Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 04, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald BY 8. V J . MASON CO. MAML'EL Vt . W* T. THUSIPSOX,*..* tsiocisti KAltor, SAVANNAH. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 18*. Our snpplcuunt Today. We present our readers with a supplement this morning, containing, besides a portion of the advertising of our crowded columns, the message of Gov. Perry to the South Car olina Legislature, and the remarkable letter ol Ex Post Master General Reagan to Gov. Hamilton of Texas. • tub fbeedmak and his political v PRIVILEGES. Our Btate Convention has wisely made it the duty of the Legislature to make laws for the protection and government of free per sons of c ilor in our State ; to specify in what cases tbeir testimony stall be received ; to regulate their transactions with citizens; to regulate or prohibit their emigration into this State from other States of the Union, or elsewhere; to confer jurisdiction upon courts now existing or that may hereafter be by them created in criminal cases ; excepted from the exclusive jurisdiction of the Superior Court; and in civil cases whereto persons of color are parlies ;—and the Legislature is also required at its next session, and there after as the public welfare may require, to provide by law for the protection and se curity of the persons and property of the freedmen of this State, andtgiiard them and the State against any evil that may arise from their sudden emancipation. - The many delicate questions thit will ne cessarily arise from time to lime touching the political and social status of the Freed men, must be adjusted by legislative action in . harmony with the prevailing popular sentiment thfit may exist with reference to each, at the date of its occurrence. Nor will the Legislature be at liberty to take cogni zance of matters of this peculiar character until the General Government relinquishes the exercise of jurisdiction over them through the administrative medium of the Freedman’s Bureau ; for the reason that con flict of views and purposes would be almost certain to follow a concurrent exercise of political authority; and to avoid which ' would be impossible, even with the wisest counsels and the most consummate pru dence. Viewing the subject in this light and as sociating it with the fact, that the General Government has assumed to itself a special guardianship over ihe rights and privileges of this class of our population, it must be apparent to all, that the Convention has act ed judiciously in the course it has pursued. And it is no less apparent, that the Conven tion, in thus shifting unpleasant responsi bility from its own to the shoulders of another tribunal, intended to convey the correct impression that the subject owing to its novel surroundings, is pregnant with both dfflicnlty and embarrassment; and to be managed successfully, without convulsing cur material interests, will require an amount of tact and discernment which are the highest tests of statesmanship. How Impor tant, then, it is that men should be returned to both branches of the Legislature who are conspicuously krown as possessing the characteristics requisite for the crisis, who shall he thoroughly posted on all measures that may arise to endanger or to advance the great interests of onr State, and between whom and the popular heart thera is a mag netism that asserts its power under all cir cumstances. We confess that to us the future of our Stale is much obscured by political aud so cial difficulties that'cast their shadows ahead, which may be averted however, by placing experienced and intelligent men at the helm of, State. IN GENERAL. Ex-Gov. Neil S. Brown, of Tennessee, has been pardoned. «- Captnin M. F. Maury has been appoint ed by Maximilian honorary Counsellor ot S.tate, in Mexico. The Mai boro hotel, for a long time the only prominent temperance hotel in Boston, has recently opened a bar for tho sale of ltquor. The ' negro mechanics in Columbus, Georgia, are,on a strike for higher wages demanding five dollars per day. —Enoch Arden has been dramatized by Messrs. McDonough aud Maeder of the Mobile Theatre. The Louisville Democrat of the 14tb, says-. We did not hear of a nigger killing any person yesterday. —Gen. Canby has confiscated two Mobile tteamboals for ‘-having refused to transport officers of the General Government of the United Stales.” A book just published in London is called ‘-The Art of Bringing Up One's Daughter Badly, and Making it Pay.” —The rumor that our naval vessels are to be in put commission is untrue. —lt is reported that Caleb Cushing will supercede Mr. Adams in England, and that Mr. Adams returns to become Secretary of State. !*»*»»■— Colonel John Hart, formerly of the Washington Globe aul Charleston Mercury -, Leonard Trousdale, of the Mem phis Appeal and Nashville Uuiou ; aud Rolfe 8. Saunders, ot the Memphis Eagle aud En quirer and Morning Bulletin, have become associated with J. M. Keating in the publi cauon pi the Memphis Daily Commercial.- Mr Soli Mulialy, ot the N;w York Metro po itan Kecord, and Mr. Edwwk A. Pollard, of the Kichmeud Examiner, have associate, themselves with Colonel M. C oXwav in the Memphis Ava.ancbe, the publication ot which Will be presently resumed— Conttitu tiunudet, Nov. 1 Tu* Tone or tub Gbohois Convektion.-- The Mdledgeville correspondent of the Au gusts Constitutionalist says. Indeed, ouc man, whose sentiments 1 ttiongly suspect me of au extreme uigrltu dlnous hue—a member, In fart, of the Bos ton press but u convtrid'ile person withal— told ms that while the (b orgia Convention was more ‘-labid'' titan those ot either North or Boutli C'sroliiia, he tuu»l ssy lie had a | higtnr jespi 1 1 tor them than lor the North ' Cam!) ulaiis who nurture ifuu made loud pro knaiousol a loyalty" that was but |ilucbbeck •jtor all. Buwultmg luillmr ot thia aame north Carolina Convention lie suited that though a turps majority of tua delegates theielo wen so called 'C'nuiu ineu,” he was aaititied thatr Liihmism waa In reality a , latter aud vtiuisut party bale— such as would nausa one u> wntshtn tha devil Iwnausa III* antagonist sent up his ytUUus in Jehovah. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. i Rtm.rkh '. Savannah, Saturday Nor. 4. OOTM.— The receipts of cotton at all the shipping ports of the rolled States, thus far In the current cotton year, commencing with September 1, reach »5.c00 bales, against the expons In the same petietl j oT 197,000 bale*. Included In the expons have neeu | *5,000 bales to Great Britain, 9.0C0 bales to franco, and 1,600 bales to other foreign ports— making >tf' [ the grand total of bales. The esUmate il stock , oil hand and on shipboard not cleared, at all the shipping ports ts 358.600 bales, valued at over sev- enty-eight millions of dollars. The unsettled condition of the Northern markers, together with the large receipt* at the Southern porta, has htd a depressing effect on our market dur ing the past week, and purchasers haare demanded t concession of from one to two cents per pound oil ast week's quotations. The market since our last has been very dull, and purchaser* have not been disposed to meet the views of holders; consequently the transactions have been limited. The quotations given below are in a great measure nominal, although most of the sales of the week have been made at them; but some forced sales have been ef fected at a lower flgure. We quote, duty paid : Ordinary Nominal Low Middling. Middling 53 Strict Middling. '. 54 food Middling 55 The Dry Goods market couUnues quite active at unchanged prices. We notice that during the week the receipts of all descripUons of goods were quite large. The trade from the Interior and Florida was excellent, and several very large sales are reported. We quote prints at 29 to 39He per yard, and shirting, unbleached, 4-4, 33 to 38c per yard ; bleached shirt ing, 34 to 66c per yard; Delaines, 40c per yard. Georgia manufactured goods are unchanged; there is a good luquiry. We quote yarns at $3 26 ro $3 60 per bunch; Georgia shirting, 33 to SBc per yard shirtings 14c to $1 35 per yard. Cloths continue In demand, and prices arc un changed. Oassimeres arc selling at $2 to $3 per yard; Jeans 66c to *1 per yard. The money market continues quito active. Gold Is offering to Brokers In very small lot3. Silver is quite scarce. Stocks are nominal. Coupona of the city of Savannah continue In demand. Time bills are great ly neglected. There Is a slight Inquiry for Foreign Exchange. Dncurront money is being very liberally purchased. Central Railroad old issues are In active demand at Improvod rates. Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank old issues aro being redeemed at ten cents in gold or fourteen cents In currency. JChe receipts of timber for milling and shipping purposes continue very light lnJconseqiUnce of a very low river. A large amount of timber Is cut and ready to be brought to market and the rise In the river, the Intelligence of which reached this city yesterday, will have an effect on the market during the coming week. Prices are without change. COTTON STATEMENT. IECEIPT3 SINCE OCT. 28th, 1865. - Upland. Sea Island. Dorn. ly River. 4,868 138 182 iy Central Railroad 156 By wagons 285 35 Total Receipts, 6.309 173 182 kxtobvs since OCTOekk 28tl), 1365 : Upland. Sea /. Domest's. This week 4,470 23 110 Previously 32,474 1,999 3,133 Total 36,950 2,022 8,243 STOCK ON HAND, 1865. Upland. Sea 1. Do meet's. Stock, Sept. 1 3,094 94 236 Received this week 6,ti09 173 IS2 Previously 35,744 21.33 8,072 Total 44,747 2,400 3 4CO Exports 36,950 2,022 3,243 Stock on hand, Nov. 3, 1885 1 7,797 f 373 240 Ska Islands.—ln consequence of the limited stock placed on the market the transactions have been very Jht. Prices are very Irregular, us most of the stock o rerod Is of a very low grade, and the only inquiry is for the liner staple. The general range ts from Bie to $1 25 per pound. For a very superior qualify a higher flgure has been paid. Tne stock or this de : scrlptlon of cotton placed on sale ts very light, and comes to market In small lots, the greater portlun of which Is badly prepared, for whleli there Is no de mand. Whiskey—'The market is well supplied withal the various brands of liquors. During the week quite an active business has been done, and the ad vance noticed in onr last lias l>een fully maintained. Wc quote Gibson A Son’s Whiskey—Choice old Mo nongahela rve, $3 60a370 per gallon do XX, atV" 40 ; do XXX. at #3 55 ; do Old Bourbon, i3 30; old Nec tar, 1840, $3 90; old Family Nectar, $4 16 ; pure old rve, $4 36 ; pure old wheat, $4 40 ; old eubiuet, $4 65 ; Msdar Swan gin, $5 60; Noliet’s Imperial do., $5 50; Otard, Dupuv & Co.’a Cognac brandy. In quar ter casks and half pipes, sll to sls per gallon. Sher ry Wines, $2 50 to $4 50 per gallon, according to q’uality ; Imported Champagnes, lie St. Marceunx it Cos., Reims, $23 per case of quarts ; Due De Mo ite brella, S2B per caae. Wallack’s Brands as follow* : Rectified $i 70 ; Imperial Nectar at $3 60. Uotirboo $3 00 ; Columbus Gin at $4 oo ; M. Leuvy A Co’s genuine Kentucky, Bourbon, In cases, sl2; Nictio as Schnapps sl2. Sherry Wine sl2 ; Cognac Bran dy S2O, Ale, per dozen, $3 ; Porter, per doz., $ J ; Virginia Mountain Dew Whiskey $2 70 per gallon; Old Plantation Bourbon Whiskey $3; Fuller’s Old Stet $4 50 to $5; Old Santa Cruz Rum, warranted genuine, $8 to 10; P. H. Godard’s Brandy sl6 per gallon; Selgnette *l6; Crown Sherry, per gal lon, $4; St. Martlu’a Port, $4 per gallon ; Ske han’s Golden Ale, per ease of two dozen, $5 60; Porter do $5 60; Ales in bbls sls; Cham pagne Older per case of one doz qts ?6, pta, of two dozen $6; Kentucky Bourhon Whisky $1 50 per gallon ; Old Rye $5 per gallon ; Old Bourbon $3 to 150 per gallon. Imported Sherry $4 25 ; and Port at $4 96 per gallon. Imported Champagne $25 to 30 per caae. Pure Holland Gin $4 to 6 per gallon; Cognac Brandy $3 to *lO per gallon, liy case, S3O to 36. Egg Biscuits.— The advance In biscuits has been main tained. We quote Sngarat 16c.; Boston at 14c., and Soda Nog sls per case. Crackers at 13c. The demand Is very good. RaisiNA—There lias been no Important change In this article since our last report, and we quote 1 New Crop at *7 ¥ box ; $3 50 half box, anil $1 76 quarter box. Old slock ai $6 Y box ; $3 half box, and $1 60 quarter box. The stock on the market is canal to the demand. Freights.—Although the rivers continue unusually low for this season oftlto year, tlie receipts of cotton daring the week have been to a fair amount. Freights have undergone no change, and wo quote cottoo to New York as follows: lc. per pound ror square bates by steamships to New York ; Wool and round bales or Cotton at ixc. tier lb.; Domestics, $1 50 per bale ; measurement goods at 16c. per foot. A ship Is filling up for Liverpool at Md. To Philadelphia,cotton lc. per lb., compressed; 1,25 c eon-compressed. To Boston, cotton 3*c- lor com pressed. To Northern poris, timber sli@i-2c. per in Coastwise—Cotton, from Florida, $3 per bale.— From Thomasvllle, sls. From Doctortown. SO. From Darien, $2. From Augusta, no specific rates. Uoods to Augusta, $2 per hundred weight; measure ment goods at 50c. per cubit foot. Oils Our market is well supplied with oils and the demand ts lair. Considerable sales are reported to Interior merchants. We quote Linseed at $1 75 per gallon ; whale at $2,00 ; Sperm at $2 75 ; Neats oot at $2 35 ; Lard at $2 00 ; Kerosene, $1 10 ; Traill at $1 75 ; Turpentine at $1 40. Hides.—m consequence of the inclement w eather, the receipts were light. We notice a good demand with an improved market In consequence of Quar antine lestrictions having boon raised-at Northern porta. We quote as follows; Oreen Hides —to 4c. per lb. Dry Salted to sc. per lb. Dry to 10c. per lb. Dry Flint 10 to 12c. per lb. Deer Sirius - to 15c. per lb. Hay.—Since our last report a considerable quan tity lias been received. It lias Ween sold from the wbarr at Doc a sl, and from store by retail at $1 25 per hundred pounds. Balt.—The stock of Liverpool Is very good, and the demand is limited to the retail trade In small quantities. Sales have been made;at $4 a42 5 per saldr. For coast sail tbe tnquiry'wsippiuies very limit- Soaps—Ths market Is well swpplled with all the various brands of soap. Duringthe last fortnight an advance of lc F lb has taken place. We now qnotc Oolgates’ No 1, at 16e ; Pale, 15c ; and Hull s at file V lb by llie box. Fancy soaps have also experienced the same advance. Starch— I The slock on sale la very abundant, and rates remain unchanged. We quote Klugsford's at 124412 J., and Colgate's at 14c ¥ lb by the box. SiilNoi.KS.—There is a very gyod demand for tills article for borne consumption. The supply contin ues limited, and we quote cedar shingles ut $7 per, M , auil spruce pine at *4 per M. The supplv is not equal tn tlie demand, and all fair aud good lota meet ready sale. Tiaisu.—Tbe receipts or Timber continue verv fair, but not sufflclcnt to meet the demand. We no lle* that a numiiei of vessels are loading for North ern porta All lota of good timber upon arrival, are quickly purchased, at SU(&22 for ranging, aud 125 fur choice. Winn,-During the past fortnight the receipts hare been unusually light, aud all fair lot* bring rrom as tu 40 cents per pound. VAgNisii —The insket Is now well supplk-d with i!i. K* 6l *' *'(' quote bflgtit per gallon, *f $i to ; tou Fuel! p. p. at ss,ou. per hbl. The stock is very light, and no good fresh oh sale. Wu quote Inferior at s6u IV boa, 1 * would bring $« alO V box. (li' i '•~" UF,, ig the past week quite ah active We exialau hug large sales uuve bem of ' LT» L 'UU' •* «•'1 bus Island Dundee , wm a »*., iuek.i, cooper 4 co.'sihc, and retail at 1 «>• , Uiaml. auii we quote Maryland Wnll'r *!?( Ai ie and I'nuie „ tLrrss I here has Iswii no, hiolp. m mu.. I out ls«( rsfiifii Tbs market I 1,(,in,,, l -|. ,** *■***.* I supplied and W» quote Java at 4o»4fii si Llom .Ju at Mo i so l luo at ataats y ii> LASkAUk*■-lb# stock U keif Uglily*ufU'l*M lot I the demand. We quote from ** to 20 V hundred, , according to qualitr. STlCKS—During the last fortnight we notice an im portant a-frame mull kind*oiapk-ea, and now we uii< Ac Gi-ond Pepper. 33c ; Ginger, 30c ; cinnamon, •In-.- Clove*, 46 ; Allspice. 36c ; Mace, $1 *& V It). Fi.-n— Tbe market continues to la* abundantly supplied nub-ail kinds of sailed fish. A small quau j tui of new mackerel have been received, and have inel »illi ready aule. We quote new No. 1. in bills, ! al £2O ; half bbl*, <10,75 ; kits, *3.00; old In kit* $2.95 J U2.5U. i iU VTKN.—There has iieen no important change in ! thlasrtlcle. Holders are Arm. and the market I* well supplied. We quote Prime, hi lirkins, at 48 a I Sic ¥ il>, and New York Goshen at 63 a 57. Laud. —There ha--, been no change since our last report. We now quote Prime Leaf at 31 a 33c In tubs : and Pressed at 27 a 30 cents. CliKßSK.—There Is a large stock on the market, but the greater portion, if It Is of Inferior quality We quote Prime Goalidwat 20 a 23c, the latter quo tatlon lor the better quality. English Dairy at and Pine Apple at £0 cents. . 2 Potatoes —The mat ket continues to lie well Sup plied. and lrom store the rate Is * perbbl. The iatter price lor a superior article. Rope—Prices continue unchanged. The demand Is steady at the previous rates of 18 to 19c ¥ lb. Beasivax.— The supply continues limited, and Southern Yellow Is selling at 40c. Nails.—The demand Is good, and assorted quali ties sell at 8 v,a9c Y lb- The market is fairly sup plied. « Steel.—Wm. Jcssee A Son’s English Cast steel selis at 2Sc. currency. Tea—During the week the market has remained without change, and wc quote Imperial at $1 40@2 ; O dong at #1 20(31 60 : and Pouchong at sl@i 10 ; Young Hyson at *1 50@9 50 Y ft- Iron and Steel—The demand for iron and steel continues very good, tiic demand being to fill orders of cotmrry merchants and farmers. We quote Ameri can iron at 7e. per Hi; Swedes 10c.; Plow-steel 12J£ ; Cast steel 30c. The last is Arm and sales Very light. Cotton and Wool C.xnns.—The market fa very firm, and with an advancing tendency. We quote oot on cards per dozen $11; wool cards *9 per dozen. Rice.—Wc learn of no change in the rate of this article. The stock on sale continues veiy limited, and the demand Is solely for Ihe home trade. Geor gia and Carolina Is selling In small lots at 19 a 14c ¥ lb. East India, of late importation, is worth 10 a 19c. Same very superior East India, equal to Geor gia and South Carolina, has been on the market,and brought 12c ¥ lb. We hear of no shipments to any port. LiMß.—The market Is hart* of good lime, and tho only kind on Sale Is of an Inferior qunlity, which is selling at t s 2 per bbl. Oats.—Tlie demand continues very moderate. We hear of sales at 8j h 90c per bushel. A lot of superior sold at 96c. Tlie stock on hand 1* ample for the de mand. Lvmutcii—The demand continues active, but the supply is very limited. We quote as follows ; White Pine, rough sio: do dressed, *s’>ass ; Spruce Pine Scantling, $33aS5 ; Yellow Pne Boards. SSO ¥ M. Yellow Pine, for the West India trade, SSO. Molasses.—This article has advanced during the past week and we now quote New York refined at 60 a 65 per gallon. Golden Syrup Is selling at 80c a 90c. Onions.— The stock on the maket is good, but the demand forthe week has been chiefly for the home trade at $4 per bbl. Some inferior lots have sold a $3 60 per bbl. Candles.— A good demand continues for all de scriptions of candles, Roller’s Georgia Tallmv are In great request l>v retail dealers. We quote Adaman tine 31 to 33c. ft ft.; Hull’s Mould Tallow 24c. ¥ ft.; Kober’s Georgia ’1 allow 25c. ¥ ft.; C. U. Grants’ com mand 2H@3OC. Sugaiis.—During tlie week the advance noticed in our last circular his been maintained, anil holders continue firm, and not dlsposedto press sales. We quote Browns B Codec 21c; A Colftc 22e; Crushed ?S@24c; Powdered 23@24c per pound. Flour.—'The advance previously noticed lias lieen fully maintained. Tlie stock on sale Ls ample for all purposes, and by the nrrival of each steamer from the North additional supplies are received. As an Index of the market, wc quote good Ohio at $lO 26® io so and family at sil 50@12 50. The prncipal demand during the week has been for low er grades, and ive quote them at s9@lo per bbl.- Soms extra family have been sold at sl4, and fancy brands as high as *l4 50. Bacon.— Our market lias not been active during the past work, and the sales have chiefly been confined to the retail trade/ The continued flow state of the river has prevented the shipment of Bacon and other articles to the interior, In large quantities. Wc quote prime Sides at 23a24c.; Shoulders af 21a23c., and Hams at 25a30e. For the better qualities the lat ter quotation is received. There Is a moderate de maud for Pickled Meats, without, however, any alte ration in prices. Family Fig Pork Is quoted at sl6 <7020 ¥ half bbl; Beef, 17H@13. We hear of sales of Sides aud Shoulders at 22c. Exchange. BUYING. \ Sterling, nnm 107 In gold. “ ’• 152 In currency. Boston Sight 1 per ct. ills. New York sight l per et. dis. do. 30 days 1 per ct. and tnt. do. 60 day* l per ct. and lnt. Philadelphia Sight 1 perct. dis.! Baltimore Sight 1 per ct, dis. SELLING BATES. New York Par to H dis. Boslon do Philadelphia do Baltimore do Financial. Latest Quotations fob Uncurkekt Money and Securities, corrected by West, Bryan A Cos., Broker, Ac. [Prepared expressly for the Savannah Dally Ilcrald. GEORGIA. Augusta Ins. and Banking Cos .10 Bank of Augusta. 26 do Athens fit do Columbus 14 do Commerce 10 do Fulton : 22 do Empire State 14 Bank of Middle Georgia 64 do Savannah : 46 do State of Gborgia **..26 Central Railroad and Banking Cos *. 92 City Bank of Augusta 24 Farmers' and Mechanics' 15 Georgin Railroad and Rnuking Cos 92 Marine Bank 65 Mechanics’ Bank ; 10 Merchants' aud Planters’ Bank 10 Flamers’ Bank 17 Uuion do 10 Timber Cutters’ 8 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden 94 do Charleston 20 do Chester 22 do Georgetown 19 do Hamburg ID do Newberry 29 do South Carolina 19 do State of So. Cfi 20 ' Commercial Bank, Columbia 18 Exchange* do do 19 Farmers’ and Exchange 16 Merchants’ Cheraw 22 Peoples’Bank 60 Planters’ B-mk, Fairfield 19 Planters’ and Mechanics' Bank 24 South W. R. R ...: 28 Union Bank 60 State Bank .10 NORTH CAKOI.INA. Bank of Cape Fear 40 Bank of Charlotte $2 do Clarendon 12 do Commerce 22 do Fayetteville lo do Lexington 30 Bank of North Carolina 42 do Wadcsborougli 22 Bank of Washington . 12 do Wilmington 28 do Yanccyvllle 12 Commercial Bank of Wilmington lo Farmer's Bank of North Carolina 32 Merchant's Bunk of Kewberu 33 ALAUAHA. Bank of Mobile 74 do Montgomery .. do Selma '. -is Commercial Bank ;’,9 Central do 32 Pastern do 51) Northern do : 45 Southern do J 70 TENNESSEE. Bank of Union 7 Bank of Chattanooga 24 “ Memphis “ Middle Tennessee 75 •* Tennessee 25 '• West Tennessee 28 City Ban* of Nashville 50 Commercial Bunk 55 Buck’s Banks Oeote “ 40 Ponders’ “ 51 Northern Bauk Southern “ Siielbyvilie Bank 7T Traders' •* 24 Union Bank iO Merchants’ Bauk Nashville 48 Bonds. Old Georgia fi's 68@70 do T’s City of Savannah 65<ai7o Augusta * 70 (gi Central Railroad, past due, 76 otttred. Memphis aud Charleston Railroad 50 , COCPUNS. City of Bavaunali. a 62085 STOCKS. Central Railroad, Bfi@fi» Southwestern Railroad I0(«T6 Atlaiillc ami Gull Halil aud 82054 Georgia Railroad 80062 Notes to lie $5 aud upwards. These tales will b* re .bleed lu to 80 per uent. on smaller notes. Largs iota Cumelimes sell 1 cent belter. These quotation* am liuolu lo tluctusie, aud Mil not he relied on fm any leiigth of lime. Savannah, Oct. kWh, IMIS. •AVANIAM WHOUIAIt PRIOEI CURRINT. At'lldl'S.* I'gll PKIIM TO lUiiuiNu.Hitiiny yd 410 Sea Isl.ilid Dundee , ra 825433 lucker, (iioiuir 4Co yil iutip leu In r, Itetoli So 480— N s Maud ~,, yd 2luiV« H0p*,,,,,,, is itesiv Hair, Sew Yvrk Nee* hot Host! mm bill llhuti* Ratos llsiiis, ~,,, 0 StsaUi khoulderl K H. _ Sidra ■ IfjßM W*s»n, huvy ~,,,,, , ft »c Pilot ft 9c. Butter, Goshen, Prime ft 6S@M Plane Western. Firkin* ft 48.461 Candles, Adaumuun ft Hull’s » 24(4*5 CHKfc-h, Goshen ft 96(423 Kugiisli Dairy ft *3fc24 Pine Apple ; "ft S*®— Coffee, SL Domingo ft 94®— Rio /7 to *4(435 Java. ft 4*as42 Cordage, Hemp ft 2M» W Mauilla ft BU®32 Domestic Goods Shirtings, Brown Jd Sheetings, Brown yd Brown Drills yd Couon (Isiialiurg* •* Fish, Mackerel, No. l, new HhW $lO do. No. 1 bbl 20(81 do ' Kirs »(H>®— Flour, Good Ohio bid 10 26(410 50 Good Family bbl 1160(412 60 Ordinary bbl 9 ot'®looo Grain, Corn, Maryland While bush I 1 4u®l 50 Prime Western. bush 1 135® 1 40 Oats ’ bush 1 SoHjiOO Glass, American Window —a— Gunpowder keg —a— Hay, Prime Northern cwt 90al 00 do. Eastern cwt —a— Hides, Dry ft 7aß Deerskins to —a— Iron, Swedes ton —a— Pig ton —a— Hoop : —a— Sheet —a— Nailrod* —a— Labd, Prime Leaf ft 81a33 Pressed lb 27a30 Lime, Rockland bbl s4a Lumber, White Pine, rough mft s4oa— do Pine dressed mft 50a55 Spruce Pine Scantling mft 33a36 Yellow Pine liSards mft 60a— Molasses, New York, refined gal 63®66 s Golden Syrup gal 80®90 Nails ft 8 H<al«H naval Stores, Tar bbl —®— Spirits Turpentine —®— Varnish "* —@— Oils, Linseed gal 176®— Whale gal 4 00®— Sperm gal 2 75® — Neal.afoot gal 2 35® — Lard gal 3 00®— Kerosene..., gal 1 lo@— Train gal I 76®— Turpentine gal 140®— Lubricating Oils : Spindle Oil gal 1 80@— Engine Oil gal 1 35@— No. 2 Lubricating gal 85®— OSNABUHGS. Flax yd Pork, Family Pig Pork bbl 16 00®20 00 Porter, London, quarts Raisins Malaga, box 7 00@— “ Hbox 3 50®— Salt, Liverpool sack 4 00®4 25 Coast sack —®— Soap, American, yellow ft 15®18 Shot, all sizes ft —®— .Spirits Brandy, Cognac in cases; gal 20 00®— Otard, Dupuy A Cos, > 4 " & H eks., gal 11 00®15 00 Gin. Holland gal 6 60®— Whisky, rectified gal 2 76®— “ Old Kentucky... gal 3 00@— “ Imperial Nectar. gal 3 ‘2s® Sugar,. Brown ft 16®17H B. Coffee... ft 21®— Crushed ft 23@24 Powdered r. ft 23®24 Tallow ft 12U@— Tobacco Teas « Imperial ftl4o@2 00 Oolong ft 120® 160 Pouching ft i oo@l 10 Twine, Seine ft —®— Baling ft —®_ Wines, Claret case 9 50@12 00 Port gal 4 uo®s oo 5herry......... ga122u®460 Catawba. case —@B 00 Wool, Southern unwashed.., ft 86@37 “ Clean "lb 40ffi42 saguria Cotton Market. Augusta. Nov. 1,18C5. The market Is UuR, buyers demand a concession which holders are unwilling to concede, and In con sequence the transaction* for the last three days o# tlie week were limited. Tho scarcity or funds and the low stage of the river also depresses the market. The receipts yesterday were light, aud report says it will continue so for some time, as our country holders of tlie staple feel inclined to wait until freights by tlie river and railroad arc reduced. Stock on hand in warehouses as counted for us yesterday 1* 24,783, outside, (about) I,ooo—total 25,- We quote ; Middling 45 cents ; Strick Middling 46 ccuts ; good to fair 47 ass cents. A speaker at a recent Fenian meeting mysteriously iutimated that a Fenian on hoard tlie Great Eastern purposely damaged the cable, because bo was determined that the informers should not have the use of the cable until Irish independence is achieved. MAKItIKU At Lawton, Ga., Oct. 26th, 1865, by Rev. W. M. Ken. nedy, Mr. P. A. HERVIANT to Mrs. E. G. DUPONT. DIED, On the 12th of October, In Sparta, Ga., Mr. DIMAS PONUE, aged 81 years, a native of Bt. Augustine* Florida, but for many years an active and prominent merchant of Gils city. In early life lie acquired that system in business, which aided by great Intelligence and strict integrity, ever iusurea a successful career’ and the peaceful termination of a long life of unos tentatious piety, combined with amiable and geuer' ous qualities, leave his friends every hope . that his Immortal spirit now rests happily with the God who gave it. M. HEAA’QRS. MILITARY DIVISION) • OF THE TENNESSEE, V Nasiiville, Tknn., Sept. 29th, 1805.) General Order, ) No. 32. ) All sales made by tbe United States through the proper officers, to private parties either or horses, mules or other property, are here by declared valid aud the title tlierclor in disputable. Citizens making purchases of such property must not be molested by the civil authority in the possession of the same; and all snits or action peuding in the civil courts, either for tlie property itself or its money value, will be set aside and consid ered of no force or effect. The Government of the United States is responsible for any and all property seized for military purpose, and any damage result ing lo private citizens tberetrom is of the same nature as other claims for damage, and will be submitted for to the proper authorities at Washington. By commaud of Major Gen. Thomas. Wm. D. Whipple, Asst. Adj’t. Geu. Official: Clark H. Remick, Capt. and Provost Marshal, District of Savannah. w nov 2 2t November 2, 1865. Permission granted citizens to retain in their possession pistols or other ffre arms does not allow the carrying of concaled weap ons. , Any person violating this order will be arrested and punished. By command of Brey. Major Gen. J. M. BRANNAN. Glark 11. Remik, Capt and Provost Marshal, District of Savannah. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H J DICKERSON, Harbor Master, OFFICE OPEN AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY No. 1 Harris’ Buildings. SAVANNAH, GA. nnv4 lm To the Merchants of Savannah. f|MIK iinderalgncd,Committee from Mdropolltvn Fief A Company, will wait up,m «h« Merchant* mid liutl no«a Mm ortho city Tbia nay, to aolicit tabacilptioua for tho parch, I*o of a Ntoam Fire Engine. They hope for a prompt and generotu rrepoDM from their fellow citieea*. JNO. R. DILLON, ‘ GEO. 11. JOHNSTON, J*., WM. N. VALLEAU, »nv4 Committee. WANTED, A tit KID (TNIK (Whiuq for a euvill family, for wh en the higheal wage. Mt.l ha paid Enquire at 11. MKiNIIAHD * ItttO., IIOV4-2* 155 llryun igeot Mules Stolen. oTOI.KK at lien. lUn ietm'e 1118111*11011 on the night ka nf tiiu til lIIW., t*o bay liiqlee One Uiiy la, i.lcu titled b* a l»lt«r"J" nud * llguru on the right ehnuliwr, slid Hie oilier by a eadjle mark OB tba Itulula id III* lafl «h milder, , Fifiy dollan rewind lor i'll her, or one liundrad dollar* tat holt, will la paid upon tlielr delivery lo I*, t, NAI.GNK, MOV 4 8 CUf Weft Rrvad A uaeiok WreeU MKW AUVKKTI9KMKXT9. To lut mple of tiie m£ , The Old “Examiner" Revived. The uudersiKUod, h iving its good will and bobfeciiption in ok*, propose* to revive* at an early day, tlie old Bichm>'ud LxauiiHer. of *hkli the late John M. Daniel whh editor-m-cnief, «nd the uu dcraigned ine constant uesociuie for the entire period of the war. It ia believed that the nablic will recognize an ap propriate and practical idea in thi* enterprise, hff >rts to lev ive other papers In the 'utoutii are announced, and it is cerrhinly neither a visionary nor unworthy endeavor for the literary associates of a gaJ lanl spirit that now sleeps in the to essay honor to his memory and a service to the public by reviving the old Examiner newspaper, so long the ornament ot Southern letters, an example :»! once of the b< boiar ship and chivalry of Virginia; and perhaps the only school in the hrluth of pure und classic Eugi sh dis tinct from the models and redeemed from the inuova tionsof Northern instructor*. No pains or expense will be spared to make the Ex* ainiuei the new.-rptpcr of the South. For every de partment of it the services of the most accomplished and active writers will be secured. Special corres pondents will he posted in New York and Washington and other important centres of intelligence »n the countiy A former active editor of the old Examiner, Edward A. Pollard, vciil be employed as correspon dent from Europe, in which country he proposes to write a History of the War, and 10 iorm a familiar ac quaintance with the politics of Europe, especially in conuection with American questions and topics. This correspondence will constitute a special feature of in terest in our napor ; it will enliven its columns fr in week to week with the productions of an animated pen; and it will afford our readers a singularly good opportunity-to make themselves acquainted with co temporary Europe, and to apprehend the growing in terest of our foreign relations. The undersigned was recently the editor ot ihe Rich mond Times, but in consequence of a disagreement with the part proprietor oi that paper, he has been forced to leave it and appeal to the civil courts for his rights; and be now p eposes to himself the nobler tusk of reviving a paper endeared to the ISouth by many memories of the past, and associated with so much tiiat is admirable in its heroic and literary name in history. He calls upon the old subecribers ol the Examiner, from Virginia to Texas, to rally to its sup port, to renew their subscriptions, aud to assist in the revival of a paper which has exisied for three-quar-' ters of a century, and which has ever been solicitous to honor, truth and virtue, prompt to chastise abuses, and ambitious to defend end adorn the civilization and literature of the South. TEKAIS OP SriIBCKtPTIOX : Daily—One year, in advance $8 00 “ Six months, iu advance 6 oo ** Three months, iu advance 3 00 “ One month, iu advance 1 00 Semi-Weekly—One year, in advance. 6 00 “ Six months, in advmnce 3 to Weekly—One year, in advance 3 oo “ Six ninths, in advance 2 no Advertisements will be inserted on the same terms as published by the other Richmond papers. All letters and communications of every character should be addressed to H. RIVES POLLARD, hov4 Richmond, Va. Mr. Ei>itou : Please announce the under named gentlemen as Candidates for tbe offices of Mayor and Aldermen at themext Municipal election. We have not consulted them, but presume they will serve if elected. They are not office seekers, and probably have no friends to reward or enemies to punish. CITIZENS. MILTON J. BUCKNER. FOR ALDERMEN. MONTGOMERY CUMMING. JOHN McMAIiON. JOHN LAMA. JOHN WILLIAMSON. WILLIAM REMSHART. A. P. WETTER. A. N MILLER. S. YATES LEVY. JOHN FOLEY. JOHN C. FERRILL. JACOB WALDBUKG. W. G. BULLOCH. S-nov4 SUNDRIES. C TIERCES Choice Ilams O ioo Smoked Tongues 100 lbs Bologna Sausages 25 bbls Family Flour 20 bbls Pilot Bread 10 bbls Family Beef casks Cass’ Pale Ale 5 casks liy.iss London Porter 10 bbls Choice bourbon and Rye Whiskey 200 bags White Corn 25 bbls Crushed and Coffee Sugar x 10 sacks Java aud Rio Coffee 10 bbls Sperm, Lard aud Petroleum Oil, best quality 10 che*ts Choice Black aud Green Tea. Landing and lor sale by Uov4-2 CLAgHORN & CUNNINGHAM. NOTICE. A LL persona are hereby forbidden either to cut wood on the land of the estate of Janies Potter or to purchase wood cut on the aforesaid land, as they will be prosecuted to the mllest extent of the law. nov4-G JAB. G. PATTERSON, Agent. Architecture anil Engineering. MULLER & BRUYN, Architects and Engineers, are now prepared to furnish Drawings, tlous aud Estimates for Euildinps. Also for all kinds of Machinery, such as Saw Mills and other Mills, Facto ries, &c., and to superintend the building of tne same, hurraying doneiu all its branches, Levelling, &c. Ollice iu Sorrel s Building, corner ot Bull and Bay sis, second floor. M. P. MULLER, Civil and Mechanical Engineer. DkWITT BRLVN, pov4-lm Architect J. thorneT WILLIAMS, IN his office, over his former store, two doors lrom the Republican, has a general assortment of Blanks, For Lawyers, Merchant, tlie Custom House, and all other kinds of Commercial and Notarial Blanks. nov4 3 Havana Segars. A FEW Choice Brands of Genuine Havana Soqars, A for sale by SORKEL BROTHERS, uov4-3 82 Bay street v DR J. S. SULLIVAN^ - HAS resumed the practice of Medicine iu this city. Office and residence corner of Abercorn and South Broad streets'. 3* nov4 SCRANTON & MAC HIRE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, 43 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. OFFICE IS. Liberal advancee made on Consignment* of Colton, Tobacco, and other Snnihcrn Produce. Orders for the purchase of Quods in New Y’ork promptly attended to. RBFimncis: Scranton, Smith & Cos. Crane, Johnson & Gray) fill. A. Cbampion. lw* nov4 Storage Wanted THE bulk of One thousand Bales of Cotton wanted on storage. ' J. C. ROWLAND, Battle Row, nov4-lw Foot of Montgomery street. COTTON, COTTON. COTTON carefutlv picked and rebated. J. C. ROWLAND, Battle How, nov4-lw Foot of Montgomery street. St. Andrew’s Society. A MEETING of {lie Society will be held, at the resi dence of the subscriber, No. 103 York street, on Monday livening next. OMi Inst.* at S r>*clork p m. JOi. 8. CAKKUTHEKB, nov4-‘2 Seuetary and Treas. BOARDING. A FEW Gentleman can be accommudated with Hoard und Lodging, in a private house, 011 Lib erty street. For particulars enquiro at this olHce. Uuv4 3 SSO REWARD WILL tie paid for ths recovery of * Diane,ml Ring, TV lost Nuvcmber 2,1, liedtrouglit m .tool, Ixtwseu Whitaker and Uustdn meets, To be left at u (err. nov4 I* Corner Whitaker a treat and liny lan«; IMssa|ii! i«‘ii . < oimilii(‘iNl»ip fptlK knti til IHiubars A Fr.ns Is this day dloelA Ihr Mjllll ounivlH, by tha wlllidntw«l T. 4. PillkMf. lit ruMlUi Him I»u»}unm will <<»lidUCU*4 lljf IHihlnii mul Jobii yn-lur H»« Himul i»m» t»«i A P»*» * wbu t»||| iajllbcl BU Ml* A»*d jpUI« ttif vidiuiwf iliw uii) Omi ut Dunbar* 4 Pran* rrnrt if— 4 cT nv. kta Legal Notices i'OT&TR OP UKOUGU. CHATHAM COUNTY—To O 611 »In>m ir.ern : » I when*.,*, IL'A. Ciriirn will apply at ihe Court of I Ordinary 1-r Letters of Ad6)U)U(rati* n on lUcksutte of Busan I> Hoberts**n, decfioied, These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all I whom it mar con* eru. to be and appear In-lure Mild | i oun to make ohjection sis any they hm * , on or be- I fore (be Hist Monday iu November lrcxi. uihertTuc •old letters will be "ranted. Wlruess my hand rod odlcial signature, this 2Sih , day of September, 1565. j ••P-ft D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all whom It may concern : Whereas, Ferdinand Kolb will apply ai the Conrt of Ordinary lor Letters of Administration on the es tate ot John Gann, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it mav concern, to he and appear be.'ore said Court to make objection (if any th. y have) on or be fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Wituess my hand and official sign atare, this 29th day of September, 1866. * C P3O D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY —To all whom it rnry concern ; Whereas, John H. Norton will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on ihe es tate of Thaddens S. Norton, deceased. ». These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make obiectiou (if any they have; on or he lore the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hauu and official sign aturc, this 28th day of September, 1865. D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. CTATE (, f GEORGIA CnATHAMCOUNTY.—To * ' all whom it may concern : Whereas, Caroline A. Lamar will apply at the Court of A(]ministrationx>n the estate of Charles A. L. Lamar, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the first Monday iu November next, otherwise said let! e a will be granted. Witness my hand ana official signature, this 26th day of September, 1865. . D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary Chathum county. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— To all whom it ina}' concern: * Whereas, Louis Greuralcl will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the es tate ot Paul ts. (Jlatlgny, deceased, * These are, thereloie, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be aud appear befoie said Court to moke objection (if uny they have) on or be fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official eignatuie, this 26th day of September, 1565. „ D. A. O’BYRNE, 6e P- 7 Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Elizabeth Ddlon will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the es tate of James Carrol. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 13th of Septem ber, 1865. *ep27 D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. STATK OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— To all whom it may concern : Whereas, Andrew M will apply at the Court ofOrdinary lor Letters of Administration on the es tate oflsaac W. Morrell, deceased. - These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they havej on or be fore tbe Ist Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this 2Gth day of September, 1665. eep27 D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.— To all whom it may concern : Whereas, Andrew M. Jackson will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate ofßernadino S-. Sanchez. These are, therefore, t« cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have; on or be fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness ray hand and official signature thisSTth clay of September, 27, ISC6. sep2B 1). A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CH ATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Anais Wilson will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Edward G. Wilson, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this I2th day of September, 1865. eep3o D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. CTATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all a whom it may concern : Whereas, Adain llohenstein will applv at the Court •: Ordinary fjr Letters of Administration C T. A. on the Estate of Peter Yonsson, Deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear befoie said Court to make objection, (if any they have; on or be fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters wffl be granted. Witness, my hand and official signature, this 28th day of September, 1865. oct 2 D, A. O’BYRNfS, Ordinary. SITATE OF GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY.—To all whom it may ccncern : Whereas, John rlonn will apply at tlie Cfdiri of Ordi nary for Lfttcis of Administration on the estate of Janv's Sloan, deceased, These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before the Court, to make objection (if any they have), on or before tho first Monday in December next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Witness W. P. Girardeau, Esq., Ordiuary for Liber ty county, this 2d October, 1866. oct7 W. P. GIRARDEAU, O. L. C. OF GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY—To all whom it may concern ; Whereas, Pinion Harrington will apply at the Court of Ordihary for Letters of Administration on tlie estate of B- P. Harrington, deceased, These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before the Court, to make oijeclion (if any they have), on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said Letters will bj granted. Witneeß W. P. Girardeau, Et?q., Ordinary for Liberty county, this 2d October, 1865. " oct7 W P. GIRARDEAU, O. L. C* STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To albwhom it may concern : Wherereas, James L. Haupt will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jane Barnett, Deceased.. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear belore said Court to make ejection (if any they have) on or be fore the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will l>e granted. .Witness, my hand and official signature, this 28th day of September, 1665. oct 2 law D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.-JTo all whom it ms»y concern: Whireip, Julian the Court of Ordinary lor Lettera of Administration, de bonis pon, cum testarnento annexo, on the eet ites of Peter Shick and Robert M. Charlton, Senior, deceared; de ceased; and also for Letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. Margaret Charlton, deceased, These arc, tflferefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be aud appear before said Court to make objection Ci’ any they have), on or before the first Monday in Novemoer next, otherwise said Let ters will be granted. Witness ms hand and olHcial signature, this 27th day of September, I$U5. oct« D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary., / 2 EORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it vT may concern : Whereas, James W. Kimbrell and Mai la Kickligliter will apply at the Court of Ordinary of Bnlloeli coun ty for ietters of administration on tlie estate of John C. lviuihreU. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objection (if any they have) on or hef»>re the in December next, otherwise said letters will be gruuted. Witness my hand and official signature this 12th day of October, 1865. DAVID BEASLEY, sr. octl4-lawlm Ordinary. GEORGIA. BULLOCH COUNTY-.—To allwbom it mW>' concern.- „ . . Whereas, Henry C. Ikie will npply to Ihe Court or Ortllnary of Bnlloeli county for letters of utlunuistia tlon on tha estate of William A. Lee. . ... Tliese are to cite anU admouiah all and singular tnc kindred of said Atreuseri, to file wttli said court their objection (If any they have) on or I* l .® Monday lu December next, otherwise suid leturs Wltncs* my hand and 121,1 day of October, 1865. DAVID BEASLEY .nr., outU-luwlm oruiuary. ADMINISTRA’I'OR’S SALE. —By virtue Os an order of tlie Court of ordumrv of liuliorli County, will be mid before the Court llnuse door, lit Stateabo rough, within Hi« I' gul hours of sate, on tlie first Tuesday lu Reuember uext, at Pulille Outcry lion, eight hundred und seventeen acres of Uud, the llouu-sieud truel, continuing live hundred ami flirty-six ucre*, more or leas, hounded by lends of Washington Water's eslste. of M. Parrish and others; one uihsr tract containing sixteen ui lus liqtiudcd by lands oi the estate of M. Pursi.h and oifinrs : one oilier trsel (-out.lining iwo liundn-d und Hilt five anus, more or less, luminlrd by lands of M. 11, Hendrix ami other* unimproved, all sold anlijeet In Hie widow'* (lower, ht lungmg lo llie eslste of lie* hum Hi ndi U, mid sold lot llie iH-nefil of Hie heirs und i redlmfe of s.i.i estate. Terms made known uu the day of sale, ie-i. latli, Hi l t TILL it. UfcMHtlX AddiliiUlruloi VMM Uw Uu s _ _ Legal Notices. P K ' H cou^^=^ VUbttvu*, Mitchell Lamer ami Eliza Sumorfin «■, apply at the court of Onliuan of Bulloeli iitunwTf! erift ° Hie cduiooi Lmw 1 lo r ‘ u ' * 1 " 1 x’lioonUli all an<l stnsmi.. | the kuited xud (realtor* of shirt rtec«*aLi >7 m vrtU‘*#fwMrt their ofiKOtro., (If Ly Ui>v "n | or before* li« uivu. m December iw»t mh? wise said letters will ’ 01111,1 12th day 0 f ocm 1 «b* lUV,DBE.«UIf f L^ Whereas, John a. Denmark aud NoaiiVeasmith w u apply at the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch couutr r!i- administration ,n the c. r al? oi ui '”' \ cisuiUfi, decease*!. . • These ere, therefore, to cite and admonish ill aud singular the kindred aud creditors of said dec*** !' to file their objection with said court (Ifaur tiw<! have) on or heiore the first Monday in December u, \ otherwise auhi letters will be granted tUe applicant M line**, David Beesicy. sen.. Ordinary tor liuliu l! county, this 12th day of Oet., 1*65. “ut.oeii OCI 16-la will! DAVID UKIISLEY, sen., Ord Georgia, bulloch cbuiJTY.-Toau'wiiom u may coucetu : Whereas, Janies Y’onng will apply at the Court ot Oidiuary oi Bulloch County lor letters of admimsua non ou the estate of Thomas Young, deceased These are, therefore, to cite and Admonish all aud singular the kindred aud creditors of said decea to file their objections with said court (if any tiiee have) on or before the first Mob.lav iu December next otherwise said letters wilt be granted. Wituess, my hand and official signature, this 12th day of October, 1865. *e “ octl6 lawlut DAVID BEASLEY, sen., Ord. EOKGIA, BULLOCH BOUNTY.—Tu ail whom "17 may conceru : Whereas, John B. Roshing wiH apply at the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch County for letters of administra tion on the esiute of Win. Hushing, deceased. These are, therefore to cite and admhnlsh all and singular the kindred aud creditors of said deceased to file their objections with said court (if any tht-v have) on or Iwiore the first Monday hi December next, otherwise said letters wilt be granted. Witness, my baud and qflicia! signature, thi* 12’li day ol October, 1805. OCll6—lawlm DAVID BEASLEY, sen., Ord. STATE OF GEORGIA, BUELOCH COUNTY—To an whom it may concern: Whereas, James Smith will applv at the Court ol Ordinary of Bulloch Couuly, tor Letters of Admluisti u tion ou the Estate of Ntcv Smith, deceased. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred aad creditors of said deceased; to me their objections witU said Court (if any they have.) ou or before tlie first Mouday Iu December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness uiy hand officially this 12tli day of Oct. 1865. * DAVID BEASLEY, sen., Ord. octlC-law-lm STATE ~OF~GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY— To all whom it may concern: Whereas, James W. Kimbrell wilt apply at tlie tout ot Ordinary of Bulloch County, for tetter* us Administration on tne Estate of Absalom Parrish deceased. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to Itii* their objections with said Court (if aiiy the? have,) on or before the first Monday in December next, other wise said letters will be granted. Witness my. baud oflicially tills 12th day of Oct, 1865. DAVID BEASLEY, scu., Ord. octlC-law-lm STATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY—To all whom it may concern : Whereas,the estate ofdeptha Haginsisunrepresem ed, and unless some person applys for the Adraihk tration oi said estate, I shall appoint the Clerk of Uie Superior Court Administrator on said Estate, iu terms of the Statutes In such eases made ami pro vided. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said ik-ceased, to me their objection* with said Court (if any they have.i on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. wituess my hand officially this ljthdayof 0c; 1860. * DAVID BEASLEY, »eo., Ord. octl6-law-lm STATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY.-Tu all whom it may concern ; Whereas, as the estate of Michael Parrish Is unrep resented, aud unless some fit and proper parson ap plys for tlu? Administration of said estate, t shall appoint the Clerk of the Superior Court Adunni.- trator on said estate in terms of the Statutes iu such case made and provided. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to tile tUe.t objections with said Court (if any they have,) on oi before tho first Monday In December bext, otherwise said Letters will bo granted. Witness my hand officially this 12th day of Oct.; 1865. DAVID BEASLEY, sen., Ord. oetlG-law-lm x ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an ord i of l lie Court of Ordinary of Bu.loch County, will ue sold before the Court House door,iustatesborou-'li within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in December next, at Public Outcry, one hundred and fifty acres of land with a comfortable log building on it with outsr building, bounded by lands of li. C. Lee, Gen. G. W. Lee and David Beasley, belonging to the estate of Simon S. Williams, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, terms made known oil the day of sale, this 12th d.<y of Oct., 1865. BENJAMIN C. LEE,Administrator. octl6law-lm - , STATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, George Hawkins will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Let ars Dlsuiissory ns Guardian of Ihe person and property of Christopher J. Abbott, orphan and minor, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be aud appear before sal'l Court to make objection sis any they havej on or before the firm Monday in December next, otherwise said letien will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this lßthday of October, 1865 octlT law4od D. A. P’BYRNE, O. C. C. GEORGIA— BULLOCH COUNTY—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, \v itliani J. Alliff and Joseph Alliff will apply at Ihe Court of ordinary of Bulloch county (« Letters of Administration ou the estate of John Alliff. Senior, These are to cite and admonish all and* singular the kindred and creditor* of Baid deceased, to file their (*7- L-ctnai l * with said Court (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. . , Witness my band, officially, this i2tb day of Octo ber, 1865. DAVID BEASLEY, Sen.. oct2s lawlm > Ordinary GEORGIA—BULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may coueern: _ Whereas, Mathew Alliff and John Alliff. Jr., wi appiy at the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county ; Letters of Administration on tbe estate of Josep' Alliff, deceased, ... 'J heee are to cite and admonish all and singular tw kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their oa j actions with said Court (if any they havej on or Del»!J the first Monday in December next, otherwise Letters will be granted. .. , n „ tr , Witness my hand, officially, this »2thdayof ber. 1835. DAVID BEASLEY. Sen, oct96 lawlm Ordinary. i't EORdIA —BULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom» VT may concern: , ... nnnri Whereas. Chesley Parrish will apply at the Con t a Ordinary of Bulloch Connty for Letters of AdmUU«» tion on the estate of Ansell Parrish, with the will »■ Ue These are to cite and admonish all and singular kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their jeettnns with said Court on orTrefore the first Mnmu in December next, otherwise sai4 Letteia win K Witness my hand, officially, this Iter, tscr,. DAVID BEASLEY^n, octiC lnwlm TWO monttis after date application will bo tufa * the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch, for lu sell all the lands belonging to the estate of.s' * Grooms, deceased. JAM ES ? W. M00R... Bullock county, Oct. 28th, ISSS law4wws» BORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all vvhotnh WferoafiohuCooper wlll apply at «10 &>urte f^ diuftry for Letters of Aduiiuistration on the e»Ji James B. Norris, dei eased, , ... Tliese are, therefore, to cite and admonish tv i" it may concern, to he and appearTiefore . iM make ohteetton (if any they havej oil or ben first Monday in December next, otherwise sam lc will be granted. , . .... d)J Witness my hand aud oflldal siguat ure. tnw im of October, 6 =. I. A. CllY^ A EORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all w 6 " O UT may concern : .... p-eiil Whereas James E Cope will apply et me by' 1 Ordinary for Letters Dbmiasoty us Adminlst™_ the esiate of James C. Thompson, lute of »m u deceased, - , , h „,i «btf These are, the.efore, to cite and admonish It may concern tube und appear before •* , ®, k „|i4 make objection (If any they have) on or boiom j, v Monday iu May next, otherwise said letters " granted. Wktnusi my hand and official s ** nn^Q JS„vosii, of October, ISO,. I) novk-lamfim - ,r3u .T^-t. cTiaTE uF GE6ROIA, 'cUA'illAM udi-' f ij all whom It may concern: . , b( , eras Whereas, Martha A. C’.mion will apply w nf Ordinary lor Letteia of Administration 1 lute of Charles Cannon. laUt of aald oow'y “j,» These are, than fore, to cite and admM*b „ It may concern, to he uud appear helore » jy, i r make uhtecilun (If an) they huvi-J on or < first Monday In Dacemhor u»xu oißerwia WI WU^ , omets. .Ignatnrr.tM’ ” ds. 11l Niwernher. iii tut L Kli'i'.jXiaWSKVAS*'' 4 '