Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 28, 1865, Image 1
THE SAVANNAS DAILY HERALD. VOL. I—NO. 243. * The Savannah Daily Herald (MOKNINO AND SVENWG) IB PUBLISH O' HT XV. MAHON 4*c CO.. Al iu Bat Steki, *av»nnaii, Gboikha. ....Five Cents. per Copy. • •. Per Uuuoreo — »iu 00. Per Year a i) v K hi it) l no: .. .1 lPa >\ur square o! Ten Linea tor first li»- T ANARUS"" U V i foreftrt. subsequent one. Ad Nr y" n incite* 111 the morning, will, if desired, Tiur m the evening without exlra char*. JOB PHINTINO. in every style, neatly and promptly done. kater rroul Kew York. Tin Mexican Bond* nil Provided tor. SALE OF GOVERNMENT VESSELS. SF.GRO INSURRECTION IN JAMAICA. Mobile Cotton Market, etc., et*L, etc. The Mexican Loan In Hew York. New Yowl, Oct. 24.—A gentleman in this city has expressed his intention of taking all the Mexican bonds as soon as they are in the market. It is understood that the agents ot the loan will not interfere in any way' with the negotiation of the sale. Sale of Government Vessel*. Washington, Oct. 24.—At the sale of gov ernment vessels to day, *082,700 was real ized. TUo steamer Ben Do Ford brought $ 148,000. Insurrection In Haytl. Halifax, N. S., Oct. 24.—Halifax papers report a negro insurrection in the eastern part of, Jamaica. H. M Steamer with the 17th regiment and a field battery of Royal artillery, will leave for J amaiea soon. Various Matters. Boston, Oct. 2\. —Commander John L. Missroon, U. 8. N., Ordnauce Officer at Charlestown Navy Yard, died yesterday. Services over tuie remains of Commodore Downs, U. S. N., who died at New' Orleans on the 27th alt., tpok place to-day. Philadelphia, Oct. 24 —The fair for the Soldiers' and Sailors’ Home was regularly opened to day and visited by thousands. Mobile, Oet. 24.—The cotton market to day closed dull at 50. a 52c. Gold *1 51 a 1 52. important Remarks of President John. son on Reconstruction and Suffrage. A despatch from New York dated Oct. 23d, gives the substance ot some late impor tant remarks of the President upon his views ou reconstruction and negro autfruge, as fol lows : The substance of President Johnson’s re marks ou the subject of reconstruction in me Southern States, during a recent private interview with him, is given, with the Presi dent's approval, by Major George L. Stearns of Massachusetts. The President, in reply to the remark that the Democrats claimed that he had gone over to them, intimated that the Democratic patty had discovered that he was in advance ol it, and that it was now trying to seem up to his staudard, and he hoped it would succeed in so doing. He re enunciated his doctrine, that notwith standing the secession ot certain States, they were never out of the Union—but by their rebellion* course they had forfeited their civil government, to reconstruct the machin ery of which, as soon as possible, he con siders the chief duty of the tithe. This he says cannot be done in a moment, hut such great and happy progress is beiug made in it. that the results sometimes appear to him like a dream, He did not expect to forever be deprived of their former civil rights,eveu a majority ot those who were excluded in the amnesty proclamation, but he intended that they should sue for pardon, and thus realize the enormity of their crimes. ‘ N He is in lavor of allowing those negroes' who served in the army, those who can read and write, and those who are possessed of certain qualifications, to vote, but does not think it political, or that he has a right to” force these conditions on the white people of the South, though he believes they will, ere long, concede ibis privilege to the freed men. The President also favors basing re piesentation upon the number of qualified voters instead of on the population, as at present. An Oefice under the U. S. Government Declined. —Tbe Selma Messenger says that Hon. W. M. Brooks, of Perry county, has dt clined to accept the office of Assistant U. S. District Attorney for that district, because his sense of duty will not permit him to pro ceed against the person or property of any one for political offenses committed in sup port of the Southern cause. Important Action op the Mississippi Leg islature.—ln the Mississippi Legislature.on the isth iust., a proposition to place the na tional Hag over the State Capitol caused con siderable debate; hut H was finally carried by a large majority. The person elected State Printer is an editor who has advocated tbe admission of negro testimony in the Courts, which lad is I ( guided as a straw .-howing the direction ot tbe legislative wind <>u this vexed question. The President and Bishop Wilmek —A \V ashiuglou correspondent of the N. O. Pica yuue says : 1 have the best reason forbcliev mg that the recent violent course puraokd by Gen. Woods will not be approved by the ricsidcut, and that the order of suspension will be revoked. The President dees not iu tenu to interfere with the freedom of religious worship m the Southern States, north mall ei; 6 the ecclesiastic affairs Os the Episcopal stored to the Iree exercise of their functions, ot Jrt! would liko to have the prayers ail g,KKI Christians, hut will not sanction his officers m compelling those prayers. European Steamer Ashore.—The steam'-’ ship Circassian, from Bremen for Neit York hie flf,y P aßS<J| ig erß aud vaiua ble freight, hav ng sprung a leak at sea, Was run ashore on the coast us Cape Breton Isl and on the 19th inst'. in order to save her. , , passengers and cargo were all safely landed, aud there are hopes of getting the vessel off with alight damage. A Republican ratification meeting was jjftf °k um 19 i,,Rt al lhu C oo !** Institute. Tta* building was crowded, there being among the uudicuco a large uumbei of ladies, and great enthusiasm .was manifested throughout. Thu President’s policy with re- Kwa 10 reconstruction was fully endorsed n wer * Geuwwl Kilpatrick, Hon. Daniel 8. Dickinson, General Carey, Horace Grecly, and others. vhs zraw übzicah loan. The Hsarst Bocti tae hi a Financial Light. THE ADVANTAGES ANA* INDUCE MENT* OFFERED. Interest Payable in Mpecie at New York. A STARTLING FINANCIAL ANNOI'NCEHENT. Wo have received from a New York cor respondent, a copy of the Circular of the agents in that city, of the Republican Gov ernment of Mexico setting forth the advan tages and inducements, the guarantees and securities of the New Mexican Loan, allusion to which has already been made in our tele graphic despatches. We are enabled by the enterprise of our correspondent, who pro cured a copy of the circular m advance of publication, to lay this startling financial an nouncement before our readers, much earlier than would otherwise have been possible, our latest dates from New York being at, preseut only to tbe 21st: Tke Circular o t the New York Mexican Agency. Financial Aoenot of thb Refublio j of Mexico. 57 Broadway New York, Oct. 23, ’65.) MEXICAN loan. Tbe constitutional Republic of Mexico through its President, Benito Juarez aud his Commissioner Geu. Jose M. J. Carvajal, has contracted with John W. Carlies & Go., of the city of New York, for the negotiation and sale of Thirty Millions of Dollars in Bonds, in denominations of *SO, *IOO, *SOO aud *I,OOO, pavuble twenty years from Oct. Ist, 180,5, with interest at seven per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually in the city of New York. Principal and interest payable in Gold. GUARANTEES AND SECURITIES FOR PAYMENT. Faithful payment of the Bonds and Inter est is guaranteed by lliu pledged faith of the General Government of the .Mexican Gov ernment aud of the .States of Taiuaulipas and Sap Luis Potoai, and is further secured by the special pledge, (having the effect of a national mortgage) ot five millions of acres ot agricultural, and five hundred thousand acres of mineral laud iu the States of Tara auiipus and Sun Luis Potosi. The agricul tural lands thus pledged are estimated at the value ot from one to fitly dollars per acre, aud tlie mineral lands at the minimum value of one hundred dollars per acre. At govern ment prices the special pledge thus given, aggregates fitty-five millions of dollars. Moreover, a sum equal to the amount of in terest upon the bonds for the first year, is to be reserved and held by J. W. Carlies & Cos., as trustees for the government for the prompt payment of such fiiterest. And as a still turther security, sixty per cent, of all the Federal and State dues, accruing from Post Duties, Imposts and Taxes in the States named, is also pledged for the pay ment of the interest on these Bonds, and as a sinking fund for the redemption of the principal. In addition these Bouds will be received as gold, in payment of all monies due the liber al Government ot Mexico, within the said States, also iu payment of Port Duties, Im posts, aud Tuxes therein, and for lauds, Min eral and Agricultural, at the Government price to actual settlers —*100 per acre for the former and *I,OO per acre for the latter. ADVANTAGES AND INDCCEMEMS. These Bonds are thereforecomniended ; Firsl, To those who desire to hold them simply as an investment. Second, To those wtio desire to aid in a lawful way, a sister republic, unrighteously distressed by toreign invaders. Third, To those who wish to engage iu the development of the great mineral wealth of Mexico. Founb, To those desirous es engaging in Agricultural and kindred pursuits in Mexico. Fifth, to those who can use them in pay meut ol duties on merchandise shipped to sufifc Mexican ports as Matamoras; Tampico and others within the two States named. Ten millions of dollars of these Bouds will be sold at 60 cents on the dollar in U. 8. cur rency, and the right is reserved to increase the price of Hie remaiuder if it shall then be deemed expedient. Bonds sold at the above price will yield an . annual interest ou the investment of nearly 1 12 per cent in gold or nearly 17 per cent in .U.S- Currency, with gold at its present premi um. Iu addition to this, should be consid ered tue appreciating value ol tlie Bouds themselves which most naturally follow the establishment ot peace. CERTIFICATE OF SKNOR M. ROMERO, Euvoy Extraordinary aud Minister Pleni potentiary of the United States ot Mexico to the United States ot America ; I do hereby certify that Gen. Jose M. J. Carvajal, Governor of the State of Tamauli pas was duly authorized on the Bth and 12th of November last, by the Mexican Govern ment, to issue Bonds pledging the laith of the Government tor the payment of the same, and binding its revenues ; that in ac cordance with said authority, General Carva jal signed this day a contract with Messrs. John W. Carlics & Company of this city, for the negotiation and sale of thirty inß lions of dollars in Mexican Bonds ; that said con tract has been duly submitted to and ap proved by me iu accordance with the in structions of the Mexican Government, and that it is binding upon the Mexican Govern ment. Done this eleventh day of September, of the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. (Signed) M. Romero. The #SOO Bonds are now ready for de livery. 'The other denominations will be ready in a few days. Coinnleuding all the foregoing to your most favorable consideration, and awaiting your subscriptions, which may bo forwarded to either of Uie undersigned, wu remain Your obedient servants, - John W. Caulies & Cos. J. N. Tivvt, Agent, 57 Broadway, New York. Subscriptions will also be received by Banks and Bankers generally, throughout the United States. Cooper, Olcottis &Farr Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GA. 'TUIg undersigned have formed a Copartnership A under the name aiul style ol Cooper, Olcotts ai.d Filrrelly, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Re tail Hook and Stationery Bnalnewi at the old stand of John M Cooper A Cos., north-weal corner of Wliitaker and St. Juiiau Streets, __ JOHN M. COOPER. WILLIAM H. OhCOTT. HAM SI. M t(L( (ITT. OCtIW eodlm STEPHEN FAHUEI.I.I Notice. T"*,heretofore exlatllig lielwoen A w arjojce wae, on tire will *.■»• tr oiW nlHHoivotl by inutuul cause lit. Tire business wo! !l £ ** °**djk!UKl by tbe undersigned, who will be nappy to receive a mntiMauoe ol Uie ua- K ‘ , ‘" JWe ' l uu ,lw Ute ttriii of Jscksou A twill ‘ k 4 | C WARWICK. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1865. DRY GOODS A. < I.OTIIIAG. Gtwits’ FurHisliiiig Goods, OF ALL KINDS. At Wholesale and Retail, For sale by 8. M. FOLDING, •Ctt® 3 No. 153 Coogrese street. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS BO4TS, SHOES AND HATS. THE Hubscriber having fanned a Co-partnership with Mr. J. C. Ludlow, under the Arm name of Heidt A Ludlow, respectfully cadis the attention of his friends aud the public geuc rally to then huge stock ol Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Bools. Shoes aud Hats, which tliev are now opening, aud will sell at Wholesale and Retail, at the old stand of Heidt, Jau don A Cos., No, lUI Bryan and 68 St. Julian street, up stairs. oetfl-3iu E. HEIDT. LECTURE. S. Yates Levy, Esq., WILL LECTURE AT -A_t St. Andrew’s Hall, On Tuesdy Evening next, Oct. 31, AT S O'CLOCK. Subject— “Charles 11. and His Court. Proceeds to be nse l for the Benefit of a Disabled Soldier. Tickets, 50 cents. To l» procured nt the Pulaski House. Molina's Tobacco Store, and at the principal Book Sellers and Apothecary Stores in tbe city. octVT f ESTABLISHED 1826. Crockery, China, Glassware. JOBBERS and Dealers from all parte of the country are invited to examine my "Wholesale Stock, which includes packages containing complete assort ments, put np expressly for •* Country Trade,” Goods re-packed to suit purchasers. Queensware Ilouse^ 109 Broughton it*, 2d door from Ball St. octio Uc is. D. SMYTH. ' Bridgewater Paint and Color Works Cos, BELL, WYLLY CHRISTIAN, Agents. Just received and for sale at tbe manufacturer’s Prires: Kegs XX Bridgewater Lead Kegs XX Snow White Zinc Keg» Cygnet White Lead Ktgs Sommeraot White Lead Tubs Putty Paint Brushes Premium White Lead Chrome Yellow Venetian Red Metnlic Paint (in oil} Metalic Paint (dry; Ifire Proof Paiut Cottage Cokiif. lnj oct26 Dunn' & Brown, SIIIP’PINTGf MAbTERS, HAVING opened an office at No. 35 Bay street, be tween Habersham and Price streets, we are pre pared to furnish crews at the shortest notice, octll-lm JUST reccivrd and for sale, a supply of Wheeler & Wilson’s Noiseless Sewing Machine, at inumifac turer’s prices, by SAML. P. HAMILTON, Agent, Cor. Congress, Whitaker and ML Julian streets. oct26 lw Saraiiuah, Cits. INK. Oft QKCSB INK, In startle, al *6 M per gross. 1» &Q dozen Arnold’s Wilting Fluid, pints, at ffTper dozen. For sale by BAVILLE & LKACR. aul9 ts cor. Bryan street nnd Market square, Comstock & klsev, MACHINERY DEPOT, Office Ko. lit Bay Streel-Saiamal, Ga. WE keep on hand and furnish to order pt Manu facturers’ Prlces,Em{iiic,Foot and Hand Lathes, Plains, Drills. Chucks. Bolt Cntters, Gczr thiflers. Wood & Miinn “Portable Engines," Hoisting En gines, Wood Working Machinery of every description, Stationery Steam Engines and Boilers. Cotton dins and Presses, Saw Mills, Rice Mills, Grtst Mills, Circu lar aud Mill Bans, Rubber and Leather Belting aud Hose. Gearing, shafting. Hangers and Pull ten. Hy draulic Jacks and Punches Pumps of all kbols. All kinds of Wood and Iron Working Machinery and supplies. ; ' _ < Agents for the Wdst Point Foundry, B. A. Wood's Steam Gunge aud Boiler Feeders, tar SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. .Jipl COMSTOCK & KINSEY, . I i No. 154 H.y street, ocU-Tu.ThhSta Savtunoh, Ga., It. H. ALLEN & Cos., ISO At 10l WATER ST, NEW YORK. iKMCBLIRAL HIffUMTS, AMD MACHINERY OF ALL KI|DS, Small Tool* for the Farm and Gas den, each att Spadefi, Shovel «, lii#% Fork*, Hakim, *e.\.ovd for Oru*n u^%diSSlSSSf^ We offer, also, a large assortment of our own manu facture of Hay Cntters, Coffee and Grain Mills, Sugar Mills for Grocers’ use. Store Trucks ol various pat teiMRUIMffBUMpIMhWMWIhWVMIMWW^aMj^i FerlllUzers ol all kinds, »urti as Coe's Superphos pMe rffiftr „ ***'*»“ varfl fy of Vegetable, Mower awl Grass Mrvd awl Mold Grata that * , °* n packeta. fur n PKOPKSKIOKAI. CARD*. Woodford & Hitch, ATTORNEYS AMO COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. ill Broadway, Trinity Bnflflins, NEW YORK CITY. THE undersigned having resumed the practice of the Law, is prepared to lake charge oi cases be fore the several Comte in New York and at Wash ington. eeitfb-SAWIm STKyABT L. WOODFORD. Henry Williams, Attorney At Xjaw, OEPICE NO. 113 BAY STREET, (Over the Herat* Beading Boom,) OCtl4-tf SAVANNAH, Ga Gno. B. Black. Rcrrs E. Lura. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, * SAVAVNAH, DA. Office at oM stand of Norwood, Wilson A Lester, comer of Bay and Barnard street*. octl4-tf THOS CORWIN, WM.B.OWHM, THUS. WILSON, or OHIO. LATX OOL. O.H.n. OV IOWA. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin A FlunulLj ATTORNEYS AKD COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, M 2 F STREET, nr** TREASURY BOILD INO, IN HEAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHING-TON. D . C . Will practice in Ihe Supreme Court of the United Stales, the Court of Claim*, and the Court* ot the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment business. Officers Accounts adjusted. au3o 3m A GEORGE A. MERCER, " Attorney at Law, No. 113 Bay street, over Savannah Herald Office. The Docks of account and unfinished business of Gordon & Merter a.e In bis hands, and he is fully au thorized to collect the dues and continue the basiness of said ftrai. UJ ' lw* octitt C. S. BUNDY, Or o n o r a I' A. gout f., ' ' ' and ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Street, Bstwxxn 13th and 14tu Streets, (Near Pay Department,} Washington, 13. C. ju3o ts GREAT Gift Distribution, ‘250,000 WATCHES, Chains, Diamond Rings, etc., worth over One Million Dollars, all to h»* sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value. Not to ixi paid fur untU you know what y«m aro to receive. During the month ending March 31, 18G5, T. & H. Gaughan A Cos. have bad the honor of distributing among their patrons, Mx Hundred and Nitety Gold and Silver Watches, at the price of One Dollar each. SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES! All to be Solti for One Dollar each. ‘2to Solid Silver Dining .Sets, $76 to 300 500 Stiver Salvers «n»l Lrns, to 200 50.i Solid Silver Tea Sets, complete, 60 to 300 150 Rosewood Musical Boxes, 32 airs, To to ‘260 200 Mahogany Musical Boxes, 24 sirs, 60 to 200 250 Gold Hunting Watches, 76 to 260 260 Ladies' Enamelled Gold Watches, 60 to 200 500 Gents’ Hunt mg Silver Watches, 36 to luO 6<*o Open-face Silver Watches, 26 to 60 260 Diamond Kings, 60 to 100 5000 Photo. Albums, all sizes 6 to 60 2000 Gold Vest aud Neck Chains, 16 to 30 3000 Goid Oval Band Bracelets, 6 to 10 6000 Chased Gold Bracelets, 6to 12 2000 Chatelaine and Guard Chains 6to 20 7000 Solitaire aud Revolving Brooches, 6 to 10 2000 Lava and Florentine do 4to 10 6000 Coral, opal and Emerald do 4to 10 5000 Mosaic, Jet and Lava Eardrops 4to 10 760.i Coral and Emerald Eardrops, 3to 8 6000 California Diamond Pins, 6to 20 600<» California Cluster Diamond Pins, 3to 10 3000 set Solitaire Buttons aud Studs, 3to 10 3uoo Gold Thimbles, Pencils, Ac., 3to 8 looon Lockets, double-glass, 3to 6 6000 Lockets for Miniatures, 6to 10 3000 Gold Toothpick , Crosses, Ac., 3to 8 6000 plain Gold Rings, 4to 10 6poo chased Gold Kings. 4to lo 10000 shield and Signet Rings, Sto 10 10000 California Diamond Kings. 3 to 10 7600 sets Ladies* Jewelry, jet sto 10 5000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, coral, Bto 12 5000 nets Ladies' Jewelry, onyx. 10 to 12 6000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, lava, 12 to 20 26**o sets Ladies’ Jewelry, mosaic, 20 to 30 luuOOGold Pens, withSil. hold' is, 6 to 10 6000 Gyld Pens with Gold holders, oto 12 6000 Gold Pens and holders, superior, 10 to 16 s**oo Sliver Goblets and Drinking Cups, Bto 10 34*00 Silver Castors and Wine Holders, 16 to 60 2000 SUver Fruit and Cake Baskets, 20 to 60 Messrs. T. & H. Gaughan & Cos., No. 116 Broadway, New York, «xteii*ive mtuiufacturor* aud importers ol all the leading and most fashionable styles of Watch« J t» and Jt welry, dceiriug to increase their busi ness to an unlimited extent, have resolved upon a 'Great Gift Distribution, subjoet to the regulations fol lowing : _ „ ~r Certificates namtne each article and its value, are placed in beaded Envelopes aud well mixed. Oue of Uk-se envelope-' will be seut by mall to any addles* on receipt of twenty-five cents. All A inches sold at One Dollar each , without regard to Value. On reoeipt of the certificate yon will see what you are goiug to ha vs. ami then it is at your option to send the dollar ami take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch. Diamond King, or any set of Jewelry on our list for One Dollar, ami in no case can they get less thsu one dollar’s worth, as there are no blanks. The price of Certificates is as follow* Ode for 66 cents; five for $i ; eleven for $2; thirty for $6 ; sixty-five for $lO ; one hundred for sl6, Agents will Imallowed ten cuutson every,certificate ordered Uv them, providing their r euntUina* amounts to oim dollar. Agents will collect 2b cents lor every certificate, end remit J 5 cents to ue eiUier in cash or postage stumps. T. & U GAUGHAN A 00- of t*it Itn* No 116 Broadway, New \ork. NOLTIfFK.N HEAL ESTATE AXU EMI- G RATION All) HOME ANY. WHO wants. Timber and Turpentine Lands? Who wants Cotton aud Corn Farms? We have them for sale. In different States. Who ' wants to sell Lands ? We cun sell them. Put them ill our hands. W. H QCINCY, 52 Wall street, New York. C.F. JONJfH, B. 11. USE, Thom&svllle, Gs. oct24-lm lUCHAKD F. FLOYD, JacksonviUe, Fla. 350 0 TONS or ENGLISH RAILS, Os beat quality, lineal yud. FOWL® & CO, Ini 9 6m No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. Grits and Meat. MUX RE-OPENED Having purch..- VI *d the cntlr. InMrea. from Mr 11. qillem 111 bln Urge and men.iv« Mi lie, on lb. cm tier or tUberahani pU.i i nnd Perry Mruet Imio, wo are now prepared to furnleh tlriat nml Meat u Ctvorabl. izn-H Corn will be nulil mnHuiintile. All nnleo promptly flllnd. ordll-lm ' LU PI NOTON A HAUHISON^ Browu’N Mtaudard Mealm. UMKD by tb. Cutud Mata, aud Furtagn Uovtaß ■ nwnto fur Wore then f | THIRTY YKAHBi Adapted to Us branch of buztuwM lot foreifn or I route ■«ra»le Warr.uUd Mxwwte end duialrlr. fer- ?; • ,^nWwi.risa»,. RAILROADS. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, > 0„ . _ Savannah, ua., October «, 1885.1 N and after Monday, 30th mat., a daily train (Sun days excepted; will leave for Augusta at 7.16 a. m., connecting with a line of Hacks running between Station 5 Central Railroad, and Waynesboro on the Augusta and Savin in b Railroad. Passengers by this hoe w ill arrive in Angus!a the uext morning alter leaving Savannah in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta R'gWUwg arrive in Savannah at 4.46 p. m Freight lo go by Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before By order of GEO. W ADAMS, General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 Savannah, Oct, loth. 1566. / Thi9 Company ia now, in connection with H. J. Dickerson A Co.’a W agon*, prepared to receive and forward to Augusta, Mueou, Atlanta Au, daily from twenty to tlurty thousand pound* of Freigut, and go throat'll iu from three to six days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by Shipiiers. Railroad freight can be p«id here oriat des tination. • Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid. OKO. W. ADAMS, 1,1:111 General Superintendent. STATIONERY, AC ESTILL’S Newspaper Depot, AMD STATIONERY STORE, 801 l Street, Corner of Bay Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. NHW NOVBIjS. Just Received at the above Depot a further supply of THE BIISII-UANUKII’S, OK, ADVEN TIKES IN AUSTRALIA. MAJOR JONES’ COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT, Price 50 Leslies’ Ladies Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mad, lieiuorestst Mirror of'Fashions, Price 4u Cts. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price S5 cents. also <r s > HARPER'S MONTHLY, GODEY'S LADY’S BOOK' ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for OCTOBER. The usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, ang3o IHE CHARLESTON DAILY HEWS Can be had at ESTILL'S News Depot and Cheap Periodi* cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. sepQfl TO TRAVELLERS. Hew ul Cheap Publications. Arteraa* Ward: his Travels, $1.60, The Loet Will* S6O cents. Mu* Howard, To cents. Verner’s Pride, $1.50. The Curse ot Clifton, $1,50. Sword and Gown, 30 cents. Great Expectations, 75 cents. The Chanumgß, sl. Tto. <’Katie’s Heir, $1.50. Guy Livingstone, $1.64*. Major Jones’ Courtship, sl. Major Jones’ Chronicles of Plncville, sl. Polly Peablossom's Wedding, sl. And other Novels, at EBTILL’S NEWSPAPER and PERIODICAL STORE, oct7- Bull street, back of Post Office. NEW SELECT MUSIC. Beautiful Dream*; Katie* Secret; Ye Merry Bird*, German Song; Teuting on the Old Camp Ground; When Johnny Come* Marching Home; Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, (Prisoner's Hope;j Spanish Orange Girl; Evangeline; Maiden, Awake from thy Slumbers; Mother Kissed me in my Dreams; Kitty Wells. Just received octM JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS. HOTELS. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY i BANCROFT, Proprietor*. Edward L. Jones, Ageut. ts or‘tin GILMORE HOUSE, nonumenl Square; Baltimore, Harylaud. THISFIRSTCLASS HOTEL has been newly fur nished throughout, and is now ready for tho re ception of guests. octeirn KIRKLAND A CO. Port Royal House, HILTOJV Hf)A I), 8. C. RIDDELL Sb RUO G , Pkopriitoii K. 8. SIDDILIe. M. F. EVMft ju3-tf # CO -PART.\EKNHIP NOTUeV fIIHB undersigned having associated themselves to th w ftrm ~Hnie of L a HOC 11K, G ADEN sc LNCKLKB, for the purpose of transacting a Gene ral Groe»ry, and Commission Business, and having seen red tbe large and commodious store, corner of Bay and Baruard streets, are uow prepared to receive any and all consignments made to them. They also have extra rooms, suitable for Dry Goods and Fancy Articles, which,.lf accompanied by owners or agents, are the best in tbe city ; from a long experience and thorough acquaintance wilh the business, they hope to give entire satisfaction to all making consignments to them. * Liberal advances made on Cotton. Lumber, Ac. con signed to them for sale in Savannah, or for shipment to their friends in New York, Boston or Baltimore Laroche, gaden & unckles. Isaac I). Lakoohk, Brnj. G. Uadxn, David 8. Uhomlks. lm octlO MILINERY GOODS. Xhave just returned from New York, and have brought out oue of the best .elected stocks of Milinery Dress Goods AND Bonnav, Ever brought to this market. The Goods will be sold cheap. I will receive weekly the latest style* ot MUlnery under Striven House, Corner of Bull and CoDirr—a Btraet Ume. * oKilmo MRS. PRAHR NOTICE. THE undersigned promlsM to car# Knmiiml WoakneHH In all Its worst forms without Ike use or laadlrlne DRY GOODS AND CUmiINU DRY GOODS. ** . V DET GOODS. LATHROF & CO., Corner Congress and Whitaker Streets, TKTILL open to-day, and are prepared to exhibit their v T Stork of Goods, bought expressly Tor the S6ntb em Trade, consisting in part of— Ladies' Drees Goods and Trimmings Shawls, Ribbons and Hattons Cloaks, Sacques, Mantitfiia, Ac French Merino and Opera Flannel Fieuch and Rngtieh Cambric* Black Bombazine, Cashmere and Crapea, White Goods. Jaconet and Nainsook Muslin Bishop and Victoria Lawns Plaid JaCutiet, and Brilliants India Twills and SwtsaJtusUn. Embroideries. French Wrought Muslin Set* French Wrought Cambric Set* ' Real Lace Sets Embroidered Handkerchiefs Black Lace Veils H. S. Lawn and Cambric Handkerchief.. Hosiery AND Gloves Ladles’ English White Cotton Hose Ladies’ English Brown Cotton Horn Misses' and Boys' Cotton Hose Kid, Silk, Lisle and Woden Gloves. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Linen Table Damasks Doyles, Napkins and Towels Linen Diaper, Crash and Towels Counterpanes Bleached 10-4 Cotton Sheetings Bed Blankets, Irish Linen, Ac. GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. Black Cloths and Cass<meres Fancy Casaimeres and Vestings Satinets, Tweed*, Ac Merino Shirts Brown UugUsh Cotton Half Hose Mixed Meriuo Hail Hone Fancy Ties. Paper Collars, Ac. We will make weekly additions to our Stock, aud trust tua short time to felly meet the wants of our friends. LATHROP & CO. oct26 7m • To Merchants, VISITING the cltv, we would be pleated to .how our Stock, which we propoae to sell at fair prices. oct!l6 lm LATHROP A 00. H~ HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN DRY GOODS HOUSE Wholesale and Retail. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Blankets, Shawls and Cloaks —Uie do west styles. Also— Clothing, Mats, Boots and Shoes, <fec., &c. NO auction or damaged Goods. Nothing but regular desirable articles. All goods Sold low and on liberal terms. Having re-open.d tlie above establishment, where I Intend to keep a well selected Stock of the choicest Good., aud having been long known in the business. I return my acknowledgments to my former friends and customers, and would aoUdt from them a contin uance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on me. H. HAYM. 174 BROUGHTON STREET, ,oct!3 ts savannah. Ha. DRY GOODS. HICHLT IMPORTANT T’o Ladies? and Country Merchants. ' : VPV. (. ■tyMK,.*q i 5 e.b ’ “j A LARGE STOCK OF Dry GoodH, Fancy Goods, Ac., &c., Ac., Hoinarkairly Ckeap for Caah, CAN BE FOUND AT •A.. Homohor cfc Co’m., 18 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign and , Domestic Gaods, Cloaks, Shawls, Ac. 1 N. B.— By strlrt attention to burinew, courteous and honorable deaHng with our enstontara, wo troet to merit aud reaetv* a liberal shara of patruaago. A large Une ol White Uouds ami Linens aow open. oetl» y■ 1 ~ J , • ; 7^ BTEELK & BURBANK, II Merataowto How, Hilton Head, 80. Cos K * uu MIUTAKY AMD RAVII, ChUTHINU, PRICE. 5 CENTS UfSITRAMCR. insurance. Authorized fapital~slo,4oo,ooo. M^£.h°, LBY *£° to take aud rfi?St if? “y domestic or foreign port. AT THE LOWEST RATES. MAKINE MORRIS kirn? $4,000,000 INI^Nr> INSUR ’I 5*000.000 OMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMP*T , 900,000 Branch Office, corner^y^H^r^ _____ FI.NAIVtIAI, 1 EXCHANCE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sale by ■epis BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, In sums to suit purchasers, by *• F. METCALFE* <<> land agency FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. Mssasr-aar* ssss! SS TOlklfo the natn“ /“Uroad, on solicit* the patronage of all needing an agent there _** e , x P®“* uce in the land, lumber and Umber busi ness of twenty years in Georgia and South Carolina. guarantees ample qualification. He will a.™,? sewed in Savan‘nah q by Mr S, York by the Great Southern Uml Agency, VI Broad. , JOHN D. DELANNOY Mefera to any old resident In SavannAh scpis 3m Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 18A3. 5!* c £ . Dark Green rt' l , C L ™ r Hlk Light Green iV sV Ul' 1 ” Mageuta Light blue Maize I t ench Blue Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Plnlr Light Brown Purple Snuff Brown Royal Purple Cherry Salmon V Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab siate LWit Drab Solforino Fawn Drab Vtolet Light Fawn Drab Yellow. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls. Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hate, Feathers, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. t£iT A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT, .g* For 25 centa you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost fire tiroes that sum.' Various shades cas be produced from the same dye. The proems la simple, ami any oue can use the Dye with Perfect sucegfw. Directions in English, French and German. Inside of each package. HOWE & STEVENS, _ . . . _ 2(H)' Broadway, Boston. For sale by druggists and dealers generally ecUO-Cm DURYEAS’ MAIZEKA TRY ONE POUND. *“nna juemr m That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, thccompetion of aH prom inent manufacturers of “Corn Statch”and “Prepared Corn Flour’’ of this and other countries notwithstand ing. MAXZSNA, The food and Inxnry of the age, without a single limit. One trial will convince the most skeptical.— Makes i’uddings, Cakes, Cnstitrds, Blanc Mange, 4c„ Ulthont isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a coat as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cako It is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, , gravies for fish aud meats, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with tt. A Httle boiled In milk will jiroduoe rich cream lor coffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put lip in one pound packages, under the trade mark Maizsna, with directions for use A most delicious article ol food for children and in valids of ail ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton Street. WILLIAM DURYEA, nn2B-3m General Agent. ORNAMENTAL HAIR: Carle, Braids, Waterfalls, Bands, Wigs, Half Wigs. Ac., Wholesale, (at the lowest possible price of lmporta «» tioo, for Cash. ( w, R. Cameron St C 70., Importers of Hair and Manufacturers, NO. 313 FULTON ST., BROOKLYN, Near New York. Large and email orders punctually attended to octiii im “vsoLfas woira," *» Beaver Street, New York. Offers for sale of his own importations, in bond and duty paid, tbe largest stock of Wines, Liquors, Ac., of any other boose in this country, comprising in part of Otord. Henneay, Ptnqt Caatißon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rocheile Brandies in half, quarter.and eighth casks: also Otard and Rouyer, Laferrelere and Fils Brandy, in cakes of one doaen each. “GHa.'» Udolpho Wolfe’s Schiedam in pipe*, Aromatic Schnapps, in bond and duty paid, in cases of oae dozen quarts and two doaen pints. * “Whiskey mad Ram.” Scotch sad Irish Whiskey, in hhds. and cases of one one*<toeeneach? a, * >0 * 1 barrels and cases ol mnw. Jamaica" and "St. aroix sum" in hhds. and casta of one doaen each. Madeira, Skerry and Port Wines. More than twenty different grades, In halves quar. ters and eighth casks, also in oases of one dozen ench. “Hock, Champagne, Moselle and Claret Wines.” Prom Potor Arnold Mumm in C'ologuo, proprietor of Joannlsburgestate; J. 11. D. Becker A Fils; Estho uancer, Betiecke A Cos., Bordeaux- Barton A Guestlu. Bordeaux, and from other well known houses In Gar. many and France. Oils, Ctstiud Sashimi-, Bittsm, Hnmin, Oi.ivbs, Bassvv. Pmuaavss, Ao. Twenty Y**™* sasUiess transacUoas with the Huulheru gtauw. with some of the largest and most respectable ileuler>,should be •udlUent gaaraateo that every article offered by the advertiser for sale la para aud geuuino, 1 Mtfflone of prime Oh turned, by edditesiug Uu shove, aagt-Mi TRY ONE POUND.