Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 30, 1865, Image 3

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BAVANK ah. I)r|i»rtan irf*U»»»ht|H»«(l tliantn. 101 l MW ((MkK. •ncjoiahlp Idaho, Mommy Uviubcr tub, at « fee* i'. m. S-.. .ui.;np Varuua, Tuesday. November Slat. at 6 „ tux* P- “• sieamabip Weyboaecti, Wednesday, Noumber Ist, 4 ; 11‘liiHf* St, .inisilip Kaltagh, Wednesday, November Ist, at 4 o'clock p. m. . t ' FOB BALTIUOKM. steamship North foist, Saturday, November Mb. 4 t _ o'clock. mu IIOCTOUTOWN. Steamer William (1. Gibbon., Tuesday October 31, a t o’clocb. ' FOK CHARLESTON. .Steamer Lizzie Buker, Monday, November 30th, at ; o'clock u. lu. POR FUIKIUa. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at ja o'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at u o'clock. The Steamer Chase—Sbe ia Safe at Ra leigh, N. C. We are glad to publish the following telegram, re reived by the Agents of the steamer Chase, at a late hour Saturday night: Mohehead Citt, Oct. 23th, 1865. Messrs. Hunter & Gaminell, Savannah ; Have arrived at Beaufort, N. C., out of coaL Will leave for Savannah to-morrow, w: D. RoATtt, Commander Steamship Chase. Martin’s Industry Ijght Boat Carried A way.— A telegram from Capt. C. O. Boutelle, of the C. S. Coast Survey, Informs us that the ltght-lioat station ed at Martin's Industry, off Port Royal Entrance, unite loose from her moorings during delate storm. She wiH be> replaced aa soon as possible. A notice to mariners will be found among tu« shipping intel ligence. ' . ANOTHER STEAMER FOB THE COAST TRADE.—On Saturday evening last the steamer Lizzie Baker, Capt. J. K. Richardson, arrived front Charleston, having a large number of passengers and considera ble Express freight, this making Hie first of her reg ular trips between this city and Charleston, The Lizzie Baker was Built vbout fifteen months since at Albany, New York, by Braynard A Lawler. For several mouths the Government has had the steam er in Its employ as a transport. The owners of the Lizzie Baker contemplate putting her on the route between Savannah and Charleston, touching ut UU toa Head and Beaufort. Tiie Lizzie Baker Is finely adapted for the Charles tou route, her accommodations for passengers being excellent. The following are her duiteuslen's: I.ugtli of keel, 100 feet; over all, 126 feet; breadth of beam, *-’J leet; depth of hold, u feet a inches; diameter of cylinder, 4 Inches ; length of stuoke, » teet; face of puddles, f feet ii inches ; diameter of paddies, 26 feet. The Lizzie Baker has a tubular twller 22 feet in length and a feet face, ilyr passen ger aeceominodatlons are sufficient for two hundred and fifty to three hundred passengers. Capt. J. K. Richardson, who Is in command of the Lizzie Baker, is long and favorably known to the traveling public as a sk,UTul coast navigator and courteous gentleman. We return thanks to Capt. Richardson and Mr. Elijah Braimtrd, the Purser of the Lizzie Baker, fur favors. • *_' FytoM Augusta.—The steamer H. H. May, Captain Jones, from Augusta, with a good freight, arrived lust evening between seven and eight o'clock. Capt. Joaes reports that he leit Augusta un Thursday morning. The only steamer lying at the wharf In AUjjust* was tiie Amazon. Passed on Thursday, 8 a in., steamer Falcon fast at Sand Bar Ferrv, on a lo.'; steamer Petit on Copey Gut Bur; steamers L' Luos and O. M rettt at Trigg's Bar: Rebel und CreatKastemat Silver Bluff; Heleu at Shell Bluff; Union and Laura at Demere’s Perry ; Scorpio on a og atTresyott Beacii ; Ouk, Berry and Clarion at flerschmim Lake ; Caldwell aground at Hungry Swamp ; Express at Green Log Bur ; Mayflower ut Sister’s Beach, lightening. The river ts at present lower than it has been known to be for several years. The steamers passed, report their crews all well. Two lighters or fall bats, loaded wltn cotton, are sunk at Poor Robin, A flat was expected daily to take off the outturn Passed at Sreel Creek the steam, er Volunteer, bound up. First Arrival of New Upland cotton.—A few days since, Messrs. Kelu A Cos., of tills city, received the first lot of upland cotton, carefully prepared and baled for the market. The amount received was. four bale*. It was raised in Burke eo., Go., by Dr. Miller and Mr. W. A. Knight. It classed middling fair. , , , - ■ . ' Attempt At Larceny.—Oa Saturday evening last, a negro attempted to lyib the show-window of a store on Bryan street. His operations having been disco vered, one of the proprietors gave chase to the dar key, but iho latter was too fleet-footed and escaped. Classical School for Boys.—Mr. Wui. S. Bogart re opens ills select classical school for hoys to-mcr ruw, temporarily, tn rooms over tiie Drhg Store, cor ner of Bull and Broughton streets, lie hopes to re move to the Chatham Academy this week. QUIETUDE of the city.—The excellent system of Police now established In our city tiy the Govern ment, lias had a perceptible effect upon the morals of tiie city. From Saturday evening last, to one o'clock p. in. yesterday there hud been made only twenty ar rests, of which the majority wore for riotous and disorderly conduct. Terrapin Stew.—Tito proprietors of tiie Magno. lia House, corner of Drayton street and Bay Lane, aid serve to their friends at eleven o’clock this morning a Terrapin stew, with the appropriate ac companiments. , Arrival of cattle.—The t . s. Transport Loni burg, Capt. Dale, with one hundred lieud ol Florida ****' vs, arrived in this city yesterday alternoou. The cattle are la excellent order, jind will be Issued ac cording to requisitions. The Theatre.—The great drama of " Greeu Bush es; or One Hundred Years Ago," ill the preparation "f which neither labor nor expense lias been spared by tiie enterprising managers, is produced for the Urst time this eveniug. Arrival of New York Steamships Yesterday alternoou the steamship Varuua, Capt. Whitehurst ami the U eyhossett, Capt. Parrish, arrived from New koik. Me are indebtod to Purser Smith, of the Va. rutia, and Purser Parrish of the Weybossett, for late New York papers. Blank Books and stationery.—Mr. B. Million, bookseHtr, advertises anew invoice of blank hooks and stationery, at his store, Congress street, between VV hi taker and Barnard, New School Books, Novels and Music at Scltrel ber & Sons. Thanks.—Mr. Wilkinson, of the Southern Express, has our thanks for lute papers from the Interior. Wanted Ftw THOUSAND DOLLARS, MECHNIC BANK OP AUGUSTA AND ■ !• Eastern Bank of Alabama. E F. METCALFE k CO. lecture: S. Yates Levy, Esq., WILL LECTURE AT -A-t St. Andrew’s Wall, On Tuesdy Evening next, Oct. 31, 4T f. O'CLOCK, ■ « ..4, Mu Ijr ct— * • CKtu kt U. ami J/iu Court. „ Fjeeeetls to be w I fur the Bettedt of » Disabled whaler. Ticket,, u i, (,1,1, To b» procured si the Pulaski Njobek'e Tub.two Hloo , and Ut Ike urlwipnl **“’ A F"lßv<'err •tart* lu file dly. ifotol Arrlvii'lii. - ITLASKI ROUSE, OCTOBER 27. IMS. WM. U Wiltzuebokk A Ctx, Proprietor. * PORT ROtAJ- ROUSE (HILTON lIKADI OCT. ill. T t Barnwell and lady ;J Fitzgerald and lady U Flagler, Idem U BCT |J V< Laugl.lin, TTuv N V E F Bray Ij Wilson 7 A H Smart |J Nickolenn, (trOneoia B P ooper, Hartford. Conn T H Payne. N o K M Kidilen arid Uply, MV— l.regor, at Helen. Miak M Miller, lio-.iou |j JHi Oeruau, AlOauV.N Y A L Mklu, l a»i.i , A Uklj J A steinihtuk do A Baker, Fla F R O Baprig ,j Roach, N Y Oiil J PS Coping and lady. D I uork, Ireland JJ • „ „ N Mount! i Mnr S B Slurdevant, N Y 1 Ship|»ii, ts lßtvlli S euoo. Miniature Alueanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 14 Moon rises i ss Sun seta. 6 lujlliga water 3 id Notice to Mariners. The light boat at Martin's Industry broke adriit from her moorings yesterday (October 24). SUie wil 1 he replaced as soon as possible. . O. Brutblle, Acting Light House Inspector, 6th Disk PORT OF SAVANNAH. Sunday, Oct. 2D. 1865. Arrived. Steamship Varuua, Cooley, New York—John R Wilder. Steamship Weytrosset, New York—Brigham, Bald win A Cos. Schooner Albert A Smith, Johnson, from Balti more, hound to Charleston, put in for a liarbor l wltu loss of sads, Act. ' Steamer Win G Gibltons, Plillpot, Darien—Erwin A Hardee. hiesmer Loulslmrg, Dale, Jacksonville, with cattle to O S If M. Steamer Lizzie Baker, Richardson, via Hilton and Beaufort—Master. Steamer Fouutaiu, Castuer, Jacksonville, Fla—M A Colicn. Steamer Kutilie, Bender, Hilton Il«ad Steamer R H May, Jones, Augusta—J M Kinchley. Steamer Resolute, Canuon. Hilton Head. Steamer Staudish, Moore, Charleston and Savannalt Railroad bridge. Stalling’s flat, from Augusta—Order. St's flat, from Augusta—E E Metcalf A Cos. A'lenrcd. Steamship Leo, Merrill, Now York—Hunter A Gammed. Schooner Honest Aire, Connery, New York—Rogers A Calm. . Schooner II M Mayo, Curtis, Baltimore—Brigham, ’Bald wilt A Cos, Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer Emilie, Bender, Hilton Head. Tug C T Sheppard, Bliss, Fort Pulaski. Revenue steamer Nanseniond, Goldstmiv, on a cruise south. Went lo Sen. Brig Mary Cobb, Duncan, New York. Imports. Per Stalling’s flat, No. 6, troiu Augusta—l 27 bales upland cotton. Per Stiobhat’s flit, front Augusta- 235 bales up land cotton. Per steamer Fountain, from Paiatka—9o bales sea island cotton, 23 do upland do, 7 boxes tobacco, 2 cases shoes, 1 iron safe, 2 coops fowls, 1 bag wool, 1 bag potatoes, 2 rolls leather, 1 bbl tallow, 1 Mil syrup, 30 sacks salt, and 10,fits) oranges. Per Steamer W G Gibbons, from Darien—6B4 bales upland cotton. 1 Per steamer R H May, from Augusta—26o bales 1 upland cotton. Exports. | Per steamship Leo, for New York—B32 hales up- I laud cotton, 6 do sea island do, 8 bales domestics 41 half chests of tea, l piano, 1 case, 1 mule. Pet schooner Honest Abe, for New York—66 empty barrels, 26 bbls iron, 14 casks do, 4 bales wool, 313 dry hides, 16 bales rags, 20 bales pickings, 5 bbls grease, 1 bbi metal. Per schooner U M Mayo, for Baltimore—l 33 bales upland cotton, 6 pkgs muse. Consignees. Per steamship' Idaho, from New York—Adams’ Express Cos, T H Balsitaw A Cos, Biun A Meyer, M Holey, J Buckley, F Bull-, Bothwell A Whitehead, T Bateson, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, Crane, Johnson A GrayMll, Cuuaiugliam A Purse, J U Cullen, T W Cooney, Clagliorn \ Qpimlnghain, Champ A Christie, J S Cohen, M A Cohen, Doyle A Lyons, J H Deppisit, W M Davidson, J H Deiuund, at G Erlich, Erwtu A Ltardee, L Fried, A Fawcett A Cos, D Finnegan, M Furst A Cos, O L Gilbert, Guckenueimer A Selig, S Gooilall, C Morgan, Hunter A Gammetl, Habersham A Son, K A Hardee, VV Kelu, N ti Knapp, KJ Lar comb.M Latan,J Lippmiin, S N Leilderer, J Laulters, Mather A West, ,1 McMahon A Do, S ,Yl Meyer, W A R Mclutosh A Cos, G Makens, Mullen A Biuen, F Af M. fell, A J Miller, K O'Byrne, J Oliver, H \V Pease, J A W itutherlord, Kandeii A Cos, P Reilly, H, G. R Cos, J Uoseubantl, E li Smyth, A Stamm, Schreiner A Son, 0 sontbwester, Schuster A HetnsiuS, Wm H Stark, Van Horn, Holyoke A Murray, A Waldrop, c White, Geo Wcllbroke, J G Watts A Cos, R A Wilbur, Weed A Cornwell, ll D Walker, J Luma, Wilson A Bro, C M Muller, M Newmark, O H F M, S M L, F M, Dickson, L A Cos, W E CouK, T Pepper, A Blakely, G Stopel, F IS Cutup, aud others. Per steamship Vurunu, from New York—Adams’ Express Cos, J G Bailey A Bro, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, J Bateson, L S Keunett, Bell.Wyliy A Christian, M A Cohen, octavus Cohen A Cos, C L Colby A Cos, S M Coldmg, Camp A Christy, Clagliorn A Cunning ham, J 11 Deppisli, Einstein A Eckinan, s Farreliy, M Feist A Cos, L Fried, Huuter A Gaminell, L C Gil lette, I. A C, C L Gilbert, lioss A Gutman, Seaborn Goodaik G Gemenden, Erwin A Hardee. Schuster, Hcinsius A Cos, 1! nassett, H D Hawley, A H Ives A Cos, G Eabr A Bro, Heldt A Ludlow, Lovell A Lam more, A S Lee, J G Mathews, F S Missetl, H Mein hardt A Bro, A F Mira, F M Myrell, J H Moses, De- VVltl A Morgan, J McMahon A Cos, D Malielt A Cos, Hardee A Cos, John Nhtaoiaon, K J Ntiini. George T Nichols, M New mark, Warren A Plainer, VV 11 Pease, Jos ltoseuhand, Kandeii A Cos, F J Knekert, J I. Kou milhit, C 1) Rogers, Win H Stark, A A Solomons A Cos, M J Solomon, Tlioinas Sweeney, Brady a Smith, Dzlaltuski A Siager, Clmrles Slager, H S Salmer. E B Suelder, 11 A lophaui. Miller, Thomas A Cos, Both well A VViiiUtbean, J R Wilder, M 11 Williams, Hal sey, Watson A Cos. Per Steamer Weybossett, from New York—Adams’ Express Cos, Allies A Peabody, A M Scarbrough I! B A Cos, Brigham, Baldwin A Co.T VV Cooney, c White, M Culteu. crane, Johnson A Graybiil, 0 L Colby A Cos, central Railroad, Duncan A Joouston. Jas Eastman, K Ettrlicit, M- Gu.ltrliclt, Erwin A Hardee, O’Fallou A Cos, M Ferst A Cos, Guckenheluier A Seltg, J Gilliland A Cos, limner A Gaminell, N B Knapp, W li Luoas, J McMahon, D Mallet A Cos, Pokier Bros, it tv Pease, H G Bitce A Cos, I* Reilly, J lloseuband, W H stark, Jas 11 Scribne, W I' Sergeant, .1 1, VTllalouga. Ueorge Wilbruok, Mui lli-.t Weseolt, or assigns, Louisa Wolf, Furdyce, Anderstin A Janey, Per steamer Fountain, from Paiatka. Fla.—J L VU lalouga, K Habersham A Sou, Brady, Smith A Cos, Gadeu A buckles, M A Cohen, it P .burst on, Miller, Tiiounts A Cos, A M Ross, Dzialmski a Siager, and order. Pel steamer Rll May, from Augusta—N A Hardee A Cos, U Cuhull, K liaoeishinu A Sun, Hunter A G»tu rned, E /. .ehanas, J H Hull, Col Casltn, Adams' Ex press Cos. Per steamer Wm G Gibbons, frow Darien—Erwin A Hardee, Octavus Cohen, aud others. Passenger*. Pet steamship Idaho, from New York—J R Wells, Wm E Asliutead, J M Howland, J Barward, A short, Mr Wells, Chas H Morris, John R Warner, J A Lam bert, James Young, T M Hurt, .1 L Patton, Mrs EE Graves aud 'Child, Wni N While, Wm L Payne, Mrs Mitchell, Miss Pope, aud 134 steerage. Per steamship Varuua, from New York—ll Roths child, Mr. McDonald, Mrs James Doyle, Mr and Mrs Wadicy and son, Mr Whitcomb aud wife, Mr. VV Bfouibain, Jos Robinson, E 1 Robinson, Jos F Mor tou. c H itotiand, J J Dale, F Elrame. j Fetrls, Mr Bediiuger, Moiiiegnil* and with, j G Tin ker, C i; Boitiue, J Darby and son, llurry Topliuiu and wile, Mrs Lizzie Lawrence aim lap children, VV o liarcott, E P Plainer, W J Keiash, J Kdrein, P Frideuburg, C VV Pike, E D Josseiyu, and lo steerage. Per steamship Weybusset, from New York—W T Richmond, Lie Witt. Biiiyn, Wll *v esh-ott, wUe and chiiiL E H Ray, J K geumugs, Mix Mary A McLeury andTiiree oLUdreu, tare j Dcl.orme, Miss a Wrigut, Mr tloigau, Capt Robinson, Jacob Buck v, Mr Ali mony, Mr Brown, James Eastman, E Bucnard, Wm fCldey, Julia BtUdyl, Peter Morgan, Alonzo Debt, Jno Luugipm, Israel Been, Edward Burge, Mr Gorman, John Farmer, A McMahon, donkey, Ed Vaughan, Julia Hastings, Wm Galvin, M Drury, Jjuu BulUvau, Johu V Taylor, 0 auerlock, John Cuyler. Per steamer Fountaiu, from Paiatka—General W J Hardee, Miss Bailie Hardee. Miss Bessie Hardee, Mrs Amelia Brinson, Miss Thomas, Miss J E Johnston, MrsßeeUoii, Mis Rmgold, Mrs Launeau, Mis Jour ueymau, Mrs BuiUU, S B I'i.o.uas, J Gillespie amt tour servants, A Lyon, B R Davis, J M Clyatt, c Ram, sr, e Ram. ir, Uol B BIG Rogers, J E Wallers, u W Da vis 0 Frtedlauder, P D scarieti, H P Marstun, Rev . J F U’Neffl, Kov B 0 Fraakiiu, W WUllapis, Captain Lumaslut, J B pruudeu, B L Burut. Per steamei Lizzie Baker, from Cfcarieaton—John Trask, V E Lucas, Wm R McDowell, F K Darla, .1 C Gibus, W u Uuustwii, 11 M Housleu, Miss L Houston, Mrs L Armflenl, M keolka, J M lxgg«, Mrs Willis, fir. Willis, J U Gw diuoti, J n Oraue, » H Clark. W H clarity Juliu B Deuaway, D Mvlubuh, H D Bogart. IVr Hleaiush p Leo, for New York—K F Johnson, J Hoyt Wm A Mosley, Uobett Elllull, Wiu BuylJ and iwty p Tßchley, ThomasC VVUsou, Mrs Hubert S Wads, b llkii ) mt, l T A Godowlu, K w Williams, W t, Welle, f H aslinurii, A Kppairin, Proteesur C Mc'ltwarla, Masier u.o Miller, vTw Northrop, IIW Mnmi' rt( •‘ r » A '"' *“<"“• '•"I" 1 t Miiiei, C U Buell, a A MoUubueil, Heury Ainu*, Jottli Hvuiy. BsiUUei M JatWM, Ml A Coilvn, A A 0, J Bose J i Mahon, Capt Pna.v ’ "T.grofK^fabtjrr—»— Puar Royal, Oct. m. Arrived. L 3 (team tnn spott Empire aty, K Alexander .uuuuandcr. from New Yora, Oclobvi 25'h. to b B Quartermaster. PaMtugsn. Per steamship Empire city, frotfr New York—Col J B Goinu sad l.(ltaly , Lieut Lot J A Bogerr, Lieut col W M Beetle, Capt W 11 Carlos, A Q M, Cant il 8v.,. 6Hi. A D ts, lAeaf v n Liiieiigiiart, Lieut J McKim, Assisi surg F L’ Davh-s, Act Asst Rung F L o'Rmhrlg, Act Aasi burg A L Eaklu, Ant .vast burg J Stay man, Mrs 11 Damn. Mlsa r. Stanley, Mis- J Brsiliev, Miss P Ely, Mu- E Ely, Mr II Nuriolk, Rev A B Wands worth, Mrs Ali VVoodsworth and chlhl. Mish 1,.1 Chase, Mr- Dr U Sturdvaiit, Mis* 11 Coryell, Miss 1: A Coit. Miss J 51 Lynch, Miss F. Lee, Miss Bartemaa. Mis* M Abbott, Miss L A Ttiyng, Miss L Alexander, Mr H J Ripley, Mis H J ttlpley, Miss Ripley, Mrs Cupl Wall ,01.1 child, Mr J Bin kley, Mr J S K...Ueh' Capt c U Campbell Mr John Campbell, Mr J Kelleu, Mr R H Gladding, Mr J Cuscadeu, Mr C T Noble, Mr J Spraudal, Mr 11 L Mareudlng, Mr G p Barlow. Mr R Mu mow. Mr A M Bigelow, Mr C H Andreas, Mi VV VV Reed, Rev T Steward, Mr It Moiyneux, Mrs 11 Molyueux aud two children, Mr Joseph liouuliiie, Mr John Fitzgerald, Mrs John Fitzgerald and chUU. PORT OF FERNANDINA, FLA. Feknandi.nx, Fla., Oct. 27. Arrived. Get 24—Sloop Thunder, Smith, from Savannah. Oct 25—Steamer LouM.uig, Dale, from Jackson ville. Steamer Fountain, Castuer. Oct 26—richr A F Kiudberg, New Haven, IThomas, from New York 15th Inst. Oct 27—Steamer Couonlcus, Tilton. Sailed. Oct 26— Steamer Louisbjng. Dale, for Jacksonville, Steamer Fountain, castuer, for Jacksonville. auction Tales. BY BLUN .Sc MEYErT Gojd Furniture at Auction. THIS DAT, at 10 o'clock, a in , in front of store, will be sold, 1 splendid Mahogany Wardrobe 1 Marble Top Hureau and Waebstand 1 Marble Top Centre Table 1 isofa j t Rocker 6 edatrs 1 card Table 1 Dining 'i'able 1 Sewing Table 1 11-it ruck # Mattrefset*, Pillowy Blankets, Comfjrfers Stoves and Utensils, Ac. ALSO, •iS bo.xos Urant &, William'a, 10s 14 boxes Family Soap 1 in/nice of Wooden and Wil ow Ware l invoice of Perfumery. l octSO Fine Household Furniture for Sale at Auc tion. BY BLI IV & IYIEYER. Will bes >ld on WEDNESD.\Y, Nov. Ist, at the resi* deuce of lift* Kev. Mr. J. Hosenleld, on Cbarlton street, 3d door west of Barnard srreet, commencing at In o’emek, a. m. Uue Seven Optave Plano and Stools, several Parlor Sets. Chamber Sew and Dining Room Fumitnre, Hat* racktJ, D)iiiige.s Cribs, Ottomans, Wlrat Note, Ward robes, P.uior Carpets, Dining Uooin Carpets, Orna ments, Crockery, Glass Ware, Cutlery, and numerous other articles usually found in a well kept house. uctSU ‘J By Bell, Wylly & Christian AT PRIVATE SALE. Desirable Real Estate. Two llrst class Dwelling Houses, three stories on biu>eiaent«, with all tiie modern improvements; situa ted iu a central portion of the city Also, Avery deniable House on the corner of Charlton and Tamull streets, containing 8 Rooms, with £as and water, on the lane is a Brick carriage House, stables. Servants Rooms, Ac. Ala* 10 Farm Lots, containing from ‘2O to S& Acres each, near Lover's Lane, within one mile of the limits of the city. A sph-udid opportunity for investment. A plot or the nbove Lots can be at-**u at our store. . y AISO, „ Wed half of Lot No. S9, Washington Ward, Brough ton street. Improvement* c< nsmt of a Dwelling, buitable for a email fami'y. Will be ?old at a bargain, oettttf ; Furuiture, Furniture. Messrs. Bell, Wylly & (Mian On TUESDAY MORNING, Oct. 31st, will bo sold at the residence corner ol' Liberty and Drayton streets, Splendid Furniture, consisting of SoL»p, Chairs, Tables, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads, Woo) Mat tresee*, FeAtut-r Beds, Books,Cases, Brussels Carpets, Gas Fixtures, &c. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock. Articles to be de livered immediately after sale. ‘2-octSO UNDER WRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, at P» o’clock, in front of store, will be sold, for account of underwriters aud ail concurned, 445 boxes Assorted Candies 67 quarter-boxes Raisins 48 Dutch Ovens with Covers ti LoifrPots. Dumagedon board Steamer Leo, on her passage from New Tort to this port, aud sold under inspec tion ol the Port Wurdens. oct3o UNDERWRITER'S SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY. at 10 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold for account of underwriters aud all concerned, I Case containing— • Delaines * Prints Merinos Flannels ALSO, 1 case, containing 1 large Looking Glass, damaged ou board Steamer Raleigh, on her passage from New York to this port, and sold under inspection of the Port Wardens. oct3o Underwriter’s Sale. BY OCTAVUS COHEN. Will sell THIS MONDAY, at lUo’c'ock, at the state of W. H. Stark, corner of Bay and Liucolu streets, 100 sacks Com, Damaged on board Steamer Hunter, on her voyage from New York, and sold for account of underwriters aud all concerned. Terms cash. oclfiO NOTICE. Savannah, Oct. 27, 18fi5. The Municipal authorities having appoint ed Port Wardens for (he Port of Savannah, Ihe Board assembled this day and elected THOS. HOLCOMBE, Chairman, and THOS. J. BULLOCH, Clerk. Parties interested will make application to the undersigned, at the Exchange. THOS. .1 BULLOCH, oct2B-3aw4w Clerk. ESTABLISHED 1826. Dunn & Brown, SHIPPING MASTERS, HAVING opened an office at No. 25 Bay street, be tween Uaijenbum and Price .treets. we are pre pared to furnish crow* ai (be shortest notice, octtl-lm Wagon "Freight WANTED For Mason, Mllledgewllle, Albany, Amerteua, or llawhlusrtlU, Apply to 0«0. 0. FREEMAN ocU if kirn liblrAUr’i Mice. rTtWO months After bat. applleatleH will be Made A (o (lie (Atari of Ordlaary of Cb tli.o. wanly tot leave to Ml all Hie reel eelate of Jaiov. Bilbo, jo »»a«eo> air lav purpose of MairibnUoß. SOUN u. VKMMII4*. wB-llVto ' AilbriuteUslor. | klHOOMhta, to, —■ WHISKEY F WHISKEY! FIME t)LD BRANDY, WINES, fe; Peach Valley Wui.ksy, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike'. Magnolia, >i*nw'B ORI Rye, aud Fiha Kentucky Bourbon FOlt BALK BY C. W. THOMPSON. At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STREET, (Herald Hnlldiug. J - xiao, A loop's Ale, Mare' Ale. Apple*. PoUlnea, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider aud Cider Vinegar, oct® ts G. H. ARLEDGEr WHOLESALE CROCER AND— Sliip Chandler. 72 BAY STREET, YTOW r*ceiving pe-sleamand sailing vessels from lx New York. Die I'ollowlug articlis. which will he sold at the Lowest Market Price : Bbls. Flour, Potatoea, Ouions, Turnip*, ■ Beets, Apples, Vinegar, Hama Brown aud Crushed Sugara, Bbls Beef and Pork, Bbls. Mackerel, X do., M do. and kits No. 1 Cases Olive Oil, Sardines. Candles, Boap. Raisins, Pickles, , Liquors C'neap Tea, Preserved Meat, Spices of all kinds, llcros. Ac., Ac.. Sacks Coffee, Brooms, Palls, Buckets, Ac. xiao Paints Oils, Varnishes, paiut Brushes, Ac.. Ac. tyr~ ,shi|i Stores put up at the shortest notice. ocilT 3m WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER • IK GROCERIES. WINES. LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, and. Cidex*. eep2 ts r^CREIGNAg^ DOUESTiCteH® SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS . or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR TUE STATE OF GEORGIA. anso E G. Hilton, Savannnh. F. M. Randkll. N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL Wholesale Grocers, 198 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, Ga., Are constautly receiving- per steamer, from Now York The Largest suit Moat Complete Assort, .went of Groceries in the City, Orders by Mall, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Filled, «♦ Lowest Market Price.. octliS lm G. K. OSGOOD, STORE ISO CON ORES 8 AND 8 5 ST. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware Aik! Hardware, N. B.—The highest rash Prices paid fur Beeswax. Tallow, Wool, llidea, Ac. ts eeptlti Gao. R. Crump. Wm, A. Wsight, Augubta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. 11. GUMP & (0., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries. Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISII, &<s. 209 Byuiul St., Augusta, Ga, Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tomaoo's Produce, and Meiuiuandiuk of evufy de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusts, Ga., Richmond. Va., and Juo. U. Ferrili, Lsq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A LncklCS, A. A. So!otnon« A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos., U. Molina, J£sq., bavaunuh, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 KIBLIN.BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, MIES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER ITttfiET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS rfeoNPTLY FILLED It DELIVERED. aiWI ts i.Hiu jjaLlii i 1 1000 bushels Liverpool Sett "M»j sacks oats black and white 10 sacks best Rio Coffee To arrive, 100 Balee Hay. oi-tto N. A HARDEE* CO. H. G. RUWE & CO., Wholesale GROCERIES I LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and Bt. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTING PULASKI HOUHKg rv Agents tor ALK AN D LAGER. * Ceaetantly ou l.and, an aeaormeat «f HBBXN WINB. b»|-(* CHEESE, SOAP. T*/ T 6 b <IOM Ikmp % I dual ftttolvedafid |«»» aaiu L*» 1 MUUiUM, MU>Wttl * Ul. i... Uis.nuJlMUhl*. laijtolM(. tfo PIERCE SKEHAN, Wksltttlt aad B«tsll Dealer In Pine Urocsrkn, Bbets and Shoe*. OstkiMv Foreign sad DumaMlc Wiuea, Llqnors rnd Also, ftkehan*. Celebrated UOI.DKS ALE AND CHAMPAGNE ClfiKH. In bottle and ia srood London and Dublin Brown Burnt, Scotch and Rng fish Ale*. Ac. Liberal deduction* made to the trade.' lIC BROUGHTON BTRKRT, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York. Just Received, And in Store oo CoiisisiiMt, BUUGIEB AND CARRIAGES Alio, a lot of Fme Liquors, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRrz RUM, BORER'S BITTERS, Ac. Which we offer on the moat liberal terms. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE k MURRAY, oetll tl' No. 9 Stoddard's Block, Buckwheat Flour, JUST RECEIVE 1 1 and for sale try STUART * CO., atocera, OCI2J-3 Corner Bull aud Broughton etreetz. I’WIIIIORJi 4' illllllM, Grocers arid Sliip Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, H a v u n n ii It, BEG leave to Inform their former friends and cus tomers, and the public generally, that they have resumed batmens at their old stand, where they will keep constantly on hand a full assortment or Good, ill their line suitable for Private Families, Siesm«ia aud Sailing Vessels. Punctual attention given to all conn try orders lm octllt T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALEKS IN WINES. LIQUORS, SEGARS, IC. 1 ■47' Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., CNEXT iXXJH ADuVE REPCBUCAN OFFICE.> Wt* have iu<; Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Oins, Bitters, Cordials, &c., In the Soath, to which we invite the attention of the Trad*. Call and compare onr goods and price*. octb ts Notice IS hereby given that neither the owner* or agents of the Steamer* AMAZON, GIBBONB and LAUKA, will be responsible tor any debt, bill or contract made by aiij of ihe oifleers or crew of said Nteamera unit** muuti by writteu permisaion of ERWIN A HARDEE, . For Amenta and Owner*. JNo. L. RouxillEt, Agent on \Umrf. octlQ ti BROWN’S CASTILLIAIM BITTER . THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from tha Pure Juice ol the Grape and extracts, distilled from tue Choicest Vegetable products ol the South of Frauce, Italy atm the Province oi Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Toulc. Indispensable tu Hotels and Restaurants, and QMuable to Families, delicate females and children, lor all disarrangement or the stomach, It Is unrivalled. A never falling preventive and Cure for Sea Sickness. None wko travel by laud or water should he without Uie Castllllau. For Sal* by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTrRE A Cos. Sole Agent,, state Georgia. oct94-Sm _____ ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 258 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Denier* in Builder**’ and Locksmith*’ Hardware, Nails. Puliies, Cord, Him Locks and Knobs, liutt Hinges, Brass ami Iron Key* and Castings, Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, less than market price*, srplri «m BALTIMORE COLLEGE, OF ’ DENTAL SURGERY. The regular Lecture's of the Twenty-Sixth Annua Session will commence November Ist. The inflrmary will open October 16th. Faculty : THOMAS E. BOND, A. M., M. D. Pathology and Therapeutics. PHILIP H. AUSTIN, A. M., M. D., D. D. S., Dental Science and Mechanism A. SNOWDEN PIGGOT, A. M., M. D., Anatomy and Physiology. F. J. S. GORGAS, A. M., M. D, D. D. S., Dental Surgery. RUSSELL MURDOCH, A. M., M. D„ Chemistry. HENRY HOBART KEECH, D. D. 8., Demonstration of Operative Dentistry. THOMAS SOLLERS WATERS, D. D. 8., Demonstration of Mechanical Dentistry. For information address F. J. 8. GORGAS. H. D. 48 Hanover street, Baltimore, Md oct2 iaw-4w DDRYEAS' MAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. WA# m musw r “ rM# That received « medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioner*. the rODipetlou of all prom inent raanniaciur. re of ’‘Com Starch” and•• Prepared Coro Floor'* of Uria «ud other countriei notwithstand ing. MAXCBVA, The food and luxury of the age, without a single (suit One trial will convince the most skeptical.— Makes Puddings, t akes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without iuiuglaas, with lair or no eggs, at a coat at- Umtshing the mnet economical. A slight addition to ordinary wheat Flour greatly Improves Bb ad and Cake ft Is also excellent for thlckeulng sweet sauces, gravis* tor Sell and rnenta. soups. Ac. For Ice Cream nothing mm compare with It. A little boiled In milk will produce rich cream tor oclee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up In one pound packages, under the trade, marl. Maisena. with directions lor uar. A moat delicious article of food for children and In valids of all wee. For wile by Grocer* and Druggists everywhere. Whole**!** Depot, ldtt Fulton Street. WIL.I.LA.M DHRVJKA, sntMm _ tleu era! Agent. GET YOUH DERBY HATS COLdTnG’S. (Ml It POB NEW YORK The Schooner P t O N E I R, ui h,r cu '*' e^«ed Fur Ueajiit apply to FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner “ATTIi M. MAYO will have quick despatch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to OCUG BRIGU .M, BALDWIN A CO FOR NEW YORK, Atluut io Coawt Mail Steam salt ip Company. _ _ The very (hat sailing new steamship -'Alt’*. RA LEIGH. G. M. Walker, commander. poellively sail oa her regular Wednesday, Nov. Is*., at 4 o’clock p, m. For freight or passage, having very elegant accom modutione, apply to oct2S JNO. R. WILDER, Agent. “FOR NEW YORK, f f—en—n The new and elegant Screw .rrOTr Steamship vARU NA. Captain Y.'h ' Whitebnrst, will poelUvelv sac ou —her regular day, TUESDAY. Slat lust., ct 6 o'clock, p. m. For Freight or Passage, having very large and airy state-room accommodations, fitted up with alt tbe re cent improvements, apply to JonN R. WILDER. fillip's Bills of Lading fnruUhcd aud signed in the office. ’ OCI3O I STAR LINE. “ FOR NEW YORK. The fine Steamship NYevlvonnett, Pariah, Commander, wil! leave for the above port on Wednesday, Nov. la*, nt o’clock. For freight or passage, having superior state room accominodatloi a, applv to uct3o BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. STAR LINE, FOR NEW gjjfias YORK. THE new and elegant first cine* C 8. Mall Steam ship IDAHO, Captain CRAW, will positively sail for tbe above port on Monday, Oat. Both, nt 4 o’clock, p. m. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO, octSO Stoddard's Building, opp. Poet Office. ANCHOR LINE OF PACKETS FOR N E WJ^YORK. AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN PORTS. The Staunch and Fast Sailing Schooners W. D. VAUGHN, - - - . 198 ton* QUEEN, B. H. Conary, Malta ITS tons ELLIOT, 160 tons HATTIE MAYO, A. B. Curtla, Master, - 86 tnn HONEST ABE, W. M. conary, Muster, - 8s ton* And other., compline tbe “Anchor Lina” of Packets, and will have quick despatch a* above. For Freight apply to PATERSON A TUCKER Agents, No. 16 Stoddard's Building, or to ROGERS A CANN, Savannah, Ga. Dai. Bxhoo A Cxaesaav, Agents, New Yorff oct 20 ts SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA 4 RE notified that they con store their good, any Ja. day daring the week, to be forwarded by the abave 1 lout a, which are tbe lightest draught runniug to Augusta, free of extra charge. repf* KEIN k CO. FOE PALATKA, Via Darien, Brunswick, Bt. Mary’s, Fer» nandlns, Jacksonville aud Plcolutu. fPHE new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN. Capt. <l. A W. Cabtneh, will leave re above on TUESDAY, the 31 Nt last, at 10 o'clock a. m. For Freight or Passage apply on board, at Padel ford's Wharf near White's Central Cotton Press or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. During the absence of the boat all goods will be re ceived at the warehouse ou the wharlTby Mr. W. K. U. Bruen Freight payable on Wharf. Shippers will furnish weights and measurement of goods octSO For Philadelphia Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. The U. 8. Mall Steamship MINNE- Xjh*-) J'ZTONK*. 1,000 tons burthen, J. W. ... ~»l._Lr> h.Hlcli Commander, will leave fur the •-JjsFatotSiS— above port on Butnrday, Nov. Aik, nt o'clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to HUNTER A GAMMELL octl9 84 Bay street. For Liverpool- THE first class British bark THOMAH WHITNEY J. C Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will bave quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlQ BELL WYLLY A CHRISTIAN For Liverpool.: -Jrrv TTIE A! American Ship NEW ENGLAND, iOTK''Hodge. Master, having a large portion of J cargo engaged will he ready to receive et Lower Hydraulic Pres* on the 16th Inst. For freight or puetge apply to aepl4-tf BRIGHAM. BALDWIN k CO. For Liverpool. The new first class dipper ship TRY ONE POUND. VIRGINIA, WEEKS, Commander, I* now loading rapidly at Lower Prets, and having large engagements will have quick despatch. For freight or pasaage (taken at lowest rated) apply to CHAU. L COLBY A CO., . octlit comer A bet corn aud Bay at* "FOR BALTIMORE. Pendcrgusl’i Line. The tael sailing regular packet . SCHOONER OE SOTO, Crook. Master, Ilsving the grsatar portion of barearge .agagci. will have quick dispatch. For balaac eof freight ap ply to ■> UnoOMI, a A DIN fr DNCKMtS. Corner Bey and Barnard *treets. * Agents 1* tlalilmoi* -Fes'lergaM, Fsawk-fc A Cm. MW luiknia. ■ * FOR BALTIMORE. T.ig linr Q»»*mqh|o ,»**. •o-i * *. XORTH POINT, Will a*U for Nioai.ov* port M v Saturday, Mov. 4th, at o’clock. For freight or pilataga, having elegant accoaunoda “kiT 7 BRYAN, HART RIDGE A 00. Freighrts ' FOR AUGUSTA, THRnndCTslpied tre prepared to raeaive good* at A their Warehooaes-free of expense and cov exert by Insurance—for shipment to Aanusta and winu beyond by their regular fine of Hriit draught boat. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept29—tf car. Bay and Aberoorn sts. For Augusta, THE STEAMER '' j '** - . It. H. MAY, •A Uncoiu street, free of cunl Office in Claghorn A **““• '* People’s Line. For Charleston, STOPPLNO HEAD AND The new and fast salting Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. T.'K. Richardson, Will leave Jones’ wharf, TO-MORROW MORNING. at 7 o'clock. For freight or passage, having splendid aoeommo dalloua, apply on board or to CLAQUOUN A CUNNINGHAM, octSO-2 Agents ———a- ... —.. ■ . For Doctortown. The fast sailing steamer AVM. Gr GIBBONS, Capt. TANARUS, N. Phil pot, Will leave Dillon's wharf, for Doctortown. on Tuesday, Oct. El, nt O o’clock, n. lu. For freight or passage, having ample accommoda tlona. Apply lo ERWIN A HARDER, J. L RomiiLLaT, Agent at wharf. B-oct2B GREAT REDUCTION FREIGHT TO ADGDBTI ON and after this date tbs rata of Freight by ow Line will be reduced 50 Per Cent ! liar IJue is composed of the following Steam era, all adapted to the trade, via i *■: iron Steamer AMAZON, Cap*. Jehffwn. New Lon Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS,Capt Fhilpot. Steamer LAURA, Capt Hiller. The Steamer Gibbons 1* in every parttealar a flrat classPassengar Boat. Insurance can be effected by oar Line at lowest rates. » tw Freight received DAILY end forwarded TWICE A WEBS.. ’* ’ • eepgSAm ERWIN 4 HARDEE. ** ENCOURAGE Home Enterprise. AKfiKSTi MERfflillm , LINE. Lightest Dtaught Boats aa tbe , River. MAKING regular trips at tub LOWEST STAGE OF WATER. ALL GOODS CONSIGNED TO THE AQBNTS AT SAVANNAH WILL BE FORWARDKD WITH OUT DELAY, AT CURRENT KATES OF FREIGHT. Tbe new A No. 1 Light Draught Augusta bqllt Steamer* * * . * - R . H . MA. Y AMD ‘ *-’ % U NI OK, Leave Anguata and Savannah regularly every week. Aa these Boa’s were built for the Savannah River. Shippers may rely upon having their Goods go through without delay, at the very lowest «tage ol tbe river, aud at luw rates. Merchant, aud Shippers will bave their Goods con signed tu P. M. MYRELL, Agent Steamer Union, or J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent Steamer R. H. May. Savannah, G0.,0r U; T. JACKSON* CO., . Agents Steamer K. H. May, CHURCHILL A JOHNSTON, Agents Steamer Union, octSH-tf Augusta, On. WANTED. INFORMATION WANTED ’ MY Husband, James S. Ashmore,, ififhQd* Regiment, Jackson's Brigade, Bate'e Division' was left sick at s private house, between Murfrees* boro' and NoslrrUle, shout the 10th ol December 1*64. since which time 1 have hot heard from him Any lull irmaUou concerning eoid .lames S. Ashmore will be thankfully received by bis family end friends, aud especially a distressed companion. Address, EMMA S. ASHMORE. - . Care of Joseph Llppman. n|,t - 76 ' BavsauathQa. WANTED. Offices for Bent, • APPLY TO Stoddard Bros., octo 18* Bay Street, opp. Mariners* Church. "Wanted, - A COMPETENT colored Servant lodo House-work A for asms!, torn.* octß-rf between Bub irndWhltahet sm. Consignees Wanted. Fork aa^ssbbisno«r so half bids Flour 9 bbls Crackers ... f£EF. * O*lF-M0 Tubs Lari U not called tor wUI be sold tor freight and expgaM. octsa BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO. Wanted, m vessiJtggst astst OARXT, city Building. Uiddsiord. Mains. sapii d*wM» . :. j Wanted, <ivfoA. Mam*-. , —jESSs a_ ' Wanted Immediately, Fir CAM- ill the Regs. Old Lagging. tnlWirt paper in tbs < %■ WARMM 0 PLATNML (split (to May-st,