Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 23, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD.: VOL. 1-NO. m The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND KVKNINOj u publskd rt M. W. .MASON <fc CO.. At 111 Bat STarer,, Georgia. . turn: IS ’STS: *l° °°> ADVBBTIBIrfQI Two Dollars per Square of Ten Line* for first In sertion ; One Dollar lor each subsequent one. Ad vertisement* Inserted lu the morning, will. If desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In everv style, neatly and promptly done. BY TELEGRAPH. A. H. STEPHENS HAS AN.INTERVIEW WITH THE PRESIDENT. JOHN MITCHELL BELIEVED TO BE PARDONED. THE STATE WAR DEBT REPUDIATED BY NORTH CAROLINA. The Mississippi Eiecliont Judge Sharkey Elected Senator. LOSS OF THE STEAMSHIP ATLANTA ONLY' FOUR PERSONS SAVED. ETC., ETC., ETC. Washington, Oct. 20.—Alexander H. Ste phens had to-day a brief but gratifying inter view with the President. He was accompa nied by Judge Lochrane of Georgia. It is currently reported and believed that President Johnson has unconditionally par doned John Mitchell, formerly editor of the Richmond Enquirer. The North Carolina Convention adjourned last night to assemble on the fourth Monday of May uext. An ordinance was passed re pudiating auy debt created by the State for prosecuting the rebellion. A despatch from Jackson, Miss., says Judge Sharkey and J. S. Alcorn are eleeftd Senators. The election has resulted' in a majority in the Legislature in favor of the admission of negro testimony in the Courts-. FROM NEW YORK. Loss of the Steamship Atlanta. New York, Oct. 20.—The bark Anderson from Mobile arrived to-day. She brings one passenger and three of the crew of the steamship Atlanta wrecked on the 11th, on her passage tram New York to New Or leans. It is supposed that the remainder of her crew perished. Cotton closed dull. Flour declined 10 to 20 cts, per bbi. ; sales 7,500 bbls. Wheat declined 2 cts. per bushel, with sales of 50,- 000 bushels. Pork is firmer. Whiskey is steady. Sugars firm at 14 a J 5 1-2 cts. Petro leum rising. Freights quiet. • PROM SAN FRANCISCO. Shipments of Cold for New York and Europe. San Francisco, Oct. 18.—The steamer Golden City sailed from this port to-day with one thousand passengers, and ft, 244,000 of treasure for New York, arid $414,000 in gold for England from Central America and Panama. From ]Vlobile. Cotton Market. Mobile, Oct. 20.—The sales of cotton to day reached one hundred and fifty-three bales, middlings closing at 53c. The sales o 1 the week were 4,650 bales. Receipts of the week, 10,283. Exports of week, 11,025. Stock on band,53,407 baits. Gold is quoted at 158 to 153. Latest. Air. Stephens Leaves Washington for Home. Washington’, Oct. 21.—Alex. H. Stephens left here for his home in G .’orgia to-day. Matters at the State Capital. A Milledgeville correspondent of the Macon Telegraph "Says-: Georgia’s capital is becoming a little more life-like as the wheels of State government are being set in motion. Preparations are going forward lor the assembling of the con vention on the 25th Inst. Hotel accommo dations will be unexceptionable. The large brick hotel will be controlled by Maj. Robt. McCombs, already well known, far and wide as a popular landlord, and an accommoda ting and honorable geutlethan. The repairs on the State house will suffice to make the convention comfortable, and have effaced most of the traces of Gen. Sheruian, save in the crumbling ruius of the old arsenal and magazine buildings, on the adjacent grounds. The retail stores of Milledgeville seem well supplied with goods, and trade on a small scale in finery aud provisions seems brisk. I observed the “waterfall” hat, and other “seusations” ostentaniously displayed. Some of the country people whose hearts yearn for greenbacks are bringing in small lotaot corn, which they sell at seventy-five cents per bushel. The crops in this region are said to be belter than an average; aud the poorest —even the “ ’possum-hunting freedman” — is at length enabled to break the protracted semi-fast that Gen. Sherman’s devouring legion imposed. Up the main street leading southward, a long train of light wood carte, each drawn by a single donkey, and driyeD by men, women aud children, daily drive into the city with this important ariic’eof domestic trade—price, invariably half a dol lar a load. Butter commands 35 cents; chickens 25 cents; and eggs—oh ! that re minds me that there is a complete restoration of the Old Bouroon dynasty here, with, however, a formidable rival in the simon pure “Old Robinson county.” Domestic apple-jack is dethroned. Reqci./ition op Department Staffs —An order has been issued by the War Depart ment establishing the number of staff-officers to be assigned to commanding generals.— Commanders of military department* are al. lowed one assistant adjutant general, one as sistant inspector general, one chief quarter master, one chief commissary of subsistance, one medical director, one jadge advocate, and two aides-de-camp, to be selected from officers of their command. Generals com manding districts, two aides-de-camp, to be selected from officers of their commands.— General officers without military commands are not allowed sides-de camp or other staff officers. BVROfHAW NEWS. Th* Users by the Cenfederate Uan. MEETING OF HOLDERS OF AMERI CAN SECURITIES. FENIAN ANA. The steamship Nova Scotia bad arrived at Father Point on the 15th ult., with Liverpool dates of the Gtb. The following U the news as telegraphed to New Y ork : The Confederate Doan. In regard t-> the published list of pci sons suffering by the Confederate loan, additional denials are put forth. The Times, in a lead ing article, terms the list a malicious impos ture. It says the statement that the editor of the Times is a loser by the Confederate stock to the amount of ten thousand pounds, or more money, is a complete falsehood. The injurious and iusultiug comments which the Star has based upon tne original falsehoods, are, therefore, eutirely unfounded. No re pudiation ctn be too great for levity which admits such imputations on the geueral au thority of the New York Herald, and then makes them the theme of affected Indigna tion. The Morning Star having included Mr. Gladstone in the list, and called on him for an explanation, publishes the following' laconic telegram from that gentleman, at Liverpool: “The Chancellor of the Exchequer to the editor of the Star : I aee my name placed on the Confederate loan list. Please to remove it " Hon. Evelyn Ashly writes to the Times that at no time had he any shares or interest in the Confedeiate loan. Mr. Ridoit, proprietor of the Morning Post, writes to the Journal that he never bad, and never applied for, any of the loan, and that 4' the rest of the list be like that which refers to him, there is no dependence to be placed npon it. American Securities. A meeting had been called at London, of persons interested in such of the old Ameri can Securities, as have been in arrears pre viously to, or in consequence of, the war, with a view of forming a committee. The securities in respect to which this agitation is commenced, are Bonds of Virginia, Louis iana, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, Mississippi and the various i ail ways and banks in those States, the whole of which represent a very heavy amount. The Daily News’ city article says if the in debted States should stipnlate for an arrange ment for funding the arrears of dividends, it is probable that the creditors would be dis posed to meet them half way. Satterihwaite’s circular of the evening of the 4th, says : “During the past week, the transactions in American Securities have not been so large or numerous as reported in our last. Still, there has been a large amount of business during the week. Five-twenties, in consequence of the higher rate of money on the continent and here, gave way 1 per cent; but* on to-day’s news from America, they have reacted, and closed at 6!) 5-8 a69 7-8. Illinois and Erie show an improvement, the demand being very large. Illinois Shares have advanced to 84 1-4 a 84 0-8 ; Erie, CO 5-8 a6O 7-8. Scrip ol new Erie was last quoted at 3 3-8 a 3 5-8 premium. Atlantic and Great Western Bonds are iu request at 100 advance. The Peniaus. The Fenian arrests continued. The total number, in all places, was about two hun dred. A suspicious vessel, bearing the Ame rican fl ig, and supposed to be one of those expected with arms,had appeared off Queens town, but 9be again put to sea. A strange vessel was said to have sent a letter in shore, which was opened and found to con tain a bill for £I,OOO, in favor of a mem ber of the Fenian organization’ The Markets. LivKarooL, October 6.—Cotton is advanc ing, and closed steady ; the advances have been 1-2 a id. owing to the further advauces in Bank rate to 5 on Monday and 6 on Thurs day. Thu 9alcs for four days have been 70,000 bales, including 32,000 to speculators and exporters. Breadstuffs are firm but quiet. Richard son, Spence & Cos., and the usual authorities quote Flour quiet, but dull; Wheat 9s. 2d. a •os. for Red Western ; porn inactive at 295. 295. 6d. for mixed. London, Oct. 6 —Consols, for Money, 33 1-4 88 1-4 ; Erie Shares CO ; Five-twenties 69 -2 a 70. The Bullion in the Bank of Eng land has decreased £777,000. Mexican Affairs. New Yobk, Oct. 17.—1 tis said Maximilian has forwarded five million dollars to Wash ington in order to influence Congress in fa vor of his recognition by our government. Newspapers in the Imperial interest publish glowing accounts of the prospects and re sources of tbe Empire. They claim the country has eight and a half million inhab itants, and its agricultural and mineral re sources render itself sustaining. Quite a number of rebels from this coun try are domiciled in Mexico. Ex-Governor and ex-rebel General Price, of Missouri, and Governor T. G Harris, of Tennessee, and Messrs. Maury, Robert J. Perkins and W. T. Herdman are appointed Commissioners of Colonization aud Emigration by Maximil ian’s Government. Miscellaneous Despatches. Burlinoton, lowa, October 16.—The Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee of lowa announces the election retains thus far indicate Governor Stones majority of 16,000. Legislature three fourths Republican. New York, Oct. 16.—The Post’s special says a large number of pardons have been granted this a. m., but to no one of promin ence. The rebel General Peck and Imboden are applicants. Stevens and Regan are ex pected to-night. The latter will have an in terview with the President to-morrow. The Examiner’s special from Philadelphia says there are about five thousand delegates present at the National Convention of Fe nians, whic.t is setting with closed doors.— Additional delegates are constantly arriving. John o’MahOoy is presiding. Exciting rumors ate around that a plan for a Provisional Government, or Irish Directo ry, will be urged, with authority to issue bonds; commission privateers, <tc. Important private advices are said to bnve Inieti received in cypher by the steamer at Farther Point. Toaoirro, Oct. 16.—Dr. Blackburn, of yel low fever notoriety, is admitted to bail on his own recognisance, to appear when called for. The securities have been discharged. Long Branch, N. J. Oct. 16, I p. m.—The yachts Henrietta and Palmer have jU9t passed this point Palmer one minute and a quarter ahead. An Enterprising “Local."— A fire in Augusta tbe other day, was thus described in one of the journals of that city. “Last night, between seven and eight o'clock, a fire broke ont in the lower part of the city. We did not hear whose bouse was burnt, hut as there are no large buildings in that section of the city, tbe destruction of property could not have been great." Reg Pa’don.—A young lady, while walk ing with a gentleman, stumbled, and, when her companion, to prevent her fell, grasped her hand somewhat tightly, “Oh air!” she simpered, “if it comes to that, you must ask my pa.” SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1865. Who arb Wortht or Confidence ?—'The Cutbbert Reporter, speaking of Southern Re presentatives in Congress, says we riiust “elect our best men,” without regard to the test oath, which the editor thinks will, upon a sober, second thought be repealed, and adds: “We do not wish to be represented in the Capitol of the nation by perjured men, or by hypocritical, fourth-rate politicians, who never under other circumstances would be thought worthy to preside in a Justice Court, or fill a seat in the Legislature. Too much of the talk afloat recently about sending men to Congress who have no record against them, originates, in our opinion, principally with that class who, having no good record to present their fellow citizens, are anxious to slide into power and position on this hob by All sensible, wide awake men of the North, ail able and sound statesmen, know that those men who bore the brunt and heat of the late war—who manfully breasted the tide and offered their own lives upon the alter of their country—are the class, the very class of all others, most loyal now to the Government, most worthy of confidence, aud infinitely to be preferred to those who were hiding in holes and skulking from the light of day in the hour of peril aud danger. QUOTATIONS For Southern Bank Notes. BANKING HOUSE ox MANNING & DE FOREST, 19 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. CORRECTED SEPT. 20, 1865. VIRGINIA. Bank of Berkeley go •• Commerce, Fredericksburg -28 “ Charleston, charleston to “ the Commonwealth “ HowardsviUe to “ Old Dominion ... s - 2 “ . Philippi jo “ Kockbridge 28 •• Rockingham 28 ” Scotteville io “ the Valley !....S0 “ Virginia 80 “ Winchester 25 Central Bank of Virginia 10 Corporation of Alexandria 50 Danville Bank, Danville 20 Exchange Bank of Vs., Norfolk 22 Farmers’ Bank of Fincas’le 28 *• “ Richmond 22 Merchants’ Bank, Lynchburg 25 Monticello Bank ,21 Northwestem Bank at Jeffersonville 90 Southwestern Bank, Wythesyille 25 Traders' Bank. Richmond 25 NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cape Fear 37 “ Charlotte “ Clarendon jj “ Commeice 20 “ Fayetteville 12 “ Lexington 25 " North Carolina 37 “ Wadesborough «u “ Washington “ Wilmington „2o “ Yancevfile ' 12 Commercial Bank, Wilmington :. is Farmers’ Bank ol North Carolina 30 Merchants'Bank, Newbern 30 Bank of Roxboro’ 25 Miners and Planters' Bank 25 Bank of Thomasvilie 25 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden. *. 16 “ Charleston “ Chester is “ Geoigetown 17 “ Hamburg 17 “ Newbury .20 “ South Carolina ...'..'.'.'.'.'.'An .“ State of South Carolina 18 Commercial Bank. Columbia 15 Exchange “ ** Farmers' and Exchange 14 Merchants’, Cheraw ig People's Bank, Fairfield Planters' •* Planters’ and Mechanics' Bank 1 8 South W. R. K 20 State Bank ]y Union Bank GEORG IA . Angnsta Insurance and Banking Company 10 Bank of Augusta 20 Athens “ Columbus 12 • Commerce 10 “ Fulton 20 “ EmpireState .' .12 “ Middle Georgia 50 Savannah 40 Bank of Slate of Georgia 2a Central Railroad Banking Company To City Bank of Augusta 20 Farmers'and Mechanics 16 Georgia Railroad and Banking Company 78 Marine Bank to Mechanics’ Bank 10 Merchants end Planters' Bank 10 Planters' Bank 17 Timber Cutters' Bank Union “ 10 ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile 65 “ Montgomery 90 “ Selma 25 Commercial Bank 27 Centra! “ Eastern Bank Northern “ 30 Southern “ 65 TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga 77 “ Middle Teunessee 60 “ Tennessee is “ West Tennessee 25 City Bank of Nashville 26 Merchants' “ : Ococe “ 25 Planters’ “ Shelbyville “ 50 Traders' “ Union “ 45 LOUISIANA. Bank of America 96 “ Louisiana 3u " New Orleans go Canal Bank 96 Citlxens' Bank 95 Crescent City 60 Louisiana State Bank 60 Mechanics' and Traders' Bank 90 Merchants' •* 60 Southern •• 96 Union *• 60 New Orleans City Scrip :. 90 STATE BONDS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds 67<Si* N Carolina “ BU(bS2 8 Carolina “ 60@70 Georgia •* 80ffliS6 Tennessee “ 80&82 MemphisClty “ 70<»30 Augusta,ua. “ 70 Savannab,Ga. “...., 76 The above Bonds are bought” with Coupons indaded fh>m l SCI included. North Carolina Coupons 46 Memphis City *• 80® 86 Tennessee “ 40 Georgia “ 60 These Quotations are liable to fluctuate, and cannot be relied on for any length of time. s«p26 MILINERY GOODS. Ihare Just returned from New York, aud have brought out one of the best selected stbeks ol Milinery Dress Creeds AND HOBXXI&Y, Ever brought to this iflarket. The Goods will be sold cheap. 1 will receive weekly the latest- styles of Milinery under Scriren House, Comer or Bull and Congress Street Lane. et&dmo MRS. PEASE THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, movers^ MISCELLANEOUS. English Coal. SUITABLE lur Parlor Grates. Landing and for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by OCU2 2W CLAGHORNACUNNINGfUM Notice. BOOKS for Sabacription lo the Capital Stock of the National Expreas Company are now open a* the office of the undersigned. H BRIGHAM One of the Conuntaioiiets octlT 2w for the State of (h- «.«i Notice. THE firm known aa Ames A Peabody, ITS Brough ton street, t$ this day dissolved by mutual con sent. W. L Peabody will coutinue the Wholesale Boot and Shoe Busine s at the above place, aud is au thorized to settle all claims and collect all debts on ac count of business transae ions *t Savannah. J. M AMES. 'octlT C WM. 1.. PEABODY ESTABLISHED lHO». ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, <fcc., No. 211 Washlngton-St, 6epl9 NEW YORK 3m DDEYEAS HiIZENA TRY ONE POUND. wa * thi mv. i mw* m (m That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioner*, the rompetlon of all prom inent manufacturers of "Corn Starch" and "Prepared Corn Flour" of this and other countries not withstand ing.. M&IZBN4, The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical.— Makes Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without Isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bre ad and Coke It Is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for lleh and meats, soups. At For Ice Cream nothing can compute with it. A little boiled in milk will produce nclgcream lor coflee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Hit up in one pound packages, tinder the trade mark Maizena, with directions for use. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton Street. WILLIAM DURYEA, uu2s-3m General Agent. WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., "Wiliiiing-tcm, Delaware. MANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats Stenm Engines, Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mil's, Ac. Having had long experience in bminesa uud being piovldid with very extensive lscllities lor doing work of this class, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, octl2 Cm LINVILLE & GLEASON. SAVANNAH. A.OE3WTB FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 ConrtlaMt Street, New York, MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND W^BHEBS Bridge, Car, Stop or Band Hook, AND— BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COACB OR Ll« SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND S(UARE WASHERB, Turn buojclefc. Bolt Ends, Taps and Dies. &p. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS. CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used iu constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. KNGINEF.RS’ STORES COAI. OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, *o.; ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS. SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, Ac. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Mannfacturers of the BEST OAK- TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY. LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES. STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, BAWS,&c. septs ts Notice to Lumbermen. r | S HB undersigned are prepared to receive Conslgn- A menu of Lumber, or any quantity nr quality, lor ■ale in this market or lor shipment North, Cash advance! made when required. Oar facilities for procuring suitable vessels for shipments are un bounded. AGENTS IN SAVANNAH VAN HORN, HOLYOKE Ac MURRAY. Agents In New York, Messrs. Holyoke Wlunsy 47 South street. ts octU INK. oe OHCSB INK, in stands, at *8 60 per groee. 16 MU down Arnold's Writing Fluid, pita, at *7 per deaen. For sale by RYOii A LEACH. aatatf oor. Bryan street and Market square. RAILROADS. Central Railroad - iftr** .... Him;* SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, l Suvnnuub. Ult, October 2, JS6S J ON tfnd after Monday, 2nd inut., a dally train (Sun day* excepted; will leave tor Augusta at 6 a. m., connecting with a line of Hacks running between Station Central Railroad, and Wayneaboro on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this Ime will arrive in Augusta the next morning after leaving Savaunah in time to get breakfast ami connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Freight to g#hy Passenger Train mu#* lx* prepaid and delivered at the Dtfpot the night before. By order of . GEO. W ADAMS. ®*p2 General Nujirunteuciei.r Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. 1 Bavam.aU, Oct, 10th, 1565. / This Company it now, in enunectiou with 11. J Dvkrsou x Co.'s W on». prepared to receive and fox ward to Augusta. N#c"n, Atlanta Ac., daily from twenty to tlurly thotisu a pouude of Freight, and go through in from three to Mix days. ribip Freight arid other expcuHCg must l»e paid by SLippeia. Railroad freight can be paid here (lce tination. 1 Freight on perishable goods must, be prepaid. - GKO. W. ADAMS, A*** 1 Geueral Superintendent. TRY ONE POUND. STATIONEKV, &.C. esti£i/s~ Newspaper Depot, ANI» STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street. Corner of Bay Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. TSTEXTV NOVEXjS. Just Received at the above Depot a further supply of THE BUSfI-IiANGER'S, OR, ADVEN TURES IN AUSTRALIA. MAJOR JONES' COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT, Price 50 Leslies' Ladies Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mail, Demorests’ Mirror of Fashions, Price 40 Cts. THE ROQUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 35 cents. ALSO HARPER'S MONTHLY, GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK’ ATLANTIC MONTHLY, 4c., for OCTOBER. The nsual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, angSp THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS Can bp hud at ESTILL’S News Depot and Cheap Periodi* cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF IHE POST OFFICE. §ep26 TO TRAVELLERS. n i BBggga HrU+rt-iTiin? 1‘ , tTJIL. , fV “J?.- I Y-LW l or New aud Cheap Puhlicatious. Artemafl Ward; his Travels, %I.SO, The Lost Will*sso cent*. Gus Howard, 75 e^iiis. Verner's Pride, $1.50. The Curse of t’lilton, $1.50. H vord «nd Gown, 30 cents. Great Expectations, 75 cents. The Channmgs, sl. The Castle's Heir, $1.50. Guy LivingMtone, $1.50. Major Jones* Conrtehip, sl. Major Jones* Chronicles of Plneville, sl. Polly Peablossom’s Wedding, $1 And other Novels, at ESTILT/S NEWSPAPER and PERIODICAL STORE, ocl7- Bull street, back ol Post Office. HOTELS. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. (’., n6w open to the public. OUOKLY A BANCROPr, Proprietors. F.dwarp L. Jones, Agent ts octlO GILMORE HOUSE, Monument Square; Baltimore. Maryland. THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL has been newly fnr nlahsd throughout, aud ta now ready fur the re ception of guests. octO-lm KIRKLAND* CO. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, H. C. RIDDELL A RTJO G, Fboprietoib C. 8. RIDDELL. N. P, UU<-G. JuS-tf Warren’s Celebrated Needles and Fish Hooks. ANDREW CLERK & CO., 4S MAIDKN LANE, NEW YORK, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. OUR former customers will find a reduction In gold prices or the Needleß, while the quality ia aiwaya keptuu to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. A. C. A Cos., respectfully solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so long aud favorably esteemed by their house. au2o 3m PREMIUM TEN DOLLAR IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE. A Triumph iu Mechanical Scieuce. MANUFACTURED under two distinct patents, of •t'A entirely "orlgnal construction;” does not infringe on any other machine. This extraordinary achieve ment of mechanical ingenuity works upon a Table use a the straight Needle, makes the useful Hand Stltcti, st the rate of 16 Stitches to each evolution of the wheel, will Tuck, Shirr, Crimp, Horn, Ruffle, Ac., with wonderful speed, accuracy and neatness, wlil sew with Double and Single Thread of all kinds. Is strong, and ctn not get out of order, apd has received the full approval of the-principa) journals and all who have used them. * This machine works like a charm and sews neat and rapid. Every family requires one.”—.V. Y. IVoria. “For the Dressmaker it Is Invaluable, for the House hold it supplies a vacaut place.”— Qodey's Ladies' Book. “It uses a common needle, sews very rapidly, and Is so easily understood that a child can use it.'*—.V. o. Delta. Single machines sent to any part of the country per express, racked In box with printed Instructions on receipt of the price—slo. Sate delivery guaranteed Agents wanted everywhere. Circnlar containing lib eral inducements sent free. All aiders mast be addressed to Tew Dollar Mowing Machine Company, 38. 38 and 40 Ann Street, NEW YORK. oct!7 3, n A LLpersons indebted to the late Arm of E. Heidt A 00., end Heidt, Jandon 4 Cos., will please call and settle the earnr at the old stand, np-ttatrs _ • E. HEIDT, OCMW “ W. A JAI/DON. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Woodford & Ritcli, ATTORNEYS -AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. ill Broadway, Trinity Building, NEW YORK CITY. THE undersigned having resnmad the practice of the Law, is prepared lo take charge of cases be fore the severs! Court* In New York and at Wash ington. eenSo-SAWIm STEWART L WOODFORD Henry Williams, Attorney cat Uaw, OFFICE NO. US BAY STBEET, (Over the Herald Reading Boom,) °«*l4-tf SAVANNAH, Ga. Gao. R. Bi aok. RcfW E. L«stkb BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, G A . Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson 4 Lester, romer of Bov nuJ Barnard streets. oclll-tf TUGS CORWIN. WM. H. OWEN, TIIOS WILSON, vr onto, i.vikout. q.H.n. o. iow&. CORWIN, OWEN A WILSON, flits Johnston. Corwin * Flnncll.j ATTO RNEYS AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, 222 F STREET, nui TREASURY BUILD -INO, IN HEAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, II . C . Will practice In the Supreme Court of the United Stales, the Court of Claim*, and the Courts ot the Diet i let of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment bubiiiost. Officers Accounts adjusted. au3o nm W. S. BASINGER, Attorney at Law, HAS resumed practice, and may be found until the lat of November at the office of T. M. Norwood, Esq.; after that time at the office formerly occupied by Lawton «l Basiuger, on Bay street, 2d door eant of the City Hotel, Jw o<*t2o C. S. BUNDY, <3r oner al A. go n t AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Btrfet, Between 13rn and 14m Strxxt#, (Near Pay Department^ Wa*nin*ton,D. O. lu3o k DRY UOUUS AMD CLOTHING. DRYGOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ac., Ac., Ac., Remarkably Cheap for Ca<-h. CAN BE FOUND AT A- Reseller db Co'm., 13 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANE. Comprising a general Assortment or Foreign and Domestic Gauds. Cloaks, Bhawla,-4c. N. B.—-By strict attention to bn-ine-s, courteous and honorable dealing with out costumers, we trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large fine ot White Goods and Linens now open. octlO CLOTHproT” FURNISHING GOODS BOQTB, SHOES AND HATS. THE subscriber having fumicd a Ckepartnerslup with Mr. J. C. Ludlow, under the firm namct.f lleldt A Ludlow, respectfully calls the attention of his friends and the public generally to their large stock ol Clothing, Furnishing Goods,’ Boots. Sliot-s gud Hals, which they arc. now opening, and w ill sell at Wholesale and Retail, atthe old stand oflieldt, Jsu doit 4 Cos., No, 101 Brvan and 0* St. Julian street, up stairs. octMm E'sHEIDT. STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants Rom*, Hilton Head, So. Cm CALL the attention of Wholesale anJ IMaU pur chaecia to their superior stock of MILITARY AND If AVAL CLOTIIIKG, . ANl> FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated K a ,rf*% ol,da » Sashes, Belt*. Embroideries, B(*oU, Caps Field Glasses. Gauntlets Glove*. Ac.. 6k ■ Ac. NOTICE. undersigned promises to cure Seminal Weakness in ail its worst forms without the use of medicine.— Fir an send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cent* for poetage. Address ,7. M. RUSSELL, OCLO-3W _ Boston. Mass. Ra H* ALLEN A Cos., 180 & 101 WATER BT., NEW YOBK. jtGRIiLTURAr IMPLEMENTS, AND MACHINERY OF AU NINOS. Small Tod. for tht Farm and Garle n. fuck os Spade’ ■Shm*U, Roe., Fork., Rake., Ac., and for Graft Hoots, Scythe.. Scuth-Stones, and Agricul tural Hardwire in general. We offer, also, a large assortment of our own manu facture of Hay Cotters, Coffee and Grain Mile, guitar Mills for Grocers’ use. Store Truck* ot various pat terns. Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrows. Ac v FtriilUzura of all kinds, such as Coe’s Supcruhos. pbste ot Lime, pure Ground Bone, I’eruvb.n Guano, and Poudreite, -™ 1 SEEDS. baa proved worthy of cultivation, grown and .elected expressly ior our trade. Mlee made In bulk, per ponnd or bushel, or in small packets, for retailing, by the hundred or thousand sepl2-2aw-3mo Brown’s Standard Scales. FanisD u ° TCTn - THIRTY YEARS. h ■*-‘**P**j*°,*ny branch of bmtueo. for foreign or Wjrteta Warranted accurate and durable. PRICE, 5 CENTS niUBAKB. INTERNATIONAL ITERANCE COMPIN'I', OF THE CITY OF HEW TOEK. Cash Capital, ... #1,000,000 OO reuiplus Jan. 1,1803, «04,158 40 $1,204,18S 40 Total Liabilities, $lB 50. P OI t ! J i ux, K M'IH? K S S ? N 4 JANNBY are prepared m any fomen t Dnder their Open Policie^ ’.SA?" « l fesl™;,'7 f'fassa’t hi^s”- parties iliHurin* With'us W lUoiy o nrmAHir; Authorized (Spital-$10,400,000. PUjatM i. tska fc " os,6 « AT THE LOWEST RATES. • - COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE morris fire and inland insur ance company .... 5,000,000 OMMEftCG FIR G INSURANCE Coftp- T 200,000 STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y . 200.000 niock - B*y <md Abercom sts. Office, corner Drayton and Bryan streets ~~ FHAWHI!^ 88888 *^ IXCHANGfr On New Tori. Bonin, Piulafcljliia Baltimore & iopsta, Boujltt aud Sold. Also, Specie, Southern Bonds, Stocks and Baht: Notes. Loans oAhort HmeccgotUt.d, Apply t# FORDYCE, ANDERSON k JANNEY, m 14-2 w No. 10 Stoddard'a Range EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK, For eilc by * ( 3 >lli BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. ' Sight Exchange ON • » NEW YORK, In numa to euit purchasers, by -232HL-. e. r.MfrrcALFß&co. ISTotice. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, I • U ftITSI, SWATXa Imeenaißxvxkce,). Savannah, Oct. 13, 1664. j nnvlng nearly completed the orgenUatloa of the Id-trict. I hereby notify the public that I am instruct cd to moke an immediate assessment tor the vl«r ind“ !irely*° IWfSWSSdi 'gro«reXt“ m °S SM hB J«L A^orTO^rict. land agency / FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. rfIHE subscriber, formerly of sarinnah. and reMasn, “ihoTon eoHdta the patronage of all needing an agent therS. x , . “SS* 1, Refers to any old resident in Savannah •epl« 3m Family Dye ColorsT Patented October 13, 1»03. Dark Green Dark Blne^ llk £n l lsm Brown Orange Dsrk Brown Pink* Light Brow n Ponde f’iwref'""* Royal Purple fbrrry 3a mon Crimson Scarlet Dai k Drab Sate light Drab Sotferlno Fawn Drab Violet , Light Eawn Drab Yellow For Hatu, Feathers, children 2 * Clothina and all kinda of Wearing App^T cr A SifYlNO OF 80 PER C®MT. lor cents yon can color as manv good. .. otbmrire oort five tins, that raS? 7 ssxwjsri? fnskfeof kXfrSSZ' HOWE A ETEVKNH, f"lo“m b, * dn,gglSUand VDoipho woipa; Nil Beaver Street, New York. hU<mn lm P ort *‘‘ow. ih bond and ?“* y l Modkct ™*"J*W** *c„ of any other house In this country, comprising in part of OtanL Henneey, Plnet OMtlUon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies la hall; quarter, and eighth rasks . alsoOtard and Rooyer, Lafcrrelere and Flla Brandy, In cates of one doaen each “01r.'» Udolpho Wqlfe's Schiedam in pipes. Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, in bond and duty paid, in caseeof one dozen quarts and two doses pints. “Whiskey and Rum.” Scotch and Irish Whiskey, In thde. and case* of one Mc e ,to*SnWir' ,rbo “ 2**® iD b ‘ rreto Yt-TTJVT. Jamaica •• and ‘tSf. Crou: Sum" in hhds. and cases of one doaen each. Madeira, Sherry and Port Wises. More than twenty different grades, la halves, qnar. tern and eighth casks, also in cases of one doaen each. “Hock, Champagne, Moselle aad Claret Wines.’’ From Peter Arnold Mnmm in Cologne, proprietor of Joannieburg estate; J. H. D. Becker A Flla: Eache * nancer, Benecke A Cos., Bordeaux Barton A QassUn, Bordeaux, and from other well known booses in Ger many tad France. Oils, Cornual.a, Stamm, Rrrmj, Mcttsrp, Oarers, Basra)?. Pusnvss, Ac. * Twenty live years’ business transactions with the Southern States, with, some of the largest and most respectable dealers, should be sufficient guarantee, that every article offered by .the advertiser for Me Is para and genuine. "ear