Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 30, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH I) AIL Y HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 244. The Savannah Daily Herald fMORNING AND EVENING} is neu.ucn at rt . W. MASON «Jt CO.. At 111 U* T Struct, Savannah, Gxoeou. ' Five Cent*. ivr » a** •• •: - \ AUV£ RTIfl!««: * T\va Dollar* per &iuar** of ren Lines f or first in . rth.ii Due Dollar for each subsequent one. Ad v .msements inserted In the morning, will, it desired, nueur in the ev< nine without ostra charge. JOB IMUNTINU, lu every stye, neatly and lapniptly done. by' TELEGRAPH TO THE ija ily H e raid. convMrioN. The Repudiation question Discussed on Saturday. A RESOLUTION TO INQUIRE AS TO THE VIEWS OF PRESIDENT JOHN SON TABLED. Miij-KDiitviLLE, Oct. 23, 1465. A resolution introduced at the morning session of the Convention to-day, to inquire el the Provisional Governor for information as to whether President Johnson had made the repudiation of the State war debt a con dition indispensable to the re-admission of Georgia into the Union, was laid on the table, after a protracted discussion. The business of the afternoon session was unimportant. FROM WASHINGTON. The Georgia Convention’* Inquiry Anil ei|iated. REPUDIATION REQUIRED AS A pledge of loyalty. Indignation Meeting of the Passengers of the Wrecked Steamer Karth Star. Salt- of Government Hull lug Stmk In Tennessee on Credit. A National Thanksgiving Day Ap polntc-d. Wash (not on, Oct. 26. —Provisional Gov ernor Johnson of Georgia has been officially notilied by the Secretary of State, that the President cannot recognize any State as hav ing resumed relations of loyalty to the Union, that admits as legal, obligations or debts created in the name of that slate to promote the rebellion. Norfolk, Oet. 26. —The .passengers of the steamer North Star which was run in here to preveut her sinking during the late storm, have passed resolutions condemning the owners of the vessel in New York tor send ing her to sea iu the disabled and unstawortby condition in which she. was. The steamer 's still at Norfolk'. A versel is expected from New York to take her passengers and freight. During the gale much of her cargo was thrown overboard. Washington, Oct. 28. —The Government being desirous of benefUting all the railroads within the Military Division of Tennessee has arranged tor the sale' to them, on credit, of ot such rolliug stock as is'not need by th e United States. Washington, Oet. 28—The President has issued a Proclamation, recommending the observance of a National Thanksgiving on the first Thursday iu November. FROM N£ VV ORLEANS. Important from Mexico. New Okcaans, Oct. 26.—Cotton is quiet. Sales 1,750 hales at OUc. Flour firm ; Super fine $0 50. Lard 3'Jc. Freights on cotton to Livoipool 1 l-2j. per pound. Gold 151 1-2. Advices from Matamoras of the 21st inst. slate that that city has neither capitulated nor is it surrounded, though closely besieged. Cortina, the republican general, is reported to have deserted the liberals on account of not being allowed to load an assault ou the city. THE LATE STORM. The SlfuiiK'r Republic Foundered at Sea. arrival of iwe boat ayd crew at CHARLESTON. Sixty Passengers Probably Lost $400,000 IN SPECIE GONE DOWN. % a telegram leceivecl in tills cily yester day, dated Charleston, Oct. 28, we learn that the steamer Republic from New York hound to New Orleans, foundered at sea in the late gale. Only one lioat-load of the passengers of the i tated steamer are believed to have been saved. I hese arrived at Charleston on Saturday. They had been out three days. They re port about sixty persons missing, whom they left upon a raft constructed from the wreck of the steamer, and in three boats. The steamer had four hundred thousand dollars in specie on board. Hinrv Ward Brechkk Magnanimous Auain. Rev. Ileury Ward Ucechor deliver ed a sermon on public atfaiis on the 2L'd iust., the following sketch of which comes by telegraph : He gavo in bis unqualified endorsement of t'lesiaunt Johnson uud hi* ifionsimotion IKiltej’■ urged lorliearancu aud kiuclm sa to ward tim Houth j insisting Utey must regu jaUi negro sutlrugu for themselves; diseouu tenauoed any Uitetlerunce, uud chdmud we U I U V "!! ve ‘"•nßdokeh In the loyal professions ot the Houtheruers aud that their self-respect must not be offended, He also puts for tit kind word* for Gan )4e (From Ottr Film of Saturday.) THE STATE CONVENTION lESTERDIinTpiIOCEEDINCS. Ordinance Abolishing Slavery Adopted IMPORTANT PROVISO; ACQUIESCENCE TO EMANCIPATION NOT TO PRE VENT FUTURE CLAIM FOR COM PENSATION. The Convention Getting Over the Ground Rapidly. REPUDIATION. THE FEELING OF THE CONVENTION ‘ LARGELY AGAINST IT. A Proposal to scale me War Debt Loot ed For. Etc., Etc., Etc. [Special Despatch to tlie Savannah Herald.) ‘, Oct. 27, 1855. The Convention to-day adopted the first article of the Constitution of 1861, with a slight alteration, —adding a clause declaring that, as the Uuited States Government has emancipated the slaves of Georgia as a war measure, and lias put the act of emancipation in operaliou, slavery and involuntary servi tude, save for crime, shall not hereafter exist in this State. This acquiescence in '.he ac tion of the United Slates Government is not, however, to prevent nor hinder any citizen of ihe State, who may see fit to appeal to the justice aud magnanimity of the Government for indemnity lor his property. The Couveuliou will progress rapidly with the Constitution to-day. The prevailing opinion among the members is against the repudiation of the State war debt, nud in favor of scaling it duwD to a specie basis. _ T. THE IHILLEUGVILLE (OWEN TION. • _ 1 JOE BROWN TALKED OF FOR GOVERNOR. [From the Associated Press.) Miu.hdgvii.le,Oct. 27th. —Morning session of the Convention was unimportant. Iu the afternoon au Ordinance declaring war the debt void was introduced aud referred to a Com mittee—several articles of the new Constitu tion were reported. The first article was adopted, the 20th sectiou of which abolishes slavery, with a proviso that this acquiescence to emancipation- shall be no estoppel to lu turo claim for compensation. There is a strong feeling in tbe Convention against, repudiation. It is thought that ex-Governor Joe Brown will run for Governor. From New York. ANOTHER STEAMER WRECKED. PRECAUTIONS AGAINST THE 1 CHOLERA IN THE NORTH ERN CITIES. Nkw Yoyk, Oct, 27.—Cotton is quiet. The steamer North Star which' sailed for Now Orleans on Saturday last was wrecked’ All the passengers are believed to have been saved. The Commissioners of Public Health of this city, together with the Mayors of Cleve land, Jersey City and Brooklyn and other Health Officers met to-day to adopt precau tionary measures against the spread of the cholera, should it be communicated to this country from England. The Lottdon Times on American Affairs. Fenian Movements in A.merka a Breach of the Foreign Enlistment Act. New York, 27.— The London Times, al luding to the late correspondence in refer ence to the depredations on American com merce by the Confederate war vessels, says it is the most important discussion with ref erence to the rights and duties ot neutral nations, that bus been carried on for many years between the great maritime powers, aud thinks there can hardly boa doubt that that the proposal for a Commission will ul timately he accepted. The Times also alludes to the Fenian movement as leading to a breach of the Foreign Enlistment Act. If England chose to be ungry, she would have greater reason to complain of the American position, as a neutral, in the Fenian movement, than Amer ica had in Tcgard to her position towards the Confederacy, inasmuch as the plot was form ed in America, by American citizens. The Time admits that the American Gov ernment lias acted fairly, notwithstanding the fillibustering plots of tier eitizeua. Numerous deaths from the cholera are re ported near London. From Washington—Mr. Reagan In Inter view with the President—Com.Craven to be Court Marti alert. Washington, Oct. 27.—Ex-Confsderate Postmaster General Reagan had a long and pleasant interview with the President to-day. The Tunisian ambassador paid an official visit to the Secretary of State this morning. Com. Craven is to be tried by naval court martial, for failing to fight the Ram Stone wall when in the harbor of Fayal, lie being at that time on board the war-sloop Niagara, aud the Sacramento aud other war-vessels being in close proximity. Uncalled for Pardons to be sent to the (jiUVCTnOTR of stute». Washington, Oct. 27. —The President has decided that all pardons under the amnesty proclamation not called for at the Depart ment of Slate one week alter being ready for delivery will be forwarded to the Governors of the respective Slates. Attempted Frauds on the Custom House Wasiiinoton, Oct. 27.—The government has seized large quantities of alcohol on ac count of the owners attempting to defraud the Custom House. No officials are said to he implicated. STRING 10 CONDUCT OF lIKNIIV I. FOOTK OK THNN. HE PUTS HIS FOOT IN IT BADLY. Naw York, Oct, 27.—T0-day before Judge Kelson of the U. S. Circuit Oourl, District Attorney moved Uist Hunry S. Foote be admitted to the bar, as counsellor in the Supremo Court. The motion wss grained aud Mr Foote took the oath to sup port the Constitution ot the United States and ot the State of New York. Afterwards SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, MONDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1865. on listening to the oath of allegiance be de clared that his connection with the late Con federacy rendered it impossible for him to subscribe to it, and left the court, unsworn. Mobile Market*. Mobile, Oet. 27.-—Cotton.—Sales to-day seven hundred bales—Middiiug 54. Sales of the week thirty -three hundred and fifty bales. Receipts for tlie week twelve hundred and thirty-four bales. Exports of the week seveu thousand and fifty-eight bales. Stuck on hand fitty-eigbt thousand one hundred and eighty six bales. Gold fifty-two. New York Market Yesterday. New Yobk, Oct 27—Cotton is reported quiet. Sales 1,458 bales. Sugar steady; sales 1,000. Coftee firm; sales 4,000; Rio,’ 16 1-2. Naval Stores quiet. Freights heavy. Tbe Message ot the President to the Slat th iarolinu Couv«ntluu. Mi\ Johnson on the Confederate War Debt. [From the Raleigh stamlarj.] The following important dispatch was re ceived from the President of the Uuited States by Governor Holden, aud was at once forwarded by him to tbe President of the Convention. VVe piesume there is no doubt but the Oouvention will at ouce act uuauirn ously iu response to this message : wr nr ,r CITT, Oct. 18, 1865. W. W. Holden, Provisional Governor : Every dollar of the State debt created to aid the rebellion against the United States should be repudiated, finally aud forever.— The great mass of the people should not be taxed to pay a debt to aid in carrying on a rebellion which they, iu fact, If left to them selves, were opposed to. Let those who have given theii means for the obligations of the State look to that power they tried to estab lish iu violation of law, constitution aud will ot the people. They must meet their fate. It is their misibrtuue, and canuot be recognized by tlie people of any State professing "them selves loyal to the government of the United States and in the Union. I repeat that the loyal peoplfc of North Carolina should he exonerated from tlie pay ment iif every dollar of indebtedness created to aid in cut lying on the rebellion. I trust and hope that the people of North Carolina will wash their hands of everything that partakes in tlie slightest degree of the rebel lion, which has been so rebeuliy crushed by the strong utm of the goverumen', in currv iug out the obligations imposed by the con slitutiou of the Union. ANDREW JOHNSON, President Uuited States. STILL LATER FROM El ROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER AFRICA. Halifax, Oct. 26.—The steamer Africa, with Liverpool dates to the 14lh. has arrived. Liverpool, Oct. 14 —Sales of cotton to day 35,000 hales, including 12,000 to export ers and speculators. The market closed buoyant, with an advance of 1-4 to t-2d. Breadstutfs quiet and steady. Provisions firm aud quiet. London, Oct. 14.—Consols closed at 88 7-8 to 89 toi money. If. S. Five-twenties 67 to 68. The National Bank of Belgium has ad vanced the rate of discount to 5 per cent. The Russell correspondence attracts great attention and much editorial comment. Hope-is generally expressed that it will come to au amicable solution. The Times says the position taken by the British Government will preclude losses from '.lie depredations of Confederate cruisers being referred to the proposed commission ers. Fenian arrests continue. The Cholera Raging in Spain. Madrid, Oct. 10. —Great increase in the cholera here yesterday—s4o cases, and )70 deaths during the day. General panic pre vails. The Canadians Fearful of bkino “Gob bled" bt the Fenians —The N. Y. Herald s Toronto correspondent says, tlie members of the Provincial Government, and their sup porters in Canada, are in a state of great agitation in regard to tlie FeDian movement. A Fenian organization hns been known to exist there for four years, but has occasioned but little couceru until the occurrence of recent events. England, Ireland, and the Canadian Government have, it is said, or ganized and distiibuted throughout the pro vince a force ot spies. Great activity is re ported to prevail in military affairs; changes in tbe disposition of troops are being made, garrisons strengthened iu regions where the Irish predominate, and an investigation of the loyalty of the officers and soldiers insti tuted. Arms are being distributed lor the use of citizens known to oppose Fenian de signs. Custom authorities are nervous over the recent large importation of ammunition, which ia believed will ultimately find its way iuto the bands of the Feuians. The present movement in Ireland is merely a ruse, aud will be a grand design when England has thrown iuto Ireland’ the troops, the order in this country shall seize Canada, aud declare it an independent State, ami place it uuder prelection of the United States. President Johnson and the North Caro lina Convkntion. —The timely receipt of a telegram from President Johnson, saying that North Caioliua should at once repudiate every dollar of indebtedness contracted to assist the and prevented Hie stav ing off by secession of me mbers a vote on the ordinance completely ignoring that debt, aB they bad their plans already laid for the purpose, but upon reading ibe President’s despateti, the ordinance was taken up and passed amid great cheering aud enthusiasm, their befog but a few' dissenting volts. The proposed amendment to submit to a vote of the people was not adopted HEAD’QRS SUB-DIST. OF OGEECIIEE, ) Savanna)), Ga , Oct. 28, 13G6. / CIRCULAR. General Orders, No. 82, dated Head quarters, Sub-District of Ogeechee, Savun uab, Georgia, Sept. 27tli, 18t>. r >, is hereby modified to read as follows, viz : Ist. One (I) per cent, per unuutu on valua tion of all Real Estate in the city limits (ex cepting unimproved lots.) 2d. Otic half (1-2) per cent, on gross sales of merchandise, (including sales of liquors,) except cotton. 3d. Oue-lentb (1-10) percent, on gross sales of cotton. 4th. One (I) per cent, on all commissions derived from any business transaction (other than sales of merchandise) by any Factor, Auctioneer, Broker, Forwarding, .Shipping, or Commission Merchant. sth. Oue(l) percent, on mII incomes of 88 33-100 dollars aud upwards |ier month, derived from Salaries, Trades, Professions, Ac. tith. One (1) per cent on gross receipt e>f any business transactions not included iu the above sections of this circuisr. m All taxes culled for by this ciicular for the month of October 1806, will he paid to the Kuceivtnr of City Taxes, prior lothe folk day ol Nov. intSS. Any prison ueghciiug to comply with the requirmuenu of this Circu lar, will lie subject to a Rue. IJv CUfttlAlliU ul **Ur«v. Major Gun. J. M. BftANNAN. Ws, T. Easvur, G«pt end Tax Kscslver. 1 ocuk> at PROFESSIONAI. CARDS. Woodford & Bitch, ATTORNEYS AUD COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. ill Broadway,'Trinity Building NEW YORK CITY. TBE undersigned Ravine resumed tbe practice oi die Law, is prepared 10 lake charge of canes be lore tbe several Courts lu New York and at Wash ington. srpho-S&Wlni STEWART L. WOODFORD, Henry Williams^ Attorney at Xjaw, OEVICE NO. 113 BAY STREET, (Over the Herald Reading Room,) octl4-tf SAVANNAH Ga. Gao. R. Black. " Herts E. Lv.tvj. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, GA. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson & Lester, comer of Bay nud Barnard street*. octl4-tf THUS COHWIN, WM. HTuWKN, TUOsTwIISoS or OHIO. LATH OOL. Q.lf.P. Or fOWA. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnaton, Corwin & Finnell.j A. T TO R IST E YS —and COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, 222 F STREET, nfak TREASURY BUILD -INO, IN REAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D.C. Will practice in the Supreme Court of tbe Uuited Stated, the Court oi Claim*, and the Court* ot the District of Columbia. Fartictilnr attention given to Claims and Depart nieut business, Ottkcn* Accounts adjusted. auJQ 3m GEORGE A. MERCER, Attorney at Law, No. 113 Buy street, over Savaiuiali Ileaalil OAlee. <- The nooks of account aud unfinished basinets of Gordon ft Mercer u.eln his hand*, and he ia fully au thorized to collect the due* and continue the business of said firm. lw" octttG C. S. BUNDY, Gs ODoral Agout AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Street, Be tween 13th and 14th Streets, (Near Pay Department,} Washiugtou.D. O. JuSU tt GREAT Or Ift Distribution, 250,000 WATCHES, Chains, Diamond Rings, etc., worth over One Million Dollars, all to be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value. Not to be raid for until you know what you arc* to receive. During the month eliding Match 31, 1865, T. ft 11. Gaughttn & Cos. have had the honor of distributing among their patrons, s*ix Hundred and Ninety Gold and Silver Watches, at the price of One Dollar each. SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES! All to be Sold for On© Dollar each. 250 Solid Silver Dining Sets, • $76 to 300 600 Silver Salvers un i Urns, 60 to 260 60*» Solid Silver Tea Sets, complete, 61) to 300 lou Rosewood Musical Boxes, 32 airs, 76 to 260 20J Mahogany Musical Boxes, 24 sirs, 50 to 20 * 26»G01d Hunting Watches, <6 to 260 250 Ladies’ Enamelled Gold Watches, 60 to 200 500 Gents’ Hunting Silver Watches, 36 to 100 5"0 op*n4ace Silver Watches, 26 to 60 250 Diamond Rings, 60 to 100 5000 Photo. Albums, all slses 6 to 60 2000 Gold Ve-t and Neck Chains, 15 to 30 3000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 5 to lo 6000 Chased Gold Bracelets, 6to 12 2000 Chatelaine and Guard Chains 6to 20 7mH) Solitaire and Revolving Brooches, 6 to 10 2000 Lava and Florentine do 4to lo 6000 Coral, Opal and Emerald do 4to 10 60tM) Mosaic. Jet and Lava Eardrops 4to lo 760 J Coral and Emerald Eardrops, ✓ 3to 8 s**oo California Diamond Pius. 5 to 20 600 > California Cluster Diamond Pius, 3to 10 3000 .set Solitaire Buttons aud Studs, 3to 10 3uoo Gold Thimbles. Pencils, Ac., 3to H luouu Lockets, double-glass, 3to 6 6000 Lockets lor Miniatures, 6to 10 3000 Gold Toothpick , Crosses, ftc, 3to 8 6000 plain Gold Rings, 4to 10 6000 chased Gold Kings. 4to lo 10000 shield and Signet Rings, 3to 10 10000 California Diamond Rings. 3do 10 7600 gets Ladies’ Jewelry, jet £to 10 i/000 sets Ladles’ Jewelry coral, Hto 12 6000 sets Ladle* Jewelry, onyx. 10 to 12 6000 sets Ladies’ Jewelry, lava. 12 to 20 261*0 sets Ladies’ Jewelry, mosaic, 20 to 30 10000 Gold Pens, with Sil. hold is, 6to lo 6<x»o Gold Pens with Gold holders, oto 12 60 o Gold Pens and holders, superior, 10 to 16 6000 Silver Goblets and Prinking Cups, 8 to 10 m>oo .Silver Cat*tor* and Wine Holders, Mto 60 2000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets, 20 to 6o Messrs. T. A H. Gaughan ft Cos., No. UG Broadway, New York, extensive manufacturer* and importer* oi all the leading aud most lashiouable style* of Watches and desiring to increase their busi ness to an uniin Red extent, have resolved upon a Great Gift Distribution, subject to tbe regulations fol lowing : Celliti-ates naming each article and its value, are placed in Mealed Envelopes aud well mixed, une of lht*se envelopes will be sent by mail to any addi'ts-t on receipt of twenty-five cents. All Articles sold at One Dollar each , without regard to Value. On receipt of the certificate yon will sec what you are goiug to ItEv«. ami then it in at youfoptiou to Heud tin* dollar ami take the article or not. PurcknitcrH may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamoud Rifts, or any net of Jewelry on our list for One Dollar, nml in no case can they yet less than one dollar’s worth, an l here are no bliiiiKH. The price of Certificate* is as follow*: One for 25 cento ; five for $i ; eleven for $2; thirty for ; sixty-five for $10; one hundred for slfi. Auenui will be allowed ten cents ou every certificate ordered by them, providing their remittance hmo nut* to one dollar, A Cents will collect 26 ccnte for every certificate, and remit 15 <« n» either iu cash or pofituge Hfamps. T. * II GAUGfIAN A CO., oct&) Ira* No. IW York.^ SOUTHUtN If KAI, ESTATE AMI EMI GRATION AID COMPANY. WIIO want* Timber ami Turpentine Lands? ' Who wants Cotton aud Corn Farms? Wo have them for Bale, iu different States Who want* to sell Lands* We can f*e*l them. Put them In our hand*. W. II QUINCY, 52 Wall street, New York. C.F. JONKH, 11. LEE, Theittsviil* Ga. oct24-liu ijltiiAhii F. FLQVD, Jacksonville, Fla. 350 0 TONS or ENGLISH RAILS, Os best quality, (OxVt per lineal yard. Fur male by FOWLS A CO. )UU> 6m No, 70 Broadway, N. Y, Grits and Meal. f' lI.I.KM'S MILL RK-OFKNBD. Haring purch*»- U nl the entile isierest from Mr h. (iilltin Iu hie large suitextensive Mill,, ou the cianer of Habenkam »ti*‘.'t and Ferry »troet Isus. we are now prepared to f urn all (iriet and Meal M f.ivorahle raw* ('..rii will be until riHUollaWe. All nr ten promptly Hill'd jrcUUia LUDINOTON * H Altai WON. Brown’s standard Ktalo. USED by tbs United State* and Foreign clover* meat* for more than THIRTY YRAHI. . Adapted to any branch of hnetaeat tor toratga or boat* market* Wan anted accurate aad duiahls. Sale* room* Mu. S MarcUy-et, near tiroadway aeplS ly M BltuWN. hUmifarXaier. RAILROADS. - - •TVr.J Central Railroad - J SMC .■fcrw Jl ii»r7 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, » O SHVanH.ii, Ua., October 27, 1865 f N and aft**, Monday, 3»th tost, a dally u-ain fans day. txcepledj ft-ill leave for Augusta at a. ni.. cumjTctlxiT with a line of Back, running between Station 6 Central Railroad, and Waynesboro on the Augusia and Suvanunb Railroad. Pas-enger* by this line will arrive in Augusta the next mormon after leaving Savannah in lime to connect wltb tbe Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Rrturuiug arrive ill savannah at 4.45 p. m. Freight to gn hy i'ame-nger Train mii.c be prepaid and de.h-ered ut the Depot tie night before By order of • GEO. W ADAMS, OC ' L - General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. ) Savannah. Oct, 10th, 1565./ This Compauy is now, in connection with H. J. uickorkm A Co.'s Wagons prepared to receive aud lorwnrdlo Augusta. Macon, Aijuuta Ac., daily from twenty to thirty thousand poi Ads of Frebrhl, and go through in fiimi three to stxAays. * s Ship Freight and other expense, must bo paid by Shipper Railroad lreigld eau bo paid here or-al de»- unation, * Freight on perishable goods uniat be prepaid. GEO W. ADAMS, oclu General Superintendent. STATIONERY, 4fcC. MSTIIoL’S Newspaper Depot, AN!* STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street, Corner of Bay Lane. HACK OF THE COST OFFICE. NEW NOVELS. Just Received at the above Dejrot a further supply of THE Brsif-BASOKU'S, OH, ADVEY TIKES IN AUSTRALIA. MAJOR JONES' COURTSHIP, Price 180 ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT, Price 60 Leslies’ Ladles Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mud, Demorests’ Mirror of Fashions, Price 40 Cta. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 86 cents. ALSO HARPER'S MONTHLY, GODEY’S LADY'S BOOK' ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Ac., for OCTOBER. Tbe usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, «ug3p THE CHARLESTON DAILY HEWS Can be had ut ESTILL’S News Depot and Cheap Periodi* cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. sepSO TO TRAVELLERS. fly |jg New and.Cheap Publications. Artemaa Ward; hi* Travels, $1.60, The Lost Will* S6O cents. Gun Howard, 76 cents. Veruer’B Pride, $1.60. The Cuiee of Clifton, $1.50. Hword and Gown, 30 cents. Great. Expectations, 76 cents. The ChMunmgs, sl. The Castle's Heir, $1.50. GuyLlvingHtone, $1.60. Major Jones'Courtship, sl. Major Jones* Chronicles of Pineville, sl. Polly Penbiopsom's Wedding, sl. And other Novels, at ESTIIX’S NEWSPAPER and PERIODICAL STORE, Bull street, back ot Post Office. HOTELS. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, g. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY A BANCROFT, Proprietors. Kdu akd L. Jokes, Agent . ts octlO GILMORE HOUtSE, Monument Square; Baltimore, Maryland. FIRST CLASS HOTEL bae been newly fur nished throughout, and la now ready for the re ception of gueptH octd-fm KIRKLAND A CO. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RUUQ, Pbopiistobs B. S. RIDDELL. M. r> , luS-tf Bridge water Paint and Color M arks Cos. BELL, WILLY & CHRISTIAN, Agents. Just received and for sale at the maonfacturer’a Pi Pet: Kegs XX Bridgewater Lead Kegs XX Snow White Zinc Kek» i l*gnet White Lead Kegs Sommensut White Lead Tnbs Putt? * Paint Brushes l*rcmkim White Lead Chrome Yellow Venetian lied Metaiic Paint (in ollj Met;ilic Paint fdryj Fire Proof Paint _ Cottage Colors. t lm oct26 CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. fFHE undersigned having associated themselves to * Betner under tlio Ann name of I.aROCHK, GADEN A UNCKLKB, for tho purpose of transacting a Gene ral Grocery, ui.d commission H nets urn. uud having secured the large and commodioiu a tore, comer of May and Barnard streets, are now prepsred toreccive any aud all consignment* made to them. They aluo hare extra rooms, utiialilu lor Dry Uooda and Fancy Ai-tiiics, which, ll aixoiupanlld by owners or agents, arc the liest in the elty ; 'fiotu a long experience and thorough acquaintance with the business, they hope to give entire ualiafaction to all inukiog consignments to thorn. Literal ndvauces made on Colton. Lumber, Ac. con signed to them for sale In Savannah, or for shipment to their friend* in New York, Boston or Baltimore LaROCUK, GADEN A L’NCKLES. ISAAC D. Lahocuk, BkNj. U. Gaoen, David 8. UacaLaa. lm octlO MILIHEEfGOODS'. Xhave Juat returned from New York, amt have brought out one of the land selected Mocks of Milinery Dress floods AND • HOSIERY, R*w brought to this market. The (foods win be .old cheap. 1 wU! receive weekly tho Isteat utylea of MUlnery under Hcriveu House, Corner or JiuU and Congress Street Lane. cie-lmo MRS. PRAMS NOTICE^ THE uutorMgaed proalueta care Beminal Weakness la all lie worst forms without the aec of medlcm.- f,,r ociui dm Rtataa, Maas DRY GOODS AND CLOTIIINO. DRV GOODS. DRY GOODS. LATHROP & CO., Corner Congress and Whitaker • Streets, #,a w TinLLrgien trwlay, and are prepared to exhibit their ” "stock of ilooda, bought exprenniy for tba South era Trade, couairtiug lu part of— Ladles' Dreea Goods aud Trimming, shaft in. Ribbons and Buttons Cloaks, Sscques, Mantillas, Ac French Merruo and Opera Flauuel Fieuch aud English Oambrica Black Bomboaine, Cashmere and Crapea, White Goods. Jaconet agd Nainsook Muslin Bishop and Victoria Lawns Plaid Jacuiieia and brilliants India Twills anti Rwias Muslin. Embroideries. French Wrought Musliu Sett French Wrought Cambric Bett Real Lace Sets Embroidered Handkerchiefs Black Lace Veils H. 8. Lawu and Cambric Handkerchiefs. Hosiery AND Gloves Ladies’ English White Cotton Hose * Ladies' English Brown Cotton Uoss Misses' and Boys' Cotton Hose Kid, Bilk, Lisle and Wuoleu Gloves. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Linen Table Damasks Doyles, Napkins and Towels Linen Diaper, Crash and Towels Counterpanes Bleached 10-4 Cotton Sheetings Beil Blankets, Irish Linen, Ac. GENTLEMEN’S WEIR. Black Cloths and Casatinsres Fahey Cusstiuurea aud Vestings Satinets, Tweeds. Ac Merino Shirts Brown English Cotton naif Hose _ Mixed Meriuo Hall' Hose Fancy Tics, Paper Collars, Ac. We will make weekly additions to our Stock, and trust In a short time to fully meet the wants ot our friends - ~ , LATHROP & CO. oct2s lm To Merchants, VISITING the city, we would be pleased to show our Stock, which we propose to sell at fair prices. t>et26 lm LATUKQP A CO. • H. HAYM, 174 Broughtou Street. 174 OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN DRY GOODS HOUSE Wholesale and Retail. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Blankets, Shawls and Cloaks —the newest styles. Also — Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Ac., Ac. NO auction or damaged Goods. Nothing but regular desirable art teles. All goods sold low uud ou liberal terms. Having r'--opened the above establishment, where 1 Intend to keep a well selected Stock of the choicest Goods, and having bean long known iu the business. 1 return my acknowledgments to my former friend* aud customers, and would solicit from them a coutlu uanca of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on *ne. 11. HAYM, „ IT4 BROUGHTON STREET, °ctid ts Savannah, (la. DRY GOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT 'To T aadioH and Oonntry -\lerehantß. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Gootla, Ac., Ac., &c., Reinaikably Cheap for Cush, CAN BE FOUND AT ■A. Tlemohor cfb Oo’an., 18 BARNARD STREET, COR CONOREB3 LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Porclga and Dofceatlc Gnods, Cloaka, HhawK he. N. B —By strict attention to buslneaa, courteous *»d boaornUe dealing with our customer!, wo trust U* merit aud rnceiva a liberal share of patronage. A targe tins ol Whit. Clouds and Uliana now upon. y.acuw , STEELE k BURBANK, 11 Merekamts Hew, Mlllam H.n.t, a«. Ca H,u " pw MILITARY AND NAVA*. CLOTHING, PRICE. 5 CENTS INSURANCE. talkeriiH f«|,u.|-|io,4oo,###. sSk sisiS? aary* AT THE LOWEST RATES. * ARI ™ DURANCE -SScCS and in^*^dbss cr- '** ,goo,oo ° ANtE company .ooaoon OMMKRCB PIKR INSURANCE CO MPT . 800.000 2««,0«8 . Brerkh “ ld Abercorn sts. Ocll n r *lton and bry&n *tru«n«. noiiati 0 'a out^#rm Xnaurnuo®, THE . i National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY/ 4>F NEW ORLEANS. CAPITAL,, „ ~S. : j■ * --- "“>T7$ .... ‘ - , hegs K*ve to inform the Uuurine public mat bo Ire. been legally appointed Agent for the stKive named Company, and is read.v to tako M>. nne. River and Fire H&ks at customSJyWfos “ O. U MYERS, Agent, Offlcc at Octavu.Cohen, 84 Boy street. Cahe|> ' UuMhif ; . ■ __ fTNAIU-lAL. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For Safe by*' • « > BRIGHAM, BALDWIN *r6 Sight Exchange NEW YORK, In enms to suit purchasers, by • E. F. MBTCALWI Am. POR SALK A TO RENT. Store to Let, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The light and comm odious atdre, corner Merchants* Row and Palmetto AVrniie, to lease for a limited tlm«. Terms i any. Address W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, ***** ’' Lark Box E, Hilton Head, g, Q, TO RENT. LAKOE AVZ> H ISIISOMELV Furnished Rooms To Let, ♦ AT IAIT COR. or PRICE ARO OT. JRUAI IT*. ROOMS TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The “Palmetto Herald Butldlng,'' having; been newly fitted up, now offer large aud airy Rooms suitable for Sleeping Apei tiuente or Bosincas parties. For terms address W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent. octlß ts Lock Box K, Hilton Head. &C. DHY’ GOODS A CLOTHING. ' clothingT" FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. • T'HK subscriber having formed a Cos partnership JL witli Mr. J. C. Ludlow, under the arm name oi' Ueidt A Ludlow, respectfully calls the attention of hia nieiids aud the public generally to their I Arab atoek of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots. Shoes and Hats, which they are now opening, and will sell at Wholesale and Retail,Tit the old stand of Heidt, Jau dou A Cos., No, lui Bryan and Ce St. Julian street, up stairs. * ortn-Sm E. HEIDT. H ■ ' a ' ,lrt '* - ; Savannah, Ga, LAMB AGENCY TOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. frUlEsubacrilwr, formerfy of Savannah, and resident * st Blsckuhesr, Pierce county, Ga..on theAtlan tjcAGnifXMlrtid, wilt give hie personal nod undi vided attention to the sale and purchase of Lands contlguoun to the said railroad, on commission, and solicits the patronage of all needing an agent there. Aa experience In the land, lumber and timber boai aesa of twenty years In Georgia aud Month Carolina, guarantees ample qualUtcatiou. Ho will be r<*re sented m Savannah by Mr. Henry Bryan, and In New York by the Geeat Southern fond j^^gYANfOrY** 1, ltefers to any old resident in Savannah. sepia 3m THOH. W. BBOOKM MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, BTW. Tllton, Agt., I.V)NMHRLY Ttlton, Worrall * Maaw, Southern r c arriage Warefooma, No. did HnwUway, New York, kiigiaai M—pYtaan, IB t. mid-ID