation I took it with happy effect, lie action oL b’ upon the stomach, bat npon the tier ius sytteni.wtt* prompt midgratiiyiDg. 1 feei that I l ave derived great; uud permanent benefit liom the ol a few bottica. Very respectfully yours. W. G. B, No. 264 Shackamaxon street. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. See that the si/nature of "C M. JACKSON' 1 is on the " rapper ot each buttle. PRINCIPAL OFFICE <it MANUFACTORY No. 631 ARCH STREET, JONES & EVANS, SUCCESSORS TO C. U. JACKSON A CO. For sale by Druggists and Dealer, in every town in the United States octll-WAS NEWITA FFNIf DA I LY JOURNAL & MESSENGER, Pnhlisbcd Every Morning and Evening. MACON, GEORGIA, GGRNER UF (iHERRV ADO THIRD STREETS. LARGEST CmCULA lloS IS MiltDLI AND SOUTJII I ESTERS GEORGIA. rrnE old “Jouimd & Mcst-engcr," «rd oMaldfehefl l inlguD, I. nd rep'n -ii-ly published yvtw, has tip- Larged 1 in id., cm . i ■ t v paper in this seem n. We are ofl. urn- i.... .i t. .ms b. a nerttser,. and merchants, mid il-t irr.i.* ol h r,mg their l-.i-t --ltess generally knewn, wall da wed u> advertise iu inr column*. Oil! YVKEKLY Contains the led ulvc.l-.sln*- of some tight or ten and i- ‘ a at !th .-ughuul the Southern and Northern sl it generally. Parties sending (Itcir advertisements with the money will If insured s .tiai.iction AilUrcs S. I.OSIC i < O. W TUB HIEIV OBLEA.YS TIMES, The I...tiling Journal of llie South. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WLLK.LV. itovnl. and lo Literature and General News—The Discus sion ci state and National Topics—The Wel fare of the Planting Interest—The Progress of Southt rn Commerce, and 1 ho Regen oration of Prosperity in the Southern Status. The Proprietors of the Nr.w Orleans Daily and Wi ikLY Tim 1 8. encouraged by the liberal support given to their journal, have made ample an Movements fo> it* improvement, with a view to making it, in every respect, a FIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. * • Terms of the Daily. $lO per annum ; half yearly, $8; Quarterly, sl. THE WEEKLY TiMKS Is devoted to the discussion ol topics of vital import, a lice to the interests of the Gulf States; contains a carefully prepared corapeudium ol the new* of each week, original and selected literary and mi.-Hiellaneons matter, trios, poetry, etc., correspondence Horn all parts of The country aud abroad, letters from the peo ple, a resume o! the NcwOi lean o mailed, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $5 per annum. TO CLUBS. The Weekly will be furnished aft follows, when sent to one address: 2 copies $ *.» 50 ’ 0 copies $25 00 3 *• 14 00 j 7 “ 29 00 4 *• IS 00 j S *• 33 Ml 10 copies S4O. An extra cop) will bo giveirto any one getting up a pub of Ten. Terms invariably in advance. Addres. * WM. if C. KING A CO., an 14-ii Proprietors N. O. Tina s. No. 70 Cainp st THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under uuspiccs hi ;ldy llattcring. It has a large and daily increasing circulation, and of fer e to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed 1-y none, ADVEHTiSIVG RATES. ONE BQUA.IIX. Two weeks $ 5 00 One month 0 00 Two months lo 00 Three months ) 1*» »»• Six Month - 24 00 One Year 4o (Kt two equaios. , Two weeks $lO 00 t )ne month i2 oo Two months... .. .* 15 00 Three months 18 00 Six months no oo One year 00 oo Persons desiring a greater quantity of space than is above designated, will be accommodated on liberal terms. SIBSCRIPTH >N 15 AT KS. Single Copy, (mailed) 5 cts. One Month, do 75 “ Three Man the, do $2 00 Six Months do . 3 50 One Year do C 00 Address, A. F. ( Ri TCHFIELD Si, CO., PETERSBURG, VA. X’XIOS of Tin: Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF io,«m) COPIES. FOR GRA TUITOUS OIRL‘II ATJON. To be Ihsihh; on <r about the loth »»/ July, 18(55, By J VV. BURKE & CO . MACON, GA This enterprise is undertaken at the suggestion of many of the leading merchant. o of the country, ns a method of extensively advertising their business.— While w<* will publish the advertter-ments of all who may favor ns with their patronage, the paper will also contain Price* Current of the Mark* ts in all the princi pal cities, Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, Ac., and Commercial News of every description thut will be ol interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “MIRROR" be exclusively tilled with advertisements; but the paper will be sufficiently large to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence, Select Reading Matter, &c. It will boa ia.ujly, a. well a i.t sum tvy t’Ai’Ei*, and \u* intend that tt shall visit every City. Town and Village in the Country. All can perceive the advantage of‘advertising in a paper of this description. Ol U TERMS WILL DE LIBERAL. We arc tumble to publish them in this Circular, not knowing wimt number ot our friend- will want their Business Cards. Notices, &c., brought be fore the Public through this medium. We will only say to all, send your Advertisements to us immedi ately ; st atv how much space you wish them to occu py. directions, «fcc. We have a large Slock of Fancy Type, Cuts and material f.»r displaying them, and fed confident of meriting the patronage and approval of ail Business Men. \. soon as we arrive at the amount of matter and size of paper required, we will make an estimate, and publish the rates f r advertising, in the first number. Tjiky \\ iu. he ae low ab rossiiti.E, to allow is to publish .UK I'APKii. Deeming it superfin ohs to argue the benefit oi this enterpr -e to the adver tising wond, we leave the subject with it, feeling as sured it w ill meet its cor,lid co-operation and sup port. Address J. W. BI RiLL s CO., Macon, Ga. 'Agent in Savannah: Gin. N. Nir.uoLS, Bay Street. jyl° ts r ril3'l D.IILI EVEMi\(i VOICE. PUBLISHED AT BOSTON, MASS., —is r rnr OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE Uraiul Eight Hour League of Mass., WCftMHGMM’S ASStrVit.LV Os BOOION. IP is imiof eu*ient In Politics, eschew** Heetfliian mat t* rh, ci n tains all the Local and General News of the day, Hc?pen»Hy devoted to the interests of Work iugmi-n, and its managers spar© no pains to make it THE PEOPLES PAPER. Its facilities for obtaining the latest and most relia nle intelligence on every sulject ol interest are unsur passed and make it n newspaper Dial will be wel comed by every sou of New England in any section of the country. It has a large circulation, and ns an ad vertising medium is unsurpassed by any newspaper in Boston. Subscriplion Price, $5 per year. ißElillT FOR ADdDSTI" RECEIVED DAILY, And For warded e m i-W eekly. w er AMAZON, I' R. Johnson. PerKIT.AMtR LAI it A. Capt. Ki>waiu> II i ii.ek , Having a commodious Warehouse on Dillon’s Wharf, weare prepared t.» receive freight as above. Due notice will be given OT the days of departure of each steamer, ERWIN A HARDEE. John l. roumillat. *cplß Ira Agent on Wharf. oo——oi mew iim, «vc. line. Whitney & C«., GENF.KAL Coimiiissioii 31 ere ha ii (s, 202 BAY STREET, Savannah, - - - - On. •Particular Attention Paid to Shipments to our House in PWladelpliia. pep22-lm c. b.&g.w. Lamar General Camissiau Hcrciiaiiis. FORWARDING AMD SHIPPING AGKMTS. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. THE Undersigned have thi« day formed a Co-part ner-bip under (hcxiame and st)le of G. It. and G. W 1 Jim Hr, for th<‘ trinsaction of h General Com mission, Forwarding and Shipping Business and offer their services to their friends and the public. omee m Jones’ bnildinga. Bay street, few doors Fast of (’laghom a Cunningham, (upstairs.) ltelerto*. eo. W. Anderson Esq, Savannah: John i ('. Fcrrill, Esq., S o .inm!i; G B L unar, Esq., Sa- i vann.ih Win. E. .Tack-in. T> q.. President Augusta: Factory . Messrs. Jc.-iah Sibley A Sons Augusta; J B. ! A J. \V. Walker, AugUbta G. B LAMAR. Ja. sep3«»-lm (i. W. LAMAR Jn. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GENERAL COM3HSSIOS AND FOR WARDING MKRCHAKT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. HarrL* Buildings, 2d door west *>f A. Low & Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter S’, Gammell, Crane, John son it (fraybil! Bell, Wylly & Christian ; Bothwell <fe Whitehead; Miller, Thomas & Cos.; M. A. Cohen, sep29-tf 1). 11. BALDWIN & CO., COMjVLTSSIONT WF'.TICTI,\IZ r r& 9 173 Frail Street, New York. York 0014-3ni • J" savannah. Alexander Liar dee. Storage and l.’enwal Commission Merchant rOHK’Eif BAY AUD JEFFERSON STS., SaTiniaali, Gcoi-Qia, Ponlir ill- ITAY FODDER. GRAIN, FLOPR, WOOL, HIDES, BRAN. SHORTS, JPc. sep22-lm ” JAMES B. CAHILL, GKNERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries. Provisions, Wines and Liquers, 17 1 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLD HRS ofMerchandizc wishing to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all bnsinefts en trusted to them, and prompt returns ma le at the most reasonable rates. sep4-3m TO SIsiITEKS oF i "or LON AM) OTHER SOITHKUN PHODUC'E. FK\N Eli , It ENNJC T T & BOWM AN , Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett. COMM ISftlON MERCHANTS, No. -i«1 VrsEY Street, a,k\v York. And Memphis, Ter.r.. Thomas Ff.nkeu, llfnky Binneit, D. YV. Bowmln. JyC on. CD AS. L. COLD Y~& C(L 7 Shi]>pi Commission and Fonvnrding j>l E R C II \ If T fii . JONES liI.OCK, OORXKE BAY AND AOKKOO&N STREET SAVAN NA H, OA . LIBE RA L CAS II ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the firm of Chad. L. Colby, of New Y«*rk, or tootir Irimids in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGIIT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. REFKBEKOES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarivs Blade, Esq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmunds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. sep 13—tl Woodwa rd, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Duane Street, iVeiv York, i> nntl 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnabnrgs and Yarns. jyis .lous Jones, i ICbabton H. Wat. Late Treasurer Slate of Ga. / \ savannah, Ga. .1 ones it, Y\'ay, Have re-opdied their office at No. 03, Bay street. (Oppn.-ile tho old stands Savannah, Ga .for thetrans action ol ;i General Coßimihaion and Factorage busi ness. Particular attention paid to forwarding Cotton and Merchandize to and from the interior. RcFtBKNCKe— I T. W. Chichester, Eaq.. Augusta, Ga., I. C. Plant. Ebq., Macon, Ga,, J. W. Warren, Esq.. Co lumbus, Ga., and any Bank or Merchant of Savannah, Qfl pIS eod lmo HENRY BRYAN, - Bryan Stkekt, kext to Mproiiants’ and Planters’ Bank iiuiLDiNfl, Broker and Commission Agent FOR SALK AND FUECiJASE OF •*» STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Cotton, aulo 3mo i MilllS & (0.. Forwarding and Commission MKKC MANTM. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &e., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAM MIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. S. BAMMI6. EH. G. BAMMIB. CIIAB. L, MATOER aull ts A. T. OINMNGIiAM. n, G. I*TIU»E. CUNIV I3GHAM & PURSE, rpACTORs, FORWARDING AN© COMMISSION X MKHCIIANTS, No. 4 Lower Stores, Baysticet, Savannah. Ga. References—Robt. Habersham to Sons, llunferA Ouinmcli, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin to Cos., Erwin <fc Hardee, CLighorn di Cniiiiinghniii. rcj»4-3m fe. F. METCALFE & CO., GEIU3HAL POItWA ItliitVG AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lower Stoddard's Range between Abercoru and Lincoln Streets, Savannah, Ga. Reference?—Hening, Flint A Pearce, New York; E. M. Bruce Sc Cos., Augusta, Ga.; It. C. Robson, Ksq., Atlanta, Ga.: Knott to Howes, Macon, Ga.; E. M. Bruce, Morgan & Cos., Appalachtcola, Fla.; Watts, Crane & Cos , N. Y.; Geo C. Pearce to Cos , St. Louis, Mo.; H. C Bruce to Cos., Cincinnati, O.; Mr. 11. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; Juo. W. O’Connor, Macon, Oa. Bept‘2i lm J. SHAPPER7 CowmiWsion Dealer In nil kinds- of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS am. PRODUCE, West Wamiim.ton Maiiket, Opposite 143 West st., bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions consuntly on hand, and pnt up for the Sonthern market 1 All consignments promptly attenked to. ! „ K®' l-18 Ai L - Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. M alsh. and J. H. Parsons. I jyl* eodly COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J.T. THOMAS & CO., COMMISSION 3IEIH HANTS, 1 I T Hoy Street. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at aa Low Bates :ts are accepted by any good Company. octll-lm SOTTTIIERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNKR OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, CA. O’FALLON & CO., FACTORS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS. Respectfully invite attention to onr facilities for the purchase or movement, of Southern Products, and will give prompt att< ntion to all ousi ness entrusted to our care. Intending to establish penn inently a House in Savannah expect by strict business principles to raeiit and receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, and will make ad vances on same; picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in Northern cities by this process.— They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining States. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, Poftt Office Address, Lock Box 2.3. oct7-8m BACON, CLARDY &CO. Cotton and Toteco Factors, NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY HENRY BRYAN. TITK do entirely a Commission Business, exerting v » ourselves to get the outride maiket quotations for our patrons. Liberal advances made on Cotton at Savannah, and i part al advances on Cotton ready for shipment at Au gusta, Atlanta and Macon. Planters’ ordeisfilled. octl2-lm \an Horn, Iloljo & 31urray, General Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. 9 Stoddartl’s Block, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Cttvs. Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, Savannah, Ga. New York. Engaged exclusively in a Commission Bnfincss.with aniple anti first class Storage Room, we most respect fully tender our services for the Jiuicht-S ■ anil sale ol all kimis of merchandise. oci 11-3 m L. WABROCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Consignments solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. octll-Xin MACKY, BEATTIE & CO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS; 203 and 20 S Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Ga. OFFER FOR SALE the following Goods, on the mos reasonable terms, zSO bbis Whiskey, Mountain Dew -i 100 “ •* Buckeye Reserve | ‘5 ” “ Stag JioHrbon ' 2n “ >• T years old Stag Bourbon 11 of 20 “ “ Pine Apple f "csteni 50 *• - Bnrkam's Bourbon Distillation 1 0 ” “ Old Family Rye 15 ■“ “ Old Rectified J Toeetfitr with a large assortment of Pori, Sherry and Madeira Wines, H'idsick & Cos., and iieymond's Champagnes, Brandies, Gins, Rums, German & Ridgeway Bitters, Ac. 11l coniiuelion with the above, wo offer for sale Choice Family Flour, Bacon Sides, Shoulders. Lard. Liberal advances made on consignment to MACKY&BEATTIE, PHILADELPHIA, ra. N. A. HARDEE & CO., Shipping, Commission and For warding Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will make liberal Cash Avanccson consignments to our friends, Norton, Slaughter A- Cos,, 40 llruad street, York. octG-lm Wm.H. Burroughs & Cos. Forwarding commission merchants, No. 87 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. For the sale ot Cotton and other Produce, Lumber, 1 imber, Plan tations and all kinds of Real Estate. We now oiler several Rice Plantations near the ciiv, a number of Cotton and Provision Plantations, Timber lands, city Property, and a few lots in the Mineral or North western parts of the State. st-pSC-lm H. Gowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAIT STREET, ANDERSON'S WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. _oct2-3m NOTICE. fcTHE undersigned promises to cure Seminal Weakness in all its worst forms without the use of medicine Please send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cents for postage. Address J. M. RUSSELL, octto-3m Boston, Mass. ~ INK. QK GROSS INK, in stands, at $8 50 per gross. 16 KiO doaen Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per dozen. For sale bv SAVILLE & LEACH. I aul2 ts cor. Bryan street and Market square. Wagon Freight WANTED For Macon, Dlllledgevilk, Albany, Amerirufl, or Uawklnnille, Apply to oct3 ts Notice to the Public. IN the ymr IM6, the writer emhariud iu th»* Drug iiu-mos in tho rlly of Phii>ul«i|>hiii. aiul** thu# cngJtf r «»fl, init.le ) vcihl t*Xpi->lmt.nts In regard lo fho most iL-inthlc mode of preparing Fluid Rxtneti. My ffor ts being mi ’**ft.-ful — thttaitirlrrhtfing »|*prore«l and n-t and bv tin* Mi dicrtt »»v. uit> - 1 w in dumrouh of placing Ibem Ik-Core the public, hilt h Mt u and f«»i houh* linn* br-foie concluding to to n-wtpaprr udv. iTining. knowing of the fM< indict m that exiulvd in ihemiudflof M.iny agiim-t u».ng rii.«‘d - or Noe*rums but through tbv advice of friendft nnd thocH- who had used them this objection wa-i overcome. After is vrers* xtrlioiis. c uioieucing in a hriiali war, the popularity of my aitides h.t« extc .1 and to all parts of tho United St»t*B. and widely throughout Foreign countries—and this in tho face of much opposition. Every means has been re*on< and to by deal ers since th ir merit and success have been known such as ndveitising larger bottles at lees price, censnr ng ail othor preparations, and even copying mv adveitia*-- ments—bat I am happy to state that out oi the many w ho have resorted to this, none have been successful. MY OBJECT • in thift notice is to make feci ft known to the public and respectable dealers, believing, after so many years* ex ertions. lhat the Druggists will disc untenance snob proceedings, and that the reparation of my articles may not be damaged by the useof inferior or spurious ones. Knowing that many may read this article who are unacquainted with me, 1 append u few remarks from those of my native city, and whose names are known m all parts of the world: ‘•Being personally acquainted with Mr. 11. T. Ilelm bold, it affords me pleasure in stilting I have l»een most favorably impressed with his energy and integri ty, and gratified at his seccess.” WM. WETOHTMAN, Firm of Powers & Weightman. Ninth und Brown Streets, Philadelphia. TEvening Bulletin, Philadelphia.] When on a visit to the. city of New York a few days since, 1 was induced to call on our old friend and townsman, Mr. IJ. T. Helmbold. Druggist, 504 Broad waj*. N. V. Ilia Store is a Model—a perfect <4cm-- the handsomest of any kind we have ever had the pleasure of viewing, and so extensive, being f.4 feet front, five stories in height, and over 200 feet deep.— It indeed affords us much pleasure to know that he has been so successful, nnd it is ample evidence of the merits of his articles —as in our whole business expe rience we have not known ol' the success of any arti cles without Merit—advertising merely bringing the name before the people. ” [Boston Herald.] * \\e do not like to advertise worthless wares, or articles calculated to deceive our readers; and when we tec an advertiser like Mr. Helmbold, whom we have known for years, gradually extend his advertising from year to year until ho becomes the largest adver tiser in the l nited states, we are satisfied that ihe statements in regard to his articles must be correct. The writer reluctantly inserts the above, and would not do so were lie not a stranger to many; and con cludes by s’atmg tho names oi his articles, and the diseases for which they have been used by many thou eands witn complete success. f Adv lutisemhint. ] HeimboM’s Extract of Buemi will cure al! diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder Cures Pain or Weakness in the Bark, Strictures, Ac.; Cures Weak Nerves, Loss of memory. Trembling, Dimness of Vision. HE LMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT OF BITCH TT iis a pnre fluid extract, not a weak tea or infusion Is the one thing needful for ali complaints incident to j Females, tor particulars send for Circular. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU [ cures Gravel and Dropsical .Swellings existing in Men, Women, or Children; in lack ALLDISEASES requir ing the aid of a Diuretic. It is the Tonic and Diuretic known—perfectly s de, pleasant in taste and odor, and immedi ate in its action. IIELMBOLD’S | Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED. i One bottle equivalent in strength to one gallon of the Syrup of Decoction It reaches the seat of the disease immediately, ex pelling all Humors of the Blood, and BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. j These articles, being of such strength, the dose is i exceedingly small. From il.i- fact, it is used in the United Slates Army Hospital; and public Sanitary lu stitutions throughout the land. ITF” Sold by all Druggists everywhere. Ask for Helmbold’s. T»ike no other. Cutout the advertisement and send for It, and by ibis means avoid Counterfeit. „ oct9 lm THE NEW YORK NEWS. T> -Y I L V, SEMI-WEEKLY iND WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK w E K k L V Ail USE TT i ll E E IU. V HEW S. GREAT | FAMILY' NEYVSPAPKRS. IIIYJA.THA HOOli L'diloi- And Pioprlelor, Journals of Politio*, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and Nows from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IMPROVEMENTS INTRODUCED IMMENSE GIitGiiLATiQHS I DETERMINED ON. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN. NEW YORK. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, X J i-iblish.ecl Every ~Wednesday. Single Copies Five Cents One Copy, one year $ 2 00 Three Copie* one year o oo Five Copies, one year g 75 Ten Copies, one year 17 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten Twenty Copies, one year 30 00 Weekly News is Sent so Clergymen at SI 50. StMI-VVEEKLV NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. ' Single copies, one year $ 4 DO Three Copies, one year 10 00 Five i optes, one year j s po Ten Copies, one year. . 30 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, ona year . / 55 co To Clergymen 3 gp NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail Subscribers $lO per annum Six Months File Dollars For Sale by all Newsdealers. Specimen copiesj of DAILY and WEEKLY NEWS seiit fiec. Address BEN J. WOOD, Daily News Building, No. 10 City Ha|l Square, New York City. COMSTOCK i Kim MACHINERY DEPOT, Offlce Ns. 154 Bay Street, Sayamali. Sa. \\'E keep on hand and rnm-sh to order at Mann- V T faciurers’ Pricsa,Engine,Foot and Hand Lathe- Planes, mills. Chucks. Bolt 1 utters. Gem cutters ’’ Wood & Mann “Portable Engines," noistine En gines, Wood Working Machinery of every desermtion Stationery Steam Engines and Boilers, Cotton Gins and Presses, Saw Mills, Rice Mills, Grist Jl . r ? lar and Mill Saws, Rubber and Leather Snv mi Hose. Gearing, shafting. Hangar* “ml PuS H and ran lie Jack? and Punches, Pumps of all kii ini' aii W °° d ftnd Ir " n Wnr^^Oto^ E A - wo<>d ' s tr SEND FOR A CIRCULAR, trl COMSTOCK A KINSEY, 0C14.T0 'rhAJJOm N °' 16 t B “Y ,treet > °ct4- fa, Iltisam Savannah, Ga. NAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTOUY. COMMISSION MBBC HAN IV IJ' K<*« tu« ‘ Si. ,V < HIIIFPINi; am. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Guuaar Biy and Whiiakcr sUctl-. n ... Savannah, Gh. Prompt attention given to conrignmenth of M. r chauib «■ ami Produce' fall kimfi. pnuhaeed and b<»Ul lm R U u *" ‘ General Commissi,m 1 Mercliants, No. Day street, above Baron, a street. a0 2 4 MA. Cohen, ■ TOR WARLING anu COMM] SfcN MERf’HAN T Office Home lus. Cos , 88 Bay at. ’ Bell, Wylly oi Christian, AUCTION, GF ERAL COMMISSION AND FOKW ARlnNil MERCHANTS. Bay MreetpSavannah, Ga. AM. Srnrb.onglv Jg Cos., GanonuY a-.u, Com • .mission MntciiiNTs, 14u Congress aud 5T bt Julian sts Highest market prices paid for Cotton Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Adranceaon Cotton, Ac! Erwin & Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay Street. Savannah, Ga. WINES, LIQUORS, &c. AKUHhKIt, NORTHEAST • Broughton and Jefferson streets, dole a 1 n, lor the State of Georgia, l„r tlie sale ol Caliioruia M mea and Brandy, tt E. Koethehe & Cos., ■ WHOLESALE DEALERS 111 Groceries, Wines, Liquors aud Segar*. Corner of Bay and M hitakcrsts,, Savannah, Ga. sej -'-i,,, Israel 11. Sealy o» Cos., SOLE AOKNTS ANI> IMPORTERS OP Ch. PAIiRE CHAMPAGNES. Iu the State of Georgia. 20T Bay st„ between Barnard and Jeffeisnn auD Savannah Ga, ’ DRV GOODS. John c. iiiakcv As Cos,, YVnoLrSALP am* i;* t lit Dealks in DRY' GOODS, HOSILRY’, GLOVEs! TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac, Ac. Cor. Congress und Whitakci sts. Joint MoCoimgliy, ' DKALFIi laN DRY GOODS, &c. 100 lUoughton stretit. Oamuel M. Leduer, Jobber and iieuuler of O Fawcj: am> Staple Dry Goolh, Hoots and Jyiioes, Clothing, Hats, aYo. i-iu t ongresß street. ’ MFcwt Cos.. Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Li • quo us, SEGAitb, Fancy (ißockkiih, Candiks, «kc. iSO Coiigre; s ptieet. Stuart vS; Co.,Wholesale andlietailDeificre in Gro ceries and Provisions Teas, Ales, Wines and Li quors. Corner Hull und Broughton streets. Special attention paid to orders for the country trade. sep2.-t f Cojigdon Si Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner W Uiiaker and St. Ju.ian Old Stand ol W. R. Symons EP. lkyo, in Cnoios Family Orocebies, • Winpjb, Liquor#, &o. l.>a struct. BILLIARDS, &c. ~ Billiurrt Saloon. By WALTER O’MEARA. ALE% WINES, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. St. CUarlcs Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,) by A. STamm. Wholesale and Jictait. None but CHOICE WINES ond LIQUORS served. Free Lunch, GAS FITTING, Ac. Weed Si Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Hardware and Tix No. IQ’J and 101 street. TT Cranston, U ♦ PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, '.'l Hiyanst , next io cor. Whitaker. SEGARS, TOBACCO, Ac, . ICoetliecke t oT, Importers of Genuine Havana Scgara* Comer Bay and Whituker streets. Savannah, Ga. sepvi _lm Kolli. 1 ♦ SE(4ARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, «c. Harnard street, one door South ol the Market. II Constant, Impoutfr of Domestic and Havana Segaks, Mefuscuaum Pins, <fec. Wines, Champagnes and other Liquors. liriil street, opposite the Post Office. PRINTING, STATIONERY, &c. Saviile & Ltaca, liOuKSLLJsKRS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Bryan afreet and Market Square. liiii, M.\ NiTAi Triirn ami lV.r sale by DAVID ii. GALLOWAY, S j Drayton street. C'l eo. X. Xichoh, J BOOK. AND .TOD PRINTER, Bay st., between Abcic«»m anti Drayton. IT' Purse, LITHOGRAPHER, STATIONER, Xli. BINDER, JOiJ I‘RINTER, &c. No. C Whitaker street. C \V'. Mason < u Cos., O* HERALD .TOR PRINTING OFFICE. No. ni Bay street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. Fl>. aJordaiF. Dealer ill WATfiirrs and Jfwklrt, • Sii.vfr and Plated Wake. 1a not Goons, Ac. Watches ami »le\i elry Repaired. 12U Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. HAIR DRESSING, &c. Pulaski House Barber Shop, (cor. Bull find Bryan Shaving, Hair Cutting. Shampooing, Whiskers Dyed, Acc Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Neck Ties and other Fancy Ai tides :or sale. DRUGGISTS. Jos, W. Clift, !>I. I>, Cor . South Broad and Barnard-sts. , Office nouns—9 to 10 A. M , and 4to 6 P. V, f Hcsideuce—Mr. Wash’s, ciiroex . t. Julian and Lincoln Streets. WM. Wills It, • WHOLESAI.E AND EETATI DRUGGIST, ftul4 Souiheast cor. Barnard and Broughton sts. A A. Solomons & Cos,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Orders executed accurately unci with despatch. BUGAS and shoes. Ames 6i Peabody, .Jobbers in Jrteii’i?, Women’s, and Children's Calf, Serge and Kid BOOTH and MlOEb, of all kinds and qualities. 162 Congress st., 4ih door North of the Market. Geo. T. Nic liols, RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE. f 110 Broughton st.,-2d door irom Bull. QUEENS WARE, I? I>. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AND J* CHINA, at Wholesale and Retail. 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of Bull CONFECTIONERY. JF.. Hern dez, • CONFECI lONLß—Wholksale and Rftail. MANUFACTURER OF SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FIMECONFECTIONERV OF ALT. KINP6. 140 Broughton street, two doors from Birnard. MKi» K . raw. • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CIUKRS, LEMON. STKAWJSKRItY ani> I<ASPEEKRY SYRTTPS, CAN JJllro. Ac. , Ac, , In any quantities, to suit Purchasers. WHITAKER STREET. SODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER and ALE, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, Ao. Cor. Bay and West Broad streets. NTOTICE. i LL persons indebted to the lato firm of K. Holdt A Cos., and Heldt, Jandon A- Cos., will please call and settle the same at the old stand, up-stairs. E. HEIDT, oct»3m W. A. JACDON ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH!!! Wheaton’s Ointmont. WILL CURE THE ITCH IN FORTY-EIQHT HOURS. Also cure. Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and »U Eruptions of the Skin, fries 6ft cents For sale by >n Druggists. By sending 60 cents to Weeks & Potter, Sole Agents, ITO Washington street, Boston, M*tt.. 16 will be forwarded by mall, free of postage, to any part of the United States. sepf.'l-3m