Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Baily Herald.
hUICU ». »ASO.\ *ditor.
w , x. THOMPSON, Kdltor.
Those organs of the radical party wbieb
are clainoroas tor the largest license in
exercising the suffrage would make it the
pre-requisite of a general amnesty. If the
Constitution is to be so changed us to bring
tbe different parts of the instrument into an
ideal harmony—it in tbe conception of this
party there is an incongruity between tbe
Declaration of Independence and its objects,
which makes it incumbent on" Congress “to
guarantee to each 8: ate a republican form ot
government, and providing lor a rendition of
ugitive slaves —such change is due to the
general principles of liberty, and ought not
to be made dependent or conditional on the
performance of any other do’y or obigation-
The radical' party contend that according
to the eternal prin iples f right and equality
there should be uo civil discrimination —that
distinction ol color, race or religion should
not exist. Let this be gsanted. Let it be
admitted that if such discrimination were
made in framing the Constitution it should
be amended. This of course establishes tbe
right ot limiting the suffrage, while it estab
lishes that the descendant of an African, any
more than tbe descendant of a Chinese or a
Hindoo, should be debarred from the privi
lege of representation or that of suffrage.
Nor does it preclude the framers of the funda
mental law, or those to whom they may dele
gate their power, from creating such disabil
ities as thev may think essential to tbe se
curity of society, from saying that the emi
grant shall not be entitled to vole unless be
nas been an inhabitant of tbe Biate or city
of which be is a resident for a certain speci
fied period of time, that be shall not be en
titled to tbo privilege of rotiug unless be pays
a certain sum in taxes.
The radicals in their reasoning on this
suDject have become mhddled. They hav
Confounded National right with that which is
conventional. They have in consequence
lwcome inconsistent and illogical.
Those who deny thejustice oi all discrimi
nations on account of color, do not of course
insist on any other distinction that will not
include whites, blacks, Indians, Malays and
others of foreign birth. This is to place the
matter on the basis of natural right, and not
on that of constitutional obligation. How
then, can those who insist on suffrage being
given to tbe negro, which they contend is a
natural right, couple it with a condition that,
i| deuied, will exclude the South from rc
nstatement of their constitutional rights—
to tbe same rights aa are enjoyed by their
co-states of the Confederacy.
A portion of the Press ot the North are
assailing in the must viudictivo manner the
Connecticut people for voting down the
amendment to thuir State Constitution,-al
lowing colored people to vote. In a long
und bitter article, the New York Tribune
says, "Connecticut has committed wrong
from the love ol it. The act is simply one
of great injustice, which can only be account
ed for by the fact that even four years of ter
rible war has not been enough to knead tbe
dough out of the old pro-slavery subserviency
of Connecticut to their Southern slavebolding
sisters. The old marks of the slave-drivers'
whip are as plaiu on the back of Couuccticut
to day tu> they are on the backs of the half
emancipated blacks of the South.”
A Boston exchange is scarcely less severe
than its New York cotemporary. It says:
“Connecticut not only disgraced herself,
but deeply iujured the cause of the country,
by her decision yesterday against negro sub
lrage. She solemnly, by the votes of a ma
jority of her people, indorsed an unchristian
and unrepublican prejudice, at a lime when
that prejudice threatens to render vaiu and
useless all tbu. sacrifices ot the war. Shelias
gone tor the princip e that “ this is a white
man’s Government,” which really means that
tbe country is to be ruled by Southern wl.ite
men. She has entered her protest against
“nigger equality,” which means that she
goes heart and soul tor Southern predomi
nance. Her meanuess will be historic, from
the Stats of the regicides she has desceuded
to the State of the renegades; and it will
ffr*«rbe forgotten tha , iu a great crisis ot
iiDerty, w wan t xpected that the com
munities of New £iugiu«4 would at least re
main united.
' She atone broke from the van anl the freemen,
uo aunk to me slaves.”
It that Gon. Cox, the
successful candidate for Govern&F“Bs < Ob\o,
announced views and opinions iu iaSf
tayouistn with the proposition to confer the
elective franchise on the negro. In Pennsyl
vania, where the Democrats w ere
by diminished majorities, the Republican
party evaded the question of suffrage iu their
plattorms, and profess to havo entire con -
fideuce iu President Johnson.
These results decid# something more than
the question of negro suffrage in those States.
Its influence will be felt all over the country,
and in pationaT polities. It will affect the
freedmen of the South as well as the
colored men of the North. The effect upon
the policy of tbe administration can hardly
be ovet estimated. While Connecticut and
Ohio refuse to allow the negroes to vote
There, it will be hard to make the count ty
believe the Southern States should be forced
to give them that privilege. If the few ne
groes in Ohio and Connecticut, who, to a
greater or less extent have had the benefit of
Northern schools, are not qualified toexcr-.
cise the full rights of freemen, surely the
plantation freedmen ot the South are not. It
the exercise of the rights of suffrage by a few
hundred black men iu Connecticut is deuicd,
the exercise of the right by thousands in
other Staton would be. If Connecticut has
the Tight to exclude this class of citizens
from the polls why not Virginia and North
The elections thus far Indicate that the
policy of President Johnsi.a is satisfactory to
the majority of voters at the North. It will
satisfy him that it will be safe to resist the
importunities of the radicals who follow the
lead of Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sum
ner. It will help to bring the conservative
men of the country lully up to the support
of hiß policy of reconstruction.
The contest between the Northern radicals
rmd conservatives is waxing warmer and
and by the time Congress convenes,
10 Member, will have reached a degree of
■violence that will agitate the country from
centre to circumference.
Tbe magnificent enterprises which the city
of Savannah, in its corporate capacity, and
her citizens ns individuals, have undertaken
and prosecuted to a successful completion, U
witnout a parallel in the history of any
southern city; and retnakablc as the fact may
appear, there are lew of our people who
tbiuk about, aud fewer still, if any, who
boast of it. We propose to consider some ol
the improvements which havo been complet
ed by our energy. Some of the works were not
perfected by the money of Savannah, but all
of them have been largely aided, and many
of them had aid from no other source.
The first great enterprise undertaken was
tbe Central Rail Road. With many doubts
and misgivings as to its success, the work
was slowly, and many times with great dif
liculty, kepi in progress until its completion
demonstrated tire great problem which then
agitated the public mind. This gigantic road
was a success, and upon its merits have aris
en the other lines which now tend towards
out city. The capital of this road now stands
at four million six hundred and sixty-six
thousand, eight hundred dollars (4,C03,800).
I< has cost over $9,000,000. This Company
and the City of Savannah in its corporate ca
pacity, and her individual citizens,have been
powerful and effective allies. By their aid
was built the Augusta and Savannah Rail
Road, costing §1,000,000 ; the South-Wes
tern and its extensions to Fort Gaines aud
Eufaula, which will aggregate §4,000,000:
the Muscogee at §1,000,000 ; the Opelika
branch, §250,000; Gordon and Eatonlou,
$4,00,000; Charleston and Savannah, say,
$1,500,000. Iu ail these lines the three par
ties abovo mentioned have not ouly largely
assisted, hut most of them would never have
been completed inti for the aid they afforded.
Os the Roads which received no aid from
the Centra!, we have the Savannah, Albany
and Gulf R. R., built entirely by Savannah |
aud her citizens, at a cost of §1,500,000. Its j
extension on the Main Trnnk has received
from the same source §300,000. Many of
these lines of Railway have been damaged by
Shcrmau's troops in tbelr match upon Savan
nah, but they are being rapidly repaired, und |
In a short time will be in successful opera
tion. Some of them are already so. So
much for our achievements by land. On the j
sea we are not without monuments to our i
energy and spirit of improvement. In ISIS
we had constructed the first steamship which
ploughed the ocean—the Savannah —an ex
periment so much ia advance of the age as
to receive tbe ridicule of nearly every one ;
yet by a successful trip from this port to
Liverpool, aud thence to several other Euro
pean ports, she convinced the most incredu
lous of the practicability of traversing the sea
by steam. We have now lines of Steamers
on the SavAnnah, Octnulgee and Allamaha
rivers, Steamers to Charleston and Florida,
Ltues of Steamships to Philadelphia and
New York, and a line in contemplation to
Baltimore; besides ample auxiliaries calcula
ted for transportation of freight alone.
Savannah will shortly become the largest
exporter of lumber and limber at the South,
and is now putting up a number of first-class
saw mills in her vicinity, which require ex
tensive capital for their business. Prior ot
the war the export of this article, coastwise,
and to Foreign ports, amounted to 38,927,-
984 feet annually, and from the enterprise
now engaged in getting it out for mar
ket, there is every reason to believe that the
quantity for shipment will ere long largely
exceed this amount. We have three splen
did cotton presses in full operation, as good
as any in the world. We nave Iron Foun
dries, Brass Foundries, Steam Engine Shops,
Rice Mills, Steam Lighters, Sailing Vessels
and Tow-boats, and a canal which cost
|246,000, besides numerous minor and less
expensive, but still Important branches of
commerce and trade.
Besides building up these vast facilities for
commerce, Savannah has expended from her
own treasury many thousands of dollars for
improving the navigation of our river, aud is
now arranging for the removal of the ob
structions which were put down in the war,
so as to give access to her wharves of vessels
drawing seventeen feet water without
hindrance. The bar at the mouth of the
river possesses advantages ovet that of any
other important seaport along the whole
Southern coast of the United States. It has
a depth of water upon it of 19 feet C inches
at mean low tide, wi ll a rise of over seven
feet ou the flood, thus affording easy entrance
to vessels of the largest class, and a safe an
chorage from the storms of the ocean. The
foregoing facia illustrate tlie practical advan
tages derived from the system of internal im
piovemunts Id which Savannah has been so
long and so earnestly engaged, and U,\, sig
uoftViSi. of ‘he wisdom reauljjgg' from Uer
railway en?ssk Jise t h&yi
• rain of errs started
from the Depot in this city may be run over
every railroad in Georgia, without, breaking
Guam a'nd Suirmas—' Their Campaigns end
Generals, by Hon J T. llkadlet
E. B. Treat & Cos., of New York will issue
in a lew days a volume with the above title.
The work will be comprised in one large oc
tavo volume of over six hundred pages, in
c uding eighteen steel engraved portraits of
prominent generals, and twelve full page
battle scenes aud maps, from new aud origi
nal designs. The book is neatly primed on
good paper, from large, new type, and will
be furnished to subscribers only, iu various
styles of neat and substantial binding, at
$.*,50 $3,75 and ff per copy, according to
quality of binding..
Mr. Headley is w ell known to tbe reading
public, through his popular works, “Wash
ington and his Generals, ’ "Napoleon and
his Marshals," &c. and though his history ot
the C-iryiaigns of Graut aud Sherman, writ
ten as it doubtless is to suit the popular taste,
and from a stand point of time and place,
unfavorable for an impartial survey of both
sides of the heroic conflict, will neveitheless
be eagerly sought fur by the reading public
of both sections of the country.
While we may reasonably expret a partial
Coloring of the campaigns and battles of tbe
distinguished Generals whose brilliaut
achievements he records, it is to be hoped
that there will be sufficient ot candor, truth
aud justice in the forthcoming volume to
entitle it to a place in tbe historical literature
oi the uaiioo. Os this the fair-minded public
will Judge.
Mr. M. G. Rcilley, of this city, has been,
appointed agent for tbe work id Savannah.
He is here with a specimen section of tbe
book, exhibiting tbe style of the engraving
typography, binding, Ac., and will present
his list for tbe subscriptions of those of oar
citizens who desire to obtain tbe book, which
tbe publishers assure us will In no case be
sold in tbe bookstores
From s cent lenmn arrived her* direct from
Lake City we have obtained the result ot lilt,
election for delegates to the Fioritkl State
Convention, as far as heard from. We learn
that the election was conducted in an orderly
and qujet manner throughout the State. In
the counties when- two tickets were pre
sented the candidates recognised as represent
ing the prevailing sentiment of the people,
which ia iu favor of reconstruction of the
Union iu accordauce wiip the plan of Presi
dent Johnson, were elected. Aa in Georgia
co issue of union and disunion was made.
The result iu the counties heard from is as
Duval—S. L. Burritt.
Clay—Mr. Wilson.
Volusia—Mr. Holton.
St. Johns—J. L. Mickler.
Alleluia—Col. Washington Scott and S.
j Spencer.
i Bradford—Capt. J. Richard.
Marion—Mr. -Wiggins and Col. Badger.
Columbia—S. L Nihlaek, T. T. Long.
Suwanee—Dr. Oveistreet.
Madison—Dr. Hinsa, Col. D. G. Living
Jeffeison—Col. Capers Bird, Mays Cooper.
Leon—Hon. Thos. Baltzell, D. P. Hague,
Col. Maxwell, Capt. Taylor.
Gadsden—Q. K. Walker, Mr. Foreman,
Col. Davidson.
The Charleston Mercury. —This paper
which, anterior to the war, was the spirited
organ of the extreme secessionists of the
South, will shortly he re-established by its
former proprietor, Mr. R. B. Rhett, jr.
An opposition paper, to he called “The
Independent African," it is said, will make its
appearance simultaneously with the Mercury.
Its editors and proprietors, are T. Hurley, '
white man, and John Bonitm, colored. Their
citeular, announcing the publication, created
a sensal ion in Charleston.
Savannah, October 18,1865.
Since our last report, little change lia
taken place In the rates of the principal articles of
consumption. Iu groceries amt dry goods the previous
prices have been maintained, ami the advance incuts
ton has been fully established. Since Saturday the
market has licen quiet, although there has been an
active inquiry fur cotton, particularly for the better
grades. Holders have been jrery firm, and demand
the full rate of our quotations. The receipts of cot
ion by wagons from the interior, continue very good,
and this in reality constitutes the principal stock on
sale, as that received by the river is mostly on North
er i: account.
lncc Sunday a rise of seven feet has taken place
in he river at Augusta, which has enabled some o
tne steamers to come down, laden witli the products
of the country. We may anticipate a revival of busi
ness during the ensuing week, and large shipments
of goods to that section.
In the money market there is no Important change.
The rate of goods has slightly advanced, hut the In
quiry continues very moderate. The rate for bank
bills, as will he seen by onr table, lias experienced
but slight change, and the amount offering Is very
limited. There lias been some demand for Coupon
or the City of Savannah, and also for those of the
Railroads In which SAvannah Is interested, hut the
transactions have been light.
Cotton— Since onr last report the rivers have con
tinued very low until within the past few days,
when a rise took place at Angnsta, which released
several of the steamers tit that place, and yesterday
nearly a thousand Imles of Upland cotton arrived at
tills port by the river. Should tills rise continue for
anv length of time, we mavexpect a continual sup
ply of cotton from that quarter. In consequence of
the want of stock during the present week, our mar
ket lias been inanimate, although the demand lias
been aetlve, hut mostly conflued to Middlings und
tilt finer grades. The stock on sale does not amount
to more than one or two hundred bales, and conse
quenrly the transactions since our last have tieen
verv limited. The sales that have been affected have
boon made at our previous quotations, which we
repeat below. We continue toquote i
Ordinary Nomina
Low Middling 53
Middling 5»
Strict Middling 5J
Good Middling 67
Sea Islands.—This article continues very scarce
and prices have gradually advance during tlie past
month. There Is very little placed on the market, und
only the liner grades are tn demand. We quote
clean bright, McCarthy’s ginned, full staple at YSeiii
SI.OO per pound,, do. roller ginned at 85<«’900 ; com
mon roller and McCarthy ginned at 8085 cents;:
Receipts Since Oct. 6th, 1865.
Upland. Sea Island. Dom.
By River 2,897 241 319
Bv Central Railroad 13
By wagons. 4(3 142
Total Receipts, 3,318 8:3 310
Upland. Sea /. Dottiest’*.
Tills Week.., 3.540 291 256
Previously 23,4t6 1,474 2,C02
Total 27.026 1,765 2,858
Upland. Sea I. Doniest's.
Stock, Sept. 1 3,694 94 236
Received tltla week 3,318 353 310
Previously 22,499 1,410 2,472
Total 29,611 1,867 3,018
Exports 27,026 1,765 2,868
Stock on hand, Oct. IS,
1865, v 2,486 122 160
HfDR —The markre -«• .very has ad
vanced to an extytf{7 ! £ l ' r( .f T „ u iooked Jor. It ia
»^d|^^to>9 r *iUiet, and the following quotations
QrPl l?' Hides sc; to 4c. per lb.
jilted 4.m toso. perlb.
Drv SaltedA B>i to 9c. per lb.
Dry Flint 10c. perlb.J
Tea—During the week tlie market has remained
without change, and we quote Imperial at $1 40®2 ;
Oolong at fl 2o@l 60 : and Ponchong at sl@l 10 ;
Young Hyson at $150(52 50 ¥ ft.
Ikon and Steel Tue demand for iron and steel
continues ver* good, tlie demand being to fill orders
oi country merchants aud farmers. We quote Anierl
i ail iron at 7c. per lb ; Swedes lac.; Plbw-steel 12>J ;
Cast steel 30c. The last is firm nnd sales very light.
Cotton and b ooi. Cards.—Tlie market is very
firm, aud with an advancing tendency. We quote
cot on cards per dozen $!l ;wool cards $8 per dozen.
Butter—Since our last report the market has been
firm at tlie advance from 5 to 10c ft, previously
noticed. Wc now quote prime western, in firkins,
at 50@53c it .lb, and New Y'ork goshen at sfiio 56c,
Tlie stock ou sale is only moderate.
Laud—We notice an advance of 1 to 2c during the
past week, and quote prime leaf, in tubs, at 31i333c ;
and pressed at 27@29c 18 ft.
Cheese—Tlie murket is abundantly supplied with
this article, and with only a moderate demand,
cliiefir confined to the retail trade, we quote prime
(Koshen at 18@Slc, and pineapple at 30c V ft.
Nails.—No change in the market. We quote Boon
ton, assorted sizes, 9c. V ft.
Oils.—The market Is advancing. We quote Lln
reed at $1 7) per gallon ; Lard oil, ii 50 ; Kerosene,
90 cents per gallon.
Flour —We notice an advance of fully 50c per
bhl. ou an (trades of (lour during the past week. The
stock on sale Is cipial to the demand, and every
-ti-amer from the North brings au additional supply.
As au index of the market, we quote good Oluo at
$lO 25@10 50; and fninilv at sll
pritclpul demand during the week has t»eeu for low
er grades, and we quote them at s9@lo per bbl.
Some extra family have been sold at sl4, and fancy
brands as high as sl4 50.
Candles. —A good demand continues for all de
scriptions of caudles, Roller's Georgia Tallow are in
great request hv retail dealers. We quote Adaman
tine 31 to 33c. $ ft.; Hull's Mould Tallow 24c. V lb-1
Roller's Georgia Tallow 25c. V lb.
St'OARS.—VS e notice an advance of one cent V lb-,
on most descriptions of Sugars, particularly on the
finer qualities. The market Is unsettled and holders
are not very desirous to operate. We qnote Browns
b Coflee 2lc; A Coffee 22c; Crushed *3®
24c: Powdered 23® 24c per pound.
Wuisket—The market is well supplied with all
the various brands of liquors. During the week
quite an active business has been done, and the ad
vance noticed in our last has been fully maintained.
We quote Gibson 4 Son's Whisker—Choice old Mo
hongahela rve, 50, at S3lO per gallon: do. XX, at
s33u; do XXX. at $3 45 ;do. old Bourbon, *3 20; old
Nectar, i»4o, $3 80; old Family Nectar, $4 15 ; pure
old rye, $425; pure old wheat, *4 40 ; old cabinet,
$4 65 ; Medar Swan gin. $6 50; N'oUet's Imperial da,
50 60; Omul, Dupuy 4 Co.'a cognac brandy, in quar
ter caska and half pipes, sll to *ls per gallon. Sher
ry wines, *2 60 to $4 50 per gallon, according to
quality ; Imported Champagnes, De St. Marceanx A
Cos., Reims, $26 per case of quarts ; Due De Montc
brella. *23 per case. Wallack’s Bramlv as follows :
Rectified $2 80 ; Mixed copper distilled at $1 00.
Imperial Nectar at $1 60. Chicken Cock Bourbon
$4 60 ; Columbus Oln at *1 00 ; M. Leavv k Co's
genuine Kentucky, Bourbon, in cases, *l2 ; Nicho
las Schnapps *l2. Sherry Wine *l2 ; Cognac Bran
dy *2O, Ale, per dozen, $3 ; Porter, per doz., S3 ;
Virginia Mountain Dew Whisker *2 70 per gallon ;
Old Plantation Bourbon Whiskey $3; Fuller's Old
Btet«4soto *5; Old Santa Cruz Rum, warranted
•annim- f*to«lft : P H Co-lard's Brandy (It p
•alios; bt igucCc i 15, 1 Mill'll. Dtipyy A Cos.. *1 ito JM;
Crows siicrrr. per gallon *4 ' *»l. Maruu’a l*..rt Si
fer gallon . Sfcebai.'- •bddeN Air. per ease of two
uzeu. $5 5* ; Porter do. S5 sb: Ales In hi.l- 615:
Champagne elder per coaeof one doten qta SO. ptn.
of two doges $c : Kentucky Bourlion Widskev ft Ui
per gallou ; Old Rye ?5 per gallon ; Old Bourbon 13
to $5 50 per gallon. imported Sherry it 25: aud Port
at $4 25 per gsllon. Imported Champagne VIS to *3O
i |*er case, pure IlollandlMli 84 to so per gallon ;
i Cognac Brandy to S2O per gallon, by case; {SO to
, sc*. Kgg Nog *ls per case.
I Bxc k.—Although an active demand bus existed
! during the week, principally lor the home trade, uo
change iu the rate has taken place. Iu consequence
of the low .-tat* oi Hi • liter the orders from the in
| terior have not le co filled, end ilieretore the trade
i for Lite country lia- he< n moderate. We quote Pi nnc
! Sides, 2u0,2«c ; Shoulders. '-•.bi.24c ; liam-, 25926 c.
There is a moderate demand for Pickled Hosts,
without, however, anv alteration is prices, family
Pig Pork is quoted at *isfe2o P half bbl ; Beef, $174
Biooma.—There is a mricrate supply of Bagging
on tbe market, sufficiently. however, to m iet the
limited demand which at present exists. We quote
Gunny, 270 28c ; Sea Islands, 27151280.
Oorn.—Tue demand continues moderate and Is
chiefly confined to the retail trade. The stock Is am.
pie, aiid we quote Mar i land Willie at ji
and Prime Western at $1 35©l 50 per bushel.
I Con Er —There has been uo change in prices since
: our last report. The market continues to be amply
j supplied, and we quote Java at 40@42r ; bt. Domtn
! go at 34c ; and Rio at 54(»35C ft 16.
C’abkaues.—The stock is very light, sufficient for
the demand. We quote from $7 to 10 ft. hundred,
according to quality.
Spices.—During the last fortnight we notice an
important advance in all kinds of spices, and now
we quote Gruud Pepper, r-Jc; Oiuger, Sue: Cinnamon,
65; Cloves, 45; Allspice,3sc; Mace, $1 35 y 16.
Fish— The market oouliunes to be abundantly
supplied with all kinds of salted fish. A small quan
Uly or new mackerel have been received, aud have
met v.Uh readv saie. We quote new No 1, in bids,
at S2O ; half bols, $11; kds, $3 23 ; old. No 1, In kits,
it 65C5 ; No 2, $2 3515.2 45 ; half bills, $4 50.
H\Y—Although the stock is fair the demand con
tinues limited. We hear of sales of North River on
the wharf at 90(§2..c V 100 16s.
Salt—The supply oi Liverpool is equal to the de
mand, anil we quote it at $1 softjss Tfr sack. For coast
Salt the inquiry is very limited.
Soaps—The market I- well supplied with all the
various brands of soap. During the week an ad
vance of tc plb lias taken place. We now quote
Collates' No 1, at 16c ; i’ale, 15c ; and Hull’s at 16.:
16 lb hv the box. Fancy soaps have also experienced
tlie same advance.
STARCH—The stock on sale is very abundant, and
rates remain unchanged. We quote Kiugsford’s at
12(5:12 S, and Colgate's at 14c f* 16 hv the box.
SiiixoLES.—There is a very good demand for this
article for home consumption. The supply contin
ues limited, and wc quote cedar shingles at $7 per,
M., and spruce pine at $5 per M. The .supply Is not
equal to tiie demand, aud all fair aud good lots meet
ready sale.
Timber.—The receipts of Timber continue very
fair, but not sufficient to meet the demand. We no
tlcethut a number of vessels are loading Tor North
ern pons. Ail lois of good timber upon airivel, are
quickly purchased, at $18@22 lor ranging, aud $25
for choice.
Wool.—During the past fortnight tha receipts
have beeu unusually light, anil all fair lots, bring
from 36 to 40 cents per pound.
Lemons.—The stock is very light, and no good
fresh article is on sale. We quote inferior at StVST
per box. A good quality would bring sß@slo per
Lime.—The stock Is ample, and the demand is
confined solely io lhe retail trade. It is selling at $1
pur bbl.
■Li mber.—The demand continues active, but ttie
supply is very limited. We quote as follows : White
Pine, rough, S4O ; do dressed, $50(3:55 : Spruce Pine
Scantling, $336136 ; Yellow Pine Boards, *SO V- M.
Molasses.—We notice no change iu this article.
We quote New York Refined at 55c V gallon, and
Golden Syrup at 806(900.
Oats.—With an abundant supply and limited de
mand, prices have declined from 5 to lo cents V
bushel. Holders are willing to sell at $1 056 Ul5 »
Onions.—'There is only a moderate inquiry for
home consumption. We hear of sales at $3 50 V
Potatoes.—There is an abundant supply on sale,
anil from store tbe rate i> $3 50 ¥ bbl. Some supe
rior lots have soid at $4.
Rope.—Prices continue unchanged. Tbe demand
is steady at lhe previous late of Is to 19 $ 16.
Rice.- -No new rice has been placed on the mar
ket, and we are therefore unable to give quotations.
Small lots of imported F.ast India, in hols., com
mauds ll cents •?. lb.
Raisins.—We notice a decline in the rate of old
Raisins during the last fortnight, and quote them at
$7 V box ; $3 50 12 halt box, and *2 v“, quarter box.
The new crop is selling at $8 t* whole box $1
half box.
Frehihts.—ln consequence of the low state of the
river the receipts of cotton during the week have
been light, and some of onr steamships have depart
ed with less than their full cargoes. We quote cotton
to New Yolk as follows : IC. per pound for square
bales liv steamships to New York ; Wool and round
hales of Cotton at IV" per lb.; Domestics, $1 50 par
hale ; measurement goods at 15c. per fool. A ship
Is fllliiig up for Liverpool at Jsd. A number of ves
sels are loading with lumber lur the Northern ports.
quotations for Cncprbent Money and Securi
ties corrected by Henry Bryan, Broker, Ac. The
Notes to he *5 anil upwards. These rates will be re
duced 10 to 30 per cent, on smaller notes.
Augusta Ids. and Banking Go 10
Bank of Augusta 20
do Athens 21
do Columbus it
do Commerce
do Fultoa : 20
do Empire .state 9
Bank of Middle Georgia 55
do .Savannah 42
do State of Georgia 22
Central Railroad and Banking Cos 78
City Bank of Augusta 19
Farmers’ and Mechanics' 13
Georgia Railroad a ml Banking Cos so
Marlue Bank 52
Mechanics' Bunk 9
Merchants' aud Planters’ Bank 10
Planters’ Bank 10
I'ulon do 10
Timber cutters’ 5
Bank of Camden 16
do Charleston 16
do Chester 17
do Georgetown 16
do Hamburg 17 4
do Newberry 20
do South Carolina 16
do State of So. Ca .' 16
Commercial Bunk, Columbia s.IS
Exchange do do 15
Farmers’ and Exchange 10
Merchants’ CUcraw 15
Peoples’ Bank *'7A.... ..*}
Planters’ Bank, Falroeid.- 14
Planters’ and |Mfitel!ft>ee»£& |k , jg
SJilltejjUf. K 21
turnii Bauk..., 48
Bank of Cape Fear 82
Bank of Charlotte 26
Uo Clarendon 10
do commerce 20
do Fayetteville 10
do Lexington 25
Bank of North Carollua 32
do Wadeaborougti 20
Eank of Washington 10
do Wilmington 21
do Y'anceyvllle 10
Commercial Bank of Wilmington 15
Farmer’s Bauk of North Caroilua 28
Merchant’s Bank of Newberu ”6
Bauk of Mobile 62
do Montgomery ..75
do Selma 21
Commercial Bank. 22
Central do 26
Fastera do .. 42
Northern do 35
Southern do 62
Old Georgia 6’s 60&65
do I's 70 75
City of Savauuali - 65 70
Augusta 70 75
Central Railroad, past due, offered. .
Memphis und Charleston Railroad 50
Generally less than Bonds—City of Savannah, .©J 65
Central Railroad . esq;
Southwestern Railroad 65®TO
Atlantic and Gull Railroad os
Georgia Railroad . w
Excßi.N-az.—Since our last there has been no ma
teilAl changn in the money market. Although gold
has advauced uo active iuquiry exists, and the trans
actions are generally in small lots. Sight checks ou
New Tort sell at par. liuvers pay 44 a 46 par cent,
premium for gold, aud sell for 4s. We hear or email
sales at 60c. For silver the demand is limited at
$1 30 a l 40. The rate for uucurreut money is nomi
nal, there being but very little at present 'offered.—
We quote;
Bank State of Georgia 20
Marine Bank of Savannah 50
Planters’ Bank of Savannah. is
Bank of Savannah 40
Central Railroad aud Banking Go. of Oa. 60
Bank Rates fob Bkllino Exchanqe.— Foreign
Exchange, Sterling, iu currency, $146 to $l4B 50;tn
gold, $lO6 to $lO6 so; Checks ou New York, par;
Checks ou Philadelphia, par; Checks on Baltimore,
par; Checks *n Boston, par.
Bane Rates for Piirchasino Exchange. —Foreign
Exchange, Sterling, In currency, $l4B to $l4B 50; in
gold, $lO6 to $lO6 50.
Cheeks on Northern cities, 1 per cent discount and
Specie.—A very active demand has prevailed dur
ing the. past week. Brokers’ rates for purchase or
gold wrs 47 .q to 4* cents premium ; selling at 48 to
50 cents premium. Sliver rates 5 to 8 cents less than
gold in alftransactlons of purchase and sale.
Ckccrkrnt Monet—Bank Notes, of all Issues,
meet with a ready sale when over the denomination
of $5. Notes under this denomination are not ia re
quest. Iu some Instances, for large amounts of se
lected old lsenes an advance of one per cent, was
o tiered by broken. • The following quotations are
correct for this date, yet the market Is very fluc
tuating :
Articles. | PE* I P MOM TO
Bao-imj,Gunny Yd 27# >9
Sea l«tuod pl 2i««
Back Rope h> I*#*B
Bart, New York Mess bid l*s 17
Prime . .... bbl 17‘;<A18
Bacon, Hams . ...... h>
Shoulders 16 23(644
Sides 16 24§2S
BeeaD. Navy - 16
Phot 16
Butter, Goshen, Prime hi 536? >8
Prime Western in Firvr.rv:
Candles, Adamniitin 16
Hull's 1 ■ ' 246?5.,
Ccvrse. Goshen I> is<* 1
l'ino App1e.....—:... ; 16 wi^ —
Coffee, SI. Domingo to 34i«.
1:16 .....' P> 21,415
Java 7 lb 40,442
Corpaue, Tarred lo
Manilla 16
Domestic Gjod.s
Shirtings, Brown yd
SluteilugA, Brown yd
Brown Drills yd
Cotton Osuaburgs ••
Fisa, Mackerel. No. 1, )4*>bl s2o6£
do. No. 1 bbl HO
do kits 2 7514.3 25
Flour. Good Ohio . bbl 10256, lo 50
Good Famil v bbl 1150,® 12 50
Ordinary bbl ooucclffoo
Grain, Coni, Maryland White bushl 1
Prime Western hush 1 135'ail 40
Oats bushl 1 05 a 115
Glass, American Window —a—
Gunpowder keg —a—
Hay, Prime Northern cwr 90aU5
do. cwt —a—
Hides, Dry lb 7a(s
Deerskins 16 —a—
Iron. Swedes tou —a—
Pig.. ton —a—
Hoop ; —a—
Sheet —a
Nailrods a—
Laeii, Prime Leaf lb Sla33
Pressed !b 27824
Lime, Bocklaud bbl S4a—
LtAiaEii. While ITue, rough ni ft s4ua—
do Pine dressed mft 50a55
Spruce Pine Scantling nr ft 33a35
Y'eilow Pine Boards mfl r.oa
Molisse*. New Y'ork,.refined gai 55@—
Golden Syrup gal 80«re9o
Nails lb 6)4@7>i
NAVAL STORES, Tar bbl -56-
Spirits Turpentine — Ui.
VaniLsb —@—
Oils, Linseed * gal 1 Tsffi—
Lard, old gal 2 50(5)
Kerosene gal 90@95
OsNABOROS, Flax yd
Pork, Family Pig Pork bbl 16 00(-j 20 00
Porter, London, quarts
Raisins, Malaga, box 8 oo@—
“ Mbox 4 00(8:
Salt, Liverpool sack 4 50@5 00
Coast sack —@—
Soap, American, yellow 16 15@1C
Shot, ail sizes ft —@—
Brandy, Cognac in cases gal 20 00®--
gWOtard, Dupuy A Cos, >7 AY, cks., gal 11 03
Gin, Holland gai 5 50@—
Whisky, rectified gal 2 75@—
" Old Kentucky gal 3 00(31
“ Imperial Nectar gai 3 25@—
Suoar, Brown 1b le@l7li
B. Coffee ft 2i@ —
Crushed ft 23®24
Powdered lb 23(g 24
Tallow ft io®—
Imperial lb 1 40@2 00
Oolong lb 1 20(<i f 6 1
Pouching lb 1 006(1 10
Twine, Seine ft —@—
Baling ft —(<f—
-1 Wines, Claret case 9 5004,12 00
Port gal 4 00@5 00
! sherry gai 2 25(5:4 50
Catawba case —(g>B 00
i Wool, Southern unwashed ft 3iis37
*’ Clean Io 40@42
The Price of Gold During Krbel Time*.
As many enquiries are made by persons
liaviug settlements to make in regard to tbe
prices of gold at various periods during tbe
war, tor tbe information and convenience of
tbe business public we publish the following
tabular statement of actual sales of gold
from January 1,18 GI, (o May 1, 18U5, pre
pared by F. C. Barber & Son, Exchange
Brokers. Augusta, Ga.:
Prick op Gold for Confederate Notes from Jan. 1,
lsei, to May 12, 1865, inclusive.
1861. (Nov 1 13 fori
Jan 1 to May 1 5 pr Nov 15 ... 15 50 fur 1
May 1 toOctl lOprlDec 1 20 for 1
Oct Ito Oct 15 12 prjDec 16 21 for 1
Oct 15 to Nov 15 15 pr 1864.
Dec 1 20 pi | Jan 1 21 for 1
Declj 30 priJan 15 20 fori
1362. Feb 1 20 for 1
Janl 20 pi] Feh 15 21 fori
Jan 15 20 priMarch 1 26 for 1
Feh t 25 pr March 15 20 for 1
Feb 15 40 priAprit l 19 for 1
March 1 60 pr April 15 21 for 1
March 15 65 pr May 1 20 for 1
April 1 75 pr May 15 18 for 1
April 15 80prjJu 1 to Jy 15...18 for 1
May 1 90 prjJuly 15th to
May U 95 pr Augls 20 for 1
June 1 96 pr Aug 15 20 so for 1
June 15 2 for i jSept 1 20 50 for 1
J uly 1 2 for 1! Sepl 15 22 60 for 1
Jhly 15 2 for l|Oct 1 27 Tori
Aug 1 220 for 1 Oct 15 25 for 1
Aug 15 2 20 for lUfov 1 20 50 for 1
Sept 1 250 for ljNov 15 28 for i
Sept 15 250 for 1 Dec 1 32 fpr a
Oct 1 250 for 1 Dec 15 25 r or 1
Oct 15 2 50 ror 1 Dec 31 are 10r f
1863. !>?:, ‘
Novt toFli 1...3 for 1 Jan 1. .. re ' ’ai fur 1
1803. Jan 16 ?* “ Z{
Feb Ito MU 1.. .3 10 for 1 Fetv j w fnr 1
March 1. 3 25 for l|t’ eb 16 '’".ga for 1
March 15 to -/fi March 1 .55 fori
“•*}£ * %It March 1.5 58 fori
® j for 1 April 1. .. 70 lor 1
1; 9io for II April 15 80 for 1
■’““V 5 •"-T 50 for 1 April 20 100 for 1
•JbJJh ’/T.s fori April 26 200 fori
Aug l4 for llApril 28... .500 lor 1
Aug 15..,, ,i for 1 April 29 800 foil
, 14 for 11 April 30 1000 fori
fdP 1 , 23 -, ..14 for liMayl 1200 fori
U," 13 fori Which was the last ac
-01:11 ¥ 12 50 for 11 tual sales of Con. Notes.
1 savannah.
Q 'VANN'AU, Oct. 17, 1805.
Steamship America, Cint, from New York—Brig
ham. Baldwin A Cos.
Steamship Vanina, Cooley, from New York—Jno R
New England, Hodges, 1,100, for Liverpool—load
ing at Lower Hydraulic Press— Brigham, Baldwin 4
Wisconsin (Rr) Arcus, 950—discharging ballast at
Lower Hydraulic Press—John K Wilder.
John R Plater, Post, 280, from Norwich, Conn.—
discharging at Union Ferry Wharf—Hunter 4 Gam
Mary Cobb, Duncan, 195,—loading, wharf at foot of
Whitaker street—Rogers 4 Cann.
Pionem, Tttetker, Jacksonville, In ballast, to Mas
Francis Satterby, Allen, St Johns River, la balla3t,
to Wm Starr.
May, Kellv, 330, from New Y'ork—discharging at
wharf foot or Habersham street—Hunter 4 Gammell.
J nil* A Crawford, Buckley, 181, from Jacksonville,
Fla, hi ballast—loading at Wetters wharf for New
York—L J (luilmarrln 4 Cos.
Albert (Bn ltiordan, Jos,from Nassau—discharging
at wharf foot of Barnard street—Bell, Wvlly 4 Chris
John G Whipple. Simpson, 80, for New Y'ork—load
ing at Iron Steamboat Wharf west 01 Barnard street
—Rogers 4 Cann.
Schr Julia A Crawford, Bnlkley, loading, at Iron
steamboat Co’s wharf, for New York— L J Gullmar
ton 4 co.
A DECK i’UKIQUT, to complete cargo of Schr.
A Ju.i* A. Crawford, lor New York. Apply to*
FROM the B-ikery, comer of Macon and Whitaker
street'. a small **Fice,” long hair, red color, one
white spot on his neck, lie Is cripple in one of hi* hind
legs. A liberal reward will be paid for any informa
tion which may lead to his recovery.
octlS y JOHN YONQ.
TMMEDIATELY. 10 Seamstresses, by the d*y, for
A two weeks. Apply at the
A WHITE GIRL, abont 12 or *l4 years old, as
Nurse for a child. Apply immediately at the 9.
W. corner of Jones and Dray ion streets. ts octi«
Horse & BuggyWaiitd
tUhtt separately or together. .A Hone that
win caster under saddle and trot In carriage preferred
Apply at tbr Saeaiman Hzk.ld Counting Room.
BtpTKf U
iPßriib mmcM.
The < jrlglna) and Beat In the World t The only true
and perfect Hair Dye. HanckM, Reliable and Insun
taneoo*. ■gxiucc* immediate y a splendid Black or
natural Rrnsrr. without Injuring the hair or akin.
Remedies the ill effect! of bad dye*. Bold by all Drag
cists. The geo nine la signed William A. Batchelor.
For Itretoring and Beautifying the Hair.
an!4-ly ( HAHLES BATCHELOR, Nr.w Yoaa.
Containing nearly 300 pages, and ISO floe Plates
and Engravinga of the Anatomy of the numao Or
gans In a state of Health and Diaease. with a Trea
tise on Early Errors, Its Deplorable Consequences
upon the mind and Body, with the Author’s Plan of
Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of
cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A
truthful adviser to the married, and those contem
plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys
ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address,
on receipt of 25 cents. In stamps or postage currency,
by addressing Dr LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane,
Albany, N. Y. ,
The author may lie consulted upon any of the dis
eases upon which his book treats either personally or
by mail, and 1 medicines sent to any part of the world.
octlO om
An Essay of Warning aud Instruction for Young
men, just published by tho Howard Association, and
sent in sealed letter envelopes free of charge.
Address Dr. 3. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard
Association, Philadelphia, Fa. octl2-Sm
A meeting of this Company will be
’TftfeggT" held This Evening, at "Y o'clock, at
-iSS|2Kk’ > ' Fireman's Hall. Every member ia ex-
Vs peeled to be present, to perfect arrange
mentß lor the Benefit on Friday Evening next.
JAB. STEWART, President.
W. N. Vallbac, Secretary. ocilS
October 17,1865./
Ma. Janies Stewart,
President Metropolitan Fire Cos.:
Sir—lnformed af the exertions being made by yonr
Company,fur lire pnrposa of snpplyingthemselyes with
a Steam Fire Engine, we are Ueslrooa of aiding to tbe
extent of our means in assisting you in your efforts.
If a "Benefit” at our Theatre will be acceptable wa
shall be plessed to devote the evening of Friday, Oct
20th, to that purpose, feeling assured that an appeal
for ao worthy an object will meet with a hearty re'
spouse from the liberal pnblic of tbe city.
Yours with respect,
SAVANNAH, Oct. 17,1865.
Messrs. Raymond A Hamilton. Managers:
Gentlemen—Your note of this date, tendering a
Complimentary Benefit to the Metropolitan Fire Com
pany, has been received. In their name I accept with
thanks tbe kind and liberal offer, fully satisfied
that the public will respond generally.
Very respectfully,
octl3 President MetropotitSn Fire Cos.
THE undersigned, having two Six Mule Wagons,
desires to obtain Return Freight for Hawkiusville
and Macon, or any intermediate point on that route.
Apply immediately to
Courtney's Wagon Yard, Margaret street.
octlS 1*
FOR Six Gentlemen, can be obtained in s central
part of the city by applying to Letter M, Box No.
212. WFS2w octlS
Stoves, &c.
Cooking’ and Beating Stoves,
Bound Pots,
Hollow dkc.
Whitaker and Broughton streets.
octlS °a\v2m ,T. G. THOMPSON A CO.
Savauxxalx Theatre.
Schiller's great Play of
The Robbers
And the Farce of
j\. Kiss in the Dark.
To-morrow, FANCHON, THE CRICKET. oclß
Store to Let,
Tlie light and commodious Store, corner Merchants’
Row and Palmetto Avenue, to lease for a limited time.
Terms easy. Address
N. S. SAMPSON, Jr, Agent,
ocUB ts Lock BorJT Hilton Hssd. 8. C. '*
The “Palmetto Herald Building,'’ having been newly
fitted up, now oiler large and airy Rooms suitable for
Sleeping Apartments or Business purposes. For terms
N. 9. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent,
oct-18 ts Lock Rox E, Hilton Head, 8. C.
Shipping, Commission
Forwarding Merchants,
83 Bay Street,
Messrs. 11. K. C.irniug 4 Cos, N. Y.
Messrs. Peter V. King * Cos., N. Y'
Messrs. 1 teller, Brothers 4 Cos., Baltimore.
Messrs. 8. 4 W. Welsh, New York
National Bank, Savannah, Ga.
Francis Sorrel. Esq . Savannah. Ga.
Chae. Green, Esq., Savannah, Ga
T R. Bloom, Esq., Macon, Ga
octll la
TEHTH ten or twelve rooms, at any price, from S6OO
v V to $3,030 per year, according to location. Ad
dress “House," at Herald Office. 1w octlS
T'HE public to know that they can buy Ladles' Toilet
A Slippers for 60 cents; Heel Gaiters, $1 ; Men's
Slippers, 75c, at 116 Broughton street, between Bull
and Whitaker streets. 3 octlS
Pendergast’s Line.
The last sailing regular packet
Crook, Master,
Having the greater portion of her cargo engaged,
will have quick despatch. For balanc eof freight ep
ply to
Corner Bay and Barnard streets.
Agents in Baltlmore-Pendergast, Fenwick A 00.
Public Sale
Government Vessel,.
Byordcrof thtQuartermasttr General, p s .
following Government Vewlswill boaobt *
A * *»V6bnn«li (
•R the lot Say of November
AT 10 O’CLOCK. A M .
At the wharf ia rear of the Commissary Ware h
Propeller STANDISH
Terms cash In United States Currency.
_octlS eodtd B'vt. Lt Cel,A Ou
No. 11l Bay Street,
Wc respectfully call the attention of the pnhliclr
the facilities which we have for doing all kinds of
We have
For doing all kinds of work, and we keep them j
good repair. We employ only
Wc have
New Printing Materials
From the Best Northern Foundries, to which wee
• consttnrly making additions.
We are prepared to execute orders for
Or sny wher kind of PRINTING—In xht ittii
W e;have a
Fine Assortment of Inks
PRINTING in colors
Will receive prompt anw careful attention, andth
work will he forwarded
We endeavor to do sll our v ork we ]l, and to givi
complete satisfaction to odr njKomers.
Are as low as the present high cost of stock, mat.
rial, labor and Bring wja *jn2t of, aud are below th
Increased rates which mle in other lines of businci
s. w. Mason & co.,
Hi Bay Street, Savannah, Georgs
GENTS’ RESORtE, Felt, Derby and Faust Halt
Army aud N aTJr c ap ß . Boys Hats, Care and Tm
S. M. coldiwg.
octlt „ No. 153 Congredw street
B. W. Tilton, Agt,
TT'ORMERLY Tilton, Worrall A Macy, Souther:
U Carriage Wareraums, No. 616 Broadway, Ne»
Manufactory—Mount Vernon, N. Y. oclO lm
lately existing under the name of
Macky, Hogg & Cos.,
TIAVING been dissolved by the death of Aleirnitc
IJL Hogg, the subscribers beg lo announce tha:
they will continue the
Shipping and General Commission Busina
AS No. 203 AND 305 BAY ST.,
tinder the name of
uVTacky, Beattie & Cos.
scptM-lin ROBERT H. BEATTIE. _
Just Received,
And iu Store ou Cousignment,
Also, a lot of Fine Liquors, consisting of
Which we offer on the most liberal terms.
octll ts No. 8 Stoddard’s Block
Dunn' & Brown,
HAVING opened an office at No. 36 Bay street ►
tween Habersham and Price street*, we are F* -
pared to furnish crews at the shortest notice,
octll-lm "
Iha?e Just returned from New York, and h***
brought out one of the best selected stocks
Milinery Dress Goods
Ever brought to this market. The Goods will be sold
I will receive weekly the latest styles of MUloffJ
under Bcrlven House, Corner of Bull amt Cong res*
Street Use.
octe-lmo MRS. ISASS
.. . —/*