Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 16, 1865, Image 3

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LOCAL MATTERS. Departure of Sleajnships and Htranwn, FOB FLORID*.. sreanter Fountain, Wednesday morning. October l»th. at 10 o'clock. •-acred concert.—We learn that a number oi our jjj'.jt brilliant amateur musicians are preparing to - ve a “ Grand Sacred Concert ” tliia week, the pro ceeds of which are to be distributed among the Pas tor, of the various churches of the city. A more laudable undertaking could hardly have suggested ' tseifi an d it certaiDly merits the liberal patronage of - L u« entire community. Savannah certainly is blessed U 1 her present Pastors, for we know of no city that can boast a more faithful and deservedly popular set 0 , c;srgymen. During the years of trial and afflic tion through which we have just passed, none can forget their untiring labor In visiting the sick, com forting the afflicted and distributing alms. What c ass of citizens have shown themselves more willing to make sacrifices and bear their share of the bur dens In the present scarcity of money ? barely it behooves every one to sustain the mag nanimous effort of our distinguished amateurs, and enable them to present such a gift as shall gladden tne hearts or the recipients and reflect credit upon tUe donors. We are informed tliat the music 1 talent, for which Savannah is so justlr famed, wUI be fully represented on the occasion, Such an opportunity is seldom of fered of enjoying so rare a musical treat, and, at the ■>ame tune, " gratifying kindly and charitable feel- j ugs .o GKAPHEL'S. The Theatre.—The performance of Masbeth at the Theatre on Saturday evening, was undoubtedly the most unfortunate essay which our worthy com pany has yet made. Well appreciating the earnestness o' the managers' endeavors to maintain an attrative series of performances, the liberal expenditure made upon the novelties which they have produced, and the excessive strain which must have been brought to bear upon the entire company by the constant re currence of new pieces, we are little disposed to se vere criticism. If anything is to be said, however, cf the performance on Saturday night it must be only, that It was a shade worse than indifferent. Mr. Hamilton's Macbeth was fine acting, and like all his personations, full of life and Are enough to animate a whole scene, and arouse his fellow-players into a little spirit and naturalness. But his herculean en ergies could not prevail at all times against the in ertia of his support on Saturday evening. Lady Macbeth was voiceless, stammering and evidently very much embarrassed in her elevated station.— ffanquo was stolid and declamatory. Though Mr. Wise,as Macduff.was evenly good throughout, as was also Mr. Briggs. But the remaining characters, leaving out the witches, were represented by persons of all degrees o> stupidity. The witch scenes were well arranged, and the or chestra was increased to give effect to the witch music. But the singing of Miss Cameron was pain fill In the-extreme, anu we trust this charming ac tress will never attempt a song again. Swans never cing, and Miss Cameron can afford to do without the accomplishment. Mr. Bohn did himself groat credit, in the songs, singing with a full agd good voice and with correetnes . The antjes of Mr. Raymond in the witch business, had that gentleman’s own patent stamp of comicality, and went for to save those scenes from being genuine bedlams. A sparkling afterpiece bringing, In Mr. Raymond and Miss Gordon, Miss Cameron and Messrs. Briggs and Loud, put everybody In good humor before go ing home, and we hope decided them to go again this evening to see the famous Irish Drama, The -Colleen Bawn.” DISTIN'GrISHEU Fi.of.ida Citizens.—The Hon. Jas. ju. Baker, late a member of the Confederate States Senate, and recently pardoned by President Johnson, 13 now In this city with his family, en route for Flori da. He contemplates resuming the practice of the law. The Hon. Wm A. Forward, one of the associate Judges of the Supreme Court of the same State, is lying quite ill at the Puiaaki House in this city. It affords us pleasure to state.that he U slowly improv ing • Resumption of business.—lt will be seen by their card in our advertising columns tUis / morning that Messrs. H, C. Wade A Cos., Commission Mer chants have resumed business in this city. The firm is extensively and favorably known, not only in Georgia, but throughout the range of Savan nah trade, and their resumption of business with that of other well known firms will be regarded as evidence of the returning business prosperity o?Sa vannah. Arrival of the D. S. Hospital Steamer Cosmo politan.—This fine steamer arrived on Saturday last at two o’clock p. m. from Hilton Head, aud de parted in the afternoon with a number of sick men. Dr. Dalrymple, Acting Medical Director, Department of the South came a3 a passenger. .Another Robbery.—The office of X. A. Hardee A Cos., on Bay street, was entered by thieves night be fore last, and robbed of several articles of value, In cluding about one hundred pounds of coffee. Blind Tom in- Nkw Yokk.— We perceive by the New York papers that the Georgia Musical prodigy Blind Tom, is giving con certs in New York with great success. His performances are pronounced by the New York Musical critics to be wonderful, “As tonishing aud delightinz all present, musi cians and all.” The -?fibune says ,! he had a large and fashionable audience on Tues day evening, and as the curiosity to hear him increases, that Hall will certainly be too small to coutain his visitors.” The Richmond Commercial Bulletin has been given up to its owners and publication resumed. Weddeburn, however, will not at present be allowed to resume editorial charge. The Examiner and Enquirer are also to be resuscitated. List of VALUABLE PACKAGES, Remaining in Adam’s Express Compa ny’s, Oct, 3d, 1805, B. Budge. Gilbert A Boyee, Ca pt Michael Bn-svll, HA, 175th N Y Balter, Judge B Berlin, Ralph Behn. R It lialkam, Lieut II G c. Corley, Chaa T>. Davie, Amos care QJ Drake Davis, Mra J H Davis C O Dasher. Israel Dante, Wm Dustier, Mra W II Draper. A G Dodd, Margaret Davis, Mrs J D E. Kstes, Albert E. Flinn, Michael G, Grant, Lieut Miller B H. Haley, Sergt Peter Hiic, H Hart, H L Heery, John Harris & Miller Houston* Col E Joy, H M, 17th A C Iverson, Edward Jordan. F J Janney, TB Jones, J L It. Kiernan, Thos Kirkpatrick, J 0 King, G F Kavanaugh, J P M. Mti’.er, Robt ITth A C Morriss. Mrs H Mod.c, ra O Mosher, A, tSSth IT T Muller, HU Moode, A IV. Niven, A. Cos E, 15th Me Nurwood, Mrs Thos Nugent, Wm Palletier, Madam C Fowel, 8 Perry, Col J 8 AC. Rilley, Michael Rutledge, Rev N H Rolf, Dolt' Richardson, J Si, Smith, Andrew Stookce. Miss Mary Snow, UC __ T , Thornton, Mrs Hannah Trine, N, Cos A, 18th Ind Toule, J , Re«t V. Vannaha, Ben] C YV. Western. Capt C B Wade.EC Western, Capt C B Whitner Capt B P Whelan. Thad, care Williams, J H Wood Wood, Lieut Henry ocu-tf E. P. TCNISON, Agent, Hotel Arrivals. SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) OCT. 13. R G Walmsley, H Head |W Muzzev. Manchester O U -Moores Lt Cot 6th U’ N H s Infantry |Lt J L Carter, lot, rST O F Reed, C 8 A !F A Hixson, PM, U A OCTOBER 14. J W Clows, USA |W A Park, H Head B W Powell, Fla P J Ridgen, Texas S G Haynes, Baltimore 1 Mrs L E Henry and child Maj E C Culp and wife, HI Texas Head ID 0 H Coslon, H Head W H Alden, St Helena l) A Mahonev, charleston Capt W Townsend, 54th 1 W .1 West, ' do N Y Vols • i.J W W Sparrow, H Head C F Smith, H Head ; PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) OCT. 13. John Rich, N York |Mtes Sawyer, Beaufort Capt Ha ward, 128 C S C TiM Bucalv, Savannah Capt S S Springer, |E II Kesiin, do OCTOBER 14. D C Wilson, Beauort |N C Densfett, Savh C W Buck, CSN ic H Vauoycfc, Charleston N Knight. Beauiort Mr and Mrs C W Lewis, E M Hitchcock, st Helena j Boston D Mclntosh, Thomasvlile H W Tayior, Savh C C Duncan, X York T Murray, U S S X H C H Johnson, Army jc Wliner, do S Pollock, do' D D Hanson, 34 DSCT W D F Landon, do H J Tarr, CSX C S Everleau, USX W J Phillips do G W Allow, do L W Wallace, St Helena Mliippinre Intelligence. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 4 Moon rises 320 Sun sets 5 28|High water E 11 PORT OF SAVANNAH Arrived. Steamship Varuna, Cooley, New York—John R Wilder. U S Hospital steamer Cosmopolitan, Crooker, Hil ton Head. Cleared. Pioneer Steamship Chase, Roth, New York—Hun ter A Gamtuell. Steamship Raleigh, Walker, Xew York—John R Wilder. Schr Ovoca, Martin, Xew Y'ork—Chas. L. Coiby A CO. Br Barkenttne Carthlen, Leslie, Liverpool, England —Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Schr Wide World. Hildreth, Baltimore—Wm Starr. Exports. Per steamship Raleigh, for New Y0rk—1,296 up lands, 36 do Sea Island do, 5 do wool and sundry pckgs. Per steamship Chase, for New York—2l2 bales up land cotton, 24 do Sea Island do, 12 do domestics, 36 pckgs mdze. Per bark Barkentire Carthlen, for Liverpool, Eng land—l 74 pieces pitch pine timber, measuring 146,- 936 feet, valued at $3,327 34. Per schr Wide World, for Baltimore—l3s bales up land cotton, 7 do Sea island do. Per schr Ovoca, for Xew York—62 bales upland cotton, 52 do Sea Island do, 90 tons old iron, 22 emp ty carboys and sundry peks mdze. Consignees. Per steamship Varuna, iromXeW York—Adams Express Cos, J Appel, S Adler, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. It H Brent. T Bateson, N K Barnum, SS Bennett, F W Cornwell, F W Cooney, M A Cohen, Claghorn A Cunningham, DeWltt A- Morgan, E Eckman, Einstein A Eckman, T M Fleetwood. D Falvey, S Goodall. C L Gilbert. O J Hioman, X A Hardee A Cos. Hausman, A A Cos, M Krauss, H Kinchley, Kinney A O’Brien. Llllienthai A Kobn, John Lama, P Laughlin, Joseph Lippraan, J W Lathrop A Cos, A A Lane, Laurant A Cos, Mathew A West, M S Meyer, D Mallette, Miller, Thomas A Cos, John McMahon A Cos, John R Norton, M A C C Platen, John Richardson, Rogers A Cann, Wm Stackman, A A Solomons, E D Smyth. W H Ful ler A Cos, B G Tllden, .1 C Butler, T H Bolshaw A Cos, Blun A Meyer, Robt Bulford, Bothwell A Whitehead, Brady A Smith, Bell, Wyllv A Christian, Crane, John son A Graybill, A Cordes, A champion. Langdon Cheves, Dzialynski A Slager. Erwin A Hardee, Ehlen A Cos, M Ferst A Cos, Mrs Foley, Guckenhetmer A Seltg John Gilliland, J W Hopkins, Hunter A Gara mell, Heidt A Ludlow, J E Hernandez, Keolln A Cos, X B Knapp, Kein A Cos, W W Lincoln, Lovell A Latti more, 9 M Ledderer, Jacob Lippman. Jas Levy, A Leffler, Michael Lavin, F M Myreli, B Mallon, Mrs Masset, Meinhard A Bro, M Xewmark, C Orff, Alex Paul, H Rothschild, Scrauton A Son, W H Stark, B Strauss, Schuster A H, Wm Totten. Tteon A Gordon, J L Vlllalonga, Warren A Platner. Jno R Wilder, E E Wade, and G Watts A Cos. W M Walsh, E A Well, S W Wight, A Haldrou, E Zaciiarlas, R lu a diamond to order. Passengers. ' Per steamship Raleigh, for New York—J Dennis, 0 P Wakefield, Mrs C W Dennis, Hon Thos MNorwood, M 0 Hall, Mrs John Nickolson and two children, Mrs Laiea, Mr Lalea, Jacob Kohn, J G Baillie, Jas Hen derson, E A Soullard, J 0 Frost and lady, W C cosens, Dr W M Walsh, WII williams, J R Eddie. F R Welch, Dr R c Knowles, lady and two children, H P Bick ford J G Pittman, E £ Neiclituger, Martin A Mlnnery, L Amerberger, H A Crane, W Fowler. Capt Robert ErwlD, Miss Ida Clark, Mrs B H Hardee, W H W ilte berger, Isaac Loeser. 0 H Warner, F H Riley, A Daugherty, W G Martin, A W Stearnes, L B Hatch, T Buffer, if King. Per steamship Chase, for New York—l62d New York Vote. 360 officers and men. A Card. Capt. Cooley—Dear Sir: We, the undersigned, passengers by the steamer Varuna, desire to express to you, before leaving the ship, our sincere thanks lor your polite and kind treatment of us during the passage from New Y'ork, what comforts you could command for us, and what attention your necessary duties would allow you, have been most freely ren dered, and we leave with the wish that it may be our fortune hereafter to have you again in charge of ns. With our best wishes for your success in your pro fession, we beg leave to subscribe ourselves your sincere friends, and by special request, several ladle* through us. H B Holton, | B Adler, jr, R H Brent, j X Wolff, E A Cooley, ! A Hottees, John A Horn, , E Fanis, Geo W Watkins |L Baum, H H Kayton. (John Mulien, Joseph ilosenheim Henry A Henes, W C Burgess Isaac M Frank, Wm Rodt, ,GG Kennedy, Augustus W Ingerson, \Vm Blanchard, John Stephenson, (John M Kein. LIST OF VESSELS IN THE FORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 16,1866. STEAMSHIPS. Steamship Varuna, Cooley, from New York—Jno R Wilder. SHIPS. New England, Hodges, 1,100, for Liverpool—load ing at Lower Hydraulic press—Brigham. Baldwin & Cos. Wisconsin (Br) Arcus, 950—discharging ballast at Lower Hydraulic Press—John K wilder. BKIOS. John R Plater, Po9t, 290, from Norwich, Conn.— discharging at Union Perry Wharf—Hunter A Gam med. Mary Cobb, Duncan, 195,— loading, wharf at foot of Whitaker street—Rogers & Cann. SCHOONERS. May, Kelly, 330, from New York—discharging at whar l loot oi Habersham street—Hunter A Gammed. Julia A Crawford, Buckley, 181, from Jacksonville, Fla, In ballast—lying at wharf toot of Bull Street- Master. Albert (Br) Rlordan, ins, from Nassau—discharging at wharf toot of Barnard street—Bed, Wylly & Chris tian. John G Whipple. Simpson, 80, for New York—load ing at Iron Steamboat Wharf west of Barnard street —Rogers A Cann. Schr Julia A Crawford, Bulkley, loading, at Iron Steamboat Co’s wharf, for New York—L J Gullmar ton A co. Crockery, China, Glassware. JOBBERS and Dealers from all parts of the country are invited to examine my Wholesale Stock, which Includes packages containing complete aeeort meuts, pui up expressly for •* Country Trade,” Goods re-packed to suit purchasers. Queensware House, 109 Broughton St., »and door from Bull St. oetiO ts D. SMYTH. N" otice. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, ) Units® Siiaiis Intsanal Bitsnpi, >• Savannah, Oct 18, it 66. J Having nearly completed the organization of the datrlct, 1 hereby notify the public that I am Instruct ed to make an Immediate assessment for the year 1864, (as the Tax is now past dney at Confederate prices, upon Incomes of every description. The Tax from S6OO to $6,000 Is 6 per cent. ; above that amount ndeflnitely, 10 per cent upon all gross receipt*. Th. payor nts sre to b. made in United stsUa currency at what it was worth in Confederate money at that time Any information the citisen. may deaire will be cheerfully glT.n, and £ will of course be s* Indulgent a- the law and the Interests of the Government will allow me to be. a H. HOPKINS. ocIH Assessor First District. AUCTION SALES. B) Bril. Wylly k Christian. AT AUCTION THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of store, a General A-sortmentof Groceries, Provisions, Dry uoods, Ac. Batter, Boots and Shoes, Sugar, Rodgers' Pen Ktuves, Flour, Bro. Flax Thread, Candles, Shoe Threail. starch, Hooks and Byes. Castile Soap. Hah Pins, Mustard, Handkerchiefs) Ale in Bottles, M. Clothing, Whiskey, M Bottles, Overshirts. Blacking, Fancy Articles, Glass and Wooden Ware, Terms cash petit Underwriter’s Sale. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, at the warehouse of N. A. Hardee, head ol the Hay, 46 BALES HAT, Damaged on board of Schr. - - , on her voyage from New York to this port., and sold i.,»r account of Underwriters and all concerned, under inspection of Board of Purvey. Terras cash. * ocilO BY BLU> Sc. MEYER 7 Wiii be sold on MONDAY, Oct- -3d inst., at 11 o'clock a in., la front of our store, if not sold at pri,ato sale previous. Three two story frame Houses on Stewart street Two one story frame Houses on Wilson street. Two one story frame Houses on Roberts street. The same can las treated for at private sale by ap plication to Mr. G. Gemenden, at the Planters Hotel octid td BY BLIiY & DIEIEK, THIS DAY, 16th inst., at 10 o'clock, in front of store, will be sold, 20 dot Children’s Hoae D dor Ladies’ Merino Vests lu cases shoes and Boots 20 doz Hats and Caps 26 boxes Adamantine Candles 6000 Sega rs 6 case?* Pale Cognac Brandy 6 cases Old Bourbon Whiskey 1 Horse 1 Wagon and Harness 1 Jersey bpring Wagon 1 BtUgjr 2 Cottage Chamber Setts 1 Oak intension Table 1 large Dining Table 1 Black Walnut Bureau and Glass 6 Black Walnut Chairs And various other ar.iclea. octt« RobtTp. York. V i JnCMolMißr.. M. E. Williams, f (. P. H. Wakd. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET. SAVANNAH, OJA. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND LUMBER SOLICITED. Reference* in Savannah—Brigham. Baldwin A Cos,; Erwin A Hardee, Gaden A Unckles, Isaac D. La- Rochc, Esq ; Hiram Roberts, Esq.; Wylly Wood bridge, Esq.; Hunter A Gammell; L. C. Norvell A Cos. References in New York—Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp A Bro.: D. H, Baldwin A Cos. Bep26-eodlm Personal. IF Mr. William Trcnholm will call or send his ad dress to the Herald Office he will hear of some thing to his advantage. Any information concerning him will be gratefully received. Address oeff) ts n. K. S. Hats, Hats, Hats /"\F LATEST STYLES and best qualities. Just re- V_/ ceived and for sale by S. M. HOLDING, , ootl4 No. 153 Congress street. HATS, CAPS, kc. GENTS’ RESORTE, Fqlt, Derby and Faust Hats, Army and Navy Caps, Boys Hats, Caps andTur bans. Just received and ior sale by S. M. COLBING, octll No. 153 Congress street. For the Ladies. ELEGANT BATS of the most fashionable styles Just received and for sale by S. M. COLDING, octl4 No, 153 Congress straet. Boker’s Bitters, The Oldest and best renowned. I- . FUSIKE, 60 Liberty Street, sepl2-3mo NEW YORK. B. W. Tilton, Agt., MAKUTACTUraBR, FORMERLY Tilton, Worrall & Macy, Southern Carriage Warerooms, No. 616 Broadway, New York. Manufactory—Mount Vernon, N. Y. oct6-lm THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 934 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail proraptjv at tended to. fy3l-tf The Partnership lately existing under the name of Macky, Hogg & Cos., HAVING been dissolved by the death of Alexander Hogg, the subscribers beg to announce that they will continue the Shipping and General Commission Business IN SAVANNAH, AT No. 203 AND 205 BAY ST., under the name of Macky, Beattie & Cos. SAMUEL MACKY, sept2l-lm ROBERT H. BEATTIE. Just Received, Aud in Store on Consignment, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES Also, a lot of Fine Liquors, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRUZ RUM, BORER'S BITTERS, Ac. Which we offer on the most liberal term- VAN HORN. HOLYOKE A MURRAY, octll-tf No. 9 Stoddard’s Block. Dunn & Brown, SHIPPING MASTERS, HAVING opened an office at No. 36 Bay street, be tween Habersham and Price streets, we are pre pared to furnish crews at the shortest notice, octtl-lm MILINERY GOODS. Xhave Just returned from New York, and have brought out one of the best selected stocks of Milinery Dress Goods AND Boaxa&Y, F.ver brought to this market. The Goods will be sold cheap. I will receive weekly the latest styles of Millnerv under Sctiven House, comer of Bull and Congress Street Lane. , oct6-lmo MRS. RASE. Grits and Meal. G HAEM'S MILL RE-OPENED. Having purehaa >d the entire intereat from Mr H. Gil ism In his Urge and ■ xtsnalve Mills, on the corner of Haber.hatn attest and Perry street lane w« are now prepared to fnrnlth Grist and Mesl at favorable rates. Corn will be ground on toll. All order, promptly filled. LCDINGTQN « HARRISON, GHIKEHiES: I.IUI OKS, k 4.. WHERE AHE YOU GOING, MR. H IKER ? Going to R. Balfore’s. 157 BroiigiitouSt. WHAT FOR? WHY, FOR FLOUR. OAA BBLS CHOICE FLOUR 'OO bbl* Potatoes in*’ bbis Onions 60 «jOu lbs liacoi. Fresh Crackers 20.bbis Brown Sugar 6 tierces English Crushed Sugar Switzerland Cheese. ocil 1 -1 w Gao R Carsir. Wm, A. Wright, Augusta, Georgia Late of Richmond, Va. (iEO. 11. CRUMP & ro„ General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Toliacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &c. £O9 Broud St., Augusta, Ga, j CF* Will purchase and sell on CommHsion Cotton, j T< bacco, Pkodl.ce, and Merchandise of every d<*- j scriptiou. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusts, Ga., Richmond. Vu . and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq, De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden £ Unckles. A. A. So’.omous Cos., .1. T. Paten-on & Cos., K. Molina, Eaq., Savauuuh, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. OCt4 WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, Sc. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer’s Old Rye, aud Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Oid Stand, 111 BAY STREET, (Herald Buildings, j also, A Ison’s Ale, Mars’ Ale, Apples, Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. octC ts WM. I. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. Eep2 ts | Foreign i | domestic IE ALES WINES i®Ligi!oßS4StQAßSj«^^^ SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OP Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. ao3o G. E. OSGOOD, STORE! ISS CONGRESS AND 85 ST. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Hardware, N. B.—The highest Cash Prices paid for Beeswax. Tallow. Wool, Hides, Ac. ts septic 35 0 0 T 0 NS— or ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 60x58 per lineal yard. For sale by FOWLK A CO. Jul 9 6m No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. "Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. WM. H. SHERWOOD A CO., Savannah, Georgia, southwest comer of Broughton and Jefferson streets, under St. Andrew's Hall. We are receiving by eveiy steamer fresh articles of Groceries of every description. Liquors imported and direct from manufactures are offered at prices to suit the trade. eept2o-lm KIRLIN,£RO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND DAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. au2l ts NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. THE undersigned (for eighteen years of the firm of * Cromwell db Birdsall)ls now prepared to receive orders for his well known brand of choice New. Hulled Buckwheat Flour, neatly packed in barrels, half barrels, quarter barrels and bags of 49 and 24K pounds. Have also on hand Fresh Ground. State and West ern Flour. Extra, Superfine, and No. 2 Superfine, in bbis. and half bbls., in lots to suit purchasers. EDWARD CROMWELL, oCtl2-2w 123 and 125 Broad street. New York. IfOR SALE -1000 bushels Liverpool Salt 2000 sacks Gate, black and white 10 sacks best Rio Coffee To arrive, 100 Bales Hey. octlO N. A. HARDEE A CO. ATTENTION IS CALLED to the very superior lot of Butter. Cheese and Lard, received per steamer Raleigh,by SEABORN GOODALL octl2-lw Williamson's Building. H. G. RUWE & CO; WHOLESALE GROCERIES l LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan And St. Julian and Johnson Bquare, (FRONTING PULASKI HOUSE J E W~ Agents for ale and lager. Constantly on band, an assortment of Raaxzif wine. ffSB , 3m t>U<q.K>t!Ka. ■ilHI bli*, <Kr. PIERCE SKEHAnT 3 * Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries Boob* an* Sboea, Ciothisui Foreign and Domestic Wine3, Liquor* and Segara. Alao, Skchan’* Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND fHAMPVGNK CHEEK, in bottle and in wood. London &Qd Dublin Brown Stont, Scotch and Eng li“h Ales, Ac. Literal deduction* made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. and 62 Liberty f-treet. New York. T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WIRES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, SC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE ) We have the Largest Assortment of Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &c., In the S./uth, to which we invite the attention of the Trade. Call and compare our goods and prices. octs t s ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builders' and Locksmiths’ Hardware. Nails Pullles, Cord. Rim l ocks and Knobs, Butt Hinges, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent less than market prices. srpia cm THE NEW YORK OBSERVER. A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND SECULAR Newspaper for the Family and the Fireside, will soon enter on Ita FORTY-FOURTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. True to the Church, the Con stitution, and the Union, It is calculated to edify and please both OLD AND YOUNG. All new subscribers paying us in advance for 1806 shall have their names immediately entered, and the Observer will be sent to them Until January First. Gratis! Subscribe soon, as the free papers will commence when the names are entered. Sample copies to any address free. Terms, $3.50 a Tear in Advance. SIDNEY E, MORSE, Jr., & CO., *37 l?ark Row, New York. Octl2-4 Joseph Smith, FIELD, GARDEN, GRASS AND FLOW ER SEEDS, No. 65 Liberty Street, New York City. ORDERS for Seeds by mail will be promptly cxecu ted and forwarded by Express. C. O. D. N. B —The Trade supplied on the most liberal terms. Priced Catalogues will be sent upon applica tion by mail. octg-eodlO Notice. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing between JACKSON A WARROCK was, on tlie 30th Sep tember dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned, who will be happy to receive a continuance of the pa tronage bestowed on the late firm of Jackson A Warroch. L. WARROCK. octll Paper and Rag Warehouse Warren & Platner, T\rnOLESALE dealers In all kinds of coarse and » > fine Paper, Envelops, Twines and Papef Boxes. Sole Agents in this city for the Bath Paper Milla. The highest cash prices paid for Rags. Old Rope aud Bagging and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities octlu-tf 210 Bay street. Savannah, Oa. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rpHE undersigned having associated themselves to" A gether under the firm name of LaROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLKts for thu purpose of transacting* a Gene ral Grocery, aLd Commieidon Business, and having seemed the large and commodious store, corner of Bay and Barnard street'*, are now prepared to receive any and all consignments made to them. They also have extra rooms, suitable Tor Dry Goods and F«ncy A rticlcs, which, if accompanied by owners or agents, are the best iu the city ; from a long experience and thorough acquaintance with the business, they hope to give entire satisfaction to all making consignments to them. Liberal advances made on Cotton Lumber, Jbc. con signed to them for sale in Savannah, or for shipment to their friends in New York, Boston or Baltimore. LaROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLES. Isaac D. Lakoche, BeNj. G. Gaden, David S. UwcuLge. lm octlO TO TRAVELLERS. ’ m rmzmrx j mr we -tI—LW IMF. ■ T' w New and Cheap Publications. Artemas Ward; his Travels, $1.50, The Lost Will’sso cents Gus Howard, 75 cents. Verner'a Pride, $1.50. The Curse of Chiton, $1.50. Sword and Gown, 30 cents. Great Expectations, 75 cents. The Channines. sl. The Castle's Heir, $1.50 Guy Livingstone, $1.60. Major Jones' Courtship, sl. Major Jones’ Chronicles of Pinoville, sl. Polly Peablossom's Wedding, sl. And other Novels, at ESTILL'S NEWSPAPER and PERIODICAL STORE, octT- Bull street, back oi Poet Office. Notice. FROM and after Saturday, the 14th Inet., the fob lowing rates of Freights will be charged by onr respective steamship Lines from this port to New York. vis.: On Cotton, square bale, 1 cent per pound. On Wool and R and Bale ljf cents per pound. On Domestics, per bale. On Measurement Goods, 15 cents per foot. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO., 1 HUNTER A GAMMELL, J Agents' JNO. R. WILDER, ) OCtt3-3 southern"" Exporting and Importing COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. T: r, S association is prepared to make advances in currency of Gold on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber, Ac., to their agent in Liver pool. Orders solicited for goods from merchants and plan ters. The strictest attention will be paid to all orders however small, for goods ffom Ebgiand, France or Germany. Our Savannah and Charleston Agents, being salaried, make no charge for forwarding either wav aud will furnish circular of details. H. F FLOYD. Preskfent, Jacksonville, Fla. AoaHTBt—E. T. Paine, Liverpool England; R. B. Screven, Charleston, 3. C.; Henry Bryan, Savaunah, Ga. _ 3mos , seplS REMOVAL. DB, If. M. SNEED, DENTIST, HAS removed his Office and Residence to northwest corner of Bull and Kronghton streets (forme, residence of the late Mrs. Beallej, and v,ih be pleased to see hla friends and patrons there. Can be found at home at all time* day and night octlfi 3 . '.* SHIPPING, Freights FOR AUGUSTA, rflflE noderelgiwd are prepared to receive good* at A their VI arehousew— free of expeiwe and cov ered by Insure ce—for shipment to Anemia and points beyond by their regular line of light draught boats. Apply to CHAS. L COLBY, sept29—tf cor. Bay and Abercoru sts. FOR AUGUSTA, STEAMER VOLUNTEER, And Barge., Capt. J. S. Art DREWS, This Light Draft Steamer having been thoroughly overhauled, will leave for Augusta, On Monday Evening, Oct. 16th, For freight engagements apply to O. FALLON A CO„ octlil 1 corner Bavand Lincoln atr-eia. STAR LINE, FOR NEW YORK. THE new and elegantflrat class U. S. Mai! Steam ship AMERICA, Captain Lixst, will positively sail for the above port on Wednesday, Oct. IBth, at o’clock. For freignt or passage, haring splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. octlC Stoddard's Building, opp. PostOfflco. PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. f. The V. a Mall Steamship HUNTER, L. Rogers, commander, will leave ~*Y'wi | r . *~~ the above port on her regular day THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having anperlor accommoda tiona, apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL, oCtl6 81 Bay street. For New York. rfiy THE fast sailing Schooner HATTIE M. jAkg? 1 ' MAYO, will have quick dtepatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply ortlfi BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO_ FOR NEW YORK STAR LINE. SBMZ.WBZISIaV. The first class U. S. Mall Steamahipa NEVADA, .... Capt. Caarmvm. UNITED STATES, - - . . Capt SnAKX AMERICA, - - - - Capt. Clift. CONSTITUTION, - - . Capt. unaxuan. The above ships compose the Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, AgenK Savannah, Oa. WAKEMAN, GOO KIN A DICKINSON, Agents, Atlantic Coast 31ail Mteatn ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, •ftCJ?,™ The new end elegant Side-Wheel r x 3teamship VARUNA, Captain ry. Cooley, will positively sail on —her regular day, WEDNE -DAY, 18th hist., at ~y, o’clock, a. in. Fbr Freight or Passage, having very large and airy state-room accommodations, fitted np with all the re cent Improvements, apply to JOHN R. WILDER. (■hip’s Bills of Lading furntehed and signed in the octl6 FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner «ATTI£ M. MAYO JHHSr will have quick despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply .to octll BRIGH VM, BALDWIN & CO.. For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place, (roods receiv ed at all time and stored in fire proof warehouse, foot of Liucolu street, free of cost. J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent Office In Claghorn A Cunningham’s The May arrived In Augusta from Savannah on last Friday with her full Areight. ts oct9 COMPETITION DEFIED! FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant Very Fast Steamer SCORPIO, RODGERS, Master, Will commence receiving freight THIS MOHNINQ, at Exchange Wharf, and be the first Boat for Augusta after the Helen. For Freight Engagement* or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, apply to KEIN A CO. *ep29-td 114 Bay street. For Liverpool. r£Ts- THE A1 American Ship NEW ENGLAND, j Hodge, Master, having a large portion of rJfjjSsyber cargo engaged will oe ready to receive at Lower Hydraulic Press on the 18th mat. For freight or passage apply to sepH-tf BRIGHAM. BALDWIN 4 CO. GREAT REDUCTION -IN FREIGHT TO AUGDSTA. ON and after this date the rate of Freight by our Line will be reduced K 50 Per Cent ! Onr Line is composed of the following Steamers, all adapted to the trade, vis: Iron Steamer AMAZON, Capt. Johnson. New Iron Steamer WM. G. GIBBONB,Cspt. PhilpoL Steamer LAURA, Capt. Hiller. The Steamer Gibbon* is in every particular a drat class Passenger Boat. can be effected by onr Line at lowest £Sf“ Freight received DAILY and forwarded TWICE A WEEK. sep2B-lm KRAVIN 4k lIARDFE. Boots, Shoes, &c GENTS’ BOOTS, Gaiters and Balmorals ; Ladles' aud Misses'Gaiters and Balmorals; Children's Balmorals snd Bootees. Just received and for sale by S. M. QOJjjINO, octtl No. 153 Congress street. Administrator’s Notice. rpWO months after date application will be made , A to the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to aell all the real mute of James Bilbo, de ceased, for th* purpose of distribution. „ JOHN O. FERBttt, oct6*lmwtm 4tMninlßtr*toT. I FOR AUGUSTA. Steamer Oak, Captain Oeo. 8. Marshall, Will have quick despatch as above. For Freight en gagemeata apply to J B. PRES DEE, 109 Broughton street, or to F. M. MYRELI. Agent; o(,tlc if Harris' Building, Bay street. TOR CHARLESTON. Steamer -A»miie, Cap tarn Pew Feck, WUI laave as above, from Exchange Dock, °“ Tu *ad»y Morning, 17th, at 6 o’clock. * ud h“fl ror freight or p age apply oa board. Or to cct’6 2 F. M. MYRELL, Ageot, Larre. Buudiugs, Bay street. for palatka, Via Darien, Kranewiek, ■«. Mary’*, Fer iiaudina, Jacksonville and Picolata- THEnewand fast steamer FOUNTAIN. Cant G '» .Castneb, u Ul leave ra above on Wt’DNFsna v the ISth Hurt., at 10 o’clock a.m wtDNtSDAT, , 3* Freight or Pasaage apply on board, at Padei ford'e Wharf near White's Central Cotton rtereorto M. A. COHEN, Agent Freight payable on Wharf. Shipper* will furnish weight* anti measurement of s good* octir. . For Liverpool. rftHß A1 British ship WISCONSIN, Drewe, master * and the A 1 Am bark THOs. FLETCHER, Pen dleton, master, having a large portion of their cargoes engaged will have immediate dtepatch. For freight o€ 500 bales cotton, apply to £ JNO. R WILDER For Liverpool. , THE first Clare British bark TH JMAS WHITNEY J. c Kelly, master, being of email capacity, will bars quick dispatch. For freight, applVto 06110 BULL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA A RE notified that they can etore their good* any kw day during the week, to be forwarded by the abave Boats, which are the lightest draught running to Augusta, free of extra charge. * KEIN A CO. For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN". THE Steamer WM. O. GIBBONS J ha '! ln K • Beaty engagement of Cotton at Darien, will during the month or October make the following weekly trips to Doctortown: LEAVE SAVANNAH, Tueeday Morning, Oct. 10, at 6 o'clock Tueaday Morning, Oct IT, at 6 o’eioek Tuesday Morning. Oct. 24, at 6 o’clock. LEAVE DOCTORTOWN, Thursday Morning, Oct. 12. Thursday Morning. Oct. 19. Thursday Morning,Oct. 20. Freight receitod at our Warehouse any day during the week nnd f rwarded promptly aa aboveTwiih the privilege of lighteiing on tlio Altamaha river if necee- ERWIN A HARDEE LINVILLE & GLEASON. AGBNTS 3T> OXI MERRITT, WALCOTT «t CO., 64 Conrtlatit Street, Hew Tort. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHEBS Bridge, Car, Sinn or Band Hoot AAD BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, CO4CH OR Lift SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts. ROUND AND SQUAJU WAtHINS, > . Turnbucltl«?s, Bolt Ends, Tape and Uies. Ate. ALSO DKALEU3 IN * RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP. AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, Ao.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES, FILES, *i CHISELS, Ac, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &C’. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. M DRmLS EI ruN-cnEB ! SiD BHrS 3 ’ "aswsaßffl"-' SAW MTT.TJk SAWS,fa. # Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 13*3. Bis-. jg®2 Light Blue vJK? 1 * MaiSa Light Brown Purple gST ES** Ught Drab Solferlco Fawn Drab violet Ught Fawn D,.b Xu&r. • For Dyeln£S T Uk. Woolen and Mixed Good*. Shawls, bcarm, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, < hfldren'e Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. «* A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. J* For 25 cents yon can color t* many goods as would otherwise cost five tiroes that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The prooeu is simple, and any one can use the Qy* with perfect success. Directions in English, French and German. Inside of each package, HOWE A STEVENS, _ , . , . 960 Broadway, Boston For sale by tuuggisui aud dealers generally octlo-Cm Notice hv'in* r rrtS l ' *° r b *’ bbl or contract made by any of the officers or crew of laid steamersViriJn? made by written permission of “reamer* unless EBWIN * HARDE*, Rosnai*!, Agwt OWBm -