Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 25, 1865, Image 4

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ivannah Daily HeraM. OCTOBKII «S ISftA ft. WtrsM tamer »o ihf l barges ®n wUlch tar la Arratgued. The following is lie substance of lUo pTea made by Wirz in bis <>wd behalf: There are three distinct parts in which the proaeculiou and deleuceare uec -sg .rily C'Ui nri-erl These are: First. Had he; as charged, inalit iousiv. witudy and traitorously c *m biui and. confederated and conspired with John H Winder and nth rs lo injure the health and d.-troy the lives ot soldiers in the mili tary Service of the United States? Second, And was he the person who was officially respon ihie lor tl<e privations and sufferings ot the federal prisoners at Andersouville i And. Tnir.l, Had he Committed the crime ol murder or perpetrated all or anyut the airo- C; iis laid to his charge? As to the fir-t, he was not conscious of a particle of testimony going to sunstantiate the charge of c msp'racy. Or the one hun dred ami sixty w itnesses who linve te-litied. no one ever h'-ard him utter u syllable or do an act in liealtve of his knowledge of the eX i-teiiee 01 some hellisitpot; nor wa9tnere tiie least si rap of paper found iu i is off! e or a word in thealC ivus of the Confederacy to show that sue ia C •uspiraoj existed. Even it all the •peviticii'l-u- W tell are .r upeo under Die C targe if C m-p r tey wer. tin r< ly trun, th* re is not a sli t ■ » o.‘evi ltc that the suffering wot I. I e-till'd n CO spiracy. Uapt tin VVirz • - nuittteg' eminent itselt rid ve in in exis ence of t. e c n- ir Cv, iron, the tC tua' the ..atnes ot Robert L. L: J me- .1 3u- Apn, L ctu Normrop ami Dr Mo r , w were imliCled wiui the accused wn u tie wte flr-t arraigned, had been stricken out. Ho lurther argued that from his position at'Andersouvide, be should not be held res ponsible for the orowded c mdition of tne it< Citadel the UDwholesome food, &«.; anu adduced the following reas.ids among others, Viz; that he was u->t reap n-ioJe lor th. selection of the loca ion, as it was h c.ited by "W. 8. Winder in 1868. while Win was yet in Europe ; that he did not assume eomuianu Until AlatCa, 1864; thalColouel Farsons, one -ot the principal wi nesses lor the prosecution, testifi and that tne Blockade was suffleieutly large and properly located for the «cc un modatiou of leu thousand prisoners ; Urn Coh nel Parson’s testimony tully exonerated him (Wirz) from complicity in the selection ofthe location, overcrowding the stockad. or failure to piovidp proper shelter for tin pri-oners ; that Dr. Bites exonerati and him from ail lilameon account of the condition of things in the hospital ; and that his iesii luonv was i ormborated by Dr. Roy, atm t at 'Colonel D. T. Cbandh r. In hi- repo t . Bchmnnd; uever one. atuc ied _blame t Wirz for the Condition ol atfu’r at A'de fi inville. A- to the thh-d charge. Unit of tnurd. r. I hoped to be able to Show the court that h was not guilty, and that he was not th un.nsterbe bail been depicted ; but that, on tbe Contrarv, he did what little lay in his power to diminish or alleviate tbe ruis-eti< - of tbe prisoners. The specifications accu-td him of no less than thirteen distinct crim. s of the grade of murder, yet in no instance were the name, date, regiment or circum stances stated iu the spt ciheations ; and in the w hole mass of tbe testimony there arc but two cases of this character that Could hi fixed with uny definiteness ; ami in those two cases he was prepared to make his de l’enc •• Tim two referred to were the actual, rea case of ‘•Cbickamauga’' and the mythical case described by the uatne of “William S ewart,” who, it is alleged, was shot at tin gate near the gua rd house. With regard to “Chickamauga” Wirz as sert* that when he gave the order to shoot him if he approached the dead lino, he be lieved that bis friends would prevent him from so doing, and that be was uot present when Chickamauga did go outside the lim and was Shot. “William Stewart" he de nies ever haviug been at Audersonvilie. Capt. Wirz adeuces the testimony of Col Fmniog to show that he had uolbing to do with tuu employment of the dogs. The allegation that furloughs ware grant edio soldii rs sos sbootiutr prisoners is pro nouneed an absurd camp rumor. He deuies that the prisoners were ever deprived ot ra tious as a puni-nment. On only one occi- Casioti was the whole camp deprived of ra lions, and that was on the fourth of July, when there was a difiiculty with the raiders, and tiie quart'-rmu-ter could not distribui the rations. He denies the exercise of p. r souul vi. .lei Ce towards the pri-oners. Hi ph)s cal condition was such that lie couh not have knocked a man down, aud he qu.. ted irom the testimony ot Father Whalen. Dr. Roy and btbirs, wlio had opponuniiie of observation. lo show that such a thinj. never ■ ccurred as hla lieaiing or shooting prison'r. Ho aiso quoted from Colour Chandler's ripo't, to show that When tn< prix.iuere were inquired ot as t" their to a ment they never •*»t-e meutioned his(WoZ!.y name. Ates r f. rrinn in c nary term- i the nien.bets of tne c onset <u Oaj tai.. W i Cot C ud»s thus “The statement w hich In w c >se w protiably survive me ami you alike It wi stand as a eompluuumswi r toad tue nius» ndsrepres. ntaiinns heaped against me. Mu. God so direct and enlighten you in your and. liberations that your character for imparti a.ity and justice may be protected, my ebar acter deteuded, and tfie few days ot my ns tural life sp .red to my helpless family.” Wkndkll Phillips makes an Onslacoht on President Johnson.— Wendell Phillip* delivered a lecture belore tho Bostou Fra ternity on the evening i»f tbo 17th inst.: The lecture attracted a large and entbuei , adio audience Its title was “The South Victorious.' >lr. Phillips declared that President Johnson, in his speech to the dele gation that waited upon him from Soutl Carolina, aud who appealed to him for pro te-tion against C“Dgl'essand the harsh spirit of .the North; rn Slates, had ranged himself w'h the haif Converted rebels and taaje Itioßilf th ei »quarters of-a rebel in order that the letn-le itt'-uiSelvet . tnight be one-quarte-r Union. Major Gener Banks, Mr. Phillips denounced as a vagram mountebank, ladeu with the curses of even loyal umn iu L ui-iana and Massachusetts and yet Maseachuaetts men were going to send him to Congress Mr. Phillips, in speaking of the endorsement of President Johnson by various republican State con ventions, said : —“The republican party doe* not exist. There is a spectre walking over the country in its shroud, but there is no 'tuch party. It has not existed since the Bu titnore Convention, when it was buried in the will of A.hraham Lincoln. I deny the existence of any political force entitled the republican party." The lecture ot Mr. Phillips occupied one hour and a half in its delivery, and he is ad vertised to repeat it at the Cooper Institute, in the city ot Sew York. PAbllc Prayer* agaiu.l Pestilence in England. The cholera, yellow fever and the cattle plague were extending their ravages in Eug laud at last accounts. Another Case of Asiatic Cholera was re ported at Southampton, and the same (lread lul malady, according to a local authority, had mace its appearance at Shelling Com mon and at Bitterne, near that town. A public mteung on the subject bad been held, and vigorous s«ni ary measures ate being adopt, 3 by the leading inhaoitants. Mr Edmuud Tattersall. the well known horse nealer, had written to the London Times, stating that the cattle plague bad ex tendi and itseli to horses, and that two animals had died at Winrtsoi from its efleCts. Pro* le tor G.mgee deoii-d the assertion. Ten deaths from yellow fever had occurred at Swansea, Wales- Tne alarming epoed of this tri-fold peetl i« nee hud called forth a special form of pray er Iroia the Archbishop of Canterbury. A SOBLE PTOPME AND A Glorious Result H. There are w many marts to ft tne anil failure as there were fcsteways to ancient Thebes. Vonr am bitious warrior is for currying his way with the I sabre; j-eur saptring politician for stiomiug his way j by Intrigue and consummate art. But there is ont j grand hroaii path to the goal, along which nothing j case can travel It is the path sat apart tor ti e i m.,rch of talent, energy. and noble purpose and though full oi obstacles, it contains none that and br v. mail cannot surmount. Tuufuoti.-s tweu exempliflc.i i.. iunu ucrabie iuatai.ces, but In few inure iorc.biy uau Iu file rise a.i t progress of DR, HOOFLAND .Ell i iN BITTEItS. for over flitecn years irjcoui -i j as b9JU onward and etterlng blessings ai vrry step, uniil ii n m r ands onibe topmost round .fti'iel ddero: fame, as the GREAT TO^TIC. o Hcofland’s German Bitters is a peelttve remedy tor DYSPE PSIA, ass Dlaeasoe Roeixltinfi from DISBROER OF TH! LIVER and OI6ESTIVE ORGANS, And is the only sert In ami aJ« RESTORER OF STRENGTH IN CASES OF DEBILITY. o By the ne* of this Bitters Cealtened anil Oebilitated Frames Be come Renewed with all the Vigor of Health. Impaired constitutions are rebuilt, aud tbe patient iu v short time regains Vigor, Health and Strength. F OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS, Resulting from Dlsordrra ofthe Digestive Organs: onstipatiou, Inward Plica, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of Ibe Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn. Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the stomach. Soar E muttons: Sink big or Fluttering at the Pit of ths Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried aud DUUcult Breath ing, Flutt ring at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating S-usatiou when in a Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or tVobs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain iu the Head, Dell clency of I erapi ation, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Side, Buck, Jhest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat. Burn ing in the Fieab, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and gre<t Depression of Spirits. Remember * That these Bitters oontalu no Rum or Whiskey. And can’t make Druukui'de. It uot a . Bar Room Drink, Bnt a Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract, 'ree from Alcoholic Stimulant or In urious Di nes. It cannot insidiously Introduce the vice of Di unk nness Into the bosom of your families—to your wife, your children, or your friends. L SOLEIEnS •rothe e. whoae systems have become impaired by rdslil,is or disease, will tind in this Bitters a tonic wdl i -a.ur- th.m to nil their full vigor. A -esc Bitters have pjriormed more cures t Given Better S-tisfactlcn I Have m ra Testimony 1 Have more respectable people to vouch for them t fiuiu any other Brittle In the Market. We defy any jus to contradict this assertion, AND WILL PAY $1 .TOO To any one that will produce a Centflcato published by us that la not GENUINE. N READ WOO SAYS SO. FROM THE HON. THOMAS U. FLORENCE. Waslil. gion. January 1, 1801. Uentle-en i—lltvlng state It verbally to you I no hesitation 111 w riting Ihe fact, that I expert need marked bi ne It from vour lloi fl ind’e (Liman fitters. During a lung and tedious suasion of Con reas. pressing and onerons dntlee nearly prostrated •e. A kind 11 leuJ suggested the use of ihu prepa a- Uon I have named. I lot k tils advice, and the result .'as Improvement of health, renewed energy, and hat particular relief 1 so i uch needed and ohtaine > there may be similarly ad\ ai.tagcd. If they desire to os. Troll Jonr .rtend, THOMAS 3. FLORENCE. D From Rev. W. U Selgfrisd, Pastor of Twelfth Baptist church. Philadelphia, December 28, 1563. Mrsfws. Jones & Evans, Gentlemen I ha\e recently been laboring und -r the ai-lreasiug clb-Cts of iadigeetton, accompanied liv h prostfatiuu ol ihencivoua system Numerous i;in ediee were recommended byfrieiirieand some oi them iceted mu wl hoot relief. Your Hooflland’s Germ m Hitters were recommended by persons who had tried them, and Whose favorable mention of the Hitters In duced me aim to try them. 1 must confess that i hud an aversion l'apatent medicines, from the ••thousand and one” quaes --Bitters.” wUose only aim set-tns In on to palm off sweetened aud . rugged liquor upon tho community. In a aly way; and me tendency ot w hich, I fear. Is to make many a confirmed drunkard fpo y learning that yours was really a medicinal preparation ltook it t\ Ith happy effect, Its action" was nut ouly upon the stomach, but upon the ner vous pje.em.w as prompt and gratifying. 1 feel that I have derived great and permaueut l-enellt Horn the use ol -ft few buttles. Very respectfnlly yours, W. G. SUUKREID, No. 884 Shackamaxuu street, beware of'counterfeits. Sec that the signature of • C- M. JACKSON" Is on the Wrapper of essh bottle. PRINCIPAL OFFICE & MANUFACTORY No. 631 ARCH STREET, For sale by DnjggMs and Dealers In every tows la the United Stems. octu-WM JOURNAL & MESSENGER, Pnl)lislie<l Every looming and Eyening. MACON, GEORGIA-, HORNER OF CHERRY ARO THIRD STREETS. LAKIIEST CIRCULA TIO.V /.V MIbhLL ASl> SOUTH WESTERS GEORGIA. rpHE old • Journct A Maseencer," lir.t established A In ldoO, uud regularly published ever niece, has ltie Largest Cir nlailoo of .oy paper In this section. W e are offering liberal lerms to advertisers, and merchants, mid others desirous of having their busb ness generally known, will do well to advertise iu our columns. OCR WEEKLY Contains ihe lepal advertising of some or ten eoniities and k cirruiaUrt llnoughout Ihc .Southern and Norrbern States generally; Fartiea sending tueir iidvertitfcra-jnT* with the monej will be uieurvd ftatlfltactlou Addrws S. ROSE & CO. Kates } Proprietors. o plh THE NEW ORLEANS TIMES, The Leading Journal of tbe South, PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY’, Devoted to Literature and General News—The Discus sion of State aud National Topics—The Wel fare oi thu Planting I merest—The rrogrvs- of BontUein Commerce, and the Regeneration of Prosperity in the Southern States. The Proprietors of tho New Oki sans Daily AM' We.KLY Timmc enconraged by the liberal support alvei, to their Journal, have man. ample arrangements aii its Improvement, with a view to making It, In eveo' respect, a FIi.ST-CLASS SOUTHERN FAMILY AND NEWS paper. Terma of the Daily. $1« per annum; half yearly, $8; quarteily $4. THE WEEKLY TIMES I* devoted to the dkcutelou ol topics of vital import iocc to the interests of tbe Gnlf S *tes: coitlairs u carefully prepared compendium of the news o! each week, original and selected literary aud miscellaneous matter, t*»W poetry, etc., correspondence from all parte of the country and abroad, letters from the peo ple, a resume o> the New Orleans market, etc., etc. Terms of the Weekly, $5 per annum. TO ’oItJBS. The Weekly will be furnished aa follows, when sent to <>ne address: t copies $ 9 50 I 0 copies s2* oo 3 E 14 00 j 7 •• 20 Wi 4 “ 13 001 3 “ 33 t»» 6 •• i-1 50 j 0 •* 37 CK> 10 copies S4O. An extra copy will bo giveu to any one getting up a Club of Ten. Teims iuvariably in advance. Address WM. If. C. KING A CO., fill 14-ti Proprietor* N O Times. No. 70 Camp st THE DAILY EXPRESS, PETERSBURG, VA. Has entered upon its Fifteenth year, in an enlarged form, with new type, under MHipicefi highly flattering. It has a large and daily increasing circulation, and of fers to merchants and others desiring to communicate with the Southern public, advantages surpassed by none. ADVERTISING RATES. ON* B(JCABF. Two weeks $ & 00 One month 6 0o Two months 10 on Three months j 15 <*• Six Months 24 00 Oue Year 40 00 TWO BgVACES. Two weeks $lO 0<) < >nc month 12 00 Two months. 15 00 Three months 13 00 Six mouths 30 Oo Oue year 00 00 Persons desiring a greater quantity ot s\Kice than ia above designated, will be accommodated on literal terms. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single Copy, (mailed; 5 cts. One Month, do. * 75 *' Three Mouths, do $2 no Six Months do .T. 3 50 • Oue Yeur do* 0 00 AM*BES3, A. F. CRUTCHFIELD A CO., PKTKRSBUUC*. VA. r»noBPECTUS OF THE Mercantile Mirror A Weekly Commercial and Advertising Sheet, WITH AN EDITION OF 10,000 COPIES. FOR OKA TUITOCS CIRCULATION. To be Iwued on or about the loth of Ju\y% ISGS, By J W. BUKIiE & CO., • MACON, GA This enterprise is undertaken at the suggestion oi msuy of the leading merchants of the country, as a method oi extensively advertising their business.— While wr* will pubiish'thc adveriis* mei.ta of all -vh< may favor u with their putronage, the paper will alst contain Price* Current oi the Murkets iu all the princi pal Cities, Rates or Exchange. Brokerage, ac., auu Commercial News of every description ihat will be ol interest to the Mercantile Community. Nor will the “ MIKItOR " be exclusively filled with Advertisements; but the paper will ix sufllciently larg. t leave ample room lor Editorials, Correspondence, Select Reading Matter, Ac. It will be a family, as well ab a visit every City, Town aud Village in the Couutry. All can perceive the advantage of adv» rtisiug In a paper of this description. OUR TERMS WILL BE LIBERAL We arc unable to publish them in this Circular, not knowing what number of our friend* will want their Business Curds, Notices, Ac., brought be fore tbe Public through this medium. We will onlj say to all, send your Advertisements to us immedi ately ; state how much rpace you wish them to occu py, directions, Ac. We have a large Stock of Fancy Type, Cuts and material for displaying them, and feel confident oi meriting the putronage aud approval oi ul. Busmen Men. A» soon as we arrive ut the amount of matter ahfi size of paper required, wc will make an estimate, ur.d publish tho rates f r advertising, iu the tiift uumbtr. Tuky will ue as low as pobsiulb, to allow us to rcuLJtui tub rAi’BR. Deeming it oiiperllu oUb to argue tbe benefit of this enterprise to the adver tising world, we leave the subject with it, feeling as sured it will meet its cordial co-operatiou and sup port. Address J. W. BURKS A CO., Macon, Ga. Agent In fc»avanuah: Gr.o. N. Buy Street. . Jyl3*tf THE DAILY LILMMi VOICE. PUBLISHED AT BOSTON, MASS., —ID TUE OFFICIAL ORGAN • '—OF THE Grand Eight-Hoar League of Mass,. AND <*F TUE WORKINGMEN'S ASSEMBLY OF BOSTON. IT i* independent in Politic* etebews sectarian mut ter*. contain* all the Local m.d General Nt»ws of the day, l* especially devoted to the iutere*ts of Work iugmen, and it* malinger* pjrnrc no pains to make il THE PEOPLES PAPER'. Ita facilities fur obtaining the latest and most relia ble intelligence on every subject of interest arc unsur passed. and make it a newspaper that will be wel comed by every run of New England in uny section of the country. It has a large circulation, and its an ad ver-lsing medium is unsurpassed by any newspaper In boa ton. t3y Subscription Price. $5 per year. SOUTHEEN ” Exporting and Inijiortiiig COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. THIB association la prepared to make advances in carrency of Gold on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber, Sc., to their, agent In Liver pool. Orders solicited for goods from merchants and plan ters. The strictest attention will be paid to all order* however small, for goods (Tom England, France or Germany. Our Savannab fed Charleston Agents, being salaried, make no charge for forwarding either way and will furnish circular ol details. R. F. FLO ID. President. Jacksonville Fla. Aura-re:—.E. T. Paine, Liverpool England; H. E. Screv-n, Charleston, BC.I Henry Bryan, Savannah, Ga 3 mot Mpia ' - npawn stw. a*. G. B. & G.W. LAMAR • .mi General Coamission Merchants. FOKYV A KDISG AMD XIIirPINO AOKYTS SAVANNAn. C.EORGIA. rndcn*!gne«] have this day formed a Copart a nership onder the name arid style of G. B. and G.W Lamar, tor the transaction of n funeral Com misnion, Forwanlimr aud Business andoficr their M»rvlce« to their friends atol the public. Office in Jone*’ buildings Bay Wreef, few doors East of Claghoru A Cunuinghuiu. (up ntalrs.) Refer to <-eo. \V. Anderwm. Esq. savannah; John C. Ferrtll, Esq., Savannah; G B. Lamar, - nvanaah ; Wm. E Jackson. E*q , President Angnsta Fa tory ; Messrs. Josiah Sibley A Sons Angusta; J B. A J. W. Walker, Augusta. 6 O. B LAMAR Ja. sep3o>im U. W. LAMAR Ja. F.M. MYRELL, STEAaMBOAT AGENT, GENERAL CfMMISSJO.V AND FOR WARIIMi MERCHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Harris' Pnlldlcgs, Cd door west of A. Low <& Co.*e. Refers to Messrs. Hunter A Gamme!!, Cr«ne, John son A Graybili : Bell, Wylly & t’bristmn ; Bothwell A Whitehead; Miller. Thom is & Cos.; M A. Coheu, E'sp scp’dMf Wm. H. Tisoff. Wm. V*’. Gobi»o>. Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 06 BAY STREET, Special att.mlon will be given to tbe sale of Lumber, Hi elo, Turpentine, octii-tf I>. 11. BALDWIN & €O., COMMISSION MEROIIAMW, 17§ Pearl Street, New York. DH. B M>win,) N - York J. F Cummings / * >ew *orß - liMOUAM. » h out4-3m C, M lloisr. < yavw " ]1 ‘ & ' A: S. Rartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING HEaCBANT, 32 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. wtl4-tf JAMES B. CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN- Groceries, Provisions, W i nes and Liqners, XTI BROA.D STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDSRS ofMerchandiec wiehinc to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en. trusted to thorn, and prompt returns made ut the most jijsou able rates. sep4-3m Wm. H. Burroughs & Cos. am* COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JF No. y 7 Ray afreet, .savannah, Ga. For the Bale of Cotton and other Produce, Lumber, 'limber, Plan tation* aud all kind* of Real K*tate. We now oiler several Rlee Plantations near the city, a number of Cotton and Provision Plantation*; Timber lands, City Property, uiid a few lota iu the Mineral or North western parts of the State. sep26-lm JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOR, FOR W All UIV * j AND COMMISSION MER CHANT.. No. 94 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. octlO 6iu C. H. BENED.CT & CO., Xo. 8G Brotiil Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission Merchants, Dealers In Pruvt&ioue, Butter, Cheese, Ac, Special attention to Southern Orders Consignments uu Ucucral Merchandise solicit and. ceil* jm TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. KENNER, BENNETT ft BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vlsky St rest, ~kw Yona. Aud Memphis, Tenn. ifnouwa Fmaia Uiskv Btnna-rr, DW.Bow.veK. - Jyo on. CUAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping CoiHuaiaeion and Korwai-tliug MKKCH A N T S . -inNXS BLOCK, CORNER IIAY AJ.ll ABE&COBN STREET SAVANNAH, fiA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments to the Arm ol Chas. L. Colbv. of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE A WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. REFERENCES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan * Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, i&q., New Y'ork. Uol. J Wiley Edmonds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Bostou. sep 18—tt Woodwind, Baldwin A Cos., 110 Duunc Street, New York, 9 aud 11 liauover St., Baltimore. DRY UOODa COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal iadvHUceii inaae on CousiguiucuUs She- UsiinhurK* »ud Yaru». jyiQ HENRY BRYAN, Dbya> Street, mxt to Mraouants’ and PLANTERa* Ba.MC liriLDIMO, Broker and Commission Agent FOB SALK AND TURCUABE OP STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PKODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Cotton. 5 aoM> JOIN s. slums & to., Forwarding and Coinmisxioii v MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAM MIS' BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JHO. §. BAMM IB. in. Q. BAMMI6. CHAD. L, UATUZB auli t s A. T. CtTIVNINOUAM. "|j. y, rUKSI. CUNNINGHAM &. PURJSE^ F A 3sffwi .^ ) -5,"'.4 RDING anD commission MERcHANTK No. 4 etoddard’a Lower Blores, Bay street. Savannah. Ga. References—Unlit. Habersham & Pons, Hunter Qammi 11, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin & Cos.. Sr win A Hardee, Claghorn A Cunningham. aep4 3m ~ Commi—lon Dealer In ill kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRITTB aim PRODUCE, West WoaaiNaTON Msasn, Opposite 143 West at., bulkhead between Barclay and „ Veeeysto., _H EW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put up for the Southern market D» eodly COMMtMIOi MaaiHAktS. J. T. THOMAS & CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 117 Bay Street. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at a, Low Kates aa are accepted by any good Company. octU-lm SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON & CO., FACTORS, Forwarding & Commission MEBCHANTN, * RESPECTFULLY invite attention to onr facilities for the purchase or movement of Southern Products, aud will give prompt attention to ul! engi ne** entrusted to onr care. Intending to establish perm montly a House in Savanuah expert by strict business principles to merit and receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New Yi-rk or Europe, nnd will make ad vance* on same; licking, re-bnliug or mending all Cotmn before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expefise Incurred in Northern cnies by this process They solicit a portion of tbe business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining Mates. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, IW~ Pout Office Addreee, Lock Box *5. ocl 7-3 m Fordyce, Anderson & Janney, BANKERS un GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. THE undersigned have this day formed a Cos part nership under the Arm name of Fordyce. Ander son & Janmy. for the transaction of a Banking and Oencral Commission, Fi-rwarding and Shipping bus iness, aud offer (heir service, to their friends and the public. Liberal advances made on all Consignments to them for sale iu Savannah, or for shipment to thulr correspondent* In New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore. Refer to Messra. Hunter A Oammell, G. W. Ander son, Esq., G.- B. Lamar, Esq., Hold. Habersham & Sons. Office No. 10 Stoddard's Range, t'p-Statrs 8. W. FORDYCE, Huntsville, Ala. GEO. W. ANDhR ON, Jr., Savannah, tia. T. B. JANNEY. octl3 2w Nashville, Tcnn. BACON, CLARDY &CO. Cotton ani Tobacco Factors, NEW YO^K, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY HENRY BRYAN. WE do enll ely a Commission Bu»ine**, exerting ourgelve* to get the onttfide market quotation* for our pHtron*. Lihersl advances made on Cotton at Savanuah, and part al advance* on Cotton ready for shipment ut Au gusta, Atlanta and Mu^on. Planter*' orders filled. octl2-l m Vau Horn, Holyoke & Murray, General Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. 9 Stoddard’s Block, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Cues. Van Hoen, Uolvoee St Murray, Savannah, Ga. New York. Engaged exclusively in a Commission Business.with umpit and Hist daw storage Room, we most respect fuuy tender our services for the poichuscuud sale oi all ktuds of merchandise: octU-3m L. WAItROCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Coualgnmenti solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise aud cottou. octll-lm MAGKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205' Say Street, SAVANNAH, Ga. OFFER FOR SALE the following Goods, on the mu. reasonable terms. .iu bills Whiskey, Mountain Dew "i Km “ “ Buckeye lfvServe "5 •• “ Stag B-iurbon . IS V. “ 7i '^’ u i , i^ BoUrbon |- Weitern 60 “ •• Bourbon J OlsUilmtion 13 • “ Olu Family Rye 16 “ “ Old Kcciidud J r with a large aseortment of Port, SUerry and Madeira Wiuea, licidsick Jt Cos., aud Reymoud's « bampagues. liraudies, Cliuts Rums, Germun A Ridgewiiy bitters, Ac. In cu i j Lection with the above, we offer for sale Choice Family Fjour, Bacon Sides, Shoulder*. Lard, Ac, Liberal advances made on consignment to MACKY&BEATTIE, sep29-3m PHILADELPHIA, Pa. N. A. HARDEE & CO., Shipping, Commission and For warding Merchants, HAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will make liberal Cash Avaneeson conelguments to nur triends, Norton, Slaughter A Cos,, 44 Broad street, New York. octti-lm W. B. & T. E. RYAN, CENERAL COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants, Charleston and New York, WILL attend to the Hhipment and Forwarding of all kinds of Produce, and will keep on hand an assortment of Groceries, Wine* and Liquors. Consignments solicited. W. B. Ryan, i ITuob. B. Ryan, 60 Bast Bay, >• < 44 Beaver street. Charleston.) ( Ntftr York. octl7 1m IT. Gowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BAY STRBBT, ANDERSON'S WHARF, SAVANNAH. GA. ncbt-lm tOMHtMt** jUtfLVUAR**. SORREL BROTHERS,"” Shipping, Commission AMD Forwarding Merchants, S3 Bay Street, savannah, ga. tzrcuKrss: Messrs. H K. Canrtug, Son k Cos, N. Y. Messrs. Petsr V. King A 00., N. Y. Messrs. Fisher, Brothers A 00.. Baltimore Messrs. S. * W. Welsh. Philadelphia. National Bank. S.vatinah. Ga Francis Sorrel, ICaq . Savannah. Ga Chsp. Green, Esq . Savannah, Ga. T. R Bloom, Esq, Macon, Us. octlT im BRANCH, SONS 4007 BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AUGUSTA, GA. Office for the present at Georgia Railroad Bank. Titos. Branch & 00., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 90 Main street, Richmond, Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Banlcers and Commission Merchants, Syctmore street, Petersburg, V*. DEALERS in Coin. Foreign and Domes tic Ex change, Southern Bunk Note*, Stocks ana Bonds. Interest kilowed on Deposits. Collection* mad. tbronghont the United states, and special attention givt-n to the redemption of Southern Bark Note* for Bank*' account. Liberal Advance* made on con*ignment* of Cotton, Tobncco and other product* to their com>pondent9 iu Baltimore, New York, Liverpool, Bremen and Ant werp. fc»f*The undersigned for the last twenty five vearo an •'ffle* r of the Bank of Augusta, can now be found at the office of Messra. Branch, Sons 6 Cos.. Bankers and Broker*, Augusta, Ga., where he will be pleased to see hi* friend* and the public generally, pledging: his efforts o give satisfaction to all who may favor him wiih their patronage. Money will be received on Deposit, and Checks paid, ootio i5 Gfia w MORGAN. Cashier. A. W. STARBUCK & CO, GENERAL. Commission Merchants, 111 North Wntrr Street, Fhlladelpliia. Careful selections made on all orders for the Pur chase of Goods, nnd Consignments respectfully sollc- Bed, lm octill SCRANTON & MAGUIRE, Shipping' ami Commission Merchants 4S EXCHANGE PLACE. X K AV V ORE. OFFICE IS. Liberal advance* made on Consignment* of Cotton, Tobacco, aud other Southern Produce Order* for the purchase of Ooods in New York promptly attend ed to. BKFIBLNCtS: Scrnntou, Smith & Cos., Crane, .John&ou A Gray bill. A. Champion. 7 octftO E C. WADE. ft. 11. WADf. E. C. WADE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ISnviiniiiili, On. octfO 3m Dunn & Brown, SLIIPJPINO MASTERS, HAVTNG opened an office at No. 35 Bay street, be tween Habersham and Price i*treeK we are pre pared to furnish crews at the shortest notice, octll-lm NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the late Arm of E. Heidt A Cos., and Heidt, Jandori A Cos., will please cull and settle the same at the old staud, up stairs. E. HEIDT, OCt6-3m W. A. JAUDON. Paper and Rag Warehouse Warren & Platner, YITUOLE3ALE dealers in all kiud* of coarse and v v flue Paper* Envelops, Twine* and Paper Boxes. Bole Agent* in this city for the Bath Paper Mill*. The highest cash prices paid for Kags, Old Rope and Bagging and Waste Paper, in large or *maJi quantise*. octlcv-tf 210 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. Notice IS hereby given that neither the owners or agents of the Steamers AMAZON, GIBBONS aud LAURA, will be responsible for any debt, bill or contract made by any of the officers or crew of said eteameis unless made by written permission of ERWIN A HARDEE, For Agents and Owners. Jtto. L, RocmillEt, Agent on wharf. octlO ts Notice. THE Co-pnrtnershlp heretofore existing between JACKSON & WAKROCK was, on the 30th Sep tember dissolved by mutual consent. Tlie business will herearter be conducted by the undersigned, who will bo happy to receive a continuance of the pa tronage bestowed ou the late Arm of Jackson A Warrock. L. WAKKOCS. octll * f L 3500 TONS or ENGLISH RAILS, 4 Os best quality, 60xS9 per lineal yard. For .ale by FOWLE ft CO, Jut. 9 6m No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. ITCH! JTCH ! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH!!! Whenton’s Ointment. Will CURE THc ITCH IH FORTY-EIGHT HOURS. Also enre. Salt liheum, Ulcers, Chllblalas, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 60 cents For sale by all Druggists By sending 00 ccntg to Weeks A Potter, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Maas.. It will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United State*. sept2l-3m THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, mt Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly at ended to. iySl-tt B. W. Tilton, Agt., BSAinrrACTVxisR. T7IORMERLY Tilton, Worrsll ft Mscy, Southern r Carriage Worerooms, No. 616 Bn.adway, New York, Mannfactory—Mount Vernon. N. Y. octC-lm R. molinaT^ Corner Ball and Congress Streets, under. Screven House, TMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Havana So- is eehanm, Brier Root, and all other kinds of Fancy Pipe* eep3o-*m •AVAMaAU tUSINESft DIRECTORY, wioilmuon I [4 Kotlkrekr «t Cos. = • • SHIPPING »u t OMMIS-ION BIEfiCUAVTo Comer U J aud Whitaker .treet.. Prompt attmtlbn glivn to cnnrignmects of Hil. chaodtM- aud Produuvof al! kind. tairuUaaed and Uv.V "‘f- in Roe Vutary f. Cos., Uvneral Murthauu, No. Son Bay etreu:, above BenTird glrgcl au*4 MA. Cobra,. • FOKWARLING and COMMJisS'N MEfICILV.NT Office Home Ina. Cos , bk Bay st. Bell, Wylly & Ciaristiaia, AUCTION nrv KKAL COMMISSION AND FOltWAttni v ' mtItCHA.NTS Bay nr,^. AJI. ScrurbrougU 4 C,., e Mtasnnr MraeavsTS. I*o Cottgrew aud 47 Joitan at. Highest market priombaw for ijo,/.' w w ' 1 l Be “ w “- ctt Llbe "‘l AdTaucSmuSit^^”: Erwin 6i Hardee, CuMMIbBION MERCHANTS, O atreety SavapTia)! Q a> WINES, LIQUOIS, &c. AKOHhKB, NOItTHtJAST cOItNKf no - Broughton and JeSerson streets hoio ■ tor the State of Uootgiii, lor the .»lZ‘ \ Wlneeand * 01 Uahioruia I?. Koethelre 4k Cos., ~ m Groceries DKALEttS Tsrael K. Settly & to., CeTATr” A Ua"/iTrG°N K S au9 907 Hay »L, .ad Jeflereou, DRY GOODS! «■■ Cor. Cohgrraa and WLiitaker sts. John yicboHaghy, DEALEtt IN DBY GOODS. Ac. DIP Broughton street. Samuel M, Lcdcrar. Jni-t-e. Ketailer of Fisor AM, Sxavle Dav Goon. Boora avlfiu ' CuoTuieq, Hats, Ac. M * * «.. Wholesaje Dealer in Wuies, Li ill* quoits, Ssoakb, Fascv CauwS Ac ' IU ""-, P«™« Bull u<id Broughton sreeL? and L trMe 1 * attention paid to orders for the country J sepif.«.tf K. **• D «>°- D*wu in Ciioios Fssm.y LiT77u ft l-ue. Liqross, *r. “ I ■uutarouirlilon rutet ■. BILLIARDS, &c. jgtttUrrt Saloon. Br WALTih O'.MhAia ' u ALEr, W INKS, LIQCORS, Ao. Bay street, over Exprcus Office. S'" a Ch JJ r1 *'* (in rear of Post Office, i by CHOICE ItmLs aud U^UOteln'ed! 1 V^undi? Z__ _OAS FITTJNOr&r =S=R Weed A Corn well, Wholesale Dealers iu HAanwAas and Tin Wari —.— No. 159 and 191 Broughton street. TT t'rauaton, • PLI'MBKR AND GAS FITTER, SEGARS, TOBACCO Ac. U- Koetheckc & Cos., , Importers of Uenulue Iluvanu Sett.'ir. cotuer Kay aud Whitaker streets. SuvsaLh, Ga ®cps lm Lp Kolb. ~ 1 •.. ? K , UA B S ’ TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. dour fckiuth ot me Market. HUNTIKO, BTATIOAERY. Ac. vllle A heuth. LOOKeKU-EHS AND STATIONERS, Cor bryan street uuu Market square. \,| ttrking Ink, MANurAcrcarD and foi ealc bv ~ 1,1 DAVID U. GALLO» AT, ' Geo. N, Nicbola, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay st., betweeu Abercurn and Drayton. VV. .Huso 11 Oi Cu>, HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE No; lit Bay street WATCHES,TeWELRY, &c. F. D v.^" , “i , L D<>al< ‘ r .’ n WaiwraandjEwuEr, Wmu.SH ,nd , p 1 1 "“> v ' a*» FasovGooi* ,vc. tAT w tttchea anil Jenelry itepiureu. liv Cougresa st„ oppomte the Pulaski House. UAIlv DKKSSINU, P“ lb * r Sl» n P. I cor. Bull and wKi , l r>an r? t * SbavlLg, Hulr Cutuug, bhamuuuing, Wbiakera Dyed, Ac. Funcy.ftuape, Cologne, Neokljes aud other Fancy Aitides tor sate * ’ DRUGGISTS. Jos, W. Ciitti I*l. D, “ Cor. South Broad and Barnard-sts., Onto, Hotu 8-» to 10 A. M . and 4 to 5 P Jl„ EP* Residence—Air. Wash's, corner St. Julian „ud Lincoln Streets. M. Walsh, ~ • wholesale and retail DRUGGIST, ■mil Soiuheastcor. Barnard und Broughton nr. 1 A. Solomons Ji Cos., * WHOLESALE AND RtTAIL DIIUaGISTi. ir orders executed accurately uim wnh aesputih. BOOTS A>D SiiOiiS. A**** 11 • Jobber. In Men'*, Women'e. and chUdren’s Calf; beige and Kid BuOlb aid bUGEb, of oil Linda and quuliiien. 162 Congress st., 4th door North of tho Market so. V. Nichols, RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORK. 110 Broughton *t.. 2d door irom Buli, QUFFNSWAUK, &c. ED. Smyth, Qr EENSWARE, GLAsTaM) • CHINA, at WhoJeehle «nn Retail. 109 Broughton street, i!d door from cor. of Bail CONFECTIONERY. JK. Hernandez. • CONFECTIONBH—Wuoi.zsaIe and Retail MANIJFACTURER OF RUPB, CORDIALS AND FIN E CONFECTIONER? OF ALL KINLN. 140 Broughton street, two doors froru Barnards M Fitzgerald, • WHOIFSM.E ANT> TUtTAIL DfALFR IN CIDERS, LEMON STTtAWBEIiRY AMiRASrnERKI syi.lps, candies, jio., &>., or In any quantities, to suit Purchaecni. .Jl WHITAKER STKKi.T. SODA VVATgR. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTE* and ALE, CORDIALS SYRUPS, iu. Cor Bay and West Broad street* Borer’s Bitters The Oldeat and best renowned. la. FUNKE. 66 Liberty Street, sepl2-3mo NEW YORK. NOTRET mHE undersigned having aesodated thomrclvi gether under the Arm name ol LaHOCD E. GAB* 4 I'NCKLKS, for the purpaie of ti ansactine • •••£ ral Grocery, ai.d Commlw-lun Bneine*e, und i'-"'“s secured tile large and commodious fibre. c0r,,l rt Bay and Barnard streets, are now prepared tofeir any and all consignment* mads to them. 1 bev have extra rooms, suitable tor Dry Goods and t ' ' Artlclca, which, If accompanied by orvn. r. or nk c ' , are the best Iu the city ; from a long c-xp. rsencL thorough acqualntam e with the bnsiuea., tnsj “ G to give entire satisfaction to all making consitn® to them. . . . Liberal advances made on Cotton. Lumber, sc c signed to them for sals In Savannah, ur for f- i-” to their friends in New York, Bos'on or Bslt s lOl Laroche, gaden * Isaac D. Lasooic, *' B«nj. G. fliuu, David », Ukoku* Im w