Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 06, 1865, Image 4

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Notice to the Public. I ,w v,, s : f ' Jp { .TfrJidVft-W ..V" P ‘ p , .!"Z‘F. , 't HEi" -i kn,w ’ ««* ‘ vt* ,"«'r‘-"oS* >«».* K‘! ".light * -***“ U *»V i" ' • . c m ,ii 'g i » •mall n . < ie I'll to all put £r,PT , M« ■’ - wM IvW oughout For ig. #U) nn u s m , opp t> tloD J, *“ . h -i! m '1 to b» uiii'tiucipt and and «i --„ ! ,’h i , ‘ t dsitre »i hive b .'it tfiown .och •• rtr :*: cap bn t • l«eptc-. Censure* JfTt'r-p» rli s. a V n cnpyi g my« »•!«*• m nta—trit I It P! vnat tth tout ot the m*n< wl o h v i cso t and >th r. non kav,, b,u succetsfUi. MV OBJECT n thj* uot'oi' i- to ui ike fact* known to the public and rfn-t ,i.- ; i> bii 'xing cte. *o many years* e* •iti-MiN Uj t hi* :iwi 1 d!**c ut.tonaM* such pro<e“<<ii:£- hi* l l h • ti.<- r«;.u :;t! 'll ol m\ articlev in.) uut iw and tin ged \>j ihc used m error or spuriou* fenes , , huow it; .!. itin:iii i y roc* till- a tiCJG who are on cqu im. w. iip f >*tiui a lew rtmailu froiii ti.oif ot *r> »::t v t i y. in j vui..*u Laiutt» are knowL is ill part- o Urn * • i : j-« r>tt. i tv, ‘Col with Mr. H. T. Helm bol«l .t ra- -ic ,i • Ut*in ul .Log 1 have t»oet tt'-af f'V r:i . p • a .1 v\ i u integri ty. *uu gratified ai uU kccuvj* * w M. WRIGHTMAH, , Firm of F >urnj A Wcgu.iaan, Ninth ti i B *' sJir*«u Philadelphia. ES [Evon.f'g B .lie. a'hila'ln.ptaiO rt WhMi n a vi* t t • the tirv of New York a few day- tine* i a.- i -ilticetl to c .11 mi t.urold iriend and twwn-jii. n, Mr. I».T Hclmb .Id Drug; i-t, 5'M Broad w y N. i. liit Stou-U a Model—a perfect <>cm the ban itome-t «.f my kind v*e have iver had tlu plet-ureof vicmil; ui.\ mi t;Xtei.-.v.‘. lie in.' S4 let front live pft.rvv !i. aid o\er 200 »eet deep.— It iuoccii .fi.e'd- u ii. pietsnreto know that h* haw Ikm qto -uc. < »n«i l' ample evidence of th. merits ot l.iw niticic- -> t onr whole buaineaw expe rience ue hi \ n tk »w ll oi lie niicce«a of any a. ti ckt w ih >ut Mt*rit—u:\c t.sing inurcly bilugiug th. Hamo beforw the people.” CB iton Herald.] “ •‘We do not Hko to ttdv rti-e worthlcas ware*, or articles caf uluted ni deceive our reader': and when weeee an adve. i;«t like Mr Mcltphold, whom we have known for ie.r», ruduailyexieudhiaitdvertieing from to .ear until hi. bu'iuuet UK oirvest ndver tiaer in the Cnited Mates, we are aauslied that the •Utc-meu.H in regard to hi# aiuut# uiu-t be correct. The writer re’wtnntly inserts Jhe above, end woulo not do bo were lu- n»t u *u anger to many; and con tintii sby s Htin-. tin i. iiji a o i lit u ucicr, aud th* di eaeee for which they have been uikdb> uiany thou •and* with complete #.icce««. [ADV. ni.PEHEIhT ] 9 Helmliold's Extract of Buchv trill cn r e all dl-w ftse« of the KMneye nnd R adder.- Cures Fon or eaMu*#t« n. the Ba k btrlctmer, Ac. Cues* Weak ' . rvua, koy* u. .memory, Trea Diuince* of Vkh... UK; MRU! I)> FLFID / XTRACT OF BUCQC Ts a pmt fl;iid rjri'.v ii; *f '• w. ak ten or infneinn I* the«met! f'y ].c u! f-; m! c>uiplaltiU incident tt ifeuialea. iui pa: lit u'.ob tend for Circular. UELMCOLU’b FLUID i XTKACT BUCUU rare? Gravel jit dDi op-ical w—lli tiifta existing in Men Women. ortTii’di*-' .u met ALLIJtSE\>ES requir ing the aid ot a I iuri tic. it i* ti e g eatent Tonic an ilurtii. kiiiiwii-pi.Ueiilv » i*, pleasant in taste anc. ouor, ana iuuucuiatv) iu i a action* HELMBOLDS Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, HIGHLY CJNCENTRATBD. •ne bottle equivalent .n strength tonne gallon of the Vyrup of Hecoeti n it rearhe-i tbo ee t if the disease Immediately, ex ptllmu all Humors of the 11 oud and BEAUTIFVING THE COMPLEXION. Th* »'• I -ting of such strergih. the dosei. JXcvw.lnyiy rm ill. From ibis h.ct. it is u-vd in th< Untied S Ar . y 11* hplmi* aud public buhitaiy In iliiu iou- the » ud fcF* Si-Id by hII Druggie a everywhere. Ask for lie tub. Id#. T k# no other. P® 1 * Cutout tbo u.kei ti-ement and rend for It and pv t»ii» u.e uu. av. ii conuicr tit. oe;d im Family Lye Calors. « P*l< uuhl Uviober 13, lbG3 v * Black Dark Green ri .ck for Silk i urn niuen D rk HI i * M.ueuta Light i. u * Make # Fioncii ‘lui M ii’miu C'lat'til Bro.i ii < u'uugu .DtrvlJoni P.nb ldghi • i‘ •• n I‘tuple 8 nil It uwn l»oy i Purplo^ i berry 6: mm CnaPo i • c.«riut Dai>. Drub Si .to J ig. t i* r-b Soitcrino Fawn l) ;»•• Vioiut Light Fu.vii M:ah \eilovv. For l>y ie mlk. 'A.»• cu and Mixed Good«, ShawL-, Beni-# ii : —v* li. * .'Us-, »!.» #-, Bonnets, il :o- v.-« h I-, !nlu!un*B Clothing, a.i'i i k.> i!.- of \V aiiiig Apparel. A SAVING OF SO I>EU CENT, For oi■ iit ■ cm color un many troods as wonlu •th«Tivi«e c.iw! live t! C'Uuii nun. Various aiiuder Can be pouuc I Horn roe r ail,, rlje Toe ;r. cue. 1. •uni.le.uu: uiyo.u. cun lire the Dye with perfect •uccc.'i. Lit eio a u h ioiibU, 1 rnicli aud Gcrmau. luaido of c. cl. pjoa *e. lIOW E & STEVENS, ion i.ruudwav. Boston* P«r a ilc by »c.l -tin THE HEW ToM NEWS. DAIL AT SEII-f EEKLY AMD WEEKLY. TIIK In JalW VORK WEEKLY AJD kPIHTEEkU SEWS. ghTat FAMILY M AVisPAPERg. I BESJA.»II.\ WOOD s (tiior And Proprietor* Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial R. ports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from aII"PARTS OF THE WORLD! mOHENTSjTRODUCED IMMERSE CIRCULATIONS DETERMINED ON. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISH tD IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK vTIEKLY NEWS, Published Every "YV©cLne*G.av* ■inula opie- •. Five Cent* OueCup). oueye.r t i • > ' Cope one y» too Wee Copies one y. r «» or.* Vt.-r II Uu —And an ex racopy to any Club of l eu Tweßiy l opte*. one year so 60 Tfc* Weeiny Ntvv* in Sent to Cl.'.'gymu ai %; r.o. SENSS*WEEkIY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Rnxle » opio». one jear * . Copies uue }• or 7 7.*. 5 ™ Five ..pits, one > ear .1 Sen Copies, one year JJJ Jjjj —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies gue year .. . t* Otargymen ” | M NEW S'ORK DAILY NEWS *>«>!*•» an,’ nm tte Dollar. \ For eale by all New.deulora. •peel men cop lee of DAILY and WEEKLY KKWB cent fit*. Add re. • BENJ. WOOD, DiiU.i New» UulMlng, No. Jd City Hull "tpiare. New. York City RaimiidiiagWardiouse I Warren APlatner, ”i V ,'' , ' .*** Hurt* of iearae end toil*" Celt;. Um Ur m«m, ikvnaato, wit A NOBLE PURPOSE AND A Glorious Result H.’ Tliere are as many roads to fame and fortune as there were gateways to ancient Thebes. Your •im aitious warrior is for carrying his way with tin- , sabre ; yonr aspiring politician for scheming Ids »ay | by Intrigue and consummate art. But Hide i» one, grand broad path to the goal, along widen uottiiug | base can travel. lrl« the path set apart for the march of talent, energy. »u,l noble purpose and though full of obstacles, it contains none that abr .ve man cannot surmount. This fact has been exemplifl and in innumerable instances, but in few pm fore.biy than iu therisoHrud progress of IHi. HiJOF'LAMJ .' UEKdaN BITTERS. For over fliteen year.. Its coin s, has been onward and upward, s altering every step, until it now stands on the topmoat rounds I »; the ladder of fame, as the GL££LA.T TOISTIC. o Hoofland’s German Bittern Is a positive remedy for DYSPEPSIA, _ AM) XMeoaseu RwsudUug Horn DISORDER Os THE LIVER »nd DIGESTIVE ORGANS, Aad Is the only certain and safe RESTORER OF STRENGTH IN CASES OF DEBILITY. o By the use of this Blttety Weakened nnd Debilitated Frame, in come Renewed with all ihe Vigor of Health, Impaired constitutions are rebuilt, and the pationt la a short time regains Vigor, Health and Strength. F OBSERVE THE FOLLOIVING SYMPTOMS, Resultingr-om uftlie Digestive Organs! Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to Hie Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Wt ight In the etomuch, .-our E UCtations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of tile Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried ami Ditllcuit Breath ing, Flutt ring at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when in a Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Wobs before the bight, Fever and Dull Pain la the Head, Defl- 1 clency of i erspi atlon, Yellowness ot ' tlie Skin and Eyes, Pain In the Side, B ck, .'host. Limb,, Ac-, Sudden Flu,he, of Heat Burn ing in the Flesh. Constant Imagining, yl'iiul, aud gre ,t Depression of spirit,. Kemamber That these Bitters oontain no Knm or M hlskey. Aud can't make Drunkards, Is not a Bar Room Drink, Bat a Highly Concentrated V-getable Extract, Frea from Alcoholic Stimulant or lu urious Di nes. It cannot Insidiously introduce ihe vice of Drunk enness into the bosom of your famiiie.—to your wlie. your children, or your friends. L BOXjXJIKXIB Orothers, whose systems have become impaired by hardships or diseaso, will find in this Bitters a tonic that will restore them to all their full vigor. A rases Bitters hsvs perlorme t more cures 1 Given Better Satisfaction * n*se Testimony! Havsjaasre respectable people to vouch for them i Tuan any other article in the Market. We'Uafy .any one to contradict this assertion. AND WILL PAY SI,OOO To aay one that will proloee a Certificate published by ns that Is not GENUINE. N READ WHO SAYS SO. FROM TUB HON. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. Wash!, gum, January l, ISGt. Gentle^tn!—Having s-tate iit verbally to you. I have no hesitation in writing the fact, that I experi enced marked bene it from you- 110. Hand’s German Bliters. During a long and tedious session of Con gress, prosing and onerous duties nearly prostrated tue. A kind nieiul suggested the of the prepu n tion I have named. I io« k his auvice, and the result was imprxveiHem of health, renewed energy, and that particular relief 1 so u nch needed and obtaine Others msy be similarly advsiitaged, it they desire to be. Truly your rriend, THOMAS B. FLORENCE. D From Rev. W. D. S.lg’rlod, Pastor of Twtlfth Baptist i hurcli. Philadelphia, December 26, IS6B. Maw. Jons & Eva**, aetuletnen :—I hate recently been lab ring nnd r lh« ui>lreMiug iff cla of iudlg tliou, ao umpunietl tiv a piostiauou oi iheueivous ay.-tem Numriui.e r:ui edies were rveomuu-ndea by hie (Isanti some ot them l«*t*d but wi bout reliex Your Ho> tl.ami's Gi ria u Bitter* were reeommeutled by pei»un* who ha.i tried them, Xud whote favorebK nieniiou of ih* i, liters lu. duced me also to try mem. 1 iuu*l confess tii ,t 1 had UD aversion to patent medicines, from tue ' In usaud and otic" quae* "BUtcre.” wuoue only aim setino to ue to palio off ayveeteued and .rugged liquor upon tue communny. lu * sly w«y; and lliu teudenc) oi which, I fear, la to make many a couliruied tirui.k .r.I Upo* learning tbit yours was re..ily u m.d.eiiml I pr.veralloa I took it with feuppy effe. t. I.»mcii, u | “a* nut oulj upon the (toniuth. but upon me uvi. 1 '■ ua * *>«lem, was piulupt i.iidgraiiiyiug. If* I haw derived great and permanent i eiielh hum the u*e el a few bolUet, Very resuec,fully your., W. U. H. Lil-hblD, No. 264 Shuckumagou .ueet. BEWARE or COUNTERFEITS. •** iha\ th, slguatare u! • C. M. JACKSON • is os the " tappet ,1 «a,u i»m, . PRINCIPAL OFFICE * MANUFACTORY No. 631 ARCH STREET, JONES fit EVANS. •COCltfeons iuc. It jaik on Ico. fwHi* by Diuggiati «hd Deaivt. in Met, low., u, Hi VhiM KaM. eetu-WM Ml »t KLLANEOf*. Wiirrfii*, Celclirati-.l Needles aud Fish Hooks. AXDHKW CI.KRTC At CO, 4, MAH). N LANE. NEV VoHK, SOLE AtiKSTS AM) IMPOItTKItS. OUR former ciHtoiiwrw will find h redu< ti*»n in gold p ir*-# of Ihe N*.**die«. while thequuiity *8 niwvy d-t iJto th« biandaid kiiowjs to ELglinii uiyiiuiartureno. A. < a respectfully solicit a renewal of the rn r> Ji’itiic tclaiioli# t»o long aud favorably <-st»femed >) then house. au2a-3m ESTABLISHED 1800. ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S JSoaps; dec., No. 211 Wasliington-St., •0|,1.i NEW YORK. 3m WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., Wilminjflou, Delaware. MANrP\GTURE Iron Steamiioftts Sterim Engines, B -ilera. M ch i cry lor Saw Mi' a Ac. iJ;,v Ul a ai I* lig «‘Xi>eriet]ce in and *»cing ptovid and with\t-ry txli-i s;ve Jccl.‘tie# lor doing w >k • f rhib i.*?*, ire picpar .and to execute orders with despatch, ocli 2 6iu LINVILLE & GLEASON, SAVANNAH. agejxt.ts ron MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 CoartlaMt Street, New York. MANCFaCTUREKS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Eridfie, Car, Ship or Baud Hook, AUD HOILER 110 LT S , BEIT SCREWS. COACH OR I,AG SCREW’S. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, Tumbuckles, liolt Ends, 'Laps, arid Dios, See. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. KXfUNUERS’ STORES. COAL OIL. TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP. AND RUBBER PACKING: LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH. &o. ; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CIIinELS, Jto, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, Ac. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING MACHINERY. LATHS. PLANERS, DRILLS. PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES. STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,Ac.' sept 1 * ts PREMIUM TEI DOLLAR IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE. A Triumph in Mechanical Science. MANUFACTURED under two distinct patents, o! entirely “orlgual construction;”does not infringe on any »ther machine*. Thin eztrtn rdinary achieve mem of iiuchanicnl ingenuity works upon a T-ble. uses Uio straight Needle, make# the useful Hand Mitch, at tin* laro of 16 rstitchea to each evolution 01 tld* wheel, will Tuck, sh.rr, Crimp, Hem, Ruffle, &c , with wonderful speed, accuracy and neatiops, will si w with Double aud hingte Thread of all kinds, is strung, and can not get out oi order, and has received the lull approval of the principal journals and all who have used ih< m. This machine works like a *iarm and sews neat and rapid, kvery requires one.”—.V. K. World. “For the Dressmaker it is iuvaluahlo, for the House. hVTd it supples a vacant place.”— Godey's Ludie*' Booh. ••it uses a common needle, ecw3 vsrv rapidly, and is so easily understood that a child can use it."— X. O. Delta. Single machines sent to any part of the country per express, packed in box with printed instructions on receipt ol the price—slo. Sale delivery guaranteed. Agents wanted every where. Circular containing lib eral inducements pent fiee. All orders must bo addressed to Tou Dollar Sowing Machine Company, &6, 3* and 40 Ann StnxA, NEW YORK. ocilT Sm ~ NOTICE^ THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal Weakness in all Its worst loims without the u.-e of medicine Please send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cents for postage. Addies* J. >l. Hf SMSI L, octiO-Em Boston. Maes. . Notice. THE rn-partuership heretofore existing between JACKhON A v. aRRUCK was, on the 30th Sep (• mber dissolved by mniual consent. The Imsiuess «ill hereafter be comlneted by the undersigned, who ill be happy to receive a continuance of tl.o pa nonage bestowed ou the late firm of Jackson & Warrock. L. WaKHUCK. octll • Notice to Lumbermen. r I' I HE nud«r*ign*d arc prvpar- and to receive Consign. A monte of Lumia-r, oi uiiy quaiillt.v - r quality, ior •ale in liiLs maraei or or shipment North, Curt! aclvaiic*. m cl* rvlieu required. Our facllitle* foi proviiiiug .uiublc reaeels lor shipment* u>-e un hounded. AGENTS IV SAVANNAH VAN HORN, IIIM. I OKI-. A Ml KItAY. A* ma m New York, Mm.. Holyoke A Murrev 47 South atieel. if oeitfl INK. OCt (HU M INK, In muihU, tit j»iN 6o jn‘r grot*. 16 #WLI iluwm Arnold'* Willing Fluid, pint*, ul |» per uoftwii* Fumulu by w nAVILUC A I.KAiTI. I »*ll“ 1 "it f rtn ii mililnrS*! H*M*i GUNNY BAGGINB. I 'of Mill,, l,y I , u|MmU N. A. HARDEE * CO. rojnnagio* WKiicHAm *u>. F.M.MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GENEIIAI, COMMISSION AND FOU WVRDING MKKCHAKT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. HatTi»* Buildings, 2d door west of A. I.ow A Co.'s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter A (iainmell, Cr»ne. John son Ali ray bill: IIe»l. Wylly A Christian ; Bothwell & Whitehead; .uilier, Thomas & Cos.; M A. Cohen, E-q. eepW-tf RTITOCkWOOD & GOq Merchandize Brokers, No. I!3 Wall Street, NEW YORK, Will give their best attention to the sale of Cotton avid Pi.Khice received on c , »u>i r / nmeut. aud tothupur* cha>o of all Lindj* of Grccniev. lG’f r to N A. Hardee & Cos., Savannah, net 5 lm TOBIAS HEDRICKS & CO., Commlsiisioii Mo i-ohant«, X ew York. OOTAVUS COHEN nill make libera! advante, ou •ny cou-igi.merit# made totUo above lions#. oct2C lm Wi*. 11. Tisok. Wm. W. Gou#ot<i. Tison & Gordon. (COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, IVo. 96 BAY STREET, Savannah, * - - Georgia., Special attention wilt be given to the sale of Lumber, fb>feiti, Turpentine, * > UTm U U. rGKRKL A. 0. bUBUXL SORREL BROTHERS, SHIPPING, Cum mission and Forwarding Merchants, S' I3 «y street. Savannah, Ga. References: Messrs. H. I# 1 . (T ruing, Son A Cos., N. Y.; Messrs. Peter V. King a Cos . N. V.; Messrs. Fish er. Brothers A Cos., Fait.more.; Mts.-ru. S. & W. Welsh, Philadelphia; National Bank. S.vannah, Ga ; Francis Sorrel, Esq . Sav nnah Ga ;Chas. Green, Esq., Bavim nah, Ga.; T. It. Bloom, Esq., Macuu, Ga. “ctl7 2 m* I). 11. IjIIBWIN'TotLT COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 17S Peaii Street, New York. I ]:Fc™™:} Kcwi ' oit 0c!4.3m oi mTlmot, f Savannah. A. S. liartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING xvcxiß.cHa.srT, 02 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. octU-tf JAMES B. CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries,Provisions, Wines and Liquors, 171 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS ofMerchandize wishing to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning ; he same. Strict attention will be given to ajl business en trusted to them, aud prompt returns made at the most re isonable rates. nep-t-Bm JOHN LT VILLALONGA~ COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND C OMMISSION MKK- C HAN’T. IN'o. 94, Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. oot lfi Cm C. H. Q_NED.Cr & C67T No. S6 dioml Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission ifriercn&Hts, Dealers in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Ac. Special attention to Southern Order# on General Merchaudise solicited. octiT fim TO SHIPPERS OF UOTTOX AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, UENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 V:hky Sthf-kt, ..r:w Yodk. And Mempltis, Tenr.. I’no.viAS Fknkfb, Uemiv bcKj.Ki-r, D. W.Bowms. jyfi bn. CHAS. L. COLBY A CO.,' Cominiaiilou anil Forwarding MERC II A NTS. JONES BLOCK, CORNER HAY AND ABEROO&N STREET * SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments o the firm of Cuas. L. Colby, if New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents al Augusta, Ga. BKPKRKNCES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., Naw York. Jarive Slade, Esq., New York. Uol. J Wiley Kdmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, E»q., Boston. sep is — ts Woodward, Baldwin A Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, 9 and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. ORY GOODES COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, • >.» ifunry -.nH Vuri-g. jyiß WEST. BRYAN 05““ rHK utidcisigned haveionued a co-partnership for tiie transaction of Commission, Shipping and For vvhi(hog business, under the name oi tV£ST ( BKY- A.\ A Cos. £>tnct attention given to consignments. This firm ih sire to confine themselves to commission Business alone. -As agents lor Baltimorejind Savannah steam ship Cos., we solicit freight for same, and request or ders for Baltimore and Western produce, JAS. B. WEST, oi Baltunore, HENRY BUY’AN, of oavannah, ALFRED L. iIkiUTRIDGE, oi savannah. _novl-w John s. slums &HT Forwarding and Foimnission MEIICIIAK TS. WHOLESALE AND I.KTAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAJI MIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jatkaouville, Ploritlu. JtiO. 8. BAMMI6. XD. O. SAMMIB. OUAS. L, tIATUU _* Uli ts __ A. T. cnNNINC.IIAM. O. Q. PCBSB. CUNNIKGHAM & PURSE, Factors, forwarding an® commission MERCHANTS, N«* tfloddurd' 4 Lower Htures, Bay stteet, Havsnnsh. t»a. References—Roht. Ilah<*rsham sons. Hunter A Oainim 11, Octavus Cohen, Biighum, Baldwin A Cos., Erwin A Ilurdee, Claghorn A Cunningham. tt»p4-’dro J. SHAFFER, Commlmiou Doaler in ail kind* of FOREIGN AND IH)MK*TIL’ FIIUITH »*i,I’HODUI B, Wm W Awn*'.von M.i'k.t, (ippoelle 144 Wu*t *l., bulkhead hvlHveii Htr l.f end Ve*i > at*., NEW YORK tat*mi*. Apple* midiiiilun.ioinp.utiy on lieail, end put up for Ihe kmilheiu market * All eoii.lgiiuieul* ptuiupli) utluiiknl In inr* n.l-r. to Al„ Ur.dley, A. lleywiNMl, T. J, WateK Mel J. U I'M tone. Jr L* emUy COMMIISIO.I NERCHASTI. j.t;thomas&co7, tOMMISSIO.V MERC HANTS, 117 Uay Street.' FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE Taken at as Low Rates as are accepted by any good Company. octll-lm SOUTHERN GOTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON & CO., FACTORS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to our facilities for the purchase or movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt utt- ntion to nil ousi nes» entrusted to our care. Intending to establish permanently a Ilou-e in Savannah expect by strict business principles to merit and -receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends In New Yurk or Europe, and will make ad vances on same; picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby giving tho enormous expense incurred in Northern cuie* by this process.— They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining states. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, Post Ofllce Address. Lock Box 25. oct7-3m BACON,TLAEDY'"&CO. Cotton and Tobacco Factors, NEW YOHli, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY HENRY BRYAN. WE do entl ely a Commission Business, exerting ourselves to get the outside muiket quotation# for our patrons. Liberal advances made on Cotton at Savannah, and part al advances on Cotton ready lor shipment at Au gusta, Atlanta and Mu on. Piauters’ orders filled. octl2-lm Van Horn, Holyoke & Murray, General Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. 9 Stoddard’s Block, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Cuas. Van Horn, llolyoue «Sc Murray, Savannah, Ga. New’ York. Engaged exclusively in a Commission Business, with ample and first class storage Kooin, w e most respect fully tender our servlets for the purchase and sale of aii kinds of merchandise. octll-3m S- c. wads. _ a. u. wade. E. C. WADE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Suvanutih, Ga. octt6 3m L. WARKOCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, F* ConfignmenU solicited. Personal attnution given to forwarding Merchandise nnd Cotton. octll-lnt MAGKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BO 3 and 205 Say Street. SAVANNAH, Ga. OFFER FOR SALE the following Goods, on ik mo» rensonnble trims. -£»o bbis Whiskey, Mountain Dew 100 “ “ Buckeye Deserve 7* “ “ Stag bouillon j ~, f 20 “ “ 7 years old stag Bourbon ! r 20 “ Pino Apple 60 Durham's Bourbofa \ Du»Ullauon 15 “ “ Old Family Rye i 15 44 * r Old Rectified j Together with a large assortment of Port, Sherrv and Madeira \S iues. iieidt-ick & Cos., and lieymondV i hampagnes, Brandies, Cius, Rums, German A Ridgeway hitters, Ac. In connection with tho above, we offer for sale Choice Family Flour, Bacon Bides, Shoulders, Lard, Ac. Liberal advances mado on consignment to MACKY&BEATTIE, sep29-3m I'UILADLLPHIA. Pa. ~N. A. HARDEE & C0 M Shipping, Commission and For warding Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Will make liberal Cash Avances on consignments te> our friends, Norton,Slaughter & 0o„ 40 Droad street. New York. oct6-lm " a. w. sTAiirrcir GENERAL Commission Merchants, 111 North Water Street, jplxila«aclpliiix. Catvful wjlections made on nil orders for the F«r chaso «f GocKlri, and Coneigumenta respectlully solic ited. bn oct2l CKO. T>. FOWLS. wm. E. HOY. &170 H BLOK . FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission 31 erelia n t s. Importer* of Railroad Iron and Dealer* in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, XICW YORK, oct 4 >6 0m W. B. & T. E. RYAN, GENERAL COMMISSION AM) Fo rw a r«l ln if Mv w li» nf, a , Chnrlonton tmcl Xew Vorlt, WILL ettei.d lotlieHlilpm«ut ant Mireaidllitf of Mil It-iul* «»f l*» ,nut uin n«•» j* in, imitii nu ft*f»rtinviit o| iijrurt ru*», Wiu**« unit « I'wiiMlp 11 ini'ui« filu,||«• |, * / I Time. It. It. *n, **.s**'i i 4 I 4. Uoae. f .iff ts, ) | Nv. i etk. COMMISSION MERCHANT*. UViNCSTONTFOX&Ca; 14 1 Brbnd way, New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND Agciilt Atlimtir Costs! !Tlail Steam ship Company. Advances made on Consignments by v JNO. R. WILDEI!, oet2s 2m , Savannah. SCRANTON «T|VIACUIRe7^ ■Shipping and Commission Merchants, 4-1 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW Y O R li. OFFICE 19. Lib -ral advances made on Consignments of Cotton, Tobacco, and other Sou hern Produce. Orders fur this purcliose oi Goods in New York promptly attended to. Rtrauscrs: Scranton. Smith & Cos. Crane, Johnson a Graybill. A. Champion. Iw* nov4 H. Gowcly, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAY ZTB.£ZiT, ANDERSON’S WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. oct2-8m w mi. rTsyivj on s' General Commission JVlorchant, NO. 3 WALDBURG'd RANGE, On the Bay, in the building oe npied by Messrs. Guer* lard & Fur rid. Agent for the New England Fire Insurance Com pany. Also Agent for Hewitt's Patent Screw Wrench, Keferenccfl in Savannah—lienry Brigham, E-q , A Porter, £sq., A. Champion, Esq., W. C. O’Driscoll, Esq., W. Lui can, Esq; In Xew York—Sain'l L. Mitchell, Esq., Chas. A. Par vis, Esq., V. II Baldwin, Esq., Wm. Backee, Lsq., at Bank Nurth America. Consign met* ts solicited, a lw-nov3 J. P. PATERSON. 9. 8. TCf'KER.. PATERSOI4 & TUCKER, {Formerly J l 1 Paterson & Cos., of Augusta, Ga.} General Commission, Forward ing and Shipping Merchants, No. 9 Stoddard’* Lower itiirfge, OPPOSITE MARINER'S CUUKCU, SAY STREET, SavAiinali, Ga. HAVE made airangeraetits for Shipping Cotton, Tim- I Im*f Kite, &<■., to firot class in Europe and i New York Will m ike liberal advances on fill consignments. : Also, will buy aud sell Timber or Lumber onjUommu sion. WV have facilities for obtaining Charters for Vessels at moderate rates. Personal attention will be given to the receiving, forwarding and to the sales or all me. chandizeentrust ed to An care. We have a commodious warehouse tor storage. References—Dowling & Cos., London: Gibb#, Bright & Cos., Liverpool; Bradfold & Kcuick, New York ; J. E. Buy ley & Cos., Philadelphia; James Oakes, Bosiou; E. La title, charleston. S. u.; It 11. May, (Mayor, j Au gu-uiG i ; Ge*>. K. Crump &, Cos., Augusta, Ga.; Hal sey, Wutaon & « 0., Savannah, Ga.;- i>. B. Thomson, Columbus, Ga.; James Gfinn & Son, Richmond, Va.; Clay ton, Adair & Purse. Atlanta. Ga. no\3 JOUN U. GUIFU. JOHN A. OUIKC, JOHN E. GUIEU & SON, Commission 31 eve limits, Will attend to a General Agency Business. Personal attention will he g?vtn to the Receiving aud Forwarding and to ihe'Sales and Purchase o» Cotton and uil Produce. References to the principal Merchants of Au* gUbta and fcavamian. Acoibia,.Ga., Oct. 1. ;805. lm .octif BRYAnT^HARTrTDGE & c 67. Bkyan Street, kxxt to MKaullA^Tß , ani> Plantek** Bank Building, Broker and Commission Agents FOB SALE AND rUItCUAfiE OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c. r And for Forwarding Cotton, nOv2 :, n M> Fordyce, Anderson & Janney, Brokers and fiencral Commission .Tlt rUianU, i NO. 10 hYODDARD’ij LANGE, Savana.ib, Ga. Dealers in Specie, South- rn Bank Notes, Bonds ami I St jcKs, Excliabge on the Northern vines, August* and It h irleMuu. bought and sold Liberal adv ucosmaoe 1 on eonsigumems to. ur corresi.oudeiits at the N..rth, Refer to lhUd Natiutial Bank, Messrs, beebe Ketch f & Cos., Messrs. Merchant &, M( ssrs Hull 5b | ltuekell, New York; Messrs. Carman, Merchant & ? Siiaw. Philadelphia; Messrs. Win. Lamping & CV, i Messrs. G. H. Reese & Bros.. Baltimore .-Messrs. It. { Habeisltam & Sons, Messrs. Hunter A Gammeil, Mr. j uto. W. Audedou, Sir. G. B Lamar, bavannali. j nov2 lm * G. B. a G. W. LAMAR, General Commission Mercbants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents, NO. 04 bAY cTKEEI, (upstairs ) Refer to Geo. W. auderson, Jno G. Ferret and G. F. Lainar, Savannah; W E Jacksou Josiah Sihky A Sons, J. B. &J. W. Walker, Augusta. Corsigunienie solicited. Bin-nov2 FUKMTIBL! ' FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. 87 AND 89 BOWERY AND 05 CHRISTY STREET, N. Y.' 04 TAY I*olt Have the largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY, PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, » to be found in this city, and at the lowest prices. MATTRASSES AND SPRING BUDS „ FROM $5 TO s7.' EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDSTEADS . FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. oel3l-2m ' Bunn & Brown, SHIPPING MABTKRB, HAVING C pvind an office Mt No. Buy nirtwt, bc tweun liaberfrham and Price streets, we pre* pared t) furnish crews at the snurtest notice. ocnl-im ORNAMENTAL HAIR"- Curls, Urahls. WatctfalD, Uunili, Wigs, Half Wig*. 4v,. Wholcexle, (ut the lowest po»>lble pflco of importa tion, fo> Cush. , W, It, Cameron At Cos., Importers of Hair and Manufacturers, NO. 813 FULTON 8T„ BROOKLYN, Near New York. Lirnffe and small order, punctually ai termed to. net 4» tin CR. GORDON HOWARD ll*s resumed tii# Practice of Medicine. Spoclal uil«u % » tluu to DUuu.C' Ot tin: Lye. tintr". ami 1 oaldi'iics. Jonc* *tr*< t, two (luor* from W' t.tcr, . "'I t) la*4w To the Destitute* ACOMMITTBI’ of l.'ullc* util simui visit thf* hums* *»f tliv |J«M»F, Uil l| 111 1 Ul'i of HVirSJIM' Uttlll, U 111 Useu I'Tvs* luthliitf 'lkki i" ufills ilit rSi umhiicy lli-u Nu‘ uil« ul lbs liohit* oi 1 fii< i t mmiMi u by ixUMahU Will of Spy MVSII* A*ff UiU jvl tjvlkiimuii* V AA XS au BUSINESS DIRECTORY. COMMIbtiIUN MKIiCHANTa. R“e V\ Ultu.-y .a, Cos., General Couimi»lou sue Merell * uu ’ So - ;i,r - “*> street, above Barnard W- J_ au24 MA. t’ollTSl, • FOKWARLINO an: OOMMISS*N MERCHANT Ofiicc lioiuc lin#. Cos , i>u\ ot. * R ell ’ Wyily & Christian, AUCTION. GEN sCOM:>,ISSION ANl> M r.hlllANU Kay »»trccu bavaisuah, Gu. ASI. Beaibruugli c. to., Gnoorav anu Coa. • .utatioN Mmen'si*. 14. Congress aud hi rt. J U.ian sts big nest market price* paid lor Cotton, " °ol. Beeswax, etc. Libeiai Ad.aac.aion Lotion, a.-. Erwin At Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS! street. Savannah. Ha. 1 WINES, LIQUORsT^ fulaei K, Stiiiy A Cos., " " A sou; Ann;. vM> IMPOKTtttr. OF Ch. FAR li E CHAMPAGNES, 111 the SM -t of G‘ Olgi:t. 207 bay st, haw,- n , a i.., and at.d Jefierson u avaunah, Gh. DRY GOODS. John C. Mttktr o. Cos., Whoijsalb am, t; ITAn , Dk vena is DRY GOODS FOSIbKY, GLOVES TRIMMINGS, RIUbONS, AC. Ac. ' Lor. Congress and Whitaker sts. John Metoiiughy, " DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ae. Xdt) Broughton street. Qamncl Jl. Letltrer, ,01, 1 Retailer ol cj Famoy and STAfLE Dr.v Gi.oi s, Boots and suofs Cungre* GROCERIES, &c, \T Ferst A, t«'. W hoi sal* Dealer in Wines, Lt ±TM.t QIOK3, StOAlls, FaNOV GBOO,.lllKtt, C'A-Nl.ltb, Ac. Stuart & Co.,Wholesale audßetail Dealers in Gro. eerier and Provisions, Teas, Ales, Mines and Li. RUors. Corner Bull aim Broughton stieets. special attention pattl to orders lor the countrv trade. sep2a-tf 3 El*. Oeyu. Deanna is Ciioiok ob o • Wises, Liijuoeb, &0. Broughton street RiLLLUtDijT&c. Billiuiil saloon. Bi M ALI bit o’Mb.-UtA. ALEn, WINES, UVfoils, Ac. Bay street, over Express Office. ! r Peu Fin Alley. ! A TEN PIN ALLEY, by VALENTINE BASLER. ! Aids, VV lues and Liquors, | No. IDS Bryau street, Mai Ka square Rouse, opposite tne Market. 1in.0.t30 > Ot* Charles Saloon, (inreat of Post OlUcc,) by O A. Si An.u. il huiiaute aiai Jituiu. None but ) ciiOlUE it INES aud served Fiee Lunch. FAl.vax.iG. MURPHY & CLARK, House, »Uip uud Painicv Oposito Hid Pulaski Houso. oyer Mam HiUarociShop. xili Ol'Uci a LuuciKlUii IcCCiVuU uuU ittUUiUli> UtICUUUd • tOo i m oci-6 GAS FITTING, Ac. WCCU v’V toiiiuiu, W huicaaic JJeaicfo m Haiu>waue nud'iiM \Vak£. aM>. io'if allu 10 X ouucl. S’ T Ciuuston, U • blumbek a:>d gas fitter, 'Ji Biyau at-., next o cor. Whitaker. SUGARS, TOBACCO, &o. L' (VOID. X? • bEGAIts, TOBACCO, S*\UFF, Bli'Lb, dc. Bamiirct st out, out uoux bomh oi Uix xkuiKct. rPRHNTHNG, Si’ATIUAEUY, Ac. & boOli. EU.EttS AND STAIIONEItfe, Cor A>rjau aucot a<«a *>lai Kot oqaafe. Mui liing ink, 3lanupactdukd and lor sale by XJAViU u. GAiLLov'.giV, di ikayu-h rirccf. j 'eo, JV. MchuK, Buuiv a*m» job printer, Bay c-t., DetwcoL Abmcmu cud Drayton. il' **• **“»'«, bTA'iiUaNER, ■d* BlNiiEit, JUu PliiN'iEit, occ xNg. 0 Whitaker stiett. % VV. iUatoii xv Cos., HEiLVLD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. No. ill liny Nlreet WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. FD. «loi'clan. Dealer m V\ Aim s anu Jewki.ux, • Mi.Vi U alid Platui W akl I a.ncv Goods *xc. ±dr v\ alchee aud ooweiry iiepwtucu. 12’j Coiigreft* at., uppotsius the Pulaski House. I’HYsIciAASr ” 1 Jos, XV. Clift, !*f. t) Cor. Zhjuili bivud and Bamard-sts., X)rrtoE Uuv s—y to 10 A. M . aud 4 too P. M., idfr" Residence— ur. M ash’s, Broughton Street, i t'.lM opposite Jlasouie ltali. DRUGGISTS. WM., . M UoLESa le and retail druggist, uui-i Soui ucasi coi'. Barnard uud Broughton sts. A A. Soloi 'JciL. A Cos., • VV BOL.’ifeALE AaNU RETAIL DRUGGISTS. IUP~ Orders «xi imted accurately uuu with ucspatch. BGU lfcj AJSI> biiOa^S. Ames & Peaboiiy, Jobbers iu Men’s, Women’3, and Children’s Call, and Kill BuOitS aud of all kinds anti qualities. 102 Conyrees si*, 4th door North of the Market. Geo. T. Nichols, RETAIL BuOT AND 6IIOK STORE. lln Bruuj'hiou sl. 2d door irom Bull. 7 t i ifeSi^iiiiiiii'ii *- v QUEE.NSWARE, Ac. EX).' Smyth, QDEENSWARE, GLASS AND . CHINA, at Wholesale anu Retail. 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of Etui ' CONFECTIONERY. rry:tn=:-- r .~C^ JE. Htrnanilfi. • CONFECTIONER—Miioi.fsaIe and Rktaii,. MANWACTUKEB OF SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FI li CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINII3. 140 Broughton street, two doors from Barnard. MFilzgmlitl, • W'iOl FSAUIi AND tIETAIL rCAtEB IN CIDERS, LEMON. STRAWBERRY a.m> RASPBERRY SYRUPS, C INDIES, AC., Ao„ t3S~ In any quantities, to suit Purchasers. WIIITAKKB STitEKT. __ riUDA WATER. John Rynn, Bottler of SODA WATER, rORTEK and IH arse* AOLJSCI FOR SOUTHERN GEOEGIA. THE Rubscrlber, formerly of*' avannah, and resideßt at Dhick«hear, Pierce county, Ga . on the Atlan tic A Gulf l ailroad, v. ill jjrive ldn personal nnu unai vided attention to the sale and of Latuis contiguous to the paid railroad, oil com milieu ana solicits the patronage of all tgent there. am experience In The land, lumber and limber ''tie** nevs of twenty years in Georgia and South Carolina* guarantees ample qu tMfiuailon. He will he r 'P r^! ! Hunted in Savannuh t>y Mr. Ildiry Bryan, »»i and ip I Y<»rk by the Great boutberu Lmd Ajrency, TJ way. JOHN D. DLLANNOIt ■ Refers to any old resident in bavannub* '{ j st‘plß 3m XfHORNE WILLIAMS.’ IN 111* tilth'.: oftu 111. f'l m«i Hi re, tm <loO r » itp» the Kepublh'iui, busu g.*u«i«l ui.oi luicut ul Blanks, For Ixwyfr*. Mtrtlisn ». ill- Un 'o» •'"""a * nd * U other kind* of Cwniibcrcittl uud Nuiu.lul nanu*. ITCH! ITCH I ITCH I ; SCRATCH I 8C11ATC11!! UATCB • WlioiKoii’m OliitliH'Ht' . WILL CUNI THI ITCH IN fORTMIOHT HBlM* AUnmrv* Hill Hhttiini, ri*»rx CblibliilM' *•"* ! BfmmUoß« ol lh* Nkln I’rlru cant* , '" r all I>ru,*l»l» lly w-nrtliia (1 " ***'•' Ul w '“ k ' " q l aolu AgiXH*. ITo W«*hlimt"M .Irwt no»WH' I will h« Ioiw»«.I*i1 li* Hli.ll fr»» Os Jio»tih* b* wl lU* UUhal *vgGH»