Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 08, 1865, Image 3

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s'a v ahT i; t part ore or St«un»,U i p» * ml Steamers. FOB SEW TOBK. Sicr.nohlp Ariadne, Wedue-slay, November BtU, at o'clock *• ttcstnshlpChaae, Thursday, November Mb, atl» (i'CIOcK IB* j iantahlp Constitution, Thursday, November 80), at i o’clock p* in. FOB BAtTIMOKE. steamship Fanuic, Saturday, November 11th, at o’ciocfc fob poctortow),’. Steamer Clarion, Thursday, November ctfc, at D o'clock a. m. FOB FLORID*. steamer Fannie, Tiiureday, November »rt*. at 11 o'clock a. 18. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at. le o'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. The State Election—Delegates to the Convention of tile First Senatorial Dis trict. At a meeting of the citizens of Savannah, held at the Court House, on Nov. 7th, to pursuance of pre floutt Invitation, fioueral George P. Harmon was called to the chair, and Geo. A. Mercer, Esq., ap pointed Secretary. On the motion of the Hon. Philip M. HusMll, the foHowtng Commltttec of 6even was appointed liy the chair to mire and present the ■icaes of suitable delegates from Chatham County 11 tii» Convention, to assemble at No. 2 Central E. a, <m the Sth tost, for the nomination of a senator horn the first Senatorial District: Hon. P. M. Ruud), Rev. E. flcidt, Hon. W. S. Chisolm, Capt. John Cooper. Win. H. Bulloch, Andrew Flatley. Wm. Swol!, Ths Committee, throngh Us Chairman, made- the foliotylug report, which was unanimously adopted by the meeting : D-eesatesto ran Contention Capt. Geo.-a. Meroer, Gen. Geo. P. Harrison, Hon. Julian Hur tiWge, Capt. Chas'j. Whit®, Uoil. It). A. U’iiyrnc. Pssolve4, That, on the event that any one of the delegates appointed, bo unable to attend the Ccn veallou on the Sth Inst., hu be authorized tonppolnt e substitute; and should any one of the delegates be unavoidable absent, that those present be author ized to cast tho full vote of the county. A motion that these proceedings be published to the Savannah Gazettes, having been made and ac cepted tlte meeting adjourned. GEO. P. HARPJSON, Chairman. Geo. A. ilpncEn, Secretary. The Jltstbut solved .—The immortal “JN.,’ nnivarsallj conceded by tho press to be the greatest crater, philosopher andaatirst that over lived, is notV iu our city, and will at 3 o'clock this evening, from the steps of tho Custom House, solve tho mystery of the late war, all the prejudices, both North and gupth, upon himself. ‘•J. N’s.” theory is tnat of his owe’, width we may style pac.fl; tion. He ahe-a tho situation as he finds It, and argues from ins staud-pulnt of truth—proves both parties, to the U'e contes to have been wrong. In th.t they misai prohendcd each other, audfoughr without endeavJtlug to remove their mlsappreher. lions; and that tiota parties were right to that they thought they were right, ana honestly erred. < ur people should turn out and hear the hero martyr of twenty voluntary lncarcerati ns In the North, to resist th i prejudices against tho South. Ladle's especial y are invited. We-ellp Uii'fiMowittf from ’.he Charleston C mrier, resp,cling “J S." In that place: A Most DlsTlNOtrisnED greatest orator, philosopher and satirist" tudjpf vor lived, tho Immortal “J. N." wlio has addressed hundreds ol thousands. throughout tho Norfii and South In sup port of his Incontrovertible and profound theory “tl*at each bslllgereut party iu the recent contest wasrlgi.t* when viewed from Its roptatlve staud-polut; tiiat tae vi-U of prejudice enshrouded-them, whicii caused each to consider the otlier wrong,” reached cur city last night, and will address tho people fr-m the cl pt of the Charle-tou Hotel, this afternoon, at fouro’ihock. Hi* theory is one which has been ac kuc .viedgeU by the public journals of the country to be neeessaiy lor the adoption of all classes to both sections of our common country, before there can b a complete reeoncllauou of ssutlment iSnd feeling and as it la one for which "J. N.” has offered himself a sacrifice ou -frequent occasions to public prejudice, and thereby demonstrated Ids great sincerity to the belief o; its we bespeak for him a large audience. He will leave the city to-morrow, to addross-the Legislature la Columbia. "J. X.” speaks In August i oa Friday night, ana on Saturday at Milledieville. The Theatre.—A good entertainment is offered for this evening, the third night oi the engagement of Mr. A Mrs. W. il. C risp, comprising tile “Lady of the Lake” as dramatized by Mr.Crisp from Sir Wal ter Scott's poetical romance of that name, and which Is one otUr, Crisp’s favorite roles, and the delightful comedy entitled .‘Simpson ft .Cos.", to which Mrs. Crisp and Mr. Raymond appear. A bill embracing so many attractions, cannot fall to draw out a third crowded and brilliant house.' * The enters.—'The panoramic posters with which the clrcns-tnan has illuminated the city, were besieg ed all duy yesterday by admiring thro gs. Expec tation is on tip-foe, and the hope was universally ex pressed that tho circus might arrive before Ibe chol era, as everybody desires to see a circus once more- The sale of furniture advertised to take place at the residence of Mr. Koaenfcld on the Ist,'will take place this day, commencing at 1) o’clock a. m.— These In want of ‘fine furniture have a good oppor tunity to purchase. ToR~SAtETowr To Wind up an Estate AVA LUAI’LE FARM. bH mile* from Angu«tp, couuiniag one hundred ’ind eighty acre*, raor or lev*#, about one hundiod acres of it in valuable wood. . A good dwelling; with fevo.n mourns, §t-»b!es, car rhyu house, etui seven farm builUirg*. io a p irty deVuin-r a good, healthy. comfort*K» .4)me, within rtfiy minuter uilvo ot Augusta, the ak » Vt! P? ,lce off ®‘e pnperior indacewenlb. For nirih^rpa.tlcatarp, enquire of * CIIA.m. l s CoLBY & <X>.. novT - eodiw Corner Abercyin uud B»y htreeta. Cooper, Oleott & Farrelly. Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GA. Tflß hare fojinel n Corarfnersliil under the name and style of C ooper, Olcoitp and Fa reuy, for the transaction of a Wholesale and R<- tflil Hook and-Stationeiy Business at the old ufand o: John M Coopv.i & C‘)„ north-west coiner of Whitaker uhu St. JuUm Btrecta, JOR-N M. ( OOPFR. WILLIAM 11. uLt OTT. DANIKL a 1 *LtOTT. om * r-TKPHEN FAKRLLLY. xiiong. v, . mtooits MANFFACTDRER of FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, B*4 Dock k»r-< (. riiilmli lphln. Pa. N. U.—AU OItDHRS sunt by Min promptly at TOdr-dtO. V Jyjjl.f, To tlxe Merchants of Savannah. fl lIE mid-rstiii.d. Committee frem Metropolitan Pitv * G°‘ip.,ny. wtllwu't up.a ih- M-nhnrin i,nd Ru-i " r e» M. noto ■ city Tills uy. to anllclt mb- Hpttona Xo, r t't" pn dt r-. r . st • m Fir ■ Kiipin-. .. ' b J uop f. r a prompt i.ud tfvuer u. rv»p<m»i. tVom tlk-ir Pillow tit icua. A ■TNO. R. 1)1 I.IA'N. GB 11. JOHN«TON, Jv , . WM N. VAU.RAC, “ o, < • CommlHßo Biiuui'wiilrr I’nlwi nud Color Works Cos. DELL, WYI.LY h CHRISTIAN, Agent*. Jett m«|vr>d und fuf sal* at ill* msimbicter.'i'* IMm*i K«w XX 1 r d* »«!"r * a>vrv XX vaow \\ Mb' Kina K«**l )»■ »t Whit.. I« .1 ♦ K- r».! Whin Iv id EaiSL J'l.arlH* Wh,i, U*4 ftenlCi* M*U«r I's'i | mm »t|i , bwgp b*tk««wPM» ik Mm Nhipplnj; lutolligouce. Jtllaiatur* Almanac—Tbis Day. Sun rises e M Moon rises in 31 Sunsets 6 OiLligii water u g, PORT OF SAVANNAH. TCESUAV. Nov. 7,18di. Arrived. Steamship constitution, Greeumau, New Tort— Brigham, Baldwin St Cos. Steainot H M Cool, Taylor, Darien—K A Cohen. Peelers’ flat from Augusta. Sc hr Antelope, Jones, Baltimore—Rue, Whitney A Cos. 1 j Br bark Craesco, Cany, Liverpool—Briglma, Bald- I win r$ Cos. Cleared. St«am*r Emllle, Betidor, Hilton Head. Steamer Cnion, Moody, Augusta—l’ 11 MyrclL Steamer Falcon, liUiikto, Aiuusta, Gal-CUas L Colby k Cos. Sternner Elia, Rowland, PUatka—M A Cohen. j Imparls. Per schooner Auteiujii:, from Baltimore—s.7ol ] bnslicii corn. Per Peelers’ fiat from Augusta—l3o bales upland , cotton to order. Per steamer i! it Joo’, from Darten—ics bales cot- \ tun to Join- & way. Per bars C.oevoo, from Liverpool -4SO tons salt, I 111 bulk, l <,3lca eoatainlug l,zot) -..cks. 1 bix must-, j 1 box containing works, of art, tvO boxv.s soda water, ■ £-0 tons coal in oull:. to order. Mtmorauda. Philadelphia, Oct. tilsi cleared, schooner Red wood. Savannah. Consignees. Per steamship Constitution, from New York—Mr i Clark, T M Wright. Miss uwenn. T M Norjrood, A II S.JU Depplali, U A Wyman, MrsT L Bell, Smith A Brady, Brady k niultUson, D Knar, Einstein & Eck. man, i S Cohen, T llaieitian, ilalsey, Watson & Cos. Kiraiier k Burke, s L Wiley, M A Cohen, Weed k Coinw -l!, F. DSmyth, J 1) Smith, Ileldt <fc Ludlow, H G Go-lmart n. VaiiHorn, Holyoke k Cos, W S reaboily t Adams express Cos, lldtv Aln ouson, J W Anderson & j Sou, U VY Adams, N ft Karnum, Brigham, BaWnia ; & co. F 11 Bulsttaw ft Cos. Hoth well ft Whitaker, Gil- Iren & Cutlet, Bell, Wylly & C.itlstian, Comstoek 4 Kit * ev, Ciagilotn ft Gunningtiaiu. W ll llDeerlmrst, Dziiinski A linger, Duncan ft Johnson, p l.lulieh, l Erwin ft Hardee, M i-er-t ft Cos. S Guodall, J Ullii- ; land ft. Cos, S Hart, N A Hard o it Cos, Hunter ft Gaui meU, S G.Haynes, C V llun-hlus, I, i.a ' rols, Liu vant ft Cos. Laduop ft Cos, Lovell ft Latimore, it H i May, K Moliun, V. ft tl Meiubre 4 Cos, A.l, H .MeiUliard ft Bio, H 1- Mira, Nickerson & Jones, M Newiuatk, c A Iticharuson, ttogers ft Cauti, J lloseu band, m Salter, sitwt ft Wakett.'ld, C F Stuart, E ft M SrdgwKk. brfruuss, J Sweeney, A A Solomons, sinister <£ lleinsius. W H stark, W Fuller & Cos, J 1) YlUalouga, K 11 Van imps * Cos, G 'iTllbrooke, H Wiltbergtr, S G Waits <t Cos c White, York, WUJums ilclntlre ft Cos, F W Sims ft C > Per bark Croeso, from Liverpool—R Habersham ft Sou, J p. ft J S Milif, B, Baldwin ft Cos. Pa-vnngcis. Per steamship Constitution, from New York—K T English, .1 Gutman, Mr Snow, Madame C Gradt, Mrs Shields, Mrs D Kaltra and c hild. Dr Kiihrs, John 1- liureh, F G Robinson, Mary .Shannon. Mrs T Hell and two children, Mrs M c Buntosoii. Miss A Roiiiuson, Louisa A coxule and child, E Doylu. and wile, T A Niekcraou ami wife, c Eunjug and uen Wayne, G o ouiith and wife, Jibs Jotiuson, ifrs J M and B children, A Dexter and wife, T Boluud, T u Hancock,, y .ISart, Mr Kenney, wife auil ll children, K J Lar couioe, D o Purse. Mr Chaney, Mrs Pearce- ami ft In fants, Mrs L J 1 Slirflrr and a children, in Kenworthy, A Wallace, U Wiley, A <) Avery, C MeCzP, F tl llov, - ard. 11J Smith, Rev Peter Wualen, A Lhimau and BoU, t. F Blair, Sarah A Dlbbic, A 11 Dibble, Col 31 W Do-.nn.-e, G Bobertsonjr. Mr H R Trlsdale, Adolph Stanberg, M Autleraoii, Mr Hc-itoing, Win ileuke, G W Conaway, wile ahd child. Win S'-i’t. J Slcket, C F Steward, Mr Peterson. Mr V J Clark, and IH In steer uge. LIST OP VESSKHS IN THE POUT Ol* SAVANNAH. Savannah, Nov. a, lftc.i. STEAMSIitrS. Chaae. Roath, 6-17, from New York, dlsciiarging’al Ceutral Cotton Press—Hunter ft GammelL SHIPS. Mont Blanc. Donnell, 700, waiting—Laßoche, Ga llon ft Cackles. New England, Hod; ew, 1,100, loabtag for Liverpo-)! —i'.npimni, Baldwin ft: Cos. Republic (drem) Stoitlr, sou, loading tor l.lver poot—Weber Bros. Wisconsin (Br), Arcus, 050, loading for Liverpool— John K Wilder. Virginia, Weeks, ion. loading at Lamar’s Prc!s for Liverpoold—chas I, Colby ft Cos. BARKS. Thomas Fletcher, Pendleton. 738, loading for Liv erpool at Losver Hydraulic Press—John il Wilder, Thomas Whitney (Br). Kelly, waiting—Bell, Wylly ft Christian, BRIGS. Clara Pickens, ltodgei-s, ftfiO, from JCew York, dis charging at wharf foot of Whitaker street—WlJllani Starr. Ida McLeod, Cook, S3?, waiting— Hnaier ft Gam- UlCll. TURNS. I.izzi? Bntehelder, English, 4-'ft. loading for Boston at foot of Barnard street— Hunter ft Gummed. KCHOONhRS. Pioneer, Tucker,* 394, ioaiilng for New Y’ork at Wetter’s wharf—L -I Guilmariin ft Cos. Francis Satterby, Alden, Slu. waiting cargo at wharf foot of Bud street— ogers ft Canß. Do Sola, Crook, no, waiting—lluwe, Whitney * Cos. Witch Queen, Parelvai. 116 tons, from Boston, ills, charging at wharf foot of Bail street.—Richardson & Barnard. 17m E Stevenson, Burton, from Mat nzas—Onbr. Trade Wind, Lawrence. Philadelphia—Claghora ft Cauntoglmtn. Election Notice. An election will be’held at the Court House in the city of Savannah, ’on Wednesday. 15th of Xovetnljer, tost., fora Governor of the State of Georgia,-for a Senator of the First Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Chatham, Bryn and, Effingham, and for two Representatives from Chatha m county In the General Assembly of Georgia; aUa, for a member of the House of Representatives "f the Congress of the Cnitcd States, to represent tho First Congressional District of Georgia, as established by tho State Don-' ventton. -To entitle a citizen to vote he must bo qualified as prescribed by tho Constitution and laws of the-State of Georgia to force immediately before the l»ih of January, Al). ISO!, (the date of tho Ordi nance of Secession,) and also he must have taken rnd subserth and thcoatll of amhesty, ag set forth in the President’s Proolamation of May 39th, A. D. 1 it'). Polls will be opsned at seven o’clock, a. in., and be closed at six o’clock, p. m. TTie.Sheriif-if the oonaty. or hu Deputy, with the Constables thereof, who havo complied- with the Proclamation of the President aforesaid, are requir ed to attend said election ttd preserved order. WM. H., s.l.fc.C. _ GEO. P. HARRISON, J. L C. C. C. ■iOllX SCREVEN, 0. T. 0. 0. C. JOHN WILLIAMSON. J; I. C. C. C. nov it td Turks island Salt OQQ SACESin Store, and for salo by no 8 BELL, WYLLY ft CHRISTIAN. NEW • Select. Music, Pot Sale tit our Stores at Siavancli, Augusta nmfl llncon. DIFFICULT INSTRUMENTAL PIECES. IllnetrftUoiis (11 Trovatore), * Jae! p.-iiitariotnouiutiuibfila), L--i iwcb Tarantellc, WClnrc Marche tie In Garde lmpcriale, Dggiiard Premier Avcu Nocturne do. Lea polls Ac Sr York, Valeo Sutler La Hello Ameilcalii*, A" Os Medium r BacelotThc Kiss), Vahw, Kettcrer. Himte-Kn Train. Galop do Conart, kitorer. SnnaSoucl. Oulop, Awher. U- Hove D'umonr. Mur'h“. Abbott. EASY PIECES. Pretty Uttle TaliO* for l.llilo F<> Ur. Kelt ik. Musical IliOtogmph* (Ct different plecu*,, Augslo Popular Soue*. •‘1 »in Dying. Egypt, I tying.'' HLnlln 'ini imt n iiuir pujitj p.jifor, frtfinu'. Mother KiHi.oti Alo Iti My Dibtim, <lo. Ml IUkI 1:1 lli'U*eii Mitm'it Aul* /.i)ii|t, Weiwter. I'm.Umeiy Wimo My MoUn.r Died, Tie iiijiaoii. kail**'Hot u-f, Aliibubl. .... iiuyo*. I eii j if Lnii.''c!i , !',!kii’!'! , a, l .? un ' 1 ' ’“’'inlm*: " AOlifit.«' N likl.lNPlt A bilka, COTTON. COTTON ('OTTOII aarHWly pith >4 bill m w V J v VmiAMn, I P.iii* Mpw, * •»**** mt h mm, AUCTION SALES. By Bell, Wylly & Christian AT PRIVATE SALE Desirable Real Estate. Two brat class Dwelling nonces, three stories on bai-cmenia. with all ti e modern Improvement*; sllua- Jcd lu a central portion of the city. Also, A v*ry iles'rable House on the corner of Charlton and Tatuail streets, coni fining 8 Rooms, with gas and water. On tho lane is a Brick Carriage House, stables, Servants’ Rooms, ftc. Also, 18 Farm Lots, c ntal sing from **to ta Acre* each, near Lover’s Lane, wituto one mi,9 oi the limits of the city. A splendid opportunity tor tovestmant. A plutol tire ebot e Lota can be scon at our store. Also, " Wert fenif of Lot No. 89. Wavhlngtok Ward, Brongt ton street. Improvrm.nts ei neist of a Dwalling, snltahic ibr a small family. Will be -ohl ata bargaly. OclkA-tf | By Bell, Wylly & thrlstlan. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. ON WEDNESDAY. fithUMti. nt 11 o’ell’clc will be .old in iront of i-toru, corner Bay u»d Whiluker eireefe. Weet ha sos No. 39. Washington Ward, on Broughton StrooT, between Price and lit* Chilian pt»« The improTem>?nU consist of a dwelling Douae with li)ur rtom<. ALSO, Sonthhalf ot Lot No. 14, Berrien Ward. rA‘ Berrien strt er, an 1 extending through from Tatnult loJtffer* «!»n si re it?, eet. ImprovomenU r>Hlet «»fft r.v»»>tory house with fonr Inige hk»idk fo#r iarnt* i --limits und a .store a’inch 'd, anti good <TtJC above i* well located for a buuntss stanJ. atk\ A valuable Lot and Improvement*, c of two tenements of wood, ouo and a half fetorVw on Dud'y street between V> hitaker an«j Barnard Oglethorpe Town, Go feet frout by 105 feet deep. The lot ia tee simple and titles warranted. • ALSO, Two corner tenement houses in the fear of Rose A Arkwright** Foundry, and fronting on lu dan street The dwellings contain each four room? with buck pW 1 hz/ i at* l have huge yarris with suitable ouuhouses, and woii adapt ed tor reside ee of email ftruiUss. The In* <»c of property expires on the 10th day of June, , 1 >j<W, when tne improvements will revert to the ow*n i era of the land. Aliy luither information rnpecting this property can be nad oa application to Bell. Wyhy Christi.-m. or to Rose A Arkwright at Fioueer bnw Sale positive. t 6 By~ Bill. W ylly & CbT-hllun. * AT PRIVATE SALE. . Lot* No. S, on the comer ol Broughton and-West Br jh(l streets, and No. 6 uo the corner of llronghton and Hun gom-.'r, streete. Tb > above property is well looted for erecting 6torcs, as Broughton street will soon become the business thoroughfare of Savannah. ALSO, West half of Lot No. 43 Lafayette Ward, fi ontfcg on Charlton street, the improvements consisting of a brick house, containing ten rooms, well finish <U with gn, throuhoat the hopee and a pump of ezeeponr, water 111 the yard. • tiovT*—tf By 8011, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, will b« sold of store: - ;n L -1 f'nr-oinle wagon, without body • 1 Coupee, aeguod as uaw Bale positive, n8 UNDEUWIUTERS SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On WEDNESDAY. 15th \neUtt at 11 o’clock a m , at the landing iu the city of Darien, will be ?old for account of Uuderwriten* «nd all concerned, a por tion of the cargo of the ecoouer Inland Queen, con . sisiiug of— A general assortment of Grocerioa Dry Good* Bagging Bout? and Shoes Clothing Wooden Waro Corn and Salt Nails and Hardware Molucca and Sugar Ac., &c., Ac.; damaged on board said schooner on her passage :rom Ne V York to tiiU and put Into th-* port of Daiien iu Uistresi. J. M P EPPI>G, Conuiguoo. N. B.—A pUMtner will l«&vo th's city ou Tuesday 14th in-t., and will accommodate purchawrs ftiidail concerned * ns*G By Dell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY', at 11 'l’cloek, to front ot store, 200 bunches Cotton Yarn. novS By Bell, Wylly R Ctirletian. TniS DAY’, nt 10 o’clock, in front of atore, will be suhl, o casks TTajns, 80 boxes Soap, 4 tibls Beaus. * io bbls Boston Crackers, 20 boxes choice Cheese. » novß UNDERWRITERS SALE* By Ball, Wylly & Christian. Tflb DAY', in frout of store, will be sold, at 10 o'clock a. m., 2 CASES DRY GOODS, For account of Underwriters and all concerned.— Damaged on board of steamer Chase on her passage from New York to this port, and sold under Inspec tion of Port Wardens. nova By Bell. Wylly & Cliristiau, BEAUTIFUL CITY LOT AT AUCTION. THIS MCRNIXG, at 11 o'clock, will be sold in frout of store, Lot No. 31 Tronp Ward, f,oxloo feet: situated on the south side of Charlton street, and is one of the most desirable building lots in the city. novS By Bill, Wylly A Cbrlailan. VALUABLE CTIY PROPERTY AT AUCTION. At 11 o’clock on WEDNESDAY next, B'h ins' , will be soli in trout, of store, corner of Whitaker and liny streets: Lot No 0 Gaston Ward, 60 feet front on Gaston street (between Jefferson and Montgomery streeta), depth oflSu feet. The lot Is lee dmpleaud the Improve men i a consist o. flee tenement houses, which art rented a'. ioOu per annum. Terms cash n6 JsJT AUCTION. ON NEXT WEDNESDAY’, at 12 O'clock, by Bell, Wylly ft chretisn. ono very substantial and light Bugpy, but little need, with Harness. Also one Barouche, adapted for oncer two horses. By Blun & Meyer. Fine Household Furniture for Bale at Auc tion, Will be sold THIS PAY, Sth intst., nt the residence of the R.-v. Mr. J. Rosenfehl, o» Charlton street, 3d door west of Barnard street, commencing at 10 o’clock, a. m.. One Seven octave Piano and stools, several Parlor Sets. Chamber Sets and Dining Room Furnltnre. Itat Hacks. Lounges, Cribs, Ottomans. What. Note, Wardrobes, Parlor Carpets, Dining Room Carpets, Ornaments, Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery, and num erous other articles' usually found to a well kept Itonse. n°vß UY BLUN Ac MEYER. WILL BE SOLD Thur-day, Bth tost., at lofc o’clock, v * a, n>.. in front of store : IDCase#Boots find shois •’ do Damaged l)r vUooUs and Hosiery 68 Doe Smoking Pipes 269 do do Tobacco Alt Invoice of Steel Watch Keys, Watch Guards, Chains, Rings, Ac. / AJ.RO, 1 Fin* Wardrobe, 3 Tahl<«, 1 bedstead* 2 tollmans, 8 Carpets, I.' Chairs Al so. 1 Yonng Wale warranted R’tVid 2 Good Family H rses and 1 Bogey. n6 DR J. S. SULLIVAN HAS resumed the p art ce of 3if Heine in thi* dty. • tfloe corner of AbeieurimndfiiAlth Broad streets. i* non Storage Wanted rpilF. bulk of One Thousand Bald of Cotton wanted 1 on storage. J. C. lIOWI.ANTI, Untile Row, uovt-ltv Foot of Montgomery sliest. ' H. j7DlcicYßSbNr Harbor Master, OFFICE OPRS AT Aft DOC** OF Til* BAT A"o. X Ttarria' Dulldtaixo. SAVANNAH, OA. i mi Convention of the Firet Senato rial District. rf'Mil 1 .'lybl of IMMalMliUef .if iVOnum Hri'in I Mint If.) it* IgMii u llyl J)eL to ft ('wlifsHMWl L» •## it*j|4 on *)»*••-Ur. ibi »(|» iiui, M if, % a#»f*a| N>ittv 4. m W»tf feiirtiT** 1 ****** m ****' lit?* 4 It'ItOCLRIES, URtORg, tl C.. WHISKEY! WHISKEY] FIB E OLD BRANDY, WINES, U. Peaclt Valley Whiskey, MflpU Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer’s Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand. 11l BAY STREET, . (Herald Building*, j also, I Atoop’a Alo, Mar*’ Aie. Apples. Potatoes. Onions. Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vtnqjar. oetc ts 7 G. H. ARLEDGi; WHOLESALE GROCER ANT> Ship Chandler. 73 BAY STREET, IBDIV rveeivtog po" sleatn and sailing vossei; from i* Now York, the follgiwing artlcios, which will be Rjkl at tho Lowest Mai-tct Price : • BbA. Flfinr. > Potatoes, Oiiione, Tfcalps, liocts. Apples, Vipegar. _ _ netns. Broken and Crashed Sugar*, Bbls Beer and Pork, Bblig Mackerel, do., iff dft. and bfte No. 1 Cases Olive on. Sardine®. Candles, Soap. Raisins, Pickles, • Liquor* N Cheap Tea, PreWrved Meat. Spices of all kinds. Herns. &C..&C.. Sacks Coffee, Brooms, Pails, Buckets Ac. - Aieo - Paints, Oils, Varniehes, Paint Brushes. Ac., ftc. fV 'hip Storee put np at the shortest notice. _octn Sm WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IK GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS. TEAS, SEGARS, and Cider. eep2 ts jf FOREIGN A ]|[ DOMESTIC mcsjgyes j^\ tiQtcssa? SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS cur uh. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. an3o E G. Hilton’, Savannah. F. M. Randvi.i.. n. Y. HILTON &RANDELL XJlTlioJlcsßlo G-3’ooor«, 193 BAY STREET. MEAR BARNARD, Skvarmah, Ga., Are constantly receiving per steamer, from New York The Largest and Most Complete AasorV ment of Groceries iu tire City, Orders by Mail, accompanied with Remittance, Promptly Fubd. nt I/wvcst Market I’r cee. octl6 • lm Qso. H Cans*. W.m, A. Waieirr, Angnsta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. CEO. R. CRIMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liiprs, Tobacco, Sugars, SALTED FIBH, &c. i«9 Broad St., Ga, tw Will pnrehase and sell on Commission Oott*s, T- *ii a ores Pboocce, and ,MfißOiiAj.r>tsa of every de scription. Refers to th<?Merchants and Bankers of AngnHK Ga.. Richmond Va . and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq, *e- Witt ft Morgan, Gaden ft llicklte, A. A. So’.oatons a Cos., J. T. Fatorson ft Cos.. H. Molina, Esq , Savanufth. Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 XIEIIM.IEO. &BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, VL\ES MR LIQIOJLS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAI CANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. ■ an2l ts To WholcsaleGroc^rs. 1 / 9 Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggists au»i Soap Manufacturers. ESSENTIAL ohm for fl coring Mnd Ban dv. Knm Porf Wine, Bourbon Uff, SScntch and iiii’h WhlNkieP, ajTP and body preparationi* for troll iDirand Whisker and Spirit. Ciik»r liigs. Byrups and Fruit JnLes lor Branny, Whiskey and Wuub, Ull»» nud Kxtrarta of Cognac and other Brandies, Holland and i-undtin Gio, Ac. Dr Treatl-c on Ppmented Liquor* wlih 1000 Kecipoo. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluor'; ar end Fluoric Acid, Mangsi enq and nil rare Chendc-th and Drugs. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, SlllleaL- of Soda lu Crystals. Liquid and Jelly chin* C!ay and Terra Alba, Soap atone, Kiwln, Soda, Ash. &c... JOS. tv. fkuohtkangf.r. MjTl-oodlm No. 16 Cedar st., N. Y. H. G. RUWE&CO., Wholesale GROCERIES 5 LIQUORS, WIPiES AND SEGA 11N, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Jonnton Square, (PIUIMTINU PU.AHKI HUVIlrf IT A|.lHt for A I,K AND LAOBK. funataally on l aud, an atboilnunl of STAXSaBXN WX3NTJD. ''CHEESE, SOAP. ' Ail KlXk* t’HKMI. 1 fa. ItlhM, LIHI UHm. *W* T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTRR3 AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS. &C. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA„ (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBUCAN OFFICE.) IVE invite the auction ol the Tfade end the Pnb- T T lie generally to oar Urgu and eleg&nt assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Conllals. Con4«rr«s, Se* gars, clc«t etc. which 1* not exeelled by any similar csUbiiahmeiit io the St&u*s. We are solo proprietors of DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL. lh» repntttlou of which Is fully established in this ami f>»reij?n conn* tri s; DUNBAR'S well known STOMACH BITTERN krnaiauteed superior to any article nf ihe kind, de Sinned expressly for hotel and family n=ej DUN BAR'S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war inntei of the u mo>;t purity, und put np expresdy fi‘r our house, of wn’ch we are sole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith's ce>- Brate PHILADELPHI A Al * cases and barral „ Scotch and American ALE and POUTER, BRAN Y- toojch and Bonrbon WUIS&EY and AR- R\CK Bl'N( HKS, formerly w il known throughout tiie United sutca, put up Ly us in oasts tor export and home consumption. T. J. D. a Cos. «.re polr agents* for H. & 11. W Catherwood’i Pure RYE WHISKIES XX and XXX brand*, gtiarantred on-uip cellence. Constiutlv on hand, a iar«e and well *«- l-rted stock ol BOURBON and "HEAT WHisKIEB, wortliy the ntteniion of the trade and connoiasuurt* generally. An assortment ol SE'iARN ' f finest grades, mr.imlnctnred and Import' and for which w* offor at the very unreal net cash pries. BRANDIES. GINS, WINKS, CHAM PAG MlB. and every deacrlption nnd ur oio of Foreign Liauors Imported directly by this ho;iB-, and for sale inlxicd or duty paid, at lowest m trket rata* novT-lm GROCERIES &TIQUQRSi \ || BBLSaPotatoo-a, Peach Blows and Casters £UV/ tftducen Wolfe’s Braudy ‘A> do do Whiskey M do do Nchnapps, qts and pints 'its bbls acL•raising Flour no half cheats choice Oolong Tea ho half bl>!s Hoof and Pork 30 bbls choice WhUkey *k*f> boxes Adamauiine Candies 9b cns *e Claret Wiue 16 half bbls No l Macksiei 16 bble Flour, lilruin Smith and other • brand* 60 bbls H« and Onions 1* choice Butter lOdoseu Loudon Club Snuco 1" boxes Ground Coifec 6 bng*i choice Itlo do • 1 cask choice Port Wine Kardines. Milk, London porter. Pig llams. Shoulders and Flitch* Spiceti wf all kinds, &c., Ac.. Ac For 8«le by M. LAVIN, nov 7—2 Broad -tr* ct. PIERCE -SKEHAN, Wholesale an»l lletail Dealer In Fine GrocerUn. Boot* and Shooft Clothim' Foreiam and Dcmretlc Winre, Liquor* and Sugars. Also, Skph.ra’a Cole’uratod GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDEII. in bottle and In wood. London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Bug lisb Alee, Ac. Libera! dednelions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York. Just Received, And in Store on Consignment, . BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES Alao, n lot of Fine Liquor,, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY. SANTA CRUZ BUM, BORER’S BITTERS, &e. Whioh we offer on the most liberal terms. » VAN HORN. HOLYOKE ft MURRAY, octu-tr No. 9 Stoddard 1 * Block. ULMiUOtiN & railllllM, Grocers and Ship Chandlers. CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STRBE'I’S, ba van n»h, BPO leave to nfom their former friends and cna ton.ern, and th»* public generally, that they ba\n retomed buiiineee at their old s’and. where, they wil comtaniiy on hand ft full assortment of Good* ii he*r line enituble for Private Familiar greainva an< - ailing Vowels. Punctual attention given to all coun try orders lin octlO ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealer* in Bni’dem’ am Locksmiths’ Uiudware. Nails Pallies, Cord Rnu ocks and Knobs, Imtt lllngos. Brass and Iron K'u > tnd Casting*. Gong Bells. Wire, Silver-Platiiig. Ac All orders, large or siiuill, famished promptly at l« ;>or cect less than market prices. srplO tiin Notice IS hereby given that l.eirlit-r the owners or agents oi the Steamers AMAZ"N. GIBBONS and LAURA will be rs«i«)Dailflo for any debt, "ill or contract m id by any of the officers or crotv of said (teamei* uulee. made by written germieeiou of ERWIN ft U ARD EE, For Airer.te and Owners, 'no L. Rocmiu-Et, Agent ou \Vharf. octlO ts otice. OFFICE OF PROVOST MARSHAL,) Distbict or Kav*-w»ii, > Savannah, Ga., Oct. Slat, l-00. J 'TIHE notice issued from the office of tho Proven S Marsha). Sub-District of Ogcechee, dated savaii imh, Aug. llth, 1865, ordering all Otinkiug or Bil liard Saloons, Ar., where ilqn-ir are sold to be closee al 10 o’clock, F. M., la hereby revoked. B.V ooumicnd of • Bv:. Ma). Gen. J. il. BRANNAN. (Signed) CLARKE If. liKMIUK, Capt. aufi Provost Barehal. novi BROWN’S C ASTI LLI AN BITTER . THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pure J nice of the Gnuie and extracts, distilled from ute Choicer:. Vegetable prodneta or the South o: Fiance, Italy and the Province of Castile told Spain,) from which luiter section they derive their nan.t\ A Fragrant Tonic, indspensable to Hotel* and Hcstaurants, and vatoable to Families, delicate females and children, lor ail dusai range incut of Hie stomach, it la unrivalled. A never falling preventive anti Core for Sen Sickness. None who travel by land or w ater shook! he Without the CaatUilaii. . For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, MeINTIRE ft Cos. a Sole Agents, state Georgia. oetitfiim m KEROSENE WARE, Lamp., Chandelier*, Bracket*. Harp Hangers, side Darke, Side Lamp*, with and without Reflector*; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Base*, Pegs and Fount*. Patent Ola** Cone*, Burncra, Globe., Chimaie* and Wick, DRUGGISTS' FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers* and Confectioner*'ULAßHWAltE. Good* of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL .1 VMK.wT. WItIUIIT, 3fgtireehwlch Slraet, Two door* belAw Barclay, N y novl-Hm Crockery, China, Glassware. JOIIIIKNd Slid Dealer* fl-m all pa it* of Ibatounlrr tin* iiivllwl to t'.aiiilfni in) Wholesale Ht.ook, A*l »« h ll < iU‘<*» pAt iaMHi o «<>UlH|i«il'|d Mttirim |»*D up • tor T f»MT" fi> IHHtk**l lO IUU * <JU(*Mi*w»tre lloiiiM), MB' Hi VBglattrM til, Mem MM MwilM, tvt n jufcNtire. SHIPWMO. ANCHOR LINE I OP buckets FOR N E W^YORK. AND ALL NORTHERN AND EASTERN PORTS. Tho Stannub and Fwt Sailing Sefaeonsrz w. and. Vaughn, . ids tons ISLAND QUEEN, R H. Cacuwy, Master ITttons ELLIOT- .... . . 150 tons HATTIE MAYO, A 8 Curtia, Master. . 68 ton HONEST ABE, W. M conary. Mister, • 85 tens And others, comprise the "Anchor Line" of Pack- ts, and will have quick despatch as above. For Freight apply to PATERSON A TCCRZR, Agsnis, No. u Stoddard’s Btaildtng, or to . ROGERS A CANN, Savannah, Ga. Bn. A CiaMaßT, Agents, H*w York. octzn ts PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW aa. YORK. The splendid «te»m>hlp CHASE. Capt J. W Roath, will leave for the jjbove port on Tliarsdny, Not. 9, at 12 o'clock, m. F. >r freigot or passage, having splendid accommo dations, apply to nS HUNTER ft GAMMELL STAR LINE, FOR The new and elegntt first class 0. 8. Mail Stesm ship CONSTITUTION, Captain Grevnuia u, w ill posi tively sail fur the above port oa Tbnrsday, Nov. 9, at 1 o'clock p. m. BRIGHAM BALDWIN ft CO. n3 Stoddard’s Building, «pp. Pott Office. PORNEWYORK THR *chOOU4T FRANCIS SATTERBt. DOW k>E4l lngr. ami haring n oat of her cargo enguged, will hare quick despatch up above. For freight, a, ply to il CRANE, JOHNSON A GRAYBILI. FOR NEW YORK, AtlnutioOoastMaimtt’Ui* aslaip Company. s, r. The very fast sailing steamship G. B. Crary, eotnmandsr, j^gTCn^l^fi 111 P ° fl,lT * ly ** ll °“ lier re C ultr Wrdiu«lay,«ov.Blh, at 12 o’clock m. For freight nr passage, having very elegant accom modations, apply to nov6 JNO R. WILDER, Agent. FOR AUGUSTA. STEAMER EXP R E S S, C'PT J. W. MOhflftN, Will have quirk de,]-alrh as shoe*. The Boat ta enure’y new. being of Immense raped y. rhlppeis need n.t tear having tite r ord-rs leit »ver. Parties having goods consigned to them from the v’ortli or elsewhere for Augusta nud points beyond, ■an coßec’ forwarding charges on s-une by sending their freight to this Hue. Ail hills paid promptly freight re. elred and stored lu Fire Pioof Ware Hone- e tree of expense. "OV* p M MYRFLI. 'grot FOR AUGUSTA. The Faat Sailing .mall steamer CALDWELL. MURRAY, MASTER, WUI sail on Tuesdy, November 7th. * For Freight or Pasaage apply on board st MoaglnV Upper Wharf orto n« . JTNO. R. WILDER. l^r*eights FOR AUOUSTA, jIHE unfi*r-lgned -ire prepare*-to receive goods at 1 then- Wrrehouse*—free- of ezprns* and cov red by ln-ura ee—fn shl -ment to Anen.ta aid points beyond by their regular line of light dr.ngtr boat. Apply to CHAR. L. COLBY. «ept29-tf cor. Bi.y and Abereorn sta. For Augusta, The Favorite Steamer AMAZON, Capt. RICHARD JOHNSON. Ia now rec«Mng freight at Dillon's Wharf, for Ac u-ta, and will have qaith dispatch -IRWIN ft HARDEE •Ton’-' L. Rowiillat, Agent at wharf. nT—5 For Augusta, I HE STEAMER R. IT. MAY, Will hare dispateh for the ahov* place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored In Are proof warehouse, foot of Llneo.u street, free of cost. . o .i 11 KTNCHLEY, Agent. Orace Id Claghora ft Cunningham's The May m ved In npn-ta from Rsvannsh on last Friday «ith her toll frek'ht ts oct9 For Doctortown, AND STATIONS ON TIJE ATLANTIC 4 GULF RAILROAD. The steamer CLARION win leave her wharf toot of A fiercer n street, for the above place, on i HCRNDAY, N' v. B. at 9a. m., taktog Freight for Stations ou Atlantic ft Gulf Railroad. For Freight or Passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY ft CO., oovi-a cor. Abereorn and Bay ata. For Philadelphia Aw Th« »choon«r TRADE WIND, Clark, T~U>CRk master, haring dm of her curgo «n- J^L K ' l|< r •' "*'** l "‘ Tj qaick and< ‘ > i>*WX il TfjHMT . Fu f bulk of fifty bale* cotton and lohil epp> so nSJJ CRANE. J diNBuN A (iRATWLL STEAM t (ill McTm CATION uinvßtM SAVANNAH St BALTIMORK. i o*cUn k. Th“ Fnkuta baa tlagant atola room acton Mod* Hon. for pa* anger*. For Pndgbi or I'awaflr. aiipjr la WfckT, niIVAH A 00. ono.'BotA. M B I'Maeir.i. so lid* mow. hi H - Toll. »'U a*r* 100 ligndiwi oil-a* fit liar.l. «ud *ll i*nl«* Ibr- it, l ,««ia. vi* 1*0(1-, *i r«i« «a lm* ibop.,l o, saw i iklm.ii F' min will «*p iw ftp read MHVWtk Ml M* luffe A»N* Wi J »PI olkaf mu rm i SHIPPING. FOR AUCUSTAT 'C'RFIGriT wanted for two Ptti-i bn eg fail, boot*, A to leave this afteriKu.u in tow o a steamer. . Apply to hi-' , jnnx R WtIDBK FOR BALTIMORE. (PHE AN i EL- 'l‘ii. J n js, master, Wifi * h»ve qat. kde p teb us above. For dock k>#d. app-y to Ml JOiiy (j : * GRAYBILL. Baltimore ami- Savaiutah STEAMSHIP LINE. .-fctjv. ; ' The str.-imsliip NO.tTH POINT, -TyHE% Jv Capt. Bitilth, will lonic Baltimore 06 t'SKAj*hot regular trip tor. oovsuoai on iiwTim ***" Saturday, the lim to-iunt . reran* rag. win leave Savannah nu Saturday, tije tat.t Inal. Wi.BT, BRJAN 4 CO.. Agents?- B0T ? s -‘rnali. FOR BVLTiiluHii. Pendergast s Line. Tho fast salhn," regular pucket SCHOONER D SOTO, Crook, Master, Having tho greater p.-rt.. n or her cargo <>gngod, will have quick despatch. F,rb,!anc< o! height an. ply to LaROCriE, GAT)!!N * UNCKLRB, -Corner Bey anu Bernard -trsets. Agents tn Baßtmcra Pemlc-rg ,st, Fenwick ft C*. ootlS . . Peojole’s Line. For Charleston, STOPPING AT EIUTON HEAD AND BE YUFOR T • The new aufi fast a.i lin;- fire -mer IsIZZIE B4KER, Capt I. K R-ihwd ou. Oatrlng *pl«ndld arcomm dr.ti.i „ » « le<w* (to, horn ft CunnUuhaurt* 'hart. .>■ t o im .ion street. TO.MORKOW MOItMk". at 7 V , k. For freight or passage, huving 0.-.i.fiid uccommo. dations, apply on board i rto CLAGHOitN ft CUNNINGRAM. P B - 8 Agents, FOR JUKSOUiLLL, I’Ll., VIA DARIEN. BIU'N WICK, ST. MARY'S, GA*, AND FEHNANDINA PLY. Steamer Fannie, C«pY. W. T. McNctty, will 1< avn ugabjve ooTiiUM* DAY next,9th In t., at ll a. m. This boat ling heeo tUur'»u hly ovcrhwu’Ad, newts fbroitheU nn ) fl:;■ l efpofor Uila route. Having flu*j state room accomm >< a ion*, oommaDdAd bj of <xpeHojicu, and who ia pervocmlly known on thorfjuie, ofijr superior induce mi nts to \ h*-1; aveliry iub ic Freight received dally nnu ait t and iu fire proof wist bougeo, free of Pot freight or pMca?« n pply to P. .\L MV LULL, M 4 I; arrl»» Building. FOR PALATKA, Vl* Darien, Brunswick, St. Jllary's, F*i> aandlaa, Jackatmrillt und Picolata. fTIHE nsw and fast steamer IOUNTAR*. Cant. Q. ft W. Caanm,wUi le.,ve is above on 'ItJIBDAY, the Sth Inat, at 10 o’clmk a. in. For Freight .-r Paiaage, ippiy on board, at PadaE ford’* Whan, ueor Whins’* iv a <’ ttro., Prvas, orto M A. CviltK.N. Agent. During the absence of ih • lea nil eo->6-wil! lie re reived al tho warol ou-etD die whai i.b} Mr. W. R. 117 Bnien Freight payable on Wharf. Shipper* will furnish wo jhta and uicasttrenw-nt of g'-ods n vT For F reigh.t or Cliar ter YTtOR a northorn poit, o’ tail ton* Re* ft liter. App yto ftl LLER, JllOMt“ ft O. "6 -'«■ ■ fyst For Liverpool. The new flint cl, or- clips.-r el, lp VIRGIXIA, WEEKS, Ojiumai.d.E, I« now londlH rapidly «1 Ln-r Pes and having .large cngugemuiiU will have quick de-patch. For freight or puss fukeii .it U>v « t ruuaj apply Uli Lvt Lti » iV Oc, c iii"» Aif icuu .ijiti Bay ute. For Liverpool.' TUK flisi do* till ten i ..,. i :J . vV -u.sftl 1 "jast-rr. b 1114 "I *i.ifi-i uui.tub.Jk "-111 nays iUlrk dtap.ttch. Foi f-> ;:h . 1,1 a V ~1 '■otto 1,E1.', U 1 v ' I BISTIAN. Ttegufiar L_,ine. LOR BOSTON. 'OcA Schcoaer Witch Queen, Now loading at 1 xch ngi Wnarf. «EbS> RICHARDSON ft BARN A RD, ■i ti B y -a. "pp'i i v )l rwert'church For Liverpool. g£V the A’ Ameri-anbl ipM-V hNCLANK Sjk Hodge. Master, having a la-ee portion of WPi)li*-|- e r-o . in.'flt e-l win he ro nv to rree'** cargo »t Lower lly.lruu ic Piea“ on tb* lSth Inst For freight or p>sense i-prly to reaiAf io igl'av. bat.t wtn « cp. For KIo De Janeiro, calling at SI. TLoma?, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia The Cnitcd state* and Praall Mall Ptean "‘! li P Uompai,/ will dispatch Ou tti« 29tla of every month, A NEW AND FtKhT-CLA S SrEAMSIIIP, To Uave at 3 o'clock, p. m., From Pier 4 :, North Giver. All totter* have to pa*s through the Post Offle*. An ezp*rtonce<l Surgeon will be to attendance on board. For freight and passage, baring splendid nccomtao datlon*. apply to TIIOMAS ASEVUIO A Ob. No. i,. Bin, '.Wit . New Tok. Lost—slo Reward. ” nitfci Tr rk>r DOO. uhlt* , w.rb brln> h af and br nfl o<* i "nrk. Aiype'«on jjj ) •ir in rmariun to to ftu recovery wll n <*vlvetLo lil ovm rt-BArd. s WILL AM « R ifcNK. povT'w. o Corner J*ii:t r. i p ami Cu» §W oavan'nah Medical e ge 'TTIHE regular eoit’e of Lee nrei w ill b' , .dn "" H“*o A day, the 20ih ol Noren ,r. » will c nilnn*-Jf wurtaootlm The * i 1>; hf!* • “ ■de.'ayno for V. * w.-efe by th# O'rnpst'oii o n. ii-gy Hu . ing i.r botpital purpo*.* - Jackaonrlll*. fFIaJ gOat i, M»P'ii McmM'lO r n>.u I n » c '' /'/ "'** i.Qd »ei"' Ml' ' i'i • _ jS btice. /~IGNHW IKKP per H ” ' " '•[. *, U * H ivk-^ UMiter. a. Kr.y vali«". u p) H ||(|ttiOll II 11(1 " < '* lUi W AMi Laud for Lease. A URGE Pmot.ry Vl'i | Mimr Wltb *b"Ml 1 I'i H »- i l* "'• ‘a- M la A rolttloi ole dw«> M si •*4• •a • •I' nil. ',!! •**.'.» tliilnr mill MX* SB * iHvt TVpW 1 '** ' •'" '" " ** kafiH 'MwimcyA pm '• r-ir i trtltsinfr 1 T ■I “ 1 ■ *m, h P'.i.l.t. ' ' </ l IL. HIM »< M •►•*'*