Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 25, 1865, Image 3

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s a v a. y :n~ ah. Dijmi'uic vl ttutiu.hi|H KkU kiiaiiiut, FOB >r» YORK. Tne steamship Ariadne, Thursday, Orton? • 2Gih, at 12 u cluck m ;-eaiusliip Idaho, Wednesday, October 26th, at o'c.ock. ron acousto. bteamer Helen, We.lues.iay, October filth, at T o'clock a m. roil FLORID*. Steamer Fouiitaui, every Tuesday morning, at 10 ,,’cluct. Steamer 3r. Johns, every Saturday at 10 o'clock, t Major Sea. Howaid Eiyeiteil Here To day, A despatch was rec iuj In (bis dtjr, yesterday, stating taat Major t>. O. lion ad. Colei oi u,t bureau of Freed meat etc., would probably arrive in Sa. muali tu-day. Tile Uen. Is making »tour through the oautry on business Connected with the Bureau. He nil. be accompanied by Gen. Saxton, and will dy uddre s ihe Freedum . t. ib. afternoon. TdE Flits List Night.—About half past nine o'clock last evening, smoke was seen issuing from the store of La i oebe, Uaiien A, Uncles, Southrfis corairof Biyail DinurastreAs, Tuedior, w ra quickly opeued, and a lot of eottou, consisting of tuiriy bales, lying in the soulliwest corner of tt.e store ivas discovered to ba on lire. The Are bad made consilerable progress, several bales having been destroyed. Abou, naif of the cotton was got out into the street where It 3u;rered considerable damage from water anti by being trodden underfoot. About U.teen bales In all were burned or greatly damaged. The soods in the store, chiefly groceries, •wer ■ not damaged, dae contours oftho s.ore were fuuy insured. As to tile origin of the lire It is su posed to have been the work of an Incendiary, ns there was no Are on the premises daring the day, and no light there In the evening except In the office in the front of the store Oar efficient firemen were promptly on the spot, not an engine or Hose Carriage being absent. Their attendance would have bean more prompt had It not been that the Exchange stceplemeu neglected to give tue alarm after bring told' where the Are was. It is asserted that he would not sound tiie alarm because lie "could not see any Ugh;, ’’ and when told the uatun an 1 locality of the Are, wanted to know in wuat District it was. This is the second occasion on which this perverse steeple aan has displayed his peculiar efficiency, lo would not be urprislng if ills Ignorance and stupi dity susa.d a; 1 :ajc,i rsia.t ssri rally Desfebatu assault wiru a slung Shot.—Oa Saturday night las!, about nine o’clock, Sergeaut Robinson of the 103rd V. S. C. TANARUS., was creating a dlf Acuity with a colored family residing on Jederson-st. in the Southern portion of the City. A policeman having been sent for, Mr. I’lii.ip M. Douclnc prompt; ly responded, but when he arrived at the house where the disturbance had been going on, Ribinsou had departed. Hr. Uoucine having returned to his Ward, was sent for again, when he was successful in arresting B bnison. The prisoner proceeded a short distance with the officer, when he broke from him and ran. .Mr. Duuciue gave chase, fired on the runa way ..uci sprung his rattle, but in the darkness loa 1 ids man. Upon returning to his beat, the officer was attacked by R .biuson from a place of concealment with a shuig snot, made of a grape shot. A blow struck Mr! Doueiae on the right shoulder fracturing the clavicle bone. Cfcon being secured it was found that Robins n, besides having the slung shot, he had three of Smith & Wessons pistols and a dagger.— R ibinsan is a deserter from his R'gnnent,, a danger oils and Vicious matt; says lie belongs to the British A" short time since he is said to have sho. hiinseil upon being disappointed in a love affair. IJAKIMJ Bd>.(JJ.ABV, —tin Monday mgut last, or rather early yesterday, tue store oi Messrs Wm. H. May A Cos., soutnwest corner of Bryan and Whitaker sireeta, -was entered by ourgiars. Tne th.eves dim ed up on a sued which is extended from the to tue edge of me pavemeut, and Uitviug opened one of the windows aud euterod, proceeded down a tans to tue store. T.iey carried oiT some due trave.Uug OasKets. which no doubt tney lilted with painier, as in taoir hurry to leave the premises they leit bemud 0.. e ol tue baskets, wnieh was well dlled. Tne loss cannot its yet be ascertained. Mr. May „.itt tne key .vnien eoa.laed tue will lo.v, uaa been taken out oy some person to laelii.ate the m g,e,s of tle in.eves. ye ai yet .ins been d,s eoieitu to tnepei'petraioi i o, toi oargiary. lift, TU Xtf i e't THIS luVk.G.*u.—*V’a uitf aiLaj4>'JlCtftl XJ mu JjSxiJA >V. iiaaaic', g. aJ., G. u. J; StfOitthiry of t.ic r .e^a lUvu *ic4Ci ui LJ»a<iJU, iU’CA* h.e vula c>cuta., at av*«au'c»oCiH a; lua cj'.woau Ailiuait v*uU4Cb. 4>r. Maoohe u.iouf* tue auuiucu autcS uii a lOul' oi OUavi da., Ottiuic yittLuay. uu ■»* uaw ou m* way Cos Waaiiiu6Uu*» i y vli .umsmju, V KiUUuiauu, <etc. Wifeic no will »:oa»ijljfo »Ud oosurvauauc. Tilii BaaEFxr io ruu M->i' 091*0x4 £a.>&.—fue action of cue .dolvvvouutn Fare 0 -*.41*1411/ la roaneuix vo bJ4iwai>ao jua./iXi*oa tao.u 0/ cao uosbooa ul tne meu-ta'c, i3dei.-4.440U iu lao ttkuad- iioui tae aiiaUtod Oi ta- b-oiou*/ ox mo Alan extra Oi C*)o Mju‘o*>OiiCaa cir3 Com* jl iid <». U »ucmU, 4»oat*»ii a. aaa c. r. Wiiaai. U iv4*io OttCii ti*i*/»i.iiCU A cu.iiu4iUivC to ill ait paaj iiiaU,; lac. iOaurt -uj ICpUil, " *-*-—1 wao U n-a*- UJO ...» aaJp.ail 1 * -c.'jj.t'c, Ml. i la- sincere tuanss o. tue -le* tiuji. liUu . .10, u-auuaii: ueieoj i*muc eU w M-a-ns. itajUl—U.-luiwu, 01 tile I —-, --f '--* 1 genj.ous ucav-y tu lac vu.u.-U --.I -•-“ *VniCa ucue ,1, nave suuiilci'umi u.— M*urwioi>* i» ifotiMM* » , J , nil-. ...Uj—l .•—* »tt *‘l.3 ouy. B .11. 1.... tu<j ouuipaiij it*) returns tit .U a .0 lUe i-.'.-y..- u. t.l« tu. -—. .Mau.iU lt-- J> uiiaCaU,* 1/a.ty ilr.mi- uiu -iiy .I-I" Ml €l3ol .111 tuO.l' .usuy UtflS 01 COUr.—- u.ui eS^eel .Jit 10 .u- M.u.ii.l u. tu- R-Va nijJaa iuc uliuviiiiuj ,ue UC.yCi3.IU l 01113 UoeU at tile oJUCiIU JIMU.VM.MI. mat acUt-y u» 1..C3C resolutions be Jllialia, u il-3al‘». J4-.ymu.iU J. U 1 ..i-iuU. liuU 0130 to iuc —lU.i.ii3 01 tuu. oatauumi -vat uuiti Jt-yiuintuua i>ally Uaiukai. a.tu City -CU.CIUaCI', lur yiuuuwttluu. OPUNINO 3.1 LitUUOP & Co.’3 D»v Gooos sxjufi.-I'ne autintion u- our rcaaera 13 Utrectctl to *ue a cl al-jy.'-y outaiUii lit Oc., else tvuere. it ivili be seeu Wit lliej opeu Uiis inorumj it now, largo auU wcll-selecWt! atoclt oJ Dry UOOIJ3 at Ulcir sturc, coruor of Guugi'C33 aatt t V uitaiiOi scroetu Taejt pyOcit couiyruts uU tiuU3 or Luttjes' Goode, Walts Gj0.13, llouseitespiug Goods, Hosiery, Bin liioideries and goods lor gentlemen a wear, selected sxprcssiy ior tuo is..v-nn-ii trade, The loug-satab- Usncd and favorably known Savannah house of 1. : hr. 11. a. Cos, cauuoi fail 10 attract a large snare oi the oaU'oiutke 01 S .vauualians, oUering as they now do 30 1 rasa aim naive a stock of UvsiraWc goods, -Ir, o', if, Brunner, lavorauly knowu iu tins city tor ii long period 111 connection with the Cry Goods trade will no found «t ms old place in hauirop & Co«s ’ A perusal of tae advertiseuieuc In uuotuer coiuinu win eoav.uce everyuody tuat they cannot do better shopping anywhere than at Luturop A 00. s, cornel 01 congress and IVnltaker streets. Pekiooic iiyS-~'fe are injebt_d to air, Lstill for copies 0, Tue Nation'' and “The Bound Table” of the 21st. They abound in Instructive ami entei* taluiug matter. Their contents, more in detail, wilt be noticed in a future issue. Too various Cai:y issues can also be had at Estill’s Sews Ucpoi. SiIUNO OP TUE SOBUOSEB tii 1-. OUEKUAN.—TIIC • term sctioouer U. L. Siiermah, Capain B. U. Willis, w.iich put into this port in distress about six weeks ago, having sprung a teak at sea 0.1 her voyage from .Jacksonville, Fla., to Porto Rico, lias completed her repairs, and sails this morning for her original des tination. Rue is load M with lumber. City lupnoVEyiE-Nrs.—iv« learn tuat the City note on Bay street, east of the Our House, has been leased to parties in this city fur a term of years. The portico on Bay street Is to be torn down, and the lower floor on the level of the stteet Is to be altered Into two stores. Messrs. Klrlia A Klenszie of Our House, will In a short time commence alterations In the front 1 of their establishment. ARRIVAL OF A COTTON TRAIN FROM FORT V ALLEY. —Yesterday a large train of wugoua arrived from Fort Valley, Houston C mnty, Georgia. Fort Valley lies on tUe gyuth Wester a Bhi R Aid, at the, Junottou with the Mnecogee B .11 Hoad to Colniodus, Georgia. Two hundred miles is a long distance to haul a wagon load of cotton AxoTHKRNkW SAW Mill.—We learn that Messrs. ; Couiawck A Kinsey, will have erected on the site of Sayle's Mill, Hutchinson’s Island, opposite Drayton street, by December next, oue o, the finest ami Isrg est saw and Plaining Mills In the Southern country. The timber cutting stud milling business la rapidly att ti it* due pro among the business oat# piiscso. Savaota. THE COI HTS 'kero ns mu OR o. a. h vsriso ipiorort Marsha l UVaMUI. Sava* k ah, Oct. 84th, 1860. The United Sates vs. S. A. Cohen, va. Tliomr* Champion, (colored)—Upon nation of cou tsel for la 0 C. »., this case wo* dtaimssed, tue evidence for the prosceuUou being insufficient to detain the prisoner. Who will be discharged ou pay meat of costs. Coun" ,el for the U. S., F. IL Rassell, E q. The C. o. by Detective MilUkia, vs. Anthony Knee. 1 a, (soured)—Larceny. Tne prosecutioa having iaded lo mane out a case, the prisoner was do>. charged upon payment of costs. The C. a. by Policeman Rogers, vs. -ally Winkler. Larceny. Pica uot guilty. The defendant being' proveu gamy of the offence, with which she was charged, alter a Careful examination of the evidence was sentence), lo pey a line ol ten dollars and costa) in dannul ol pay inent to be remanded to the Com* uioujadoiCnathaui County for close confinement for the term oi thirty days. The United mates by Policeman Ottens vs. Isaac Bayner (colored)—Lying drank iu tne streets. The deiendaut wasffined guilty of the charge and or dered to pay a flue of ten dollars and costs, or be .mprisoued ,n Chatham County J.1)I, for sixty days. The United S ates by Policeman Miller vi. Daphney Crosby, (colored! —D.iorderly conduct In the streets The eenaan'. m tuts case wasumauarged upon pa, - m lit of cotts. The United States by Policeman Walls vs. Daniel Thoaia- and John Frances—Being found at a store und r tue bluff at 10 o’clock p, m , and unable to give an accoiiut of themselves. The defendants bj ing seamen left oe.iiod oy thsir vesse , and umble to make tin m ielves understood, were discLa ged Without paymeafof cos ts. The Uuited States by Polka nan Rogtrs vs. Nelson Torry—vagrancy. The defendant being in the era. ploy of the U. S., was ordered to return to lfia work wi.hont payment of costs. The United states by Sergeant Leonard vs. John Milieu, (colored!—Having a U. 8. musket In bis pos session The defendant saving been unable fa ac count satisfactorily for the posteasion of tlie mue ;t. It was taken charge of, to Oa tarued over to the v.rd uance Department, and the dcfeiu ait discharged Arrival 0.-- ms srsAMsaiP Ariadne The stea usinp Ariadne, consigned ’o Mr John R. Wdder arrive I at an early hour yesterday morning witU a fad freight, and over eighty passengers. Captain Crary of the Ariadne, reports that on Sunday after noon last between Cape Lookout and Cape Fear, h e passed and signalled tne steamships Oen. Sedgwick and Zodiac, bound Noitit j from New York to Cape Ilatteras, experienced heavy weather. We are in debted to Purser Williams for favors. Steamer Wm. g. Gibbons.—Tills steamer is having built aR anew saloon, containing eight state rooms with two berths each. The improvement will bo continued throughout the mala saloon, and wheu tne whole Is finished, the Gibbons will have state room accommodations for forty passengers, and cots for sixty more. The Theatre.—The beautiful drama of “ The Col leen Dawn,” performed with such success by our excellent company, ami ‘ The Secret," are on the bill for this evening. ilotel Arririils. PULASKI HOUSE. OCTOBER 2a. ISfio. ’ Wm. H. Wilteberueii A CO., Proprietors. II A Freeman, S X ;II 1) Law and wife, N Y aas M Freeman, SC C A Platt, Augusta C F iSiumwon, Brooklyn, C P Hubbell, New Haven N Y jJohn S Cook, Augusta M A Purcell, Cincinnati (Mr and Mrs Phibbs, do £ M Allen, Philadelphia \V T Mead, Atlanta B P Sturges, Ohio NT Cou way, Richmond. Jas G E Dodge aud serv’t,| Va Boston .Cluw I) Topliff, Va J C Tliornton and lady.lJ M Milur, Screven Cos, Ga Port Villi.y, Ga j Ephraim i'ouder, Burke CVV Pierce and r.ervant,| co, Ga lioston i,VI B Huff, Augusta LL C.iurchill and daught- (J E ltoss, city er, Augusta Capt Crary, str Ariadne Cli Keumore and wife [tv A Williams, do Mrs cook and child IE u Andrews, do J Wilder, Higliam, Mass JK. Hayward Mrs Nelson, Aivust* I. G stoue, Burke co, Ga .mas Nelson do jW a Sampson, Jr, Treas’y Airs liedsou aud child,! Dept Augusta iA G mown, jr, Boston P .hedovan, Louisville, Ga Joan P Hall, uoiincsviUe Henry Arnes, union HeadjE B Hall do J ihcamu,.u, vviuujboio’ 1 Shipping l»itolii«joai«e. iHiii .ictme aliimuai- i'll Is Elay- Sun.rises e n.uuou rises 9 63 Sun sets lo|.ligii water U 24 PUUI Ui' o.i ) .i.'.N.lii. Tuesday, Oc. 24 isco. Arrived. Steamship Ariadne, crary, irom New York—J R v\ n oer. biciimer Mayflower, X’oung, liilfuu Head. *iu a omiiigu., -'....lai'so.i, a ui, Pulaski. cleared. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Pnupot, Darien—Erwin A U.IUC". dug A Getty, Mershon, Uilton Head. U o isospiun steamer Gosiuopoumn, Crooker, Hil ton uc»U. S.valuer Fountain, Castner, Palalka, Fla., etc.—by or n Coueu. otcauier Laura, Garnett, Augusta—Erwin & Hai nee. s.enmer C.aiiou, Muse, Augusta—Chas L Colby n co. ntig Montieello. Moon, for Darien, Ga, in ballast— )J D -»ioy n. co. isiitisn scuooner Albert Kiordan, for Nassau, N P— bMu, >'jaj scuooner may, Heily, for Boston—Hunter & Gam sjeiu-Julia ACrawiord, Balkley, New York—L J Gunniarion a. cu. - Etyorit, Per schooner Julia a, for New York—62 u, laun eo-.ou. a uu sen Uo, 26 do woyl, 26 do paper Stuck, 6 CaßkS and 1 Uhd beeswax, 4$ empty aie bdi'iels, 29 Obis bottles, 4 bales hides, ISO lens railroad trod. Per -ohooner Albert Rlordau, for Natsau, N P— -42,612 ieet ui lumber, 6j,452 Cyprus shingles. per scuooner M»y, Kelly, lor Bostou—6l6 bale! upland cotton, t 6 do sea isiauu do. COUdUUVCK. Per Btcamamp Ariadne, iroun New York—E A Wtjui, Wui'icu oc PiuUAir, B VVittoier, 6 L Wiley. W li as cO, J U Waus .v Cv>, A Wiiitlruu, J K vUiaer, luix. »Uauuia x ulciatire, H C Wiameos, x M&soh, P li fubaatv dr Cos, L ZdCiiiuiaa, J l iWuiiueiiw and iigittuoauu, Uotuwea a\c Wniieiiead, K K ii 0 AiU«vc x Cos, A A Soioiuous, A M &cur* ourougii, XittiCc baciia.i,. ficuouer x Wiutuian, i it idttuiy x Cos, bcuUblcr x iittiadiua, beraatoa, bantu x Cos, «i C bcUruiuer dc boa, li otrauss, Win 11 btark, Ameb X Peabody, Adduia’ hxpredd Cos, C’nas L Colby a Cos, vV ii ii mini unit, Joua iienaey, Win A1 L>avid dou, iizialiadtvi A binder, lie Witt A dlorgau, J ii Deb* plan, Peter Douiaa, t j nuabar, Cbanes P Euierdou, l. tnitiLiii, Krvvia a iiardec, Eiiu>tcia Jk Eckuian, l) iriuacgao, A Pavvoett di Cos, Jd l Oidl A Cos, J Parelly, S raivily, i ullucr X POl*ocfc, Ueorge c Freeiuau, lingnaiu, balawia X Cos, braUy, bmuu X Cos, T bate auu, it iiauore, N jv baiuUia, u b beuuett, hlua X Aleyer. J x Cos, boa, Wylly x Curiduaa, O CUtittU, Wui L Mai tio Conner, A A1 coneli, x M A c'otieu, C V ilub-Uina, j h httruaadez, iluator x Uamoicil, S A liardee, a ii Ives, li Avon a, is lvoeitdike X Cos, > ii K.uapp, Kiriiu X Burke, Lauraat X Cos, A ii Luce, X Li Luce, Lilien ii4..i a. Kona, J Lippiaau, ii J Lai combe, Lovell A isdiuuiore, G C Piccmau, Crane. Joau» >a x Graybili, C a Gabert, Cucaenacimer dr beng, a uoinui, L J Guiluurtia X co, J Giubd, J Grosd x Bred, viauen X Uucklcb, J P and M ttaiuiltou, * tiavaeii, lieurje H sVrie.ijfe, ll Hayai, Hoidt X Ludlow, iiobr Habersaaui X bon, C V auttiuaa, W H btark, W ii Fullei-, B G Tilden, Xison X Gordon, Union ateam boai co, ii t Ulmer, J L Geo Welbrook, Wm Wade, C Waite, o a J Lama, Lmviile x Uic.isoii, Alack v, beat le X Cos, j il Moses, J -McMa- Imn x Cos, ii Memliaid & iiroa, M 8 Meyer, J Mcliol iUM. Mra 11 W Pease iliotuas Peiiptr, C I) Holers, Hoilgers x C.rna, H ivooeru, A itescuiit *t Cos, J L Koumiliat, H KotlisclnU, itothsclnUl X Stern, J R Riley. Pane igeri. Per steamship Ariam.e, Xiom New York—Mrs J 8 Cook and two cuiidreu, L M churcliili, Mra Unurciiill aud daughter, J P Uoiat y C Weber, .Mr Pollock, 1 cimou, Mr aevy, W ri Beard, Eli Peter, O Sinun, Mis iietzeii, Misa Gleaao.i, Mrs ISeisouond daugater. j [j Timrutou and wile, T Boieomb, C F Emerson, il Grosinver and son, 8 Gazan, M Napier and brotuer, G lOttikcwu, & P Auaa Bnaezzel, Mr Free man, Mr Gleason, wile and daugater, J M Barnard, J C C B**ige, G W Pierce, G E Peace, Peter Fagan, two Sisters ol Ciianig and caiid, Mrs M rim’s * i held, T M Aden, J O Sherman, Peter McGoury, Chao Ecu more and lady, g A Key is. J \V Key is, M A Puiceh, Dr Giemi-nt, jauies iyuen, J G Bterues, anil steerage. list OB' VEfSRf-S IN THU POUT OF BAVA.VNAH. * SAVARNAa, Oct. 24, IMS. * BIE.UISUIFS. Ariadne, Crearv——at Central Cotten Wuar.—John it wililer. ’4Kf- *”<• .mrs. Saw England, Hodges, 1,106, for I.tverpool—load ing at A-owt-r cress—Jrighsm, Baldwin 4 I Republic Till emfsifihii, 800, discharging ballast at Low :r WiufVdr—iVeoef Bros. Ws ttttCa id ), A nus, 941n .dmg lot Liverpool— JoanMTnacr. Vinnola. W-eks, ie44. 'llseharrln? balls«t at (Hy I Dock w uarf, Hu ebisou island—cans I. Colby A Cos. | Bakes. Thomas Fie letter, Pendleton, 7JB, loading for lit erpool at Dower Hydraulic Press—Jonu R Wiltlei, Tubs wuluey. Thomas Whitney (Br). Kelly, waiting—Beil, Wyllv A cunstian, bbios. Clara llckens, Rodgers, 460, from New York, dis charging at w hart lout of U intaker street—W nUam burr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 893, waiting—llouter A Gam men. TSBXS. Lizzie Batcheider, English, 408. from Boston, dls charging at wngiT loot ol Barnard street—Hunter A Gauimefi. SCHOONERS. Francis Satterby, Aldtn, 810. waiting cargo at wanrt loot of Bull street— ogers A Cai,u. John G Wnip.he. Si upson, so, for New York-load ing at iron o.eauiouat tV-inff west oi Barnaid stieet —Rogers A C inn. Honest Abe, Connery, 100, loading for Mew York at wharf loot of Boil street—Rogers ,t Caun. Sodia, Crook, 160, waiting—ltuwe, VV!iituey A Cos. H M Mayo, Curtis, 70, loading for Baltimore at De j muud's Press—Brigham. Balilwm A- Cos. ” AUCTION SALES. By Blun & Meyer. On WEDNKSuaY, ?sthinest« hl 10 u’dock. will be BOldou the prefixes of Mr. Heiir> Burt, on B.yan btrtet, thre • ours east of Bttrnaid street, op.jocile tne Ms ket House: ?0 Bedstead.', with Bedding comp’ete 20 extra M ittieiswi 24 Her Pillows 12 WashsUAnds 12 Toilet Tables 1J nets of Toilet Crockery 4 Feataer beds 4 M<t&Ok.any O.tomans 2 Bu eaus i 3 a j Sett t 1 L idies' Mahogany Work Tnblo 12 Wiudow' S indt'S 1 Extou-iou Table Tables Chairs, L'»oklng Qlassos And numcruua other ardcje.». td octr3 By Bell, Wylly & Christisn. CATALOoUra SAi-hl OF BOOTo AJND SuOiiiJ. Will be told on TUUK>DjV Y, . 6th lrat., at 11 o’clock, iu our galea itoom : 100 Cfe-es Boots and Sitoes, c <nsi9iir-g of Mvn’a nnd Boy\ BaimMi tils, congrees Uaiurs «na Boots Lad.v-s' Hiid Misses'3c-wed uno Pencil Uork of all gsudee. Catalogue furnUbeu ou morning of ua e. _oct23-3 * By Bell, Wylly A Uiristiaii AT PitlVAlE 3ALE. Desirable Real Estate. Two first class Dwelling Houses, three stories on bateonnis* with ail tl e modern improvements; iea in a central portion of the city. Also, Avery desirable House on the corner of Charlton and Tatnail streets, containing 5 H.jouis, with g»ts and water, un the lane is a Brick Carriage House, Mublcs, Servants’ Rooms, dtc. Also, 1G Farm Lots, C' ntaiuing from 20 to 29 Acres each, near Lover’s Lane, witnin one mi;e ot the limits of the city. A splendid opportunity for investment. A plot of the above Lots can be seen at our store. Also, West half of Lot No. 39. Washington Ward, Brough ton street. luiprovemtnts r< neist of a Dwelling, suitable for a 6malt family. Will be old at a bargain, o l2Uf ■ Messrs. Bell. Wylly & Cliristiaii Tflls DAY, at 1. o’clock, a. m., in front of store, will be sold, 25 dosen Fiannel aud Cassimere Shirts and Drawers 1 0 cluzen Half liose 30 dozen Linen shirt Bosoms 5 Pieces Poplin Boots and Shoes Clothing—ae-sorted Fine Brandy, Soap, Candles, Starch Bourbon Whiskey Cheese, Ale. Tea Potatoes, Onions v Fiour, Salt, Painted Pail*, Taos Bi ooioh. Le.ter Paper, Fancy Soap Dry Good*, PiaxTnreud, (looks aud Eyes llaii Pins, Shoe Thread, F incy Clocks, Ac. AL*SU, l two-seat Buggy, with P .ic, in peifect orde>r. ALSO, 1 flue Mule atyi set of Dray Harness. cct2s By 8011, Wylly & Christian. On Saturday next, *>th last, will be told at public Auction, iu front of store, A Valuable Lot and Improvements, on Duffy street, between Dull and Wniuker streets. Oglethoi Town, having 6uieet iront und 106 Ket deep, ihe improve* mems consist ot two tenements of wood one aud u hau t, oiiei. The lot is lee simple. Titles warranted. oCt 5 4 Public Sale OF— Government Vessels. By order of the Quartermaster Central, U. S. A., the foliowiux Goverument Veatscla will be»old -BY- York, Williams, Mclntirc & Cos AT PUBLIC AUCTION, A t, Gr a., On tbe Ist day •( November, 1865, AT 10 O’CLOCK, A it., At the wharf iu rear of the Commissary Warehouses Si earn Tug STARLIGHT. Propeller STANDISH, Steamer SAVANNAH. Terms cash in Uuited States Currency. K. R CARLING. oct 16 eodtd B’vt. l.t, Ol ■A. Q. M. List of VALUIBLE PACKAGES, Remaining in tUe ofSce of Atlam. Eipren Vo., Oct. 20th, 1303. E. Bank", Adle (colored) Bridge, O Boyd, 3 Bussell, HA t Burns, Mra It C. Cullen, Jas T Corley, CUarlea Caloitt, U S D Daley, JI Davis, Geo H Deruter, Wm Dakin, J J Darla, Mra C 0 E. Elliott, T O. Oannany, GW Garside, James ll.' Haley, Peter Hire, II I. Iverson, E (colored) J. Jones, J L Joy, H M Jonrdon,T J K. ICennev, CUas H Kavenaagh J r Kirkpatrick, J O Kiennan, Thos V. Linear a B M. Mosher, Alex Miller.H Maurice, Mrs H Miller Roht Muller, H li ModteMraC Jf. Nivin, Alex Nugent, Wm o, O'Hara, Thos P. Pound, fi, R. Richmond, II P Rokenbaugh, J 8 Robinson, W G Roberts, Capt Jell 0. Sullivan. Jas Sanborn, EefJ Smith, H W Starenagal, Capt A Storkes. Miss Mary Smith, Andrew smith, Mrs A A T. Trine, Nosh Thornton, Mrs H V. Vannaba, BeuJ C w, 4, ’• ,3 Weitern, Capt C B Wilitams, tTI r» oct2t B. P.JTNISON, Agent. 80NNY BAGGING. For sale by _ , N. A. HARDEE k 00. i ( sep* ts UKOCKKIK9, LiatOltn. 4k C., WHISKEYT WHISKEY ’ FINE OLD 6BADDT, VIBES, k. Poach YulGi >V,.take\, Miqile VnllcyVChi.kvT, l* ki's M* B JJolia FIK-iicer', Gki Rji;. gad Fine Kei.tincky Ik urboji. POli SAU 'BY C. W. THOMPSON, . tha*»!d Bf-.ud. 11l BAY STBEET, flicraid j - 1 Sop’s* Ale. Mar-* A'e, Apples Potat o Onl »ns Pi kies MackeitU Ciu«. ft id Cider V uegar oetC ts G. H. ARLEDGEi WHOLESALE GROCER AND— Ship Chandler. S3 BAY STREET, OtV r. celvin" pc' atvam ami vailing vessels from J.N New York. th« following article*, which will it i) id at the Lowest Market Price • BbU. FI ur. Potatoes, Unions, Turnip?, Reels, Apple?. Vinegar, Hams. Brown and Crtishofl Sugars, Bbls Beet aud Pork, Bbla. Mackerel, H do., X do. andkits No. 1 Ca.e* ulive ■ tl, bardie c. Candiet, Sosa lUisiSA Pickle A Liqtiora Cheap Tea, P eacrved Meat, bp.ces of ail k erb, Her on, Jkc.,&a. Sauks Coffee, Brooms. Pai'B, Bucket*. A — *tso ''■iints. Giie. V irm hca Paint liiusbc? ,tc Ac. C7* hip Stores pi t u,i ») ihe thurresi null e. OC'II 3 n WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER -IK GROCERIES. WINES. LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS,' ALE and Cider. sepS ts ! FOREIGN 4 ® | DOMESTIC sole Agents and importers or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR TUE STATE OF GEORGIA. C. K. OSGOOD, STORE ISO IO.VCRE Jr AND 8S FT. JUI.IA V ST S , S.V A - N AH, GA. "Hu. ES\DE ANDIUIAI. 1)>MHII IS Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And liai'd\V4ire« N. B —The nigheai «‘/te;b PricCß paid for Bee-WnX. Tailow. Wool, liiuea, &c. ts reptlO R CarMr Wm, A. Wbiuiit, Angutta, Cicorgia. Lnte oi Bicbmond, Va. GEO. R. CRUMP & (0., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLKSALS DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, StALTKD FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, twr Will pnrehaae and eell on Commission Cotton, Tujuaocu, Piioiicoa, and M2E'ju.noU£ of every do scription. to the Merchanta and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., ItiCUmuud. Va und Juo. O Forrill, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, Guden at Cackles, A. A. Solo nous X Go, J. T. Paterson at Cos.. K. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. OCt4 KIRLIN.BRO. & BURKE, WH'JLFSALB LBALkitS IN ALES, n t\D LIQLOIIS, LOilNEll WUITAIiEK STHICET AMU 114 k UNE. OUUEiU PROMPTLY FILLED L DELIVERED. au'il il JSTLW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. HPUE undeMgncd (for eighteen yearn of the firm of * Cromwclidfc BucUall; in uow prepared lo receive orders for hia wed kuowu biaud of choice New Hulled Buckwheat Flour, neatly packed iu barrel*, half barrels, quarter barrel* and bags ui 49 aud pound*. Have alao ou UuLid Fiesii Grouud, State and Weet eru Flour. Extra, bup.ifiue, uud No. i buperilue, iu bblt. null hall bbi-., miota to aidt purch.ievre. KU.iAub JiiGMWELts. qcU2-%w lid :ud ls 6 broad a rect .\ew iork. U BALE - loth) bualiela Liverjiool Salt •ZUlio eackSs Oat-, oUck ami white 10 <uicko best Hib v. odee Tq arrive, 10b Bates Alay. uctiU N. A. HAUDEE Jfc CO. H. G. RUWE & CO., AVholesale GROCERIES l LIQUORS, WIIXEB AND SEGAIis, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTiNO PULASKI JIUI'SRj tw~ AgvnU for ALE AND LAGER. runttantly on i gud, m a »oi tun at of K.3EC I 3.X2V W IPJH. 3,11 “CHEESE, SOAPT in BOXES VHWCSB, TU I4'l xe-F *'»s .tp »n recti. si suit fur rd .hv \ | MIW ' DiLJuaJL. LALu'VLN t CO. P.£KGE SKEnAN, Wluliulr nml Ci-tail Dealer In Pine Gtiwer'cA 1«0U Md Sk ss, F lothin ■ Foieiga sal Domcatic VJ mso. Lilrors and bogs'*. Also. Skeuan's Oelsbrtled HOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CMYK, in bottis and in wood. Unit u aim Daoiiii Brnwu bloat. Scotoh and Enz >li Ale? AC, 'Jewel iWJn Mi*, made t- • the Fide. li* BKOU'.HTU MTBKKT. SAV'MNAH. »liO «' l.itarty aue) Sew York ' HILTON & RAN DELL W lioloHnlo Crroosre, 193 fSY STREET, >EAR BARNARD, Savannah. C5-a., I Arc constantly receiving per steamers from New York ! Tlir La*-gr;t nnd Most Complrfc Assort ment ol* Groceries iu me City, Orders by Mall, accompmicd with Remittance, Promptly Fiil«d, Rt Lowest .Jarket Fr ees, net 16 lm Randell & Cos., 1 South AVest Corner Bay anil Bar* nard Streets, Are now prepared to offer At Lowest Market Rates: 20R Ex Ohio Flour 100 ha] bbls F .mlly Flour 100 bbla No 4 11> minv f>o hilf bbls llumicy 60 bbls Crackers 30 bbla Sajrar <’rt»ck**r9 100 boxe- Cracker.—F ncy, Lemon, Rgg and Desert 16* Citl'Ues Black and Gn eu —uolotg, Luclifli Breakft.'t and Imp. 100 bigs t offev—St. I> mliigo and Rio 40 m tut*. (• Java Coffee 60 n.ats C’t flee 2« o I'dxes andxu » trrs Layer Raisias, n w civp 15.1* XH Ad audit ,6i lo (-oxc Mould C.i. d.efl i 0 bo .e* F mlly S. *p 6 btaich >1 idles ISplces of nil kinds Almonds, Wnluuw nnd Filberts, ©tc. Wr»i pimr Pkper und Twine LUPte h. 8i00n.3, Ac, T<» which the attention of the Trade Is a.:Melted, oct 21 lw SUGARS- Crushed, Powdered, Coffee, Ycllowacd Brown 3VKLP-W S. Golden In bbls L t Kf>—in tubs—c. and F Le if CMtLJSK—Stute hnrles, in bores TOBACCO-Navy Pt.nnd , H'.’i P.uud*. Tens and Nutnr and Lens MACKBKFI.—II v.»r Kbls und Iwits Nos 1 and2 SHOT—Civic Brand ell sizes For Hale by RVNUELL A CO., aci2l lw 8. W. cor. Bayand Buruaid sta. Just Received, And in Store on Consignment, BUGGIES AiSD CARRIAGES Also, n lot of Fine Liquor*, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRI'Z RUM, BOhEK'S BITTERS, Ac. Which we offer on tile most liberal terms. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE A MURRAY', octll ts No. 9 StodJard’s Block. Minis l (raiNfciim. Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, • Savannah, B v G leave to their ft>rmor friends nnd cue t jii.en*, ,ind the pub ic ia nerally, hat they have bu im a* t ih? ir* Id p'hiiJ. where th« y will kee t j const uily < n h uid a full. o-u ira. r»t of Go< di* In ihe r in cults* : 'e «*r Privui** Kuitiitfe' Sicalin- 8 nd ’•rtil.i y H PunctU 'i i tci tIOU gt* Oli lo Mil Cullli try r>*rn ini T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMP iKTtRS AN Wily. B'ALE D ALEii> 1a WINES, LIQUORS. SEGARS. iC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) We have the Largest Assortment o! Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &c., Iu the South, to which we iorite the attention of the Trade. Cali and Compare srar goods and * prices. octs ts BROWN’S 1 CABTI LLI AN BITTEiIS. THIS uurivailed I’ouic prepared from the Pare juice ox tue Grape aud ekirad*, liiatiiied liom u*o cuoiceai Vegciaole product* oi the bouiu o. France, Italy auu lue Froviucc o* Castile (Jiu bpam,) from whicu latter aectiou they ucrive iucir ua . c. a iTdgiaut Aouic. Xisd to Uoiei* and Keatauiaut*, and vuiu-b e to Fain..l a, Uel|Ca.e Iciuaieaaud cbUcUen, lor ail d4j»ai*augt.u4cut oi tue bto*A4a<*h. U i* u.iiivttaod i ccrtaiu cure ior .re ter An<i .kugtltt, l)j optt|-n4u, FnivUittilC/, MC. A uCV.r luUiug picvtUuvc aud Cntc lor oea oMhtUOH*. MOUQ who uavci oj laud or tvater auouid be wiiwouc uie CaolUiUiu. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, McIXTIRE X Cos. Bole Agents, state Georgia. oct2L3ai AS TEN & THBOKMOETO N, NO. 253 BOWKKV, NlfiW YOKK, De .lrre in Buildei*’and Lockeuiiihs' iimdaare. Nails Puiiiee, Cord Itim iAiciu aud iAU- bft, bull Xiiugca, asiii irou Key* ami Cih»ng Bel a Wire, Silver-Plating, &c All orders, i.irge or mj.hU, mi niched promptly at 10 per cent, lcaa Umn markei pric*.e. erplh hin Scholars Attention QUAcKENBOsiPS lot Lines in Companion Umtid Statve iiuaory .aCKiiibootiV Rhetoric. Quacaeuoofh'H Na.mai Philosophy. Auu ali othei Boo.ks used in tbe avannah Schools, otttif JUiJN c. SCUREINKU X SONS. Lessons in Fancy Work. A YOUNG LADY, .lost from New York, will give Lo. so..s to loung L.d ou and children, u ad k.iids oi Foe/ Wora. Call ..u Broagutou *trceu r.ecoud door eact mßuu, botweeu the hour* of two oau U4teo o'clock. 6 octSi Highest Cash Price Paid for Empty Wine Eottles. W. DRY&DALE, oct23 S lUS ata.e street. . Hay, Hay. v 7f19 BALES Filme » nberii Day, Scbr Own lOa Ihiketu For -nl t.. k nvu BKIuUAM, BALDWIN * CO. ' GUT YOtlK DERBY HATS CO L dInG’S. scu«* u mippijo. FOII 1 NEW YOltK, Atlantic Coast IdCail Steamship Cos. 'Hi* t*rv ssflihr rvw ,t am?) 1;> IAD Nb, Cr. ry, conu:iHiKier, po»i ivsiy soil ou her rvgui.r Ttour* «y. Silk tn,(. mi U o’ m. nry tJi * *,.1-3 jso K WILDER, Agent. STAR LINE, tor NEW jm YORK. 'pilE new itnfl eh g"Ol fl at cl *» U B M ,11 n?sm- I Dilip IDAHO, t apt ,in CRAW, *ll (.oslilv, ly sail f..r Uie ab»M p- rt »n Wedcsday, Det. *3th, at o'clock. F t fretgot or passage, gsvini repleudW tcci mmo astluiiA apply to BRIGHAM BALDWIN * CU, ott23 StoddarA Rafiiilno. app Post Office FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner ' HATTII M. MAYO ,llve quick despatch for the above poi t. For freight or pxssag" apply to octlC _ BKIGH M, BALDWrNMCO. ANCHORLINE OF P A. C K E T S FOR N E W^qYORK. AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN I’ORTS. The Staunch and Fast Bailing Schooners W. D. VACGHN, • .... 198 ton* ISLAND QUEEN, RH. Con»ry, Master 178 tbne ELLIOT. - • ..... xso ton* HATTIE MAYO, A. B. Curtis, Master. . 98 ton HONEST ABE, W. M cOhary, Muster, - 86 tour And others, comprise tho “Anchor Line” of Packits, and will bare quick deepatch a* ah ve. For Freight apply to PATERSON A TUCKBR, Agent?, No. 16 Stoddard's Building, or to. ROGERS A CANN, Savannah, Ga. Drt Banco A Caascaav, Agente, New Y'ork. OCI2O ts SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA ARE notified that they can etnro their good* any day tiurlug the week, to be foi warded by the abave Boa'?, which are tiie lightest draught running u, Augu-t*, tree of extra charge >tT'* K 1 IN A CO. For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for ihe »h v. place, (i. oils. recelv •'* at nil lime and i.t'i'ed in fire i rooi warehouse, foot of Lincmu street, free ol cost. . J M K'NCII I EY, Ageut. i Ifflci- in Clnghorn A C' m.lnghi.m * Th Miy art ved In niruata from Ravanuah on last Frl y ilh hei full frill, ht ts oct9 For Liverpool. The new fl si class clipper ship VIRGINIA, t\ LEE i, Command r, ' , i* * 1? ow In di gr p! lly at Li« r P e’s, and h ivlnc I .rgei'ug igemeiit w 11 baveq uc.t ils'p.itoh. Fur Leigh oi pass ge (taken at lowe t rates; apply to CHAS. n c LB. at C octi3 c <n.’i Abwcoruauiiß y ste. FOR BALTIMORE. I’endergast’s Line. The fast staling regnlar packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Having the greater portion or her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For balance of freight ap ply to LaROCIIE, GADEN & UNCKLE*, Corner Bay and Barnard streets. Agents in Baltimo. •—Peudergast, Fenwick A Cos OCIIB For Liverpool. TUK first cl »>s Bii ish o rk lil "iA - W «IfNfcV J » K- ily. m>iau*r, b mz ot sihhh alll nav quirk dinpateb. Fur fictgb • apply to oCtiO BELL. WYLI.Y & CHRISTIAN. For Liverpool. rfTv TIIK A i Amen* an Ship .dW LN‘«L dO, iUQiv Ilodgi*. M ißt«*r. hwvng a Ift’ge i>*»rtioii o* i C rco 4*ne«Le i will be If. dy to r»ren< •sVsutoi Curuowl llyurau ic ITcs-* ou the lbtl' ’list For Height or ssst’e * pi»H to seu.4-1 \u RniA.M. BALT/WIN A C 6. freights FOR AUGUSTA, rpHE nnder-lgued nre prrpsmt to receive goods at *■ their Wnrehousee—free of expense end cov ered by Insnra ce—lo. shipment to Auenvn and points beyond by their regular line of light dr-ughi bouts. Apply to CUAS. 1.. tOLBY, sept2»—tf cor. B y and Abercorn ata, GREAT REDUCTION -IN- '* FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA. ON and after this date the rate of Freight by onr Line util be reduced 50 Per Cent ! Our Ll e Is composed of tUe foil wing Steamers, all adapted to the trade, via: Iron Steamer AM ZON, Capt. Johnson. New Iron Steamer WM G. GIBBONS,Capt Phllpol. Steamer LA I RA, Capt Hiller. The ste oner (abbonaialn every particular a first claerPa-eenger Boat. luanrance can be effected by our Line at lowest r-tea. fcW Freight prcelvod DAILY and forwarded TWICE A WEEK —n“»"" vRWDi a Hiunir, Grits and Meal. aIaLRM’O MUL hit-OPK KD lUviux purci a* and tin vntivu ,■>!« rai so-in M 11. i.tlism iu bia l ig and x.-n.lve Mill-. on fht* t •r.n*r of H lie 'h* and I'll" '.. (IPs noIV pr,-p:,r d*o >sh .iri-t i'4 4—i < favorable rate- C-n will b s M re a futoi-. All - r *,s ..p.ii.B n dll and. OCV-l-ila LLDINOfON a. U .RlijSON. flinmaa. * Change of Day. U. ri. MAIL LINK ForPalatka,Fla., VIA DARIEN. HUL'NMWICK, ST MAHYg. EEKNANDINA, JA( KriONVII.T.K ANDPICOLATA, The w«u known Steamer St. Johns, OJI now the lIEUEv GBTTT. Cant Inaratam. w.ii la .ve (h wharf, foot of " «st Brood street, Kwcry SuturJaty. at 10 o>cio«iu m. m. ■racia-ly. forth? above l«n<Jing« For freight or passage apply oa board or to net* L ». BENNETT, Agent. Notice to the Public. I tbeymr isw. the writfr embarked lo the Drag A Bnsin. ee in the city of phls, nod while thug ' n £ H ,Z.' ’ “'“I 1 " «■veral .xp.ritnents in regard to the' n.od? of pr part, g Fluid Extracts. My efforts bi lug race sufui- tn. articles being approved and «T dleat i cn'.ty - I was desirous of placing ' I ’“ bitc ' bnt h ' ,ltM and r™ some itma before concluding io re,ort tunowepaper sdvertieing, knowing of th- pr-jodios that • xistedin the minds of mnny ugain.t us mg Medicine* or Nosraais, b iiL t ii ro<lS of h ‘', ,I<lT Ce of blends and those who htd used them tills objec ion was overcome. After Is y era' xertlone, c mmrnciorlo s email war. the popuiaiit, of my aiticles line exte dad to all peris “ ‘“.V w l dely "‘rtiogbom FoS^a enntriea—nd this in the (ac of mu,h oppoeltiois. Ev. rr mcrnne has been resorted to Ira unprincipled deal •r. sine* their merit snd race ss have b-en known— rach as "dve t sing larger bo.U. s at less price, oeniuriog ail other pn par tl lie, and • ven copying m ntfcrbiit lam h ppyio stat that out of the msnr wl o b *Vu retoited to this, non- hav. been sucoassful. MY OBJECT n thle not'ce i* to mike facts known to the poMie and epvtvnb eilesl r. believing ;i'U' do many jeais’ex- Dillitie, th t he IhUirgiDte wl 1 disc un tenant* such ino n g. and <hat the rupo.ati uof my articles nay not he U..m. god by the use of ln.erlor or spurious lUCD. . - < ouowingth tmnrymey read this article who are iu iq i liiten With me, i append s few remarks front o-i of ">y nut vi ii y. aud whose names are known n all part? in-lbn Wi. Issi “Benin pi reoiuuly naiuahited with Mr. B. T. Helm arid, itaff nl- me piea.ara in stating I have been ■o. »t fawirablyi" p- esed wi'h bis energy and inUgrl. ty aud gratified at hi, secerns ' WM. WEIGHTMAN, Firm of Powers Jk-AVelghtman, Ninth and Browp Street*. Phfitdfl^hla. [Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia.] “ When on a viela to the city of New York ft few' days since. 1 wsa Induced to call on ourold friend and townsman, Mr. H.T Helmbold, Druggist, 694 Broad way. N. 2. nil Store is a Model—a perfect Gem— the handsomest of any kind we have ever had the pleasure of viewlpg; and no extoneiv.-, being 24 teet front five stories in height, snd over 200 feet deep. It Indeed affords ns much pleasure to know that he has been so successful, and ft Is ample evidence of the merits of his nrticles —ss in our whole business expe rience we hare not known of the success of any arti cles without Merit—advertising merely bringing the game before the people." « • X (Boston Herald.] “We do not liko to advertise worthless wares, or articles cahulatcd So deceive our readers; and when *e see an advertiser like Mr. Helmbold, whom we nave known for years, gradually extend his advertising from year to year until ho becomes the largest adver tiser iu the United Mates, we are satisfied that the Statement* in regard to ills articles must be correct. The writer re’nctsntly inserts the above, and would not do so were he not a stranger to many; and con ciudt s by s «lm« the names oi his articles, and the <li esses for which they have been need by manv thou sauds with complete success. fAnvmTiat\iisT.] Hclinbold’M Extract of Bucha will cure all diseases of the Kidneys and B'adder.— > urea Pain or Weaknre* In tho Ba, k, Strictures, &c.j t'uies Weak Nerves, Loss of memory, Trembling, Dimness of Vision. HE MBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BCCHU is a pare fluid extract, not a weak tea or infusion. It the one lidi g net dial for all complaints Incident to Females. For particftiars send for Circular. UELMBOLU'S FLUID EXTRACT BCCHU cures Gravel and Dropsical Nwsllings existing la Men. Wl men. or( hildren; Intact ALLDlSßasKrequir ing ibu ild ol a Diuretic. It is the greatest Tonic snd lun ik known—perfsctly a fe, pleasant in tuts and odor, uud immediate in l.s action. HELMBCSiD’S Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, HIGHLY, CONCENTRATED. one bottle < qnivalmt In atrecgth to one gallon of the syrup of Deescti u ~ it n a.he- the of the dlaetae lmmediatelv. ex. elllugnil Hfimora vfUiv BloOd and ' e * , a BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Th< a.- articles, being of such strength, the dose la xc.-e, ingiy small. From Ibla tact, it fl uaed in the lined S aits- Arn y H..epitai» and public Sanitary Ins »1 ii'i< nb the iHnd. ZT S*jld by all Druggists everywhere. Or* Ask for lleimbold'a. Take no other. twr fat out tbe advertfcement and seed for it, and by this Uittaiu avk id Countcneit. - oct9 Im THE HEW YORK HEW fi D AIL Y, ®. SEMI-WEEKIt tIH YTEKLti THE NluW YORK WEEKLY MB SEHI-WEEKLY .YEWS. GREAT FAMILY N i.VN BPAPERB, BEXJIBIY WOOD 1 dhor And Proprietor Journals of poliucs, Literature, Fashions; Market aud Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! tMPROVEKENTSJNTRODUCEQ iMMEHSE CIRCULATIONS DETERMINES 01. TIIE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. NEW-YORK WEEKLY NEWS, PubUwhed Every Wiedwsdav. , single Coplea. give Cent* One copy, one year • * ...^..sA«k Three Cop'es’tme year..., nod Five Copies, one year..... 8 7* TenCoplea, one year, J noo —■And'an extra copy to any Ctob of Ten Twenty Coplea, one year. ,70»........ 30 60 The Weekly Setvi la Sent to Clergymen at $1 80. SjAv .•" ’ SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year-. $ 4 00 Three Coplea one year lo «0 Five« opiea, one year... UOO Ten Copies, one year....: 30 <Xt —And an extra copy to any Clnb of Ten. Twenty Coplea one year....... ** To Clergyman..... * «• ' NEW YORK DAILY NEWB. To Bail par annum 4r Months nT « Doliara For tale by all Newsdealer*, bpecimen copie* of DAILY and WEEKLY NEWS sent free. Address BENJ. WOOD. Dally Newt Bonding. No. 10 City Hall Square, espttl Sew York CHj. Pot Ash. 4(1 BARRELS, fr sale by ~ XU crane, Johnson * graybill, o«l» i