Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 18, 1865, Image 3
HAVANAAE Utpanart ol Hwmkliw isd ghimn. roe arm xo«. bMUnalap Wednesday, October l*ih. at o’clock. Steuwblp Boater, Thursday. October 19th, at o'clock. ■Steamship Varuoe, Thurs Jay, October 15th. at 7 o'clock a. m. roa acgccta. Si-araei Volunteer, Thu Afternoon, at 5 o'clock p. m. .St.amer O F. Potter, This Afternoon at So.clock, p. m roe naaicN. Steamer Anmo, This Morning, at 9 o'clock, a. m roa FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, Wednesday morning. October letn, at 10 o’clock. Thu savannah Price* Current, We Issue tula morning the Unit numner of our Let ter Sueet Prices Current, specimen copies of wlilcU may be had at our Counting Room. Our object is to supply a commercial necessity, and when our ar rangements are completed, we hope to Issue a week ly letter sheet review of our market, the comprehen siveness and reUabiUty of which will entitle It to the confidence and patronage of our merchants. In future the Prices Current will be Issued every Saturday morning. Subscribers will leave their orders at our Counting Room as early as possible. Savaknab TcaNVEßEin—Their Firm Bail.—On Monday evening the Savanuah German Turnverlen Association gave their first ball of this season. It is a time-honored custom with them to give entertain ments at least six times in the fall and winter sea sons. The first ball of the Turnverlen was largely attended. It wa3hcld at their Hall, corner of Jetter, son and St. Julian streets, and the festivities were kept up un U a late hour. Nothing occurred to mar the enjoyment of the occasion, and all unite in testi fying to the Completeness of the arrangements made by those having matters In charge. We noticed among those presented. Louis M. Peck, 173d New •York Vols., and several officers of the Orth New York and other regiments. Mr. J. Glattliar, at the request of the Association, was In attendance, and enter tained the assemblage with vocal music. The music for dancing was furnished by a full baud conducted by Prof. Richter, of the Savaunah Orchestra. At their last regular meeting the Turuverien elect ed the following officers: President—Charles Goerz. Vice President—A. Steifvather, Secretary—F. Kolb. Treasurer—M. Frank. FU-st Turner—N. Marin. The Theatbe.—SchUlers's great masterpiece, the drama of "The Robbers,” Is to be produced this eve ning, Introducing Mr. Theodore Hamilton In one of his most powerful personations. THE COI’HTb BEFORE LIKCT. COL. M. T. HOLBROOK, PROVOST MAR SHAL, DISTRICT nr SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 17,1865. United States vs Mary Quavterman (colored)— Keeping a disorderly house ; found guilty, and or dered to pay a fine of sls and co3ts, or be confined In Chatham county jail for one month. United States vs. N. Boone (colored)—Larceny. In consequence of the non-appearance of the prosecu tor, the defendant was discharged, and case dis missed. United States vs. Leo W islitngt on, (colored)—Lar ceny. Found guilty and remanded for close confine ment in Chatham county jail for the term of three mpntlis. 7 United States vs. John (colored)— Larceny of cot ton. Found guilty and sent to jail for one month. United States vs. Wadley Black—Unlaw fully tak ing n horse and wagon. It waa ordered that the de fendant return to complainant the property claimed by him upon payment of costs-. United States vs. Nanny Waltham (colored)—Hav ing stolen goods In her possession. It waa not es tablished that the defendant knew the property to have been stolen, and it was ordered that the same be returned to prosecutor, and the defendant dis charged. P. M. Russell, Esq., Tor United States. Walter Scriven (colored) vs. Joe Wilson (colored)— Larceny of a mule. It was ordered that the mule be restored to plaintiff, and costs be paid by defendant. M. J. Ford, Esq., for plaintiff; L. S. Bussell, Esq., for defendant. Rose Jones (colored) vs. Samuel B. Sweat—Recov ery of debt. Claim. $9; upon examination of wit nesses, and the plea of counsel to an offset amount ing to sl7 49, embracing a charge of sl2 for house rent, It was ordered that the amount of house rent be disallowed, and the ainouutof $345 be al lowed. Upon the payment of the balance, $2 62, the defendant will be discharged. Heziah l dsholm (colored) vs. Jas. Patterson—Re covery of ebt. The pi.dntlfffalled to appear and the case wi s llsn- 1, p’.ahtiiir pain - costs of suit. FntnccK’H uexikit.—iiv tue ynnJ ;, n e pub lished to aa>: her pace it wtl, be seen that M'-wrs Rayn.otkUs i Ila nf«fJirt*B« and ptotoe spirit 4 manager. »f car Theatre. ha 4j tender ... **«-**’ tb<*H in aid w ...e £teßbn-e of it stmn Eire Safetes, ’ “is action ou the part of out mat: -■> 4 truly praise worthy, and we feel confident wfii. be lit ' tally sec onded by our citizens. Something Rare at the Magnolia —Mine lsoate jar the Magnolia, Capt. McAdam, having returned last evening from n successful fishing excursion off Tybee, where he succeeded in capturing many large fish, among them a channel bass weighing some thirty pounds, proposes that his friends eud patrons stiaU enjoy his good luck In a chowder at lunch this day at U o’clock. Asa suitable accompaniment his bar 1s supplied witli Sealey A Cos. choicest liquors nnd wines, which require no recommendation. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER HPSTER.—The Hunter, of Hunter A GammelTs line, arrived at this port last .evening, after a long and exceedingly stormy pas sage from New York, having left that port on Thurs day last, and encountered head gales throughout nearly the whole trip. The steamer was hove to for some time while off Cape Hatteras, and cou-idera bie anxiety was felt, among the passengers at least, lor her safety. She weathered the storm however m a manner unit speaks volumes for the staunchness and sea-going qualities of the new steamer, and the seamenship of her officers. The passengers speak in high terms of the kindness and attention of the offi cers of the Hunter. A card of acknowledgement to idem will be found in another column. Death of Henry C. Fkeeman, Esq-It becomes -our painful duty to announce the death ol Henry C. Freeman, Esq., who died ill Macon, Ga., ou Monday night of Consumption, In the 16th year of his age. The deceased was a native of Nashville, Tenm, but came to Macon In early youth, where he resided un til some twelve years ago, when he removed to this City and formed a connection with the house of Padclford, Fay A Cos., in which he was actively em ployed, until July iRSt, when tailing health induced lipn to go North, in hope of improvement. Experi .eucing no benefit from the change, he returned to Micou, the residence of his family, where he died. Os a geuial and kindly disposition, modest and un assuming manners be enjoyed tiro respect and es teem of all, and tne warm friendship of mauy, in this community. He was a member of tbe Masonic fra trernity in good standing, and was twice elected to a seat in tbe Board of Aldeimen, where he distinguish ed himself by unflinching integrity and zealous de votion to the interests of tne city. He leaves a wife end adopted daughter, with a large circle of rela tions and warm personal friends to remember his manly virtues and deplore his untimely deatn. FOR Augusta.—The steamer Oeu. Berry, which left Augusta on Sunday morning at 8 o’clock, and arrived nere yesterday morning at 11 o’clock, passing several of the liver fleet bound down, and making one of the quickest trips of the season, will leave on ner return trip to Augusta, to-morrow at one o’clock p JL This is quick business, and reflects credit on Capt- Henry, the popular and energetic commander cl the Gen. Berry. RIVER NEWS —The steamer Augusta, wlilch ar rived from Red House Landing, near Augusta yes terday, reports: ’Sunday, 15th, 9k A. M, passed steamer , bound up, at Mother Begs Bar; 6 P. M. steamer Laura, above Johnson’s Landing, bound up. Mon day, 16th, « A. M., passed steamers Amazon and Falcon beiosr Johnson's Landing, hound up ; Mon* duv l&iti, 7 A. M., steamers Perrit and S Enos at HershmajFs Lake ; steamer H. M. Cool at Hersh man’s Lake with rudder broken, bound down; 11 A. ii passed steamer Union tied up at Owen Log with part of ber machinery broken ; 9 P- M-, passed steamer Helen above Parschncla tending. AhgtjUHt Dearm ox nut JUTRA.-C.apt. uvnu, of tkr nvrr steamer Augusta, died at Red Haase laadUig below Augusta, on Friday last, of bilious revet Hi. rmuama were takeu u> Augusta and to twed on Saturday. Ths steamer was brought down In ballast yreteiday by the chief engineer. Mr Charles Clark, not havtorVaacbed August* la con sequence of breaking her ruddet capt. Lawrence was au Engli.mao by birth, and lias resided In Sew York city for a uutuber of years, where he leaves a wife and two children. Captain Lawrence stood very high in this mty as a steamboat officer, though a comparatively young man, ticuig but about S3 years of age. The colors ot all the shipping in port were iiqilayc-ri at half-mast yesterday, as a mark of respect to the deceased. funkkal, invitation. The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Katherlna and John Nor, are luvlted to attend the funeral ol her child JOHNNY, from her residence ou Indian street lane, near Fthm street, at 3o’clook ThU Afternoon. Mliippiuj; Inteiligg’ence. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sunrises 6 8 Moon rises.. 5 4 Sun sets 5 22;lligh water 7 14 PORT OF SAVANNAH. . Arrived. TCESDAY. OCt. 17, 1865. Steamship Hunter, M L Rogers. New York,—Hun ter A Gsmmell. Steamer Gen Berry, Henrv. Augusta—C L Colby A Cos. Steamer Gen Sheridan, Palmer, Hilton Read. Steamer Augusta, Ciuik, Augusta. Tug A Getty, Mersliou, Hilton Head. Schr Pioneer, T acker, Jacksonville, In ballast, to Master. Steamer Oak, Marshall, Augusta—J B Presdee. Tug C T Sheppard, Bliss, Fort Pulaski. Cleared. Steamer Wm O Gibbons, Phllpot, Doctor-town—Er win A Hardee. Steamship Annie, Peck, Darien—T M Myrell. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Tug Shepard, Bliss, Fort Pulaski. Steamer Gen Sheridan, Palmer, Hilton Head. Steamer 0 F Potter, Cessar, Augusta—Chas L Col by A Cos. Imports. Per steamer Geu Berry, from Augusta—lo 7 bales upland cotton, 27 do domestics. Per steamer Oak, from Augusta—7oo bales upland cotton, 8 do Sea Island do, 52 do domestics, snd sun dry rndze. Below. Capt Bourne, pilot of steamer Gen Sheridan, re ports the Bremen shin “ Republic " below, nine days From New York, bound up for freight, to Weber Bros. Consignees. Per steamship Hunter, from New York—Adams Express Cos, G \V Allen, G H Arlege, Bell, Wylly A Christian, G K Bennett, Brigham, B & Cos, Botltwell A Whitehead, Brady. Smith A Cos, T H Balshaw A Cos. G Butler, M A Cohen, O Cohen, Crane, J A Gray u II Darlington A- B. J H Deppish, G H Dennis, W Duncan, 11 Dinners, Erwin A Hardee, Einstein A F.ckman, o Fallon A Cos, E Ehrlich, Geo C Freeman, M Ferst A Cos, T cortensburg, Gaden ft Unckles, c L Gilbert, G Gemenden, Halsey, Watson A Cos, N A Hardee, Hes3 A Gutman, Hilton A ltandal, Hunter A Oammell, Linvllle, A Gleason, Lathrop A C", Lovell A Lattlmore, Marcy, Day A Cos, J McMahon, A Mayer A Cos. D Mailett E Cos, MS Meyer, W TL S Mead. Meinhard A Bro, A J Miller, Miller, Thomas A Cos, B M Neely J N colson, C A O’Hanllu, Order, G Ott, H Rothschild, Rogers A Cann, F J Ruckert, A Reseller A Cos, A M Scarborough, E H ScllUbe, I R Sealy A Cos W H Bernard ft Cos, A A Solomons A Cos, P S he hail. J Schroeder, W H Stark, Tisou A Gordon, J C Thorndike, J L Villalonga, Weed, Cornell A Cos. A Waldron W M Walah, Nuny A Mixon, York, \Y 11- llams, Mclutlre A Cos, J H Freilu A Cos, S M Lederer. Titos Pepper, W Boyd, W H May, Mrs E Myers, J W Freeman, C I. Gilbert, Doyle A- Lyons, B Mallon. Per steamer Gen Berry, from Augusta—C L Colqy A Cos, Hunter A Gammell. Per steamer Oak, from Augusta—Brigham, Bald win A Cos. W Battersby A Cos, O Cohen, Brady, Smith A Cos, Adams Express. Passengers. Per steamer Gen Berry, from Augusta—Mrs Jno V Tarver, 2 children snd servant, Miss Fannie Tarver, Master Samuel Webb, S Mayer, A G McArthur, IV tu Pills, Maj C C Wingand, Wm P Seville, Jno L Bing ham, and 20 in steerage. A Card. Savannah, Oct. 17, 1865. The passengers on board of the steamer General Berry, from Augusta, Ga., to this place, desire to ex press their thanks to Capt. Isaac Henry and the other officers of the steamer for ihelr courtesy and kind ness during the trip. Wc recommend the steamer to the travelling public as a safe and speedy boht. 0 W Wingard, P M, US A J W W Seville, Pay Dept John S Butler, I c ?-> Mrs J V Tarver, Sami Mayo, Miss F J Tarver, I Wm Pitts, Jno C Bingham, Paymas- AG McArthur. ters Clerk A Card, OFF Tybek Island, i Oct. 17th, 1865. ( The undersigned, passengers from New York to Savanuuh, on board the steamer Hunter, under your command, take pleasure hi expressing their appre ciation «f Hie skill and efficiency of yourself and odioerw, as displayed u. our late bolsterou* and try ing edutest with the winds and waves. Wc commend your Ship (o the public ss aunulra sea beat, and are glad In being able to uttest the .Are and attention met wSit from tU? s*w*rd, Mr. Phillips, and bis attendant*. henrv Smith, |§ F McOey, ChasH Hawthorn G Holme.- T Gonuiiu H D Sturdevant, Jos Carson, 'George R Benin ; jas Ilenev, iiwlgnt Lathrcp De Leon delxas, W B McLen.ten Abram Linford, it M Rose, Jos Beckhard, A Rust, Chas Stone, Jr, SG'JurphjG J D Johnson, Lachlan H Mclntosh, E Cohen, John Winter. W T Wells, and others. Geo H Dennis, I To Capt. Martin L. Rogers, commanding steam pro peller Hunter. PKEMIUM TEN DOLLAR IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE. A Triumph In Mechanical Science. Manufactured under two distinct patents, or entirely “orignal construction;’’ does not infringe on any other machine. This extraordinary achieve ment of mechanical Ingenuity works upon a T.,h!e, u-t-s the straight Needle, makes the useful Hand Stitch, at the rate of 16 Stitches to each evolution of th» wheel, will Tuck, Sb.rr, Crimp, Hem, Ruffle, Ac, with wonderful speed, accuracy and neatness, will sew with Double and Single Thread of all kinds, is strong, and can not get out of order, and has received the full approval of the principal journals and all w ho have used them. This machine works like a charm and sews neat and rapid. Every family requires one.’’—,V. r. World •‘For the Dressmaker it is lnvainabie, Tor the House hold it supplies a vacant place."— Oodey’s Ladies’ Hook. •Tt uses a common needle, sews very rapidly, and is so easily understood that a child can use it."— lV. o. Delta. Single machines sent to any part of the country per express. packed in box with printed instructions on receipt o! the price-$lO. Sale delivery guaranteed. Agents wanted everywhere. Circular containing lib eral inducements sent free. All orders mutt be addressed to Ten Dollar Sewing Machine Company, SB, 38 and 40 Ann street, NEW YORE. octal Sm FOR SAfcK <Si TO RENT. For Sale, TWO story brick House, on one quarter lot corner of Jefferson and Perry streets, just suited for a clean* *Xe turned over. to TO RENT, mHE thick Warehouse, corner of Bryan and Aber- JL com suitable Tor a Ship Candlery, or Wholesale Grocery. Possession can lie had at once. ____Ot^ANDERSOS^ ~ Wanted, g>OA A MONTH 1 Agents wanted wanted for rtp *vU tntirely new articles, just out. Address 0. T. GAREY, City Building, Blddelotd, Maine. ■spit diwsm AUCTION SALES. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, at frbatof Mote, will be Tbs usual assortment of Groceries. Promt vo*. Dry Goods, Llaaorr. nothing. Wooden Ware, Brooms. Ac.. An. Mattel Brandy Boots and Shoes Soap (Tothlnt assorted Caudles Painted Pallaend Tub. Starch Broom. Tea Letter Paper Cheese Fancy Soaps Ah- A Moiled Dry (rood. Potatoes Hodgero' Pen Knives Onions Flax Thread Floul Hook, and Eye* Liverpool Salt Shoe Thread Fancy Clock* edit BY BLIIV & MEYER, Will lie *old on Friday, 20tli Inst., «t 10 o'clock, a. m.. at our salesroom, over the mam store, 134 cases Roots and Shoes .7 cisei NotMßs Catalogues will be furnished on day ol sale. Terms—sums under sloo, cash on delivery ; above that amount, .TO days fur approved endorsed note octlS 3 Children's Carnages AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly & Christian THIS DAY. ISih instant, at 10 o’clock, in iront of ■tore, 12 Childs’ Cabs and Gigs. octia By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY', at 10 o’clock, In front of store, will be seld, Southern half of Lot No. 4, Elbert WarJ—lmprove ments consist of a comfortable dwelling and store. Auy parson in want of a h-use and a place of busi ness would do well to attend the sale. Terms cash. OCflb BY lir.UN & meyerT Will be sold on MONDAY, OcL 23d tnst., at 11 o'clock a. m., la front of oar store, if not sold at private sale previous. Three two story frame Houses On Stewart street Two one story frame Houses on Wilson street. Two one story frame Houses on Roberts street. The same can be treated for at private sab bv ap plication to Mr. G. Gemenden, at the Planter’s Hotel. octlO td By York, Williams, Mein tire &■ Cos. AT PRIVATE SALE. Bacon Shoulders Bacon Sides Canvassed Hams Choice Butter Com Meal Hominy Split Peas Pearl Barley Soap Ground Coffee With a variety ol other Groceries, octl 7 5 Rout. P. York, 1 (J. R.Mo7ntib*. M. K. Williams, ) \ P. H. Ward. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO., A.TJCTIO]Sr AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAV AN TvT vk. 11. O A.. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON AND LUMBER SOLICITED. References In Savannah—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos,; Erwiu & Hardee, Gaden A Uncklos, laaac D. Ln- Roche, Ksq ; Hiram Roberts, Ksq.; Wylly Wood bridge, Esq. ; Hunter & Gammell; L. C. Norvell A Cos. References in New York—Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp ft Bro.: D. 11, Baldwin ft Cos. sep2o-eodlm of VALUABLE PACKAGES, Remaining in Adam’s Kxprrss Compa ny's Ollier, Oct, 3d, 1865. B. Budge, Gilbert A Boyse, C « pt V ichaet Bussell. HA, 175 th N Y Baker, J edge B Berlin, Ralph Behn, R H Balk&m, Lieut H G c. Cbrley, Chas D. Davie, Amos cure Q! Drake Davis, Mis J II Davis,CO Dasher. Israel Dante, Wm Dasher, Mis W H Draper. A G Dodd, Margaret Davis, Mrs .7 D K. Estes, Allvert F. Fllnn, Michael Ct, _ Grant, Uer.t Miller B 11. Haley, Scrgt Peter Hire. B Hart, U L Heery, Joi.n Harris* Miller * Sfiuwa. Col K j\ Joy IT M, 17th A C Ivt .-son, Edward ' - Jordan. F J Jsnney, T B Jones, .7 L It. Klernan, Thos lit-1 Patrick, J ’ • King, G F K&vauaugh, .1 7' M. Miller, Robt, tTth A C Monies. Mrs H Modic, .Mrs O Mosher, A, liSth N Y Muller, H H Moode, A IV. Niven, A, Cos E, 15th Me Norwood, Mrs Thos Nugent, Wm Falletier, MadamC Powel, S Ferry, Col J S H. RBlev, Michael Rutledge, Rev N H Rolf, D ,ls Richardson, J », Smith, Andrew Stoobes. Mies Mary Snow, IIC X, Tbomton. Mrs Hannah Trine, N, Cos A, ISth Ind Toole, J • Regt V. Vannaha, Benj C w. Weslera, Capt C B Wade, E C Western, Capt C B Whltner. Capt B F Whelan, Thad, care DWUllams. J H Wood . Wood, Lieut Henry octs-tf K. P. TUNISON, Agent. Boots, Shoes, <&c GENTS’ BOOTS, Gailere and Balmorals ; Ladles’ Aud Misses’ Ga ters and Balmorals; Children’s Balmorals and Bootees .last received and lor salt* by S. M. COLIiINO, octll No. 153 Congress street. DISSOLUTION. BY mutual consent Mr. James W. Randell thla day withdraws from r. ur Firm. HILTON A RANDELL. Savannah, Oct. ICth, 18GD. Referring to the above notice, the undersigned would state that he will con inue the Wholesale Grocery Business, Under the firm name of _ HANDBLIj db 00., And have taken the commodious building on S. W. corner of Bay and Barnard Sts., In a few days will te prepared to offer a’large and well assorted stock of Groceries, to which the atten tion of the trade will be solicited. JAMES W. RANDELL. Referring to the abovmotios, the undersigned w oat state that they will continue the Wholsale Grocery Business, Under the Ann name of ZXlltoix «b ZUtudeU, At the Old Siandk.No. 193 Bay street. EDW G. HILTON, octie lw P M RANDELL. Hats, Hats, Hats S\E LATEST STYLES ami beat qualities. Just te \J cetved and for sale by g. |f. COLDING, ootU a fto. IBS Coyfa—atryrt. mrucuiei, MIU’ORL * c„ WHISKEY! WHISKEY] FINE OLD BkASDT, WINES, Sc, Peach Valley Whlakey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike's Mhc«oll*, Spencer’s Old Rva, and Fine Kentu ity Bonrbou FOR SALE BY c. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand. hi ray strre k. TANARUS, 'Herald Buildings.; also, A loop's Ale, Mare' Ale, Apples. Pot at. as. Onions, Pickles. Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. oct6 If G. H. ARLEDGEr WHOLESALE GROCER AND— Ship Chandler. 73 BAY STREET, IVTOfV receiving pc” sleam and sailing vessels from AN New fork, the. following ariiciee which will be sold at the Lowest Market Price : Bbis Floor, Potatoes, Unions, Turnips, Beets, Apples, Vinegar, Hams Brown and Crushed Sugars, Bbis Beef aud Pork, Bbis. Mackerel, K do., J* dn. and kits No. 1 Cases Olive oil, Sardines. Caudles, . Soap. Raisins, » Pickles, Liquors Cheap Tea, Preserved Meat, Spices of all kinds. Heros, ftc., Ac.. Sacka Coffee, Brooms. Pails, Buckets. Ac also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Ac., Ac. Hr ' hip Stores put up at the shortest notice. octlT 3m WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER U> GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 ts DOMESTIC \ly ALES VUUCS MlLl9UMS jgtjjjfl SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF— Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. anl»o ■ G. K. OSGOOD, STORE 186 CONGRESS AND 85 ST. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware -A-iiil Hardware, N. B.—The highest Cash Price* paid for Beeswhx. Tal]ow, Wool, Hides. Ac. Jtf Rfptlfl Gao. R. Car.Mr. Wu, A. Wrigiit, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va CEO. R. (RUMP & UO, General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, . - M TED FISH, &C. Broad >♦., Augusta, tin, Ur wißpdltfcaanf '£*>' uu .T Tonaixw, seriptki). Rnfcinto the Merchants rtd Ri; Os . Richmond. V*, and ,fau. C. Fervid, wHa-P 9 Witt A V ’tan, U* '‘-n Docile*. A. A. SoMSioni .v v.. -. -nrane.r, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS HOLICTTREI OCt4 KIRLIN,BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, fiHS AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY DANE. OBDEBS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. anil ts NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. WHE undersigned (for eighteen year* of the firm of * Cromwell & Blrdsa 11) w now prepared to receipt orders for hie well known brand of choice New Hulled Buckwheat Flour, neatly packed in barrels, half barrels, quarter barrel* and bags of 49 and ‘J4 Y, pounds. Have also on hand Fresh Ground, Stat? and West ern Flour. Extra, Sup. rflne, and No. 2 Knpcrfine, in bbls. ami hull bus., in lota to slut purchasers KDWARI) 'ROMWELL oct!2-2w 193 and 1"5 Bmad afreet New Vork. IptOß SALE looo bushels Liverpool Sait ZOAO sacks Oats, black and while 10 sacks best Rio Coffee To arrive, 130 Bales Hay. octlO N. A. IIARDEK A UO. ATTENTION r CALLED to.the very superior lot of Rntter. Cheese and Lard- received per steamer K>lelgh,l>y SEABORN GOODALL, octl2-lw Wllllsmeon’s Bnildlng. h7"g. RUWE & CO., Wholesale GROCERIES s LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Jonndon Square, (FROIfTINO PULABKI HOI SEj OT Agents for ALE AND LAGEB. Oocstaatly on kamCac s sortment of B.Baz»r wz»ra. kenlK ' ’ - V. - *m. . shock Kras, MqriHu. Ae. PIERCESKEHA N7 Whslcule and Bp tail Denier In Fine Qroccrtea, Boot* and Shoaa, Clothing Foreign and DomcatJc'Wlnaa, Uqpon and Sagan. Alao. Skeharua Celebrated GOLDEN AI.B AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. lamdon and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng liidi Alt a, ft,. Liberal deduction* made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. »tid C 2 Liberty street. New York K O. Hilton. Savanna If. M. Rakdell, N. Y*. HrLTOIY & RANDELL, 'Wliolesßle Orooera, 18? BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD. Savannah, Ga., Are constantly receiving per et«amera from New York The Large it and Mott Complete Assort ment of Groccrie* In the City, Orders by Mall, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Filhd, at Lowest Market Pr.ees. octl6 |m CHEESE, SOAP. A O BOXES cheese, Ja-*t received and for suit* bv OctlG IJRIQIiAM, BALDWIN & CO T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS. iC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., fNEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE ) We have the Largeat Assortment ot Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &c., In the Smith, to which we invite the attention of the Trade. Call and compare onr goods and prices. octu ts ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 258 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Denier* in Bonders’ and Locksmiths’ Hardware. Nails. Ptillies, Cord. Rim Locks and Knot*, Butt Hinges, Brnw and Iron Keys and Castings, Gong Bella, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All order*, larpc or email, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, leas than market prices. srplO ; Cm 'Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. WM. H. SHERWOOD & CO., S.ivaunah, Oeorgla, •outbweat corner of Broughton and JeflVraon street*, under St. A ndrew’e Hall. - W’c are receiving by every steamer fresh articles of Groeerica of every description. Liquors imported and direct from mannihctnrea are offered at prices to suit the trade. Bept2n-lm Notice. THE Co.pariner.dilp heretofore existing between JACKSON .1 WaRROCIC was, on the :;otli Sep tember dissolved bv nmtufil eouaeut. The liusinsM will hereafter lie conducted by thenndersigned, who will be happy to receive a continuance of Hie pa tronage bestowed on the late firm of Jackson 4 Warrock. L. WARIIOCK. octll 'CO-PARTNERSHIP' notice. TiIIE undersigned having associated themsclve. to gether under the Ann name of LxHOCUE. GADEN 4 UNCKLES, for the purpose of transacting a Gene ral Grocery, and Commission Bnaim-sa, and having secured tlie large and commodious .tore, coiner of Bay and Barnard street., are now prepared to receive any and all consignment* made to liiem. They aiao have extra rooms, suitable for Dry Goods and F. ncy Articles, which, If accompanied by. owners or agents, are the best In the city ; from a long experience and thorough acquaintance with the bnsincaa, they hope to give entire a .llsfaetion to all making eonaignmeot* to them. Liberal advances made on Cottou. Lumber. Ac. con signed to them for sale In Savannah, or for shipment to their lrit-nda In New Y’ork, Boston or Baltimore Laroche, gaden & unckles. Isaac D. Lakoche, Benj. G. Qaoex, David 8. Unckles. Its octlO THE NEW YORK NEWS. D AIL IT, SEMI-WEEKLJf AND WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY AID* SEMI-WEEKLY YEWS. GREAT FAMILY NKWSPAPERB. HE\JAMi\ WOOD Editor And Proprietor. Journals of Politico, Literature, Fashions, MlscSßi;*- '“d Ncwitfoni- ALL PABTb OJ THE WORLDt IMMIMSE tIKNIATiM*’ H J m. { THE ARGENT BBST AKDC HKAFEMZ ! •* ’•is.''’.' PAPERS PUBIJSHED IN 3ffi>F YORE «T> -* 1 ' NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published Every "Wednesday. Single Copies Five Cents One Copy, one year $ 2 00 Three Copies one year 6 00 Five Copies, one ye ir 8 76 Ten Copies, one year IT 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten Twenty Copies, one year 30 00 Tlie Weekly News Is Sent to Clergymen at SI 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS, Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year S4OO Three Copies, one year 10 00 Five Copies, one year 1500 Ten Copies, one year 30 00 —And an extra copy to any Clnb of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year 65 so To Clergymen 3 00 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail Subscribers $lO par annum Six Months Five Dollars For sale by all Newsdealers. Specimen copies] of DAILY nnd WEEKLY NEWS seat tne. Address BENJ. WOOD, Daily News Building, | No. 10 City Hall Square, septSl New York City. FOR SALE. non COILS RICHARDSON’S ROPE OUV iso TOSS coal. CHAR L. COLBY A CtT octlO for. Aberescu and Bay streets. Horses for Sale. npffo good draft HORSES, sound had ia fine cou i dltton, with Harnesses and oue or more Wagons, If desired Address ■ W. H. COHEN, octie y Pnlaaki House or tUrald Oflka- ■HIPPING. For Augustaf The Steamer General Berry, WUI leave for the above port • " Ou Thursday, Oct. IS, at l o’elo.U, p. in. for Bright or ptsatge, having superior accommo dations apply to CH AS L COLBY ft CO , octlk cor. Bay and Abercorn sts. FOR AUGUSTA. Steamer Oak, Captain Geo. S. Marshall, Will leave os above THIS DAY, at 6p. m. Freight received on board at Harris' wharf. Toot of Lincoln .tree:, atlas m., and until hour of departure J IS. PRESDEE. Agent, octlS K 9 Broughton street. STAR LINE, FOR NEW dist-YORK. THE new find eiPeanl am 4 UU. f* Mh)l Sieam- Bhlp ANKHICA, Captain Limit, will lively tall fur the above port cm Wednesday, Oct. ISth, at 8 o'clock. F<»r fri lsat or pa«c*ge, having splendid accommo* natiuna, apply to BHiOHAM, BALDWIN A CO, octlG aid's Bulldlug, opp. Poet PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. r. J ThcU. 8 Mall Steamship HUNTER, < L. Rttgera, commander, will leave Ti/rW fnr i^ e above pot ton her regular day THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, at S o’clock. For freight or poarage, having superior accommoda tlona, apply to HUNTER ft GAMMELL, octl# 84 Bay street. FOB NEW YORK STAR LINE. BEMI-WBBK.IjY. . The first class U. 8. Mall Steamships NEVADA, .... Capt. CAf.rESTEa. UNITED STATES, .... Capt. Baab*. AMERICA, - - . ... Capt Curt. CONSTITUTION, - - - Capt übekjian The above ships compose the Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday anj Saturday. BRIGHAM. BALDWIN/! CO, Agents, Savannah On. WAKE-MAN, OOOKIN 4 DICKINSON. Agonl*. 17 Broadway, New Y'ork. FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner HATTIE M. MATO JgßatfucT will have quick deapatrh for the above port. For freight nr passage apply to Oct 16 BRIGH lb, BALDWIN A CO._ Atlnntin Const M.&11 Htcnm ship Company. FOR NEW YORK, », The now snd elegant Side-Wheel steamship VARUNA, Oiptaln ijrjr Cooley, will poeidvely sail on her regular day, THUIfbDAY, 19th irat., st 7 o'clock, a. m. For Freight or Passage, having very large and airy state-room neroinmodstiona. fitted up with Blithe re cent improvement*, apply to JOHN R. WILDER. Ship's Bills of Lading furnished and signed In the office. octl7 For Liverpool. THE Unit class Bril tab bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. t\ Kelly, mister, being of small capacity, w ill have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlO BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN, For Liverpool. THE At American Ship NEW ENGLAND, Hodge, Master, having a large portion of TgPßjriier cargo engaged will be ready to receive Sretts=S.cargo nt Lower Hydraulic Press on the 18th Inst. For freight or passage apply to sepl4 ts BRIGHAM. BALDWIN ft CO. JT'reigh.ts FOR AUGUSTA, rpflE unden4gued are prepared to rtcrive good* at a their Warehouses—free of ezpenae aud cov ered by Innurarre—for shipment to AuKiHta and points beyond by their regular line of lignt draught boat*. Apply to (!||AH. I*. COLBY’, sept2U—tf cor. Bay and Abercorn For. Augusta, THE STEAMER If. IT. MAY, Will liit.-e dtofOch for the ikes piaw G oda renet eu st ell tint" at eton-4 in t,e t soof »rehoe«e, '.M i t Liai jln itTMrt fitteOi c,*f. —, ear** • J SWINPHI ufldff W Tbe itajK’i!jJSf*.( B no last Friday wit;, tier Bb/UsuaM. ( ti octq fiOMUETTTION DEFIED! FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant Very Fast Steamer SCORPIO, RODGERS, Master, Will commence receiving freight THIS MORNING, at Exchange Wharf and be the first Rost for Anghsta after the Helen. For Freight Engagements or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, apply to REIN A CO. sep29-td 114 Bay street. GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA. ON and after this date the rate of Freight by our Line will be reduced 50 Per Cent ! Our Line Is composed of the following Steamers, all adapted to the trade, via: ' ** c , Iron Steamer AMAZON, Capt. Johnson. New IronStesmer WM. G. GIBBONS,C»pt. Philpot. Steamer LAURA, Capt. Hiller. The Steamer Gibbons is In every particular a first classPaaaenger Boat. Insurance can be effected by oar Line at lowest rates. tgr Freight received DAILY and forwarded TWICE A WEEK. * sep2B-lm ERWIN * HARDFK. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA A RE notified that they can store their goods any day during the week, to be forwarded by the ah are Boats, which are the lightest draught running taAogu ns, free of extra cbatjfr. FOR PALATKA, Yis Darien, Brnniwtck, M. Mtry’i, Fsr nnndiuu, Ja«kM*vlU< oad Plrolata. ffIHK new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN, qu. fl * W.C'AST*rE,vIU leave r» above on WEDNODAV the ivth inst, ;,t iu o’clock a.m. For Freight or Faseagc apply on board,-Ot Todd ford a Whorl near Whlte’iCentral Cotton Free* or h M A. COHEN. Agent. Freight poyoble on Wharf. * Shippers will furnish weights and measurement o goods octlS 0 -f ■•’frmrr- THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, *** D*«k Street, Philadelphia, Fa. i«-idedro - A*' OHDE ® 3 MQt by Mall at. Grits and Meal. BE-OPENBD. Having partllßa va *d eptirc interest from Mr B. Qlflem in ki* l*rgd and < xten-lve Mills, on the corner of Haberaham sti eet ana Perry street lane. w« an now prepared to furnish Grist and Meal .at favorable rotes. Coin will ,n PROSPECT TJB or rttx GEORGIA LAND AND EMIGRATION COMPANY. SLAVERY, or involuntary aervitude is practacMly abolished in Georgia The Proclamation of Ac President or tho Un ted Statea having given freedom to every slave, and the oath of amneaty and the cou ditlona oi purden, forbid any attempt at its revival iu auy form or condition. The great mass ot the Agricnltural Popnlatlonof the State haa been released from their obligation to cultivatt the soli, except by their own volition, and It mast be apparent to the Jadtdotu observer, how ever much -o be regretted, that the voluntary labor oT the newly freed population will not for the present at least, supply the deficiency of labor. The withdrawal of nearly three hundred thousand able-bodied persons to a greater or less extent trom their u*ual vocal ions, has created a void which must be filled or the lands of the State will remain untUled, her great resources undeveloped and her future pros perity sacrificed. The remedy, and the only remedy for this condition of affairs consist* lu the Immigration of a hardy and lndustriotts white population, to supply the places of those who cannot be compelled to work tndwhone and spoettkms do not incline them to greater labor than is actually necessary to support life. To such immigrant*, no State offers greater induce ments than the State of Georgia. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Blue Bigo, It embraces eve ry variety of soli and climate. The aavnnnahs of the coast, the rolling couutry of the Interior, and tlu mountaiue of me northern part of the State afford opportunities for the cultivation of almost every pro duct of tropical or temper ate latitudes. The grape 1* grown with great Success Iu many nails of the State uud its cultivation haa only been limited by the want of persona (killed Inihe ftnowl* , edge of the vine and the mode of preparing its yield- Thc State. 1b rlso rii b in gold and other minerals, and nothing but energy odd tire application of proper ma chinery la wanting to the development of those bid den treasures. ’ The raising of sheep of the finest breeds bas been earned on with success, and tbc vast ranges qf uncnl ilvated land afford excellent pastures for cattle and all kinus ol stock—rice, cotton, tobacco, corn, wheat, rye, oats, sugar cane, the grape and all specie* of fruits find tbeli appropriate soil and climate within onr extended limits. The numerous rivet* and smaller streams taking their rise in the mountains and running thromgh the .State Into tha Atlantic and the Gulf In their gradual , descent tarnish water power unfailing In any aeasou and capable of patting Into operation any Undot machinery. The ares of the State contain; upwards of thirty millions ot sere., n which not more than one-tbiru has been cultivated, and th* virgin forest of the wild lands afford au inexhaustible supply of lumber which formed a heavy Item of the exports of oeorgla prior to oar late difficulties. These lands, which may be bought nt comparatively low rates, will give to the new settler h homestead on which he may erect hla roo! tree and settle for life on inhabitant and in time a citizen oft he rcpubl c. In view of the foregoing bets the undersigned pro pose to organize a Company to be called the ’Georera Land and Emigration Company," the principle office to be located in Savaunah with the Intention of ap plying for a charter at the next session of the Legisla ture : the capital of said Company to be five handled thousand dollars. In twenty thousand of twenty-five dollars each; said Compa oy to be organised by the cbolce of a Freeident and Directors when all the nbarca shall have been subscribed. l ire object of the Company Is to Induce and afford old to the Immigration into ths State of Georgia of , honest, sober and reliable persons with their families to become purchasers of and settlers os lands not now in use, or to b<- l.tbore.s on farms or plantations on will, b thefreedmenre/use to work, or to follow their trades, or become h. u-e servants. The advantages to be derived as this present June cure by ibe Influx of onch a class of population, ore manliest To the large landholder it offersphe pros pect of selling his laud or farming It oat on advanta geous terms. To the Planter and Farmer It will sup ply that labor, In the absence of which, the owner ship of the soil is a burthen, and to oil persons in , those classes of life whoso bttMuets requires or whose position permits them-e of toe labor ot others, It *f lords the opportunity of obtaining snch labor of a reasonable rate, and of a reliable character. So alto to the State will great benefit accrue; many of tho Immigrants may bring wealth whh them, all will bring skill or Industry, which la the source of wealth, and this Infusion of ne - life will, we trnat, In progress of time, restore Georgia to her original state of pros perity The Company we believe—will be, not only self-aus tainiug, bnt a source of profit to the stockholders.— The fees paid by those emigrants who can afford It. for directions as to their settlement; the commissions paid by the owners of lands for the sale, or leasing of their lands to the immigrants, and by persona to whom laborers are furnlsned, the profits to be derived from a Savings Institution to take care of the fund, and profits of the emigrants, which it la proposed to connect with the Company, will, we expect, enable the L'otqpany to declare such dividends «s *J! make It remunerative io those wbu MbfCribe . - ply a#*s; investmenf ’.'at -a iepeedentt/ ,t ogaaoUrj cm- Me,Orion, as .Ijtei. U <»C MMprf Georgia who aa ■« On :m*re*lj.i it* ffi( ire ask ywor *•» - » ! - tan. m this to vUrr, IfLUdl P\;-inlofcuf *”*' , . y£ZJll!EL** &&&/& *ic*r i ore n i*r -i Ol poo disc. coiartn; attorn j*Bi!» WaddrtsscihFortpeld, * tj.lau W. Jlotili, lk*a»vaaanh*Mt Qfflee, • Partita deotrmg vffiau 1 oopfa, ni*thlM&jsper*nc, con obtalr them at 'he oUne of H. T. Gloson, at the „«jv THOMAS I. LLOYD, j J. WALDBURG 1 K. T. GIBSON, f Committee Octs JNO. W. MAGILL, j » DANCING. VfR H. G. VYARD will commence h Dauclug Oask ITA ior Youug Latins find children, at St. Andrew’s Mall, on TncsJay Afternoon, at 3K o’clock. For terms apply at the Halt Gentlemen'* Clare uee •on Monday, VYednesdny and Friday half-past LOST OR STOLEN, L' ROM the^Subscriber’* residence, on Liberty street, J- east Os Barnard, This Morning, about 7 O'clock, one coal black Tervler Puppy, with a email white spot, on t,i« chest. A liberal reward will be paid lor any information which may lead lo hie recovery. * GEO. H. JOHNSTON. 3500 TONS v —or ENGLISH RAILS, Os beat quality, 60x68 per lineal yard, For sola by FOWLS* CO, Jnl* 6m Ho. 70 Broadway, N. Y. English Coal. * SUITABLE for Parlor Grates. Landing sad for said 65 in lota to suit purchasers, by octlMw CLAUHOBN* CTNNXNQgAM. IST OTICE. §a 7 . . A LL persons indebted to tbe late firm of E. Heldt A A co., and Heidt, Jaudou A Cos., will please call and settle the same at the old stand, up stairs. octe-am W. A. JAC'don Capitalists Are requested to celitt my office and examine tbe plat of * 38 Building Lots, lying between Fahra, Bryan, and juachim streets in this city, mostly 41x86 and ranging to ♦ *4O andean, aider the profits of buying and buUding on the unui The location tefaversbla for manufactories, mills. w^M^u;?luSi or 1,18 "° rklß|t popuU,lot -