Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 28, 1865, Image 3
s AVAW N AH. Ol'H URU<-SBKKT PHIUCB CI'HKKMT, corrected for tM week, uptown lids morning. Copies inzy b» bad , : i i e UKKalp Counting Boom. TH JC LATU STOKM OX THIS COAST. Arrival of the NewOrlenns Steamer Wa baih in DittreH. Tne steamer Wabash, commanded by Capt. Mel -1U(. from Philadelphia, and bound to Sew Orleans, nut in here on Thursday for repairs. On Monday !asi »t a o’clock she encountered a terrific bale off st wustine, Fla., which lasted without abaynnent uotii 1 o'clock on Xufsday. Af 3 o'clock Tuesday morning she lost her smoke stack and boat, when , r „te;uu went down and she could not be kept to l x wind. Hoisted foresail and jib and bore off be luie the wind, and In ten minutes they were blown t Heaved overboard thirty tons of coal to lUten the ship. About 8 o’clock Tuesday morning twu men were lost overboard, named Geo. Conrad, naan, and John McCarthy, formerly a steam tug captain at Philadelphia. We are credibly Informed Hilt nothing but the skilful conduct oKtfcs Captain u t,j the Kngiueers and firemen saved the vessel and me lives Os those on board. Several pieces of wreck ni ie seen as she approached Savannah, and among tliciii was the stern of a boat painted green on the lU 'nie repairs ou the Wabash will be completed by Tuesday next, when she will resume her voyage. Arrival of the Idaho. The steamer Idaho, Capt Craw, arrived below at a late hour last evening. She rode out the late dorm without damage, bat was compelled to lie to for forty hours during its continuance. The pas sengers are all well aud the cargo uninjured. We arc Indebted to Purser Mill for favors. JURORS DRAWN. SiPKEiorf'CopßT.—The Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court convened at the Court House on Thursday, 26th October, and drew tho following named Jurors for the Superior Court of this county, to be held ou the second Monday of January, 1888. Johu D Charlton, Joseph S Carruthers, C C Casey, A 11 champion, Wm O Charlton, Hill Gowdy, James b illaiulet, John UuinmeU, James L Uaupt, Levi 3 Hail Bo belt Hardie, Emanuel Heldt. Alfred Hay wood, A L Uartridge, Wm Hunter. A F Habersham, George J Keller, John J Kelly, Chas E O'Sullivan, Inuud (J Olcolf, Wm H Olcotu Edward G’Hyrue, Geo 8 Owens, George (Jtr, AV B Pritchard, J F Peloc, Sam ud It Palmer, A J Pollard, J B Binder, l> U Phiilniok, tieorge F Palmer, W Readiok, Jefferson Boherts, Hr J tfoud Reed, WUliam H stark, 8 11 baflteau, J l.achlisuii, Boot Lachllsou, A B Luce, Alvin N Miller, James W McAlpiu, N C Mills, M li Milieu, H Morse,- J Alette Middleton, Richard Mor gan, X Nuugaaer, WG Norwood, O btebbens, John Sieilihrd, Joseph M Solomons, J R Snead, Wm Starr, f K sweat, J 1. Speissegger, J A Staley, W A Thomas, li H Thoutasson, John R Tebeau, John C Taylor. I'Enr Jpiums.—A .1 Aylesworth, John Auglan, Henry Atkinson. T Burnett. G T Biirdett, J J W Hunt/., G G J Buutz, Madison 11 Bucliauall, Johu A Burgess, Thomas K Box, J W Bandy, W H Baker, David Bailv. Michael Boyle, P Brannon, C 11 Bell, V Burns, Richard Burke, W M Blount, R M llurthel iiu-ss, J Bryan, R ITioeutx, C Lineker, F Brown, li Hurt, S J Baker, HI ward Byrns, U. S Bogtirdus, Jr, J (Javauuugli, G W Cereopely, T Cuiilffo, B F Cole, 8 crunk, A Cordcs, Ansley Cope, Richard W Cope, T w Coonev, C Campbell, W C Cooper, Geo Heleiu bolt, J E Heldt, 11 K HeiUt, A Harrlg, Win T Heldt, J Leonoard, P I.udtlv, i) M MeAlpin, W J McCauiy, j u McCarthy, J McCarthy) C K McCall, J J McCoy, Wm McCormick, J McCroker, W W McCormick, W 1) McCarthy, L Martin, TNugent, Jr, Martin Cfulhn, Jamas Cleary, John A Carter, John Flannery, An drew Flatley. Patrick Fitzgerald; Wm. Pitzgerald, James Foley, J C Footman, John Fitzpatrick, John Fitzpatrick Sd, ,Kred Gnann, Jr,, Johu J. Godfrey, p. ueibeihonae. Walter Higgins, J P. Herrick, H tier iaau.J H Hicks,Thos Hicks,,J L Heryaudez.P A Hervi aut, Geo. N" Hendry, W Henry, F J Kuckert, F Ruck ei i. A Rosenplatt, H C Stevens, Johu Steinberg, L Stem, Wui Swell, W Swain, T W Shea. J A Shaffer; A shannon, U Seugstack; Edwaril Wickham. I WU sun, -s W C Williamson, Jli Williams. J Williams, J w Wilson, John Ryan, W. Rutherford. Sr. Paul's Cnuieu.—ln our account of the des truction of St. Paul’s Cu'Jtoli by fire day before yes terday, it was stated that thole was no Insurance on the building. We find this statement to have been incorrect. U was insured for fts.coo, Au investigation Into the origin of the fire KhS plated it beyond a doubt, that it wag set by boys counected with the Massic School, I,t has beeu as certaiaed that a number of them were playing In side the church at recess time, and that they bu lit the fire la the gallery,.from which the destruction of the edifice resulted. We understand that steps has beeu taken to find out the names of the boys en gaged in tills piece of criminal recklessness, and have them made an example of. Frank Lfisug’s LxßY’a Mauxzimk and other Pkkiodicalk, are received through tbe polite atteu lioa of Mr. Estiil. The Lady’s Magazine Is a large ami handsome Monthly, eoiitatulng, besides brilliant colored fashion-plates and full size patterns, with uhvctioiM for cutting and makiug.the newost styles of garments, a large amount of light and attractive reading matter, novelettes, poetry and sketches, finely illustrated throughout. We have also recrtt' ed from Estlll's Depot copies of the following Week lies. the contents of which are, both In the Literary and Pictorial departments, attractive : The BuulotV, Ladies’ Newspaper, Harper’s Weekly, Frank Lesl te's illustrated Newspaper. Larue Aiutivat, if Immu;bants.—The steamer Idaho, which arrived last night, brought as steerage passengers one hundred and thirty-four Immigrant laborers, shipped at New York by Messrs, fepratt anil Calahan, Contractors, to be employed In the work upon. the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. They will be lauded this morning and will leave Immediately tor their destination, in the neighborhood or Station No. 5. on the A ft G. R. R., one of the healthiest locali ties on the hue of that road. From this point ttfe work ol rebuilding the railroad will be prosecuted In both direction*—towards the Ogoechee and towards the Altamaha. The men are all In good health.— They form the first importation of labor Into the State since the war. House Dbowned.—Yesterday morning’d valuable horse, while he was being taken mini on. board the steamship ltalcigh to the wharf, slipped through the slings, fell overboard and was drowned. The animal lived through the greet storm with Its com panion, a marched pair. The owner Uglily prized Us horses, having cost In New York about sltoo. Steamer Helen Getty.—This steamer, under the : command olCupt, Ingraham, is having an lmporluut addition made to her. On the upper deck ail add! tional cabin of twenty-six state-rooms Is being con structed. Each state-room will have two berths.— ’ This addition will give accommodations for abont one hundred passengers. The work will be finished iu about two weeks. The Helen Getty leaves tills morning for Palatum Pout Wahorns for the Port of Savannah;— The city authorities have made the appointments lor Port Wardens for the Port or Savannah. At a meeting of tlic Board yesterday, Messrs. ThomaH Holcombe and Thomas J. Bulloch wore elected Chairman und Clerk, respectively. Parties lutereat ed are rolerred to the notiee in another column. Chaxqr of Ttmk on the Central Rah. Road.—lt will he seen that the hour for the departure of the morning truiu on tile Central Railroad has beet changed to ;.1» A. M. The trains now run through to No. 5. Tlie returning train arrives In Savannah at • A.l/i P. M. Tho Hew arrangement goes into oporatlonj on Monday next. For Doctortown.— By reference tu our advertis ing columns, It will be seen that the Steamer Win. G. Gibbons, will make another trip to Doctortown, leaving Dillon's wharf at 8 o’ulock, Tuesday morning list Just, HotTSE at AcotjonTo-Dat.—Messrs. Deli, Wyily A Christian sell to-day, at.n a. m., a two-story brick house, on one quarter lot, coruer of Jrffereon aW Perry streets. OHITUAHY. ,m Died, on the 20 Oct, 1866, at the residence'of her grandmother, Mrs. A. E. Morrell, THEODORA NAT ALIE, youngest child of Jason P. and Sarah J. Hood, of this c'ty. How ssddenly came death to “Unto Dora. With but twelve hours Illness she passed away to the bcanllful city built by Clod. Ilerself beantlful, Intelligent and beloved. Only three and a half years of age—the youngest, th» fullest and heal—«he has passed away to the home of angels, hhe had Just begun lo learn m the Sabbath School of tv B iptbt Church the sweet gospel anus o| elilldreu, "Walling by the rivet”—the boatman emus and quickly bore darling HMIe Dora to tliu other shorn. Jesua bids n» lo suitor little elilldreu to coma to him Oh! blessed Huvlour 1 huip as to yield Ilora and oursalyea to Ibee I , A. KX'jnCU AiT IMVITATUsi. Tile h leads and Hcqttidat«nc« of Charles J. While aiid,farolly, and tbs Hon. Phillip M Kassel and family are rsapte lfully tnvtlad to atleud tbs funsrsl of OHO, A UORDOM, irnly eon of Hts former, from their rsei deiin cm Parry eireet, lad ween Mmilgowsry and Waal Broad streets, snd uaar Mlltort aqasrs, at t| h'vinuk This Day. HAIMIIO, 0» Thursday, Oct. Mth. 18*6, by tta* Rev Dr. Wm. Hollsa, J. BY RON ROBINSON, M. D„ of BalUinore, hd, and ADDiE, only da ugh tel of F. UioacUude, of this city. Baltimore papers please copy. Hotel ArrivHlsk PULASKI HOUSE, OCTOBER 27, ls6s" W«. H. Wili kuehgkk A Cos., Proprietors. 1) Giesofiatd, Savannah -Lilias West, B(wton E W Gan. Me. Ida I|WJ McDonald, Glenmore I L M Gamble du W U Brisbane, Jo, iirook- C C Byrsne. L S A lyn, N Y H C Cady, N Y E B Fenton, Hartford, 1) L Oakiy and wife, Fla Conn J T Boyd, Fla Chas Fenton, do J D Suilm, Wareshoro’ J T Hull, Atlanta, (iX \V Wilson do J W Staten, stocktou, Ga Wilson do J M Halstead, Rye, K Y U W asliburn, Savannah H Crouierlein, Savauuah Mrs J T Gilchrist, Fla T Vail, Hilton Head “*? Pi® I '’ ,N ' C E Baldwin, 47ch Pa K U Johnson, F'la E B Melt, Bobertsvllle C G Street, NY . SC Mrs Hulciey and duughler O C Horne, Hawkinsville, Angusta ua Mis Adame, do A J Smith, Augusta A N \\ right, Syracuse E C snnkius, lady aud son 1> A SmlUi, N Y Fia M W Ifoswprth, do Anson Peeler, Augusta C lkKutcUiison, do Mrs c H Helamater, N Y James B Rice do Miss S Helamater do Mrs 1. A Blake and child, J M Culler, Salem, Miss _F’la I John Caller and two ohil- W L Bond, dp , dren, do 'Geo T Patten, Ga P J Miller, Augusta A J Love, do IWm Barnby, do J Clay, Ga Nhippinf( Intelliseuce. Miniature Almanac—TUls Day. Sun rises 8 13 Moon rises morn Bun sets 5 is.nigh water -1 is PORT OF SAVANNAH. Friday - , Oct. 27,1865. Arrived. Steamship Idaho, Craw, New York—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Stalling’* two fiats, from Augusta—E F Metcalf A Cos. Brady, Smith A Co’s three fiats, from Augusta— Brady, Smith A Ce. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer Standish, Moore, Tybee Roads. Cleared. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Charleston. Tug Shepard, Bliss, F'ort Pulaski. Steamer Wm Q Gibbous, Phllpot, Darien—Erwin A Hardee. Steamer Emilia, Bender, Hilton Head. Steamer Orient, Uoldwalthe, Darien—Chas L Colby A Cos. Steamer Rockland, Beaufort, Charleston—L S Bennett. ' * ■' • Imports. , Per stoainer Wm G Gibbous, from Doctortown— -238 bales cotton. Per Stalling’s two flats, from Augusta—Bls bales uplaud cotton. Per Brady, Smith A Co’s three flats, from Augusta —054 bales upland cotton. ConsltCHees. Per steamship Raleigh, from New York—Atlantic ami Gull KattroAd, Adams* Express Company, P C Arnold, Brigham. Baldwin A Cos, llrady, Smim & Cos, Robert Baliore, W H Brisbane, Crane, Johnson A Grayhlll, Claghoru A Cunningham, M A Cohen, J s Cohen, Geo A Cuyler, UarUugtun A Bcckfoid, Dzya lluski A Singer, Doyle A f.yons. Einstein A Beknian, Erwin A Hardee, J Epstein A Bro, O C Freeman, G Fried, M Fsrst A Cos, D Finnegan, L J UullmarUun A Cos, Gadeu A Ullckie., O L Gilbert, J UlllHaud A Cos, SAG Gardner, Halsey, Watson A Cos, J HG.tlpln, N A Hardee A Cos, it Habersham A Son, C V Hutch ings, Huuter A Uummell, A K Hopkins, N B Knapp, Kenny A O’Brieu, Keiu A Cos, E Keotchke A Cos, J Kohu, W W Lincoln, J Lippman, J Langedorf, James Leary A Cos, L Lynch. Miller, T homas A Cos, il Mem hard A Bro.W A R Mdulire, J McMahon, A C Miller. A F Mira, U B Meyers, W C O'DrisoolL E O'Byrne, H W Fease, Thomas Pepper, Rogers A Canu, P Reilly, J K Reilly, ii A Richmond, J L Romiliat, H Roths child, Isaac Robins, Schuster A Ueiusius, F W Sims A Cos, A A S.humous A Cos, Dr J M Scutey, A .-cudder, Stewart A Cos, J Stalk, Wm H Stark, B G i’ildt u J L V mailings, Warren A plainer, Wed A Cos, Johu K Wilder, W L Wilson, J Williamson, W H Willburger A.Co, M H Williams, and others. Per steamer Wm O Gibbons, ltom Doctortown— El-win A Hardee, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, O’Fallon A Cos, Joues A Way, E F Metcalf, J L Kouunilot C H Hopkins, Mayor Hastings, G W Garmany, R Welch, A McMillan, J B Lester, M Ponce, 1 R Sealy, E J Gowdy. Per Brady, Smith A Co's fiat, from Augusta— Brady, Smith A Cos, John L Vilialougu, Graue, John son and GiuybllL l’usueiigcrs. Per steamship Raleigh, from New York—Mrs Gil christ, Miss Kane, D L Oakley and wife, T C Arnold, Elliott Arnold, G A Cuyler, wife, two dhildreu aud servant, Mrs A M Wilson aud two children, Mr Dun bar, W H Brisbane and wile, Thomas Archer and »ire, Mrs Hutton aud daughter Mr Hutton, J T iludd, - W B Woodbridge, Joseph Washburn, Mr Hough N Bond, C A Hutchison, M .1 Solomons, J B Rice, H M Bosworth, Mr. Dorset! aud wile, Mrs Buckley, mother and child, A White, K K Morgan, W E Warding and lady,Mis Threadcraft, Mrs Blake and child, J M Halstead. Dr Schley, W c O’Driscoll, B G Gadeu, wile and lgfaui, a i Lamb and wile, Mrs M M Scott, Mrs HoQlcker, Mrs Wcilou and child. Miss Bennett, G Stark, P 11 O Brieu, YV Dordy, U J Bartlett, L M Gamble, Capt Lyons, CGSaltzmau, J Dougherty, E Dougherty, W W ilson, J D Smith, E Wilson, E Beddel, \V Diuuiaioud, A It Hopkins. G Lesser, C G Street, Major Welton, A Uolhrook, Mr Judsou, W R Symons, R H Johnson, T li Mills, Jr, Isaac Robinson, F, B Feutori, A N Wight and sou, M Glazio, Charles 0 Byrue, E W Gamble, Mi's Hodges and two children, aud 2z In steerage. Per steamer Win G Gibbons, from Doctortown— J J Miller, J McDonnell, D 0 touch, Dr George Miller, E J GowUy, 80l dsigler, N Price and lady, J Price. K M OpenheHner, Dr Jeuklus, J D Hall, Mr Staten, E M Gldord, D Hopkins, Jr, D J McDonald, Mrs D Mc- Donald, family aud servants, D McDonald, E J Acysta, D A Smith, J Clay, Miss Clay, Miss West, Capt. Bryant, Capt McUUicn, E D UraUam, George P Screven, Georgu T l gtlou, Amo* Love, G W bar many and family, P Mayo, George W Anderson, jr, Mrs M Hunter, Mrs Long, child aud servant, Mrs Kmn anu family, O Helustus, E J Thayer, C 11 Hop kins. Jr, Robert LachJuou, M 11 MUley, U U Marshall, J Russell, J R Sausssy, und » on deck. A Card. At a meeting of the Cabin Passenger*, held on board of the side-wheel steamship Raleigh, In Sa vannah river, Ga., on the 2tith day of October, A. D. 18CB, aud oil her passage from New York to Savan nah, commencing at three o’clock p. nn, on the 21st iustant, Judge W. E. Wording, of Beaufort, S. C., was called to lit# chair, aud E. C. Hough appointed Secretary. \ ■<' / Ou motion of Mr. Dunbar, of Hilton Head. It was voted that a committee of three be designated by the Chairman to prepare some expression of the sense of this meeting In regard to the trying ctrcnm stauces In which the passengers, as well as the of ficers aud grew of this t learner, have lately been placed; whereupon George A. Cuyler, Esq., us Sa vannah, peter Dauber, of IlHton Head, styl J. M. Schley, M. D., of Savannah, were appointed such committee. Arte# a brief Consultation, Mr. Cdyler, from said cerfrtmttee, reported the following tu the a«turn of the committee; requesting that in addition to the uopy for publication, one, signed by the passengers, be handed to Capt. Walker: The undersigned, passengers on board the steamer Raleigh, on her voyage from New Y ork to Savanuali, desire to record the expression of their deep thank fulness ami their special gratitude to the signal Providence whose all-merciful baud has just saved us from the perils of the deep. Ttiefealeigh len New-York on the 21st October, with every iudicatloa of a prosperous voyage, but encountered on Mouday.ereuing a terrific gale,which lusted for forty-six hours. Our peril was extreme, and our safety aud deliverance could only be work ed out by an Almighty band. Truly has He come to bur great need, tint saved us from destrdcilon. But, under providence, we believe, that we owe our safety to the efficient and skillful working or Capt. G. N.Walker, Acting Chier Engineer Osterhaug, and the First and Second Officers and Crew of the Raleigh, and beg, therefore, to recommend them as entitled to she fallest confluence of the travelling public. While we award all praise, as stated to the offleers and crew of said steamer, we would not be under stood as giving our unqualified approval of the course of action pursued by the New Y ork agents es the line in receiving on board more passengers than could be fairly accommodated. Aud we cannot re frain from the expression of the opinion that the motive power of ihestoßnter Is markedly Inferior to her other qualities as a Sea-going vl-sael. We recommend that the proceedings of this meet Dig be published In the duly papers ol’Savannah, and In one, st least, of the dally papent of Nbw York. W. E. Wording, Chair- C. G. Street 11)1*11 !»• p- G. A. Cuyler A. A Hopkilik Howard A. C#dy T. K. Mills, Jr. P. R. Morgan JJ, H. Button T. U Arnold a. J. Solomons W. i. Arnold T. Archer J- M. Hebley, M. D. J. M. llalateil P. Dunbar K. G. flallzman rDruuuuoua E. Dougherty ifcrXSi Usjmlt’M^U Db. Pehioii W. U. Hrisliane, It. (M muiiuu, toe report at toe commutes was mum limmeiy adopted. S. C. flaciM, Meeretaiy, AUCTION SALES. Carrlaifesi, Hodiph. By Bell, Wylly k IkrliOM. Will b* laid, on BATL'KDAY next, at 11 o'clock. In frost of store. One pair Fine Cairlagr Horses. octtG Messrs, Bell, Wylly & Mian On BATCDAY’ next, at II o-elodt, a. m„ in front of siore, will be sold. Two story Brick House, on one-qusrter lot corner of Jefferson and F*erry streets. Has gas throughout the house, and good water in the yard. Possession given on the Ist November. Terms cash. ect’6 3 By Belt, Wylly A Christian. AUCTION, AUCTION., THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock. In front of store, will be sold. The usual assortment of Groceries, Provisions Dry Goods, Liquors, Clothing. Wooden Were, Brooms, Ac. Martel Brandy, Boots aud Shore Bourbon Whiskey Clothing, asserted Soap Painted Palls and Tube Candles Brooms Starch Letter Paper Tea Fancy Bos ps Cheese Assorted Dry Goods Ale Flax Thread Flour Hooks and Eyes Liverpool Salt Shoe Thread Fancy clocka. oct2B By Bell. Wylly k Christian. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, In front of store, will be sold. Invoice of Merchandise, just received per steamer Leo. fr om New York. IS cases assorted’ Boots and Shoes, consisting of Congress, Creole and Buckle Gaiters, Women's and Boys' Gaiters and Balmoral* Buff, Buckle. Cuban Ties, Misses’ Red Top Balmorals, Shoes and Slippers. 30 boxes Macaroni so h bbls Buckwheat ion bags Buckwheat 20 cases Bourbon Whiskey 10 baskets champague (pints and quarts) 12 boxes Champagne , ' 20 boxes Adamantine Candles (Cartoons) 10 boxes Paste Btacki ng. oct23 By Bell, Wylly ft Christian. AT AUCTION. THIBDAY, at 11 o'clock, will be sold in front of store, 1 fine Mule, young and gentle 1 new Spring Wagon 1 set New Harness. oct2B By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Railroad Stock. On SATURDAY next, 2Sth inst., will be sold, In front . of s ore, 18 Shares Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Stock. oct2T * By Bell, Wylly & Christian AT PRIVATE SALE. Desirable Real Estate. i Two first clans Dwelling Houses, three stories on basements, with all the modern improvements; situa ted in a central portion of the city. Also, Avery desirable House on the corner of Charlton and Tatuall streets, containing 8 Rooms, with gas and water. On the lane is a Brick Carriage House, btaides, Servants’ Rooms, «fcc. ▲lso, 1C Farm Lota, containing from 2<hto 29 Acre# each, near Lover's Lane, within one uiHe o! the limits of the city. A splendid opportunity for investment. A plot of the above Lots caa be seen at our store. ▲100) Wert half of Lot so. 39, Washington Ward, Brough ton street. Improvements q< must of a Dwelling, suitable for a small famiiy. Will be i-oid at a bargain. octS4»tf By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On SATURDAY nevt, 28th inst., will lie sold at public Auction, iurfrout of store, A Valuable Lot and Improvements, on Puffy street, between Bull and Whitaker street*. Oglethorpe Town, having fiO leet front and 106 feet deep. The improve ments ci xisist of two tenement* of wood one and a half stories. The lot D fee simple. Titles warranted. ocm 4 By T. J. Walsh. Ou SATURDAY*, Out. 28, w ill lie sold at the Georgia Steamboat Yarded Hi o’clock, l ' 44 bales Cotton, D imaged on Carswell's Flat, No. 3, from Augusta. Sold under iuspoctiou aud for account of all concern ed. Terms cash. 0c127 By York, William**, Mcln tire & Cos. AT PRIVATE SALE. Bbls nominy Bbls Meal Kits Mackerel Oanvasssfi Hams Kegs Butter Half keg. Butter Boxes Uheese Bbls Split Peas - ' . Half-bbls Pearl Barley, Ac. 5 oct2T BY BLl\ * MEYER' THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, am., in front of store, will be sold, 8 bbls Mess Beef 11 cases Pure N. E. Cider. ' ALSO, 1 Sofa l Ceuti*e Table b Rocking Chairs 1 Show Case 6 cuebioned Chairs 1 Dining Table 1 Lounge l prime Cooking Stove and Utensils, Ac. oot2s 1 Public Sale • V 1 OF Government Vessels. By order of the Quartermaster General, U. S. A., the foUowlug Government Veasal* will be sold « -BY- York, Williams, Mclntire & Cos AT PUBLIC AUCTION, At Savauxtab, Ga., On the Ist day of Kovembpr. 1865, AT 10 O’CLOCK, A. M., At the wharf iu rear of tile Commissary Wareh ousts Steam Tug STARLIGHT. Propeller STANDISH. Steamer SAVANNAH. Terms cask in United States Currescy. E. B. CARLING, 0ct.16 eodtd B’vt. Lt. Col.. A. Q. M. DR. GORDON HOWARD Has resumed the Practice of Medicine. Special atten tion to Diseases of the Ly. Office, and residence. Jones street, two doore from Wuitakar. >:■ J.3 1 octliu^^k£4d Hay, Hay. BALES Prime Northern Hay, per Bchr CHara I D it Pickett. For .ale to arrive. oct23 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN k 00. M.KRAUSS, MANUPACTDREBOF j '/j Boots, Shoes and Gaiiers. HAS A Fresh Supply and Ample Assort ment. or ALL GRADER And Is lo be found at Mosers Blnti A Merer’* Hales Room., where he Is desirous to mm Dealers ' In tbe artltfea f AX JN'ew York .Priq««, At Wholesale Italy, ON AOOOM M< M >ATI NO TKHMH '* i A H At tyfip i tore ms suaUaud r on rliiee puireeK GROCERIES, LIQUORS, A, C„ WHISKEY! WHISKEY' FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, ft. Pesefi Valley Whiskey, Maple Valloy Wbinkey, Pike’s Magnolia, spencer* Old Rye, and F'ine Keuiucky Bourbon. FOR SALK BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STREET, (Herald Bnildinga.) —a Lao, Alsop’s Ale, Mars’ Ale, Apples. Potatoes. Onions, Pkkies, Mackerel, Oder aud Cider Vinegar, oott ts G. H. ARLEDGET WHOLESALE CROCES ASD Ship Chandler. T3 BAY STREET, ■\TOW receiving pc- steam and sailing vemela from In New York, the following articles, which will be sold at the Lowest Market Price : Bbls. Flour. Potatoes, Onions, , j Turnips, Beets, Apples, ~ F, J -r - -I • Vinegar, Hams. Brown and Crushed Sugars, Bbls Beef and Pork, Bbls. Mackerel, H da, Jg do. andkits No 1 Cases Olive ull. Sardines. Candles, 1 Soap, Raisins, Pickles, Liquors Cheap Tea, Preserved Meat, Spices of all kinds, Herns, <fcc.. Sacks Coffee, Brooms, 'I uiac, P* ll * ' * i . (1 Backets, Ac. , ALSO Paints Oils, VarnuheS) Paint Brushes, fte., Ac. tr bhip Stores put up at the shortest sMlce. octlT 3m WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER nr GROCERIES. WINES. LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and. Cider. sep« ts /fOREIGN AjfP 5 4 SOLE AGENTS AND" IMPORTERS OF— Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. au3o . y £ G. Hilton, Savannah. P. M. R.vni jli,, N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL Wholesale G-rocers, m BAY STREET. NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, <L>a.. Are constantly receiving jier steamers from New i'ork The Largest and Most Complete Assort ment of Groeeries In the City, Orders by Mail, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly FYiled, »fiLowest Market Prices. octlC lm G. K. OSGOOD, STORK ISO CONGRESS AND 85 ST. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Hurdware, N. B.—The highest Cash Prices paid for Beeswax. Tallow, Wool, Hides, Ac. ts septic Gho. R. Cuump, Wm, A. Wright, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRIMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liquors, Tobacco, Segars, HALTED FIHH, Sea. 209 Broad Bt., Augusta, Ga, HT Will purchase and sell on Cominiseion Cortos, Tobacco, Pboduoe, and MLbouandibb- of every de scription. Ga^«,! a n? a r,^o. B^ STlfc Witt Jt Morgan, Gadeu A Uncklcs, A. A. SelMoia A Cos., J. T. Faterwm A Cos., R. Molina, Req., Savannah, Georgia. I I CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. ocU KIRLIN,BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS, CORKER WHITAKER STREET AND ' J 1> BAY LAKE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED A DELIVERED. *n2l * ,- U liVoaßautT" " /• r " A* Mho bushels Liverpool Bolt zonu sacks Osts, black aud white 10 sacks bust Rio Coffee To arrive, 100 Hales Huy. Ootlo N. A. HARDEE A CO. H. G. RUWE & CO., 'Wholesale GROCERIES i LIQUORS, WINKS AND SUGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTING ri'UIKJ lIUVIEj ttr AgeUU tor v tiß . 1* A<j BI U. Cohstiully on baud, an assortment of nxznzN win*. CHEESE, SOAP. iitSUU, NALPWIM A M. uql’OlM. PIER CE SKEHA N, Wliolphkle and Kfitail llpaler In Fine Groeeries, Boots Sr.d Shoes, nothin* Fotslsa and Domestic W mss. Liquors and Segars. Alsu, Dkehan’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE CIDEK, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng liah Alee. Ac. Liberal deduction* made to the trade ls« BROUGHTON STREET. SA VANN AIL and «2 Liberty street. New York. Just Received, Anil in Store on Consignment, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES Aim, a lot of Fine Liquors, couaieting of BRANDIES. WHISKEY, •SANTA CRUZ RDM, BORER'S BITTERS, Ac. Which we offer on the moat libeinl terms. VAN HORN HOLYOKE k MURRAY, octll-tf No. 9 Stoddard* Block, (UtiHORN & (IHGra, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, Ha vannah, BEG leave to inform their former friends and cua lumere, and the public generally, that they bars returned buslnew at their old stand, where they will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Goods iu their tine suitable for Private Families, Steamer* and Sailing Vessels. Punctual attention given to all cotm try orders lm octl9 T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS, &C 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA. f (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) We have the Largest Assortment o! Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &ou, In the South, to which we Invite the attention of the Trade. Call and compare our goods and prices. octO ts new sKiriT ron 'qb The Great Invention of the Age IN Hoop Skirts, / J. W. Bradley’s few Patent Dnnex 111 lip tic (or Benlde) Sprins 1 Skirt. TIIIS Invention coimietßof Duplex (ortwoj Ellptlc I'ure Hefinetl Steel hpnngs, ingcniuualy braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edgt*. making the toughest, most flexible), elastic *nd durable ftp ring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the Hin gle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice aa long as any Single Spring Skirt ih«t ever has or can bo made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assem blies, Operas. Carriages. Hall road Oars, Chnrch Pews, Arm ChAirs, for Promenade and House Drees, as the •rt can be folded when in us« to occupy a small place an easily and convenieutJy as a Siik or Muslin Dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Dnplex Elliutic* Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never after wards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses aud young ladies they are superior to all »th tTß. The Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods ou every Skirt are also Doable Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cov ering irom wearing off the rods when dragging down •tairs. stooe steps, Ac., which they are constantly subject to when in use All are made of the new and elegant Co.ded Tapes, and are the best quality in every part, giviug to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable aud economical Skirt ever made. WESTS', BRADLEY A OAKY, (late J. I. & J. O. West,; Proprietor, of the Invention, and Sole Manu facturers. 27 Chambers and 72 and 81 Resdo streets. New York. For sale in all first clsse stores in this city, and throughout theCuited Statu, and Canadas. Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and the West In dies. J3T Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (ordouble) Spring Skirt. Jyß Stf Notice IS hereby given that neither the owners or agents of the Steamers AMAZON, GIBUONS aud LAURA, will be responsible for any debt, bill or contract made by auy of the officers or crew of said steamers unless made by written permission of ERWIN Jk HARDEE, For Agents and Owners. Jno. L RocmhxEt, Agent on Wharf. octio ts BROWN’S CASTILLI AN BITTERS. TIIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pare Juice of the Grape aud extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of France, Italy and the Province of Castile (Old Sjialn,) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, Indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, and v’aluabie to Families, delicate females and children, for all disarrangement of the stomach. It is unrivalled. A never failing preventive and Cure for Sea Sickness. None who travel by land or water should l>e without the Castillian. * For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE A Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia. oct24-3m ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealer* to Builder.' and D>cksmlths’ Hardware. Nalls. NMes, Cord, Him l.ocks and Knobs, Butt Hinges, Brass aud Iron Kcyk aud Castings, Gong Bells, YVlrs, Hilrer-Pin ting, me. All orders, largu or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, lcae than market prices. srplS 8m o ■ s Scholars Attention QUACKENBOBH'S Ist Lines In Composition (fusi kunliosh's United htste* History w utekenbush'a Rhetoric, uusekenbosh** Natural Philosophy. And all other Books used In the savannah School*. UOIU JOHN C. SCHREINER dt SONS. NOTICE. OFFICE TAX RECEIVER, > Muvunuah, u*„ Oct. 24tb, ISd&.f Ciwoui- . TWs ofllcs will is’ »pwi on tUm 77th and ISth Inst*., for the rrc.lpi us Taxes from such persons a* btva lull made ihelr return* ftw the mouth of Heut.. IW*. • WM. T. KAMTuM. uetM 4 Capt. httdTaa Hseelver, dpsrr You k DERBY HATS COLD*INC’ S. •m •* iHimiio. fob new yoke The Schooner v ion ir. it. n. i hsre d °e^ , S 0f e “*° “ r * Ced l , T * Br For LreiiiU-.appiy to FOR NEWvOm. •gjw* Hk? Schooner m, MATTUB. MAT' ■JBtSSZh* will hsve quick despatch for the above port. For freight or passare apply to 00116 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO FOB NEW YORK, Atlautlo Coast Mall Stenm ship Company. TTle very fast setliße new steamship RALEIGH,G. M. Walker, commander, poeilivelj sail 00 her regular WMlamday, Not. Ist., at o’clock. For freight or passage, having very elegant accum modatioiia, apply to oct?9 JNO R. WILDER, Agent. PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORk. IThe new anfi splendid U. S. Mail X JT"* .'/*{ Steamship LI O , FA. Merrill, ■rAJfiv,nl< Uommar.der, will rail for the above port on her reginardav, SATURDAY, Oetoher 2Sth, at 1 o’clock, p. m. For freight or paaeago, having splendid arcommo datiouAapp'y to HUNTER .t GAMMELL anchobTjTne OF PACKETS FOR N E W^^YORK. AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN POR B The Staunch and Fast Sailing Schooners W. D. VAUGHN, - 188 tone ISLAND QUEEN, R. H. Conary. Master Its tons ELLIOT, - - ... . 1)8 tons HATTIE MAYO, A. B. Curds, Master. - ’ 98 'tun nONEST ABE, W. M. conary, Master. - 86 ton* And other), comprise the “Anchor Line” of Packets, and wW have quick daspatch as above. For Freight apply to PATERSON * TUCKER, Agents, No. 16 Stoddard's Building, or to ROGERS A CANN, Savannah, Ga. Dn. Beaoo & Cahrscbt. Agents, New York, octio ts SHIPPERS fO MUSTA ARE notified that they can store their goods ary J*- day ilnring the week, to be forwarded by the absve Boats, which are the lightest draught running to Augusta, free of extra charge. _ sepV” REIN * CO. For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. EL MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored in fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln atrect, free of coat. J. M. KTNCIILEY, Ageut. Ofllco in Claghoru A Cunningham’" The May arrived in Augusta from Savannah on tart Friday with her fu 11 freight ts octu Change of Day. tT.-S. MAIL LINE ForPalatka, Fla., VIA DARIEN. BRUNSWICK. ST.MARYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE ANDPICOLATA. The well known Steamer St. Johns, But now the HELEN GETTY, Capt. ‘ Ingraham, will leave the wharf, foot of West Broad street, Every Saturday, at 10 o’clock, a. in. precisely, for the above landings. For freight or passage apply on board nr to L. ft BENNETT, Agent. oct26 4 For Doctortown. The fast sailing steamer WM. Gr. GIBBONS, Capt. T. N. Phil pot, jl Will leave Dillon’s whhrf, tor Dactortowu, on Tuesday, Oct- 31, at O o’clock, a. in. For freight or passage, haring ample accommoda tions. Apply to , ERWIN & HARDEE, J. L Roc.uili.xt, Agent at wharf. 8-oct2S For Liverpool. THE first class British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. C. Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlO BEICwyCLy A CHRISTIAN. For Liverpool. tffv. THE A1 Ameflcan Ship NEW ENGLAND, JiLJaO Hodge, Master, having a large portion of cargo engaged will be ready to receive cargo at Lower HydrauHc Pros* an the 18th lust. For freight or passage apply, to „ sepit-tf bkiokam, Baldwin A CO. For Liverpool. Th» new first class clipper ship YIR QIISTI^I, WEEKS, Commander, Is now loading rapidly at Lower Press, and haring large engagements will hare quick despatch. Fur freight or passage (taken at lowest rates) apply to CIIAS. L. COLBY A CO., oct2B corner Abercorn and Bay sts. for Tiltimorr. Pemlergast’s Line. The tost sumtig regular packet BCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Baring the greater portion ol her cargo sigagM, will hors qnldt deapatch. Fur bslsuc eol freight ap pl J to * ' LxROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLES, Coruer Iky and Boruard streets. Agents In Bkltlraore—Peadurgaat, Fauwick A Cos. oetls_ _ FOR BALTIMORE. The fin* Sbsimshlp MOUTH I^OTMTT, Will sell (or tbs above porten Saturday, Nov.4th, at - o'clock, Fw freight ur (MWBMht, bhvtug eluant mMowmude IttHla, apply to _ . USIWV MY AM, HAMTMUHJM A VO. BHIPPIRO. Freights FOR AUOUSTA, ffIHK nnder*igncd are prepared to receive goods at •a their VVareffooseS—free of expense aud COT ersd by liwur* i, —for shipment to Angssta and puiuts beyond by Uietr regular line of light draught boats. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept'ffi—tf cot. Bar and Abercom sts, GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHT TO AUGUSTA. ry* »nd after thii! date the rate of Freight by our L '»o will be reduced 50 Per Cent ! adSpJed'fo the C t“£*^ tbe foUowta « ***** •“ Iron Steamer AM »ZoN, Capt Johnson. New Iron Steamer WM. G. GIBBONSjCapL Phllpot. Steamer LAURA, Oapt. Bin,. , The Steamer Gibbosuiain every particular a first claasPa.senger Boat. raLT r “ Ce “ nbe CffeCWdby *" •» lowest IST" Freightreceivod DAILY and forwarded TWICE A WEEK. sop2Mm ERWIN * HAW nee QUOTATIONS For Southern Bank Notes. { i BANKING HOUSE MANNING & DE FOREST, 1* WALL STREET, R!W YORK. CORRECTED OCT. 21, 18tl5. VIRGINIA. Bank of Berkeley *• Commerce. Fredericks burg "'.35 “ Charleston, charleston !.!** ” the Commonwealth “ Hou srilsvllle, secured —a& “ Old Dominion ’ "4u ” Philippi,secured .’. '""3 - ' “ Rockbridge •' Rockingham . 35 * Scottaville, secured ” the Valley »» “ Virginia "*4 “ Winchester at. Central Bank of Virginia, secured «a Corporation of Alexandria - . ■ "" Danville Bank, Danville. 2» Kxchaug! Bank of Va., Norfolk Fanners’ Bank of Fincas’lo. 4® “ “ Kiclrmond Merchunts’ Bank, Lynchburg, secured 3k Monticelio Bank, secured 20 Northwestern Bank at Jeffersonville.........’a* Southwestern Bank, Wythcevllle 1 38 Traders' Bank. Richmond .....30 Bank of Richmond .YO NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cape Fesr ....46 ” Charlotte .- .ag ’* Clarendon ~... 1* Commeice gg “ EayetteviUe iff “ Lexington 3$ •' North Carolina. “ Wadesborough 30 ’* Washington .j# “ WUmingtou jg •* YanpevUle 7’...1* Commercial Bank, Wilmington J ...20 Farmers' Bank of North Carolina 36 Merchants’ Bank, Newborn 36 Bank of Roxboro' 34 Miners and Planters’ Bank 36 Hank of Tnomaaville 45 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden sq ** CharlfcHtoo.... ** Cheater “ Geoigulown ~90 44 lJambnrg. " Newbury •* South Carolina fg •• State of South Carolina ii Commercial Bank. Columbia ii Exchange •* *» S * Farmers’ and Exchange .!*.*,*.ii Merchunts', Cheruw People’s Bank •*...§« Planters’ •* Fairfield Pianters* and Mechanics' Bank ‘M W. K. h ....26 State Bank... j* Uxuou Bonk . .06 GEORGIA.. " Augusta Insurance and Banking Company 18 Bank ol Augusta ,gj . " Atbeas so “ Culambus u • Commerce yg * Fulton „ “ Middle Georgia IK “ Savannah g Bank of State of Georgia.. > .gg Central Railroad hanking Company. M caty Bank of Augusta 2s Farmers’and Mechanics ;.1T Georgia Railroad and Banking Company 90 Marine Bank to Mechanic*’ Bank lg Merchants and Planters' Bank .18 Planters’ Bunk l* Timber Uniters' Bank 10 Union “ 1* MauulacluretV “ Macon 19 ALABAMA Bank of Mobile TO •• Montgomery •>., go *• Selma— t 80 Commercial Bank.. .....80 Central “ 38 Eastern Bank. to Northern “ 40 Bouthei-n “ .^..,....70 TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga 88 “ Middle Teiwessee ...... 76 “ Ter.ncesee ....81 “ WestTenneesee-.i '...80 City Bank of Nashville i 46 Merchants’ . “ 46 Ococe “ ..1 40 Planters’ •• fihelbyville “ T 6 Traders’ “ 30 Union “ 64 LOUISIANA. Bank of America 180 •• Louisiana ....V....50 *• New Orleans ...*o Canal Bank .’ 98 adzstts’ Bonk .’. f ; .98 Crescent City - : 60 i niiiiiifint state Bouk Mechanics' and Traders' Bank 96 Merchants’ “ to Southern “ 180 Unton V 90 New Orleans City Scrip.., 90 STATE BONDS AND COUPONS Virginia Bonds .- 7... .T0«T8 N. Carolina j. 56@37 North Carolina Floyd Bonds to h Carolina ** 70@T6 Tsnnrenrc »• tmSZ The above Bonds are. bought with Coupon* for 18(1. City of Savannah Bonds 60a#4 ChnrlestonCfiy 6 ’4tock... .’.'.'.4*46 New Orleans City R. R. Bonds ~...(3a*6 “ Conaolidatod. .....7»ato City Memphis end. by Bt. Teu. 54*47 §hs3S*>v.'.'.v.'.v...'' -l r .[•' ■' i&j — Memnbis 80S* N Carolina •• Georgia “ S Virginia “ S South Carolina R. R. Bonds . ■.•••• ~ Savannah aud Charleston, Ist mortg. Montgomurv and W. ;«*“ Natffc. tfld cliftf. ei»do. R R* Mcruii and Char end. R* R* • tsB ac Mobile and Ohio R. K. .'.‘(ltoto .. Mua axtensieely Iff Ml kinds of Sosttem « p.cki«. to manor ernes, will ILui, Sh 4 Msnry Bryas. Nsq, Dwksr. o*iw *