Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 18, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. WEDXtUMr, OCTOBER IS 1883. From The South. SERE.V AOK. ST FOHTCaAXTBAIK. The roval moon sweeps through th ,ky, Attended by her vaaa-. star?. And calmly looketh dowu, while 1 Stand by thy lattice bars, t ome forth : the the stars are bright above, And midnight is the noon of love. _ t ome to me, love, and we will meet j Where flows the river’s g ltle >ide, The momenta with their Wiagsd feet, Shall bear thee to my side. . Come forth ! the stars are bright above, And midnight is the noon of love. Wait not, Ah ! wait not for the day ; For why should’st thou the darkness feat ; Tis only night when thou art away, But dav when thou art near. Come forth ! the stars are bright above And midnight is the noou of love. Then let the envious day depart. And welcome be the tender night. To photograph upon mv heart Thy lorrn, thine eyes give light. Come forth : the stars are bright above, And midnigut is the noon of love. Congressional Organization. I'Yom the manner of organizing the two houses of Congress, it would appeartbat the clerk of the last House of Representatives lias the power of determining its political character. "The Federal Constitution provides that ‘‘the times, places, and manner of hold elec tions for Senators and Representatives shall he prescribed in each State by the Legisla ture thereof.” The States make no formal return to Washington of sn election, but each gives to the member of Congress elected a certificate iu due form, stating the fact. The persons thus chosen assemble at the time aad place appointed, and are there met by the clerk of the last House, who, although his -1 igal (unctions expired with the former House, has heretofore initiated proceedings uceessary to organization." From this it would appear that the pro ceedings necessary to organization are in itiated by an officer whose office is defunct. This was the usage until the 3d of March, lt-63, when the following enactment was pissed : That before the first meeting of the next Congress, and of every subsequent Con sress, the clerk of the nextpreceding House ol Repiesentatives shall make a rolioflherepre ic.ntatives elect, and place thereon the names of all persons, and of such persons only, whose > aedentials show that they were regularly elected, in accordance wan the laws of their states respectively, or (b tvs of the Leaked States.” This makes no provis for a presiding officer while the Hou e >eing organized, ,-eadtd it leaves it in the , er of the clerk in calling the roll of rs to call such names or omit sit u chooses. This power if uncheck isceptible of fla grant abuse. A the .. - session of the thirty-eighth Coign.-ss, say n tbo New York World, the House, white unorganized ami presided over by the c.erk, passed resolu tions putting names ou thee! rk's roll which he had excluded. This was done in ihe case of Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, Kansas, and West Virginia. In the case of Louisiana, the clerk had put on his roll the names of Messrs. Field and Cottman, elected under the Lincoln-Banks state government, and they were called. Mr. Stevens, of Pennsyl vania, moved that those names be stricken from the rolls, but the clerk ruled the .mo tion out of order, because it virtually di rected the expulsion of members, which could not be done previous to The organize tion. Mr. Stephens took an appeal, but subsequently withdrew it. Congre-s after ward refused to admit these Louisiuuia men bers. If, therefore, the clerk is of t in opinion that the memhers elected front ;Ue insur gent states ate •'regulai ty eiecß cl, ia accord ance with the laws of their statu- respec tiTeiy, or the laws of the United States,” then he must (uuder the act oi 1863) put their names on his roll, and ca l them as regularly elected. It they are once on his roll, then they cannot be expunged therefrom, according to the ruling previously cited ; or, if unjustly omitted from the roll, a majority ol the persons previously called, can put thereon the names of repre sentatives trom the insurgent states, and iu either event they can vote lor Speaker. President Johnson will, doubtless, before Congress meets, proclaim all the reeeutly in surgent states restored to their former places m the Union. The c erk of the House, there fore, must put the members-elecf from these states on bis roll, it there be no contesting members and he finds the former “regulaily elected in accordance with tue laws of their states,” unless he is determined to refuse to recognize the insurgent states as /tatei in the Union. LINVILH & GLEASON. 9AY A NT.IV A. 11. ■A. G-BJIT O R MERRITT, WALCOTT 4CU~ 64 Conrtlanflt Street, New York. - A MANCFACTURERS OP ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Ship or Baud Hook, AND— BOILER BOLTS, SI IT SCREWS, COACH OR LAC SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, HOUHD AMD SQUARE WASHERS, 'X'urn buckles, Bolt Ends, Taps and Bies, <sio. * ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES, LOCOMOTIVES, CARs, RAIL3, CHAIRS. SPIKES,TIRES, AXLE:.; CAR TRIM MINGS of eve is xriptioD, and every article u 'justnictint; or tu..road" STEAXSHIr SUPPLIES. KiGiNEERS’ STORES COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE EXITING, HEMP AND ROBBER PACKING. LAMPS, PAINTS. VARNISH, Ac.; ENGINEERS TOOI - of every description: CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, Ac. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS. BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Alwj Manufacture re of tbe BEST OKK TANNED BELTING PLANERS, ary and portable * A NOBLE PURPOSE AND A Glorious Result H. There are as many reads to fame ami fortuoe as there were gateways to auclent Thebes. Youi am bilious warrior is lor eurrjmtf HU way with the sabre ; your aspiring politician ior scheming his way by intrigue and consummate art. But there Is one grand broad path to the goal, along which noiliing base can travel. It is the path set apart for the march of talent, energy, and noble purpose ano though full of obstacles, it contains noue that a brave mau cannot surmount. Thia fact baa been exemplified in innumerable instances, hut in few more forcibly than in the rise and progress of DB. HOOFI-AND'S GERMAN BITTERS. For over fifteen years iis course has been onward and upward, s uttering blessings at every step, until It now stands on the topmost rounds of the ladder of fame, as the GBEAT TONIC. o Hoofland’s German Bitters Is a positive remedy for DYSPEPSIA, AND Diseases Resulting from DISORDER OF. THE LIVER DIGESTIVE ORGANS, And is the orly certain ana safe RESTORER OF STRENGTH IN CASES OF DEBILITY. o By ths use of this Bitters Weakened and Habilitated Frames Be come Kcnevved with all the Vigor of Health. Impaired constitutions are rebuilt, and the patient in a shot! lime regains Vigor, Health and Strength. F OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS, Resulting from Disorders of the Digeative Organa I Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to th* Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the stomach. Soar E notations. Sluic ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breath lng, Flattering at the Heart, Choking or Saffocatlug Sensation when in a Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain ia the Head, Defi ciency of Tempi atlon. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain in ths Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Beat, Burn ing in Ihe F.eeh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Splilts. Remember That these Bitters contain no Rum or Whiskey. And can’t make Drunkards Is not a Bar Room Drink, But a Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract, Free from Alcoholic Stimulant or Injurious Dtuye. It cannot insidiously introduce the vice of Drunk enness into the bosom of your families—to your wife, your children, or your friends. L SOXjDIBB.B Or others, whose systems have become impaired by hauls hips or disease, will find in this Bitters a tonic hat will restore them to all their original vigor. t A These Bitten have pertoimeJ more cures! Given Better Satisfaction i Have more Testimony! Have more reapectable people to vouch for them 1 any other article lathe Maiket. We defy any one to coS* l^ 1 ‘Mfewentoii, -i To any one that will produce a Certificate published by us that ia not GjyjLJNE. N READ WHO EATS 80. FROM THE HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. Washington, January 1, 1801. Gentlemen:-Having statej it verbally to you. 1 have no hesitation In writing the fact, that I experi enced marked bcuelt from your Houflend's German Bitter*. During a lung unti tedious session of Con gress, pressing and onerous duties neatly prostrated me. A kind irlend suggested the use of ihe prepa a tion I have named. I took Ilia advice, and il.e result was Improvement of health, renewed energy, and th at particular relief I ao n uch needed and ohtaine i Others may be similarly advantaged, If they desire to os Truly your irieud, THOMAS B. FLORENCE D From Rev W. D. Sslgfrlad, Paatcr of Twelllh Baptist Church. Philadelphia, December lid, 1848. Mrssas. Jones & Evens, Gentlemen:—l hate iceeotly been laboring under rhe tdstreseing effects of indigestion, accompanied bv a prostration of the nervous system. Numerous rem edies w«e recommended by friends and some ot them tested, but wt bout relief Your Hoofllaud's Germ in tfuteis were recommended by petaons who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of the hitters In duced me also to try them. I must confess that I had ao aversion to patent medldnc-s, front the thonsand an*t one” quaeK Hitters,” whose only aim soems to oe to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the commnnltv, in a sly way ; and. the tendency oi which. I fear, is to make many a confirmed drunkard tpo i learning that yours was really a medicinal preparation I took It with happy effect. It. action was not only upon the stomach, but upon the ner roua system, waa prompt and gratifying. 1 feel that I have derived great and permanent benefit Horn the ate ot a few bottles. VeryrespecifuUyyours, W. G. SKIGFREID,’ No. 264 Shackamtxun street. BEWARE of counterfeits. See shat the signature of ‘ c. M. JACKSON’ 1s on the Wrapper of each bottle. PRUttIPAL OFFICE A MANUFACTORY ARCH STREET, F JONES & EVANS, fc. f CKSSOBB TO C. U JACKSON A CO. IBWBPAPIM. _ DAILY JOURNAL & MESSENGER, PnMisliefl Every Morniug ani Evening. MACON, GEORGIA, CORNER OF CHERRY ARD THIRD STREETS. LARGEST CIRC CL A TIOS IS MIDDLE ASD SOUTH WESTERS GEORGIA. rjIHE old -Journal A Messenger," fli-t established I in ISou, and regularly published ever since, has tile Large-t Circulation i.l al.y paper in this section We aie offering liberal terms to advertisers, and merchants, and outers Uesirouaol hiving their busi ness generally known, will do well to advertise iu our columns. OUR WEEKLY Contains the legal advertising of some eight or ten counties and is cirrulaled thicughout the Southern and Northern States generally. Parties sending their advertisements with the money will be insured sutisiaclion Address 8. BOSS A CO. } Proprietors, s pis THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES, The Lending Journal oT Ihe South. PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY, Devoted to Literature and General New*—The Discus sion of State and National Topics—The Wel fare of the Planting I merest—The Progrca* of Southern Commerce, and the Regeneration of Prospei ity in the Southern States. The Proprietors of the New Oki.kans Daily ani» Weakly Tun, encouraged by the liberal support given to their journal, hove made ample arrangements for its improvement, with a view to making it, in every respect, a FIRST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS PAPER. Terms of the Daily. $lO per annum; half yearly, $8; Quarterly, $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES le devoted to the discussion of topics of vital import uoce to the interests of the Gulf Spates; contairs a carefully prepared compendium of the news of each week, original and selected literary and miscellaneous matter, tales, poetry, etc., correspondence from all parts of the country aud abroad, letters from the peo ple, a resume of the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $5 per annum. TO 01/ÜBa. The Weekly will he furnished os follows, when sent to one address: 2 copies $ 9 60 I C copies $25 00 3 ** 14 oo | T “ 29 00 4 *• 18 001 8 “ 33 00 C 22 601 9 “ 37 00 10 copies s4o. An extra copy will be given to any one getting up a Club of Ten. Terms invariably in advance. Address WM. 11. C. KING A CO., mil Ml Proprietor* N O. Times, No. 70 Camp st THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under auspices highly flattering. It has a large and dolly increasing circulation, and of feis to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none. ADVERTISING RATES. ONE SQUARE. Two weeks $ 5 00 One month G 00 Two months 10 00 Three mouths j 15 00 Six Mouths 24 00 Ono Year 40 00 TWO SQUARES. Two weeks $lO 00 One month 12 00 Two months 16 00 Three months 18 00 Six month- 30 00 One year CO 00 Persons desiring a greater quantity ot space than i* above designated, will be accommodated on lilieral terms. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single Copy, (mailedi 6 cts One Month, do 75 ’• Three Months, do $2 oo Six Months do 3 50 One Year do c 00 Address, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD & CO., PETERSBURG, VA. PROSPECTUS OF TIIK Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF COPIES, FOR URA TUITOU& CIRCULATION. To bf In9Ueii on or about the 15 th of July, 1305, By J. W. BURKh & CO., - MACON, GA This enterprise is undertaken at the suggestion oi many of the leading merchants of the country, as h method of extensively advertising their btisiner-s.— While we will publish the advertisements of all ,vh< may favor u< with their jiutronage, the paper will also contain Prices Current ol the Markets in all the princi pal Cities, Rates of Exchange, Brokerage, he., and Oommetcial News of every description that will be ol interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “ MIRROR " be exclusively filled with advertisements; but the paper will lie sufficiently to leave ample room for Editorials, Correspond-*: Select Reading Matter, Ac. It will r * AMI j T r „ Ar !X ? nd Si'iWhd that it shall a "i 'lßageln the Couutry. advantage of advertising in « iT h y ?£rrptluli, OUIt TERMS WILL BE are tumble to nnblish them in thh imlwSth! ™t knowing what number of our friend, will Lieir Businese Garda, Notices, Ac , brought be ‘ire the Fnnlic through this medium. Wc will only say to all, send your Advertisements to us immedi ately ; state how much space you wish them to occu py, directions, Ac. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuta and material for displaying them, and feel confident ot meriting the patronage and approval oi all Business Men. A, soon as we arrive at the amount of mutier and size of paper required, wc will make aD estimate, and publish the rates f r advertising, in the fir-t'tinmber. Ti.ey will ue as low as rossuiLE, to allow ns to rciiLisu tuk l-Ai-ER. Deeming it superflu ous to argue the benefit of this enterprise to the adver tising world, we leave the subject with it, feeling as sured it will meet iu cordial co-oncration and sun port. Address J. \V. BURKE A' CO., Macon, Oa. Agent In Savannah: Guo. N. Ninnoi a, Bay Street. jylit-tf THE DAILY EVENING VOICE. PUBLISHED AT BOSTON, MASS., lB TH* OFFICIAL ORGAN ‘—OF THE Grand Eight-Hour League of Mass,, AND OF TUX WORKINGMEN’S ASSEMBLY OF BOSTON. IT is independent in Politics, eecbewa Sectarian mat ters, contains all the Local and General News of the day, la especially devoted to the interest* of Work iugmen, and Its managers .pare no pains to make it THE PEOPLE S PAPER. Its facilities for obtaining the latest and most relia ble Intelligence on every subject of interest are unsur passed, and make It a newspaper that will be wel comed by every ron of New England In any section of the conntry. It has a large circulation, and as on ad vertlalng medium is unsurpassed by any newspaper hi Boston. taf Subscription Price, $5 per year. FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA, RECEIVED DAILY, And Ferwar ed ui-Weekly. Per STEAMER AMAZON, Capt R. Jomtson Per STEAMER LADRA, Capt. Enwako Hii.lkb. Having a commodious Warehouse on DUkml Wharf, we are prepared to receive freight ea above. Due notice will be given of the days of departure of each steamer. ERWIN A. HARDEE. I—E——— T »«AnvTT*tm ownPMunr MeicKim, Ac. Rue, Whitney & Cos.. 1 ft ' GENERAL Commission Merchants, 202 BAY STREET, Savannah, - - - - Ga. Particular Attention Paid to Shipments to our Honse iii Philadelphia. pep22-1m G.B.&G.W. LAMAR General emission Merchants. FORWARDING AND SHIPPING AGENTS. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA THE Under-ignrd have this day formed aCo part nership under the namentid style of G. It. and G. W Lamar, for the transaction of h General Com mission, Forwarding anil Sh ipping Business aud offer their services to their friends at and the public. Office in Jones’ buildings. Bay Street, few' doors East of Claghoni A Cunningham, (up stairs.) Refer to Geo. W- Anderson Km, Savannah; John C Fcrrill. E*?q., Savannah; G B, Lamar, Esq . Sa vannah ; Wm. E Jackson. Esq., President Augusta Factory ; Messrs. Josiah Sibley & Sons Augusta; «1 B. & J. \V. Walker, Augusta. G. B LAMAR Jr. §ep3o-lm G, W. LAMAR Ja. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GENERAL COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING merchant, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Harris' Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low A Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter & Gammell, Cr me, John son & Graybill; Bell, Wylly & Christian ; Bothwell <fc Whitehead; Miller, Thomas & Cos.; M. A. Cohen, E?q. tep29-tf 1). H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, New York. D n. Bu.mviN,) Vx-i- J. F Cummings. / Ntw ' ork ‘ 11. BKIGUAM, i Ca.n.nnh 00U.3.U C. M Hoi st, f Savannah, A. S. Hart ridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING! MIIACHANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. oetH-tf A-lexaricler ITtirdee, Storage null Ueneral Commission Merchant CORNER BAY AND JEFFERSON STS., Savannah, Georgia, Dealer In—HAY, FODDER, GRAIN, FLOUR, WOOL, HIDES, BRAN. SHORTS, Ac. sep22-lm JAMES B. CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liqners, 171 IT ROA. T> STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDKRS ofMerchandize wishing to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the most .e i foil able rates. sep4-Hm rosin it fun on otton andother SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Foiuier & Bonnett COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 V/sitr Sthket, »,kw Yoek. Aud Memphis, Teur. TuomasFenner, llemu Bennett, D W.Bowman. JVC 00, (HAS. L. COLBY & < 0., skipping Cominitoion anil Forwaiding M K R C HANTS. •ON KS BLOCK, OOKKKB HAY AND AKERCORN STREET SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Hade on Consignments to the firmol Cuab. L. Coluy, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE WRIGHT. Agents at Augusta, Ga. REFERENCES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New Yc** Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hol. J Wiley Edmunds, Jfcmtmi Gardner Colhy t tyffi,” wu ' sep Woodward, Baldwin A to., 11U Duane Street, New York, 9 and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnuburgs und Yarns. jyl3 HENRY BRYAN, Bryan Street, next to Merchants' and Planters’ Bank Luilmnu, Broker and Commission Agent for sale and purchase of STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Colton, ft ti 15 Hiiio joHi'i I mm & 10.7 Forwarding and Commission 51ERCHAN TS. WHOLESALE AND IIETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOB. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. INO. S. SAMMIS. H>, O. SAMMIS. CHAS. 1.. MATII KB auli_ _ ts A. T. CUNNINGHAM. It. Q. PURSE CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Factors, forwarding anl> commission MERCHANTS, No. 4etoddurd’* Lower Stores, Bay sheet, Savaunoh. Ga. References— Robt. Habersham A Font*, Hunter A Gamim 11, Oetavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A (Jo., Erwin A Hardee, Claghoru & Cunning ham. tep4- 3m E. F. METCALFE & OIL, GEREIIAL roUWAHDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lower Stoddard's Range between Abeieorn and Lincoln Streets, Savannah, - Ga. References—Hening, Flint A Pearce, New York; K. M. Bruce A Cos.. Augusta, Ga.; R. C. Robson, Ksq., Atlanta, Ua.; Knott A tlowcs, Macon, Ga.; E. M. Brace, Morgan A Co- Appalachicola, Fin.; Watts, Crane A Cos, N. Y.; Geo. C. Pearce ACo . St. Louis, Mo.; H. C. Bruce A Cos., Cincinnati. O.; Air. H. J. Cook, Albany, Ga.; Jno. W.O'Connor. Macon, Ga. scptlD 1m J. SHAFFER, Commißsion Sealer In all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS Aim PRODUCE Wist Washington Market, Opposite 143 West st.. Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., N E W YORK. Potatoes. Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and pnt np for the Southern market All coßtignments' promptly attenked to. 0T" Hes-rs to A. L. Bradley. A. Haywood, T. J. COMMtffglOW MBRIHA MTS J.T. THOMAS & CO" COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 117 Bay Street. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at as Low Rates as arc accepted by any good Company. I oetll-lm SOU'CHERX COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON & CO., FACTORS, Forwarding 4 Commission MERCHANTS, RESPECTFULLY invite f.ttention to our facilities for the purchase or movement of Southern Products, aud will give prompt attention to all nusi ncss entrusted to our care. Intending to establish perm inently a Home in Savannah expect by strict business principles to merit anil receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends iu New York or Europe, and will make ad vances on same; pit king, re-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in Northern cities by this nrocess They solicit a portion «<f the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining .'state*. OPEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, CSt* Post Office Address, Lock Box 25. oct7-3m Fordycf, Anderson & Jannoy, 3 A N If I! H S AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. rpHE undersigned have this day formed a Cos part * nership under the Ann name of Fordyce. Antler son & Jantiey, for the transaction «»t a linking and General Comims>ion, Forwanling and Shipping Bus iness, and offer tlieir s ;rvices to their friends and the public. Libera! advances made on all Consignments to them f»r sale iu Savannah, or for shipment to their correspondents in New YorK, Philadelphia or Baltimore. Refer to Messrs. Hunter & Gammell, G. W. Ander son, Esq., G. B. Lamar, Esq., Kobt. Habersham & Sons. Office No. 10 Storirtaill’s Range, I'p-Stairs S. W. FORDYCE, Huntsville, Ala. GEO. W. AKDfcR-ON, Jr., Savauuah, ua. T. B. JANNEY. octl3-2w Nashville, Tenn. BACON, CLARDY-&C0. Cotton aud Tobacco Factors, NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY HENRY BRYAN. WE do enti ely a CoTnmi c sion Bnsiness, exerting ourselves to get the outride market quotations 'for our patrons. Liberal advances made on Cotton at Savannah, and part al advances on Cotton ready tor shipment at Au gusta, Atlanta and Macon. Planters’ orders filled. octl2-lm Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, General Common anil Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. f) Stoddard’s Block, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Cuab. Van Horn, Uoi.yoke & Murrav, Savannah, Ga. New York. Engaged exclusively iu n Commission Business, with ample anil first class Storage Room, we moat respect fully tender our services f«.rthe purchase and sale of all kinds of merchandise. octll-3m L. WAII HOCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, FLA, Consignment* solicited. , Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. octll-lm MAGKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Oa. OFFER FOR SALE the following Goods, on the mos reasonable terms. 260 bbls Whiskey, Mountain Dew 'i lbo “ ** Duckcye 1\ serve 75 “ “ Stag Honrbon ‘ .- 2<> “ “ 7 years old stag bourbon [ ’ OI •to “ •' line Apple C n ,e J n 50 “ “ Burkam’s Bourbon | Distillation 15 ” “ Old Family Rye I 15 “ “ Old Rectified J Togethi r with a large assortment of Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines, HeiiL-iik & c’o., and Reymoud’s t hampagnes, Brandies, Gius, Rums, German & Ridgeway Ritters, &c. In connection with the above, we offer for sale* Choice Faraiiy Flour, Bacon Sides, Shoulders. Lard, Ac. Liberal advances made on consignment to MACKY&DEATTIE, sep-.D-tf PHILADELPHIA, N. A. HARDEE & CO~ Shipping, Commission and For warding Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will make liberal Cash A Vances on consignments to our ITiopds, Norton, Slaughter A Cos,, 40 broad street, New Yoik. octO-lm Wm. H. Burroughs & Cos. Forwarding and commission merchants, No. I*7 Bay street, Savannah. Ga. For the Hale of Cotton and other Produce, Lumber* '1 imber, Plan tations anrl all kinds of Real Estate. We now oiler several Rice Plantations r ear the city, a number of Cotton and Provision Plantation*, Timber lands, City Property, and n few lots in the Mineral or North western parts of the State. s*ep?6 lm H. Gowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAY STREET, ANDERSON'S WHARF, „ SAVANNAH, GA. oct2-3m INK. GROSS I?lK, in stands, at $5 60 per gross. 16 wU dozen Arnold's Writing Fluid, pint* at $7 per dozen. For sale by SAVILLB A LEACH, street and Market square. COMMISSION MKKCHAHTS. W. B. & T. E. RYAN, CENERAL COMMISSION AND Forwarding- Merchants, Charleston and New Yoj-k, . WILL attend to the shipment and Forwarding of Hll kindi of Produce, anil will keep on hand an assortment of Groceries, Wines and Liquors. Consienments solicited. W. B. Ryan, i i Tuos. E. Ryan, <59 East Bay, v s 44 Beaver street, Charleston. | ( .New York. octl7 1m J OHNL TV ILLA LON G A, COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 94- Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. octlC 6m C. H. BENEDICT & CO., No. 86 Broad Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission Merchants, Dealers in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Ac. Special attention to Southern Orders Consignments on General Merchandise solicited. ocri7 3m E. C. WADE. B. U. WADE. E. C. WADE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga. octlC 3m Notice to the Public. IN the year IS4G, the writer embarked in the Drag Business in ihe city of Philadelphia, and while thus engaged, made several experiments in regard to the most desirable mode of preparing Fluid Extracts. My effo;ts being successful—the articles being approved and used by the Medical Faculty—l wan desirous of placing them b fore the public, but hesitat and for sometime before concluding to resort to newspaper advertising, knowing of the prejudices that existed in the minds of many against using advertised Medicines orNosiiums. but through the advice of friends and those who had used them this objection was overcome. After IS y ars’ xertions, commencing in a small wav, the popularity of my articles hAS exte >ded to all parts of the United St ties, and widely throughout Foreign countries—and this in the face of much opposition. Every means has been resorted to by unprincipl< and deal ers since their merit aud success have been known such asudvsxtisiug larger boitb s sit less price, all other preparations, and even copying my advertise ments—but I am happy to state that out of the many Who have resorted to this, none have been auccesshil. MY OBJECT in this notice is to make fact 9 known to the public and respectable dealers, believing, after so many years’ ex ertions, that the Druggists will disc untenance such proceedings, and that the reputation of my articles may not be damaged by the use of inferior or spurious ones. Knowing that many may read this article who are unacquainted with me, I append a few remarks from those of my native city, and whose name* are known in all parts of the world : “Being personally acquainted with Mr. H. T. Helm bold, it affords me pleasure in stating I have been most favorably impressed w ith his energy and integri ty, and gratified at his seccees ” WM. WEIGHTMAN, Firm of Powers & Weightman, Ninth aud Brown Streets. Philadelphia. [Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia.] “ When on a visit to the city of New York a few days since, I was induced to call on our old friend and townsman, Mr. H. T. Helmbold, Druggist, 594 Broad way, N. V. His Store is a Model—a perfect Gem-- the handsomest of any kind we have ever had the pleasure of viewing, and so extensive, being 34 ieet lront. five stories in height, and over 200 feet deep.— It indeed affords us much pleasure to know that he has been so successful, and it is ample evidence of the merits ol his articles—as in our whole business expe rience wc have not known of ihe success of any arti cles without Merit—advertising merely bringing the name before the people. ” (Boston Herald.] “We do not like to advertise worthless wares, or articles calculated to deceive our readers; and when w e see an advertiser like Mr. Helmbold, whom we have known for years, gradually extend his advertising from year to year until he becomes the largest adver tiser in the United btates, we are satisfied that the statements in regard to his articles must be correct, The writer reluctantly inserts the above, and would not do so were be not a stranger to many; and con cludes by stating the names oi his articles, and the di-eases for which they have been used by many thou sands with complete success. [ADVLHTIBEMENT.] Ilclmbold’s Extract of Bucliti will cure all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder.— Cures Pain or Weakness in the Back, Strictures, &c.; Cures Weak Nerves, Loss of Memory, Trembling, Di mness of Vision. HEI.MBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT OF BCCHU is a pure fluid extract, not a w ? eak tea or infusion. Is the one tiling needful for all complaints incident to Females. For particulars send for Circular. HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHIT cpre«Hravql and IVopsical Swelling* existing in Men, Women, or Children; in lack ALL DISEASES requir ing the aid of a Diuretic. It \» the greatest Tonic and Diuretic known—perfectly s fe, pleasant in taste and odor, and immediate in its action. HELMBOLD’S Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED. One bottle equivalent in strength to one gallon of the Syrup of Decoction. It reaches the seat of the disease immediately, ex pelling all Humors of the Blood, and BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. These articles, being of such strength, the dose Is exceedingly small. From this fact, it is used In the United Slates Army Hospitals aud public Sanitary In stitutions throughout the land. SAT Sold by all Druggists everywhere. O'" Ask for Helmbold’s. Take no other. tw Cutont the advertisement and send for it, and by this means avoid Counterfeit. oct9 lm Paper and Rag Warehouse Warren & Platner, YyiIOLESALE dealers in all kinds of coarse and V T fine Paper, Envelops, Twines and Paper Boxes. Sole Agents in this city for the Batli Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, old Rope and Bagging anti Waste Paper, in large or small quantities. oetlti-tf 210 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. S 0 U TIIE R N Exporting and Importing COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. TIIIS association ia prepared to make advances in currency of (fold on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber, *c, to their agent in Liver pool. Orders solicited for goods from merchants and plan tors. Tiic itrictest attention will be paid to all orders however small, for goods ffom England, France or Germany. Onr Savannah and Charleston Agents, being salaried, make no charge for forwarding either way and will furnish circular of details. It. F. FLOVD, President, Jacksonville, Fla. Aoknts;—E. T. Paine, Liverpool, England; R. E. Screven, Charleston, S. C.; Henry Bryan, Savannah. Ga. 3mos sepiß COMSTOCK & KINSEY, MACHINERY DEPOT, Office No. 154 Bay Street,Safamal, 6a, TI7E keep on band and fnrnsh to order at Mana t'V f.icnirers’ Prices,Engine,Foot and Hand Lathes. PI met, Drills Chucks. Bolt (Utters, Geai Cutters. Wood A M.nn “Portable Engines," Hoisting En gines, Wood Working Machinery of every description. Stationery Steam Engines and Boilers, Cotton Gins and Presses, Saw Mills, Rice Mills, Grist Mills, Circu lar and Mill Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting and Hoee. Gearing, Shafting, Hangere and Piilliea, Hy draulic Jacks and Punches, Pumps of nil kinds. All kinds of W ood and Iron Working Machinery and supplies. Agents for the West Point Foundry, E. A. Wood’s Steam Gusge and Boiler Feeders. ST SEND FOR A CIRCULAR, agl COMSTOCK A KINSEY, No. 154 Bay street, oct4-Tn,Th&B2m Savannah, Ga. SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY. EKoelhcefac At Cos. “ • SHIPPING and COMMISSION MERCHANTS Corner B ,y aud Whitaker streets. UA * NTh ’ Prompt attention given to consignments’of ", chaudlK.'and Produce of all kinds purchase?! snd 2,id. 1 IU fir. £ ssfiraaßsa * au24 MA. Cohen, • FOKWARLDIQ AND COMMiaS’N MERCHANT Office Home Ins. Cos , 89 Bay st. A " T ’ Bell. WyUy A Christian, AUCTION nrv HCHAtTS COMMI9SI 2 N AND WARDIM MaRCHANTS. Bay street. Savannah^ AM. Scarbrough At Co.,~Geoo . mission MraniMNTg, 140 Julian sta Highest market prices paid for Ciitirm' Wool, Beeswax, etc. Liberal AdranresonCoUgu a ’ Erwin At Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, : Baystreet, Savannah. Ga WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. " AKUIILEU, NTjnTHEAST^ToRNEITY,,. • Broughton and Jefferson streets Sol.* ’a U'.r the State of Georgia, for the salt' oi?Snf* <f “ t W mes and Brandy, ts ° a “ ioruia E. Koithckc 6i, to., ‘ . WHOLESALE DEALERS ui Groceries, /lues, Liquors and Seears Buy and Whitakersts., Savannah, Ga* ' Tai-uel R. Seuly & Cos., ~ A aOLK AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OP Ch. FARRK CHAMPAGNES Xu the State of Geo.gU. ES ' 2 ‘ l ay st -’ betv T' , ' n DaiEard and Jeffers,.„ * u 9 Savannah. Oa, n ‘ DRY GOODS. • TRIMMINQS, RIBBONS, Ac , Ac. X ' OUA Cor- <■ ougresa and Whitaker sts. John Mi( (umgliy, ~ DEALER IN DRY GOODS, *o. Qaiuuel M. Ledvrcr, Jobber and lietaffiTTr O Fancy and Staple D«y OooDa. Clotuino, Hats, Ac. 140 Congress street. ’ __ GROCERIEB, &c. ~~ Fcrat dt Cos.. Wholesale Dealer in Wlnes. T:- aU. qioas, Segarb, Fancy GRoceaira, Candies, Ac. Stuart At Co.,Wholesale undLetall Dealers iu Gro cenes and Proviaions, Teas, Ales, Wines and Li qUo,r*'i S orner Bull und Brought, n street? traae <Ja “ temiou to orders for the country 6ep2;i-ti Conation 6i Symons, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS Corner W hitaker and St. Julian sts Old Stand of W. R. Symons. il* *'• l>ey«», in CnoicE Family Grocerus -*• W ines, Liquons, At . 193 Broughton street. BILLIARDS, dec. T> illiard Saloon. By WALTER O'MEAILL D ALE-, WINES, LIQUORS, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. St. Charles Saloon, (in rear of Post Office,) by Btamh. Wholesale and litUM. None but CHOICE W INKS and LIQUORS served. Free Lunch. GAS FITTING, &c. Weed & Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Haedwari: slid Tin Ware. No. 159 and 161 Broughton street. TT Cranston, A-' . CLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan st., next to cor. Whitaker. TV Koelhtt ke A Cos., ED Importers of Genuine Havana Segurtt, Coiner liay and Whitaker streets, Savannah, Ga sep:* lra Tj' Kolb. ~ r • SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac South of the Market. PRINTING, STATIONERY, &c. C u vi I It- tSfc isL-uck, O BOOKa'ELLEUS AND STATIONERS, Cor. Bryan afreet and Market Square. Mark! Mg Ink, Manufaotuked and for sale by DAVID H. GALLOWAY, Geo. N. Nichols, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay st., between Abeicorn and Drayton. lithographer, stationkk, • BINDER, JOB PRINTER, Ac. No. 6 Whitaker street. C W. Mason A Cos.. k. • HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. No. ill Bay Greet WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. ===■- -=-*1 j==^r. FD. Jordan, Dealer in Waicuts auu Jewrlei, • Silver and Plater Wa«i L ascyGooi*. 4c. tw Watches and .Jewelry Repaired. 189 Congress st., opposite the Pulaski Hcuss. HAIR DRESSING, Ac. Pulaski House Barber Shop, (cor. Bull and Bryan sts.j Shaving, Hair Cutting, Shampuuiiig. Whiskers Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Net k’Rca and other Fancy Aiticles tor sale. . DRUGGISTS. Joa, W. Clift, M. », Cor. South Broad and Bamard-sts., Orriox Hours—9 to 10 A. M.. and 4to 5 P. IL, ZSt~ Residence—Mr. Wash's, corner St. Julian nod Lincoln Streets. WM. Walsh, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, auL4 Southeast cor.. Barnard and Bruugluuu sis. 1 A. Solomons & Cos., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. tW Orders executed accurately and with despatch. ROOTS AND SHOES. Ames At Peabody, Jobbers In Men's, Women's, and Children’s Call Serge and Kid BOOTS «n d SHOES, of all kinds and qualities. 168 Congress sL, 4tn door North of the Market. Geo. T. Nichols, RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORK. 11U Broughton st., Vd door Irom 8011. aatg."— l ■ " QUEENSWARE, &c. Ed. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AND • UMNA, at Wholesale and Retail. 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of flan CONFECTIONERY JE. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—WnoLiSALi amd Ret*“- ■ MAKCFAOriTRKB OF ..mV I SYRUrS, CORDIALS AND FINECONFECTIONEE* ■ or ALL KINDS. _ ~ I 14<J Broughton street, two doors from Barnaul ■ M Fitzgerald, • WUOIMAI.K AMD RETAIL DEALER IN „mDV I CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBEHRY andRASPBEEID H tw~ In any quantities, to suit Purchasers. H WHITAKER STREET. fl SODA WATER. : Jolm Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, FORTI» and ALE, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, „ - Cor. Bay and West Broad street rl ■ . ■■ti ■ . ii * Boker’s Bitter^ The Oldest and best renowned. L. FC»K Ei 66 Liberty Street. sepl2-3mo NEW YORK. ITCH! ITCH I ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH Wheaton’s Ointment. WILL CURE THE ITCH IR ERRTY-EICHT MOOC»’ Also cures Salt Rbenm, Ulcers, Chilblains, Eruptions of the Skin. Price 60 cents. r ° r ° all Druggists. By sending 00 cents to Weeks *Po Sole Agents, ITO Washington street, Boston, Ma*» _ will be forwarded by matt, free of postage, to part of the United States. septM-3®