Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 20, 1865, Image 3

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BAVA NXAH, otptrtai* orttMßtklpi •nd Stcauaere. rot :-'tw TOP.I B'tatr.ship Gen. Sedgwick Saturday, October 2l*t. at H)i o'clock. • Steamship Nevada, Haturday, October 21*1, at vtf o'clock. steamship I‘erit, SiturJay, October Slat. at 9 o’clock. steamship Zodiac, Saturday, Octobar 21st, at 9 o'clock. roa rmtADiLPm*. steamship Cumbria, Saturday, October 21st, at 9 o'clock a. m. roa Ararat*. steamer Et; reas, will hare despatch. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, Tuesday morning. October -4th, at 10 o'clock IMiPOHTAhT DEt'ISIOS. The following is the decision, In full, In a case which has attracted a great deal of attention, stand ing as it does a»ss a precedent for the many similar cases which are likely to come up. It will be seen that the decision rendered in another case of this kind by Lieut. Parsons, Provost Judge, some months ago is reversed in the following : DECISION OF THE HON. PHILIP M. RUSSELL. John M. Cooper vs. Cuckenheimer ft Selig—Pos sessory Warrant to recover possession of a horse, under the act oflß2l. In this case the rlaintlff, by his witnesses, estab lulled the fact that In December, 1864, the horse, which is the subject matter or the suit, was in his quiet and legally, and peaceably acquired posset slon: ''hat it disappeared from that possession ■•without.Ms consent,” and that it '‘has been recover ed and taken possession of by tUe defendantand that when General Sherman’s Army passed through the county of Effingham,ln December last, this horse was taken out of the lot in which it was kept by some of the soldiers of that army, without the con sent of plaintiff The defendant proved that they came Into the pos ceiilon of the horse from'Mr. John Scholl, to whom Hie horse was given by a Major in the Federal army inme three weeks after that army arrived at Savan nah ; also, that the horse was, when so given, In the ~amp of the Federal army, and in a very bad condi tion ; so much so that the Federal Major stated it had been condemned, and if not taken away should l, e snot. It fflso came out In the course of the ex amination that the plaintiff had endeavored toob tain the possession of the horse from John Scholl through the Provost Judge’s Court, but had failed to do so; also, that there was on the horse no brand or mark to show it had been condemned. The question which I am called on to decide is : ,mply which of the parties before me is entitled to the "possession of this horse, I have no right to decide as to the conflicting titles to the ownership of the horse. If there be such conflict, that question must come before another and a higher tribunal, nor can I decide any question in reference to the amount w hich the defendants may claim Horn plaintiff for services rendered him in taking care of the horse, saving its life and improving its condition. This, also, is a matter foreign to the subject now under .. Moderation. The Statute of 1821, under which this action is brought, requires me to turn over the property in dispute to the parry in whose peaceable end legally acquired possession it last was. The Supreme Court of Georgia, in the case of Marchman \Todd, It Ga. Reports p 25, has interpreted and w , mined this statute, and declared what proof is us e-sary, and what sufficient to make out a case un ior this statute. They declare that ‘:the plaintiff hns only to show that the property in question was heretofore in lits peaceable-possession, and is now found in the possession of the defendant. And he has made out a prints facie case ; and the burden is cast upon the defendant to show that the change of I possession has been by consent of the plaint iff or by 1 operation of law. See also, Mills vs. Glover, 22d Ga. r. p. 319. Now, in the case before me, tbe plain tui nac shown that, heretofore he was in the peace- I able possession of this horse, and that now it is [found in the possession of the defendants. It then ; becomes necessary for the Defendants to prove that the change of possession has been by the con-ent of the plaintiff or by operation of law. Hava they prov ed either according to the evidence referred to? They have certainly shown no consent on the part of the plaintiff: on the contrary, it has been proved to be without his consent. Nor do I think they have Bliown it lias been by operation of lew, as Intended by the statute. No procees or Judgment of law chang ed this possession. The defendant’s counsel contends that this was a case of legal capture and that; there fore tile possession by opera tion of law, even If the abstract propos tlon Involved in this assertion be correct, its nppUcatlon to the present case cannot benefit the iefendants. If the property is to be considered as belonged to the United States, and could Duly come legally into the possession of the defend mts by a compliance with certain rules and regula tions established by military law. No evidence of such compliance or of the fact that the steps neces sary to constitute un “operation of law” have been aken has been adduced. But uhder the decision of he Supreme Court and in accordance with the enns of the statute of 1821, I am constrained to hold hat the facts established by defendants io not make out a case of an operation of law as iontemplatod by the statute. The facts having been proved that plaintiff was heretofore in the peaceable possession of this horse, nil that the possession has not been changed with he consent of plaintiff, or by operation of law, I leclde that the horse be turned over to the posses ion of the plaintiff, upon condition that he enter ato a bond with good security in double the amount f the value of the 1,0530. to cause the lioihe to be reduced and forthcoming to answer any Judgment, Bxecution or decree that may be Issued, or made Bpon such action or suit at law or In Equity as the •pposlte parties may commence or prosecute within -ihe next tour years touching the same. 5 Hartrklge and Chisholm, Attorney for plaintiff. |aolomon cohen, Esq., Attorney for defendants. P. M. RC3SELI-. I The Late Henry C. Freeman— Tkibete of Re sect from the City council,—At a meeting of je City Council, held on the isth Instant, the follow ;g preamble and resolutions were offered by Alder iim Yillalonga, and were unanimously adopted : Whereas, The Information has reached this board f the.death of Henry c. Freeman, Esq., lor more aan two years a member or the City Council of Sa aunah, acting In uuiiv and hnrmouy with the same uemhers who have been his colleagues during that hue* Be it Resolved, That In the death of Alderman r reeuiau the city has lost a most efficient aud excel ent Alderman, 'and that we have lost a colleague llstlngulshed'alike for his admirable discharge of lis duties as an Alderman, and lor ills urbanity as a tentlemau, and in both capacities, we deeply de ilore his loss as one affecting us as a body, and the [eneral interests of the city. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be ransuiitted to the family of the deceased, and be mblisbed In the gazettes of the city. A true extract no in tUe minutes. B. T. GIB3ON, . Clerk ol Council. 5 TnE Theatre.—The performance of "Fanchon” Bast evening was very successful, and made one of %he most pleasing entertainments of-the season thus fer Everything went off smoothly and well. Miss Gordon’s “Fanchou” was all that could be desired. Mr. Brown as “Father Baibour" made a long step inwards becoming a favorite with the frequenters of i®e Theatre. Mrs. Boswell also w-a3 excellent, B This evening the benefit for the Metropolitan Fire f®ompany takes place, and we expect to see the bouse crowded with the largest aud most brilliant Kttdlenceyet. We take pleasure In calling the attention of our merchants to the extensive sale of Boots, Shoes and Notions advertised to take place at the sales room or Messrs. Blun A Meyer, commencing this morning at 10 o’clock. The articles offered are among the finest brought here since tiie opening of the trade, aud with few exceptions made or city trade. Scranton and Maguire, shifting and Commis sion Merchants. —The attention of businessmen Is lirected to the card of Messrs. Scranton A Maguire, 18 Exchange Place, New York. These gentlemen lave long been connected with the trade of this city, md parties here cannot do better than to entrust their orders to them, whether for attention to con signments or the prompt filling of orders In New Tork- Flour.—Messrs. H. O. Ruwe A Cos., cornet fft. Ju lian street and Johnson Square, have several brands of St. Louis flour, at prices which recommend them to all purchasers. Messrs. Rawe A Cos. also have a large stock of liquors and general groceries at whole sale, and we recommend the Investigation of all who wish anything in that ltua. 1 GOBri.IM—fABV M—IH imosa TU LUBIktiAKT- Colonel M T. Houwoot—At a meeting u the Savannah Bar held in the Coiled States Court room yeeterdsy on motion of tbe Honorable D. A. O'Bvrne, Hon. Solomon Cohen was called to the Chelr, and J. R. Sauseey requasted to ad as Sec retarj. The Chatman britfly explained the object of tbe meeting to be an eapresstnn of the sentiments of the Bat at the departure, of la-col. M. T. Holbrook, their respect for him, aud their appreciation of his courtesy aud his impartial adjudication, on motion of Geo. A. Mercer, Esq., a committee of live was ap pointed to report Mutable r, eolations. The chair appointed the following committee—o. A. Mercer, Esq., Hon. Thos. E. Lloyd, Hon. D. A. O’Byrne, Hon. J. Hartridge ami M. J. Ford, F-sq. The committee reported the folio wing resolutions which were unanimously adopted : 1. Resolved, That the membetsof the Bar present, take pleasure in bearing testimony to the uniform courtesy snd Consideration which they have expe rienced from Lieut. Col. M. T. Holbrook, Provost Marshal, District of Savannah, in the discharge of 1 his official duties. That while placed in a position by the Government which he might have, used to 1 render our professional duties onerous aud uisa 1 greeable, he has rendered the performance of these I duties pleasant by the urbanity which has charac i tertzed his course, aud has tvou our respect by the ' Justice and equity of his decisions. I 2. Resolved, That we deeply regret the content I plated removal of Lieut. Ctd. Holbrook, and that, if I consistent with the wishes of the Commanding Gen i eral. we would be gratified by his continuance in the position he has filled with so much credit to himself and so aceptably to the liar. Resorted, That copies of the above resolutions be transmitted to Lt. Col. M. T. Holbrook, to the Gen eral Commanding the District, and that thev be spread upon the minutes of the Court bv Charles ,T White, Recorder. Stoves.—We invite the attention of housekeepers to the advertisement of J. G. Thompson k Cos., in another column. Their stock comprises every va riety of the latest styles iu cooking stoves, heaters, pots, ovens, hollow ware, etc. Those who agree not only with Mrs. Toodlea, but With all good house keepers that a good cooking stove is a good thing to have in the kitchen, should gfvc Messrs. Thompson k Cos. a call. GonEv’a Ladt’s Boos for November, has been re ceived at Estlll’s Book and Periodical depot. It is an attractive and valuable number, containing beauti ful fashlou plates, embroidery patters, music and light entertaining reading. THE COURTS. BEFORE LIEUT. COL. Jl. T. HOLBROOK, PROVOST MAR SHAL, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 19,1866. United States vs. Joseph Angle, 173d N. Y. Vols.— Assault and battery. Tile defendant being j soldier j of the C. S. Army, was ordered to be sent to his Reg ; iment under guard, and report to be made to his 1 commanding officer. United States vs. Edmund Robinson (colored)—ln -1 subordination. The case was dismissed, j United Stares vs. Edmund Sweinagan.—Drunken | ness aud disorderly conduct. Proved guilty and or dered to be confined In Jail for ten days, or pay in lieu thereof the sum of ten dollars. United States vs. John Williams (colored)—Larceny from die person. After the arguments of counsel the case won dismissed. Counsel for United States, M. Benedict; defence, R E Lester. James Ward (colored) vs. Patrick Smith—Recovery of personal property. Judgment was rendered in favor of defendant, and plaintiff ordered to pay costs. Counsel for plaintiff, Hon, D A. O’Byrne; for defence, J. il. Saussy. Thos. C. Ford vs. Michael J. Reily, Agent. It ap pealing from the report of officer Wm. Swoll, that the inmates were unable on account ofslcknesto leave the house which said officer was ordered ro deliver possession of to Hie said Michael J. Reliey, Agent of M. A. Cohen, by 12 M. yesterday : It was ordered that the order above cited be sus pended for the time being, bat be put Into execution as soon as It may be ascertained .that the Inmates named may bo removed without endangering their lives. Mr. Wm. Swoll Is charged with the execution of the order. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE. OCTOBER 19. 1866. Wm. H. Wix-TEBerqsr & co., Proprietors. S E Wildham, Savh ]H L Hlgglnsou. Boston 3 C Siiivers, Sparta, Go C P Morse, do Jos c Leo, Macou 0 Clapp, do Mrs Vaughn, do |A W Reynolds, str Nevada Mrs Lambert and 2 chll-iF C Lomas, do dren, Philadelphia |J W Wheatley, Amerlcus L Cromoilon, do j E J Hatcher, Augusta 3 Langsdorf, City ; J H Morgan, do o E Ross, do F F Johnston, Cievelaud 3 M Adams, str Cumbria !J Hoyl, Newnan, Ga C A Flench, do iH C Harris, Fort Valley PLASTERS HOTEL, CCT 19, 1865. G. Gemenden, Proprietor F Hel.leman, Mttiedgevt’eiC MerrU and wife, Phlla F Uaunigard, New York iUeoKreik, do 3 A Mine, do i Brig Gen Salm aud staff. W T llorey, City I Atlanta V R Chamberlin, City |H H Eldridge, Lowndes W lioland. Jersey Cuy J Van Vankeuburg, De- Mr WiUuohr, Savh I trolt, Mich Juo Miller, do 1 L Emeler, St Louis, Mo H Patyens. Charleston |J Weinberg, Milwaukle - SAVANNAH HOTEL, OCT. 19, 1865. weisand k Schwartz, Proprietors. J Johnson, Savh j P Wilson N York A Damage do IWm Baker, do G Apt, do | P Schaffer, Phils Jacob Ohll, Germanv W Morris, Brooklyn, N Y' John Weiland, N York |GW Eaton, Fort Valley shipping Intelligence. miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 09 Moon rises 6 8 Sun sets 6 20|Hlgh water 8 26 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Arrived, IHUBSDAT, Oct. 18. 1805. Steamship Cumbria, French, Philadelphia—Hunter ft Gammell. Bremen ship Republic, Republic, Schmidt, New York—Wltworth ft Weber. Cleared. Steamship Hunter, M L Rogers, New York,—Hun ter ft Gammell. Steamship Y’aruna, Cooley, New Y’ork—John R Wilder. Brig John R Platter, Post, Norwich, Conn—Hunter ft Gammell. Steamer Standlsh, Moore, Hilton Head. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Fort Pulaski. Steamer Oen Berry, Henry, Augusta—C L Colby ft Cos. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham. Palatka, Fla—L S Bennett. Exports. Per steamship Hunter, for New York—2lo bales upland cotton, 10 do Sea Island do, 30 do domestics, ftc. Per steamship Y’aruna, for New York—2B3 bales upland cotton, 27 do Sea Island do, 20 do Serge (Flannel), 39 colls rope, 40 bales rope cuttings, 2 do moss, 86 do domestics, 81 pckgs, mdze, ftc. Per brig John R Platter, for Norwich, Conn—l2s,- 000 feet lumber. -. Consignee*. , Per steamship Cumbria, from Philadelphia—W II Stark, Southern ft Cos, Hunter ft Gammell, O Cohen. J Larcombe, T W Turner. Chas Pemble, Plmnb ft Leltner, Mrs M llerg, H Meinhard, J R Wilson, J D Butts ft Bro, Rogers ft Cann, A Lambert, M A Cohen, Jos Ltppman; Hess ft Gutman, T Bateson, J Blank eusee, U IV Adams, Crane 4 GrayblU, J G Mllland, L S Bennett, Central R K Cos, Brady ft Smith, Macky, Beattie ft Cos, Mrs Hollis, Bothwell 4 Whitehead, YVeed 4 Cornwell, A Myer ft Cos, J O Mutthewson, Gadeu 4 Unckles, C D Rogers, sir Helen Getty, Perry ft Cos, N A Hardee, Erwin ft Hardee, L J Uulimartin. Passengers. Per steamehlg Cambria, from Philadelphia—Citaa Maun and lady, Mrs Blankeuser and daughter*, Mrs Y'uu Vleet aud daughters, M D Cromwell, Mr Lea, Q Gligg, O Jones, Mrs Bdifoli, Miss Dllilou aud 2 children, Mrs Cargill, Mrs Arkwright, stater and 2 children. It Rogers, J Souhl, 3 Nugent, O Friend, M Denser, Wm Fox, Jno Friend, D Honk, J Woods, Mrs Burk, daughters aud servant, J Langsdorr, s Blank ensue, 0 P Marona, Mr J Humo, Mrs A Lambert and 3 boys. Pur steamship Hunter, for New-York—J Fox, W J Ennis, E G Dike and servant, YV J Gann, C B Decaus sey, Col Chas Farnsworth, YY’ E Alexander, J U Mc- Call, D J Jones, and steerage. Per steamship Y’aruna, for New York—PDzilynskl, M G J sephs, Dr J K. Barnum, YV K Fuustou, 11 Leib, J G Thompson, Mrs Schwartz and 2 children, Miss Schwartz, and the 169th Itegt N Y \V list of vessels in the port of SAVANNAH. « Savannah, Oct. 20,1866. STEAMSHIPS. Zodiac, Bulkier, 620, from New York—discharging at whurl foot of Abercorn street—Hunter and Gam med. Pent, Delanoy, 592, from New York—waiting to discharge—Hunter ft Gammell. Nevada, Carpenter, 900, from New York—discharg ing at Low and Co.s whart—Brigham, Baldwin ftCo. Gen Sedgwick, Starkey, 797, from New York—dl»- charglng at Central Cotton Press—J R Wilder. . ’ SHIPS. New England, Hodges, 1,100, for Uverpool—load ing at Lower Hydraulic Press—Brigham, Baldwin ft Cos. Wisconsin (ft) Arens, 950 — discharging ballast at Lover Hydraulic Press John K Wilder . ■MSS. Mary Cobb, Duncan, 195,—loading, wharf at foot of Whitaker street—Rogers ft Cann. aCSOONUM. Pioneer, Tnceker, Jacksonville, in ballast, to Mas ter. Franc hi Saltern 1, Allen, Stdoboa River, in ballast. to Wm Starr. May, Kelly, 330, treat Hew York - discharging at wharf foot of Habersham street—Hunter A Gammell. Julia A Crawford, Bookley, I*L stoat Jacksonville. Fla. in ballast—loading at Welters wharf for Sew York—L J<. uUni&rtm i Cos. Albert (Bn Rlerdan, 105, from Naasau—discharging at wliarffoot of Barnard street—Bell. Willy A Curt Uan. John G Whipple. Simpson, 80, for Now Y'oife—load ing al Iron steamboat Wharf west of Barnard street —Rogers a Cai.u. Schr Julia A Crawford, Bulk ley. loading, at Iron Steamboat Co's wharf, lor New York—L J Guilmar ton A co. AUCTION SALES. BV BLI'K A METER. Will l>e sold on Friday, 20th inst., nt 10 o’clock, a. m.. at onr salesroom, over the main store, 134 cases Roots and Shoes T ewes No', ions Catalogues will be fumUhed on day ofs-ile. Terms—*um» auuer cash on delivery ; above that amount, 30days for approved endorsed note. OCtIS 3 BY BLUN & MEYER. Will be sold on MONDAY, Oct. *-3d inst., at 11 o’clock a. m., in front of our store, if not sold at prirai? ■ale previous. Thr«e two storv frame Houses on Stewart street. liw o one story frame Houses on Wilson street. Two one story frame Houses on Roberts street The same cau be treated for at private sale by ap plication to Mr. Q. Gemenden, at the Planters Hotel. octlG td By Bell, Wylly & Christian Will be sold, on SATURDAY. Met inst.. it 11 o’clock. Lot, containing Cosg ninetT-flve feet on Wilson street by (9<>j feet in depth, ffeo simple,) opposite the Cent al Railroad Depot. The improvements consist of Six Tenements. Terms cash. oct2o By Bell, Wylly ft Christian. TO MORROW, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in front of store, A large assortment of German Fancy Goods, Cut lery, ftc. Table Kuives and Forks Pocket Knives Hair Brushes Scissors Tooth Brushes Wallets clothes Brushes Hair Pins Fins Combs Paste and Liquid Blacking Mirroi s Fancy Soaps Pack Pins Writing Paper Flax Thread OCt2O Martel Brandy. Me®. Bell, Wylly & Min WOULD call the attention of Druggists and others ™ to sixty (60j cases of this well known brand of fine Brandy, which we offer in bond or duty paid, cheaper than it can be bonght elsewhere in this city or in New York. We also h >ve in store ten (10; cases of Old Castile Soap; thirty boxes Window a lava, and a lot of Rodger’s Pen Knives. 3 octlO By York, Williams, Mclntlre 4 Cos. THIS DAY. at 10 o’clock, a m , in front of store, will be sold, 10 crates White Granite and C. C. assorted Crockery 10 canes assorted Boots and Shoes 45 rolls Paper Window Curtains 46lbs Gre< u Window Curtains Invoice of Willow and Wooden Ware, consisting of Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Washboards, Dusters, Measures, Ac., Ac 2 setts of Liquor Measures 60 botes Cross Layer Baislus, fine 10 boxes Codfish 10 casks Homs 1 caso Tongues 6 casks shoulders 10 bbls Boston Crackers 20 boxes Soap 6 bbls New England Rum 19 bbls No. 1 Mackerel 10 bbls Onions A fine, gentle Mare, works well, is good under the Saddle Also, a fine large Mule, works well, is a good riding animal, oct2o Public Sale or Government Vessels. By order of the Quartermaster General, C. 9. A., the following Government Vessels will be sold -BT- York, Williams, Mclntlre & Cos AT PUBLIC AUCTION, A. t Savraiixia la, G- a On the Ist day of .Yovcmber, isfii, AT 10 O’CLOCK, A. M., At the wharf in rear of the Commissary Warehouses Steam Tue STARLIGHT. Propeller STANDISH. Steamer SAVANNAH. Terms cash in United States Currency. E. B. CARLING. oct!6 eodtd B’vt. Lt. Col., A. Q. M. Bv York, Williams, Mein tire & Cos. AT PRIVATE SALE. Bacon Shoulders Bacon Sides Canvassed Hams Choice Butter Com Meal Hominy Split Peas Pearl Barley Soap Ground Coffee With a variety of other Groceries octU 5 Rout. P. Y’obk. > I J. R.Mclmtiez. M. E. Williams, j \ P. H. Wahu YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO., _A.XJCTIOISr AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. CONBIBHMENTS OF COTTON AND UiMBER SOLICITED. References In Savannah—Brigham. Baldwin 4 Cos,; Erwin ft: Hardee, (laden A cncklus, Isaac D. La- Rochc, Esq : Hiram Roberts, Esq.; Wylly Wood bridge. Esq. ; Hunter ft Gammell; L C. Norvoll ft Cos. References in New York—Messrs. Samuel T. Knapp 4 Bro.: D. H, Baldwin ft Cos. eep26-eodlm DISSOLUTION. BY’ mutual consent Mr. James W. Randell this day withdraws from r. nr Firm. HILTON ft RANDELL. Savannah, Oct. 16th, 1665. Referring to the above notice, the undersigned would state that lie will con inue the Wholesale Grocery Business, Under the firm name of HANHEIaIj dks 00., And have taken tbe commodioas building on S. YV. corner of Bay and Barnard Sto., In a few days will heprepared to offer a large and well assorted stock of Groceries, to which the atten tion ol the trade will be solicited. JAMES W. RANDELL. Referring to the above notice, the uadersignedwonl State that they will continue the Wholsale Grocery Business, Under tbe firm name of XZlltou est» Randell, At the Old Stand, No. 193 Bay street. EIIW. G. HILTON, octlG lw F. M RANDELL. Joseph Smith, FIELD, GARDEN, GRASS AND FLOW ’ ER SEEDS, Mo. 65 Liberty Street, Mew Tork City. f\ RDER9 for Seeda by mall wRI be promptly exacu- U ted and forwarded by Express. C.<Td N. 8.-The Trade supplied on the most liberal term*. Priced Catalogues will be sent upon applica tion by mah. octfl-eodio GKOI KHIKfc. LIRIOK*. A. € WHISKEY f WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, k Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike's • Magnolia, Npcnccr's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR HALE BY CL. W. THOMPSON, * At the Old Stand. 11l RAY STRKKT, (Herald Buildings ) ALSO, Alsop'a Ale, Mars' Ale. Apples. Potatoes. Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider aud Cider Vinegar oct6 ts g 7 h. arledge, WHOLESALE CROCIR AND— Ship Chandler. 72 BAY STREET, VTOW receiving pc* steam and sailing vessels from Is New Y’ork. the following articles, which will be sold at the Lowest, Market Price; Bbls. Flour, Potatoes. v Onions, Turnips, * Beets, Apples, Vinegar, Hams. Brown and Crashed Sdgars, Bbls Reef and Pork, Bbls. Mackerel, Y, do., \ do. andkils No. 1 Cases olive < H. Sardines. Candles, Soap, > Raisins, - Pickles. Liquors Cheap Tea, Preserved Meat, * Spices of all kinds, Heros, ftc., ftc.. Sacks Coffee, Brooms. Pails, Buckets, ftc -•"ALSO Paint* Oils, Varnishes, Paint Brashes, Ac., Ac. S3F* hip Stores put up at the shortest notice, octll Sni WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 ts \lales_wines 4segars SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF— Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. ttU3O C. K. OSGOOD, STORE 180 CONGRESS AND 85 ST. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Hardware, N. B.—The highest Cash Price* paid for Beeswax. Tallow. Wool, iimea, Ac. ts peptic Guo. R. Crump. Wii, A. Wright, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va GEO. R. CRIMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FINH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, LA Will pnrchaae and sell on Com mission Cotton, Tobacco, Peonies, and Mekouamuise of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Anenstn. Ga., Richmond, V*.. and ,Jno. C. l errtU, Esq., Do- Witt A Morgan, (laden A Luckies, A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos.. H. Molina, Esq , Savannah. Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. OCt4 KIRLIN.BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WIVES AMI LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. obdeks raonrm filled ft delivered. an2l if 3STEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. the Qnderrtignpcl (for eighteen yenw of the firm of m Cromwell A BirdaalljTfl now prepared lo receive orders for hi* well know n brand ol choice New Hulled Buckwheat Flour, neatly packed In barrel*, half barrels, quarter barrel" and bags of 49 and 24>6 pounds. Have also on hand Fresh Ground, Stare and West ern Flour. Extra, Superfine, and No. 2 Superfine, in bbls. and hall bbl*., in lorn to unit purchasers. BDWAKD OROaWWKLL. octl2-2<e 103 and |VS ilroad street New York. |JV)R SALE- J? 1000 bushels Liverpool Sait 2000 eacka Oat", black and white 10 sacks best Rfc* Coffee To arrive, 100 Bales H»y. octlO N. A. HARDEE A CO. H. G. RUWE & CO., "Wholesale GROCERIES s LIQUORS, WIWES AND SEGARS, Corner Brvan and St. Julian and Johnson Bquare, fFRONTING PULASKI HOUSF^ or Agents for ALE AND LAGER- Constantly on baud, an aeaortroent of nBCSIN WIN’S. septS 3m CHEESE, SOAP. in BOXES CHEESE, IV 76 boxes Fay’s Soap Ju«t received and for aale bv octlfl BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. [ OKOCKMIKW. LIUI OUW. Or. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Tine Groceries, Boots an<L Shoes ciothino; Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segara. Also. Skehanf Celebrated * •' GOLDEN AT.B AND CHAMPAGNR CtDftK, In bottle wood London and Duh’ln Brown Stunt. Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. " . Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and Os Liberty street. New York E G. Haros', Savannah. F. M. Ra.nt.fli, N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL W Uolosale G-rocora, 193 BAY STREET. NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, Q-a., Are constantly receiving per steamers from New Y'ork Tire Largest and Host Complete Assort ment or Groceries in tl»e Cltj-, Orders by Mail, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Filled, at Lowest Market Pr.res. octl6 . lm GROCERIES —AMD— LIQUORS. 166 bbls Potatoes 66 bbls Onions 2'» half bbls Beef and Pork, dr 20 half bhis No. 1 Mackerel 1 ■ bags Choice C flee 15 caaks ByaaC Loudon Porter 20 bbls Choice Whiskey 2 caaks Choice Port Wine 75 cases Pure Brandy (Wolfe’s) 20 cases Whiskey 20 cases Schnapps 20 bbls Hecker’a Self Raising Flour 20 brass Ground Coffee. No. 1 20 boxet Adamantine Candles 10 half ehests Oolong Tea 50 bbls Family Flour. Also, a general asaortmsnt of Sardines, Coudensed Milk Spices, do. For sale by octlff.l M. LAVIN, East Broad street. CLAlillim & (TYMMUI. Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS* ft n vn n na H, BEG leav« to uforcti their former friend* and cup torcere, and the public generally, that they have resumed burines* at their old eland, where they will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Goi*ds In their line suitable for Private Families, Steamcis and Sailing Vessels. Punctual attention given to all coun try orders. ini octlD T. J. DUNBAR & CO” IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, SEGARS, iC. 14-7 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE ) We have the Largest Assortment ot Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &0., In the South, to which wc Invite the attention of the Trade. Call and compare nor goods and prices. octs ts ASTEN & THRO KMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW Y’ORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Buildcrt,* and Locksmiths’ Hardware. Nails. Pullies, Cord, Kim Locks and Knobs, Rutt Hinges. Brass and Iron Keys and Castings. Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, less than market prices. srplO dm - Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. WM. H. SHERWOOD ft CO., Savannah, Georgia, •onthwest corner of Broughton and Jefferson streets, under St. Andrew's Halt We are receiving by every steamer fresh articles of Groceries of every description. Liquors imported and direct from manufactures are offered at prices to snit the trade. sept2o-lm THE HEW YORK NEWS. DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPERS. BENJAMIN WOOD Editor And Proprietor- Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market ami Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IM PRO VEM ENTBJ NTRODUCED IMMENSE CIRCULATIONS' DETERMINED ON. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published. Every Wednesday. Single Copies ; Fife Onta One Copy, one year.. f 2 00 Three Copies one year 6 00 Five Copies, one ye ir * fi 76 Ten Copies, one year * 17 00 —And an extra copy to nny Club of Ten Twenty Copies, one year 30 00 The Weekly News t* Nciit t<» Clergymen at «1 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 4 00 Three Copies, one year 10 00 Five Copies, ok year 15 00 Ten Copie*, one rear 30 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year 65 90 To Clergymen 3 60 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mall Subscribers $lO per annum Six Months Five Dollar* For sole by all Newsdealer*. Specimen copie*; of DAILY and WEEKLY HEWS sent free Address BENJ. WOOD, Deily News Building, Ro. 10 City Hail Square, sept2l i > | New l'«k City- ; FOR SALE. QAA COILS RICHARDSON '8 ROPE uUV 160 TONS COAL. CHAS. L. COLBY* CO., • octlO car. A heroin and Bay afreets. : IHIPPIMO. [STAR LINE, ■ PGR NEW ,fiß* YORK. upHE new and elegant flint cDen C. 8. Mail steam X «htp AKVADA. Captain Carpeutei. will I Mail lively nail for the above port on Saturday, Oct. 'Hat, at 9 l-'« o'clock, ■ ni Fur freight or passage, having splendid accommo datlons, apply to BRIGHAM BALDWIN A CO. octl9 Stoddard's Bull duff. opp. Poet Office. FOE NEWYORK STAR mt LINE. SEMX-WEEKIjY. The first class U. 8. Mail Steamships NEVADA. .... Capt. Carvfntkr. UNITED STATES, .... Capt. Soak*. AMERICA, ..... Capt. Ci-ift. CONSTITUTION, . - . Capt. g«*»ia«. The above ships compose the Line, and will sail from New York and Savannah every Wednesday ami Satnrday. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO, Agents, Savannah. Ga. WARRMAN, GOOKIN A DICKINSON, Agents. ] . IT Broadway, New Tork. FOR NEW YORK, Atlantic Coast Mail Steamship Cos. h. a. The very fast sailing new steamship will positively sail on her Saturday, Hat Inst., at O 1-9 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage, having very elegant accom modations, apply to oct!9 JNO. B. WILDER. Agent. PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK revs-.-. The new and splendid U. 3. Mall ’iYi -t L u Steamship PJUUT, K. A. Delanov, .i-Lre' PV Commander, will sail for the above port on her reginarday, SATURDAY, October 01st, at 9 o’clock, ft. m. Fur freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations apply to HUNTER A GAMMEI.L. octlO PIONEER LNE. FOR NEW YORK. The fine Steamship Zodiac, E, M. Bulklcy, Commander, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Oct. Hat, at 0 o’clock, a. m. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo datlors, apply to . . HOTTER .1 GAMMELL oct!9 84 Bay street. FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner HATTIE M. MATO JBHrK 9 'rid have quick despatch for tbe above port. For freight or passage apply to OCtl6 BRIQH vMj BALDWIN dt CO. For Philadelphia The fine Steamship C IT M B RIA, H. L. Fsxmou. Commander, Will sail for the above port on Saturday, Oct. 21, at 9 a. m. For freight or passage, having elegant accommods tlons, apply to sep2l HUNTER k GAMMELL. TorTujcusta. Steamer Express, Captain J. W. Morgan, Will hive quick despatch as above. Thlt Steamer Is entirely new, exceedingly light draft, and is of immense capacity, and wsa hum ex pressly for the Savannah river trade. Shippers will find lt to their advantage to patronise. She being of each light draft is able to navigate the river at Its low est stage. . For freight engagement* apply to F. M. MY RE IX, Agent. oct2o ts Hair!,' Buildings, Bay street. Tor BALTIMORE. Pendergast’s Line. The last sailing regnlar packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Having the greater portion or her cargo engaged, will have qalck despatch. For baisne eof freight ap ply to LaROCHE, GADEN ft UNCKLES, Corner Bay and Barnard street?. Agents in Baltimore—Pendergsst, Fenwick ft Cos. PCIIB For Liverpool. THK first class British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. C. Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlO BELL, WYLLY ft CHRISTIAN. For Liverpool. f TBE Al American Ship NEW ENGLAND, JtQgOHoilge, Master, having a large portion of - Pf'Y l J>hi T cargo engaged will he ready to receive '—cargoat Lower Hydraahc Press ou the ]3th Inst. For freight or psssnge apply to eepH-tf BRIGHAM. BALDWIN ft CO. COMPETITION DEFIED! FREIGHT FOR AUGUSTA. The New and Elegant Very Fast Steamer SCORPIO, RODGERS, Master, Will commence receiving freightTHISMoIRTIN'G, at Exchange Wharf, ami bo the first Boat for Augusta alter the Helen. For Freight Engagements or Passage, with elegant Staterooms, apply to KEIN ft CO. *ep29 td 114 Bay street. GREAT REDUCTION IN— FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA, ON and after this date the rate of Frclrht bv our Line will be reduced 50 Per Cent ! Onr Lise la composed of tbe following Steamers, all adapted to the trade, vfr: . Iron Steamer AM AZON, Capt Johnson. New Iron Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS.Chpt. Philpol. Steamer LAURA, Capt Hiller. The Steamer Gibbons is In every parti, ular a first claaePaaseager Boat. Insurance can be effected by oqr Line at lowort rata*. tar Freight received DAILY and forwarded TWJCE A WEEK. •ep2B 1m KRHIV ft HARDPk, ■ • iniwua. .« ’Anchor Line of Packets For New York AND all NORTHERN AND EABTERN . PORTS. The Staunch and Fast Sailing Schooners W D VAUGHN, ■. ... 198 sane ISLAND QUKKN, R. H. Consrv, Master ITS tons [ ELLIOT, iso tons HATTJE MAYO, A. B.Cnrtia, Master. - 9S ton HONEST ABE, ts. M. conary, Muter. 86 tons And others; comprise the "Anchor Doe" of Packed, and will have quick despatch as abayp. For Freight apply to PATERSOii A TUCKER, Agents. No 15 .Stoddard’s Building. Savannah, Ga. Dfl Bank) A C*Eniaiv, Agents, New York. octl9 if For Augusta. , ' . The Steamer General Berry, Will leave for the above port Oa Thursday, Oct. 10, at 11 o’clock, a. ro. For freight or passage, having s’nperior aecommo datiois apply to • CUA3 L. COLBY k CO., octl9 cor. Bay and Ahercornsta. SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA VRt; notified that they can store their goods any dav during tbe week, to be forwarded by the shave Boris, which are the lightest draught mining to Aiigu.ta, tree of extra charge. sep-re KF.IN k CO. freights FOR AUGUSTA, TtHE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at * their Warehouses—tree of expense and eov ered <>v In-ura ce—to shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their regnlar line of light draught, boats. Apply t„ CHAB. L. COLBY, sept'29—tf cor. Bay and Aberconj sts, For Augusta, TIIK STEAMER JR. H. MAY, Will have dUpateh for the abovs place. Goods receiv eil at all time snd stored in Are proof warehouse, so- t >f Ui.coln street, free of cost. . J M. KINCHLEY, Agent. Office in Claghorn ft Cunnlnghiim i The May arrived In Augn.ta from Savannah on last Friday with her lull freight. ts oct» FOR PALATKA, Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's. Per nandina, Jacksonville and Ptcolata. rpnK new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Capt. G. E W. CAsn,EßiwiU leave rs above on TUESDAY, the 24th inst,, at lb o'clock a.m. For Freight or Passage apply on board, st Pade) ford’s Whait near White’s Central Cotton Press or to M. A. COHEN, Agent Freight payable on Wharf. Shippem will furnish weights and measurement of PROSPECTUS or tu* GEORGIA LAND AND EMIGRATION COMPANY. ’ SLAVERY, or Involuntary servitude is practically abolished in Georgia Tbu Proclamation of the i’resident of the United States having given freedom rn every slave, anu the oath of amnesty and the con ditions of paidon. forbid any attempt at ita revival In any form rr n edition ihe great mass of the Agricultural Population of ilte has bean released from their obligation to cultivate the roil, except by their own volition, and It must he apparent to the Indlciona observer, how ever mnch o be regretted, that the volnatary labor of the newly freed population will not for the present at least, supply the deficiency of labor. The withdrawal of nearly three hundred thousand able-bodied persons to a greater or less extent from their usual vocations, has created a void which most foe filled or the lands of the State will remain nntllled, her great resources undeveloped and her future pros perity sacrificed. The remedy, and the only remedy for this condition ot affairs consists in the immigration of a hardy and industrious white population, to supply the places of those who cannot be compelled to work and whoso depositions do not Incline them to greater labor than is actually necessary to support life. To such Immigrants, no State offers greater Induce ments than the State of Georgia. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Bine Rlge, it embraces eve ry variety of soil and climate. The savannahs of the coast, the rolling conntry of Ihe interior, and the mountains of the northern part of the State afford opportunities for the cultivation of almost every pro duct of tropical or temperate latitudes. The grape Is grown with great Success In mtny parts of the State and its cultivation has only been limited by the want of persons skilled In the knowl edge of the vine nnd the mode of preparing Its yield. The State la also rich In gold and other minerals, and nothing but energy and the application of proper ma- . chinery Is wanting to the development of those bid den treasures The raising of sheep of the finest breeds has been carried.on with success, and the vast ranges qf nncnl tlvated land afford excellent pastures for cattle and all kinds of stock—rice, cotton, tobacco, corn, wheat, rye. oats, sugar cane, the grape and all species of fruits llnd thel* appropriate soil and climate within onr extended limits. The numerous rivers and smaller streams taking their rise in the mountains and running through the Slate into the Atlantic aud tbe Gnlf in their gradual descent furnish water power unfailing In any seaaon and capable of patting into operation any kind of machinery. The area of the State contains upwards of thirty millions ol seres, o which not more than one-third has been cultivated, and tbe virgin forest of the wtld land, afford an Inexhaustible snpply of lumber which foc_ied a heavy Item of tbe exports of Georgia prior to onr late difficulties. These lands, which mS be bongbt at comparatively low rates, will give to the new settler a homestead on which he may erect his rooftree nnd setlie for life an Inhabitant and in time a Utiii nos the repnbl c. In view ot the foregoing facte tbe undersigned pro pose to organize a Company to be called the "Georgia Land and Emigration company," the principle office to he located in Savannah with the intention of an plying for a charter at the next session of the Letrisln ture; 'he capital (rs said Company to be five hundred Iln.nsand dollars, in twenty thousand of twentv-flve ilollai s each; said Company to be organized bv tbe choice ofs President aud Directors when all the -haresnhall have been subscribed. The object of the Company to to Induce and afford •lid to the immigration Into the State of Georgia of honest, sober snd reliable persons with their families lo become pnrehasera of and settlers on lands not now in use, or to bo labore.s on farms or plantations on which thefreedmen reiuse to work, or to follow their trades, or become house servants. The advantages to be dert v«t as this present turn tnre by the Influx of such a class of populatiomare mamlest. To the large landholder it offers the pi xn pectof selling his land or farming it out on advents geons terms. To the Planter and Farmer it will snn ply that labor, In tbe absence of which, the owner ship of the soil la a burthen, and to ill pcreoni in those Claeses of life whose business requires or whose position permits the u»e of the labor of others, lt *l - the opportunity of obtaining snch labor cf a reasonable rate, and of a reliable character. So also to the State will great benefit accrne; many of the Immigrants may bring wealth with them, ail will bring skill or Industry, which la the source of wealth, and this Infusion of new life will, we trust, in progress ol rime, restore Georgia to her original state of pice * The Company we believe—will be, not only seif-su telnlng.Jjut a source of profit to the stockholders.— The fees paid by those emigrants who can afford It, lor directions aa to their settlement; the commissions paid by the owners of lands for the sale, or leasing of their lauds to the immigrants, and by persons to whom laborers are furnish ec, the profits to be derived Irom a .savings Institution to take care of the fnnde and profits ol the emigr ..lits, which lt Is proposed to connect with the Company, will, we expect, enable the Company to declare such dividends as will make it remunerative to those who subscribe simply as an Investment. But Independently of pecuniary con Bideration, as citizens of ihe State ot Georgia who bate an interest in iu future wellare, we ask your as sistance in this matter, in our opinion of vital impor ! tancc. B e msy not leave the land of eur birth, let I us make il once more a land of promise. Alt communications should be addressed. Poet paid, 1 to.I no. VY. .Mogul, Box 439 Savannah Post Office, parties desiring printed copies of this Prospectus, can obtain form at the office of R. T. Gibson, at the Exchange. THOMAS E. LLOYD) 1 J. WALD BURG ' - H. I. GIBSON, f vommttte* octs JNO. W. MAGILL, J