Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 04, 1865, Image 3

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BAV a M A 11. Utpirlurt of Uomihlpa a nil lusnun. FOB NEW TOBk. steamship Nevada, .Saturday, November MU, at 8* o'clock a. m. Steamship Zodiac, Sat unlay, November Mb, at* o'clock a. ni. FOB BALTIMORE, Steamship North Point, Saturday, Novemlier 4tb, at 11 o'clock. Steamship Fannie, Saturday, November 11th, at o’clock. FOE CHARLESTON. Steamer Igzzie Raker, Saturday, November 4tb, at I o’clock a. m. . . * rot acoosta. Steamer Helen. Saturday, November 4HI at 7 o’clock a. m. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, Saturday, November 4th, at 8 o’clock a. nt. Steamer Savannah, Saturday, November 4th, at G o’clock Ji. m. FOB FLOItIDA. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. A Steam Fire Engine for Savannah.—U will be seen by a notice in another column that a committee of tile Metropolitan Fire Company is to call upon the m rchuuts and business men of the city to day, for subscriptions towards purchasing a steam fire <?u glue for tUat company. TUe public-spirited young men who have devoted themselves to a work of such importance to the community at large, deserve every encouragement and assistance, and our intelligent business men cannot fail to appreciate and further their undertaking. A steam lire engine, or indeed two or more, are indispensable to the safety of a city like Savannah, and our people will do well to antlci' pate the severe lessons of experience in .this matter. Ciltcrs CouiNS.-Tlie Agent of Stone,Rosston 4 Mur ray’s Circus,now exhibiting al Charleston with great success,arrived In town yesterday,tp arrange prellml. narles for its appearance In Savannah about the mid dle of next week. Tills Company’s resources which are varied and extensive, comprising besides an array of celebrities of the ring, a number of attractive novel ties in the way of performing dogs, comic mules t and a “ grand free exhibition of xronautic oscilla tion," will doubtless insure It a warm reception and a profitable stay in this city. The Charleston News says that, at the last exhibition of this Circlet in that city, there were inside the canvass “ atttdst three thousand persons, packed together like human sar dines In a sawdust box.’’ From Auopsta, —The steamer Falcon, Captain Sebastian, from Augusta, arrived yesterday after noon with a fair freight, consigned to Chas. 1,. Coly it Cos. We arc,indebted to Capt. Sebastian for the following marine report; Nov. 2d 1806, li o’clock A. M.—Passed Steamer Orient aground on the bar 20 nd’.es above Darien in Altauiaha river. Site is lightening and landing her goads, or a part of them, on San’t Savilla Wood Landiug. 1 The government waggons are there, re ceiving government freight for Doctortown. The River is very low, and she will not reach Doctor town until arise in the River takes place. Steamers passed on the trip from Augusta to Sa vannah: Steamer O.M. Petit aground at Bugg’s Bar—bound down: steamer Expresss, at Indian Mound, liound njjt steamer Volunteer at Twiggs' bar, bound up. Oct. 31st Steamer Scorpio at Flowery Gap,bound up. Nov. Ist.—Steamer Clarion, at Rocky Point, bound up: steambr 0. F. Potter at White Woman’s Point, bound up ; steamer Oak at McDonald’s Reach bound up : steamer Gen. Berry, at Hirshtnan’s Lake, wait ing, bound up : steamer Laura, at nog Nose bound up; steamer R. H. May at Sister's Reach, bound up ; steamer Mayflower at Big Boykin River bar. Hon. Edward J. Harden.—lt affords ns pleasure to announce that tills distinguished Jurist and es teemed citizen has been appointed by the Mayor aud Aldermen, Corporation Attorney of tUis clly. Judge Harden possesses every qualification neces sary to an efficient discharge ol the important du ties Incident to his new position, aud his appoint, ment will give general satisfaction. He filled for a considerable period, and with emi nent ability, the office of District Judge for this State under the Confederate Government Liquor Licenses.—The C'ily Connell at-a recent meeting passed an ordinance to the effect that al[ persons dealing in liquors should at once renew their licenses, to hold good until the first of January next- Tills aelion of the City Fathers was quite unexpected. Many of the dealers had had their licenses from the military authorities but a few weeks, and it wqs generally supposed that they would be good for one year. Such is not the case, and they must here, newed. Mr. James Stewart, the Clerk or Council, will on Holiday next be prepared to grant licenses to all applicants. Tns Steamer Savannah.—On Wednesday lasi this government steamer was sold at auction by Messrs. York, Williams Mclutlro & Cos. Yesterday morulng she was placed ou the line for Augusta, and yester day afternoon was rapidly filling up with freight. Capt. Silas Spicer, late Government Harbor Master is In charge of the Savannah, and Mr. Lewis Hoffman formerly of the Lizzie Baker, her first executive officer. She will leave Harris’ wharf fur Augusta this morn ing at six o’clock. / . Rise In the Savannah River.—Mr. F. M. Myrrell received yesterday morning from Augusta a tele, gram stating that the Savanna!? River was rising rapidly, with nine feet of water at the railroad bridge, lys unnecessary to add that the news was received with lively emotions by steamboat Owners and Agents. Personal.—Mr. J. M. Arnow, of the Gainesville (Fla.} Now-Era, arrived ou the steamer Hunter, and has been several days. He leaves for Florida thly morning. The New Era is the successor of the old “Cotton States,” published by Mr. Arnow during the war, a well conducted and spirited sheet. House at Auction.— Messrs. Bell, Wylly & Chris tian, auctioneers, advertise (or sale, at auction, house on State street, opposite the Lutheran Church. The tenement is neat, comfortable, convenient and loca ted in an excellent neighborhood. The sale takes place at 11 o’clock, Saturday. From Doctok-.own—AltamaUa River News.— The steamer Wm. G. Gibbons, Capt. Philpot, with a 1 arge number of passengers and considerable freight arrived yesterday morning 8t her wharf in tiffs city, consigned to Messrs. Erwin & Harde?. We are in debted to Purser Wm. B. Farr for the following re port : Mayor’s Court.— On Thursday and yesterday His Honor Mayor Arnold had two cases up before him for adjudication. One was that of an individual for passing counterfeit money, and tire other a wife bent, ing case. " * Cotton by Wagojis.— Yesterday we noticed in the city a train of wagons from Houstou county. They brought to market over thirty bales upiaud cotton. Pcsrons interested, will please recollect that those desirable brick tenements ou State-street, opposite, the Lnthern Church, are advertised by Bell, Wylly A Christian, to be sold at aution this day at eleven o'clock, In front of the store. Tire Courts. BEFORE CAFT. CLARK H. REMICK, PROVOST MARSHAL, MSTRICT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Nov. gfl, 1865. The United States by Policeman E. Hall vs. Lewis Dnnlap and Stephen Tachary (both colored.) Steal ing a horse. Sufficient evidence having been elicited against the prisoner L. Dunlap (colored,) it was or dered l hat he be confined In Chatham County Jail until furtlicr orders. The prisoner Tachary Is dlf ebarged from custody. , The United Slates by Policeman White vs. Charles Harris (colored.) Improper conduct and vagrancy. Fined five dollars and bo discharged on payment of One and costs. The United Stetee by Policeman Smith va. R u iand Butler (colored.) Violallug Ordinance relative to forestalling the murkel. Fined Alicea dollars and poets hr lie Imprisoned one mouth In Chntliein Coun ty Jail. The United States by Policeman C. Lev vs. Mlchae) Ma<Y Disorderly conduct. Fined fifteen dollars or bo imprisoned one inontli In Chatham t'ouuty Jail. Hay, Hay. 702 Rte ’W’jfsst" *■'•*'“** *•>*■ ILIUiAM, DfilMMß* W, Hotel Arrivals. PULASKI HOUSE. NOVEMBER A 18(6. Wm. H. Wn.Tkßcaokß A Cos.. Proprietors. R Cogdell, Mclntosh co .O Deadarich, Knoxville J Priudle, Darien iPMuinerelu aud ladr. Au- C W Stegall, Tiiomosvllle ' giwia J H M Butler, do E Saudfoni, Chattanooga J U Clark, Berrien co Clias Calvin, Augusta A Reppard, Ware co Rieo Patten, Ua Morgan CLee. Suunyaide.lL R Creech, ou« Ga in j Culpepper, do Capt Eldrtdge, steamer J L Jones, Ga Savannah [ a j Smith, do [} *■ Keyes, N Y iWm Gorman, Charleston D Lang, Hilton Head H S Underhill, Lieut Col " H Chew, tVayesboro’ | laoth N Y Vols T Swinson, Ohio iM Hewett, Lieut laoth N Y ■T W Nay, Augusta J B Vaugfiau, do do Joel C Perry, city I PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON HEAD) NOV. 2. AN Soule Brown, do • X.Ramsdec. Portland Wh Garrett J Reau. Buffalo,«N Y E Champton E H Kellogg, Maas C E Holliday, Savannah J Heavy, St Louts . Dr Crowell, do R B Thomas, Ha * G McGinly, Augusta J L Blanchard, Conn A H Uarsison R S ConuorjNew London J Archer, Conn C L Rahilell, Charleston M H Paddaeh Lt F Roberts ,Pbila J B Lewis J C Fish, N Y SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) NOV. 2. E E Culp, Alston Head Lurg A P Dalrymple, Aot D A Keeps aud boy, I Med Director - Charleston I Shipping Intelligence. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises 0 19;Moon rises 0 88 Sunsets.. 5 sJligh water 5.65 PORT OF SAVANNAH. SATURDAY, NOV. 4, 1806. Arrived. Steamer Wm G Gibbons, I’hilpot, Darien—Erwin A Hardee. Steamer Emllie, Bender, Hilton Head. Steamer Falcon, Sebastian, Augusta, Ga—Chas L Colby A CO. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. O’Neill’a flats, Nos 1 and 2, from Augusta—S F O’Neill. Jones' raff, from Herslanan Lake Ferry—Brig ham, Baldwin St Cos. Cleared. Horace Beals, Blankenship, Darien, in ballast—C L Colby St Cos. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer Achilles, Clifford, Hilton Head. Steamer Gen Shepley, Milliken, Doctortown—C L Colby St Cos. Imports. Per steamer Wm G Gibbons, from Doctortown— -341 bales upland cotton. Pcr.steamer Falcon, Horn Augusta—l3B bales up land cotton, 17 do domestics. Per steamer H M Cool from Darien—l63 bales up land cotton. j Per O’Neill’s flats, from Augusta— Boo bales upland cotton. * Per Jones’ raft, from llershifian Lake Ferry—7o bales upland cotton, 81 sticks limber. Consignees. Per steamer Wm G Gibbons, Doctortown—O’Fallon St Cos, J I. Villalonga, Schuster St Heinsius, J Bond, Erwin 4 Hardee, Einstein St Eckman, Tyson St Gor don, L Levy, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos, Geo C Free man, Mrs M Y Henderson, Clfas H Hopkins, O Cohen A Cos, aud others. Per steamer Falcon, from AuSnsta—Chas L Colby A Cos, Hunter A Gannnelt, Dzialiuski A Slager, Ein stein A Eckman. Per steamer H M Cool, from Darien—Jones A Way, M A Cohen. Per O’Neill’s flats, from Augusta—Crane, Johnston A Graybill, J W Lathrop A Cos Per Jones’ raft, from Uersliman Lake Ferry—Brig ham, Baldwin & Cos, G B A G W Lamar. Passengers. Per steamer Wm G Gibbons, Jrom Doctortown—J M Haywood, E C Wade, J M Doy, A lleppard, D R Crucu, W J stone, W Chance Butler, J G Clark, R M Hitch, Dr Stigall, Capt Robinson. J B Mclntosh. Mrs June Bond and servant. J D Peadoodle, U M Butler, M J Culpepper, M C Lee, Mrs C H Ilopking and three servants, Miss Georgia Hopkins, Miss Ida Hopkins, Wallace Milieu, J M Elliott, F M Myers, and five on deck. LIST OF VESSELS IM THE POUT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Nov. 4,1805. STEAMSHIPS. Zodiac, Aulkley, 620, for New York—loading at wharf foot of Abcrcorn street—Hunter and Gum inell. Chase, Roath, B*7, from New York, discharging at Central Cotton Press—Huntgr A Gaunnell. Minnetonka. Batch, 1,000, loading for Philadelphia —Hunter A Gammell. North Point, Smith, 462, loading for Baltimore— West, Bryan > co. Nevada, Carpenter, 814, loading for New York— Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, DonncU, 700, waiting—Laßoche, Ga den A Buckles. New England, Hodges, 1,100, loading for Liverpool —Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. Republic (Brem) Smith, 800, loading for Liver pool—Weber Bros. Wisconsin (Br), Arcus, 960, loading for Liverpool— John It Wilder. Virginia, Weeks, 1014, loading at Lamar’3 Press for Liverpoold—Chas L Colby A Cos. BARES. Thomas Fletcher, Pendleton, 738, loading for Liv erpool at Lower Hydraulic Press—John it Wilder, Thomas Whitney (Hr). Kelly, waiting—Bell, Wylly A Christian, BRIGS. Clara Pickens, Rodgers, 460, from New York, dis charging at wliarf foot of Whitaker street—William Starr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 393, waiting—Hunter 4 Gam mell. TERNS. Lizzie Batcheldcr, English, 409, loading for Boston at foot of Barnard street—Hunter 4 GammelL SCHOONERS. Pioneer, Tucker, 394, loading for New York at Welter’s wharf— L J Guilmartln 4 Cos. Francis Satterby, Alden, 310, waiting cargo at wharf foot of Bull street—Rogers 4 Caun. De Sola, Crook, 150, waiting—Ruwe, Whitney A Cos. Witch Queen, Percivai, 113 tons, froin Boston, dis charging at wharf foot of Bull street.—Richardson 4 Barnard. MAIL. CONTRACTS WANTED. Rc-Estnbltsliment of Mail Facilities in Georgia. The Post Office Department desires to furnish the State of Georgia with Postal service, nt Ihe earliest practicable day, until July Ist, 1866, when the regular contract proposals for which are now advertised for, will go into effect. The Department invites proposals for con veying the mails until June 20, 1866, to all country seats and other important points not reached by Railroad communication, at rates not to exceed $8 per mile per annum for weekly seivice ; sls for serai-weekiy, and s2l for.tri-weekly; and where the importance of the case requires, S4O for daily service; counting the distance one way only in all cases. - Service will be iurnislicd on routes, where, before the war, it was daily, three times a week ; where it was tri-weekly twice a Meek; and where it was semi-weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to “Hon. Geo. W. McLeilan, 2d Asst. P. M- Washing ton, D. C., and should state they are for service to end June 2d 1866. nov 4 ts Stoves, <fec. COOKING AND Heating Stoves, Round Rots, Ovens, olio w W are, &c#»- Whitaker a .' roughton Sts. J. G.ITHOMPSON A CO., QOll6-Baw2m _________ V I ATIC OF GEORGIA, I'HATUAM OOUNTY.-To (II whom ii may i . , _ W h-rsas, Kndura S. Abrahams will ipl'lv at lhs court ol Ordlnsry for Lrttors Dlsmtssory as Admiuia b’StrU on Ilia Km la to of Jacob M AbrahnniM. dresawd. Tasas arc, thsrskro, to ells and admonUh *ll whom It may Conliciu, lo sud ap|u»r Icfuro wild Court to '"», , <A»y»«llon (if u, ih*y 'have) on or tutor# ih* Iwgrautod* l ' " " ,lf ll * lt ’ utlisrwlss said lsti*r» will .-i ""lift “I “ffictai aiguaiura, this mu Ur id Os- UM*.., IN* D A lehYNNH, U.O.V. .aKNKM'B. “ .< a v a ii ii a li Theatre. UTURDAY EVENING. NOV. 4. The great 6 act Play of Damon and Dytliias, Recitation—“Bkam as O’Brian,"... .Mr. J. T. Raymond Ballad Mr. Geo. Gray To conclude with the Maniac Lover. MONDAY—Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crisp AUCTION SALES' By Bell, Wylly & Christian AT PRIVATE SALE. Desirable Real Relate. Two first class Dwelling Houses, three afi.rics on bascmtnls, w ith all the modern iiuproremenis: (Tina led in a central portion of the city. Also, Avery desirable House oil the corner of Chariton And Tatnall streets, remaining 8 Rooms, with gas and water. On the lane is a Brick Carriage House, Stables, Servants’ Rooms, 4c. Also, , 16 Farm Lota o< retaining from 20 to 29 Acres each, near Lover's Lane, within one mile of the limits of the city. A splendid opportunity for Investment. A plot ol the above Lots can be, aeon at our store. Also, • West half of Lot No. 39, Washington Ward, Brough ton street. Improvements of a Dwelling, suitable for a small family. Will be . old at a bargain oct24-tf By Bell, Wylly It Christian. On SATURDAY next, at 11 o'clock, in front of More, will be sold, The western tenement Brick House, fronting State street, opposite the Lutheran Church, containing six rooms, with gas, cold and hot water throughout the house, with cooking ran-e, a good back building lor kitchen, servants' rooms, &c. 3-nov2 Mules, Mules, Mtfes. By Bell, Wylljr* Christian. On WEDNESDAY next, Bth inst., at 12 o'clock, m. in front of store, will be sold, Ten prime Malts, Seven Timber Carriages, Lock Chains, Harnesses, and Sixty Club and Broad Axes. Sale poaiiive to close a concern. Terms cash. nov2-0 By Bell, Wylly A Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE, 123 Shares Central Railroad Btock 13 Shares Atlantic and Gulf Railroad Stock, novi 5 » By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Real Estate at Auction. On SATURDAY, 4t!i Inst., at 11 o’clock, will be sold in front of store, corner Bay and Whitaker streets, West half of Lot No. 39, Washington Ward, on Broughton street, between Price and Houston streets. The improvements consist of a dwelling house with four rooms. ALSO, South half of Lot No. 14, Berrien Ward, on Berrien street, mid extending through from Taltnal to Jefferson streets, 40 by 70 feet. Improvements consists of a two story house, with four large rooms, fur large ciosets and a store attached, and good kitchen. The above is well located for » business stand. ALSO, a val table Lot and improvements, consisting of two tenements of wood, ono and a half stones, on Duffy street, between Whitaker audjftaniard streets, Ogle thorpe Town, 60 feet front by 106 feet deep. The loi is fee simple and titles wan unted. ALSO, Two corner tenement houses, in the rear of Rose & Arkwright’s Foundry, and fronting on InUiau street. The dwelling contain each four room?, with back piaaza, and have large yards, with suitable outhouses, and well adapted for residence of small families. The lease of property expires on tbefoth dav of June, 1£69, when the improvements will revert to tne owners of the land. Aliy further Information respecting ihis proper ty can be had oil application to Bell, Wylly & Christian, or to Rose & Arkwright, at Pioneer .Saw Mill. Sale positive. 2-nov2 UNDERWRITER’S SALK By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THISI)AY, at 10 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold' for account of underwriter's aud all concerned, 3 bags Coffee 9 bbls Flour l cose assorted Fancy Diy Goods 1 case 40 pieces Prints. Damaged on board steamer , from New York, and sold under inspection of the Port Wardeus. nov4 ,By Bell, Wylly A Christian. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold, The usual assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods, Liquors, Clothing, Wooden Ware, Brooms, &c. Martel Brandy Boots and .Shoes Soap Clothing, aasorted Candles Painted Pails and Tubs Starch Brooms Tea Letter Paper Cheese Assorted Dry Goods Boston Crackers Shoe Thread Ale Fancy Clocks Flour Liverpool Sals Ac. nov4 UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On MONDAY’, 4th inst., at 10 o'clock a. m., at Lower Hydraulic Press, we will sell, A Lot of Loose Cotton Pickings, For account of underwriters aud all concerned, novi 2 UNDERWRITERS SALE By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, st 10 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold fox account of underwriters and all concerned. One case assorted Millinery Goods, Damaged on board the steamer Varuna, from New York, ami sold under iuapeclion of the Port Wardens. nov4 BUY YOUR FAUST HATS AT COLDING’S. nov3 3 Notice. OFFICE OF WEIGHERS OF HAY,) City of Savannah, Nov. 1, 1865. 1 'VvHE undersignad have been elected and qualified as A one of ihe Weighers of Hay for the city, has en tered upon the discharge "f the dative of the office. He esu be fonnd at the Counting Room of Messrs. Guerard 4 Ferrill, on Bay street, where all orders can be left for him and will meet with prompt attention. nov3-3* ANDREW GOEBEL. Bools,Balmorals iGaiters, Y Fresh Supply, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE DV S. Al. COLDINO, uov3-3 No. 163 Congrcß* Bt. Convention of the First Senato rial District. THE Citizens of the comities of Chatham, Brvan and Eftingham are requested to appoint Delegates to a Convention to be held on Wednesday, the Bih November Inst., at No. ‘J, Central Railroad, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Senator of said Senatorial District. nov2 MILINERY GOODS. Ihnve Just returned from New York, and have brought out oue of the best spfccted stocks of Miliuery Dress Goods - AND . - BOSZXUELT, v Ever brought to this market. The Goods will be sold cheap. I will receive weekly the latent styles of Mlllnery under Seri ven House, Corner of Bull and Congress Street Lane. cta-lnio MRS. PEASE BOARDING. HOARDING and Lodging ran he obtained by tp- D ply lag at the Er«t (imw-Mory btlik buililliig on tote Mireiil, lies rest to Wtilinker, . If tt ad OuuiitV Tun <JoI* tootor. Illlil •ulwerllMu- I* a OamMato U re eketioa. and A ftopanttolto asks the suffrage ul the ehiaeM us wmlmw. *M» ESABOMf UOGDALL , GROCERIES, LIUCORA *C„ WHISKEY t WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDY, WINES, (C. Peach Valiev Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskev, Pike's Magnolia, Spencer’s Old Rye, aud Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON. At the Old Stand, 111 BAY 9TKEF.T, (Herald Buildings.) ALSO,— Alsop’s Ale, Mars' Ala Apples. Potatoes, Onions,' Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. octC ts G. H. ARLEDGE7 WHOLESALE GROCER AND Sli i p Qli an and 1c r. 7* RAY STREET, VOW receiving pc" steam and sailing vessels from is New York, tile following articles, which will fie s. >M at the Lowest Market Price: Bbls. Flour. Potatoee, Onions. Turnips, Beets, Apples, Vinegar, Hams. Bruwn and Crashed Sugars, Bbls Reef and Pork, ■ Bbis. Mackerel, X do., jg do. andkitsNo. 1 Caeca Olive OH, Sardines. Candles, Sour Raisins, Pickles, Liqnors Cheap Tea, Preserved Ment, Spices of all kinds. Herns, 4c., Ac.. Sacks Coffee, Brooms, ‘ Pails, Buckets, At. ALSO— Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Ae„ 4c. jy 'hip Stores put up at the shortest notice. OCII7 3m WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. eep2 ts J FOREIGN DOMESTIC jiSB WINES jfliUiquOßS 6 SE9«R*jpgjij|pjy SOLEAGENTS AND IMPORTER^ os— Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. v an3o E G. Hilton’, Savannah. F. M. RAnpfll, N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL Wholesale G-rocors, 193 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, G-a., Are constantly receiving per steamers from New York The Largest and Most Complete Assort ment of Groceries in the City, Orders by Mull, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Filled, at Lowest Market Prices. octl6 lm C. K. OSGOOD, STORE 189 CONGRESS AND 85 ST. . JULIAN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Tin, Crockery, Glassware And Hardwnre, N. B.—The highest Cash Prices paid for Beeswax, Tallow, Wool, Hides, 4c. ts scptlO Gao. R. CnrMr. W«, A. Wrioiit, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. CEO. 11. CRUMP & CO.; General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISII, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, tW~ Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tovaoco, Pmoulgf, und Mkechanoise of every de scription. Rulers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Gn„ Richmond. Va.. antfr Jfiix c. Ferrill, Esq, Dc- Witt 4 Morgan, Giuien 4 Uncklus, A. A. Solomons & Cos., J. T. Patereon 4 Cos., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNM ENTS SOLICITED. - oct l_- I - &BUB.KE, ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WISES AMI LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. O&DEUS I’HOTIPTLY FILLED A DELIVERED. au2l If E-1060 bushels Liverpool Salt 2000 sacks Oats, black and white 10 sacks best Rio coffee To arrive, 100 Bales Huy. octlO N. A. HARDEE 4 CO. H. G. RUWE & CO., "Wholesale GROCERIES s LIQUORS, WINES AND CiEGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian an(f Johnson Square, (ERONTINU PILAHKI llUlilEg ttr Agent* tor ALE AND LAGER. CuusMiilly on liand, an SMorlment of Te.xxanxxo’ wine. SOAP. eintsWto,. Just ni'nlwGM totjmn • OOU* UIUgUAM, BALDWIN • 00. hmAXHim, uip »a». me. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale sad Retail Dealer Id Fine Groceries, Bool* and Shoes, Cloth Ins, Foreign and Domusttc Wines, Liquors and Began. Also, Skehan’a Celebrated GOLDEN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle aud in wood. v London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 170 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 02 Liberty street. New York. To Wholesale Grocers, ■* Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggists and Soap Manufacturers. I ESSENTIAL Oils for flavoring and improving Bran li dv, Rum Port Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Scorch and Irish Whiskies, age and body preparations for Neu tralising and Mollifying Whiskey and Spirit, Color ings, Svrnps and Frnft Juices lor Branny, Whiskey and Wines. Oils aud Extract* of Cognwc aud other Brai.dlcs, Holland aud London Gin, Ac. Dr. F.’s Ttea:!*e ouFivmented Liquor* with lOou Recipe*. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Ptpsr, Loadstone, Fluorspar and Fluoric Add, Manganese and all rare Chemicals anil Drugs. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, Silltcate of Soda in Crystals. Liquid and Jelly China Clay and Terra Alba, soap stone. Rosin. Soda, Ash, Ac. JUS W. FkUCHTRANGEK, novl-eodlm No. 66 Cedar at., N. Y. Just Received, And in Store on Consignment, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES Also, a lot of Fine Liqnors, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRUZ RUM, „ BORER’S BITTERS, 4c. Which we offer on the most liberal terms. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE 4 MURRAY, octll-tf No. 9 Stoddard’s Block. Butter, Cheese, Lard and Crackers. P ECEIVED per Idaho and for sale by *i SEABORN GOODALL, oct3o-lw , Williamson’s Building, MORN it CUNNINGHAM, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, Savannah, BUG leave to inform their former friends and cus tomers, and the public generally, that they have resumed business st their old aland, where they will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Goods in their line suitable for Private Families, Steamoisand Sailing Vessels. Punctual attention given to all conn try orders _ lm octi9 BACON AND WHISKEI 1 A HHDS. Prime Bacon Shoulders and 10 bbls. 1" Pike’s Magnolia Whiskey. Landing from Steamer .Minnetonka nnd for sale by nuv3-2« HOTHWKLL 4 WHITEHEAD. Apples and Fish. CA BBLS Choic* Apples O” 60 kit* No. 1 Mackerel. For sale by novS-4 CRANK, JOHNSON & GRAYBILL. fTTbuIBART co. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS, SEGARS, &C. 14:7 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE ) We have the Largest Assortment of Whiskeys, Wines-, Brandies, dins, Bitters, Cordials, &c., In tbs South, to which we Invito the attention of the Trade. Call and compare our goods and prices. octs ts Notice 19 hereby given thSt neither the owners or agents ol the Steamers AMAZON, GIBBONS and LAURA, will be responsible fur auy debt, bill ur contract made by any of the officers or crew of said steamers unless made by writteu permission of ERWIN 4 HARDEE, For Agents and Owners. Jno. L. RodmiliEt, Agent on \\ harf. octlu ts ISTotice. OFFICE OF PROVOST MARSHAL,} Dutbiot orS*v*sN»u, > / Savannah, Ga., Oct. 3lst, 1865. J rrUIE notice issued from the office of the Provost A Marshal, Sub-District of Ogecchec, dated savan nah, Ang. llth, 1865, ordering all Drinking or liil liuril Saloons, 4c., wliere liquor are sold to be closed urio o’clock, P. Al., is hereby revoked. By command of _ Bvt. MaJ. Gen. J. M. BRANNAN. (Signed) CLARKE H. KBMICK, Capt. aud Provost Marshal. novl BROWN’S CASTILLIAN BITTER. THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from tlie Pure Juice of the Grape and extracts, instilled from tne Choicest Vegetable products of the Sontli of France, IfSlyand the Province oi Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, indispensable to Hotels and Kcstnuraiits, and valuable to Families, delicate females and children, for all disarrangement of the stomach, It Is unrivalled. A never failing preventive aud Cure for Sea Sickness. None who i ravel by laud or water should lie without the CustilUau. - For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, MeINTIRE A Cos. Sola Agent,, State Georgia. 00t24-3m ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builder.’ and Locksmiths' Hardware, Null*. PullieF, Cord, Kim l ocks *nd Knobs, Itutt Hiogcs, Brass and Iron Keys and Casting*, Goug Bella, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, less than market prices. srplJJ Cm Crockery, China, Glassware. JOBBERS and Dealer, from all parts of the countre ore invited to examine my "Wholesale Stock* which Includes packages containing complete assort ments, put up expreMly tor “ Country Trade," Good, re-packed to suit purchasers. Quecnsware House, 100 Oroughtoa lit., 2d door from Dali fit. oe 10 U E. D. SMYTH. Notioe to Consignees. milE Stoamahip Chuae, from New York, will dll -4 charge cargo at her regular w| inr (, I'M* Day, Ix lora receiving *ood. Coh-lgure. moat sign the Am. RsSghnd!u‘ “ or Co “' *" w nov3 9 HUNTER 4 UAMMKLL. Steam Engine. ABKTOND hand rigid horee power fftoam Kugia*. haood rauiilnir oMer suit u goixl a, are. wiU beau Id low. KnqaTre fur the iu-,i Hum day a, of IHIPPIkb. STAR LINE; FOR n ewjh»york. T HK „”fT* w v r?.", 1 *"* c, “* n 8 M«lf Steam- P .^ii7y,K? A vi. C, P ulu CARPENTER, will positively sail for the above port on SATURDAY, NOV. A, AT 81-qo’CLK. A ,M. -w FOR NEW YORK. The nt ' W ani "P'endid steamship » j u leaie for the above port on SATURDAY, NOV. 4, at 6 o’clock, A. M. For freight or passage, having superior accommoda tious, apply to HUNTER 4 GAMMELL, oetlC 84 Bay street. ANCHORLINE OF 3? .A. G K E T S * FOR N E wJ|£.YORK. AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN PORTS. The Staunch and Fast Sailing Schooners W. D. VAUGHN, - - - - 198 tons ISLAND QUEEN, R. H. Conin’. Master 178 tons ELLIOT, 160 tons HATTIE MAYO, A. B. Curtis, Master. . 98 ton HONEBT ABE, W. M. Cos nary. Master, - 86 tons And others, comprise the “Anchor Line" of Packets, * and will have quick despatch as above. ’ For Freight apply to PATERSON A TUCKER, Agents, No. 15 Stoddard’s Building, or to ROGERS 4 CANN, Savannah, Us. Dai. Bamoo 4 Cabbesbt, Agents, New York. oct'2o ts SHIPPERS TO AUGUSTA iRE notified that they ean store their good, any day during the week, to be forwarded by the abave Boats, which are the lightest draught running to Augusta, free of extra charge. »ep9B KEIN 4 CO. Freights FOR AVGUSTA, fTHE undesigned are prepared to receive goods at E their Warehouses—free of expense and env ered by Insnra co—for shipment to Augnsia and points beyond by their regnlur line of light draught boats. Apply to CHAR (~ COLBY, sept.29—tf cor. Bay end Ahercorn at«. For Augusta, THE STEAMER H. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored in fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, flee of cost. J. M. KINCQLEY, Agent. Office in Claghorn 4 Cunningliuin ■ The May arrived in Augusta from Savannah on last Friday with her full freight. ts oct9 FOR AUGUSTA, Steamer Helen, Capt. J. K. Reilly, Will leave for Augusta, on SATURDAY MORNING, Nov. 4th, at 7 o'clock. For freight or passage apply to ' KEIN 4 CO, _nov3-2 U 4 Bay at. People’s Line. For Charleston, STOPPING AT HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. The new and fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. J. K. Richardson, Will leave Claghonv 4 Cunningham', wharf, TO-MOR ROW MORNING, at 7 o’clock. Fdf freight or padlage, having splendid accommo dations, apply on board fir to CLAGHORN 4 CUNNINGHAM. novE-2 Agent,. FOR BILTIIHORB. Pendcrgast’s Line. The fast sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For balane cos freight ap ply to Li.ROCHE, ©ADEN 4 UNCKIE9, Corner Buy and Barnard streets. Agents in Baltimore—Pendergsst, Fenwick 4 Cos. oct!8 * ' QTTAM FOR BALTIMORE. The new and fast sailing clipper steamship NORTH POINT, Capt, R. C. Smith, will leave this port for Baltimore on Saturday, Nov.4th, at 10 o’clock, A. M. The North Point has elegant state room ac commodations for passengers. , For Freight or Passage, apply to WES!', BRYAN 4 CO, Btyan st, next to Provost Marshal’s Office. N. B —Passengers (or this route, for Now York, will save two hundred miles ts sea travel, und wi 1 receive through tickets at same rate as now charged by hew York linen. Freight will also be checked through to New York as low as by any other route. uuvl For Philadelphia Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. The U. S. Mail Steamship MINNE TONE a, LOOu tons burthen, J. W. s D'leh Commander, will leave for the ■iiStii aftVTlwabove port on r fiatnnlsy, Nov. 4th, at 0 o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo dation,, apply to BUNTKK 4 GAMMELL. QCI3O 84 Bay street For Liverpool. THE first clss, British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. 0. Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to . octlO HELL. WYLLY * CHRISTIAN. For Liverpool. Th« new flrat class dipper ship VIRGINIA, WHOM, Commander, I* BOW iosdlug rapidly at Loww Prri*. and bariu large engage menu will h»v, quick riMpatoh. Vttr MgM or (•*■*■• fmhMi at k’wesi reimg apiily k> CHAU I. OOLBf 4CG., •MM wwr Ahw»“*e »nJ Bay «* 1 ■BIPPIMO. FOR AUGUSTA, THE -i Steamer Savannah CAPTAIN SPICER, Will leave as above from Harris’ of Lin- V ooln street, j ’r, ; * This Day, at 6 o’clock p. m. Tlds steamer is staunch, of light draught, and large carrying capacity, and the river being in good boating order (nine feet at Augusta, and rising), shippers will do well to avail themselves of the ad vantages thus offered. ■ _ .*_ For freight, apply to , F. M. MYRELL, Agent, • novi—l Harris' Building;, Bay st. FOR AUGUSTA. > The fast vailing steamer AV AL G-. OIBBOISTS, Capt T. N. Thilpot, j Will leave Dillon’s wharf. Tills Morning, nt 9 o'clock, *ij ns. Accommodations for passengers are excellent, novi-l ERWIN 4 HARDEE, „ ForLiverpoo . THE Al American Ship NEW ENGLAND, _£T*>iw Hodge, Master, having a large portion at Z/hfiaSPher cargo engaged will be ready to receivo aSEaEi cargo at Lower Hydraulic Press on the 18th inst. For freight or passage apply to BRIGHAM. BALDWIN 4 CO. t For Rio De Janeiro, CALLING AT St. Thomas Papa, Pernambuco and Bahia e-„ The United States and Brasil Mall toamship Company will dispatch tin* tbo'K9tl» ot every month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, J|a To Leave nt 3 o'clock, p, n».. From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to pass through the Poet Office., An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance on board. j For freight (nil passage, havinglplendld'accommo- Bathing, apply to THOMAS ABENCIO 4 00., oct3l-Sm No. IT, Yotk.^ ESTABLISHED 1826. Tbs Nt V A........ THE oldest Literary and Foreign Weekly in America. In published at No. 39 Park Row, New York. TERMS , .$6 PER ANNUM. New Subscribers for 1960. remitting direct to the office by P. O. Order, will be entitled to a choice from the twenty-live annual Albion Engravings, free. Address YOUNG 4 MORRELL, nqp3-lw . Proprietors. Plantation and wet) Timbered Land for Lease. A LARGE Plantation, near Sister's Ferry, Savannah River with about ono thousand acres of cleared laud, comfbrtnble dwelling and out houses, an abon dance of prime timber, with the remains of a steam ‘ saw mill. ’ . . ■ I The planting land and timber land could be leased separately, with necessary buildings for each. i For particulars enquire of IVM. H. BURROUGHS <C CO., nov3-6 97 Hay street. Notice to Consignees. THE Steamship Minnetonka, from Philadelphia, is discharging at Lower Rice Mill Wharf. Consig nees will please attend to receiving their goods. UOV3-2 HUNTER 4 GAMMELL. f|| Wholesale MR . Boots and Shoes! Fellner and Poliak,’ 197 Broughton Street, Savannah, Oa., ARE enabled, through their permanent Home lit Boston, to furnish Jobbers and Dealers in this city as well os those in the country, with more ad vantages and conveniences in the Boot and Shod Trade Ilian any hunse in said line. novl-6tn NOTICE. Savannah, Oct. 27, 1866. Tbc Municipal authorities having appoint ed Port Wardens for the Port pf Savannah, ihe Board assembled this day and elected THOS. nOLCQMBE, Chalhnan, aud THOS. J. BULLOCH, Clerk. Parties interested will make application to the undersigned, at the Exchange. THOS. J BULLOCH, oct2B-3aw4w Clerk. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the late firm of E. Heldt 4 Cos., and Heidt, Jaudon 4 Cos., will please call and settle the same at the old stand, up-stairs. * E. HETDT. octe-lm W. A. JAUDON R. . ALLEN & Cos., 180 & 101 WTER »T NEW YORK. ICmiMAL IMPLEMENTS, AND MACHINERY OF ALL NINOS, Small Tools for the Farm and Garden, such oa Shades, > Shovel*, Hoes, Forts, Rakes, AC., and/or Gras* Books, Scythes. Scyth-Stones, and Arjricut tural Hardware in general. We offer, also, a large assortment of our own manu facture of Hay Cutters, Coffee and Groin Mils, Bugar * Mills lor Grocers’ use, Store Trucks of various pat terns. Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrows, 4c. Fertillizers of ail kinds, such as Coe's Superphos phate ot Lime, pure Ground Bone, Peruvian Guana, - und Poadreite, SEEDa, Every valuable American and Foreign variety of Vegetable, Flower and Grass Seed and Field Grain that has proved worthy of cultivation, grown and selected expressly for onr trade. , „ Sales made In lmlk, per pound or buebefi or iff small packets, for retailing, by tne hundred or thousand. sept2-2aw.Smo Admiuistrator’s Alice. nnwo months after date application will bs made A to the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county tor Nave to sell all the real estate of Jsine. Bilbo, de ■Oeaaed, for the purpose KRHII , L> oct6-lawfm Administrator. TEW VARIETY STORE. I IIVO leave in Inform ihe Ladlsa or Savannah, aud public geiiri.liy. that 1 am now offsriug it largo aud good assortment of • FANCY GOODS. Suiieislluc— , Jiugic Trimming, Dross and Cloak Or mmsuto. Cento and Tsasela, black and colored Vslvsts, Dras* * Km l tons, a Kiiibn6dvili «, Lace*. Ftoied and Flaln Klbbosa, * lluaisre, 4i'i, slw> a large ..smtnisbluf lluoii Wtins, such aHiupl* a. Trulls licit nhaps, to which I Invite lbs siteiHluii ul ibs Udles, and pubile gsii.railr , ' Call and tornparo gnuds and prinss, al MAAU h, OOIIKN, RUI4W ItoM Uiouglilob si, 1