Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, October 31, 1865, Image 3
BAVA_KK A.H. Urpkrlarl oflt«i«ihlpii»ml llwu^n, FOB KBW TOBK. Slr am«iiilp Varana, Tuesday. NumM (Ui, at t o'clock p. in. steamship Weyboasett, Wednesday, November Ist, ,t 3>, o’clock. steamship Raleigh, Wednesday, November Ist, at 4 o'clock p. m. steamship Hunter, Thursday, November 3d, at o’clock, FOB DALTIMOKB. steamship North Polut, Saturday, November 4th, ot o'clock. FOB DOCTOBTOWTi. Steamer William G. Gibbons, Tuesday, October *l, at o'clock. FOB FLORIDA. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. Darujo Robberies on hhu'Board.—Yesterday morning, at about three o’clock, two white men In a canoe came alongside of Ferguson's fall boats, load ing for Augusta at the IronSteunilmat Yard,and stole the trunk of James Callahan, a negro employed on the boats. As soon as the robbery was committed, tne parties put off from the flat boats and dlaappear- C 1 The hatids on the boats were asleep when the robbery was committed. No clue has yet been ob tained to the thieves. it a few minutes of five o'clock yesterday morn ing while Neely’s fall boat was lying In the market Uo( .’ti a barrel of whiskey was stolen from It. After a diligent search the liquor was recovered, but not the thief. Upon the restoration or the property to the captain of the toll boat, by a third party, and the payment of costs by the party who had the whiskey in possession, no further steps were taken. From four o’clock until six yesterday morning, the cotton thieves under the bluff had a flue time with Stower’s tall bonts from Augusta. A large amount of cotton was purloined and sold to the nunwrous •• junk dealers” of the city. DEATH OF AN OLD SAVANNAH MERCHANT.—We re gret to announce the demise, in this city, on Sunday night, at Ills residence oil Jones street, of Mr. Francis G. Daua, aged 48 years. Mr. Dana was born In Providence, Ri.ole Island, blit 111 the year 1836 came|to Savannah,and became a member ol the Hrm of Wushburn,Wilder * Cos. Upon the dissolution of this Arm It became Dana A Wash burn, and existed as such for several years. It was subsequently dissolved, and Mr. Dana continued business in his own name. For many years he was the ageut for Messrs. Sturgees ft Clearman’s lino of sailing packets. Mr. Dana bore ft high reputation as a careful and successful business man, possessing a clear mind and great business talent. He leaves a wife and finally of four children. The inneral takes place this morning, at ten o’clock. ACC!t>?NT.—The Steamship Huuteron coming up to her wharf last evening, having rounded to and dropped anchor, though still having on considerable headway, collided with the Weybosset lying at the wharf, before she could be backed. A strong tide was running at the time. The Hunter lost the point of her bow sprit and her figure-head. The Weybos set hail tier upper works on tbe port side carried away, davits injured, etc. Tfoe damage is very tri fling and will be Immediately repaired. Sale of Real Estate.—Messrs. Bell, Wylly A Christian sold at Auction Saturday last, the two story brick house on quarter lot north-west comer of perry and Jefferson streets, for $3,000 in currency. Mr. Win. Hose, of the firm of Rose and Arkwright was the purchaser. The lot is lu lee simple.— They also sold a valuable lot and improvements ou Duffy street, between Bull and Whitaker streets, Oglethorpe Town, the lot being CO feet front, and IP j feet deep. The Improvements consist of two tene ments of wood of one and a half stories. Lot lu tee Simple, rut-chased by Mr. George Gttfor $1,300. Fhom New Orleans—The lI.S. Hospital Bteamer -Gen. J. K. Barnes,”Capt. Morton, arrived below the city yesterday afternoon. After communicating Kith the city, she departed for Hilton Head. The steamer Resolute was dispatched to Fort Fulaeki, where she will take on board all the sick and conval escent soldiers, and proceed to Hilton Head, and ran iffer them to the Gen. Barnes. The Steamer Weybossett, Parish, master, sails on Wednesday for New York. The Wkybossett is one of the fastest and most comfortable steamers running to New York. Her officers are experienced seamen and courteous gentlemen, from Capt. Parish lo steward Kerrigan ; and travellers putting them selves In their care may be jmre of being well taken care of. PCLASKi House omnibus.—Mr. John Fealy yester. •lay displayed a splendid new omnibus, with a team ol tour horses. It attracted much attention. The work of painting and trimming the •• bus" was done by Savannah mechanics, and will compare favorably with any Imported work. Tbe Late Mb. James Doylr.—The tuneral of Mr. James Doyle will take place this morning at ten o'clock front his late residence, north-west corner of Congress and Habersham streets. The remains leached this city on Sunday from New York, accom panied by the wife of the deceased and several friends. ' Arrival of a Cabuo of Railbod Iron.—The Bark cutlne, Horace Beal, Capt. Blankenship, arrived at this port yesterday afternoon, having on board 1,166 bars, or sol tons of railroad Iron Tor tbe Georgia Central Railroad Company. arkitaj. of the Steamship Hunter.—'Tho steam ship Hunter arrived last evening with a full freight and a laage number of passengers. We are Indebted to Purser F. C, Jeffrey lor favors. The Laoies of savannah who reel Interested in the relief of the suffering poor of our city, are re quested to meet at the Lecture Room of the Haptist Church to-day, at 13 o’clock. THE COURTS. BEFORE CAI>T. CLARK H. HKMICK, TROVOST MAR. SHAL, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH. SAVANNAH, Oct. SBth, 1886. The United States vs. Telfair Bryan (colored).-,- ' Larceny. Found guilty, and slued sl3 and costa, or be sent to Jail for one month. The United States vs BenJ. Wilson, Cos. F, lOSd U. 3 C. T. infantry—Abusive language to white persons. Found guilty, and sent to Medical College Hospital for confinement at hal'd labor until he can lie sent to liis command. The United Stales vs. L. Isadorc.—Drunk In the streets. The prisoner being a U. S. soldier, was re manded to the guard house until lie cun be sent to his regiment. The Lulled States vs. Wm. Lenls, John Linos and John Robinson, (all colored)— ; Larcep.v tram the house. Prisoners were were found guilty and sent lo the city guard house for one month at hard labor. The United States vs. P J. Ilafford, Private 13th Maine Vols Disorderly conduct at the City Hotel.— Found guilty and discharged on payment of costs. The United States vs. Joseph Johnson, (colored)— Vagrancy. The defendant was sent to the city guard house to lie crannied at hard labor for lityecu days. The UnitsU States vs. .lames Gray, (colored)—Dls orderly conduct In the streets. Found guilty, and fined $9 and costs. * Tlie United States vs. John Stevenson (colored). — Striking a policeman with n slung shot, etc. The do. leudant was ordered to give a bond in the sum o t ouo thousand dollars to stand his trial before a Military Coiumlssiom, and in default to be sent to Jail. ihe United Slates vs. Adallue and Liozy, (both colored). —Vagrancy. The defendants were ordered to leave the city Immediately for Hilton Head where they claim to rcelde. Savannah. Out. fifth, IMS. The United States vs. Robert Miller.—Druuk lu the streets. The defendant Is found guilty uud will be discharged On payment of coat*. The United Slates vs. J. Goldstale—Peddling with out Ueeuse. Found guilty and fiued twenty dollar* and costs. Haw boat, Oct. “tub, IMA. The United Mates vs. Win. Fields and James Her tort, (both uoloredi.—Disorderly conduct In the "treats, Fulda wag discharged, uud iiertort lined live dollars uud nous, and sent to Jail tor len days. The United Males vs. Kile* Higgins.—Keeping ft ,M»,utterly house. Found guilty, Utl iu rsiiiseqgence of exculpatory ■iiviiniaiauees was discharged on puyiaoMnt cue's. The United Males ve. Htbert l>ruciur. - Utaorderty • uttdnet In tbs street*. Found guilty and Mad *a •hdlsia and nude nr to i« soul la JnM tor one mutMli, LMflft, S. YaTRS L*tr, icq., will Lsetur*. This Kveflirg. it ft o'clock, at 8L Andrew's Hall, on "Charlra 11, and his Court." Tts proceeds of ths lecture for the nse of a disabled soldier. Ths well known talent of the lecturer, the interest ing rah)eat to be treated, together with the sympathy we all must feel for a disabled soldier, will, we are •stisfled. insure s brilliant and crowded audience at ■l. Andrew's Hail. Tickets oan be had stth. Hall on the craning of the lecture. MouBNtNO Goods.—A (Teali Invoice rof Mourning Goods, A’paeoa* and Drew Goods of all kinds, has Just been opened at the store of A. Reseller A Cos., 13 Barnard street. Reseller A Cos. sell at remarka bly low prices, and ladles eannot do better than at their new amt popular dry goods store. Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE. OCTOBER 30, 1886. Wm. 11. Wiltebekgeb ft Cos., Proprietors. J Weiss, savanush ,11 Root. Capt, Capt 138th R H Brown, HawklnsviUe! US V, Augusta H L IHgglns, isostou GeoT Patten C H Morse, do ij M Lewis, Augusta, Ga Win H Neuman !j Gctbert, Macou, Ga U Brantley, Washington, J W Cates, Augusta , oL U McVeigh, Hilton Head JR Wicker, do Ja* H West, Baltimore A P Heath, do H W Birge, Conn a Brantley, do H Hod man amt wife Capt IV G Hodges, U S A, J 11 Mullarky. Augusta Hilton Heard T C Blythe, do SB Noyes, Fsrnandlna, Pis A W Uallard, HUtoa Head H J Ripley, wife and 1. Hillings, N H daughter. Mass L P Halsev and wife Mrs Mathews, Ga C T Cochran, Va Mrs Greenwood, da J liuUwgtou O McGiniy, Augusta. Oa U M Lathrop, St Aeldna W C Burke, Dumbarton, F A Milieu, Beaufort SC IF Moore, N Y Mrs Gon Balm and servt J P Tiiorndyke, Boston SEA ISLAND HOTBL (HILTON HEAD) OCT. 30. Capt H Setou, Gen GIU-iJ J Smith, 3 0 more's Staff F Hendricks, N Y G P Barton, New York IA Liuford, Nll U Norforke do iMrs Ely and daughters, MUs Stanley, do NY Miss Brady, do R u'aslow, Chicago LPBrowu, .do | Capt Barber, do Shipping Intelligence. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 6 16 Moon rises 33 Sun sets 6 lsjlligh water 4is hlariue Disaster. The Petitioner Island Queen, Conary, master, was on flreat Darien, Us., October 38. No particulars. PORT OF SAVANNAH. Monday, Oct. 80,18c6. Arrived. Stoamship Hunter, M L Rogers. New York,—Hun ter ft Gammell. U S Hospital Steamship Geu Barnes, Morton, New Orleans. ISarkentlne Horace Beals, Blankenship, New Yolk —C L Colby A Cos. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer Emilte, Bander, Hilton Head. Slower’s five rail boats, from Augusta—W H Bur rougUs A Cos. Cleared. Steamer Louisburg. Dale, Hllfrm Head. U S Hospital Steamship G«n Barnes, Morton. Hil ton Head. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Fort Pulaski. Below. Ship Mont Blanc, from New York. Imports. Per Stower’s live toll hosts, from Augusta—336 bales upland cotton, 90 boxes tobacco. Per barkentlne Horace Beals, New York—l,lid bars, or 2uo tons railroad Iron for Central Railroad. Consignees. Per steamship Hunter, from New York-jAdains’ Express Cos, G W Alien, Brady, Smith ft Go, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, Buriy A B ttley, BotlTweil * VVntte lioad, Colby A Cos, Isaac Cohen, M A Cohen, J 61 omahrly, Clugliurti A CuuningUam, crane, Johnson A Cos, Ceutral Railroad Agent, W M Davidson, Dar lington A Bickford, Order, Erwin A Hardee, O'Fallon A Cos, M Feist A Co.Felluer A Pollock,Gutckheiiuer A Selig, J Gilliland A Cos, E N Gragg, C L Gilbert, Or der, Hilton A Ruudell, Ilnnter A Gammell, J M Ual sled, E N Hardee, Halsey, Watson A Cos, A M Hunt, M B Haasett, Hess A Guttmaii, James King, N Cross, A B Jones, Kein A Cos, J Lippinan, Lailoelte, Gaden A buckles, J W Lathrop, S M Ledercr, R J Larkum, W W Lincoln, J McMaliou, B M alien, H W Pease A Cos, J R Reilly, Randell A Cos, A Reseller A Cos, W U Stark, B Richards A Bro, Rogers A Cann, H Roths child, J Simons A Cos, A A Solomons A Cos, 1 R Scaly A Cos, Pierce Skehan, J (J Tiiorndyke, W H 11 Turner, J L MUalonga, W H WUtberger, Weed A Cornwell, Dr Willis, S B West. Per Mower’s five full boats, from Augnsta—Win II iiurroughs A Cos, John \V Anderson Jk Sou, Brady, Smith * Cos. Passengers. Per steamship Hunter, from New York—l’lerco Skchan, P A Mtlleite, uen B.vrge, J W Bnddlugton, U Donnell, Mr Burke, Mr Smith uud lady, K Willie, H 11 Tucker, J P Thorndyke, Mrs Siultli and child, Mr J Cohen and lady, 11 P Bicklord, I) c Hodman ami lady, J M Armour, J C McCarty, Mrs West, nurse and two children, Mr J West, Mr colieu, Mrs chase and child, Mrs Rogers, Mr Halsey and wife, Mrs Hunt and child, Mr Nkehau’s mends, James H Mu larky, 1£ lipping, Mr SeUg. E Cosgrove, Mr Morse, Mr Billings, Mr button, Mr Caiman, and others In steerage. PORT OF BRUNSWICK. BRPKSWICk, Oa., Oct. ft*. Arrived. British Schooner Mary Agnes, Lusseno, Born Nassau, N. P., to Bell, Wylly A Christian, of Sa vannah. Imports 400 bushels Turk’s Island salt and fruit. Reports having experienced continued severe gales during the passage, had to throw cargo over board ; vessel sprung a leak, and were obliged to put Into st. Simon’s Bay. Split sails, carried away rlggtug, Ac. A Curd. The undersigned, passengers on board the steam ship Hunter, on her recent passage Bom New York to Savannah, beg leave to make to Capt Rogers this public expression of their grateful appreciation or his kind attention during the voyage, and their ad miration for the qualities which so eminently fit hint for the responsible duties of Ills office. They feel that honorable mention ought to bo made of the skill and ability of the Chief Engluoer, Mr. Brown, who, notwithstanding a serious accident to the ma chinery, succeeded in keeping the ship under good headway uudor embarrassing circumstances. They beg leave, also, to say that the other officers of the ship, and especially Mr. Phillips, the principal Stew ard. and his employes have discharged their respec tive dutios with an unusual degree of alacrity and courtesy, and have made themselves especially agreeable to the passengers. Lewis Slkels James It. West Havey H. Lathrop K. O’Douuell F. A. Milieu J. H. Muilarky T. C. Btigh T. C. Galvin J. W. Budtngton Francis Willis Isaac Cohen It. C, Rodman 11. H. Tucker J. M. Amour Liberty Biliiugs F. P. Halsey O. I. OiK lireu E. Oosgrave Pierce Skehau J. p. Thorndike Lewis K. Smith M. F. Moore LIST OF VHSIELS IN THK PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Oct. 80, 1865. STEAMSHIPS. Steamship Hunter, Rogers. 516, from New York— discharging at a half lout ut Lincoln Mroel—Hunter ai Hammed. V Raleigh, Walker, Btlg. from New York, discharging at Central (totton Press—John K Wilder. Idaho, Crowell—discharging—foo t of Abereomst—" Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Varuna. Cooley, 900, Bom New Y’ork, t’eutral Cot ton Press—J R Wilder. Weybosaei, Pariah. Bom New York, wharf foot of Abereorn street—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. * •tun. New England, Hodges, 1,100, for Liverpool—load ing at Lower Hydraulic Prose— Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Republic (Brom) Smith, 500, discharging ballast at Lower Eastern wharves—Weber Bros. Wisconsin (Br), Arcus, HO, loading for Liverpool— John R Wilder. Vtrgiula. Weeks, 1044, discharging ballast at Dry Dock wharf, Hulohlsun Island—Ohas L Colby A Cos. BAIIKS. Thomas Fletcher, Pendleton, TM, loading tor Liv erpool at Lower tiydraulto Press—John It Wilder, ’Piles Whitney. Thoms* Whitney. (Br|. Kelly, waiting— Bell, Wylly A Christian. UAItIRNTINXS, '• Horace lleals, Ilhuiksusklp, Mo, Bom New York. LoWk* w *** rf J*°* * Ahereern street—Chas sains. Clsiw Pie kalis, Rodgers, 440. Bom New Toil, dls ghefFMK «t whan ft sit of w bitaker sim.t-Wiiliom mifi* Cw *’ *»• naKiag—Uuuur k Ham- Pl#enif kp«rk. Tiber, 33 watting. Matter. Itoueer, Tucker, *44, loadutf for New York at Wetter’* wlu.i—l. J Guiliuoilin Abo. Hands Butlerov. Aldeu, Mu, waiting cargo at Wuarfluotof 801 l street—Rogers A Cana. John O Whipple. Simpson, so. for New York—h ml I lug at Iron w hart weal of Barnaul afreet —Rogers A Cann. Sodla. Crook, ISC. waiting—Ruire, Wlrttn-v A Cos. MAKtttKD, On the evening of the :i tb August, by the Rev. Charles Coley, Lieut JC. W. HANES, of Auburn, N. Y„ to Miss FLORANCE DaVEAUX BOX, of this dty. New York papers please ropv. H.VEHAh INVITATIONS. The frieDds and acquaintance of Mr and Mrs. FRANCIS G. DANA and family, aro respectfully in vited to attend the luneral of the termer, trora his late iseidenc*. in Jones street above Whitaker, This Morn ing at ten o’clock. The friends and acquaintance of Mr and Mrs JAMES DOYLE and family, are rospcctiully united to attend thu funeral of the toriner, from his late resi dua**, corner of Congress alretl and Warren Square, This Morning at lu o'clock. Died, at his residence, in Battle Row, lit thtsetty, on the 34th inst., HENRY IIOEY. Hi- friends and acquaintance are invited to attend his fuueial, from the above place, at 10 a. m.. This Morning. AUCTION SALES!"" By York, Williams, Mein tiro Ac Cos. Will sell at auction, THIS DAY, in front of store, at 11 o'clock. 20 boxes .Soap 40 kits Mackerel, No. 1 2o f»bls Flour 10 boxes Cheese, fine lo bbls Hams 1 Cotton Mcale Invoice of Perfumery, Cologne, Extracts, Hutr Oil, Ac. 2 fine Horses, good In single or double harness, or under the saddle*. 1 Baggy 10 cases Port Wine 10 cases Sherry lo cases Claret. oct3l Underwriter's Sale. BY OCT A VTJ S COHEN. Will be sold on WEDNESDAY, at 10 o’clock, at W. H. Stark's store: 81 Tubs Lank damaged on board steamer on her voyage from New * ork, and sold fur accouut of the underwriters and all concerned, by order Port War dens. oct3l Fine Household Furniture for Sale at Auc tion. BY BLIY & MEYER. Will he sold on WEDNESDAY, Nov. ist, at the resi dence of the Rev. Mr, J. KOFenfeld, on Charlton street, 3d door vr*st of Barnard street, commencing at lo o'clock, a. m. One Seven Octave Piano and Stools, several Parlor Sets, Cnamber Sets and Dining Hoorn Furniture, Hat racks, Lounges, Cribs, Ottomans! What Mots, Ward robes, Parlor Carpets, Dining Room Carpets, Orna ments. Crockery, Glass Ware, Cutlery, and numerous other articles Usually found in a well kept bouse, octai) 3 By Bell, Wylly & Christian AT PRIVATE SALE. Desirable Real Estate. Two first class Dwelling Honses, three stories on basements, with all theraodemituprovemeuiß; shutt led lii a ceutral portion ol the city. Aleo, Avery deferable House oil the corner of Charlton and Tatnall streets, containing 8 Rooms, With gas and water. Ou the lane is a brick Carriage House, {stables, Servants’ Rooms, Ac. - Aleo, 16 Farm Lota, containing from 20 to 20 Acres each, near Lover's Lane, within one mile of the limits of the city. A splendid opportunity lor Investment. A plot of the above Lots can be seen at our store. Also, West half of Lot No. 30, Washington Ward, Brough ton street. Improvements' consist of a Dwelling, suitable for a small family. Will be ?o!d at a bargain. ivl‘24-tt Furniture, Furniture. Messrs. Bell, Wylly & Mian On TUESDAY MORNING, Oct. Hl«t, will be sold at the residence corner of Liberty and Drayton streets, Splendid Furniture, consisting of Sof.t*, Chairs, Table*, bureaus Wardrobes, Bedsteads Woo) Mat tresses, Feather Beds, Books,Cabes, Brussels Carpets, Gas Fixtures &c. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock. Articles to be de livered Immediately after Hale. 2-ectSO Public Sale OF Government Vessels. By order of the Quartermaster General, U. S. A., the following Government Vessels will be sold BY York, Williams, Mclntire &; Cos AT PUBLIC AUCTION, t Savannali, Gra., On the Ist day of November, 1865, AT 10 O’CLOCK, A. M., At the wharf in rear of the Commissary Warehouse* Steam Tug STARLIGHT. Propeller STANDISH. Steamer SAVANNAH. Terms cash in United States Currency. E. B. CARLING. octlf, eodtd B’vt, Lt. Col., A. Q, M. NOTICE. Savannah, Oct. 27, 18G5. The Municipal authorities having appoint ed Port Wardens for ihe Port of Savannah, the Board assembled this day and elected THOS. HOLCOMBE, Chairman, and THOS. J. BULLOCH, Clerk. Parties interested will make application to the undersigned, at the Exchange. THOS. J BULLOCH, oct2s-3aw4w Clerk. ESTABLISHED 1826. R. H. ALLEN & Cos., ISO & 10l WATER ST., NEW YORK. AGIUCULTLIMLIMPLEMENTS, AND MACHINERY OF AIL KINDS, Small Tool* for Ike Furm and Garden, such ae Spades, HltortU, Dues, Forks, Hakes, .SO,, and fee Grant Ueuks, ScuTkit. Scuth-Stunrs, and Ayrieul tural UanUoan iu general. We offer, also, ft l«rge assortment of onr own manu tocture of Huy Cutters, Coffee and Grain Mills, Sugar Mills lor Gowers’ use, Wore Trucks or various pat terns, Ros.l Scrapei s, WheelhitrrowH. Ac. Frrtlllisers ut all kinds, such »h Coe’s Snperphoe phateot lime, pure Ground bone, Pprnviftii Uuaso, and Poedrelte, SElEbs. ■very valnnble American sad Foreign variety of Vegetable. Flower and Ursas Reed and Field Grain I list ha* proved worthy of cultivation, grown and .elected expressly tor our trade. A«la* mail* In balk, per ponnd or bnshel. nr la small packets, tor totalling, by tire tnuidjrrd or thousand. ■rnli.'.’MV Bmn iMaistnlDr'i Ntlee. rpWG months after gate aMiiKAtlnn will ho made A to MIS Court of c rrrtlnsry Chatham county tor leave to sell all the real ‘fiats of Bilbo, do- I oeM-lawtm . UMUIkIUEi. mhioim, * c., j WHISKEY! WHISKEY i FINE OLD BRANDY, VINES, it. Feme 1» V Alley Wiiirkey, Maph* V«iiey Whlakuy, Pike's kadwoiia, i-peiver'.* 081 Rve, and Fine Kentucky ikmrbou. FOR SALK BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 BAY 9TRKKT, (Herald Buildings.; ALSO, Aisop's Ale, Mare' Ala. Apple*. Potatoes. Online, Pickles. Mac tele 1, Cider aud Cider Vinegar, out* If G. H ARLEDGE, WHOLESALE GROCER AND— Sli i p Chandler. 73 BAT STREET, VOW receiving pc- steam and sailing vessels from IN New York, tin- following article*, which will be sold al the Lowest MarkcL Price : Bbls. Floar, Potatoes, Onion*, Turnips, fleets, Apple*, Vinegar, Hams. Brown and Crushed Sugars, Bbls Reef end Pork, Bbis. Mackerel, K do., \ do. and kits No. X Cases Olive oil. Sardines. Candles, Soap. Raisins, Pickles, Liquors Cheap Tea, Preserved Meat, Spicea of all kinds, Herue, Ac., Ac., Sacks Coffee, Brooms. X Pails, Buckets, Ac. Also — Paints. Oils, Vsrmshes, Paint Brushes. Ac., Ac. C3t- ship Stores put up at the shortest notice. ocilT 3m WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 ts ALCS W INEsigUlQlilißS & sre»iwi^p||£p' SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF— Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. UU3O E G. Hilton, Savannah. F. M. Randkll, N. Y. HILTON & RANDELL Wliolosalo Grooors, 143 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, Ga. Are constantly receiving per •Warner* from Now York The Large*# and Most Complete Assort ment of Groceries in tlie City, Orders by Mall, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Filled, utf Lowest Market Prices. octlG lm C. K. OSGOOD, STORK ISO CONGRESS AND ST. JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Hardware, N. B.—The highest Ca*h Prices paid for Beeswax. Tallow, Wool, Hides, &c. ts septlS G*o. R. Ckcmp. Wm, A. Wright, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, V*. GEO. R. CRUMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FL§H, &o. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, CP* Will purchase and sell on Commiseiou Cotton, ToiiAcn«s Puojtuoa, and Merchandise of eveo’ de scription. Refers to tho Merchants and Banker* of Angaeta, Ga., Richmond, Va.. and Juo. i). Ferriil, Eeq, De- Witt A Morgan, Gitdeu A Unckles, A. A. Bo'omona A Cos., J. T. Paterson tt Cos., it. Molina, Keq., Bavauuah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 KIBLIN,ERO. &BUKKE, WHOLESALE LEALERS IN ILES, WISES JAB LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AKU BAY LANE, ORDERS MMMVTLY FILLED K DELIVERED. fldfi __ if |7h/U a-.Lli - I 1 liHki bushels Liverpool Salt iiuoo sacks Om «, black and white 10 sacks best Rio Coffee To arrive, 100 H.hes Hsy. octlu N- A. HARDEE A (B. H. G. RUWE & CO., 'Wholesale GROCERIES § LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTING PI LA SKI HOPIKj W Agents tor ALE AND LAG 1011. »*" Constantly onYiaud, an afoortosCt of RSBZN WIMB. sayM CHEESE, SOAP. in BOtM CHMME. TU 16 b-sss Fsy’s Heap. Juai rooeiv-j.ftd tor sals liv petit ~ BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A DO. OHiifKitm*, tiDl'imv, ore. PIEKCE skehanT YVHole»nle and Uetali Denier tn Fine Groceries. Loots and Shota CMMa* Fortiga and Doauelic Wines, Liquor*andSegare. Also, Skehan'* Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, In bottle and iu wood . London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng liah Alea Ac. Liberal deductions made to tbe trade. 178 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. sod 02 Liberty street. New York. Just Received, Ail iu Store ou Cousipnt, BUGGIES AAD CARRIAGES Also, a lot of Flu* Liquor*, consisting of BRANDIES. WHISKEY, SANTA CRUZ RUM, BORER'S BITTERS, Ae. Which wo offer on the most liberal term*. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE A MUKRAT, octll ts No, 9 Stoddard's Block. Buckwheat Flour, JUST RECEIVED and for vale Hv STUART « CO., Or or era, oct2S-S Coiner bull aud Broughton at roots. Butter, Cheese, Lard and Crackers. "O ECEIVED per Idaho and for sale by XV SEABORN GOODALL, octao-lw Williamson's Building. (LMORfI aiIHIN, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, H a v a u n a li, BEG leave to inform their former frleml* and cun tomera, and the public generally, that they have resumed business at their old stand, where they will keep constantly on hand a full KssorUnent of Good* in their lino suitable for Private Families, Steaiiiei* and Sailing Vessels. Punctual attention given lo all coun try orders lm oct!4 T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS, IC. 147 Ray Street, SAVANNAH, CA„ (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.J We have the I-urgent Assortment ot Whiskeys, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Bitters, Cordials, &c., In the South, to which we invite the attention of the Trade. Call and compare onr goads and prtcea. octs • ts Notice IS hereby given that neither the owners or agents of the Steamers AMAZON, GIBBON# aud LAURA, will be responsible for any debt, hill or contract made by any of the officers or crew of said steamers unless made by written permission of KUtVIN A HARDEE, For Agents and Owners. .iNo. I*. RoumillEt, Agent on V\ harf. octlOtf BROWN'S CASTILLI AN BITTER. THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared Irom the Pure Juice of the Grapa and extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of Fiance, Italy aud the Province vu Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, Indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, aud valuable to Families, delicate females aud children, fur all disarrangement of tbe stomach, lt is unrivalled. A never failing preventive and Cure for Sea Sickness. None who travel by laud or water should be without the CustUlian. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE A Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia. oct34-8m ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Denier* in Builder,' and Lockgmiths' Hardware* Nails. Pullies, Cord, Rim Locks tmd Knobs, Hutt lliuges, Brass and Iron Keys and Casting*, Gong Beils, wire, HUver-Pl&ting, Ac. All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, loss than market prices. srpl9 6m BALTIMORE COLLEGE, OF DENTAL SURGERY. The regular Leetures of the Twenty-Sixth Annua Session will commence November Ist. The Inflrmary will open October 10th. Faculty t THOMAS E. BOND, A. M„ M. D. Pathology and Therapeutic*. PHILIPH. AUSTIN, A. M., M. D., D. D. S., Dental Science and Mechanism. A. SNOWDEN PIGGOT, A. M., M D., Anatomy and Physiology. F. J. S. GORGAS, A. M., M. D, D. D. 8., Dental Surgery. RUSSELL MURDOCH, A. M., M. D., Chemistry. HENRY HOBART KEECH, D. D. S., Demonstration of Operative Dentistry. THOMAS BOLLERS WATERS, D. D. 8., Demonstration of Mechanical Dentistry. For information address F. J. S. GORGAS. M. 0. 43 Hanover street, Baltimore, Md oct2 law-4 w DURTEAS MAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. * a * ™ miimm* r “ ,Mn That received a medal aud honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competton of all prom inent manufacturers of "Com Starch" and "Prepared Corn Fionr" of this aud other countries notwithstand ing. MAizsna, Tbs load and luxury of the sge, without a single Malt Due trial will convince the must skeptical.— Muk,‘s Puddings, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac,, wAbout l.iiiglaas, with lew or Do cgse, nt a coat as luuUnag the must economical. A alight additiou to ordinary Wheel Flour greatly improves and Cake It la also excellent for ihlckeuUft sweet eenoua, grevles tor Osh and meal*. soups, *u Fur lee Oseio uuthing seu compel u with iL A little boikd In milk sMH produce rich i ream tor ooßbe. chocolate, ted, Ac. Put up In one pound pack ago*, under the trade mark Maledna, with dlrsctkma lor use, v^o?rr*^ teu ' —— w — adi “- For tale by Grocers and Draggiots ewrywtem. Wbcilrautlr HMS Fulton Street. WILLIAM XyiTRYfCA. ■ ■HI I— e a 1 POR NEW YORK **** Schooner PIONEER, -EmM A Wo third* or her cargo engaged —whl have desp»,ch. For ir- atu auuly In L. J. i.UtI.MAKTIV it ro NEW YORK. The Schooner HATTIt*. MMI Scß* have quick despatch for tk, above port. For freight or passage apply to OCtI6 BRIGH VM, BALDWIN A CO. FOR NEW YORK, Atlantic Const Mail Wtuam ship Company. The wry fast sslllna new steamship R A LEIGH, G. M- Walker, commander, poelilvcly sail ou her regular Wednesday, Mow. Ist., at 4 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, having very elegant accom modations, apply to ocKS JNO. R. WILDER, Agent. ”FOR“NEW YORKr TF O ncw and elegant Screw Steamship VAIfU NA, Csptaln J'Jb WhltehursL will posh I voir sail ou TTkis AepSa*- ),er regular day, TU E-DAY. 31*t iust., st 6 o'clock, p. m. For Freight or Passage, having very large and airy state-room accommodations, tilted up with all the re cent improvements, apply to JOHN R WILDER. Ship's BUI* of Lading furni-hed and s'gued In the office. ' octso PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. Tho new and splendid steamship HUNTER Capt. M. L. Rodgers, will leave for the above port ou Thursday, Now. U, at w o’clock, p. in. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo- HUNTER A GAMMELL STAR LINE. LOR NEW YORK. The flue Steamship Weybossett, Parish, Commander, will leave for th» above port on Wednesday, Not. 1»«, at a I*3 o’clock. For freight or passage, having auperior state room accommodatloLß, ui>i»lv to oct3o BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. ANCHOR LINE OF P A. O Iv E T S FOR N E w|||^YOßK. AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN PORTS. , The Staunch and Faat Sailing Schooners % W. D. VAUGHN, - - • 141 tons ISLAND qUEKN, R. U. Consry, Master 178 tons ELLIOT, iso tons HATTIE MAYO, A. B. Curtis, Master. . 48 ten HONEST ABE, W. M. Conary, M.iater, 86 tons And other*, comprise the “Anchor Line’’ of Packets, and will have quick despatch as above. For Freight apply to PATERSON A TUCKER, Agents, No. 16 Stoddard’s Pniiding, or lo ROCIERS A CANN, Savannah, Ga. Dfl Banco A Caburbet, Agents, New York. OCI2O ts SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA ARK notified that they can store their goods any day during the week, to be forwarded by the abave floats, which are the lightest draught running to Augusta, free of extra charge. BepSV KF.IN A CO. FOR PALATKA, Via Darien, Brunswick, it. 3l*ry’*, Per nandina, JncksanvlUe and Picolata. THE new and tost steamer FOUNTAIN. Capt. G. W. Castnkr,will (have rs above on TULSDAY, tbe 31. t Inst., At to o'clock a. tn. For Freight or Postage apply on board, at Padel ford'. Wharf near White's Central Cotton Press or to M. A. COHEN. Agent. During tbe absence of the boat all goods will be re ceived at the warehouse on the whartby Mr. W. K. H Bruen Freight payable on Wharf. Shippers will famish weights and measurement or goods octflO For Philadelphia Philadelphia aud Savnnuah Steamship Line. revf-.-a.j_ The U. 8. Mail Steamship MINNF fY’ jJ J . TONK A, l.OOii ton. burthen, J. W. Jj'fv - ' Hatch Commander, will leav* lor the above port ou Saturday, Nov. 4th, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommd dutiore, apply to HUNTER Ji GAMMELL, oct3o 84 Bay street. For Liverpool. THE first class British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. C. Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to oct lh BELL WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. For Liverpool. TOE At American Ship N K\V BNGLAN D, Master, having a largo portion of /cSnralher cargo engaged will be ready to rscelve s*f2tSi. cargo at Lower Hydraulic Pres, on the 18th Inst. For freight or passage apply to «et>l4-tf BRIUIIAM, BALDWIN 4 CO. For Liverpool. The new first class clipper ship YIRGINIA'i WEEKS, Commander, Is trow loading rapidly at Lowrr Press, and having large engagements will have quick despatch. For freight or passage (taken at lowest rates, apply to CHAS. L COLBY A 00., oct'-hl c 'i ncr Als-i corn and Bay ets, FOR BH TIM ORE. Peßderpst’i Line. The tut soiling regular packet ' * SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Rariag the grastor portion of hercaigo aagagi’d, will have quick despatch. Fur belanc •of freight ep- PW U* La HOOKE, G ADEN b U’NChUA. j Conter My nnd Barnard .trasts. Agmitg^aiJ»Uh«f» fSmhMsW. Fenwick A C». •tflls TRY ONE POUND. •Hirroro ——**ji ■-■ - —— FOR BALTIMORE. The flue Steamship NORTH POINT, Will sail for the above port on Saturday, Nov. 4th, at o'clock. Fat freight or passage, having elegant arrommoda Uen*. apply to BRYAN, aAyiWPQK A 00. Kreightß FOB AUGUSTA, 'pHE ondereigued are prepared to receive good* at * their Warehouses—fre* of expense and cov > red bv lnsurs' ce—for shipment lo Augoeta and twiiits beyond by their regnlar line of light draught boat*. Apply to CHAR. UCOLBYI **4*39—tf cor. Bay and Abereovn Sts, For Augusta, the steamer R. H. MAY, Will have dlspatch for the above place. Goods recetv* r in Are proof warehouse, foot of Liscolu street, free of coat . , J. M KINCHLEY, Agent Office In Cleghorn ft Cunnlnghsm'a F^“v“lfh^ V fon n fromJavsonshonUst People’s Line. For Charleston, STOPPING AT HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. The new and fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. J. K. Richardson, Will leave Jones' whsrf, TO-MORROW MORNING. st • o'clock. For fi eight or passage, having splendid accommo dation*, apply on board or to CLAOHORN ft CUNNINGHAM, octilo-3 Agents, For D octortown. The fast sailing steamer WM. O GIBBONS, Capt T. N. Philpot, Will leave Dillon's whsrf, for Doctortown, on Tuesday, Get. 31, at 6 o'clock, a. m. Fur freight or passage, having ample accommoda - tions. Apply to ' | . ERWIN ft BAR DEB. J. I. Rocmiixot, Agent at wharf. 3-octßs For Rio Be Janeiro, CALLING AT St. Tliouih.-. Para, PeroainlMioo and Bakta ftvforefoa** The United States sad Bruit Hall ''j£d*d Steamship Company will dispatch - o‘j . Oii site 'IlHh or every month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o’clock, p. in., From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to puss through the Post Office. An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance on board. For freight and passage, having splendid accommo dations. sppiv to THOMAS ASEKCIO ft CO., 0r131.3m Mo, $7, Broaoway. New York. GREATREDUCTION —*lN " FREIGHT TO ADGDSTi /''kN and alter this date the rate of Freight by onr yJ Line will be reduced 50 Per Cent ! Our Line is rcgjposcd of the following Steamers, all adapted to the trade, vis: Iron Stoimer AMAZON, Capt. Johnson. Now Iron Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS,Opt PhUpol. Steamer LAURA, Capt. Hiller. Tbe Steamer Gibbuo* is In every particular a first classPasseiiger Boat. Insurance can lie effected by onr Line at lowest rates. . ts Freight received DAILY and forwarded TWICE A WEEK. wtfMn MRWIN ft. RIRDre. ENCOURAGE Home Enterprise. aijgdsta mmm line. Isiuhtent Draught Boats oa tbe River. MAKING REGULAR TRIPS AT THE LOWEST STAGE OF WATER. ALL GOODS CONSIGNED TO THE AGENTS AT SAVANNAH WILL BE FORWARDED WITH OUT DELAY. AT CURKHNT RATES OF FREIGHT. The new A No. 1 Light Draaght Augusta built Steamers tfc . H . M Y ASI» U IST I O IST , Leave Augusta and Mavannsh regnluty every week. As the.r Boats were built for the Savannah Rlvw, shipper* may rrly upon having their Goods go through without delay, ut the very lowest stage of the river, sad at low rate*. Mercliaiits and Shippers will have their Goods con signed F. M. MYRKLL, Agent Steamer Union, or J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent Steamer K. H. May. "Savannah, Ga.,or O. T. JACKSON A CU, Agents Steamer R. H. MSV, CIIUHCOILL A JOHNSTON, Agents Steamer Union, octlS-tw Augusts, Go. UOMSrOUK & KINSEY. MACHINERY DEPOT, Office No. 154 Nay Street.Savaaßali, Oa. WE keep on hand and furnish to order st Manu faciurcra’ Prices,Engipe,Foot and Hand Lathes, Plrnes, Drills, Chucks. Bolt Cutters. Gear Cutters. Wood A Msnn “Portable Engines," Hoisting En gines, Wo«)d Waking Machinery Os every description. Stationery btcam Eiiairiea and BoUers. Cotton Gins aud Presses, Saw Mills, Rice Mills, Grist Mills, Circu lar and Mill Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting and Hose. Geuritig, shafting. Hangers and Pullles, Hy draulic Jocks and Punches. Pumps of all kind*. Ail kinds of Wood and lion Working Machinery and eupplies. Agent* for the West Point Foundry, B. A. Wood’s Steam Gnage and Boiler Feeders. nr- SEND For. A CIRCULAR. j 0 COMSTOCK A KINBEY, No. 164 Bsy street, oct4-Tn,ThAfKm * .Savannph, Go, Cooper, Olcoft & Farrelly. BookseHers and Stationors, savannah, ga. ri-iijK unth’isigaeil havo tormoj a Copartnsrshim 1 under the uame and style of Cooper, OlvoUs and Koereilv. foe G » iransaetlou of a Wboleeale and L •ud Nf. JUtUL Hlim‘l9. a cwtft HNltßi J'TlPintN FARBKI-Lt,