Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 19, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 235. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING^ IB PUBLISHED BY M. w. MASON A CO., At 111 Bay Street, Savannah. Georgia. teems: Per Copy.... *■>'« Cenw. Per Hundred $3 60 - Per Tear a r > v E R T i b i no: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Line 9 for firet In sertion ; One Dollar lor each subsequent one. Ad vertisement® inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. IMPORTANTCONFERENCE BETWEEN THE SOUTH CAROLINA DELEGATION, —AND PRESIDENT JOHNSON. THE PRESIDENT’S VIEWS ON THE PARDONING POWER. An Appeal for the Pardon of Jeff. Davis. The main facts of the interview between the President and the South Carolina dele gation, who presented a petition for the par don of Jeff. Davis, A. H. Stephens, Geo. A. Trenbolin, and Gov. Magrath, have been telegraphed to the Herald, but the details of that interview will be read with great avidity. The following is the full account of the in terview of the South Carolinians with the President; Washington, Oct. 13. Judge Wardiaw, Alfred Huger, and Col onel Dawins, of South Carolina, this after noon bad an interview by appointment with President Johnson. They were accompa nied by \V. H. Trescott, Esq., who is litre on business as elective agent of that State. — The President, alter the customary prelimi naries of reception, invited them to _ be seat ed, when at once the conversation com menced by Judge Wardiaw informing bim that they were a delegation from the State Convention of South Carolina, sent hither to present certain memorials of that body.— These memorials had been very carefully considered in the Convention, anil he believ ed they told exactly the truth. The Presi dent inquired the object of the memorials. Judge Wardiaw inlormed him that one of them was in behalf of Jefferson Davis, A. H. Stephens, George A. Trenholro, andGov ernor Magrath. He said they had under stood that by the late interference of the President, Messrs. Stephens and Trenholm bad already been released from close confine ment and permit e l to return to their home 9. He would ask for Governor Magrath either a pardon or that he might be released on his parole. They could assure the President no harm would result from such au act of clemency. The President replied that all could not be pardoned at once. The business must be proceeded with gradually, and an effort made to execute the law. A discrimination was nt cessary as we went along. It was a too c >mmon expression, by way of argu ment in regard to clemency, that such a one had been pardoned, and that he was just as bad as another who had not been pardoned. Judge Wardiaw replied that the delega tion presented no such argument as that. The President said sometimes the pecu liar locality had much to do with pardons. Like many other things in human affaire, we cannot have a fixed rule. Much depends on discretion and circumstances. It we know ourselves, we want to do what is best and just, and to show a proper degree of hu manity on the part of the government. Jude Wardiaw remarked that they had not come hither to express their own hopes and desires, but as delegates lrom the South Carolina Convention to present the memo rials of that body in a formal manner. The President—We will, gentlemen, ex- tend all the facilities and courtesies which the questions require. We would prefer io pardon twenty men than to refuse one. Judge Wardlow relied that they did not design to say uuything with reference to Governor Magrath, further than that they r believe much good would result by the ex ercise of the executive clemency toward him. % Colonel Dawkins said—ls we can get Governor Magrath paroled, it would be a great relief to him at the present time. Julge Ward a v th inked the President for having relcastd Messrs. Stephens and Treu holm. The President—We have that far, then, anticipated your memorial. Mr. Huger said Mr. Trenholm was one of their mosl useful men, and there was no doubt he would exert all his power with a view to enure harmony between the state and the government. The President replied that he understood that was so; adding, if treason was commit ted, there ought to be some test Io determine, the power of the government to punish the crime. He was free to say that it was not a mere contest between political parties, or a question as to ile facto governments. Look ing at the government as we do—the laws violated, and an. attempt made at the life of the nation—there aiiou'd be a vindication of the government and the Constitution, even if the pardoning power were exercised thereaf ter. It treason has been committed, it ought to be determined by the highest tribunal, and the fact declared, even if clemency should come afterward. There was no malice or prejudice in carrying out that duty. Judge Wardlaw remarked they were well aware of that. The President, resuming, said there may be some uukind feeling on'thissu ject, but It did not exist to any great extent. Judge Wardlaw said, although not in structed by the convention, he was induced to ask whether Mrs. Jefferson Davis, who was now confined to Georgia, could not cross into South see her friends. The President replied that be bad received letters from Mrs. Davis; but they were not very commendable. The tone of one of them, however, was considerably improved, bqt the others were not of the character becom- ing one asking leniency. Judge WardUw interposed by saying she was a woman of strong feeling. The President—Yes, I suppose she is a woman of strong feeling and temper ; but there is no intention to persecute her. There is as much magnanimity and independence and nobleness of spirit in. submitting as in tr> iug to put the government at defiance.— True magnanimity takes things as they are ; and when taken in the proper way, I discon nect them fiom humiliation. Manifestations of temper and defiance do no good. Mr. Huger remarked that they had a deep consciousness of the truth of all the Presi dent said. The President, resuming, observed that the character of an individual may characterize a nation, which is nothing but an aggregate of individuals ; and when a proper spirit is manifested all can act harmoniously. The man who goes to the stake is almost dignified by this bearing ; it Ills him above humiliation. In theae cases, gentlemen, we will do the best we can. While there is sympathy there <• a public judgment which mast be met. — But I assure you, gentlemen, no disposition exists for peisecution, or thirst for blood. Judge Wardiaw remarked that Ihe tone of the newspapers was moic favorable and different.from what it wab He then asked lithe President had seen a copy of the amended constitution ol South Carolina. Os course he hud seen they accepted emanci pation. He felt perfectly satisfied that the person and property of the negro will be protected, and spoke of the great difficulties of regulating labor, aud of restraining va grancy, etc. The President thought many of the evils would disappear if they inaugurated the right system. Pass laws protecting the colored man in his person and property, and he can collect his debts. He kuew bow it was in tbe South. The question when first pre sented of putting a colored man in the wit neis-stand made them shrug their shoulders. But the colored man's testimony was to be taken for what ii was worth by those who examine him and the jury who hear it. Af ter all there was not as much danger as was supposed. Those coming out of slavery cannot do without work. ~ They cannot lie down in dissipation ; they must work. They ought to understand that liberty means sim ply the right to work »nd enjoy the products of labor, and that the laws protect them. That being done, and when we come to the period to feel that men must work or starve, the country will be prepared to receive a system applicable to both white and black —prepared to receive a system necessary to the case. A short time back you could not enforce the vagrant law on the black, but could on the white man. But get the pub lic mind right, and you can treat both alike. Let U3 get the general principles, and the de tails and collaterals will follow'. A conversation of some length ensued be tween the President, and Judge Wardiaw, and Mr. Trescott, as to the legislation of the State necessary in reference to the condition of treedmen, and to the scope and conse quences of the circular No. 15, and general orders No. 145, from the Adjutant-General’s Department, relative to abandoned lauds in South Carolina and other Southern States. The examination of these subjects, it is un derstood, is to he continued ai another inter view. The President said : We must be practical, and come up to surrounding circumstances. Judge Wardiaw, Colonel Dawkins and Mr. Huger all expressed to the President their conviction that the state had accepted in good faith the results of the issue which bad been made; that the people felt that the President had stood between them and .a harsh use of the power of the government ; that they felt entire confidence in his purpo ses and actions, and hoped in return to enti tle themselves to his confidence as so their feelings and actions. The President replied that he w’as glad to hear it; that whenever such mutual confi dence existed, there would, he thought, be au open road to the restoration of good feel ing aud a prosperous condition, aud that if he knew himself, and he thought he did, he would recommend nothing but what would advance their interests, So far from pander ing or looking to future elevation, he must lie believed when be said lie had not an eye single to such preferment. If, he continued, I could be instrumental in restoring the gov ernment to its former relations, and see the people once more united and happy, I should feel that I had more than filled the measure of my ambition. If I could feel that I had contributed to this in any degree, my heart would be more than gratified, aud my ambi tion full. Judge Wardiaw—Every than in South Car o ina would respond to that. Air. Huger—l am sure there is, on their part, no puuic faith. They deserve your confi dence, and I am sure they will earn it. The President expressed himself gratified with what had been said by these gentlemen. Mr. Dawkius remarked that all South Car olina reposed confidence in the President, and that the memorials presented by the chairman of the delegation represented the true seutimeuts of the people of that State, both in regard to those whom they wished pardoned and the feeling and position of South Carolina. IMPORTANT ORDER FROM THE LIEUT. GENERAL, Tlie Forts South of Fortress Monroe to be Garrisoned by Colored Troops. General Grant has taken up his residence for the winter in Washington. About the first thing he did was to issue the following order, lor the garrisoning of the sea-coast 'foitifications. The forts on the sea-coast South of Portress Monroe, are to be garrisoned by colored troops, probably on account of their being acclimated : Wak Department, Adj. Gen.’s Office,) Washington, Oct. 9, 1865. I Generai, Orders, No. 144. * * * * + 6. All volunteer cavalry east of the Missis sippi River, will be forthwith mustered out of service. 6. Ati sea-coast forts south of Fortress Mon roe, Virginia, except Forts Taylor and Jef ferson, Florida, will be garrisoned by colored troops, the requsile number of regiments having been selected for this purpose by the Department Commanders. All other colored troops will bo musiered out of service as fast as they can be dispensed with. Department Commanders will report to the Adjutant- Geueral by telegraph, the number of col ored troops required but not already in their commands, or the surplus number not re quired to carryout this order, that particu lar instructions may be given accordingly for the transfer or muster out ot regiments. By command of Lieut. Gen. Grant. E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutent-Gen eral. The Sacramento River Disaster. Thirteen Killed, Forty or Fifty Wounded—Anoth er Earthquake. A dispatch from San Francisco, Oct. 13, says ; The Steamer Yosemits, bursted her boiler i as Rio vesta, on her downward trip from Sac ramento last night. The upper works for ward were completely wrecked. Thirteen persons are known to be killed, forty or fif fty wounded, and others are missing. Among the killed are J. H. Myers, J. M. Pallen, Wm. 11. Stephenson, Mr. Major and I Mr. Washburn, actors or attachees of Ma guir’s Theatre, Dreker of the Central Pacific Railroad ; Southerland, of the British North American Bank; G. W. Seaton, State Sena tor, from Amador county , Charles Lewis Smith and Win. Rogers. Another earthquake in Santa Clara Valley, last night, is described as being quite as se vere as the one of Sunday. It was slightly felt here. MM Virginia Congressional Election. — A de spalch to the New York Times gives the fol lowing names of the members of Congress elect from Virginia: First District, W. H. B. Curtis ; Second District, L E. Chandler; Third Dis trict, B. J. Barbour; Fourth District, Robt- Rideway ; Fifth District, John Minor Botts ; Sixth District, A. H. H. Stuart ; Seventh District, Robert Y. Conrad ; Eighth District D. H. Hodge. Mcbder of a Clergy a an. —Rev. Robert Castleman, a well known member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, was brutally murdered near GastOD, N. C., on Wednes day nigbt last, while on bis return alone from a viuit. Theperpetrators have not yet been identified. The -deceased was widely known aad much beloved in Virginia- SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, -THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1865. BY TELEGRAPH. i • Great Fire in Charleston. THEtOITUEII ESTABLISHMENT AND three otueu gtiLDcves to TALLY DESTUUYED. . FALLING IN OF THE WALLS AND FEARFUL LOSS OF LIFE. -- * ♦ EIGHT BOWES RECOVERED FROM THF. RCIXS. THE FIRE STILL BURNING [Special Dispatch to the Savannah Jleiui.d.l Charleston, Oct. 18.—The Courier es tablishment aud three other buildings ad j i-ing, on Hayne street, near the Charleston Hotel, were totally destroyed by fire this morning. The loss will be very heavy. A portion of the walls fell in about thirty min utes ago, killing and woundiug a large num ber of persons. Among those badly hurt is Capt. Huffman, Chief of Police. How many are buried under the tuius has not yet been ascertained, and probably can not be. About eight bodies have been re* covered from the ruins this far. 1 The fire is still burning. I The report is that Capt. Hoffman has siuce died. The wiud is very high, but it is believed that the firemen will succeed in keeping the flames ie check. FROM NEW YORK. HALF A MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF COTTON BURNT UP. SALK OP GOYEItXMEXT COTTON. I New York. Oct., 17.—The fire last night destroyed a warehouse filled with cotton. — The loss is probably half a million. ; Eight thousand bales of Savannah and Sea Island cotton belonging to Government were I sold at auction to-day at gold rates, as fol lows : Aliddliug lair, 44 3-4; strict middling, 43 34 ; strict low middling, 39 l " ; ordina ry, 32 12 to 35 1-2. Gold closed at 140. i T,..-, . THE GRAND FIREMEN S PARADE AT PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Oct. 10.—The grand parade !of the firemen to-day, was one of the most imposing pageants ever presented in the country. One hundred and fourteen compa nies, including thirty companies from other cities were comprised in the procession. It ; is estimated that fully ten thousand people, who had come from far and near to witness ; the display, were gathered along the route of the procession. FROM KENTUCKY. Resolutions of thanks to the President foi Suspending Martial Law. Cincinnati, Oct. 17.—A large meeting of the citizens of Kentucky was held yesterday. Speeches were made by Gou. Houston and others. Resolutions were adopted, thanking I President Johnson for the removal of martial | law from the State of Kentucky, endorsing : the reconstruction policy of the President, and pledging unqualified support to the gov ernment. From New Orleansa New Orleans, Oct. 17. —Governor Wells lias accepted the nomination of the conven tion of the Conservative Part}’ of the State. It is stated that ex Gov. Allen has made ap plication for pardon. The Texas papers unanimously disapprove of negro suffrage. The Times' correspondent says that the State is fast attaining its former prosperity. FROM BOSTON. ALEX. H. STEPHENS ENTERTAINED AT THE REVERE HOUSE. Boston, Oct. 17. —The Post says that Alex ander H. Stephens was entertained at a pri vate dinner at the Revere House yesterday, by G S. Fairchild, of Chelsea. Mr. Stephens expressed his purpose to support the policy of the President for reconstruction, to the full extent of his bility ana influence. OFFICE ACT G SUB ASS T COM R., J Bureau Refugees, F. and A. Lands, 1 District of Savannah, Ga., f Savannah, Ga., Oct., 1865. J Circular) No. 1. ) In compliance with Par. 3, of Circular No. 2,from Office Acting Assistant Commis sioner for the State of Georgia, All persons in this District desiring to em ploy Freedmen, are respectfully requested to make known the fact at this office, to • gether with their address, or name ot agent nearest of access, and a full statement ot the number,and the kind of employment, ami the compensation offered. It will be borne in mind that in many in stances the Freedmen have families for which to provide. Persons warning laborers and having the means of furnishing shelter, Ac., for families and willing to do it, are particularly requested to state the fact. In furnishing laborers preference will be given to the parties offering the most liberal com pensation. HENRY L STONE, Capt. 103d U. S. C. Infantry, Act. Sub. Ass t Connn'r, District of Savannah. nctl9-3 Headquarters, ) Sub Dist. of Ogeechke, >■ Savannah, Ga., Oct. 9tb, 1865.) CIRCULAR. To facilitate the collection of the tax enumerated in paragraph 6, Special Orders No«3-’, dated Headquarters, Sub-District of Ogeeebee, it is hereby ordered : That officers of banks, insurance, express and other stock companies, manufactuies, merchants, professional men, and all others who receive a salary or employ labor for which compensation is paid, amounting to or exceeding eighty-three and one-third dollars per month, will render to Captain Wm. T. Easton, Tax Receive!, city of Savannah, Ga., prior to the 20th instant, a certified report for the months of September and October, 1865, stating name, occupation and amount of compensation receivea or paidr By command of BVt. Brig. Gen. DAVIS. - Signed: W. H. Folk, Ist Lieut, and A. A. A. G. octlO-15 English Coal. SUITABLE lor Parlor Orate*. Landing aud for sale in lois to suit purchasers; by Oct 12-2 w CLAOHORN A CUNNINGHAM. Notice. BOOKS for Subscription lo the Capital Stock of the National Expree* Company n-w open at tau office ol the undersigned. H BRIGHAM. One of the Commissioner* octlT 2w for the State ot Gfeor^ia. Notice. THE firm know. as Peabody, ITS Brough ton street, h tilts day dissolved by mutual con sent. W. L- Peabody w!!l-coi,ltnm- lhe Wholesale Boot and Shoe Bu-ine's at the above place, and is au thorized to settle all claims and coliect all debta on ac count of business turn sue ions at Savannah. * J. M AMES. octlT 0 WM. L. PEABODY ESTABLISHKD 1800. ENOCH MORGANS SON'S Soaps, No. 211 •H’ashiiigton-St., sepia YORK. ,'lm DURYEAS' MAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. wAB mmmr m foob Thut received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the com pet ion of all prom inent nianufactun rs of -*OOlll Starch” and -‘Prepared t orn Flour 1 ’ of this and other countries UotwithHtHnd iug. MAIZENA, The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince tne most skeptical.— Maki-s Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves and Cake It is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish aud meats, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream tor ooflec, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up In one pound packaj. es. under the trade mark Maizena, with directions for use. A most tielieions article of food for children and in valids of all agep. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, lfil. Fulton Street. YVILLIAM DURYEA, nu2s-3m General Agent. WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., Wilmington, Delaware. MANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats. Steam Engines, Boilers, Machinery lor Saw Mills, Ac. Having had long experience in busincas and being provld* and with very extensive facilities lor doing work of this class, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, octl‘2 bin LINVILLE & GLEASON. AGENTS POXY MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlandt Street, New York. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Skip or Band Book, AND— BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAG SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, Tumbucitles, Bolt Kndu, Taps and Dies, See. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every alticle used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORES COAL OIL. TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP. AND RUBBER PACKING: LAMPS, PAINTS. VARNISH, Ao.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS. SCREW PUNCnEAFILES. CHISELS, Ac. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS, W IRE, INSULATORS. BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE . COPPER, &c. Abo Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, BAWB,&c. »cpti ts Notice to Lninberinen. cpHE undersigned arc prepared to receive Consign - J. mentis of Lumber, 01 any quantity or quality. Tor sale in thin market or lor shipment North, Cash advance, made when required. Our facilities for procuring an liable vessels lor shipment* are un bounded. AOF.NT9 IN RAViNNAH VAN HORN, HOLYOKE A HURRAY. Agents In New York, Messrs. Holyoke A Murray. 47 South Btreet. ts oetl# Brown’s Standard Scales. USED by the United States and Foreign Govern ments for more than THJRTY YEARS, Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or borne markets. Warranted accurate and durable. Saks rooms No. 3 Barclay-st, near Broadway. »ep!B ly K. BROWN. Manufacturer. RAILROADS. Central Railroad TT~»T7mm^ SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, > 0„, . „ Savannah, Os, October 2, 1565. f N end after Monday, 2nd ln.t, * daily train (Sun days exeeptedj will leave lor Augusta at 5 a. m., connecting with a tine of Hacks running between Station 4Central Railroad, and Waynesboro on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers hy this hue will arrive in Augusta the next morning after leaving Savannah in time to get breaklast and connect with the Georgia Railroad tram for Atlanta. Fi-elght to go by Passenger Train mnst be prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before Ry order of „ GEO. W ADAMh, ee P s General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, » Savanuah, Oct, 10th, ISCS.} This Company la now, in connection with H. J. Dickerson A Co.-s ll agons. prepared to receive and forward to Augusta. Macon, Atlanta Ac., dally from twenty to thirty thonsn and pounds of Frelgut, and go through in from three to six days. B Ship Freight and other expense, must be paid by Sldppei a Railroad freight can he paid here de£ tiuutiou. * Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid „ GEO. w! ADAMS, ocm General Superintendent. TRY ONE POUND. STATIONERY, AC. LIST! LL’S Newspaper Depot, ANI* STATIONERY STORE, Ball Street, Comer ol Bay Laoe. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. WBW NOVHEjS. Ju.d Received at the above Depot a further supply of MAJOR JONES- COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT, Price 50 Cts. Leslies’ Ladles Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mad, Pemorests' Mirror of Fashions, Price 40 Cts. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 35 cents. ALSO HARPER’S MONTHLY, GODEY’S LADY'S BOOK* ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for OCTOBER. The usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, ang.lo THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS Can hr had nt ESTILL’B News Depot and Cheap Periodi cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF IIIE POST OFFICE. sep2C TO TRAVELLERS. New and Cheap Publications, Artemas Ward; his Travels, $1.50, The Lost Will* S6O cents. Gu* Howard, 75 cents. Vemei ’» Pride, $1.50. The Curse of Clllton, $1,50. Sword and Gown, 30 cents Great Expectation* 75 cent*. The Channings, sl. The Castle's Heir, $1.60. Guy Livingstone, $1.60. Major Jones’ Courtship, ?] Major Jones* Chronicles of Pine ville, sl. Polly Peabloesom ’a Wedding, sl. And other Novels, at ESTILL’S NEWSPAPER and PERIODICAL STORE, octT- Bnll street, back ot Post Office. HOTELS. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY & BANCROFT, Proprietors. Edward L. Jones, Agent. ts octlO GILMORE HOUSE, Monument Square; Baltimore, Maryland THIS FIRST CLASS IIOTEEhfis been newly fur- Dished throughout, and Is now ready for tbe re ceptlon of guests. octC-lm KIRKLAND 4 CO. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RUOO, Proprietors E. 8. MT>I>ELI. M F RUPP JoS-tf Wairen’s Celebrated Needles and Fish . Hooks. ANDREW CLERK <te CO., 4C MAIDEN LANE. NEW YORK. SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. OUR former customers will and a reduction In gold prices of the Needles, while the quality in always kept up to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. A. V. A Cos., respectfully solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so long and favorably esteemed by their bouse. au2s-3m Wagon Freight WANTED For Macon, Mtlledgeville, Albany, Americas, or llawkinsvllle, Apply to GEO. C. FREEMAN. OCt3 ts Illustrated Price Lists OF FAIBBANK'S SCALES AND ‘ HERRING'S FIRE PROOF SAFES. Orders for all sizes received by octC-lS BELL, WYLtY A CHRISTIAN. Blacksmithing. HPHE UDderslgned with to Inform the public that 1 they have commenced business in SHIP, STEAMBOAT AND GENERAL BLACK SMITHING. HORSE SHOEING done with neatness and despatch. Shop at the head of Bay street, Rattetaby’S Building; octl4-3»wlm K. CHAPMAN/ PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Woodford & Ritch, ATT O R N E Y H AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No, ill Broadway, Trinity Bnilding, NEW YORK CITY. THE nndcr9lgned having resnmed the practice of the Law, Is prepared to take charge nt cases be [ore the eevcrsl Courts in New York and at Wash ington. eepßO-SAWIm STEWARTL. WOODFORD. Henry Williams, Attorney At Zmw, OEFICE NO. 113 BAY STREET, (Over the Herald Reading Room.) 00111,1 SAVANNAH, Ga. Q*o. R. Bi.aok. . Hums B. Limn. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, OA. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson & Lester, corner of Bay and Barnard streets. octU-tf THOS CORWIN, WM H. OWEN, THOS. WILSON. ur OHIO. I.ATS OOL. g.u.u. or IOWA. CORWIN, OWEN A WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin A Finnell.) A.TTO RNEYB AUD COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, 222 F STREET, micas TREASURE BUILD INO, IN REAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL WASHINGTON, D. O . Will practice In the Supreme Court of the United °* Claim,, and the Courts ot the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment bu.liiess. Officers Accounts adtubted au3o 3m C. S. BUNDY, Ooner«1 Agent .. AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F STsxrr, Brrw axa 13th ami. lira STHZin. (Near Pay Department,! WasDixmtoii, D. O. lu3o t( DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, S OES AND HATS. THE subscriber having formed a Co-partnership with Mr. J. C. Ludlow, under the Arm name ot itetdt A Ludlow, respectfully calls the attention of his friends and the public generally to t heir large stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots. Shoes amt Hats, which they are now opening, and wilt sell at Wholesale and Retail, at the old stand of Hchlt, jan uon 4 Cos., No, 101 Bryan and 08 St. Julian street, up stairs. octo 3m E. HE IDT. STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchant. Row, Hilton Heart, No. Cn CIALL the attention of Wholeeale and Retail par / chatter* to their superior stock of MILITARY AMD NAVAL CLOTHING, - AHII FURNISHING goods, Watchee, Clock*, Fancy Good., Jewelry, and Hated Ware,Bworde, Sashes, Belt*. Embtolderies,Bool*,Gan* Field Glaaae*. Gauntlet* Glove*, Ac , etc.. Ac. MISC KLLANEOIIS. For the Ladies. IpLKGANT BATS of the most fashionable stylet J Just received and for salt by 8. M. GOLDING, octl '* . No. 163 Congress street. NOTICE. " THE undersigned promisee to core Seminal Weakness In all Its worst forma without the use of medicine— Please send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cento for postage. Address j. u. BUSSELL, ocuo-3m Boston, Mass. R. H. ALLEN & Cos., ISO Ac 10l WATER ST., NEW YORK. AORICIimiL IMPLEMENTS, AND MACHINERY Os AU KIMOS, Small Tool* far the Farm and Carden, such a$ Spader, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes. Ac., and for Grass Hooks, Scythes. Scylk-Siones, and Agricul tural Hardware in general. We offer, also, a large assortment of oar own msnu fat cute of Hay Cutters, Coffee and Grain Mile, Sugar Mills (or Grocers' use. Store Trucks of various pat terns. Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrows. Ac. Fertillizers of all kinds, such ss Coe’s Superphos phate ol Lime, pure Ground Bone, Peruvian Guano, and Poudrelte, SEEDS. Every valuable American and Foreign variety of Vegetable, Flower and Grass Seed and Field Grain that has proved worthy of cultivation, grown and selected expressly tor our trade. Sales made In bulk, per pound or bushel, or In small packets, for retailing, by the hundred or thousand. eepl2-2aw 3mo R. MOLINA, Corner Bull and Congress Streets, under Screven House, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Havana Be gnra. Leaf and Smoking Tobacco. Also, all kinds of Virginia Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Mer schatun. Brier Root, and all other kinds of Fsncv “P®*- sep3o-3m ' NOTICE. ALL persons Indebted to the late urn of E. Heldt A Cos., and Heldt, Jaudon A Cos., will please call and settle the same at the old stand, np-stalrs P. HEIDT, O® l4 - 3 ™ W. A. JAUDON. sunt raw®. Fox* sale by N. A. HAhPEE <k CO. 3600 TONS OF— ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality Sox6<t per lineal yard. **** • POWLE A CO, itt» 4m No. *0 Broadway, N. Y. PRICE, 5 CENTS insurance. INTERNATIONAL ’ INSURANCE COMPAM, OF THE CITY OF NEW YOBK. St» s £,,? a ? ital ; • * - *** oo ivplu-sJAn.l,iaes, 5504.18&40 . , #1.804,188 40 tal Tuabilitien, *ll a 50. F°Wtlk| : Mlrine K n22. pre S ,re ' 1 Jo any domestic or fore^?Mit fo* u?. r on the gross amoant’of’p^mtum^'m 11 ?! 5 P* 0 Mk parties Insuring with ne Pr m nm * wlll *»* allowed to ~-_jr 1 octl4-Iw insurance: Authorized Capltal~slo,4oo,ooo. c H « H u o^,*dSSeSrc p 2 p ?^, to -•“> and Fire Risk* in this A ret Close New York Compeniee fcno " lD * »»mrd AT THE LOWEST RATES. mawn * iNstiRANcE M Avrw riBK a «d'‘ y'imm: 9s ' m ‘ m OMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMP Y.. Soqooti financial. exchange Oil Nfiw York. Boston; Philadelphia, Baltimore & Angnsta, Bought aud Mold. I ! * ede - So “ thc ™ Stocks and Bank Notes. Loans on short tjme negotiated. Apply to FOHDYCE, ANDERSON t JANNEY octl4 ' i;w Wo. 10 Stoddard 1 * Range exchange. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For Rate by yp» Brigham. Baldwin a oo Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, In snma to snlt purchasers, by _*ep2S-tf E. F. METCALFE A CO. Notice. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, 1 tni im. Snatkb luTiraNiL RxvaurE L „ , . savannah, Oct. ~P33S2£KSS?« mdafluttety, Aer ccATp^Z, paym< nt* are to bo made in United st.™ t -is- LAND AGENCY FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. THEaubsclber. formerly of Savannah, and resident A at Blackahear, Pierce countv Ga An ttc A Gulf Railroad, will gtve Wa vlded attention to the sale and porcbaA of T.-a “nUpona <° «>e said railroad, on solicits the patronage of all needing an sweat there * * Experience ia the land, lumber sod timber bu*t. ne*» of twenty years fn Georgia and South Carolina. *“P le qualification. g e Yo* hy the Great Refers to any old reaJdent in SavaniulL™ o*’ 0 *’ aepis Sn Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, uo, Dark Green Black for Silk Light Green gSSS ST“ French Blue Maroou Claret Brown Orange . Dark Brown • pink Light Brown Purple Snuff Brown Royal Purple Ctoerry Samoa Crimson Scartot Dark Drab Sate Light Drab Solferino Fawn Drab Vlolst Light Fawn Drab Yellow. For Dyeing 811 k, Woolen and Mixed Goods Shawl*. Scarfo, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnau ■ Hats, Feathers,« htldrcn's Clothing ’ and all kinds of Wearing Apparel A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT JEh ..Karaa-a.garjy’tyywn can be produced from the same dye tSeDroSaa I. St «cr^* l,llrtl a«»un. SOWE4 STEVENS, £tl<M;m b 7 dn,EKi3t * aB<J “UOOZ.7RO woirs," * I Beaver Street, Now York. Offers for sale of his own importations, In bond and duty paid, the largest Block of Wines, Liquors, Ac., of sny other house tu this country, comprising In psrt of Otard, Henuesy, Plnet Castillon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in kali; quarter.end eighth casks» slip Otard aad Booyer, laferrelere and File Brandy, in raws of one doeen each. Udolpho Wolfe’s Schiedam to pipes. nobi**.™ Aromatic Schnapps, to bond and duty paid, to cases of one doeen quarto and two doseo pinto. “Wklakey and Bum.” Scotch and Irish Whiskey, to hints and cases of one dosen each. Bourbon Whiskey to barrels and cnee* pf one doeen each. HT7M. "Jamaica" and "St. Croix Rum” to hhda. aad cases of one doeen each. Madeira, Sherry and Fort Wines. More than twenty different grades to halves qnarr ter* and eighth casks, also to rases of one doeen each. ••Hock, Champagne, Moselle and Clatret Wines.” From Peter Arnold Mu mm to Ootogne, proprietor of Joanniabnrg estate; J. H. D. Becker A PUi; Ret bo nancer, Benecke A Go., Bordeaux Barton * Guest to. Bordeaux, and from other well known bowses ia'chr. many and France. Otis, Cobduxs, SaoDtro, BiTTSis Mtsroan, Ourvaa, Bbandt, Paxsavm, do. Twenty live years’ business transaction* with the Southern State*, with some of the largest end most respectable deiu err,should be sufficient guarantee that every article offered by the advertiser for tale is pore tad genuine.