Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 17, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Dalty Herald. Tl'EtUifi OCTOBER If. I*oo. A DUTCH COCOOT Iff MICHIGAN- Tea Ton' Experience of a Company of Amertiaaiscii |Dulchmtn. Vn Independent Judiciary. Tbe following appeared in the Atlanta In telligencer of tbe 9th inst.: [communicated ] Atlanta, Oct. 5, 1865. Mr Editor I understand that my charge ti tne graud jury, last Monday, has been t ilijecu-d to criticism; especially, aJ to that part relative to disarming the citizens of Georgia; and that the fact that it was not puhlianed, as is usually the case, by the city press, uas been made subject ot remark. ' It is true that I declined to give my charge, or any portion thereof, to the press lor publi cation. My reasons were communicated to a i.aumg journalist. They reared iu sound patriotism, and were sufficient, in my hum ble judgment. 1 ueeui it proper, bowever, now, to sav that I did charge the jury, that the , and I, ! constituting a court, sat there in the court j he use of Fulton County, as representatives j of a department of the government, co-equal o and co-ordinate with the executive. That ! we have just emerged lrorn a civ 1 war, in ' which some were trying to establish anew gov- rnment, wbilsi otn rs wefts defending j the old government. Tna: so soon tu the fortunes of war w nt agai ut the confeder ates, and the federal arms prevailed, the pa ternal relations and duti< b ot tne government were resumed and it bec.-uae its policy, instead of destroying to protect, eu- 1 courage and establish us iu the en joyment of every liberty secured j by tbe constitution. That the military : authorities would be expected to submit to | and aid in toe execution of every legitimate civil mandate. That no court could other- j vise exist and execute justice as we were | jwurn to execute it. That as a court, the laws, not orders, showed us the path to ~a k in. That tbe coustitution of the Edited Stater, secures to every citizen the right to personal liberty, personal security and private property ; aud, that, being the or ganic law. it is binding alike upon the presi dent, the congress and all. That amongst other privileges, it grants that of having «ntl liearing arms for sell-defense. I referred to certain orders proposing to disarm citizens, and to tbe fact that apprehensions seem still t h« entertained that there is sedition and rebellion amongst us, and recommended h m, in the exetcise ot one of their ancient and as grand jurors to make diligent en quiry whither any one was cudeavoring to get aud bold arms forsedili us, insurrection a. or rebellious puipose.-, and if they lound tuefact to esUt, to act in candid concert with the military in suppressing it. It, how- ' ever, the a-ntrary appeared (which I be-j licVed would be the case) to let their present- I rneuls speak on the subject plainly, hut willt decorum aud diguity. These views I honestly entertain, and it wusuot from any fear of consequences per » ma I to myself, that I at first withheld their publication. I believe they are such as are s toßiauiiaily held by those who administer the government at Washington, and by every right-minded lover of liberty upon this con ti.ient. The war has closed—our people have bouod themselves by an oath to accept its results. They are not perjured. The president has said he will rely upon their fidelity. His subordinates Uad as well do so. Whether these be the views of others or not, they are mine ; and if I know myselt, I will be the last man to yield principle. Humble a-* 1 am, if it be expected that the Courts in Georgia, in this day of our humilia tion, are to set a precedent tor ail lime of the subordination or the civil to the militaiy power in my country, tbe officer to act in such a miserable farce must be sought for somewhere else ; not here. I am not the mu. ouc-h are my antecedents that do man can say that these cl. durations are made iu a se ditious or j tundiced spirit.. It is well known that by example and precept I have coun seled id bauiufof peace, good will and fra ternity of feelings, going so far us to sulj-ct Diyseii some obloquy even at the bands of In nds. But I have uever concealed the sae ci fine of any sell respect or of any of the enohiing principles of manhood, aod uever will. Nor do I believe that such sacrifices are expected by the victors in the late war. B. H. Bigham, Judge Superior Court. Fnedmen'a Schools. A correspondent of the New York World, writing from Washington, in this State, thus describes the educational institutions of the fretdtncn in that neighborhood : ‘•The last sensation with me blacks is the establishment of a free school, which the re bels jeeringly term the “charcoal institute," the “ebony institute," the “African univer sity,” ts c., but it is the pride and delight of the negroes’hearts. To go to school and carry books, like “white to ks,” is a piece of grandeur perfectly astounding to their simple imaginations. One sees tue pupils in the streets, on their way to au i trom school, carrying their books in the most conspicuous manner, displaying and comparing them, with the greatest satisfaction. The teachers, equally proud of thoir station, may be seen strutting along with bundles of switches In their hands. There are about one hundred and fifty scholars in this establishment, aud four teachers. The superintendent is Colonel Harry Williams, formerly “old Jack Brad ley's nigger mau,” and bin principal assis tant, iliab Pinkney, who was, six months ago, “Mrs. Smith's nigger woman." “Miss Pinkney” teacheß geography, and tells tier tcbolara they must not betieyc what white folks say about the world being rouud. “It '-in’t round” says she, “its square ; any of you has got sense enough to see that tblks would fail off of a round thing.” One ot the pupils, on being questioned as to his pro gress, answered that he was studying phil osophy. “Do you understand it l” asked his questioner. “No ma’m, hut I reckon Miss Pinkney does, especially the laws of gravitation, one would think. I stopped on the street one day, to cato • hise a boy. “Cun you spell girl ?” I asked. "\e»’m, g-u-i-r -l-e." “Bravo, ’ said I, “what a smart boy ; yon can spell gtrl with more letters than white lolks do, aud he went his way, well satisfied with the extent of bis own erudition The discipline or tne “African University” reminds one of what we read about Chinese achools, where the children btudy aloud The negroes do not all study aloud, but three or tour eiasses reciting at me bame time, in the same room, products a similar tiled Negroe> bavt a peculiar aversion to auy but parental cbabtiseincnt for their cuiidren, aud this prejudice sometimes iutertercs with “Colonel Williams' discipline. One day alter Some unruly pupils had received a wholesome thrashing, they complained to their mothers, who went to bchool and avenged tneir supposed wiougs in a general “row” with the teachers. A Strange Gang or Coontliu antss.—A i despatch from Toronto, Canada, says: The Government has had Detective Arm strong tor two weeks bunting out a gang of Counterfeiters of Americau silver. Armstrong arrived here last night, having arrested five wealthy farmers, who are represented to have for 40 years,been manufacturing bogus silver uar burling. He also captured ail the dies and money in the possession of the prisoners. Tuey belong to a very extensive gang, of which many of the first merchants of the country are members. ( ( G -urge Augusia tjata, iu arecent article on Anuriean 1 ouug Ladies,’ says they sxe the neat accomplished talkers in the world.— diction, the facile flow of , “L ™!* quickness ot apprehension, are "***»* An American . aumetulug smart aud sparkling and rwuMs tossy on every subject. S SAVANNAH BAHT HERALD IS PUBLISHED Every Morning and Evening [SUNDAYS EXCEPTED] AT Wo. 11l BAY *«UBBV, -H S. W. MASON & CO. THE IN »r TBE PIBLISHER S IS TO ISSUE A Live Daily Newspaper ! Wnlch shall also he Reliable, regarding Accuracy a# being of as great importance as enterprise in procuring information. Tbe Herald .Staff fcuibrtuoa a LAKCE CORPS OF EbITOIS HP REPORTERS. Including several writers long and popularly known ss connected with tbe Sontbers Press, It also bsa Special Correspondents at AH Prominent Points, Who arc Inttrncted to span no expense in procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT BAS THE BEST Mail, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that all News of Importance will be heralded at the earliest possible moment. Especial attention is paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL «11 PA ItTMF.NTH, AND TO Shipping Intelligence, Hotel Arrivals, and the Court Record. AVOIDING POLITICS, As ont of Its province at present, the Hikald strives to be R Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to support the true Interests of the re united na tion. It will be constantly the effort of the pnbltshers to render thei# paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OP SAVANNAH AND THE BTATE OP GEORGIA, And to discuss all vital questions with the dignity they deserve and without which lte opinions could have but little weight. i THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity of Miscellaneous Readinij Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter- • ary, Scientffiic and Commercial sub jects, so that In all respects U is a desirable journal for tbe FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS 4XO Experienced Mail and Delivery Clerks Are employed, and either Edition of the Uium will be delivered promptly In Savannah or for warded to any part of the world, on th<* following T E RMS: SINGLE COPT sc. ONE WEEK ’ aue ONE MONTH ’ $ j ONE YEAR , 10 0o PER HUNDRED 350 EXTRAS Aro ift«ncd whenever iu tel licence is received of suffi cient importance to warrant it. ADVERTISING TERMS: Two Dollars Per square* (occupying a apace of ten lines nonpareil; for the first Insertion, and $1 per I square for each subsequent oue. A LIBERAL DlS j COUNT will be made on LONG ADVERTISEMENTS, or those INSERTED FOR A LONG TIME. The Return ts UNRIVALLED AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM ! naving a large circulation In the city, and throughout the State, in Florida, Sooth Carolina, the South Atlantic Squadron and the North, clrculatißg more or less IN EVERY STATE OF THE UNION. Subscription, or Advert lament* may be aent by mail or expresa to J s. W. MASON &CO., PUBLISHERS, Ko. 11l Bay Street, Savannah, a DAILY i. JOURNAL & MESSENGER, Pnblished Eyery Morning and Evening. MACON, GEORGIA, BORDER Os CHERRY AND THIRO STREETS-. LARGEST CIRCULATION IS MIDDLE ASD SOUTHWESTERN GEORGIA. THE old “Journal A Messenger," first established A In 1809, and regularly published ever since, has tqc Largest Circulation of any paper in this section. We are offering liberal terms to advertisers, and merchants, and others desirous of hating their busi ness generally known, will do well to advertise in our eolnmns. OUR WEEKLY Contains the legal advertising of some eight or ton counties and is circulated thionghout. the' Souther:, and Northern States generally. Parties sending their advertisements with the money will be insured satisfaction Address 8. ROSE * CO. } I^*o™. THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES, The Leading Journal of the South. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General News—The Discus sion of State and National Topics—The Wel fare of the Planting Interest—The Progress of Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration of Prosperity in the * southern States. The Proprietors of the New Orleans Daiet ant> Weekly Times, encouraged by the liberal support given to their Journal, hnve made ample arrangements for its improvement, with a view to making it, in every respect, a FIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. Terms of the Daily, $lO per annum; half yearly, SS; Quarterly, $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES Is devoted to the discussion of topics of vital import ance to the interests of the Gulf States; contains a carefnlly prepared compendium of the news of each week, original and selected literary and miscellaneous matter, Liles, poetry, etc., correspondence from all parte of the country and abroad, letters from the peo ple, a resume of the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $3 per annum. TO ~ CLUBS. The Weekly will be furnished as follows, when sent to one address: - copies $ 9 SO I 6 copies ...$25 00 3' “ 14 00 j 7 “ 29 OH 4 “ 18 00 j 8 “ 33 00 5 •• 22 501 9 “ 3. 00 10 copies S4O. An extra copy will be giveu to any one getting up a Club of Ten. Terms invariably in advance. Address WM. H. C. KING A CO.. anl4-tt Proprietor* N. O. Times. No. 70 Camp st. THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered upon Its Fifteenth year. In an enlarged form, with new type, under .tupices highly flattering. It has a large and daily increasing circulation, and of fers to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none. ADVERTISING RATES. ONE 691'ARE. Two weeks $ 5 oo One month 0 Oil Two months 10 00 Three months j 15 00 Six Months 24 00 One Year 40 00 TWO SQIAUES. * Two weeks $lO 00 One month 12 (hi Two months 15 CHI Three months IS 00 Six months 30 00 One year -. 00 00 Persons desiring a greater quantity of space than is above designated, will be accommodated on liberal terms. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single Copy, fatailedj Sets. Oue Month, do 75 “ Three Months, do $2 00 Six Months do 3 fto ODe Year do C 00 Address, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD & CO., PETERSBURG, VA. phosphctus OP THE Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF 10,000 COPIES, FOR GRA TUITOUS CIRCULATION. To be Issued on or about the ISfA of July , IBGS, Bv J. W. BURKE & CO., - MACON, GA This enterprise Is undertaken at the suggestion of many of the leading merchants of the country, as a method of extensively advertising their business.— While we will publish the advertisements of all -vho may favor u. with their patronage, the paper will also contain Prices Current of the Markets in all tbe princi pal Cities, Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, Sc., and Commercial News of every description that will be of interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “MIRROR” be exclusively filled with advertisements; but the paper will be sufficiently large to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspondence, Select Reading Matter, Ac. It will be a family, as will as a ut’sissss FAi-ER, and we inteud that it shall vlalt every City, Town and Village in tbe Country. All can perceive the advantage of advertising In a paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL. We are unable to nnblish them in this Circular, not knowing wbat number of onr friends will waut their Business Cards, Notices, Ac., brought be fore the Public through this medium. We will only say to all, send your Advertisements to us immedi ately ; state how much space you wish them to occu py, directions, Ac. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuts aud material for displaying them, and feel confident of meriting the patronage and approval of ail Business Men. A--soon as we arrive at the amount of mstier and Rise of paper required, we w ill moke an estimate, and publish the rates for advertising. In the ilr-t number. Tusv will ue as low as possiule, to allow rs to rtuiLisa the FAt-rc. Deeming It superflu ous to argue the benefit of this enterprise to the adver tising world, we leave the subject with it, feeling as sured It. will meet Its cordial co-operation and' sup port. Address J. W. BURKE 4 CO., Macon, Ga. Agent in Savannah: G*o. N. Nichols, Bay Street jylß-tf THE DAILY EVENING VOICE. PUBLISHED AT BOSTON, MASS., —IS THp OFFICIAL ORGAN ‘—OF THE Grand Eight-Hour League of Mass, AND or TBS WORKiNBMEHS ASSEMBLY Os BOSTON. IT is Independent in Politics, eschews Sectarian mat ters, contain* all the Local and General News of the day. Is especially devoted to the interests of Work lngmeu, and Its managers spare no paina to make it THE PEOPLE 8 PAPER. Its facilities for obtaining the latest and most relia ble intelligence on every subject of Interest are nnsur. passed, and make it a newspaper that will be wel comed by every son of New England In any section of the country. It has a large circulation, and as an ad ver'tstng medium la unsurpassed by any newspaper in lloston. fcßf Subscription Price, $5 per ysar. FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA, RECEIVED DAILY, And Forwar ed eraMVeekly. Per STEAMER AMAZON, Capt. R. JomwOa. Per STEAMER LAURA, Capt. Edwaud Rillkb. Having a commodious Warehouse on Dillon'a Wharf, we are prepared to receive freight ae above. Due notice will be given of the days of departure of each steamer. ERWIN A HARDEE. JOHN L. ROUMILLAT. sepia In Agent on Wharf. (XlNMlHlOft MKttCMARFTS, A*. Rite. Whitnev & Cos.. GENERAL (ominissi 011 Mt*rt* li a 11 1 s, 202 BAY STREET, Savannah, - - - - Cia. Particular Attention Paid to Shipments to onr House In Philadelphia. sep22-lm G. B. & G. W. LAMAR General Commission Merchants. FOKMARDINC. AND SHIPPING AGK%TS SAVANNAH. ' GEORGIA. THE Undersigned have this day formed a Co-part nership under the name and stjle of G. 11. and G. W Lamar, for tbfc transaction of a General Com mission, Forwarding and Shipping Business and offer their Bervices to their friends am! the public. Office in Jones* building*. Bay Street, few doors East of Claghorn A Cunningham, (up stairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson. Esq , Savannah; John C. Ferrlll, E«q., Savannah; G B. Lamar, Esq.. Sa vannah; Wm. E. Jackson, Esq., President Augiyta Factory; Messrs. Jnsiah Sibley J t Sons,Augusta;J‘ B. & J. VV. Walker, Ausrusta. G. R LAMAR Jr. sep3o-lm G. \V. LAMAR Jr. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GENERAL, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, BAY' STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Hams' Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low & Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter & Gammell, Crane, John son A Graybill 'lk'!!, Wylly & Christum ; Bothwell & Whitehead; Miller, Thomas A Cos.; M. A. Cohen, Esq. sep29-tf I). H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCIIANTK 178 Pearl Street, New York. D. n. Bm.dwik.) .. . J.F Ct'MMINGsJ New York. 11. BIUGIIAM, » c - BBni oK oct4-3m C. M Hoist, f Susannah. A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING HBKCuaai. 9? BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. octl4-tf _ __ -Alexander Hardee, Storage aud Lonoral Commission Merchant CORNER BAY AND JEFFERSON STS., Savannah, Georgia, Dealer in—HAY. FODDER, GRAIN, FLOUR, WOOL, HIDES, BRAN. SHORTS, Ac. sep22-lm JAMES B. CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN , Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liquers, 171 BROAD STHF.FiT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS ofMerchandizc wishing to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will he given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the most reasonable rates. sep4-3m TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vfsf-v Street, ~ew York. And Memphis, Term. Thomas Fenner, Usury Hiknktt, D. W. Bowmab. _ Jvfi on. chas. lTcolby & coT, Shipping Commission anil Forwarding ME H CHANTS. JONES BLOCK, CORNER BAt AND AIiEROORN STREET SAVANNAH. GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the tin,, of Chas. L, Colby, of New York, or to our friends iu Boston. MAUDE a WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. REFERKN O ES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jarive 81ade, Esq., New York. Hol. J Wiley Edmunds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. sep 18—tl Woodward, Baldwin & to., HO Duane Street, New York, 9 anil 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Kheotinqs, Osimburgs and Yarns, * jyis HENRY BRYAN, Bktan Street, next to Merchants" and Planters* Bank ttuu.mxa. Broker and Commission Agent »• FOR SALE AND PURCHASE OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c. ? And for Forwarding Cotton. __ a«ls JJino j«u\ x. slims & hi.. Forwarding oinl Commission MERCHAN TS. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods Groceries, &e., NOR 1 AND 2 SAMMIR BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. e. SAMMIS. ED. G. BAMMIB. OIIAS. L. MATIIER «uu __ tr A. T. CUNNINGHAM. i». G. PURSE. CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Factors, forwarding and commission MERCHANTS, No. 4 Stoddard’s Lower Stores, Bay stieet, Savannah. Ga. References—Rnbi. Habersham & 8011s. Hunter & Gaminell. Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin * < •<>., Erwin & Hardee, Claghoro & Cunningham. *ep4-3m e. f. metcTlfe&coT GERERAL FOItWAKDING I AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lower Stoddard's Range between Aherr orn and Lincoln Streets, Savannah, Ga. References—Henlng, Flint & Pearce, New York ■ E. M. Bruce & Cos., Augusta, Ga.: R. C. Rob son, Kso Atlanta. Ga: Knott & Howes. Macon, fia.; K M Bruce, Morgan & Cos., Appaluchicola, Fia. ; Watts. Crane A Cos., N. Y.; Geo. c. Pearce A Cos., St Louis. Mo.j H. C. Bruce A Co.,' Cincinnati, O.; Mr. H. .1 Cook, Albany, «a.; Jno. W. O'Connor, Macon, Go. - septii lm J. SHAFFER, OoinmlmioiA Sealer In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC THUITS awi. PRODUCE, West Washing-cox Markit, Opposite 143 West st, Bulhhcad between Barclay and Veiey sts„ NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and pot up for the Southern market AU consignments promptly attended to ws; jot®? s ® s * ™ t - j -111* eodly tOMMttfflt* MeauMAlfffti J.T.TH9KAS&GO* UMiMIS&OX MERC HAMS, 11? Ray Street. FIRE, NARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at as Low Rates as are accepted by any good Company. oct 11-1 m SO l , r I'HERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON &CO., FACTORS, Forwarding A Commission MERCHANTS, RKSPECTFULLY invite attentidh to onr facilities for the purchase or movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt attention to all ousi ncs'i entrusted to onr care. Intending to establish penmnenti.v a House in Savannah expect by strict onsioesr. principles to merit and receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, nnd will miike ad vances on same ; picking, re-baling or mending all -Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred iu Northern cities by this process. — They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining States. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, BAT Post Office Address, Lock Box 25. oct 7-3 m Fordyce, Anderson & Jaime}. s a w k n XL s AND GENERAL. COMMISSION MF. HU HANTS, |AVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. milE undersigned have this day formed a Co-part- I nership under the linn name of Fordyce. Ander son A .lanney, for the transaction of h Bunking and General Commission, Forwarding and Shipping Bus iness. and offer their services to their friends and the public. Liberal advances made on all Consignments to them for sale in Savannah, or for shipment to their correspondents in New YorK, Philadelphia or Baltimore. Refer to Messrs. Hnnter A- Gammell, G. W. Ander son, Esq., G. B. Lamar, Esq., Robt. Habersham A Sons. Office No. 10 Stoddard’s Range, Up-Stairs 8. VV. FORDYCE, Huntsville, Ala. GEO. W. ANDERsON, Jr.. f Savannah, Ga. T. B. JANNEY. oetl:>2w Nashville, Tenn. CLARDY &co~ Cotton anti Tom Factors, . NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY HENRY BRYAN. "'ll/"E do entbely a Commission Business, exerting ▼ f ourselves to get the outside market quotations for our patrons. Liberal advancesmade on Cotton at Savannah, and pair al advances on Cotton realty for shipment at Au gusta. Atlanta nnd Macon. Planters* orders filled. octl2-lm Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, General Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. 9 Stoddard’s Block, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GBORGIA, Chas. Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, Savannah, Ga. New York. Engaged exclusively in n Commission Business,with ample and first class Storage Boom, we most respect fully tender onr services for the purchase and salp of all kinds of merchandise. ocril-3m L. WARROCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, FLA, Consignment, solicited. • * Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise ami Cotton. octll-lm MACKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPINB AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 aud 205 Say Street, SAVANNAH, Ga. />\FFER FOR SALE the following Goods, on the V / mos reasonable terms. 25u bbls Whiskey, Mountain Dew* “ “ buckeye Reserve | T* “ ‘ Stag Bourbou * ... - ‘jo “ “ 7 years old Stag Bourbon •-'0 “ Pine Apple 50 “ “ Burkam’s Bourbon Distillation 1 ’ ’ “ Old Family Rye I 15 •“ “ old Rectified Together w ith a large assortment of Fort, Sherry and Madeira Wines, Heidsick * Cos., and Reymond’a champagnes. Brandies, Gins, Hums, German * Ridgeway Bitters, Ac. In connection with the above, we-offer for sale Choice Family- Fir,m, Bac on Sides, Shoulders. Lard, Ac. Liberal advar ces made pn consignment to WIACKY&BEATTIE, sep»9 ts PHILADELPHIA, Pa, N. A. HARDEE & Co=, Shipping, Commission and For warding Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will make liberal Cash Avanceeon consignments to nnr lrfcnds, Norton,Slaughter .fc Cos„ 40 Broad street, New York. octC-lm Wm.H. Burroughs & Cos. I FORWARDING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 91 Bay street, Savannah, <ia. For the sale of Cotton and other Produce, Lumber, Timber, Plan tations aud all Kinds of Real Estate. We now otter f several Rice Plantations near the city, a number of Cottou and Provision Plantation*, Timber lands, City Property, and a few lots in the Mineral or North western parts of the State. sep2G-lm H. Gbwdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAT STREET, ANDERSON’S WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. oct2Sm INK. ’ O K GROSS INK, In stands, at $S 60 per gross. 1» mU doaen Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints, at $7 per daeon. For sale by SAYILLB A LEACH. , an 12 ts cor. Bryan street and Market square. IMtMIMItHI MMCMiHIi O. M. toutx, », c. Itnmtt. SORREL BROTHERS,, Shipping, Commission AM* Forwarding Merchants, S3 Hay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. octl* lm JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOn, FOR WARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 94 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. octie em I- C. WAPK. s, n. WADI. E. C. WADE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Gu. octlG 3m Notice to the Public. IN the year IS4G, the writer embarked in the Drug Business in the city of PhiladoJ|ihiH, nnd white thus engaged, mrsde several experiments in regmd to th<- inost desirable mode of preparing Fluid Extracts. My efforts being successful—the articles being approved and < used bv the Medical K»cuity—l wm desirous of placing them before the public, but hesitat-d for some time before concluding to re»oit to newspaper advertising, knowing of the prejudices that existed in tbe minds of many ngaiuet using advertised Medicines or Nostrums, but through the advice of friends and those who had used them this objection was overcome. After 18 yvars* xertions, commencing in n small wav, the popularity of my articles has extended to all parts of the United Stabs, and widely throughout Foreign countries—and this in the face of much opposition. Eveiy menus has been resorted to by nnprinciphd and. nl ers since their merit and success have been known— such as adverti 'ing larger bottles at lees price, censupng nil other preparations, and even copying my advertise ments—but lam happv to state that out ot the many who have resorted to this, uona.hove been successful. MY OBJECT in this notice is to make facts kTiown to the public ami respectable dealers, believing, after so many years’ ex ertions, that the Druggists will disc untenance such proceedings, and that the reputation of my articles may not be damaged by the nseof inferior or spurious ones. Knowing that many may read this article who are unacquuinted with me, I append a few remarks from those of my native city, and whose names are known in all parts of the world : “Being personally acquainted with Mr. H. T. Helm bold, it affords me pleasure in stating I have been most favorably impressed with his energy and integri ty, and gratified at his success ” WM. WEIGIITMAN, Firm of Powers & Weightman. Ninth aud Brown Streets, Philadelphia. [Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia.] u When on a visit to the city of New York a few days since, I was induced to call on our old friend ami townsman, Mr. H.T. Helmbold. Druggist, 594 Broad way, N. Y. His Store is a Model—a perfect Gera-- the handsomest of any kind we have ever had the pleasure of viewing, and so extensive, being 34 feet front, five stories in height, and qver 200 feet deep.— It indeed affords us much pleasure to know that he has been so successful, and it is ample evidence of the merits of his articles—as in our whole business expe rience we have not known ol the success of any arti cles without Merit—advertising merely bringing the name before the people. ” & fßoston Herald.] a! V e no } to advertise worthless wares, or, articles calculated to deceive our l ender*; and when we see an advertiser like Mr. Helmbold, whom we nave known for years, gradually extend his advertising fr om year to year until he becomes the largest adver tiser in the United btates, we are satisfied that the statements in regard to his articles must be correct. The writer reluctantly inserts the above, and would not do so were he not a stranger to many; and con cludes by stating the names oi his articles, and the dincases for which they have been used by mnnv thou sands with complete success. fADVfnTISRMRNT.I Helmliold’s Extract of Biichu will onre all dlsensps of the Kidneys and Bladder Cures Fain or Weakness iu the Back, Strictures, Ac.; Cures Weak Nerves, Loss of Memory. Trembling, Dimness of Vision. HE LMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU is a pure fluid extract, not. a weak tea or infusion. Is the one thing needful for all complaints Incident to Females. For particulars send for Circular. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHF cures Gravel nnd Dropsical Swellings existing in Men, Women, or Children; in fact ALL DISEASES requir ing the aid of a Diuretic. It is the greatest Tonic and Dinfetic known—perfectly s.fe, pleasant in taste and odor, and immediate iu its action. HELMBOLD’S Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED. One bottle eqnivnlent in strength to one gallon of the Syrup of Decoction. It reaches the seat of the disease Immediately, ex pelling all Humors of the Blood, and BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. These articles, being of such strength, the dose Is exceedingly small. From this lact, it is need in the United States Army Hospitals and public Sanitary In stitutions throughout the land. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. tAT Ask for Helmbold’s. Take no other. I XT Cut ont the advertisement and send for it, and by this means avoid Counterfeit. oct9 lm Paper and Rag Warehouse Warren & Platner, YITHOLESALE dealers In all kinds of coarse and v v fine Paper, Envelops, Twines and Paper Boxes. Sole Agents in this city for the Batli Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, old Rope aud Bagging and Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. ocao-tf 210 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. Notice IS hereby given that neither the owners or agents of the Steamers AMAZON, GIBBONS aud LAURA, will be responsible for any debt, bill or contract made by any of the officers or crew of said steamers unless made by written permission of ERWIN & HARDEE, , For Agents and Owners. JNo. L. RouvillEt, Agent on Wharf, octio ts SOUTHERN Exporting and Importing COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. THIS association is prepared to make advances in currency of Gold on consignments of Cotton, Navul Stores, Lumber, Ac., to their agent in Liver pool. Orders solicited for goods from merchants and plan ters. The strictest utteution will be paid to all orders however small, for goods ffom England, France or Germany Our Savannah and Charleston Agents, being salaried, make no charge for forwarding either way and will furnish circular ot details. K. F. FLOYD, President, Jacksonville, Fla. Aoknts:— E. T. Paine, Liverpool, England; R. E. Screven, Charleston, S. C.; Henry Bryan, Savannah, Ga. 3mos eeplS C JSTOtK & KIMEY, -MACHINERY DEPOT, Offlce So.' 154 Bay Street.Sayauuah, 6a. WTE keep on band and furn'fh to order at Manu- VV facturers’ Pricea.Engine.Foot and Hand Lathee. Pl.inea, Drill*. Cliocke. Bolt Gutter*, Gen Cutters. Wood & M»nn “Portable Engine*," Hoisting En gines, Wood Working Machinery of every description. Stationery Steam Engine* and Boiler*. Cotton Gins and Pre**e«, Saw Mill*, Rice Mill* Grist Mill* Circu lar and Mill Saw*. Rubber and Leather Belting aud Hose. Gearing, Hangers and Pullies, Hy draulic Jacks an# Punches. Pumps of all kinds. All kinds of .Wood and Iron Working Machinery and supplies. Agent* for the West Point Fonndry, E. A. W ood’s t Steam Gtuge and Boiler Feeder*. tr SEND FOR A CIRCULAR, /ft COMSTOCK A KINSEY, No. 154 Bay street, oct4-Tu,ThA92m Savannah, Ga. SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY, COMMISSION ~ L 1 Kocihrr kr aC o. Prompt attention giveu to comdHj,., chsndc-c and Produce of si! kinds HU Li lru «« 1 an 24 MA. Colo n, . FORWARLINGCOMMISS’N MERCHANT Office Home Ins. Cos , 8!> Bayst n1 ’ B e **, Wylly & Christian AUCTION’ t; t-.* ERAL COMMISSION AND MERCHANTS. Bsyst^g^Q AM. Scarbrough <& Cos., Geo-rcr ,„ r , ~ • mission Mrp.rii.NT3, 140 Congress* and duiian Ms Highest market prices paid lor Cutt™, 1- Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal Advance, on <fotfon,Tr' Erwin di Hardee, " ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street. 0a AKOHLEK, NORTHEAST • Broughton and Jefferson streets c 01 for tne State of Georgia, for the sale oi •Slis 8 ™ 1 Wiuea and Brandy, ot C.Hiiorma T,v. Koethckc * Cos., - _ WHOLESALE DEALERS ill Groceries, /lues, Liquors aud s«nu-a n Bay aud Whitaker sis., Savannah, Ga*™' Corner °f — ** Pcp^-llu Israel R. Seuly ok Cos., ’ —- A r,L ‘MrtIKTEBS or Ch. FARES CHAMPAGNES „ lu ,he St “ ,e 01 Gcoigia. ’ ““ ’ ‘' y 8t '’ DRY GOODS. Jollu C. Maker A Cos., Wuntjrnl7T7Z77T~~ Dealu in DRY GOODS, HOKlriiY DmvJ 11, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac, i “ w “ uutY - GLOVES,. Cor. Congress and Whitaker ate. Joliu McCuuaghy, DKALEK IN DRY GOODS, iS U^“ el -'L nedeier, Jobber aud Reiatler ut p Fascr *NU Staple Dev Goods. Bools and sim . c eotuino. Hats, Ac, 14U Congress sir™ ’ \f Ferst Cos.. Wholesale Dealer in Wuis, Li -I,A» quoits, Seoakh. Fancy Urookbies, CAXhtEs, Sc Stuart At Co.,WholesaleandlictallDenierTluOro. certes and Provisions, Teas, Alea, Wines uad Li. <fuurs. Corner Bull aud Broughton streets Special attention paid to orders for the country ,rmle - , sepmt' I -ongdnn A Symons, WHOIESAIE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner Whitaker and St. Juuan sts Old Stand of W. R. Symons. A*- *>»■> «, Dealer in Choice Family Urocerus, -I-4s Wiana, Liquoss, Ac. BILLIARDS, Ac. TYillluxl Saloon. Bv WALTER O'MKAItA. X> w ALEs, WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. St. Charles Saloon, fin rear of Post Office,) by A StAMM. Wholesale and Aetna. None hut CHOICE W INKS nnd LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. GAS FITTING, &c. Weed Hi Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers iu HaAwarf. and Tin Wase. No. 159 and l(il Broflghton street. reruns ton, • Pi,UMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryansk, next to cor. Whitaker. BEGARS, TOBACCO, Ac. E. Kocthrrkc & Cos., Importers of Genuine Havana Segare, Coiner Hay and Whitaker streets. tSttvnniaih, Da. sepd lm * JTi Kolb. - • “ • SEGARS, TUBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, 4c. Barnard street, one door South of the Market. PRINTING, STATIONERY, &c. Oaville Hi Leach, O BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Bryan street aud Market Square. Marking Ink, MANcPAOTttkkn and for sale by DAVID If. GALLOW AY, Geo. N. Nichols, BOOK AND JOB PRPNTER, • Bay st., between A bet cure and Drayton. IT' J. Purae, LITHOGRAPHER, STATIONER, EUm HINDER, JOB PRINTER, Ac. . No. 0 Whitaker street. C \V. Mason Cos., O. HERALD .TOB PRINTING OFFICE No. 11l liny street. WATCHES, -JEWELRY,^o7 P D. Jortlnn, Dealer in NYatcuks and JbEVKLRv, • Siuvtß and Platld Wake. Fancy Goods. Ac. B4T Watches aud Jewelry Repaired. 129 Congress st., opposite the Pulaski Ilonse. HAIR DRESSING, &c. Pulaski House Biirber Shop, (cor. Bull anti Bryan sts.J Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampooing, Whiskers Dyed. Ac. Fancy soaps, Cologne, Neck Ties and other Fancy Articles for sale, _ DRUGGISTS, ~ —los, VV. Clift, M. D, Cor. Smttii Broad and Bamard-sts., * Office Hocus— 9 to 10 A. M.. and 4t05 P. M., pr Residence—Mr. Wash's, corner St. Jullnu and Lincoln Streets. WM. Walsh, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, nut 4 Sonrheast cor. Barnard and Broughton sis. .1 A. Solomons Hi Cos,, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, gar Orders executed accurately una with despauli. BOOTS AND SHOES. A lues A Peabody, Jobbers in Men's, Women’s, and Children's Calf, Serge and Kid BOOiS and . i&HOES, of all kinds and qualities. [ 162 Congress su. 4tn door North of the Market. Ki eo. T. Nichole, T RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORE. 110 Broughton st., 2d door irom Unit. QUEENSWARE, &c. , li. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AND -S~Jm CHINA, at Wholesale uuu Retail. 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of fin* CONFECTIONERY. J£. Hernandez, t • and -(ANUFACTUREii OF ■ SYRUPS. CORi. .' ,-i LS AND FIS E OF ALL HINDS. , 140 Broughton street, two doors from Barbara. M Fitzgerald, • wnOLESSI.F AND tUTTAII. DCALXE C* ooV ' ■CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY *M> RASPBEBRi syrups, candies, wg., <to„ Esw* In any quantitlea, to suit Purchasers. JA wuitakfr st«e,t._ SODA WATER. John Ryan, BotUer of S(3DA WATEH, rOKTIH and ALE, CORDIALS SYRUPS, Ac. Cor. Buy and West Broad street Boker’s Bitters, The Oldest and best renowned. L. FUNKS' a- 66 Liberty Street, eepl*-3mo NEW MBX. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH I. SCRATCH!! SCRATCH- ! Wheaton’s Ointment* WIU MIRE THE ITCH IR EORTT-EIBHT HOIJB** Aleo cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers Chilblain 6, and * Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cent* For •»« all Druggists. By sending 60 cents to Week* * Potter. Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, ' will be fnnrsrdcd by mail, ftee of postage, to part of tbe United States. sept^-S®