Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 27, 1865, Image 1

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THJ4 sA VANMH [I UIA kM J ' i .---j— 1 J HXJLiX/# VOL. 1-NO. 242. ■fcHavannah Daily Herald V ' (MORNING AND EVENING) I 18 FTBLOIV *T ? M# W. MASON CO., I 1U IliT Stkxxt, SiVAWMH, Ownu. TCBUB: ■ fer Copy- $3 6U. ■ per .*lO uo, ■ perVoAT-** advertising: I iw.M-rs P« r Sqnare of Ten Lines for ■ fine Dollar for each rabaequent one. Ad ■> inserted in Ihe morning, will, il desired, mdie evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, livery ftvie. neatly ar.d promptly done. ty - TELEGRAPH I TO THE IpailyHe raid. IfHESTATEtOPIVENTION I Second Day, lIE QOVERHOR AUTHORIZED TO I BORROW HOHET. Mt. Lloyd, of Chatham, a member of the Committee on Business.. Warm Disciisftleu on the Memorial in be half of Jefferson Davis. ELOQUENT SPEECHES BY MESSRS. ANDERSON AND COHEN, OF CHATHAM. A. vil W T he Ordinance of Secession Re pealed* THE VOTE UNANIMOUS. The State Election to Take Place on the 15th of No vember. • ' Savannah Municipal Election on tbe First Wedneiday cn November. Etc, Etc., Etc. [Special Dispatch to the Savannah Herald.),, Oct.. 2stb, 1863, Mr. Keiman to-day intro U e 1 an ordi n nice authorizing the Governor to borrow sufficient money to defray all civil expenses due and incurred, uniil the regular sources of revenue shall replenish the treasury. The President of the Convention announc ed tle names of the committee of siiteeib, one from each Judicial District, appointed to prepare the business of the Convention. Hon. Thos. E. Lloyd,of Chatham, represents his District on this Committee The committed having returned, a resolu tion was introduced calling for a statement j of how much cotton had been at any time ; held by the State ; how much of this cotton had been captured, and how much had been burned; also whether the State held any as sets abroad, and to whose credit they were held. Mr. Anderson of Chatham, introduced a resolution for the appointment of a committee j of five to prepare a memorial to President Johnsdh, asking for the pardon of Jefferson ' Davis, Alexander H. Stephens, Gen. Mercer and other political prisoners. The resolution was opposed by Joshua Hill and Cbas. H. Hopkins. * Messrs. Anderson, J, F. Matthews of Ogle thorpe, and Solomon Cohen, made eloquent and feeling speeches in iavor of the resolu tion, which was finally passed by a large majority. ' „ } Mr. Jenkins from the Committee of six teen, reported the following Ordinance : An ordinance to repeal certain ordinances and resolutions therein mentioned, hereto ’ore passed by the people of Georgia in State Convention :—Wo the people of the State of Georgia in Convention at our seat of msnt, do declaro ant} ordain, that an ordi nance adopted by the same people in con vention, on the 19th day of January, A. D., 1801, entitled, “An Ordinance to dissolve the Union between the State of Georgia and the States united with her under a compact of government entitled the Constitution of the United States of Americaalso an Ordinance adopted by them on the lfith day of March, in the year last aforesaid, “An Ordinance to adopt and ratify the Constitu tion of the Confederate States of America and also all ordinances and resolutions of the same, adopted between the 16th day of Jan uary and the 24th day of March, in the year aforesaid, subversive of or antagonistic to the j civil and military authority of the Govern- i incut of the United States of America, under the Constitution thereof, be and the same are hereby repealed. j The ordinance was paasedaf, ter very littlo debate, unanimously. Air. Hill gave notice that he would move to reconsider this vote, in order to amend ao as to declare the action of the previous Con vention null aud void. Mr. Jeukins repotted au ordinance) to es tablish Congressional Distiicts and to pro vide for certain elecUous. The ordinance provides that au eleetion be held for Governor, memlters of Cong rest and the General Assembly, oo the lfftk day of November. It raakee amw apportionment of the counties of the Slate into seven Con grestional Districts. It also provides for an election of Mayor and Aldermen for the City ot Savanuah, to be held on the first Monday in December, UDdcr the usual laws aud regnlations, wiih the exception of the registry law, which ia dispensed with. The remainder of the session till two o clock, was occupied in debating upon the election ordinance, the question being upon a motion to postpone the day of the election to the first Monday n December. The mo tion was defeated. The Convention then adjourned till three o’clock in the alternoon. X. • Second Dispatch. Millkogeville, Oct. 26th, 1863. The erdiiance fixing the Stale election for the 15th dsy of November, and the municipal election iu Savannah foe the first Wednes day in November was passed iu the after noon session. Ayes, 233, nays 35. T. DEATH OF EDW’D C. LEGRIEL. Gen. Tilson. of the Freedman’s Bn reau, to Address the Convention [SpeplalDlspatch to tlie Savannah Hbbild] Millkdoevillk, Oct. 26, 1865. Edward C. Legriel, a well know and high ly respected citizen of Savannah, died in Macoq on Wednesday. Hia disease was coßaUliptlon. Biij Gen. Davis Tillson, Chief Commis sioner of the Frcedmen’s Bureau for the State of. Giorgia, has been invited by resolution to the members of the Convention on Riday night. T. CtSXff. HOWARD IN SAVAN NAH. HU ADDRESS TO THE FREEDNKN YESTERDAY. TU. of the Bureau Explained. THE NEW RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE FREEDMEN. They are Charged to make Contracts. THE WHITES NOT THElli ENEMIES. The Abandoned to be Restored to their Own nets, and all Bounties from the Govern ment to be Withdraws? Agreeably to tbo notice which appeared in tie papers of yesterday, Gen. Howard, Chief cf the Bureau of Freedmen, addressed a re fpeCtable assemblage of the colored people of this city, tast evening, at the 2d Baptist Church. Ho spoke in substance as follows -. The General commenced by saying that bo bad been assigned to tbe responsible position be occupied by tbe President, to superintend tbe development aud execution of tbe po.icy adopted by tbe Federal Government with reference to tbe Freedmen, and to relieve as •'ar as practicable tbe shock that must neces sarily follow tho sudden emancipation of the slaves, which comprehended iu its range tbe management of tbe abandoned lands, tbe education, as far as pracdcable, of tbe col ored children, and the relief of those whose actual necessities demanded it of the Gov ernment. | WitU regard to tlie question of labor, he ! informed them that the Government had set I them free forever, but it had not stopped work. Formerly they did not receive the ! earnings of their labor, these were now se cured to them. Heretofore they had families from whom they were often separated, this this would never be again. He urged them lo provide lor their families, not only to leed and to clothe them but to educate them. As many ot them were refusing to make la bor coutracts for the ensuing year under the vague notion that Government would do something tor them, he earnestly desired them to disabuse their minds in this particu lar, alsoq aud hence the necessity for their making contracts with the owners of the lands and stick to them in gooii faith. When the contract was made they were to un derstind that the employer was entitled to all their labor, and for which they should be paid fair and liberal wages. He notified them that tiio- military would in all proba bility, soon be removed, and that they must then look to the white residents for counsel and protection, until laws were passed se curing them tlie full eojoymentof ail their rights as freemen. He assured them that he did j not believe that tbo great mass of the | Southern people were unfriendly to them, but that they wero prepared to trust tbem, I kindly and honestly if the colored people j would meet them half way. He did not be lieve that the whites bad the least desire to oppress tbem, and be urged tbem to slay in tbe neighborhood, where they were, and to show by their good conduct'and habits of industry that they were worthy of their free dom. He advised them strenuously not to resort to the cities, as they could not support themselves there, and would suffer lor the necessary comforts of life. With regard to the abandoned lands of Georgia, he remarked that the Government had determined to restore them to their owners, as they were pardoned by the Exec utive of the uatiou. Tnat it would be un just in tlie Government to confiscate these lands lying generally on the-coast, when the people ol' the interior, who had been equally rebellious, were not treated in like manner, j That equality in the dispensation of justice i should be observed throughout the South, I without reference to locality or color, when there were no legal impediments in the way. If they wanted land they must go to work in good earnest, suve money, and make requir ed put chase in a regular way. He knew of a colored man who bad, by his own honest I industry, accumulated $15,000 iu the last four years. I Al.tiding to the subject ot education, be | assured tbem that much had, beeu done, and much more would be accomplished by both i ; Northern and Southern Committees for the education of colored children, aud that they must bd ambitious to do all in their power lin the same direction—that in order to enjoy I ibe blttsilogg of freedom aud make goodelu zeut they must be improved t»y education. | Tousbiag the matter of relief In various I ways here inline grauied by the Government, I he stated emphatically that be bad been in •triKte I by the War Department to grant reliet In future to tuoh only us were entirely Unable to help Uiuiusklws. All others must tor bjr NM and thilfiy Tta truly sensible sod Interesting remarks SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1865. of Gen. Howard, appeared to be in the high est degree acceptable to the intelligent por tion of his colored audience and to a consi derable number of our citizens, both mili tary and civil, who were attracted thither by the interest of the occasion and the high character of the distiogusbed speaker. Two Days Later Mail from - New York. The steamer Leo, which left New York on the 21st inst., arrived here yesterdey even ing. The Leo left New York iu company with the steamships Raleigh, Chase and Idaho for Savannah; the (Quaker City, for Charleston, aud the George Cromwell lor New Orleans. She kept company with the Quaker City and George Cromwell as far as Prying Pan Shoals, where they were on Monday night. At miduight lost sight ot both ships in a storm; lay to in a hurricane for thirty-six hours, split sails, etc. On Wednesday passed a lot of wrecked goods, chairs, etc., apparently cabin furniture. We ate indebted to Purser P. A. Slocum for our files of New York papers. European New. By the Scotia, with dates of the Bth inst. ' Nearly all the prominent men whose names were associated with the rebel cotton loan have now- denied their connection with that remarkable speculation. Secretary Reward’s letter to Mr. Adams, otH Minister in London, with respect to the Prioleau cotton bonds decision, continues the subject of hostile comment in England, though the French papers in the main ap prove of it. Cholera had spread to Paris. From Blexieo—celebration of the Birth day of tlic Republic. In the city of El Paso, President Juarez’s capital, the anniversary of the birth of the republic was celebrated on the Isth and 16th of September by the ringing of bells, firing of cannon, orations, illuminations, great enthusiasm among the people, a grand ball and ether cetemonies. Many American of ficers were present. The imperialists in Matuinoias had two splendid balls on the 1 Till aud 24th of September, In honor of Mexican independence and the birthday of General Meja, the commander there, which alsofwere attended by several United States officers, including Generals Steele and Weit zei. Six thonsand imperial troops were ex pected at Monterey on the 25th of Septem ber, to reinforce thoso on the Rio Grande. Maximilian, it is said, has issued a decree directing that no vessels be admitted into Mexican ports which cannot show proper papers from a consul of his empire in the port whence they sailed. THE NOIiTH CAROLINA CONVENTION. The Ordinance Prohibiting Slavery to he Snbmitted to the People. President Johnson Advises Re pudiation. The North Carolina- Convention unani mously adopted an ordinance submitting to a vote of the people the ordinances forever prohibiting slavery and declaring the seces sion ordinance null and void. An ordinance to scale down both the old and new debts of the State to a gold basis, consolidate them, aud issue new bonds in lieu of the old ones, was introduced aud laid over. It provides that none of the debts incurred by the State to aid the rebellion shall be recognized. A resolution requesting Congress to repeal the test oath imposed on the national legislators was introduced and also laid over. 'The Convention, after considerable discussion on the matter, has decided to ag.uu meet, after the conclusion of the present session, in May, 1806. Before adjourning the ordinance prevent ing the Legislature from assuming any por tion of the State debt contracted to aid the rebellion was passed. The Rsleigu papers have published a despatch to Governor Holden from President Johnson, in which the latter declares that every dollar of indebtedness in curred to assist the rebellion should be repu diated finally and torevef, aDd hopes that North Carolina will wash hdr hands of every thing that partakes in the slightest degree of the attempt to sever her connection with the Union. THE WIRZ TRIAL.. Tli« Argument for the Prosecution. Wiiz military commission met again yesterday, when the reading of the argu ment of Judge Advocate Chipman for the prosecution was commenced. Altogether, it consists of five hundred and fifteen manuscript pages, three hundred and fifteen of which were read during yesterday s s.-asion, leaving still two hundred pages to be gone through to day. It ranges over an extensive field, re plying to the objections which have been urged t*the jurisdiction of the court and an alyzing the immense mass oi testimony ad duced on the trial. Colonel Chipman divides his address into the four parts of a defence of military juris diction in such cases as this, an examination of the evidcuce and a portrayal of the hor rors of Anderaonville, an elucidation of the matter alleged conspiracy on the part of cer tain rebel officials to torture aud starve na tional soldiers to death, and a presentment of the guilt of Wirz, on all of which he ar gued at considerable length. Tbe responsi bility of Jeff. Davis, as the head of the rebel confederacy, for the sufferings endured by the captured defenders of the Union is in sisted upon. On the conclusion of the read ing of the argument the case will be subnflr ted to tbe members ot the court, who, after deliberating on it in secret and arriving at a decision, will transmit the result of their la bors to the Executive Department, and thus j end their connection with the matter. THE PEItUV CONGRESS. The Proceedings Still Secret. The Now York Herald of tbe 21st, says the proceedings of the Fenian Congress at Phila delphia are still enveloped iu comparative se crecy. Tbe secretaries affoffl only a brief outline of the business transacted, and that of a chancier whose publicaiion is not pre judicial to the objects of the fraternity. Dur ing yesterday, however, it was evident from the glad faces aud earnest hand-3hakings of the delegates that the Congress had decided upon some important measure, U lO develop ment of which is intimately coimectoU with the success of their plans. Funds are piom ised the movement in great abundance. The members of tbe Congress are personally to subscribe half a million of dollars. THE LATB OALH. Dot mottos of Shipping on Use New Eng land Coast. A tremendous gale prevailed during the day aud night ol'iViu 18tb, aud 19th iustaut; along tbe New England coast It wss very •evvre, and did much damage to tbe ship ping. We have already a list of between twelve and tweuly vessels of different cist- ses which suffered in some degree, one of them being sunk, some stranded, and others being Injured to a less extent. Some lives also were lost, though how many has not yet been positively ascertained. Fearful Hurricane iu tbe Indies. Files of late West India papers furnish us additional details of the terrific hurricane, heretofore noticed in our columns, which swept over some of those islands on the 6IU <>l last month. In Guadaloupe it was parli- I cularly severe. Houses were lifted from the ground, torn to pieces and blown iu frag ments to a considerable distance, and the air was filled with the dying debris. In one towu a hospital was blown down, and all Us inmates were either killed or wounded. Be tween two and three hundred persons altogether were lulled.the crops of the island were destroyed, scarcely a tree was left staudiug, and it is believed that many ves sels were stranded or sunk • The Piciric Kaii.boad.—This great enter prise is not dropped, though, owing to the greater importance of matters near at hand, we hear less ot it than would otherwise be the case. Engineers are at work on the Pa cific end, as well as on the route from Neva da eastward, and it is announced that their efforts to discover a practicable opening through the Sierra Nevada mountains have been finally crowned with success. This lo cation was all that remained before a very energetic movement began iu California.— | The Ilerra Nevada stretches. along the east ern boundary of the Stale, between Califor nia and Nevada, from Tulare county to Ore | goD. Its Southern extension runs into the coast tange. The Sierra is lofty, ragged aud inhospitable, with lew passes available lor railway use. The engineers now announce, however, that they have discovered a spot where they can construct a road from the summit ot the mountains to the Tucker river, on a grade not exceeding ninety feet per mile. The most sanguine bad expected one hundred and five feet. This discovery will be felt by the enterprise in a favorable manner, and will tend to make the construc tion earlier as well as easier. The opening leads naturally to Salt Lake city, which was a way station on the route originally pro posed, as it is for the mail road to-day. Those who have au interest iu this gigan tic undertaking,which daily seems to assume new strength and more substance, will be 1 glad to learn that so many months of cx ; ploration in an uncongenial region have been crowned with success aud that the grade is so much less thau was expected. The diffi culties to be encountered in the range thread ing Utah and Colorado are far inferior to those in the Sierra Nevada; and from Utah the work of construction is comparatively easy. It is probable that the discovery just made will give new file to the undertaking, and that au effort which is encouraged by both extremes of the country, and felt to be of paramount importance by all, wifi now he pushed more energetically. When we cou j uect what has been done in California, with , what is done and being done from the banks of the Mississippi westward, we have rea sons lor believing that, vast aa the effort is, it maj' yield beioro vigor and energy, and that We may soon hear of the more active pro gress oi the greatest engineering work ot the age —Philadelphia American. Shop Lifting. —Tho Atlanta New Era incurious a case of four females visitiug the stores in that city, one of whom was detected stealing, and Upon examination was found to hav6 concealed in a sack upon her person, three parrs of pants, four vestg, two hoop skirts, three belts, two pairs of garters, fourteen yards delaine, one head-dress, one card of buttons, two pairs of shoes, and three waterfalls. She must h&vo had a capacious pocket. I'KoFKSSIOVAI, l Alio-,. Woodford & Bitch, 'T T O R. N - K Y S A NJ> COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 11l Broadway, Trinity Bnilding, •NEW YORK CITY. THE undersigned having resumed tfio practice of the Law, fi prepared to take charge of cases be fore the in New York aud at Wash ington. w in BTEWART L. WOODFORD. _ Henry Williams, attorney at l*aw, OEFICE NO. 113 BAY STREET, fOver the Herald Reading Room,) oct!4-tf SAVANNAH, Oa._ Gno. R. Black. Rufus E. Lestex, BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, OA. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson & Lester, comer of Bay and Barnard streets. octl4-lf TUGS CORWIN, WML hToWKN, THOS. WILSoN, or OHIO. Lira oot. q.m.o. 4lr low*. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johueton, Corwin A Flnnell.) ATTORNEYS „ AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFpK K, in F STREET, nub TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D.O. Will practice In the Supreme Court of the United Stales, the Court of Ctaiims and tho Court* oi the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment business. Officers Aceounts adjusted. anSO 3m GEORGE A. MERCER, -A- ttornev at Law, \o. 113 Bay utrect, over Savannah Herald Olllce. The toookfl of account aud unfinished business of Gordon A Mercer a-e in his haud*, aud he U fully au thorized to collect the dues aud continue the business of said firm. lw* oct2B osTbundy, Gonornl Agent AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. S4T F Unsxrr, Between 13th end lira Street,. (Near Pay Department,; Wnshington, X>. O. jus« tt Grits and Meal. fAJLLEMi! MILL REOPENED.. Having pure,.a.- VJT .and the entire interest from Mr H. t.lTlem In his large and ■ xttu.ive Mill*, on tbs corner of Itabershen 1 street and Perry ttr<y>t lane, we are now prepared to furtileh Grist snd Musi at favorable rate* c.,ru will b« sold reasonable. All orders promptly ailed. octU-lm turn NQTT),N a HAHKISON. Brown’i standard Hewlett. TTBKD by tbs United Status and Foreign Govern- U merrte (hr more than THIRTY YEARS, Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or home markets Warranted ao-orale sail durable. mk topVt om I RAILROADS. Central Railroad i; SmOTSSI. •iBBT-Yfo -^M>. 4+_tkP'..Xn* .-Utts LUPKRINTENDENT*fI OFFICE, ) O buvummh, Ga., October 2, 1865./ N aud after Monday, 2nd inst-, a daily train (Sun days will leave lor Auguet* at 6 a. m., connecting with a line of Hacks running between Station 4V» Central Railroad, and Wayuenboro on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Pussengers l>y thin hue will arrive in Augusta the next morning uftoi leaving Savannah in time to get break lami and connect with the Georgia Ituilroad train for Atlant*. Freight to go by Passenger Train most be prepaid aud delivered at ihe Dejiot the night before. By order of GEO. W ADAMS, General Superintendent. Central Railroad * SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, 1 Savannah, Oct, lutll, 1366. / This Com [.any Is now, in connection with H. J. Dlckcrouu X Co.'s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Auiruata. Macon. Atlanta Ac., dally from twenty to thirty Chous* .and pounds of Freight, and go through in from three to six days. Ship Freight aud other expenses must be paid by Shippers. Railroad freight can be paid h-tra des tination. Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid <IXO. W. ADA MS, ““I General Superintendent. STATION Bit Y, SBC. ESTILLS Newspaper Depot, AND— STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street. Corner oi Bay Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. NEW IVOVEXjS. Jnrt Received at tho above Depots further supply of THB BUSIi-UANUKU’B, OR, ADVKN- TiTiES IN AUSTRALIA. MAJOR JONES' COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT, Price 60 Leslies' Ladles Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mad, Deni meats’ Mirror or Fashions. Price 40 Ota. THE ROGUE# AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price $5 cents. ALSO HARPER'S MONTHLY, GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK' ATLANTIC MONTHLY, do., for OCTOBER. The usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, aag3o THE CHAEIESTON DAILY HEWS Can be had at ESTILL’S News Depot and Cheap Periodi* cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF IHE POST OFFICE. »ep26 TO travellers! Hew and Cticai PuijUcations. Artemas Ward: his Travels, $1.60, The Lost Will *sso cents. Gus Howard, 76 cent*. Vernei 'a Pride, $1.50. The tfuree of Chiton, $1.50. Swcrd and Gown, SO cents. Great Expectations, 75 cent?. The Cbannmvs, sl. The Castle's Heir, $1.60. Guy Livingstone, $1.60. Major Joues' Courtship, sl. Major Jones' Chronicles of PinevlUe, sl. Polly Pesblossom’s Wedding, sl. And other Novels, at BSTILL’S NEWSPAPER and PERIODICAL BTORE, oct7- Bull street, buck oi Post Olhce. NEW SELECT MUSIC. Beautiful Dreams; Katie s Secret; Y« Merry Birds, German Song; Tenting on the Old Camp Giound;. When Johnny Comes Marching Home; Trump, Tramp. Tramp, (Prisoner’s Hope j Spanish Orange Girl; kvuDgeiine; Maiden, Awake from thy Slumber*; Mother Kissed me iu my Dreamt; Kitty Wells. Just received 0024 JOHN C. SCHBEINEB A SONS- Cooper, Oleotts & Farrelly Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GA. THE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of Cooper, Oleotts ar.d Fa.Teily, for the transaction of a Wholesale aud Re tail Book and Stationery Basinets at the old stand of John M Cooper & Uo M uorth west coiner of Whitaker and St. JuiLui Streets, JOHN M. COOPER. WILLIAM H. OLCOTT. DANIEL G OLCOTT. oct23 eodlm STEPHEN FARRELLY. HOTELS. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, 8. C., NOW OPEN TO* THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY le BANCROFT, Proprietors. Edward L. Jones, Agent. ts octlO GILMORE HOUSE, % flonument Square; Baltimore, Barylaod. THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL has been newly far nit»hed throughout, and is now ready for tbe re ception of guests. octC-lm *KIRELAND A CO. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RUO O , Proprietors K. 8. RIT>DELL. M. V. SCO#. ja3-tf MILINERY GOODS. Xhave Just returned from New York, and have brought out one of the treat selected stocks or Milinery Dress Goods AND HOSZBR7, Pver brought to this market. The Goods wttl he sold cheap. I will receive weekly tho latest styles of Milinery under Sorlvc-u House, Corner of Bull and Congress Street lame. era-lino MRS. PHASE NOTICE. TIIE undersigned promises to Oars Seminal Weakness In sll Its worst forms without tbe u*« of medicine— ORYOOOD6 AND CLOTHING. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. LATHROP & CO., Coraer Congress and Whitaker Streets, TXTILL open to-day, and are prepared to exhibit their » V stock of Good,, bought exprewly for the South ern Trade, consisting In part of— Ladles’ Dreae Good* and Trimming, Shawls, Ribbons and Buttons Cloaks, Sacques, Mantillas, Ac Ffhnch Merino and Opera Flannel French and English Cambrics Black Bombasine, Cash mere and Crapes. White Goods. Jaconet and Nainsook Muslin Bishop and Victoria Lawns Plaid Jaconets said Brilliant, India Twills and Swiss Muslin. Embroideries. French Wrought Muslin Bets French Wrought Cambric Sets Rsal Lace Seta Embroidered Handkerchiefs Black Lace Veils H. 8. lawn and Cambric Handkerchiefs. Hosiery AND Gloves Ladles’ English White Cotton Hose Ladles’ English Brown Colton Hues Misses’ and Boys’ Cotton Hom Kid, Silk, Lisle and Woolen Glove*. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Linen Table Damasks Doyle., Napkins and Towels Linen Diaper, Crush and Towels Counterpanes Bleached 10-4 Cotton Sheetings Bed Blankets, Irish Linen, Ac. GENTLEMEN’S WEIR. Black Cloths and Casalmeres Fancy Casslmerea and Vestings Satinets, Tweeds, Au Merino Shirts Brown English Cotton Half Hose Mixed Meriuu Hull Hone Fancy Ties, Paper Collars, 4c. We will make weekly additions to our Stock, and trust In a short time to fblly meet the wants ot our friend*. LATHROP & CO. octii • lm To Merchants, YTISITING the city, we would be pleased to *how V our block, which we propose to sell at fair prices. 002* lm LATHROP A CO. H.HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN DRY GOODS HOUSE Wholesale and Retail. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Blankets, Sbawls and Cloaks —the newest styles. Also- Clothing, Hats, Boots and •Shoes, &c., <fcc. NO auction or damaged Goods. Nothing but regular desirable artielee. All goods sold low aud on liberal terms. Having re-opened the above establishment, where I Intend to keep a well selected Slock of the choicest Good., and having been long known in the business, I return my acknowledgments to my former friends and customers, and would solicit from them a contin uance oft h* liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on me. H. HAYM, 174 BROUGHTON bTREKT, oct23 ts Savannah. Ha, DRY GOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OP Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, &c., Ac., &c., Remarkably Cheap for Cash, CAN BB FOUND AT JY.. Readier «b Oo’a., » BARNARD STREET, COB. CONGRESS LANK. Comprising a general Assortment o t Foreign and Domeutlc Goods, Cloaks. Shawl*, £e. N. B—By strict attention to bn*lne*e, courteous and honorable dealing with oar customers, we trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large Una el Whit* Goods and Linens not* open, octie STEELE & BURBANK, It Merchant! How, Hilton Hand, So. Cos CALL to attention of Wholesale and Retail pat chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AMD MAVAL CLOTHIKU, PRICE. 5 CENTS ini’RARCB. INTERNATIONAL LUiTRIME CfIJIPLM, OF THE CITY OF NEt YORK. s^!! h , Capitn1 ’ *1,000.000 oo Jan. I.iSaCS, 1204,108 40 _ 4 , ' 81,804,188 40 -Lotal LiahiUuew, $lB 60. b) l lako’jvbi rlnTh * JAjTNET are prepared to any domest r t l ?** under their Open Pohcie- Oh^t^SSSt^ * per cenr. writes insuring wrn l t » be allowed'o , - OCtl4-2«r insurance: Authorized lapital—slo,4oo,ooo. nHARUJS L COLBY * CO. are prepared to take Hurine Rieka to ony domestic or foreign dost and Fire Risks in this city hi the drst class New York Companies AT THE LOWEST HATES COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY $6,000,000 MORRIS FIRE AND INLAND INBUR ANCB COMPANY s,ool\ooo OMMKRCE FIRS INSURANCE OOMPY.. WO.OOO STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE OOMP’Y.. 200,000 Block ’ eor - BoT and Abercorn its. octl COrner Bryan streets. FINANCIAL. EXCHANGE On Hew York. Boston, PUlaOelpkia Baltimore & A must!, Bousht and Mold. Also, specie, Southern Bonds, Stocks and Bank Notes. Loans on time negotiated, Apply to FORDYCE, ANDEBSON * JANNBY. « No. 10 Stoddard’s Range EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK For tale by «g$ BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 OO Sight Exchange ON VE¥ YORK, In sums to salt purchasers, by _sep2«jf . E. F. METCALFE & CO. Notice. ASSESSOR’S OFFICE, I laiTXt) Scatss Intkemal Bktxnux, V bavsr.nah, Oct. la, 1566. j f lcarl J' the organization of tha District. I hereby notify the public that Ism instruct ed Ui make an nume Jio au--oßßm e nt for the year 1964, (a» the Tax Is now past due; at Confederate price*, upon Incomes of e' cry description. The Tax to Is 6 per cent. ; above ihat amouut Indefinitely, 10 per Cent, upon ell gross receipts The E, 111 " »r« t( ‘ j’* made In United States currency at W w "“ *°jfh In Confederate money at that time. Any Information th® citizen* muv (ietjln* will h» choerfnlly gh en, and 1 will of course be as indulgent allotviae'to'be ° ll,Pr< ' 3 *a?f the Government will c. H. HOPKINS. _ _ 14 . ..... Assessor First District. LAND AGENCY FOR _ SOUTHERN GEORGIA. T H „?^ b, r. lb ‘‘ r - £ , 1 rm « rl y of -avaimah, and resident A at lilackahear, Plei cv county, Ga on thn I*™ S&'S/SZ vidtd attention to the sale and out chase nf T mmi* contlguou* to the said railroad, on conimiPHion, and solicit* the patronsge ot all needing an agent there nriTrS > ? cr^yc m :h ® ,ai lumber and timber busi ness of twenty >unrs in Georgia and South Carolina =K.,*;r, t £,s£f« " e fl-™ to any old resident In Savannah. *’ seplS 3m Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 1863. Bltck Dark Green Ksf ,lk mssr Light Blue mX Fioucb Blue Maroon Claret "Brown Oranvt Dark Brown Pink Light Brown Purple Souir Brown Royal Purple Cherry Samoa Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab slate Light Drab Solftrtuo Fawn Drab tdolst Light Fawn Drab Yellow gsußnf- 1 * Rats, Feathers, ( bilfiren's Clothing, ' and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. 4T A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. .Ah - For tt cents yon can color as many goods as would otherwise cost live tin es that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The prooeaa is simple, and any one can use the Dye with perfect success. Directions In English, French and German inside of each package. HOWE A STEVENS, For sale by druggists and deidera generail? 3 * 1011 ‘ ectlo-Cm “VSOIiPBO WOLf B,” Mil Beaver Street, New York. Offers for sale of his own importations, in bond and doty paid, the largest stock of Wines, Liquors, to, of any other house in this country, comprising in part of Otard, Hennesy, PUtet CsatlUpn, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in hair, quarter,and eighth casks: also Otard snd Ronyer, Laferrelere and FUa Brandy, In cases of one dozen each. Udolpho Wolfe’t Schiedam in pipes. Schisdsm Aromatic Schnapps, in bond and doty paid, in firry of one dozen quarts and two doasn pints. “Whisksy anil R mm .-> Scotch and Irish Whiskey, in hhds, snd cases of one o^d n o^? OWb<>,l WW * kej barrels and cates ol B.TTM. “Mmatoi" sad “St. Croix Jtum" in hhds. and cases of one dasen each. Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines. More than twenty different grades, in halves, qnar tars and eighth casks, also in esses of one dozen each. “Ilork, Champagne, Moselle and Claret Wines.” From Peter Arnold Mamm In Cologne, proprietor of Joannisbnrg estate; J. H. D. Becker A File: Bathe nancer, Benccko* Cos., Bordeaux Barton A Gosstin. Uordeanx, and from other well known house* in Ger many and France. Ona, Coboials, 8*01)1!,**, Dittos, Mwraan, Olive*, Beanos. r*«a**v** to Twenty-live years' buuneka iransasUons with the Southern States, with some of tho largest snd most respectable dealers jbonW be sufficient g oar antes that every srtiele offered by to advertiser for esle is purs and geo ulna Samples can be seen, eod catalogue ol price* ob Island, by addressing the above. sags It*