Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 04, 1865, Supplement to The Savannah Daily Herald., Image 6

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A NOBLE PURPOSE AND A Glorious Result h\ There are as many roftds to fame and fortune as there were gateways to ancient Thebes. Your am totions warrior is for carrying his way witlr the sabre: your aspiring politician for scheming his way by intrigue an l consummate art. But there is one grand i road path »the goal, along which nothing Base can travel. It is the path set apart for the march of taient, energy, and noble purpose and though full of obstacles, it contains none that abrnvc man cannot surmount. This sacs has been exemplified In innumerable instance* but in lew more forcibly than in the rise and progress of DR. HOOFLAND’B GERM AN HITJEKS. For over fifteen years its course has been onward and upward, scattering blessings at every atep, until it now stands on the topmost rounds of tite Udder of fame, as flte GREAT TOISTIO. O A ' Hoofland’s German Bitters Id a positive remedy for DYSPEPSIA, ..a AND Diseases Resulting fhom | DISORDER OF THE LIVER »°<i DIGESTIVE ORGANS, And is the only certain and safe RESTORER OF STRENGTH IN OF DEBILITY. I o By the use of this Bitters • m Weakened and Debilitated Frftmes Be come Renewed with all the Vigor of Health. Impaired constitutions are rebuilt, and the patient in a short time regains Vigor', Health and Strength. * . i F ; OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMITOMS, Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs 1 Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of BJood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Hufcrt burn. Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breath ing, Fluttt ring at the Heart, s or Suffocating Sensation when in a Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain iu the Head, Defi ciency of 1 erspi ation, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac., Sudden Fluslnw of Heut, Burn ing in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings oi Evil, and grejt Depression of Spirits. m . Remember That these Bitters contain no Rum or Whiskey. And can’t make Drunkards. . - * Is not a # Bar Room Drink, But a Higiily Concentrated Vegetable Extract, Free from Alcoholic Stimulant or Injurious Drags. It cannot insidiously introduce the vice of Drunk enness into tire bosom of vour families—to your wife, your children, or your friends. ■W. - L SOLDIEXIS ■Or others, whose systems have become impaired by hardships or disease will find in this Bitters a tome that'will restore them to 411 their full vigor. at '■ * A These Bitters have performed more cures I . Given Better Satisfaction l Have more Testimony I Jj Have more respectable people to vouch for thiyn | ThA any other article in the Market. We defy any lone to contradict this insertion, AND WILL PAY SI,OOO To any one that will produce a Certificate published I by ns that is not GENUINE - . N • READ WHO SAYS SO. PROM THE HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. _ _ . Washington, January 1, 1804. f; ' . Uontle’>>enHaving stated it verbally to you, I have no hesitation m wiiting the fact, that I experi etiwd marked benelt t rum your Hoofland'a German _ U re .‘. a , '*' n = auCl ledious session of Con- pressing anil onerous duties nearly prostrated Suggested the use of the urepmn tion I have named. I took his advice, and ifte result thlt I n^hnS^.ndbbbiin^ Others if they desire to THOMAS B. FLORENCE. I D From Rev. W. D.SuglrM, Pas-or of Twelfth Baptist Messrs. Jones & E^^*' PUiU ’ Utc ™ber 26, 1963. Gentlemen I have recently been t, the distressing efforts of Indmestiou, accotm,i?„t U, fl', r a prostration o( the nervous system \, ~ ei bv edies were recommended by lriends'and sum,'.’!!? tested, but without relief. YottrJiu.iftUn.oL,/ 1 lem Bitters were recommended tiy I'Fsun. u, 1L . nn 1U them, and whose favorable menuuii or th» ttl , ea daeed me also to try them. 1 must conf L “ s an aversion to palent medicines, from ti, e ‘ V' and one" quack "Bitteis," whose only aim «eS~Vf* De to palm off sweetened pud drugged honor , tlie community, in a sly way ; and the tslidtnl i 101 ! which; I fear, is to make many a confirmed dnmkard Ipoa learning that yours was -really a preparation. 1 took it with happy effect li« eh , was not only upon the stomach, but napon the Her vous system, was prompt and gratifying. 1 feel o, have derived great and permanent benefit trout the use ol a lew botUea. Very respectfully yours, W. G. SkIUKKKID, No. 254 Shackamaxoii street. lit WARE OF COUNTERFEITS.’ See that the signature of • C. M. JACKSON” ia on the Wrapper of each bottle. OFFICE & MANUFACTORY No. 63| ARCH BTREET, * w JONCS& EVANS, • SNHOUh IOC M JACKSON A 00. Uia OnlleU ht«u« llt, ' ,U **" •“ ‘ very town in uMU-WAH MIOCKLLAIKOI9. Wutm*m C«lfbrat<‘d NVfdks and Fifth * llooks. ANDREW CLERK & CO, 48 MAIDKN LANE NEW YORK. KOLB AUKNTN AND I.AI PORTERS. , OUR former castornci* will find a reduction in gold prices of the Needles, while the quality in Always kept up to the highlit standard known to English manufactu nr*. A.*C. A Cos., respectfully solicit A renewal of the mercantile relations so long and favorably esteemed by their boose. au'ioJm established ihoo. ENOCH MORGAN'S ’ SON'S . Soaps, &c. 9 No. 211 Washingtoii-St., • ,epl9 * -NEW YORK. 3m WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., Wilmington. Delaware. MANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats, Steam Engines, Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mil's, Ae. Having hurl long experience in business and being provided wiili very extrusive larilitirs for doing work of this class, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, octlC 6m LINVfLLE & GLEASON. SA.V-AISrNA.H. A GE3XTTS FOR MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 ConrtMt Street, New Tort. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL, KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Ship or Band Hoot, AND— BOILER BOLTS, SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAG SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, TurnAmckles, Holt Ends, Taps and Dies, <sto. \ _ ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, IIEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, &o. ; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, Ac. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS, <fcc. »epts -ts PREMIUM TEN DOLLAR IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE. A Triumph in Mechanical Science. MANUFACTURED under two distinct patents, of in. entirely “origual constiuctiou;" does not infringe on anv other machine. This extraordinary achieve ment of mechanical ingenuity works upon a Table, uses the straight Needle, makes the useful Jlund Stitch, at«thc rate of 10 Stitches to evolution of the wheel, will Tuck, Shirr, Crimp, Hem, Ruffle, &c , wilh wonderful spaed, accuracy and neatness, will sew with Double and Single Thread of all kinds, is strong, and can not, get out of order, and has received the full approval of the principal journals and all who have used i hem. This machine works like a charm and sews neat and rapid. Every family requires one."—Jv. }'. Il'orfd. "For the Dressmaker it is invaluable, for tire House hold it supplies a vacant place."—6’odep's Ladies' Book. "It uses a common needle, sews very rapidly, and is so easily understood that a child can use it.”—.V, O. Delta. Single machines sent to any part of the country per express, packed in box with printed Instructions on receipt of the price—slo. Sale delivery guaranteed. Agents wanted everyw here. Circular containing lib eral inducements sent free. All orders must be addressed to Ten Dollar Sewing Miicliine Company, 36, 38 and 40 Ann Street, NEW YORK. oct!7 * » 3m NOTICE. THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal Weakness In all its worst forms without the use of medicine.— I’lease send for my. Circular, enclosing 10 cents for postage. Address J. M. RUSSELL, octlo-3m Boston. Mass. Notice. TIIE Co-partnership heretofore exlstingwhetwecn JACKSON A WARROCK was, on the noth Sep tember dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned who will be happy to receive a continuance of the pa tronage bestowed on the late firm of Jackson & Warrock. , L. WARROCK. octn ’Notice 1o Lumbermen. TMIE undersigned arc prepared to receive Coasign -1 menu of Lumber, ot any quantity or quality, tor eaietn this marketorlorshipment North, sash advances ufad. when required. Our facilities bounded’' 11 " '’“‘ Uble vessds lor shipment* are un- AGENTS IN BAYANNAH HOLYOKE «St MURRAY. bomb sulet " YoMt > Holyoke A Murray. 47 ._ ts octtc INK. 2t) Cloaca Arimld"'leSfr al ' l<,, ,P , ' r gross. It tUiaeo. A Tt.!?..|yy* la « "«M. I‘fats. at $7 per sul* U ror «... * I.RACII. - cor, Btysn unit K|)l | Mltrk „ t (()utre< GUNNY BAGGING^ For Mulu l»y *», MAhOM 4. CO. COMMIHMION MKKCHAWTI*. Atr. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, UEXEHAL COMMISSION A .Ml KOR WABOINO MKKCHAHT, HAY STREET, SAVANNAH, OA. Harris' Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low A Co.'s. Refer* to Messrs. Hunter A Gammell. Crane. John son A tiraybill: Bell. Wylly & Christian ; Bothwell A Whitehead; Miller, Thomas & Cos.; M. A Cohen, Esq. sep29-tf R. M. LOCKWOOD & GO., Merchandize Brokers, No. M3 Wall Street, NEW YORK, Will give their be»t attention to the sale of Cotton j and Produce received (Mi consignment, and to the pur- j chase of irtl kinds of Groceries. Refer toN. A. Hardee & Cos., Savannah, oct' 5 lm TOBIAS HEDRICKS & CO., Ooimii Ik miou Merchants, New York. OCTAVT7S COTIISN will make liberal advances on any consignments made to the above house.* oct2G 1 m Wm. H. Tison. Wm. W. Gordon. Tison Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 96 BAY STREET, Savannah, ------- Georgia., Special attention will lie given to the sale of Lumber, Rosin, Turpentine, Jr., OCt24-3m G. M. CORBEL. A. c. BOBCEI. SORREL brothers, tJHIPPING, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, 6*2 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. References: Messrs. H. K. Corning, Son A Cos.. N. Y.; Messrs. Peter V. King & Cos.. N. Y.; Messrs. Fish er, Brothers A Cos., Baltimore.; Messrs. N. & W. Welsh, Philadelphia; National Bank, Savannah, Ga.; Francis Sorrel, Esq , Savannah. Ga ;Chas. Green, Esq., Savan nah, i>a.; T. R. Bloom, Esq., Macon, Ga. oct!7 2m* 1). 11. BALDWIN & CO., CQMMISS rON MERCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, New York. oct 4-Uni u| M ' Hoi 6t, } Savanllah ' A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. octUtf JAMES B. CAHILL, GENERAL, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Pro visions, Wines and Liquers, 171 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. YTOLDKRS ofMerchandizc wishing to realize imme- X-L diately will consult their interests by consigning tie same. * Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the most reasonable rates. sep4-3m JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOR, FOR WARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 94 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. octlO 6m C. H. BENEDICT & CO., No. 86 Broad Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission * Merchants, Dealers in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Ac, Special attention to Southern Orders Consignments on General Merchandise solicited. octl7 3m TO SHIPPERS OFCOTTON AND, OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. . FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vesf-y Street, a.«rw York. Aud Memphis, Tenn. Thomas Pinner, Henry Bennett, D. W. Bowman. jyC tom CHAS. X. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONES BLOCK, CORNER BAY ANI> AUIROORN STREET • SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL -CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments o the firm of Cuas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends iu Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. REFERENCES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jarive Slade, Esq., New York. llpc. J Wiley Ediuands, Boston. Gardner Cojhy, Esq., Boston. ?eplß—tt . Woodward, Baldwin A Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, 0 and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. Dirr GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, 1 Osnahnrgs and Yarns. iylS WEST, BRYAN l CO.' THE undersigned have formed a co-partnership for the transaction of Commission, Shipping anil For warding business, under the name of WEST, BRY AN & CO. Strict attention given to consignments. This firm desire to confine themselves to Commission Business alone. As agents for Baltimore aud Savannah. Stea mship Cos., we solicit freight fo> same, and request or ders for Baltimore and Western produce, JAS. B. WEST, of Baltimore. HENRY BRYAN, of Savannah, ALFRED L. HAKTRIDGB, ~f Savannah. novl-w JOHN S. M.IIIS & 110., Forwarding and Commission MEKCHAN ts. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAM MIS’ BLOCK, Hay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. 8. BARKIS. ED. Q. SAM MIS. CUAS. L. MATIIKB aull_ ts A. T. OBNMNOUAM. o. PURSE. CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, FACTORS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION X MERCHANTS, No. 4Stoddard'* Lower Stores, Bny sttcet. Savannah. (Ja. UcforeiiCM-Rolrt. lialvrsbam & Pons, Hunter«t Gammell, Octavun Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin it Cos., Erwin & Hardee, Clnghorn & Cunningham. •top4-3m J. SHAFFER,“7 OomxnlMion Denier in all kind* of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS »an PRODUCE, „ .. ~ W«*t Wamiuniiton M.Hanv Opiawlte 143 We.i «t., Bulkhead butweeu Uarclay and Vewiy at*., N K W Y O It K Potato.*, Apple, MidOiilon.ionatamly uu baud, and put np for tlw Houlbimi market *ll uimdgiinem, protnuUy ntienkcd to. wr Itetcru to A. L. Bradley, A, Uaywood, TANARUS, J., and J. U I'araona, W* - - - - A. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J.T. THOMAS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 117 11-iy Htreef. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at as Low Rates as are accepted by any good Company. . octll-1 m sot; r riu:KX COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OK 1 BAY AND LINCOLN STS., GA. O’FALLON &CO., - FACTORS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to our facilities for the purchase or movqpient of Southern Products, and will give prompt attention to all busi ness entrusted to our care. Intending to establish permanently a House in Sftvannah expect by strict business principles to merit and receive a portion of the Trade. Having ft commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, and will make ad vances on same; picking, re-baling or mending ail Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in Northern cities by this orocess.— They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia ?.nd of adjoining states. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, Post Office Address, Lock Box 25. oct 7- 3m BACON, CLARDY &Ca •Cotton and Tobacco Factors, NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY HENRY BRYAN. WE do entiicly a Commission Business, exerting ourselves to get the outside market quotatious for our patrons.. Liberal advances made on Cotton at Savannah, and partial advances on Cotton ready lor shipment at Au gusta, Atlanta and Minion. Planters’ orders filled. octl2-lm Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, General Commission aM Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. 9 Stoddard’s Block, BAY' STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Cuas. Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, Savannah, Ga. New York. Engaged exclusively in a Commission Business,with ample and first cluss Storage Boom, we most respect fully tender our seivicts fur the purchase ami sale of all kinds of merchandise. octjl-3m E. C. WADE. 8. 11. WADE. E. C. WADE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Navatmah, On. octlC „ * Sm L. WAKROCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, F. Consignments solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. octll-lm MAGKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL , COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Ga. OFFER FOR SALE the following Goods, on the raosi reasonable terms. -50 bbls Whiskey, Mountain Dew ") 100 “ ** Buckeye Reserve I T 5 “ “ Stag Bourbon ' ... . *> “ “ 7 year&old stag Bourbon ! x (r 1 } ‘2O “ “ Pine Apple r Western 50 “ “ Burkam’s Bourbon | Distillation 13 •• “ Old Family Rye I 16 “ “ Old Rectified J Together with a large assortment of Port, Sherry and Madeira Wlues, lieidsick & Cos., aud Reyinoad’e Champagnes, Brandies, Gins, Rums, German & Ridgeway Bitters, &c. In connection with the above, we offer for sale Choice Family Flour, Bacon Sides, Shoulders, Lard, Ac. Liberal advances made on consignment to MACKY&BEATTIE, sop29-3m PHILADELPHIA, Pa. N. A. HARDEE & CO., Shipping* Commission and For warding Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will make liberal Cosh Avanceeon consignments to our friends. Norton, Slaughter A- Cos„ 40 Broad street, New York. octti-lm T w, starbuckTco7 ftENKRAL Commission Merchants, 111 Novtli Water Street, Pliiladelpliia. Careful selections made on all orders for the Pur chase of Goods, and Consignments respectfully solic ited lm qct‘2l GKO. P. FOWLS. WM. E. HOY. IIUOH BIOS FOWLE & CO., 'FORMERLY QF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron afid Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NKW YORK, _oct‘2s 6m W. B. & T. E. RYAN, CENERAL COMMISSION ▲Nl> Forwn r(I I nis M vre hunt«, CHttrloaUm ami New York, WII.L attend to tile Shipment aud Kurwarilliill ol all kind, ol Product 1 , and »'ll kia-|i on Itaud an asaortimint ol GriHi-rlca, Winua and Liquors Cmndßiiinunt* aultcited. W. It ItvkM, I l Tun*. K Hrau, fill Kaat Bay, 1 - 44 Beaveratrral, Charleetoti I I New York. OMIT lm coMmkmion HKKuam. LIVINGSTON, FOX"YcC *•* 1 I* ro a a.w ay, New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND Agentt Atlantic Coast Moil Steam ship Company. Advances made on Consignments by JNO. R. WILDER. oct‘2s 2m Savannah. BRANCH SONS &CO~ BAXKEBS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AUGUSTA, GA. Office for the present at Georgia Railroad Bauk. Thos. Brnnvh & Cos., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 90 Main street, Bichmond, Va. TIIOS. BR* WH & SONS, Bankers and Commission Merchants. Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va. DEALERS in Coin. Foreign and Domestic Ex change, Southern Bank Notes, btocks and Bonds. Interest adowed on Deposits. Collections niad» throughout the United states, and special attention given to the redemption of Southern Bank Notes for Banks* account. Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton, Tobacco and other products to their correspondents iu Baltimore, New York, Liverpool, Bremen and Ant werp, 8=w r ~The undersigned for the last twenty five years an officer of the Bank of Augusta, can now he found at the office of Messrs. Branch, Sons A Cos.. Bankers and Brokers, Augusta. Ga., where he will bp pleased to see his friends and the public generally, pledging his efforts 10 give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. Money will be received on Deposit, and Checks paid. oct!9 «15 GEO. W. MORGAN, Cashier. IT. Gowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAY STREET, ANDERSON’S WHARF, SAVANI&H, GA. oct2-3m WM. R. SYMONS, General Commission Merchant, NO. 3 WALDBURG-a RANGE, On the Bay, in the building occupied by Messrs. Guer rard & Ferrill. Agent for the New England Fire Insurance Com pany. Also Agent for Hewitt’s Patent Screw Wrench, References in Savannah—Henry Brigham, E c q , A Porter, Esq., A. Champion, Esq., W. C. O’Driscoll, Esq., W. Duncan, Esq. In Net* York—Sam *1 L. Mitchell, Esq., Cheo. A. Par vis, Esq., D. H. Baldwin, Esq., Wm. Backee, Esq., at Bank North America. Consignments solicited. lw-nov3 J. F. PATEBBON. J. 8. TUPKCR PATERSON & TUCKER, (Formerly J. T. Paterson & Cos., of Augusta, Ga.) General Commission, Forward ing and Shipping Merchants, No. 9 Stoddard's Lower Range, OPPOSITE MARINER’S CHURCH, BAY STREET, Savauuali, G-a. HAVE made arrangements for Shipping Cotton, Tim ber, Rice, Ac., to first class houfts in Europe and New York. Will make liberal advances on all consignments. Also, will buy and sell Timber or Lumber on Commis sion. We have facilities for ohtainiug Charters for Vessels at moderate rates. Personal attention will be given to the receiving, forwarding and to the sales of all merchandize entrust ed to our care. We have a commodious warehouse for storage. Reference*—Dowling &,Co., London : Gibbs, Bright & Cos., Liverpool; Bradfmd & Renick, New York; J. E. Bayley & Cos., Philadelphia ; James Oakes, Boston; E. Lafitte, Charleston, S. c.; R. H. May, (Mayor,) Au gusta Ga.; Geo. R. Crump & Cos., Augusta, Gu.; Hal sey, VVutson & Cos., Savannan, Ga.; J>. B. Thomson, Columbus, Ga.; James Gunn & Son, Richmond, Va.; Clayton. Adair & Purse. Atlanta, Ga. nov3 JOHN B. OUlKtr. JOHN A. QUIET, JOHN B. GUIEU & SON, Comm i ssion M ere han ts, Will attend to a General Agency Business. Personal attention will be given to the Receiving and Forwarding and to the Sales and Purchase of Cotton aud all Produce. References to the principal Merchants of Au gusta and Savannah. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 1.18C5. lm oct27 BRYAN, H ART RIDGE & ZO.. Bryan Street, next to Mfrohants’ and Planters* Bank Ucildinq, Broker and Commission Agents FOR BALE AND PURCHASE OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Cotton. nov‘2 3mo Fordyce, Anderson & Janney, Brokers and General Commission Merchants, NO. 10 STODDARD’S RANGE, •Savannah, C!a. Dealers in Specie, Southern Bank Notes, Bonds and Stocks, Exchange on the Northern cities. Augusta and Charleston, bought and sold. Liberal advances made on consignments to our correspondents at the^Nortb. Refer to Third National Bank, Messrs, beebe, Keech & Cos., Messrs. Merchant & Carman, Messrs Hall A Racked, New York; Messrs. Carman, Merchant & Shaw, Philadelphia; Messrs. Wm. Lamping & Cos., Messrs. G. H. Reese & Bros., Baltimore; Messrs. R. Habersham & Sons, Messrs. Hunter A Gammell, Mr. Geo. W. Anderson, Mr. G. B. Lamar, Savannah. nov2-lm • G. B & G. W. LAMAR, General Commission Merchants. Forwarding aud Shipping Agents, NO. 92 BAY STREET, (upstairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno. O. Ferreland G. B. Lamar, Savannah; W. E Jackson. Josiah Sibley & Sons, J. B. &J. VV. Walker, Augusta. Consign men is solicited. Gm-nov2 ORNAMENTAL HAIR. Curls, Uraiild, Waterfalls, Hands, Wigs, Half Wigs. &c„,. Wholesale, (at the lowest possible price of Importa tion, for Cash, j VV. 11. Cameron & Cos., Importer, of Hair and Manufacturers, NO. 813 FULTON 8T„ BROOKLYN, Near New York. Large and email orders punctually attended to. octlfi lm SOUTHERN Exporting and linjiortiiig COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. Tills aaaodatlon la prepared to make advance* tu currency of Uuld on conaignmenta of Ootton Naval Htorea, Lumber, *c... to tboir agent in Liver- Ortlrre anliclled for good* from merchant* and nUn. t«ra. The ktrlcteel alt,'idlon will be paid to all onlera however auiall, for gottri. ffom England. France " Germany. Our Navannah and UltariMtoi Ageit a Itelitg aalarit'd. make no charge for *forwardiue either wa, and will furuiak circular of detail. “ th ® r H. F. FU»VI>, Prealdrnt, All BUT* r—l, TANARUS, Paine, firm, Hear? Ur> *,u kaviutuah, ua Imua a,pM SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD IS PUBLISHED Every Morning and Evening [SUNDAYS EXCEPTED] AT Wo. 11l BY BTBBZJV, BV S. W. MASON & CO. TBE AIM OF THE PUBLISHERS IS TO ISSUE A Live Daily Newspaper ! Which shall also be Reliable, regarding Accuracy as being of as great importance as enterprise in procuring information. The Hkbald Staff embraces a LARGE CORPS OF EDITORS ASD REPORTERS, deluding several writers long and popularly known as connected with the Southers Press, s It also h|. Special Correspondents at Axil I’roiniiioiit Points, Who are instructed to spare no expense in procuring, authenticating and forwarding all IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. IT HAlf THE BEST Mail, Express, and Telegraphic Facilities! So that all News of Importance will be heralded at the earliest possible moment. Especial attention is paid to the LOCAL AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS, AND TO Shipping Intelligence, Hotel Arrival s,aml the Court Keconl. VOIDING POLITICS, As out of its province at present, the Herald strives to he a Thoroughly Loyal Journal, And to support the true interests of the rc-nnited ua tion. It will be constantly the effort of the publishers to render their paper ACCEPTABLE TO THE PEOPLE OF SAVANNAH AND THE STATE OF GEORGIA, And to discuss all vital questions with the dignity they deserve, and without which its opinions » oonld have but little weight. * . ✓ THE ENLARGEMENT OP THE PAPER Makes room for a large quantity of Miscellaneous Reading Matter, Poetry and Articles on Liter ary, Sclentifiic and Commercial sub jects, so that in all respects it is a desirable Journal • for the FAMILY AND THE COUNTING ROOM. RELIABLE CARRIERS ' AND— Experienced Mail and Delirory Clerk Are employed, and either Edition of the Hnui.ii will be delivered promptly in Savannah, or for warded to any part of the world, on the following TERM S': SINGLE COPY - Be. ONE WEEK 30c. ONE MONTH .* $ 1 <» ONE YEAR WOO, PER HUNDRED 3 60 EXTRAS Are issued whenever intelligence is received of suffi cient importance to warrant it. . ii ADVERTISING TERM Two Dollars per square, (occupying a epuoe of ten linos nonpareil) for the first insertion, aud $1 per square for each subsequent one. A LIBERAL DIS COUNT will be made on LONG ADVER riSEMKNTS, or those INSERTED FOR A LONG TIME. The Ribald is UJfIUVALLED AS AN ADTBBHSINB MEDIUM U Having a large clrcnhtion In the city, dnd throughout the State, in Florida, South Carolfcm, the South Atlantic Squadron ami the North, clrculatiag more or les* IN EVERY HTATE OF THE UNION. •nbecrlptlou* or AdvartUemcnU may be lent by mall or exprtia to , 8. W. MASON &C 0„ PUUUfiUUW, • Mo. 11l May ktrevi, Savannah, (la ipkuul .toneten. . BATCHELOR S BYB ! The Original and Bern In the World ’ The only trim and perfect Hair Dye. lfarmlsM, Reliable and l nstan taueoua. Prodncea immediate y a spleudid Black or natural Brown, without Injuring the hair or akin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dye* Sold by all Drug giata. The genuine la signed William A. Batchelor Also, • , REGENERATING • EXTRACT OF MILLEFLEUBS. For Reatoring and Beautifying the Hak anl4l » CHARLES BATCHELOR, Naw Yoaa. A HHi SIOLOOICAL. View of MAHItIAUE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plate* and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or gans In a state of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise ou Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequence* upon tile mind and Body, with the Author’s Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the Biarriejj, and those contem plating marriage, who entertainidoubts of their phy»- ical condition. Sent free of postage to any adless, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postage currency, by addressing Dr. I.A CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the dis eases upon wjiicli his I took treats either personally or by mail, and medicine, sent to any part of tile world. octlO g m MARRIAGE AND CeUbACyT An Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young men, just published by the Howard Association, and sent in sealed letter envelopes of charge. Address Dr. J. SjKILLIN HO.UGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. oct!2-3m S. T.— 1860—x. Drake’s Plantation Bitters. They pnrify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and ihtermittent fevers. They pnrify the breatli and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhcea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervons Headache. They arcthe best Bitlers in the world. They make the woak strong, ana are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Calisuya IBai k. roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. Only gen uine when Cork is covered by our private G. S. Stamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P. H. DRAKE & CO., oct2S-codly 21 Park Robb New York. Agua de Magnolia. A toilet delight! The ladicjs’ treasure and gentle men’s Boon I The “sweetest thing” and*4argest quan tity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia. Used for bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft ana fresh, to prevent eroptions, to perfume clothing, Ac. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of pjrspiraUon. It removes redness, tan, blotches, &c. It cures nervous headache and allays inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures mosqueto bites and stings of insects. It contains no material injurious to»the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try the Magnolia Water once and use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterwards. DAM AS BARNES & CO., oct27-codly Props, Exclusive Agents, N. Y. \Ye have learned not to l!e astonished at anything. Years of experience and a correspondenoe extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe have turned theories into facts and established a basis from which we need not err. We are not surprised at such facts a» the following—although the persons who write them are. We know the persons and cir cumstances, hence feel at lilrerty to indorse their statements; “New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 24,1863. Dear Sir,—l have been afflicted many years with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feet and hands, and a general disordered system. Physicians and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends in New York wno were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I com menced with a small wine-glassful alter dinner. Feel ing better by degrees, in a few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which X have not done for years. I feel like another being. My appe tite and strength have also greatly improved by the use of the Plantation Bitters. Respectfully, Judith RuSsel.” Reedsiiuey, Wis., Sept. 16, 1863. * * * I have been in the army hospitals for four teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. * * C. A. FlaFte,” The following is from the Manager of the Union Home School lor the Children of Volunteers: ‘■Haskmicvke Mansiok, 57th St,,) New York, August 2,1863. j Da. Dbake :—Your tvonderlul plantation Bitter* have been given to some of <mr little children suffering front weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl in particular, with pains in her head, loss of appeiite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had beetr exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspoonful ot Bitteis a day. iter appetite and strength rapidly increased, and Bhe is now well. Respectfully, Mrs. Clj M. Dttvoi." “* * * I owe much to you, for I verily believe theA’lantatiou Bitters have saved my life. Rev. W. ki. Waggoner, Madrid, N. Y. «• • • Thou wilt send'me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefit id by their use. Thy Irioud, r Asa Cukein, Philadelphia, Pa.” * I have been a great sufferer from Dyspep sia. and had to abandon preaching. • * The Plan tation Bitters have cured me. Rev. J. 9. Cathobn, Rochester, N. Y." *'» • * I have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most as tonishing effect. . ' . . G. W. D. Andbews, Superintendent Sol dims' Home, Cincinnati, O. ” <■* • « The Plantation Bitters have cured me of Liver Complaint, of which \ was laid up prostrate, and had to abannoii my business. 11. u. Kinoslky, Cleveland, Ohio." <» . « The piantatloftitters have cured me of a derangement of the Kidneye find Urinary Organs that lias distressed me for years It acts like a charm. C. C. Moose, No. 254 Broadway.” &cf; Ac., AC., &c., Ac. The Plantation Litters make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s great ro storer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Wintergrccn, batemfras, Roots, Herbs, &c„ ail preserved in perfectly jwe St. Croix Rum. • 3. T.—lßoo—X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of tho heart, lack of appe tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, ' &c., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical au thorities, and are warranted to produce an Immediate hencllciul effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notju*.—Aliy person pretending to sell Plantation Hitter* in bulk of by the gallon la a awiudler aud im postor. It ta put up only in our log cabin bottle. Be ware of bottles refilled with imitation ileleterl"U« stuff, far which several persona are already iu prison. Hee that every bottle has our United Hiatus stamp over tho rorkunmutilstfid, and our signature oil Ntoel aide label. Hold by re*|terUliit' dealer* throughout Hie habitable MM, p. 11. DIIAKie Jt CO . octtl 4in W* Broadway. M. X