Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 02, 1865, Image 1
THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 247. I The Savannah Daily Herald I (MORNING AND EVKNINOJ is pu:u.isina> sv \V. MAHON *St CO., Ii 111 Bat Stkkkt, Sxyannau, Gkoboia. . teams: 1.....? ".Five Cent*. I 'nllumW •:•••#»»«• ■ j,“. *lO 00. auvkrjtibi Ntt: I Two DoHars per Sqmiiy qI Ten Lines for first, in ■ one Dollar for each ’subsequent one. Ad ■ " J Inserted in the morning, will, if desired, I '! ‘ Var ro the eveninc without extra change. I “ V “ ,| Oli PUIaN: TINU, I in every styles neatly and.promptly done. Iby telegraph TO TUB ■ Daily Herald. I " THECi>NVENTIO!V. I The Memorial in Behalf of Jef | ferson Davis- An Able and Kloqaent Document. I (Special Despatch to Ul9 Savannah Herald.) | Milledgeville, Oct: 30, 1865. I fop. E. C. Asdeeson qf Savannah, has re ■ iiortcil the draft of the memorial to the Pre ■ sideut of the United States, relative to the I pardon ol Jefferson Davis and other disting- I uiilied political prisoners, to the committee I of the Convention appointed to memorialize I the President on that subject. It has been I accepted by the committee and will be pre- I seated to the Convention to-day. j The memorial is as follows. ! To His Excellency Andrew, Johnson Pre- I sulcnt of the United States : The delegates of the State of Georgia, in I Convention assembled, do earnestly invoke I the Executive clemency in behalf of Jeffer- I sou Oavis oi Mississippi, Alexander H. I Stephens, of Georgia, J tines A. Seddon of ! Virginia, A- 6. Magrath of South Carolina, ! William Ailison and David L. Yulee of Flo rida, and II.W. Mercer of Georgia, now con tiued as prisoners of war jii Fort Pulaski, and of all other prisoners simiiariy circum stanced. Your Excellency lias been pleased to re store Mr. Stephens to his liberty. He re- I turns to the grateful people of the State as a solemn pledge of the magnanimity which nilcs flie public council, and his great name and inllueuce will be potent to revive the unity of the past and to fructify the wise and generous policy which your Excellency has inaugurated. Emboldened by this example, impelled by the purest of motives and stimulated by the prayers of a numerous people, we appeal for clemency in behalf of the distinguished per sons we have named. Restore them to liberty and to the embraces of their families. Translate them from captivity to the light of freedom and hope; and the gratitude of the prisoners will be mingled with the joyful ac clamations which shall ascend to heaven from the heart of this people. Mr. Davis was elevated to his high po sition by our suffrages, and in response to our wishes. We imposed upon him a re sponsibility which he "did not seek originally. Opposed to the sectional policy to which public opinion, with irresistible power, final ly drove him, lie became the exponent o our principles aud tbo leader ol our cause. He simply responded to the united voice of his section. If he, then, is guilty, so are we. We were . the principal,—he was our agent. Let not the retribution of a mighty nation be visited • upon liis head, while we, who’urged him to his destiny, are sutlered.lo escape. The liber al clemency of the government hits been ex tended over us. VVe breathe the air, aud experience the blessings of fieedom. We herefore ask that the leader, who in re sponse to the democratic instincts of his nature, the principles of bis party and the solicitation of his section, became “the head aud front of our offending,” shall not now he bruised for our iniquities, nor punished or our transgressions. «. Mr. Davis was not the leader of a feeble and temporary insurrection. He was the representative of great Ideas and the expo nent of principles which stirred and consoli dated a numerous and intelligent people. The people were not Ids dupes. " They pur sued the eourse which they adopted of their own free will and he did not draw them on, but followed after them. It is for these reasons that we invoke itfe Executive clemency in his behalf. His frame is feeble, his is delicate and broken by the storms of State. He languish es out in captivity a vicarious punishment lor the acts of his people. Thousands ot hearts are touched with his distress. Thou sands of prayers ascend to r Heavcn for his relief. We invoke in his behalf the gener ous exercise of the prerogative to pardon which the torn and pTiuciples of the Consti tution offer as a benificent instrument to a merciful Executive. We ask the continu ance of that career of clemency which your Excellency tins beguu And which alone we earnestly believe can secure the true unity and the lasting greatness of the nation. — Dispensing that rnefey whieli is inculcated by the example of our Great Master on High, your uaiue will be transmitted to your coun trymen as one of the benefactors of mankind, the Constitution of the couutry renewed and fortified by your measures, will once more extend its protection over a contented aud happy people, founded as it will be upon the consent and affections, and resting, like great arch of the Heavens, equally upon all. SPECIAL AUF.NT HAKIMS AT MIL LKDOKVILLE. Po.tnl IlimtrH lube ouMM-d throughout the ' St !»»«>. ' (Special Despatch to thu tUvunnph Hally Hkhaitm MlLl.Klluh-VILUK, Oct. i)W, I StiA. Pol. A. L. liarr'u, Hpoclal Agent oi the FoslOlUco Department, arrived licra this mortriog ua iui iiuporuut mission, ruiulivo to thu postal Htirvico of thu tilato. Ho In to cooler with the delegates of the L'ouvtmllou from thu various sections of the Mlnlp, with regard to tbs liuiurtilsio ru open lug of postal roams lUiotiKlioni Uxoigi*, ttU ,| *• in raped i tin r«*ult of bU iiivustly . thu liupMiiiiitiii kt Washington MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN SAVANNAH TO BE HELD ON THE FIRST WED NESDAY OF DECEMBER. (Special Despatch to the Savanuah Daily Herald.) Milledgeville, Oct. 30, 1865. The municipal election in Savannah is finally fixed for the first Wednesday of Do bember, instead of the first Monday of No vember, as first announced. Ciiil Officers to Act as Agents of the Mies’s Bureau. THE PRESIDENT’S DISPATCHES CON CERNING REPUDIATION. (Special Dispatch to the Savannah Daily Herald. | Milledgeville, Oct. 30, 1865. The Convention to-day passed an ordinance authorizing Ordinaries, Justices of the Infe rior Court and unofficial citizens to act as agents of the Freedmen’s Bureau. The Governor sent in a message at the morning session, transmitting the following dispatches received from Washington ; dispatch 1. “ Washington, Oct. 28. “ITO His Excellency, Governor Johnson: “Your dispatch has been received. The people of Georgia should not hesitate one single moment in repudiating every single dollar of the debt created for the purpose of aiding the rebellion against the government of the United States. “It will not do to levy and collect taxes from a State and people that are loyal, and in the Union, to pay a debt that was created to aid in taking them out of it, thereby sub verting the Constitution of the United States. “I do not believe that the great mass of the people of the State of Georgia, when left uninfluenced, will ever submit to the pay ment of a debt which was the main cause of bringing on their past and present suffering— the result of the rebellion: “ They who invested their capjlal iu the creation of this debt, must meet their fate, and take it as one of the inevitable results of the rebellion, though it may seem hard to ilium. “It should at once be made known, at home aqd abroad, that no debt contracted for the purpose of dissolving the Uuion of the States, can or will be paid by taxes levied on the people for such purposes. (Signed) Anduew Johnson, President of the United States.” DISPATCH 11. “ Washington, Oct. 26, 1865. —To His Ex cellency, Gov. Johnson: Your several tele grams have been received. The President of the United Stales cannot recognize the people of any State as having resumed the relations of loyalty to the Union, that admits as legal obligations, contracts or debts crea ted by them to promote the cause of the re bellion. (Signed) Wm. H. Seward.” Tbe9e dispatches settle the question as to the repudiation of the war debt of Georgia. The Convention was originally nearly unani mous iu opposition'to repudiation, but will now, I think, accept the imperative condi tion upon which the reconstruction of the State depends. STILL LATER FROM THE CONVENTION. COL. ANDERSON’S MEMORIAL ADOP TED. AN EXCITING DEBATE ON REPUDIA TION LOOKED FOR. The President’s Wish to be Obeyed. A LOAM OF $500,000 AUTHORIZED. [Special Dispatch to Savannah Daily Hekbu>.( MILL.LbUISVII.LK, Oct. 30, 1865. The memorial to the President in behalf cf Jefferson Davis and other political prisoners, introduced by Col. E. C. Anderson, of Sa vanuah, was adopted unanimously. There will be an exciting debate to-mor row on the subject of repudiation of the war debt. The measure will be passed, however, in obedience to the expressed wish of Presi dent Johnson. The ordinance introduced by Mr. Keiraan authorizing the Provisional Governor to raise a temporary loan of $500,000 to defray cur rent civil expenses, was adopted to-day. LATEST FROM THE CONVENTION. Interesting Developments Concerning the State Cotton. THE DESPATCHES FROM THE PRESI DENT— HOW THEY WERE ELICITED. Probable Adjournment of the Con vention on Saturday. A PROPOSITION PROM MR. COHEN TO SELL THE STATE ROAD TO MEET THE STATE’S INDEBTEDNESS. A Lively Discussion. EX-COV. BROWS DECLINES DENOMI NATION—-A. H. STEPHENS TALKED OP FOR COVEH\OR. etc. , etc. etc. (Special to Savannah Dally fltuai.o. MILUCUUKIILLK, Oct. 31. The day baa lieen chiefly occupied in the consideration ot the Fourth Article of the Constitution. The Governor transmitted to the Conven tion a message covering a statement from Ex-Governor Brown and Henry Btfgham E4q., ot Savannah, relative to the State Cot ton. It slates that a sale of sixteen hun dred bales of cotton by Col. Aarou Wil bur, State Agi.ut'tii Mr. Brigham and other!, on time, tor Confederate money, just previous •to the lull of Kavauuab, was uot satisfied by Gov. Biowu, and the cotton wan seized by the United States Governniout. It Is now claimed by thu State of Georgia. Mr. Brigham, in k letter to the Governor, «»y» that l,e U desirous of making au equita lile tettliniuint, and Is willing to pay in #UT ling; instead of Confederabi m*mey, (ur 'be knuitint or ootton for which hl» notes were given. '1 he whole matter has Ueu referred,to a • “l- -'I ft.' 111 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1860. of the first session of the next Legislature, was passed. A message was received from the Gover nor, in response to the call of the Conven tion, givhig the despatches sent by him on the 27th of October, which drew "forth the responses from President Johnson aud Sec retary Seward, in reference to repudiation. They are as follows; To Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Secretary o. State, Washington: •* We are pressed on the war debt. What should the Convention do ? « (Signed) J. JOHNSON, Provisional Governor. _ To His Excellency Andrew Johnson, ITc sident of the United States: We want some aid to reject the war debt. Send me some word on the subject. What should the Convention do? (Signed) J. JOHNSON, -- Provisional Governor. The Convention will probably adjourn on Saturday. Change* In the Constitution in Regard to Representation. (Special Dispatch to the Savannah Daily Herai.d.[ Milledgeville, Nov. 1. - An amendment to the Constitution lias been adopted reducing the Senate to thirty three members. Each district is to comprise four pounties. Judges of the Supreme Court are to be elected by the Legislature: aud Judges of the Superior Court and Solicitors by the peo-' pie. A proposition is now pending to reduce the House of Representatives to eighty-four members. By its provisions, thirty-six c.oun ties are entitled to one representative for every two counties, the change to take effect in two years. (From the Associated Press.) Milledgeville, Oct. 31. An ordinance was introduced by Mr-Co hen of Savannah to sell the State road and appropriate the proceeds to meet the State indebtedness, which was tabled, temporarily, after a long aud earnest discussion In which Mr. Hill of Morgan, aDd Mr. Parrot of Bar tow, opposed the proposition as designed in directly to assume the payment of war debt. Mr. Cohen repelled the imputation as one who had suffered deeply, but was actuated only by pure patriotism, and was not inter ested to the amount of a dollar. The constitution has been altered to make the election of Judges by the people. Ex-Governor Brown has declined to run again lor Governor. There is a strong movement on foot to nominate Hon. A. H. Stephens for Gover nor and Judge Jenkin9 to remain on the Supreme Bench. Milledoevli.e, Oct. 31. A resolution was adopted duriDgthe morning sessions, asking the provisional Governor to furnish the Convention wiili all telegrams sent by him to Washington about repudiation. In the afternoon a Message was received, which says that be transmitted telegrams as follows : Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Sbcr’y of State) Washington D, C. j We are pressed on the war debt—what should the Convention do. Signed J. Johnson, Prov. Gov. * To His Excellency Andrew Johnson) Washingnon, D. C. > We need some aid to reject the war debt,send me some word on the subject. What should the Convention do? Sigued J. Johnson.— When the last telegram was read there was much laughter in the Convention. A message of the Provisional Governor was received transmitting voluminous docu ments and advices respecting State claims for cotton destroyed by Geu. Sherman. The balance of day was consumed discus sing the Constitution. From New Orleans. New Oulkass, 30th Oct. Cotton quiet. Sales two thousand bales at fifty five lo fifty-six ceut9. Sugar dull, prime 17 1-4. Freights, cotton to Liverpool 3-4 penny. Exchange on New York two and five-eight 9 discount. Gold fifty and a half. On the 25th there was fighting around Matamoras which lasted three hours. The liberals were successful, gaining portions of the works, which were subsequently regained by tbe Imperialists, The Liberals were roughly handled and put to flight, closely pursued by Imperialists. Brownviile reports say that the Liberals lost five hundred killed aud wounded. One Lib eral General killed. The imperialists had several wounded and less than a dozen killed. Mobile, Oct. 31. Sales to day four hun dred bales. Middlings fifty-three to fifty four. Judge Bill, formerly of the Supreme Court and now Secretary of State, of Texas, i9 here en route for Washington. The telegraph line from Houston to San Antonio is working. Middlings sold at Gal veston on the 28th, at 30 cts. Judge Paschal deuies having petitioned to President Johnson tor clemency to Jefferson Davis. New Orleans, Oct.3oth. Steamer Flag and Mississippi, arrived to day from New York, and experienced heavy weather. The Mississippi lost cargo books, bills of lading and office mail bags—saw large vessel sink off Cape Canarcral—large quantities of wrecked stuff seen. Matamoras dates of the 26th direct received. The Lib erals had been whipped and driven off. New Orleans, Oct. 31.—Cotton is in good demaud. Sales 5,000; middling at 55 a 56. Sales of the last three days, niue thousand bales. Sugar quiet at 18 1-2 c. Molasses 65 a7O. Flour steady; superfine $10.25. — Freights unchanged. - Exchange on New York 1 3-4 a 2 discount. Gold 151. Prom Mobile. Momix. Oct. 80. Cotton, sales of several hundred bags- Middiings fliftv-tbree >o fifty four. Quite 1300 b g.s of c oltoa were horned on the steamer Clipper which was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning, 70 miles above the the chy. - The Captain, clerk, two pilots, mate and cabin-boy aud several deck bauds were lost. Later from Europe. , New York, Oct. 90.—The City of Boston from Liverpool, has arrived. Lord Palmer ston died ou the 18th October. Liverpool, Oct. 17.—Evening sales two days, thirty-five thousand bales. Market open buoyant, all qualities advanced a trifle, close quiet, steady sales, speculators export ed 18,000 hales. Rice active—sugar firm— colliee quiet- Loudon, Oct. 10.— Sales of cotton in four days flfiy thousand bales—declined to l-Id. to Id.—Flvo Soventiea at slaty-four. Consols 88 five -eights uod elghty-clght and WASiuaowbToct aa-Tim Prealih ot n eelved IbrwaNy to-day the Tunis Embassa dors, who are hurt on a special mission of filemlshlp Still I.nicr from KmrGpo—Arrival or tile I)«- 1,1:1 <*e us. Father Point, October, 31. —The steam ship Damascus from Liverpool with dates ot the 29th, has arrived. Sides of cotton tor the week, eighty-six thousand bales. On Fri day sales were ten thousand bales, closing firmer. Rates unchanged, with a decline of 1-4 to 1 -2d. in the week. Middling Orleans, 24d. Bullion in the Bank of England had increased £54,000. It was generally believed that Earl Russell would accept Use premiership, although nothing official had transpired. The Shenandoah, Matt Rou ten Opened. Washington City, Oct. 31st. Official information state* that the British Naval Commander in the Pacific has ordered a cruise in quest ot the Shenandoah. Mail service has beeu ordered on the Ala bama & Florida and Montgomery & West Point Rail Roads; gso— l—l ■ ■■ ■- ■■■ Henry A. Wise. —The War Department has decided, with the approval of General Grant, not to restore the property of Ex- Governor Henry A. Wise, of Virginia. Gen. Terry’s action iu refusing to give up the es tate is fully sustained. Wise’s house is still used as a school for the children of freetl meu, aud John Brown's daughters are the teachers. professional cards. Henry Williams, Attorney «.t Xiaw, OFFICE NO. 113 BAY STREET, (Over the Herald Reading Room,) _octl4-ff SAVANNAH, Ga, Gao. R. Black. Rufus E. Lehtfe. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, GA . Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson & Lester, corner of Bay andJJanlard streets. octl4-tf THOS CORWIN, WM.H.OWKN, THoS.WJLSuN, tF OHIO. LATK COL. q.M.D. OK IOWA, CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin A Finnell,) T TO R IST EYS AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, 82:! F STREET, nkah TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, X> . C . Will practice in the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court of Claims, and the Courts ot the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment business. Officer* Accounts udjlisted. an:io i 3m Business Card. THE undersigned, of the la»e firm of Nevitt, Lathrop <fe Kogers. can be found with Messrs. Lathrop & Cos., corner Congress and Whitaker street*, where he will be pleased to see the friends of the old firm. oct3o-6 K. W. GILFORD. C. S. BUNDY, O cnoral £V gout AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 P, Between 13th and 14th Streets, (Near Pay Department,} Washizigtoii, X>. O. ju3o ts GREAT ift Distribution, 250,000 WATCHES, Chains Diamond Riug??, etc., worth over Qjih Million Dollars, all to be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value. Not to be raid t'or until you know whai you are to receive. Dunns* the month ending March 31, 1805. T. & 11. Gaujihan * Cos. have had the honor of distributing lheir patrons, >ix Hundred and Ninety Gold and Silver Watches, at the price of One Dollar each. SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES! -A.ll to be Solti for One Dollar eaeh. 250 Solid Silver Dining Sets, $76 to 300 500 Silver Salvers aiM l ms, 50 to 260 f»0o Solid Silver Tea Sets, complete, 50 to 300 150 Rosewood Muaical Boxes, M airs, 75 to 250 200 Mahogany Musical Boxes, 24 airs, 50 to 200 250 Gold Hunting Watches, 75 to 250 250 Ladies’ Enamelled Cold Watches, 50 to 200 600Gents' Uumiog Silver Watches, 36 to 100 600 Open-face Silver Watches, 25 to 50 260 Diamond Rings, 60 to 100 5000 Photo. Albums, all sizes 5 to 60 2000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains, 1 6 to 30 3000 Gold Oval Baikl Bracelets, 6 to 10 6000 Chased Gold Bracelets, oto 12 2000 Chatelaine aud Guard Chains 6 to 20 7uoo Solitaire and Revolving Brooches, 6 to 10 2000 Lava and Florentine do 4to 10 Coral, opal and Emerald do 4to 10 5000 Mosaic, Jet and Lava Eardrops 4to 10 7600 Coral and Emerald Eardrops, 3to 8 6000 California Diamond Pius, 6 to 20 500" California Cluster Diamond Pins, 3to 10 3000 sctßolitaire Buttons and Studs, 3 to 10 9000 Gold Thimbles. Pencilt-, Ac., 3to 8 100(H) Lockets, double-glass, 3to 5 6000 Lockets lor Miniatures, 5 to 10 3000 Cold Toothpick , Crosses, Ac., 3to 8 6000 plain GoM Kings, 4to 10 6000 chased Gold Rings. 4to 10 10000 Mtield aud Signet Rings, 3to 10 10000 California Diamond Kings. 8 to 10 7500 sets Ladies* Jewelry, *et 6 to 10 5000 sets Ladies’ Jewelry, c ial, Bto 12 5000 .-ets Lauica’ Jewelry, onyx, 10 to 12 6000 sets Ladies* Jewelry, lava, 12 to 20 2604# set« L.idios* Jewelry, mosaic, 20 to 30 1 0000 Child Pens, with Bil. hold is, 6 to 10 5000 Gold Pons with Gold holders, 6to 12 60x0 Gold Pone and holders, superior, lo to 16 5000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups, hto 10 3000 Silver Cantors and Wlue Holders, 16 to 60 2000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets, 20 to 60 Messrs. T. & 11. Gaughan & Cos., No. 11G Broadway, New York, extensive mannfacturt rs and Importers of all the leading and most fashionable styles of Watches aud Jewelry, desiring to increase their busi ness to ap unlimited extent, have resolved upon a Great Gift Distribution, subject to the regulations fol lowing: Cenideates naming each article and its value, are placed in Sealed Envelopes aud well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any addin* on receipt of twenty-five cents. All Articles sold at One DolTnr each, without regard to Value. On receipt of the certificate yon will see what you are going to hnv«. und then it is at your opt ion to send the dollar and take the article or uot. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond King, or any set of Jewelry on our list for One Dollar, and in no ense can they get lees than one dollar’s worth, ft* there are no blanks. The pricepf Certificates is as follow*: One for 25 cents ; five Tor $t ; eleven for $2 ; thirty for $g ; sixty-five for slu ; one hundred lor sls. Agents will be allowed ton cents on every certificate ordeied by them, providing their remittance amounts to o«i'* dollar. Agents will collect 26 cents lor eve r y cfrtiflcute. and (‘emit 15 cents to us either in cash or postage *tump». T. fc II GAUGHAN A CO . oct2l lm* No. 110 Broadway. New York. IILINEfcI GOODS; I have Just returned from New York, and havA brought out one of the best selected stocks of Milinery Dress Goods HOSUAT, :• • Evi-r brought to tin* market. The Goods will be soM i cheap. I will reoelvH wwkl, the hunt stylus nt Mlllner# under lb'l l roll House, Corner 61 llufl sail O’liitruM Ihtreel t.ttuc. *fiu77ut. J *’«..»iy loftiar. '*•- A.i',:TSr*‘ *** ' Mm Vi aiAHUNN OOODALL. RAILROADS. Central Railroad itw.. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, » 0„ . _ Savannah, Ga., October 27, 1865. 1 N and after Monday. Soth in*t* a daily train (Sun day* except**!} will leave lor August* at Life a. m., connecti»g with a line of Hacks running between Station it Central Railroad, and Waynesboro on tho Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Ptwsengers by this line will arrive in Augusta the next morning after leaving Savannah in time to connect with the Geoigia Ruilroad train for Atlanta. Returning arrive in Savannah at 4.45 p. m Freight to go hy Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before. By order of GKO. W ADAMS, __ oct ‘- a Oeneial Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. 1 Savannah, Oct, 10th, 18*6.1 ThiF Company is now, in connection with H. J. Dickerson A Co.’s Wngous. prepared to receive and Howard to Augusta. Xiacon, Atlanta Ac,, daily Horn twenty to thirty thousand pounds of Freight, and so through ill from three lo six days. Ship Freight aud other expenses must be paid hy Shippers Kaihoud Height can be paid here oriat des tination. * Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid. GKO. W. ADAMS, °<3ll Genera) Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, I I Savannnh, Oct 28, 1806. | N cotiseqikmce of the accumulation of Goods at Station 4 1 ., lieyond the anility of the wagons to re. move, no Goods, except for Way Stations, including Station 6, will he received nntil Wednesday, let tost, and none will be received after 6 o’clock, p. m.. ench day. Freight, until turtber notice, to Augusta, will be One Dollar per fool and Five Dollars per 1(H)lbs. _ GEO. W. ADAMS, oeutt General Superintendent. STATIONRRY, AC. ESTILL’8 = Newspaper Depot, AND— STATIONERY STORE, Bull Street, Corner o( Bay Lane. BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. KTBW IMOVBXiS. Just Received at the'above Depots further supply of THE BUSfI-RANGER'S, UR, ADVEN TURES IN AUSTRALIA. MAJOR JONES’ COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OR CONTENTMENT, Price 60 Leslies’ Ladies Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mad, Demmests' Mirror of Fashions, Price 40 Cts. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 36 cents. also HARPER’S MONTHLY, GOOEY’S LADY’S BOOK’ ATLANTIC MONTHLY. 4c., for OCTOBER. The usual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies Received by Every Steamer, ang3p THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS Can be had at ESTILL’B News DepoJ and Cheap Periodi cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. wep2C TO TRAVELLERS. . JEJfcg: New mi Cheap Publications. Artemas Ward: his Travels, $1.50, The Lost Will* SSO cents. Uus Howard, T 6 cents. Vcrnei ’s Pride, $1.50. The Curse of Clilton, $1.50. Hword and Gown, 30 cents. Great Expectations, 75 cents. The Channmgs, sl. The Castle’s lleir, $1.50. Guy LivingHtone, $1.50. Major Jones’ C’ourtfbip, |l. Major Jones’ Chronicles of Pineville, sl. Polly Peablossom’s Wedding, sl. And other Novels, at ESTILL’S NEWSPAPER and PERIODICAL STORE, oct7- Bull street, hack of Post Office. School Books. TT'ASQUKLLES’ Introductory French Course. Just -F received. oct3(l JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS. Novels and Music. JUST published atai received bv octae JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS. HOTELS. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. , BUCKLY A BANCROFT, Proprietors. Edward h. Jonrs, Agent. ts • octl* GILMORE HOUSE, Monument Square; Baltimore, Maryland. THIS HOTEL ha* been newly for. niched throughout, and is uow ready fur the re ception of guest*. oetO-lm KIRKLAND & CO. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RID DELL A RUG G , PtomlTOu s. e. BiDiixu. m. r. KVa.. lu3-tf (O-PARTNEKSIIIP NOTICE. TIHE undersigned Iwvlng associated themselves to aether duder the firm name of L/vROCHK, OADEN k CNCKLES, for the purpose of transacting a Gene ral Urour}', aLd (Jotnmia.i..n Iln.inu»H. and having .eeuredtlie large aud cnminodioui etore, corner of Hay and Barnard rttecH, are now pre|»red to receive any and all conrtßiinienta made to them. They also have extra roonm, wimble tor Dry Uooda aud Fancy Articles, width, If accompanied by owners or agents, are the beet in the city ; from a long experience and thorough ucqnalnranee with the bnsineas, they hope to give entire satisfaction to all making consignments to them. Übcrai advances made on Cotton. Lumber, Ac. con signed to them for sale in iSavnnanh, or for shipment to their friends hi Now York. Boston or Baltimore. UKOCUK, UALIEN & UNCKLUB. Is.AO D. LaHOOUI. b*mj. <i. tunes, • Patio ». PaoKi.ita. 1m octM) Boarding. TBANBIBST and pr-rmam nt Besml, in oomfortuble rooms, tan !»• had on SouUi Uroad, throe door* oast from Aboreorn. . Ptontaa - Paper andlk glVarehonse P®«-en * Plainer, Wfflfc «« Say street, Savaaaak, 0a...' DRV WOODS AND CLOTHING. DRY GOODS. DEY GOODS. LATHROP & GO., Caracr Congress and Win taker Streets, TDILL open to-day, aud are prepared to exhi W t their sos n ‘ x * v *’ **>ught expressly for the South ern Trade, consisting in part of— Ladies' Dress Goods and Trlmmtnga Shawls, Ribbons and Button* Cloukg, Sacques, Mantilla*, Ac French Marino aud Opera Flannel French and English Cambrics Black Bombasine, Cashmere and Crapes, White Goods. Jaconet aud Nainsook Muslin Bishop aud Victoria Lawns Plaid Jaconets aud Brilliants India Twills and Swiss Muslin. Embroideries. French Wrought Muslin Sets French Wrought Cambric Sett Real Lace Sets Embroidered Handkerchiefs Black Lace VeilH H. 8, Lawn and Cambric Handkerchief. Hosiery AND Gloves Ladies’ English White Cottnn Hoae Ladtrs' English Brown Cotton Hots Mines' and Boys' Cotton Hoso Kid, Silk, Lisle and Woolen Gloves. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Linen Table Damasks Doyles, Napkins and Towels Diaper, Crash aud Towels Counterpanes Bleached 10 4 Cotton Sheetings Bed Blankets, Irish Linen, Ac. GENTLEMEN’S WEIR. Black Clothe and Cassfmeres Fancy Castimerea and Vestings Satinets, Tweeds, AC Merino Shirts Brown English Cotton Half Hose Mixed Merino Half Hose Fancy Ties, Paper Collars, Ac. We will make weekly additions to our Stock, and trust In a short time to fully meet the wants of our Blende. LATHROP & CO. oct26 lm To Merchants, VISITING the city, we would be pleased to show our Stock, which we propose to Bell at fair prices. oct26 lm LATHROP & CO. DRY GOODS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A. LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fagoy Goods, Ac., &c., &c.. Remarkably Cheap for Cash, CAM BE FOUND AT A. Ronolior db Co’a., 13 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment at Foreign and Domeattc Goods, Cloaks, Shawjs, Ac. • N. B.—By strict attention to business, coart eons aud honorable dealing with our customers, are trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large lin* of White Oooda and Linens now open. octlO "Wholesale. LATHROP& CO., Corner Congress and Whitaker Streets WOULD Invite the attention of Merchants In the city to their Stock of Goods new opening, via: Fancy prints. White and Red Flannel, Figured and Plain Delaines. Umbroideries and Handkerchiefs, Linen Goods and White Goods, Bleached and Brown Shirting Cloths and Oawltnetes, - Ladies' Hosiery und Gent's Half Hose, Gloves, Ac., Hals and Caps, Cloaks and Shawls novls clothingT™ FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. cpnE subscriber having formed a Co-partner*hlp * with Mr. J. C. Ludlow, under the Arm name of' Heldt A l.ndb.w, respecilnlly calls the attention of hts irtende and (lie putille gvnerallyto their large Htoek ■■ HEIfIT. TCMPIxANTEES. A CO , PRICE, 5 CENTS INSURANCE. INSURANCE. Authorized <apital~slo,4oo,4»o. C H «^{l ES o ; F OLBY * CO- are.prepared to take and Fu^ruJ S domestic or foreign port. Brat class York Companies^ 0 Mm * 4 AT THE LOWEST RATES. TS. KABISE insurance OMMERCS FIRE INSURANCE COMP’Y.. 20u.0*0 ' STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMP’Y.. 20* 000 K^l'/i«lce,%o B r l I Ver W 'Dra' y ton\nd d ß^'^r^‘ Reliable Southern luaurauoe. THE National Marine and Fire* INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. CAPITAL., §3OOOOO .JPfj SS.ffEipO Mrs leave to Inform the insuring that ko has b.i'on legally appointed Agent for “““'e;* Company, and is ready to take Ma rine, River and Fire Risks at customary rates O. C. MYERK, Agent, Office at Octavus Cohen, 84 Bay street. Cohen, Hunter A Gammell, Env ln A Hardee. 6m oct2B PINANCIAI., EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For Rale hy *‘PIS BRTGIIAM. BALDWIN A CO. Sight Exchange ON IjTEW YORK, In turns to suit purchasers, by gep2B-tf B. F METCALFE & CO. IJUY GOODS <Si CLOTHING. iffilil Lathrop & Cos. Have just opened, per Steamship Vxeuhx, a choice lot of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, which are offered at very low prices. PLAID POPLINS, PLAID POPLIN CHENE, ALL WOOL FIG’D DELAINES. earner of Congress and WhU alter Streets. novl-5 BAVANNAH THE NEW JOM HEWS. DAILY SEMI-WEEKLY m WEEKLY. THK NEW YORK WEEKLY Ul) SEMI WEEKLY HEWS. GREAT FAMILY PfEWHPAPEBS. BENJAMIN WOOD......Editor And Proprietor, Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market and- Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IM PROVEMENIRJ NTRODUCEO IMMENSE CIRCULATIONS DETERMINED ON. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, ' 3r*ubUshecl Every Wednesday. Single Copie. Five Ceuta One Copy, one year $ 2 UO Three Copie* one year 5 00 Five Copies, one year 8 T 6 Ten Copies, oneyear 17 00 —And an extra any Club of Ten Twenty Copies, one year 3000 The Weekly News le Sent to Clergymen at H SO. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. * Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copiee, one year * $ 4 00 Three Copiee, one year.'. m 00 Five Copiee, one year: | 75 00 Ten Copies, one year 30 OQ —And an extra topy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copley one year 55 oa To Clergymen 300 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mall Subscribers $lO per annum Six Mouths Five Dollars For sale by all Newsdealers. Specimen copies of DAILY and WEEKLY NEWS sent free. * Address BEMJ. WOOD, Dally News Building, No. 10 City Hall Square, „ptSl New York City. Cooper, Olcoft & Farrelly. Booksellers and Stationers, OAVANNAH, GA. rrt(lß uiuk'r.lgicf' h»»e * ConartneasblF X uiulit the name atal ,tyle of Cooper, Olcmts aid Farrelly, for the transaction of a Wholes.lo aud Re tail Hook and Htatlonery Bu.'.iiesa at the old .land of John M Coopsraco., hortb-WMlCiHUtraf WhlUkac and Hi. Juilaii Streets, JOHN M COOPER. mMM M. OLMTT. DANIKI. » OUOtL octtJ <mdlm SI'EI'UKN FAIUtI.LLY,