Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 24, 1865, Image 3

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- A V A K V A TT. | U l |»n*l< uru<au>hi|»aiid tnulu.ia. ! ro* M» TOBk. v-.-irahlp Idaho, Wednesday, October 26th. at 0 CiOCk. Steamship Ariadne, Wednesday. October 26th, at 1? o'clock m. roa ACorara. btcamer Helen, Wednesday, October Situ, at 7 c-ciock a tn. steamer Clarion, Tnerday, October 24th, at 11 t-docK a. m. FOR FLORID*. steamer Fountain, Tuesday morning. October i«li, at 10 o'clock- A luveime Latter for the Port of Savan nah. The E. S- Herenue steam-cutter Sansemond ar rived in the river on Sunday .evening and dropped anchor off the Lower Bice JdUL THo Banaemond coinea Here In accrrdanc# with the order of the Sec retary of the Treasury, and will be stationed at Sa vannah far the protection of the revenue In these waters and on the coast of Georgia and Eastern Florida. She will be under the orders of Hon Wylly Woodbridge, Collector of the Port, having been fltted out expressly lor the revenue servl.e at ritis station. The Cutter Sansemend was built at Sew York, til 18.S, by L nvrecce, Folks A Cos., and was purchased fora despatch boat She Is a Cue sidewlieel steamer of 310 tons, with powerfu engines, and Is capable of attaining an extraordina ry ute of speel. Her length over all Is las feet; jeegth of Seel 138. She la offleered as folio-vs ; Capa Samaui C. Colesberry. lit Lieut. John E. Wilson, iad Lieut. Taos. R. Marshall. S.'d Lieut. Erie Gabrielsen. Ist Asst- Eng. Edward Aspald Act. 2nd Ast. Eng. Geo. M. Robinson. Collector Woodbridge Vi3ited the Cutter yesterday stid c-xi)re3eed himself highly pleased with the com. pieteness, elegance and substantial comfort of the £ .tings of tne steamer uow at his dlsposaL She Is a fine ter-going vessel, of staunch build, powerful, last, and iu every respect admirably adapted to the service for which she Is designed. Tire Jinyor and Aldermen to Resame tltc Government of tiie City. On the 20th lastanr, ills Honor Mayor Arnold, received an odtcial letter from Bre vet Major General 8.-annaa,' Commanding the the First Division of the Department of Georgia, ln for .iilag him that on the first day ol November next, th; government of the City of Savanuab would bo tamed over to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, and that from that date all the expenses of the City must be borne by them. On the 21st Inst., at a meet ing of the City Council the Mayor was authorized to accept the proposition of the General, and the City has.accordingly returned Into the guardianship of the civil authontes. The tluauces of Savannah are, of course, In an ex ceedingly low condition, and the defrayal of the ne cessary expenses of the city, for the police, lighting of the streets, etc,, will present an Interesting prob lem tar our financiers. Savannah was Hie last city of the State to lie re stored to its civil government. SOUTHERN Kx vL ESTATK AND tJIUR.U'ION AID So ciErV.—We would call tiie attention of our readers to the advertisement headed Southern Real ’jtate and Emigration Company. Tiie parties interested In it, arc natives of tills State and of Florida and well kuown lor their respectability aud intelligence.— They are douotlcss famldar with the character of rhe land offered lor sale In their respec tive localities, nnd will give entire satUfact.on 10 all applicants for Information respecting the cot -11 n uud corn fauns wulcn they offer for sale. We wish the company well in their enterprise, calculated as It is,to further the patriotic purpose of 1.11 l ig up hud enriching the unoccupied 1 ndsof our own a id sister States ot the South,aud wc commend it to tue confidence of the public. Brio Mart cobb.—This flue A 80. l craft, which was u regular packet for over three years between New York aud Hilton Head, is now lying at our waarves with a foil cargo lor New York. The Mary Cobb is commanded by Capt. Geo. Duncan, who Is wall known as a skilful navigator aud a careful sea man. Tne brig has superior accommodations fur twelve to fifteen passengers, and those desiring to go North iu a fine sad vessel, should make early a.,plication for passage, as she may sail tais mornlug. lies-re. Rogers A caua arc the Agents in this city of the .limy Cobb. A.Stobm Brewing.—a blgli easterly wind prevail ed all day yesterday, with but little rain, however. Tae Indications ot a severe storm approaching Were unquestionable. The law clouds made a data, aud the raw east wind a cold aud dusty day, and logelh er with the nob-amvul of the New York steamers, already one uay oveidue, things generally wore any thin* bu- a cheeriul aspect. -YIIBIVALOF Tits llusrii'.U. fcTEAMKR COSMOrOM- Tax.—The IT.l T . S- Hospital steamer Cosmopolitan, Capt. Oiookar, arrived yesterday atternoou from lincou Head, s. 0. We arc Indebted to Capt. CrooKei lor New York papers 01 the 17th., which were brought to ailtuu Head by the C. S. f rausport steam snip MiCietau. 1112 aUd.lenaa sailed again tor Now York yeat.rdar aittf.uuoa. T Uih COIj RTS. befobc caPT. cnaas it. i-xjiicfc, provost mar btiai., nismcT of savaxxaß. BavaNxau, Oct. 23d, 1835. The United States by Police Srrgount Uraham vs. OiliUpie (colored.)— Larceny Irom the tiou.e. W. N. Uuiiershani, Prosecutor. Alter u carciul examina tion of the evidence adduced In the foregoing case, and urgumtnt of Counsel, the defendant was found "Not Guilty;” he was therefore discharged from cus. tody, and prosecutor will pay costa. Counsel for plnmuif, 3. it. Saussy; for deiendant, P 51. Bussell, E.q. The United States vs. Thomas Fuller, (colored)—J, Heery Prosecutor. Assault. The deiendant lit this case was louud guilty of an aggravated case of as sault, and sentenced to pay a nne of sls and costs, in default thereof to be conhued In Chatham county .laii, at hard labor,-for the term of thirty days. Coun sel lor U. S., 51. J. Ford, U;q. The United states by John Donnoran vs John Clancy .—Assault and Battery. Upon the examina tion of the evidence adduced In the foregoing case, the defendant was found ".Sot Guilty” and discharg ed from arrest, the Prosecutor paying all costs of salt. Counsel. J. 0. Fsrrill for U. S.; for defence, P. M. Russell. The tnited Stales by Detective Bunnell vs. Fred erica Cook—Having stolen goods In his possession.— Upon request of tho prosecutor, a nolle proaequi Is entered up against the defendant, upon paying the costs of suit; alter which he will be discharged from custody. Couuscl for defeudant, P. 51. Russel! and •George A. Mercer. Peter Bragg (colored) vs. John Shuman, (colored)— Recovery debt; claim $.2. Judgment for plaintiif tor the sum ol sl2, witn costs, and defendant order ed to pay the same luto Court this day, or be arrest ed and eouUued uutil it be paid. Counsel for plain tiff, J, Ri saussy. The Cmted states vs. Geo. Simmons; (colored)— Hating hr his possession a U. S. musket. llefeuuaut Plead guilty, nud stated his lguorancoof existing or ders, w hereupon he was discharged irom custody, and the musket turned over to me Oidnaucc De partment. United States, vs. tVm. Gammon, (colored) —Lar- ceny. Found guilty, and sent to jail for fifteen days. United States vs. Francis McDowell, (colored), and Mary Dinkins, (colored)—Larceny from the person. It was proved that Mary Dinkins commuted the of fence, aud It was ordered that Francis McDowell be discharged, and mat Mary Dinkins be fined In the sum ol thirty dollars and costa, and In default or pay ment be committed to JaU until the amount of fine aud costs be paid. Counsel lor U. S., J. R. saussey. United stales vs.Michaelßeely—Assault and bat tery and larceny. Mo prosecutor appearing, and the deiendant being a soldier in the U. 8. Army, he was discharged from custody and ordered to be returned to his command. United states vs. Charles, (colored)—Vagrancy. Defendant was sent to me Police Barracks for con rinement at hard labor for the space of thirty days. Uulted States vs. Jane Ann Lawrence,(colored) and Rrcnel Gordon, (colored)— Fighting aud using bad and obscene language. Delendauts were fined it teen dollars each, with costs tin default of payment of which, to be cohhfied in Jail for the term of thirty days. The other parties arrested at the same time were discharged. % . United States vs. Joseph Tripp, (colored)—Larceny or cotton from steamer W.u. 0. Gibbons. The defen dant wee found guilty and sent to JaU at hard labor for the term of two months. Cirrrow BY Waows—Yesterday morning • train t of wagooe arrived In Bus city from Dublin, in Lau ren* ,-uuu. ta-urgis. The train eonlAined alto gether. neatly seventy I tales of cot'on. Before the war the cotton grown ia Lauren* and other counties, : was transported to Savannah by tiie steamer Cov. I Troup Dublin Ues on the Oconee river, aud we lie iieve Is about one bundled aud forty rnUes from Savanuab. The tralu will return to Dublin as soon as fair weather sets In, and will take out a heavy freight of goods. Brown's Lastillus liirrsaa.—Attention Is di rected to the advt.tiaeinent of this uewand valua ble tonic. The highest recommendations are fur nlahed concerning iu virtues. It is for sale by York, Williams, Melntire A Cos., Sole Agents. Iron for the A. A O. Railroad—The A. A G. R. R. received yesterday by the arrival of the brig Clara Pickens, from New York, 44 tons railroad Iron. Joiners Wanted.—Joiners in want of employment *re directed to the advertisement of Mr. Blance In another column. - Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE. OCTOBER 23. 1806. Wm. H. Wit.TEBERc.ER a co., Proprietors. Auguste Weiner, N Y llaj Culp and lady, Hilton C L •Frelble, Tampa, Fla ! Head M E Stephens, live Oak, Lieut <iol Smith, do Fla Maj Wallace, do A uFreeman, Fla H w Allan, Montreal D W Ingersoll, Jackson- H E Henderson, Newtiem ville, Fla J E Drayton, S C E N Atkinson, Ga J W Layton, Surg CSV, Owen Jones, Philadelphia Augneta C S Stewart, USA W W l)iam. Capt, do do Cjl Waller, do col H F Slcklea, Savan'h J D Matueson, Fla J W Massle, D D, Loudon E E Adamson, do D W williams, wife and L H Owens, do two children, Fla. Ben Waldo, do J E Bryant A Martin, do . Wm Cantwell, Hilton H'd Capt B F Van Ttuve George Duncan, do Silas Weeks, Va Jos Middleton, Phlla D R Williams, Fla Jae w Mathews, Fort Val- R J Shulr, NC 4 j ley, Oa Bvt Maj Gen J H King and J K Hayward; Boston lady, Augusta | SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) OCT. 21. Gen King and wife, N Y iSurg H C Nelson,C SSN H Gen Spragen, N Y Capt G H Hlgbee, do Gen Devans, Hilton Head leapt J MetcalT, 68th N Y Lt Mariam, do | Vols Mrs Sprague aud three R J Steele, N C children, N Y* Lt A Child, 33d C S C T Mrs « orth, NY S Leahy, Charleston Miss Worth, do Lt S Bell, USA Miss Spragen, do J Lawton, Beaufort Miss Mary Spragen, do J R Lucerst and lady, do Mrs Gen Newton, and D B Baker, Beaufort three sons, NY J P Lawton, do Maj Gen Q A Millmore.NY J R Perritt, do H M Bragg, Capt uudA D C G semon, USA D S Lesler, do do J M Teel, Hilton Head • OCTOBER 22. A S Stenson, Htltoa Head i D A Keefes and boy, N Y T King, savannah \V Wells and wife, do A U Freetuuu, 6th ESI IA J Clement, Capt CSV PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) OCT. 21. D G Machartln . |Q T Anrole, Hilton Head ■ L B Lung, A A G ]Miss Bacon, Beaufort T Norman, NY II Ames, Elliott’s Wm H King, Beaufort (Miss Shoemaker, HntonH Miss Studdwcli, Boston H W Allan, Montreal ' Miss K I* llricb, do HE Henderson, Newbern M.ti *1 C.iartielm do Mll Faddack, Lemon Isl’d Miss M C Green, do '.J E dills, do Miss L Fish, do j A Fredericks, Hilton Head A P White, do .1 Kaymonr, do Miss A J Knight, do IA N Vercere," do Miss S Kuiglit, do j A Hartshorn, C Survey Miss A F Cogswell, do !J H Gould. Charleston Miss A ¥ Hayden, do 1,1 Hartwell, Vt J Vnittle, N Y OCTOBER 23. Douglas Frazor, Col 104th J E Drayton, do ÜB OX E P Judd, Charleston J Lawton SC J L Rlrhmond, 8 C J K Lucas and lady, SC C Hasted, Charleston J K Peritt, SC HD Law and lady, N Y 'F C Fox, A A Surg, USA WS Sampson, Jr, Treas- D B BaKur, s C ury Deo’t J E Patten Maj C 8 Allen J D Parker ' .1 U Gould, Mass S U Cueaver, Boston Chpt Max Evker, GStli N Y O W Striker, N Y W Jnos, do Mrs McGretv, Savannah Wm Sablscorl, Beaufort C W Wlagard, USA W Norton, 9JGI N Y E Sanford, Beaufort A FYancis, do M Coie aud wife, Lawton- A Vernon do ville, SC '.IK Jones, Boston JP Lawton, do lit It Williams, Baltimore Shipping Intelligence. Miniature Almannc—Till* Day- Sun rises 6 10 Moon rises 9 4 Sun sets 5 19iHigh water ~..10 33 PORT OF SAVANNAH. , Monday, Ocl 23,1865. arrived. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palatka, etc —L S Bennett. Revenue steamer Nansemond, Goitlsbury, Balti more, via Beaufort. Steamer Savannah, EMrldge, Hliton Head Thg A Getty, Mersltoa, Hliton Head. U S Hospital steamer Cosmopolitan, Crooker, Hll ton Head. Brig Clara Picklus, Rodgers, New York—William Starr. Reports: Off Cape Lookout, October 14th, experienced a gale of wind from the South-east, and lust fore topgallant mast. Schooner Lizzie Batchelder (three-masted). Eng lish, Bos on, with Ice and merchandise—Hunter A Gammed. Cleared. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Tug Starlight, Anderson, Fort Pulaski. Consignee*. Per brig Clara Pickens, from New York—Albany and Gull Railroad, Central Railroad, G H vrledge, bell, Wylly A Cos, Brady, Smith A Cos, Brigham, B A Cos. Ciaghorn A Cos, crane, Johnson A Grayblll, Doyle A Logan, Erwin A Hardee, H Gowdy, N A Hardee A co, U M Heldt, U B Lamar, W W Lincoln, WAR Mclntire A Cos, M illen * Wadley, Miller, Tnouias A Cos, J O' Byrne, wm H Stark, Tlson A Gor don, C Vim Horn, K D Walker A Cos, AM Couen A bro, K Habersham A Son, E Koetheke A Cos, J W L turop, J U u nder, Hunter A Gammed, Schuster A Ueinstus. Per schooner Lizzie Batchelder, from Boston hell, Wylly A Christian, Brady, Smith A Cos, Clag horu A Cunningham, George L Cope, O Cohen, 1 J Dunbar A Cos, D Falvey, c L Gilbert, Hilton A Han ded, U V Marstou.S S Miller, M Newmark, H richer, James K Redly, John L Vlllulouga, MAD Wadley, J R Wilder. Passengers- Fer steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, Fla—Col Owenß, J DMatheson, W A Vau Wegener, D. Waldo, Cal W Allen, James Feufield, 1 0 wen Jones, P w White. Joseph Curdy, S II Kirby, A A Baber, Mrs Gdch.Ht, Col Atkinson, D M Ingersoll, E E Adamson, J Rosendeld, A Martin; A J Maxwell, Benjamin Peu ileld, Wm Baza, George W Gilt, B F Van Truyl, S E Foote, Mrs Baker, Col Stewart, and 28 deck. Per steamer Cosmopolitan, from Hilton Head- Brevet Major uen John H King and lady, Lieut Col Smith, Utu C S Infantry, Major Culp and lady, Major Wallace, 6lh U S Infantry, H E Henson, H w Allen. PORTJ3F.PORT ROYAL. FORI ROYAL, Oct. 21. Arrived. Os- 21—Steamship Fleet, Berry, Savannah Cleared. Off. 20—Steamer Lonlshurg, Dale, Jacksonville. LIST OF VESSELS IN THIS PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 23,1865. SHIPS. New England, Hodges, 1,100, for Liverpool—load ing at Lower Hydraulic press—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Republic (Hrem) Smith, 800. discharging ballast at Lower Eastern Wharves—Weber Bros. Wisconsin (Br), Arcus, 95 ), loading for Liverpool— John K Wilder. Virginia, W»eks. 1044, discharging ballast at Drv De ck wharf, Huioulsou Island—Lhas I. Colby A Cos. BASKS. Thomas Fletcher, Pendluon. 733, loadjng for Liv erpool at Lower Hydraulic Press—John R Wilder, iuos Whitney. Thomas Whitney (Br). Kelly, waiting—Bell, Wylly A Christian, BRIGS. Clara Pickens, ROdgers, 450, from New York, dis charging at wharf foot ol W hitaker street—Wullam itnrr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 393, waiting—Hunter A Cam med. Montlcetlo. Moon, 140, loading for Darlon, Ga, at Lower Rice Mid wharf—Rlchardsou A Barnard. ISBNS. LUzie Batchelder, English, 409, from Boston, dis charging at wharf foot of Barnard street—Hunter a Uumineu. schooners. Francis Satterby, Aiden, 810, waiting cargo at wharfroot or Bull street—ogera A Caun. John G Whipple. Simpson, 80, for New York—load ing at Iron Steamboat Wharf west of Barnard street —Rogers A Caun. Scltr Julia A Crawford,. Bctlkley, loading, at Iron Steamboat Co's wharf, for New York—L J Oullmar ton A co. Albert (Br), Rlordan, 106. loading with lumber and shingles at Lower Eastern wharves for Nassau, N P —Bell, Wylly A Cnristlau. Honest Abe, Connery, 100. loading for Mew York at wharf toot of Bun Street— Rogers A Cann. Sodla, Crook, loft waiting—Rowe, Whitney A Cos. U M'Mayo, Curtis. io, loading for Baltimore at De mand's Press—Brigham. Baldwin A Cos. Mary, Kelly, 330, loading for Boston at Demand'* Press—Hunter A Ham men. A strong north-easterly wind prevailed to-day and the previous day- AUCTION SALES. By Blun A Meyer. On WEDNESDAY. 2jthlnst, at 10 o'clock, will be •old on Ihe pren.l-** of Mr. Henry Bart. oD Bryan | street. Hire, doors eaat «if Barnard street,, opposite toe Market House SO Bedsteads, with Bedding complete 20 extra Mattresses 24 Feather Pi low* . 12 Waahetsndo * 12 Toilet Tables 12 ate of Toilet Crockery 4 Feather Beds 4 Mahogany O.tomans 2 Buipans 1 Sola 5 Setue 1 Ladie*' Mahogany Work Table 12 Window Shades 1 Extension Table Tables. Chairs, Looking Glasses And numerous other articles. td oct23 By Bell, Wylly & Christisn. CATALOGUE SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. WUI be sold on THURSDAY,6tIi test., at 11 o’clock, la oar Sale* Jtooai 100 caees Boots and Shoe* c insisting of Men’s and Boy v Balmoral*, Congress Gaiters and Boots Ladies' aiicl Misses* Sewed au<i Feared Work of all grades. Catalogue fai-oirhed on morning of ta;e. oct*B-3 By Bell, Wylly & Christian at private sale Deslrable Real Estate. T»o first class Dw.lHiig Houses, three stories on batemmis, with all the modern Improvements; led lu a central portion of the city. Also, Avery desirable House on the corner of Charlton and Tatuull street,, containing 3 Rooms, with gas and water, uu the lane is a Brick Carriage House, stables, Servants' Rooms, Ac. • Also, 16 Farm Lots, c> ntalulng from 20 to 29 Acres each, near Lover’s Lane, witniu one tulle ot the limits ui the city. A splendid opportunity tor Investment. A plot ot the above Lota can be Sven at our store Also, We.t half of Lot No. 39, Washington Ward, Brough ton street. Improvements Cc n*i.t of a Dwelling, suitable for a small famhy. Will be old at a bargain. By York, Williams, Mcln tire & Cos. Will sell at auction, THIS DAY, in front of store, at 10 o'clock. 16 bbls Whiskey 5 do New England Rum 4 hhds Hama 20 boxes Soap 6 bags Black Pepper An Invoice of Dry Goods, Consisting of Gent's Coats, Pants, Vests and Woolen Uudeieblrtß, Ladles' Drees Goods, Pins, Ac. 1 Gross ol Pocket Flasks; j cases Boots and Shoes, Gent's and Ladles' S.tawls. 0c124 Underwriter’s Sale. BY OCTAVU3 COHEN. Will sell THIS TC£SI AY, at 10 o'clock, In front of his store: 3 cases of Shots and Boots, damaged on board steamer Iluuter, on her passage from New York to this port, and sold under inspec tion lor account of the underwriters aud all con cerned. Terms cash. octi4 Auction Sale, By Edwin E. Hertz, Ou TUESDAY, 24th lust., at 11 o’clock. In front of store, will be sold, without reserve, The following Articles: 25 cases assorted Ladies' and Gents Bools and Shoes, new stock, jnst received arid of best quality. 20 sacks Liverpool Salt 60 boxes Layer Raisins ;new crop 4 cases C imax Tobacco—Smoking 10 c ses Condensed Milk 30 doz Assorted Genuine Rodgers' Pocket Cutlery 20 doz Assorted Tillatson's Pocket Cutlery 5 grossTlllats n’a Table Cutlery 20'cases St. Juln n Claret 20 cases I. Merman A Cods Boedraux Claret 5 a033 Deedet sheimer Wine. 5 cases Neuateiuer Wine 1 cask Jamaica Rum. gennlno. 1 cnt)L Santa Croix ltum, genuine. 1 puncheon pare Irish Whiskey 5 cases pare Old Bourbon Whiskey 1 bbl Purest Bourbon Whiskey 1 ha f pipe Pale Hennery Brandy 2 pipes Gin 6 caeca Comet Gin, very fine. Intended lor medicinal purposes 5 cases I. F. Fine Gauterne. 2 otvi3 Rout. P. York, I ( J. RMolntiee. M. E. Williams, ( \ P. H. Wash. YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, G -A. . ' 60N8IBHMENTS OF 00TT0N AND' LUMBER SOLICITED. References in Savannah—Brigham. Baldwin A Cos,; Erwin & Hardee, (Aden A Uncklcs, Isaac D. La- Roche, Ksq ; Hiram Roberts, K-q.; Wylly Wood bridge, Esq. ; Hunter & Gammell; L. C. Norvcll & Cos. References In New York—Mcsers, Snnsuel T. Knapp A Bro.: D. H, Baldwin & Cos eep2C-codlm HI lIfiERT GOODS. Xhave Just returned from New York, and have brought out one of the best selected stocks of Milinery Dress usods HOSIERY, Ever brought to this market. The Goods will be sold cheap. 1 will receive weekly the latest styles of Mllluery under Scriven nouse, Corner of Btdl and Congress Street Lane. ctd-lmo MR3. PEASE ITCH I ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH !!! Wheaton’s Ointment. WILL CORE THE ITCH IH FORTMICHT HOURS. Also cure* Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruption* of the Skin. Price 60 cents. For sale by all Druggists By sending 60 cents to Weeks A Potter, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street. Boston, Mass.. It will be forwarded by mull free of postage, to any pert of the United States. sept2l-3m THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 994 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B. —All ORDERS sent by Mali promptly at ended to. Iv3l-tl fOMSUK & MM, MACHINERY DEPOT, Office No, 154 Bay Street.Sayannali, Da. TtTE keep on hand and furnish to o-der at Manu- W f.icturers’ Prlc?s,Englne,Footanu Hand Lathes, PI nes. Drills Chucks. Bolt > utters, Ge.i Cnttcrs. Wood & M.nn “Portnble Engines,” Hoisting En gines, Wood Working Machinery of every description. Stationer,- Steam Engines and Boiler-. Cotton Gins and Presses, Saw Mills. Rice Mills. Grist Mills, Circu lar and Mill Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting and Hose. Gearing, shafting. Hangers and Puilies, Hy draulic Jacks and Punches Pumps of all kin,is. Ail kinds of Wood and Iron Working Machinery and supplies. Agents for the West Point Foundry, E. A. Wood’* Steam Gauge and Boiler Feeders. OP* SEND FDR A CIRCULAR -ffA COMSTOCK A KINSEY, No. 164 Bay street, OCt4-Ta,ThAS2m Savannah. Ga. Grits and Meal. p iILEM'S MILL RE-OPENED. Having porchas- VT < and the entire interest from Mr H. UlTlem In bis 1 irge and • xtsnslve Mills, on the corner of Habersha . street at and Perry stieet lane, we are now prepared to furnish Grist and Meal at ftvorable rate* Corn will be sold reasonable. All orders promptly filled. octn-im lcdinqtun w Harrison. B. W. Tilton, Agt., - mxnnrAomsiL. TT'ORMERLY Tilton, Worrall A Macy, Southern f Carriage Wareroom*. No. Cl 6 Broadway, New York. Manuiactory—Mount Vernon. N. Y. octe-lm CORN. lAt 4(1 BUSHELS Choice White Corn, In Mcka, 1U"” Landing and for sale by CRANE, JOHNSON A OBATBUX. octl* 4 Ckdt'F.BlKi, LHtVOtM, * Cm I WHISKEY! WHISKEY! TINE OLD BRANDY, WINES, Sc. Peach Valley Whiskey-, Maple Valley Wniakyr, Pike's I Magnolia, r pencer'. Old ltye, aud Fine Kuutuzky Bourbon. FOR SALK BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand. 11l BAY STREET, flierald Buildings.) ALSO, — ' A1 son's Ale, Mars' Ale. Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickle*, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. octO ' ts G. H, ARLEDGE, WHOLESALE GROCER AND— I Ship Chandler. 7* BAY STREET, ■\TOW receiving pe'steam and sailing vessels from lv New York, the following article*, which will lie sold at the Lowest Market Price - Bbls. Floor. Potatoes, Ouions, Turnips, Beets, Apples, Vinegar, Hams. ■ Brown and Crushed Sugars. 'Bbls-Beef and Perk, Bols. Mackerel, S do., i( do. and kits No 1 Cases olive oil. Sardine*. Candle*. Soap, Baiaina, Pickles, , Liquors Cheap Toa, F.e«erved Meat, Spices of all kinds, Heros, Ac. , Ac.. Sacks Coffee, Broom*. Palls, Buckets, Ac. ALSO Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Paint Brushes, &c., Ac. S3T hip Stores put up at the shortest notice. octl7 n, 3m WM.M.DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER t GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 ts FOREIGN dfWpQMESTtfrlilip SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS '-OF Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. HUwO C. K. OSGOOD, STORE 180 CONGRESS AND 65 ST. JULIAN STS , SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RET AIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Hardware, N. B.—The highest Caeh Prices paid for Beeswax. Tallow, Wool* Hides, Ac, ts t»ept 1C G*o. R. Ckttmp. Wm, A. Weight, Angußta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRUMP & (0„ General Commission Merchants AND WHOLES ALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH!, Ac. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tohaooo, PaODccs, and MEscbanolss of every de scription Refers to tbe Merchants and Bankers of Angnstn, Ga., Richmond. Va.. and Joo. C. FerriU, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A Unckles, A. A. Solomons 4 Cos., -I. T. Paterson A Cos., K. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 KIRLIN.BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, COItXKK WHITAKER STREET A.AD BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. au2l ts NEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, THE undersigned (for eighteen years of tbe firm of * Cromwell A Blrdsall; Is now pre|>ared to receive order* for his well known brand of choice New Hulled Buckwheat Flour, neatly packed In barrels, half barrels, quarter barrels and bap* of 40 and 2434 ponncls. Have alao on hand Fresh Ground, State and West ern Flour. .Extra, Superfine, and No. 'i 'Superfine, In hbli*. and bulf bbls., in lot* to suit purchase rs. KDuAliO 'JIiOMWSIX. oct!2*2w 123 and 1 yft Rr<*ad sfreet New York. IjaOß SALE looo bnslicla Liverpool Salt 2000 sacks Oats, black and white 10 aacks best Rio coffee To arrive, 100 Balea Hsy. octlO ‘ - N. A. HARDEE 4 CO. H. G. RUWE & CO; Wholesale x GROCERIES S LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Squares (FRONTING PULASKI HOUSE,) Xtr Agent* for ALE AND LAGER. Contantly on hand, an assortment of FLBCYSIKr ’CIP’XZO’X:. *sp2B 3m CHEESE, SOAP. A A BOXES CHEESE, tU 76 boxes Fay's Soap Jnat received and lor sale by octl# BRIaHAK, BALDWIN 4 CO. PItKCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer In Fin* Groceries, l oots and Shoes, clothing Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Sugar*. Alao, Skehan's Olehratad GOLDEN ALE AND CUAMPAGNS USER. In bottle and In wood. • I-ondon and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. I*o BROUGHTON STREET, BAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street, New York. P O. Hiltov, Savannah. F. M. Kjkdxll. N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL WUoleoMtle G-rooers, 193 BAY STREET. NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, GFa., Ate constantly receiving per steamer? from New York The I.arge-t and Moat Complete A**or4- ment of Giocorlea in the City-, Orders by MalL accompanied wilh Remittance, Promptly Filled, at Lowest Market Prices. octl6 im Randell & Cos., South "West Corner Bay and Bar* nard Streets, Are now prepared to offer At Lowest Market Rates: 200 bbls Ex Ohio Flour 100 hair bbls Family Flour 100 bbls No. 4 Hominy fwj half bbls Hominy CO bbls Sod-t Cracker* SO bbls Sncar Crackers 100 boxes Crackers— Farcy, Lemon, Egn and Desert lst'C*d<liea Black »nd Grteu Teas—Oolong, English and Imp. 100 bags» oflec—SL Domingo and Rio 40 m ittso. G Java Coffee &0 mate lSln9. Coffee 2i>o boxes ana xaio tors Layer Rabins, new crop 160 boxes Ad candles, Ci lu) »»oxes Mould Candies 100 boxes Family Soap si» boxes Colgate's Starch Matches Spices of all kinds • . Almonds, Walnuts and Filberts, etc. Wrapping Paper and Twins Luckeia, Brooms, Sc, To which the atteution of the Trade is solicited oct2l . lw SL'GARS-CrasLed, Powdered, Coffee, Yellow and Brown SYRUP—W. S. Golden in bbls L a BD—iu tubs—C. and F Leaf CM ELSE—State imiies, in small bexes TOBACCO—Navy P< niids. li .b Funds. Tens and Natnnl Leaf MACKEREI-H.yi Bbls and Kits Nos land 2 SHOT—Ka*;io liiuiid all sizes For sale by > RAN BELL & CO„ ac!2l lw S. W. cor. Bay and Barnard sts. HAMS CIX TIERCES Superior Hams. Just received and ►J for sale by CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. oct2l , 3 CODFISH. JUST received and for vale by CL AC. HORN A CCNNINOHAM. oct2l 3 Just Received, AM in Store ou Hunt, BUGGIES AINU C ARRIAOES Also, a lot of Fine Liquors, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRUZ RUM,'S BITTERS, Ac. Which we offer on the most liberal terms. VAN nORV HOLYOKE A MURRAY, I octll-tf No. 9 Stoddard's Block ; MOM l m, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, 8n vnnnnli, BFO leave to nforra their former friends and cus tomers, and the public generally, that they have resumed business at their old stand, where they will keep constantly on band a full »a>ortmeut of Good* lit their line suitable for Private Fumble*, Steamci a and Sailing Vessels. Punctual attention given to all conn try orders. lm octl9 T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, SEGARS, IC. 147 13ay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT POOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) We have the Largest Assortment ot Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &0., In the South, to which we Invite the attention of the Trade. Call and compare onr goods and . prices. octn . ts ASTEN & THRO KMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealers In Builder.'and Locksmiths' Hardware. Nails Pulilee, Cord. Him i.ucke and Ru«bs, Butt. Hinges, Oran and Iron Key* and Castings. Gong Bella Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All orders, large or email, furnished promptly at lu per cent, less than market prices. erpl9 Cm Scholars Attention QUACKENBOSU’S let Lines in Composition Qnackenboeb'.e United States History ig lackenboeh's Rhetoric (Juackenborb'e Natural Philosophy. Ann ail other Books used in the • svaensh Schools, octrs JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS. TO THE Ladies of Savannah. MRS. L MAS-ART, Jnst anived from the North, will re-opeu her store this Monday at 119 Con gri-ss street, vv Ith anew aud well selected stock f Millinery Goods and ready made Bonnet, of the latest style. Tuankhig her former patrons for past favors, a 'continuance ol the same will be gratefully received. octt3 2 Lessons in Fancy Work. A YOUNG LADY, Ju*t arrived from New York, will gi veLe-*ou* to Yeung JLadtea and Children, in ail kinds of Fu cy Work. Call <n Broughton street, second door east olBuU, between the hours of two and th:*e o'clock. 3 oct23 Highest Cash Price Paid for Empty Win© Bottles. W. DRYSDALE, oct23 3 ICS Stat* street Hay, Hay. sv/jo BALES Prime Northern Hey. per Schr Clara 10l Picketts For «alo to at rive ut-u3 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. GET ’YOtJR DERBY HATS AT C 0 L DIN 0 ’ S. octlO ts IHIPPUIIi. » FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Coast Mteil SteamsOi, Cos. ,f. . The rerv fast aallinc n<-» shaauLip atV-T' te V*IAD»k, entry, toiutnaiider. positively sail on her regular Wetlne.tUy, tilth last-, at 13 o'clock m. For freight or pataage, having very elegant accom modate, no, apply to octXJ JNO R. WILDER, Agent. STAR line; for NEW YORK. Tns new and elegant first dam U B. Mall Steam ship IDAHO, Captain CRAWL, wiL positively sail for the above port on Wedcsdoy, Oet. 23th, at o’clock. For frelgnt or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM BALDWIN A CO, om.'t Stoddard's Building, opp. Poet Office. FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner HATTIE M. MATO Hbß will have quick despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to octi6 BRioH i.M, Baldwin a co. For Auguste. The new light draft Steamer CLARION, Will leave for tho above port On Taeaday, Oct. 21, at U o’clock, a. in. For freight or passage, having superior arcommo datiot a apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO.. oct23 for Bay and Aherporn sts FOR AUGUSTA. Steamer Express, Captain J. W. Morgan, Will have quick despatch as above. Till* Steamer Is entirely new, exceedingly light draft, and Is of immense capacity, and was built ex pressly for the Savannah river trade. Shlppera will find it to tbelr advantage to patronise. She being of each light draft la able to navigate the river at it* low est stage. For freight engagement* apply td F. U. MYRBLL, Agent. oet2o ts Harrj.' BnlldingH, Bay street. For Auguste, THE STEAMER R. H. M^Y, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goode receiv ed at all time and stored In fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cost. J M. KINCHLKY, Agent.. . Office In Ciaghorn A Cunningham's The May art ved in Augusta from B*vsnneh on last Friday with her full freight If QCt9 FOR AUGUSTA, Regular Line, Low Freights and Quick Despatch The light draught side wheel steamer “ Helen,” .Tames K. Riley, Commander, will leave Stoddard'e Wharf on Wednesday, Oet. 1)3, at T o'clock, a. m. For Freight or Passage apply to KEIN A CO., 3 doors east of tho Exchange. oct 23 2 114 Bay street For Liverpool. The new first class clipper'shlp VIRGINIA, WEEKS, Commander, Is now loading rapidly st Lower Press, and having large engagements will have quick despatch. For freight or passage (taken at lowest rates) apply to CHAS. L DOLBY A CO., oct 23 Corner Abe room and Bay Its. FOR BALTIMORE. -a The Schooner HATTIE M. MAYO, SjpvYy Captain Curtis, having two-thlid* of her I Im. cargo engag*d,wlll have quitk d»spstqh lAa I Im, as above. A dtek load will be taken if offered. • For freight apply to CRANE, JOHNSON 4 GUAY BILL. OCt2l 3 FOR BALTIMORE. Pendcrgast’s Line. The fast sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Haring the greater portion cf her cargo engaged, will have quick dospstch. For balance of freight ap ply to L*ROCHE, GADRN A UNCKLEJ, Corner Bay and Barnard street*. Agents In Baltimore—Penderga.t, Fsnwick & Cos. octlß For Liverpool. THE first class British bark TH >MAS WHITNEY J. C Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlO BELL, WYLLY * CHRISTIAN. For Liverpool. THE Al American Ship NEW ENGLAND, Hodge. Master, having a large portion or /WERlrher cargo engaged will be ready to receive cargo at LowerHydraullc Press on the 18th in at . For freight er passage apply to sepl4-tr BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, rrtflE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at A their Warehouses—free of expense and cov eted by Insnru ce—for ehlpment to Augusta and points beyond by their regular lino of light draught boats. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, septSU—lf cor. Buy and Abercorn sta, GREAT REDUCTION -IN FREIGHT TO AUGUST! ON and after this date the rate of Freight by our Line will be reduced 50 Per Cent ! Our LI- • is composed of the following Steamers, *ll adaptud to the trade, vis t Iron Steamer AM 'ZON, Capt. Johnson. New IronStoamer WM. G. GIBBONS.Capt. Philpol. Steamer LAURA, Capt. Biller. The Steamer Gibbons la In every particular a first class Passenger Boat. Insurance can be effected by our Line at lowest rates. BT* NrtlfhtretjMved DAILY tad forwards! TWICE A WEEK eep3S-lai EitWH * RAKOrE. ANCHOR LINE OF PACKETS FOR N E W Jj^YORK. AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN PORTS. The Staunch and Fast Sailing Schooner* W. D. VAUGHN, - -.- 193 tone ISLAND QUEEN, R. H. Conary, Master ITS tons ELLIOT ton3 HATTIE MAYO, A. B. Curtis, Master. . 96 ton HONEST ABE, W. M. conary. Master. - 86 tons And others, comprise the “Anchor Line" of Packets, and will have quick despatch as abeve For Freight apply to PATERSON A TUCKER, AgsntS, Nn. it Stoddard's Building, or to hOG RS A CANN, . Savannah, Ga. Dm Bowoo A . *n»;a*T. Agents, Ne a York. OCttO ts SHIPPEhS TO AUGUSTA 4 RE notified ifi t ti*«y can store their good* any -t day iluruut the week, to be forwarded by the abavc Boats, w inch are the lightest draught running to .\rrnftn, free of extra charge. s*pv 4 KEIN * CO. FOR PALATKA, Via Dior ten, Brunswick, St. Mary’s, E'er* uuudlna, Jacksonville nnd Plcolata. fftHE new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Capt. G. 1 W. C*sTMK,wlli leave re above on TUESDAY, the 24th Inst., at 10 o'clock a.m. For Freight or Passage apply on board, St PsdeJ ford's tVhsrt near White’s Central Cotton Press or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Daring tbe s been re of the boat all goods will be re ceived st the warehouse on the wharfby Mr. W. R. H. Brnen Freight payable on Wharf. Ship pet* will furnish weights and measurement of goods oct23 THE HEW YORK HEWS D AIL Y, SEMI-WEEKLY^AND WEEKLY. THEFJCSrW YORK WEEKLY AND SERI-WEEKLY NEWS. GREAT family newspapers. BENJAMIN WOOD Kdltor And Proprietor Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Misceilnny, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IMPROVEMENfjTRODUCED IMMENSE CIRCULATIONS DETERMINES IN. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published Every Wednesday. Single Coplea Five Cent* One Copy, one year $ S Of* Three Cop'e* one year . , y ... ii. .. 600 Five Copies, one year ,T 8 T 5 "Ten Copies, one year IT on —And an extra copy to sny Club of Ten Twenty Copies, one year SOW* The Weekly New* I* Sent to Clergymen at $1 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 4 OO Three Copies, on* year 10 OO Five Copies, one year is oo Ten Copies, one. yosr 30 OO —And an extra copy to sny Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year 66 00 To Clergymen : 3 90 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail aubscrlbers $lO per .eimm Six Months .Five Dollars Ft.r "lie by al; Newsdealers. Specimen copies ts DAILY and WEEKLY NEW* cent free. Address EENJ. WOOD, Dally News Building. No. 10 City Hall Square, svptltl New York City, List of VALUABLE PACKAGES, Remaining in the office of Adams Express Cos., Oct. noth, 1805. B. Banks, Adle (colored) Bridge. G Boyd, J Bussell, 3 A Burns, Mrs ?. c. Cullen, JasT Cortey, Charles Caloltt, H 9 O. Daley, M Davis, Geo H Deruter, Wm Dakin, J Datls, Mrs C 0 K. Elliott, T O. Oannany, O W Gsrslde, James H. * Haley, Peter Hire, H I. Iverson, E (colored) J. Jones, J L Joy, H M Jourdon, T J K. Kenney, Chas n Kavenaogh J P Kirkpatrick, J O KlennanTl'hos L LanearG B M Mosher, Alex Miller .H Maurice. Mrs H Miller fiobt Mailer, H H ModleMrsC K. Nlvln, Alex Nugent, Wm O, O'Hara, Thos P. Pounei, 9, a, Richmond, E P Rokenbaugh, J 3 Robinson, W O Roberts, Cspt Jeff 8. Sullivan, Jas . Sanborn, Beg) Smith, and W stnreoagal, Capt a Stork*. Miss Mary Smith, Andrew Smith, Mrs A A T. Trine Noah Thornton, Mrs H V. Vatuaba, Ben) c MV. "gr” ° B tT Pot Ash. I ill BARRELS, for sale by 1U CRANE, JOHNSON 44 QRATIIU. vet* 4