Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 04, 1865, Image 4

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the Savannah Daily Herald* SAT! unit, IHOVt.MBItiU »***’ , Aiikaiido U. Steph«*i»» jns reception' ijt the tresidest and opinion OF THE CONFEDERATE CAI'ML. A Washington correspondent of the Phila delphia Ledtrer gives «he following accoun* of an ioicrvicw with ibe lion. A- H. 010- Pl He b was received very cordially by the President, whom he thanked in bis usual pleasant but dignified way, and a conversa tion then ensued upon the condition of the country, the President s plan of restoration, and reminiscence of the past. Both gentle men weie perfectly easy and unrestrained in their language and manner, and the inter view was as pleasant as if between two old but long estranged friends. In a conversation with your correspondent Mr. Stepeens said that it was owing to a wan: of unity through the South that their cause was los . When a system of the most crushing des potism was inaugurated at Richmond, from that moment the struggle was abandoned, nd the Confederacy was left to its fate. ' Mr. Stephens was very careful not to men tion the name of the rebel President in speak ing as above, but it was not difficult to see that there musthave been a long estrangement between them, and that the acts of Davis within the last year or more of his adminis tration, were in no sense or manner counten anced or supported by the second officer of ficer of the so c died Government. Toward Davis personally, however, Ido not believe that Mr. Stephens entertains a single unkiad feeling. “His trial" said he, ‘•would do no good.-" in so far as charge of treason was concerned, he was equally guilty with Davis, and so, he added were thousands besides. , The statement that lias gone forth from Fort Warren to the effect that Mr. Stephens had ‘‘complained*’ of his contiued incarcera tion, while those more bitter than be were liberated, Mr. S. informed me was not cor rect. In a jocular way ho said to one of his visi tors : “I cannot see why I am confined, while others took a more active part 1 u the rebellion are daily liberated ;’’ but so liar as complaining he said it never escaped his lips While in close confinement within the damp walls of the fort, Mr. Stephens fell away con siderably, bat from the moment he was al lowed free exercise out of doors, he com menced to gain in flesh, and is now almost as well hs at any time within the last six years. THE SEBPE.VT GNAWING THE FILE. It seems that Wendell Philips never will be satisfied. “He is always in a state of chronic eruption—mentally. Week before last he made a speech in Boston, in which be lashed the President, Gen. Banks, Henry Wilson and other notables.. Mauy of the prominent Republicans of Massachusetts, In cluding Gov. Boutwell and Mr. Burlingame !|pt their approving presence to tho delivery of the speech, and Senator Stunner is re ported to be prudently silent while the groat gun of aboliiionism is firing hot shot at the « resident. This restless agitator made a Seech in Detroit A. few evenings since and said'some sharp things of Senator Wilson of Massachusetts, and President Johnson : Gentlemen—l blush to say it, Henry Wil son went up to the. President and said : ‘Do you mean to persecute me?" “Oh, DO! I don't mean to persecute too." -“Do you mean to put the Republicans out of office ?” “Oh, no! provided you oniy discuss and let me act, I am not going to do anything to you." And tne Senator from Mosaafchusetta goes down Jo Pti-adelpbia and says: “Don't don' t tilt fPres; lent. He is only acting. He leares ns tbe liberty of talking " “Let me act." stirs the president, “and you black mas. Time have liberty to work ; and you, white man, have the liberty to talk.” (Deri sive laughter.) And the Republican leade r says ■ "Don't distrust the President. Don't be in a hurry. Don’t divide the party. Wait.” Every step of the President is a fortification— he puts his loot down and plants ah institu tion. Every moment carries up to Heaven’s chancery the record of a war forever resign ed. The President will say to Congress : “Gentlemen, here 1 am, the nation behind me at peace. What do you mean to do ?" Why, they never resisted yet—the people have defeated the Executive—Congress never. The people checkmated Sherman when he surrenderjd to Johnsoi —.he people can checkmate. And Johnson when he sur rendere to Davis. (Tremendous and con - tinued applause.) Arn'i unless the people do it, it won’t be done. Let Congress assem ble, and there are six chances out of seven that the hands of eighty four Southerueia will be placed upon the helm of government. If they are not, Congress will merely register the edict of one mao, to whom hitherto they have surrendered the government. Will you stand here and see the country lashed by wretchedness and infamy into anew civil war ?Do you own a bauk share ? I warn you, repudiation is behind the President’s plan. Are yoa a merchant, and you count on trade ana thiuk when the labor system of the South is fiuisbed, you will have a crop of Colton ? Oh no. You will have a harvest of blood! THE NEW TOM NEWS. DAILY SEMI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY ASD SEMI-WEEKLY HEWS. . GREAT FAMILY MiWHPAPEBS. BEYJAYtn WOOD Idlior And Proprietor. Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IMPROVEMENTS - INTRODUCED IMMERSE CIRCULATIONS DETERMINED ON. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, mSESZ?. Kvory AVadn6 “ d «v. One Copy, one year *^ lve t-'entf Three Cop-e*. on<j year.. $ 2 «-* lhve Copley one ye ir * 'HI Ten Copies, one year ’’777 ? —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten Twenty Copies, ouc year XU. Weekly New, i. s.„, to ci. r _ v “ .t Si 50. KVW.n SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, on. year , Three Copies one year , * Five * opium one year 7.7. n , w Ten Copies, ope year —And an extra copy to auy C'luli of Ten Tweuiy (iopin, on. year mso T* Clergymen uo .NEW YORK~DAILV NEWS. m. “»■* •lup'ranuun "*•**»■ Pi*. Dollar. Por by atl Newsdealers, fcpeciawo ««pt„ of DAILY and WEEKLY MIWI •.“* Ire* •KNJ. WOOD, Dali, News He Udine, X* »fM* Mali Mra Y<*k CM, AND A Glorious Result H. There are is many roads to lame anJ rerun*- a* there werl gateways to ancient Thcbas. V oat a»- btttona warrior la for carrying Ms »*? » llh the übre; yoor aspiring politician for ach. ming hi* way by Intrigue and consummate art. But there la one grand broad path to the goal, along which nothing base can travel. It U the path »t apart for the march of talent, energy, and noble purpose and though full of obstacles ItconUina none that a brave man cannot surmount. Till* tact ha* been exemplified in innumerable Instances, but in few more forcibly than In the rise and progress of DR. HOOFLAN’D’S GERMAN HITTERS. For over fifteen year, itscourse has been onward anti upward, scattering bleselnga at evert step, until It now stands on the topmost rounds efthe Udder of fame, a« the GRUAT TONIC. o Hoofland’s German Bitters Is a positive remedy for DYSPEPBIA, aan Diseases Resulting from DISORDER OS THE LIVER >»d DIGESTIVE ORDANB, And is the only certain and g£fe RESTORER OF STRENGTH IN CASES OF DEBILITY. o By the use of thla Bitters . v Weakened and Debilitated Frames Be come Renewed with all tho Vigor of Health. Impaired constitutions arc rebuilt, and the patient in a short time regains Vigor, Health and Strength. F OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS, Resulting from Disorders of tile Digesttro Organs I Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Bead, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight In the stomach. Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Burned and DiOlcult Breath, ing, Fluttering at tho Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when in a Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain la the Head, Defi ciency of l erspi ation. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn ing In the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, _ and great Depression of Spirits. Remember That these Bitters contain no Rnm or Whiskey. And can't make Drunkards. Is not a Bar Room Drink, Bat a Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract, Free from Alcoholic Stimulant or Injurious Drugs. It cannot insidiously introduce the vice of Drunk enness into the bosom of your families—to your wife, your children, or your friends. L SOXaDIERS Or other*, whose systems have become impaired by hardships or disease, will find In this Bitters a tonic that will restore them to all their full vigor. A These Bitters have performed more cures l Given Better Satisfaction I Have more Testimony! Have more respectable people to vouch for them l Than any other article in the Market. We defy any one to contradict this assort iou, AND WILL PAY SI,OOO To any one that will produce a Certificate published by us that Is not GENUINE. N READ WHO SAYS SO. FROM THE HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE Washington, January 1, 1864. Gentlemen Having stated it verbally to you, I have no hesitation in writing the fact, that I experi enced marked benelt from vAar Hoofland’s Go man Bitters. During a long and tedious session of Con gress, pressing and onerous duties nearly prostrated me. A kind friend suggested the use of tho prepara tion I have named. I took his advice, and tire result was improvement of health, renewed energy, and that particular relief I so much needed and obtaine i. Others may be similarly advantaged, If they desire to be. Truly your iriend, THOMAS B. FLORENCE. D From Rev. W. D. Selgtrlod, Pastor of Twelfth Baptist Church. Philadelphia, December 26, 1663. Ilassia. Jokes A Evan., Geuilemen I h ave recently been laboring under the distressing effects of ladigestion, accompanied It. a prostration of the nervous ay.lcm. Numerous rem edies were recommended by it lends and some of them tested, but wii bout relief. Your Hoofiland’a Germ in hitter, were recommended py persona who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of the hitters iu duced me al»u to try them. 1 must confess tlmt 1 had an aventou to patent medicines, from tlie '-thousand and one" quaes ■" whom only aim seems to he to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the community, tu a sly wsy; and Urn tendency of which, I fear, la to make many a confirmed drunkard. Upou learning that yours was really a medicinal preparation. I took It with happy effect. Ita action »aa not only upon tire stomach. nut upou the her. you. system,was prompt and gratifying. 1 feet that 1 have derived great and permanent benefit irom the n* ol a few bottle*. Very respectfully yours. W. G. Hi.luKlU.lD, No. *64 Hhackawtaxoii street. beware of"counterpkitb. “>• Signature us •«- M JAUMOE" Is on the Wrapper .ffeacuhulUe PRINCIPAL OFFICE A MANUFACTORY' Ho. 631 ARCH STREET, .. J° EVANS, MIUCKMOMN TO a M JAI.KhON* VO Fin Ml* by Ikegglst* ami D«.i*,. m, assn town ta MH likited HUMS m ut-WM iwh iruw iguisp—i \\ tUrf-n’it CvlPbfatnl Smiles anil lirti Hooks. ANDEKIY CLKIIK & CO, 4- MAIDPN LANE NEW YORK, . MILE AOF.XT# AND IMPORTERS. OUR former cuatomera will find a induction in gold price* »>f the Nerd it*, while the quality h» always kept up to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. A. C. A Cos., reepev't/hliy solicit a renewal of the mercantile relation* ao fuug and favorably esteemed by their boot*-. nil 26 3m ESTABLIMHED 1809. ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, <fcc., No. 211 Washington-St., scpl'J NEW YORK. 3m WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., * Wilmington, Delaware. MANUFACTURE Iron steamboat* Steam Engine*, Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mills, Ac. Having had long experience in business and being provided with very extensive facilities lor doing work of this elms, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, octl2 Cm LINVILLE & GLEASON. SAVANNAH. AGENTS FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT fit CO., 64 ConrUaiFilt Street, New York. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHER S Bridge, Car, Ship or Band Hook, AND— BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAG SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, Turn buckles, Bolt Ends, Taps and Dies, «fco. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS' STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, TIEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, &c.; ENGINEERS* TOOLS, of every description; CIIIPPINGk AND RIVETING HAMMERS. SCREW PUNCHEB.FILES, CHISELS, &o. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Algo Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS, &c. septa • ts premium TEN DOLLAR IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE. A Triumph iu Mechanical Science. "MANUFACTURED under two distinct patents, of 111 entirely “orignal constructiondoes not infringe on any other machine. This extraordinary achieve ment of mechanical ingenuity works upon a Table, uses the straight Needle, makes Itet useful Hand Stitch, at the lute of 16 Stitches to each evolution of dm wheel, will Tuck, Sh.rr, Crimp, Hem, Ruffle, Ac., with wonderful speed, accuracy and neatness, will sew with Double and Single Thread of all kinds, is strong, and can not get out of order, aud has received the full approve] of the principal journals aud all who have used (hem. This machine works like a charm and sews neat and rapid. Every family requires one.”—*V. Y. World. “For the Dressmaker it is invaluable, for the House hold it supplies a vacant place.”— (Jodry'6 Ludie*' Book. “it uses a common needle, sews very rapidly, and is so easily understood that a child cau use it.”—*V. O. Delta. Single machines sent to any part of the country per express, packed in box with printed instructions on receipt of the price—slo. Sale delivery guaranteed. Agents wauted everywhere. Circular containing lib eral inducements sent free. All orders must be addressed to Ten Dollnr Sewing Machine Company, at*, 38 and 40 Ann street, NEW YQRK. oc!17 3m NOTICE. TFIE undersigned promises to cure Seminal Weakness in all Its worst forms without the u-e of medicine Please send for my Circnlnr, enclosing lo cents for postage. Address J. 31. BUSSELL. octlo-3m Boston. Mass. Notice. THE fo-partnershlp heretofore existing between JACKSON A WAIUtOCK was. oil the 30th Sep tember dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned, who will Ire happy to receive a continuance of the pa tiimage In-stowed on Ihe lute firm of Jackson A Warrock. L. WAKBOCK. octll Notice to Lumbermen. TIIE undersigned are prepared to receive Consign. meuts of Lumlier, or any quantity or quality, lor •ale in this markei or lor shipment North. Cash advance, made when required. Our fsellulw for procuring auituhle vessels (or shipments are un bounded. AGENTS IN SAVANNAH VAN IIOHN, HOI.YOK K A MURRAY. Agents 111 New York, lli sai.. Holyoke A Murray. 47 South street. ts ocilfi Ink. OK tIIfCHS INK,In stnmts, at *6 M pc' groes. D MU doseti Arnold's Willing Fluid, phtU. »t $1 per tluauu. Pur sals by s'aviuji * MACH. ■ull ts rnr llrysn siistt and Market square. gunny bagging. If«»* aulu *»y N. A. HARDKK A CO. ii ui?*(h Ajm. a* j F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, CENF.RAI, CO AI MISSION AND FOR WARDING merchant, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Harris’ Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low k Co.'a* Refer* to Memrs. Ilajiter A Gammell, Crane, John son A Graybill; Bell Wylly A Christian ; Bothwell A Whitehead; Miller, Th'inas A Vo-'; M. A. Cohen, Esq. . sep29-tf R. M. LOCKWOOD & GO., Merchandize Brokers, Nq. 113 Wall Street, NEW YORK, Will give their best attention to the sale of Cotton and Produce received on consignment, and to the pur chase of all kinds of Groceries. Refi-r to N. A. Hardee & Cos., Savannah. oct-s lm TOBIAS HEDRICKS & CO., Commission Merchants, New "Y o r k. OCTAVUS COHEN will make liberal advance* on uny consignment* made to the above house. oct2C lm Wm, H. Tihon. Wm. W. Gordon. Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 96 BAY STREET, Savannah, ------- Georgia., Special attention will be given to the sale of Lumber, Rosin, TurpenUne, 4., oct24-3m O. M. aOKREL. A. 0. 60BEKL. SORREL BROTHERS, SHIPPING, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, k* 92 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. References: Messrs. il. K. Coming, Son A Cos., N. Y.; Messrs. Peter V. King A: Cos., N. Y.; Messrs. Fish er, Brothera A Cos., Baltimore.; Messrs. S. AW. Welsh, Philadelphia; National Bank, Savannah, Ga.; Franci* Sorrel, Ifisq., Savannah. Ga ;Cba*. Green, Esq., Savan nah, Ga.; T. R. Bloom, Esq., Mucon, Ga. oct 17 im* ~D. H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MKKCIIANTB, 178 Pearl Street, New York. IfSSSSS:}*-"* ocM-3m c! m“ Ho} Savannah. A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. oct!4-tf JAMES B. CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, W ines and Liquers, X 7 X BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. - HOLDERS ofMerctaandize wishing to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at tbe most reasonable rates. sep4-3m 'JOfirsT L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 9-4- Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. octlG om C. H. BENEDICT & CO., Not 86 Broad Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission Merchants, Dealers iu Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Ac. Special atteiitionYo Southern Orders Consignments on General Merchandise solicited. octl7 3m TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT A BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vesey Stbeet, i,kw Yifsa. Aud Memphis, Tens. Tuovas Fenneb, Henuy Bennett, D. W.BowMui. jvti Bn, CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONES BLOCK, COBNEB BAT AND AItEKOOBN STBEET * SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments o the firm of Chas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE A WEIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. ' BEriBENOEB; Messrs. Dabney, Morguu & Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. llou. J Wiley Edmailds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Ksq„ Boston. sep 18—U Woodward, Baldwin Sc Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, 9 and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances mode on Consignments, Sheetings, OanabnrgK slid Yarns, jyis “WEST. BRYAN & CO. THE undersigned have farmed a co-partnership for the transaction of Commission, Shipping and For wauling business, under the name of WEST, BRY AN A (J>. Strict attention given to consignments. This firm desire to confine themselves to Commission Business alone. As agents lor Baltimore and Savannah Steam ship Cos., we solicit freight far same, and request or ders far Baltimore and Western produce, JAS. B. WEST, of Baltimore, HENUY BRYAN, of Savannah, ALFRED L. HARTUIDGK, or Savannah. novl-w JOHN S. HIS l lb., Forwarding and Commission MERCHAN T&i. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Ray Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JKO. S. SAMMIS. Etl. O. SAMMIS. COAS. L. MATIIEB »»Q ts A. T. CUNNINUHAM. I>. O. I ÜBSK. CUIVNINCiHAM & PUR HE, ITACTOUK, FOR WARDING ANH COMMISSION r MERCHANTS, No. 4 Stoddard'* Lower Stores, Bay stiect, Nsvstiusb. Us. Mufereiici-E—Robt. Habersham A lions Hunter A Uuiumi 11, Ocuvua t'oht-n, Brlgbum, Baldwin A Cos., Etwln A Hardee, Olsghorn A Ciinulughum. np4.Bm J. SHAFFER, Oomuilwalou BoaXor In all kind, id FOREIGN AND IKiMKsTIC KUI'ITH isnl'ltoDUCß, West Wasuinoton M.i-hit, Opposite 141 West el., Bulkhead lieiweeu ll* re key awl Vesey He, NEW YORK lb‘Ups-M, Api.lse and (mini.. umsLuiiy on hand, and pul up In lln kmilliei u werkcl All pniMijdly sltMikid lu. •SsEEkSF* **••—.*•* tV* eudly ] comrkow kum<UA»t*> XT. THOMAS & CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 117 Hay Street. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at as Low Rate* a* are accepted by any good Company. octll-lm | SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. \ ■ O’FALLON &CO., FACTORS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, RESPECTFULLY invito attention to our facilities for the purchase or movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt attention *o all ousi nes, entrusted to our care. Intending to establish permanently a House in Savannah -expect by strict buelnes.ormciples to merit and. receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodions Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, uud will make ad vances on Bame; picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in Northern cities by this process.— They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining States. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, Office Box 25. oct7-3m BACON, CLARDY &CO. Cotton ail Tolacco Factors, NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY HENRY BRYAN. WE do entirely a Commission Business, exerting ourselves to get the outside market quotations for our patrons. Liberal advances made on Cotton at Savannah, and part al advances on Cotton ready tor shipment at Au gusta, Atlanta and Macon. Planters' orders filled. octl2-lm Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, General Commission anti Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. 9 Stoddard’s Block, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Cuas. Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, Savannah, Ga. New York. Engaged exclusively in a Commission Business,with ample and first cla«a Storage Room, we most respect fully tender onr services for the purchase aud sale of all kinds of merchandise. octil-3m S C. WADE. 8. 11. WAD*. E. C. WADE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Ga. ' octlG 3m L. WARROCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, F. Consignments solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. octll-lm MACKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Ga. ( \FFER FOR SALE the following Goods, on the Y/ most reasonable terms. 260 bbls Whiskey, Mountain Dew v 100 “ •' Buckeye Reserve 1 76 “ “ Stag Bourbon ~ 20 “ •* 7 years old, Stag Bourbon 1 20 “ “ Pine Apple / _)* 60 “ “ Durham's Bourbon I Distillation 15 “ « Old Family Rye 16 “ “ Old Rectified J Togetht r with a large assortment of Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines, Utidaick & Cos., and Rejmond’s Champagnes, Brandies, Gins, Bums, German & Ridgeway Bitters, &c. In connection with the above, we offer for sale Choice Family Flour, Bacon Sides, Shoulders, Lard, Ac. Liberal advances made on consignment to MACKYfitBEATTIE, sep29-3m PHILADELPHIA, Pa. N. A. HARDEE & CO., Shipping, Commission and For warding Merchants, SAVANNAH, (rIIOfIGIA. Will make liberal Cush A ranees on consignments to onr friends, Norton, Slaughter A Cos„ 40 Broad street, New York. _____ octti-lm A. W, STARBUCK &“CO7 GENERAL Commission Merchants, 111 North Water Street, - I 3 llila <JL o lilia. Careful selcctious made on all orders for the Pur chase of Goods, and Consignments respectfully solic lt«d. tm octll UEO. D. FOWLS. WM. B. lIOY. m 01l BICE FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroatl Iron find Dealers in Railroad Supplies. * Office, 70 Broadway, NJCW YORK, oct'JS Oin W. B. & T. E. RYAN, CENK.RAL COMMISSION ANI) F orwn rd lug M<• re Ii aul m, Chsrlssten, end N«w v»rU. WlLLatteud pi the Hhlpmsui end I'm warding of all bind, ul I’nslin. , end will keep imi beiul au aeyurUeeul ul Ur-. r 1,.., U’lmi* uml l.lquor*. Oot!.lUiinuiuL suln tied. / I Tune K ll**e. “ifca •m is i* LIVINGSTON, FOX & CO.. 1 4 T Broadway, New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS • _ AND Agend Atlßiuic ('oust ITluil Steam bhip Company. Advance* made on Consignments by JNO. R. WILD&rt, oct2s 2m Savannah. BEANCE SONS 400.7 BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Office for the present at Georgia Railroad Bank. Thos. Branch Ac Cos., BANKERS AND BROKERS, * 90 Main street, Richmond, Va. THOS. BRANCH & SONS, Bankers and Commission Merchants, Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va. DEALERS In Coin, Foreign and Domestic Ex change, Southern Bank Notes, Stocks and Bond*. luterest allowed on Deposits. Collections made throughout the United States, mid special attention given to the redemption of Soutlu.-n Bank Note* tor Banks* account. Liberal advances made on consignment* of Cotton, Tobacco anil other products to their correspondents in Baltimore, New York, Liverpool, Bremen and Ant werjL t-s7~The inider*igned for the last twenty five year* an officer of the Bank of Augusta, can now be found at the office of Messrs. Branch, Son* & Cos.. Bankers and Brokers, Augusta, Ga., where he will be pleased to see his IT ieiul* and the pnblic generally, pledging hiseflortsio give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Money will be received on Deposit, and Checks paid. • oct lit 15 Gi£o. W. MORGAN. Cashier. 11. Gowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAY STREET, ANDERSON'S WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. oct2-3m WM. R. SYMONS, General Commission Merchant, NO. 3 WALDBURO’S RANGE, On the Bay, in the building occupied by Messrs. Guer rard & Ferrill. Agent for the New England Fire Insurance Com pany. • Also Agent for Hewitt's Patent Screw Wrench, References in Savannah—Henry Brighton, K-q , A Porter, Esq., A. Champion, Esq., W. C. O’Driscoll, Esq., W. Duncan, Esq. In New York—Snm'l L.Mitchell, Esq., Chas. A. Par vis, Esq., 1). H. Baldwin, Esq., Wm. hackee. Esq., at Bank North America. Consignments solicited. lw-nov3 J. F. PATXBSON. J. S. TUCKER. PATERSON & TUCKER, (Formerly J. T. Paterson & Cos. of Augusta, Ga.j General Commission, Forward ing and Shipping Merchants, No. 9 Stoddard’s Lower Ilangc, OPPOSITE MARINER’S CHURCH, BAY STREET, Savauuali, &n. HAVE made arrangements for Shipping Cotton, Tim ber. Rice, Ac., to first class houses in Europe and New York. Will muke liberal advances on all consignments. Also, will boy and sell l imber or Lumber on Commis sion. We have facilities for obtaining Charters for Vessels at moderate rate*. Personal aiUntion will be given to the receiving, forwarding aud to the sales of all iueichs;ndize entrust ed to our care. We have a commodious warehouse for storage. References—Dowling A Cos.. London : Gibbs, Bright & Cos., Liverpool; Bradford & Renick, New York ; J. E. Bayley&Co., Philadelphia; James Oakes, Boston; E. La lit le, Charles tom S. C.; R. H. May, (Mayor,} Au gu-daGa.; Geo. R. Crump & Cos., Augusta, Ga.; Hal sey, W'atson & Cos., Savannah, Ga.; D. J». Thomson, Columbus, Ga.; James Gann A Son, Richmond, Va.; Clayton, Adair & Purse. Atlanta, Ga. nov3 JOHN 11. OUIRU. JOHN A. GUIEV, JOHN B. GrUIEU & SON, Ooiisin i ssioii Merchants, Will attend to a General Agency Business. Personal attention will be given to the Receiving and Forwarding and to the Sales and Purchase of Cotton and all Produce. References to the principal Merchants of An gueta and Savannah. A* qubta, Qa., Oct. 1.18C5. lm oct2T % BRYAN.'HARTRIDGE & CO.: Bryan Street, nrxt to Mfrouants* and Planters* Bank Building, Broker and Commission Agents FOR BALE AND PURCHASE OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Cotton, 3mo Fordyce, Anderson & Janney, Brokers and General Commission Merchants, NO. 10 STODDARD’S RANGE, Savannah, Ga. Dealers in Specie, Santhmi Rank Notes, Bonds and Stocks, Exchange on the Northern cities, Auguata and Charicstou, bought and sold Liberal advances made on consignments to < ur correspondents at the North. Refer to Third National Bank, Messra. bee be, Keech & Cos., Messrs. Mei chaut Su Carman, Messrs Hall «te Rnckell, New York; Messis. Carman, Merchant & Shaw, Philadelphia; Messrs. Wm. LaJUping & Cos., Messrs. G. 11. Reese & Bros., Baltimore; Messrs, R. Habersham & Sons, Messrs. Hunter Gaminell, Mr. Geo. W. Anderson, Mr. G. B. Lamar, Savannah. nov2 lm , G’ B & G. W. LAMAR, General Commission Merchants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents, NO. 9a BAY STREET, (up stairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Juo C. Ferret aud G. F. Dollar, Savannah ; W. E Jackson, Josiah Sibley & Sons, J. B. &J. W. Walker, Augusta. Consignments rolicited. 4 * 6m-nov2 ORNAMENTAL HAIR.' Curls, 6ra»U, Waterfalls, Bands, Wigs, Half Wigs, die., Wholesale, (at the lowent possible price of importa tion, lor Cash. ; W. R. Cameron & Cos., Importer, of Hair and Manufacturers, NO. 313 FULTON ST., BROOKLYN, - Near New York. , Large and until order, punctually attended to. oc'Ul lm SOUTHERN Exporting siml Importing COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. TIIIB uwoelation I, prepared to urnkn advances In earrewy »f tiold on eoiwlgimieiii. of t'otion, Navel Wore*, latmber, 4c., to tlieli agvut In Uver pool, - order* eollclted for «hhU from nierrhanta and plan lac. Til* atrletest alteiitlim will lie i.iud to nil or den however .mall, for yisula ffom hngiaml, Kreuee or (lei many Our Savannah and < iiurleapni Agenle, Iwlng aalarU'd. make no Wlfjie f'»r fm warding allbar way end will furulah dinilar in deialla, 11. P. FIJI* I), I'realdelll, Jsikaouvllle. Fla *U|»H -I TANARUS, Paine, Liverpool, Kuuleudi H. K. dareveh, Uhailealnu, H GT.i Henry Bryan, boeaunaln Ga kmua eupll SAVAJUNaii BuaiNEfcS DIRECTORY. commission mkk, Hants’ —~ — au24 'Vi' A. Culh k, iU * WARDING 4nu COKMISS’N MERCHANT Office flume in*. Cos ., b'J Bay *t '' AUCTION. GEN MERCHANTS. 171-win & HardecT •" COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street. Savannah, (in, WINES, LIQUORS, &c. Taracl it. Scaly oc co., === - _ - sol -K AGENTS AND IMPOHTEKS OF Ch. FAKES CHAMPAGNES „„„ .tftate of Georgia. * 207 Bay su, betwe. u Barzaid aud Jefferron, aoJ Savannah, Ga. ’ DRY GOODS. •T ol V? Cos«, Wholes alx and Rktah Cor. Cougrt-e* and Whitaker rta. Joint HeConaghy, " DEALER in DRY GOODS, Ao. lop Broughton street Samuel M, Irfdcrer, Jobber and RetailerTf Fanot and Staple Dev Goore, Boots and shops Ac. 146 GROCERIES, &c. M**?* * Cos.. Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Lt •- quoits, SioAtta, BANeiGßooeeiES, Caniues, *c. Stuart & Cos., Wholesale audßetail Dealers in Gro ceries and Teas. Ales, Win'-e and Ii quors. corner Bull aud Broughton street, Ud Ll ' tr»,t edal alteutiun P aW to orders for the country lad sepSa-tf EP. Deyo, hi Choice Fa.viTy i'iTl • Wine*, LiiAioes, Ao. lea Broughton slreet BILLIARDS, &c. Billiard Saloon. By WALTEKtVMEAIi l ~ ALKf, WINES, JJQUORS, Ac. foe Day street, over Express Oflice. *t\n Pin Alley. A TEN PIN ALLEY, by VALENTINE BASLER Ales, Wines and Liquors. No. 13S Bryan aireet, Market Square House, opposit, the Market. lm-0n26 St. Hilaries Saloon, (in rear of Poet Office,) by A. Bianu. H'/iolewle ana Retail None ln,t CHOICE WINES and LiqUQßjj served. Free Lunch MURPHY & CLARK, House, Sign, Ship and ilcauiboa; Painter Oposite the Pulaski House, over Stamm’s Barber Shop All orders thuukiull received and laithfully atteuoeii t - lm octi# GAS FITTING, dec. Weed At Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Uaedwaue and Tin Wau. NO. 169 and 161 Broughton street. T 7 Cranston, tJ • PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, SUGARS, TOBACCO, 6'ZcT 17 Avis. ' A • SEGAKfi TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, 4c Barnard stiect, &ne door South of ihc Market. PRINTING, STATIONERY, &c. % ravnie o. neat-h, ' ' ' O BdOKeKLLEitS AN DOTATIONERS, _ Cor. Bryan street and Market Square, \,| arking Ink, Mancfaotoeeh and foreale by frX DAVID D. GALLOWAY, , /Ico. N. Nichols, YX BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay st., between Abercorn and Drayton. a. Purse-, LITHOGRAPHER, STATION lift, J* iiJLNDKR, JOii EMXT&Li, SC. Mo. C Whitaker atreet, C W. Mason tSi Cos., Cos HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. % N«». 111 Buy street. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Fl>. Jordan, Watches and Jewelit, • Silver and Plated Waul, Fancy Goods. Ax Z2T Watches and Jewelry Repaired. 129 Congress st., opposite the Pulaski Bouse. HAIR DRESSING, &c. Pulaski House ISax-bei* Siiop, (cor. Bull and Bryan ete.j Shaving, Hair Cutting. siiainj«.i ii.g. Whiskers Dyed, Ac. Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Neck Tier and other Fanc.v At tides for sale. _ DRUGGISTS. Joe, W. Clift, M. D, Cor. South Broad and Bamard-sts ., Office Hochu—9 to 10 A. M., and4tos P. M., Residence—Mr. Wash's, corner St. Julian mil Lincoln Streets. I WII. Waleli, ] . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISII aul4 Southeast cur. Barnard and Broughtou sis. I 1 A. Solomons & Cos., « I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DBUGGISWI If Orders executed accurately and with despaat ■ BOOTS AN 0-SHOES. | Ames «sk Peabody, Jobbers in Men’s, Wora:' I and Cbildren’s Calt Serge and Kid 80016 a*B SHOES, of all kinds and qualities. I 152 Congress st., 4th door North of the Marts ■ Geo. T. Nichols, ' I RETAIL BOOT AND BHOE STORE. ~ ■ 110 Broughton st., 2d door irom f--l a 1 j- ■ ii -.j ■» i ;, - * --rrt U QUEENSWARE, &c. f ED. Smyth, QUEENSWAHE. GLASS AJIB • CHINA, at Wholesale and Retail. ■ 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of CONFECTIONERY. JE. Heritandc-z, p . CONFECTIONER—Wboi.esiIx ani. MANUFACTURER OF SSYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FIN K CONFIX OF ALL KINDS. jI 14G Broughton street, two doors from M M Fitzgerald, 1 • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER rN CIDERS, LEMON. STRAWBERRY and RASIW* * SYRUPS, CANDIES, Ac., &0., ■ IST In any quantities, to suit Parchtiscre. M H wniTAKER STREET. . SODA WATEJi. John Ityan, Bottler of SODA WATER, and ALE, CORDIALS. SYRUPS, Ao. Cor. Bay and West Broad LATTrurntru , - FOR | SOUTHERN GEORGUB rjIIIE subscriber, formerly- of Savannah, A at Blricksbear, Pierce county, Ga..on tic * Gulf Railroad, will give his personal '"J 1 vided attention to the sale and purchase <“ contiguous to the said railroad, on coninns ri ™, H solicits the patronage of all needing an n S?" uj An experience in the laud, lumber and ness of twenty years in Georgia and South o" guarantees ntnplo qualification. He will Y sented in Savannah by Mr. Henry Bryan, " r !!, York by the Great Southern Ismd Agency-''U ■ way. JOHN I). T>ELAb>“ ■ Refers to any old resident In Savannah. sepia Hm B<)li.-Xs“.UiU<''a Tlie Oldest and best rtfiuwned. ' t. yi'«*‘ l 66 Liberty Street ■ aejdJ-Smo __ ITCH I ITCH ! ITCH - ■ SCRATCH ! 81-HATCH!! SCKAB ■ wii ca ton’** c>int»i»‘‘" -l m WILL eu«( TNI ITCH IN fOND-IUNI Al.o Hires Malt Ithaiim. Uicem Chl'bW** Itruptloua of Ih* Hkln. P»l» W> *•««• *ll Hrmraiei# By *«*dNm "* «-»'* Mole AgMils, 11« Waahhififali strimt, U'-d* „ M will he foiwarded by wyll. »«* ■ pwl Ml Ih* Ualb4 Niale*. »