Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 17, 1865, Image 3

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LOCAL MATTERS. Departure- of Steamship, und Steamers. FOB XCV YOhk. » Steamship America, Weduewlay, October 19th, at _ o'clock. Steauublp Hnnter, Tiiursdnv, October lath, at— o'clock. Steamship Varuna, Thursday, October ISth, at 7 o'clock a. lu, FOB ACOVSTK. Steamer Volunteer, Thia Afternoon, at & o'clock p. m. Steamer O. F. Potter, This Afternoon, at 8 o.clock, p. in. FOB DaRIXN. Steamer Annie, This Morning, at 9 o’clock, a. m. FOK FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, Wednesday morning, October 18th, at 10 o’clock. Savannah Journal of JI bdicine.—We are pleased I to learn from their prospectus that the Medical So- i ctety of Georgia, located ill tliis city, (chartered sixty ' odd years ago,) has determined to recommence the 1 publication of this Journal, under the auspices of its j meuibers. It is proposed, as far as possible, to ele- I vate the standard of Medicine, and to advance Medi- ' cal Science awl Literature. Recognizing the need lor tlie dissemination of recent information, among the medical men of the South, shut out for the last four years from communication with the medical world, and deeply impressed with the necessity of having an organ, which shall collect and publish the valuable iufosuiatiou garnered up by medical men in and out of the army, that might otherwise be 109 t to science, the Society have appointed Juriali Har ris, M. D.,Ja3. 13. Head, M. D., and J. 0. Thomas, 11. E., an editorial corps to conduct the Journal. The editors earnestly solicit the pecuniary and literary aid of members of the profession. It is proposed to issue the Jounuil on good paper, in good type, with 72 pages of reading matter. It will be a bi-monthly, at £4 per annum, payable in advance. The tiret number will appear on the lgt day of January. National Express Company.—By the Advertise, ment in another column It will be 9een that Henry Brigham Esqr., has been appointed by the Execu tive Committee, one of the Commissioners for the State of Georgia, and authorized to open books in tills city for subscriptions to the stock of the National Express Company. For the information of those who may desire to subscribe to the stock, we make tlie following extracts from a circular setting forth the plan and objects of tlie corporation, which it will he seen combines national benevolence with practical utility: The National Express Company is to be organ ized under charter from the Legislature of Virginia, with a capital of live millions of dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each. Tills capital of the Com pany is to guarantee against loss, and to give coutl denec and security to Hie trade and commerce of tlie country, it is not pi oposed *o call in a greater por tion of this stock than live per cent. Tins per ren tage being required lor the purpuse of organization, und for the conmicucmnent of business. The balance of tlie capital is to remain in ilie hands of the stock holders, subject to such other requisitions as may be necessary to megt any loss which the receipts of tlie company may not be able to liquidate, it is belief ed that live per cent, will be ample to put. tlie'Company lusuceesslul operation ail over the United states. There is one feature of the National Express Com pany to which we beg leave to call your especial at. tentiom The late war has left as charms upon tlie charity of the country, thousands ol m«ffl who have periled life, und lost fortune and limbs, in the great struggle which lias just closed. It is the sacred duty of tlie couutry to provide lor these inen. To furnish them flic means of livelihood is to give them all that many of them ii in The National Express Runpany is required to select from tlie officers and soldiers of the two armies, competent persons to till all places in its employment. From the officers and soldiers cf the L tilted Suites army all employees of the Com pany in tlie Northern states, and from tlie officers amt soldiers of thq lute Confederate armv all the em ployees in the Southern states will be selected. When the mpu lately arrayed in armed organization against each other shall thus i»e brought iu personal intercourse, and receive their support and comfort from tlie same organization, a great advance will have been made to reunite, in feeling as well as in " Terest, the two great sections so lately a! war, and to cement Lie Union in indissoluble bonds. When to '.arge capital, which gives security against loss, Is .uided that sympathy and kindness which must at tach to a company thus providing for tins miemplov od soldiers of the country, it is conlldentiv believed that tlie National Kxpftss Company will be sustain ed by the trade and commerce of the whole country. National in its organization, ami national iu Us ob jects, ibis Company will know no politics iu its sym pathy, but seek to select its employees iu the respec tive sections of the country from competent officers and soldiers, who have discharged their duty to tile Mugs under which they fought." We learn that in Che city of Richmond, two hun dred aud forty-five thousand dollars have already been subscribed to tlie capital stock by citizens in all chusses of society and occupations. More would Lave been taken, but tlie desigu of the originators of the company being to make it entirely .national, it was ordered that opportunity be Offered to every Stare to subscribe to the stock, the ainouat of the capital being apportioned among the States in tlie ra tion of their representatives in Congress. This amount is now offered to the jicople of Georgia, for which books will lie opened by the Commissioners appointed fur that purpose. The State Commission ers for Georgia, are Henry Brigham, Esqr., Savan nah,*W. H. Young Esqr., Columbus, and Geo. K. Crump Esqr., Augusta. * Any further information will be furnished on ap. plkAiiou to Mr. Brigham. The Com.fkn Baw».—The theatrfe was filled from floor to eeiliug lust evening by an audience compos ed of oar best people, to witness tire first I'epre.seu tion of The Colleen Cuwn. Tlie play Is of the sort styled “sensational” depending cliiefly for Its suc cess upon an exciting plot, scenic ctTects and start ling incidents.; tfiere are also however, many line opportunities for good acting, some of which were improved last evening, and some not. The scenery was truly flue, and the manner In which this piece Is set upon the stage, gives Anew - assurance, were any needed, that tire management * are determined to avoid the appearance ol anything like niggardliness. The audience was in a high state of expectation at the rising of the curtain and tiro merit of the first beautiful scene—Lake Klllarney by moonliglit—was recognized in general applause. The several actors, also, as they made their appear auces, were warmly greeted. Mr. Wise, as Danny Mann, delineated the character of the faithful, impul sive and at last desperate retainer of the Irish squire, with great success and effectiveness, Mr. Raymond was at home in the character of that “broth of a boy,” Miles na Coppaieen ; his songs, “Pat Malloy ” aud “ Wearing the Green,” were received with en- Clmaiam. The “ Father Tom,” of Mr. DH. Brown, was a good personation of the Kiud-heartcd old priest. Mr. Loud as “ Hardrejs ” was well up in his part, aud Messrs. Iluggs, ns “ Daly,” and Bohn as ■“ Corrigan,” answered very' well. Miss Gordon as *• Eiiy O’Connor,” the pure-hearted peasant beauty, was the heroine of the play, and looked aud acted the character to perfection, commanding through out the sympathies of her audience. Miss Cameron as “Anne Chute,” the gay and fes tive young lady, was as pleasing as ever. Mrs. Bos- r.weli in “Shcclali “the old mother of Dimny, made a ► great hit, and elicited peals of merriment. The performance was, on the whole, a gratifying, success, though some disagreeable “hitches” occur red such as are perhaps unavoidable on the first pre sentation of a drama like “The Colleen (pawn,” The startling “situations” were cifecttvely brought pm, amt-the tableaux were exceedingly, heauuiul ami impressive. The play at produced licit night is very well worth seeing, it repeated tlds evening. Faoil Augusta— Mortality on Boxr.n toe Rites StEamejls—The steamer It. If. Mary. Capt. tones. Horn Augusta, consigned to Mr. Jos. M. Kinchley, arrived last evening a few minutes after nine o’clock. We are indebted to Capt. Jones Xuy the fol lowing Marine report. Left at Akguata on the day of departure, Wednes. day, the steamers Oak, Gen. Deny and U. M. CooL all waiting ansa in the river. Passed, tied up, at Hersciuuau’s Lake, steamers Amazon, Falcon (j. M. Petit and L. Euos. Passed at Green Log,miniature steamere Rebel and Great Eastern, having a heavily iadened boat in tow. Passed at Possum Eddy, Steamer Union disabled— shaft broken. Passed at Sister’s Roach, Steamer Helen, and at Talmico Lauding Steamer Galdweli. ■Capt. Jones further reports that on Sunday evening lie buried at Catflnger Cnt a deck hand who died on board from fever. The deceased reported that he eauie from Edgflehl DlstTUt, South Carolina, and gave his name es Wade. The steamer O. M. Petit lead iost two men by fever ; the Amazon had also lost several men. Much sickness exists on hoard of all the steamers lying at various points on the river between Savannah and Augusta. The boats are poorly supplied with suitable nourishment, aud medi cines. and in their position It is Impossible to obtain physicians. . ‘ The R. H. May passed only four fiats on the river, one of which was fast on a log. They were all heavi ly loaded, bound to Savannah. THB COI'RTS BEFOBE LICIT. COL. If. T. HOLBROOK, PROVOST MAR SHAL, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH. SAVANNAH, Oct. ltf, 1865. United States by Cape. Barwtck v*. Lewis My ers, Cos. H. frith Kegt. N. Y. Join. Ordered that me prisoner he sent to Ills Regiment under guard. United Slates by Win, Morrel vs. Cnff Manego. Larceny. The defendant was sent to Jail for two months. United States vs. Brisler (colored) aud P. MrClus kcy. Fighting and distuiblug the public peace. Or dered that the prisoners each be fined In the sum of ten dollurs and costs of suit, ami in default of pay ment they be confined in jail for the term of ten days, to be thereafter discharged. United Slates vs. Abraham Jackson and Jefferson Golding, (colored).—Carrying concealed weapons; The defendants were discharged from mated)' with a repremand. The duel of Police ys. A Molaney. Disobedience of orders. Fined S3. The Chief of Police vs. J. Chisolm— Disotud fence of orders. Fined $5. .John L. Hardee vs. Charles L. Ripley (colored). Re cover) of debt. It appearing to the Court pthnt on September 25th, 1885, the above named plaintiff ob tained a judgment against the defendant, Charles L. Ripley, for the sum of $84,35, to be paid on or before tlie 2nd of October 1865, and that the defendant has failed to pay the full snm due upon %i«l Judgment, but still owes 934,35. It was ordered that the de fendant be imprisoned in the common Jail of the County until he pay said sum and tlie posts of suit, as well as another coats that have or may occrae lu consequence of this order. United states vs. Michael Dempsey—malicious mischief. The defendant having been duly sum moned to appear before the Court to answer for the above otfcncc, aud had disregarded thej summon, it was ordered that he be arrested aud required to show why lie should not be fined for contempt of Court. Counsel for the United States, Hon. P. M. Russel, JL Benedict for defendant. Mrs. M. M. Dennison vs. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Mor rel!—misdemeanor. Ordered that upon t he applica tion of plaintiff, that not proe be entered up against the defendants upon payment of all costs by the plaintiff. Counsel for plaint iff J. R. Saussy Esq. John Gilliiaud A Cos., vs. Bannister Scott (colored.)— Recovery of debt. It appearing that Bannister Scott, the defendant, bad been summoned to appear before Court to answer for the action of debt brought by the plaintiff, and defendant having Called to obey the order of the Court, it was ordered that the defendant pay the sum of $4" 10, the amount of aald indebted ness to John Gilliland A Cos., and ail costs of Court forthwith, or else lie imprisoned in the Common jail of Chatham county until tlie amount of judgment and costs are paid. Counsel for plaintiff, J. 0. Farrill. The United States by Wm. Swall, detective, vs. Alexander Hardee (colored.)—Assault and battery and riotous and disorderly conduct, tending towards the disturbance of the peace. In the above case It was ordered, that upon the application of the prose’ entbr that the same lie settled upon payment of all costs. Counsel for U. S. Hon. P. M. Russell, tor de fendant M. J. Ford Esqr. The United States by Sergeant V. M. Cockman, vs. Patrick EgaiP and Mrs. Ann Egan.—Having stolen ! goods in their profession. Upon the examination of the witnesses, in this case it was apparent thaf tlie defendants were guiltv of the offence with which they were charged. It was ordered that they enter into godd and sufficient security in the sum of SI,OOO for their appearance before a Mlllitary Commission to answer on tlie charge, at such time and place as mav lie appointed by tlie Brevet Maj. Gen. Commanding, and in dciaUlt thereof that they be confined in Cbat ! ham county jail for safe keeping. Ordinary Os Chatham County.—The attention or Executors, Administrators and Guardians is directed to the advertisement of Hon. D, A. O'Byrne, Ordinary of Chatham coun ty In, another column, failing for their anne al returns. The suspension and Irregularities incident to the war have no doubt greatly increased and complicated the business of his office, and it is of the first importance to all concerned, that upon resuming his functions arf’ Ordinary, he should be furnished with prompt information of the present status and condition of all estates in legal relation with his Court. Body of a Dead Neoro Found.—On Sunday after noon tlie body of a negro was Pound lying dead in retort orchiiuney of tlie Glas Works, on the Louisville road, near Guy’s Lock. The main buildings of the Glass Works are destroyed, and all that is left is tlie retort or chimney at its Lise. It has several open ings to run into tiie fires and pots The negro is supposed to have been sick and crawled into one of these holes, to have died tor tyant of attention in tills miserable manner. Arrival of the Steamer Helen Getty This fiimateamcr arrived yesterday from Palatka, Florida, the largest cargo and passenger list or any steamer thus far on the Florida route. We are indebted to Mr. Dallas M. Bennett, her very obliging Purser, and tof apt Ingraham, for late paper* Fir Augusta.—The Steamer Volunteer, having been detained, will take freight for Augusta as ad vertised, and leave this afternoon. Personal.—We notice among the da.v from New York, the name of Caeser del Banco, Esqr., Consul of Portugal for the port or Savannah aud State of Georgia. Fob Darien.— I The Steamer Annie, having been withdrawn from the Cluirleston line, will leave for Darien this morning at« o’clock. FCMERAL INVITATIOM. The friends end acquaintances of John and Bridget Deacy are invited to attend the funeral ol their young est Sister, MARGARET DEACY, from the residents of Henry Rotchford, Indian street, This Afternoon, at 3 o’clock. ' Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE, OCTOBER 18, 1806. Wm Hone, Nassau W J Green, Quincy, Fla baser del Banco, N Fork C B DeCaussey, Mpntlcel- M Krauss, do to, Fla T W Williams, do T Hartridge, Jacksonville ChasJ Allen, do MT Hartridge, do W K Elusion, do A J Williams, Madison,Ga Aiuonei Morlet, do S S Williams, do i T Patterson and lady, John Conner, Florida Savannah A H Perry', do Mrs Alberti, New Jersey- |A M Hawthorn. do Miss Alberti, do iWm .I Marshall, So Ca Capt S Hoffman, do iii B Mott, do Cll Nichols, Boston Miss Lawton, do K C Nichols, do ;A B Ward, city L Bashinsfci, Macon USD Tynan, 169NYVols A Hammond, H Head |Ed Tynan, city N Leopold, Florida lUapt Jno E Liudt, Rteamer Mis Flulaysou, do j America WJ Hines, do F.obt H Owen,'str America W E Alexander, BrooksjM s Finney, Brunswick CO Ga jv G Hitt, Angnsta J H McCall, Brooks co Ga| Shipping liitcUiffenco. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Snn ri9es 0 7.M00n rises 412 Sun sets ft 23] High water t> 20 PGRTI OF SAVANNAH. Arrived* k Saturday, Pci. 11, I*Bs. I Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Cleared. Steamer Savannah, Martin's Landing. Steamer Emille, Bender, Hilton Head. Steamer Hantasket, Davis, Hilton Head. Arrived. SUNDAY, Oct. 15, 1865. StcamJhtp America, Lindt, New York—Brigham, Baldwin k CO. Steamship Annie, Clark, Charleston—F M Myrell. Steamer Gen Sheridan, Palmer, Hilton Head. Steamer Nantucket, Spregg, Hilton Head Steamer Eoiilie, Bender, Hilton Head. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingrahpni, palatta, etc—L * Bennett. Steamer Savannah, Eldrtdge, Martin’s Landing. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Schr Francis Satterby, Allen, St. Johns River. In ballast—to Wm Starr. Steamer K H May, Jones, Augusta—J M Kinchley Steamer Starlight, Anderson, Tybee Roads. Cleared. Steamer Reaolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer Gen Sheridan, Palmer, Hilton Head. Steamer Kindle, Bernier, Hilton Heail. Steamer Nantosket, Davis, St Simon’s Island. Import* Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka—aoo hales cotton, S cases beeswax, 3 do wool 1* hides, 2 bales moss, 2 bhls tar, l< sacks rice, abbis oysters, And mdze. r Per steamer R U May, from Augusts—2so bales Upland cotton. 76 do domestics and mdze. Hailed. Br ! sirk KiiLlt ti, Liverpool, England. C«UI(HH. DtT steamship America, from New York—tv H Wlitlierger, K Kuatheke k Cos, J H Demand F j Kuckcrt, N A Hardee. Johnson A Gray bill, Thomas liatesou, Hrnuv » smith, J L Vllhdbugu. J U'limie, M Ferst, 9 M Ledeier, P Tabardy, Wm Knscuinai, J k W Rutherford, Rogers a Gann. H G Uitwe A Cos. S Stein. A Stamm. Seaborn Gootlall. 1. It Slock. A a Solomons A Cos, Stuart A Cos, BU t ilden, G N Wyman, J G W A Cos, Geo Wellbrook. Mr C White. M Ueytagb, F Constant, Doyle A Lyon, str Helen Getty, H Mallon, H Meinhard A- Bro, L Ma-r*sr. h M Merer, He -s A Gutman. W H Stark, Southern Express Cos, Shuster Heingin. Union Steamboat Cos. str Union. Wilson Tottle. A Waldron, E Zacharlas, F I'ervean, A B I.uee, Mathew A West, Jas McGrath, K MoUuo, E D Meyer. A J Miller, JC Walker, W A R Melmire. George T Nichols, M Newmark, I! Nenmark, Wm Parker, N K Barnuiu. T H Balahaw. A Cos, K p Peyo, F. Ehrlich, D Finegan, L Robider, Julia Murphy, 'Brigham, Bald win a Cos, F C Barer el, Erwin A Hardee, J Hameil, Adams Express Cos, Bum 4 Meyer, Central K R, O Cohen, Duncan Palmer; Wiu Duncan, G Uemendeu, R J Larcomlie, Jno McMahon, CD Rogers C L Gil bert. Guckeuiicimer A Seiig, B Koim, N B Knapp. W W Lincoln, S M LoOiteau, H Memhurd, G Murluus. [W] M iu a diamond, D Mailed. A Cos, H C Melirtens. It T Lurch, clagbarn ,v Cunningham, James Doyle, Einstein A Kckman, if G Ehrlich. Per steamer Helen Gett), from Palatka—F M My rell. Kiwin A Hardee. L S Bennett, W H Henderson, Stuart 1 Cos, Dyzllnski A siager, Crane, Johnson A Graybiil, K F Metcalf, Geo w Owens, and others. Per steamer R H May, from Augusta—O Cohen, HUnter A Cammed, .1 R \Y dder, .1 M Kindi lev. De- Witt A Morgan. Passengers. Per steamship America, from New York—Miss A Clark, Mrs Robider, Wm K Boyd, J C Brum, Dewitt Bruyu, Jno Murray, Mrs Ferst aud 3 children. J O Byrne, wife aud 2 children, Mi Rosenthal, M Rosy, Ernestine Alberti. Elmina Alberti, Dr Patterson and lady, J Wetostock, M Krauss. F Brown, J J Jackson, Col Sammis and lady, F E Seaver. F S Smith, Mr Sellg and family, A Baum. S P Basllniky, Thos Wil liams, G Miller, C H Nichols. Ed Payeb, a G Browne, jr, C Dolbanco, G H Holienbach, Oscai .laa Hlnmau, .1 McLean, W Law ton. 2d Uabin—F Verplauck, Theo Meves, A D Meyer, and 2 in steerage. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Paiatka—Mrs A F. Lopez, L G Chainplln and lady, J H McCann, W E Alexander, S M Brooks,'D J Jones, C Schwartz, Mrs Finlay ton, Jas Bine* A J Drysdale, W Drysdale, \V B Gunn, W H HeudeTson, J M Hawthorn, AII Perry, N Leopold, E B Decoursey. J S Mclntosh, R 8 Stough ton, .1 K Lewis, OH Keith, Dr Ilia Hicks, W M Ben nett, Geo Clark, B F Olivers, Madison Hartndge, Jno E Jiartrldge, W H Funston, A J Williams, S S Wil liams, W Connel,N S Finney, NB Ward, ST Newton, and 12 on deck. LIST OB’ VKSSELS IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. ' Savannah, Oct. 16,1865. STEAMSHIPS. Steamship America, Clift, from New York—Brig ham, Baldwin A Cos. Steamship Varuna, Cooley, from New Y’ork—Jno R Wilder. SHIPS. New England, Hodges, 1,100, for Liverpool—load ing at Lower Hydraulic Press—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Wisconsin (Br) Arcus, 950—discharging ballast at Lower Hydraulic Press—John R Wilder. ■ BRIOS. John R Plater, Post, 290, from Norwich, Conn.— discharging at Union Ferry Wharf—Hunter A Gain mell. Mary Cobb, Duncan, 195,—loading, wharf at foot of Whitaker street —Rogers A Cann. SCHOONERS. Francis Satterby. Alien, St Johns River, in ballast, to Wm Starr. » May, Kellv, 330, from New York—dLschnglng at wharf foot of Habersham street -Hunter Gammell. Julia A Crawford, Buckley, 181, from Jacksonville, Fla, In ballast—lying at wharf fool of Bull Street- Master. a Albert (Bn Rtordan, 105, from Nassau—discharging at wharf foot of Barnard street—Beil, Wylly & Chris tian. John G Whipple. Simpson, 80, for New Y ork—load lng at Iron Steamboat Wharf west of Barnard street —Rogers A Cann. Selir Julia A Crawford, Bulkier, loading, at Iron Steamboat Co's wharf, for New York—L J Gullmar tou 4 Cos. AUCTION SALES. BY BLUN & MEYER. Will be Fold on MONDAY, Oct. V3d at 11 o’clock a. m. v in front of onr store, if ifcr Hold at private Bale previous. Three two story frame Houses on Stewart street. Two one story frame House* on Wilson street. Two out* story frame Houses on Roberts street. The same can bo treated for at private **ale by ap plication to Mr. G. Geraenden, at the Planter’s Hotel. octlC t 4 By Bell, Wylly & Christian AT PRIVATE SALE -100 bbls. Potatoes and Onions, Just received from steamer Varuna, oetl7 1 York, Williams, Mclntirr & Cos Will sell at Auction, in front of store. THIS DAY lTth foet., at 11 o’clock, 20 boxes Soap 15 boxes Cream Tartar 15 boxes Ground Ginger 24 boxes Hoda 2o boxes Ground Black Pepper 10 boxes Ground Black Pepper, bulk # 5 boxes Mustard v 12 caddies OOiOng Tea *i caddies Young Hyson 15 Kress Blueing An invoice of Assorted Tin Ware 10 boxes Crockery 4 hhds Hams 20 bbls Flour 20 bbls Meal 20 bbls Coffee With variou. other articles. octl» By* York, Williams, Mein* tire & Cos. AT PRIVATE SALE. Bacon Shoulders Bacon Sides Cdhvassed Hams Choice Butter Cora Meal Hominy I Split Peas Pearl Baris. • Soap Ground Coffee With a variety of other Groceries, octif 6 Rost. P. Tort, \ fJ. R.Mi-Tntir*. M. B. WIiA.IA.V9, | \ P. H. Ward YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO,, AUCTION ' AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, O-zV. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND LUMBER SOLICITED. References In Savannah—Brigham. Baldwin A Cos,; Erwin A Hardee, Gaden A L'ncklus, Isaac D. La- Rochc, Ksq ; Hiram Roberts, Kbo. ; Wyily Wood bridge. Esq.; Hunter* Gammell; L. C. Norveli & Cos. Reference* in New York—Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp & Bro.: D. H. Baldwin £ Cos. sep2«-eodlm DANCING. "VrE. H. G. W ARD will commence a Dancing Class I*A tor Young Ladles and Children, at St. Andrew’s Wall, on Tuesday Afternoon, at ?.y, , o’clock. For terms apply at the Hall. Gontlemon’s Ciaaa iiee aon Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evening-, at half-pan S o’clock. 3 octio For the Ladies. ELEGANT hats of the moat fashionable styles Just received and tor ssle by ... „ s. M. COLDING, OC - M No. 153 Congress street. IN' otice. ASSESSOR’S OFFICE, ) UNITED SttATCg INTERNAL itETINn, > Savanuah, Oct. 1.% 1(05. J Having nearly completed the organization of the District, I hereby notify tlie public that I am instruct ed to m&ke an immediate asseiiaroent for the year 16J4, (as the Tax is now past due> at Confederate prices, upon incomes of every description. The Tax from SOOO to $5,000 is & per cent. ; above that amount indefinitely, 10 per cent, upon all grow receipts. The ore to be made ih United States currency at what 4 was worth in Confederate monev at that time Any information the citizen* may desire will be cheerfully jelven, and I will of course be as indulgent a» the law and the Interests of tho Government will allow roe to be. C. H. DOPKINB. _J*ctl4 AB*ee*or First Dlstiict. English Coal. SUITABLE for Psrior Grate*. Landing sad for sale in tots to raft purchasers, hr oeti>2w CLAUHORN £ CUNNINGHAM. ■KOCKRIK*. LHiroas. A C„ whekeTre you going, MR. BAKER Going toR. Balfore’s. 167 BrongHtonSt. WHAT JOB ? WHY, FOR FLOUR. ‘iOik BBLS CHOICE FLOUR ‘.‘Do bbls Potato-s 100 bbls Onions 50,tD0 lbs Uacor. Fresh Crackers 20 bbls Brown Sugar 5 tierces English Crushed Sugar Switzerland Cheese. octU-lw Gao. R. Carur. Wo, A. WrauiiT. Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va GEO. B. IRIMP & t 0„ General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALKRb IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, HALTED FISH, jfco. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, JF* Will purchase and sell onEpmmlssion Cotton, Tobacco, Paouoos, and MEacuANLiaj: of everv de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., Richmond Va.. aud Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt £ Morgan, Gadcn £ Unckles, A. A.' Solomons * Cos., J. T. Paterson £ Cos.. K. Molina, Esq.. Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. OCt4 WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDT, I IKES, &c. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, alt the Old Stand, 111 BAY ST BE ET , (Herald Buildings, j also, A]sop’s Ale. Mars’ Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel* Cider and Cider Vinegar. octG ts WM.M.DAVIBSON, WHOLESALE DEALER , IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. aep2 ts | lOM£STIC '^K^^ ALES VI INES MyW OP ; s & StUARS J fmKBff SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. UU3O C. K. OSGOOD. STORE 18G CONGRESS AND Bft ST. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions. Tin, Crockery, Glassware j\n»l Hardware, N. B-—The highest Cash Prices paid for Beeswax. Tallow. Wool, Hides. Ac. ts scptlO 3500 TONS OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, 50x58 per lineal yard. For sale by - FOWLE £ CO, ju79 Cm No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, WM. H. SHERWOOD £ CO., Savannah, Georgia, southwest corner of Broughton and Jefferson streets, under St, Andrew’s Hall. We are receiving by every steamer fresh articles of Groceries of every description. Llqnors imported and direct from manufactures are offered at prices to suit the trade. * sept2o-lm KIRLIN,BRG. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AMI LIfORS, CORXFR WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANK. ORDERS PROtIPTI.Y FILLED & DELIVERED. an2l if TSTEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. fTHK undersigned (for eighteen year* of the firm of * Cromwell & Birdf»all)»s now prepared to receive orders for his well known brand of choice New Hulled Buckwheat Flour, neatly packed in barrel*, half barrels, quarter barrel* and bags of 4!> and 24,S pounds. Have ai-o on hand* Fresh Ground, State and West ern Flour. Extra, Superfine, and No. 2 Snperfine, in bids, and hall bbls., in lots to suit purrhaaers. KDWAI! it '. ROMW ELL. octl2-2w 123 and 125 Broad street New York. SALE ’ 1080 bushels Liverpool Salt 2000 eackg Oats, black and while in sacks best Rio Coffee To arrive, ino Bales Hay. octio N. A. HARDEE £ CO. ATTENTION F CALLED to the very superior lot of Butter. Cheese and Lard, received per steamer Raleiglnby SEABORN GOODALL, octl2-lw Williamson's Bnllolng. H. G’ RUWE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERIES i LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTING PULASKI HODIEj [T* Agedfs for ALE AND LAGER. Constantly on haad, an assortment of RHBZSr W IWE. •epSB 3m UKOCKKUC*. UqtilMU. At. - PIERCE SKEHAN^ Wholesale uu<t Re fall Dealer In fcne Groceries, Boots and Shoes, clothing. Foreign and Domestic, Uqnose and Segars. Also, Skehan’s Celebrated / " GOLDEN AIE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDRK, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng !i*h Ales. £r. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176, BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, and 02 Liberty street. New York E. G. Hilton, Savannah. E. M. Bandfll. N. Y. HILTON A; RAN DELL, Wholesale Orooers, 192 BAY STPEET. NEAR BARNARD. Savannah, Cra., Arc rtiuMantly receiving per ateftmem from New York The Lurgetl ami Most Cainplflr Asaort ment «»f (.roccxle't In t&e City, Orders by Mall, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Filled, at Lowest Market Pnces. octlC im CHEESESOAP. JA BONES CHEESE, “V 76 boxes Fay’s Soap Jurt received and lor salefcv octlC BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO. T. J. DUNBAR & ML IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALEItS IN WINES. LIQUORS, SEGARS. &C. 14:7 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBUCAN OFFICE.) We have the I-argest Assortment of Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &0., In the South, to which we invite the attention of the Trade. Call and compare our goods and priors. octo ts ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW.YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builders' and Locksmiths' Hardware. Nalls. Pnllies, Cord. Rim Locks and Knobs, Butt Hinges, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings, Gong Bells, Wire Silver-Plating, &c. Ail orders, large or Binall, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, less than market prices. srpio dm Joseph Smith, FIELD, GARDEN, GRASS AND FLOW ER SEEDS, No. G 5 Librity Street, Yew York City. ORDERS for Seeds by mail will be promptly execu ted and forwarded by Express, r. O. D. N. B.—The Trade supplied on the most liberal terms. Priced Catalogues will be sent upon applica tion by mall. <>etC-eodlo Notice. TilP Cos partnership heretofore existing lie tween JACKSON A WaKROCK was, on -the Both Sep teinbi r dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned, who will be happy to receive a continuance of the pa tronage bestowed on tlie late firm of Jackson A Warrock. L. WARROOK. octil CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rfillE undersigned having associated themselves to- A gether under the firm name ol LaROCIIE, GADEN & UNCKLES, for the purpuse of transacting a Gene ral Grocery, and Commission Business, and having seemed the large and commodious store, corner of Bay and Barnard streets, hre now prepared to receive any and all consignments mode to ihi-m. They also have extra rooms, suitable for Dry Goods and Fancy Aiticlcs, which, if accompanied by owners or agents, are the best in the city ; from a long experience and thorough acquaintance with the business, they hope to give entire satisfaction to ail making consignments to them. Liberal advances made on Cotton. Lnniher, £c. con signed to them for sale in Savannnh, or for shipment to their friends in New York, Boston or Baltimore LvROCUK. GADEN * UNCKLES, Isa*c D Lakqcuk, BkN.t. G. Galen, Davip 8. Umckles. 1m oetio THE NEW YORK NEWS. BAIL Y, SEMI-WEEKLY ANI) WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY ASD SEHI-WEEKLY -YEWS. GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPERS. BEIJiIH' WOOD Editor And Proprietor. Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IHPROVEMENTCJNTRODUCED IMMENSE CUMULATIONS' DETERMINED ON. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN. NEW YORK. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, iPublished Every Wednesday. Single Copies Five Cents One Copy, one year S2OO Three Coplev one year S 00 Five Copies, one yesr 8 76 Ten Copies, one year 17 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten Twenty Copies, one year 30 00 The Weekly Mew* is Sent to Clergymen at 91 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 4 00 Three Copies, one year... . 10 00 Five Copies, one year. 15 00 Ten Copies, one year 30 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year 65 00 To Clergymen ..........I 300 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail Subscribers $lO per annum Six Months Five Dollars For sale by all Newsdealers. Specimen ropiesj of DAILT and WEEKLY NEWS ' '■ sent free. , 3 Address BENJ. WOOD, Daily News Building, No. in i ity Hail Square. septOl New York City. NOTICE. rpHE Copartnership heretofore existing between J. Willlnk £ Chapman was, on the let of October, dissolved by mntnal consent. T. M. Wiilink resumes his business of Ship, Steamboat and General Black smithing, on Dillon's wharf. Thanking the pntllc for past patronage a continuance of the same will be gratemly received. cod4v octl* ■ ' ttIPWJiG. STAR LINE, FOR NEW YORK. THE new and tJegsnf first claw U. 8. Mail Steam pooftitSly mil tor the above port on Wednesday, Oct. 18th, at o’clock. For frelgnt or passage, Baring splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM, "BALDWIN * CO, octlC Stoddard's Biiilding. opp. Post Office PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. ,g>-r-w , The U. S Moil Steamship HUNTER, w>M. L. Rogcis, commander, will leave l° r the above port on her regular day THURSDAY', OCTOBER 10, at o'clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommoda tiona, apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL, FOR NEW YORK STAR mt LINE. SBMX-WEBKXjiV. The first elais U S Mail Steamships NEVADA. i’liit Pappf m ifw w aw CGNttmUfJON, - . G*pl.' Vtimalul; Hhe above ships compose the Line, and will sail from Ni'W York and Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CD, Agents, Savannah, Ga. WAKKMAN, GOORIN k DICKtNSON, Agents, FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner HATTIE M. MAYO -CT iijGA will have qaiek despatch for' tlto above port. For freight or passage apply to octif. BRIQH vM, BALDWIN £ CO. Atlantic Const MnUStcntn ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, . The t**f and elegant Side-Wheel ■igi-vi 1 ■ St-amship VAR UNA, Captain Cooley, will positively sail on her regular day, THURtDAY, 19th iust., at 7 o'clock, a. m. For Freight or Passage, having vary large and airy state-room' accommodations, lilted np with all the re cent improvements, apply to • Vi .JOHN R. WILDER. Ship’s Bills of Lading furnished and signed In the office. octl7 For Darien, Ga. Steamer Annie, Captain Fen Peck, Will leave as above, from Exchange Dock, On This (Tuesday) Morning, 17tb, at 9 o’clotk, a. in. This Steamer is an eicelient see. boat and lias fine accommodations for Passengers. For freight or auatau apply' on board, or la * F. M. MYRELL, Agent. oct!7 1 Hairl** Buildings, Bay street. For Liverpool. c-FTw THE A1 American Ship NEW ENGLAN D. Master, having a largo piartlou ol .FJ'Jfjjihrr cargo engaged will Tie ready to receive “ cargo at Lower Hydranlic Press on the ISth inst. For freight or passage apply to sepl4-tf BRIGUAM.’BALDWIN * CO. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, THE underpinned are prepared to receive "nods at their Warehouses-free of expense aud cov ered by liiHunt* ee—for ebipincnt to Angiifta aud points beyond by their regular line of lipht dmnght boats. Apply tb CSI?AS. t. COLBY, §ept2i»—tf cor. Buy and Abercora For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored in fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cast. J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent. Office In Clsghorn £ Cunningham's The May arrived In Angnsta from Savannah on last Friday with her full freight. ts octv FOR AUGUSTA, STEAMER VOLUNTEER, And Barges, Capt. J R. Airnaxxs. WUi take Freight Until S o’clock Thli Afternoon. O. FALLON A CO., OMIT 1 corner Bay and Lincoln streets. FOR AUGUSTA. Steamer Oak, Captain Geo. S. Marshall, Will have quick despatch aa above! For Freight on gagetnenis apply to fc », E. PRES DBF, Agent; 10!> Broughton street, or to F. M. MYRELL, octlC ts Harris' Bnilding, Bay street. COMPETITION DEFIED! FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant Very Fast Steamer SCORJPIO, HODOKRS, Master, Will commence receiving freight THIS StORNTNG, at Exchange Wharf, and be the first Boat for Angnsta after the Helen. For Freight Engagements or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, apply to KEIN * CO. 114 Bay street. GREAT REDUCTION -IN FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA. ON and after this date the rate of Freight by onr Line will be reduced 50 Per Cent ! Oar Line is cnaiposed of the following Steamers, all adapt: ,1 to the trade, viz : Iron Steamer AMAZON, Capt Johann. New iron Steamer WM. G.GIBBOISH.Capt. rhllpnl Steamer LACRA, Capt. Hiller. The Steamer < übbons la in every partlrnlar a first claifPassenger Boat. Insurance can bp effortpd by onr Line at lowest rate?. HF- Freight received DAILY and forwarded , 00 ; TWICE a wjeek. sepiS-lm ERWIN' A HARDEE. For Augusta. The powerful light draft Stwts Tog o. F>. HOTTER, With Two (S) Covered Barges, Will ls»v< tot the above port On Tmulay, Oct. 17tb, at 3 o’clock, p, m. For freight apply to CHAB L. COLBY A CO., OCTI7I oor. Bay and Abercornsts. KOH PALATKA. Via DOrien, Brunswick, St. Mary’s, Fer nandlno, .JackaowvlUe and Plrotato. rjlHEnewar.d fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Capt. C. A W.fVm.rr. will leavers above on WEDNESDAY the li-tn inst., at 10 o'clock a.m. For Freight or Passage apply on board, at Padel ford's \\ hait near White's Central Cotton Press nr to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Freight payable on Wharf. Shippers will famish weights and measurement of goods oetlS For Liverpool. THE first class British bark TH MAS WHITNEY J. C. Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have ■pick dispatch For frtigh', apply to octlii BELL WYV „ CtTPJSTIAJ SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA 4 RE r.otlSed th t they can store their good* any . dav dune • ihe wevk-tto be forwarded by the sliaveßoat., wuicb are the tightest draught maßlnr to Angnsla, free ol exira charge. ’■fP'-"- KLIN k CO. For Doctortown, VIA DARIEN. mUS Steamer WM. Gr. GIBBONS A having a heavy engagement of Colton at Darien, will during the mouth of October make the following weekly trins to Doctohow n: LEAVE SAVANNAH, Tuesday Morning, Oct Id. at C o’clock. Tuesday Morning, Oct 17, at« o’clock. Tuesday Morning. Oct *4, at G O’dork. LEAVtDOCXOKTOWN, Thursday Morning, Oct. 19. Thursday Morning. Oct. 19. Thursday Morn tag,Oct. 26. Freight received at our Warehouse anv dav daring *^J! eel£ f” rw “ n,ed Promptly as above, with the privilege oi lightering on tho Adtamaha river if neces sary- «rt«w ERWIN k HARDEE LINVILLE & GLEASON. SAY A-ISTISr^YH. AOrBM'TS FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 61 ConrtM! Street, He? Tort. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF bcklts, nuts and washers , Bridge, Car, Ship or Band Hook. BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAC SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, HOUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, Tumbiicklea, Bolt Bnds, axul Dies, deo. ALSO DEALERS IN . RAILROAD SUPPLIES. Locomotives, cars, rails, chairs, SPIKES,TIKES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every descriptiou, and every article used in constructing or operating; Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. , ENGINEERS' STORKS. COAL Oil,, TALLOW, WASTK FELTISG, HEMP. AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, £o.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES,FILE9, CHISELS, Ao, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, mSULATORB. ; BATTERTTCS IN -BTRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, Ac. Also Manufacturer* of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. "AffiT'NckgSnJM ß ' STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,<tec. sept* - M Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, IM3, Black Dark Green Black for Silk Light Ore*! Dark Blue MizeoU Light Bine French Bine Maroon Claret Brown Oranse Dark Brown Ptah; Light Brown Pornle Sauffßrown Crimson i M carter Dark Drab Sato SolftWno r awn Drab Violet light Fawn Drab Yellow er A SAYTNG OF 80 PER CENT. J» othemTseast s avo < u“ mtha“ iaalieot HOWE £ STEVENS, ecU«m br aad deolem^iSrtlr 08 * 011 TIIOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL, UPHOLSTERY, 334 Dock Street, Philadelphia. Pa. tepdedwP 411 OEr ’ E * <s BeDt M,u at- Grits and Meal. MILL RB-OPENED. Having purehas- VA Vd the entile interest from Mr H. Glfiem In hie large and extensive Mills, on the corner of HabwJhatn streetandPerTy meet lane, we are now prepared tarnish Grist and Meal tt favorable r»t es . P (C, :.!? be ground on toil. All orders promptly filled " 1 o tll-lm LUDINQTON * RaBMSON WOOD!! F° tos^ L HTcto,r!^na C P( fr , the woo.l C °“ Veye<J to^^^^h% D d Apply to oenv hat». ’ rls °J* * OOSPON. ocn.- r on3* 90 Bay s Ist**