Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 04, 1865, Supplement to The Savannah Daily Herald., Image 5

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The SavannaTi Daily Herald. Provisional Governor Perry’s Mes sage to the South Carolina Legis lature. Gov. Perry's Message to the South Carolina Legislature, nfc>w in session, is published in the Charleston papers.— Wa make the following extracts con taining the principal points of interest out side the State. After remarking upon bis own position and how he came into it, the Governor reviews the action of the State Convention and the changes effected in the State Constitution. He then touches upon the duties of citizens under this m:w obder or things. Such, gentlemen, is the new Constitution under which you have ..assembled, and which, it is hoped, will inspire the people of South Carolina with new Democratie zeal and energy in developing, intellectually and physically, the talent and resources of the Stale. It is true that, under the old regime, South Carolina has given the Itepubiic a bright galaxy of names which she may well be proud of; but her material prosperity as a State has not kept pace with that of her Southern sisters. Her population has been moviug to the Southwest till there are, at this time, almost as many native South Caro linians living in other States as there are in this State. They have drained the State too, of her wealth and energies. For the last thirty or forty years we have likewise been oblivious of all internal improvement in our fruitless and vexatious supervison of the ac tion of the Federal Government. Agricul ture has Deen neglected, manufactures almost ignored, and commerce despised. Foreign immigration, which lias filled other States with wealth and population, developed their resources and made them happy, prosperous and powerful, has been discouraged in South Carolina. Her riches have been ex hausted by her dependence on others for al most every thing she consumed or needed. We have been dependent on the Western States lor our horses, mules, cattle and hog 9, bacon, lard, and beef. From the Northern States, we have received the furniture of our houses, and implements of our farms and the carriages in which we rode, and the clothes which we wore. This policy must no longer be continued. It should be the pride of every farmer and planter iu the State to raise, grow or make everything which he uses or needs, Slavery has been abolished, and labor made more honorable as well us more necessary. They who have Heretofore spent their lives in ease and idleness will be forced to work. Plant ing and the learned professions are no longer the only honorable means of livelihood for our young men. They must become trades men, manufacturers, farmers and mechanics. Immigration of industrious foreigners must he encouraged. Then manufacturers will spring up, commerce will revive, and we shall become an independent people. The emancipation of our slaves will, in all probability, abstract greatly from the active labor of the country. Planters and farmers should dispose of a portion of their lands to immigrants and capitalists from Europe and the North. Thjp will increase the wealth and industry of the State, and render more valuable the lands which remain unsold. It will also have a wholesome check on the colored population,'and strengthen our se curity from insurrections and violence.— ThreoTourths of the State of South Caroli na are uncultivated. Instead of a popula tion of seven huudred thousand, our territo ry is sufficient to support one of seven mil lions, if properly distributed in manufactures, commerce and agriculture. THE PKEEDSIEN, It becomes your urgent, duty, gentlemen, to make immediate provision for the protec tion and government of the freedmen and colored people who have been so suddenly released from slavery iu their ignorance and destitution. This is alike due to humanity and justice, as well as the imperative neces sities of society. The negro has lost the protection of his master, and he must bow be protected by the law. This is expected of you by the President and the Federal' Congress, and will remove all pretence for military rule in the State, as well as facilitate your speedy restoration to the Union and sell government. The negro is innocent of *ll that he has gained and all that you have lost, and he is entitled to your sympathy and kindness, your protection and guidance.— The Convention ordered the Provisional Governor to appoint a Commission for the purpose of preparing and submitting to the legislature tor tueir adoption, a code of laws lor the protection and government of the freedmen and colored persohs. In obedience to their order I have appointed Judge Ward law and Mr. Burt, two of the most eminent jurists in the State, to compose this OoouMte sion. They will, iu due time, re non to you the result of their labors. The Convention also authorized the Legislature to establish a Court in each district for the trial of all cases in which freedmen are concerned. It be comes your duty to see that these Courts are organized. SPEED* ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ADVISABLE. The election of Members of Congress should be provided for at as early a day a& possible. It is a matter of the highest im portance that our Representatives in Con gress should be iu Washington, ready to.take their seats first Monday iu Dec. By Act of Congress, passed March, 18(13, it is made the' the duty ot the Clerk of the previous Houso of Representatives to “make a roll of the Representatives elect, and place thereon the the names of all persons, and- such persons only, whose credentials show that they were regularly elected in accordance with the laws of theif States respectively, or the laws of the United States" It is therefore the, imperative, duty Os the Clerk to call the roll Os ibe members of the Southern States,whose credentials have been exhibited to him, and shown that they were regularly elected. He itaß no more right, under this Act,to exclude the members elect from South Carolina than be bus to exclude those irom Massachusetts. The Federal authorities have maintained that the Union ncvfwas dissolved, and that the Southern Stptes nave always been, and still arc, members of that Union. THE TEST OATH. Iu July, 18(12, Congress passed an Act prescribing an oath of. office for all persons to take who were elected or appointed to any office ol'honor or profit under the Gov ernment of the UniterWtates. This oath re quires the party to stmir that he has never borne arms against the United States; that be has never held-or sought office under any EowtV inimical to the United States; that be as given uo aid, counsel or countenance to persons iu hostility to the Unitedßtates; and that he lias not yieldad a voluntary support to any authority hostile to the United Btates. If this oath Is to ho applied to members of Congress, it will, of course, exclude all from South Carolina. It may, with truth, be said, that no limn iu Houllt Carolina can take it without committing perjury, liut the Con stitution of the United States prescribes an oath for members ol Congress to take, and Ijity cannot ho required to lake any other oath constitutionally, Thuro may b«vu been some show of pro j'llHv lor exuding this oath when It wasen •ii'U'il, amidst the war tail ween the Houlhein hlali's ami Hid United Hiatt * ; but lliiN nan he noun now, unlisa It Ini for the purpose of schilling the Houiluirn people from an office llltln I 101 l it>|atlUti Nates, and still hold g those Nutt* Iu billllsry subjection. J fa (Ik jlarannalt Jattr Jerald. know that this is not the policy of the Presi dent, and I cannot believe that it will be the avowed policy °f the Federal Congress. If ~ T out .‘ ) l ern members are present when the r,ou is called by States,-they will take a part in tne organization of the House, and may vote agaiust the oath being tendered to the members when they are sworn. _ , TH * rEDKBAI. TROOPS IN TIIK STATE. The reorganization of the militia is a mea sure of the highest importance, under exist ing circumstances. I have received informa tion from the Secretary of State at Washing ton, that as soon as our Stale Government"is organized, all the Federal troops would he withdrawn from South Carolina. We must then rely on the militia for the protection of the State against insurrection and domestic violence. It is a matter of serious considera tion, however, whether we should nht desire to retain, for the present, a portion of the Federal troops hi the State. The freedmen and colored people look to these troops as their friends and protectors, and would be much less likely to have any collision with them than with the militia. The colored garrisons, which were at one time stationed throughout the country, have done infinite mischief, by inducing the negroes to believe that all the lands of their former owuefs were to be divided out amongst them. This bas made them discontented and unwilling to make coutraots*for the ensuing year. In many portions of the State, there are serious apprehensions of disturbance at the begin ning of the next year. Strong garrisons ought *o be continued in Charleston, Beau fort and Georgetown, where there is such a preponderance ol the negro population. But' these garrisons should not be permitteffito exercise any civil jurisdiction, and should bo subordinate to civil law. Otherwise their presence would be productive of more mis chief than good. _ You will take sucU action in this matter as in your judgment shall seem best for the State. MUCH TO HOPE POR TET. Iu conclusion, 1 would urge you, gentle men, to look only to the future in your leg islation, and forget, so far as you can, the past. There is much to hope and live for, yet, in South Carolina. We ahould congratu late ourselves and the country that civil war has ceased, and peace is restored to the land. No longer are our citizens to be forced from their homes and families and offered a bloody sacrifice on the field of battle. No longer is our beloved State to be ravaged and desolated, and our towns and villages com mitted to the flames. A merciful Provi dence bas once more blessed our land with an abundant crop, and no longer have we any apprehensions of want ana starvation. We are in the enjoyment of heahh. Our young men, noble and gallant soldiers, are peaceably resuming their former vocations, and exerting themselves in restoring the State to her wonted prosperity and happi ness. No civil broils or deadly feuds are dis gracing our deopie as in other States. We lave no political divisions. South Carolina presented a unit after her act of secession, and she is now united as one man in return ing to the Union ; and yv'Ul be as true and loyal to her plighted faith as any State North of Mason's and Dixon’s Line. In this respect there is no difference between former Seces sionists and old Union men. They all have equallyat heart the peace, honor, glory and prosperity of the American Republic. And I earnestly pray that all your legislation and deliberations may tend to tbis great purpose, under the guidance and protection of Al mighty God. B. F. Perry. GREAT Gift Distribution, 250, OOQ WATCHES. Chains, Diamond Kftigs, etc , worth over One Million Dollars, all to be sold for One Dollar each, wllbont regard to value. Not to he raid for until you know what yo« are to receive. During the mouth eating March 31, 1866, T. &, 11. Ganghan A Cos. have had the hbnor of distributing among their patrons, Six Hundred and Ninety Gold and Silver Watches, at the price of One Dolin'! each. , SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES! All to be Sold, for One Dolla r each. 250 Solid Silver Dicing Sets, $76 to 300 600 Silver Salvers and Urns, so to 250 600 Solid Silvei Tea S*ts complete, 50 to 300 150 Rosewood Musical Boxes, 32 airs. 75 to 260 200 Mahogany Musical Boxes, 24 airs,, 50 to 200 260 Gold Hunting Watches, ;s to 260 260 Ladies’ Enamelled Gold 600 Genu’ Hunting Silver Watches, 36 to luO 500 Open-face Silver Watchas, 26 to 60 260 Diamond Rings, sn to 100 5000 Photo. Albums, all. sines. & to 50 2000 Gold Vest and Neck. Chains, 16 to 30 3000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 6 to 10 6000 Chased Gold Bracelets 6to 12 2000 Chatelaine and Guard Chains 5 to 20 7000 Solitaire and Revolving Brooding, 5 to 10 2000 Lava and Florentine do 4to 10 5000 Coral, Opal and Emerald d<* 4to 10 5000 Mosaic. Jet and Lava Eardnpp- 4to 10 7500 Coral and Emerald Eardrops,. 3to 8 5000 California Diamond Pins, 6 to 20 5000 California Cluster Diamond.HnS, , 3 to 10 8000 set Solitaire Buttons au'iiStsds, 3to 10 3(100 Gold Thimbles Pencils, Ac., 3to 8 10000 Lockets, doable-glass,. 3to 5 5000 Lockets for Miniatures, 6to 10 3000 Gold Toothpick , Crosses, Ac,,. 3to 3 6000 plain Gold Kings, 4 to 10 6000 chased Gold Rings. . 4to 10 10000 Shield and Slgast Rings, v 3to 10 10000 California Diamond Kings, 3to 10 7600 Beta Ladies’. Jewelry, ! ct sto 10 6000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, eoial, Bto 14 6000 sets Ladies' Jswslrj, onyx, 10 to 12 6000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, lavav. :2to 2* 2600 sets Ladies' Jewelry, mosaic it 20 to 30 1(M» Gold Pens, with fill. hold,m,. 5 to 10 SOW,GoId Pens with Gold holcbrsy. oto 12 5000 Gold Pens and holders, superior?. 10 to 16 5000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups> Bto 10 3000 Silver Castors and Wine Holders,, is to 50 2000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets. 20 to 60 Messrs. T. A H. Gaughan A Cos., So. 116 Broadway, New Volk, extensive manubetunera and importers of all the leading and moat fashionable styles of Watches and Jewelry, desiring to increase their bnsi nesa to an unlimited extent, have resolved upon a Great Gift Distribution, subject to the regulations fol lowing : Certificates naming each article, and its value, are lilaced in Sealed Envelopes and well mixed, die of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of twenl.y-five cents. AU Articles Him at One Dollar each, without regard to Value. On receipt of the certificate yon will seo what you are going to have, and then itis at youroption to send tbs dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Wateh, Diamond King, or any set of Jewelry on our list for One Dollar, ami in no case can thay get less than one dollar’s .worth, as there arc no Mann. The price of Certificates leas follow-: One foe 26 cents; five for (1; eleven for $2; thirty for «6 ; sixty-five for $lO ; one hundred for sl6. Agents will bealluwed ten cents on every certificate ordered by them, providing their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 26 cents for every certificate, and remit 15 cents to us either in cash or postage-tamps. T * H . GAUGHAN A OS. oct‘2l lm* No. 116 Broadway, New York. Family Dye Colors. PsUaUd October 13, 1863. Black Dark Green Black lor 811 k Light Green Dark Bine Mugshta Light Bine - MSUS French »)•« Maroon , Claret Brown grange Dark Brown. «nk Light Brywm f urple Snuff Browa Royal Purple , Cherry “ B ,°“ crimson Sf*,! 1 * 1 Dirk Drali **•'• Light Drab S? 1 Sf l, ‘ 8 Pawn Drab Light Pawn Utah Ywllumr. Por Dyeing Bilk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Miawli, ■earn. Dresses, Htbtiens, G hives, Bounina, "lists, Fertfc-re, CMHNV* Clothlag, and all Usd" of Wearing Apparel, tr A HAVING of 80 I’Klt CENT. 4M * For It easts you cau anlor as seauy good* as wno lit ■Mlwrytlss east lea Uaias that earn. Variola shady «*• M nfdussrl inns ihs asm* tlyt The pruuaaa Is sunpla, sad any inis eas ass Iks Dr* *hb peifrci •asesas. Dtrssuun* Is Itagtlsli, Preach sad Osrmaa. I—lda of IMUSI hiifugs mowi a mtovmns. life Sfoedwaf, FH9 •»!« by dh||Mfe ajml 4a alar* MflUllfi (M4MMNN SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1865. * WANTED. WAN T ED. TWO good Blacksmiths, to go in the country Ad ply to-day at our office. y iiov3-2 H. J. DICKERSON A CO. Wanted, A GENTLEMAN and his wife desires board for the winter, hi a private Ismlly. Willing to pay agood puce for superior accommodations. Stabling for a pairof horses desintble. Address Key Box 47 Post Office, or apply at Room 52, Pulaski House nov3 jj Board Wanted. T N * P r *Y ale kinMy, the highest reepict&bility, by a ? gentleman and bis wife, fur the winter. Address A. A . Buz lido, Fust Ofljtc. 2-iiovii WANTED. O ffices for Rent, APPLY TO Stoddard liros., _octis 12* Bay streetopp. Mariners’Church. Consignees Wanted^ FOR E. H. S.-35 bide Flour 20 hair bids Flour 8 bbls Crackers 0 bbls Apples 5 bbls Eggs G <fc W—loo tub* Ltfrd. If not called for will be sold for freight and expenses. _ °«23 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, Wanted, SOO A 1 Agents wanted wanted for six n f w armies, just out. AdHress O. T. GAREI, city Building, biddetord, Maine. __ scpls (litwoin W agon Freight WANTED ' For .Maeon, f , Milletlgcville, * $ Albany, Amcricui, or . . 4 Hawitiiwvllle, Apply to _ , * GEO. C. FREEMAN. OCt3 ts Wanted, $0 PI A DAY! Agents wanted to sell anew and —" wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW A CLARK. Biu deford, Maine. sopl4-d.Vw.Hm Wanted Immediately, FOR CASH, all the Rags, Old Bagging, Jhd Wast Paper in the city. ■ WARREN & PLATNER, , oeptlS ~ 210 Bay-st, FOK SACK A TO RENT. Bacon for Sale. PRIME naltlrnore Sides and ShorJdcrs, by novS-4 BRYAN, fl-YBTI DGK A CO. S~t ea m Mill FOR SALE. r Subscribers offer their Steazu Circular Saw am! X Grist Mill for sale. The Mill is located about ffs'e miles east of Sandersville, Washington county, and one mile from No. 12», Central Railroad. The Engine is a twenty-live horse power, with two cylinder boilers, one set io»ii stones, a good turning lathe, nil complete and in dpccesslul operation. We wjjl sell the Mill to remain where it is, with ample supply of Pine Tdnbcr lor sawing, or the Mill can be removed. With the Mill we will sell Oxen and Log Carts for hauling stocks. We will sell On Liberal Terms. Apply to McsSrs. Erwin & nardee for further pc - ticnlars. nov3-6 ERWIN & CARTER. Just Received and for sale on Consignment. OA BBLS. Old Virginia Mountain Dew Whiskey riu (choice) 25 boxes English Dairy Cheese 20 tubs Onoice N. Y- State Bui ter 10 firkins Prime Western Butter. CUNNINGHAM & PITRSE, nov2-3 No. 4 Stoddard's Lower Stores. Wood for Sale. OAK, Pipe, Lightwood constantly on hand and for sale, at Ferry wharf, under Gas House h?II, by oct3o-lw F. M. MY KELL. The Screven House FOE -RE2STT. IPHIS commodious and elegant Hotel is offered for * rent. It has capacity for 100 lied Booms, in addi tion to Dining Rooms, Parlors, Ac. It is situated In the business poltiou of the city. For particulars and terms apply to nov2-2w BRYAN, HARTRIDGE & CO. FOR RENT. I OFFER for Rent next year, 186 \ my Rice Place, in Camden county, Ga., on the Great Satilla Diver, known as the “Vernon Plantiition,” containing 4*20 i'creßof first quality Rice Land, and about 100 acres of hijih land, all in perfect order. Said Plantation has been cultivated during the war. and therefore requires no e£tra work to prepare it for a crop the ensuing year. All the negroes formerly belonging to me are still on the place and anxious to remain, so there would Ik* no difficulty in procuring laborers. On the place is u. comfortable dwelling house, together with all tlie necessary buildings for the accommodation of labor ers and storing he crop. # Seed for the coming year, including Rice, Corn, Peas,. Sugar Cane, Sorghum, Cotton, <fcc., can be obtained) on the pluce. For further particulars address the sub scriber at Wayneeville* Wayne county. (Ja. oct3o-2m -IAS. F. KING. Store to Let, AT HILTON'* til AD, S. C.: The light and commodious Store, corner Merchants- i Bow and Palmetto Avenne, to lease for a limited time. Terms easy. Address W. S. SAMPSOJT, Jr., Agent, octlS ts Lock Box E, Hilton Head. 8. C. to rentT large and handsomely Furnished Rooms To Let, AT EAST COR. IF PRICE ARIF ST. JULIAN ITS. % “ROOMS TO LETT AT HILTON HEAD, S.C. The "Palmetto Borakl Building," Having lieen pswly fittsd np, now offer large ami airy He obis aaltable fur Blaeplng Apart menu or Buxlneas purp oaaa, Piirlsrms aditraaa _ a . w. 0. HAMPHQN, Jr., Aganl, or!Iw ts Lurk Bin K, 111110 nHi a.i, H£ _ Hay, Hay. fffll) HAI M prim* Northern Hay, its* HAI Uara I UA pukeit Portal* lo arrive. . •M Ulli ItSM. VAIfIWIN A 00. STATIONERY, SIC. ESTILL’S Newspaper Depot, AND STATIONERY STORE, Bnll Street, Corner ol Bn; Lone. s BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. KTEW KTOVEIdS. Just Received at the above Depots further supply of THE BUSH-RANGER'S, OR, ADVEN TURES IN AUSTRALIA. MAJOR JONHS' COURTSHIP, Price 100 ANNIE, OK* CONTENTMENT, Price 50 Leslies' Ladies Magazine. Eclectic Magazine. Mad, Dciuorests' Mirror of Fashions, Price 40 Cts. THE ROGUES AND ROGUERIES OF NEW YORK, Price 36 cents. also HARPER'S MONTHLY, GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK' ATLANTIC MOIfTHLY, 4c., for OCTOBER. The nsual assortment of Northern Dailies and Weeklies * Received by Every Steamer/ ang3o ’ THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS Can be had at ESTILL’S News Depot and Cheap Periodi cal Store. BULL STREET, BACK OF THE POST OFFICE. sep26 - TO TRAVELLERS. New and Cheap Pnblications. Artcmas Word; his Travels, $1.50, The Lost Will 'sso cents. Gucs Howard, 75 cents. % Verner’B Pride, $1.50. The Curse of Cliitou, $1.50. Swcnl and Gown,iK> cents. <srent Expectation*, 75 cents. The Charmings, sl. The Castle’s. Heir, $1.50. . Guy Livingrstojiev $1.50. * Major Jones’ Omrtehip, sl. Major Jones’ Chronicles of Pinevillo, sl. Polly Peablossom’s Wedding, sl. And other Novels, at ESTILL’S NEWSPAPER and PERIODICAL STORE, octT- Doll street, back ol Post Office. School Books. Tj'ASQUHLLES’ Introductory French Course. Just A received. Oct3(i JOHN C. SCHKEINER St, SONS. Novels and Music. JUST published and received by octto JOHN C. SCHREINER A SON& “VBOLFHO VOir H 9ft Beaver Street, New York. - Offers for sale of his own* importations, in bond and duty paid, the largest stock of Wines, Liquors, &c., of any other house in this country, comprising in part of Otard, Ilonnesy, Plnet Castillon, Martel, Godard Brandy, Rochelle Brandies in half, quarter.and eighth casks: also Otard and ltouyer, Laferrolero and Fils Brandy, in cases of one dozen each. “Gin.” Udolpho Wolfe’s Schiedam in pipes. Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, in bond and duty paid, in cases of one dozen quarts and two dozen pints. “Whiskey and Rum.” Scotch and Irish Whiskey, in hhds. and cases of one dozen each. Bourbon Whiskey in barrels and cases of one dozen each. » ZUJ3ML “Jamaica" and “St. Croix Hum" in hhds. and (m*cb of one dozen each. Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines. More than twenty different grades, in halves, qnar tew and eighth casks, also in efises of one dozen each. “Hock, Champagne, Moselle and Claret Wines.” From Peter Arnold Mu mm in proprietor of Joannisburg estate; J. 11. D. Becker A Fils; Esche nancer, Benecke k Cos., Bordeaux Barton k Gueslin Bordeaux, and from other well known houses in Ger many and France. Oils, Cordials, Sardinks, Bitters, Mustard, Olives, Brandy, Preservbs, <fco. Twenty-five years’ business transactions with the Southern States, with some of the largest and most respectable dealers,should be sufficient guarantee that every article offered by the advertiser for sale is pure and genuine. Samples can be seen, and catalogue of prices ob talned. by addressing the above. aut?B-3m WBW SKIRT FOR ’63 jXIJ Pjsex E L_ L • | The Great Invention of the Agje Hoop Skirts, J. W. Bradley’s Sew Patent Itiipex Ellip tic (or Double) Spring Skirt. TIIIS Invention consists of Duplex (or two; Ellptir Pure Kenned Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and lirmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flexible, elastic and durable Spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the Sla gle Springs. and consequently preserve their perfect and lieautlful shape more than twice as long a* any Single Spring Skirt that ever has or can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfnrt and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienci and particularly in all crowded Assem blies, Operas, Carriages, ltailroad Cars, Church Pews. Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as Iho Skirt can ire folded W'hen in use to occupy a sma!!' place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Musliu Dress. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort aud great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will never aftcr natds willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and young ladies they are superior to all oth ers. The Hoops are covered with 2 ply doable twisted thread and will wear twice as lung its the single yarn covering which is used on alt Single Steel Hisiphkirta. The three bottom rods on every Skirt arc also Double Steel, and twice or doable covered to preveut the cov ering from wearing off the rods when dragging down sluirs. atone steps, Ac., which they are constantly subject to when lit rue. All are made of the new and elegant Cos. (led Tapes, aad are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the moat graceful and perfect shape possible and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. WESTS', BRADLEY A CAKY. flateJ. L A J. O. West,) Proprietors of the Invention, and Sole Manu facturers, 07 Chambers and 10 and SI lteadc streets. New York. For sale In all first class stores In this city, and IhniughWt the United States and Cuuadas, Havana de Cuba, Mexico. Htnith America, and the West la dies. ttCT’ Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic tor double) Spring Skirt. . Jys Btf Paper widftag I Warehouse Warren & Platner, 11/ dealer. Iu all kinds iff coarse sod It flunrsMr, Envelops, Twines and Paper boxes. Sul# Agents In this rpy (Or ills Bath Paper kulo Tlis I aghast tsaah nr fees paid sos naffa Uad MM slid •MggMg and Wards Paper, in lares or small qUSlllillvs oeflo tr no Hoy sfrssl, fiavannsh, do. HOTELS. ImSilß HILTON HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY 4 BANCROFT, Proprietors. Kdwabd L. Jones, Agent ts octlO • GILMORE HOUSE, Monument Square; Baltimore, Maryland. THIN FIRST CLASS HOTEL has been newly fur nished throughout, and is now ready for the re ception of guests. A octG-lm KIRKLAND St CO. Port Royal House, HILTOJV HEAD, S. C. - RIDDELL * RUG G* PioriiKOia a. s. xiddxll. . m. r. sum*. lu3-tf QUOTATIONS For Southern Bank Notes. BANKING HOUSE or MANNING & DE FOREST, 19 WALL STREET,* NEW YORK. OCT. 21, 18G5. VIRGINIA. EATS Bank of Berkeley. 85 “ Commerce. Fredericksburg 35 “ Charleston, Charleston 20 “ the Commonwealth “ Howardsville, secured 26 “ Old Dominion 40 “ Philippi, secured 20 “ Rockbridge..... 36 “ Rockingham 1..35 “ Scottsvjjle, secured 25 “ the Valley 33 “ Virginia 34 “ Winchester 40 Central Bank of Virginia, secured 26 Corporation of Alexandria 56 Danville Bank, Danville 23 Exchange Bank of Va„ Norfolk 26 Fanner-’ Bank of Fincas’le 35 “ “ Richmond 26 Merchants' Bank, Lynchburg, secured 34 Monticello Bank, secured 20 Northwestern Bank at Jeffersonville .85 Southwestern Bunk, Wythesville ~. .82 Traders’ Bank. Richmond.. ! 30 Bank of Richmond.-, i 20 NORTH CAROLINA Bank of Cape Fear 46 “ Charlotte, r. 7 37 “ Clarendon. 14 “ Commetce 26 “ Fayetteville r 14 “ Lexington 38 “ North Carolina <l6 “ Wadesborongh 30 “ Washington : ~.16 •• Wilmington 27 “ Yonoeville 13 Commercial Bank. Wilmington 20 Farmers' Bank of North Carolina 35 Merchants' Bank, Ncwbern . 36 Bank of Roxboro' % 34 Miners and Planters' Bank 35 Bank of Tbomasvillc 26 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden 30 “ Charleston 20 “ Chester 22 ■ “ Geojgetown t. 20 » “ Hamburg 20 “ Newbury 30 “ South Carolina 18 *• State of South Carolina 22 Commercial Bank. Columbia a 10 Exchange “ “ 20 Farmers'and Exchange 13 Merchants', Cheraw 22 People's Bank 50 Planters’ “ Fairfield 20 Planters' and Mechanics' Bank : 26 South W. R. R 25 State Bank : 12 Union Bank 65 GEORGIA. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company 12 Bank of Augusta 27 “ Athens.... 30 “ Columbus , 15 * Commerce ..1 12 “ Fulton 25 “ EmpireState 15 “ Middle Georgia «5 “ Savannah 45 Bank of State of Georgia 25 Central Railroad Banking Company 90 Cit y Bank of Augusta.. 25 Fanners'and Mechanics 17 Georgia Railroad and Banking Company oo Marine Batik 00 Mechanics' Bank 12 Merchants and Planters' Bank 12 Planters'Bank IS Timber Cutters' Bank 10 Union “ 12 Manufacturers' . “ Macon.' 15 ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile '. TO “ Montgomery 90 “ Selma....- 30 Commercial Bank 30 Central ‘ “ 32 Eastern Bank r 50 Northern “ v 40 Southern “ 70 TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga 22 " Middle Tennessee 75 “ Tennessee 27 “ West Tennessee 30 City Bank of Nashville 4* Merchants' “ 45 Ococe “ 40 Planters' *' 54 Shelbyvllle “ 76 Sradcrs' “ ...; - .30 nion “ .\ 64 LOUISIANA. Blank of America ......120 , “ Louisiana. - 80 “ New Orleans 60 Canal Bank 08 Citizens' Bank 98 Crescent City 00 Louisiana State Bank 65 Mechanics' and Traders' Bank 96 Merchants' “ 60 Southern •* 120 Union “ 00 blew Orleans City Scrip 90 STATE BONDS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds 70@72 N. Carolina " ; 8S&87 North Carolina Floyd Bonds 00 g. Carolina '• 70^,75 Georgia •* 85(090 Tennessee “ 84qj.S5 Tbe above Bonds are bought with Coupons for l SOI. City of Savannah Bonds dipnoi •• "Augusta, " 8,a90 Charleston City Stock 40»45 Now Orleans City K. R. Bonds.. > \... ra«os " *• Consolidated “. 75a80 City Memphis end. by 8l Tea.. 65057 “ Railroad 63»66 , •• Municipal 60a52 Savannah Coupons * 60a70 Augusta “ «5a70 Memphis *' Soaß6 N Carolina " 60a55 Tennessee “ 55a67 Georgia “ 00 Virgtula “ * 40 South Carolina K. R. Bonds 6d Savannub aud Charleston, Ist inortg.....; 60 •• •• ud “ <SaSO Montgomery and W. Point 1C R. Bonds 50*00 Nash, and CnaL endo. R R. Bonds 76 Memp. and Char. end. IL H. Bonds 66u«0 Mobile and Ohio K. K. slg. Bonds 4606.) '* “ Coupons soass We are d'lallng extensively In all kinds of Southern Securities, .and pay particular attuuiiou to purchases and Sales o u Commission, filling urdera for Banks aud tboaa indebted lo the Banks. Parties winding as packages by mail or express will receive the benefit of ally advance lit the murk>L These quota Lions are not ilksly to decline, as South aru money aud securities are In great tequesl at present. Refer to the Banking and Bualusss Houses general ly of this rit,y, We ruler In A. Champion, Esq., Pres ident, SU4 Unity Uqaa, Ksq,, Banker. MW HiOARDINC. I HOARDING and Ixrdgtug can be Obtained by are mlm Mike list (trios ainry brick Mlldlng 0* Me MnNh aeareef |o Wbllaker, |f mitts » WIBCF.LLABEQI'F. Notice to the Public. IN the year 1846, the writer embarked in the Drag Bnsineas in the city of Philadelphia, and while thug ongaged, made several exiwriments In regard to Iho ■ most desirable mode of preparing Fluid KxtraAa My efforts being-uccessful—the articles being approved acd ■»ed bv the Medical Faculty—l was desirous of placing them before the public, but hesitaod far sometime before concluding to resort to newspaper advertising) knowing of the prejudices that existed in Hie mlndsof nfcny again* using advertised Medicines or Nostrums, btit through the advice of friends and those who had used them this objection was overcome. Alter 18 y.ars' - xertkms. commencing in a small wav, the popularity of my articles has extended to all parts of the United States, and widely throughout Foreign countries—and this in the face of much oppneition. Everv means has been resorted to by unprincipled deal ers since their merit and soccess havo ben known— inch as advertising larger bottles at less price, censoring all other preparations, and even copying my advertise ments—but I am happy to state that out of tlie many who have resorted to hare been successful. MY OBJECT n this notice is to make facta known to the pnblic and respectable dealers, believing, after so many years' ex ertions, that the Druggists will discountenance such proceedings, and that the reputation of my articles may not be damaged by the use of InferioV or spurious ones. Knowing that many may read this article who are nnacquuinted with me, I append a few remarks from those of my native city, and whose names are known in ail parte of the world ? “Being personally acquainted with Mr. H. T. Helm bold, it affords me- pleasure in stating I have been most favoraldr impressed with his energy and integri ty, and gratified at hi- aeccesa.’’ WM. WBIGHTMAN, Firm of Powers A Weightman, Ninth and Brown Streets. Philadelphia. Si [Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia! “ When on a visit to the city of New York a few days since, 1 was induced to call on oar old friend and townsman, Mr. H. T. Helmbold. Druggist, 534 Broad way, N. Y. His Store is a Model—a perfect Gem— the handsomest of any kind we have ever had the pleasure of viewing, and so extensive, being 34 feet front, five stories in height, and over 200 feet deep.— It indeed affords ns much pleasure to know that he has been so uiccessfnl. and it Is ample evidence of the merits of his urticles— our whole business expe rience we have not known of the success of any arti cles without Merit—advertising merely bringing the name before the people. ’’ [Boston Herald. I “We do not like to advertise* worthless wares, or articles calculated to deceive onr reader-; and when we see an advertiser like Mr. Helmbold, whom we hhve known for yearn, gradually extend his advertising from year to year until he becomes the largest adver tiser fit the United States, we are satisfied that the statements in regard ta his articles must be correct. The writer rc’nctantiy inserts the above, and wonld not do so were lie not a stranger to many; and con tludes by stating the names ol his articles, and the diseases for which they have been used by many thou sands with complete success. [AnvrnTiBXMXST.I Helmbold’s Extract of Bncliu wHI cure all diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder— Cutes Pain or Weakness iu the Back, Strictures, Ac.; Cures Weak Nerves, Loss of Memory, Trembling, Dimness of Vision.» HELMBOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT OF BCCHU U a pure fluid extract, not a weak tea or infusion. Is the one thing needful for all complaints incident to Females. Iter particulars send for Circular. HELMBOLD'd FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU cores Gravel and Dropsical Swellings existing in Men,' Women, or Children; in fact. ALL DISEASES requir ing the aid of a Diuretic. It is the greatest Tonic und Diuretic known—perfectly a de, pleasant in taste and odor, and immediate in its action. HELMBOLDB Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED. ' One bottle equivalent in strength to one gallon of the Syrup of Decoction. Jtreuuhe* the Beat of the disease immediately, ex pelling all Humors of the Blood, and BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. These articles, being of snch strength, the dose it exceedingly small. From this fact, it la used in the United State* Army Hospitals and public Sanitary In stitution* throughout the land. ITT S<jJd by all Druggists everywhere. t W Ask for Helmbold’a. Take no other. tr Cntout the advertisement and seud for it, and by this means avoid Counterfeit. oct9 lm KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side Backs, Side Lamps, with and without Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Fonnts- Patent Glass Cones, Burners, Globes, Chimnies and Wick, DRUGGISTS’ FLINT 4 GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers' and GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds'made to order. KEROSENE OIL. JAMES T. WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Street, Two doors below Barclay, N.-Y novl-3m DURYEAS’ MAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. WA * the w«‘i m\m rM ,oo ° That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competlon of all prom inent manufacturers of “Com Starch” and Corn Flour” of this and other countries notwithstand ing. MAIZEVA, The food and laxnry of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince tile most skeptical.— Makes Buddings, Cakes, Cnstonls, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake It Is also excellent lor thickening sweet sances, gravies for fish and meats, soups, Ac. FoFlce Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiltd in milk will produce rich cream for eoffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up In one pound packages, under the trade mark Malzena, with directions for nee. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all age*. For -ale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. * Wholesale Depot, 10(i Fulton Street. Wll*l.l ATM DURYEA, an2s-3m General Agent. DR. GORDON HOWARD Has resumed tha Practice of Medicine. Special atten ' tlon to Diseases of the Eye. * .Office, and residence. Jones street, two doors from Whitaker. oct!9 law4w To the Destitute. A COMMITTEE of Ladles will soon visit the homes of the poor, aud, U* eases of extreme wanL will Issue Free clothing Tickets, while there, aqd only then. No calls it the koinea of tbe Cummttlee by applicants will Is, of any avail. Per order of Commlties. nov2 J ■ Bililiiiwuier Point aud Color Works Cos. BELL WYLLY & CHRISTIAN, Agonts. Just rsosived and soy sale at the manufacture! ’» Prtoi KttffM XX Undue water Lead Kege XX Huow WtilU* Kino Kega tyifml While i*m<l Keia Hoiniuarael White Lead Tim rHUf fltol HrMftar PrcDilato VSliiUiLaad Cvtruina Vallow Httaflt Hfelet tin <44 * * Mm I* nw Mr. Heagaa amLfiulfrage. Mr. John H. Reagan, late Postinaster-Geti eralof the Confederacy, while a prisoner 1; Fort Wairen sent an address tp the peoptt of Texas, the substance of which comes. t< ua iu the New Orleans papers. The topii of most Importance which he discusses ii that of sufrage. *He says ‘ 'M “To the conferring of the 'elective fran chise on your former slaves,’ I anticipate' i stubixirn and sincere opposition, based oil the ignorance of the great ■ mfiss of them and ou their total want ot information am experience in matters ot legislation, atlpain istration, and everything which pel tains U the science of government aid upon th« pride of race. AJid this objection may b sustained by pointing Us the examples o Mexico, and of the Central American ane South American States, where, by the en| franchisement ot the Indians and the ne; groes, and ail olheis. without reference U race, or mental or moral fitness for the ex ercise of these responsible rights, they havt been deprived of the blessings of peace, or' der and good government, and involved'h an almost uninterrupted series of wars anc revolutions, often of the most crnel and bar barous character, for more titan half a cen tury, wiih no present prospect of an mneli oration or improvement of their condition But these difficulties are not insuperable if you meet them with patience and reason I have no doubt yon can adopt a plan whief will fully meet the demands of justice sqc fairness, and satisfy the Northern mind, ant the requirements of the Government, with out endangering good government and th< repose of society. This can be done by : i First, Extending the privileges and pro lection of the laws over the negroes as they are over the whites, and allowing them U testify in the courts on tfie same conditions i leaving their testimony subject to the rules relating to its credibility, but not objecting to its admissibility. And *n tbis you wit conform with the wise 'current ot moderr legislation, and the tendency of judicial de cisions in ail enlightened countries. And, second, By fixing an intellectual and morar, and, if thought necessary, a pro perty test for the admission of all- persons tc the exercise of the elective franchise, with out refdduce to race or color, which w.oiilc secure’its intelligent exercise. My own view would be : First, That no person now entitled tc the privilege of voting should be deprived o it because of any new test. Second, That to authorize the admissior of persons hereafter to the exercise of tbt elective franchise, they should be, first, mates; second, 21 years ot age; third, citizens of the United Stales'; fourth, should have re sided in the State one year, _ and in tlte dis trict, county, or precinct, six months nex preceding auy election at which they pro pose to vote ; fifth, should be able to read ii the English language sixth, and must have paid taxes for the 1»« year preceding for which snch taxes weri due and payable, subject to any disqualid-. cation for crime, of which the person may have been duly convicted, which may b* prescribed by law. The adoption ol these measures, in nddi tion to those before mentioned, would, ii my judgment, meet the ends of justice ans fairness ; secure? the re-establishmeut.of Stqti government, the admission of her Senator and Representatives in Congress, the sus ; pension of military rule, and the restoratiot of civil, constitutional and local self-gov eminent. Ami it would do more. It woulr secure your protection against other grea and pending evils, and is, I am persuaded of the greatest consequence to your fntur peace, prosperity and happiness. First, It would remove all Just ground of antagonism and hostility between til white and black races. Unless this is done endless strife and bitterness df feeling mas characterize their relations. And all histor and human experience teach us must soone or later result in a war of races. \Je nov know, 'from sad experience, what war is between equals and enlightened people. Bu of all wars, a social war of races is the mos relentless and cruel. The extermination, o‘ expulsion from the country, or enslavemen of the one or the* other, being its inevitahli end, where they are left to themselves ; o the loss of liberty to both races, where they are all subject to the control of a snperio, power, which would be our situation, speak of course, ofthe legal rights and statu.' of the two races. Their social relations an matters of taste and choice, and not subject to legislative regulation. Second, This course would disarm an, put an end io ( the inter-state, sectional, poli tical agitation, on this snttject, at least, which has been the special curse of our country so so many years, and which was the cause o the unnumbered woes we have recently ex perienced and still suffer, by depriving tlx agitators of a subject on which to keep u'( such an agitation, and of the' means of pro dticiqg jealousy, animosity and hatred he tween the different parts ot the country, anc between the different races. And this would dp much toward the renewal of the ancient relations of national harmony and fraternal good-will between all parts ofthe country. And tbis, too, is of {be greatest consequence to our future welfare, and especially us out people now know there is no hope of escape from it by appealing to the principles ol State Sovereignty and jhe right ofseces sion. If the State will accept this policy atODce. it will attain the great ends heretofore men tioned, and it wilt pave its own people from years of pHinful strife and agitation on these questions, which would at last, probably after years of contention, be fonod to be the only means ot bringing it to an end, even if it led to nothing worse. How infinitely better it would be for for both races, fnt the present and the future, tor the whole country, if you will unhesitatingly recognize the unalterable facts as to your condition, and the inevitable logic of events; and hasten, as is in your power to do, the retnrt of the blessiugs of civil government and con stitulionalliberty ; and avoid, as itis in yout power to do, the feaiful perils which now lie before you. I know the painful struggle against education, and habit and policy, anc’ tradition and prejudice, which such a courts! will require you to encounter, and how hare it is for human nature to overcome such dif ficulties. But my sincere prayer is, tha God, in his goodness and mercy, mq| ’enable you to exhibit tbis last crowniuj evidence, in the midst of your calamities.” j TRY ONE POUND. FURNIfURE! . • .FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. 87 AtfD 69 BOWERY * AND 65 CHRISTY STREET, N. T • OKUKAAK Ok TAYLOR Hare the largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY, fl PARLOR- CHAMBER, • • . * • DINING ROOM I • AND.UUUABY FURNITURE, to in* found la Ibis city, uud at the loweat prises. j MATTRASSKfI'AND SPUING lIICDH PROM 86 TO OT, ■ EXTRA IVIDB CANOPY BEDSTEAD? FOB Tllk SOUTHERN TRADE, ■ octll-tm ' ' 'I I 1 M Dunja & Brown] NUIPI'ING MAJkrruUfH, ‘ Having opsusd aa ■>«»» st No u tisy .iM-si.'inW ismii nsiierelism and Prirs ill* !' we are pared b< farulsb urews at Ins skorissl nolle* H Mills »