Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 06, 1865, Image 2
The Savannah Daily Herald _PP.‘ ■ fA.vth. • * «!!° r ’ ~7^S r AIC Mpyp VY, ~NOVKMBMR 6. H 65- ON VKSTIOS, It mi'.l be seen fr.rn the proceedings of the Convention, «s reported in tbe despatches of our Mil ed'-r* v lie correspondent, that tbe Convention did n >t adjourn sine die on Sa turday, as wa»« xtucled. Tbere are several important measures still *BdA consideration and awaiting decisive : tion, inr udinr: tbe proposition to repudiate t e S'ate debt, on which there will be, pro • bljr, a I rotraeted discussion, Consuming .st of tbe present w eek. The anxiety ot j mbers to ret ch their respective homes 1 ore el cuon tnay so hasten the dis j- 'a! of the most important matters ns to permit final adjournment on Saturday next. THE ST AM Os OF iME NEGRO AT THE NORTH. The great and seemingly vitsitting ques ttou of ibis country at present is that of negro suffrage, and'it is painfully apparent that it is to be the theme of animated dis cussion for years to corat, in spite of the jnost patriotic i Sorts to dispose of it iu such manner as to tv.iLdraw it entirely from the arena, of sectional controversy. The radical party of the North, with Wen dell Phillips, Charles Sumuer and Thad. Stephens as champions and mouth pieces, Is Clamorous for the enfranchisement of the Southern negroes, en masse , with tlta right of •uffrage, whether it be see piahlo to the cit izen population or not. It is made by them tbe situ qua non for the readuii=sion ot the seceding States into the Union- They main tain that Congress Las the constitutional power to. exclude S aithern members from their seats in l oth branches ol that body until the Southern States make all the Con* cessions for the apotheosis of tiro negro, which they so pertinaciously demand. To expose the injustice and meanness of such arraut fanaticism, it is only necessary to show the s' of the negro In many of the Northern State*. As the result of the best examination we have been ahleCo make from the means of iutoymation before us, we find that out jf twenty Northern or free States (free prior to President Li. din’s proclamation), only sev en permit negro suffrage to ft greater or less extent. These are the New England States, with one exc ption, and New York and Ohio. In five of the New England States the right ii unconditional. Iu the sixth, Connecticut, we find that it not only does not admit ne groes to the right of suffrage, but has more* than once emphatically negatived a propo sition to do so. In Ohio the election fran chise is confined by tbe Constitution to white male citizen iu the United Stated*’ resident one year in the State. But tbe Courts < f Ohio having held that every person of one halt' white blood Is a “whits male citizen" within the menuing of tbe Constitution, and that the burden of proof is with the cha longing party to show that the person is more than half black, which is im practicable, t?oUid appear to be very few restrictions ,upon the right of colored persons to voL i.i Off >. In all the otiur thirteen States tho right of suffrage is retused to the negro, at the same time that in some it is conditionally ex tended to Indian a Now, if Wendell Phil-, lips and lii* loiffw.rr Ste really influenced by feelings of unaffected philanthropy in their efforts to elevate the black race, why do they omit 10 make war upon these thirteen States for nlu-iug to do that which tbe Southern Slates decline to do, and for which the latter are held to such stcru ac countability. Taking it for granted that the ucgrocs liv ing iu the thirteen Northern States uro more intelligent than the late slaves of the South, and are therefore more entitled to the privilege of voting, the omission to confer the right of suffrage should certainly bo doubly offensive to the moral sense of these noisy advocates for polititical equality. Not so, however. Tuey do not propose to ex clude the Congressional Representatives of the thirteen recusant Northern States, to ex tort a recognition o: negro equality in the manner proposed to brew-beat and humili ate the South. Such barefaced hypocrisy and heartlessness is without parallel in the history of any ci . i.lz J p eople, and that its. dbameless exhibition by Puilips & Cos., has disgusted the conservative and fairminded men of tbe Repuubiican party is not sur prising. It has pi..ved to be too much even for the hearty stomach of Henry Ward Bet-cuer, who uas recently turned his back Upou the dangerous agitators, for which he was coarse y denounced iu an address re- Csutly tje live red by Puilips in New York. MEbS.YGu UP THE i'RO VISIONAL OOV tKjCU OP FLOBiDA. Oa the 24tli ultimo, immediately after the organizatiun of the Couvcution by tho elec tion of ilr: Tracy us President and Mr. Peeler aa Secretary, Governor Marrin sent in bis message ; of which the following is a Synopsis : By the operations and results of the late ■war, slavery has c -ased to exist. The Con vention should therefore deciare that all the inhabitants of the State, without distinction /** color are free, and that neither slavery xtorinvoiuatury servitude, except as a punish ment for crime, shall hereafter exist. The ernauc putioa of the negro makes it ■necessary to detiue in the constitution what his-civil rights and privileges shall be. The . adoption of suca measures as wifi guarantee protection in the enjoyment of all rights of person and property U recommended? p to tectiou and not political privileges U what ■ eSror T rCamhl3 condl.iou. While opposed to any participation of the negroes in the affairs of the Goy« rilinent he Strongly urges the admissibility ot bu ’ . mony in the Courts of justice for or aeain . While persons, and recommends the n° ” of an ordiuaufru declaring that no^*^* 6 shall be incompetent as a witness on uccoum of bis color in any mutter civil or criminal wherever tho State, or the life, liberty or rights of or property of any colored person Is concerned. The passage of un ordinancj declaring the ordaancu of secession nu t a .and void is recom mended, aud au additional ordinance nn nullinf nr rallying • Such other oidiunuce audacis pis ud during the warmth*in of the 3 atfl requires. »krruu u ,'! "< ‘ U i: <iurdou >* '‘uuounc*d In •taor? J! u * L-u “••camlldafo lor Gov TUB ST A I K ILBITIeK, We learn from tbe Augusta Conslitmion l»t of tbe 2d instant, that tbere are- quite a number of candidates in the field lor Con gress, and that the indications are that the campaign, although brief, will be lively and interesting Io the seventh Congressional district Dr. Hamhleton. Mr. J. A. Stewart and-Geu. W. T. Wofford,are sandidutes for Congress. Judge B H. Bigham and E C. Purdy are candidates to represent the third district. Gen. Phil. Cook is announced in the sec ond district. Iu the filth District Hon. John Miiledge is announced as a candidate for Congress. Hon. Junius Hi'.lyer is* a candidate in the sixth district. These are all the candidates lhat have been publicly announced. Iu this district Mr. Solomon Cohen is nn nounced, and the probabilities are that there will be two or three more Richmonds in the field, including Mr. Jauies> L. Seward, of Thomasville. Ex-Governor Brown declines being a can didate for re-election and rccommeuds Mr. Jenkins, of Augusta, to the people for the j position of Governor. THE STATE ELECTION—FOR CON GRESS. To the Editors of the Savannah Daily Herald : The Slate Convention has ordered the elec tion for members to tbe Congress of the trailed Stares on Wednesday, th« 15th inst. In the selection of delegates the true men of Georgia ought to be represented, and they claim the privilege of natniug and voting for the man of their choice. Iu the free and un interrupted exercise oi this privilege a num ber of them present the name of Col. Caret W. Styles, and respectfully call upou the voters of the First District to maintain their digutty aud secure the integrity of the State by selecting him as their Representative. Many CxrizK.vs. Savannah, Nov. 4, 1865. THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Savannah,-Noy. 4th, 1865. To the Editors of the Savannah Daily Herald : Gentlemen.—ln your issue of this morn ing, Inotice mynaine proposed in connection with others, as candidate for Aldtrmau ot this city. Please obligo me by announcing that I respectfully decline the -nomination and the office. » Very respectfully yours, 8. Yates Levy. / To tht Editors Savannah Daily Herald : As the choice of City Fathers is fast ap proaching, and all citizens like to be gov erned by those for whom they have love, as citizens, if not as fathers, I beg leave to pre sent tbe following ticket, hoping that the people will hold a meeting and ratify the nomination of the gentlemen named. Foa Mayob Col. Charles C. Jones. For Alderman :—John R. Wilder, John McMahon, W. T. Thompson, Dr. James B- Read, John L. Villalonga, Thos. Holcombe, Kobt. Lacblison, John Foley, A. Porter, John F. Wheaton, Solomon Cohen Jas. L. Haupt. A Voter. Ttlli next conokess- The political complexion ot the next Con gress is a matter tbat is exciting mania in terest throughout the country, owing to tlie important questions that will C >me before it this winter tor consideration, many of them affecting most vitally the future destiny of the seceding States, Tue Chicago Republican publishes a com plete list of the Dames of the members of the two Houses of tha next Congress. From which it appears that in the Senate, twenty five States are now represented by 3H Re publican* and Unionists, and 11 Democrats. According to the party divisiou that existed before the War, the House of Representatives now stands HO Republicans and Unionists to 51 Democrats, but on the great question of at once admitting the representatives of tha Southern States, or koepieg them or most ol them for a longer period in probation, it is not probable, says the CunstUulionalitt that the same proportions will be preserved. Should all the Southern States now without representatives,whose Senators or Represen tatives are yet to be elected, choose Demo crats opposed to negro suffrage, as is to be expected they will do, and, should they be admitted, the Senate will then contain torly seven Republicans and Unionists, and twenty-seven Democrats ; and the House of Representatives would contain one hundred and fitty Republicans and Unionists, to ninety-two Democrats. The published declaration dr the Clerk of the House of Representative that he will not place the names of the newly elected mcn> bera from the seceding States on the roli to te called by him on the first" day of the session, preliminary to organization, and the enforce ment of fhc test oath, with the large pre dominance of Repuolican strength ns indica - cd by the statement of the Chicago Repub lican, present a truly discouraging prospect for the eye of a Southerner. It is partially relieved however by the assurance that President Johnson will become the great champion of our cause, and will command sufficient influence in the Republican coun cils to achieve its triumph in the admission of Southern members to their seats. Nomination or Col. Stilus. —The commu nication signed “Matty Citizens,” which ap pears in our columns .this morning intro duces a third candidate into the field lor the coming election of U. S. Representative, from the First District. We understand that this nomination was made at a meeting of genfjemcn from several of the o’jt -yiug counties of the District, who are confident that their candidate wilt command a large share of the snffiages of tho counties they represented. Admission or Southern Members—A strong movement is said to be on loot in Washington to admit eoutheru members of Congress to their seats, whether they come to take the test oath or not, aud it is said the following members are in favor of the mea sure : Mr. Conness, of California ; Mr. Fessen den, of Maine ; Mr. Crepwolt. of Maryland ; Mr. Hendeison and Mr Brown, of Missouri’; Mr. Morgan and Mr. Harris, ot New Y. rli ; Mr. Sherman, of Ouio ; Mr. Cowen, of Fenu •ylvania ; Mr* Cnllamer, of Vermont : Mr Willey and Mr. Van Win’.tje, of West Vir gmla; Mr. Doolittle, of Wisconsin; Mr r u'erton, of Tennessee, and Mr. Logan, ot T . mtimo *v Admitted in Tknnf.s in.- * aw passed by the Tennessee fck-u --"*That iv>r L n, "J o| by. »*n the l»lTl, read. : are herebv o?? u ' Alr,c,n or Indian descent roum in all 'atty air. mu '“ ler “ tteient wim..,,.. i. S! 1 t cl 01 Congress mm- BamSTStt ft2r r“i e Uu i; th. Uutle.l Hiatus SdU ltd tnm oompsurnoy are bX*y ,t ',g££, ,r *" HPF.riAL VOfICM. i HAIR DYB S I Th- Origins! *nd href in the World! The «*!;• tree j red perffve Hair Dy.c Hanr.lese. Reliable *U4 lI.MAII - . ,-ona prihlnort !ranwdl.<t«.y a aptoDdid Black or ! l.aiar.l Cn.wc. w.ibbut injuring Uu hair or sldu. I :«merts~ tha HI sffucM of had dym Sold by all Drng -1 .!*;•. TUo KCiiuioe is signed William A. Batchelor. ' inct.C'ERATINO EXTRACT OP SiIIXULKUBS. For Restoring and Ueaatifylng the Hair uU-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. New You. I A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of MARRIAGE Co.itii.mnsj nearly fsio pottea, aud 136 flue Plates and Engravings of the /.nateray ol tbe Human Or yin-in astute of llealtti and Diaea-v. with a Trcn* iki on llarl)- Errors, its Declarable I'auseqncucea upon Hie nunil and Body, with the Author’s Plau of Treatment—the only rational aud successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, anil those content rlf.tlng marriage, who entertain do'jbtaot their phys -1 i-ali irduiou. bent free of postage to any address, on receipt 0f23 cents. In stamps or postage currency. i>y addressing Dr LA CROIX, No. St Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. 1 he author may be consulted upon any of the uis e.ises neon which his (took ti eats either personally or i y mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. octtO 6m MARRIAGE AND CELIUACY. Au Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young men. Inst published by tbe lioward Association, and sent in sealed letter envelopes free of charge Address Dr. J. SKILL rN HOUGHTON, Howard Aerociatlcn, Philadelphia, Pa. octl2-3m LYON’S KATHAIRON. Kftthalron Is from the Greek wotd "Kathro," or ‘•Kath'iiro," signifying to cleanse, rejuveuate and re store. This article U what its name signifies. For proserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair. 4t Is the most remarkable preparation lu the world, t is again owned aud put up by the original proprie tor. and Is now made with the same care, skill and at tention which gave it a sale of over one million bot tles per annum. > It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf aud dandruff, t It keeps the head cool and rlean. It makes tho hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling off aud taming gray. It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beaatful head of hair shonld use Lyon’s Kathairon. It is known and used throng bout the civilised world. Sold by al respectable dealers. I)EMA3 BARNES &TO., ocl2T-eodly / New York. Hagan’s Magnolia Balms Th e is the most doltghLful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the snn-tmrnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity qf youth, and tho distiii gw appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples and roughness from the skin, leaving the c-mpkxion fresh, transparent aud smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin.’ Patronized by Actresses and Opera Stugcrs. Ii is wbat every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Retail price, 5U cents. Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N Y. Address ftU Orders to . DUMAS BARNES A CO., ocL27-eo lly New York.. We have U-arned not to be astonished at anything. Years df experience and a correspondence exteudiug throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe have turned theories into (acts aud established a basis from which we need not err. We are not surprised at such facts as the following-although the persons who write them are. We know the persousmud cir cumstances, hence feel at liberty to indorse their statement*; “Ne** BkdFOHD, Maus., Nov. 24, Dear Sir,-v-I have bean Mtflictert raauy years with Bcvvrc prostrating cramps »n ray limbs, cold feet aud 11.. wkl a general rtisoidereU system. FhystcUxis .tuil metiicities failed tt» relieve uie. While visitiDg M*rae frieutis iu New York who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon mo to try thexu. I com menced with a small wine-glassful alter dinner. Feel ing better by degrees, iu a few rlays I was astonished to dud the uoMness and cramps had entirely left fie, and I could sleep tho night through, which X have not done lor years. I leel like another being. j\!y appe tite mid strength have also greatly improved by ihe use of the Plantation Bitters. Respectfully, Jcditu Russel.** Rxkdsjiukt, Wts.. Sept Id, 18UJ. * • * 1 have been iu the array hospitals for four teen mouths-speechless and nearly .dead. At Alton. 111., they'gave in« a bottle of Plantation Bitten*. * * Three bottles restored my speech and cared me. • • t’. A. Flaexs." The following is from um Manager of tho Union Home School loi* the Children oiYoiuiiteenj: k ‘iIAV£MKYKS MaNSIO-N, S7lh St , > New Yolk, August 2,1863. > Du. DuAKt:— I Your wouderlul Mautatiou Bitters have been givou to soma of our little children suffering from wcsKness aud weak lungs with most hnppy effecL One little girl in particular, with pains in Her head'loss of appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has baeu entirely restored. Wc commenced with but a tesspooutul ot Bitters a day. her appetite und strength rapidly increased, and the is now vreU. Respectfully, ’ Mrs. U. M. Davoe.** «4* * • I OW y much to you, for W verily beliovc the Piautatiou Bitters have saved my life. IfeV. W. U. VVAOOONEtL Mathid* N. Y. 4 • • • Thou wilt send me two bottles more oi thy Plantation Bitter* My wile Ims been greatly bcncfUed by their use. 4 Thy friend, As\ Cthkin, Philadelphia, Pa. M “• • • I liavo b9eu a gruat suftVier from Dyspep sia. aud had to anamlou preaching. * • The Plan tatioa Bitters havo cured arc. • Rev. J. 8. Cathobn, Rochester, N. X." "* * * 1 have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled suldiors w.m tne most aa lonishuig effect. tl. W. D. Asumxwa, Superintendent Soldiers' Q< mo. Cincinnati, u." “* * * The Plautation bitters have cured me 01 Liver, of which 1 was laid up prostrate, and uad my business. U. ii. Kiausunr, Cleveland, Ohio.” “* * * Tue FUniulion UiUers have eared me of t derangement of the Kidneys and Urinary Organ, that lias distressed me 1(1 r yeura. It acts like a charm. C. C. Mookk, No. 284 Broadway." Ac.: sc., die., dec., Ac. The Plantation Ritters make the weak strong, the 1: nguid brilliant, aud are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They aie composed of the celebrated Catlsaya Bark, Winicrgroen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, Ac., aU preserved iu perfectly pure bt. Croix Rum. S. T.-1800-X. * Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak" ness, laa.ltudt>, palpitation of the heart, lack of appe ttu, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, Ac., deserve to suffer If they will not try tltem. They arc rrCutmucodsU by the highest medical au thorities. and are warranted to produce an immediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, peifectly pure, and harmless. Nonet—Any person pretending to Mil Plantation Diners in bulk or by thegallonis a swindler arid im postor. It is pul up only lu our log cabin bottlo. Be ware of bottiss re tilled with Unit llou deleterious stuff, for which severs! persons tr« already In prison. Be* lUnt very bo tie lu. our United Htstee sump over tku cork uiunultmtcd, end our signature ou‘ steel-plan* tide l.bel. Sold by r»p, uah:*-throughout ttiubebluble world. P. It. bIUKO * CO. "W-** M Broedwfty.N. *. FIXER AL IN VITA TIOE. Ibsfricn isaoJ acquaint-new of OEOBGE fll’T ; sad family are respectfully turtle I to st tend M*- I funeral, fivui his late residence corner Test Bread and This Morning at W o'clock. AEYV AU V Kit Ti»K*l EVTS. ATTEMM Meohaiiic Fire Companj’. . Attend a regular montiily meeting TllU fMouuwy) Evening, at S o’clotrit at tbe Hall of Uie WasUngtou Fire Com puny. Apuuetaal attendance is requested, as busi ness, of great Importance will be brought before tlie meeting. By order W. D. DIXON, Ut Assistant B. J. GlaSsK, Secretary. EIHSTEW 4 ECXIAH, No. 151 Congress St, Somali 6a. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WKLL KNOWN” WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ir tom HOUSE. AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING Just received and opened a very large and select etock of Fancy Drew Goods House- Keeping and Domestic Good), BltnkeH. Cloaks and Shawls, Also Hits. Boots snd shoes. And nil articles usually found iu s first e ass Diy Goods House, we would m st respectfully invite our fi.rmet trteuds ..nd customers; also Merchants and Planters visiting the city, to call aud examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. EINBTKIN & ECKMAN, novfi-tf 151 Congress Street, Savannah, Ga. * NEW Select Music, For Sale at our Stoves at Savanali, ’ Augusta and Macon. DIFFICULT INSTRUMENTAL PIECES. 1 Illustrations (II Trovatore), ' Jael Fantasle (So tuna tabula), Keybach Tarautelle, Wallace Marshe de la Garde Imperial®, Egyhard Premier Aveu Nocturne do. I*es Bells de New York, Valso Satter La Belle Atnerlcaice, do Os Medium Difficulty- It Bacclo (The Kiss), Vatse, Ketterer. lloute-ED Train. Galop de Conat t, Lvttcrer. SansSoucl. Galop, Archer. Le Reve D’amour. Marche, Abbott. EASY, PIECES. Pretty Little Tunes for Little Fo’ks, Beliak. Musical Photographs (62 different pieces), Angelo . Popular Songs. “I am Dying. Egypt, Dying,” Sledle Tis but a little Faded Flower, Thomas. Mother Kiss Me iu My Dream, do. My Bed in Heaven Massett. Lula Long, Webster. I’m Lonely Since My Mother Died, Thompson. Katies’ Secret, Ambahl. Evangeline. Hayes. Tenting on the Oirt C tmp Ground, Kcttreoge. Tell Me Little Twinkling Star, GrifHu. " bttlM C SOIIRIENBR A SONS. JOHN B. GUIEU4 SON, STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Augusta, On. HAVING a lons experience in the Agency of Steamboat Companies lor many yearn, we will gl va our pereual attention to any consigned to our cure. Augusta, Nov. 6—lm Election Notice. An election will be held at the Court House in the city of Bavannah, on Wednesday, loth of November, inst., fora Governor of the State of Georgia, fora Senator of tho First Senatorial District, composed ()f the counties of Chatham, Dry .n and Ellinghara, and for two Representatives from Chatha m county In the General Assembly of Georgia ; also, for a member of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, to represent the First Congressional District of Georgia, as established by the State Con vention. To entitle a citizen to vote ho must, be qualified us prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia In force Immediately before the lath of January, A. D. 1861, (the date of the Ordi nance of Secession,) and also he must havo taken tnd subscribed the oath of amnesty, as set forth In the President's Proclamation of May 20th, A. D. 1865. Polls will be opened at seven o’clock, a. in., and be closed at six o’cloak, p. m. The Sheriff of the county, or his Deputy, with the Constables thereof, who havs complied with the Proclamation of thq President aforesaid, are requir ed to attend said election and preserved order. WM. H. CCYLEB, J. I. 0. C. C. GEO. P. HARRISON, J. t. c. C. C. JOHN SCREVEN, J. t. 0. C. C. JOHN WILLIAMSON, J. I. C. C. 6. BOV l) , td CLOAKS CLOAKS, LADIES’ AND MISSES’ CLOAKS, Just opened aud for sale at EINSTEIN A ECKMAN'S. Novt 151 Congress Street COAL YARD. fIIHE undersigned beg leave hi anSouncc to the dti- A aeitß of Savannah that th- y have reopened their Coal Yard at their wharf, formerly known as the Charleston wharf, where tl#y propose keeping oh hand a full supply of coal for Family, Steamboat snd Blacksmith use. They are uow landiug per schooner Vapor and Trade Wind from Baltimore and Phila delphia. 209 tons Blacksmith's Coal, 275 tons Lorbary Kod A.h Otul, which they offer for sale in lots to suit purchaser*. nO-3 CLAGHORN Jt CUNNINGHAM, BAPTIST CHURCH. ALL the nnsold Pews of this Church will be sold tub and >y, the 6;h of November, at 3 o'clock, p. m. i-rreous desirous to obtain a Pleasant Pen- In the dapti.t Church, will have an opportunity to do so on tie 1 day of sale at the above hour. n6 Turks Island Salt 200 SACKS In Store, aud fur sale by no il BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. Notice. /"tONSIGNEES perStesmer Union, (Hunter A Qam* mclh Octaves Cohen, D. Lathrop. W. H. Starke a,id S. Fanisworthy will redelvo their consigttmeuts tillsdsy, st Ferry Wharf, under Oa* Housu Hill. -. _ F. M. MYKRCLL, Agent. TO RENT A BRICK nod Slato Roof Stable, iu a desirable location. Apply at tills office, nova —3 STATK °F . GEORGIA, GLYNN To all whom it may concern : Wtoreaa, Ann J. O’Sullivan will apply at the Court T for Letters of Administration on tho ex. tat# of P oreiico O’Suilivan, late of bald County de- rbese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it mav efineern, to lie and appear before enid Court tu u.akc objection (If any they toavo) on or be fore the fii>t Monday in December, otherwise •aid Icttera will he y ented. JVIUy my otticui eiguuiure this 94 of Nov#m- BUHL!. BTgTMIBW J. QOItTON, o. a. o. Savannah Medical College- TIIK rewjlsrco use of Lscturss will Itegln on Mon dsy. the doth of t love ml ter, sml will continue for tour muaUie. The session has been delayed for two srek*. by lbs nvcubstlOM of (be College Building far boipllsl purposes by Hie fun-ne or the Untied t- ntes. . J4MKH B. UKAU, M. D, l**r Jjckgonvlll*, (Flsj I'liltth, Ceustlia louellsl, Au .cSmiTaxr ®-^aar flltw AOVCnniRffKSTf. Lifft ol* VALUABLE PACKAGES, Remaining in Alans’, EiprMi C'usn|ia ■f*,OM,tvv. 4, 1*6.-,. A.. Andrew*. Mack Cit'd B. Blount, H D Boyd, jerry C Cooley, Mrs M Clift, Dr JIV D. Dettler, Theo Daniel 1, Geo W P. Fox, M H. Hamlet. Jno P. ltoyer, Jonas Ueery, Jobu J. Jawes, Isaac , li. Klos, WM Kraft, Mr* J Knorr, Dr L L. Levter, Mrs E Lawton, Wlubort, Hi. Murback, Miss A C Mayer, Sami P Pitnder, Jno Parker, J H or Prescott, J C Pacety, Mrs C C Pinder, J K R Restmau, J G Root, Col R Richmond, H P Rodgers, Capt A J Ratters, J S Studer, Mrs V 3 Bluffer, Mrs H 9 T. Toriey, A F V. Yon Entrtts, T,t M W, Wright I V N R nov « *. p. TENNISO'*, Agen*. QtJOTA-rxoSf« For Southern Bank Notes. BANKING HOUSE -or-, MANNING & DE FOREST, l» WALL STREET, NEW YORK. CORRECTED OCT. 21, 18G5. VIRGINIA. RATS Bank of Berkeley 85 “ Commerce. Fredericksburg 85 “ Charleston, Charleston 20 “ the Commonwealth....; “ Howardsviile, secured 26 “ Old Dominion 40 ” Philippi, secured 20 “ Rockbridge ,35 " Rockingham 85 “ Scottsvdle, secured 25 “ the Valley ;-t3 “ Virginia 34 “ WinchrSter 40 Central Bank of Virginia, secured 26 Corporation of Alexandria 55 Danville Bank, Danville 23 Exchange Bank of Va., Norfolk 25 Farmers' Bank of Fincas’le 35 ” “ Richmond 26 Merchants’ Bank, Lynchburg, secured 35 Monticello Bank, secured 20 Northwestern Bank »t Jeffersonville B’. Southwestern Bank, Wythesville 32 Traders’ Bank. Richmond 30 Bank of Richmond 20 NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Capo Fear 45 " Charlotte »7 •• Clarendon 14 “ Commeice 25 “ Fayetteville.-. ~. 14 “ Lexington 38 “ North Carolina 45 “ Wadesborough SO “ Washington is “ Wilmington : 27 ” Yanceville 13 Commercial Bank, Wilmington 20 Farmers' Bank of North Carolina. 35 Merchants’ Brink, Newbern 55 Bank of Koxboro' 34 Miners and Planters’Bank 35 Bank of Thomasville 25 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camdeu ..80 “ Charleston 20 “ Chester 22 ” Georgetown 20 ’* Hamburg...’. 20 " Newbury 30 “ South Carolina 18 V State of South Carolina 22 Commercial Bank. Columbia 19 Kxchango ” “ 20 Farmers’ and Exchange 13 j Merchants', Cheraw 22 ; People’s Bank 60 Planters’ •’ Fulrffsld 20 Planters' and Mechanics’ Bank 25 South W. It. R. j 25 State Bank 12 Union Bank 65 GEORGIA. Angnsta Insurance und Ranking Company 12 Rank of Augusta 2 1 “ Athuns iio “ Columbus 15 * Commerce 12 “ Fultoa 25 “ EmpireState 15 Miihlle Georgia 63 “ Savannah 45 Bank of State of Georgia 26 Central Railroad Banking Company 9u City Bank of Augusta 20 Farmers’and Mechanics if Georgia Railroad aud Banking Company 9o Marine Bank 61 Mechanics’ Bank 12 Merchants and Planters’ Bank 12 Planters’Bank is Timber Cutters’ Bank 10 Onion “ u Manufacturers' “ Macon 16 ALABAMA. Bauk of Mobile TO “ Montgomery 90 “ Selma.... ~...' 30 Commorcial Bank 30 Central “ ~.32 Eastern Bank 60 Northern “ 40 Southern •* ....*.....70 TENNESSEE. Bank of Chattanooga 22 “ Middle Tennessee ' 7* “ Tennessee 2T “ WestTc-nnessoe 30 City Bank of Nashville ; 46 Merchants' “ 46 Ococe “ c. 40 Planters' « 54 Shelby villa ** 75 Traders’ “ 30 Union “ 64 LOUISIANA. Bank of America 120 “ Louisiana 30 “ New Orleans 60 Canal Bank 98 Citizena' Bank 98 Creeoent City Oo Louisiana Btate Bank *. 35 Mechanics’ and Traders' Bank 96 Merchants' * J' 50 Southern •• 120 Union “ 60 New Orleans CityScrlp SO STATE BONDS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds T. ®T2 N. Carolina “ r..6si§is7 North Carolina Floyd Bonds eo S Carolina •• TOtars Georgia " 55&90 Tennessee “ .-.5.i(y,86 The above Bonds are bought with Coupons lor 1861. City of Savannah Bonds ,60a64 •• "Augusta, •• SlaOO Charleston City Stock 40a45 New Orleans C.ty R. H. Bonds 03 ;9 i “ n - . Consoliduled 75aS0 City Memphis end. by St. Teu 65a57 “ Railroad 53a56 “ Municipal 50a«2 Savannah Coupons... 6 >aTO Augusta •• Csa7o Memphis '■ 80aS& N Carolina “ S(ia66 Temiesseo “ 56n57 Georgia “ 60 Virginia “ 40 South Carolina R. R. Bonds 60 Savannah and charleston, Ist mortg 80 “ “ Sd “ ..« 23itS0 Montgomery and W. Point U. R. Bonds 60..00 1 Nash, and Chat. endo. R It. Ronds 75 Memp. slid C'bsr. end. R. R Bonds ..66a00 Mobile and Obio R. R. slg. Bonds 46555 •' “ Coupons 60a66 Tsars dealing extensively In all kinds of Southern Sororities, and pay particular attention to purchases and Sales ou Commtsalon, lllliug orders for Banks aud those lm.ebt.-d tu the Hanks. Parties sending as packsgss by mall or sxpress Will reelVl. lbs belli at of suy advance lu ihc market. These quutatlous are not likely todocllm, a- South, am mousy aud securities are in greet loudest si prsssnt. Refer to tbo Btnklng And Business Houses vuiisrsl. ly of tills cite. W* refer to A. Cltsioplnu, Jtsu Pres. Idem, and floury Jiiyun, K*q., Jtsuki'r, *' _Mln __ Hay, Hay; 762 tttm •"*»*" «IM UdcliAM. RAIXMIf A UO. POSITIVELY THE LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN This Country! REORGANIZATION FOR A GRIND SOUTHERN TOUR For Season of 1865-6. Will Exhibit * Savannah For a short time only, commencing Thursday, Nov. 9. „ ' c The Managers would re ''' s state that In the 9* . 1 selection of Arilets for th. ft. Colossal ALLIANCE, 0 I It has been the rroprletora’ ; 4. |- ilesire to secure such a va • - . ■ rtety that no patron shall Ik— , jfail to Aud In It much that will Instruct the mind and /l* - V enollaln tllo attention. 'i' j U j V THE BRILLIANT lift f Cluster f .#1 -CELEBRITIES // |J which adorn this Famed Circus A are unparalleled In their sev rt\ <| oral specialties. f/ py I Tire atagii.lloeut Scenes \ IN TUB ARENA j are enriched aud beautified GORGEOUS PARif HERN ALIA f "Si SUPERBMUSIC. —O—. 1 W \ 4 I MESSSK9. STONE, ROSSTON & MURRAY having t'anlshed the antique style, and reached perfection * \n * |th 'his organization, offer no &tj MB stale or exhausted acts. • | Scw Features and Fresh never before Introduced to “* 8 puUUc ■% ci j| jf Attached to tilts combina i| ' i*noP. HUTCHINGSON S TRAIPJTSD \ 1 DOGS, ■ fc® . DEN. STONE’S comic cabe and kite. i' i Wlll stlowhow tnnchlivelier || / 9 | tliey are than all other Comic j A /' | Muies, Trick Mules, Funny Mules, Dancing Mules, or ■i 11 wjeel any other Quaint Mules -irrWS? ’ known to fame lor being queer in their conduct. Public attentiou is called to the « GRAND Free Exhibition OF THE GYMNASTIC MIRACLE OF IROMITIC-OSOILLATION, om PLYING IN THE AIE, By tho Intrepid Panoratlil, Signor Foxdluaud, THE WONDER OF THE WOULD I Tills splendid Gratuitous Exhibition will lie glee* Ailjneem to the STONE, Rossrojf & MURRAY'S Circus Pavulmi every dee. at 1 o'clock p. tu. AU M ISSION : first Clas. Sent* Children,« i, Coluied OsUory J * M g»^ y Doon »p«u si 2 *au oKMocii p. u*. A Mtf 4P.XIK YTi. (iavauuaU T lieu ire 7 MONDAY KVENINO. NOV. a. First Sight oftlio old Favorite# Mi-, ana Mrs. W. H. Orisp, Who will ai post la Sliakspesre’s Tragedy of RICHARD 111. To conclude with a KISS IN THE DARK. Lady of the Lake shortly. WANTED. WANTED. TWO good Blacksmiths, to go in tho country Am ply to-day at our o*tt e. 3 p auted, A GENTLEMAN and hi.s wife desire* board for the winter, in a private family. Wilting to pay a good price for superior t*cconuo<idalions. Subdu* for a pitirof bones desirable. Address Key box 47. Po-t Office, or apply at Room 62, Pulaski House. uov3 3 Board Wanted. IN a private fomUv, of the highest respt otabiiity, by a gentleman and hia wife, for tbe winter. Address A. A , Box 390, Post Office. f nov?. WANTED. Offices for Rent, APPLY TO Stoddard Bros., octta 12* Bay street, opp. Mariucr.' Church. Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H. S— 3s bbls Flour 20 hall bids Flour 0 bbls Crackers 6 6 bbls Egg* / G A W—loo tubs Lard. If not called for w ill be sold for freight aud expejkien Qct23 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO, Wanted, ’ <£Q A A MONTH! Agents wanted wanted for six VO\7 entirely new article*, lust out. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building, Biddetord, Maine. sepl6 cl y \vjm "W - agon • Freight WANTED For Biaeon, Uilledgevllle, , Albany, Americas, or Hawklnsville, Apply to - • ff GEO. C. FREEMAN. oct3 ts Wanted, (£0 ff A DAY! Agents wanted to -ell anew and wonderful SEWING .VACBINF, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW <X CLARK, liiu deford. Maine. sepl4-d.i:wSm Wanted Immediately, FOR CASH, nil the Rags, Old Bagging, and Wast Paper in the city. WARREN & PLATNER, . sept!3 210 B,iy-st. FOll SALK oi TO RENT. Bacon for Sale. PRIME Baltimore Sides rind Shoulders, by nova-4 BRYAN. ll NRTJHQg .k CO. Steam M i-l I FOR SALE. • r l'flE Subscribers < ffer thofr Steam Circular Sfiward A Grist Mill for sale. The Mill is located about five miles east of Sundersviile, Wushinvtou county, and one mile from No. 12H Central Rsiiroad. The Engine is a twenty-five horse powor, with two cylinder hollers, one set mill stone*, a good ttuuiiig lathe, all complete and in succossiul operation. We will sell the Mill to remain where it is, with ample supply of Pino Timber for rawing, or the hliil can be removed. With the Mill wo will sell Oxen and Log Carts for hauling stocks. We will sell , , On Liberal Terms. :i uP P ’ y t° Mceilß ' Ert|rin * Hardee for further pir. novt'-O ERWIN ts CARTER. Just Received and for sale on Consignment. QA BBL3. Old Virginia Mountain Dcwr Whisk' J (choice; 25 boxes English Dairy Cheese 20 tubs Choice N. Y State Butter 10 firkins Prims Western Butter. „ CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, nov‘2-3 No. 4 Stoddard’s Lower istercs. Wood for Sale. /"YAK, PineJLightwood constantly on hand snd for \J sale, at Ferry wharf, under Gas House hill, by oct3o-lw F. SJ, MYRELL. • The Screven House FOR RENT. commodious and elegant Hotel iseffured for * rent. It has capacity for 100 Bed Roonib, in ad>!i* tion to Dining Rooms, Ac. It inpitaatedin the busines* portion of the city. For*particulars aud terms apply to nov2-2w BRYAN, IIARTRJD jE A CO. FOB RM I OFFER for Rent next your, 180’, mv RJce Place, Is Camden county, Ga., on the Great Satilla Kivcr, known as the “Vcrniwt Plantation,” containing 4J) acres of first qnatity R ce Land, and abont 100 acre® of high land, all in perfect order, bald Ptuntulion h»s been cultivated during the war, and therefore require® no extra work to prepare it for u crop the en.-aiaj year. All the negroes formerly belonging to me are still on the place and anxious to remain, so there would bo no difilen ty in procaring laborers. On the place Is * comfortable dwelling house, together with all the necessary buildings for the accommodation of labor ers and storing he crop. Seed for the coming year, Including Rice, Corn. Pea®; SugsrCane, sorghum. Cotton, Jhc., can be obtained on the place. For further particulars nddrese theiub scriber at Waynesville, Wuync county, tta. oct3o-2m .IAS. F. KING- . Store to Let, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The light and commodious Store, corner Merchant!' Row and Palmetto Avenue, to lease for a limited tbr* l Terms easy. Address f W. S. SAMrSON, Jr., Agent, , oetlS ts Lock Pox E. HiiffMi Head. 8. C._ <eTO RENT. URSS AND HANDSOMELY Furnished Rooms To Let, At lA*T COR. OF PRICK AND OT. JOHAN NTS. ROOMS TOTET, AT HILTON HEAD, S.C. Tho "Pslmelio nernld Building •• having I*™ nrw'7 lilted up, Dow oflbr Urge and airy ttooias snltnUtv ** Sleeping ApsrtmesU nr Autins.a purpo»es. for iAd»#M W. a. SAMPSON, it., AffW*. Mil M Luck Box B, lilllon U>sd, S. 0-