Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 09, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily h* aid. BV 8. W. 'MASON &__CO< UkTOu W. MA9GA. W, T. IBOHnOK A»«oct»te Editor. savannah mißsiuv, November •. s« |JRi - - - ’ J " E.MIUR VTIOV TO OEfIRUIA. The New York correspondent of llie Charleston Courier, says that emigration to the South is beginning to set in briskly. A steamer on Saturday took out one hundred and ten white laborers, under the auspices of the Georgia Land and Emigration Society. They will work upon the Georgia railroads, nd are only the vanguard of a host of others low being engaged. The streets of New York are placarded profusely with the hand bills of this Georgia Society, inviting labor to the State. The writer wants to know what South Carolina is doing towards an organized effort to bring to her fields the sinews and muscles of the white laborers of Europe. This most acceptable and other like intelli gence demonstrating question the feasibility of inducing emigration to the South, and especially to Georgia, effectually demolishes the ingenious argument of Gen. Tilison, before the Milledgeville Convention, which was reported in our issue of the 7lb, to establish the conviction “that white labo rers will not come hare, for the simple reason that other States offer much greater induce ments to them." In our brief and complimentary notice of Gen. Tillson's address we remarked that we could not subscribe to ail the propositions presented by the speaker; and this is one of them to which we take most radical excep tion! The remark that other States offer much greater inducements to emigrants Ge<>r wo are free to say is wholly uuteuabl.. and was made, doubtless, in ign urine- of the unsurpassed and, indeed, in •xh’atisiihle ag' i culturai and mineral resource- that ar- ap parent in ail parts of our S ate lo toe most superficial observer. What with these aud other maguific-ui atl vantages, such as a topography sodivursifi and ns to render ii peculiarly well adapted to ail manufacturing pursuits ; a soil the average production of which is Dot exceeded by any otber country of the same extent in the world; a territorial expansion embracing every variety of soil aud climate, suited alike to the growth of many of the tropical plants and of all the products that flourish in the temperate rone ; a climate as geuial, liealth fttl aud invigoratlug as could be desired ; and wlthall accessible to the markets of the tvoild tbrouuh magnificent rivers and over a network of railway that penetrates Tkimust every neighborhood ; with a superficies of domain susceptible of a density of popula tion that must give her a controlling influ ence in the Councils of the Nation—we ask in the u ime of truth and reason, what arc advantages elsewhere surpassing in utili ty and attractiveness those we have enume rated us belonging to our uobie old State ? Gen. Tilison in uis overwrought zeal to ad vaucc the iuterests of the freedmeu would disparage by invidious and unjust compari son the character of our State in thus essay ing to cresie the impressing abroad that she is unsuited as a home tor the industrious White laborer aud Bkilfull artizan. He gravely aunouncos in his exordium that us the representative ol the Freedmeu s Bu. r.aj, he is not the champion of the black race, but the disinterested umpire between it and the white race, to reconcile conflicting interests and adjust properly the great ques tion of free colored labor. But before clos ing his address he forgets his avowal of im partiality and makes a deadly thrust at the interests of our State by a remarkable de claration designed to prevent unrestricted competition in all the departments of labor. t'KOBABILITIES OF A Kt’KOPKAN WAR, The English and French papers are indulging in speculations as to the probability of war between the United States and either Great Britain or France. With the former we have an unsettled account for depredations com mitted by the Alabama and Shenandoah, on our commerce. With the latter for the estab lishment in Mexico ol a form of government adverse to republican institutions, in open disregard of the Monroe doctrine. Our dif ferences with England are tangible. With France we have no controversy but what is abstract or in reference to a principle. We have come to the conclusion that we shall have war with neither, for the following reasons. 1. The points of difference with England being principally in relation to indemnity are susceptible of adjustment without a re sort to arm 6. England will not relinquish the principle, that as a neutrai she has the right by public law to recognize the belli gerency of either power engaged in a civil contest. Lord Johu Russell bus rejecte.d the proposition of Mr. Seward, to leave the points in dispute to arbitration, but baa <>f iered a e mmer-projeci, to refer the qu. siiou of claims for indemnification to a Commission making no allusion to the other question the right to recognize the belligerency of either ofcjwo parties engaged in a civil con met. 1 his proposition has been accepted bv Mr. Seward, with professions of mutual good will and amity. ° ?• T_„ Lotted States are diibiudic’ the greater part of their military force which _ . .. unwed and unfund ed, and ate making arrangements sumption of specie pavZ, >v to go to war ttiu mi 8, , ", ere tbI LV would have to be incieaild hv U “i d * and dcl)l) the latter (ibe umuoceu) bv ndfihi <^ 8 ’ Ol paper money, whicn preOiae their Curreucv and d °- ptojong the reaumptioa «!f c J^ t ' floilei y The Monroe doctrine is U oT > “‘ e P 1 '’ declined to be t JS ,ed another, tor popularity. R W Tdt Late Storm on tuk Atlantic.—p irli . culars coii’iuuc to be leeeivod at New York of the ravagoo of tho recent gale f , u the coast. fhc steamship Victor which left New York lor New Orleans tho 21st, arrived at Fentress Hltoioe on tbo ”9tb ult., in t,,w of the steamship Alabama, Completely dis abled. The Alabama reported aueing throe other vessels dismasted, but could render them oo assistance. “ A Slock Company is lonniug in Atlauta, with u caplial 0 f three hundiod tb.fu.aud dollau, ft* me of erecting * b “'Wlu*. to bo Itoowu a* ih« NaUoijal Vmol. fttS ITAIE A.\D rOkMOKIIiIK DEBT, Mr Parrott (of Bartow,) opposed in the Convention, the payment of the State and Uu repudiation of the Confederate debt on the ground ibat it was creating a distinction between the bond holders <it the former and those of the latter. He had heard no voice raised ou this floor in behalt of the orphans aud widows whose money had been invested by administrators and executors, by authori ty of the Legislature, in Confederate bonds. He Considered the obligation ot the Btate to protect them, and all others who had suf fered iu their property by the war, equally as binding as was the obligation so strong y urged to redeem these secoritics. If one set of creditors should be paid all should be paid. The pledges of our delegates at Rich mond were as binding as were the pledgi S of the General Assembly. In this statement there cannot but be con currence. That there should be any dis crimination between the holders of the State securities and the holders of the Confederst e bonds, either directly or indirectly, would he repugnant to every dictate ofjustice. All ongut to be repudiated or noue. The widows and orph ms of the survivors, whether the obligations were created by the State or by the Confederate government, suffered alike, although perhaps not equally. But the allusion of Mr. Parrott to different the Stale iu contributing tnouey and services to the rebellion was invidious. Such discriminations are calculated to keep alive sectional feuds between upper aud low er county. We waul harmony as we.l be tween sections of the same State as between the sectious North ami South. NOMINATION poll THE STATE SENATE. We publish elsewhere the proceedings of a Convention of delegates from Chatham and Effingham counties, held ou the Stii tustunt, !•> uomioiite a candidate for the Senate iu ltd* Senatorial di-trict. The nominati nos George S Owens,Esq., bl this e y, we have uo doubt will prove igoiy an eptalile a r uglioul the district. Di Unguis .' il as lie is for ability and in t* dig* nee and Ii ving alborough knowledge of the iuter sis autl warns of the people, lie qauuot fail, if elected, to discharge the du ties of the position creditably to himself and fitably to his constituents. Pictorial* and Periodicals. We have received through the attention of Mr. Est.ill, copies of the “Appleton's Rail way and Steam Navigation Guide.” “Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Almanac" “Harper’s Magazine and Weekly,” and “Leslie’s Illus trated Newspaper," “The Rouud Table’’ aud “The Nation” with the usnal supply of Daily and Weekly papers. The most cursory inspection of Appleton’s Railway Guide, is sufficient to convince one ol its invaiuableness to travellers, containing aa it dots, the most complete and minute di ne,ions, together with lull aud reliable time tables, for travel in every region of the coun try. Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Almauac is a new feature in the periodical literature of this country, and is modelled after the French and German Almauaes, so popular every where in Europe. ried Hat per s Magazine Contains its usual va sioio of intciesiing reading matter, profusely illustrated, iuc udiug the serials, ‘Armadale, by Wilkie Collins and Dickens" “Our Mutual Friend.” ENGLISH PEKIODHAL L.ITEItATrRK We have received the first number of a literary paper, published in Loudon, bear ing the unique title of “The Cosmopolitan.” The object of the publication, as slated in the racy salutmy of the editor; is two fold ; “to make money and dissemminate infor mation.” The original, matter is gotten up with spirit and ability, and we infer from an ar ticle on “President Johnson and his policy,” in which the peculiar States rights views of the Southern statesmen are vindi cated with considerable unctiou, that it is the desire of the publishers to commend ihe paper to the patronage of the people of the South. Its selections arc made with judgment and taste, and its resource? of the current news full aud conveniently arranged for reference. Another Steamboat Disaster.—Since the remarks we very recently made in relation to the frequency of steamboat disasters, another lias been added to the dreadful catalogue. The boiler of the steamer St. Johns navigat ing the North river New York, exploded when opposite to the street, by which acci dent seven persons were scalded to death, and seventeen 5 raided severely. The cause of the explosion was not known. The engine W'as making 18 revolutions per minute, and carryiug a steam pressure, varying from 2C to 28 pounds per square inch. The St. Johns usually carries 3n pounds and is licensed for 35, hut the safety valves are “weighted” at 33 pounds. Tito boilers were new and cost $82,000. They were made of sand iron, which, it is said, hud a defect, showing care lessness on the purt of the inspectois. We alluded in our former remarks on this subject to this very Cause as the origin of this description of disasters to steamboats—to wit: the carelessness of in spectors. Pecuniary penalties are una vailing. On the tiudiug of a jury on a verdict of murder, the penally ought to be death or impnsoutpent lor life. Inipurtnut to Letter Writers. Mauy do not seem to be aware that ihe U. S. Postal law requires that ail letters lor points within the United Slates must he pre paid by stamps; and at the rate of three cents per half ounce with an additional rate of three cents for each additional half ounce or traction ot a half ounce; ami also, tlfat ail drop letters must be prepaid at the rate of two cents per half ounce. All unpaid letters—including uupaid drop letters—when deposited in any post office are to be forwarded ;o the Dead Letter Office’. ! Letters are daily deposited in the post of \ f we in this city bearing stamps ol the old i Uaue, internal revenue stamps, and even i Confederate stamp*. These are all treated as unpaid. ihe law requires that no letters go free but t -non official busiuess to the President, " < ''**w*ident, members ot Congress, chiefs ” I ’* ix . #cul ‘ve Departments of the Gov n ’ llls ltu; twuds of bureaus, and from ZIZTT 1 10 *«»>«—all others, prepaid "" milllttry * #rw requited to bo THECAS, ,q Washington ou the 81st ult., llldl Ulo Pn)()i . dent was .criou ly doddering U „ point of commuting Ihe Himtenee of Henry Wire from drain to imprisonment lor life, t,ut „„ decision had becu suuoum cd FIYINMAL 1H» COMMERCIAL. Kciv Voik Murkfls [From out own Correspttnleut., (Sew long, Nov. 4, Hi 6v 1 , p. m. AiiilL-Tlie market i» firm vritta a amlerate de ui imL Sale-4 at fs o for Pot*, and £•sna 875 i for Pearls. Flock, Ac.—The Inquiry for wentern and state | flour Is fair ami the market la firm though uiv i changed. The sill ** are T 090 bbte at £7 SO a* 25 for j supcifiue state : 40 a8 »5 so» extra state ; 70 a • a u> for fancy state; *8 0a 890 for the low grades I of western extra ; $4 lo a 9 :*> for shipping ohlo ; *9 40 i a 12 Ou for trad * and family brands, ami sl*oo a j 10 25 hr >t. Lonextras. Buckwheat Flour is flrmjßt £4 60 i& uo per loft l'. Ca.vtiU v.\ FI.oUK is dull but steady. Sales of 2jo bids at »•> 6i» a H for the low grades of extra, aud $n fef- a 2 25 for trade and family extras. southern Flour is dull and unc hanged Sales of 450 bids ar :5 a 10 .*0 for mixed to good superfine country Baltimore, Ac., aud $lO 50 alo 25 for trade ami family brands. Rye Flour is unchanged. Sales of 225 bids at $ 3 50 a 7 UO Corn Alkal is more active. Sales of 1,200 bbls at $4 :,0 for Jersey, aud $4 S3 for Brandywine. Whiskey.—The market is fairly active and two cents better. Sales of 450 bids at $225 a2 :r for West era. (irain—The market opened steady bur with none oTuring ; closes easier. The demand is iu part lor export, but chiefly for middling. The sales are 60,000 bushel-* ti tl 75 :i*t 20 for Chicago Spring; $[ 77 a 1 7w for Mlin aukie Club ; il 79 a 1 82 for Amber do.: Harley is in »re plenty and easier. Sates 17.000 bufoety 1 2d a IsO for Ottnada West. Harley M alt is inactive. Oats are firm and iu moderate supply. The sales are do,ti« 0 bushel Canadian at 55c; oi l Western at 58 a 69c., 11l store ; new State 67c.; Unsound 48 a suc. It ye is dull ami heavy. Corn i.s quite firm and in fair request for export aud from the home trade. The sales are 90.000 bush els; Unsound at 7s u sac ; Western Mixed ut 88*4 u blc ; the latter an extreme at the close. Provisions,—The Pork market is dull and heavy aud prices are 'again lower. The sales, cash and regular, are 5003 bids., at 32,60 a S32OSi 4 for Mess ; 82,75 a 33, for small lots do.; $27,23 a 27,00 for Wes tern Prime Mess. liKKK is quiet bnt steady. Sales at $12,00 a 15,00 for Plain Mess ; $15,00 a 17,00 for Extra do.: SB,OO a 12,C0 for Suite. Tie hue Beef is quiet and somewhat nominal. Beef Hams are steady ; Salesoi 25 bbls at $45,00. Cut A! eats are irregular. Bacon ls neglected. Dressed Hogs are steady at a 101 4 ' for city. Laud is steady and iu lair demand at 25 a 28 for No. 1 city, and 27 a 29 for Western. Tallow—The demand is good ami prices are high er, closiugbuoyant. Sal* s at 14>| a 14?4 lor Western ■4*£c for City and some holders now demanding 15 , croci:un:s.—Cotton Is dull and prices liotninul.— The stock is accumulating. Molasses remain quiet but holders are linn in their views. Rice is still nom. Inal. Sugars are in better demand and firmer, owing to the Hhticlp.itod destruction of crops y tne recent heavy gales which have passed over the West Indies. We quote fair to good refining at 13 IU fined are lx tier and we no* quote Powdered Granuluiod and Crushed at 20V$c. butter.—The market is (lull and prices hardly so firm. We quote Ohio and Western 3 in 4oc. State lirkius and tubs 43<i5jc. Welsh tubs 43 4->c. West ern reserve 35a4')c., aud Orange co. pails 00aC3c. Cheese.—The demand is lair and prices steady, * ir-icui.trly for English dairy. We quote factory at l 7 Salß.Sc. prime do 19c. Farm dairies 17n18c.« prime l-\h» and very choice 19c. English dairy 23a26c. and Pineapple 30a33c. Cot . on.—The ft nun css noticed in our l.ast was but temporary, later advices from abroad producing Home heaviness, and the m irket closes to-day quiet a r 54.S a 5.7 c for Low Middling, and 56*iu for Mid dling. Sales of about 1,009 bales. 1 her# was an tu •- t.ou f»aJc ot Mobile yesterday, at wine.. about market rates were obtained. We note the following lota u 2 bales Middling Fair at toe: 365 bales fully Mid dling, Sfltfc; 6U bales fully Low Middling, 53S a 03. Sc ; 403 bales good Ordinary, 60S a 60Me ; 349 ba:es Ordinary, 43M a 4 ; 09 bales Low Ordinary. 42c. 710 bales re baled, 43 S a 40,Sc, and lots of pic» - Inga, Ac., of no Importance. Gold lias been quite steady all dav, opening at 11675, deeding to 140 S» and closing at 14«s. Latest Kurope un Markets. London Money Market, Oct. 21.—The discount de mand at the Bank of England ou t lie 20th was mod erate, aud In the Stock Exchange advances contin ued to be oifered at 5.S a 0 per cent. An Improved tone prevailed owing to the more favorable Bank statement. Consols closed at 89 a for money. American Securitles.-Messrs.Haribg Brothers say: American stocks have not shown much animation, aud juices of those Hi which dealings have occurred have been weak; but the news by the Cuba has giv en more firmness. United States live-tweiitv bonds, 04H a 04,V; Illinois, 84 v* a 84>£; Erie shares. 53 a6B Prices of other securities unaltered and nominal. United Siatcs five-twenties closed at a 04V ; Illinois Central shares, 84; Kric Railroad shares, 57 y. a 58. Pai ls Bourse, Oct. 21.—The Paris Bolirse closed firm ou the 21st, at 07f. 97c. for the rentes. Liverpool Colton Market, Oct. ‘2l.—The Broker’s Circular says : The market opened with an active de !&ud, and In the early part of the week a large bus - iness was done at advancing rates: but since Tues day the inquiry lias fallen otr and tne sales have been comparatively limited, with a downward tendency in prices, buyers seeming disposed to wait for the increased choice the large import will afford. The death of Lord Palmerston has tendered in some de gree to unsettle the prevailing feeling of confidence b ill here ami throughout the dis tricts. In Sea Island an extensive business ha* again been effected at full prices. American continues in demand, particularly for export and on speculation, but is freely offered and has declined VI. a Id. per pound, and some considerable sales have been made from the quay at a greater reduction. Brazils advanced 7«d a id per pound, but close only k*d a>* over 1 st week’s rates. Egyptians also were active and fully id dearer, but the advance lias been almost lost. The sales of the week amount to 89,0c0,460 bales. Including 32,200 bales on'speculatiou and 19,010 for export. The quotations are : New Orleans ULr 25Kd, Middling 2fiTT Mobile Middling 23»*d, UpllFUds fair 25d. Middling 23&<1. The sales yesterday, Friday, were 10,000 bales, of which 6,000 were on speculation aud lor export.mar ket closing steadier. The stock on baud is estlmwPtl at 230,370 bales, of which 37,350 are American. Sales to day, Saturday, 10,000. including 3,000 bales to speculators and exporters. The market closed dull and unchanged. Mr. T. Buchanan Read, the artist and pool, hnscomtneuccd a suit against Mr. Jas. McHenry for a portion of the price of a pic ture sold to Mr. McHenry for .£3OO, called “ The Lo9t Pleiad." ron SEXA&n: GEORGE W. OWENS, Esq. FOR REPRESENTATIVES : Gen. GEORGE P. HARRISON, Hon. PHILLIP M. RUSSELL. The above gentlemen are candidates and will be supported at the ensuing election on the 15th inst, by Many Citizens. NKW ADVKItTISKiMKN'IS. DAVID BAILEY, Merchant Tailor [Formerly Catter for Win. R. Syiuoup] BE is most resp -ctfully to iuform his fr!<-ud* and the pul die generally, that he hat* removed from :he *»torc of Mr. A. B. Ives to No. 12 WHITAKER STREET, (Between Bryan and Bay,) whore he will be glad lo meet hip old customers and iiu many new ones as will favor him with their orders. £57" AiwayS* on baud, a good A**ortincnt of CLOTHS, CAvSSIMKKKS, VESTiNuS,* hi. h he is pre pttr- and to make up at the shortest notice and iu the most fashionable style. Remember No. —if you want what is good nnd reasonable. n9 lm AVilder’s JPatent SALAMANDER SAFES, W~ith Wilder's Patent Pivndee and Buraia r-proof Locks. BG. WILDER kt CO., Patentees and Manufuctar • ers of tne best nre-proof iiaie in the worl« l J weller*’ and Binkers 1 Safes make to order, liued w :ih h irdeiad House tthd Plate Safes. TANARUS»» tai.s celebrated JSafe was awarded the gold medal ai the World's Fair, iu Londou, 1851. N tick —This celebrated die-proof Safe Is no longer nude aud sold by SiianU. Herring, hitrlicense to moke anil s«-ll them having expired The ihou»auds of certificates from mcrchauts, bankers, aud mcclmulcs of ail trades, that Lave been givcu in favor of this, the ouly trae *• .Halaraander,” ri uders it useless for tho »>ub-ciibers o multiply words tn fttvo , us full thirty thousand of •• Wilder’s Pa tent foiluinandi-r Safes'* have beeu manufactured and sold in the,United Buu*a; und in almost every large dru that li ia lnxen place daring the last tevcutcen ye ti's, these Sales havo been subjected to the severest itMs, and not one of the ** Genuine Salamanders" has ever b»*« n destroyed. Ageutc wauted in all the* cities und towns of the •tate. Apply to agents at Savannah A good assortment comtantiy on hand, and for sale at manufacturers’ prices, by CUNNINGHAM A PURSE, hole Ageuu for lb« .State of Uounria, _ Savannah, Ha. FLOUR, CORN AND OATS. IJI'NHKLH Whit* Com **W ;u«u Ur. OsU .... . 60 hswsl* Flour Lnndlu, fr»m U.ltliuni, ■*r and for Ml. l,v n»-« t’HANIt, JiiIINIHjN *UY AYHII.I AHA, WII II Mt'KCTAf'LB*. OLD Kve, l»«t" N.w, wtUuiul NiMelsrhs, Do. tor or M.dlclus l .utoti .( i.aiM fr.., on mdit ’jG ias Addrwi. f U M O, Mo. Hid Mruadw.,. Msw tmt u,, w ' W«( arc Autborlzed to nnoouute j Col. C. H. HOPKINS, ol Pierce County, as a candidate fur Repreaentative to Con j gress, from the First District. | nor» ts We are authorized, to announce Hon. SOLOMON COHEN, ol Chatham Cos. as a candidate for Representative to Con gress, from the First District, nov !* ts FI'.VKKAL. IBVITATIOV. The fitend, .ndaeiiiitttiit.nce of ROBERT E JACK- , SON .ml i’imi’> are Invited to utUiul hi. fniierSl. This \ Moruiug, at t> o'clta k, from hi. late risiileuee, Jones slrei-t, near Moutgomcry. Live Oak Lodire, No. 8, 1. 0. 0. F. gp. The mt rnhers of this Lodge will as omble at their Hull Thi, Morning, at half-past right o'clock, for the purp.'-ie of pajing the last tribute of respect to onr late brother. P. G. ROBERT E. JACKSON. Members of tha order are invited to attend. R. M. BARTH ELMESS, N. G. Bavin U. Oti.Lin, av. Si <■ nJ-1 ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH !! SCRATCH !!! TVlioaton Ointmcnti WILL CURE THE ITCH IU IORTV*EiQHT HOURS. Also cures SJt Rheum, Ulcers, ChiibluiHS, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents For rule by all Druggists By sending CO cents to Weeks A Potter, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street. Boston, Mase., it will be forwarded by mall, free of postage, to any part of the United States - sentST-Sm — V—■ ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JST E WYORK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INSURACE COMPANY. Capital aud Surplus $1,C00,000 PHfENIX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,500,000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO- Capital and Surplus SOOO,OOO Bisks token in the atwve highly responsible Com panics on buililings amt merchan<li*e .if all descilp tinns, nt llie lowest antes coiTcsponi'inii with the risks. Apply to A. A. I.AtflC, Aijellt. n9-3 No. 15 Stoddaid', Ranp-e, Bay street. Latest from Egypt! PENNY'S NEW EXTRACT OF THE EGYTIAN LOTUS, anew and exquisite Perfume tor the handkerchief. Cleopatra and the ladies of the present d»y Using the .‘■ante perfume. TIIE EGYPTIAN LOTUS! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS!! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS!!! Manufactured by P. A. Penny. Brooklyn, New York. E. A. LOVEJOY, Agent, n9 3m 93 Fulton stm t, N. Y. More New Books. BLACKWOOD’S Magazine for October London Lancet lor November Appietun'o Railway aud Steamboat Gnlde for November Hall’ Journal of Health for November Fraulc Leslie's Illustrated Aluiau&c lorlSCfi Tac Ludv’.a Almanac for 1805 The Vickd.urg Almanac lor I*C6 The Christian Almauac for iB6O Leslie's, Demorest’s and Godey’s Fashions Pot.k. t Map-t oi Georgia, Alabama, South Caro lina and Florida Anew lot of Card Photograph and Picture Frames Aspleudid assortment of Pnotograph Albums For talc ut 147 Cougrc** street. UP-1 _ B. MALLON. PATEKTED 18 59. ti ipis- \hudi,i:\izi:i) SIfPER-PIIOSPHATE OF LIME, For Wheat and of hex'Gratia C r ops, Cot ton, Corn, Tobiu co, Grams. Vege ta bleu, Crops, &(’• Composed of Calcined Ilones, Sulphuric Acid,Dried Blood, Soda, Potash, Sulphate AuimoniA, and other Ammonia-producing materials, Does not exhaust the land like Peruvian Guano and other stimulating inamtres, but permanently im proves It. The effects of one opplication are visible for more than ten years. To ordinarv soils a yearly application of 209 lbs. per acre will maintain its fer tility lor any length oi time. A single application ol from SOO to 600 lbs. per acre will render ordinary exhausted land fertile for sev eral years. This Fertilizer is furnished in a finer powder than any other in the market, and is specially adapted for drilling. Packed in barrels, containing about. 250 lbs. each. Price reduced to sgo per ton, (2,000 lba ) For sale by CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Agents, savannah, Ga. SOUTHERN AND WESTERN Xi A. KT X), Collection and Commission Agency, handle Southern laud and property of all descriptions. Parties wUhing to srh are invited to forward lists.— Numerous applications now ou llie from parties wish ing to purchase. Make collections on aP parts of the country. Pay especial attention to the sale and disposal of Southern products, aud make advances ou direct consignments. MATTHEW H BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad st., New York. BEFEKENCES BY PERMISSION: Hon. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Ex-Governor of Alabama. P. Harmony, Nephews & Cos., Bunkers, 38 Broadway. Messrs 11. B. Cfoflu A Cos , Importers, New York. A. W. Gleenleaf, Esq , Banker, N. Y. n9-3m Henby L. Jewett. James I. Snidul Jewett & !s»i»i<tei*, WHOLES ALU COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL AGENTS, StTond Street, Mtieon, Georgia. {Between Cherry nnd Poplar.} Prompt personal attention given to*tll consign meuta of cotton, produce, mnniifuctureß and other articles of merchandise. Orders and ronsigninests solicited from all purt. of the country. Best utteutiou given to orders ior purchasing cotton. Agents for several first class Insurance Companies. 1,9-ts Alfrkd R. Brar-ITT,) .. v ~ Chas. H. Bkhnktt, Jas. C. Van Fklt, j lorK Raleigh, N. C. Bennett, Van Pelt & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOB TUB BALE OF COTTON, TOBACCO, NAVAI STORES, ETC., Also, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, S3 "Whitehall St., Tf«w York. We have associated with us Mr. D. W. Cirtis, late Pnultr T -oi.nrerfui North Carolina nli-iim j. w. PHILLIPS. .TJEMOVKD to No. 150 South Broad street, one door AV cant IromMontgemery street- D9-1 Liverpool Salt. A CARGO of HALT, 10 tacks to the ton, Jn£ *rriv«*d per British bark IWsco from Liverpo l, for sale by BHIGUAM, BALDWIN * CO. for sale: - A Valuable Garden Sjiot, I.«|slrd iksul Ten Miles from tiavannafe, ON THE CHARLESTON & SAVANNAH RAILROAD. A«J uilltit. I US Mill* of Ihr lliittr, Tuk oamdrn «por cdviainh augut 100 Avrss, wf Whleti ...«e Thirty Acres ar* el* is,l Biui Mi# real llesvlly wu,u|e,| with nine and sume •MW srf, Au» ou# wishing lu mske msiiefoutul Muo.l, will nails appJleaUum luuae llatti, at the UatMip Grant »•*»» If SPKCIAI NtfTKKS BATCSSIOS'S SXIB. UVB ! The Original ur»d B<**l in the World! The imiy true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Ri liable and taueoud. Produces lioiuediate.y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedied the ill effects of bad dyes. Bold by all Drug gists. The genuine is sigued William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLEUItS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, Nkw Yobs. A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of MARRIAGE Containing nearly fioo page-, and 130 flue Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or gaiLs hi a state of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences upon tile mind and Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational ami 9uocessfnl mode of cure, aa shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contem plating marriag*', who cute Main doubts of their phys ical condition. Sent five of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted uiion any of the dis eases upon which his book treats cither personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. octlO Cut MARRIAGE AM) CELWaCY. An Essay of Warning, and Instruction for Young men, just published by the noward Association, and sent in sealed letter envelope* free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. oct!2-3m Agua de Magnolia. A toilet delight 1 The ladies’ treasure and gentl« men’s boon ! The "sweetest thing’ and largest quan tity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia Used for bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft ana fresh, to prevent eruptions, to peifume clothing, Ac. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspiration. It removes redness, tun, blotches. Ac. It cares nenous headache and allays inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures mosqueto bitci and stings of insects. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Bingcra. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try the Magnolia Water once aud you will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterwards. DAM AS BARNES & CO.\ oct27-codly Props, Exclusive Agents, N. Y. S. T.— lß6o— X. Drake’s Plantation Bitters. They purify, strengtlien aud invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and lute hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complain* and Nervous Hen cliche. They are the best Bitters in the world. They make the wcuk strong, ana are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the celebrated Cnlifeaya Jfcu k, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of u beverage, without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. Only gen uine when Cork is covered by our private U. S. Stamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P. H DRAKE & CO., oct2B-eodly 21 Park Row. New York. We have learned not to be astonished ut anything. Years of experience and a correspondence extendiug throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe have turned theories into facts and established a basis from which we need not err, We are not surprised ut such facts as the following—although the persons who write them are. We know the persons und cir cumstances, hence feel at liberty to indorse their statements: "New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 24,1863. Dear Sir,—l have been afflicted many years with severe profitratiug cramps iu my limbs, cold feet aud hands, and a general disordered system. Physicians and medicines fulled to relieve me. While visiting some friends in New York who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon mo to try them. I com menced with a small wine-glassful alter dinner. Feel ing better by degrees, in a lew days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me, nnd I could sleep the night through, which 1 have not done for years. I feel like another being. My appe tite and strength have also greatly improved by the use of the Plantation Bitters. Respectfully, Judith Rcssei. ” Rkedsbuby, Wib.s Sept. IC, 1863. * * * I have been in the army hospitals for four teen months—speechless and nearly deud. At Alton, lit, they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. * * C. A. Vlacie." The following is from the Manager of the Union Home School lor the Children of Volunteers: ‘•Uavkjaeykr Mansion, 57th St, ) New York, August 2,1863. / Da. Dbakk Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children sutteiing irom weakness and weak with most happy , effect. One little girl in particular, with pains iu her head, loss of appetite, and dally wustiug consumption, ou whom ull medical skill had beeu exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspooniul of Bitters a day. iler appetite and strength rapidly increased, and the is new well. Respectlully, Mrs. O. M. Divot" “• • • I owe much to yon, for 1 verily believe the Plantation Bitten* have saved iny life. Rev. W. ii. Waggoned, Mat irid, N. Y. »* * • Thou wilt send me two bottles more of tby Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, Asa Cukrin, Philadelphia, Pa." "• • • j have been a great sufferer from Dyspep sia. and had to abandon preaching. * * The Plan tation Bitter* have cured me. Rev. J. S. Catiiorn, Rochester, N. •*• • • I have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most as tonishing effect. G. W. D. Andrews, Superintendent rtoldiers* lb me, Cincinnati, O." "• • * The Plantation Bitters have enred me of Liver Complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate, and hod to übauifou S»y business. ii. i>. Kingslkt, Cleveland, Ohio." • * The Plainßtiou Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs that has distressed me tor > ears It acts like a charm. C. C. Mooue, No. 204 Broadway-. ’* sk.o.; Ac., Ac., Jfcc , Ac. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, und are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They arc composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Wintergrven, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, &c., all preserved in perfectly pure St. Croix Rum. ». T.-WOO-X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak’ ness, lassitude, palpitation of the hem t, lack of appe tite, distress aftet eating, torpid liter, constipation, Ac., deserve to suffer If they will not try them. They ure recommended by the highest medical nu ihoritiex, and are wairauted to prodnee an immediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, aud harmless. Nonus -Auy person protruding to s«U Plantation Bitters iu bulk or by the gallon Is s swindler und im poaior. It Is put tip only in our log cabin bottle. Be ware of bottles r< filled with imitation deleterious stuff, fur which several persons ure already lit prison. Sea that every bottle has our United Stales stamp over tbe cork wimutlistcd, and our signature ou steel plate side libel. Bold by respect aide dealers throughout the habitable world. P It I>IUKU A CO , •eitfM* wn Broadway,N. 1. FO«iTIVBLY THE LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT Iff Tli i b Con nt x*y ! REORGANIZED FOR A GRAND SIIITiII’RN TOII For Season of 1865-6. Will Exhibit * Savannah For a short tltne only, commencing Thursday, Nov. 9. Comer Abercom and Liberty streets. % The Managers would re spectrally state that in the wu® selection of Artists for the | :A: ||j Colossal ALLIANCE, Q it has been the Proprietors’ desire to secure such ava . - g—;l fifty that no patron shall H • t 0 find lo it much that w HI instruct the mind and enr *huin the attention. I \jJwi j fJp j CELEBRITIES if \J which atlorn tilts Fumed Cii*e,i« Jr __ il are unparalleled in their sev r x T eral specialties, r (v I T |l( ‘ magnifleent Scenes f^ARENA j f arc enrlchcil amt heanttfled GORGEOUS I’&TSzS PAHArHERHALIA [ q f siii’Eßß mm. —o— I . I ME SSRS. STONE, ROSSTON&MURRAY having banished tlie antique » style, anti reached perfection hi this organization, otter no stale or exhausted acta. New Features and Fresh Novelties never before Introduced to the public. -o~ vvm | Attached to tills comblna nation are j PROF. HUTCHINGSON'S TRAINED I Jjt | DOGS, || ]|§ DEN. STONE’S COMIC I^^^MULES, BASI AMO K| U. n Fi?. II WHI show how ranch livelier Il / Jf \f*&** ii they ai-e than all other Comic fIZ. // A I Mules, Trick Mules, Funny 3 MulP3 > Dancing Mules, or • ■TjJ’YJBIBS;uuy other quaint Mules lis known to fame for being /T fess.J' jj queer in their conduct. Public attention Is called to the GRAND Free Exhibition OF THE GYMNASTIC MIRACLE OF ffIONAHTIC-OStILLATION, OR FLYING IN THE AIR, By the Intrepid Pancißtlat, Mltuor T’orUinaucl. THE WONDLH OF THE WORLD I Title eplendld GiHtullmt, Exhibition will lie given adjiueut to the STONE, HOtiSTOH H MLHIUY’S Ctrcue Pavilion every day, ut I o’clock p. m. admission First I 'lns* Seal, tl do M«'t)|i,i do , ~ (nillureti,, cu Colored Culler, 00 HT Dow open ut i mid 14 o’clock p m non IHUKSIMTI. '*****’ S a v u ii ii n h T h e ulTe. thfuday Kveiiisu. uor. Greet success of the fa vnrats, Mr. mid Mrs. AV”. H. Cris, t> . Sir Welter Scott's graud poeticel Play of THE LAD! OF TIIE LIRE! .lames File Jeme. v- u- i, Rixlerick Dim.. ' ' iif Then Ellen DougUs V F Blanche of Devon Mies 1 sadUtSS^ To conclade with Shekspeere'a Katharine and Petruoliio WAN T K O. “ Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H. 5.—35 bbls Flour 20 half b*»ls Flour 9 bbls Crackers C bbls Apple® 6 bbls Eggs G A W—loo tubs Lard. # If not called for will be sold for freight end BRIGHAM. BALDWIN AO) PMO ¥AIVTED. A < lP,°HeraidofllS? l ‘ tf<l t 0 r?nt - Wanted, S9O A «°, NTH! Agvnia wanted wanted for m entxreluneu article «, just out Addreml n t GAREY, City TBuilding, Blddelord, Maine. ' * eepls dAw3m "Wagon Freight WANTED ar For Macon, Milledgeville, Albany, A meric it a, or HewklnsvllU, Apply to « ' oct5 _ ts GEO. C. FREEMAK Wanted, $25 cheap one licensed. Address SHAW & CLARK. Bio deford, Maine. seplS-dAw3m FOR SALfc A TO RUNT. Steam Mill FOR SALE. r | 'HE Subscribers effer their Steam Circular Sawacl A Grist Mill lor sale The Mill Is located aliout live miles cast of Sundorsville, Wushiuvtou county itnd “iffmile from No. 12.1: Centra! Railroad. The Engine Is a twenty-ttve horse power, with two cylinder boilers, one set mill eb.nee. a good tnmiiut lathe, all complete and in suceesstnl operation. * »e w ill sell the Mill to remain where It i@, with ample supply of Pine Timber for saw in**, or the Mil! eau be removed. * having'stocks. 1 W * S8 " ° xen ‘‘ ,ld Carts for We will sell On Liberal Terms. ticular^ t 0 Me ° Brs - E ' Win & Hardee for further pa- J lov: i‘ i ERWIN A CARTER. JUST RECEIVED AND For Sale on Consignment. I BARRELS Old Virginia Mountain Dew Whiskey 20 bbls E. Rohrer pare old Bye Whiskey lo tlrkins piimo Western Butter 20 tub. New York State Butter 10 boxes Dairy Cheese 150 bushels White Corn 60 bushels Peas lo bußhela Ground Nuts 119-2 CANNING HAM & PURSE. For Sale, 1 us lA BUSHELS Prime White Com '’’Du 2000 bushels Prime White Oats n8 __ N. A. HARDER A CO. The Screven House FOE EEISTT. trrilS commodious and elegant Hotel Is offered for .. rent. It his capacity for 100 Bed Rooms, in nddi tion to Dining Rooms, Pariorc, *fcc It hi eita&ted in thu husiLc»6 portion of the city. For particulars and terms apply to Dovg -2w BRYAN, HARTRIDuE A CO. PAVILION HOTEL For Rent. THAT well-known, desirably located, and highly popular establishment, situated on Bull street, between .’-outli Broad and Hull streets, occupying four entire lots of Grt by 90 feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty room*, is now offered for rent. The party renting this property will be required to make too uecesshry repairs and give satisfactory se curity for the punctual payment ot re .t. „ JOHN M. COOrRR novi— ts Pres’t Union Society. FOR RENT I OFFER for Rent next year, lS6 r , my Rice Place to Camden county, Ga., on the Great Satllla Idver. known us the “Vernon Plantation," containing 4a l seres of first qnality Rice Land, and about 100 acres of high land, ull In perfect order. Said Plantation been cultivated during the war, and therefore requhes no extra work to prepare It for a crop the ensiling year. All the negroes formerly belonging to me are still ™ the place and anxious to remain, so there would be no difficulty In procuring laborers On the place Is a comfortable dwelling house, together with all b necessary btiildlngs for the accommodation of labor ers and storing he crop. Seed for the coming year, Including Rice, Corn. Pcss, Sorghum, Cotton, &c., call be obtnlued on the place. For further pat tieulurs address the sub scriber nt Wayneevilla, Wayne county Ga. oct3ft.ltm JAS. F. KING- Store to Let, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The light and commodious Store, corner Merchuti Row and Palmetto Avenue, to lea»e for a limited time Terms easy. Address W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, octlS ts Lockßoxifi, Hilton Head 8. C “.TO REN T. I.AROE AND HANDSOMELY Furnished Rooms To Let, AT EAST Cum. OF PRiOE AND ST. JtfLiAii ROOMS TO LETf AT HILTON HEAD, S.C. The "F.lmcito Herald Building," having been fitted up, now offer large and airy Rooms soltabls I ,r Sleeplug Apartments or Bnsineis For tei o* add r cm W. 8. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, ocmtf^^^GicUßoxFjHntm^^J^i, Piaster Paris, FOR SALE BY Van Horn, Holyoke & Murno uovT—A No. » STODDARD’S WIOOK White Corn. I)HT*. per itbooMr Anttlnpe • CM * n uvvt-* *•» ►r