Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald.
BY S. W. MASON Sl co.
* A IK.. "■ ,l l » l ' Kclor,
'l. lUt.'IPSUA A»«iui. E.!il»r.
We often have complaint, from ,evident* of Savan.
call and Hilton H< »and th t they are not able always to
r.l.tain the P»a»i.i>. The demand ia sometimes so
i re t stoexhsustan Edition vefysn,® affer its Issue,
end >how «k« wi-h to have the Heka l-1' reynlarly,
rhould suhTibe for it. We have Ittithful c .rriers in
f- A»ni.ab and at Hilton Head, and through them we
: ]»fo "ere regular snb-crioers first.
Coittiue ci»l Rclatkini Between ( liailu
tou and Jatktouvllle, Fla.
YVc c mint nd th- subjoined evtr.c" from
tlie Jacksonville (Fla.) Times to the ntleo
tioit til' the inmchatitH and tradesmen id thi>
c i y. That Clmr eston will becom . if pr c
ticab e, a formiilable competitor wi b sttvnu-
Bali tor the Ft- rida trade i-jJi ally (teuim
strati and by Ibe intelligent views and Higg s
tions of the writer. We are personally tvg
niz mt of tbe fact tbat tbe whole of Middle
Florida, embracing the wealthy and produc
tive counties of Hamilton, Madison, Lafay
ette, Jeff rson, Leon, Waukul u, Gadsden
an l Liberty, as well as portions of East and
West Florida, look to Savannah as their
commercial outlet and place of trade, and
will act accordingly io the disposal of their
products so soon as they nrp placed in c mi
ntunicition with ou# city ty th - completion
of the tepsirs on the Atlantic & Gulf Road,
if their predilectutus are not removed and
purposes cdanged by the offer of superior
inducements elsewhere.
It is w ll known that the trading commu
nity of Jacksonville has always regarded
Savannah as a dangerous rival for the trade
of the most productive portions of their
State, and hence their iiuplacible ■ p .ositioo
to the railroad connection accomplished last
year, by which the communities referred io
should he reudered c mmiercialiy tributary
to this city.
The shrewd suggestion of the Times to tbe
merchants of Chailestou to place a line of
steamers from that city to Jacksonville, di
rt ct, coupled wiih the that iu a
very short time there will he a line of ocean
fltcamers plying between Chailestou and
Europe, is pregnant with meaning hostile to
the commercial interests ot Savannah, und
of ibis we desire to give our merchants
timely warning.
It is hardly necessary to say tbat, with
jud ciotis management on the part of our
r.dlro id directors iu reference to the tarifl of
of charges for transportalf n, sntl the adop
tion, fonhwilh, ot a liberal, enlightened and
energetic policy, such as is recommended to
tbe merchants of Clmraston by our intelli
gent c temporary, lue c mtest for the covet
ed prize will nsult triumphantly for Stvan
nah. And we do not hesitate to uv w tbat
it is the unpleasant con.-ciousness of this fact
that has prompted the meicantile communi
ty <>f Charleston to d-->patch “a very iuielli
gent genneman,’ to assure the press and
people <)l Jck-onville “ibai immense quan
tities of all kinds of goods are being nceived
there,"'selected, doubtless, with special ref
erence to ibeF oridu trade; and therefore
the inquiry by the Times: ‘‘would it not be
to the interest of tbe merchants of this State
to look to That point as an available market
for purchases, ’’ is quite uatural, prompt
ed,.ns it was, by tlie mutual assurance “tbnt
if you will tickle me I will tickle you.'
wlrcii simply liii bus iliai if Jacksonville will
throw its c itlfmerce into the lnp of the I
Cimrleston market, the latter will r« ciprocite
by offering inducements of the most lib< rai j
Chan Cter. F rtunplely lor nur city, existing |
advantages give her tne inside track over the j
Florida coutse, aud no tricks of trade are
di c ssary to win stakes, il her business men
are but true to tln-un-elvcs:
TL ins—B iug ill C MiVersatiou a day i.r Iw.
fiince with a very intelligent gt-ulleiimn, re
c uily from Cbarle-t"u, we are assured tuat
immense quantities o! at. kiinjs < f gind. are
being C nslantly rec- iv. and itu-re, aud all <n
1 vvntc iti id ready pu,c niseis fr >m the inte
rinr. Would it uot lie to tue interest of the
merchants of this State to look lo that point
as au avai aide market for purchases ? The
goods in transit from New York to this place,
via Charleston, cau be received with more
certainty and despatch than by any other
than a direct route, as we are assured by our
in tor man t that certtun enterprising mer
c tauts of that place will immediately pluce
a line of steamers from Cuarleston to this
place, direct, and also that in a very short
time ihere will be a line of ocean steamers
plying between tuat place and Europe; and
Dial, now, the inducements offered by
Charleston merchants lo traders at other
points are of the most liberal kind, and are a
suiHcieut guarantee tbat these merchants are
dele: mined that shall be iu future
one of the most enterprising cmmneicial
chics of the United States, bhe is, by the
enlei|irise of her citizens, rapidly rising from
her ruins, and in a short time will assume
her former busines business at tbe great c i
ton market of tbe South. We Would invite
our Chaile-ton fri mis, at once, to scud out
a suiiahe agent to opetre unntrcial relatio k
and lesume a»d strengthen tin- bonus ol trade
W| ‘icli have hitherto united us, and would
suggest the Cieelful Co-operuliou ot our
fiiends here.
The Ocean Yacht Race at New York.—
Tlie sec md ocean yacht race of the season
came ofl last week at New Y,,rk. It was a
match between two yachts, the Henrietta,
owned by James Gordon Bennett Jr., and
the R. B Palmer, owned by R. L. Leper,
It was a very Close race, and excited great
interest in New York. The following ac
count is given:
The yi C it sailed from the buoy off Sandy \
Ho« k c.t ti rty-hve minutes past eleven oil !
Mummy morning, a strong northwesterly
wind blowing at the time. The gi a was so
rough mat it was impossible tor ibegu.>ts
on tne steam tog to b.'.ard the J? This
latter vts-el was slightly ahead at the sUit,
and ae|it the lead for some time.
Between two and tliree o’clock in the after- 1
noon a violent gale carried a-vay the Hen
rietta's staysail, tearing it to at m*. The
yachts pas-i and the B Lighthouse at ten '
minute* pa*t itnec. At twenty-two u.iuutes
tm-t five tne v. ssels sailed by the Ahsec in
I/gul, and at tweuty-eigbl minutes pas;
eignt liie .-ameeveuit g the lightsoip off Cape
May was reached, toe Henrietta being six
minutes aneml ol the Palmer. At ten minutes
past eight on tne ensuing moruingthe Barue
g' t Lig.ithouse was reached, and the Hen
rieltu pa-g and tne buoy off Saudy Hook at
nve minutes past one o'clock yesterday af-'
ternono, about twenty-one minutes ahead of
the cumpebng J aChl.
Captain Loper of the Palmer has cballeng
eu llie Henrietta to auother raca over the
t - ,B Course, in a ietter acknowledging bim
eelt beaten, but saying to Mr. Bennett, “you
aid m i outsail my vessel, but you have out
gebtiaUtd her.”
Writers have too hastily com laded from
the high premium on gold and the high pa
ces <>f Commodities geueiaily that this pre
mium and those prices arc tiie results of an
over issue of paper money by the govern
meut. and the National hanks. It U our pur-
I pose to show that there are a variety of
i causes that influence piiccs irrespective of
I the quantity of circulating medium.
If tne explanation we have offered of the
' causes of a general rise of prices is C a reel,
i the increase of money, whether pap. r or me
tallic, and the c msequeut advance of pi ices
is scarcely distinguishable from the advance |
produced by deficiency bf.suppiy. Bui, it
follows from this explanation, that to s y
money has, by its increase, augmented pric s
is the same llii'ig. iu isl Cl, as to tßrm tiial
| :ts volume has augmented ; lor li«w can the
' same quantity <d* .on.ui-'ditieS be CiiCulat. and
i ~r the same number of exchangee ho effected
without an i crease iu tic volume ot money, i
Hi.elh r pa. at or meiallic? They are uear-
V ioi mcd propositions. When, therefore,
I we allege thus pi c s have ris. nfr>>m i< ertas j
j e : and m ind ivi imp y that th< re has h.-en iu- j
ore iso of uni" \ u ■ redeeißtbl' in g id -r j
silver, to the exient ot lb it i Cr aee, al ;
though we are uuable to dislinguisu !>. tween '
such udvanc • and that produced from other
causes originating in and. fio ent supply. The
liuo is too faint between an over issue . f
paper currency, or an excess of ro- tabic
money, aud the advance o! prices from de
ficiency of supply, to assign with any preci
sion to each Cause Its due share of tho t ff. ct.
Mr. Colwell in his excellent work, “ Ways
and Means of Payment," has made some
just remarks on prices. “Many persons.”
says he, “enteitain the notion that tin re is
some proportion between the money of a
Country and the pric sos its commodities;
and that prices are high or low in proportion
as money is plcmy or scarce. There is some
truth in this remark, t but it is not true as a
proposition." We imagine Mr. Colwell
means as a gent-sal prop sition, hut that it is
! true as applied to a large class of commodi
ties we have uo doubt. Tuat there are other
Causes for high aud iow prices besides the j
plenty or scarcity of motrey we have been j
endeavoring to prove. Besides the influence ;
of natural causes, such as droughts, Hoods, .
&.C , in increasing or uimimshing the produc- '
tions of the soil, the effect of reduc and costs |
of production on prices, from mtc lauieal im- |
provements and tcieutific dbc ivery, and j
irmi lessened expense of transportation,
as among the causes of the fluctuation oi pi ■
c s, there are several Uiat have their sources iu
I mental impressions, without reference to the
I quantity of money or the quantity of com
i lucidities. Almost all spiculation has its
origin in these impressions—iu the hopes and
fears ot buyers and sellers.
Mr. Colwell further remarks, “It is utterly
unsafe, therefore, to iufer that a currency is
m excess bicmse prices have risen; or to
Conclude, if a currency is in excess, that j
price s must rise; of, if they have risen, that
the rise i9 in consequence of that exe -ss, or
that theie can or will be any fixed proportion
between them. It will be found not unfre
qnently, on close inspection, that a rise of
pric is has pri Ceded and been the cause of an
increase of money, but as the former W gi Der
ail} firs! kuowu, and the latter slowly ascer
tamed, tho older ot cause and eff< c is re
versed in the minds of most observers."
There is one qualification of this remark
we w ould make. It is true, as stated by Mr.
Touke in his‘History of Prices,'and observed
by Mr. Colwell, that “it will be found not
unfrequi nhy on close inspection (but a rise
of prices has preceded au increase of money,
Imtwiibout becoming the cause of such io
mvase. The Couverse of this lias been shown
by Mr. Tooke. Prices have fallen in Eng
land when tbe notes of tbe Bank of England
have diminished, uml risen w hen the circu
lation of the Bank ol Eugland has increased.
The di-tinction is not observed between a
iise of prices from an augmentation of cur
rency or an extension of credit Pi ices ad
vene greatly at times, the efl c, of speeula
ti in, while toe current ot money is unuffect- •
id, by the use of ihe various substitutes for
tin nt-y, iu the form "f credit, such as bills ol
,-xc uinge. C licks, promissory notes, other
than llio-e issued by hai ks, book debts, &c
Ii dues not follow, however, that there
cinil it t>e a rise of prices when there i° an
ovei-issnc of irrideiniahe paper money,
wli ther by bauks or ny public author! y. In
the wh'-lesnle transac ions of 'r ide, as Mr.
Colwell has shown, tuey are carried on by
credit most y„ while thus by retail nr c >n
ducted through tbe agency of money, prin
cipally gold or silver or their equivalents.
The quantity of coined mom y io circulation,
absorbs a Urge amount for the payment of
wages and the minor transactions of trade
when specie is not banished from circulation
hvths suspension of specie payments and
gold and silver become articles of mer
chandise. Whenever this is the case and
nothing obtains general circulation hut an
irredeemoble paper money, the cluck <>f
I specie payments being removed, there is no
limit to n’rise of prices and to depreciation,
in proportion to the abuse ot the privilege of
I issue. If transactions on private credit are
I uot suspended, the prices ot commodities
| will be princioally regulated by credit—
' they wilt expand through the agency of
: banks as they did in tbe North during the
I war. If, oq tho contrary, there is little
or no private credit, as under the Confederate
government, prices will be mainly regulated
by the currency issued for public pur
A muss meeting called together to ratify
the Democratic State ticket was held at the
Cooper Institute, New York ou the evening
of October 18. The hall was densely crowd
ed. Mr. John Kslly, Sheriff of the county,
presided. General Slocum, Mr. John Van
Buren, and Montgomery Blair were in at
tendance. Gen. Slocum addressed the meet
ing iu au energetic speech. He said.ii] sub
stance that Peace had its victories as well
as war. He said that President Johnson
! has planned a campaign which is as fine in
| all its details as that which was planned by
\ those groat chieftains and generals, Grant and i
j Sherman,which resulted iu the groat and cle- |
; eisive victories of the war.
“If you would find a man opposed to the
policy of President Johnson said Geueral
Slocum—a ruau opposed to measures calcu
lated to restore the Union, calculated to
restore peace and prosperity to our country—
you must look for him in some other place
than iu the democratic party."
Horn, Montgomery Blair was then intro
duced to the meeting. He denounced in a
telling ttddres the leaders of the Republican
1 pany for wishing to keep oht of the Union
the Southern Slates ; was opposed to Negro
i aufirage, pronounced the scheme of Messrs.
J Sumner and SteVens as au assumption of the
! war power, disiranebising the States and the
| people of the South, nud placing them in the
condition of conquered territory ; recom
mended tlie Colonization of the negroes in
Mexico, and the adoption ol the Monroe
doctrine by the expulsion of Maximilian.
Tbe Hon. John Van Burca delivered a
' pungent speech nud excited much merrl-
I menl by severe! humorous hit*, making this
a Orion to Mr. Dooiittie :
Mr. D miittle. a distinguished republican
Si ator from Wisconsin, has just made an
a ilrus»in that State—a New York demo-
C it orlsinal y, by the way. Line ihe dh»-
;i eui-Ucd geo'lemon who preceded me, (Mr.
B lit.) lie has been temporarily with the re
p party, whicii -eerna to he breaking
in as last as it cau ("Laughter.; Mr. Doo
j i itlc says that he lias spoken with General
Grant recently upon this st'lj Ct, (negro suf
j fr'ge) General Gram told him that if this
w is persisted in, civil war in the South was
j iu vitable—tbat ttie two races would come
j t ' blows and fly to arms, slid that a univer
sal encounter between tuem was toe inevita-
I Ijle c •!)sequence. He says that he has
! talked with G ueral Suerman within a week
1 upon tins suliji ct, (applause,) and that G ti.
Soermau told Him. iroui his experience iu
the South, pricisey the same thing that I
Grant told him, ioat a civil war must be the
c usi qu nee. He says that he lias talked
with i Teel* lent Joeuson, and Presiient
Johns n io!d him pivc’seiy the ratce thing.
(Vpl.use ) .And now these madmen per- I
sist in tnia difCtts-ion, and are urging the
people of this State to embark in ibis ctu
sade which cau tie of n‘> earthly profit to
tl elilaCks or whites here. It will lead to
the ttiuiilulalion ot the blacks at the South,
b cause beyond all question wheu this con
tr iveisey comes, tbe white people of the
N nh and West will side with the white
people of the South- (Applause.) There
was but one Bsue in this contest, and that
is, whether the President of the United
-is au-s .-null be i-ustaiued by the people of of New York.
Tux Asn R.c ix Colosr is Brazil.—The
Btazhian correspond! r.Ce of the New York
Hi raid says that the Americans who settled
iu the province of Parana are flourishing
and are determined to introduce the cultuie
of cotton iuto that district. One of tbe
agents is prepat iug a work tor the informa
tion of those wisning to emigrate—a book
much needed, as most works on Biazil are
written in the flowery style.
New York Market..
New Yoke, Get. 19—3 P. M.
Fl vh, Ac.—^The Flour market is Uuti, anil com
mon grades are lo®2oa lower.
The sales are ’.iCO Mils, at $7 tO@S 10 for Stipei
aie State ;?! 15 aS3 30 for Extra state ; f.B 33 asß
#j f.r choice ilo ; $7 70 afS to for Superfine West
e n ; $i 2a a $S 7a for eomuion to medium Extia
Western ; $S so a 10 for common to good sill".
pmg hranus Extra R .uud Hoop Onto, and $9 Is a
sl2 60 for trade brauus, the market closing Heavy
anil declining for common grades.
Southern Flour is dull amt declining. Sales 529
bbls at |p (0 i $lO 50 tor common, aud $lO go a >lu
for Fancy end Extra.
Canadian uour is 10 a l-io lower. Sales 300 lilils
at es > 40 ass s.O for common, aud $9 a sl2 C 9 fur
good ti- choice Extra.
R e flour is quiet.
Corn Meat t. lit request, with sales.of COO bbls.
Brandywine at $3 a $a iO.
tin AIN.—-rtie Wheat market is two to four cents
town and dull. Sales 30,989 bushels at $1 0.3 a $1 T.i
for Chicago .Spring; $! 07a$l 74 for Milwaukee
Club; $L 75 a $1 70 for Amber Milwaukee; $1 66 a
el G» lor New Wilivaukee; $2 28 for Winter Rad
Western; ?2 30 a $2 32 for Amber State; and choice
White Canada on private terms.
Rye is quiet.
Barley i- heavy and dull.
Barley Malt is dull.
The corn market is l a 2 cents lower for damaged,
while good and sound is steady. Sales 9,000 bushels
at 70 a S2c. for damaged to good unsound ; 83 a vie.
for sound mixed Western, and 50 a 88c. for iligU mix
ed and West, ru yellow.
Oats are dull at 49 a 54c. for unsound, and 66 a Orly
for sound.
lotion.— I The market is heavy and lower. Sales
l,oou bales at 59 a sue. lor middling.
Kick.—l he market is steady, whit sates since our
last of I6J bags rangoou at sJi’c., gold, iu bond.
Cof'FKK—ls firm, out raibor quiet. Sales since our
1., 2,6 jo bags ltio, on terms not made public.
SCO All.—The market Is steady, with a moderate
business doiug. Sales since our last, 990 hlids, at 14
a 14flc. for Cuba muscovado ; 153. for Porto lttco,
and 6io boxes Havana ou private terms.
MoLASShs—is quiet and without, decided change.
Sales since our last, 9) hints Potto Rico a' sl l6.
Hors—Are firm. .Sates 15J bates at toa4oc. for
clop 1064, and 2d a 6 a\ for crop IstS.
Hay—ls aimer at 80 a 90c. for retail lots, and ej a
Csc. for shipping.
Tka—ls quiet, and prices sre without decided
Ftiovjsio.NS.—T lie pork market opened much low
er, but closed more actively at firmer, rates. Sales,
12,fi0 Puls, ai s3j u7;4 a32 lor mess, ’ closing at $33
regular ;$- 6j a's2, for prime mess ; also SEJ bois
ntess lor .November, sellers' option, at Sel
The keel market is quiet aud steady. Sales -16 J
Obis at £lO 6j a sl3 £0 tor plain mess, and sl3 £0 a
$.6 6a lor extra mess.
Beef Hams are unchanged.
Cut Meats are iu limited supply. Sales 129 pkgs,
at 20 a 2SMC lor Suouldeis, aud lo>4 a 17Xc tot
Bacon Is dull and nominal.
The Laid market is quiet but steady. Sales 680
obis at 24 u 2, y,c, and small lots at 2jc.
nutter Is sehmg at 32 a 42c for Western, and 40 a
55u for state.
Cheese is held at 14X a 18‘ic.
Ashes. —'4 lie market is steady,
u hi. key.—The market is firm. Sales 250 bills at
$3 30.
P..ihi'l-Kiwi —Has declined. We quote Crude at 35
a 37c ; Refined, iu bond, at 620 ; Uml do free at 80.a
Tallow.—The market Is inactive. Sales included
30.. los at 14>* a 14He, aud 9,000 lbs Urease at
"f ouOuTS—To Liverpool, 200 bales Cotton, at % and;
7,0 0 uusaels Corn, at «and. •
K .CEtns of FaonicK by all Routes.—Flour.
»,,.U, bois; Whiskey, 360 do; Corn Meal, 183 do aud
18j bags ; Wheat, i,0.8 bushels ; Corn, 103,970 do ;
vmts, ,2,03a no ; Rye, 36 do ; Malt, 7.0 do ; Barley.
,6,0 1 3 uo ; been, iio do ; Ashes, 119 bbls ; Beef, 199
Foreign commercial Intelligence,
LivEKPooL, October T.
Cotton —The Brokers’ Circular says : The otnoial
decmrauou ol tlie stock last F.iday, proving that all
utc Lotion reported spuming and lorexporl through
out the last quirter had actually gone forward tor
consumption, aud the figures confirming tbe previ
ous estimate, aud showing so very litnited a. supply
ou hand, cause renewed animation lu the Cotton
market, and a large business was doue at decidedly
advancing rates. On ba.urday, the sales were um
versahy extensive, with prices sti.l rising, and on
Monday, also, a large business was dongAt extreme
quotations, tne Auvattce in the bank rate of t> J>er
cent. tm< mg been too generally anticipated to have
much lutluence.
o.i Tuesday ami Wednesday the comparatively quiet
state of tne Manchester ruuKeiwas lohuwed try u ieac
tiuu iu Liverpool and some irregularity and decline.
Oa Thursday tne market opened with fresh activity
aud enhanced quotations, hut after t lie aunouucc
menl of jtiribei advance in the bank rate to six per
cent., business was checked and prices became
weaker. American continuing scarce and In gener
al n quest ad .a iced tuny 8.1. per 10. up to Monday,
but nosed about 1,1. below the highest point. Ex
tensive tnuiauciious sgam effected In :6cm Island,
and quotations of the higher grades are raised 2d.
and o, the lower id. per lb. The advance in all de
scriptions ranges lrom 2da3d per lb ou tne week, the
top puces not, being fully sustained. The sales of tne
week and up 179,10 bales including >.s 800 on spec
ulation and 10,^0,0r export. quomiious are:
Fair Orleans. 25>fd; Middling, 84*u; Middling I'p
ianils, Mobile and Texas, 2id. Tne sales yesterday
(Friday) were estimated at 25,00n hairs, hall specula
n m and export. Market buoyant, Md dearer. Mid
dling Orleans about 243»c.
the stock on hand is cIV,OCO bales. Including 22,-
090 American. At sea, from India, 267,000 bales.
Tkadk at Mahchesteu.—There was a st rong mar
ket vesteruay under ihe influences of the leuewed
buoyancy at Liverpool, bat buyers were loth to ae
cede'to tne enhanced demand ol producers, and con
lined their purchases mainly to such articles as were
placed on the market for resale.
baKADSTUKFs.—Messrs. Wakefield Nash & Cos.,
and Kiehordsou, Spence & Cos., report : Hour quiet,
at former rates. Wheatvery firm, but uo dearer:
Atuber, Os. a'da. 9:1.; Wluter Had as. 4d. a Ok ltd.
per cental.
Indian Corn In fair request at steady rates ; Mixed
80s. a 295. 3d. perLSO pounds.
l'KOVtsioNs. —Messrs, iitgland, Atha.vs A Cos.,
Bruce, McAulige A Cos,, and others, repo, t Beef firm
for good, but inlerior dull. Pork Ist light supply, and
2s. ad. dearer on the week. Stock of Old Bacon is
nearly exhausted: new sells at firm rates. Lard
quietbut hi mat 90s. for new American. Batter In
good request at full prices. Cheese, rather more in
quiry. Tallow active, and is. a 2s. dearer ; new
American 4as. a 50s. Stuck ol provisions on the 30th
September; Beet, 12,872 tierces; Pork, 1,439 boxes ;
Bucon, 1,982 boxes; Lard, SO tons ; Cheese. 2,600
Produbce.—The Broker’s Circular report. Ashes
steady, 295. 6d. n 305.; Pearls, iSs. 6d. Cigars in
steady demand at full rates, audocc sionally a slight
advance. Coffee firm for fine, but irregular for In
ferior. Rice firm; the ext,erne rates demanded
checked business. Birks—7s. GO. asked for Baltimore,
and 7s. Sd. a Bs. tor Philadelphia. Linseed quiet and
railiereasler. Uemp firm and scarce. Jute In spec
ulative demand for arrival. Palm and Olive Oil still
advancing. Kish Oils inactive. Seed, £46. Linseed
Oil sells at 40s. Busin very dull, but not quotably
lower. Spirits of Turpeutlue very quiet.
PkTKOLtii it.—Boult, English and Brandon report
a quh-t and easier market; smalt sales of refined at
2s. ltd. Spirits 3s. a os. Sd.
Baring Brothers A Cos. report Breadstuffs steady ;
Iroa fl m; bars ami rails, £7 a£7 10s ; Scotch pig3,
i.s. *9.1. Sugar quiet, but very steady; Coffee Inac
tive, but unchanged 1 : Tea unchanged—Oolongs in
continued demaud for America; Wee quiet t Tallow
active—new P A C. 485.; Spirits of Turpentine de
clined u 4is. odd. Peirulouui—Reftued, 3s. Id; Crud«,
£2O, now shipping. Sperm Oil firm and nominal at
£110; Seal, £46. Linseed OU, buyers at 37a, 60;; but
no seders.
I SPECIAL MU ir»6». _
The Original and Hr*t It the V.Vr!d i The only iror
•n-i perfect Ualr Dye. Earxiess. KeKsb’e and lustsu
txneoo«. Prodace* Immefilstc y \ splcnd and B.sck or
Batnral 11/uwn, witiioui l"'urirg tbe hair or shut.
Remedies the tit effects Ol bad dye*. Sold By ail Lreg
eitts. The nsiu'st u signs i MfillamA. UstcncTor.
For Restoring snd Besutllyiag the Hair.
E’,114 ly CHARLES CATCUELOR. N’rw Yu tut.
Containing nearly 300 pr.gct, and 130 fine Piston
and Engisvuigs of the Anatomy ol the Human Or
gana in estate of Health anil Disease, with t. Trea
tise on Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences
upon the mind aud Bully with the Author’s Plan of
Treatment— he only, rational and successful mode ol
cure, ns shown by the report of cases triated. A
truthful adviser to the married, and there contem
plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys
ical condition, bent free of postrgu to any address,
on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postage currency,
l y addressing Dr. LA CROIX, J7o. 31 Maiden L..n-\
Albany, N. Y.
Ihe author may be consulted upon any of the dis
eases upon which his book treats either poisooally or
by mall, and medicines sent to any part of the world.
octlO Cm
An Essay of Warning end Instruction for Young
men, Just published by the Howard Association, and
seat in seated letter envelopes free of charge.
Address Dr. J. BKILLIN liOL’OHTOX Howard
Association. Philadelphia, Pa. octl2-Sm
The friends and acquaintance of Mr. and Mrs.
IOSEPII F. GAMMON", are respectfully invited to at
tend th« funeral of the former, from Ids late re-tdence.
York and Lincoln streets. This (Wednisdsyy After
noi n. at 4 o'clock.
:iid W .lUVkkTISEMkNTS.
Corner Congress and Whitaker
WILL open to-day, and are prepired to exhibit their
Stock of Hoods, bought expressly for tbe South
ern Trade, consisting In part of—
Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings
Shawls, Ribbons and Buttons
Cloaks, Barques, Mantillas, &c
French Merino and Opera Flannel
F ench and English Cambrics
Black Bombazine. Cashmere and Crapes,
White Goods.
Jftconet and Nainaool; Muslin
Bishop and Victoria La aqs
Plaid Jaconets Mid Brilliant*
[nd.aTvr.lls and Sw!m Muslin.
French Wrought Muslin Sets
French Wrought Cambric bet.
Rest Lace Sets
Embroidered Handkerchiefs
Black Lace Veils
H. S. Li'vn aud Cambric Handkerchiefs.
Hosiery AND Gloves
Ladles’ English White Cotton Hose
Ladies' English -irowt Cotton ilora
Misses' and Boys' Cotton Hose
liid, Silk, Lisle aud Woolen Gloves.
Uaen Table Damasks
Doyles, Napkins and Towels
Linen Diaper, Crash and Towels
Bleached 10*4 Cotton Sheetings
Bed Blankets, Irish Linen, As.
Black Cloth* and Cassioieres
Fancy Cassioieres aud Vestings
Satinets, Tweeds, no
Merino Shirts
B. own English Cotton Half Hose
Mixed Merle- Uuii ileso
Fancy lies, Paper Collars, Ac.
We will make weekly add tions to onr Stock, and
trust in a short timo to Hilly meet the wants ot ot:r
Oit2s lm
To Merchants,
VISITING tho city, we would be pleased to show
our Stock, which we propose to sell nt lair prices.
vc.2ft lm LATHROP A CO.
Popular Prices
All Merrlmac and Cocheco Prlnti Cat at S3 cents.
Splendid Prints at 30 cent*.
Good Prints at 23 cents.
Gala Times in Colored Silks.
0c125 ts
rriwo ROOMS, newly painted, white washed and
A lighted with gas 1 «ated In a central pait of tbe
, city. Si 1 1 labia for offices or ad welling house. Apply
at rule oOke * ecu-*
Boots. Shoos ami Gaiters.
Fretii Supply aud Amp:: Assort*
And H to ba found at Messrs. Elan A Meyer's Sales
Rooms where he it de.tiroai to j*.rve Dealers
in the t ticlea
.At A ew Yoi*k Frices,
At Wholesale Only',
Give me a call and convince yourself
00t26 Hr
JF=T receive and for sale, a snpp y of Wheeler &
Wils m's Noiseless Sewing Machine, at manalac
| turer'. prices by
I Cor. Congress, Whitaker aud at. Julian streets.
cCt'3s iw, . Savannah, Ga.
Merchandize Brokers,
No. 113 Wall Street*
Will give their best attention to the sale of Cotton
aud Produce received on consignment, and to tbe pur
chase of all kinds of Groceries.
Refer to N. A. Hardee & Cos., Savannah,
oct 5 6
14 1 Broadway,
New York,
Agenit Atlantic Coast mail Steam
ship Company.
Advances made on Consignments by
octCs 2 1 ll Savannah,
oso. c. roWLK. mi. a. no T. neon rice
Commission Merchants.
Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in
Railroad Supplies.
Office, 70 Broadway,
oct23 Cm
SA BBLS. Bee ilive Svrup. for sale by
oct2u 3
1 A(i GRIND STONES, for sale by
0,25 3
Per Ariadne*
If' A TUBS Extr. N. Y. State Butt«r
vv*Td kKxtru Western Batter
iuo taha Extra Lp .f lard
126 ooxes Eughsh Dairy
60 obis and naif bbls New SUckerel
20u fioxes Codfish and ilurring
75 bbls Corn Meal
100 boxes Clay Pipes, etc.
For sale, at lowest market prices, by
S. V\ T . corner Bay and Barnard street*.
oct?s 3
Savannah, Ga., Oct., 1635.)
This ofiice will lie opeu on the 27th and 28th insts.,
for the reciipt of Taxes from sack persona as have
not m,d* their returns for Ihe month of Sept., 1865.
oct2s 4 Capt. and Tax Receiver.
A GENTLEMAN, of Intelligence and education, ac
quainted with the beet »y*tt ma oi modern agri
culture, wishes employment Overseer on a Cotton
Plantation. Has been accustomed to the charge of free
negroes. Address o. 8., Room 204, Frankfort House,
Nt»w York. 1 oct.’6
MR. WM. S. BOtl Alt r proposed returning to Sa
vannah n the 15 bins ~ bn-has been detain* and
uj Virginia, by sicknets. Hei«,xpected within a few
days, when he villi at once resume the dative of bis
School. 1* oet2s
Offices for Rent,
Stoddard Bros.,
oct ’.5 12* Bay street, opp. Mariners’ Church.
r ptn Fin Alley.
A es, Wines and Liquors.
No. 13S Biyan sireet, ilaik.t rquarv Uonse, opposite
. the Market. lm-oet2s
41 urphy & Clark,
Oposite the Pulaski Home, ever Stamm's Baroer Shop.
All orders thankfnll received and lalthfally attended
to. lm octrS
from Boston. will attend to the re<epticn of their
good*, landing this clay, at loot of Barnard M. wharf.
WHO wants Timber and Turpentine Lands ?
Who wants Cotton and Corn Farms?
We have them for sale, in different States. Who
wants to sell Lands ? We can sc.l them. Put them
tn oar hands.
52 Wall street. New York.
C. F. JONES, B. H. I,hi;,
Thoroasville, »Ja.
oet2£lm Jacksonville, Fla.
TWO or three gentlemen can be accommodated
with board und lodging, iu u private family, by
Celling at 126 South Broad street, two doors west of
Barnard street. ts oct2B
New York, will attend to the reception of their
goods, landing this day at Bolton'r Wharf, All goods
remaining on wqarf at -unset will tie stored at risk
and expense of ownerr. \VM. STARK,
oct24 Consignee.
A FEW gentlemen can be accommodated with
Board aud Li dglng lu a private family ltuatlou
convenient for business men. Apply at this office.
oct24 9
Wskyjkunah. *X* he»tre.
last chine* to ms the Great lruh L>r»ma of the
Colleen Bawn.
To canciode with
The Secret.
i> 1 ft Dlatrltoutlon,
WATCHER, chains. Diamond Ring., etc., wortli
i verOne Million Dollsrs all to be sold for One
Dollar each, without regard to value. Not to be < aid
for until yon know what you are to receive.
Duriug tho month ending March 31, 1865. T. A H.
Ganghan & Cos. have had the honor of distributing
among their patrons, Mx Hundred and Ninety Gold
and Silver Watches, at the price ot One Dollar each.
All to be Sold, for One X)ollar each.
250 Solid Silver Dining Sets, $75 to 300
500 Silver Salvers ni l Urns, 50 to 250
50" Solid SilvorTea Sets, complete. 5" to MO
130 Rosewood Mnsieai Boxes, 32 airs, 75 to 250
20u Mahogany Musical Boxes, 24 airs, 30 to 20-i
250 Gold Hunting Watches. .6 to *SO
250 Ladies' Enamelled Gold Watches, 50 io 200
500 Gents' Hunting Silver Watches, 36 to 100
6'o Open-lace Sliver Watches, 25 to f.O
26" D ainoud Rings, sotolOO
50u0 Photo. Albums, al! sires 5 to 60
2000 Gold Vest »nd Neck Chain*. 15 to 30
3000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, sto lo
6000 Chased Gold Bracelet*, oto 12
20uo cbatelglnu and Guard Chains 5 to 20
7o«0 Solitaite and Revolving Brooches, 6 to 10
2000 Lava and Florentine do 4to 10
6000 Coral, Opal aud Emerald do 4 to 10
6"O0 Mos ilc. Jet and Lava E.rdrops 4to lo
750) Coral and Emernlc, Hto 8
5' kiO California Diamond Pins, 6 to 20
stHi California cluster Loam jnd Pins, 3 to 10
3000 set solitaire Buttons aud Studs, 3to lo
3 4>o Gold Thimbles. Penctk, 4c., 3to 8
10000 Lockets, doubie-giass, 3to 5
5000 Loikets for Miniatures, 6to 10
3000 Gold Toothpick , Crosses, ie., 3to 8
5000 plain Gold Kings, 4 to 10
5000 chased Gold Bings. 4to 10
10000 shield and Signet Mng», "to 10
lnuoo California Diamond Kings. 3to 10
7500 sets Ladies' Jewelry, Jet sto 10
5000 sets Ladles' Jewelry coral, Bto 12
5000 sets Lnuies’ Jewelry, onyx. 10 to 12
5000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, lava. 12 to 20
2500 sets Ladies' Jewelry, mosaic, 20 to 30
10000 Gold Pens, wlthSil. hold ns 6 to 10
5000 Gold Pent with Gold holder.-, 6to 12
60 0 Gold Pons and holders, superior, 10 to 16
5000 Stiver Goblets and Drinking Cups. 8 to 10
3e60 Sliver Ca-tors and Wine Holdets, 15 to 50
2000 Sliver Fruit and Cake Baskets, CO to 60
Messrs. T. AH. Oaughau & Cos., No. 116 Broadway,
New York, extensive manufacturers and importers of
all the leading und most lashlonable styles of
Watches and Jewelry, desiring to increase their busi
ness to an unli'i ited extent, have rrsolv ed upon a
Gieat Gift Distribution, subject to the regulations fol
lowing :
Certificates naming each article and its value, are
placed In Sealed Envelopes aud well mixed! One of
these envelopes will be sent by mail to any saldres. on
receipt of twenty-five cents.
All Articles sold ot One Dollar each, xcithot ti regard,
to raltte.
On receipt of the certificate yon will see wliat yon
are going to have and then it is al youroptio a to send
the dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may
thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond King, or any set
of Jeweuy on onr list for One Dollar, and In lio case
ran they get less than one dollar's worth, as vltere are
no blanks. The price of Certificates is as follows:
One lor 25 cents ; five for 1 1 ; eleven for $2; thirty for
$5 ; sixty-five for $lO ; one hundred for sls.
Agents will be allow ed ten cents on every certificate
ordered by them, providing their remit lanes amounts
to one dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents lor every
certificate, and remit 16 cents to ns either in cash or
postage stamps.
oct'2l lm* No. 116 Broadway, New Y’ork.
List of
Ucmaining in Adam's Express Compa
ny’s Office, Oct. 3d, ISGS.
Budge. Gilbert A Boyse, Capt Slichnel
Bussell, HA, 175th N Y Cater, Judge B
Berlin, Ralph Bcb’t, K li
Balkani, Lieut IT O
Corley, Chas
Davis, Antos care QJ Drake Davis, Mrs J H
Davk, C O Dasher. Israel
Dante, Wm Dasher, Mrs W H
Draper. A G Dodd, Margaret
Davis, Mrs J D
Estes, Albert
Fiin , Michael
Grant, Lieut Mlber B
Haley, Sergt Peter Hire, D
H art, H L Heery, John
Harris & Miller Houston, Col E
Joy, n M. 17th A C Iverson, Edward
Jordan. F J Janney, T B
Jones, .J L
Kiernan, Thos Kirkpatrick, J O
King, OF Kavanaugh, JP
Miller, Robt, 17th A C Morriss, Mrs H
Modic, UrsO Mosher, A, 12otb N Y
Muller, H U Moode, A
Niven, A. Cos E, 15th Me Norwood, Mrs Tbos
Nugent, Win
Palletier, Madam C Powel, S
Perry, Col J 3
Rilley, Michael Rutledge, Rev N H
Rolf, Dolf Itlchurdeon, J
Smith, Andrew Stookes. Miss Mary
Snow, H C
Thornton, Mrs Hannah Trine, N, Cos A, 18tb lad
Toole, J Hegt
. V.
Vannaha, Benj C
Wcslem, Capt C B Wsfie, E C
Western, Capt 0 B Whltner. Capt B F
Whelan, Thad, rare DWilliams.J H
Wood Wood, Lieut Henry
5-ts E. P. TUNISON, Agent.
JOBBERS and Holders from all parts of the connfry
arc invited to examine uiy
Wholesale Stock;,
which includes packages containing complete assort
ments, put tip expressly for •* Country Trade,"
Goods te- packed to suit purchasers.
Queensware House,
TOO Broughton SI., 2d «Joor from Halt St.
octlO ts E. D. SMYTH.
Stoves, &c.
Heating Stoves,
Hound Pots, Ovens,
Hollow AVare, «&c.
Whitaker abov Broughton Sts.
THE Copartnership heretofore existing between
Wiiltuk A Chapman was, on the Ist of October,
dissolved by motnal consent. T. M. Wtlllnk resumes
his buslncsa of Ship. Steamboat and General Black*
smithing, on Dillon's wharf. Thanking tlie public lor
paat patronage a continuance of the same will be
gratefully reo-ived. eod4w octl6
UOR Six c.entli men, chn be obtained In a central
F part of tbe city by applying to Letter M. Box No.
«»• t osttl
______ WAjrrKo.
W anted,
A COMPETENT conned servant too I H;t»e.»r.w
A uwasmßltamUy.
<«- | 24-’f i. -tween Bud_«nd Mmukei ms
Georgia Kail Roa4 Stock.
"Ct** 2 HENRY BUYa.N
Wanted InmiediatelyT
FIVE first class Joiners, tw whom good n 7 „ ,
s e*dy employment will be giv.n Ann . t.? 3
acK * 124 H,.y acr.-cr
Consignees Wanted.
FOR E. H. S.—b» l 9 Flour
30 half buis Floar
9 bbk crackers
6 bbls A p .es
5 bbls E*:gs
O A \Y—IOO tabs Lard.
If not called lor will be aold for fre : £ht and ex*
0C133 RRwGtIAM. DALUvVI > '
PROPOSALS for cleaning out Timber Basin for Saw
Mill. Apply to
" No. 154 Bay streG.
<IiQA A MONTH I Agonte wanted wanted for rr
’l’ it entirely nno articles, uist out. Address O T
GAREY, city Building, Ulddeiord, Maine.
aepli ddwum
s2s^ d^o tei^r A !° n ;^, R tirs
cheap ope licensed. Audi ese SHAW <s CLARK, u,’.
defiird. Maine. Bepl4-d.tw3ir,
Wanted Immediately^
FOR CASH, all the Rags, Old Bagging, and Wast
Paper In the city.
septlS ti 210 B„y.n.
\\ r agon Fi’eight
Amerlrns, or
* Havvkinsville,
Apply to
oet3 ts
Eastern Bank of Alabama.
A COMFORTABLE Brick Tenement, o' -ix romne,
A with servant* rooms aud rtabiis attached, situa
ted !n au unexceptionable tocnlity uesr the ?s
Prt of the city The kitchen D prov Med wl han ex
eellent range and tbe moms Inrctshed vltti b-1 and
cold water, aud gas will be furnltbe I. Th. re is . 1... a
hydrant In the yard. Posscrsion ghvn Ist N vember.
Anv pvr.on desirous of purchasing this property will
do well to cal at once on
"023 tw HENRY BRYAN.
For Sale,
FEE Simple Lot and Improvements, corner Mont,
gotnery and South Hr ad'streets.
Improvements are a three and a half story brick
house, upon a handsome baserm-n having an ,ig_ie
gate of 16 roonis, besides ba Ii loom, paa.ry linen
closet and coal cellar. Om building o brak. co .talc
ing kitchen, wash room. water clo-et, stable and t'.vo
nice servams* rooms. Wash loom ho every modern
convenience andkltchi n has ft range. Handsome fix
tures for a library m one room. Has a .m.ll gudcU
attached. Terms liberal. Apply to
House for Sale.
A SPLENDID brick Dwelling House No, 5 G idon
Bioik. Possession given on No ■. Ist. tfi. fii.ns-t
is well arranged, mid is pr.iv ided with water and t ai
and all the modern tmprovements. Apply to
OCt23 0 H. lIA\NL 174 Brouefitoll street.
Horses for Sale.
TWO good draft HORSES, sound and h fine con*
dltlon, with Harnesses aud one or more Wagons,
ll desired Address
octlfi Pulaski House or Herald Office.
Store to Let,
The light and commodious Store, corner Merchants'
Row aud Palmetto Avenue, to lease for a limited time.
Terms easy. Address
W. s. SAMPSON, Jr, Agent,
octl9 ts Lock Box E. Hlittm Head S, C
The “Palmetto Herald Building," having been newly
fitted up, now offer large and airy Rooms suitable for
Sleeping Apartments or Business For ter ml
W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent,
octtS ts Lock box E, Hilton Head, 8. C.
A Triumph in Mechanical Science.
IHANCFACTURLD under two distinct pnt< nts. of
ill entirely “orlgnal constrnctionf’does not infringe
on any other machine. This extra, rdinary rchieic
mentof mechanical Ingenuity vo k, upon' iT ble,
nses the untight Needle, makes the useitil Hmm
Stitch, at tlie rate of 1C Stitches to ouch e '■ Intiou of
the wheel, will Tuck, sb.rr, Crimp, Uvra. Kuffi . Ac,
with wonderful speed, accuracy and neatmee, "ill
DouLle and Single Thread of ..II fciudr, la
stronS-wnd can not get out ol order, and has received
the full approval of the principal journals bud all who
have used iht-m.
This machine works like a charm and sews neat and
rapid, livery family requires oue.’ I —.V. F. World.
"For the Dressmaker it Is Invaluable, for tlie House
hold it supplies a vacant place."— GocuT/'s UiSiai'
"It uses a common needle, sews very rapidly, and la
so easily understood that a child can use it.”—-V. D.
Single machines sent to any part of the country per
express, packed in box with pruned instruclii us on
receipt of the price—i?lo. Safe delivery guaranteed.
Agents wanted everywhere. Circular coutalu'lig lib
eral inducements sent tree.
AU orders mutt bo addressed to
Ten Dollar Sewing Machine Compan).
36, 38 and 40 Ann Street,
octlT 3m
Brawn’s Standard Scales.
USED by the United States and Foreign Govern
ments for more than
Adapted to any branch of baslnem- for forelp ’ or
home markets. Warranted so male and daiab.e.
Sales rooms No. 3 Barclay-at. mar itmndway
sepl* ly R. BROWN. MMiufuctorsi