Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 01, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. I—NO. 246 Hie Savannah Daily Herald (MOUSING AND EVENING! i» rmiuaina> by A \v. MASON A <70.. A, 111 IGv Stbekt. Savannah, Ukouoia. TEEBf: M HuU'lrcKl . 5 Pvrlvar ad v*KTi* In a: T , noil are i» ; r Snimre of Ten Lines for first tn • ... one Dollar lor each euhseqoent one. Ad 51 r t .‘J f ,; u nts inserted in the morning, will, if deseed, “trin the evening without extra charge. pbinting. In every style. neatly and promptly done. The Convention. SECOND axd THIRD days. Important Resolution Introducerl by Col. Anderson of Savannah. Memorial for the Release of Jefferson Davis and Other Prisoners- INTERESTING DISCISSION. REMARKS BY COL. E. C. ANDERSON, HON. SOLOMON COHEN, HON. JOSHUA HILL, MR. J. G. MAT-' THEWS, AND COL. C. H. HOPKINS. VERBATIM REPORT OP THE 'AD DRESSES. OTHER PROCEEDINGS OF THE CON VENTION. [From our Special Correspondents.] MtLtEDGBVILfcE, Oct. 20. The Convention met puisuant to adjourn ment, at 9 1-2 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Crawford, of Greene county. After the reading of the journal, delegates from several counties, just arrived, came forward and took the amnesty oath. Mr. Kenan, of Baldwin, introduced an ordinance authorizing the Provisional Gov ernor to negotiate a loan sufficient to pay what may be duo on the civil list for the years lS6i>-<>, and to defray the expenses of the Slate Government, until the revenues of the Stale will relieve the Executive from that necessity' ot resorting to temporary loans. Adopted. The Committee of Sixteen, authorized by a resolution of yesterday, to prepare business lor the Convention, was anuouuced by the President. Hon. Chas. J. Jenkins, Chairman, asked leave of absence from the floor for the com mittee, to enter on their labors. Leave was granted. Georgia State Cotton. Col. Chas. 11. Hopkins, of Pierce County, offered a resolution calliug for a statement of the amount of cotton held liy the State, what proportion was captured and what burned; also, ol the assets of the State abroad, and to whose credit they were held. Passed. Gen. Hansel I, of Cobb, Cos., offered a reso lution that the rules of the Convention of 1861 be adopted by the convention, so far as applicable. Adopted. Pardon of Political Prisoners. Col. E- C. Anderson, of Chatham county, offered a resolution that a Committee of five be appointed to memorialize the President ot the-United States, asking the pardon of Jefferson Davis, A. H. Stephens, Gen. Mer cer, James Seddon, G. A. Trenbolm, and other distinguished gentlemen Confined at Fort Pulaski. An amendment was offered and accepted to iuelude all Confederate political prisoners. Mr. Hill of Morgan, opposed the resolu tion, moving its indefinite postponement. lie said: The Convention has been called together for a higher purpose than that of instructing the President ot the U. S. as to what is his duty. I have heard it suggested since I have been here, that the Convention should take upon itself the duty of nominating some citi zen of Georgia for Governor of this State. I have advised agniDst that course, for, as I have said we were called for a higher and nobler purpose. I hold, sir, that it is not our business to instruct Andrew Johnson, the President of the U. S. in regard to his duty. He understands well the situation—better than the Convention can. He is master of the situation, and anything the Convention can say on this subject, would be regarded by him as an interterence with his appro priate duties. We have been greatly indebted to Andrew Johnson for what he has done, and 1 hope that we shall be more indebted to him in the future. Let us not embarrass him in his duties. Let us leave the question with him to decide as he may tliink proper. I hope that the resolution will not bd adorned. Col. E C. Anderson, of Savannah, who moved the resolution said : Mr. President:—l simply wish to say that 1 did not offer the resolution in a spirit of dictation to the President, but as a mere act of mercy to the unfortunate gentlemen who are now confined in prison. All of us here, stand to-day as pardoned, and we are but asking for these gentlemen the same clemen cy that has been extended to us. Some of them are citizens of Georgia, and it is natur al that we should feel a deep sympathy for them. Mr. Stephens, it'is true, is at liberty ; hut he has not been pardoned, but only re leased on his parole. Col. Ciias. H. Hopkins, of Pierce County, Assessor of Internal Revenue for the Ist. Congressional District, said : I do hope, Mr. President, that the Reso lution will not pass. The. President knows that every man who has a Southern heart leels lor the unfortunate persons whose pardon has been asked lor in this resolu tion. But lie clearly understands his duty, and I think that such a resolution would have a tendency to retard than pro mote the objects Ronght to be accomplished. He knows what his business is, and I think we should let him alone. He is doing as much for the Souih as he possibly can ; and unless we hinder him by our interference, I think he will do a great deal more. He said to the So. Ca. delegation that he could not pardon everybody at once ; and I have no doubt that, if Jeff Davis can be pardoned,he will be by President Johnson in the course ot three months. The Departments of the Government are divided into three distinct parts—the Executive, the Legislative and the Judiciary—but in shaping our action wo should remember that there Is a fourth.—the Military, which is at present higher tbau all and we must avoid coming in conflict with any of tpese branches. We should as soon instruct the Judge upon the bench as to the decision he should make as the Presi dent in the exercise oi his appropriate duties Let us not embarrass the President in his position; let us not attempt to gain too much ; let us not rescue Jeff Davis from the penalties of bis crime, if be .bss beeu guilty of oat. Let him come out before the world as innocent, if he be innocent; if hC Is ioDOCent lie will not desire to lie screened i from a trial; but if he be guilty, let hiiu suffer tile consequences of his crime. Whilet ! I am opposed to doing anything in our offi- ; trial capacity, I am willing as an individual 1 to sign a petition for the release of Gen. Mer- I cer, for he only occupied a subordinate pnsi- I tion. lam also willing to sign one for the release of Mr. Stephens, because in my' opin ion, he is iuuocent of the charge of treason. He warned the country of the consequences of secession, ouly went out when his State had seceded. But I would not sign a peti tion for the release of Jeff. Davis. We can not control Andiew Johnson. He is another Andrew Jackson and has manifested his iron will on many' occasions. He refused to par don a woman who had been condemned to death for complicity in the assassination of President Lincoln, because she had been con victed, by the laws, ot a foul conspiracy. He had no disposition to arrest the verdict which consigned her to death, notwithstanding there seemed to be some extenualiug cir cumstances in the cage; and unless,there be some very extenuating circumstances I would not sign a petition for pardon. Mr. Davis was the chosen chief of the Confed erate States, and I feel certain that he would prefer to be tried before the courts of his country, in order that his innocence might be established befdre the world, aud if he were guilty, lam satisfied that he would meet his late as becomes a man in bis high position. We were told before the secession that there would be no war, no blockade, no blood, aud now let Mr. Davis stand by the consequences. I will do nothing to his dis honor, nothing to injure biS reputation, hut 1 will never sign such a petition while I have the power to say “No ! no !” Mr. Jas. T. Matthews, of Oglethorpe, couuty, who was crippled in the Confederate service, said : I respectfully urge upon this Convention that there is uo.issue ot principle made in the resolution. The issue made is one of sympathy for our unfortunate countrymen, nothing more, nothing less. The past, with al! its griels, its calamities, its sorrows, is not iu debate. It can never be raised in the first or second resurrection. It is gone for ever. The gentlemen whose pardon is sought at the hand ot the Chief Executive, are no louger representative men—they are poor, unfortunate prisoners. They have been guilty of no higher offence, gentlemeu, than we have been. When the late Confederacy was struggling lor life Mr. Davis represent ed Southern independence; but that gov ernment has goue down aud its representa tives have gone with it. Therefore there is no principle involved. When the contest was going on we sought to advance what we supposed to be right (Applause.) But whilst I have returned to allegiance to the Government, I cannot forget the unfortunate persons who languish now in Northern pris ons, far from home and family and friends. (Applause.) Other States have petitioned their pardon, and why should not Georgia do the same? Gentlemen say that we will embarrass the President in his action. How can it be supposed win n we lave ail here taken an oath that we will support the Con stitution of the U. S. and the Uniou thereun der. Have we not been pardoned ourselves, and have we not the right to petition tor the pardon of others—a right guaranteed to Us by the Constitution. (Applause) So far from em barrassing the President, we should simply be endorsing the conrse he lias so tar pur sued towards us. He has shown himself to bo in favor of mercy and pardon, and no single word has escaped his lips or the lips of any northern men, nor has it been iudi cated by the northern press that the Presi dent thirsts for the blood of any man engaged iu this Confederacy. (Applause.) We have, iu a struggle of four years, eudeavored to maintain what we thought was the right, and illustrated Southern valor on rnauy a haid tought field, aud now when the struggle has been given up, we have illustrated Southern manhood by returning in good faith to the Union of our fathers—to the government against which we have warred. I must say that I see nothing out of taste in the resolu tion, and nothing improper. [Loud applause ou the floor and iu the gallery.] Mr. Hill of Morgan, County said : Mr. President —1 wish to say that it is not my fault that this debate has taken so wide a range. I did not think it was .expedient for this body to entertain a subject of compara tively minor importance. The object tor which this Convention has been called is to restore the broken relations of- Georgia with the general government; that is the great primary object. But it seems to suit the taste »t other gentlemen—and “there is no dispute about taste” is an old maxim—to make of the first importance with this Con vention a petit ion for executive pardon for the unfortunate individuals who are now incar cerated iu prison. I submit that it is not the province of this Convention to entertain sub jects like these—that the people have not sent us here for any such purpose, and ttiat if we do engross the time of the Conven tion in this way, we shall prolong its session most unnecessarily. We shall excite exacer bations which should not be aroused We should be teuriug open wounds which had best lie healed. Tuere are those who believed that whilst we were in the Confed eracy we lived under an arbitrary despotism. There are others who think it was the very type of treedom. I do not think it is germain to the occasion to introduce such questions as these. I agree with my friend from Ogle thorpe, Mr. Matthews, to let the past go.— We should uot travel out of ttie record even for the purpose which is indicated in the resolution. We should uot do so for the pur pose of soliciting the pardon of the President or of nominating a Governor- Mississippi made a nomination, but it was repudiated by 10,000 majority. We should not enter tain any extruneous matter, but confine our sclvas to the restoration of Georgia, to her political relations to the United Stales. Hon. Solomon Cohkn of Savannah said : I regret, Mr. President, that the resolu tion ot my colleague lias encountered such opposition. 1 do not think that it has called for the discussion which it has originated. 11 is true, as the gentleman says, that we have not been instructed by our constitu ents to pass the resolution which has been proposed. lam very sure that our constitu ents did not so instruct us. The path of duty was so plain—so well biased out—that the blind almost could have pursued it. But, sir, because we have come here for high and important duties, to calm the troubled ocean which has been roariug for four long years, and to assume our posi tion iu the Union, and our allegiance to the Constitution ot our lathers, is that any rea son why we should be lost to the teuder sympathy of our nature ? Is there uo geutle tear for the sufferer, no kind feeling for a brother, even if we believed he was in error? Are we surrouuded by circumstauces that must require the members of this Convention to let the affections of their hearts slumber in their breasts? 1 trust that no people, es pecially the loved people of Georgia, stand in such a position as this. Sir, I endorse the resolution of my distinguished colleague.— Let us assume the responsibility of passing this resolution, and i believe that almost every man in the length and breadth ot. this land will applaud us in the act, Mr. lobn son has done well hd<l nobly towards the bouth ; we owe him a debt of gratitude, and so fur as I ant con cerned! he shall receive it. But shall we say, by our refusal to adopt tbi* resolu tion, that he should go no further in the ex ercise ot bis prerogative of pardon? That la the naked question before this body. Sir, the simple question U, Khali we by this reso lutionask the President to pardon these dts tiu guished gentlemen referred to? Tb»l Is tbe question. We ate u>ld by one gcuile SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1865. man, that it would be disrepectful and em barrassing to the President to pass this reso lution. By anther that it would be assum ing to dictate to him, I should be very sorry sir, to live to see the time when it would be embarrassing to any President of the United States, to listen to the respectful voice of his fellow citizens. I should tie very sorry to live to see the lime when that President was so encased in the duties of his office ns to turn his heart to atone. Goil grant that I may never live to see that day. And shall it go further ,as it will if this resolution is not passed, that Georgia who helped to place these gentlemen in this unpleas ant condition, shall turn a deaf ear to the promptings of humanity, and tliebi-- seeebiugs for sympathy which come to us from those who have illustrated Southern courage and Southern chivalry ? As men wo can do no such thing. Sir, doss it embar rass the Judge who sits upon ttie bench, for the jury to recommend to mercy a prisoner whom they have found guilty under the Court. And would it embarrass the President for us, the representatives ot the sovereignty of Georgia to ask our Judge, our President, to do what justice aud humanity may dictate. I trust, therefore that there will be no dissenting voice on this question, and that we, while performing other high duties which may devolve upon us, may not refuse to stop and aid iu alleviating the sufferings ot even a worthy wayfarer. A motion to lay on the table and one to indefinitely postpone, were lost by very large majorities. Upon the final question of the adoption of the resolution, it was decided in the affirma tive by a very large majority—about three to one. Hon. C. J, Jenkins, of Richmond, reported from the Committee of Sixteen an ordinance, [forwarded to the Herald by telegraph] which was passed unanimously. Mr. Hill gave notice that he would move for a reconsideration to-morrow of thy reso lution tor a memorial to the President in be half of Jeff. Davis, for the purpose of amend ing to the effect ttiat the act of the Secession Convention was null and void. » Mr. Jenkins, from the same Committee, re ported “ an ordinance to establish Congres sional Districts and to provide tor curtain elections.” This ordinance le-apportions the counties ot the State into seven instead of eight Congressional Districts, aud provides that an election be held for Governor, mem bers of Congress, and Representatives in the General Assembly of the State, on the 15th ot November, and for an election of Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah on the I first Wednesday of December, under the ex isting laws and regulations, with the excep tion ot the Registry of voters, which is dis •pensed with. Several hours were occupied iu t* discussion of this ordinance, it being contended on one baud that sufficient time was not. given to make known to the people the new apportionment of districts, aud on the other that no time should be lost iu putting the machinery of civil government iu opera tion. Pending the discussion, adjourned till 3 P. M. Afternoon Session. On reassembling, after some business unimportant to the public, the ordinance in regard to elections was adopted as repotted. Yeas, 238 ; nays, 85. The proceedings of the Convention to-day, of which Hie above gives all of importance was a large day’s work, and a great advance towards the completion of the business which called the convention together. The adaptation of the Constitution is now the principal business before the body. Friday—Third Day— Forenoon Session. Milledoeville, Oct. 27, 1865. Convention opened with prayer. After call of roll and Wading ot minutes, and some unimportant business, the tollowiug was re ceived from the Governor: Executive Office, > Milledgeville, Ga., Oct. 27, 18G5. ) Gentleman of the Convention :—Brig. Gen. Tillsou, Acting Assistant Commission er of the Bureau ot Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lauds, has communicated to me a proposition on a subject to which I invite your attention. You will fiud it contained in a copy letter hereto attached. Not having power to confer jurisdiction on Courts, or to prescribe the mode of trial of offenders, I could not enter into the ar rangement suggested, but submit the mater to ttie discretion of the Convention. Such an arrangement, if made, and executed Hr good faitu by the officers designated, will, iu my judgment, tend much to au early remov al of military law. J. Johnson, Provisional Governor of Georgia. The letter of Gen. Tiltson alluded to in the above Message, a copy of which is not at present procurable, is iu substance as fol lows : He represents to the Governor that the Buienu of which be is Chief iu Georgia, is embarrassed in the administration of justice, aud in the regulation of tbe colored popula tion, by a lack of a sufficient number ot offi cers ot ttie army to act iu all the counties of tbe State. Thai the objects of tbe Bureau aud tbe welfare of tbe community would be greatly promoted if the Governor would au thorize him to appoint iu the various coun ties of the State, where there are no military authorities, Justices of tbe Peace and Ordi naries to act as Agents of tbe Bureau ; that in making such appointments be would be governed by tbe fitness of the applicants, re quiring only that such agents, iu the dis charge of their duties, should administer simple justice, without regard to condition or color. The message and tetter were referred to the Committee of Sixteen on business. Mr. Joshua Hill of Morgan County, ob tained the tioor and said; — Mr. President, 1 gave notice on yesterday that I would this morning move the recon sideration of the ordiuauee repealing the or dinance of the l'Jth ot Jan. 18(51, and subse quent ordinances aud resolutions. I made this motion iu no captious spirit, aud with no desire to make a procrusteau bed for auy maut o be laid upon, it was made with uo purpose of producing a schism between those who approved the secession ordinance aud those who condemned FI. My object was to give expression to my individual sentiments upon the subject. I am not in tbe habit of governing my couduct by considerations of policy. It is a habit which I shall adhere to. On this oceassion, at the solicitation of many friends, who tour years ago, agreed cordially with me iu opinion upon the subject of se cession, ami for a variety of reasons, the best of Which is the harmony of this body, aud the danger ot distracting its counsels, I have beeu induced to reconstdet that matter. The appeals of my friends, and the induce ments they suggest do pot fall unheeded up on me. 1 cleciate upon this floor, that even after the sorrows which have come upon this land I have no personal bitterness towards any man in Heaven or ou earth who has contributed to bring about the secession of this Stale. There ate to day higher, udbler considerations tbau the mere discussion of this great subject, which weigh upon my tnißd, uud it is not my purpose uor is it my feeling to limit my associations with meu politically by the test of catholicity iu regard to opiuious on this subject. 1 would not wound the feelings of auy man. I am frauk to gay that my associations with men who have disagreed with mo upon ibis subject, both in my own county and elsewhere, are aud have beeu of the most cordial character. My labors in this body shall bo bent to one single purpose, ard that is the earliest ad mission ol Georgia into the Union and the restoration of her ancient rights, so tar ae U mry be permitted. That Is my earoeet de -1 sire. I have no lrientla to reward nor sum tnies to punish. I have not yet combined i with anv political organization. I do not say what 1 shall do in the future. lam un willing to he the first to produce dissension ; in this body, and therefore I withdraw my resolution to reconsider. A resolution was introduced that the Con vention appoint a Committee of two to ascer tain and report to ttie next Legislature what laws are necessary and proper to be passed in consequence of the alterations made in the fundamental law, and especially to pre j pare and submit a mode for ttie regulation ot labor, aud the protection and government ! of the colored people of ttie State. The President announced ttie following as j the Committee to petition the President of ttie United States, to pardon Jefterson Davis, A. H. Stephens and oilier prisoners, uuder the resolution of Col. Anderson, of Savan nah : Col. E. C. Anderson, Chatham Cos.; Phil Cook, of Macon, J. C. Matthews, of Oglethorpe Cos., Thos. E. Saffold, Morgan Cos., Joseph S. Hook, of Washiugtou Cos. PROWe»MOMAIi CAItDS. Henry Williams, Attomoy at Xjaw, OEFICE NO. 113 If AY STREET, (Over the Herald Reading Room, ) octl4-tf SAVANNAH, Qa. Uko. R. Black. Rufus E. Lxstib. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, * SAVANNAH, GA. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson 1 Lester, corner ot Bay and Barnard streets. octl4-tf THOS CORWIN, WM.H.OWEN, THOS.WILSON, or OUIO. I.ATK OOL. Q.M.Di OK IOWA. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin A Finnell,) ATTORNEYS COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, 222 F STREET, nf.ali TREASURY BUILD I INO, IN REAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. C . Will practice in tbe Supreme Court of tbe United States, the Court, of Ciuiius, aud the Courts ot the District of Columbia. Particular attrition given to Claims and Depart ment business. Officers Accounts adjusted. au3o . 3m GEORGE A. MERCER, A.ttorney at Law, No. 113 Bay street, over Savannah Herald Olfiee. The books of account and unfinished business of Gordon k Mercer a.e in his hand*, and he is fully au ! thorized to collect the dues and continue the business of said firm. lw* oct2C | Business Card. THE undersigned, of the late firm of Nevitt, Lathrop A Itogers can be found \\ ith Messrs. Lathrop k | Cos., corner Congress and Whitaker streets, where he will be pleased to sec the friends of the old firm. octao-G fi. W. GIF LORD. C. S. BUNDY, 7 br cucral A. gout AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 F Street, Betivkn 13th and 14th Streets, (Near Pay Department,! • Wasliingtou, X). O. ju.W ts GREAT Gift Z3istributiou, ‘250,000 WATCHES. Chains, Diamond Rings, etc., worth over One Million Doltars. all to be sold for One TMlar each, without regard to value. Not to lie raid lor until you know what you are to receive. During the mouth ending March 31, 1806, T. & 11. Gnughun A Cos. have had the honor of distributing among their patrons, Six Hundred and Ninety Gold ana Silver W atches, at the price of One Dollar each. SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES! All to he Sold, tor One Dollar each. 250 Solkl Silver Dining Sets, $75 to 300 600 Silver Salvers him Urns, 50 to 250 60*i Solid Silvei Tea Sets, complete, 60 to 300 150 Rosewood Musical Boxes, 32 airs, 76 to 250 20.i Mahogauy Musical Boxes, 24airs, 60 to 200 260 Gold limiting Watches, 76 to 260 260 Ladies* Enamelled Cold Watches, 60 to 200 600 Gents’ limning Silver Watches, 35 to 100 6<*o Open-face Silver Watches, 25 to 60 260 Diamond I tings, 60 to 100 5000 Photo. Albums, all sizes 6 to 60 2000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains, 16 to SO SOW Gold Ovul Band Bracelets, 6to lo 6000 Chased Gold Bracelets, <i to 12 2000 chatelaine and Guard Chains 6 to 20 7000 Solitaire and Revolving Brooches, 6 to 10 2000 Lava and Flore ntine do 4to 10 6000 CoraL Upal and Emerald do 4 to 10 5000 Mosaic,' Jet aiul Lava Eardrops 4to lo 760 » Coral and Emerald Eardrops, Sto 8 6<>oo California Diamond Pius, 5 to 20 500 ' California Cluster Diamond Pins, 3 to 10 3uoo set Solitaire Buttons aud Stnds, 3to 10 3000 Gold Thimbles. Pencils, Ac., 3to 8 10000 Lockets, double glass, 3to 5 6000 Lockets for Miniatures, 6to 10 3000 Cold Toothpick , Crosses, Ac., 3to 8 6000 pluiu Gold Kings, 4to 10 6000 chased GolfPHlugs. 4to 10 lOono > h eld and Signet Rings. 3to 10 10000 California Diamond Kings, 3to 10 7500 sets Ladies’ Jewelry, ’et 6to 10 60C0 sets Ladies' Jewelry coral, Bto 12 5000 sets Laois** Jewelry, onyx, 10 to 12 6000 sets Ladies’ Jewelry, lava. 12 to 20 25nd set- Ladles* Jewelry, mosaic, 20 to 3o louoOGold Pons, withSil. hold is, 5 to 10 5000 (if >Ui Pens with Gold holders, oto 12 60/0 Gold l’ous and holders, superior, lo to 15 6000 Si 1; er Goblets and J *rinkiug Cups, Bto 10 3eut> Silver Cat-tors and Wine Holders, lb t<> 60 2000 Silver Fruit and Cuke Basket.-*, 20 to 60 Messrs. T. AH. Ganghan k 00, No. 11C Broadway, New York, extensive manufacturers aud importers of all the leading aud moat lashionabk: styles of Watches and Jewelry, desiring to increase their busi ness to an unlimited extent, have resolved upon a Great Gift Distribution, subject to the regulations fol lowing: Certificates naming each article and its value, fire placed in Sealed Envelopes and well mixed, One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any addrcsi ou receipt of twenty-five cents. All Art tries sol 4 at Onr Dollar each, t clthoul regard to Value. Oil receipt of the certificate you will Bee what you are tfoiiitf to laavn. autl then it ict at vouroptiou to send the dollar aud take the article or not. Purchtuteni may thufl obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any aet of Jewelry on our li-t for One Dollar, aud in uo c*;*** cun they fc;et leas tbun one dollars worth, as there are no blank?. The price of Certificates' it* as follow*: One lor 25 cents : five for $i ; eleven for $2; thirty lor ; sixty-five for $lO ; one hundred for sl6. Aeenw will l.e allowed ten cent*on every certificate ordered bv them, providing ti»eir remittance amounts to one dollar. Affenta will collect A cents for every certificate, and remit 15 cento to aa either iu cash or postage stamps. T. & n. GAUGDAX A CO., octCl Tm* No. 130 Broadway, New York. HILINERY GOODS. I have Juftt returned from New York, ami have brought out oue of the beat selected slocks of Milinory Dress Goods AND HOSIERY, F.vrr brought to tills market. The Goods will be sold Cheap. I will receive weekly the latest style* of Mtllnery under Sem en House, Corner or Hull and Congress Street lame. cm-Uno • MRS. PKAHB uud County Tax Col* locator. Hill* Hiibecriber Is a candidate for re-ete'-tlon. aud X respecifnlly asks the suffrage of the cntaeuaof cuathma County, ObUQ MfABOttN OOOOAI.I. RAILROADS- Central Railroad JlilpgSKSlpßi SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, > Savannah, tia , October 21* 1866./ ( and after Monday, 30th iiM., a daily train fSun ' ' days excepted; w ill leave for Augusta at 7.16 a. m., connecting w ith a line of Hacks running between Station 5 Central Hail road, and Waynesboro ou the Augusta aud Mivaiiuah Railroad. Passenger* by this line will arrive in Augusta ttie next morning after leaving Savannah in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Reluming arrive in tvivunnali at 4.45 p. m. Freight to go by Passenger Train munt be prepaid aud delivered at the Depot the night before. By order of GEO. W ADAMS, oct-S General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTRNDENT'S OFFICE, I Savauusli, Oct, Ibtß, IS6K.J This Company is now, iu couiii'ction with 11. J. Dickerson A Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Auirustu, Mueon, Atlanta Ac., dally from twenty to thirty thonsif:d pounds of Freight, aud go through in from three to six days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by Shipiiers. Railroad freight can be paid here de». filiation. Freight on periihable goods must be prepaid. GKO. W. ADAMS, octll General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. | Savannah, Oct 28, 1835. | IN consequence of the accumulation of Goods at Station 4 v a , beyond the ability of the wagons lo re move, no unods, except for Way Stations, including Station 6, will be received until Wednesday, Ist lust, and none u ill be received after 5 o’clock, p. in., each day. Freight, until further notice, to Auguota, will be One Dollar per foot and Five Dollars per 100 lbs. GEO W. ADAMS, oct3o General Superintendent. ITATIONKKY, &C. ESTILL’S Newspaper Depot, A.NJI STATIONERY STORE, Ball Street, Corner of Bay Law. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. IXTEW NOVEIjS. .lari Received ut the above Depot a farther supply of THE HUSII-K VNGKIt’S, OR, ADVEN TURES IN AUSTRALIA. MAJOR JONES’ COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT, Price 60 Leslies' Laities Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mild, Dcmorests' Mirror of Fashions, Price 40 Cto. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 85 cents. also HARPER’S MONTHLY, GODEY’S LADY'S BOOK’ ATLANTIC MONTHLY', Ac., for OCTOBER. The nsual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, • THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS Can be had at ESTILL’S News Depot and Cheap Periodi cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF TnE POST OFFICE. eep26 TO TRAVELLERS. New and Cheap Publications. Artcmae Ward; his Travels, $1.50, The Lost Will - SSO cents. Ous Howard, 75 cents. Verner’a Pride, $1.60. The Curse of Cliiton, $1.50. ISword und Gown, 30 cents. Great Expectations 76 cents. The Channmgs. sl. The Castle’s Heir, $1.60. Guy LivingHtone, $1.50. Major Jones’ Courtehip, sl. M jor Jones* Chronicles of Plncville, sl. Polly Peabloseom’s Wedding, sl. And other Novels, at EST ILL’S NEWSPAPER and PERIODICAL BTORB, <»ct7- Bull street, back of Post Office. School Books. XT'ASQUELLES’lntroductory French Course. Just J? received. oct3o JOHN C. SCHREINER & SONS. Novels and Music. JUST published snd received by octet) JOHN C. SCHREINER Sc SONS. HOTELS. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY A BANCROFT, Proprietors. Edward L. Jones, Agent. ts oetll) GILMORE HOUSE, Honumcnt Square; Baltimore* Maryland. THIS FIRSTOLA*S HOTEL has been newly far nished throughout, and is now ready for the re ception of guests. octC 1m KIRKLAND k CO. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, 8. C. RIDDELL k HUGO, Pbopkietoeb k. s. BinniLL. ac. r. auo#. I ifiM.f CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE ifndcreigm'd having associated themselves to aether under the Arm name of LaKUCHK, GADEN * I NI K.1.K8. fur the purpose of traneactina a Gene ral Grocery, aid Commission Basinet*, and having eecu red the large and commodious store, corner of Bay and Barnard streets, are now prepared to receive any and all consignment* made to them. They also have extra rooms, suitable lor Dry Goods and Fancy Articles, which, ts accompanied by owners or agents, are the best in the city ; from a long experience and thorough acquaintance with tbe business, they hope to give entire satisfaction to all making consignments to them. Liberal advance# made on Cotton. Lumber, 3k. con signed to them for sale in havannab, or fiur shipment to their friends in New York, Boston or Baltimore LaBOCHB, GADEN A UNCKLKS. laaaoD. Lavocuk, Bsm. O. Oai*W, David 8. Unnttira. lm tfetvt Boarding:. TRANSIENT and permanent BoaruT'oi comfortable rooms, can be had on Month Broad, three doors east from Ahercnrn. ___ B*-octßo Paper andikg Warehouse Warren & Platner, WHOUWALI dlAlGfi Id fill kinds of cgana >«a W flae IWr, Btivelopm Twin*?* and Ftlwrlkwiii W§ Agen<Sfii thin cfcy for the Bath PaparMilli The hlghoat cat«h prutm paid lor Miw> old Motai SSmSS"* ““ **“* >iW or »uuK outUM! no Bay street, Envoanak, us. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHISo. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS.. LATHROP & CO., Corner Congress and Whitaker Streets, TITILL open to-day, and ere prepared to exhibit their ▼ V Stock of Hoods, bought expressly for the Soath ern Trade, consisting in pert of— Ladies’ Drees Goods end Trimmings Shawls, Ribbons end Buttons Cloaks, Sacqaee, Mantillas, Ac French Merino end Opens Flannel Feuch and Bngliah Cambrics Black Bombazine, Cashmere and Crapea, White Goods. Jaconet and Nainsook Muslin Bishop and Victoria Lawns Plaid Jaconets and Brilliants India Twills and Swiss Muslin. Embroideries. » ■- French Wrought Muslin Sets French Wrought Cambrlo Sets Real Lace Sets Embroidered Hamlkerchleb Black Lace Veils H. S. Lawn and Cambria Handkerchiefs. Hosiery AND Gloves Ladies’ English White CnttoaHoee Ladies* English Brown Cotton Ho»« Misses’ and Boys’ Cotton Hose Kid, SIIk ; Lisle aud Wooleft Gloves. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Linen Tabic Damasks Doyles, Napkins and Towels Linen Diaper, Crash and Towels Counterpanes Bleached 10-4 Cotton Sheetings Beil Blankets, Irish Linen, Ac. GENTLEMEN’S WEIR. Black Cloths and Caaslraeres Fancy Caasimeres and Vestings Satinets, Tweeds, Ac Merino Shirts Brown English Cotton Half Hose Mixed Merino Half Hone Fancy Ties, Paper Collars, Ac. We will make weekly additions to our Stock, and trnst iu a short time to ftilly meet the wauta of our friends. LATHROP & CO. oct26 lm •To Merchants, T7I3ITINO the city, w# would be pleased to show V our Wock, which we propose lo sell ut fair prices. oclM lm LATHROP A CO. H.HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN DRY GOODS HOUSE Wholesale and Retail. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Blankets, Shawls and Cloaks —the newest styles. Also— Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, <fcc., <fcc. NO auction or damaged Goods. Nothing but regular desirable article*. All goods sold low and on liberal terms. Having re-opemed the above establishment, where I intend to keep a well selected Stock of the choicest Good,, and having been long known lrt the business, I return my acknowledgment# to my former friends and customers, and would solicit from them a contin uance of the UMral.patrouuge heretofore liestowedou me. H. IIAYM, IT4 BROUGHTON hTKEKT, oct2S ts Savannah, Oa. DRY GOODS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fanoy Goods, Ac., Ac., &c.. Remarkably Cheap for Cash. CAN BE FOUND AT A- Hornohor tfo Co'*., IS BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign oad Domestic Gaode, Cloaks, Shawls, Ac. N. B.—By strict attention to badness, courteous nod honorable dealing with ou con Comma, mu trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large Urn ot White Goods sad Linens now open. octlß GET YOUR DERBY HATS COLD! NG’ S. ts PRICE. 5 CENTS IIY'IUBAfrK. INSURANCE. Authorized fa pi tal—slo,4Bo,ooo. OHARI.ES L. COLBY A Cos. are prepared to take mTd orforeign port, first ciaS.’smv 1 AT THK LOWEST RATES. ----- marine insurance MORRIS Tine. >.55,000,000 ire AND INLAND INSUR ANCE COMPANY ] 5,000,000 OMMERCE FIRE INSURANCE COMP’Y . SOo.neo STANDARD FIRE INSURANCECOMP’V.. So 6, 000 Dolce in Jones’ Block, oor. n« T „„,i . ... Brunch Office, corner Drayten and Bryan streets.' RoJiable Southern Inmirauce. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. ' F. CAN*ITA li, ; S'riUl IHK) The undersigned begs leave to inform the insuring pnbhc that he lias been legally appointed Agent tor the above named Company, and is ready to take Ma rine, River and Fire Risks at customary i atee O. C. UYKKd, Agent,- Office at Octavne Cohen, S4 Bay street. Referonces-Octavus Coljen; Hunter A GammeU, Kr«ln A Hardee. Qm oetiW VinmTtAV EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For tala by »epl6 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 3b CO. Sight Exchange ON * NEW YORK. In snms to suit purchasers, by aep23-tf It. F. METCALFE &.CO. lIBY GOODS A CUOTHINg! CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS BO4TS, SHOES AND HATS. THE subscriber having formed n Co-partnership wHh Mr. J. (J. Ludlow, under the Arm name of ltehlt A Ludlow, respeutluliy calls the attention of bn frfcuiu anil the pubnogenerallyto their large stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots. Shoes and Hats, winch they are now opening, and will sell at Wholesale and Retail, at the old stand dr Heidt, Jan don Jk Cos,, No, 101 llryau and 05 St. Julian sweet: up stairs. ’ __ggtfrgffi__-- . R. HBIUT. THE NEW YOKE NEWS. daily, SEII-IEEKLIA'NDIEEiLT. THK NMf.W YORK WEEKLY HID SEBI WEEKLY NEWS. GREAT family newspapers. BERJiim WOOD ... Editor And Proprietor. Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market aud Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from . ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD?, IMPROVEMENTSJNTRODUCED IMMENSE DETERMINED SN. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST - "PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published Every WeUAeadav. Single Copies Five Cents One Copy, one year $ “ on Three Copfet, one year 6 00 Five Copies, one year S TS Ten Copies, one year U DO Aud an extra copy to any Club of T»n Twenty Copies, oae year. 30 00 The iyjfew# is Sent tjr Clergymen ■* •* s». SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday nad Friday. Single Copies, one year .T/.V.'.i.f .$ 4 no Three Copies, one year. ....... „ »tm Five Copies, one year . r.... .-, v lquo Ten Copies, one year..., 30 ou —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year S5 06 To tSergymeu 3 (K) NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mall Subscribers............ . .$lO per aaunm ** Month. ...'..Five Dollars For sate by all Newsdealers. Specimen copies of DAILY .pd WEEKLY NEWS 1 . sent free. Address BENJ. WOOD, Dally News Building, No. 10 City Hall Square, aeptSt New Yqrk City. SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE AND EMI ORATION AID ( OMPANT. TETHO want* Timber and Turpentine Lands b TV Who wants Cotton and Corn Farmsf We have them for sals, in different States. Who want* to sell Lands t We cun mil them. Put them in our hand*. W. H. QUINCY, si Watt street New York. C. F. JONES H. H. LhE, Thoma.vUfa, Mu. Ocm-Im RICUAKD F. FLUID, Jacksonville, Fla. 3600 TONS ~ or— - ENGLISH RAILS, Os bmi quality lineal yard. * FOWLS * 00, Jolt *m Mo to Broadway, nTf.