Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Herald
BY s. W. MASON & <*>.
Uroi'KL W. MASON. Kdttor.
•\X. T. THOMPSON, A«o*l».c Editor.
We oSer have coteplMwH fro« reMdenta of Savor,
ctU and Hi.ton Head that Urey «re noE able :
til tn-n the Px»ot.n. The demand U wmreUmw.
pr-at«to exhaust an Edition wxj «x :« el*vr Ka taeue,
ted three *ho wish to have the H.aii.e
ahcald eub«eribe so: tt. We have faith fu’ carriers u:
Ssvanuah and a; Hilton Head, aad through them w«
aiwaya serve regufarsatocrioers flret.
Tht Ploitda coaavtiation.
YVe learn from the Jack--‘ :ivdif \*uion of
the -'th lust., that the- State Convention or
ganized at Tallahassee, on the 2 >th inst.
Hon. E. D. Tracy, of Nassau county, wa*
elected President *and A. J. Peeler, Esq , • f
Leon county. Secretary.
. Governor Marvin s message was received
and read. It recommends the repeal of the
secession ordinance, and that frectltnen have
rights of person and property guaranteed to
them and be declared competent to give tes
timony in the Courts, but does not recom
mend that they be admitted to vote or hold j
office. j
Numerous committees ware appointed. I
The Socth CaßOUsa Leoisi-atcre —This
bodv assembled in extra session on the 25th
last-, in accordance with the provisions oi
an ordinance of the Stttfe Convention.
The Senate was organized by the choice of
Its veteran member, Col- F. J- Moses, ot
Sumter District, to the position of temporary
Pre-ident, and Gen. Win. E. Martin as
Id the Souse of Representatives, without
opposition, Messrs. Alfred P Aldrich and
John T. Sioan were elected respectively
Speaker and Clerk.
There was quite a largft attendance con
sidering that it was the first day of the ses
sion, and the interval of time between the
election and the meding was so brief.
Tuere was considerable speculation as
to the result of the Gubernatorial
election, os many of the Representatives
were utterly unable to tell anything definite
ly as to the results in their own localities,
and the official returns will not be counted
UDtil the session in November next. Some
ot the knowiogoncs calculate that Orr had
2,000 or more majority over Hampton.
General Hampton made his appearance in
both Houses and was most cordially greeted
He met there as Representatives many of
hie old comrades iu arms, among them
General M. C. Butler, General J. B. Ker
shaw and General John Bratton.
On the 27th both Houses occupied the day
In reading the Governor's Message. Reso
lutions requesting the removal of colored
troops were referred to the Committee on
Federal Relations. An election for Members
of Congress has becu ordered ou tbe 15th
November. It is not probable that the elec
tion for United States Senators will take
place before next Tuesday.
The Flurry in Englan.l over the Confed
erate stock Lists.
The latest European advices says :
Denials continue to bo published by per
sons who were included iu the list ot alleged
holders of bonds in the Confederate Loan.
Mr. Sampson, tue "city editor’’ of The
Loudon Times, had addressed the following
letter to the editor of The Star :
Sir : You have published tuy name in a
list of alleged holders of Confederate Stick 4
I beg to ray not only that I haw never held
any Confederate Stock, but that I declined
to accept an allotment offered to rue at the
time of its introduction.
I am, iSsc., M. B. Sammoh."
The editor of The Times, not only denies
the imputation, as far as be is concerned,
in a leading article in tbe columns
of that journal, but personally writes to The
Loudon Star, under his own signature, "John
T. Dalaue," emphatically denying that lie
ever held any of the loan. The Star, in
publishing this letter, justifies itself for hav
ing admitted the list into its columns, and
contends that, had the list been autqeutic, as
there appeared no reason to doubt, its com
ments upon Mr. Delane’s appearance iu it
would not havy been in the slightest degree
The Star also thinks that the allegation
against Mr. Delane must have beeu eagerly
accepted in America, on account of the bit
ter hostility ot the Times to the North dur
ing the late war, which hostility cannot be
easily effaced by the ostentatious means now
adopted by the Times to conciliate tbe
The Times publishes additional emphatic
denials from Lord WharacUffe, Geo. Warren
Peacock aud Edward Akroyd, and us a
heading to the letters prints tho term, “The
Lying List.
Tue Pall Mali Ornette says the names
withdrawn from the list deprive it of any
significance which it might have otheiwise
Mr. W. S. Lindsay, M. P., in o letter to
the rime* says that his losses in Confederate
stuck instead of being £ 20,000, as alleged,do
not amount to a tenth of that sum. His
small investment was made long atter the
loan was issued- Bc-yoad this in vestment he
says ho had no personal interest in toe suc
cess oi the South, hot be adds: “I deeply
regret that the Southern people who toughi
so nobly and -o well were uot able to aehieve
their independence."
Co'Scls roa Savaksah.—The New York
Times’ W a?hiugton special ot Oct. 24, says
that the President has recognized Antonio
Marin de Cia as Consul ot Spain at Mobile ;
also, Christen M. Holst, as Vice-Consul of
HeDniarti, and Louis Casaval, as Vice-Con
sul ot Spain, both to reside at Savannah.
The Members or the Charleston Con
vention so* ALL Pabdoned.—lt has been
generally supposed that all the members ol
the South Car nliua Convention were pardon
ed. The Columbia Phtcaix says this is a
mistake, however. Erc, p Uous were made
in several instances.
Alabamians to Bka.hl,—Major
Hastings, ot Alabama, appears u, uaVe 6 ' o . organizing a colony to emi 2ri .,,. to
Brazil. The Selma Me-seuger suyE o
have one hundred families, of five huudred I
paying members, each puyiug a quota „ t
money, which they forfeit in case they tvu 1
to be ready to embark at the uni p lHtt 1
designated by their written agreement. The I
traoeportaSMl will cost twenty dollars for
adults and ten for children between two and
twelve year* of age, each family being en
titled to one ton of freight free ot charge,
and eaeh unmarried person, uot of the funii
lies, to two hundred pounds. Thu time and
place of embarkation are already designated,
and about ball the leouired number have
wgtied the agreement. The full number wul
•ouu he obtained, when the final arrange
olide tur de P artttfß ul the colony will he
The husiuees of Mew Orieuus has In
ness, and u pe, Ceat. ever what it waa on lire
i> ' liw * , * r,, 601 clerk*
Um CuMum Uouee to do th* buetnees
Tbe steamer* Vsruna and Weyboeael, from
New York on the 25U* mmX, arrived ye.ier
We are indebted to Purser Smith of the
Yaruna, and Purser K. B. Parish of the
Wevbossett for favors :
European News.
Important diplomatic 'correspondence be
*weeti Mr. Adams, the American Minister,
iud Karl Russell is published iu the Loudon
Gazelle of the llth iust.
an. Almas to karl Buasnn. —uimr-ii hi.s
Tm- correspondence begius with a letter !
from Minister Adams, duietl the 7ih April ,
as 1 , in which be calls the attention ot Earl
Ku.-sell to the official reports respecting the
ravages ol Use Alabama, aud announces that
lor the damages caused by such cruisers his
government cannot avoid entailing the res- ,
ponsibililv upon Great Brituiu.
Thu reply of Earl Russell is dated May 4.
He says that tne dudes of Great Britain in
wards the United Stales are not measured
by the losses which the commerce of the lat- I
Lur mjytlbave sustained. The question is
-iinplyavbe'hcr the Queens government
nave laithfuily and honestly performed the
Julies which international laws and their ,
own municipal laws imposed upon the m.
The reply of Mr. Adams is dated May 4.
He says that the insurgents became belli*, r
uis on the ocean solely by reason of the (
j racilities furnished in her Majesty’s ports for
j them to do so. He complains of the secret j
I sympathy ot her Majesty’s officers in the port
of Liverpool, and contends that alter ttie in
formation which he supplied respecting the
Alabama, it was, by the flagrant negligence
oi her Majesty’s Board ol Customs that this
vessel, admitted to be iuteuded tor war pur
poses, was suffered to depart from Liver-
Au interval of three months elapsed be
ween the above letter and Earl Russel s re
oiy to it. •
Iu response Earl Russell proceeds to justify
die course of her Majesty’s government in
recognizing the belligerents, aud reasons
.re giveu why there was extreme difficulty iu
riving orders to exclude trom British porta
vessels of-wur partly fitted up in the United
Avery important point is referred to in this
letter. Earl Russell notices a sntemeot in a
letter from Mr. Adams, in 1863, as to the
government of Washington being ready to
refer these disputes to arbitration.
Earl Russell declines this offer, and says it
is a question, in the first place, whether the
Qjeeu's government have acted in good faith
in maintaining their neutrality, aud in the
Second place whether the law officers of the j
crown have correctly interpreted a British
Ear. Russell continues“ The Queen's
government can refer neither of these ques
tions to arbitration.” The words used by
mm are as follows :—*• Her Majesty’s govern
ment are tbe sole guardians of their own
h .nor. They cnuuoi admit they have acted
with bad faith in maintaining the neutrality
they professed. The law officers ot the
crown must be held to be belter interpret', rs
of a British statute than any foreign govern
ment can be presumed to be. Her Majesty's
government must therefore decline to make
reparation aud compensation for captures
made by .the Alabama, or to refer the ques
tion to any foreign State. Her Majesty’s
government conceive that if they were to act
otherwise they woulu eudanger me position
oi neutrals in all future wars. Her Majes
ty’s government are, however, ready to con
sent to tbe appointment of a commission to
which shah be referred al. claims arising du
ring the late civil war, which the two Powers
shall agree to refer to the commissioners."
The reply ot Mr. Adams is dated the 18th
of September, and is very serious in its tone.
Mr. Adams cousiders tual there is now no
dispute as to the fact that the recognition ot
the South as belligerents was such an act as
was never dene by one nation towards
another in a state of amity. He charges the
Briiisb government with having acteu with
out knowledge and upon mere presumption
iu as-umiug that the evidence of the block
ade ot the Southern ports was imperlect.—
Tue blockade, be says, %as the consequence,
not the cause, of British policy. He thinks
that the only excuse tor the Biitish govern
ment is that its c.induct was precipitate. He
then intimates that if tbe doctrine aud prac
tices of the British government are allowed
,o become tbe rule,tbe Uiiited States will not
he the greatest losers thereby. ’
Mr. Adams does cot appear to think that
the proposal of Earl Russell to refer the
questions in dispute to a commission will be
accepted by the United States government.
Tuirlecii more Fenians had beeu arrested
in Cork, aud u number more in Dublin. A
special commission was shortly to he con
vened lor the trial of the leaders. The
strictest scrutiuy was still exercised oger
vessels arriving lrom America. The steam
ship Helvetia, which attempted to pass
Queenstown without lauding her Irish pas
sengers (on accouul of stress of weather, as
the Captain said), had been pursued
been pursued aud taken inlo that port,
where, alter diligent seatcb, a live Fenian
was tound ou board.
Amoug tlie most important items of Con
tinental uews are statements indicating that
the French occupation of Home will soon
cease, and that Poland will shortly be re
lieved ot martial law.
American secutilies had becu depressed
abroad by tbe tightness of the Englisii money
market. At the date of last advices,
however, they had recovered slightly,
anil tive-tweulics were quoted in Lon-
Loudon ou the 13th inst. at 08 l-2<3a(J3
American cotton had slightly advanced at
The New York Herald's Washington cor
respondent says under date of Oct. 24.
Reports are iu calculation that the finding
of tbL* Military Commission in the Wirz case
nave been submitted to the President and
approved, and that the culprit will Certainly
be banged ou next Friday. They are by no
means improbable, a though not certaiu.
Judge Advocate Chipmau on the 2ist con
cludcu the reading of his argument lor the
prosecution before the Wirz court martial,
devoting himself principally to thes<c>nd
Cuargc, piououncing the accused guilty of
murder, iu violation of the laws and cusioms
ot war. This portion oi his address is sub
divided iuto tour parts, charging Wirz res
pectively with being guilty of causing the
death ot the prisoners by hunting them wish
hounds, by Confinement in the stocks and
chain gang, by ordering the guards to shoot
them, and by killing them with his own
hands. On all these points, the Judge Advo
cate contends the evidence is positive, direct
and clear, and shows beyond a doubt the
responsibility of the accused for every murder
committed ..t Andersouvillu. He inuiulained
that in eighteen ustances deliberate murders
were committed by Wirz sown hands.
Ou the conclusion of the argument Wirz
made a request, which was granted, that ho
might he extmineU by a doctor, in tile pres
ence of the Court, lor the purpose ot snow
ing that he was physically incapabio of com
mitting the brutalities and murders with
I which he was charged. For tuis purpose
tue court loom wus cleared ol spectators
and the < doors were closed, toe President of
the c .inmtssion announcing that they would
“'l, again he opened lothe public.
The result oi the examination, as stated by
the examining physicians, ol the physical
condition of Wire, the Andersouvillu Jailor,
pel mission lor which, at his n quest, was
grunted by the Court, was to show thut he is
m a very le-e-ble and euirvMted condition,
produced by disease ftw ] iujuriea received,and
that some ol Hie hones ot uis right arm are
uc.ip»ble ol pertorming their uuiural func
tions. Ilm obj. ci i»f this i XHtniuatlou is to
demonstrate thnl Wirz was nbysUath iiiea
pablc ol commit dug the acts ot ei unity with
which he is charged The physicians staled
that he could Dot now commit thsm without
1 greßt injury to himself, rut were Unable u*
decide positively from the symptoms
i v. 10-inei sai'li was his coiidiiiou a year ago.
the runx cONonss.
The I'etiisu Coi igre»* closed its session in
Plulach ipld t cu the 2411i iosi.
A complete reorganization lias tx-eo effect- .
fed, modelled sttcr <>ur national government,
with a President, Cabinet, Senate aud House
jit U pieientatives. Both bouses of tbe newly
i established Congress held **eions on the 22d. |
| Colonel John O'Mahouy was unanimous y
I and amidst great cheering declared President,
I after which h« look the oath of office amt de
livered an address. A committee was ap
pointed to dratt an address embodying a re-
I'ognipm of an Irish repn•••lie, which is to have !
a building in this city lot govormenlal pur- ;
Ail tbe (.Ulcers of the new government sre j
i exp. cled to lie appointed, qualified aud at i
; their (aids within a wetk. Tbe Irish repub- i
lk-an bonds, which, it appears, are not yet
quite ready for general circulation, are to tie
, iu denominations of twenty, fifty, oue thou
i sand and live thousand dollars.
The National Convention in Philadelphia
ol the Episcopal Church, after a session of
; three weeks. Closed updts business and linal
iiy adjourned on the 24th. The only item of
' tbe late proceedings of interest to the gene
ral reader was the adoption of a resolution
> declaring that, in consideration of the in
! creased coat of liviiig. the salaries of clergy- I
| men ought to tie advanced fifty per cent.
Edward B. Kctclmm, formerly of tbe firm
of Kelcbum, Hon & Cos , and now confined j
1 iu the Toombs under indictments for the I
i heavy Waif street forgeries, on Monday cn- j
| joyed a temporary rcleasH from imprison
ment, he being, by virtue of a writ of habeas
corpus, taken from Lis cell and conveyed to
the chambers of tru? Superior Court, where
he was kept under guard while argumeut was
being heard on a motion that lie be allowed
to testify in a certain case growing out of his
transactions. The suit, was one brought by
Mr. WiiltHtn 11. McVickar, who claims
fond of seventy thousand dollars held by
Greeuleaf, Norris & Cos., under an account
which they opened with young Ketchum, iu
tbe name, as alleged, of Mr. McVickar. Ou
the conclusion of the argument the Judge
to-‘k the papers, reserving his decision iu
regard to allowing Ketchum to appear as a
witness, and the latter was returned to the
Among his customary daily crowd of visi
tors President Johnson was, ou the 23d,
waited upon by a delegation of members of
the Congregational church, who expressed
their admiration of bis course in bis high
official position, pledged him their support
and prayers, and requested that he would
j appoint tbe 30th of next month as a clay ot
uatii>ual thanksgiving tor the preservation of
tiie Union, the destruction of slavery' aud tbe
restoration of peace. The President thanked
them for tbeir kind remarks, anil assured
them that lie should hereafter be guided by'
the same principles ot right and justice that
had formed the basis of his action heretofore,
but did not, that we are informed, give them
auy decisive reply in tegard to the proposed
thanksgiving day.
. Mr 88. Moon, for many years Mar
shal of Athens, iu eiideavoring to get upon a
train of c irs while in motion, last week in
Marietta, fell upon the track and received in
juries which caused his death in about four
hours afterwards.
Gen. Canby ha3 issued an order, revok
ing all orders restraining or putting a condi
tion on the sale or transfer of lands in Louis
A despatch received at (lie New York
Chamber of Commerce, say's that the earth
quake shock at San Francisco was very
slight and caused no interruption of business.
Gen. Grant Ims recommended the muster
out of all Major and Brig. Generals in the'
volunteer service except those disabled in the
set vice.
Generals Grant, Thomas, Hancock and
other leading generals, as well as Secretary
Stanton, are in favor of inciearing the regular
army to 75,000 men.
The Chairman of the North Carolina
Convention made the singular uuuouncuncut
that after dilllgent search, he was unable to
procure a national flag to hoist over tbe
Capitol, and had to send to New York fo r
—Tin: name of lion. Wm. R. Smith, of
Tuscaloosa, is authoritatively announced iu
the Selma Messenger, as a candidate lor
governor of Alabama. This is the third
candidate iu the field for that position.
—Persons who go over into Canada, and
return dtuuk, are arrested for smuggling
whiskey, so strictly ure the revenue laws
enfoiced in Buffalo.
—A lover wrote a Indy who rejected him
that he intended to retire to “some secluded
spot and breathe away his life iu sighs." To
which the lady replied by inquiring whether
they were to be.medium or large size.
—Two Mobile editors, Col. Charles Forsyth
and Mr. E. O. Haile, recently ruclmnged
shots upon a point of honor. No damage
was done, and the matter was amicably ad
—The cases of yellow lever in England
occurred on board a vessel which arrived at
Swansea from Cuba. The disease bad uot
spread to the town.
—The prayer of the Archbishop of Can
terbury aguiust the murrain in England, is
styled by a London letter-writer, “the bull
against the comet."
Prominent Texans arriving iu New Or
leans, say that fears are entertained that
Governor Hamilton will delay the Conven
tion and keep tiie Texas delegation of Con
Gen. Beauregard is to be Superinten
dent of the New Orleans aud Jackson Rail
Seven regiments of Northern negro troops
were mustered oat of the service and dis
banded at Brownsville, Texas, on the 2d
inst., and sent home.
A Ueatu f-onv cholera has occurred iu
Brooklyn N. Y.-
Mysterious Cask—As tiie steainer Queen,
from New Yolk, wus being unloaded at
Liverpool, the dead body of a man waa found
stowed away among the cargo. The body
was naked, and .t.e clothes were discovered
tied up in a bundle near tbe body. There
was blood about the spot: and the indica
tions were that tbo body had been placed
there with the knowledge of those who
stowed the vessel A verdict of “found
dead" was returned-
Family Dyk Colors. —Atnopg the most
popular and useful articles of urn day are
the Family Dye Colors, inauulectured by the
well nowu practical chemists, Howe &
S evens. So very superior are these dyes, so
easily used, and* withal afforded at so lost a
price, tnat they aio literally so iling iutoevery
body’s hands, Just us the praises of their
uterus are on every body’s lips. Once tried,
Hu y fee-omo indispensable. In many pails
ot in** country they have displaced all older
subsume* and methods of dyeing. We,
without any tirsliutiou whatever, prouuuuoo
them the best dyes over manufactured, while
at the Mime time they are llie cheapest Iu
price. The ladles are particularly delighted
with them.
! Sorte Ensli-hmnii lat'-lv vi»it«*d the Huro
j flier palace of tbe Kiug of iSwcdeU *1 Sib Ck
uoliu, ami were shown over the apartments
at lueii inquest by a man whom they lom.-.l
seated on a bench iu the court-yard The
Englishmen began to tell num dotes of the
Kiug, aud demanded if they were true. The
! guide, a model of dhereliou, said so many
I storks were told of ilia .Majesty, some true,
some false, that It was difficult to say what
I wa» correct, aod that as be was e muected
with the royal household, it was not for him
to say. The Englishmen begged pardon lor
their curiositv, und it was heartily granted
Al last, after they had seen everything, they
took leave of their guide, and thanking him
lor his c mrtesy, expiessed their regret that
they had not seen t'darlus XV. Tbe guide
raised bis lint, aud Saluting them gracefully,
atiid, “ 1 am the king,” aud then leii the Eng
lishmen hot a little astonished.
KEPL'fATiON Establisiimh. —Mrs. 8. A.
Allen for twenty years past has been manu
facturing her World's Hair Restorer and
Zylobalsumuiu, or Hair Dressing, and the
millions of bottles sold every year iu the
United States, Great Britain and Fiance
(each year largely increased sales over the
previous) is a guarantee that Hie articles are
unequalled. We know they wii restore grey
hair lo its youthful color, producing the same
vitality and luxurious quantity us in youth.
You can procure them at any Druggists,
oct 30 cod—lw
;ii n v a 11 n ah Theatre.
Will Ih* protluceii tie gn-at IJrama of
Greon ’lushes • or, 100 Years Ago.
W t;i Netv Scenes, Uaaces* Muflc, &c.
Vo cor.c wHh
lit relioartiti—lSAuELLci: or, VV'O.ViAN’S LIFiE
Keeruits for ilie City Police.
Savannah. October 30. 19 J 5. f
Notice Is hereby givun that au addttionul farce c.f
About lifty men will be required for the full cotnple
aiunt oi the City Police. Fifty dollars par
mouth will bn paid to cuch Piivate. Applications
for appointment will te received at the Mayor's Office
Thh Day and To-morrow, (the 30th and »lst October,
l titiG,) b&wccn the hours of 11 u. m. and two o'clock
p. ra. Proper rel«rences wlii be required.
oct3o-2 K. D. ARNOLD, Mayor
A SMALL SLOOP. 5 tons burthen. Apply at the
ftuiiioad Hoinse, corner of least nml South tiroud
streets. C- E. WAKEFIELD
octHu t 3
4 BLACK leather Trunk, marked H does. It was
shipped on tho steamer lialeljjh from New York.
A handsome reward will be paid Jorits recovery. Ap
ply at i his office. 3 octtO
Oijjt l:B!.S Thomaston Lime •
faV/G Yuia boxes, halves, quarters and caddka To
M bbls Maccaboy Snuff.
octSO-eodd vos Bay street.
State and County Tax Col
TIIE Subscriber Is a Candidate for reflection, and
respecittiliy asks the suifi-age of me oitisena of
Lhithtm County
Q M. bOKUKL. a. 41. SOiIKBL
kHIPLXNU, CoioiQi ,io;i and Forwarding Met chants,
62 Bay eii'cei. Bavaaualt, Oa.
ReferciiccK: Men-rs. 11. K. Corning, Son A Co- N.
Y ; Mcsatß. Peter V. Ktna A Cos , N Y.; Meaara. Kish
er. Brothers A Cos., Paitimorc.: Messrs. S. Jt W. Welsh,
Pn.ladelpbb'.; National Banh. Savannah, Ca : Francis
SS.rrel, Bsq , savunnah. Ua ;Chr,s. Ureeu.Esq., Sevan
xndi, I>a.i’t’. K. Bloom, Ksq , Slacon, Qa.
oct3o lm
TO ALL CONCERNED, that I am ready to iveehre
and deliver powder at the City Magizlue, accord
tl:g to the tlry Ordinance, lrum this date. My place i
ol reaideuce la comer of Bryan and Houston
street*. G. MiJIiKINH,
oct&Mt Keeper City Magazine.
Business Card. ?
THE undersigned, of the hue firm of Nevitt, Lalhrop
& Rogei s. can be found with Messrs. Laihrop it
Co.,conj*'i Congress and Whitaker Hirertft, where he
will he iilcant'd to the friend* of the old firm. E. W. GIFFORD.
I OFFER for Kent next year, ISA \ my Rico Place, In
Camden county, (■»., on the Great Hat Ilia River,
known an the “Vernon Plantation,** containing 420
fccrcHof Hist quality Rice Land, and about 100 acres
of high land, all in perfect order. Said Plantation ban
boencultivated during the war, and therefore requires
no extra work to prepare it for a crop the ensuing
All the negroes formerly belonging to ino are still on
the place aud anxious to temain, so there would be
uo di Acuity in procuring laborers. On the place Isa
comfortable dwelling honey, together with all the
buildings for the accommodation of labor*
ers aud storing he crop.
deed for the coming year, including Klee, Com Peas,
Sug«rC*ue, soighum, Cotton, Ac., can be obtained
on tbe place. For further particulars address the sub
scriber at Way neb villa, Wayne couutv. Oa.
octSC-2m ' JA9. F. KING.
Central Railroad
Savannah, Oct 28, 1855 |
IN consequence of the accumulation of Goods at
Station 4 'a, beyond the ability of the wagons to re
move, no Hoods, except for Way Station* including
Station 6, will be received nnttl Tuesday,3lst instant,
mid none will be received after 5 o’clock, p. in., each
<l iy. Freight, tfutii further notice, to Augusta, will bo
Eighty t'euts jierf «>t aud Four Dollars per ldolbs.
ocUO General Supeiiuteudeot.
Wood for Sale.
OAIv. Pine, Light wood constantly on hand and for
sale, at Ferry whan’, under Gas House bill, by
-A COIIS English llcinp Bide Rope, cable laid and
•)v better titan Greenleaf or any othei Rope now iu
oct3o*2 F. W. SIMS A Cos.
Select Classical Satoel far Boys
WILL be reopened on Tuesday, Oct. 31st, In room
over the i»rag Store, corner of bull and llrmtgfc.
t<>n >»f i t-e»», until its removal to the Ctmluzu AvAdomy,
ii U hopt'd withiu the present week. £-ocl3M>
School Boolvs.
I?A&QUELLES* Introductory Frcnub Course. Just
Novels and Music.
JUST published and received by
r Butter, Cheese,
Lard and Cradkom.
T> ECEIVKDper Idaho and for rule by
uctßo-lw Wiill»ni6ou , » Untldlisg
T'IiASMKNT mid punnaorui Uo-rd, >uouuLnet In
1 ruo«t<, call Is* had on Month Ihoad, three domra
cast troll! AUanwrn. ’-•■octsu
Fit HALE. at flcui J Hittblv, «u n«kr
Horri, »ul Rah#*, iron the uui.hmohk ~t Houtb
uvorjjU. HEAD A WaUTUHM.
*P«dlt4 OT fC»t _
ThaUrigLoat and flea In ibo WoiUll The mty .rne
and iieriect Usir llyv. llai aoeat, Kettaur and I oataa
i unavua. Pioducca l.uiovii.iia.y a agh-ndal llU(kur
. ualural drown, without laj mug the hair or skin, j
Item tabes the til effecis ot bad dvua. Sold by si! Drag
I gists. The graulnv U signed W !iUam A. Batchelor.
1 Alao,
For Bdetoring and lieautifyir.g the ilair.
sot t-ly CUARI.BS UATCIIELOIt. Nsw Yoaa. ,
Containing nearly ado pages, and 13« flue Plates !
and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or ]
gam In a slate of Health and Disease, with a Tree- <
use (Mi Early Errors, ita Deplorable Consequences
upon tbe uilnd and Body, with tlie Author's Plan of
Treatment—ihe only rational aud successful mode of
cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A
truthful adviser to the married, and those contem
plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys
ical condilion. Sent free of postage to any address,
on receipt of e.'> cents, in stamps or postage currency,
by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane,
Albany, N. Y.
Ihe author may be consulted upon any of the dis
eases upon which his booN treats either personally or
by mail, and medicines sent to any pait of tlie world.
octlO Cm *
Ad EMay of Warning and Instruction for foaag
men, just published by the Howard Association, aud
sent in sealed letter envelope* free of charge.
Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard !
AMociution. Philadelphia, Pa. oct!2-Sm
Kathairon Is from the Greek word “Kathro," or
“Kathairo," signifying to cleanse, rejuveuato and re
store. This article is what its name signifles. For
preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair.
It Is the mast remarkable preparation in the world,
it Is again owned and put up by the original proprie
tor, and Is now made with the same core, skill and at
tention whicli gave it a sate of over ono million bot
tles per annum.
It is a most delightful Hair Dressing.
It eradicates scarf unit dandruff.
It keeps the head cool and clean.
It makes tlie hair rich, soft aud glossy,
it prevents the hair from failing oil' and turning
It restores hair upon bald heads. ■
Any lady or gentleman who values a b«a.Ufiil head
of hair should use Lyon’s Kathairon. it is known
and used throughout tlie civilised world. Sold by al
respectable dealers.
octSi-eodly New York.
Ilagait’g Alagnolia Baini.
Thi» lathe moat delightful and extraordinary article
ever discovered. It change* the sun-burnt lace and
hands to a pearly *atiu texture of ravisidug beauty,
imparting the marble purity of youth, and the ilistin
llae appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion.
It removes tan, freckles, pimples* and roughness from
the akin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent
end smooth- It contains no material injurious to
the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera
Singers. It la what every lady should have. Sold
everywhere. Retail price, 60 cents.
Prepared try \V. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y.
Address aU orders to
oci27-eodly New York.
W« have learned not to be astonished at anything.
Years of experience and a correspondence extending
throughout all nationalities ot* the habitable globe
•have turned theories iuto facts and established a basis
from which we need not err. We are not surprised
at such facts as the following—although the persons
who write them arts. We know the persons and cir
cumstances, hence feel at liberty to indorse their
“N*w Bf.dkobd. Mass., Nov. ‘24, 1803.
Dear Sir,—l liave been afflicted many years with
severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feet aud
hands, and a general disordered system. Physicians
and medicines Ruled to relieve me. While visiting
some friends in New York who were using Plantation
Bitters, they prevailed upon ine to try them. I com
menced with a small wine-glatslnl after dinner. Feel
ing butter by degrees, iu u lew days I was astonished
t»* And the coldness and cramps had entirely left me,
uud I could sleep the night through, which 1 have not
done for year*. I feel like another being. My appe
tite and strength have also greatly improved by the
use of the Plantation Bitters.
Respectfully, Judith Russet..*’
Rksdsucby, Wib., Sept. 16, 18C3.
* • • I have been iu the army hospitals for four
teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton,
111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * *
Three bottles icstoicd my speech aud cured me. * *
• 0. A. Flabte.*'
The following Is from the Manager of the Union
Home School for tbe Children of Volunteers:
New York, August 2,1868. /
Da. Deak*:—Your wonderlul Plantation Bitters
have been given to some of our little children guilering
from weakness and weak lungs with most happy
effect. One little girl iu particular, with puius iu her
head, loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption,
on whom all medlcul skill had been exhausted, has
been entirely restored. We commenced with but a
teaspoonful oi Bilters a day. Her appetite and
; strength rapidly increased, and she is mnv well.
Respectt ully, Mrs. O. Ai. Davos.**
“* • * I owe much to you, for I verily believe
theTlantatlon Bitters have saved my life.
KaV. W. if. Waggoner,
Maurid, N. Y.
* • * • Thou wilt send me two bottles more of
thy Plantation B itters. My wile has been greatly
lamented by thsir use.
Thy liieud, Asa Curbin,
Philadelphia, Pa.**
“• • * I hnvo l)©en a great sufferer from Pyepcp
sia. anal had to a oandon preaching. * * Tue Plan
uuouihiters buvt> cured me.
Rev. J. S. Cathoen,
Rochester, N. Y.”
“** * • I have given the Plantation Bitters to
hundreds of «>nr diriublcd soidiirs with the most a*-
t'diishiiig effect.
G W. D. Andrews,
Superintendent Soldier s’ Heine, Uuciriliati, O.”
•*• • * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of
Liver Uomplamt, of which 1 was laid up prostrate,
aud had to abannoh bu-iiiess.
li. B. Kthvsuv, Cleveland, Ohio."
«.« • « The riautalion Bitter* have cured me of
a der<«ugem»*M of the Kidneys a:id Urinary Organs
that has distressed me lor yeura (l not.-* like n cliai iu.
Cm L\ Mooba, No. 26 * Broadway."
Ac.; Ac.* AC., Ac, Ac.
The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the
; languid brilliant, aud lire exhaui ted nature’s grettl re
storcr. Tney are composed of tt a celebrated Calisaya
liark*, Wifitergrceti, iiassalras, i.oors, Herbs. Ac., all
pr< served iu perfectly pure SI. IRoix Ruui.
Persons of sedentary habits troubled with weak-
Ineea, lassitude, ftalpiUtion of the luck of appe
tite, distress aft er entlng, torpid Jrver, cousiipatlon,
Ac., deserve to ituflVr 1* they wIU n tn try ihcm.
They are recotomended by tbe highlit medical au
ihorltles, and an* warranted to produce ail immediate
I beneficial effect. They are exceedUigly agreeable,
| perfectly purs, mid harmless.
None*.— Aliy i«*r«ou preUuding to s«U Planution
' Bitters lufculk or by the gallon is s st/ludlsr uud im
poator. It is put tip only Iu our log ca.bin Houle. He
; wars of bottles it Oiled with tadtatUriids'leierious stuff.
if >r wtricb sevorsl, tersoiisure already i| i pilsou. ties
tbst svory bottle h iim our United Kiatus >tmnp over lbs
cork untilutdated, and our aiguature on steeUpUlo
side label. *
MoPI by rsspft Übk dealers throughout lbs habitable
p. n l«AEO AQO .
oviVl-ZH! Mm ■nittklW. W., V
Legal HPilots.
ail m
vtheito i-. M. A. Cohen, will apply at tfa* t onrt of
Ordinary f.*r Letter* of AdtnuiUtratioU on lUe istute
of Suaalt D Hotter! volt, dot raaad,
Ttiuwe *rr. thereto re, to cite and al monish all
wiwun it rear C4m< ern. to be aod appear tomre said
« onrt to make oDjecuon flf au> they kuvej on or b«-
fore :he fliat Monday iu Noveinbor next, oi her wise
saH letters will be grauted.
WiiuesM my hand ri«d itfUrial s’guatuie. tbia <9th
day of Scptem tier, 1666.
sepa.i D. A. O'BYHNK, Ordinary.
ail whom it may concern :
vfheresos Perdinaufli Kolb will apply ac the Court
of Oi oinary n>r Letters of Adiniulstrahou on the ea
tab; ol Joliu Gatin, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
whi.rn it may cooue.n, to be and appear before said
Con it to ra.ike objection (it any th» y havej on or be
fore the first Monday iu November next, othetwiie
said tetters will lie granted.
Witness my band aud official signature, thl* K>th
day ol September, 1666.
*ep3o D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary.
all whom it may concern ;
Whereas, John R. Norton will Apply at tho Court
of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the es
tate of Thaddeus S. Norton, deceased.
Theft** arc, therefore, to cite ami admonish all
whom it may, to be and appear before said
Court to make ohiection (if hay they have; *>n or be
f*ne the first Monday in November next, otherwise
said letters will begr;iute*l
Witness my hauu and official sign ature, this 29th
day of September, Im*s.
sepao % D. A. O'BYRN«, Ordinary
all whom it may couueru :
Whereas, Caroline A. Lamar wi.l apply At tho
Court of Administration on tho egtate of Charles A.
L. Lamar, deceased,
'lheso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
whom it may concern, to t>e and appear before said
Court to make objection (it any they havej on or be
fore the first Monday iu November next, otherwise
Haiti letters will be granted.
Witness my hand an i official signature, this 26th
day ol September, ISG6.
*ep3o Ordinary Chattiatn county.
O To all whom it may concern :
Whereas, Louis Greuraid will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the es
tate ot Paul E. tilatigny, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
whom It mav concern, to be and appear before *aid
Court to maxc objection (if any they havej on or be
fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise
ftdid letters will be ur,anted
Witness my hand ».u*t official signature, this 26th
day of September, iB6O.
Bep27 Ordinary. •
To all whom it may concern:
WherenH, Dillon will apply at the Court
of Ordiuary for Letters of Administration on the es
tate of James Carrol.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
whom it may concern, to be amt appear beforrj said
Court to make objection fit* auy they have) on or be
fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise
said letters will be granted.
Witness my official signature thift 13th of Septem
ber, 1606.
sep27 D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary.
To all whom it may concern :
Whereas, Andrew M Rons will apply at the Court
of Ordinary tor Letters of Aduiiuisti atiou on the es
tate of Isaac W. Morrell, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
whom it may concern, lo be and appear before said
Court to mane objection (if any they have) on or be
fore tbe Ist Monday in November next, otherwise said
letters will be granted.
Whuess uiy h «nd and official signature this 2Gth
day of iSepieinber, 1566.
sep*J7 D. A. O’BYRNfi, Ordinary.
To all whom it may concern:
Whereas, Andrew M. Jackson will apply at the
Court of ordinary for L* tters of Administration on the
estate of Bcrua.iino S- Sanchez.
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all
whom it may concern, to be and appear before said
Court to make objection (if any they have; ou or be
fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise
said letters will be granted.
Witness my hand and official signature this 27th
day of September, 27, 1866.
aep2B D. A O'BYRNE, Ordinary.
all whom It may concern :
Whereas, Anais Wilson will apply at the Court of
Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate
of Edward G. Wilson, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
whom it may concern, to be aDd appear before *uid
Court to raaka objection (if auy they uave> ou *>r be
fore tho first Monday in November next, otherwise
said letters will be granted.
Witness my hand and official signature, this I2th
day of September, 1865,
sep3o D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary.
0 whom it may concern :
Whereas, Adam Hohenstein will applv nt the Court
•f ordinary f>r Letters of Administration C T. A. on
tne Estate of Peter Youssott, deceased. \
These are, therexore, to cite and admonish all
whom it may concern, to be and appear before said
Court to make objection, (it any they htfve; on or be
fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise
said letters will be granted.
Witness, my hand and official signature, this 28th
day of September, lxfiu.
oct 2 D, A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary.
all whom it may ecu ecru :
Whereas, Johu Moan will apply at the Court of Ordi
nary forLetteisof Administration on tho estate of
Jamas Moan, deceased,
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom
It may concern, to be and appear before tbe CouiL to
make objection (if any thty have;, on or before tho
flist Monday In December next, otherwise said Letters
will be granted.
Witness W. p. Girardeau, E«q., Ordiuary for Liber
ty county, this 2d October, 1865.
oct7 W. P. GIRARDE AU, O L. C.
whom it may concern :
Whereas, Harrington will apply at tbo Court
of Ordibary for Letters ol Administiatiou on the astute
of B- P. Harrington, deceased,
These am. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom
it may concern, to be and appear before the Court, to
make ot-jectiou (if any they have}, on or before the
Hint Monday iu December next, otherwise said Liters
will 1» granted.
Witness W. P. Girardeau, E«q., Ordinary for Liberty
couuty, this 2d October, 1865.
oct7 W- P. GIRARDKAU, O. L C*
all whom it may concern :
Wheiereas, James L. llaupt will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for Letters of Admlnistmtion ou the
Estate or Jane Barnett, Deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
whom It may concern, to be and appear before said
Court to make ojection (If any they have) on or be
fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise
said letters will be granted.
Witness, my haud and offlcial signature, this 28th
day of September, lsfti.
uct 2 law D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordiuary.
all whom it may concern:
Whereas, Julian Hartridge will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for Letters of Administration, de bonis
non, cum anuexo, on the estates of Peter
Shick aud Robert M. Charlton, Senior, deceived; de
ceased; and also for Letters of Administration on
the estate of Mrs. Margaret Charlton, deceased,
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom
it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to
make objection (If any they have}, on or before the
first Monday iu Noveinoer next, otherwise said Let
ters will be granted.
Witness my hand and official signature, this 27th
day of September, ISO 6.
octC D. A. O’BYKNE, Ordinary.
C'l EORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it
J may concern:
Whereas, James W. Ktmbrell and Mai la Klcklighter
will apply at the Court of Ordiuary of Bulloch coun
ty lor letiera of administration on the estute of John
C. KimureA.
These are to cite and admonish all aud singular
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file
their objection (If any they have) on eff before the
first Monday in December next, otherwise said letters
will be granted. -
Witness my hand and official signature this 12th
day or October, LGi. DAVID BEASLEY, ar.
#40114-1 a vvlui Ordinary.
CA EORGIA, liI’LLOCII COUNTY.—To all whom it
t may concern: . _
Whereas, Henry C. Lee will apply to the Conrt or
Ordiuary ol Bulloch county lor letters of administra
tion on the estate of Wtlliam A. Lee.
These are to cite and admonish all and slngahu tne
kindled of said deceased, to niewltn said court tneii
objection (If any they have) on or berore the nrst
Monday In Dtceuiher next, otherwlaa said letters
Wltuess uiy hand and offlcial alFuaierethto ltith
day or October, 18#5. DAVID BEASLEY. sl,
octw-latvim ordinary.
A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE- —Bt virtue of au order
A OrdiiiHry or im finch County, will
be so d' Ueturo' lhe Court House door, at Btautsbo-
wU hill the Z'n r il
Tausiiv Id neuembar next, at 1 uhlh Outcry
Si Skill hundred ao«l seveuteen acres of unff
ths iiomasteud tract, coutaluittK live liomU'itd aud
loilt"»ixacr»'s, more or l«a», lioundetl by lands ul
Waslmtsloo Water's estate, ot M I'anlsh and others;
iViio other tract coiitaliitna HlxU'fti seres boiitKlcil by
a lids Ot Iha estate of M. IMlslSli and others ; one
other tract ooiitelnlug two liuudred ami* nity-Uvr
scree, more or lass, Hounded hy land, of M. U.
11,1, artX etui others nuluiproted, all sold stilled to
the widow's dower, beh, o,llls to llie estate of Hue
liain Mendrts, and sold fur Hit laiiießl ul Uie liatrs
end creditors id suld estate. Terms made known en
the day of sate. 0«l. lath, tsrti
MITCHKL a UKNDKIX. Admlntatmter.
Le&ral Notices.
tiWIKUU. BULUVCa W hufa ii
I UKj aSKtr.
ft Iwmu, Miivi.vU Lamer and Euxa teiuierlis wu,
at Ilia Cuurt Oruiu. iv or Uuiloeu count« lor
arlloT* U 1 “•* u*e*aui«oi Jatuc. sou,
T«e« are to eke and all and atiwui.i
ihe kuHlrcti (too ( requ.ji, of s.n.l tleo-u.wd (7, Ul .
with .ui.l court Ulcir uhj'.-ctiuu (tl suv mew fli,,, „ u
«»r heft»re tlie drat Momtay in iWceatber next, oUum
wise said k-Ueis wdl tm granted.
WRimmo my hand official Iy. this 12th day of Ocm.
herMHoi I IAN ID lil.ASl.kV, ,r .
GKOiHJiA, UCDUff U cuL.M'2 .—to an aliumTt
may coneeru :
ft nercaa, John 8. Denmark ami Noah Vessuiltli wil
apply at Uk Court of oidumry of Bullock count* lur
teiicn of nuiuiiiistiatiun ou tlie estate of Alb*man
VesamiHi, (teeeusisi.-
Thcse are, tkeiviore, to cito and adnionlsli sll and
siuyulnr the kluflrcil and creditors of said deceased
to me their oojaetioti Willi said comt (if auy tUey
navel on or beioie tlie UrSI Monday in DeceuiiH-r ue vi«
ofnci wise said letters will he *ruuted isle apalicaut.
" iiuess, David Beesley, Sen., Ol'Jfciary lor ItuUbch
county, this I2ih day Os Oct., 1,(15.
o.tlfl-lawlui DAVID liLKSLKY, sell., Oril.
/ t bUItOIA, Ut'LI.OCH OILN l \. —'l'o all whom it
vi may concern :
Whereas, James Young will apply at the Court of
Ordinary oi Bulloch County lor letters of admuustra
tiou ou the estate of Thomas Young, deceased.
These are, therefore, to die and admonish all and
singular tlie kindred aud creditors of said deceased
io tile their objections with said court (if any they
Have) ou or heiorutho flrst Monday iu December next
otherwise said leio-rs will he granted.
Witness, my hand aud ultlelal signature, tills 12th
day of October, isd6.
octlfl iawlni DAVID BEASLEY, sen., Ord.
may concern :
w itereas, Johu B. Uoshing will apply at the Court or
Ordinary oi Bulloch County lor letters of adnunwtra-
Uon on the estate of Wm. itushiug, deceased.
These are, therefore to ctle aud admonish all amt
singular tlie kindred und creditors of said deceased,
u> nle their ohjectious wlih said court (if auy thev
have) on or before the flrst Mouday in December
next, otherwise said letters will he granted.
Witness, iny liaihl and olttclal signalure, this 12tU
day of October, 1806.
act Id—lawlm DAVID BEASLEY, sen., Ord.
whom it may concern:
Whereas, James Smith will apply at the Courtof
Ordiuary of Bulloch County, for Letters of Administra
tion on the Estaie ol Nice smith, deceased.
These are to cite and admonish all and singular the
kindled and creditors of said deceased; to flle llteir
objections with said Court (if any they have.) On or
before the flrst Monday iu December nexj, otherwise
said letters will tie granted.
Witness my hand officially this 12tU day of Oct.
DAVID BEASLEY’, sen., Ord.
all whom it may eonc-rn:
Whereas, James W. Kiinhrell will apply at the
t o irl oi Ordinary of Btillocn County, lor Letters ot
Administration on the Estate of Absalom Barilsli,
These are to rite aud admonish all and singular
the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to die
tlielr uhjectioUH with said Court (if any they have,) ou
or before the flrst Monday ill December next, otnci said letters wilt he granted.
Witness my hand officially this 12th day of Oct.,
Whom it may concern :
iVhoreas.tne estate oi jeptha Ilagins Is unrepresent
cd, aud unless some person applys for the Admluis
traxlim o: said estate. 1 shall appoint tliecteik of the
superior Court Administrator ou said Estate, in
terms of the Statutes In such cases uiaile aud pro
These are to cite and admonish alt and singular
the kindred aud creditors ol said deceased, to tile
their ohjectious with said Court (if any they have,)
on or before the flrst Mouday in December next,
otherwise said Letters win be granted.
Witness my hand officially this 12th day of Oct..
all whom it may concern :
whereas, as'the estate of Michael Parrish is unrep
resented, and unless some lit aud proper person ap
plys for the Administration of said estate. X shall
appoint the Clerk of the Superior Cotut Adminis
trator on said estate In terms oi the Statutes iu such
case made and provided.
These are to cite aud admonish all and singular
the kindred und creditors of said deceased to flle the:r
objections with said Court (If auy they have.j ou or
tieiore the lirst Monday tn December next, otherwise
said Letters will he granted.
Witness my hand officially this 12th day of Oct.,
ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—By virtue ot au order
or the Court or ordinary ot Bulloch County, will
ne sold before tlie Cqurt House door.iu St&teuborough,
wttlilu the legal hours of sale ou the first Tuesday lu
December next, at Public Outcry, oue hundred and
lifty acres of land with a comfortable log building ou
it with outer building, bounded by lauds of 11. C., Gen. G. W. Lee and David Beasley, belonging
to the estate of Sliaou S. Williams, and sold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased,
terms made kuowu ou the day of sale, this 12th day
of Oct., 1866.
BENJAMIN C. LEE,Administrator.
octl6 law-lm
all whom it may concern :
Whereas, George Hawkins will apply at the Court
of Ordinary fur Let era Diauiissoiy aa Guardian of the
person and properly of Christopher J*. Abbott, orphan
ami minor, ■.
Tiles* are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom
It may concern, to lie and appear liefore said Court to
make oft) eel ion (if any they bavej ou or before the
first Monday in December next, otnerwise Said letters
will be granted.
Witness my baud and official slgnatnre tlilsl6t)iday
of October, 1866
octlT law4od D. A. O'BYRNE, O, C. C.
may concern: t .
Whereas, William J. AlUff'and Joseph Alliff will
apply at the Court of ordinary of Bulloch county for
Letters of Administration ou tlie estate of John-Alliff,
These are to cite and admonish all and singular the
kindred and creditors of said ileceused, to flle their ob
jections with said Court (if any they have) ou Qr before
the first Monday in December next, otherwise said
letters will be granted.
Witness mV hand, officially, this 12tb day of Octo
ber, 1806. DAVID BEASLEY, Sen.,
oct26 lawlm ■ Ordinary.
T may concern:
Whereas, Mathew Alliff and John Alliff. Jr„ will
apple at the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch oonuty for
letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph
Alliff, deceased.
These are to cite and admonish all and singnlsr the
kindred and creditors of said deceased to flle their ob
jections with said Court (if any they huve) on or before
the flrst Monday in December next, otherwise sanl
Letters will be granted. „
Witness my hand, officially, this T2th day ol Octo
ber, 1666. DAVID BEASLEY. Sen ,
oct’-’O lawlm Ordiuary.
* li r
I may concern: .
Whereas. Chesley Parrish will apply at tlie Court ol
Ordinary of Bulloch County for Letters of Administra
tion ou the estate of Ansell Parrish, with the will an
ntThcse aro to cite and admonish all and singular the
kindred and creditors of said deceased to flle tlielr ob
jections with said Court on or before the flrst Monday
iu December next, otherwise said Letters will be
Witness my hand, officially, this 12th day of Octo
ber, 1566. DAVID BEASLEY, Sen ,
oct'JG lawlm Ordinbj7__
JOBBERS and Doalera fl ora all parte of the country
are iuvUed to examine iny
Wliolesale Stock,
which includee pat k.ifiee containing,complete assort
metit*, put up expreudly for “ Country ITad^,'
Goods rc- packed to suit purchasers.
Queensware House, • ,
100 Broughton Nt., ‘4d door from Bull Jt.
octte ts Ii D. SMYTH^
THE Co-partnership heretofore existing between
JACKSON A WARKOC’K was, on the 30th SeF
tember dissolved by mutual consent. The business
will hereaner be conducted by tbe undersigned, wno
will be lyuppy to receive a c'untiuuance of the
troiiagi* bestowed on the late firm of Jackson
Warrock. L. WARKOC’K
i situ .
BOARDING aud Lodging can tw obtulned by »j>
plying utthe Aisi fnree-itory brick Imlldlug
State street, ncartiit to Whltsker. ts
Pa|R'r amlHag Wiirehini <f
Warren & Platner,
wWstiv* iSJSSuvssS^
•rstst VI g hay at reel, Havaamth. u *