Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 09, 1865, Image 3

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BAVANN ah . I)r purl ai r of »U»m.hl|n aml Nlraintri. rok NKW YOKE. steamship Chsse, Thursday, Xovembqy 9th. at 1* O'clock ID. Steamship Cotstitotioti, Tlmruday, November #th, at 1 o'clock p. in. FOB BAI.TIMOBE. .steamship Fannie, Saturday, November 11th, at _ o'clock. roa nocTORTOWx. Steamer Clarion. Thursday, November 9th, at 9 o'clock a. m. FOB Ft.OltlDi. Steamer Fanale, Thursday, November »tli, at 11 o'clock a. m. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at to o'clock. Steamer SU. Johns, every Saturday morning, at lo o’clock. THE Croces.—The Stone, Rosstou A Murry’s Circus, which has been performing in Charleston. S. C„ for tin- last week, will positively arrive here this evening and perforin on lot corner of Liberty and Abecorn streets. The Daily Courier of Charleston, speaking of this company, says: The Stone, Houston n Murray's Circus that Is ex hibiting here at present, we must say (mid we know those who have seen them will endorse tills notice.) is not only the be3t that has ever visited Charleston, out superior to any wm have ever seen. Formerly companies were formed with three or four passable performers, the iielance made up of supernuraera' lies We are happy to Inform onr readers It Is not so with this company; there are arisen ami they are S::ts— each having their own specialty. The mam. moth troupe is enriched with Illustrious Equestrian, Gymnastic and .acrobatic Talent. Fertile in new and novel expedients, to delight and astonirii, the chief artists are world-tamed for their pre-eminent grace and perfection, and the sensational specialties are radiant with transendaut elegance and perfect beauty. We advise the public to go, as their stay here is but short, and go early if they wish to get a seat. Dabixo Robbsrt by River Thieves.—On Sunday night last the dat of Keln a Cos., while lying at the old Charleston Wharf, was visited by river thieves, who carried away from the flat two bales Upland cotton. The crew of the flat were on board when she was robbed aad wrapped fn heavy slumbers.— About one week since we noticed the fact that dep redations iiad been committed on several other Hats. The thieves who infest our harbor are becoming more emboldened every day, and there should be again reorganized as soon as possible a river and harbor police. No clue has as yet been discovered to the thieves who are committing these are outra ges. “ J. N." Again this Mousing.—The immortal phil osopher “ J. N.’’ will this morning, at 9 o’clock ad dress the citizens of Savannah from Uie steps of the Custom House. “J. N.” is a remarkably modest man, and although he ts the idol of all lovers of wis dom and the astonishment of the civilized world ; yet he is as meek and unassuming as n child, claim ing nothing for himself but poverty and humility. “J. S." has solved the whole mystery of the late war, and it appears that the press gcncniliy arc willing lo concede that his theory of truth, “ viewing it from both stand-points,” will have to be recognized if ever mere is a general and perfect reconciliation between the Xortn and South. The public generally should turn out and hear "J. N.” assume “ ail the pressure on himself.” Salamander Safes.—The attention of meiclmnts and others is talledTo the advertisement of Messrs. Cunningham and Purse, sole agents for Wilder's Patent Salamander Safes for tills State. The Sala mander Safe lias passed through too many ilery or deals aud the pillule is too well acquainted with its superior qualities to need any commendation at this day. Cunnlughara aud Purse have a large assort ment on hand and offer them on favorable terms. River News.—The ste..m.r Helen, which left Au gusta on Tuesday, arrived yesterday morning. She makes the following report r The river at Augusta was nine feet at the bridge aud falling; steamers Berry, Oak, Gibbons and Potter were at the wharf; passed the Staudish near Hirshmans' Lake, bound up, U. H. May below the Lake, for Augusta; Express at McCoy's Bluff; Laura, Oat Finger Cut, both Tor Savannah; Union near Ebenez r: Savannah sunk at Flat Pitch ; Voluutecr, near Pur.ysburg for Savan nah. Arrival of tub AntADNE.—The steamship Ariadne, Crary, from New York, Saturday November 4th, and quarantfne at Staten Island New York harbor No vember sth, arrived here yesterday afternoon. The Ariadne passed on Monday November oth, at 3 p. in., the steamer Zodiac'about thirty miles North of Cape Hatteras, bound North. Sale op Real Estate.—Messrs. Bell, Wylly & Christian soul at auction yesterday, west half of Lot No. 89, Washington Ward, on Broughton street, between Price and Houston streets. The Improve meuts consist of a frame building with four rooms. Mr. Panlells was the purchaser at $1,300. Arrival of r«K America.— The steamship Amer ica, Lindt, from New York osjthe 4th, arrived last evening. The America brought an unusually large number of passengers and a heavy freight, and made one of the quickest passage of the season. We are in debted to Purser R, H. Owen for favors. Super-Phosphate of Lime.—Messrs, canning ham A Parse have for sale this new fertilizer, unex celled for improving land for the cultivation of cotton, corn, tobacco, etc. Attention is directed to the ad vertisement in’ another column. From Apocsta.—The ’Steamer Helen, Capt. J. K. Reily arrived yesterday from Augusta. We are In dented to Parser P/endevgast for favors. Personal.—Col. A. L. Harris, Special Agent Post Office Department, returned to this city yesterday, from Milledgeville, where he has been perfecting ar rangements for the resumption of mall service In this State. Alarm of Fire.—Yesterday afternoon, about two o'clock, an alarm of fire was sounded by the Wash ington Are alarm bell. It proved a false alarm. The theatre.—“’The Lady of the Lake,” and " Katherine and P.itruchlo” make np a hill of extra ordinary attraction for this evening. Mr. anil Mrs. W. H. Crisp both appear. Acknowledgement We are indebted to Capt. Beanfort of the Steamer Rockland for Charleston papers. THIS COURTS. pr vost coprt, district of Savannah,before capt. CLARK H. REWICK, PROVOST MARSHAL, Bavannah, November Bth, 1885. The United States vs. Daniel Green and William Holmes (both colored).-Having cotton and rope in their possession supposed to have been stolen. Orecn was discharged and Holmes fined twenty dollars and costs, or in default of payment to be confined in jail for t wo monish. EVENINGINSTRUCTION. OOOK-EEEPINO taught practically; Or ifcj namentfti Penmanship, German and Old Eng lish Text, Block Le terinpr, <fec.. in all their modem styles ana finish, written and taught. In a short time i ■hall bo prepared to recolvc day and evening echol ara in various branches. Private lesson* given in Ptn munshlp at reasonable rates For further particulars, address r<Lo tt JK; R K - JOHNSON, c - - Herald Office, Savannah, Georgia. To the Merchants of Savannah. THE nndcrslgned.Commlttea from Metropolitan Fire upon ih» and Bu.«l for th« re. o /**** c 1 *£’ lo * u >> e,c subacMptlons tr R u,ch " se ' i «8t '«m Fire Englua. thir’2lST^«n. PrOBI> ‘ “ Li from JNO. R. DILLON, OE<>. II JOHNSTON, Jr, „ . _ WM. N. VALLE AD, n "' 4 Committee. HiHliintnier Fuint aud Color Works Cos. BEI.L, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN, Agents. I’llce* r * c, * v, 'd *hd for aal* at tb« manufacturer'! Kaga XX fli dgi.wntar laid Kegs XX Snow White Zlm Kwta t ygnst Whim Lead Kern NnamtraM whlta Lead * Tub. FuttJ Faint Nmshaa sssaw*"* '•n.ilaii lum Maullc Faint i|. nil; Mutallc Fstin hi,., ros I'riHif ihUat ' •atUgaOoUaa im os** Hotel Arrlvalii. PORT ROYAL HOUSE (HILTON IIKAD; XOV. L S L Woodford. N Tork Cap! A B Ctohndjce Savli W U Barton, do Mast U A Eldridge do T E Troser. do Mrs Weire, Fla J McK Fraser, do |l. Burnell, Savh J Uallegter, do J Q Bruwe, St Helena OH Campbell, do jK p Hutchinson, Beanfort Mrs and Mias Mun, Poco-, Mrs Mullen, Charleston „ 'Alik”’ „ IMrsUC Whorton, do H C Morgan. Pocoraligo W F Luran, do Mrs and Miss Heap, do Is W n horton. do (1 W Close, atr MedellairiCapt Ward, etc St Marys Cupt M Morphy, Brooklyn W Urocklesby. Buffalo LtCol A Keessle, Savh R Tobin. do SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON HEAD) NOV. 7. J W Sly, Charleston ;J Henderman, Charleston May Roy, 6 U S lirf (Stone, Itosston A Murray, T H Durgiise, str Cosmo- charleston potltan • |c C Soule, Charleston Mhippino; lutelli(;euoe. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises C 0 2th Moon rises 11 2 Suit set 9 5 ot|Uigh water 127 POUT OF SAVANNAH. Wednesday, Nov. 8, istw. Arrived* Steamship America, Lindt, from New York—Brig ham, Baldwin A Cos. Steamship Ariadne, Crary, New York—John R Wilder. steamer Lizzie Baker, Richardson, Charleston— Claghorn and Cunningham. Steamer Volunteer, Andrews, Augusta—O’Fallon A Cos. Schr John Vance, Smith, Keruandlna, with wood aud terrapins to master. Peeler’s flat, from Augusta—J R Wilder. C L Colby A Co’s flat, No 3, Lorn Augusta, with 233 bales upland cotton to l’ L Colby A Cos. Steamer Lehr, Cortseli, • M A Cohen. steamer Helen, Reilly, Augusta—Kein A Cos. Steamer Rockland, Beaufort, Charleston, via Hilton Head and Beaufort—l. S Bennett. Steamer Laura, Garnett, Augusta—Erwin A Har dee. Steamer Helen Getty, lugraham, Palatka, etc—L 8 Bennett. Cleared. Schr Frank, Green, Satilia River—J T Rowland. Steamer CaldwelJ, Murray, Augusta—J R Wilder. Imports. Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—l7s bales up land cotton, 19 do domestics, 40 do yarns, 4 do Ker seys, 74 do Sea Island cotton. Per steamer Laura, from Aogusta—so bales up land cotton, 30 do domestics, Cos boxes tobacco, aud sundry mdse to order. Ruperts steamer L Enos at Buggs Bar tied up ; steamer Staudish at Burton’s Ferry bound up ; steamer Union at Rowls bound up; sieamtr Falcon at Ebeuezer Reach bound up. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Pllatka—79 bales upland cotton, 32 do Sea Island do, 22 bbis oranges, 5 tea do, 35 ska salt, 50 bars lead and mdse. Per steamer Lehr, from Augusta—3oo bales upland eottou to order. Per Peelers' flat, from Augusta—loo bales upland cotton. Per steamer Volunteer, from Augusta—227 bale3 upland Passengers. Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—E Mendall, R O Arbuihart, F Keuaway, R G tloase, M Stewart, J McDonald, ltabaguy aud lady, O 11 Luffburrow, Mrs Butler, child aud servant, J W iquigly aud lady, A Peeler, E B Ramsay, Mis Ellington, j HStocton, alls Maxwell, E F Newville, lady and child. Mrs Newville, Capt Tattnall, G C Norton, Harris and lady, B 11 Hudson. Per steamer Rockland, from charleston, etc—Mrs Fowler, W N Clark, Mr. Briarif, W UtchSeld, SSlan weld, A IS aud family, Jose White, alias Louisa Kirk, J Johnson and wife, Rev D B Sainmis, Dr S A Smith, Mrs U C Smith, Miss F A Smith Miss F E Smith, Tlios Troser. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Pilatka—Wm I. Daniels, E Hale, II F York, Dr H F Bacon, B H Lead Ml- Clark, Mai S Coiiant, Capt R Leverage aud sent R Pearce, J M Roberts, 1- Orbitls. Air Hawkins, wife aud child, Mrs Matthew, B Burnet, 11 Hall, X H Guy, ion two ladies and child, J lliltou, T B Catherwood, N S Finney, II Mcirwin, P n Morel. Capt J U Waters mid 4 on deck. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Cliarieston--d W Beck 10), W M Juuno, T Picket, C J Mills and wile, ;> A Pancost, S W Dorucy, LG Nowell, J A Duggan, D Haywood, W Haywood, L J Gill, J Hrtgg, 1> B Hay wood E Burton, J S Hart, M Emeriek, U D llawley, E Stewart, J E Thorndike, It 1. Conuer, S Rich, U T Lestic, I H Scaly, W L Byron, and steerage. Per steamship Ariadne, from New Y ork—Mrs M Graham amt 2 children, Air Carens, E L Moody and lady Mm Rutgers, Mrs Baltzell, F Bwiguln, J Bar ret! Mr Decutor, J L Martin, S Solomons, E Duffey, Mrs HJ Stone, Airs D Wadleyand child. Rev S H l’ursous, wife and child, K P York and wife, MissS E Clifton, Miss X Towle, Mr Parsons, wife ami 2 in fants Miss Parsons, Mrs Dregnell and chad, Mr Phil lips and ladv, H P .loues, J Behm, 1) Wadley, J John ston, Mrs J Johnston, J U Pittman, E A Flint, Alice Hardee, J Spaulding, Mrs Gibbiugs. Mrs Galleiidel, Mr it Erwin. R Erwin Jr, J Erwin 1 H \\UUugliam, G Robertson, E M Anderson. R A Spicer, L Kaplam, B Etteison, E E Adumsou, D G Leigh, and 14 steerage, consignees. Per s'eamer Helen, from Augusta—Kein A Cos, H & Gamwell, Brady, Smith A Cos, F Schuster, J Mc- Mahon, G Butler. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Pilatka—Bothwell A Whitehead, Jones A ay, UA J Lachllsou, JI, \ iiialonga, J S Burnett, U, Wylly A Christian, Stuart a- Cos J P O'Neil, M Loweilthal, B, Hartridge A Cos, H Meitihard A Bro, W L Daniels, L Roux. Per steamer Volunteer, from Augusta—W W Lin coln. Dwight A Lathrop, Crane, Johnson & Grayblll, J 1. Villalotiga, E F Metcalf A Cos, aud order. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, lrom charleston —Jos Hogg, Adams Express Cos, D Haywood, Bell A La Roche, aud others. per steamship Ariadne, from New York Erwin A Hardee, F, Stevens A Cos. D Finnegan, Pollock A Feli ner. A Fawcett. S Family, M Ferst a- Cos, J McGrath, C L Gilbert, S Goodall, J Gilliland <4 Cos, Gucheuiiel mer A Selig, II Gowdy, Gailen A Unckles, Habersham rs Son, A S Hartridge, .1 Lama, Lovell A LatUniore, E D Merer, D Mallett A Cos, Moody A Bennett, Mather A West.’ Miller A Cos, J H Moses, C F Mills, Ballon, H Ueluliard A Bro, M S Meyer, J McMahon A Cos, G 1 Nichols, C Orff, A Paul, A Readier A Cos, Rodgers A Cum. H Rothschild, Wm U Robinson, B <t W hite head, H Roberts, F J Ruckert,J Ryan, Jit Ruther ford P Reilly, J L liounilli lt, i \\ Sims A Cos, W H siark T A Gordon, W II Fuller A Cos, V, Holyoke Cos, J L Villalouga, W Wolf, A Waldron, Dr W M Walsh, JG watts A Cos, \Y H Watson, S W Wight, Wadley n. Miller E \ Weal, O Cohen. Claghorn A Cunning, bam P A C T Dodd. TJ Dunbar, P Doulan, DeWitt A Morgan, W M Davidson, Duucau A Johnsou, J II Deppisb, Dzilinski A Siager. U, Baldwin A Cos, Bluu A Meyer, li, Smilti A Cos, Mrs Liuigdou Cheveg.Lt Col E B Carling, it Cowden, Cooper, Olcotts A Far rellv C L Colby and Cos, C, Grayblll and Johnson, Adams Express, A M Colien A Bro, M A Cohen, Scliuster A Heinslus, A M Scarborough, Schreiner A Son, Scriver A Whitman, Hilton A Randall, C V Hutchins, Hal sey, Watson A Cos, Hausman, Alberg A co. Heidt A Ludlow, Hunter and GaiumcU, WAR Mclutlre, L Kaplln J M Klnchley, N li Knapp. B Kohn, M Kraus Kem A Go, Llnville a Gleason, A L Del.orge, J Ltpp lliau, A Low, Kinstetn A Eckiuan, O H Allege, U R Agent, A Backer, Bulger and Calrlti. N K Baum, Bell, Wylly A Christian, X K Baruuui, J O’Byrne, B, Bald win and Cos, Kiiliu A Burke. Notice to Mariners. The Mariners Industry I.ightvcssel Is replaced at her station. , Chas. O. Bovtellb, L. H. Inspector. • PORT OF FERNANDINA, FLA. Fernandina, Fla., Nov. 6. Arrived. Nov s—Steamer Philip, Jos Gartner, from TYII - Del, 9th ult. for New Orleans ; off St Johns’ bar got short of coal; put Into Jacksonville 14th ult. failing to get coal came to Fernandina. The Philip is a sldewheel steamer, 224 tons, and was the Thos Freeborn ; she Is now owned by Uurhiu A Hollings worth, at Wilmington, and la Intended for a tow boat on the Mississippi river. Nov e—Brig Sami Welsh, 1 Hoecker, Philadelphia, from New York 2-uh nit : miscellaneous cargo of do mestics for L Davis A Bros. Orange Bluff Mills, St Mary’s river. In Fort—Sclirs A F Kindberg, Thomas; John Len thall, Tutliill; J L Hiss, C Brown. Sloop Tliunder, smith. Sloop Thunder, Smith, Satilla river. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, for Palatka. Nov T—Helen Getty, Ingraham, from Jacksonville for Savannah. _ THOM. W. UKOOKH MANUFACTURER OF rURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, HOI Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—AM OKDEItS sent by Mad promptly at ended to. „ )yBIU The Fisheries. IFOR SALE—Englbh .ud KlunUh Cut HHu, 0«t ■F Not Lead., Thimbu., Hand and Lead Unas. Hah l.tu.Cation and Hemp Kelno Twlu., Cotton aud Iluitip Heines. Flax Gilllng Twine lor mullet, and iharf. Tike., Turtl. N*t«, Quail Nett, Minnow Salue. uid Dip Nh«, Cork and Pedur FlOdW, Uliihl and Lett laid Net aud Hetn« Hop*. Every kind nr Net and Seine mad. to older American Nat and Twin# Cos., « I'OMMKUCIAI. STREET, HORTON COTTON. COIfON CwiTTOM varefußj |^M i L 6, UGff LAND, iHiVi I v T#A of airo^t AUCTION SALES. •r Bell. Wylly k Christian AT PRIVATE SALE. Desirable Heal Estate. Two that cl*** Dwelling Houses, Uu«*e sfr-rie* ou basement.', with all ti e modem iniproveuu-nl- shua led iu a centra: potion of the ctt>. Alto, Avery desirable House on the corner of Chariton aud Tatnall street*, containing 8. R >olllo, with gas ami water, un the lane iaa Brick Carriage House, btabloo, Servants' Rooms, Ac. Also. 1C Farm Lota, containing from 20 to 29 Acres each, near Lover's Lane, within oi»“ mile ot the limits of the city. A splendid opportunity for investment A plot of the above Lots can be seVu at out store. Also, West half of Lot No. 39, Washington Ward Brough ton street. improvements cr most o! a Dwelling, suitable for a small family. Will be ?old at u bargain Oct24tf BjT Bi UV Wyiiy A thrhiijn AT PRIVATE SALE. ♦ Lots No. S, on the corner oi Broughton arid Wef»t Broad streets, mad No. 6, on the corner of Broughton and Montgomery streets. The above pioperty Is well located for erecting store* us Broughton street will soon become the business thoronghfai e of Savannah. ALSO, West half of Lot No. 43 Lafayette* Ward, fronting on Charlton street, the improvements consisting of a brick house, containing ten rooms, well finish a, with gas throuhout the bouse aud a pump of excellent water in the yard. n< vs—ts UNDERWRITER'S SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On WEDNESDAY, 15th Instant, at 11 o’clock a m , at the landing iu the city of Darien, w ill be pold lor account of Underwriters and all concerned, a por tion of the cargo of the scoouer Island Queen, con sisting of— A general assortment of Groceries Dry Goods Bagging Boots and Shoes Clothing Wooden Ware Corn and Salt Nalls and Hardware Molaslesand Su£ar Acv&c., Ac.; damaged on board said schooner on her passage lrom New York to this port, aud put Into the port or Darien In distress. i M P. EPPING, Consignee. N. B.—A steamer will leave this city on Tuesday morning, 14th InsL, and will accommodate purchasers and all concerned. ns-C By Bell, Wylly It (hristlaD. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY AT AUCTION. At 11 o'clock on WEDNESDAY next, Bth Inst., will be sol i iu front of store, corner of Whitaker and Bay streets: Lot No. 8 Gaston Ward, CO feet front on Gaston street (between Jefferson aud Montgomery streets), having a depth of 100 feet. The lot is lee simple pnd the improvements consist of flue tenement houses, which are rented at S6OO per annum. Terms cash. u 6 UNDERWRITER'S SALE.~ By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAT, in front of store, at 11 o’clock, will be sold for account of Underwriters and all con- Ck rned 11 barrels Biscuit 8 boxes do damaged on board of steamship Chase on her passage from New York to this port, and sold under inspec tion of Port Warden 9. n9-l UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Blun & Meyer. THTS DAY, 9th Inst., at 10 o’clock a. m , In front of store, will be sold under inspection of Port Wardens, for account of Underwriters and all concerned : 1 case, cental till g 80 dozen Pocket IJdkf-, 1% dozers Earringe and Breastpins, 6 packages ticking ALSO, 11 barrels and 8 boxes Biscuits and Crackers, damaged on board the steamship Chase. n9_ BT BLU2¥ & MEYER. THIS DAY, 9th inst.. at 10>{ o’clock a. in., will be sold in front of store: 10 tubs and 2 diking, Butlcv 43 boxes Soap 4 cases Clothing., Dry Goods, Hosiery and Notions 1 case Cutlery, Axes, Hatchet*, etc. ALSO, 6 Chairs, 1 Rocker, 1 Child’s Carriage, Tables, Bed steads. Bureaus, etc., etc. PRIME CORN FOR SAU IN QUANTITIES 10 SUIT C. V. HUTCHINS, novs 3 155 Bay street. ESTABLISHED 1826. Tlie IN’. Y. Ylbion. THE oldest Literary and Foreign Weekly in America. Is published at No. 39 Park Row, New York. TERMS PER ANNUM. New Subscribers for IS6B, remitting direct to tbe office by P. O. Order, will be entitled to a choice from the twenty-five annual Albion Engravings, free. Address . YOUNG A MORRELL, novJ-lw Proprietor?*. On Consignment. KEGS Horae and Mult Shoes, a first-rate article, tivr in favorable use at the North—manufactured by the Rhode Island Horse Shoe Cos. 60 bbls Beehive Syrup, from Philadelphia Sugar House 5 bids superior Whiskey 60 cases excellent table Claret. The above will be sold low to close consignments. n8 3 HUNTER A OAMMKLL. Cooper, Olcott & Family. Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GA. THE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of Cooper, Okotts and Fa, relly, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Re tail Book and Stationery Bustaera at the old stand of John M Cooper A Cos., north-west corner of Whitaker and St. Judan Streets, JOHN M. COOPER. WILLIAM H. OLCOTT. DANIEL G OLCOTT. OOtgS eodlm STEPHEN FARRELLY. Storage Wanted THE bulk of One Thousand Bales of Cotton wanted on storage. J C. ROWLAND, BaTtie R )W, nov4-lw Foot of Montgomery street. H. J. DICKERSON, Harbor, Master, OFFICE OPEN AT AIL HOURS OF THE DAY Tfo. 1 Harris’ BuU&inss. SAVANNAH, OA. novl lm Convention of the First Senato rial District. THE Ciiizen* of the counties of Chnth.m, Bryan nud Kfliughaui are requested to nppwiut Delegutes to * Convention to *>« hold on WadueaiUy, Hie Bih November but., at No. 2, Central, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Senator oi said Senatorial District. now FOR SALE LOW, " To "Wind up an Llstato A VALUABLE FARM. IV, mils, from Auga.ti, ouiLUilng uo. hundred ami alghiv acre., mam ut lm* \ sb-ut all. hundred .i re* Os U lu valuable A good dw.lllmi, with ttveu r-Hium., atabbtf. rer rlai* bud.., and m-veii farm building, To * party do.lilog a g .ud, be.iihj, combmabl. hum*, wiibin Iny m Inure. dilve ■/ Augnaia, the aU-ve iilsuu uff.ia aatwrter Indue. in»uu Vut Mnh.ibMUv.lare, anqoire <4 oil** l, iI)LH| A 00 , ••Tf-Mdlw l el m i Abari'vlH and Hay .treat. GKOtF.IUF.ft, MdlUHl, * C., | WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, Sc. Peach V«Vd) WliDkej, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s I Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, aud F'ine Keutn ky Bourbon. POR SALE BY C. W. THOMPS ON, At the Old Stand. 11l HAY BTRRKT, (Herald BbIUUu£S.J also, Alsop's Ale, Mars' Ale, Apples. Potatoes. Onions Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider \ tnegar octfi »f G. H. ARLEDGE7 WHOLESALE GROCER AND— Ship O handler. 72 .BAY STREET, YTOIV receiving pe- eieaot and suillu" vesseD (rum UN New York, tile foHou iii;; articles, which will be sold at the Lowest Maikot Price : Bbls. Flour. Putatoc*, Onions Ti.rnips, fleets. Apples. Y'iuet:ar. Hams. Brown and Crushed Snffurs, Bills lie. sand Pork, libls. Mackerel, S do.. M and v and kits No. I Cases olive oil, ... Sardines. Caudles, Soap. Raisins, , Pickles, Lienors Cheap Tea, P. eserved Meat, Spices oi all kinds. Herns, &c., Jfcc., Sacks Coffee, Brooms, Pulls, Backets, he. also— t Palotfl, Oils, Varnishes, Paint Brashes. Ac., Ac. 7 tf~ - hlji Stores put up at the shortest notice. octlT .Ini Wffl. 1. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALLR IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sep2 ts /'FOREIGN | ALES WINES M\LIQUORS4SLtMK \ 207 BAY ST. soleTgents and importers OF— Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. auSO E G. Hilton*, Savannah. F. M. Raniikll, N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL 'Wliolosalo Q-rocors, 193 BAY STREET. NEAR BARNARD. Savannah, Gra., Are constantly receiving per steamers from New York Tlm* 1. and Most Complete Assort ment of Groceries in tire City, Orders by Mail, accompanied with Remittance, Proni"tly Filled, ut Lowest market Prices. uctl6 lm Gso. R. Chump. Wm, A. Wuoirr, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. It. CRUMP & (0., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, Ac. 209 ili-olut St., Augusta, Qa, VP~ Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tohacco, Produce, and Mkrlhandise of every de script ion. Risers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusts, Ga., Richmond, Va.. aud .Ino. C. Kerrill. Esq., De- Witt A Morgan. Gaden A l.'ncklea, A. A. So'omons A C'o., J. T. Paterson A Cos., R. Molina, Esq , Savanush, Georgia. , CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 KIRLIK.EHO. &BURKE, WHOLESALE HEALERS IN ELIS, n IMI LIQIW, rORNF.iI WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. au2l ' ts To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dt'itlcrs, Dl-tfillers, und Soap Manufacturers. INESSENTIAL Oils for flavoring and Improving Bran- U dv, Rum Port Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Scotch and Irish whiskies, age and body preparations for Neu tralising and Mollifying Whiskey and Spirit. Color ings. Syrups and Frnit Juices for Branny, Whiskey and Wines, Oils and Extracts of Cognac arid other Brandies, Holland and London Giu, Ac. Dr F.’i Treatise on Fermented Liquor# with 1000 Recipes. FO li DRUGGISTS’ USE.. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar and Fluoric Acid, Manganese and all rare ChehiicaD aud Drags. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, Hiliicate of Sodft in Crj’Stali, Liquid aud Jelly China Clay and Terra Alba, Soap stone, Kosln, Soda, Ash, Ac JOS. W. FBUCHTKANGKR. No f>s Cedar st., N. Y. H. G. RUWE & CO, Wholesale GROCERIES 5 LIQUORS, WINES AND MEUARS, Corner Bryan and St. JuliaJh and Johnson Square, fFROVTIIU I'l'l. AIK I IIOUNKj wr Agent, fur ALK AND I.AGER. Cunaiwlly on hand, an Maortmtnt ol XiXXXIXM WINM. CHEESE, SOAP. lik t’UKIWE, 1H tk b»iif. ray*, goap ■iu»» rarely. 4 and an aalybr •all* • IUUOUAM, HAUltflN A tXI, -—wb» . >.l j lUUlibKlltti, Uijl Pits, tko T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMI’ODTBRS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS. &C. 147 Ray ‘Street, SAVANNAH, CA. ( (NEXT DOOR ABOVE RKPrBLICAN OFFICE.) Il r E Invite the attention ot the Trade and the Pub ” 11-’ generally to oar large and elegant assort ment of Wine*, laltiuors. Cordials, roiuervui, Se gal's, etc., etr. which i'not excelled by any similar establishment in the states. Wc are ,-ole pioprletoi'd cf DUNBAB’A CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the repntatiou of which is fully esiablbhctl in this aud foreign conn tri. h ; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BlTTEßS gnnr:iiiiecd fnp«‘rli*r to any article of the Kind, de signed exprc-idv for hotel and faniilv u-e; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the u mo-4 purity, and par up exprenrly lor our bouse, of wnich we are sole proprietors and importiTe Solo Agents for Robert Smiih’s cel»- hretwd PHILADELPHIA ALS. ia coses and barrels; Euglish, Scotch nnd American ALE and PORTER, BKANuY. Scolch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK lu formerly Wall known throughout the United States jm* up by us in cases for export and home consumption. ’ • T. J. L>. a Cos. .ire pole agents for H. A 11. W. Cat her wood’s Pure ItT E WlllsiilEH. XX and XXX »»rand', guaranteed un passed in quality and ex cellence. Cousianiiv on md, « xarge and wefl st lected stock of iiOUHHOX and U IIEA’ V WHISKIES, worthy tlic attention of the trade und connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEuAUH • f finest grades, manufactured and Imported expie-sly for this house, which we oiler ut thevnv lowest net cash price-*. BRANDIES, GINS. WINES. CHAMPA ONES, and every description and grade of Fomin J-iqnor- Imported directly by this house, and ior «alc in Irond or duty paid, at lowest market rate?* novl-lm LARD. ONE THOUSAND FOUNDS GEORGIA LARD, For sale !>y _nS-2 OEOItQE C. FREEMAN. CRACKERS. BARRELS Hodn, Sugar, Butter, Lemon. Ginger, f “ and Fan< y. i'ov sale by nB-3 GEORGE C FREEMAN. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wli o 1 ,‘0 aI sand Ko tn i 1 i( <■ aI e r Iu Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing Foreign and Domestic W T ineß, Liquors aud Segars. Also, Skehuu’a Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, &c. Liberal deductions made to the trAde. 17C BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and C 2 Liberty street. New York. Just Received, And in Store oil Consignment, IWXiGIES ANT) CARRIAGES Also, a lot of Flue Liquor*, consisting of BUANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CIiUZ RUM, BOKER’S BITI’EHS, Ac. Which wc offer on the most liberal terms. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE A MURRAY, octll-tf No. 9 Stoddards Block. CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, Havan n u h , BEG leave to inform their former friends and cus tomers, and the public generally, that they have resumed business at their old Htsnd, where they will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of (Jo«>ds iu their line suitable for Private Families, Steanieis and bailing Vessels. Punctual attention given to all coun try orders. lm octl9 Wtate aml t y Ttl x TW leetor. THE Subscriber is a Candidate for re-election, and respectfully asks the suffrage of the citizens oi Chatham County. obtSO SEABORN GOODALL.^ ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builder*’and Locksmiths’ iiurfiware. Nails. Pullies, Card, Run Locks and Kn<»be, P.aWlinges, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings, Goug Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, &c. All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, less than market pi.ces. srpl9 Cm Notice IS hereby given that neither the O'Vh.ra or scents ol the Steamers AMAZON, GIBBONS and LAURA, will be responsible for any debt, bill or contract made by any of the officer* or crew of said steamers unless mode by written permission of ERWIN & HARDEE, I For Agents and Owners. JNo, L. Room,Uhl, A'orit on Wharf, octio ts IS otice. OFFICE OF PROVOST MARSHA I. I Ulsincr or Savannah, V Savannah, Ga., Ocr. 31st, 1565. ) ITIHE notice Issued front the office of the Prarost * Marshal, Sub-District of Ogeechee, dated Savau nsli, A tiff, lltli, 1905, ordering oil Drinking or Hil liard Saloons de., when- liquor are sold to be closed at 19 o'clock. P. M., la hereby revoked. By command of Bvr. MnJ. Gen. J. M. DKANNAN. fSignedt CLARKE H. HEMICK, Capt. amt Provost Marshal. novl BROWN'S OASTILLi AN BITTER . mills unrivalled Tonic prepared from Hie Pure A Jqjce of the Grapo unil extracts, iliatillcd from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South ol France, l.'Hly ami Hie Province oi Castile (OUI sjain.) from which latter section they derive their unme. A Fragrant Tonic, Indispensable lo Hotels anil Restaurants, anil valuable to Families delicate females uml children, for all disarrangement m the stomach, it is unrivalled. A .ever failing preventive and Cure lor Sea Sick nr ,s. None who travel by land or water should be w ithout tiro Cactllltan. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, Me INURE &■ Cos. Sole Agents, State Cieorgia. octj-T-Dm KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side Backs, Side Lampc with 911 1 without Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps. Lanterns. Bases, Ft-g 9 and Fjnuts- Patent Gtasv Cones, Homer",, Globes, Chimr.lea and Wick, DRUGGISTS’ FLINT A CUBES GLASS, Oock ery Dealeia’ and ConTe, lIoaerVGLASSA AKK. Coods of all kinds made to older. KEUOHE.SL GIL. JAMF.BT. WHICH r, . 225GrceuwlcU Street, Two doors b iow Barclay, N. Y novl 3m Crockery, China, Glassware. TOUR BUS and from all part, of tbs country tl ar. ta>vUs4 to sxaialns my Wholf'Hale Htock, «10-’-b IwduAas packagM lout.lbuig cumpl.U aaaord lui ioa, pilUip .(piMsly fur '• Couniry Trade." Hauls L pacitad 10 rub puicUaMf. Iddn...a«liu4 •i W doui hum U«h (to, to 10 M 1, Ik BMVtU. ! t siippiffc, PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The splendid steamship CHASE, c» D , j w Roath will leave for the above port on V Koatn, Thursday, Nov. 9, nt 11 o'cloelt, m. P.»rfraigat or passage, having apleudid accommo apply to c 8 HUNTER A UAMMELL. STAB LINE, FOR NEWJgjfrYORK. The new nnd ■ legant flrat class U. S. Mail Steam ship CONSTITUTION,' Captain Oreeu.uan. will poai tively eai! for the above port on TUuraila)’, Nov. 9, at 1 o’clock p. m. BRIGHAM'BALDWIN A CO. nS Stoddard's Building, opp. Post Office. FOR NEW YORK. Tm: dipper schooner LIZZIE BACHEI.LOR, Capt. English, will have despatch for the above port. For freight engagement*, apply to n9 HUNTER h GAMMBLI.. FOR NEWYORK THE achooner FRANCIS SATTEUBY. n .«■ load. lug, and having n-ost of her rargo engaged, will have quick despatch n* above. For freight, apply to I.S-6 CRANE, JOHNSON * ORAYfIILL. FOR AUGUSTA. STEAMER EXP R E S S, CAPT. J. W. MCUUIAN, Will have quirk despatch as above. 'Hie Boat is entirely new. being of immense capad ty, shippers need not fear having their order* left over. Parties having good* consigned to them from thf North or elsewhere for Augusta and points beyond, can collect forwarding charges on same by sending their freight to this line. Ail bills paid promptly. Freight received and stored iu Fire Pi oof Ware Hoqnfh tree of expense. novC F M MYRELL. Agent. FORAUCUSTA. The Fast Sailing small steamer CALD WE LL. MURRAY, MASTER, Will sail on Tuesdy, November 7th. For Freight or Passage apply oil board at .Nudgin'* Upper Wharf orto n6 JNO. R. WILDER. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, 11HE undersigned nre prepared to receive goods at their Warehouses free of expense and cov vred bv re—for shipment to Angara and ixiints beyond by I heir regular Hue of light druight boat*. Apply to L’HAS. L. COLBY, sept 29 ts cor. Bay and Abercorn stn, For Augusta, THE BTEAMER K. H. MAY, Will have dispatsh for the abov* place. "Goods receiv ed at all time and stored in hre proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cost. J M. KINCniJCY, Agent. Office in Claghorn A Cunningham s The May arrived in Auginta from Savannah on last Friday with her full freight. ts oct9 For Doctortown, AND STATIONS ON THE ATLANTIC & GULF RAILROAD. Tlie steamer CLARION will leave iter wharf foot of Atiercorn street, lor tlie above place, on THURSDAY, Nov. 9, at 9 a. m.. taking Freight for Stations on Atlantic & Gulf Railroad. For Freight or Passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A GO., novß-3 cor. Abercorn amt Bay sts. .People’s Line. For Charleston, STOPPING AT IIILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. The new and fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. I. K. Richardson, naviug splendid accommodations, will leave Clag hqrn a CTinniutrham’s wharf, foot of Drayton street, TO MORROW MORNING, at 7 o'clock. For freight or passage, having splcudld accommo dations, apply ou board orto CLAGHORN * CUNNINGHAM, nB-2 Agents. FOR J.ICKSOMILLE, FLA., VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, GA,, AND FERNANDINA, FLA. Steamer Fannie, Capt. VV. T. McNetty, will leave as above on THURS DAY next, 9th lost., at 11 a. m. This boat has beea thoroughly overhauled, newly furnished throughout and fitted especially for this route. Having Ane state room accommodations, and . commanded by a gentleman of experience, and one who is personally known on the route, offer superior Induce raents to the traveling public. Freight received daily ana storud in fire-proof ware houses, fl ee of expense. For freight or passage apply to F. M. MYRELL, nfl 4 11 arris'Building. FOR PALATKA, Via Darien, firuniwlck, St. Mary's, Per uandiua, Jacksonville and Plcolata. fTHEnewand fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Capt. G. A W. Cam-neb,will leave rs atmve on TUESDAY, tlie Bth 10 o’clock a. m. For Freight or Passage apply on board, nt Padel ford's Whm f, near White's CentraLCotton Presa, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent Dnrlng the absence of the Itoat all goods will bo re ceived ut the warehon*e«>n the whan,by AL Wit li. Bruen Freight payable on Wharf. Siiippcis v- HI furnish weights aud measurement of goods riuvl For !Preigh.t or Clini'ter txma nor!barn port, .Schooner of tail lona Reg X? ister. Apply to MILLER. THOMAS & CO. mi jus Bay Street For Philadelphia tok The schooner TRADE WIND, < lark, rre y,, bavlug mint of liar cargo eu I gag.d, will Law quick despatch a. Foi bulk oi fifty bulc. cotton and deck load, applv to n?A CRANE, JOHNSON * GRAY BILL. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN 6AVANNAH A BALTIMORE. aa—— Tba oommodlow and fast aalllng xKp ( L h'jvnXik. c St. •<3llLl»b Gagain, will leave for lUL'ITMoItK on SATURDAY Heal, lllb luat., ut • iiviork. Th. Fall ilia b»« .lugaul aI.U room ar, nmin-al. Ilona for pasaimgera for Freight or yawan, apply to • WklFl', BRIAN A.OOy , NR thusehgiu # l'»r till, roiiw, for R»» Yoik, will •a«a two nitodra i unio. if .•. trav.l, and wl I recto*, ibruofh llafciW *to Fbii.a.ipbi., .1 *.n<» tore »• abai.M by haw Imb Unto rivifffcl «IS a!a*< •» , halted Juough iu it. fork at i-w a* hr am tohar raw.. “•»' mtnttti FOR BALTIMORE, ffIHR schooner ANTELOPE, Joeee, maater, wll* - have quick despatch aa above. For deck load, apply to ndC CRANE, JOHNSON A GRAYBILI. Baltimore aud Savannah STEAMSHIP LINE. rvc-t-. The steamship NORTH POINT, . Capt. smith, will leave Baltimore on CC. tVilrffm her regular trip for Savannah o« Saturday, tin* lltli instant; return tug. will leave Savannah on Saturday, tlie 19« h Uwt. WEST, BRYAN A 0O„ Agents, novtf Savannah. lOlf BALTIMORE. Pendergrast’a Line. The fast * ailing regular packet * SCHOONER DE 80T0, crook. Master, Having the greater portion of her cargo aagaged, will have quick despatch. For balance ot freight ap ply to . La ROCHE, gaden h UNCKLES, Corner Bay and Barnard streets. Agent* In Baltimore—Pendergaat, Fenwick * Oc, oct 13 t For Liverpool. The new flrat class dipper ship VIRGINIA, WEEKS, Commander, la now loadlug rapidly at Lower Press, and toeing Urge engagements will bavt quick despatch. For freight or passage (taken at lowest rates} apply to CHAS. L COLBY A CO., octaa corner Abercorn and Bey sis. For Liverpool. THE first cl»s* British bark Tm" ah WHITNEY J. C Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dleputch. For freight, apply to octlO BELL. WYLLY A CHRISTIAN Regular Line. FOR BOSTON. -Y-h Schooner Witoh Queen. Nuw loading at Exchange Wharf mtiuaaS RICHARDSON A BARNARD, nuvT-tf B*y st., oppo*lteMariner.’Church. For Liverpool. THE At American Ship NEW ENGLAND. .1 ..'V Hodge, Master, having a large portion of her i-u-go engaged will be ready to racetvw ■SvE®* i srgo at I/iwer Hydraulic Press on the Hth Inst. Fur freight or passage apply to *nl)l4 ts BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. For Rio De Janeiro, CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia . The United States and Brasil Mall . tyl s- teamahip Company will dispatch regularly, Ou tbe 39th of every mcatk, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at ,‘l o'clock, p. <n„ From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to pass through the Post Office An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance on board. . For freight and passage, having splendid aceosamo ilalinns, apply to THOMAS ASENCIO A CO., octal 3m No. IT, Broadway, New Tork^ Savannah .'Medical College- THE regnlnr co trse of I.ectures will begin on Mon day, the 20ih us November, and will contlnne for four month*. Thu session has been delayed for two week*, by the occupation of the College Building for hospital purposes by 'he forced of the United «latea. JAMES B. READ, M. D. HMD. Jacksonville. fFla.j Union, Constitutionalist, An gusts. Macon Mevsenger and Journal, copy on. weak »nd send hill to this office, dß—lw . NEW Select Music, For Sale at oar Stores at SavMkk, Augusta and Macon. DIFFICULT INSTRUMENTAL PIEOES. Illustrations (U Trovatore), Jaal Fantuslc (bomnambulai, Ley bach Tarantelle, Wallace Marche de la Oartle Imperl&le, Egghard Premier Aveu Nocturne do. Hells de New York, Yalse Batter Ist Belle Atnerlcalne, - do Os Medium Difficulty. II Baccio (The Klasj, False, Ketterer^ Uoote-En Train. Galop de Court, Kettorer. Sans Soucl. tialop, AscfaM*. I.« Reve D'amonr. Marche. Abbott. EASY PIECES. Pretty Little Tones fbr Little Fo ka, Beliak. Musical Photographs (02 different pieces;, Angelo. Popular Bonge. “I am Dying. Egypt, Dying,” , Stodla Tla but a little Faded Flower, Thomaa. Mother Kissed Me tn My Dream, do. My und In Heaven Maiaetf. Zttla Zong, Webster. I'm Lonely Since My Mother Died, Thompson. Katies' Secret, Ambohl. Evangeline, Hayes. Tenting on the Old Camp Ground, Kettrldge. Tell Me Little Twinkling Star, Griffin. IIOVB JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS- Mail CONTRACTS WASTED. Rc-Establlihnunt of Mail FoetlMltl In Georgia. The Post Offloe Department desires to famish tbe State of Georgia with Postal service, at ihe earliest practicable day, until July Ist, 18 k’., when the regular contract proposals for which are now advertised for, will go into effect. The Department invites proposals for con veying the mails until June 20, 1866, to all country seats and other important points not reached by Railroad communication, at rates □ot to exceed $8 per mile per annum for weekly seivice ; fl 5 for semi-weekly, and s2l for tri-weekly; and where the importance ol the case requires, *4O for daily service ; counting the distance one wpy only In all cases. Service will be turnlshed on routes, where, before the war, it was daily, three times a week ; where it was tri-weekly twioe a keck; and where it wag semi-weekly, weekly service will bo allowed. Proposals should be addressed to “Hon- Geo. W. McLellan-, 2d Asst. P. M- Washing ton. D. C.. nnd should state they are for service to end June 2d 1866. nov 4 ts Administrator’s Notieovj r PWO months liter data application. vRI be' *H£* X to iho Court of Ordinary of Chatham JW leave to aell all the real eaute of Jaava Bllho, « e*..ed, for the purpose of cvawrr v., octf-tawtm ' AJultatWffir Notice. _ / XONSIUNEBS per £ Uus .uy, at Ferry wharf. ",?* °M YRflitLUAg^t Fiiuruiloii Miidwetl Timbered Lease. A LAUGH I'lshlsUoa, near BMei a Fvrry, Savasht fe A invar with «1...ui one tbouaruul arras of eteakvd Isitd, comlbrtable diveillM aud out buttaao, os ah«i. jaii.e ol wlioe tttulifi. with US' rewtiao Os S otOMM nab' will l it* bi ft ut 1 1* lau4 »t»fi UwlMMr liif4 rotilfi U i<M»4 I.*, p.Hb uitrs WYmmoew «<u. •wvs a If MT Mrori,